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Guide to Information Sources

in Engineering
Reference Sources in Science
and Technology Series
Judith A. Matthews, Series Editor

A Guide to the Zoological Literature: The Animal Kingdom. By George H. Bell

and Diane B. Rhodes

Guide to Information Sources in the Botanical Sciences. Second Edition. By

Elisabeth B. Davis and Diane Schmidt

Guide to Information Sources in Engineering. By Charles R. Lord

A Guide to Field Guides: Identifying the Natural History of North America. By

Diane Schmidt

Guide to Information Sources in the Physical Sciences. By David Stern

Guide to Information Sources
in Engineering

Charles R. Lord
University of Washington Libraries

Series Editor
Judith A. Matthews
Michigan State University Libraries

Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
Englewood, Colorado
Copyright © 2000 Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re-

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-
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Libraries Unlimited, Inc.

P.O. Box 6633
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lord, Charles R.
Guide to information sources in engineering / Charles R. Lord.
p. cm. -- (Reference sources in science and technology series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-56308-699-9 (cloth)
1. Technical literature. 2. Technology--Information services. 3.
Engineering--Bibliography. I. Title. II. Series.

T10.7. L67 2000


Foreword ...................................................................................................ix
Acknowledgments ..................................................................................xiii
Chapter 1: How Engineers Use Information......................................................1
1.1 Historical Overview .............................................................................1
1.2 Engineers and Scientists: Different Approaches to the
Research World..................................................................................3
1.3 Engineering: A Profession of Devices, Materials,
Systems, and Structures .....................................................................4
1.4 Challenges............................................................................................6
1.5 References ............................................................................................7
Chapter 2: General Reference Sources ..............................................................9
2.1 Directories ............................................................................................9
2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks ...........................................................18
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries................................................................28
Chapter 3: Information Access Tools ..............................................................41
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries .....................41
3.2 Bibliographies ....................................................................................60
Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters .....................67
4.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering..........................................69
4.2 Architectural Engineering ..................................................................70
4.3 Bioengineering ...................................................................................70
4.4 Chemical Engineering........................................................................71
4.5 Civil Engineering ...............................................................................72
4.6 Computer Science Engineering..........................................................75
4.7 Electrical Engineering........................................................................78
4.8 Environmental Engineering ...............................................................81
4.9 General Engineering ..........................................................................82
4.10 Industrial Engineering......................................................................82

vi \ Contents

Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters (cont.)

4.11 Materials Engineering ......................................................................83
4.12 Mechanical Engineering ..................................................................84
4.13 Mining Engineering .........................................................................86
4.14 Nuclear Engineering ........................................................................86
Chapter 5: Grey Literature: Conference Literature, Research and
Technical Reports ....................................................................................89
Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables ..................................................99
6.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering..........................................99
6.2 Agricultural Engineering..................................................................100
6.3 Architectural Engineering ................................................................101
6.4 Chemical Engineering......................................................................103
6.5 Civil Engineering .............................................................................109
6.6 Computer Science Engineering........................................................115
6.7 Electrical Engineering......................................................................116
6.8 Environmental Engineering .............................................................127
6.9 General Engineering ........................................................................134
6.10 Industrial Engineering....................................................................141
6.11 Materials Engineering ....................................................................144
6.12 Mechanical Engineering ................................................................153
Chapter 7: Buyer’s Guides, Databooks, and Catalogs ...................................163
Chapter 8: Internet Resources ........................................................................169
8.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering........................................169
8.2 Architectural Engineering ................................................................170
8.3 Chemical Engineering......................................................................171
8.4 Civil Engineering .............................................................................172
8.5 Computer Science Engineering........................................................179
8.6 Electrical Engineering......................................................................181
8.7 General Engineering ........................................................................183
8.8 Industrial Engineering......................................................................188
8.9 Materials Engineering ......................................................................190
8.10 Mechanical Engineering ................................................................192
8.11 Mining Engineering .......................................................................194
8.12 Nuclear Engineering ......................................................................195
Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications..................................197
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards ...............................................198
9.2 Standards Resources .......................................................................211
Chapter 10: Government Resources ..............................................................229
10.1 Canadian Government Resources ..................................................229
10.2 U.S. Government Resources ..........................................................230
10.3 Government-Related Resources.....................................................247
Contents / vii

Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations,

Organizations, and Societies ..................................................................249
11.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering......................................249
11.2 Agricultural Engineering................................................................250
11.3 Architectural Engineering ..............................................................250
11.4 Bioengineering ...............................................................................251
11.5 Chemical Engineering....................................................................252
11.6 Civil Engineering ...........................................................................254
11.7 Computer Science Engineering......................................................257
11.8 Electrical Engineering....................................................................259
11.9 Environmental Engineering ...........................................................261
11.10 General Engineering ....................................................................263
11.11 Industrial Engineering..................................................................269
11.12 Materials Engineering ..................................................................271
11.13 Mechanical Engineering ..............................................................276
11.14 Mining Engineering .....................................................................280
11.15 Nuclear Engineering ....................................................................282
Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources................................................283

Appendix: Publishers .............................................................................297

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“Never underestimate the amount of information available on any subject.”

That is the text of an overhead transparency that I display to the students in my
introductory engineering design course. Now, I can replace it with a transpar-
ency that reads “Look at Charles Lord’s book.” It is an honor and a pleasure for
me to offer a few introductory comments on what will surely become a standard,
if not a classic, work in the science and engineering literature. The intended audi-
ence for this book is much broader than my own individual experience and per-
spective. I hope that my focus on a subcommunity of likely users is not
interpreted as restrictive, but rather as one example of the value of this treatise.
The processes of identifying, locating, accessing, interpreting, and evaluat-
ing technical information are crucial to the science and engineering enterprises
and to the engineering design process in particular. Many of the analytical and
experimental activities of scientists and engineers are reductionist in nature and
the boundaries of the relevant technical information are somewhat discernible.
In contrast, the essential synthesis nature of design makes the information acqui-
sition and assessment function much more difficult.
The textbook-oriented nature of the undergraduate engineering curriculum
is not conducive to students developing the skills needed to be successful in this
aspect of engineering. Most of the students in my third-year design course have
never had to search for information that was not in either their lecture notes or
textbooks. Encountering the need to do this in my course comes as a major shock
and requires a paradigm shift on their behalf. They need all the help they can get
to break old habits and develop new ones.
Now they have that help in Charles Lord’s book. The comprehensive nature
of this work, and his use of cross-cutting themes as the organizational basis for
each chapter, offers users multiple entry points. The multiple indexes provide
another tool for users to launch their journeys.
During the years that Charles Lord was Engineering Librarian at the Uni-
versity of Washington in Seattle, I relied on him regularly to brief my design stu-
dents on key information sources. Charles’s briefings included handouts that
contained a small fraction of the information contained in this book. He distrib-
uted these during a one-hour walkthrough of the reference section of the Engi-
neering Library. The dynamics of the information system are such that I found it
important for me to participate in each of the briefings because of the new devel-
opments that had occurred since the previous briefing. In this book, Charles ac-
knowledges the difficulty of keeping current in such a rapidly changing
environment, and his approach to dealing with this dilemma is very robust.

x \ Foreword

When reading Charles’s manuscript in preparation for writing this fore-

word, I found many, many gems that I had previously been unaware of (both
print and electronic documents and organizations). This book reminded me that
I had again violated the basic principle presented in the opening sentence on this
page. At last I have a tool that will make it less likely for me to do so in the future.
If I were to recommend to engineering students to keep one book on their desk-
top when they go out into the professional design community, this would be it.

Barry Hyman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle

This book highlights basic perspectives, tools, and resources for successful
information navigation in the engineering community. While the structure of the
book follows a conventional scheme present in the development of engineering
information, substantial emphasis is placed on digital resources.
The intended audience for this bibliography includes engineers, librarians,
and information professionals working with engineering information. A frame-
work is presented within which to understand some of the unique characteristics
of this information and some of the tools used to locate and access this challeng-
ing information world.
The first chapter examines the differences between engineers and scientists
and provides a few observations on the culture and generation of engineering in-
formation. The following chapters focus on the different types of information
and the tools and resources to locate and access that information. These include
directories, encyclopedias, yearbooks, dictionaries, current awareness, data-
bases, indexes, libraries, bibliographies, journals, grey literature, handbooks,
buyer’s guides, databooks, catalogs, and Internet resources. There are chapters
that describe regulations, standards and specifications, government resources,
professional and trade associations, and education and career resources.
Print resources are generally easier to describe accurately in a bibliography.
They are traditionally more stable and consistent than digital resources. Print re-
sources still provide a fundamental core in engineering information. In addition
to these print resources, the rapid migration of conventional information re-
sources and the development of new information in the digital environment have
established complementary and unique sources extremely critical to the infor-
mation needs of the engineer.
The print and digital resources included in this bibliography are in English.
An international bibliography on engineering information sources would cer-
tainly be appropriate and extremely helpful, but is beyond the scope and re-
sources available for this project. Effort was made to include Canadian resources
when available. Descriptions from databases, indexes, and Internet sites were
used to complement the “hands-on” examination process for resources surveyed
in this work. Materials listed were primarily published from 1996 to 1999. For
Internet sites, I looked for evidence of current updating activity rather than rely-
ing on the copyright date.

xii \ Preface

There are thousands of Internet sites relevant to the engineering profession.

Increasingly, these sites include useful information tools in addition to directory
information for organizations and companies. These dynamic sites capture the
power of the Internet as a delivery tool for vital information, catalogs and in-
dexes, and digital publications not found elsewhere. The Internet sites included
in this bibliography generally offer more information value beyond basic direc-
tory information.
Even primary databases and other digital reference resources are subject to
continuous changes. The steady flow of announcements describing the packag-
ing and repackaging of products from vendors increases with each day. These in-
formation products are tailored to meet customer needs and fill a unique spot in
the information marketplace. It is not unusual to have the same product licensed
to several vendors and then customized to meet a particular profile or product
line. The fluidity of digitized information and the delivery of information over
the Internet provides the greatest challenges to the bibliographer.
With this in mind, the reader will find that resources and Internet addresses
listed here have changed. Obviously, the author’s commitment is to minimize
this predominant challenge of the digital world. The bibliography provides a
road map to information resources, with descriptions current at a particular time.
Even the outdated portions of such an information road map will continue to
have historical value as a tool to chart the changes. Internet addresses change of-
ten. If an address appears to be no longer valid, it is worth the effort to do some
additional searching, using the name of the site or the organization that sponsors
it. Unless the organization has completely changed its name or gone out of busi-
ness, the new site should surface.

I want to express my appreciation for the support provided by the Univer-

sity of Washington Libraries while I worked on this project, and to the Engineer-
ing Library staff who covered for me while I was thoroughly distracted. I want to
especially thank my wife, Bev, for her loving patience and editorial assistance,
and my daughter, Alison, who still wonders what her father does for a living.

Chapter 1

How Engineers Use


The information world of engineering is unique, complex, and increasingly

fragmented. In the age of the Internet this information world is changing faster
than engineers can even deliver new technology to society. The creation of new
technical knowledge and the applications of information delivery systems far
outpace most people’s abilities to stay current. Just like continuous production
lines, newly created information and repackaged old information tumble out of
the information factories at lightning speed. Not only is this information coming
out of universities and research labs at a very rapid pace, but the amount of infor-
mation continues to increase. Observers who track scientific and technical infor-
mation trends suggest that this information doubles about every 10 to 12 years.
Given the nature of this information, it is critical to understand both the commu-
nities from which it comes and the environments in which it is used. This chapter
provides a historical overview of engineering information, describes what engi-
neers do, and how engineers differ from scientists in relationship to information.
This discussion concludes with a review of the present challenges in this dy-
namic information environment.

1.1 Historical Overview

The challenge of managing and providing information to the users of engi-
neering information has been the source of many discussions, research projects,
and conferences. Engineers, librarians, and information specialists appreciate
the frustrations associated with this discipline, which is so information depend-
ent. There has been little progress in developing responsive information systems
capable of providing the kind of information engineers need. At this point, it is
difficult to envision a time when this will happen, given the relationship between
engineering information providers and engineering information. As this text
shows, there are hundreds of organizations and commercial publishers involved
in the creation and delivery of engineering information. The medical and health
sciences professions, and to some extent the agricultural professions, have en-
joyed well-developed and integrated information systems provided by national
libraries and databases. To date, engineers must rely on the resources and tools
created in a highly competitive and fragmented information world.

2 \ Chapter 1: How Engineers Use Information

Over 50 years ago, Vannevar Bush, an engineer intrigued about the idea of
devising a machine to manage and retrieve information, wrote, “The difficulty
seems to be, not so much that we publish unduly in view of the extent and variety
of present day interests, but rather that publication has been extended far beyond
our present ability to make real use of the record. The summation of human ex-
perience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for thread-
ing through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same
as was used in the days of squared rigged ships” (Bush 1945, 102). Bush called
his mechanical device a “memex.” This “memex” would assist the researcher in
storing and arranging information by association. The information could be re-
trieved and tailored to an individual’s needs on demand. Ahead of his time and
technology, Bush’s vision has been partially realized in the hypertext-based
tools of today.
In 1969 the Office of Science and Technology sponsored the “National En-
gineering Information Conference” for the primary purpose of encouraging the
development of information systems for engineers. This conference continued
many of the discussions initiated in 1962 by a committee of representatives from
the Engineers Joint Council (EJC), the United Engineering Trustees (UET), and
the Engineering Index (EI) to identify more effective ways to ensure access to
engineering information.
Discussions at the 1969 conference were among engineers who were forth-
right regarding the challenges they faced in getting the information they needed.
Eric Walker, who was then president of the National Academy of Engineering,
commented in his keynote address on how difficult it was for engineers to get re-
liable information. He also acknowledged that the challenge of devising a sys-
tem to deliver needed information exactly when it was needed was a very
difficult one (Walker 1969, 2). He reminded engineers of their responsibilities:
“Our commitment as engineers to the processing of engineering information
should increase daily. Unfortunately, I believe that most engineers view the han-
dling of engineering information as separate and different from engineering it-
self. Individually, they are usually unwilling to spend much time on the task of
managing the wealth of engineering information. This attitude must be changed.
Engineers must accept their share of the responsibilities for controlling and dis-
seminating what we know” (Walker 1969, 3). Unfortunately, some of the major
stakeholders present at this conference were more interested in maintaining the
current systems of providing engineering information than in embracing Walk-
er’s challenge. Because of their influence, the conference resulted in little more
than highlighting the challenge of creating better systems to provide engineers
with reliable and timely information.
Over 20 years later, the Engineering Foundation and The Council on Li-
brary Resources provided another opportunity to discuss these issues by spon-
soring “The Conference for Exploration of a National Engineering Information
Service.” A broad range of people representing a full spectrum of concerns asso-
ciated with engineering information attended this working conference. The fol-
lowing comments from the “Executive Summary” describe the focus:
1.2 Engineers and Scientists: Different Approaches to the Research World / 3

It is estimated that approximately $8.3 billion is spent annually in

support of information access by engineers. In spite of this very
sizable investment, the extremely complex nature of access to our
store of engineering know how inhibits our ability to exploit it to
maintain a competitive stance in the international industrial arena.
The current problem with utilization of engineering information and
data lies in the highly fragmented and dispersed nature of the sources
and the lack of an efficient route of access to these various sources.
This situation severely inhibits full exploitation of engineering infor-
mation and data to the competitive benefit of our industries. Improve-
ment of access to this valuable resource will yield a significant return
on investment and, at the same time, improve our competitive stance"
(Penniman, Liston, and Cummings 1992, 1).

There has been little progress in implementing the initiatives agreed to by the
conference attendees, which were to address some of the systemic problems still
associated with engineering information.
In addition to the numerous discussions and conferences held over the
years, there has recently been substantial research examining the role of infor-
mation in engineering environments. An excellent example of this research is
that conducted by Thomas E. Pinelli, an instructional technology and distance
learning officer in the Office of Education at the NASA Langley Research Cen-
ter, and John M. Kennedy, a faculty member at Indiana University, Blooming-
ton. During the 1990s this research team conducted an in-depth examination of
how information is acquired, managed, and shared in the aerospace industry.
The term they use to describe this process is “knowledge diffusion.” The pur-
pose of this research was to understand the critical role of the knowledge diffu-
sion process in organizations that depend upon technological innovation for
survival. Their research revealed that most of the new knowledge created in this
industry comes from what they call “trial and error,” not from basic research. En-
gineers are acknowledged for the role they perform in generating this new infor-
mation. Pinelli’s research documents how this information is diffused
throughout aerospace engineering organizations and has been critical for the
success of the technological developments common to this industry over the
years (Pinelli et al. 1997).

1.2 Engineers and Scientists:

Different Approaches to the Research World
Attempts to define the differences between scientists and engineers gener-
ally require a discussion of their respective methods. While scientists and engi-
neers share many of the same goals, technical expertise, and knowledge,
methods of doing their work and research are somewhat different. These meth-
ods are labeled the “engineering method” and the “scientific method.” They help
4 \ Chapter 1: How Engineers Use Information

to explain the differences between how scientists and engineers view the world,
approach their work, communicate with their peers, and in the end, create and
use information. The primary difference between the engineering method and
the scientific method, simply stated, is one of approach and purpose. Scientists
answer questions about nature which, in turn, generate more research questions
and problems. Engineers design things to work, and in the process, attempt to re-
duce elements of uncertainty. Scientists are more likely to do basic research by
themselves, while engineers do applied research in groups. While these differ-
ences appear subtle, one can argue that they play a major role in the development
of science and engineering information.
Although their methods are different, both scientists and engineers follow
the principles of scientific methodology. The traditional description of scientific
methodology includes understanding the problem, stating the problem, collect-
ing the data, analyzing the data, interpreting the data, and drawing conclusions.
For scientists, scientific methodology provides an observational component of
research that begins with theory and concludes with the application of statistics.
Throughout this process scientists compare their observations and measurements
with controlled experiments. For engineers, the majority of their work does not in-
clude the component of controlled experiments. One way to describe the engineer-
ing method is to focus on the activities of solving design problems. The spectrum
of information needed to solve most design problems can be more diverse and
multifaceted than in typical scientific experiments. Scientists are generally intent
on isolating their research around particular phenomena. Engineers, as they de-
sign, must have a thorough understanding of materials, processes, standards and
specifications, conditions of the application environment, safety, economics, com-
peting products, impact of component design requirements on the overall design
requirements, and proprietary concerns. It is difficult for engineers to successfully
design without considering the intricacy of a practical world that thrives on toler-
ances, complex behaviors, and long-term consequences.
In an article on engineering skills, Charles Murray observed, “Once an en-
gineer, always an engineer: it’s an often used phrase, usually applied to some
former engineer who has just boldly and analytically dissected the complex
problem. The message behind it is simple: in the way they approach obstacles
engineers are, well, different” (Murray 1998, 37).

1.3 Engineering: A Profession of Devices,

Materials, Systems, and Structures
Early definitions and descriptions of engineering, more often than not, in-
clude something to do with engines. For example, a popular dictionary like the
Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition) describes the activi-
ties of an engineer as “a designer or builder of engines.” Obviously, while some
engineers work with engines, the scope of engineering extends far beyond this
concept. A more helpful and comprehensive definition of engineering is used in
1.3 Engineering: Devices, Materials, Systems / 5

the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology’s (ABET) document,

EAC Criteria for 1999–2000, which states, “Engineering is that profession in
which knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, expe-
rience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economi-
cally, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind” (ABET, 1998).
The historical roots of engineering lie in the activities of military engineers
and civil engineers. Throughout the nineteenth century the field of engineering
expanded into several new specialties that have continued to flourish to this day.
These areas included agricultural, chemical, electrical, industrial, manufactur-
ing, mechanical, and metallurgical specialties. More recent developments of en-
gineering disciplines include aeronautics and aerospace, materials engineering,
computer science and engineering, and bioengineering. The list continues to
grow, with almost every industry, including petroleum, ceramics, nuclear en-
ergy, transportation, sanitation, and urban planning engineering, adding its re-
spective engineers to the engineering world. A survey of organizations and
Internet sites offers even more engineering possibilities: architectural, audio,
automotive, biological, concurrent, consulting, control, design, electromechani-
cal, environmental, facilities, forest, health care, illuminating, ocean, safety, so-
nar, systems, television, and welding.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook provides the following general de-
scription for engineers:

Engineers apply the theories and principles of science and mathe-

matics to research and develop economical solutions to practical
technical problems. Their work is the link between scientific dis-
coveries and commercial applications. Engineers design products,
the machinery to build those products, the factories in which those
products are made, and the systems that ensure the quality of the
product and efficiency of the workforce and manufacturing pro-
cess. They design, plan, and supervise the construction of build-
ings, highways, and transit systems. They develop and implement
improved ways to extract, process, and use raw materials, such as
petroleum and natural gas. They develop new materials that both
improve the performance of products, and make implementing ad-
vances in technology possible. They harness the power of the sun,
the earth, atoms, and electricity for use in supplying the Nation’s
power needs, and create millions of products using power. Their
knowledge is applied to improving many things, including the
quality of health care, the safety of food products, and the efficient
operation of financial systems (BLS 2000).

As engineering disciplines have become more specialized, one can usually

trace their roots to these more traditional categories of engineering. For example,
a college of engineering in a large university will probably include the follow-
ing: bioengineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science
6 \ Chapter 1: How Engineers Use Information

and engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, materials sci-

ence and engineering, and mechanical engineering. New fields of engineering
build on these foundations by adding other disciplines. In some cases this devel-
opment is with established departments or programs, including technical com-
munication, forest engineering, and joint programs, with schools of business
featuring curriculum in manufacturing management. These trends highlight the
interdisciplinary world of the modern engineer. The Occupational Outlook
Handbook is an excellent reference for helpful descriptions of different engi-
neering specialties.

1.4 Challenges
In recent years much attention has focused on the role of information in so-
ciety, especially in business and industry. As industry has become less defined
by the machine, it has become more defined by information. The acquisition,
creation, and packaging of information is a major industry, supporting non-
information producing businesses and industries. Modern business managers
enthusiastically pursue goals to position their organizations and provide their
employees with the right information at the time it is needed. At the same time,
they make every effort to exclude competitive organizations from determining
their patterns of information use and from obtaining their newly created infor-
mation. Most engineering takes place in industrial settings that are very competi-
tive. Establishing and maintaining the optimal proprietary controls creates
closed environments. Similar to the business community, engineering requires
information systems capable of providing critical information at the right time.
Under these proprietary conditions, engineering-related industries extract more
information from the broader community than they are able to return. This
highly controlled, uneven flow of information characterizes the generation and
application of engineering information.
The value of information to the engineering profession is well documented.
Primary concerns have focused on efforts to develop information delivery tools
that match the needs of engineering practice and systems. While Bush’s vision
for the “memex” could easily be updated with today’s technology, there is little
hope on the horizon that such a system or even a national engineering library will
ever be developed that will be sufficiently robust and affordable to meet the in-
formation needs of engineers. Even with the multitude of organizations and pub-
lishers collaborating to provide more integrated information packages,
engineering information remains fragmented and expensive for the user. Engi-
neering information is also subject to the spiraling economic costs and rapidly
changing environments associated with scientific publishing. These costs will
continue to be aggravated by the current trend of fewer players in the publishing
industry. The diversity of information needs, resources, and high-technology
work environments will continue to challenge even the best proposals.
1.5 References / 7

Engineers need very specialized and specific information. Because of time

and economic constraints they will generally pursue the answers they need by
beginning first with readily available colleagues and resources. Unlike scien-
tists, engineers do not spend the majority of their time browsing the literature,
databases, or even the Internet. As they move through their design and problem-
solving activities, engineers are trained to first rely on their experience and
knowledge. In most cases, engineering environments establish in-house specifi-
cations and procedures to guide the engineer. It is only when these primary
sources cannot provide the needed information that the engineer will then move
to familiar published sources, including handbooks, standards and specifica-
tions, catalogs, and databooks.
The amount of information and the diversity of information delivery sys-
tems continue to increase at a rate that requires engineers and information pro-
viders to work together to develop responsive information resource systems.
Increasingly, engineers must also be knowledgeable about areas beyond their
specializations. As engineers plan and design for international environments, lo-
cal and international standards, law, business practice, and even cultural prac-
tices become critical components of the information needed to reduce
uncertainty and ensure success. Until there are integrated systems to create,
manage, and deliver engineering information, this world will remain fragmented
and full of challenges. It is this author’s intention that this book will assist both
librarians and engineers in maximizing access to a much wider variety of infor-
mation sources useful in responding to this challenge.

1.5 References
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). 1998. EAC Cri-
teria for 1999–2000 (Includes EC2000). Available:
downloads/EAC_99-00_Criteria.doc. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Bush, Vannevar. 1945. “As We May Think.” The Atlantic Monthly 176 (July):
101–8. Also available at:
computer/bushf.htm. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Murray, Charles J. 1998. “Engineering Skills Translate to Baseball, and Other
Fields.” Design News 53 (July 6):37–38.
Penniman, W. David, David M. Liston, Jr., and Martin M. Cummings. 1992.
“Executive Summary.” In Final Report on the Conference for Exploration
of a National Engineering Information Service (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Infor-
mation Technologies and Media Services Printing).
Pinelli, Thomas E., Rebecca O. Barclay, John M. Kennedy, and Ann P. Bishop.
1997. Knowledge Diffusion in the U.S. Aerospace Industry. 2v. (Green-
wich, CT: Ablex).
8 \ Chapter 1: How Engineers Use Information

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). 2000. 2000–01 Occupational Outlook

Handbook. Available: (Accessed April
2, 2000).
Walker, Eric A. 1969. “Keynote Address.” In Proceedings of the National Engi-
neering Information Conference, edited by Frank Y. Speight (New York:
Engineers Joint Council for the Tripartite Committee).
Chapter 2

General Reference Sources

This chapter lists directories, encyclopedias, yearbooks, dictionaries, and
glossaries. Although many of these resources are not considered primary for en-
gineers, they are important information tools in engineering and technology. Di-
rectories are very useful in locating people, products, companies, statistics,
specifications, and other types of discrete information. Encyclopedias and dic-
tionaries provide both general and specific descriptions of concepts, events, and

2.1 Directories

1. 1997/1998 Consultants Directory: Aerospace, Automotive, ISO 9000

Quality Systems/ Management. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engi-
neers, 1997. 450p. $45.00. ISBN 0768000610.
This directory lists consultants in specialty areas such as aircraft modifica-
tion, FAA regulations, space systems, patent litigation, ISO 9000, and bench-
2. Advanced Technology in the Pacific Northwest. Boise, ID: QUANIX Data
Services, 1999. 497p. $139.00. Information available: http://www.
This comprehensive directory is organized by states and provinces. Each
section is arranged by product design and manufacturer, components and materi-
als manufacturing, starting products and services, and software developers. Also
provided are a list of the deletions from the last directory, such as startup compa-
nies in the last three years, name changes, and companies with more than 100
employees. Regional directories for California, the Rocky Mountain states, the
South Central states, and Texas are also available.
3. AIChE Consultant and Expert Witness Electronic Directory (CEWED).
1999. Available: consult.htm. (Ac-
cessed April 4, 2000). Paper format available.
Sponsored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, this directory
provides information on specialty, location, and background information on en-
gineering consultants and expert witnesses.

10 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

4. ASTM Directory of Scientific and Technical Consultants and Expert

Witnesses. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials,
1998. 160p. $40.00. ISSN 10828389. Available: consultants.
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
This unique directory includes 250 categories of specialized consulting
services and over 600 consultants and experts.
5. ASTM International Directory of Testing Laboratories. Philadelphia,
PA: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1998. 360p. $69.00. ISBN
0803118058. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This international directory features over 1,100 laboratories. Descriptions
include capabilities, specialties, and contacts.
6. Ballast, David K. Encyclopedia of Associations and Information Sources
for Architects, Designers and Engineers. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998.
832p. Includes digital format. $150.00. ISBN 0765600358.
This is a comprehensive reference source for design professionals. It lists
over 5,000 industry associations and organizations, journals, newsletters, in-
dexes and directories, federal agencies, databases, research centers, test labs, and
Internet sites.
7. Brassey’s World Aircraft and Systems Directory. McLean, VA: Bras-
sey’s, 1999. 672p. $135.00.
This directory has a spaceflight section showing operational commercial
launch vehicles and manned spacecraft; subject areas include electronic warfare,
airport runway information, helicopters, buoyant aircraft (airships), airborne ra-
dar, and military and commercial airlines.
8. Bulk-Online. 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 4, 2000).
Trans Tech Publications provides here a searchable database of the 1998/99
Yearbook and Directory of Powder and Bulk Solids Handling and Processing.
Over 1,500 equipment manufacturers, ports, research institutions, and consult-
ing and engineering companies are also listed.
9. Canadian Mines Handbook. Toronto: Northern Miner Press. Annual.
$65.00. ISSN 00689289.
Published in August, this annual provides comprehensive coverage on over
2,000 Canadian mining companies. It also includes a list of producing mines,
producers of metals, and minerals and mining area maps in Canada, Asia, Africa,
and Latin America.
10. Canadian Oil Industry Directory. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1999. $135.00.
ISSN 0195590X.
This directory includes associations and government agencies, with an em-
phasis on drilling contractors, engineering and construction, exploration and
production, petrochemicals, pipeline operators, service companies, suppliers,
and manufacturers. It also includes a regional buyer’s guide.
2.1 Directories / 11

11. Casting Source Directory. Des Plaines, IL: American Foundrymen’s Soci-
ety, 1998. Annual. $99.00. ISSN 15234363.
This comprehensive reference of casting suppliers in North America lists
more than 2,700 North American foundries by state, types of metals cast at each
foundry, and classification of foundries by molding and casting processes.
12. Corporations of Interest to Electrical and Computer Engineers. 1998.
Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This is a brief list of corporations maintained by the Department of Electri-
cal and Computer Engineering at the University of Missouri—Rolla. A similar
site for professional organizations and government labs is available at
13. Data Bookshelf. 1999. Available:
shelf. (Accessed October 25, 1999).
Rather than the typical listing of companies on the Internet, this is a direc-
tory of company datasheet links.
14. Diesel and Gas Turbine Worldwide Catalog. Brookfield, WI: Diesel and
Gas Turbine Publications. Annual. $110.00. ISSN 10704884.
This is a product and buyer’s guide for diesel engines, gas turbines, and re-
lated systems. It provides directory information for specifications, manufactur-
ers, and products.
15. Directory of Japanese Technical Resources in the United States. Wash-
ington, DC: Office of Business Development, Assistant Secretary for Technol-
ogy Policy, Japan Technology Program 171p. (PB95142089) $40.00. ISBN
0934213321. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This is a directory of commercial services, nonprofit organizations, profes-
sional and trade associations, government agencies, and libraries that collect, ab-
stract, translate, or distribute Japanese technical information. It includes indexes
of university-based programs on Japanese science and technology.
16. Directory of State Government Renewable Energy Contacts. Latham,
NY: Interstate Renewable Energy Council, 1997. $30.00.
The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) is a consortium of en-
ergy program directors in state government and affiliated organizations. The di-
rectory identifies contacts for technologies and programs in all 50 states.
17. Electrical World Directory of Electric Power Producers and Distribu-
tors. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Annual. $395.00. ISSN 10893407.
This directory lists utilities in the United States, U.S. territories, and Can-
ada. Entries may include company classification, personnel, financial data, cus-
tomer data, system design and performance, major interconnections, purchased
power sources, plant information, and service area. There is also a list of key util-
ity mergers and acquisitions from 1986 to the present.
12 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

18. Electronic Engineers Master Catalog: eem. Garden City, NY: Hearst
Publications. 4v. $99.00. ISSN 07329016. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
This catalog covers electronic components; electromechanical and
electro-optical devices; interconnections, packaging, and hardware; and power
sources, instrumentation, computer products, and equipment.
19. The Electronics Source Book. Irvine, CA: Electronics Source Book. An-
nual. $32.95. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This directory is published for the following areas: Canada, Northwest,
northern California, southern California, mountain states, central states, Midwest,
south Atlantic, mid-Atlantic, and New England. The directory sections list manu-
facturers, products, vendors, distributors, and manufacturer’s representatives.
20. ENR’s Top Ranked Firms. 2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 4, 2000).
Engineering News-Record (ENR) regularly compiles lists of top-ranked
firms. These lists include design firms, contractors, specialty contractors, inter-
national contractors, environmental firms, and design-build firms.
21. Environmental Engineering Selection Guide. Annapolis, MD: American
Academy of Environmental Engineers. Annual. ISSN 08963827.
This is a directory of engineering and consulting firms and education insti-
tutions employing specialists certified by the American Academy of Environ-
mental Engineers (AAEE). Entries are arranged geographically. This directory
is helpful for employment, consulting, and education choices.
22. Eversole, B. S., and M. A. Rossetti. Worldwide Transportation Direc-
tory: Statistical Contacts and Transportation Profiles by Continent and
Country. Washington, DC: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1997. 111p.
(DOTVNTSCBTS971; PB97197826.). $33.00. Available from National Tech-
nical Information Service.
The directory assists transportation data users in locating statistical con-
tacts and transportation profiles for different countries. Arranged by continents,
it lists contact points in 189 countries. In addition, there are transnational organi-
zations that span the interests and responsibilities of several countries.
23. Frawley, Gerard. International Directory of Military Aircraft. Osceola,
WI: Motorbooks International, 1999. 190p. $17.95. ISBN 1875671420.
This is an illustrated directory of military aircraft in service or under devel-
opment. Descriptions include specifications for each aircraft.
24. Genovesi, Robert. The Wilson Guide to Experts in Science and Technol-
ogy. Bronx, NY: H. W. Wilson, 1998. 600p. $55.00. ISBN 0824209494.
For researchers looking for experts in science and technology, this guide
provides contact information, addresses, education, expertise, employment his-
tory, academic and professional affiliations, publications, awards and honors,
current projects, and a photograph.
2.1 Directories / 13

25. Grant, Sandra Kathryn. ITS Market Resource Guide: A Reference

Guide: Federal, State and Local Contacts in Intelligent Transportation Sys-
tems. Washington, DC: ITS America, 1996. 240p. $80.00.
This reference guide to federal, state, and local contacts in Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) provides deployment plans for ITS organizations.
26. Hussey, Bob, and Jo Wilson. Advanced Technical Ceramics: Directory
and Databook. New York, NY: Chapman & Hall, 1998. 505p. $239.00. ISBN
This directory and databook combination provides technical data on ad-
vanced technical ceramics (ATC) and directory information of materials sources
worldwide. ATCs are highly engineered, high-performance, nonmetallic, ce-
ramic materials. The directory includes a listing of the relevant standards.
27. Ikonomou, Charlene, and Diane Pacchione. Environmental Key Contacts
and Information Sources. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998. 400p.
$59.00. ISBN 0865876398.
This reference supplies contact information for federal, state, and local en-
vironmental agencies and organizations. Subject areas include environmental
protection, hazardous waste materials, clean water and air, environmental as-
sessment and management, pesticides, pollution control, recycling, natural re-
sources, and conservation. Also included is directory information.
28. Industry Reference Handbooks: Computers and Software. Detroit: Gale,
1999. 1071p. (Industry Reference Handbooks, vol. 1). $99.00. ISBN 0787630020.
Computer and software industries are described in this book, including an
industry overview, statistics and performance indicators, financial norms and ra-
tios, key companies, mergers and acquisitions, associations, consultants, trade
information sources, and trade shows and conferences. Another title in the In-
dustry Reference Handbooks Series covers the telecommunications industry.
29. Industry Search. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 25, 1999).
This site provides a searchable manufacturer’s/supplier’s directory. It also
includes links to other industrial sites.
30. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 25, 1999).
This site provides information about manufacturing products, services, and
ISO 9000. The searchable database includes products, manufacturers, and dis-
31. International Directory of Engineering Societies and Related Organi-
zations. Washington, DC: American Association of Engineering Societies, 1993– .
Biennial. $204.00. ISSN 10679014.
This directory lists domestic and international engineering organizations.
Descriptions include engineering disciplines, geographical region, organiza-
tion’s objectives, staff, and other directory information.
14 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

32. International Research Centers Directory. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale,

1999. $485.00. ISBN 078760853X.
This directory provides access to government, university, independent,
nonprofit, and commercial research and development activities in nearly 125
countries worldwide. Entries include mail and electronic addresses, personal
contacts, organizational affiliates, staff, descriptions of research programs, pub-
lications, and services.
33. ISA Directory of Instrumentation. Research Triangle Park, NC: Instru-
ment Society of America, 1999. 607p. $100.00. ISBN 1556176945. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This is a comprehensive directory to measurement and control products and
services provided by the Instrument Society of America (ISA).
34. Lauzzana, Raymond, and Denise Penrose. International Directory of De-
sign: Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Design. San Francisco,
CA: Penrose Press, 1998. 200p. (International Directory of Design Series, vol.
2). $54.95. ISBN 188522527X.
This supplement to the International Directory of Design is a comprehen-
sive reference to international architecture, urban planning, and landscape design.
It includes references for educational programs, professional organizations, and
periodical publications. A searchable database is available at http://www.
35. Lauzzana, Raymond, and Denise Penrose. International Directory of De-
sign: Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Animation. San Francisco, CA:
Penrose Press, 1999. 149p. (International Directory of Design Series, vol. 7).
$54.95. ISBN 1885225326.
This supplement to the International Directory of Design is a reference re-
source for computer graphics multimedia and animation. Entries are interna-
tional in scope and cover schools, publishers, professional societies, and
research institutes. A searchable database is available at http://www.penrose-
press. com/IDD/search.html.
36. Lauzzana, Raymond, and Denise Penrose. International Directory of De-
sign: Industrial and Product Design. San Francisco, CA: Penrose Press, 1999.
200p. (International Directory of Design Series, vol. 10). $54.95. ISBN
This supplement to the International Directory of Design is a reference re-
source for industrial and product design. Subjects include product design, indus-
trial engineering, ergonomics, manufacturing, and process design. A searchable
database is available at
37. Leonard, Barry. Biomedical Technology Resources: A Research Re-
sources Directory. Upland, PA: DIANE, 1998. 92p. $25.00. ISBN 0788141872.
This directory for biomedical technology resource centers is organized by
biomedical computing, materials, engineering, non-invasive imaging and spec-
troscopy, and cellular and molecular structure and function. Each entry includes
2.1 Directories / 15

the names of the principal investigators and a description of the research being
38. Manufacturing Marketplace. 1999. Available: http://www.manufactur- (Accessed October 25, 1999).
This is a searchable database of manufacturers and service companies. It
also includes a directory of new product listings and searchable databases of
every major industry trade show and association in North America.
39. Natural Gas Industry Directory. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1999. $165.00.
ISSN 10513973.
This directory includes associations and organizations related to explora-
tion and production, gas compression, gas processors, liquefied natural gas,
regulatory agencies, suppliers, and manufacturers.
40. Northwest High Tech on the Web. Bellevue, WA: Resolution Business
Press, 1999. Information available:
This online directory profiles Pacific Northwest computer companies in
Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
41. The Online Directory of Expert Witnesses. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This online resource has expert listings in over 400 categories of technical,
scientific, and medical expertise. It includes litigation support specialists, engi-
neers, expert witnesses, scientific advisors, medical specialists, and technical
42. Packaging Sourcebook (North American and International Editions).
Philadelphia, PA: North American, 1998. Annual. Single edition. $375.00. Both
editions. $475.00. ISSN 10761659. Digital format available.
This sourcebook provides profiles of suppliers in the packaging market-
place. The North American edition generally includes a “State of the Industry”
report. The International edition has reports on worldwide market trends and
technical developments.
43. PlasticsNet.Com. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 25, 1999).
This site includes a searchable directory of thousands of plastics products
and hundreds of companies.
44. Plunkett’s Energy Industry Almanac. Houston, TX: Plunkett Research,
1999. 680p. $149.00. ISBN 0963826883.
This resource covers everything from major oil companies to electric and
gas utilities. Subject areas include gas pipelines, refiners/retailers, oil field serv-
ices, co-generation, engineering and alternative energy. It lists over 400 firms,
including major oil companies, independent oil companies, pipeline firms, refin-
ers, and energy services companies.
16 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

45. Plunkett’s InfoTech Industry Almanac. Houston, TX: Plunkett Research,

1998. 704p. $149.00. ISBN 1891775006.
This almanac provides an overview of the information technology industry,
including telecommunications, software, hardware, online services, information
management, systems integration, and outsourcing. It is organized products,
services, geography, corporate rankings for sales, profits, and research budgets.
46. Research Centers Directory. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 1998. 2v.
$548.00. ISBN 0787621951.
Research Centers Directory describes programs, facilities, publications,
educational efforts, and services of North American research institutes. Subject,
geographic, personal name, and master indexes are included.
47. TechExpo—The Exposition of High Technology Companies and Prod-
ucts on the WWW. 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 25, 1999).
This directory describes over 2,000 companies. It includes buyer’s guides;
calendars; technical trade magazines; science and engineering data centers; sci-
ence, engineering, technology and trade associations; educational institutions;
and technical Internet sites.
48. Telecommunications Directory 1999: An International Guide to Or-
ganizations, Systems, and Services Concerned with the Interactive Elec-
tronic Transmission of Voice, Image, and Data. Detroit, MI: Gale, 1999.
1237p. $400.00. ISBN 0787621358.
This source of information on organizations in the telecommunications
field includes products and services related to interactive electronic communica-
tions. It also provides a directory of telephone companies, a glossary, standards,
and government rulings.
49. Test Equipment and Services Directory for the Plastics and Rubber In-
dustries. Shawbury, UK: Rapra Technology, 1998. Annual. $99.00. Digital for-
mat available.
This directory includes plastics and rubber testing services and equipment
companies listed under their products and services.
50. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
istration (NOAA). NOAA Environmental Services Data Directory. 1998.
Available: (Accessed April 4,
The NOAA Environmental Services Data Directory allows users to search
for publicly available international environmental data. Data sources include de-
scriptions related to climatology, meteorology, ecology, pollution, geology,
oceanography, and remote sensing satellites.
51. U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technology Policy (OTP). Tech-
nology Administration. Foreign Science and Technology Information Sources
in the Federal Government and Select Private Sector Organizations. 1996.
2.1 Directories / 17

228p. (C 1.2:F 76/2). Available: (Ac-

cessed April 4, 2000).
This listing provides an overview of U.S. federal and private sector organi-
zations that monitor, collect, disseminate, or conduct analysis of information in-
volving foreign science and technology. Descriptions are based on program
descriptions, brochures, congressional testimony, annual reports, mission state-
ments, management instructions, and other resources.
52. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Energy Information Directory.
Washington, DC: Department of Energy, Office of the National Energy Infor-
mation System, 1997. 117p. (DOE/EIA0205(97). (DE97009396). $33.00.
Available from National Technical Information Service.
This directory provides energy information and referral assistance.
53. USA Oil Industry Directory. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1998. $165.00. ISSN
This directory covers associations, drilling contractors, and government
agencies associated with the oil industry.
54. WebLinks to Databooks and Datasheets. 1998. Available: http://bhmac. (Accessed October 25, 1999).
This resource for databooks and datasheets is maintained by the Engineer-
ing Library at the University of Cincinnati.
55. White, V. R. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
1998 Directory. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Tech-
nology, 1998. 312p. (NIST/SP810ED1998. PB98149123). $58.00. Available
from National Technical Information Service.
This directory lists approximately 700 laboratories with the following in-
formation: name, address, contact person, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail
and Internet addresses, accreditation renewal date, and scope of accreditation for
each laboratory. The directory also contains a description of the National Volun-
tary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP).
56. Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 1998–1999. New Providence,
NJ: Marquis Who’s Who, 1998. 1638p. ISBN 0837957567.
This resource can be used for research on significant people in science and
engineering. It includes biographical facts on over 31,000 men and women.
Each description provides personal data, achievements, discoveries, research
findings, patents, and career histories.
57. The World Wide Web Aerospace Business Development Center. 1997.
Available: (Accessed October 25,
This site lists government aerospace procurement centers, Department of
Defense sources, and other procurement-related information sources.
18 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

58. Worldwide Automotive Supplier Directory. Warrendale, PA: Society of

Automotive Engineers, 1998. 700p. $395.00. ISSN 10860711.
Organized by geographic region and major product groups, this directory
lists automotive suppliers. It also provides a calendar of upcoming industry
events and related industry Internet sites.
59. Worldwide Pipelines and Contractors Directory. Tulsa, OK: PennWell,
1999. $145.00. ISSN 01463349.
This directory covers pipeline contractors, U.S. natural gas, U.S. crude oil,
Canadian, and foreign pipelines.
60. Wright, Whitman. Directory of Commercial Computer Software for
Civil Engineering. Montreal: Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 1997.
Available: (Ac-
cessed October 25, 1999).
This document provides an overview of the commercial software programs
available in different disciplines within civil engineering.
61. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 25, 1999).
This site provides plastics and rubber industry information resources such
as company directories, an Internet site directory, discussion groups, and other
industry information.

2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks

62. Allstetter, William. Science and Technology Almanac. Phoenix, AZ:

Oryx, 1999. 490p. $65.00. ISBN 0573562378.
Sections in this almanac include a discipline-by-discipline review; science,
technology, and society perspectives; people, prizes, and places; science around
the world; history of science and technology; and highlights of the upcoming
year. Published on annual basis, this title is an excellent resource for current
news, historical facts, and directory information.
63. Arpe, H. J. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry on
CD-ROM. New York: Wiley-VCH, 1998. $14,300.00. ISBN 3527201599.
The original title of this encyclopedia was Encyklopädie der technischen
Chemie. This digital version contains major articles, tables, figures, and exten-
sive references to further sources of information. It includes a German-English
dictionary of technical terms. and a full-text index, an author index, a CAS regis-
try number index, and a keyword index.
64. The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2000: Data for Astronomy,
Space Sciences, Geodesy, Surveying, Navigation and Other Applications.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 556p. (SuDocs D 213.8). $39.00.
ISBN 0160498694. Available from Government Printing Office.
2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks / 19

The Astronomical Almanac is prepared jointly by the Nautical Almanac

Office of the United States Naval Observatory ( and
Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office of the Royal Greenwich Observatory
( Designed in consultation with other astronomers of
many countries, this reference provides current, accurate astronomical data.
65. Baker, David. Spaceflight and Rocketry: A Chronology. New York:
Facts on File, 1996. 528p. $56.00. ISBN 0816018537.
The purpose of this reference is to provide a comprehensive history of rock-
ets, missiles and space vehicles by providing a progression through the major
events and technology. The timeline begins in 360 B.C.E. and is current through
1993. The book includes a glossary and detailed index.
66. Barton, David K., and Sergey A. Leonov. Radar Technology Encyclope-
dia. Boston: Artech House, 1997. 512p. $99.00. ISBN 0890068633.
The Radar Technology Encyclopedia covers the field of radar fundamen-
tals, design engineering, systems, subsystems, and major components. Entries
include term definition, standard notation, evaluation formulas, block diagrams,
performance summary, and related literature.
67. Bickford, Michalina. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technol-
ogy. New York: Wiley, 1999. 2196p. $295.00. ISBN 0471296988. Digital for-
mat available.
This is the abridged version of the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology. As a reliable guide to chemical information, this title covers all the
subjects in the unabridged version.
68. Bisio, Attilio, and Sharon Boots. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Energy and
the Environment. New York: Wiley, 1997. 1562p. 2v. $195.00. ISBN
This condensed version of Encyclopedia of Energy, Technology and the
Environment provides general articles on energy production, use, and environ-
mental impact. Each article includes references for additional research.
69. Brody, Aaron, and Kenneth S. March. Encyclopedia of Packaging Tech-
nology. New York: Wiley, 1997. 1037p. $225.00. ISBN 0471063975.
This reference book covers all stages of the packaging process through the
final product. Articles written by experts include tables, diagrams, photographs,
and bibliographies.
70. Bruno, Leonard C., and Donna Olendorf. Science and Technology Firsts.
Detroit: Gale, 1997. 636p. $70.00. ISBN 0787602566.
Arranged in chronological and subject order, each historical topic is briefly
described. The book is indexed for quick access.
20 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

71. Budavari, Susan. The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals,

Drugs, and Biologicals. White Station, NJ: Merck, 1996. 2600p. $45.00. ISBN
0911910123. Digital format available.
This reference describes significant chemicals, drugs, and biological sub-
stances. Each chemical description includes the title, Chemical Abstracts names,
percentage composition, molecular weight and formula, trademarks, drug code
number, patent and chemical information, structure, and literature references.
72. Cone, Robert J. (Revised and updated by Patricia Barnes-Svarney). How
the New Technology Works. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx, 1998. 133p. $28.50. ISBN
This reference discusses 17 major high-technology topics and 5 high-
technology principles and concepts in depth, as well as several other topics with
brief descriptions. The major topics are artificial intelligence, fiber optics, ma-
chine vision, micromachining, robots and superconductivity, digital signals, and
the metric (SI) system. Brief descriptions are provided for such topics as CAD
(computer-aided design), ceramics, CRT (cathode ray tube), LCD (liquid crystal
display), microwave oven, radar, sensors, and transistors. The book is indexed,
with some illustrations.
73. Crawford, Mark. Toxic Waste Sites: An Encyclopedia of Endangered
America. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1997. 324p. $65.00. ISBN
This encyclopedia provides an overview of the Superfund Program and di-
rectory information for the worst sites registered on the National Priorities List
(NPL). Entries are grouped by each state. Most descriptions provide a historical
overview and future plans.
74. Crocker, Malcolm J. Encyclopedia of Acoustics. New York: Wiley, 1997.
2096p. 4v. $475.00. ISBN 0471804657.
Volume 1 of this comprehensive encyclopedia includes general linear acous-
tics, nonlinear acoustics and cavitation, aeroacoustics and atmospheric sound, and
underwater sound. Volume 2 covers ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical
effects of sound; mechanical vibrations and shock; statistical methods in acous-
tics; and noise, its effects and control. Volume 3 includes architectural acoustics,
acoustical signal processing, physiological acoustics, and psychological acoustics.
Volume 4 includes speech communication, music and musical acoustics, bioa-
coustics, acoustical measurements and instrumentation, and transducers. Each
chapter begins with a general introduction written with an applications approach.
75. Cunningham, William P., et al. Environmental Encyclopedia. Detroit:
Gale, 1998. 1196p. $208.00. ISBN 081039314X.
This work provides a multidisciplinary approach to topics including atmos-
pheric pollutants, defoliation, dune erosion, ISO 14000, and the environmental
effects of war. Enhancements include some bibliographies; an environmental
legislation chronology; textual cross-references; and maps, charts, tables, and
2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks / 21

76. Daubert, T. E., and R. P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Proper-

ties of Pure Chemicals: Core Edition and Supplements 1-8. Philadelphia,
PA: Taylor & Francis, 1998. 3460p. 5v. $950.00. ISBN 1560327731.
This encyclopedic guide to pure chemical properties includes recom-
mended physical, thermodynamic, and transport property data for compounds. It
is sponsored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Design Institute
for Physical Property Data (DIPPR) and the National Standard Reference Data
Service of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
77. Flickinger, Michael C., and Stephen W. Drew. The Encyclopedia of Bio-
process Technology: Fermentation, Biocatalysis, and Bioseparation. New
York: Wiley, 1999. 2756p. 5v. ISBN 0471138223.
This encyclopedia presents applications and theories in biotechnology. Ar-
ticles focus on industrial applications of fermentation, biocatalysis, and biosepa-
78. Francillon, Rene J. The Naval Institute Guide to World Military Avia-
tion. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1997. 904p. $150.00. ISBN 155750265X.
This guide covers operational military aircraft, including type, manufac-
turer, program history, weaponry, and equipment. The list is compiled from 170
nations and is illustrated with photographs and drawings.
79. Francis, Raymond L. The Illustrated Almanac of Science, Technology,
and Invention: Day by Day, Facts, Figures, and the Fanciful. New York: Ple-
num, 1997. Various pagings. $28.95. ISBN 0306456338.
This almanac includes people, facts, figures, inventions, and fun stories
about science and technology. Arranged on a day-by-day basis covering several
centuries of history, this reference is useful for identifying ideas for further re-
search projects.
80. Friedman, Norman. The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon
Systems. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1997. 808p. $140.00. ISBN
This is a guide to the weapons currently in service in ships, submarines, and
naval aircraft around the world. It describes shipboard and naval-related air-
borne systems in service and under development.
81. Gawdiak, I. Y., et al. Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1986–1990: A Chro-
nology. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1997. 380p. (NAS 1.21:4027; NASASP4027; N19970027406.). $65.50. ISBN
0160491347. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This chronology of events in aeronautics, aviation, space science, and space
exploration was prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of
Congress for the History Division of the National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration (NASA). It covers the years 1986–1990.
22 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

82. Herschy, Reginald W., and Rhodes W. Fairbridge. Encyclopedia of Hy-

drology and Water Resources. Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1998. 832p. (Encyclo-
pedia of Earth Sciences Series). $459.00. ISBN 0412740605.
This encyclopedia contains entries written by international contributors.
Articles are enhanced with extensive cross-referencing, subject and citation in-
dexes, listings of related journals, tables of units, symbols, and conversion fac-
tors. Topics include floods and droughts, desertification, flow measurement,
groundwater, remote sensing, river pollution prevention, soil erosion, water
treatment, and water use.
83. Hewitt, Geoffrey F., and G. L. Shires, I. V. Polezhaev. International Ency-
clopedia of Heat and Mass Transfer. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 1312p.
$135.00. ISBN 0849393566.
This international resource provides information on heat and mass transfer,
covering primary processes, thermodynamics, fluid physical properties, basic
equations, methods of solution, and equipment. It includes scientific background
and descriptions of engineering applications, as well as illustrations and tables.
84. International Petroleum Encyclopedia. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1998.
355p. $150.00. ISBN 0878147446. Digital format available.
This in-depth encyclopedia contains news articles, statistics, current maps,
tables, and charts on the oil and gas industry.
85. Jane’s Transport Library. Alexandria, VA: Jane’s Information, 1999.
Updated quarterly. Digital format. $8500.00. Individual titles in this collection
are available separately.
This is an integrated library of several titles in the Jane’s collection, includ-
ing, among others, Jane’s Aero-Engines, Jane’s Air Traffic Control, Jane’s Air-
ports and Handling Agents, Jane’s Airports, Equipment and Services, Jane’s All
the World’s Aircraft, Jane’s Avionics, Jane’s High Speed Marine Transporta-
tion, Jane’s Merchant Ships, Jane’s Urban Transport Systems, Jane’s World
Airlines, and Jane’s World Railways.
86. Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I., and Mary Howe-Grant. Kirk-Othmer Encyclo-
pedia of Chemical Technology. New York: Wiley, 1998. 27v. $7884.00. ISBN
0471527041. Digital format available.
This encyclopedia provides in-depth coverage of chemical technical tech-
nology, including agricultural chemicals, biotechnology, chemical information
retrieval, environmental issues, fuels and energy, and composite materials. It in-
cludes CAS Registry Numbers and photos, charts, graphs, figures, and tables.
Regulations, patents, and licensing are among the legal issues discussed.
87. Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue Uni-
versity Press, 1997. 364p. $49.95. ISBN 1557530939.
Sponsored by The History and Heritage Committee of the American Soci-
ety of Mechanical Engineers, this history of technology describes 135 historic
mechanical landmarks designated by ASME International between 1973 and
1989. Landmarks are organized around pumping; mechanical power production;
2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks / 23

electrical power production; power transmission; minerals extraction and refin-

ing; manufacturing facilities and processes; food processing; materials han-
dling; environmental control; water, rail, road, and air transportation; and
88. The Living Almanac of Disasters. 1998. Available: http://disaste- (Accessed April 4, 2000).
Arranged in a calendar format, at this site the user can select the following
topics: fires, transportation, and earthquakes. The time frame covers the last sev-
eral centuries. The site also includes some images.
89. Macaulay, David, and Neil Ardley. The New Way Things Work: From
Levers to Lasers, Windmills to Web Sites, A Visual Guide to the World of
Machines. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. 400p. $35.00. ISBN 0395938473.
This illustrated guide is arranged by scientific and mechanical principles.
Examples include telecommunications, hydraulic machines, steam power, bat-
teries, and the microchip.
90. Manufacturing Handbook and Buyer’s Guide/Plastics Technology.
New York: Bill Communications. (Supplement to Plastics Technology Maga-
zine). Annual. $89.00.
This is a comprehensive tool for locating suppliers of machinery, materials
(thermoplastics and thermosets), controls, chemicals, and specialized services.
The Plastics Technology home page is available at
91. Martin, Donald H. Communications Satellites, 1958–1995. El Segundo,
CA: Aerospace, 1996. 483p. $35.00. ISBN 1884989020.
This work chronicles the evolution of commercial, military, national, and
international communication satellites. It provides technical details about each
satellite, with drawings, schematics, flowcharts, and maps. An extensive bibli-
ography is included.
92. McGraw-Hill 1999 Yearbook of Science and Technology. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998. 500p. $125.00. ISBN 0070526257.
This yearbook updates the eighth edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia
of Science and Technology, with articles on the year’s most significant develop-
ments in science, technology, and engineering. The 1999 Yearbook features arti-
cles written by scientists and engineers from industry, academia, and
government. It explores new subjects, including aerodynamic decelerators, the
aerospike engine, comet Hale-Bopp, computer security and privacy, crumpling,
pressure-sensitive paint, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
93. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 2300p. $150.00. ISBN 0070526591.
This abridged work draws key concepts from the McGraw-Hill Encyclope-
dia of Science and Technology in more than 75 major disciplines. This title is also
packaged with the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms in a
digital product called the Science Navigator ($225.00. ISBN 0079137628).
24 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

94. McGraw-Hill Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Digital format. $995.00. ISBN 0078530741.
This resource includes the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and
Technology and the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms.
It includes over 7,100 articles; 122,000 terms; and 1,400 high-resolution color
graphics, photos, maps, charts, and tables. Subjects are enhanced with animation
sequences, audio narrations, hyperlinked cross-references, and study guides. A
networked version is available.
95. Meyers, Robert A. Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Reme-
diation (EEAR). New York: Wiley, 1998. 5488p. 8v. (Encyclopedia Series in
Environmental Science). $2500.00. ISBN 0471117080.
This encyclopedia includes over 280 peer-reviewed articles by analytical
and environmental experts. Topics include information on specific pollutants;
techniques for analysis; sampling methods; hazardous waste remediation; pollu-
tion in the biosphere; health effects; risk assessments; and regulatory, legal, eco-
nomic, and management issues. Extensive cross-references, bibliographies,
reading lists, and index are included.
96. Meyers, Robert A. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution
and Cleanup. New York: Wiley, 1999. 1800p. 2v. $295.00 ISBN 0471316121.
This condensed version of the Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis
and Remediation includes such topics as air pollution, environmental law and
regulation, environmental sampling, hazardous waste cleanup, pollution in the
biosphere, waste reclamation, and nuclear waste.
97. Modern Plastics Encyclopedia ‘99 with Buyer’s Guide. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998. (Published as a special issue of Modern Plastics). Annual
subscription. $41.75.
This encyclopedia contains review articles examining developments and
trends in key market areas, resins, additives, processing machinery, molds, tool-
ing, and injection molding. The buyer’s guide covers products and suppliers.
This is an excellent source for the latest information on the plastics industry.
98. Morgan, Christopher. Wizards and Their Wonders: Portraits in Com-
puting. New York: ACM, 1997. 414p. $49.95. ISBN 0897919602.
This book is the companion to the “Wizards and Their Wonders” exhibit
shown in Washington, DC, and The Computer Museum in Boston in fall 1997. It
features 200 specially commissioned color photographs (taken by Fabian
Bachrach) of the inventors, entrepreneurs, communicators, and venture capital-
ists significant in the history of computing. It includes such people as Marc
Andreessen, Vint Cerf, Ester Dyson, Nathan Myhrvold, and Sandy Robertson.
99. Muller, Nathan J. The Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 550p. $49.95. ISBN 0070444579.
This basic encyclopedia provides about 500 articles on the telecommunica-
tions field.
2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks / 25

100. Murphy, Daryl E. Aviation Fact Book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
295p. $24.95. ISBN 0070444552.
This basic reference provides facts about flying—historical, modern, rec-
reational, military, and commercial. It also includes specifications, performance,
sales statistics, makes, models, and world records.
101. NASA Pocket Statistics. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1997. 214p. (NAS 1.15:112623; NASATM112623;
N19980008309). $47.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This pocket directory covers NASA’s administrative and organizational in-
formation and major launch record.
102. Nass, Leonard I., and Charles A. Heiberger. Encyclopedia of PVC. Vol. 1.
Resin Manufacture and Properties. 680p. $226.00. Vol. 2. Compound Design
and Additives. 675p. $226.00. Vol. 3. Compounding Processes, Product Design,
and Specifications. 608p. $226.00. Vol. 4. Conversion and Fabrication Proc-
esses. 352p. $226.00. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1986–1998. ISBN 0824774272.
This is a comprehensive encyclopedia on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that has
taken over 10 years to compile. It covers history, manufacturing, properties, pro-
cesses, applications, testing, and environmental issues.
103. O’Brien, Robert L. Jefferson’s Welding Encyclopedia. Miami, FL:
American Welding Society, 1997. 758p. $132.00. ISBN 0318351293.
Published on a regular basis, this title covers a broad range of welding top-
ics, including some historical information. It also includes a buyer’s guide.
104. Oil and Gas Journal DataBook. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1999. 420p. $64.95.
This databook provides statistical year-in-review information plus selected
articles that cover significant events in the past year. It includes other reports
such as the Petrochemical Report, Worldwide Gas Processing Report; Pipeline
Report; International Rig Count, and Worldwide Crude Oil and Gas Production
105. Petska-Juliussen, Karen, and Egil Juliussen. Annual Computer Industry
Almanac. Austin, TX: Hoovers, 1996. 788p. $63.00. ISBN 094210708X. Infor-
mation available:
This detailed directory provides an overview of the computer industry,
company information, people, products and technologies, advertising, salaries,
headlines and history, conferences and tradeshows, associations and organiza-
tions, and publications.
106. Pfafflin, James R., and Edward N. Ziegler. Encyclopedia of Environ-
mental Science and Engineering. Newark, NJ: Gordon and Breach, 1998.
1408p. 2v. $650.00. ISBN 9056996363.
All aspects of environmental science and engineering are described in this
encyclopedia. Primary emphasis is placed on air, water, and soil pollution issues.
Topics include the biological treatment of wastewater, hazardous wastes, and
water and waste management systems in space.
26 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

107. Polmar, Norman. The Naval Institute Guide to Ships and Aircraft of
the U.S. Fleet. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1997. 580p. $99.95. ISBN
This guide contains technical data and commentary on the U.S. Navy’s cur-
rent ship, aircraft, missile, and electronic programs. It includes over 840 photo-
graphs and a glossary.
108. Ruthven, Douglas M. Encyclopedia of Separation Technology. Vol. 1.
Absorption to Extraction. Vol. 2. Filtration to Zone. New York: Wiley, 1997.
2000p. 2v. $395.00 ISBN 0471161241.
This substantial encyclopedia is geared for chemical engineers and re-
search chemists. It covers scientific principles and practical applications. Entries
are organized alphabetically and include cross-references. Topics cover separa-
tions of gases, liquids, and solids.
109. Salamone, Joseph C. Concise Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 1706p. $175.00. ISBN 084932226X.
This concise encyclopedia abridges the Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia.
Topics include engineering thermoplastics, membranes, biomaterials, intelli-
gent materials, paints, gels, and ultrathin films.
110. Salamone, Joseph C. Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1996. 9600p. 12v. $3995.00. ISBN 0849326516. Digital format available.
This comprehensive encyclopedia contains over 1,165 articles on research
and development of polymeric materials science. Topics includes biomaterials,
biosensors, composites, dental polymers, membranes, new resins, polyesters,
and recycling.
111. Schweitzer, Philip A. Encyclopedia of Corrosion Technology. New
York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. 537p. $195.00. ISBN 0824701372.
This is an alphabetical listing of materials capable of corroding and of terms
associated with corrosion and metallurgy. References are provided. It is an ex-
cellent introduction to the key corrosion-related terms and concepts.
112. Smith, Martin A., David E. Wilt, and Judith B. Erickson. Encyclopedia of
Physical Sciences and Engineering Information Sources. Detroit: Gale,
1997. 1472p. $160.00. ISBN 0810369117.
This encyclopedia lists periodicals, online databases, and organizations,
with coverage of over 600 topics, including chemistry, geology, physics, and
civil engineering. Each subject includes a bibliography.
113. Statistics Sourcebooks on CD-ROM. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1998. Digi-
tal format. $995.00
PennWell Publishers has bundled several of their sourcebooks for oil and
gas industry statistics into this product. More than 26,000 vital industry statistics
are provided. Data included are from the Energy Statistics Sourcebook, Interna-
tional Energy Statistics Sourcebook, Pricing Statistics Sourcebook, Natural Gas
Statistics Sourcebook, and Refining Statistics Sourcebook.
2.2 Encyclopedias and Yearbooks / 27

114. The Timetables of Technology. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
Digital format. $39.95. ISBN 0671574167.
This reference on the history of technology allows users to explore techno-
logical inventions in energy, communications, electronics and computers, food
and shelter, materials, medical technology, tools and devices, and transportation.
115. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Energy Information Administration
(EIA). Annual Energy Review. 2000. Available:
aer/contents.html. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This source provides a brief history and survey of current energy trends in
the United States. It includes statistics for energy, petroleum, natural gas, coal,
and electricity flows.
116. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Energy Information Administration
(EIA). International Energy Annual. 1999. Available:
emeu/iea/contents.html. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This annual gives an overview of world energy consumption and produc-
tion. It also covers geographical and organizational definitions, conversion fac-
tors and heat contents from 1986, and provides access to the World Energy
117. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). Metal Indus-
try Surveys (MIS). 1999. Available:
commodity/mis.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Metal Industry Surveys (MIS) are statistical and economic publications de-
signed to provide data on production, distribution, stocks, and consumption of
significant mineral commodities. These publications are issued monthly, quar-
terly, or annually for commodities and annually for states and countries.
Monthly and quarterly MIS publications for commodities are available.
118. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). Minerals
Yearbook. Volume 1—Metals and Minerals. Volume II—Area Reports -
Domestic. Volume III—Area Reports—International. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Minerals Yearbook is an annual publication that reviews the mineral
and material industries of the United States and foreign countries. This reference
contains statistical data on materials and minerals and information on economic
and technical trends.
119. U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service (NPS). Environ-
mental Contaminants Encyclopedia. Fort Collins, CO: National Park Service,
1998. Available: (Accessed April
2, 2000).
This resource contains information critical to the field of environmental
toxicology. The site consists of a searchable encyclopedia of 118 environmental
contaminants, from acenaphthene to zinc. With information on chemical ele-
ments, compounds, and products, the EC Encyclopedia also serves as a refer-
ence for determining the potential impact for specific substances.
28 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

120. Ward’s Automotive Yearbook. Southfield, MI: Ward’s, 1998. 450p.

This yearbook covers automotive information, statistics, and specifications
and includes a directory of suppliers and product listing of over 1,500 major
automotive suppliers.
121. Webster, John. Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineer-
ing. New York: Wiley, 1999. 19,000p. 22v. $7995.00. ISBN 0471139467. Digi-
tal format available.
This comprehensive reference includes peer-reviewed articles arranged by
subject. Each article includes references to current literature and other related
topics in the encyclopedia. The related site includes articles for future updates:
122. Weisstein, Eric W. CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 1969p. $79.95. ISBN 0849396409.
This interdisciplinary encyclopedia includes definitions, formulas, illustra-
tions, and bibliographic information.
123. Zaknic, Ivan, Matthew Smith, and Dolores B. Rice. 100 of the World’s
Tallest Buildings. Corte Madera, CA: Gingko, 1998. 220p. $59.95. ISBN
This international compendium lists the tallest skyscrapers, with photo-
graphs, drawings, plans, descriptions, and statistics.

2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries

124. Abbreviation of Chemical Compounds (Abkürzungen Chemischer

Verbindungen). 1999. Available:
abbscomp. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This site provides an English and German searchable database of chemical
compound abbreviations.
125. Acronym Finder. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 26, 1999).
This searchable database contains common acronyms and abbreviations
about all subjects, including computers, technology, telecommunications, and
the military.
126. American National Standards Institute. American National Standard
Dictionary for Technologies of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC),
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). New
York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1998. 37p. (ANSI
C63.14-1998). $65.00. ISBN 0738102571.
This standard provides definitions of terms associated with electromag-
netic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and electrostatic
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries / 29

discharge (ESD). Symbols and abbreviations are included. The book references
other standards and related publications on this subject. IEEE standards are is-
sued as dictionaries and glossaries to establish common terminology in technical
127. Angelo, Joseph A. The Dictionary of Space Technology. New York:
Facts on File, 1998. 487p. $80.00. ISBN 0816030731.
This reference source provides detailed descriptions of technical space
technology information. It includes illustrations.
128. Bakr, M. Elsevier’s Dictionary of the Environment. New York: El-
sevier, 1998. 476p. $158.00. ISBN 0444829660.
This multilingual dictionary includes 4,312 terms in English, French, Span-
ish, and Arabic. The terms are commonly used and translatable across the four
129. Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary. Washington, DC: Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization, 1997. 319p. (ADA3385440). $58.00. Available from Na-
tional Technical Information Service.
This glossary provides terminology and acronyms related to ballistic mis-
sile defense. The purpose of the glossary is to establish a common ballistic mis-
sile defense language.
130. Beddoes, Vernon. The Polymer Lexicon: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Used in the Rubber and Plastics Industries. Shawbury, UK: Rapra Technol-
ogy, 1998. 202p. $75.00. ISBN 1859571360.
This international lexicon includes over 5,000 entries. The acronyms and
abbreviations listings include information about the organizations, company des-
ignations, units of measure, techniques, and physical and chemical terminology.
131. Bock, Rudolf K., and Krischer Werner. The Data Analysis BriefBook.
1998. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998. 190p. (Accelerator Physics). ISBN
354064119X. Digital format available:
BriefBook. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This is a condensed handbook written in the format of an extended glos-
sary. Subject areas include statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields.
132. Brown, Colin D. Dictionary of Metallurgy. New York: Wiley, 1998.
308p. $125.00. ISBN 0471961558.
Written from a British perspective, this dictionary covers fundamental
terms in engineering metallurgy. It includes tables with information about the
properties of metals, alloys, and nonmetallic materials and conversion charts for
strength and hardness.
30 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

133. Budig, Peter Klaus. Routledge Langenscheidt German Dictionary of

Electrical Engineering and Electronics. New York: Routledge, 1998. Vol. 1.
702p. $110.00. ISBN 0415171326. Vol. 2. 744p. $110.00. ISBN 0415171318.
This dictionary is designed to assist users with terms on electrical and elec-
tronics technology. The compiler actively combed current literature to identify
new terms and terminology.
134. Callaham, Ludmilla I., Patricia E. Newman, and John R. Callaham. Calla-
ham’s Russian-English Dictionary of Science and Technology. New York:
Wiley, 1996. 814p. $154.00. ISBN 0471611395.
This dictionary contains over 120,000 Russian terms in the physical, life
science, and engineering disciplines. Entries are organized around common
roots. It is an excellent resource for translating Russian scientific and technical
135. Chambers, Ann, and Susan D. Kerr. Power Industry Dictionary. Tulsa,
OK: PennWell, 1996. 425p. $69.95. ISBN 0878146059.
This dictionary offers industry terms and phrases used in the generation,
transmission, and distribution of power. It includes major governmental and in-
dustry regulations, environmental terms and phrases, conversion tables, chemi-
cal elements and their associated symbols and weights, and a contact list of
industry organizations.
136. Clason, W. E. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Computers, Automatic Control
and Data Processing. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $276.00.
ISBN 0444826882.
This dictionary has 3,996 terms in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch,
and German.
137. Clason, W. E. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Metallurgy and Metal Working .
New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $310.00. ISBN 0444826920.
This dictionary defines 8,406 English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and
German terms.
138. Clason, W. E. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Nuclear Science and Technol-
ogy. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $327.50. ISBN 0444826904.
This dictionary has 7,806 terms in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch,
and German.
139. Collin, P. H. Dictionary of Ecology and the Environment. Chicago:
Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998. 288p. $35.00. ISBN 1579580750.
This reference covers ecology and environmental topics, including pollu-
tion, climatology, endangered species, waste disposal, and environmental pro-
tection. It also includes tables of endangered species and disasters.
140. Collin, S. M. H. Dictionary of Personal Computing and the Internet.
Dearborn, IL: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997. 205p. $35.00. ISBN 1579580165.
This is an excellent dictionary for general computing terms.
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries / 31

141. Day, Lance, and Ian McNeil. Biographical Dictionary of the History of
Technology. New York: Routledge, 1998. 844p. $65.00. ISBN 0415193990.
This dictionary includes over 1,300 entries on men and women who have
been significant in the history of technology. Each description includes the per-
son’s background, significance in the history of technology, principal honors,
publications, and additional references to related readings as appropriate.
142. Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering: English German. Vol.
1. New York: Routledge, 1998. 450p. (Routledge Bilingual Specialist Dictionar-
ies Series). $125.00. ISBN 3861170752.
This bilingual dictionary includes terms related to the environment, budget-
ing, finance, specifications, contract documentation, geological and soil me-
chanics, acoustics, communications, and buildings and their rehabilitation.
Appendices include a unique list of terms that appear the same in the other lan-
guage but have very different meanings.
143. A Dictionary of Units. 1999. Available:
dictunit.htm. (Accessed October 25, 1999).
This reference provides units of measurement with conversion factors to SI
units. There is also a description of the metric system, including both the UK
(Imperial) system and the U.S. system.
144. Dillon, Patrick M., and David C. Leonard. MULTIMEDIA and the WEB
from A to Z. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx, 1998. 320p. $39.95. ISBN 1573561320.
This comprehensive dictionary contains 1,500 entries from instructional
technology, computer and information design, graphics development, and soft-
ware engineering. It also includes an annotated bibliography and a list of acro-
145. Dorian, A. F. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Mining and Mineralogy. New
York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $227.00. ISBN 0444826998.
This dictionary describes 3,585 terms in English, French, German, and Ital-
ian, with English definitions.
146. Downing, Douglas, Michael A. Covington, and Melody M. Covington.
Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s,
1998. 530p. $9.95. ISBN 0764100947.
This dictionary covers a broad range of terms related to computers. It in-
cludes explanations of electronic circuit diagram symbols, algorithms, transis-
tors, and computer command codes.
147. English-Spanish Glossary of the Electric Power Industry. Tulsa, OK:
PennWell, 1998. 151p. $54.95. ISBN 0878146059.
This glossary lists nearly 4,000 terms used in generation, transmission, and
distribution of power. It also covers terms relating to business trends and tech-
nologies such as distribution automation, SCADA systems, and demand-side
32 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

148. ENVOC: Multilingual Thesaurus of Environmental Terms. New York:

United Nations Environment Programme, 1997. 248p. $30.00. ISBN 9280712608.
This thesaurus provides a categorized listing and an alphabetical listing of
149. Farace, Joe. The Digital Imaging Dictionary: A Desktop Reference for
Photographers, Graphic Designers, Prepress Houses, Service Bureaus,
Printers, Publishers, Art Directors, and All Communications Professionals.
New York: Allworth, 1996. 223p. $19.95. ISBN 1880559463.
This reference title assists the reader in understanding concepts, terminol-
ogy, and technology. It is a readable guide to digital imaging technology.
150. Flack, Heinz K., and Georg Mollerke. Illustrated Engineering Diction-
ary: German-English, English-German. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
486p. $81.00. ISBN 3540624414.
This dictionary includes numerous diagrams and illustrations of tools, engi-
neering environments, and scientific and engineering concepts.
151. FOLDOC—Free Online Dictionary of Computing. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
FOLDOC is a searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming
languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conven-
tions, standards, mathematics, telecommunications, electronics, institutions,
companies, projects, products, and history.
152. Gaither, Carl C., and Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither. Practically Speaking: A
Dictionary of Quotations on Engineering, Technology, and Architecture.
Philadelphia, PA: Institute of Physics, 1998. 367p. $40.00. ISBN 07503055940.
This compendium of quotes, sayings, and poems illustrates over 100 topi-
cal areas such as bridge, chaos, common sense, creativity, design, ethics, inven-
tions, perceptions, and thermodynamics. It has an extensive bibliography and
indexes by both author and subject.
153. Gilpin, Alan. Dictionary of Environmental and Sustainable Develop-
ment. New York: Wiley, 1996. 247p. $65.95. ISBN 0471962198.
This dictionary includes over 2,000 terms and concepts related to environ-
mental planning, management, conservation, and sustainable development.
154. Glossary of Microscopy and Microanalytical Terms. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This glossary contains introductory information on techniques and instru-
ments, applications, and facilities.
155. Grandchamp, Tupula M. Vocabulary of Geology—Gitology Metal-
logeny. Ontario: Translation Bureau, 1996. 492p. (SSCS5222281996; Environ-
ment Series; Terminology Bulletin no. 228; MIC9704076). ISBN 0660596083.
This bilingual vocabulary includes over 2,300 terms with definitions or ex-
planatory notes.
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries / 33

156. Gross, M., and R. N. Feldman. Transportation Acronym Guide (TAG).

Cambridge, MA: John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 1996.
55p. (DOTVNTSCBTS96;. PB97150031). $27.00. Available from National
Technical Information Service.
This report compiles transportation-related acronyms throughout the De-
partment of Transportation and other related U.S. government agencies. The ac-
ronyms are organized in alphabetical order, followed by a definition and the
source citation.
157. Gutierrez, M. F. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Civil Engineering. New York:
Elsevier, 1991. 402p. $174.00. ISBN 0444889876. Digital format available.
This dictionary covers over 5,560 civil engineering terms in English, Ger-
man, Spanish, and French.
158. Gutierrez, M. F. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Machine Tools and Elements.
New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $218.50. ISBN 0444827064.
This dictionary describes 5,566 terms in English, German, and Spanish.
159. Headworth, Howard. Dictionary of Environmental Science and Engi-
neering : English-Spanish/Spanish-English = Diccionario de Ciencia e In-
genieria Ambiental : Ingles-Español/Español-Ingles. New York: Wiley,
1998. 310p. $39.95. ISBN 0471962732.
This bilingual dictionary covers a wide range of specialties in environ-
mental science and engineering, including chemistry, biology, ecology, geol-
ogy, hydrogeology, water and waste engineering, and pollution control.
160. Held, Gilbert. Dictionary of Communication Technology: Terms, Defi-
nitions and Abbreviations. New York: Wiley, 1998. 720p. $160.00. ISBN
This is a comprehensive dictionary that has been updated to reflect changes
in technology. It covers standards and abbreviations.
161. IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms. Pis-
cataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997. 1300p.
$113.00. ISBN 1559378336.
This IEEE Std 100-1996 contains over 15,000 standardized terms and defi-
nitions from every field of electrical engineering. It also contains detailed ab-
stracts of IEEE standards.
162. Industrial Engineering Terminology. Norcross, GA: Industrial Engi-
neering and Management Press, 1999. $99.95. ISBN 0898062055.
This is a revision of ANSI Standard Z94.1989, which lists more than 7,000
technical terms, diagrams, and calculations. This standard represents the best us-
age of industrial engineering terminology.
163. Kaplan, Steven M. Wiley’s English-Spanish Spanish-English Electrical
and Computer Engineering Dictionary. New York: Wiley, 1996. 792p.
$367.95. ISBN 0471010375.
34 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

This dictionary describes over 95,000 entries and lists some unique terms
not found in other dictionaries.
164. Kennedy, Felicitas. The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and
Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English. New York: Wiley, 1996.
568p. $59.95. ISBN 0471122467.
This dictionary covers over 50,000 terms in the subject areas of construc-
tion, forestry, surface mining, and public works.
165. Krar, Steve F. Illustrated Dictionary of Metalworking and Manufac-
turing Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 325p. $114.95. ISBN
This dictionary covers metalworking and manufacturing technical terms
for topics such as computers and the Internet, machine tools, cutting tools, hand
tools, manufacturing processes, measurement, metalworking fluids, plastics,
and lasers and robotics.
166. Laplante, Philip. Dictionary of Electrical Engineering. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1998. Digital format. $89.95. ISBN 0849397650. Paper format available.
This comprehensive dictionary covers the fields of electrical engineering,
microwave engineering, control engineering, power engineering, and digital
systems engineering. The author used the IEEE interest areas to map the primary
subject areas for the dictionary. Most software engineering terms have not been
167. Lee, C. C. Dictionary of Environmental Legal Terms. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1997. 818p. $89.00. ISBN 0070381135.
This dictionary contains over 10,000 statutory definitions from major envi-
ronmental laws, regulatory definitions from 40 C.F.R. (Code of Federal Regula-
tions) from Part 1 to Part 1517; health-related definitions from 29 C.F.R.,
common EPA definitions, and about 3,500 acronyms.
168. Lee, C. C. Environmental Engineering Dictionary. Rockville, MD:
Government Institutes, 1998. 682p. $89.00. ISBN 0865876207.
This dictionary contains more than 14,000 environmental terms. This refer-
ence resource includes exact and official EPA definitions for statute-related,
regulation-related, environmental engineering and environmentally related sci-
ence terms. Descriptions also include source references such as the Code of Fed-
eral Regulations (C.F.R.), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
169. Lewis, Richard J. Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary. New
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. 1229p. $95.00. ISBN 0471292052. Digital
format available.
This popular dictionary covers industrial chemicals, raw materials, manu-
facturing processes, equipment, and reactions. Descriptions include the toxicity
evaluation, reactivity, and flammability.
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries / 35

170. Lewis, Robert Alan. Lewis’ Dictionary of Toxicology. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1998. 1120p. $79.95. ISBN 0614299594.
This dictionary covers terms used in toxicology and related fields. Defini-
tions include the chemical names and pathogenic terms, official abbreviations,
related environmental topics, and biological definitions. The terms have been
taken from more than 600 journals, 15,000 scientific papers, and other reference
171. McKenna, Ted, and Ray Oliverson. Glossary of Reliability and Mainte-
nance Terms. Houston, TX: Gulf, 1997. 141p. $30.00. ISBN 0884153606.
This glossary includes over 1,000 terms and definitions related to mainte-
nance and reliability in office and industrial environments.
172. Microsoft Computer Dictionary. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1999.
Digital format. $34.99. ISBN 0735606153.
With more than 8,000 entries and definitions, this dictionary includes defi-
nitions for computer terms, concepts, and acronyms. Quarterly updates are avail-
able at: (Accessed
April 4, 2000).
173. Nagy, P., and G. Tarjan. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Microelectronics. New
York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $313.00. ISBN 0444827153.
This dictionary describes 8,521 microelectronic terms in English, German,
French, Spanish, and Japanese.
174. National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Telecom-
munications: Glossary of Telecommunications Terms. Rockville, MD: Gov-
ernment Institutes, 1997. 480p. $69.00. ISBN 0865875804.
This glossary contains over 5,000 terms and definitions standardized by the
Federal Standard (FED-STD-1037C) for use by international and U.S. govern-
ment telecommunications specialists. It also includes terms from the Interna-
tional Telecommunication Union (ITU), International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA),
and American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
175. Nayler, Gordon. Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering. Warrendale,
PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1996. 454p. $45.00. ISBN 1560917547.
This mechanical engineering dictionary includes over 4,500 terms. Some
definitions include illustrations.
176. Nentwig, K. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Opto-electronics and Electro-
optics. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $258.50. ISBN 044482717X.
This dictionary describes 4,300 English, German, French, and Spanish
177. Nentwig, K. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Solar Technology. New York: El-
sevier, 1997. Digital format. $221.50. ISBN 0444827161.
This dictionary includes about 1,933 terms in the area of solar technology.
36 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

178. Newton, Harry. Newton’s Telecom Dictionary: The Official Dictionary

of Telecommunications. New York: Flatiron, 1998. 840p. $29.95. ISBN
This regularly updated dictionary reflects the rapid changes in the industry.
A section of the dictionary lists definitions for numbers and words beginning
with numbers. It is a very useful dictionary for most collections.
179. Nill, Kimball, R. Glossary of Biotechnology Terms. Lancaster, PA:
Technomic, 1998. 264p. $49.95. ISBN 156676580.
This glossary covers over 2,000 definitions and metric and international
symbols. It also provides a detailed history of the field of biotechnology. This
reference uses a sequential “reference chain” that allows the reader to navigate
different levels of explanation.
180. NRC Collection of Abbreviations. Washington, DC: Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Information Management Division, 1998. 156p. (NUREG-
0544-REV3.). $41.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This collection of common abbreviations used in the nuclear industry and
regulatory community was compiled from Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) and nuclear industry sources. It was published to assist in identifying ab-
breviations for the numerous organizational, scientific, and engineering terms
that appear in NRC printed and digital information.
181. Pankratz, Thomas M. Concise Dictionary of Environmental Engineer-
ing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 406p. $24.95. ISBN 1566702127.
This reference includes technical terms, abbreviations, product/process
trademarks, and brand names. The subject areas include water treatment, air pol-
lution, solid waste disposal, and hazardous waste remediation.
182. Parker, Sybil P. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1997. 582p. $17.95. ISBN 0070524351.
This dictionary includes over 16,000 entries covering all fields of engineer-
ing, including chemical, civil, design, industrial, mechanical, systems, and
building construction. The text of this dictionary was published previously in the
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms (5th ed., 1993).
183. Peeva, K., and B. Delijska. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Computer Science
and Mathematics. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $258.00. ISBN
This dictionary lists more than 9,590 terms in English, German, French,
and Russian.
184. Petersen, Julie K. Data and Telecommunications Dictionary. Boca Ra-
ton, FL: CRC, 1999. 768p. (Advanced and Emerging Communications Tech-
nologies Series. A Desk Reference). $49.95. ISBN 0849395917.
This dictionary compiles more than 14,000 terms and concepts, hundreds
of illustrations, timelines and charts, descriptions of emerging communications
fields, a list of acronyms, and abbreviations and their expanded meanings.
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries / 37

185. Pfafflin, J. R., P. Baham, and F. Gill. Dictionary of Environmental Sci-

ence and Engineering. Newark, NJ: Gordon and Breach, 1997. 192p. ISBN
The terms of this dictionary have been arranged with a particular emphasis
on U.S. usage. It also includes acronyms.
186. Philippsborn, H. E. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Industrial Technology.
New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $362.00. ISBN 0444827196.
This digital reference lists more than 14,540 terms in English, German, and
187. Proubasta, Delores. Glossary of the Petroleum Industry: English/Span-
ish, Spanish/English. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1996. 421p. $59.95. ISBN
This glossary contains more than 20,000 terms used in the generation,
transmission, and distribution of petroleum. Specific topics include exploration,
drilling, production, transportation, refining, gas processing, and marketing. It
also includes environmental terms.
188. Raynor, William. International Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence.
Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998. 250p. $45.00. ISBN 1884964680.
This title defines and illustrates more than 2,500 terms, with detailed expla-
nations of major concepts as well as topics in related disciplines. It also contains
an annotated bibliography and a list of related Internet sites.
189. Routledge French Dictionary of Telecommunications: French-
English/English French = Dictionnaire anglais des telecommunications:
français-anglais/anglais-français. New York: Routledge, 1997. 440p. $130.00.
ISBN 0415133483.
This technical dictionary covers over 30,000 terms in each language used in
the telecommunications industry. Terms are drawn from television and video,
telephony and telegraphy, signaling, control technology, power systems, electri-
cal engineering, and computer science.
190. Routledge German Technical Dictionary/Universal-Wörterbuch der
Technik Englisch. New York: Routledge, 1996. Digital format. $330.00. ISBN
This dictionary includes over 100,000 German-English and English-
German packaging technical terms.
191. Saigh, Robert A. International Dictionary of Data Communications.
Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998. 250p. $45.00. ISBN 1884964753.
This reference lists over 3,500 entries covering a broad range of topics in
data communications. It also includes a company directory information, a list of
meetings and conventions worldwide; and an extensive bibliography.
38 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

192. Schellings, A. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Automotive Engineering in

English, German, French, Dutch and Polish. New York: Elsevier, 1998.
466p. ISBN 0444821597.
This automotive dictionary defines about 6,500 terms.
193. Shnier, Mitchell. Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communica-
tions Terms. Cambridge, MA: O’Reilly. Digital format. ISBN 1565921585.
Available: (Accessed April
4, 2000).
This resourceful dictionary includes Internet sites when appropriate.
194. Soroka, Walter G., and Paul J. Zepf. The IoPP Glossary of Packaging
Terminology. Herndon, VA: Institute of Packaging Professionals, 1998. 380p.
(Includes digital data). $95.00.
This comprehensive reference covers more than 8,000 terms used in the
packaging industry. It also includes acronyms and abbreviations. The appendi-
ces list information on weights and measures, container dimensions and tests,
package component terminology, plastics, and wooden pallets and pallet bins. A
digital copy of the glossary is included.
195. Standard Microscopy Terminology. 1998. Available: http://charfacnu. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This compilation of glossaries includes Glossary of Microscopical Terms
and Definitions, by the New York Microscopical Society, ASTM E175-82, and
Video Microscopy, by Shinya Inoue.
196. Sullivan, Thomas F. P. Official Telecommunications Dictionary: Legal
and Regulatory Definitions. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1997.
313p. $49.00. ISBN 0865875642.
This reference provides the official U.S. government legal definitions for
more than 1,000 terms, abbreviations and acronyms. It was compiled directly
from the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the Code of Federal Regulations.
Descriptions include the citation of the source of definition.
197. Tomsic, Joan L., and Charles N. Eastlake. SAE Dictionary of Aerospace
Engineering. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1998. 748p.
$79.00. ISBN 0768002451.
This dictionary includes over 20,000 terms, with definitions from the fol-
lowing sources: SAE Aerospace Standards and the NASA Thesaurus. It includes
extensive coverage of technical terms related to aerospace technology.
198. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). DOD Dictionary of Military
Terms. 1998. Available: (Accessed
April 4, 2000).
This online resource is managed by the DOD Joint Doctrine Division. It in-
cludes acronyms, abbreviations, and NATO terms.
2.3 Dictionaries and Glossaries / 39

199. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Energy InfoDisc. Quarterly. Digital

format. $100.00. Information available:
The Energy InfoDisc provides more than 200 data, analysis, and forecast-
ing reports and directories published by Energy Information Administration
(EIA) over the previous 12 months, including the Monthly Energy Review,
Short-Term Energy Outlook, International Energy Outlook, Natural Gas: Issues
and Trends, Electric Power, and Renewable Energy Annuals.
200. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Terms of Environment.
1997. Available: (Accessed
April 4, 2000).
Terms of Environment defines commonly used environmental terms ap-
pearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other agency documents. These
definitions do not constitute the agency’s official use of terms and phrases for
regulatory purposes.
201. van der Tuin, J. D. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Hydrology and Water Qual-
ity Management. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $258.50. ISBN
This dictionary includes 5,928 terms in English, French, Spanish, Dutch,
and German.
202. van der Tuin, J. D. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Soil Mechanics and Geo-
technical Engineering. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $284.50.
ISBN 0444827269.
This dictionary covers more than 5,800 terms in English, French, Spanish,
Dutch, and German.
203. van der Tuin, J. D. Elsevier’s Dictionary of Water and Hydraulic Engi-
neering. New York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $296.00. ISBN
This dictionary describes over 5, 115 terms in English, French, Spanish,
Dutch, and German.
204. Visionary—A Dictionary for the Study of Vision. 1999. Available: (Accessed
April 4, 2000).
This dictionary lists terminology used in the study of human and animal vi-
sion. It includes terms from the areas of biological and machine vision, visual
psychophysics, visual neuroscience, and other related fields.
205. Vlietstra, J. Dictionary of Acronyms and Technical Abbreviations for
IT, Industrial, and Scientific Applications. New York: Springer-Verlag,
1997. 692p. $49.95. ISBN 3540761527.
This dictionary provides a comprehensive list of over 32,000 acronyms, ab-
breviations, symbolic names, identifiers, and initials for a wide range of engi-
neering topics. It also includes organizations, conferences, and symposia.
40 \ Chapter 2: General Reference Sources

206. Ward, J. LeRoy. Project Management Terms: A Working Glossary.

Arlington, VA: ESI International, 1997. 181p. $29.95. ISBN 18903667044.
This glossary lists over 1,600 terms, phrases, and acronyms pertaining to
project management. The descriptions are arranged alphabetically and are
207. Webster, Len F. The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Con-
struction. New York: Wiley, 1997. 666p. $49.95. ISBN 0471181153.
This dictionary covers 30,000 terms applicable to architecture, engineer-
ing, surveying, building, construction, forestry, mining, and public works.
208. Zarrow, Phil, and Debra Kopp. Surface Mount Technology Terms and
Concepts. Boston, MA: Newnes, 1997. 134p. $24.95. ISBN 0750698756.
This compact dictionary includes over 1,000 terms and concepts associated
with surface mount technology (SMT). It also includes some illustrations and
Chapter 3

Information Access Tools

Current awareness services, databases, indexes, libraries, and bibliogra-
phies are information tools that assist with accessing and organizing informa-
tion. This chapter includes selective examples of these resources. It is important
to note that numerous databases are not listed in this chapter. These types of re-
sources are more thoroughly covered in other bibliographies or catalogs from
database providers. The current practice of segmenting and repackaging these
files makes it more difficult to list all of the possible options. This list is meant to
suggest some of the primary files and alert the user to the fact that there are data-
bases for almost every aspect of engineering. These information tools illustrate
the fragmentation of engineering and technology information by both assisting
with the identification of materials and exhibiting the vulnerability of technical
information to be marketed primarily to relatively narrow groups of users.

3.1 Current Awareness, Databases,

Indexes, and Libraries

209. ACM Collected Algorithms. 1999. Available:

toms/index.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Collected Algorithms (CALGO) is produced by the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM). Background software associated with papers
published in the Transactions on Mathematical Software as well as other ACM
journals is incorporated in CALGO. This software is refereed.
210. ACM Digital Library. Regularly updated. Information available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Online access is provided to 31,000 full-text articles from the Association
for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) journals, magazines, and proceedings dat-
ing back to 1991. Bibliographic information is available dating back to 1985. the
product is available by subscription.
211. ACM Guide to Computing Literature. New York: Association for Com-
puting Machinery. Annual. $230.00. ISSN 01491199. Digital format available.
This is a comprehensive index and guide to the computing literature. It is
available in digital format as ACM Electronic Guide to Computing Literature
(ACM E-Guide).

42 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

212. Aerospace Database. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

(AIAA). Monthly. Digital format. Information available: http://www.aiaa.
org/publications/database/aerospacedatabase.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This database indexes over 4,000 AIAA meeting papers annually on such
topics as aeronautical, electrical, electronic, mechanical, and control engineer-
ing. Coverage goes back to 1962. The Aerospace Database is the digital form of
the International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA) and Scientific and Technical Re-
ports (STAR) Index, which indexes from technical reports from NASA, other
U.S. government agencies, international institutions, universities, and other or-
213. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). HazDat.
Regularly updated. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
HazDat is the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s Haz-
ardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database. This resource provides in-
formation on the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites and other
emergency events and on the effects of hazardous substances on the health of hu-
man populations.
214. Air University Library’s Index to Military Periodicals (AULIMP).
Quarterly. Available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000).
AULIMP contains citations to articles in English-language military jour-
nals. Air University Library (AUL) has been producing AULIMP since 1949
and distributes paper copies to libraries and military units around the world.
215. Aluminum Industry Abstracts (AIA). Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scien-
tific Abstracts. Monthly. Digital format. Information available: http://www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Aluminum Industry Abstracts (AIA), formerly World Aluminum Abstracts
(WAA), provides comprehensive coverage of the world’s technical literature on
aluminum, production processes, products, applications, and business develop-
ments. This database includes information from approximately 2,300 scientific
and technical journals, government reports, conference proceedings, disserta-
tions, books, and patents.
216. American Chemical Society. Patent Information from Chemical Ab-
stracts Service: Coverage and Content. Columbus, OH: Chemical Abstracts
Service, 1998. 80p. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
This guide provides information on the coverage and content of patent cita-
tions in the CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) database. Over 700,000 citations
are added to Chemical Abstracts each year. About 18 percent of these citations
are patents. This document does not include searching instructions for either
Chemical Abstracts or the CAS online database.
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 43

217. American Meteorological Society (AMS). Meteorological and Geoas-

trophysical Abstracts (MGA). Updated regularly. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA) is the only abstract
service devoted to covering the world’s literature on meteorology, climatology,
atmospheric chemistry and physics, physical oceanography, hydrology, glaciol-
ogy, and related environmental sciences. The database is searchable for materi-
als from 1974.
218. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Engineering Li-
braries. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
This is a list of over 100 science, technology, and engineering libraries in
North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand.
219. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Civil Engineering Data-
base (CEBD). Updated regularly. Available:
cedbsrch.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This index service provides access to over 80,000 bibliographic and ab-
stracted records published by the American Society of Civil Engineers from
January 1973 to date. CEBD is searchable by individual words, titles, authors,
keywords, and date range. Subject areas include aerospace engineering, cold re-
gions, construction, environmental engineering, forensic engineering, materials
engineering, transportation, and urban planning.
220. Applied Mechanics Reviews. New York: American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers, 1948– . Monthly. $663.00/yr. ISSN 00036900.
This abstracting and indexing journal covers 475 international journals. Re-
view articles, book reviews, and over 1,500 subject-classified abstracts are in-
cluded in each issue. Abstracts are arranged by a subject classification scheme.
The subject classification scheme is available at
pubs/amr/class.html. A separate annual index lists all abstracts and book reviews
by subject, author, and keyword.
221. Ash, Michael, and Irene Ash. The Index of Flame Retardants: An Inter-
national Guide to More than 1000 Products by Trade Name, Chemical, Ap-
plication, and Manufacture. Brookfield, VT: Gower, 1997. 305p. $175.00.
ISBN 0566078856.
This is a comprehensive source for commercially available flame retar-
dants as noted in information from more than 600 worldwide manufacturers, dis-
tributors, trade magazines, reference books, and chemical databases. It includes
a list of abbreviations and directory of manufacturers.
222. Beilstein Information. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
Beilstein Informationssysteme GmbH, based in Frankfurt, Germany, and
Beilstein Information Systems in San Leandro, California, are the developers of
the CrossFire System, a resource for organic chemical information, and NetFire,
44 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

a Web-based graphical interface for the search and display of abstracts of the
chemical literature. In 1998, Beilstein Informationssysteme GmbH (BIS) was
acquired by Elsevier Science.
223. Bogaerts, W. F., et al. Active Library on Corrosion. New York: Elsevier,
1996. Digital format. $1400.00. ISBN 0444824561. Information available:
This library of technical resources on corrosion was published in con-
junction with NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers). Interna-
tional coverage includes over 6,000 documents, 2,000 images, and 600
formatted tables.
224. The British Library. 1999. Available: (Accessed April
2, 2000).
The British Library is known for its extensive collection of international
patent specifications, conference proceedings, reports, and theses. This site pro-
vides searchable access to the library catalog and other information services.
225. CA QuickSearch. Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute.
Bimonthly. $550.00. Information available:
This is the digital version of American Concrete Institute’s (ACI) Concrete
Abstracts. Subject areas include structural, research, construction, design, mate-
rials, and production.
226. Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information
(CISTI)—National Research Council of Canada (CNRC). 1999. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
CISTI provides comprehensive library catalog and document delivery
services. It is an excellent library for science, engineering and technology jour-
nals, books, conferences, and other technical literature.
227. CAS Databases. Columbus, OH: Chemical Abstracts Service. Biweekly.
Information available:
CA is the world’s largest and most current collection of chemical informa-
tion, with more than 15 million abstracts of journal articles, patents, and more.
International sources for CA include more than 8,000 journals, patents, technical
reports, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations.
228. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). 1999. NIOSH Databases. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
There are several NIOSH databases either described or available at this site.
One is Certified Equipment List, from. the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, under the authorization of the Federal Mine Safety and
Health Act of 1977 and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; it pro-
vides a testing approval and certification program assuring commercial avail-
ability of safe personal protective devices and reliable industrial hazard
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 45

measuring instruments. Another is Common Information Service System

(CISS); through this service the user can obtain information about U.S. Bureau of
Mines (USBM) publications. Bibliographic descriptions are provided for publica-
tions dated prior to March 1995. After this date publications are stored full-text in
the database. International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSCs)—An International
Programme on Chemical Safety Project is a joint activity of three cooperating in-
ternational organizations: the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
the International Labour Office (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) is a collection of methods for
sampling and analysis of contaminants in workplace air and in the blood and urine
of workers who are occupationally exposed. NIOSHTIC is the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) electronic, bibliographic database
of literature in the field of occupational safety and health. It includes retrospective
information, some of which dates back to the nineteenth century. NIOSHTIC is
updated quarterly and is available from several vendors. Occupational Health
Guidelines for Chemical Hazards are occupational safety and health guidelines
that provide technical information about chemical hazards to workers, employers,
and health professionals. Guidelines include data on the chemical names and
synonyms, chemical and physical properties, exposure limits, and signs and symp-
toms of exposure, and recommendations for medical monitoring, personal protec-
tive equipment, and control procedures. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical
Hazards (NPG) is intended as a source of general industrial hygiene information
on several hundred chemicals/classes for workers, employers, and occupational
health professionals. The NPG presents key information and data in abbreviated or
tabular form for chemicals or substance groupings (e.g., cyanides, fluorides, man-
ganese compounds) that are found in the work environment. Registry of Toxic Ef-
fects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) is a database of toxicological information
compiled, maintained, and updated by NIOSH. RTECS is a congressionally man-
dated activity established by Section 20(a)(6) of the Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970 (PL 91-596). The original edition, known as the “Toxic Sub-
stances List,” was published on June 28, 1971, and included toxicological data for
approximately 5,000 chemicals. RTECS now contains over 130,000 chemicals.
The NIOSH databases are available through various vendors.
229. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical
Hazards Database. Cincinnati, OH: National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health, 1998. Digital format. (PB99500449). $112.00. Available from Na-
tional Technical Information Service.
This guide presents key information and data for 677 chemicals or sub-
stance groupings (e.g., manganese compounds, tellurium compounds, inorganic
tin compounds). The list of chemicals and substances includes all substances for
which the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has
recommended exposure limits (RELs) and those with permissible exposure lim-
its (PELs) as found in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) General Industry Air Contaminants Standards (29 C.F.R. 1910.1000).
46 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

230. Ceramic Abstracts/World Ceramic Abstracts. Staffordshire, UK:

CERAM. Monthly. Information available:
worldcer.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This comprehensive database for the ceramics industry provides interna-
tional coverage on the manufacture, processing, applications, properties, and
testing of traditional and advanced ceramics. Source materials include over 300
journals, conference proceedings, books, patents, standards, and company prod-
uct literature. All abstracts are in English. Information about CERAM is avail-
able at
231. Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI): 1907–1999 Cumu-
lative. Columbus, OH: Chemical Abstracts Service. Annual with semi-annual
updates. Digital format. Information available:
CASSI includes holdings information from more than 350 major interna-
tional libraries. Entries provide information about variant titles, histories of pub-
lications, English translations of foreign titles, a directory of publishers and sales
agencies, and a guide to the depositories of unpublished works.
232. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts (CEABA).
Monthly. Information available:
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts (CEABA) provides
comprehensive coverage of process and chemical engineering and biotechnol-
ogy literature from theoretical studies to industrial applications. The Royal Soci-
ety of Chemistry database contains over 420,000 items and has coverage dating
from 1971.
233. Clevinger, Mary A., and Christina L. Cedeno. Phase Equilibria Dia-
grams Cumulative Index. Westerville, OH: American Ceramic Society, 1998.
285p. $20.00 ISBN 1574980874. Information available: books/phase/phase1998.asp.
This comprehensive index covers all the phase diagrams published in the
Phase Equilibria Diagrams series: Volumes I-XII, Annuals ‘91-’93, Phase Dia-
grams for High-Tc Superconductors I and II, and Phase Diagrams for Zirconium
and Zirconia Systems.
234. Community of Science (COS). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Community of Science (COS) provides scientific research and devel-
opment information products and services. This site contains a searchable global
registry of experts in the sciences searchable by name, institution, state, educa-
tion, expertise, or by using keywords. It includes access to publications of the
U.S. Geological Survey Database and other related databases. COS also pro-
vides a searchable bibliographic database containing all of the approximately 1.7
million U.S. patents issued since 1975. All important fields in the database are
fully indexed and can be searched, including the patent number, dates, assignee,
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 47

inventor, title, abstract, exemplary claims for recent years, and U.S. and interna-
tional classifications. In addition, the database tracks the “citation lineage” asso-
ciated with each patent. Access to this resource is available by subscription or by
membership as a contributing entity.
235. Computer and Control Abstracts. London, UK: Institution of Electrical
Engineers. Monthly. ISSN 00368113. Information available: http://www.iee.
This index provides information on all aspects of computer installations,
applications, hardware, peripherals, software, and theory as well as control engi-
neering, robotics, systems theory, and artificial intelligence. Computer and Con-
trol Abstracts contains some 100,000 items in 12 monthly issues. Each issue has
a subject guide and indexes. Computer and Control Abstracts is part of the
INSPEC database.
236. Computing Reviews (CR). New York: Association for Computing Ma-
chinery. Monthly. ISSN 00104884. Information available:
reviews. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Computing Reviews publishes monthly reviews of books, articles, and
other publications. CR publishes about 1,000 reviews each year. Reviewers pro-
vide the computing community with critical perspectives on published literature.
237. Conference Papers Index (CPI). Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts. Bimonthly. Information available:
cpilong.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This conference literature index covers sciences and engineering. Descrip-
tions are taken from the final program or abstracts publication of conferences.
The index covers about 150 meetings each year and may include references to
both papers presented and not yet published and to papers presented with no
plans to be published. It is available by subscription.
238. Corrosion Abstracts Database. Houston, TX: National Association of
Corrosion Engineers. Updated regularly. Information available: http://www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Corrosion Abstracts provides a source of bibliographic information in the
area of corrosion science and engineering. Subject areas include general corro-
sion, testing, corrosion characteristics, preventive measures, materials construc-
tion and performance, and equipment.
239. Cunningham, D. Databases Available in the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology Research Library. Gaithersburg, MD: National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology, 1998. 162p. (NISTSP927; PB98153281).
$41.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
Databases available online in the Research Library of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) are listed both by acronym and title. In ad-
dition, descriptions of the databases, dates covered, hard copy counterpart, prin-
cipal sources, and vendors are listed.
48 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

240. Current Contents: Engineering, Computing and Technology

(CC/EC&T). Philadelphia, PA: Institute for Scientific Information. Weekly.
Various formats available. ISSN 10791450. Information available: http://www. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This part of Current Contents displays the tables of contents from 1,030
journals in subject categories such as aerospace engineering, artificial intelli-
gence, civil engineering, engineering mathematics, information technology,
metallurgy, and optics. Other sections of Current Contents cover agriculture, bi-
ology, and environmental sciences and physical, chemical, and earth sciences.
241. Defense Library on Disc. Washington, DC: Pentagon Library, 1998.
Digital format. (SUB5264). $200.00. Available from National Technical Infor-
mation Service.
This resource lists three major Department of Defense libraries: the Penta-
gon Library Catalog, the National Defense University (NDU) Library Catalog,
and the Staff College Automated Military Periodicals Index (SCAMPI). The
Pentagon and NDU catalogs contain more than 210,000 records and cover a
wide range of subjects, including international affairs, political science, military
affairs, management, logistics, mobilization, computer science, and U.S. law.
242. deGroot, John W. Polymer Blends, Alloys, and Interpenetrating Poly-
mer Networks. Lancaster, PA: Technomic. Monthly. $425.00. ISSN 08938884.
Each monthly issue presents a synopsis of original articles providing an
overview of developments in polymers. The publication includes patent litera-
ture and summaries of technical, market, business, fire safety, and regulatory
243. Dickert, J. H. Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Thesau-
rus. Alexandria, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, 1996. 607p.
(DTICTR9702; ADA3210382). Consult NTIS for price. Available from Na-
tional Technical Information Service.
This DTIC Thesaurus provides a basic multidisciplinary subject term vo-
cabulary used by the Defense Technical Institute Center to index and retrieve
scientific and technical information.
244. Earthquakes and the Built Environment Index. Baltimore, MD: Na-
tional Information Services Corporation. Semi-annual. Digital format. Informa-
tion available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000). Available by subscription.
This index is a combination of three bibliographic databases on earth-
quakes, earthquake engineering, and related topics. Earthquakes and the Built
Environment Index provides over 114,000 records. QUAKELINE provides
30,900 abstracts and citations covering the literature of earthquake engineering
and natural hazards mitigation from 1987 to the present. The Multidisciplinary
Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) Information Service at
SUNY/Buffalo produces the database and is funded by the National Science
Foundation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the N.Y. State
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 49

Science and Technology Foundation. Earthquake Engineering Abstracts pro-

vides 76,000 abstracts and citations on earthquake engineering and earthquake
hazards mitigation from 1971 to the present. The National Information Service
for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE), a project sponsored by the National Sci-
ence Foundation, maintains the database at the Earthquake Engineering Re-
search Center (EERC), University of California at Berkeley. It also includes
citations from the EERC Library. Coverage of the 1989 Loma Prieta, California,
earthquake is particularly strong. Newcastle Earthquake Database is from the
Newcastle Region Public Library of Australia and provides 3,200 abstracts and
citations specifically on the 1989 Newcastle, Australia, earthquake.
245. Ei Compendex. Weekly. Information available:
village.serve_page?p=3811. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Ei Compendex is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary engineering database
that builds on the tradition of the Engineering Index. It includes abstracts of over
2,600 international journals, conference papers, and technical reports. The
DIALOG Corporation also produces subsets of Compendex with the titles Ei
ChemDisc, Ei EEDisc, Ei Energy and Environment, Ei MechDisc, and Ei
CivilDisc. EiCompendex is available by subscription and in various formats.
246. Ei Paper Village. Weekly. Available:
lage. serve_page?p=8776. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Institute of Paper Science and Technology, established in 1929, pro-
vides research on the manufacture and uses of pulp, paper, paperboard, and other
forest products and byproducts. For over 50 years, IPST has produced and dis-
tributed PAPERCHEM, the world’s largest and most comprehensive database
on pulp and paper. Engineering Information currently produces the
PAPERCHEM database. It is available by subscription.
247. Electrical and Electronics Abstracts (EEA). London, UK: Institution of
Electrical Engineers. Monthly. ISSN 00368105. Information available: http://www.
This service indexes all areas of electronics, radio, telecommunications,
optoelectronics, and electrical power. Electrical and Electronics Abstracts con-
tains up to 105,000 abstracts in 12 monthly issues. Each issue contains indexes
plus a subject guide. Cumulated indexes are published twice a year. Electrical
and Electronics Abstracts is part of the INSPEC database.
248. Elsevier Enviroinfo Research Service. 2000. Available: http://eco-web.
com/register/00988.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This is a research service that provides environmental compliance profes-
sionals with information on air pollution, hazardous waste, and water quality is-
sues. Resources searched include federal regulations and statutes, compliance
manuals and handbooks, and Elsevier journals.
50 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

249. Engineering Conference and Reports. Palo Alto, CA: Dialog. Annual.
Digital format. $1,850.
The coverage for this resource is from 1990 to the present. It combines the
following three files: Ei Conferences, which includes abstracts from conference
papers, proceedings, and technical reports from Ei Compendex and Ei PageOne;
CONF file, an extract from the Scientific and Technical Information Network
(STN) index of science and technology conferences and meetings; and SIGLE,
the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, which covers Euro-
pean non-conventional literature in pure and applied science and technology.
250. Environmental RouteNet. Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scientific Ab-
stracts. Updated daily. Information available:
guestinfo/aboutern.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Subscription to Environmental Route Net provides access to specialized
environmental Internet sites for news, regulations and legislation, U.S. and inter-
national patents, and other reference information. There are three primary sec-
tions to this service: bibliographic information, research and development
programs, and data sets.
251. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management. Bethesda, MD:
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. Monthly. Information available: http://www.csa.
com/detailsV3/envclust.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This multidisciplinary database provides comprehensive coverage of the
environmental sciences. Abstracts and citations are drawn from scientific jour-
nals and other sources, including conference proceedings, reports, monographs,
books, and government publications. Subject coverage includes air quality, energy
resources, environmental engineering, hazardous waste, and water pollution.
252. FIZ-Karlsruhe. 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000).
Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe is a nonprofit organization that
provides information and information services for academic and industrial re-
search. FIZ Karlsruhe is providing the host for STN International, which is oper-
ated cooperatively by FIZ, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of the American
Chemical Society (ACS), and The Japan Science and Technology Corporation
(JST), Information Center for Science and Technology (JICST). STN Interna-
tional offers information on a broad range of scientific fields, including chemis-
try, engineering, life sciences, biotechnology, regulatory compliance, patents,
and business. The site provides database guides such as STNGUIDE and
NUMERIGUIDE to assist the user in identifying appropriate databases.
253. Geo Index. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
Geo Index is a search engine geared towards geo-environmental profes-
sionals. Specific database topics include geotechnical, environmental, hydroge-
ology, geology, mining, and petroleum. Searches can be limited by companies,
associations, education, and government.
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 51

254. Global Mobility Database (GMD). Warrendale, PA: Society of Automo-

tive Engineers. Monthly. Information available:
webcd/gmd/index.htm. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This comprehensive source of vehicle technology information contains
over 99,000 document summaries. Coverage includes publications from the
United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Korea, Bra-
zil, and Canada. The scope of the database includes automobiles, trucks, aircraft,
spacecraft, electric vehicles, helicopters, and race cars.
255. GOV.Research_Center (GRC). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
The GOV.Research_Center is a partnership between the National Techni-
cal Information Service and the National Information Services Corporation to
provide a single access point to government information. The GOV.Re-
search_Center provides subscriptions to the following databases. Energy Sci-
ence and Technology Database (EBD), a multidisciplinary file containing
worldwide references to basic and applied scientific and technical research lit-
erature. The information is collected for use by government managers, research-
ers at the national laboratories, and other research efforts sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Energy. It is updated monthly and contains 3 million records
since 1976. Federal Research in Progress Database (FEDRIP) offers access to
current government-sponsored research projects in the fields of the physical sci-
ences, engineering, life sciences, and more. It is updated monthly and contains
150,000 records from the current two years. NIOSHTIC® Database is a biblio-
graphic database of literature in the field of occupational safety and health.
About 160 current, English-language technical journals provide approximately
35 percent of the additions to NIOSHTIC® annually. It is updated quarterly and
contains 200,000 records since the nineteenth century. NTIS Database offers
bibliographic coverage of U.S. government and worldwide government-
sponsored research and studies. It covers a wide range of topics, including tech-
nology, science, engineering, environment, health, and business. It is updated bi-
weekly and contains 400,000 records since 1990.
256. History of Science and Technology (HST). Annual. Research Libraries
Group (RLG). Information available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
History of Science and Technology database indexes journal articles, con-
ference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of sci-
ence and technology and allied historical fields. The file comprises three
bibliographies: the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science (HSS),
the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (Technology and Cul-
ture), and the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza. It is updated annu-
ally. HST covers 1975 to the present with more than 128,000 records.
52 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

257. IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL). Monthly. Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). In-
formation available: (Accessed April
2, 2000).
This digital service provides a single source to current electrical engineer-
ing and computer science literature in publications from IEEE and IEE. It con-
tains full-text articles, with archives going back to 1988.
258. INSPEC. The Institution of Electrical Engineers. Weekly. Information
available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Produced by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, INSPEC is a biblio-
graphic information service providing access to the world’s scientific and tech-
nical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications,
control engineering, computers and computing, and information technology.
The abstracts from Physics Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, and
Computer and Control Abstracts provide a primary foundation for the INSPEC
database. The contents of over 4,000 journals and some 2,000 published confer-
ence proceedings, as well as numerous books, reports, and dissertations are
regularly scanned each year. The following INSPEC user aids are designed to
assist searchers: INSPEC Classification, INSPEC Thesaurus, and List of Journals.
The history of Science Abstracts is available at
inspec/100yrs. The service is available by subscription.
259. International Chemical Information Database (ICID). Princeton, NJ:
Perceptrix, 1998. Digital format. (SUB5443). $500.00. Available from National
Technical Information Service.
The International Chemical Information Database (ICID) provides a com-
prehensive approach to general chemical industrial hygiene and safety informa-
tion. It has over 150,000 chemical entries from over 24 U.S. federal, state, and
international sources. It is updated quarterly.
260. International Civil Engineering Abstracts Database. Bradford, West
Yorkshire, UK: Anabar Electronic Intelligence, 1999. Annual subscription.
$2,299.00. Information available:
This international civil engineering database indexes articles from 1972 to
the present.
261. Jason, N. H. FIREDOC Vocabulary List. Gaithersburg, MD: National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Fire Safety Engineering Division, 1997.
124p. (NISTIR6033; PB97196869). $33.00. Available from National Technical
Information Service.
This vocabulary contains 5,000 keywords representing the subject matter
of the documents included in the FIREDOC bibliographic database. The list was
developed in 1975 as a tool to be used for searching a fire safety database devel-
oped for NASA/ASRDI (National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Aero-
space Safety Research and Data Institute).
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 53

262. Linda Hall Library. 2000. Available: (Accessed

April 2, 2000).
Linda Hall Library is an independent research library of science, engineer-
ing, and technology. Collections include scientific journals; research mono-
graphs; conference and symposium proceedings; engineering standards and
specifications; patent specifications and trademarks; unclassified NASA, DOE,
and government contractor reports; and geological maps. Holdings also include
the former library collection of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, ac-
quired in 1947, and most of the collection from the former Engineering Societies
Library, transferred in 1995. The service provides online access to the library
catalog and other science and technology research guides.
263. Materials Science Citation Index (MSCI). Bimonthly. Information
available: (Accessed April
2, 2000).
Coverage begins with 1991, with more than 630,000 source items. The
MSCI contains extensive bibliographic information: author, title, source publi-
cation, author-supplied abstract, and cited references from over 1,700 journals,
books, and conference proceedings related to materials science. The subject ar-
eas include ceramics, semiconductors, superconductors, metals and metallurgy,
thin films, plastics and polymers, composites, adhesives, minerals, fabrics, and
fibers. The index is available by subscription.
264. MathSciNet. Daily. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
MathSciNet is sponsored by the American Mathematical Society and in-
cludes almost 60 years of citations from Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Cur-
rent Mathematical Publications (CMP). This resource has information on
mathematics and applications in other mathematical sciences, including statis-
tics, engineering, operations research, and computer science. It includes hyper-
text links and is available by subscription.
265. MatWeb: The Online Materials Information Resources. 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This searchable database covers properties of over 18,000 materials. Cate-
gories include thermoplastics, thermosets, ferrous metals, nonferrous metals,
and ceramics.
266. METADEX. Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. Monthly.
Information available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000).
METADEX is a comprehensive source for information on metals and al-
loys. It covers properties, manufacturing, applications, and development. The
information comes from journals, patents, dissertations, government reports,
conference proceedings, and books. Begun in 1966, METADEX contains over
950,000 references and is the database equivalent of Metals Abstracts, Metals
Abstracts Index, and Alloys Index.
54 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

267. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Thesaurus.

1998 with 2000 Supplement. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
The NASA Thesaurus contains the authorized subject terms by which the
documents in the NASA STI databases are indexed and retrieved. The paper
NASA Thesaurus comprises two volumes: Volume 1—Hierarchical Listing with
Definitions, and Volume 2—Rotated Term Display. The two-volume set can be
ordered from NASA for $90.00.
268. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Natural Disas-
ter Reference Database (NDRD). 2000. Available: http://ltpwww.gsfc.nasa.
gov/ndrd. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Natural Disaster Reference Database (NDRD) is a bibliographic data-
base on the use of satellite remote sensing for disaster mitigation. The NDRD is
compiled from articles published since 1981. This database was jointly devel-
oped by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and National Research Institute for
Earth Sciences and Disaster Prevention (NIED) as part of the Japan-United
States Science and Technology Agreement (JUST).
269. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Center
for AeroSpace Information (CASI). Scientific and Technical Aerospace Re-
ports (STAR). Irregular. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
This site provides access to the Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
(STAR) beginning with volume 34, January 1, 1996. This index covers the fol-
lowing NASA publications: Technical Publications (TP), Technical Memoran-
dums (TM), Contractor Reports (CR), Conference Publications (CP). Special
Publications (SP), and Technical Translations (TT).
270. National Council for Science and the Environment. National Library for
the Environment (NLE). 1999. Available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000).
The National Library for the Environment is a resource for environmental
information. The library contains reports, databases, educational resources,
daily environmental and congressional news, conference information, career
listings and counseling, and a comprehensive database of Congressional Re-
search Service reports.
271. NIST 98—NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library. Ringoes, NJ: Scien-
tific Instrument Services, 1999. $2000.00. Information available: http://www. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
NIST 98 is a collection of electron ionization (EI) mass spectra. The main li-
brary contains over 100,000 compounds described with chemical structures,
synonyms, and other relevant information. The purpose of this product is to pro-
vide a reference library for compound identification by mass spectral library
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 55

272. Northern Light. 2000. Available: (Ac-

cessed April 2, 2000).
This service provides searchable access to 5,000 text resources covering al-
most every industry, including automotive, biotechnology, chemicals and plas-
tics, computing, energy and petroleum, manufacturing and engineering, and
transportation. Document delivery for full-text is available.
273. Northwestern University. Transportation Library. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
One of the largest transportation libraries in the world, the Transportation
Library at Northwestern includes information on law enforcement, police man-
agement and environmental impact assessment. The environmental impact
statement collection includes most of the Environmental Impact Statements pre-
pared under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
274. Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ) Energy Database. Daily. Information avail-
able: (Accessed April 2,
2000). Available by subscription.
This database provides access to over 150,000 data series and is updated
daily with weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual data.
275. Phase Equilibria Diagrams CD-ROM Database. Westerville, OH: The
American Ceramic Society, 1998. Digital format. $1500.00. ISBN 0944904939.
This comprehensive database contains more than 13,000 diagrams for ce-
ramic materials, including high-Tc superconductors. It is searchable by author,
system components, language, year, Phase Equilibria Diagrams series volume
number, and full bibliographic reference of the paper. Volumes included are
Volume I. Oxides and Salts; Volume II. Oxides and Salts; Volume III. Oxides and
Salts; Volume IV. Salts; Volume VI. Oxides; Volume VII. Salts; Volume VIII.
High-Pressure Systems; Volume IX. Semiconductors and Chalcogenides; Vol-
ume X. Borides, Carbides, and Nitrides; Annual 1991; Annual 1992; and Annual
1993. A network license is available.
276. PTDL—Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program. 1999.
Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This site includes the complete list of the libraries and other institutions
designated as Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDL).
277. Rapra Abstracts Database. Charlotte, NC: Rapra Technology. Twice
monthly. Information available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The database comprises indexed summaries of published literature cover-
ing technical, academic, commercial, and marketing aspects of the rubber and
plastic industries from 1972 to the present. The complete list of journal titles
held in the Rapra library can be accessed from this site. International source ma-
terials include over 500 journals, together with conference papers, patents,
specifications and standards, books, reports, press releases, company literature,
datasheets, and directories. Subscriptions are available through various vendors.
56 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

278. Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM). Monthly. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
RAM is a database of bibliographic information for manufacturing and re-
lated areas, available through the Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library
(EEVL). Sources for the 25,000-record database include over 500 journals and
magazines, books, videos, and conference proceedings from 1990 to date.
279. REFIN-COR 4.0. 1998. Information available:
naceframes/Store/storeindex.htm. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This database of experiences, problems, and solutions encountered by re-
fining industry corrosion engineers includes minutes of meetings of NACE
Committee T-8 on Refining Industry Corrosion from 1957 through 1998.
REFIN-COR 4.0 also includes indexes for acronyms, alloys, technical papers,
trademarks, and naphthenic acid corrosion literature survey. It is available by
280. SAE Automotive Electronics Database. Monthly. Information available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This database contains over 18,000 listings on such topics as control sys-
tems, sensors and actuators, multiplexing, electric vehicles, safety devices, ITS,
and communications. Each description includes complete bibliographic cita-
tions. It is updated monthly and is available by subscription.
281. SAE Automotive Engines Database. Monthly. Information available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This resource includes over 35,000 document summaries on engine tech-
nology. Subject areas cover all types of engines: two-stroke, rotary, spark-
ignition, diesel, and alternative power sources, and the associated parts and sys-
tems for most ground vehicles.
282. SAE Automotive Materials Database. Monthly. Information available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This reference contains detailed summaries of technical literature, stan-
dards, and regulations. The Materials Database is available by subscription ei-
ther via the Internet (updated monthly) or digital format (updated annually).
283. The Scout Report for Science and Engineering. 2000. Available: (Accessed April
2, 2000).
This source includes numerous resources for maintaining current aware-
ness in science and engineering. These include tables of contents, abstracts,
working papers, technical reports, preprints, new books, data, and conferences.
284. SOLV-DB. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Supported by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS),
SOLV-DB is a database for solvents data. It is searchable by solvent name,
Chemical Abstracts number, Sax number, chemical formula, chemical category,
property range, and solvent synonym.
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 57

285. STN International. 2000. Available: (Accessed

April 2, 2000).
STN International is an online service offering information on a broad range
of scientific fields, including patents. This network is operated cooperatively by
Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of
the American Chemical Society (ACS), and The Japan Science and Technology
Corporation (JST) Information Center for Science and Technology (JICST).
286. Technical Information Service (TIS). 2000. Available: http://www.lib. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
TIS is a fee-based information service. Established in 1987 at Purdue Uni-
versity, TIS provides scientific, technical, and management information.
287. Transportation Research Board (TRB). TRIS Online. Updated regularly.
Information available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000).
TRIS Online contains worldwide transportation research abstracts describ-
ing the published literature of highway research: rural, urban, and intercity tran-
sit research; highway safety research; railroad research; maritime research; and
air transport research. The site includes a chart that compares a variety of trans-
portation database products. Descriptions of the Research in Progress projects
are available at
288. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Agricultural Research Service.
(ARS). The ARS Pesticide Properties Database. 1999. Available: http://wizard. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The ARS collaborated with the Natural Resources Conservation Service
(formerly the Soil Conservation Service) to establish this authoritative source of
data for calculating pesticide movement in soils. Each pesticide file includes
such properties as the CASRN, molecular formula, molecular state, physical
state, boiling point, vapor pressure, water solubility, and soil sorption for various
soils. There are records for 324 pesticides.
289. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Technical Information Service
(NTIS). Federal Computer Products Center. 2000. Available: http://www.ntis.
gov/fcpc. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Federal Computer Products Center was established at National Techni-
cal Information Service (NTIS) to provide access to information in digital for-
mats. The current inventory of computer products includes more than 1,200
titles since 1990.
290. U. S. Department of Commerce. NTIS Database. Biweekly. Information
available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The NTIS (National Technical Information Service) Database provides
bibliographic coverage of U.S. government and worldwide government-
sponsored research. Subject areas include biotechnology, communication, en-
ergy, engineering, the environment, health and safety, science, space, technol-
ogy, and transportation. Available by subscription.
58 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

291. U.S. Department of Education. AskERIC. Monthly. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This site provides access to the ERIC database, the world’s largest source
of education information, which contains more than 950,000 abstracts of docu-
ments and journal articles on education research and practice. This is an excel-
lent source for educational resources on teaching engineering and technology.
The database is updated monthly.
292. U. S. Department of Energy (DOE). Photovoltaic Energy: Electricity
from Sunlight. Bimonthly. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
The U.S. Department of Energy developed this collection of bibliographic
citations on photovoltaic amorphous technology, polycrystalline thin films, gal-
lium arsenide, crystalline silicon, concentrator technology, and systems re-
search. It is updated on a bimonthly basis.
293. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). National
Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Publications. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The NAWQA Program is designed to describe the status and trends in the
quality of groundwater and surface water resources.
294. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS) Electronic Document Library (EDL). Updated regularly.
Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The ITS-EDL is a repository of documents on intelligent transportation
system topics published by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
295. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). National Transportation Li-
brary (NTL). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The NTL is administered by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
in cooperation with the Transportation Administrative Services Center (TASC)
and the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
The National Transportation Library contains documents and databases pro-
vided from throughout the transportation community, including over 500,000
records from the Transportation Research Information Service (TRIS) database.
296. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Catalog of Publications:
Office of Science and Technology. Washington, DC: Environmental Protec-
tion Agency, Office of Water, 1998. 110p. (EPA820B98001; PB99101230).
$33.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This catalog lists documents produced by the Office of Science and Tech-
nology that are available from the Water Resource Center and the National
Technical Information Service.
3.1 Current Awareness, Databases, Indexes, and Libraries / 59

297. U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Catalog of U. S. Government

Publications. 1999. Available:
html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This online catalog consists of bibliographic records published in the
Monthly Catalog of U. S. Government Publications since January 1994. These
records describe government information products available through the Federal
Depository Library Program (FDLP). Once an information product is identified,
a link is available to locate depository libraries that receive that product.
298. U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Federal Depository Library
Directory. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, Library Services
Program, 1998. 104p. (PB99101776). $33.00. Available from National Techni-
cal Information Service.
The Government Printing Office (GPO) provides government information
to Federal Depository Libraries. The collections include information on careers,
business opportunities, legal and regulatory information, and demographics.
Federal depository libraries are located in nearly every congressional district
throughout the United States and its territories.
299. Web of Science. Weekly. Information available:
products/citation/wos.html. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Web of Science is the Web interface providing access to the Science
Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities
Citation Index, and the new Web of Science Corporate Editions: BioSciences
Citation Index, Chem Sciences Citation Index, and Clinical Medicine Citation
Index. The ISI Citation Databases collectively index more than 8,400 journals
cover-to-cover, providing complete bibliographic data, author abstracts, and
cited references. Web of Science is available by subscription.
300. WebDEX. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers. 2000. In-
formation available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
This is a Web-based index of the current and past publications of SAE. It
covers more than 90 years of technical literature. Listings include complete bib-
liographic information and powerful search software that allows searching by
subject, keyword, document number, author name/organization, and more. It in-
cludes more than 63,000 citations covering: technical papers, technical stan-
dards, books from 1965, and magazine articles from 1990 published by SAE. It
is updated monthly.
301. Weldasearch Online. Cambridge, UK: The Welding Institute. Monthly.
Information available: (Accessed
April 2, 2000).
Weldasearch contains over 155,000 bibliographic references, with ab-
stracts and keywords, to journal articles, research reports, books, standards, pat-
ents, theses, and special publications in the areas of joining metals and plastics,
metals spraying, thermal cutting, brazing, soldering, and microjoining.
60 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

3.2 Bibliographies

302. Briuer, F. L., and C. Mathers. Trends and Patterns in Cultural Resource
Significance: An Historical Perspective and Annotated Bibliography.
Vicksburg, MS: Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1997. 196p.
(ADA353535). $44.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This publication offers review literature concerned with evaluating cultural
resource significance. There are two sections: an annotated bibliography of
peer-reviewed literature and literature on the historical trends in archaeological
method and theory.
303. Carpenter, D. C. Bibliography on Finite Element and Related Methods
Analysis in Reactor Physics Computations (1971–1997). West Mifflin, PA:
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, 1998. 75p. (WAPDTM1635; DE98003127).
$27.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This bibliography provides a list of references on finite element and related
methods analysis in reactor physics computations. It covers international litera-
ture from scientific journals, conference proceedings, technical reports, the-
sis/dissertations, and chapters from reference books.
304. Cold Regions Bibliography. 1999. Available:
scitech/coldregions/welcome.html. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This project of the Science and Technology Division of the Library of Con-
gress is sponsored by the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory (CRREL) and the Office of Polar Programs of the National Science
Foundation (NSF). The purpose is to disseminate information on Antarctica and
cold regions science and technology.
305. De Petro, Thomas G., and Ted E. Naylor. Selective Guide to Literature
on Aerospace Engineering. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineer-
ing Education, 1997. 21p. (Engineering Literature Guides, no. 24). $17.00.
ISBN 0878231617.
The authors define the term “aerospace’ by suggesting that it covers all as-
pects of flight, for example, aviation, aeronautics, and astronautics. This guide
can be used to identify primary aerospace information sources, including Inter-
net resources, encyclopedias, handbooks, specifications, government docu-
ments, and statistical resources.
306. Drancsak, M. Transit Planning and Research Reports: Annotated Bib-
liography. Washington, DC: Federal Transit Administration, Office of Re-
search, Demonstration and Innovation, 1997. 162p. (FTATRI309702;
PB97205983). $41.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This bibliography references available planning and research publications
sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the United States De-
partment of Transportation for the time period September 1995 through Decem-
ber 1996. The purpose of this publication is to inform the transit community and
3.2 Bibliographies / 61

the general public of the published material available to assist state and local
agencies in improving transit services and reducing the cost of public transit.
307. Eagle, Selwyn, and Judith Deschamps. Information Sources in Environ-
mental Protection. New Providence, NJ: Bowker-Saur, 1997. 280p. (Guides to
Information Sources). $75.00. ISBN 1857390628.
This guide provides an introduction to the primary sources of information
on environmental protection. The authors provide historical information, organ-
izational culture, and relationships to other sources of information.
308. European Sources of Scientific and Technical Information. New York:
Stockton Press, 1996. 420p. (Reference on Research). $375.00. ISBN 1860672388.
This is a directory of scientific and technical information centers, institu-
tions, and libraries. Subject areas include patents, standards, energy, engineer-
ing, materials testing, metallurgy, and transportation.
309. Goldblatt, W., C. Minkus, and O. K. Radford. Bibliography on Cold Regions
Science and Technology. Champaign, IL: U.S. Army. Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory, 1997. Part 1. 320p. (ADA3463148). $58.00. Part 2. 524p.
(ADA3463130). $79.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This bibliography combines both the Bibliography on Cold Regions Sci-
ence and Technology and the Antarctic Bibliography. Author and subject head-
ings are provided in Part 2.
310. GRAPHBIB: Bibliography Computer Graphics Database. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This extensive bibliography contains references to over 17,000 publica-
tions in the computer graphics literature.
311. Hanel, Najwa L. Nabti. Selective Guide to Literature on Statistical In-
formation for Engineers. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering
Education, 1997. 28p. (Engineering Literature Guides, no. 22). $17.00. ISBN
This selective guide provides descriptions of bibliographies, printed
and electronic indexes, encyclopedias, reference handbooks, and confer-
ence proceedings.
312. HCI Bibliography: Human-Computer Interaction Resources. 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This bibliography contains over 19,600 entries on human-computer inter-
action (HCI). It covers a broad range of recommended readings, conferences,
and journals.
313. Hurt, Charlie D. Information Sources in Science and Technology. 3d ed.
Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. 346p. $55.00. ISBN 1563085283.
This annotated guide includes over 1,500 multidisciplinary sources of in-
formation in the biological sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, engineer-
ing, and health and veterinary sciences. Sections highlight resources such as
abstracts and indexes, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, directories, and
62 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

websites. There is an excellent introduction to science and technology resources

and a tool for evaluating such a collection.
314. The Hypertext Bibliography Project (HBP). 1998. Available: http://theory. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Hypertext Bibliography Project explores the use of the World Wide
Web as a forum for publishing enhanced, technical bibliographies. Several titles
with bibliographies are linked to this page. Included are such titles as IEEE Sym-
posium on Foundations of Computer Science, Information Processing Letters,
and SIAM Journal on Computing.
315. Induced Earthquake Bibliography. 1997. Available: http://www.nyx.
net/~dcypser/induceq/induceq.bib.html. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This bibliography contains references to publications concerning earth-
quakes and other seismicity induced by human activity.
316. Information and Computation Bibliography. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The Information and Computation Bibliography contains all papers pub-
lished in Information and Computation (I&C) (formerly Information and Con-
trol) since it began publication in 1957. In addition to full tables of contents, the
bibliography contains abstracts of recent and forthcoming papers and selected
references and lists of papers that cite I&C papers.
317. Knott, B. A., et al. Cognitive Framework for Information Visualiza-
tion: Annotated Bibliography. Washington, DC: Catholic University of Amer-
ica, 1998. 114p. (NISTGCR98739; PB98153562). $33.00. Available from
National Technical Information Service.
This bibliography consists of selected readings for the design and evaluation
of information visualization. The document has five sections: perception and cog-
nition, interface and visualization, design guidelines bibliography, human-
computer interface (HCI) design guidelines, and examples of visualization.
318. Larson, D. E. Hanford High-Level Waste Vitrification Program at the
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Technology Development. Anno-
tated Bibliography. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
1996. 160p. (PNNL10955; DE96050592). $41.00. Available from National
Technical Information Service.
This is a series of annotated bibliographies for 1983–1995 documents pro-
duced by the Hanford High-Level Waste Vitrification Program. Subject areas in-
clude high-level waste, glass formulation, glass properties testing, liquid-fed
ceramic melter, and vitrification waste treatment.
319. Ley, Michael. Computer Science Bibliography. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This resource provides bibliographic information on major computer sci-
ence journals and proceedings. It indexes more than 133,000 articles and con-
tains links to home pages of computer scientists.
3.2 Bibliographies / 63

320. Lyons, R. M. Metrology for Radio-Frequency Technology: A Bibliog-

raphy of NIST Publications. Boulder, CO: National Institute of Standards and
Technology. Radio Frequency Technology Division, 1998. 152p.
(NISTIR5075; PB99110272). $41.00. Available from National Technical Infor-
mation Service.
The Radio-Frequency Technology Division was established in 1998 to fo-
cus on programs that include metrology for the fundamental microwave quanti-
ties such as power, noise, impedance, and scattering parameters; standards and
metrology for wireless systems; gain, pattern, and polarization measurements
for antennas; electromagnetic properties of materials; measurements for high-
speed microelectronics; electromagnetic field characterization; and electromag-
netic compatibility.
321. Masters, Robert. Ground Water Litigation Bibliography. Westerville,
OH: National Ground Water Association, 1997. $69.00.
This is an extensive listing of references on litigation over groundwater
rights and contamination from federal and state cases. It includes legal decisions
and civil disputes over contaminated groundwater from gas stations, landfills,
quarries, and hazardous waste sites.
322. Meeks, K. W., and S. Sarkani. Curing of High Performance Concrete:
Annotated Bibliography. Washington, DC: George Washington University,
1997. 164p. (NISTGCR97715; PB98104128). $41.00. Available from National
Technical Information Service.
This is an annotated bibliography on the curing of high performance con-
crete (HPC), a subject on which it is difficult to find literature.
323. Mildren, Ken W., and Peter J. Hicks. Information Sources in Engineer-
ing. New Providence, NJ: Bowker-Saur, 1996. 772p. (Guides to Information
Sources). $110.00. ISBN 1857390571.
The first part of this reference includes reports, standards, patents, product
information, electronic sources, and other reference sources. The remaining sec-
tion addresses information needs and resources for subject areas including stress
analysis, thermodynamics, energy, fluid mechanics, design, manufacturing,
structural engineering, and concurrent engineering. There is an extensive index.
324. Mullay, Marilyn, and Priscilla Schlicke. Walford’s Guide to Reference
Material: Science and Technology. London, UK: Bernan, 1996. 967p. (Vol.
1). $249.00. ISBN 1856041654.
This annotated bibliography lists almost 7,500 titles representing a broad
range of information resources. The entries are organized according to the Uni-
versal Decimal Classification (UDC) system.
325. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Patent
Abstracts Bibliography. 2000. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Office. (NASA
SP-7039). Available: (Ac-
cessed April 4, 2000).
64 \ Chapter 3: Information Access Tools

This publication contains abstracts of NASA-owned inventions covered by

U.S. patents and applications for patents. It is published for individuals looking
for licensable products for the commercial market.
326. Phelps, Charles. Selective Guide to Literature on Computer Graphics.
Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education, 1997. 17p. (En-
gineering Literature Guides, no. 25). $17.00. ISBN 0878231625.
“Computer graphics” is defined as the display, representation, manipula-
tion, alteration, and storage of objects in digital form. This selective guide was
compiled for people interested in the technical aspects of computer graphics.
327. Poland, Jean A., and Godlind Johnson. Selective Guide to Literature on
Applied Optics. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education,
1997. 20p. (Engineering Literature Guides, no. 23). $17.00. ISBN 0878231609.
The emphasis of this compilation is on applied optics. The authors define
“applied optics” as “any process that involves the application of the science of
light.” Resources include printed and electronic indexes, Internet resources, dic-
tionaries, handbooks, directories, and standards.
328. Preston, Larry D., and Yanming Xu. The Electronic Highway Safety Li-
brary. 1999. Available: (Accessed
April 4, 2000).
Topics covered in this database include bicycles and helmets, hazardous ma-
terials, highway safety statistics, safety, traffic engineering, and vehicle design.
329. Smallidge, Elisabeth R. Bibliography on Northern Pipelines in the For-
mer Soviet Union. Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory, 1997. 31p. (Special Report. U.S. Army
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory: 97-17; D103.33/2:97-17).
reports/SR97_17.pdf. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
A project that started in 1993, the bibliography is a review of technology
and techniques for building, operating, and maintaining arctic natural gas and
liquid petroleum pipelines in the former Soviet Union.
330. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Bibliography of Yucca Mountain
Project (YMP) Publications at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
September 1977 through March 1998. Livermore, CA: Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, 1998. 82p. (LLNL98005322; DE98005322). $29.50.
Available from National Technical Information Service.
This resource contains 685 citations published from September 1977
through March 1998, describing site characterization activities and research
projects related to the radioactive waste disposal facilities being planned for
Yucca Mountain, Nevada.
3.2 Bibliographies / 65

331. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Municipal Solid Waste Manage-

ment: A Bibliography of U.S. Department of Energy Contractor Reports
through 1995. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1997.
258p. (NRELBK43023478; DE97008820). $54.00. Available from National
Technical Information Service.
This bibliography is an updated version of Municipal Solid Waste Manage-
ment: A Bibliography of U.S. Department of Energy Contractor Reports
Through 1994 (NREL/TP-430-7886). Reports focus on municipal waste tech-
nologies and energy conservation in wastewater treatment. The bibliography
contains author, subject, and title indexes.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Chapter 4

Scholarly Journals, Trade

Journals, and Newsletters
Journals are a critical component of the scholarly communication process.
For engineers, both scholarly journals and trade journals are extremely impor-
tant in furthering the communication of engineering research and practical
knowledge. Associations and organizations use newsletters for membership and
other business activities. Increasingly, newsletters are available through organi-
zations’ Internet sites.
This chapter provides a highly selective list of journals primarily published
by engineering societies and organizations. Although assembling a complete list
of journals and newsletters is beyond the scope of this reference, there are nu-
merous resources that provide excellent descriptions of this literature. The fol-
lowing entries include a variety of journal-related resources covering such topics
as scholarly communication, subject lists, and directories:
332. Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography.
2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This bibliography presents selected articles, books, electronic documents,
and other sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publish-
ing efforts on the Internet. Most sources have been published since 1990. Links
are provided to other sources.
333. ChemConnect. 2000. Available:
journals.shtml. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This comprehensive list contains over 600 links to various chemistry maga-
zines and journals.
334. The Directory of Computing Science Journals. 1999.
cs-journals. (Accessed November 20, 1999).
Part of the Internet Electronic Library Project, this directory covers over
500 journal titles with descriptions that include the publishers’ title pages, tables
of contents, abstracts directories, home pages, bibliographies, full-text archives
and online journals, and other related information.

68 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

335. Engineering E-journal Search Engine. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 20, 1999).
This search service is provided through the Edinburgh Engineering Virtual
Library (EEVL). Access to over 150 full-text, free electronic journals is provided.
336. Garfield, Eugene. The Impact Factor. 1994. Available: http://www.isi-
net. com/hot/essays/7.html. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The “impact factor” is a measure of the frequency with which the “average
article” in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. This tool is fre-
quently used in tenure evaluations and cost-effectiveness studies for journals.
337. Hawkins, Donald T., and Mary B. Glose. Full Sources Online. Medford,
NJ: Information Today. Semi-annual. $119.50. ISSN 10408258. Information
This directory proves online full-text information for over 11,000 newspa-
pers, journals, magazines, newsletters, and newswires. It also includes aggrega-
tors such as Gale, LEXIS-NEXIS, STN International, and OCLC. A
subscription includes an Internet updating service.
338. 1999. Available: (Accessed No-
vember 20, 1999).
This resource provides lists of magazines, journals, newsletters, and other
periodicals. Subject categories include computers and technology, sciences and
mathematics, and reference.
339. PubSCIENCE. 2000. Available: (Accessed April
4, 2000).
This source provides bibliographic information, including titles, authors,
and abstracts, for all articles in Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics’s
(SIAM) 11 electronic journals. The focus of PubSCIENCE is on journals where
DOE researchers report their scientific discoveries. Approximately 500 scien-
tific and technical journals from over 20 publishers are included in the initial
phase, with future expansion planned.
340. SPARC—The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coali-
tion. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
SPARC is an alliance of libraries fostering discussion and projects to de-
velop alternatives to expand competition in scholarly communication. Publish-
ing partners include the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of
341. Tuttle, Marcia. Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues. Irregular. ISSN
10463410. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This newsletter is an excellent way to stay current on the issues related to
serials, including pricing, publishers, impact on libraries, and services.
4.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering / 69

342. University of California, Berkeley. Electronic Journals. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This site provides access to the California Digital Library’s collection of
electronic journals, including the engineering and computer science subject areas.
343. Will Science Publishing Perish? The Paradox of Contemporary Sci-
ence Journals. 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 20, 1999).
This publication summarizes the effect of publishing changes on the pub-
lishers of scientific and technical information.

4.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering

344. Aerospace America. New York: American Institute of Aeronautics and

Astronautics, 1984– . Monthly. $130.00/yr. ISSN 0740722X. Information avail-
This journal provides coverage of aviation, space, and defense technologies
and their implications for both industry and government professionals.
345. AIAA Journal. New York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-
nautics, 1963– . Monthly. $765.00/yr. ISSN 00011452. Information available:
AIAA Journal focuses on the science and technology of astronautics and
aeronautics. Topics include aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, combustion, propul-
sion, fluid mechanics, hydrodynamics, lasers and associated phenomena, plasmas,
research instrumentation and facilities, and structural mechanics and materials.
346. Journal of Aerospace Engineering. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, Aerospace Division, 1988– . Quarterly. $205.00/yr. ISSN
08931321. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.pubs.asce.
This journal encourages the discussion of technology in space between
civil engineers and those in related disciplines. Topics include lunar soil me-
chanics, environmental factors for the design of inhabited space facilities, ad-
vanced energy systems, extraterrestrial construction, computational fluid
dynamics, and robotics.
347. Journal of Aircraft. New York: American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, 1964– . Bimonthly. $415.00/yr. ISSN 00218669. Information
This journal covers applied science and technology of airborne flight, in-
cluding advances in aircraft, the operation of aircraft, and applications of aircraft
technology to other fields. Major areas of discussion are aircraft systems, flight
mechanics, flight and ground testing, applied computational fluid dynamics, flight
safety, hypersonic flight, human factors, airport design, and airline operations.
70 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

348. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. New York: American In-
stitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1982– . Bimonthly. $430.00/yr. ISSN
07315090. Information available:
This journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of
guidance, control, and dynamics through discussions of technical knowledge,
exploratory developments, design criteria, and applications in aeronautics, as-
tronautics, celestial mechanics, and related fields.
349. Journal of Propulsion and Power. New York: American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1985– . Bimonthly. $430.00/yr. ISSN 07484658.
Information available:
This journal publishes papers on airbreathing, electric, and advanced pro-
pulsion; solid and liquid rockets; fuels and propellants; power generation and
conversion for aerospace vehicles; and the application of aerospace science and
technology to terrestrial energy devices and systems.
350. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. New York: American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1964– . Bimonthly. $395.00/yr. ISSN 00224650.
Information available:
Articles in this journal have discussed spacecraft and missile configura-
tions, re-entry devices, transatmospheric vehicles, applied and computational
fluid dynamics, applied aerothermodynamics, development of materials and
structures for spacecraft and missile applications, space instrumentation, and ap-
plications of space technologies to other fields.

4.2 Architectural Engineering

351. Journal of Architectural Engineering. New York: American Society of

Civil Engineers, 1995– . Quarterly. $165.00/yr. ISSN 10760431. Digital format
available. Information available:
This journal provides a multidisciplinary forum for information on the en-
gineering and technical issues concerned with building design, including plan-
ning and financing, analysis and design, construction and maintenance, codes
applications and interpretations, conversion and renovation, and preservation.

4.3 Bioengineering

352. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Piscataway, NJ: Insti-

tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964– . Monthly. $490.00/yr. ISSN
00189294. Digital format available. Information available:
Biomedical engineering is the application of the concepts and methods of the
physical and engineering sciences in biology and medicine. This journal includes
basic and applied papers on biomedical engineering and applied biophysics.
4.4. Chemical Engineering / 71

353. Journal of Biomechanics. New York: Pergamon, 1968– . Monthly.

$2037.00/yr. ISSN 00219290. Information available: http://www.elsevier.
The following organizations are affiliated with this journal: American So-
ciety of Biomechanics, the European Society of Biomechanics, and the Interna-
tional Society of Biomechanics.

4.4 Chemical Engineering

354. Aerosol Science and Technology. London, UK: Taylor and Francis,
1982– . Monthly. $913.00/yr. ISSN 02786826. Digital format available. Infor-
mation available:
Aerosol Science and Technology is the official journal of the American As-
sociation for Aerosol Science. It publishes the results of theoretical and experi-
mental investigations into aerosol phenomena and closely related material.
355. AIChE Journal. New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
1955– . Monthly. $765.00/yr. ISSN 00011541. Digital format available. Infor-
mation available:
Research findings in chemical engineering and related fields are reported in
this journal. Subject areas include fluid mechanics and transport phenomena, par-
ticle technology and fluidization, separations, and process systems engineering.
356. Biotechnology Progress. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society,
1996– . Bimonthly. $715.00/yr. ISSN 87567938. Digital format available. Infor-
mation available:
This is a joint publication of the American Chemical Society and the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers; it features research reports, reviews,
and descriptions of new processes, products, and devices for the biotechnology
and bioprocess industries.
357. Chemical and Engineering News. Washington, DC: American Chemical
Society, 1942– . Weekly. $167.00/yr. ISSN 01956744. Digital format available.
Information available:
This publication covers the scientific, technical, educational, business, and
governmental aspects of chemistry and includes reports on chemistry as a pro-
fession and on the interactions between chemistry and society at large.
358. Energy and Fuels. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1987– .
Bimonthly. $760.00/yr. ISSN 08870624. Digital format available. Information
This interdisciplinary journal reports what’s new in the chemistry of non-
nuclear energy sources: petroleum, coal, shale oil, tar sands, biomass, synfuels,
organic geochemistry, applied catalysis, and combustion.
72 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

359. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Washington, DC:

American Chemical Society, 1996– . Monthly. $1399.00/yr. ISSN 08885885.
Digital format available. Information available:
For chemical engineers, this title is a source of new fundamental research,
design methods, process design and development, and product research and
360. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. Washington, DC: American
Chemical Society, 1996– . Bimonthly. $746.00/yr. ISSN 00219568 Digital format
available. Information available:
This journal covers experimental data on the physical, thermodynamic, and
transport properties of organic and inorganic compounds; reviews; evaluations;
and experimental techniques. The journal is an authoritative source of the latest
international standards on symbols, terminology, and units of measurement.
361. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. Washington, DC:
American Chemical Society; American Institute of Physics for the National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology, 1989– . Bimonthly. $728.00/yr. ISSN
10630651. Digital format available. Information available: http://pubs.acs.
This title provides critically evaluated reviews of standard reference data in
physics and chemistry. The journal also publishes monographs containing major
studies too long for publication as articles in the journal; including the JANAF
Thermochemical Tables and the NBS Tables of Atomic Transition Probabilities.

4.5 Civil Engineering

362. ACI Materials Journal. Detroit: American Concrete Institute, 1987– . Bi-
monthly. $48.00/yr. ISSN 0889325X.
Topics in this journal include properties of materials used in concrete; re-
search on materials and concrete; properties, use, and handling of concrete; and
related ACI standards and committee reports. Abstracts are searchable at:
363. ACI Structural Journal. Detroit: American Concrete Institute, 1987– .
Bimonthly. $48.00/yr. ISSN 08893241.
Topics included in this journal are structural design and analysis of con-
crete elements and structures,; research related to concrete elements and struc-
tures, design and analysis theory, and related ACI standards and committee
reports. Abstracts are searchable at:
364. Bulletin of the Seismological Society. Oakland, CA: Seismological Soci-
ety, 1911– . Bimonthly. $310.00/yr. ISSN 00371106. Information available:
4.5 Civil Engineering / 73

This journal publishes scientific papers on the various aspects of seismol-

ogy, including investigation of specific earthquakes, seismometry, earthquake
hazard and risk estimation, seismotectonics, and earthquake engineering.
365. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. Ottawa: National Research
Council of Canada, 1974– . Bimonthly. $137.00 (Can.). ISSN 03151468. Digital
format available. Information available:
Published for the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, this journal con-
tains articles on practical engineering topics in the fields of structures, construc-
tion, materials, transportation, hydrotechnical engineering, computer applications,
environmental and sanitary engineering, and engineering mechanics.
366. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Piscataway,
NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1980– . Bimonthly.
$350.00/yr. ISSN 01962892. Digital format available. Information available:
This title publishes research in sensing instruments and techniques used
for the acquisition of geoscientific information, as well as techniques for proc-
essing, enhancing, and interpreting information derived from remote sensing
367. ITE Journal. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers,
1978– . Monthly. $60.00/yr. ISSN 01488178. Digital format available. Informa-
tion available:
ITE Journal includes peer-reviewed technical articles, news of ITE activi-
ties, new product information, legislative updates, professional services direc-
tory, positions wanted/available listing, and product advertisements.
368. Journal of Bridge Engineering. New York: American Society of Civil
Engineers, 1996– . Quarterly. $185.00/yr. ISSN 10840702. Digital format avail-
able. Information available:
This journal reports on both the theory and the practice of the structural de-
sign, inspection, construction, and performance of bridges relating to design,
fabrication, and erection problems.
369. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1987– . Quarterly. $140.00/yr. ISSN 0887381X. Digital format
available. Information available:
Papers in this journal cover topics such as ice engineering, ice forces, con-
struction on permafrost and seasonal frost, cold weather construction, environ-
mental quality and engineering in cold regions, snow and ice control, cold
regions materials, and surveying and planning in cold regions.
370. Journal of Composites for Construction. New York: American Society
of Civil Engineers, 1997– . Quarterly. $165.00/yr. ISSN 10900268. Digital for-
mat available. Information available:
The journal includes papers about the composite materials used in conjunc-
tion with traditional construction materials such as steel, concrete, and timber.
74 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

371. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. New York: American Soci-

ety of Civil Engineers, 1987– . Quarterly. $195.00/yr. ISSN 08873801. Digital
format available. Information available:
This multidisciplinary journal publishes technical papers and technical
notes as well as brief discussions that review software, hardware, and strategic
issues involved in civil engineering computing. Topics include new program-
ming languages; database management systems; hardware for robotics, bar cod-
ing, remote sensing, and data acquisition; and the management of computing
372. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1983– . Monthly. $540.00/yr. ISSN 07339399. Digital format
available. Information available:
This journal covers the basics of civil engineering, including new concepts,
methods, results, and interpretations of solid, structural, or fluid mechanics.
373. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. New
York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997– . Monthly. $385.00/yr. ISSN
07339410. Digital format available. Information available:
Topics included in this journal are soil dynamics, engineering behavior of
soil and rock, slope stability, dams, rock engineering, environmental geotech-
nics, geosynthetics, and groundwater monitoring and restoration.
374. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1983– . Monthly. $455.00/yr. ISSN 07339429. Digital format
available. Information available:
Articles in this journal describe the analyses and solutions of problems in
hydraulic engineering, hydrology, and water resources.
375. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1995– . Quarterly. $165.00/yr. ISSN 10760342. Digital format
available. Information available:
This journal documents important advances in infrastructure engineering
methodologies and technologies.
376. Journal of Management in Engineering. New York: American Society
of Civil Engineers, 1985– . Bimonthly. $215.00/yr. ISSN 0742597X. Digital
format available. Information available:
This journal provides the latest concepts and current practices of manage-
ment in the engineering marketplace.
377. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. New York: American Soci-
ety of Civil Engineers, 1989– . Quarterly. $225.00/yr. ISSN 08991561. Digital
format available. Information available:
Articles in this journal cover the development of new civil engineering ma-
terials, the processing and field production of the materials, the evaluation of
construction materials, properties, and the application and performance of civil
engineering materials.
4.6 Computer Science Engineering / 75

378. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. New

York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1991– . Quarterly. $165.00/yr. ISSN
10523928. Digital format available. Information available:
This journal examines topics of broad professional interest, views of engi-
neering management, professional activities, and technical problems. The journal
investigates the relationships between civil engineering and other disciplines.
379. Journal of Structural Engineering. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1983– . Monthly. $540.00/yr. ISSN 07339445. Digital format
available. Information available:
Subjects in this journal include the design, erection, and safety of structures
ranging from bridges to transmission towers and tall buildings; technical infor-
mation on outstanding, innovative, and unique projects; and the impact of natu-
ral disasters and recommendations for damage mitigation.
380. Journal of Transportation Engineering. New York: American Society
of Civil Engineers, 1983– . Bimonthly. $248.00/yr. ISSN 0733947X. Digital
format available. Information available:
Papers in this journal survey the planning, design, construction, mainte-
nance, and operation of air, highway, and urban transportation, as well as the
pipeline facilities for water, oil, and gas.
381. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. New York: American
Society of Civil Engineers, 1983– . Quarterly. $140.00/yr. ISSN 07339488.
Digital format available. Information available:
This journal includes the application of civil engineering to urban planning
aspects such as area-wide transportation, the coordination of planning and pro-
gramming of public works and utilities, and the development and redevelopment
of urban areas.
382. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. New
York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983– . Bimonthly. $195.00/yr.
ISSN 0733950X. Digital format available. Information available: http://ojps.
This journal presents papers in engineering research and practice con-
cerned with dredging, floods, ice, pollution, sediment transport, and tidal wave
action that affect shorelines, waterways, and harbors.

4.6 Computer Science Engineering

383. ACM Computing Surveys. New York: Association for Computing Ma-
chinery, 1971– . Quarterly. $145.00/yr. ISSN 03600300. Digital format available.
Information available:
This journal provides tutorials and survey papers that cover such topics as
image understanding, software reusability, and object and relational database
76 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

384. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. New York: As-

sociation for Computing Machinery, 1994– . Quarterly. $125.00/yr. ISSN
10730516. Digital format available. Information available:
Through discussions on hardware and software architectures, interactive
techniques, user interface design processes, and users and groups of users, this
journal highlights the software, hardware, and human aspects of interaction with
385. ACM Transactions on Database Systems. New York: Association for
Computing Machinery, 1976– . Quarterly. $154.00/yr. ISSN 03625915. Digital
format available. Information available:
This title covers data abstraction, data modeling, and designing data man-
agement systems.
386. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. New
York: Association for Computing Machinery, 1996– . Quarterly. $175.00/yr.
ISSN 10844309. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.
This journal approaches design technology from a computer science and
engineering perspective.
387. ACM Transactions on Graphics. New York: Association for Computing
Machinery, 1982– . Quarterly. $155.00/yr. ISSN 07300301. Digital format
available. Information available:
Computer-aided design, synthetic image generation, rendering, and solid
modeling are among the topics discussed in this title.
388. ACM Transactions on Information Systems. New York: Association
for Computing Machinery, 1985– . Quarterly. $155.00/yr. ISSN 10468188.
Digital format available. Information available:
tents/ journals/tois.
This title includes issues in information retrieval and filtering, information
interfaces, and information systems design.
389. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. New
York: Association for Computing Machinery, 1991– . Quarterly. $145.00/yr.
ISSN 10493301. Digital format available. Information available:
http://www.acm. org/pubs/contents/journals/tomacs.
This publication focuses on systems modeling and computer simulation by
covering such topics as combined, distributed, and hybrid simulation; simula-
tion and computer graphics; process generators; and random number generation.
390. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. New
York: Association for Computing Machinery, 1992– . Quarterly. $135.00/yr.
ISSN 1049331X. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.
4.6 Computer Science Engineering / 77

This journal includes software tools and methodologies, languages, data

structures, and algorithms.
391. AI Magazine. La Canada, CA: American Association for Artificial Intelli-
gence, 1980– . Quarterly. $50.00/yr. ISSN 07384602. Digital format available.
Information available:
This title provides research and literature in the artificial intelligence field.
Tables of contents are available from 1980.
392. Communications of the ACM. New York: Association for Computing
Machinery. Monthly. $159.00/yr. ISSN 00010782. Digital format available. In-
formation available:
This journal covers a broad range of topics in the computing field.
393. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electri-
cal and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Computer Society,1968– . Monthly.
$910.00/yr. ISSN 00189340. Digital format available. Information available:
Research topics in this journal include computer organizations and archi-
tectures; operating systems, software systems, and communication protocols;
real-time systems and embedded systems; and digital devices, computer compo-
nents, and interconnection networks.
394. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Piscataway,
NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Computer Soci-
ety,1989– . Bimonthly. $635.00/yr. ISSN 10414347. Digital format available.
Information available:
The scope of this journal covers state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice
activities in the knowledge and data engineering area.
395. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Piscataway, NJ: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Computer Society,1975– .
Monthly. $835.00/yr. ISSN 00985589. Digital format available. Information
This publication includes theoretical results and empirical studies that have
potential impact on the construction, analysis, or management of software.
396. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Piscata-
way, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Computer Soci-
ety,1995– . Quarterly. $435.00/yr. ISSN 10772626. Digital format available.
Information available:
This journal includes articles covering visualization and computer graphics
techniques, systems, software, hardware, and user interface issues. Research
topics include visualization techniques, visualization systems and software; in-
formation visualization; graphics systems, and virtual reality.
78 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

397. Journal of Technology Computer Aided Design. Piscataway, NJ: Insti-

tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Electron Devices Society,
1997– . Irregular. ISSN 10972102. Available:
online/journal/tcad. Background information available: http://tcad.stanford.
This electronic journal provides rapid access to the newest developments in
technology computer-aided design (TCAD).
398. Journal of the ACM. New York: Association for Computing Machinery,
1993– . Bimonthly. $205.00. ISSN 00045411. Digital format available. Infor-
mation available:
Research topics included in this journal are the complexity of algorithms,
computer architecture, system modeling, AI, data structures, database theory,
and graph theory.
399. SIAM Journal on Computing. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, 1972– . Bimonthly. $360.00/yr. ISSN 00975397. Digital
format available. Information available:
This journal contains articles on the mathematical and formal aspects of
computer science and non-numerical computing.
400. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Philadelphia: Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1976– . Bimonthly. $432.00/yr. ISSN
03630129. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.siam.
Research articles in this journal discuss the mathematics and applications
of control theory and certain parts of optimization theory.

4.7 Electrical Engineering

401. Applied Optics. New York: Optical Society of America, 1962– . Semi-
monthly. $1910.00/yr. ISSN 00036395. Digital format available. Information
This journal contains reports on experimental and applied research, includ-
ing electro-optics and lasers;, optical engineering;, and quantum electronics, op-
tical probing, and remote sensing.
402. IEEE Communications Letters. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, 1999– . Monthly. $132.00/yr. ISSN 10897798. Digi-
tal format available. Information available:
This publication provides researchers with a timely mechanism to ex-
change current results and developments in communications technology.
4.7 Electrical Engineering / 79

403. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Elec-

trical and Electronics Engineers, 1966– . Monthly. $380.00/yr. ISSN 00189200.
Digital format available. Information available:
This journal includes topics on the analysis, design, and performance of
solid-state circuits that may contain combinations of transistors, diodes, bulk-
effect devices, and magnetic devices.
404. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging. Piscataway, NJ: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1999– . Quarterly. $375.00/yr. ISSN
15213323. Digital format available. Information available:
This title focuses on the modeling, design, and analysis of advanced elec-
tronic and photonic packaging.
405. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Elec-
trical and Electronics Engineers, 1963– . Quarterly. $75.00. ISSN 00189316.
Digital format available. Information available:
tions/pubs/ pub_preview/bc_toc.html.
This publication covers devices, equipment, techniques, and systems re-
lated to broadcast technology, including the production, distribution, transmis-
sion, and propagation aspects.
406. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Piscataway, NJ:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1993– . Bimonthly. $195.00/yr.
ISSN 10636536. Digital format available. Information available: http://robot0.
This journal includes papers on technological advances in the design, reali-
zation, and operation of control systems.
407. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1986– . Quarterly. $315.00/yr. ISSN
08858969. Digital format available. Information available:
Topics of interest in this journal include the research, development, design
of equipment, structures, materials, and systems for electric energy.
408. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Piscataway, NJ: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1972– . Bimonthly. $295.00/yr. ISSN
00969994. Digital format available.
Information available:
Topics included in this journal are the development, design, manufacture,
and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls for the
processes and equipment of industry and commerce.
80 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

409. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electri-

cal and Electronics Engineers, 1999– . Quarterly. $300.00/yr. ISSN 15209210.
Digital format available. Information available:
Topics in this journal include signal processing for integration of media,
enabling technologies, human-machine interface and perception, multimedia
databases and file systems, visual and audio effects, multimedia communication
and networking, applications, and standards.
410. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. Piscataway, NJ: Insti-
tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1989– . Bimonthly. $350.00/yr.
ISSN 1042296X. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.
This title publishes robotics and automation papers on such topics as kine-
matics, dynamics, control, and simulation of robots and intelligent machines and
systems and design of robotic mechanisms.
411. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Piscataway, NJ: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1967– . Bimonthly. $350.00/yr. ISSN
00189545. Digital format available. Information available:
Included in this journal are such topics as land, airborne, and maritime mo-
bile services; communications services; vehicular electrotechnology, equipment
,and systems of the automotive industry; traction power, and signals, communi-
cations, and control systems for mass transit and railroads.
412. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. New York: American In-
stitute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 1929– . Monthly.
$1080.00/yr. ISSN 00014966. Digital format available. Information available:
This journal publishes theoretical and experimental research in the broad
interdisciplinary subject of sound. Subject coverage includes linear and nonlin-
ear acoustics, aeroacoustics, underwater sound, ultrasonics, architectural and
structural acoustics and vibration, and engineering acoustics.
413. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. New York: Audio Engineer-
ing Society, 1953– . Monthly, bimonthly. $140.00/yr. ISSN 00047554. Informa-
tion available:
This journal is devoted exclusively to audio technology.
414. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science
and Vision. Washington, DC: Optical Society of America, 1993– . Monthly.
$1075.00. ISSN 10847529. Digital format available. Information available:
This journal provides research articles on classical optics, image science,
and all aspects of vision.
4.8 Environmental Engineering / 81

415. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. Washing-

ton, DC: Optical Society of America, 1984– . Monthly. $1075.00. ISSN 07403224.
Digital format available. Information available:
This publication provides research findings on topics such as lasers; fiber
optics; nonlinear optics; optical coherent transients; multiphoton processes; ef-
fects of laser radiation; spectroscopy; and advances in nonlinear-optical materi-
als, science, and technology.
416. SMPTE Journal. Scarsdale, NY: Society of Motion Picture and Televi-
sion Engineers, 1976– . Monthly. $125.00/yr. ISSN 00361682.
This journal covers the field of motion imaging technology, including tele-
vision and motion pictures.

4.8 Environmental Engineering

417. Environmental Science and Technology. Washington, DC: American

Chemical Society, 1995– . Monthly. Subscription varies. ISSN 0013936X. Digital
format available. Information available:
This journal features research and news reports on environmental science,
technology, and policy analysis.
418. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. Pittsburgh,
PA: Air and Waste Management Association, 1995– . Monthly. $240.00/yr.
ISSN 10473289. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.awma.
This title serves professionals who are responsible for specification, instal-
lation, maintenance, and design of instrumentation and equipment to monitor,
analyze, collect, control, and dispose of air pollutants and wastes.
419. Journal of Environmental Engineering. New York: American Society
of Civil Engineers, 1983– . Monthly. $385.00/yr. ISSN 07339372. Digital for-
mat available. Information available:
Papers included in this journal cover broad interdisciplinary information on
the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, sys-
tems engineering, and sanitation.
420. Water Environment and Technology. Alexandria, VA: Water Environ-
ment Federation, 1989– . Monthly. $404.00. ISSN 10449493. Information avail-
This publication provides information on the design and engineering of
municipal wastewater treatment plants, as well as general water quality issues.
421. Water Environment Research. Alexandria, VA: Water Environment
Federation, 1992– . Bimonthly. $404.00. ISSN 10614303. Information avail-
82 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

Subjects covered by this journal range from the degradation of water re-
sources and basic concerns of groundwater quality and pollution control to new
methods for solving complex hazardous and toxic waste problems.

4.9 General Engineering

422. Ergonomics in Design: The Magazine of Human Factors Applications.

Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1993– . Quarterly.
$37.00/yr. ISSN 10648046. More information:
Topics covered in this journal include the application of ergonomic princi-
ples to improve the usability of products, systems, and environments.
423. Experimental Mechanics. Westport, CT: Society for Experimental Me-
chanics, 1961– . Quarterly. $275.00/yr. ISSN 00144851. Information available:
Papers in this journal cover education in, research on, and application of ex-
perimental mechanics.
424. Human Factors. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics So-
ciety, 1993– . Quarterly. $151.00/yr. ISSN 00187208. Information available:
This journal publishes research examining how humans relate to machines,
systems, and environments.
425. International Journal of Engineering Science. New York: Pergamon,
1963– . 18 issues., $2731.00/yr. ISSN 00207225. Information available:
This Society of Engineering Science journal publishes research demon-
strating the application of the physical, chemical, and mathematical sciences to
426. Technical Communication. Washington, DC: Society for Technical
Communication, 1971– . Quarterly. ISSN 00493155. Information available:
This journal publishes articles about the practical application of technical
communication theory.

4.10 Industrial Engineering

427. IIE Solutions. Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1995– .

Monthly. $60.00/yr. ISSN 10851259. Digital format available. Information
This journal presents applications in material handling, quality control,
production and inventory control, simulation, MRP, automatic identification,
4.11 Materials Engineering / 83

worker motivation, management strategies, ergonomics, worker safety, work

measurement, and automation.

4.11 Materials Engineering

428. American Ceramic Society Bulletin. Columbus, OH: American Ceramic

Society, 1946– . Monthly. $50.00/yr. ISSN 00027812. Information available:
This publication covers technology issues related to ceramic manufacturing.
429. Iron and Steelmaker. Warrendale, PA: Iron and Steel Society, 1980– .
Monthly. $75.00. ISSN 02758687. Information available:
This title provides information on technological breakthroughs and trends
in operating practices in the international iron and steelmaking industry.
430. JOM. Warrendale, PA: Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, 1989– .
Monthly. $167.00/yr. ISSN 10474838. Digital format available. Information
JOM covers all aspects of materials science and engineering in areas of
processing, fabrication, design, and application of metals and other materials.
431. Journal of Coatings Technology. Philadelphia, PA: Federation of Socie-
ties for Coatings Technology, 1976– . Monthly. $120.00/yr. ISSN 03610773. In-
formation available:
This journal covers the technical aspects of formulation, production, and
testing of coatings products, including fundamental and practical research data.
432. Journal of Electronic Materials. Warrendale, PA: The Minerals, Metals
and Materials Society, 1972– . Monthly. $352.00/yr. Digital format available.
Information available:
This journal is published by The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
and the Electronic Devices Society of the IEEE. It reports on the science and
technology of electronic materials and examines their applications.
433. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. Materials Park,
OH: ASM International, 1992– . Bimonthly. $760.00/yr. ISSN 10599495. Infor-
mation available:
The contents of this journal include materials selection, design, processing,
characterization, and evaluation.
434. Journal of Materials Research. Pittsburgh, PA: Published for the Materi-
als Research Society by the American Institute of Physics, 1986– . Monthly.
$720.00/yr. ISSN 08842914. Digital format available. Information available:
This journal covers materials research by encompassing the synthesis,
processing, characterization, properties, and theoretical description of materials.
84 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

435. MRS Bulletin. Pittsburgh, PA: Materials Research Society, 1975– .

Monthly. $160.00. ISSN 08837694. Information available:
MRS Bulletin publishes articles covering advanced materials research.
436. Plastics Engineering. Brookfield, CT: Society of Plastics Engineers,
1973– . $160.00/yr. ISSN 00919578. Digital format available. Information
This title promotes the science and technology of plastics engineering and
plastics business.

4.12 Mechanical Engineering

437. ASHRAE Journal. New York: American Society of Heating, Refrigerat-

ing and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1959– . Monthly. $59.00. ISSN 00012491.
Digital format available. Information available.
This title covers heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and heating news
and practical topics.
438. Combustion and Flame. New York: Elsevier, 1963– . 16 issues.
$1269.00/yr. ISSN 00102180. Information available:
This journal is published for the Combustion Institute and covers such top-
ics as atmospheric pollution from combustion, combustion in practical systems,
detonation waves, electrical aspects of flames, experimental techniques, fire
phenomena, and flame ignition.
439. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering. Boston: Society of Fire Protec-
tion Engineers, 1989– . Quarterly. $200.00/yr. ISSN 10423915. Information
This journal covers research and practical information on fire protection
440. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics. New York:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1935– . Quarterly. $250.00/yr.
ISSN 00218936. Information available:
Topics included in this journal are aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, boundary
layers, heat transfer, mechanical properties of materials, and micromechanics.
441. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measure-
ment, and Control. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
1971– . Quarterly. $215.00/yr. ISSN 00220434. Information available:
This journal includes articles on adaptive and optimal control, aerospace
systems, transportation, robotics, expert systems, and artificial intelligence.
4.12 Mechanical Engineering / 85

442. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Energy Resources Technology.

New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1979– . Quarterly.
$195.00/yr. ISSN 01950738. Information available:
This journal includes articles on offshore mechanics and technology, rock
and material mechanics for energy resources, and energy resource recovery from
biomass and solid wastes.
443. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines
and Power. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1984– .
Quarterly. $195.00/yr. ISSN 07424795. Information available: http://www.
Research articles in this journal feature gas turbine technology, fossil and
nuclear power generation, internal combustion engines, and aeronautical and
aerospace propulsion systems.
444. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Engineering Materials and
Technology. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1973– .
Quarterly. $205.00/yr. ISSN 00944289. Information available: http://www.
Topics covered in this journal include polymers, metal forming, composite
material, machining, and materials processing.
445. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Fluids Engineering. New York:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1973– . Quarterly. $215.00/yr.
ISSN 00982202. Digital format available. Information available: http://www.
Fluids engineering includes subjects on boundary layer flows, bubbly
flows, cavitation, flow meters, naval hydrodynamics, and pumps.
446. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Engineering. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996– .
Quarterly. $205.00/yr. ISSN 10871357. Information available: http://www.
This journal covers computer-integrated manufacturing, expert systems,
automation, design for manufacturing, sensors, robotics, and rail transportation.
447. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design. New York:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1978– . Quarterly. $215.00/yr.
ISSN 10500472. Information available:
Articles in this journal discuss robotic system design, gear design, cam de-
sign, stress in design, and design technology.
448. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.
New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1974– . Quarterly.
$205.00/yr. ISSN 00949930. Information available:
86 \ Chapter 4: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, and Newsletters

Pressure vessel technology involves piping, codes and standards, fabrica-

tion, high-pressure engineering, safety, and earthquake engineering.
449. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Tribology. New York: American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1984– . Quarterly. $215.00/yr. ISSN
07424787. Information available:
Topics in tribology include fluid film lubrication, human joints, bearing de-
sign, gears, metalworking, and friction.
450. Transactions on Mechatronics. New York: American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, 1996– . Quarterly. $275.00/yr. ISSN 10834485. Informa-
tion available:
Published as a cooperative effort between IEEE and ASME, this journal cov-
ers the integration of technical engineering with electronic and intelligent com-
puter control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes.

4.13 Mining Engineering

451. JPT: Journal of Petroleum Technology. Dallas, TX: Society of Petro-

leum Engineers, 1969– . Monthly. $45.00. ISSN 01492136. Information avail-
JPT covers topics of interest to the petroleum industry, including coverage
of the SPE programs, events, and other activities.
452. Mining Engineering. Littleton, CO: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and
Exploration, 1949–,. Monthly. $125.00/yr. ISSN 00265187. Information avail-
This journal covers the issues, developments, and technologies that affect
mining (underground, surface, and solution), exploration, operations, the proc-
essing of metals, health and safety, and the environment.

4.14 Nuclear Engineering

453. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of

Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963– . Bimonthly. $525.00/yr. ISSN
00189499. Digital format available. Information available:
Nuclear science and engineering topics included in this journal are the in-
strumentation for research, biomedical applications, radiation monitoring and
safety equipment, particle accelerators, instrumentation development for reactor
systems, effects of radiation on materials, and applications of radiation and nu-
clear energy to other than utility power generation.
4.14 Nuclear Engineering / 87

454. Nuclear Science and Engineering. New York: Academic Press, 1956– . 9
issues. $602.00/yr. ISSN 00295639.
This journal of the American Nuclear Society publishes research in scien-
tific areas related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and radiation.
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Chapter 5

Grey Literature:
Conference Literature,
Research and Technical
This chapter covers a very important source of information to engineers,
grey literature. This category of information includes conference literature, re-
search, and technical reports. Grey literature encompasses almost half of all sci-
ence, engineering, and technology publications. Some definitions categorize
grey literature as literature that is not directly accessible through the traditional
methods of organizing and presenting information. The Internet has reduced
some of the access difficulties associated with this literature. Access to technical
and other research reports, government information, and patent information, all
examples of grey literature, has greatly improved during the last few years.
Other types of grey literature include engineering projects, catalogs, guides, and
455. All-in-One Search Page. Technical Reports. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This site provides several options to search for technical reports, including
the AT&T Network Library, Bell Laboratories, Computer Science Bibliogra-
phies, and the Harvest Technical Report Broker.
456. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Scientific and Technical
Reports–Elements, Organization, and Design (ANSI/NISO Z39.18-1995).
38p. (National Information Standards Series). $55.00. ISBN 1880124246.
The elements, organization, and design of scientific and technical reports
are described in this standard. This resource provides guidance in organizing the
required and optional elements of the three major sections: frontmatter, text, and
backmatter. It also provides guidelines for the presentation of visual and tabular
matter, formatting, and pagination.

90 \ Chapter 5: Grey Literature

457. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Standard Technical Re-

port Number Format and Creation (ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997). 12p. (Na-
tional Information Standards Series). $39.00. ISBN 1880124300.
This standard specifies the format for a Standard Technical Report Number
458. American Physical Society (APS). The APS E-print Server. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This server provides multiple field searching, a listing of the 10 most recent
e-prints, and a listing of articles from the previous month. The name “e-prints”
derives from the original meaning: a preprint (pre-published article) in elec-
tronic form. The concept includes any electronic work circulated by the author
outside of the traditional publishing environment.
459. Auger, Charles P. Information Sources in Grey Literature. New Provi-
dence, NJ: Bowker-Saur, 1998. 177p. $72.95. ISBN 1857391942.
This book defines grey literature by exploring such issues as acquisition,
bibliographical control, cataloging, indexing, and distribution. Although it is
written from a British perspective, the author includes U.S. sources.
460. The Bayesian Analysis E-Print Archive. 1999 Available: http://omega. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This is a digital archive and distribution server for papers on the theory and
applications of Bayesian statistics.
461. Carnegie Mellon University. School of Computer Science. SCS Technical
Report Collection. 1999. Available:
index.html. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The following technical reports are available in this collection: Computer Sci-
ence Technical Reports, Robotics Institute Technical Reports, Center for Auto-
mated Learning and Discovery Reports, Language Technologies Institute Technical
Reports, and Human-Computer Interaction Institute and Information Technology
Center. It also includes reports from these collections: Mach Publications, Real-
Time Mach Publications, and Fox publications. Some collections date back to 1980.
462. Chemical Physics Preprint Database. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The Chemical Physics Preprint Database is a digital archive and distribu-
tion server for the international theoretical chemistry community.
463. Directory of Engineering Document Sources: A Consolidated Cross-Index
of Document Initialisms Assigned by Government and Industry Organizations
which Defines Sources for Technical/Management Specifications, Standards,
Reports and Related Publications. Englewood, CO: Global Engineering Docu-
ments, 1997. 890p. $99.00. ISBN 157053053X. Digital format available.
This directory provides a quick way to identify a document number, initials,
or acronym; identify the developing organization; and find alternate sources for
government, military, or industry specifications, standards, or documents.
Conference Literature, Research and Technical Reports / 91

464. Georgia Institute of Technology. Graphics, Visualization and Usability

Center (GVU). 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 26, 1999).
The GVU Center conducts research in four major areas: visual computing,
interaction and collaboration, communication and education, and future tech-
nologies. GVU research is available from the technical reports archive, which
begins with 1991.
465. Hewlett Packard Laboratories. HP Labs Technical Reports. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This site provides access to the abstracts of HP Labs Technical Reports
back to 1990. Some reports are available full-text.
466. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings (ISTP). Philadelphia: In-
stitute for Scientific Information. Information available:
This Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database covers international
scientific and technical conference proceedings. The digital version indexes ap-
proximately 960,000 papers since 1995 from 28,000 conference proceedings.
467. Indiana University. Indiana University Computer Science Department.
Technical Report Index. 1999. Available:
ports/ index.html. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This site contains the technical reports from Indiana University Computer
Science Department that are currently available electronically.
468. InterDok Directory of Published Proceedings. Series SEMT: Science,
Engineering, Medicine, Technology. Harrison, NY: InterDok, 1965– . 10 is-
sues. ISSN 00123293.
This series is published from September to June each year. Subject areas in-
clude algebraic geometry, composite materials, electrical engineering, molecu-
lar physics, transportation systems, and VLSI signal processing.
469. International Business Machines (IBM). IBM Research. 1999. Available: (Accessed October
26, 1999).
IBM’s site provides access to technical reports written by members of the
IBM Research community. Some reports are available full-text. Once a techni-
cal report is published in either a journal or conference proceedings, the techni-
cal report is replaced with a reference to the external source.
470. International Conference of High Performance Computing and Communi-
cation. SC Conference Series. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 26, 1999).
This conference series is sponsored by ACM SIGARCH and IEEE Com-
puter Society. Conference proceedings are available online from 1994. The site
also includes a history of the SC Conferences.
92 \ Chapter 5: Grey Literature

471. The Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Chemical Propulsion Informa-

tion Agency (CPIA). 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 26, 1999).
CPIA serves as a national clearinghouse for information, data, and analyses
on chemical, electrical, and nuclear propulsion for missile, space, and gun pro-
pulsion systems. The Internet version of the CPIA unlimited-distribution Pro-
pulsion Information Retrieval System (PIRS) contains 16,000 citations of DOD,
military services, NASA, technical reports, and JANNAF conference papers
covering 25 years of propulsion technology.
472. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26,
The MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory conducts research in many as-
pects of intelligence. The AI Lab’s publication bibliography database contains
citations, abstracts, and links to online publications.
473. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT Laboratory for
Computer Science. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 26, 1999).
The MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) has been responsible for
some of the most significant technological achievements, including the develop-
ment of the World Wide Web, the ARPAnet, the Internet, the Ethernet, time-
shared computers, UNIX, massively parallel computers, RSA encryption, the X
Windows system, and the NuBus. Archives of technical reports and memoran-
dums, as well as the research seminar series, are available.
474. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Networked Computer Sci-
ence Technical Reference Library (NCSTRL). 1999. Available: http://ncstrl. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (NSCTRL) is
an international collection of computer science technical reports from computer
science departments and industrial and government research laboratories.
475. The MITRE Corporation. Center for Advanced Aviation System Devel-
opment (CAASD). 1999. Available: (Accessed October
26, 1999).
The CAASD is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center
(FFRDC), sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration. The site contains
several full-text air traffic control technical papers, a searchable technical re-
ports database, and an acronym dictionary.
476. Musser, Linda R., and James A. Ruffner. Union List of Technical Re-
ports, Standards, and Patents in Engineering Libraries. Washington, DC:
American Society for Engineering Education, 1996. 43p. (Engineering Litera-
ture Guides, no. 21). $17.00. ISBN 0878231412.
Because grey literature can be difficult to locate, this union list assists infor-
mation specialists in locating potential collections for documents. It is organized
Conference Literature, Research and Technical Reports / 93

into nongovernmental technical reports, government technical reports, U.S. in-

dustry standards, government and international standards, patents, and other
477. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 26, 1999).
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), established
in 1915, publishes research reports, commentaries, reviews, colloquium papers,
and actions of the Academy. PNAS is a multidisciplinary journal that covers the
biological, physical, and social sciences. Some full-text is available.
478. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Center for Aero-
space Information (CASI). NASA Scientific and Technical Information Pro-
gram. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program provides
access to over 3 million aerospace and related citations. The CASI Technical Re-
ports Server (RECONselect) is a database that contains NASA technical reports
and aerospace-related open literature from 1970 through the present, selected
from the NASA RECON databases. The NASA Image eXchange (NIX) allows
the user to search distributed photo databases at NASA Centers. The NASA
Thesaurus is also accessible.
479. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). National Advi-
sory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). 1999. Available: http://naca.larc. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) operated from
1917 to 1958 and was the predecessor to NASA. In 1958 the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Act created NASA. This site provides bibliographic citations to
all NACA reports from 1921 to 1958.
480. National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
Established in 1971 at the University of California, Berkeley, the NISEE
provides access to technical research and development information in earth-
quake engineering and related fields of structural dynamics, geotechnical engi-
neering, engineering seismology, and earthquake hazard mitigation policy.
NISEE is located at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Cen-
ter. Earthquake Engineering Abstracts is a database that contains over 75,000
searchable abstracts for engineering reports from Pacific Earthquake Engineer-
ing Research Center (PEER); Earthquake Engineering Research Center, UC
Berkeley (EERC); Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory, Caltech
(EERL); and Civil Engineering, UC Berkeley (SEMM). There are several full-
text papers, such as “Collapsed Water Tower, Imperial Valley, 1979”; “General
Lessons in Earthquake Engineering”; “Kobe Japan Earthquake January 17,
1995”; “Historical Depictions of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake”; and “Northridge
California Earthquake January 17, 1994.”
94 \ Chapter 5: Grey Literature

481. Pinelli, Thomas E., et al. Knowledge Diffusion in the U.S. Aerospace In-
dustry: Managing Knowledge for Competitive Advantage. Greenwich, CT:
Ablex, 1997. 1052p. 2v. (Contemporary Studies in Information Management,
Policy, and Services). $157.00. ISBN 1567502253.
This work provides the results of research conducted for the NASA/DOD
Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. This research project exam-
ines the multiple aspects of knowledge diffusion—knowledge production, trans-
fer, and use—within the large commercial aircraft sector of the U.S. aerospace
industry. The Boeing Company’s 777 provides a primary case study from which
the absorption, assimilation, and integration of various kinds of knowledge are
482. RAND. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
RAND is a research institution that focuses on national defense, education
and training, health care, criminal and civil justice, labor and population, science
and technology, community development, international relations, and regional
studies. The database to search abstracts of all RAND documents is available for
unrestricted distribution; the site also includes several full-text titles.
483. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Stapp Car Crash Conference
Proceedings on CD-ROM. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers,
1999. $275.00. Information available:
This collection provides complete, full-text images of every paper pre-
sented at all Stapp Conferences since 1966, plus papers from the 1993 and 1997
Child Occupant Protection Symposiums. Coverage includes head/neck injury,
side impact, pelvic injury, child passenger protection, restraint system perform-
ance, and crash dummy development and performance.
484. SRI International. Artificial Intelligence Center (AIC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
SRI International’s Artificial Intelligence Center (AIC) is a major research
center in artificial intelligence. The database contains technical notes and papers.
485. Stanford University. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). HEP
Database. Updated regularly. Available:
find/hep. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The High Energy Database (HEP) covers more than 415,000 high-energy
physics related articles, including journal papers, preprints, e-prints, technical
reports, conference papers, and theses, received by the Stanford Linear Accel-
erator Center (SLAC) and the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Li-
braries since 1974.
486. Unified Computer Science TR Index (UCSTRI). 1998. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The entire index currently consists of over 14,000 reports from 185 interna-
tional sites, including Georgia Tech, Harvard, Keio University, Oxford Univer-
sity, and Sony.
Conference Literature, Research and Technical Reports / 95

487. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. National Computational

Science Alliance/National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The National Computational Science Alliance is a partnership among more
than 50 U.S. universities and research institutions. Full-text NCSA Preprints and
Technical Reports Series are available.
488. University of Oregon. Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory
(CIRL). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory supports research in
artificial intelligence, including search, knowledge representation, and reason-
ing. CIRL technical summaries, technical papers, and a list of public artificial in-
telligence systems are available. The papers and other experimental data from
the First International Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Operations
Research are accessible online.
489. University of Pennsylvania. Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
(IRCS). 1998. Available: (Accessed October
26, 1999).
The Institute for Research in Cognitive Science performs research in lin-
guistics, mathematical logic, philosophy, psychology, computer science, and
neuroscience. IRCS technical reports are available for searching from 1991.
490. University of Washington. Department of Computer Science and Engi-
neering. Technical Reports. 1999. Available:
research/tr/techreports.html. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This is a searchable index with full-text reports available dating back to
491. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Technical Information Service
(NTIS). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The NTIS is the official resource for government-sponsored U.S. and
worldwide scientific, technical, engineering, and business-related information.
Searchable files are available for standards and unclassified/unlimited technical
reports, including those titles added to the NTIS database in the previous 90
492. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Defense Technical Information
Center (DTIC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 26,
DTIC provides access to defense-related scientific and technical informa-
tion. Because of the nature of the information that DTIC handles, users must
qualify for service from DTIC. A significant portion of DTIC-held information
is available to the general public from the National Technical Information Serv-
ice (NTIS). DTIC holdings include technical reports, management summaries at
the technical effort and management system level, independent research and de-
velopment summaries, and special collections such as captured German and
Japanese documents from World War II. The Public STINET (Scientific and
96 \ Chapter 5: Grey Literature

Technical Information Network) includes access to unclassified, unlimited cita-

tions added to DTIC’s Technical Report (TR) Database since 1985, a variety of
links to databases and other sites containing DOD information, and a selection of
full-text documents. DTIC’s electronic version of Air University Library’s Index
to Military Periodicals is available. The DTIC Subject Category Coverage is
available at:
493. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Directory of Organizational Tech-
nical Report Acronym Codes (DOTRAC). 600p. (DTICTR9401; ADA281509).
Consult NTIS for price. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This compilation is a guide to acronyms assigned by the Defense Technical
Information Center (DTIC). Agencies include Department of Defense and other
federal government organizations and foreign military and nongovernmental
494. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). How to Get It: A Guide to Defense
Related Information Resources. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 26, 1999).
The How To Get It (HTGI) Directory lists references about government-
published or sponsored information, including documents, maps, patents, speci-
fications and standards, DOD directives and instructions, specialized scientific
and technical information sources, and other resources. A searchable edition and
listing of recent additions to the directory is available at this site. (Paper copy
available from DTIC, ADA346513.)
495. U. S. Department of Defense (DOD). U.S. Air Force (USAF). Air Univer-
sity Research Database. 1999. Available:
research.html. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
This searchable database contains information on all research being con-
ducted at Air University.
496. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE Information Bridge. 1998.
Available: (Accessed October 26, 1999).
The DOE Information Bridge is a component of DOE’s EnergyFiles. This
service provides access to full-text DOE research and development reports in
physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy tech-
nologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy,
and other topics. The current collection includes reports received and processed
since January 1996.
497. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE Reports Bibliographic Data-
base. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 26, 1999).
The DOE Reports Bibliographic Database contains citations for DOE-
sponsored scientific and technical reports from 1994 to the present. Current cita-
tions are added weekly.
Conference Literature, Research and Technical Reports / 97

498. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Los Alamos National Laboratory

(LANL). e-Print archive. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 26, 1999).
This site includes e-prints for physics, mathematics, nonlinear sciences,
and computers and computing. Preprints are available from 1991 to the present.
499. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL). Technical Publications. 1999. Available:
ORNL_reports.html. (Accessed October 26, 1999).
ORNL is managed for the DOE by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Cor-
poration to conduct basic and applied research and development in key areas of
science, energy, environment, and national security.
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Chapter 6

Handbooks, Manuals,
and Tables
Handbooks, manuals, and tables are among the primary information re-
sources used by engineers. They can provide detailed information on specific
topics to expand the engineer’s expertise or provide background information in
areas less familiar. These reference resources generally provide the reader with
diagrams, statistics, charts, tables, and references to additional reading. As this
chapter demonstrates, there are handbooks and manuals for every aspect of engi-
neering and technology activities. They are arranged by the following engineer-
ing disciplines: aerospace and aeronautical, agricultural, architectural, chemical,
civil, computer science, electrical, environmental, general, industrial, materials,
and mechanical.

6.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical


500. Aeronautical Information Manual: Official Guide to Basic Flight In-

formation and ATC Procedures (AIMBF). Washington, DC: U.S. Depart-
ment of Transportation (DOT). Federal Aviation Administration, 1998. Various
pagings. (TD 4.12/3 0431-C-05). $72.00. Available from Superintendent of
This manual provides the aviation community with basic flight information
and air traffic control (ATC) procedures for use in the National Airspace System
(NAS). It is updated on a regular basis.
501. AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide. Reston, VA: American Insti-
tute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1998. Various pagings. $49.95. ISBN
This classic guide has been revised to include a collection of commonly
used engineering reference data used for aerospace design. It includes material
on helicopter design and radar cross design.

100 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

502. Lucas, Michael J., et al. Handbook of the Acoustic Characteristics of

Turbomachinery Cavities. New York: ASME, 1997. 276p. $68.00. ISBN
This handbook is divided into two parts, acoustic resonator modeling and
flow-induced excitation modeling. It presents the engineering formulae needed
to calculate the acoustic resonant modes for ducts and cavities.
503. Merry, John A. 200 Best Aviation Web Sites: And 100 More Worth
Bookmarking: Unbiased Reviews of the Industry’s Finest Internet Offer-
ings. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 237p. $16.95. ISBN 0070016461.
The primary sections of this Internet directory include aviation directories,
organizations and associations, weather, pilot resources, museums, online
magazines and news, parts and supplies, entertainment, and employment. The
author applies a rating scheme based on content, layout and design, functional-
ity, and overall audience. Updates are available at http://www.200bestavia-
504. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Federal Aviation Administra-
tion. FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation is published annually and pro-
vides historical data and statistics on such topics as airports, general aviation air-
craft, and aircraft accidents.

6.2 Agricultural Engineering

505. CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering. St. Joseph, MI: Ameri-

can Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1999. 2505p. 5v. $185.00. ISBN
1892769018 (Vol. 1); 0929355989 (Vol. 2); 1892769026 (Vol. 3); 1892769034
(Vol. 4); 0929355970 (Vol. 5). Digital format available.
This comprehensive handbook covers land and water engineering; animal
production and aquacultural engineering; plant production engineering; agro
processing engineering; and energy and biomass engineering. Written by more
than 100 authors, the articles cover basic reference information as well as emerg-
ing technologies.
506. Montgomery, John H. Agrochemicals Desk Reference. Boca Raton, FL:
Lewis, 1997. 656p. $104.95. ISBN 1566701678.
Agrochemicals include pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. This refer-
ence book is based on more than 1,200 references pertaining to the fate and
transport of agrochemicals in the subsurface environment. Descriptions include
designations, physical and chemical properties, fire hazards, and health hazard
6.3 Architectural Engineering / 101

507. Waxman, Michael F. The Agrochemicals and Pesticides Handbook.

Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1998. 616p. $89.95. ISBN 1566702968.
The hazards of pesticides and chemicals are the focus of this practical re-
source, which provides information on more than 500 pesticides and 100 agri-
cultural chemicals. There is information on response procedures for fires, spills,
and other incidents involving these chemicals.

6.3 Architectural Engineering

508. American Institute of Architects (AIA). The Environmental Resource

Guide. New York: Wiley, 1999. Digital format. $125.00. ISBN 0471346187.
The purpose of this guide is to assist design professional to achieve envi-
ronmentally responsible architecture by making informed choices when they se-
lect and specify building materials. This reference is arranged in three major
sections: project reports, application reports, and material reports. The supple-
mental information includes methodology, publications, organizations, and a
509. Breyer, Donald, Kenneth J. Fridley, and Kelly E. Cobeen. Design of
Wood Structures, ASD. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings.
$65.00. ISBN 0070077169.
The purpose of this handbook is to introduce engineers and architects to
the design of wood structures. The authors rely on publications from the
American Forest and Paper Association, the International Conference of Build-
ing Officials, APA—The Engineered Wood Association, and the American In-
stitute of Timber Construction. Topics covered include wood buildings, design
loads, properties of wood and lumber grades, beam design, shearwalls, and
wood connections.
510. Butler, Robert B. Standard Handbook of Architectural Engineering: A
Practical Manual for Architects, Engineers, Contractors and Related Pro-
fessions and Occupations. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 1071p. Includes
digital data. $125.00. ISBN 0079136923.
The combination of the handbook and accompanying digital data can be
used to design almost every functional component in buildings. Over 96 design
tools are provided under design, structure, climate, plumbing, electrical, illumi-
nation, and acoustics sections. The book is well illustrated and indexed.
511. Gerhart, James. Everyday Math for the Building Trades. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1997. 247p. $24.95. ISBN 0070242666.
This is a practical field guide on how to apply mathematics to the various
trades of the construction industry. Some of the areas covered are measuring
tools, basic math for estimating, grading and excavating math, roofing math, and
math for heating and cooling. An appendix provides metric conversions as ap-
plied to construction.
102 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

512. Goodowens, James B. A User’s Guide to Federal Architect-Engineer

Contracts. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996. 494p.
$120.00. ISBN 0784401454.
This guide is useful for anyone who performs design services for the gov-
ernment and needs to understand architect-engineer contracts. This books walks
through the process beginning with the announcements in the Commerce Busi-
ness Daily, the negotiation process, selection process, proposal preparation, and
contract modification. This entire process is regulated by the Federal Acquisi-
tion Regulations (FAR).
513. Johnson, Alford, and Darren Szrom. Designing with Structural Steel: A
Guide for Architects. Chicago: American Institute of Steel Construction, 1998.
300p. $49.95. ISBN 1564240487.
This desk reference on structural steel for architects and engineers provides
reference information on a wide range of topics, including design ideas, struc-
tural systems, tolerances, coating systems, fire protection, thermal movement,
exposed structures, bending and shaping of steel, welding, and design tables and
representative dimensional information for beams and columns.
514. Means Building Construction Cost Data. Kingston, MA: RS Means,
1998. 685p. $84.95. ISBN 0876295014.
This book contains materials and installation unit prices for over 23,000 de-
tailed line items. The City Cost Indexes cover 930 areas.
515. Means Concrete and Masonry Cost Data. Kingston, MA: RS Means,
1998. 525p. $77.95. ISBN 0876295154
This source includes extensive reference cost data on concrete and masonry
materials products, techniques, and installation methods.
516. Means Costworks. Kingston, MA: RS Means, 1999. Digital format. In-
formation available:
This digital product contains 14 Means construction cost books. The sub-
scriber can profile the subscription to titles wanted.
517. Means Mechanical Cost Data. Kingston, MA: RS Means, 1998. 590p.
$87.95. ISBN 0876295030.
This source provides unit costs for HVAC/controls components; localiza-
tion factors for cost zones in the United States and Canada. Information provided
includes over pipe and fittings, plumbing fixtures and appliances, heating com-
ponents, and air conditioning and ventilation listings.
518. The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual. Rosemont, IL: National
Roofing Contractors Association, 1996. Vol. 1. Low-Slope Roofing Text. Vol. 2.
Steep Roofing. Metal Roofing. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing. 1858p.
$295.00. Digital format available. Information available:
This manual provides technical information concerning the design and in-
stallation of quality roof assemblies. It includes specification plates, isometric
and section views, and quality illustrations. Sections include low-slope and
6.4 Chemical Engineering / 103

steep-slope roof systems, low-slope specifications, construction details, metal

roof systems, spray-applied polyurethane foam roof systems, waterproofing and
dampproofing, energy, and a glossary.

6.4 Chemical Engineering

519. Archer, Wesley L. Industrial Solvents Handbook. New York: Marcel

Dekker, 1996. 316p. Includes digital data. $145.00. ISBN 0824797183.
This is a comprehensive reference book on the physical and chemical prop-
erties, uses, and toxicity of organic solvents as used in chemical industries. The
definition of a solvent is a substance in which another substance is dissolved,
forming a solution. Environmental laws, recommended safe handling proce-
dures, and chemical reactivity are covered.
520. Basmadjian, Diran. The Little Adsorption Book: A Practical Guide for
Engineers and Scientists. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 138p. $34.95. ISBN
This guide outlines the basic knowledge of the adsorption process not gen-
erally covered in textbooks or reference handbooks. It is illustrated with graphs,
charts, and formulas.
521. Branan, Carl. Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers. Houston, TX:
Gulf, 1998. 418p. $79.00. ISBN 0884157881.
This tool helps to solve field engineering problems; it includes information
on the latest developments in geographic information systems, process safety
management, and pipeline toughness.
522. Caruthers, J. M., et al. Handbook of Diffusion and Thermal Properties
of Polymers and Polymer Solutions. New York: Design Institute for Physical
Property Data: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1998. 192p. Includes
digital data. $175.00. ISBN 0816907625.
This handbook provides accurate evaluated physical and thermodynamic
data for polymers and polymer solutions. Accompanying software enables the
user to electronically access the data compiled in the handbook. Ths book pro-
vides additional references and abbreviations for polymers and solvents.
523. Chase, Malcolm V. NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables. Parts I and
II. Washington, DC; New York: American Chemical Society; American Insti-
tute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998.
1952p. 2v. Part 1. Al–Co. Part 2. Cr–Zn. (Journal of Physical and Chemical
Reference Data, Monograph no. 9. 1998). $195.00. ISBN 1563968312.
This source provides revised key temperature-dependent thermochemical
properties, including heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy, Gibb’s energy formation,
fusion data, vaporization data, sublimation data, and the logarithm of the equi-
librium constant of formation for over 47 elements and their compounds.
104 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

524. Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. Pressure Safety Design Practices for Refin-

ery and Chemical Operations. Westwood, NJ: Noyes, 1998. 384p. $72.00.
ISBN 081551414X.
This is a reference guide for pressure relieving operations in petroleum re-
fineries and chemical plants. The design practices are compiled from the Ameri-
can Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the American Petroleum Institute
(API), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and other professional
resources. The range of topics includes an introduction to petroleum refinery op-
erations, fluid solids operations, light ends processing operations, and design of
disposal systems.
525. Cheryan, Munir. Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration. Lancaster, PA:
Technomic, 1998. 539p. $95.00. ISBN 1566765986.
This resource provides a comprehensive presentation of ultrafiltration sci-
ence and technology. Topics covered include the use of membrane method for
clarification, sterilization slurry dewatering, and waste treatment. Applications
examined include food and beverages, water and wastewater, chemical process-
ing, pulp and paper, textiles, and biotechnology.
526. Davletshina, Tatyana A., and Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff. Fire and Explo-
sion Hazards Handbook of Industrial Chemicals. Westwood, NJ: Noyes,
1998. 484p. $86.00. ISBN 0815514298.
This handbook provides information on fire and chemical reactivity of
commonly used chemicals. The basic definition of a “hazardous materials inci-
dent” is a situation that may potentially lead to a catastrophic fire or explosion.
More than 1,000 chemicals are covered. Descriptions include chemical names
and synonyms.
527. Dickenson, T. C. Filters and Filtration Handbook. New York: Elsevier,
1997. 1094p. $243.00. ISBN 1856173224.
This source covers the basic principles, filter media, types of filters, types
of separators, liquids and solids, air filtration, oils, and filter selection. Filtration
and/or separation basically fall into categories: solids-gas separation, solids-
liquids separation, liquids-liquids separation, and solids-solids separation. Ac-
companying tables, photographs, illustrations, and company/product directory
enhance the usefulness of this reference resource.
528. Flick, Ernest W. Industrial Solvents Handbook. Westwood, NJ: Noyes,
1998. 963p. $145.00. ISBN 0815514131.
This reference volume is used for chemical and other process industries
with over 1,200 tables containing basic data on the physical properties of most
solvents. It includes hydrocarbon solvents, halogenated hydrocarbons, nitropar-
affins, organic sulfur compound, phenols, ethers, ketones, acids, and esters. It
provides comparative data for various solvents.
6.4 Chemical Engineering / 105

529. Genium’s Handbook of Safety, Health, and Environmental Data for

Common Hazardous Substances. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 4000p. 3v.
Includes digital data. $425.00. ISBN 0079136141.
This comprehensive compendium of information covers physical data, tox-
icity and health hazards, and environmental considerations for over 4,700
chemicals. It focuses primarily on materials regulated by the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), with physical data, toxicity data, fire data, exposure data, envi-
ronmental data, regulations, environmental fate data, and analytical methods.
530. Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic
Chemicals. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis. Vol. 1. Large Production and Priority
Pollutants. 1989. 574p. $99.95. ISBN 0873711513. Vol. 2 Solvents. 1990.
576p. $99.95. ISBN 0873714048. Vol. 3. Pesticides. 1991. 684p. $99.95. ISBN
0873713281. Vol. 4. Solvents 2. 1993. 578p. $99.95. ISBN 087371413X. Vol.
5. Solvents 3. 1997. 491p. $94.95. ISBN 087371976X.
This series of reference books outlines in detail how individual chemicals
are released, transported, and degraded in the environment. Also covered is how
they are exposed to humans and environmental organisms. Descriptions include
substance identification, chemical and physical properties, environmental fate
and exposure potential, and literature references.
531. Hocking, Martin B. Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution
Control. San Diego, CA: Academic, 1998. 777p. $125.00. ISBN 012350810X.
This handbook can be used as a general source of information on process
chemistry and air and water pollution chemistry. Topics covered include air qual-
ity measurement, air pollution control, quality measurement, raw water process-
ing, ore enrichment, production of iron and steel, production of pulp and paper,
fermentation, and petrochemicals. References and a detailed index are included.
532. Keith, Lawrence H. Environmental Endocrine Disrupters: A Handbook
of Property Data. New York: Wiley, 1997. 1232p. $125.00. ISBN 0471191264.
Digital format available.
The purpose of this publication is to provide information on chemical,
physical, and toxicology properties of environmental endocrine disrupters. This
handbook provides information for about 67 environmental endocrine disrupters
(EEDs). Descriptions include identifying information; endocrine disrupter in-
formation; chemical and physical information; hazardous properties; medical
symptoms of exposure; and production, use, and pesticide labeling.
533. Kline, Andrew A., et al. Environmental, Safety, and Health Data Com-
pilation. Volume 1. New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
1998. 500p. $225.00. ISBN 0816907536.
This is the first volume of a series that will be issued on an annual basis, pro-
viding environmental, safety, and health data on regulated and nonregulated chemi-
cals selected from the following sources: the 1990 Clean Air Act amendment, the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Process Safety Management list,
106 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

and the Environmental Protection Agency Risk Management Plan. Properties

are organized into these categories: oxygen demand parameters; partitioning pa-
rameters, general physical properties, vapor-liquid equilibria; fire and explosion
parameters; and aquatic toxicity for fish.
534. Knarr, Orvis M. Industrial Gaseous Leak Detection Manual. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 240p. $69.95. ISBN 0070351805.
Leak detection is critical in the manufacturing process. This handbook ex-
plains the science, equipment, and procedures of this important field. The author
includes a historic overview, gas behavior, test parts and systems, equipment,
standards, and a glossary.
535. Lewis, Richard J. Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. 1644p. $125.00. ISBN 0442023227.
This reference covers over 5,000 compounds commonly used in industry,
manufacturing, and laboratories. It provides essential data profiles for each
chemical, assessing their hazard potential as poisons, irritants, corrosives, explo-
sives, and carcinogens. Descriptions include synonyms such as chemical names,
common, or generic names; foreign names; codes; and use as part of trademarks.
The book includes the CAS number cross-index, a synonym cross-index, and a
DOT guide number cross-index.
536. Lewis, Richard J. Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. 3435p. $500.00. ISBN 047128694X.
Digital format available.
Critical information on chemical substances, including health and safety data,
regulatory standards, toxicity, and physical properties is included in this book
537. Lide, David R. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics CRCnetBASE
1999. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. Digital format. $195.00. ISBN 0849397200.
All the text and figures found in the 79th edition of Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics are available on this digital product. It contains frequently used data
in science, including the periodic table of the elements, basic constants and units,
and geophysical data.
538. Mackay, Donald, Wan Ying Shiu, and Kuo-Ching Ma. Illustrated Handbook of
Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate for Organic Chemicals.
Boca Raton, FL: Lewis. 1992–1997. Vol. 1. Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons, Chloro-
benzenes, and PCB’s. 916p. 1992. ISBN 0873715136. Vol. 2 Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons, Polychlorinated Dioxins, and Dibenzofurans. 597p. 1992. ISBN
0873715837. Vol. 3. Volatile Organic Chemicals. 916p. 1993. ISBN 0873719735.
Vol. 4. Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Containing Compounds. 962p. 1995. ISBN
1566700353. Vol. 5. Pesticide Chemicals. 1997. 1566702550. Digital format available.
This series provides comprehensive reference handbooks that focus on en-
vironmental fate prediction. Descriptions list the CAS number; structure, mo-
lecular mass; melting and boiling points; and estimated half-lives in air, water,
soil, and sediments.
6.4 Chemical Engineering / 107

539. Montgomery, John H. Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference. Boca

Raton, FL: Lewis, 1996. 1345p. $149.95. ISBN 1566701651.
This source covers hundreds of chemicals and chemical compounds, pro-
viding information on environmental fates based on more than 1,400 references.
540. Ney, Ronald E. Fate and Transport of Organic Chemicals in the Envi-
ronment: A Practical Guide. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998.
370p. $59.00. ISBN 0865876266.
This guide provides equations and other information needed to predict the
fate and transport of chemicals in air, water, soil, flora, and fauna. It lists 22
mathematical calculations for predicting the fate and transport of non-pesticide
organic compounds, includes data for commonly encountered chemical sub-
stances; and explains hazard prediction based on chemical structure.
541. NFPA Haz-Mat Quick Guide. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection As-
sociation, 1997. 1077p. (NFPA No. HAZGD97). $65.00. ISBN 0877654263.
Digital format available.
This guide includes summaries of over 2,000 common chemicals listed in
the NFPA 49, NFPA 325, NFPA 491, and the North American Emergency Re-
sponse Guide (NAERG).
542. Patnaik, Pradyot. Handbook of Environmental Analysis: Chemical Pol-
lutants in Air, Water, Soil and Solid Wastes. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1997.
584p. $89.95. ISBN 0873719891.
This handbook provides a discussion on the analytical techniques and the
methods of determination of chemical pollutants in aqueous, solid, and air sam-
ples. Appendices include information on formulas and statistics, characteristics
of organic pollutants not listed in this reference, volatility of some organic sub-
stances, and a list of NIOSH methods for air analysis.
543. Perry, Robert H., and Don W. Green. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Hand-
book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. 2200p. $129.50. ISBN 0070498415.
This classic reference book covers all aspects of chemical engineering, in-
cluding chemical and physical property data and fundamentals of chemical engi-
neering. The major section of the book deals with processes divided into heat
transfer operations, distillation, kinetics, liquid-liquid, and liquid-solid.
544. Pohanish, Richard P., and Stanley A. Greene. Hazardous Chemical
Safety Guide for the Machining and Metalworking Industries. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1999. 833p. $79.95. ISBN 0070504997.
This easy-to-use guide describes the hazardous materials used in metal fin-
ishing, surface preparation, and plating industries. Each chemical record is pre-
sented in a uniform structure that includes such data as chemical names, trade
names, physical properties, and the relevant safety and environmental compli-
ance data.
108 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

545. Pohanish, Richard P., and Stanley A. Greene. Hazardous Materials

Handbook. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. 1792p. $159.95. ISBN
0442022123. Digital format available.
This reference provides critical data on methods to reduce chemical acci-
dents. Information covers commonly used industrial materials, including stor-
age, handling, and transportation of hazardous and toxic chemicals. A directory
lists more than 1,350 hazardous materials.
546. Pohanish, Richard P., and Stanley A. Greene. Hazardous Substances Re-
source Guide. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 1997. 800p. $205.00. ISBN
This guide provides information on approximately 1,500 chemical hazard-
ous materials found in a variety of environments. Descriptions include defini-
tions, effects, laws, handling, and resources for additional research.
547. Prager, Jan C. Environmental Contaminant Reference Databook. New
York: Wiley, 1997. $395.00. ISBN 0471314595. Digital format available.
This reference is a compendium of physical, chemical, and biological ef-
fects of environmental contaminants. It identifies regulated chemicals and
chemicals of special interest to environmental and safety professionals. Descrip-
tions include CAS numbers, SAX numbers, sampling, detection limits, molecu-
lar formula, common uses, manufacturers, and standards.
548. Purchas, Derek B. Handbook of Filter Media. Oxford, UK: Elsevier,
1996. 577p. $154.00. ISBN 1856172783.
This detailed handbook covers all types of filter media, including textiles,
filter papers, air and gas filters, screens and meshes, porous sheets, membranes,
loose powders, and testing filter media. Product and company information re-
flects the European perspective of the author.
549. Rafson, Harold J. Odor and VOC Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1998. 800p. $99.95. ISBN 0070525234.
This handbook is a compilation of reference articles by over 50 experts.
Emphasis is on treating odors and volatile organic compounds (VOC) generated
by industrial sources. Topics covered include analytical methods, modeling, air
pollution prevention, foul air collection, emission control technology, regula-
tions, and social and business issues. There are numerous illustrations, tables,
and references.
550. Reinhard, Martin, and Axel Drefahl. Toolkit for Estimating Physio-
chemical Properties of Organic Compounds. New York: Wiley, 1999. Digital
format. $365.00. ISBN 0471194921.
This is a comprehensive survey of published property estimation methods
and a Windows-based program for property estimating capabilities used in
chemical synthesis and manufacturing. It is used to estimate the 15 key proper-
ties for organic compounds according to algorithms from literature sources.
6.5 Civil Engineering / 109

551. Urben, P. G. Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards.

Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. 2100p. 2v. $235.00. ISBN
0816915575. Digital format available.
This resource covers over 4,800 elements or compounds; there are 5,000
additional secondary entries involving two or more chemicals. Specific chemi-
cals, elements, and compounds are arranged in formula order. Other information
includes tabulated fire-related data, a glossary of abbreviations and technical
terms, an index of CAS registry numbers, chemical names, and synonyms.
552. Varela, Joe. Hazardous Materials Handbook for Emergency Respond-
ers. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. 535p. $79.95. ISBN 0442021046.
Information is provided for the following nine classes of hazardous materi-
als emergencies: explosive, gas, flammable and combustible liquid, flammable
solid, oxidizer, poison, radioactive, corrosive, and miscellaneous. Appendices
include a glossary of common haz-mat terms, Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS), hazardous materials information resources, and hazardous materials
553. Verschueren, Karel. Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals. New
York: Wiley, 1996. 2064p. $215.00. ISBN 0471286591. Digital format available.
This source provides comprehensive coverage of dangerous compounds
and control methods designed to reduce destructive impact on the environment.
554. Weisend, J. G. Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering. Philadelphia, PA:
Taylor & Francis, 1998. 604p. $125.00. ISBN 1560323329.
Topics covered here include properties of cryogenic fluids, properties of
cryogenic materials, composite materials, magnetic materials for cryogenic re-
frigeration, cryogenic properties of polymers, cryogenic instrumentation, refrig-
erants for normal refrigeration, superconducting magnet technology, and safety.
555. Wypych, G. Handbook of Fillers: The Definitive User’s Guide and Da-
tabook of Properties, Effects and Uses. Toronto: ChemTech, 1999. 910p.
$285.00. ISBN 1895198194.
This reference is based on over 1,400 research papers and technical data
from over 160 manufacturers. It includes descriptions of chemical composition,
physical properties, optical, electrical, manufacturers, and applications.

6.5 Civil Engineering

556. Aluminum Design System (ADS). Washington, DC: The Aluminum As-
sociation, 1998. Digital format. $695.00.
This version of The Aluminum Design Manual is a comprehensive manual
on aluminum design. It includes allowable stress design specifications, building
load and resistance design (LRFD) specifications, materials, materials proper-
ties and section properties, and design aids. It is an excellent reference source for
working with aluminum design information.
110 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

557. Amrhein, James E. Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook Clay

and Concrete Masonry. Los Angeles, CA: Masonry Institute of America; Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 469p. $89.95. ISBN 0849375517.
This handbook on reinforced masonry engineering design covers coeffi-
cients, tables, charts, and design data. It also incorporates relevant portions of the
Uniform Building Code (UBC) and other relevant standards such as those from
the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Lists of symbols, notations, and refer-
ences are included.
558. Brockenbrough, Roger L., and Kenneth J. Boedecker. Highway Engi-
neering Handbook: Building and Rehabilitating the Infrastructure. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Various pagings. $110.00. ISBN 0070087776.
Subject areas covered include environmental issues; highway location, de-
sign, and traffic; pavement design and rehabilitation; bridge engineering, cul-
verts, and drainage; safety systems; signing; roadway lighting; and retaining
walls, noise walls, and value engineering. The book includes detailed diagrams,
charts, tables, and photographs.
559. Chen, Wai-Fah. Structural Engineering Handbook CRCnetBASE.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. $129.00. Digital format. ISBN 0849397596. Paper
format available.
This handbook is marketed as a database because it is updated on an annual
basis. Subject areas covered include fundamentals and special structures, and
special topics include shock and seismic loading, underground pipes, fatigue and
fracture, and computer-aided analysis and design.
560. Chen, Wai-Fah, and Lian Duan. Bridge Engineering Handbook. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 1600p. $135.00. ISBN 0849374340.
This handbook covers every major area of bridge engineering, design, con-
struction, and maintenance, with special examination of rehabilitation, retrofit,
and maintenance. Topics covered include structural theory, bridge aesthetics,
steel box girder bridges, seismic design of concrete and steel bridges, fatigue and
fracture, and international design practices.
561. Delleur, Jacques W. The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 1280p. Includes digital data. $99.95. ISBN 0849326982.
This handbook covers groundwater from an engineering perspective, pro-
viding treatment descriptions of the flow of groundwater, transport of sub-
stances, construction of wells and well fields, site characterization, and
remediation of groundwater pollution.
562. Dobrowolski, Joseph A. Concrete Construction Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. (McGraw-Hill Handbooks). $94.95.
ISBN 007017198X.
This edition incorporates environmental requirements, new materials,
equipment, standards, and methods. Chapters cover materials for concrete, prop-
erties, proportioning mixes, formwork, finishing and curing, precast and
6.5 Civil Engineering / 111

prestressed concrete, architectural concrete, and repair of concrete. Documenta-

tion includes photographs, charts, illustrations, references, and tables.
563. Faherty, Keith F., and Thomas G. Williamson. Wood Engineering and
Construction Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings.
$128.95. ISBN 0070220700.
This reference provides information and procedures to design wood struc-
tures or structural wood components. It includes design equations, design proce-
dures, and design data. Basic information covers the physical and mechanical
properties of wood, commercial lumber and other wood product standards, pre-
servatives, and fire-resistive designs. The book is illustrated with tables, charts,
photographs, and formulas.
564. Galambos, Theodore V. Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal
Structures. New York: Wiley, 1998. 911p. $95.00. ISBN 0471127426.
This guide, sponsored by the Structural Stability Research Council
(SSRC), covers the behavior of compressive components of metal structures and
structural systems. Topics covered include columns, plates, beams, girders, cir-
cular tubes, bracing, arches, and stability under seismic loading. Appendices in-
clude references and SSRC Technical Memorandums.
565. Gaylord, Edwin H., Charles N. Gaylord, and James E. Stallmeyer. Struc-
tural Engineering Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. Various pag-
ings. $115.00. ISBN 0070237247.
This reference book covers a wide variety of engineering structures, includ-
ing industrial buildings, tall buildings, bridges, thin-shell structures, arches, sus-
pension roofs, tanks for liquid storage, bins and silos, transmission towers,
chimneys, and buried conduits.
566. Geddes, Spence, and John Williams. Estimating for Building and Civil
Engineering Works. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. 313p.
$59.95. ISBN 0750627972.
Written from a British perspective, this resource is used in estimating the
cost for building and construction projects. Topics covered include contract
forms, demolitions, piling, groundwork, quarry work, drainage, and weight of
567. Helbig, Klaus, and Sven Treitel. Seismic Exploration on CD-ROM. New
York: Elsevier, 1997. Digital format. $245.50. ISBN 0080424422.
This is an authoritative digital reference library, with 15 of the most fre-
quently read volumes from the Handbook of Geophysical Exploration Series
and Advances in Exploration Geophysics Series. It includes over 5,500 fully
searchable pages and 3,500 relevant abstracts.
112 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

568. Highway Capacity Manual. Washington, DC: Transportation Research

Board, National Research Council, 1994. 570p. (Special Report 209). $80.00.
ISBN 0309055164. (1997 Updates. $90.00. Includes digital data.).
This manual provides a collection of techniques for conducting highway
capacity analyses. It covers principles of capacity, freeways, rural and suburban
highways, and urban streets. Appendices include a glossary and a list of sym-
bols. Information is available at
569. Hoffman, Edward S., et al. Structural Design Guide to the AISC
(LRFD) Specification for Buildings. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1996. 306p.
$64.95. ISBN 0412068710
This handbook is designed to identify more profitable routine designs using the
AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification (LRFD) for structural steel
buildings. Topics covered include structural materials and economics, structural
analysis and LRFD design, beams and girders, trusses, connections, and columns.
570. Hunt, T. and N. Vaughn. Hydraulic Handbook. New York: Elsevier,
1996. 742p. $175.00. ISBN 1856172503.
This handbook covers the basics of hydraulic engineering. Topics covered
include the properties of fluids, hydraulic pumps, valves, pipework, seals, fluids
maintenance, and circuits. The last sections address a variety of applications in-
cluding mechanical handling, industrial robots, injection molding machines,
aerospace hydraulics, and hydraulics in medicine.
571. Kavazanjian, E., et al. Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake En-
gineering for Highways. Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration,
1997. 2v. (Geotechnical Engineering Circular 3; FHWA-SA-97-076). Vol. 1.
Design Principles. (PB98111560). Vol. 2. Design Examples. (PB98111578).
Available from National Technical Information Service.
This document presents a series of five design examples illustrating the
principles and methods of geotechnical earthquake engineering and seismic de-
sign for highway facilities.
572. Kett, Irving. Asphalt Materials and Mix Design Manual. Westwood,
NJ: Noyes, 1998. 249p. $58.00. ISBN 0815514255.
This manual describes several forms of asphalt: asphalt cement, cutback as-
phalt, and asphalt emulsions. The procedures outlined are derived from ASTM
designations and practice as recommended by the Asphalt Institute. There is an
overview of asphalt technology, including sources, historical development, and
classifications of asphalt products.
573. Lamm, Ruediger, Basil Psarianos, and Theodor Mailaender. Highway De-
sign and Traffic Engineering Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Various pagings. $115.00. ISBN 0070382956.
This handbook examines the interrelationships among highway design,
driving behavior, driving dynamics, and traffic safety. Reference information in-
cludes classification of roads, human factors, and international road safety.
6.5 Civil Engineering / 113

574. Levy, Sidney M. Construction Databook. New York: McGraw-Hill,

1999. 692p. $79.95. ISBN 0070383650.
This reference book contains information on common construction materi-
als and components. It includes product specifications and installation and main-
tenance data. Specific topics covered include concrete; roofing; fireproofing;
acoustics; elevators; and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.
575. Lund, John W. Geothermal Direct Use Engineering and Design Guide-
book. Klamath Falls, OR: Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology,
1998. 454p.
This technical handbook, prepared under the sponsorship of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Energy (DOE), includes comprehensive information on geothermal re-
sources. It covers development, utilization, economics, financing, and regulation.
576. McAllister, E. W. Pipe Line Rules of Thumb Handbook: A Manual of
Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipe Line Engineering Problems.
Houston, TX: Gulf, 1998. 602p. $79.00. ISBN 0884156710.
This handbook provides quick solutions, shortcuts, and calculations for con-
struction, pipe design, electrical design, hydrostatic testing, pipe line drying, control
valves, corrosion, measurement, and maintenance problems. Each section poses
problems and solutions that incorporate standards and other technical information.
577. McGraw-Hill Electronic Structural Detail Library. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998. Digital format.
This digital resource contains the contents of the McGraw-Hill Standard
Handbook of Structural Details for Building Construction, by Morton Newman.
It includes the most frequently encountered drawings of structural detail assem-
blies and shapes and parts for all classifications of construction and materials.
578. Minsk, L. David. Snow and Ice Control Manual for Transportation Fa-
cilities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 289p. (Construction Series). $87.95.
ISBN 0070428093.
The author covers the fundamentals of snow and ice control. Topics cov-
ered include the properties of snow, equipment, and unique situations for trains
and airports. Almost one-third of this book is devoted to reference materials,
chemicals and their properties, a bibliography, and a glossary of terms.
579. Nawy, Edward G. Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 1232p. $105.00. ISBN 0849326664.
This reference tool covers the latest advances in engineered concrete mate-
rials, reinforced concrete construction, specialized construction techniques, and
design recommendations.
580. Ryerson, Robert A. Manual of Remote Sensing. New York: Wiley, 1998.
3v. ISBN 0471294063.
Volume 1 is on earth observing platforms and sensors. Volume 2 discusses
principles and applications of imaging radar. Volume 3 covers remote sensing
for the earth sciences.
114 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

581. Traffic Signing Handbook. Washington DC: Institute of Transportation

Engineers, 1997. 347p. (Publication Number IR-092). $50.00. Information
This handbook contains information on signs, standards, planning and en-
gineering studies, sign design, materials, fabrication, installation, maintenance,
vandalism control, unique urban considerations, sign shop organization, inspec-
tion, and inventory systems. Other topics under discussion include how to deter-
mine when a sign is needed, human factors, and political and citizen requests.
Appendices contain both the English and metric editions of the Standard Alpha-
bets for Highway Signs and Pavement Markings, reprinted from the U.S. De-
partment of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration.
582. Trip Generation. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers,
1997. 1700p. 3v. $250.00. ISBN 0935403094.
This version has data from more than 750 new studies, which resulted in the
addition of new land uses (e.g., light rail transit station with parking and multipur-
pose recreational facility). Volumes 1 and 2 cover land use descriptions and data
plots. Volume 3 is a user’s guide. Trip generation studies estimate the number of
trips that may be generated by particular building or land use. The existing database
now has a combined total of more than 3,750 individual trip generation studies.
583. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Reclamation. Water Measure-
ment Manual. 1997. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
The entire contents of the Water Measurement Manual, provided by the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agri-
culture, is available at this site. This version is based on the third edition, re-
leased in 1997. It covers topics ranging from the basics of flowing water to
selection of water measuring devices to submerged orifices.
584. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Office of the Under Secretary of De-
fense for Acquisition and Technology. DOD Contractors’ Safety Manual for
Ammunition and Explosives. Washington, DC: U.S. Department. of Defense,
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, 1997. (DOD
4145.26M). Available from National Technical Information Service.
This manual provides safety standards common to DOD and private indus-
try ammunition and explosives operations and facilities. The DOD 6055.9-STD,
DOD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards (October 1992), establishes
these safety standards and serves as the primary source document from which
this unclassified manual is derived.
585. U.S. Department of the Interior. Engineering Geology Field Manual. Wash-
ington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1998. 2v.
(I27.19/2:EN3/2/998/V.1-0660-B). Available from Government Printing Office.
6.6 Computer Science Engineering / 115

This manual provides reference and terminology material used for classifi-
cation and descriptions of soil, surficial deposits, and rocks. Guidelines for geo-
logic mapping, discontinuity surveys, sampling, testing, and instructions for
core logging are also available.
586. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Federal Highway Administra-
tion (FHA). Highway Statistics. 1997. Available:
prod.html. (Accessed October 28, 1999).
The publication Highway Statistics can be searched here beginning with
1994. FHWA’s Office of Highway Information Management also publishes a
summary volume every ten years, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, which is
also available at this site.
587. Wallingford, H. R., and D. I. H. Barr. Tables for the Hydraulic Design of
Pipes, Sewers and Channels. London, UK: Thomas Telford, 1998. 2v.
$120.00. ISBN 0727726390.
This standard reference has been updated to include assessments of rough-
ness sizes for design when installing relatively smooth pipes and additional
losses at bends. It includes detailed tables and diagrams.

6.6 Computer Science Engineering

588. Atallah, Mikhail J. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook.

Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 1200p. $89.95. ISBN 0849326494.
This compendium of algorithms and data structures includes discussions of
specific algorithms, such as those for drawing graphs, for robotics, and for form-
ing a VLSI chip.
589. Liebowitz, Jay. The Handbook of Applied Expert Systems. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC, 1998. 744p. $89.95. ISBN 0849331064.
This handbook examines the latest technologies, applications, methodolo-
gies, and practices of expert systems. Topics covered include fuzzy systems, ge-
netic algorithm development, machine learning, and knowledge representation.
590. Menezes, Alfred, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone. Hand-
book of Applied Cryptography. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 780p. $94.95.
ISBN 0849385237.
The authors draw upon their own experience with applications of crypto-
graphic knowledge in industrial settings. Each section includes notes and further
references for additional research. The book includes algorithms, patents, stan-
dards, and an extensive bibliography.
116 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

591. Salomon, David Data Compression: The Complete Reference. New

York: Springer, 1998. 427p. $39.95. ISBN 0387982809.
Data compression is the process of converting input data into another data
stream that has a smaller size. This book provides information on the three pri-
mary categories: run length encoding (RLE), statistical methods, and
dictionary-based methods.
592. Salus, Peter H. Handbook of Programming Languages (HPL). Indian-
apolis, IN: Macmillan, 1998. Vol. 1. Object-Oriented Programming Lan-
guages. 976p. $49.99. ISBN 1578700086. Vol. 2. Imperative Programming
Languages. 464p. $49.00. ISBN 1578700094. Vol. 3. Little Languages and
Tools. 720p. $49.99. ISBN 1578700108. Vol. 4. Functional and Logic Pro-
gramming Languages. 272p. $49.99. ISBN 1578700116.
Volume 1 includes information on Smalltalk, C++, Eiffel, Ada95,
Modula-3, and Java. The second volume continues with Fortran, Pascal, Icon,
and C. Volume 3 has information on little languages and domain-specific lan-
guages such as troff, awk, sed, Perl, Tcl and Tk, Python, and SQL. The last vol-
ume covers functional programming languages such as Lisp, Scheme, Guile, and
Emacs Lisp and logic programming languages like Prolog.
593. Skiena, Steven S. The Algorithm Design Manual. New York: Springer-
Verlag, 1998. 486p. Includes digital data. $59.95. ISBN 0387948600.
This manual includes a catalog of important algorithmic problems. A com-
plementary site, The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository is available at This is a unique resource for general com-
puter algorithms.
594. Tucker, Allen B. The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 2611p. $139.95. ISBN 0849329094.
More than 110 chapters describe fundamental principles and “best prac-
tices.” The book includes glossaries, references; algorithms, data structures, arti-
ficial intelligence, database and information retrieval, human/computer
interaction, programming languages, and software engineering.
595. Zamir, Saba. Handbook of Object Technology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC,
1998. 1248p. $99.95. ISBN 0849331358.
This handbook covers every aspect of object technology. It evaluates meth-
odologies, languages, standards, frameworks, databases, metrics, and develop-
ment environments.

6.7 Electrical Engineering

596. Ahmad, Anees. Handbook of Optomechanical Engineering. Boca Raton,

FL: CRC, 1997. 416p. $129.95. ISBN 0849301335. Digital format available.
This handbook covers the field of optomechanical engineering, including
conceptual design, fabrication, and integration of complex optical systems. It
6.7 Electrical Engineering / 117

includes practical information for designing, developing, and integrating mod-

ern optical systems for commercial, space, and military applications.
597. Ballou, Glen. Handbook for Sound Engineers: The New Audio Cyclo-
pedia. Boston, MA: Focal, 1998. 1506p. $115.00. ISBN 0240803310.
This substantial handbook discusses sound in the following sections:
acoustics, electronic components, electroacoustic devices, electronic circuits
and equipment, recording and playback, design application, and measurements.
This edition includes new technology such as MIDI, fiber optics, integrated cir-
cuits, and speech intelligibility.
598. Bass, Michael. Handbook of Optics CD-ROM. New York: Mc-Graw-
Hill, 1996. Digital format. ISBN 007852993X.
This is a comprehensive optics reference that covers such topics as geomet-
ric optics, physical optics, imaging detectors, vision, optical fabrication, optical
and physical properties of materials, and nonlinear and photorefractive optics.
599. Bates, Regis J., and Donald W. Gregory. Voice and Data Communica-
tions Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 902p. (McGraw-Hill Series
on Computer Communications). $65.00. ISBN 0070063966.
This handbook is written for readers with both general and technical inter-
ests. It covers the basics of voice characteristics and processing, telephone equip-
ment, analog versus digital transmission, service carriers, and traffic engineering.
600. Beaty, H. Wayne, and James L. Kirtley, Jr. Electric Motor Handbook.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 404p. (McGraw-Hill Handbooks). $100.95.
ISBN 0070359717.
This book is directed to anyone interested in both the theory and applied as-
pects of electric motors. Chapters include basic information on electric motors,
terminology and definitions, fundamentals of electromagnetic forces and loss
mechanisms, induction motors, synchronous motors, permanent magnet-
synchronous motors, direct current motors, and other types of electric motors.
601. Besenhard, J. O. Handbook of Battery Materials. New York: Wiley-
VCH, 1999. 648p. $398.00. ISBN 3527294694.
In this handbook international experts from the United States, Japan, and
Europe have provided a thorough survey of the applications, principles, process-
ing, and future developments of the various materials used in the manufacturing
of batteries.
602. Bunke, Horst, and Patrick S. Wang. Handbook of Character Recogni-
tion and Document Image Analysis. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 1997.
833p. $124.00. ISBN 981022270X.
This technical reference discusses basic methodology for image analysis,
character recognition, oriental character recognition, analysis of structure docu-
ments, special applications, and databases. Each section contains references and
118 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

603. Cavenaugh, James. Multimedia Networking Handbook. Boca Raton,

FL: CRC, 1998. 600p. $180.00. ISBN 0841399491.
This handbook provides clear definitions of complex concepts, schematic
drawings, diagrams, charts, and tables demonstrating how to make multimedia
compatible with both LANs and WANs.
604. Christiansen, Donald. Electronics Engineers’ Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1997. Various pagings. $110.50. ISBN 0070210772.
This reference book is among the more popular handbooks for electronics
engineering. It provides a general overview in principles and techniques, ma-
terials and hardware, circuits and functions, and systems and applications.
The chapters on standards, definitions, units symbols, constants, and re-
sources are excellent sources for quick, basic information. The text contains
over 1,600 illustrations.
605. Christoffer, V. P. Handbook of Electrical Tables and Design Criteria.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 512p. Includes digital data. $64.95. ISBN
This comprehensive collection of tables and calculation procedures enables
electrical engineers to design electrical systems in industrial and commercial
buildings and facilities. It includes relevant standards and specifications.
606. Crocker, Malcolm J. Handbook of Acoustics. New York: Wiley, 1998.
1461p. $195.00. ISBN 047125293X.
This handbook focuses on the fundamentals of acoustics and vibration,
covering aerodynamics, jet noise, interaction of fluid motion and sound, infra-
sound, ultrasound, and quantum acoustics.
607. Crompton, Thomas R. Battery Reference Book. Warrendale, PA: SAE
International, 1996. Various pagings. $89.00. ISBN 1560918055.
This reference covers all types of commercially produced batteries, includ-
ing lead-acid, nickel, silver, alkaline manganese, mercury, lithium, metal-air
cells, and water-activated primary batteries. A glossary, bibliography, and dis-
cussion on battery standards are included.
608. Davis, William S., and David C. Yen. The Information System Con-
sultant’s Handbook: System Analysis and Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC,
1999. 765p. $99.95. ISBN 0849370019.
Topics covered here include principles; information gathering and problem
definition, project planning and project management, systems analysis, identify-
ing alternatives, component design, testing and implementation, and operation
and maintenance. Chapters are enhanced with illustrations and additional refer-
ences. A detailed glossary is included.
609. DeCusatis, Casimer, et al. Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communica-
tion. San Diego, CA: Academic, 1998. 854p. $95.00. ISBN 0124371620.
This handbook covers the use of optoelectronics for fiber optic data com-
munication systems. Topics covered include an overview of the technology, the
6.7 Electrical Engineering / 119

requirements, planning and testing for the links, applications, manufacturing

technology, and future applications. Appendices cover the physical constants,
index of professional organizations, and network standards and documents.
610. Dorf, Richard C. Electrical Engineering Handbook. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1997. 2719p. Digital format. $115.00. ISBN 0849385741.
This handbook contains helpful tables, formulas, definitions, and extensive
cross-referencing and indexing. Software applications are listed in each section.
Topics covered include circuits, signal processing, electromagnetic fields, digi-
tal devices, computer engineering, and biomedical engineering. This digital for-
mat has several enhanced features, such as hotlinked key terms and Boolean and
proximity searching.
611. Eargle, John. Handbook of Recording Engineering. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. 518p. $89.90. ISBN 0412097419.
This book provides basic recording, broadcasting, and video information
for the practicing engineer. The topics covered include acoustical foundations,
microphones, recordings systems, recording medium, signal processing, post
production techniques, and the commercial and operational aspects of recording.
612. Fetters, John L. The Handbook of Lighting Surveys and Audits. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 176p. $69.95. ISBN 080198873X.
This resource provides a step-by-step guide, outlining the information nec-
essary for conducting lighting surveys and audits in a commercial or industrial
facility. It includes sample audits, fact sheets, and checklist forms.
613. Fraden, Jacob. Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and
Applications. Woodbury, NY: AIP Press, 1997. 556p. $75.00. ISBN 1563965380.
This is a quick guide to the basic principles and design specifications of sensors
and detectors. The author discusses sensor characteristics, the physical principle of
sensing, interface electronic circuits, and a variety of specific types of sensors and
detectors. The appendix contains numerous tables of related materials data.
614. Freeman, Roger L. Reference Manual for Telecommunications Engineer-
ing 1996 Update. New York: Wiley, 1997. 293p. $82.95. ISBN 0471047562.
This is the author’s second update to his primary text, Reference Manual
for Telecommunications Engineering (1993). The majority of the material in this
update emphasizes digital network applications. Numerous tables, figures, and
examples accompany the text.
615. Freeman, Roger L. Telecommunications Transmission Handbook. New
York: Wiley, 1998. 1204p. $150.00. (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and
Signal Processing). ISBN 0471240184.
This handbook covers such topics as cellular and wireless communication
systems, digital networks, high-frequency radio, video transmission, facsimile
communication, cable television, and low Earth orbiting satellites. References
accompany each section.
120 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

616. Furht, Borivoje. Handbook of Internet and Multimedia Systems and

Applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 702p. $89.95. ISBN 0849318580.
This is the companion to the author’s Handbook of Multimedia Computing
and includes the following topics: interactive TV, video-on-demand, Internet
applications, mobile multimedia systems, and digital libraries.
617. Furht, Borivoje. Handbook of Multimedia Computing. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1998. 832p. $99.95. ISBN 0849318254.
Topics covered here include digital libraries, Java language and develop-
ment, multimedia databases and servers, wireless applications, and the Internet.
618. Garrou, Philip E., and Iwona Turlik. Multichip Module Technology
Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. (Electronic Pack-
aging and Interconnection Series). $141.95. ISBN 0070228949.
Multichip modules are used to increase the capability of integrated circuits
(IC). This handbook introduces the reader to the technical drivers for this tech-
nology, materials, packaging, design, assembly, connections, performance, and
thermal management. Helpful diagrams and figures accompany the text.
619. Gibson, Jerry D. The Communications Handbook. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1997. 1598p. (Electrical Engineering Handbook Series). $150.00. ISBN
0849383498. Digital format available.
This handbook discusses the major topics in communications, providing
background information, technical details, and international telecommunica-
tions standards. Topics covered include telephony, satellite communications,
communications networks, optical communications, wireless communications,
and data recording.
620. Gibson, Jerry D. The Mobile Communications Handbook. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC, 1999. Various pagings. $95.00. ISBN 0849385970. Digital format
This handbook covers the entire field of mobile communications, from ana-
log and digital communications to cordless telephones, digital cellular mobile
radio, and wireless LANs. It also discusses international technology standards.
621. Gopel, W. Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey. New York: Wiley, 1998.
8v. $2120.00. ISBN 3527265384.
This is a comprehensive overview of all aspects of research, design, and ap-
plication of sensor technologies. It compares various types of sensors with appli-
cations and provides extensive bibliographies, thorough indexing, and thorough
622. Gupta, Mool C. Handbook of Photonics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996.
812p. $129.00. ISBN 0849389097.
There are sections in this book on photonic materials, photonic devices, and
optics photonic systems. Photonics are associated with several information envi-
ronments, including optical communication, information storage, electronic dis-
play, signal processing, and electronic imaging.
6.7 Electrical Engineering / 121

623. Irwin, J. David. The Industrial Electronics Handbook. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1997. 1728p. $134.95. ISBN 0849383439.
Appropriate for engineers working with applications of electronic and elec-
trical systems, circuits and devices, process control, and industry equipment, this
handbook covers the fundamental aspects of electronics and signal processing.
624. Jurgen, Ronald. Automotive Electronics Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1999. $99.95. ISBN 0070344531.
Electronics systems play a primary role in the performance of modern auto-
mobile technology (e.g., engine, brakes, transmission, suspension, steering, and
lighting). Sensors and actuators are explained in depth in this handbook.
625. Kovacs, Gregory T. A. Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook. Bos-
ton: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 911p. (McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer
Engineering). 911p. $93.50. ISBN 0072907223.
The author provides a thorough review of micromachined transducers and
MEMS (microelectricalmechanical systems) technology in this book. It contains
a detailed discussion of micromachining techniques, mechanical transducers,
optical transducers, ionizing radiation transducers, thermal transducers, mag-
netic and electromagnetic transducers, chemical and biological transducers, and
microfluidic devices.
626. Kreith, Frank, and Ronald E. West. CRC Handbook of Energy Effi-
ciency. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 1336p. $129.00. ISBN 0849325145.
This handbook includes chapters on energy technologies, economics, util-
ity restructuring, integrated resource planning, building design, co-generation,
industrial conservation, and fossil fuel cost projections.
627. Kwan, B. W., and L. J. Tung. Electronic Handbook on Communications
for Traffic Control and ITS Applications. PC-Based Visual and Interactive
Handbook for ITS (IVHS) Communications Functions. Tallahassee, FL:
Florida State University, College of Engineering, 1998. 258p. (PB99111619).
$54.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This comprehensive reference handbook covers communications topics
relevant to traffic control operations, freeway management, and intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) development. Subjects covered include basic com-
munication principles, the requirements of communication systems for traffic
control, communications technologies for traffic control systems, and the selec-
tion of communications architectures and technologies.
628. Lee, Jhong S., and Leonard E. Miller. CDMA System Engineering Hand-
book. Boston: Artech House, 1998. 1228p. (Mobile Communications Series; Ar-
tech House Mobile Communications Library). $119.00. ISBN 0890069905.
In 1993, the CDMA (code-division multiple-access) technology became a
digital cellular standard, IS-95. This handbook describes the technical basis of
the design and operational principles of IS-95.
122 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

629. Levine, William S. The Control Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996.
1568p. $150.00. ISBN 0849385709.
The three major sections of this handbook cover fundamental methods of
control, advanced methods of control, and applications of control. The articles
are cross-referenced and indexed and there are hundreds of tables, figures, dia-
grams, and equations for control device and system selection, implementation,
and application. There is a special section on digital controls for computers,
aerospace controls, and robot controls.
630. Madisetti, Vijay K., and Douglas B. Williams. The Digital Signal Proc-
essing Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. Various pagings. Includes digi-
tal data. $129.95. ISBN 0849385725.
Digital signal processing (DSP) is the representation of information-
bearing signals in digital form. This handbook provides information on stan-
dards and software. Topics covered include discussions of specialized aspects of
information-bearing signals in seismic data analysis, remote sensing, multime-
dia applications, and medical technology. The presentation covers theory, prac-
tice, and application areas.
631. Meeldijk, Victor. Electronic Components: Selection and Application
Guidelines. New York: Wiley, 1996. 864p. $95.00. ISBN 047102287X.
These guidelines help designers streamline electronic component selection
process. The detailed information lists the advantages and disadvantages of each
type, with data compiled from catalogs, reference books, textbooks, trade pa-
pers, and journals. The guidelines explain where to find suppliers of parts, in-
cluding obsolete devices for older systems.
632. Moore, George F. Electric Cables Handbook. Oxford, UK: Blackwell,
1997. 1098p. $175.00. ISBN 0632040750.
This handbook covers all types of energy cables, from general use to sub-
marine cables. It also includes information on materials, design principles, in-
stallation, and standards. An extensive bibliography provides useful references
for further research.
633. Mroczkowski, Robert S. Electronic Connector Handbook: Theory and
Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. (Electronic Packaging and Inter-
connection Series). $89.50. ISBN 0070414017.
Connector requirements involve both connector materials and design issues.
Topics covered in this handbook include a connector overview, contact finishes, en-
gineering thermoplastics for connectors, printed wiring boards, and connector types.
634. Nikogosyan, David. N. Properties of Optical and Laser-Related Mate-
rials: A Handbook. New York: Wiley, 1997. 594p. $64.95. ISBN 047197384X.
This unique handbook is a compilation of the most widely used optical ma-
terials, including laser materials, nonlinear optical crystals, main optical materi-
als, alkali and alkaline earth halides, oxides, sulfides, selenides, tellurides,
crystalline materials, glasses, polymers, and liquids. Each entry contains a full
description of the optical and other relevant properties.
6.7 Electrical Engineering / 123

635. Orloff, Jon. Handbook of Charged Particle Optics. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1997. 528p. $129.00. ISBN 0849325137.
This handbook covers the understanding, designing, and use of high resolu-
tion instrumentation, transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), scanning elec-
tronic microscopes (SEMs), scanning transmission electronic microscopes
(STEMs), and focused ion beam (FIB) systems. It explains the construction and
function of magnetic and electrostatic lenses.
636. Poularikas, Alexander D. The Handbook of Formulas and Tables for
Signal Processing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 576p. (The Electrical Engi-
neering Handbook Series). $74.95. ISBN 0849385792.
This handbook provides the most useful tables and formulas in signal proc-
essing. Topics covered include filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detect-
ing, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals.
637. Poularikas, Alexander D. The Transforms and Applications Handbook.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. (Electrical Engineering Handbook Series).
$125.00. ISBN 0849385954.
This source lists the most important mathematical transforms used by sci-
entists and engineers, such as Fourier transforms, Hankel transforms, Laplace
transforms, and mixed time-frequency signal transformations. It includes ap-
plied examples.
638. Redl, Siegmund M., Matthias K. Weber, and Malcolm W. Oliphant. GSM
and Personal Communications Handbook. Norwood, MA: Artech House,
1998. 526p. $89.00. ISBN 0890069573.
The global system for mobile communications (GSM), the most widely de-
ployed digital cellular standard, continues to be implemented throughout the
world. This handbook provides a technical overview of GSM, illustrated with
numerous figures and charts. Each chapter has references for further reading.
639. Richardson, Doug. An Illustrated Guide to the Techniques and Equip-
ment of Electronic Warfare. Upland, PA: DIANE, 1998. 151p. $15.00. ISBN
Topics included here range from electronic intelligence to counter-
countermeasures. Chapters cover the electromagnetic spectrum, radar, millime-
ter waves, infrared, electro-optical systems, sonar, stealth technology, warning
receivers, and ESM systems.
640. Ritter, Gerhard X., and Joseph N. Wilson. Handbook of Computer Vi-
sion Algorithms in Image Algebra. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 360p. $89.95.
ISBN 0849326362.
This handbook provides the basic concepts of image algebra and its use in
computer vision algorithms. The techniques and algorithms are arranged by
level of abstractness. The text is illustrated with examples, formulas, and exam-
ples. An appendix includes the Image Algebra C++ Library. Information is
available at
124 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

641. Russ, John C. The Image Processing Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC,
1998. 771p. Includes digital data. $99.95. ISBN 0849325323.
This handbook covers developments in graphic information and high-end
imaging software. Topics covered include surface imaging, high resolution im-
aging, digital cameras, printing, databases for images, digital movies, computer
graphics, image math, and surface composition imaging. Extensive lists of refer-
ences are provided.
642. Sergent, Jerry E., and Al Krum. Thermal Management Handbook For
Electronic Assemblies. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. (Electronic Packaging
and Interconnection Series). $89.50. ISBN 0070266999.
As microelectronic circuits become faster and the packaging becomes
smaller, the issue of thermal management becomes more critical. This handbook
is directed to designers who are concerned with such issues as heating within an
electronics circuit, calculating circuit temperatures, and removing heat from cir-
cuits. Each chapter has extensive references.
643. Smeaton, Robert W., and William H. Ubert. Switchgear and Control
Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. $99.95. ISBN
This handbook has four sections, covering general switchgear and control
considerations, standards, and equipment; specific switchgear and control
equipment; motor and industrial controls and controllers; and current sold-state
and microprocessor-based control equipment and techniques. Switchgear de-
vices include circuit breakers, switches, metering, and instrumentation, which
are used for electrical power and transmission.
644. Strauss, Rudolf. SMT Soldering Handbook. Boston: Newnes, 1998.
371p. $75.00. ISBN 0750635894.
This handbook on surface mount technology (SMT) covers all aspects of
the soldering process associated with surface-mounted devices (SMDs).
645. Talbot-Smith, Michael. Audio Engineer’s Reference Book. Boston: Fo-
cal, 1999. Various pagings. $155.00. ISBN 0240515285.
This reference book covers all aspects of audio engineering and technol-
ogy. Topics covered include basic principles, acoustics, recording and reproduc-
tion, digital equipment, studios, and distribution of audio signals. There is also a
section on international standards for sound systems and equipment.
646. Taylor, Ed. The McGraw-Hill Internetworking Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998. 876p. (Taylor Networking Series). $89.95. ISBN 0070633347.
This is a definitive reference covering such topics as networking funda-
mentals, lower-layer protocols (e.g., asynchronous transfer mode, ETHERNET,
fiber distributed data interface), upper-layer protocols (e.g., systems network ar-
chitecture, transmission control protocol/Internet protocol), and network de-
vices (e.g., bridges, routers, repeaters, servers). Other reference materials
include a glossary and lists of acronyms and abbreviations, a RFC (Request for
Comments) listing, trademarks, and a bibliography.
6.7 Electrical Engineering / 125

647. Taylor, John, and Qiuting Huang. CRC Handbook of Electrical Filters.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 427p. $89.95. ISBN 0849389518.
This is a practical guide for electronic and electrical engineers who need the
general theory and information about different types of electrical filters. The
types of filters under discussion include LCR, continuous-time active RC, digi-
tal, switched-capacitor, and electromechanical.
648. Thumann, Albert. Handbook of Energy Engineering. Lilburn, GA: Fair-
mont, 1997. 478p. $79.00. ISBN 0881732605.
This comprehensive reference guide applies principles of energy engineer-
ing and management to design of electrical, HVAC, utility process, and building
systems. Topics covered include electrical system optimization, state-of-the-art
lighting, thermal storage, co-generation, and HVAC system optimization.
649. Traister, John E. Handbook of Electrical Design Details. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1997. 800p. $79.95. ISBN 0070653305.
The handbook is designed to assist electrical engineers and designers in
preparing working electrical design drawings. Design topics covered include
general provisions, basic materials and methods, power generation, service and
distribution, lighting, and communications. The electrical design details used for
illustration are all taken from working projects.
650. Tummala, Rao R., Eugene J. Rymaszewski, and Alan G. Klopfenstein.
Microelectronics Packaging Handbook on CD-ROM. Boston: Kluwer Aca-
demic, 1998. $256.65. ISBN 0412085615. Paper format available.
Microelectronic packaging is the designs and interconnection technologies
to support semiconductor devices, better known as integrated circuits (IC). This
research tool provides an overview of the technology, wiring and terminals,
electrical design, heat transfer, reliability, chip-to-package interconnections, and
651. Turner, Wayne C. Energy Management Handbook. Lilburn, GA: Fair-
mont, 1997. 702p. $119.00. ISBN 0881732281.
This resource covers the basic principles of energy management as well as
the advanced energy technologies. Topics covered include energy auditing, eco-
nomic analysis, boilers and fired systems, cogeneration, HVAC systems, lighting,
codes and legislation, and energy security. Appendices provide a thermal sciences
review, conversion factors and property tables, and a review of electrical science.
652. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Naval Air Warfare Center. Electronic
Warfare Division. Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering
Handbook. Point Mugu, CA: Electronic Warfare Division, 1997. 603p.
(NAWCWPNS TP8347; ADA3277738). Contact NTIS for price. Available
from National Technical Information Service.
This handbook is designed to aid electronic warfare and radar systems engi-
neers in making general estimations regarding capabilities of systems. It is not
intended as a detailed designer’s guide, due to space limitations. Portions of the
handbook and future changes will be posted on the Internet.
126 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

653. Vacca, John R. The Cabling Handbook. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1999. 684p. $34.99. ISBN 0130805319.
The primary audience for this book is people who have responsibility for
cabling decisions, project implementation, network cabling installations, cost
justifications and investments, and standards. Appendices include a listing of
TV-based high speed cable Internet services, cable installation companies, fiber
optic cable companies, wireless LAN products and sites, and CCITT/ISO stan-
dards. There is an extensive glossary.
654. Van Valkenburg, Mac E. Reference Data for Engineers Radio, Electron-
ics, Computer and Communications. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann,
1998. 1500p. $110.00. ISBN 0750670649.
This is a classic presentation of detailed reference information on a range of
topics, including circuits, transistors, communications, radar, antennas, and lasers.
655. Weber, Marvin J. Handbook of Laser Wavelengths. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1999. 767p. (The CRC Press Laser and Optical Science and Technology
Series). $99.95. ISBN 0849335086.
This handbook provides tabulations of wavelengths for all types of lasers,
including glass lasers, color center lasers, semiconductor lasers, polymer lasers,
rare earth liquid lasers, free electron lasers, and nuclear-pumped lasers. The data
in this handbook are derived from data evaluated and compiled by the contribu-
tors to the CRC Handbook Series of Laser Science and Technology.
656. Webster, John G. The Measurement Instrumentation and Sensors
Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 1500p. $129.95. (The Electrical Engi-
neering Handbook Series). ISBN 0849383471.
This source covers an extensive range of topics related to measurement, in-
strumentation, and sensors. It also describes the use of instruments and tech-
niques in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences. The text is
arranged by measurement problems such as spatial variables measurement, time
and frequency measurement, mechanical variables measurement, electromag-
netic variables measurement, radiation measurement, biomedical variables
measurement, signal processing, displays, and controls. Provided is an appendix
with units and conversions information.
657. Whitaker, Jerry. AC Power Systems Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC,
1998. 450p. $69.95. ISBN 0849374146.
This handbook focuses on the design, maintenance, and operation of an al-
ternating current (AC) power supply; topics covered include elements of the AC
power system, MOSFET devices, transformers, electric shock, and OSHA
safety standards.
658. Whitaker, Jerry. The Electronics Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996.
2575p. (Electrical Engineering Handbook Series). $115.00. ISBN 0849383455.
This source provides theory and principles governing electronic devices
and systems. Discussions include wireless communications systems, optical fi-
ber technology, computer technologies, and semiconductor applications. Topics
6.8 Environmental Engineering / 127

covered include electron vacuum devices, semiconductor devices, packaging

electronic systems, wired communications systems, engineering management,
standardization, and regulation, conversion factors, and standards.
659. Whitaker, Jerry. The Resource Handbook of Electronics. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC, 1998. 600p. $69.95. ISBN 0849383536.
This handbook functions as a reference of tabular data for electronics and
electrical engineers, providing tables, charts, formulas, definitions, and equa-
tions. It complements the following CRC-published reference books: The Elec-
tronics Handbook, The Electrical Engineering Handbook, The Communications
Handbook, The Mobile Communications Handbook, The Industrial Electronics
Handbook, and The Digital Processing Handbook.

6.8 Environmental Engineering

660. Alley, E. Roberts, Lem B. Stevens, and William L. Cleland. Air Quality
Control Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 1008p. $142.95. ISBN
This handbook allows for quick reference to understanding air pollution
control. Topics covered include theory, pollutant characterization, atmospheric
assimilation, environmental regulations, management, and implementation. Ap-
pendices include acronyms, definitions, EPA Regional Air Division Directors,
hazardous air pollutants, accident-release prevention provisions, and thermal
stability rankings.
661. Beim, Howard J., Jennifer Spero, and Louis Theodore. Rapid Guide to
Hazardous Air Pollutants. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1998. 582p.
$29.95. ISBN 0442025157.
The 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act created a list of 189 hazardous
air pollutants (HAPs). This guide provides easy access to these pollutants, listing
chemical data, uses, physical properties, health risk, hazardous risk, exposure
routes, regulatory status, and additional information. Each entry also includes
additional references for further reading.
662. Bitton, Gabriel. Formula Handbook for Environmental Engineers and
Scientists. New York: Wiley, 1998. 290p. (Environmental Science and Tech-
nology). $49.95. ISBN 047113905X.
Environmental engineering relies on a broad range of interdisciplinary for-
mulas and equations, including many that have been developed outside the cir-
cles of traditional engineering. This handbook includes useful formulas covering
biological and biochemical processes. This easy-to-use listing complements the
traditional information found in the Handbook of Physics and Chemistry.
663. Boulding, J. Russell. Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Geophysi-
cal Techniques at Contaminated Site: A Reference Guide. Upland, PA:
DIANE, 1998. 380p. $50.00. ISBN 0788147579.
128 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

This guide describes geophysical methods in relatively nontechnical terms

and provides guidance in finding detailed information on specific methods, in-
formation on designing and evaluating a geophysical program, and summary
case study information on the use of surface and borehole methods.
664. Bregman, Jacob I. Environmental Impact Statements. Boca Raton, FL:
Lewis, 1999. 248p. $89.95. ISBN 1566703697.
This is an excellent reference for understanding the development, role, and
legal basis of environmental impact statements (ESI). In 1969, the U.S. Congress
enacted the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which requires that envi-
ronmental impacts be considered in the preliminary stages of project develop-
ment. Discussion includes overviews of natural and people-created environments.
665. Brownell, F. William. Clean Air Handbook. Rockville, MD: Govern-
ment Institutes, 1998. 324p. $95.00. ISBN 0865876169.
The Clean Air Act is constantly evolving, with new rules being created and
EPA continuing to supplement existing rules with guidance documents and pol-
icy statements. This handbook covers the 1990 amendments, air quality regula-
tions, the acid deposition control program, hazardous air pollutants,
stratospheric ozone protection, and current regulatory and legislative trends.
666. Cooper, Andre R. Properties of Hazardous Industrial Materials
CRCnetBASE. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1998. $399.00. Digital format. ISBN
This resource lists more than 25, 000 hazardous materials. Each chemical is
fully described with at least 15 different fields of data. Searching capability in-
cludes CAS number, DOT number, synonyms, exposure limits, and flash chemi-
cal points. The source includes a chemical dictionary and spell checker with
more than 10,000 terms.
667. Corbitt, Robert A. Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 1532p. (McGraw-Hill Handbooks). $179.95.
ISBN 0070131600.
In the preface of this reference handbook, the editor states that the term “en-
vironmental engineer” has “evolved to more appropriately describe the engi-
neer’s increased emphasis on the biological, chemical, and physical reactions in
the air, land, and water environments.” There is a very useful introduction to en-
vironmental engineering that covers state and territorial environmental protec-
tion agencies, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offices, national and
international environmental associations, and boards of engineering registration.
668. De Zuane, John. Handbook of Drinking Water Quality. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. 575p. $78.95. ISBN 0442023448.
This handbook can be used for quick reference and technical support for
anyone dealing with issues of drinking water quality. It includes a discussion of
potable water, different parameters, carcinogens, water analyses, public health
regulations, water treatment, and federal regulations. Appendices include World
Health Organization Guidelines and European Drinking Water Directives.
6.8 Environmental Engineering / 129

669. Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. Quincy, MA: National

Fire Protection Association, 1997. 550p. $89.00. ISBN 0877654271.
This guide covers the dangerous properties of hazardous materials, includ-
ing storage and handling guidelines. It includes the following codes: NFPA 491:
Guide for Hazardous Chemical Reactions (1997); NFPA 704: Standard System
for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response
(1996); NFPA 49: Hazardous Chemicals Data (1994); and NFPA 325: Fire
Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids (1994).
670. Freeman, Harry. Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Treatment
and Disposal. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. $125.00. ISBN
This detailed handbook provides a summary of relevant laws and regula-
tions, an overview of the hazardous waste problem, institutional options to re-
spond to this issue, acceptable disposal options, and other waste issues and
processes associated with remedial responses. It also provides details on state-
of-the-art alternative treatment and disposal processes. The last chapter outlines
electronic resources for hazardous waste management.
671. Gallagher, Lynn M., and Leonard A. Miller. Clean Water Handbook.
Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1996. 439p. $89.00. ISBN 0865587512X.
This handbook provides a comprehensive roadmap to requirements, legal
thinking, and critical issues of water pollution control law. It includes a wide
range of programs and requirements that have developed over the years through
statutory changes, regulatory enactments, and court decisions. This discussion
covers the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) Permit program,
effluent limitations, stormwater and nonpoint source discharges, and the com-
plete text of the Clean Water Act and related amendments.
672. Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investi-
gations. Reston, VA: ASCE, 1998. 204p. (Technical Engineering and Design
Guides as Adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, no. 23). $66.00.
ISBN 0784402981.
This guide provides an introduction to geophysical exploration for engi-
neering, geological, and environmental investigations It is adapted from the En-
gineering Manual, EM 1110-1-1802, Geophysical Exploration for Engineers
and Environmental Investigations.
673. Goheen, Steven. DOE Methods for Evaluating Environmental and
Waste Management Samples. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
1997. 1000p. (DEAC0676RLO 1830). $297.00. ISBN 1574770217.
DOE Methods describes methods for collecting representative samples and
for determining the radioisotope activity and organic and inorganic composition
of a sample. This guide outlines sampling and analytical activities for the evalua-
tion of environmental and waste management samples.
130 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

674. Hess, Kathleen. Environmental Site Assessment, Phase I: A Basic

Guide. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1998. 334p. $84.95. ISBN 1566702712.
Environmental site assessments are performed to determine the possibili-
ties of hazardous substance contamination on or in the vicinity of particular loca-
tions. This guide is written to enable the individuals involved with the
performance of site assessments to understand the process. Appendices include
regulatory definitions of “pollutant,” a summary of important environmental
regulations, a report format for Phase I environmental site assessments, a check-
list, sources of serial photographs, federal sources of information, and HUD
standard practices for collecting paint samples.
675. Hornsby, Arthur G., R. Don Wauchope, and Albert E. Herner. Pesticide
Properties in the Environment. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996. 227p. In-
cludes digital data. $59.95. ISBN 0387943536.
The basis for this handbook is the ARS Pesticide Properties Database,
available at The authors have also in-
cluded data for pesticide products that have been discontinued in the United
States but are used in other countries.
676. Karnofsky, Brian. Hazardous Waste Management Compliance Hand-
book. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. 531p. $84.95. ISBN
This handbook assists the reader in understanding hazardous waste man-
agement regulations. The author has included forms, keys, and checklists that
are useful in the development of a hazardous waste management program. The
book includes the full-text of several federal regulations.
677. Keith, Lawrence H. Compilation of EPA’s Sampling and Analysis
Methods. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 1696p. $199.95. ISBN 1566701708.
Digital format available.
This compilation contains over 1,200 analyte method summaries for sam-
pling and analyzing chemical hazards and other pollutants Each description con-
tains a brief summary of each method, required instrumentation, sampling
containers, preservation techniques, detection levels, quality control require-
ments, and EPA reference. Information about software programs that can be
used with this reference is available at
678. Keys, W. Scott. A Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in Environ-
mental Investigations. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1997. 192p. $65.00. ISBN
This guide explains tools and techniques used in borehole logging projects;
provides guidance on planning, executing, and analyzing borehole geophysics
projects; describes computer analysis methods for interpreting data; and in-
cludes case histories of several environmental sites.
679. King, R. Barry, Gilbert M. Long, and John K. Sheldon. Practical Envi-
ronmental Bioremediation: The Field Guide. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1998.
184p. $79.95. ISBN 1566702089.
6.8 Environmental Engineering / 131

Bioremediation commonly uses microorganisms as a biological activity to

reduce the effects of a pollutant in the environment. This book examines remedia-
tion in a variety of environments. It is illustrated with numerous case studies, in-
structive illustrations, diagrams, and charts. This book is appropriate for a broad
range of students and professionals working in the environmental sciences.
680. Kreske, Diori L. Environmental Impact Statements: A Practical Guide
for Agencies, Citizens, and Consultants. New York: Wiley, 1996. 480p.
$65.95. ISBN 0471137413.
The author approaches environmental impact statements from the role of
individuals, agencies, and consultants in the EIS process. The EIS process in-
cludes the elements of the entire environmental review process required by the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or comparable state environmental
policy acts (SEPA). This is an excellent complement to other legal discussions
of the EIS process. It includes a bibliography and appendices, with the text of the
NEPA, other regulations, federal data sources, and organizational charts of se-
lected federal agencies with NEPA responsibilities.
681. Kuo, Jeff. Practical Design Calculations for Groundwater and Soil Re-
mediation. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1998. $69.95. ISBN 1566702380.
This reference provides illustrations of design calculations for soil and
groundwater remediation technologies. Both SI and U.S. units are given. Topics
covered include site assessment and remedial investigation, groundwater move-
ment and plume migration, vadose zone soil remediation, groundwater remedia-
tion; and VOC-laden air treatment. References, formulas, and diagrams are
generously provided. This is a useful tool for environmental engineers, scien-
tists, and legal experts.
682. Liu, David H. F., and Bela G. Liptak. Environmental Engineers’ Hand-
book. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1997. 1431p. $129.00. ISBN 0849399718.
This comprehensive handbook covers air pollution, noise pollution, waste-
water treatment, ground and surfacewater pollution, solid waste, and hazardous
waste disposal. It also discusses environmental laws and legislation, environ-
mental impact assessments, and standards.
683. Maslansky, Steven P., and Carol J. Maslansky. Health and Safety at Haz-
ardous Waste Sites: An Investigator’s and Remediator’s Guide to
HAZWOPER. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997. 612p. $69.95. ISBN
This manual covers hazard recognition, properties of hazardous materials,
toxicology and chemical exposure, sources of information, respiratory protec-
tion, air monitoring instrumentation, protective equipment, site control, decon-
tamination, and organizational health and safety programs. Regulations for
Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) come from 29 C.F.R. 1910.120.
The guide is illustrated with reference material, photographs, examples, and
other technical data.
132 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

684. Miller, E. Willard, and Ruby M. Miller. Indoor Pollution: A Reference

Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1998. 330p. (Contemporary World
Issues). $39.95. ISBN 0874368952.
Topics covered here include indoor pollution, indoor air quality, standards
for indoor air quality, sources of indoor pollutants, and laws and regulations. The
book also includes a directory of organizations and other reference sources.
There is an extensive list of journal articles and a list of annotated reference
685. Mudroch, Alena, Jose M. Azcue, and Paul Mudroch. Manual of Bioas-
sessment of Aquatic Sediment Quality. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1999. 236p.
$79.95. ISBN 1566703433.
The objective of this manual is to provide information on techniques for
bioassessment of sediment quality. It describes recently developed methods, in-
cluding field and laboratory methods.
686. Murphy, Toni, and Carol Briggs-Erickson. Environmental Guide to the
Internet. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998. 556p. (Government In-
stitute Internet Series). $59.00. ISBN 0865876436.
This guide contains the top 12,000 environmental Internet resources, in-
cluding discussion groups and mailing lists, newsgroups, electronic journals,
and newsletters., Each listing includes summary, e-mail address, and URL.
687. Pohanish, Richard P., and Stanley A. Greene. Electronic and Computer
Industry Guide to Chemical Safety and Environmental Compliance. New
York: Wiley, 1998. 624p. $79.95. ISBN 0471292850.
This industry-specific reference provides data about 332 hazardous chemi-
cals used in the computer and electronics industry, including the manufacture of
semiconductors. Entries include safety and environmental compliance data.
688. Rizzo, Joyce A. Underground Storage Tank Management: A Practical
Guide. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998. 420p. $89.00. ISBN
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required that all under-
ground storage tank owners and operators comply with new federal require-
ments by December 22, 1998. This guide includes all updates and requirements
and technology, including soil sampling and analytical guidelines, evolution of
tank testing strategies, National Fire Protection Pamphlet 329, and state-of-
the-art technology.
689. Shineldecker, Chris. Handbook of Environmental Contaminants: A
Guide for Site Assessment. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1998. 416p. $104.95.
ISBN 0873717325.
This handbook is a helpful resource to assist with site assessment activity.
Whereas most handbooks provide chemical and physical data about potentially
hazardous materials, this resource links specific contaminants that may be asso-
ciated with the historical uses of a particular property.
6.8 Environmental Engineering / 133

690. Stephenson, Ralph L., and James W. Blackburn. The Industrial Waste-
water Systems Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 544p. $75.00. ISBN
Topics covered here include U.S. laws and regulations, international trea-
ties, laws and regulations. wastewater system planning; wastewater collection
systems, physical separation processes, chemical treatment processes; biologi-
cal treatment processes, and sludge and solid wastes management.
691. Strong, Debra L. Recycling in America: A Reference Handbook. Santa
Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1997. 330p. $39.50. ISBN 0874368898.
This handbook includes an overview of recycling issues, policies, facts, and
data. It also provides general descriptions of state laws and regulations and di-
rectory information for state, federal, and private recycling organizations. It is an
excellent reference book on this topic.
692. Sullivan, Thomas F. P. Environmental Law Handbook. Rockville, MD:
Government Institutes, 1999. 700p. $89.00. ISBN 0865876507.
This edition provides users with practical compliance information, incor-
porating all the latest changes to the 14 major environmental, health, and safety
laws. It includes such laws as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Oil Pollution
Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, National Environmental Policy
Act, and Pollution Prevention Act. It is extensively indexed.
693. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Municipal Solid
Waste Factbook. 1997. Available:
factbook. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Municipal Solid Waste Factbook is an electronic reference manual
containing information about household waste management practices. Tables,
charts, and maps display useful facts and figures about source reduction, recy-
cling, land disposal, and combustion of MSW. Other information includes the
complete text of EPA’s regulations for municipal solid waste landfills; invento-
ries of incinerators, composting facilities, and large landfills; lists of periodicals;
publications available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS);
and names and addresses of trade and environmental associations.
694. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). RCRA Orientation Man-
ual. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, 1998. (EPA530R98004). Available:
epaoswer/general/orientat/index.htm. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site provides introductory information on solid and hazardous waste
management programs under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA). It addresses the basic framework of the RCRA regulatory program.
695. Viguri, A. Comparative Environmental Laws. Southampton, MA: WIT
Press, 1999. 200p. (Advances in Ecological Sciences). $108.00. ISBN
This source compares European environmental protection laws with those
in the United States and Latin America, examining the civil, administrative,
134 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

criminal, and constitutional aspects. It is an important resource for companies in-

volved in international projects.
696. Von Fahnestock, F. Michael, et al. Biopile Design, Operation, and Main-
tenance Handbook for Treating Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils. Colum-
bus, OH: Battelle, 1998. 157p. Includes digital data. $54.95. ISBN 1574770357.
Biopile technology involves putting petroleum-contaminated soils into
piles and assisting the aerobic microbial activity through aeration. The focus of
this handbook is limited to non-chlorinated petroleum hydrocarbons. It covers
sampling and analysis procedures, regulatory requirements, and health and
safety requirements. The appendices provide a glossary of terms, design calcula-
tions, physical and chemical properties of petroleum hydrocarbons, regulations,
and a list of state environmental regulatory agencies.

6.9 General Engineering

697. Andrews, Gordon C., and John D. Kemper. Canadian Professional Engi-
neering Practice and Ethics. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1999. 492p. $69.00.
ISBN 0774735015.
This comprehensive source provides readers with the structure, practice, and
ethics for the engineering practice. Although written from a Canadian perspective, it
does include some commentary on U.S. practice. Topics covered include an intro-
duction to the engineering profession, regulations, employment, management, and
private practice. Ethical discussions include codes of ethics, principles, problems,
and case studies. There is a chapter on writing professional practice and ethics.
698. Banks, Jerry. Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology, Advances,
Applications, and Practice. New York: Wiley, 1998. 849p. ISBN 0471134031.
Chapters in this handbook include principles of simulation, random number
design, experimental design, output data analysis, manufacturing and material
handling systems, automobile industry, transportation, and logistics systems.
699. Beer, David F., and David A. McMurrey. A Guide to Writing as an Engi-
neer. New York: Wiley, 1997. 253p. $33.95. ISBN 0471117153.
This professional engineering communication book deals with the content,
organization, format, and style of specific kinds of engineering writing, such as
reports, business letters, office memoranda, and e-mail. It also covers oral pres-
entations and details how to find engineering information, both using traditional
tools and on the Internet.
700. Bickford, John H., and Sayed Nassas. The Handbook of Bolts and Bolted
Joints. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. 911p. $195.00. ISBN 0824799771.
Each chapter in this handbook includes both theory and practical applica-
tions for each issue. Subjects covered are material properties and selection, proc-
essing of fasteners, threaded fasteners, design and analysis of bolted joints, and
testing and inspection.
6.9 General Engineering / 135

701. Bunch, Bryan H. Handbook of Current Science and Technology. De-

troit, MI: Gale, 1996. 834p. $54.95. ISBN 0810395525.
This handbook provides an overview of principal events and trends in sci-
ence and technology, with articles on astronomy, space, chemistry, earth sci-
ences, physics, and technology. It includes tables, charts, data summaries, and
notable prizes and awards in the field.
702. Cardarelli, Francois. Scientific Unit Conversion: A Practical Guide to
Metrication. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998. 488p. ISBN 1852330430.
This resource provides metric equivalents and conversion factors for more
than 10,000 scientific units. It includes U.S., British, conventional metric, his-
toric systems, and SI.
703. Cloud, Phillip A. Engineering Procedures Handbook. Westwood, NJ:
Noyes, 1997. 419p. $78.00. ISBN 0815514107.
This unique reference provides a systematic approach to product engineer-
ing documentation, including specially designed forms and engineering proce-
dures. The outline of the handbook follows the logical order of product
engineering documentation systems: product design and development, product
and document identification, documentation requirements, customer documen-
tation, vendor documentation, documentation change control, and document
control. Appropriate product engineering documentation is a critical component
of ISO 9000 registration audits.
704. Dhillon, B. S. Advanced Design Concepts for Engineers. Lancaster, PA:
Technomic, 1998. 237p. $69.95. ISBN 1566766265.
This volume of advanced engineering design concepts focuses on the struc-
ture and concepts of design. The author includes some historical overview of
each design concept. Topics covered include design mathematics, concurrent
engineering, reliability engineering, design reliability, reverse engineering,
TQM, life cycle costing, and re-engineering.
705. Dodd, Janet S. The ACS Style Guide: A Manual for Authors and Edi-
tors. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1997. 460p. $27.00. ISBN
This very helpful reference provides guidelines for writing and editing sci-
entific papers. Topics covered include format, grammar, preparation of illustra-
tions, chemical structures, tables, and copyright issues.
706. Dorf, Richard C. The Engineering Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC,
1998. Digital format. $99.95. ISBN 0849385768.
This digital version of The Engineering Handbook, which was originally
published in 1995, is appropriate for all types of engineering. Topics range from
aerospace engineering, circuits, and environmental systems to coastal engineer-
ing. The source includes more than 1,500 definitions of engineering terms and
more than 1,000 illustrations. It also provides coverage of mathematics, materi-
als property data, numerical methods, computer graphics visualization, chaos,
and fractals.
136 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

707. Dorf, Richard C. The Technology Management Handbook. Boca Raton,

FL: CRC, 1998. (The Electrical Engineering Handbook Series). Digital format.
$129.00. ISBN 0849397545.
This handbook includes articles from over 150 experts on the fundamentals
of running a technology-related business, covering economics, finance, account-
ing, project management, marketing, and manufacturing.
708. Elias, Stephen. Patent, Copyright & Trademark. Berkeley, CA: Nolo,
1999. 451p. $24.95. ISBN 0873375084.
Written by an intellectual property attorney, this guide provides concise
overviews of patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret law. There is informa-
tion on the effect the Internet on intellectual property. Key statutes and sample
forms are included along with intellectual property resources and Internet sites. In-
formation is available at
709. Gieck, Kurt. Engineering Formulas. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Various pagings. (Translation of Technische Formelsammlung. English transla-
tion by J. Walters). $29.95. ISBN 007024572X.
This pocket-sized guide provides a collection of technical and mathemati-
cal formulae. The pages were printed only on one side to allow blank pages for
notes as needed. It includes an index.
710. Harris, John W., and Horst Stocker. Handbook of Mathematics and
Computational Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998. 1028p. $29.95.
ISBN 0387947469.
This is a standard mathematical reference with equations, formulas, and tables.
711. He, Jimin. Internet Resources for Engineers: A Practical Handbook
for Engineers and Students. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.
298p. $29.95. ISBN 0750689498.
This handbook provides an excellent overview of a broad range of Internet
resources for the engineering professional. It contains subject-oriented guides,
library resources, and electronic publications. It includes helpful descriptions for
most of the listed resources. It also provides a good introduction to the Internet as
a tool for creating, managing, and accessing information.
712. Heisler, Sanford I. The Wiley Engineer’s Desk Reference: A Concise
Guide for the Professional Engineer. New York: Wiley, 1998. 690p. $75.00.
ISBN 0471168270.
This reference covers every area of engineering, including composite mate-
rials; semiconductors; computer applications;and general topics such as mathe-
matics, mechanics, structures, fluids, thermodynamics, design, and operations.
This latest edition reflects the impact that computing technology has had on
every aspect of engineering. It also includes over 60 commonly used general en-
gineering tables.
6.9 General Engineering / 137

713. Hyman, Barry I. Fundamentals of Engineering Design. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998. 499p. $84.00. ISBN: 0135313856.
Although the primary focus of this text is on problem formulation and con-
cept generation, there are chapters on engineering economics, project planning,
professional and social context of design, information acquisition, and commu-
nication skills. Each chapter includes references for additional reading. There is
also a section on design projects for teaching.
714. Kliment, Stephen A. Writing for Design Professionals: A Guide to
Writing Successful Proposals, Letters, Brochures, Portfolios, Reports,
Presentations, and Job Applications for Architects, Engineers, and Interior
Designers. New York: Norton, 1998. 232p. $36.50. ISBN 0393730263.
This resource opens with eight principles of good writing. Other topics cov-
ered include proposals, project writing, job prospects, writing by the product
manufacturer, international style, and how to measure impact. The book in-
cludes a list of related resources.
715. Lindeburg, Michael R. Engineering Unit Conversions. Belmont, CA:
Professional Publications, 1999. 160p. $28.95. ISBN 1888577339.
This is an easy-to-use, basic conversion reference. Each page is arranged by
columns that provide alphabetical lists of the units, multiplying converting fac-
tor, and the new unit. The author has also provided a list of the unofficial, humor-
ous, and odd units and abbreviations.
716. Lo, Jack, and David Pressman. How To Make Patent Drawings Your-
self. Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 1999. Various pagings. $29.95. ISBN 0873374916.
Patent drawings are a critical component of the patent documentation. The
U.S. Patent Office requires that these formal drawings follow strict rules. This
reference assists the inventor in understanding Patent Office drawing standards;
making formal drawings using a pen and ruler, computer or camera; and re-
sponding to Patent Office examinations.
717. Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office. Annual. (C21.15.998). $216.00. ISBN
0160164591. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
This reference work outlines the practices and procedures for the examina-
tion and processing of patent applications. It is used by patent examiners, patent
applicants, and patent legal representatives and attorneys. It is updated on a regu-
lar basis.
718. Manual of U.S. Patent Classification. 1999. Available: http://www.uspto.
gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/moc/index.htm. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
This manual lists the numbers and descriptive titles of the patent classes and
subclasses for over 430 classes and 140,000 subclasses of the U.S. Patent Classi-
fication (USPC) system.
138 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

719. Matthews, Clifford. Engineers’ Data Book. London: Professional Engi-

neering, 1998. 177p. $15.95. ISBN 1860581757.
This reference book is published by the Institution of Mechanical Engi-
neers. It includes basic engineering reference information on regulations, units,
design, motion, material failure, pressure vessels, fluid equipment, and materials.
720. Nagle, Joan G. Handbook for Preparing Engineering Documents:
From Concept to Completion. New York: IEEE, 1996. 372p. $49.95. ISBN
This handbook is an overview of useful principles in engineering documen-
tation; a guide to the process of preparing, producing, and distributing engineer-
ing documents; and a reference for problem solving. The author begins with an
overview of the requirements of analysis, design, components and assembly, con-
trols, packaging, testing, and production. Reference resources include a bibliogra-
phy and a series of quick reference guides on the mechanics of documentation.
721. Paradis, James G., and Muriel L. Zimmerman. The MIT Guide to Science
and Engineering Communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1997. 290p. $30.00.
ISBN 0262161427.
The approach the authors use for this text is to emphasize specific processes
and forms used by individuals and collaborative teams. Subject areas covered in-
clude defining the audience, developing graphics, conducting meetings, writing pro-
posals and reports, job search documents, and strategies for searching the literature.
722. Pilkey, Walter D. Peterson’s Stress Concentration Factors. New York:
Wiley, 1997. 508p. $110.00. ISBN 0471538493.
Graphical keys to the stress concentration charts are provided to make it
easier to find the appropriate chart. Program files to accompany this title are
available at
723. Pipe Characteristics Handbook. Tulsa, OK: PennWell, 1996. 229p.
$99.95. ISBN 0878146113.
This handbook was prepared by the Williams Natural Gas Company. Its
purpose is to enable the design engineer to select the proper pipe characteristics
for specific pipeline applications. It provides detailed data charts on maximum
allowable working pressures and properties of pipe.
724. Polyanin, Andrei D., and Alexander V. Manzhirov. Handbook of Integral
Equations. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 816p. $109.95. ISBN 0849328764.
Integral equations are used in several fields of science and in numerous ap-
plications, including elasticity, plasticity, heat and mass transfer, fluid dynam-
ics, biomechanics, game theory, and electrical engineering. This handbook
contains more than 2,100 integral equations and their solutions and includes
Laplace and Mellin tables.
6.9 General Engineering / 139

725. Pressman, David. Patent It Yourself. Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 1998. Various
pagings. $44.95. ISBN 087337469X.
Every collection and technical information center should include a copy of
this popular title. It is updated on a regular basis,and the author walks the inven-
tor through the entire patenting process with clear and helpful explanations. Ref-
erence staff will find this book an excellent source of information. Topics
covered include an introduction to patents and other intellectual property, the in-
venting process, documentation, research, and specifications and drawings.
726. Riley, K. F., M. P. Hobson, and S. J. Bence. Mathematical Methods for
Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1997. 1008p. $49.95. ISBN 0521555299.
This comprehensive handbook is appropriate for both the student and pro-
fessional. The physical relevance of the mathematics is reinforced throughout the
work. Topics covered include calculus, series and limitations, multiple integrals,
vector algebra, Fourier series, integral transforms, group theory, and probability.
727. Science and Technology Desk Reference. Detroit: Gale, 1996. 795p.
$50.00. ISBN 0810391767.
This reference resource provides detailed answers to about 1,700 questions
from subject areas such as biology, astronomy, chemistry, and environment.
Each entry includes the question and answer, with up to three source citations
and full bibliographic information. A comprehensive subject index is provided.
728. Science Navigator. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. Digital format.
$156.50. ISBN 0078531101.
This digital resource provides full-text of all articles (over 7,900) from the
McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. It also provides
definitions for over 105,000 terms from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scien-
tific and Technical Terms. There are hypertext links to related materials.
729. Sims, Frank. Engineering Formulas Interactive: Conversions, Defini-
tions, and Tables. New York: Industrial Press, 1999. 402p. Includes digital for-
mat. $44.95. ISBN 0831130873.
This comprehensive reference contains over 450 units conversions, 180
definitions, and an alphabetical arrangement for the most significant engineering
730. Source Selection Procedures: A Compilation of Federal Agency Regu-
lations, Handbooks, and Manuals. Washington, DC: George Washington Uni-
versity, Government Contracts Program, 1998. Various pagings. $65.00.
This reference compiles source selection procedures from several federal
agencies. It includes the U.S. Air Force’s numerical and adjectival rating scheme
and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s rating scheme that all scoring be sup-
ported by detailed narrative. It is used by both government personnel and con-
tractors. Information is available at
140 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

731. Tepper, Ronald. Model Letters and Memos: A Handbook for Scientists
and Engineers. New York: Wiley, 1996. 236p. Includes digital data. $59.95.
ISBN 0471139173.
This practical handbook assists scientists and engineers to produce effec-
tive correspondence. The accompanying digital data include dozens of boiler-
plate memos, letters, invitations, and responses to government.
732. Thomas, Brian J. The World Wide Web for Scientists and Engineers. A
Complete Reference for Navigating, Researching and Publishing Online.
Bellingham, WA: SPIE Press, 1998. 357p. $34.95. ISBN 0780334523.
This book is divided between discussions of basic Internet publishing and
navigation tools and listings of engineering and scientific sites. It includes a search
engine comparison appendix and a glossary. Site listings are not annotated.
733. Tuma, Jan J., and Ronald A. Walsh. Engineering Mathematics Hand-
book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 566p. $114.95. ISBN 0070655294.
This handbook covers algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry,
calculus, series, vectors, Fourier, and statistics. This edition includes extensive
conversion to SI units. Appendices include numerical tables, a glossary of sym-
bols and mathematics, units of measurement and conversion, references, and a
734. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Institute of Standards and Tech-
nology (NIST). The NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This reference is compiled by the Physics Laboratory of the National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology. Information resources cover fundamental
physical constants, international systems of units (SI), and uncertainty of measure-
ment units.
735. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Technical Information Service
(NTIS). Army Manuals and Publications. 1999. Available: http://www.ntis.
gov/databases/armypub.htm. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The National Technical Information Service distributes Army technical
manuals (TMs), field manuals (FMs), Army regulations (ARs), technical bulle-
tins (TBs), and other similar publications under arrangement with the U.S. Army
Publishing Agency. Over 14,000 Army publications are searchable by title or
publication numbers.
736. Wadsworth, Harrison M. Handbook of Statistical Methods for Engi-
neers and Scientists. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. $94.95.
ISBN 007067678X.
Statistics have increasingly become more integral to the work and training
of engineers and scientists, due in part to new technologies and accreditation rec-
ommendations from the Accreditation Board for Engineers and Technology
(ABET). This handbook is arranged from the basics to advanced statistical
methods. The appendix contains several statistical tables.
6.10 Industrial Engineering / 141

737. Zayed, Ahmed I. Handbook of Function and Generalized Function

Transformations. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 643p. (Mathematical Sciences
Reference Series). $89.95. ISBN 0849378516.
This handbook provides detailed descriptions and illustrations of trans-
forms such as the Laplace, Borel, Stieltjes, Lambert, Mellin, Boris, Hardy, Zak,
and Fourier. Function transforms are used to solve problems in engineering,
mathematical physics, and applied mathematics.
738. Zwillinger, Daniel. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formu-
lae. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1996. 812p. $44.95. ISBN 0849324793.
This handbook covers analysis, algebra, discrete mathematics, geometry,
continuous mathematics, special functions, scientific computing, financial
analysis, numerical methods, probability, and statistics. A detailed list of nota-
tions is included.

6.10 Industrial Engineering

739. Bralla, James G. Design for Manufacturability Handbook. New York:

McGraw-Hill, 1999. 1344p. (McGraw-Hill Handbooks). $125.00. ISBN
This handbook covers a broad range of manufacturing processes, illustrated
with descriptive information of the typical parts produced by each process. Gen-
eral topics covered include design principles, history of design for manufac-
turability (DFM), economical use of raw materials, formed metal components,
machined components, castings, nonmetallic parts, assemblies, and finishes.
740. Hanlon, Joseph F., Robert J. Kelsey, and Hallie E. Forcinio. Handbook of
Package Engineering. Lancaster, PA: Technomic, 1998. 556p. $85.00. ISBN
This handbook provides clear explanations of the physical and chemical
properties of most-used packaging materials. Topics covered include machinery
design and selection, labels and labeling, coatings and laminations, aerosols,
closures, fasteners, and adhesives.
741. Ichida, Takashi. Product Design Review: A Method for Error-Free
Product Development. Portland, OR: Productivity Press, 1996. 274p. $65.00.
ISBN 1563270412.
Design review (DR) is a method to reduce errors in the product design pro-
cess and, at the same time, monitor cost and timely delivery factors. This refer-
ence provides a systematic methodology and case studies to illustrate the design
review process. It includes numerous charts, figures, and tables.
742. Jones, William. The Handbook of Modern Manufacturing Techniques.
Dublin, Ireland: Oak Tree, 1998. 338p. $63.95. ISBN 1860760708.
This volume explains in detail the concepts and capabilities of the tools and
processes available to advanced manufacturing companies. Topics covered
142 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

include total quality management, quality systems, total productive mainte-

nance, just-in-time production, process reengineering, automation technologies,
and project management.
743. Juran, Joseph M., and A. Blanton Godfrey. Juran’s Quality Handbook.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. $150.00. ISBN 007034003X.
This classic reference book covers the principles of quality planning, qual-
ity control, and quality results.
744. Karwowski, Waldemar, and William S. Marras. Industrial Ergonomics
Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 1508p. $99.95. ISBN 0849326419.
With contributions from more than 125 international leaders, this is a com-
prehensive guide to industrial ergonomics and safety. It suggests engineering de-
sign measures aimed at reducing or eliminating job-risk factors and optimizing
manufacturing processes.
745. Kimber, Raymond J., Robert W. Grenier, and John Jourdan Heldt. Quality
Management Handbook. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1997. 823p. (Quality and
Reliability, no. 53). $145.00. ISBN 0824793560.
Arranged in three major sections, this handbook covers the major subject areas
of management, techniques, and tools. Specific topics covered include the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award, electronic product design, process control, and
hardness testing. The handbook includes the text of the military standard, Sampling
Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes (MIL-STD-105D).
746. Martin, James N. Systems Engineering Guidebook: A Process for De-
veloping Systems and Products. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 281p. (Systems
Engineering Series). $59.95. ISBN 0849378370.
The author describes a process framework for implementing systems engi-
neering based on the system at the AT&T Bell Labs. He covers such topics as the
integration of disciplines, integration of system elements, technical progress
monitoring, design-to-cost control, and documentation control. The book includes
an extensive glossary and bibliography. Appendices cover a definition of systems
engineering, the DOD acquisition life cycle, and technical reviews and audits.
747. Mathieu, Richard G. Manufacturing and the Internet: An Information
Guide for Professionals in Manufacturing Organizations. Norcross, GA: En-
gineering and Management Press, 1996. 451p. $34.95. ISBN 0898061644.
This book describes Internet sites on computer-integrated manufacturing
(CIM), agile manufacturing, TQM, statistical quality control, robotics, flexible
scheduling, CAD, concurrent engineering, and business process engineering.
748. Oberg, Erik, et al. Machinery’s Handbook: A Reference Book for the
Mechanical Engineer, Designer, Manufacturing Engineer, Draftsman,
Toolmaker, and Machinist. New York: Industrial Press, 1996. 2547p. $80.00.
ISBN 0831125756.
For over 80 years, this title has been one of the primary sources for the me-
chanical industry. It contains comprehensive data for the manufacturing plant,
6.10 Industrial Engineering / 143

machine shop, and drafting environment. Topics covered include manufacturing

processes, basic mathematics, mechanics, materials, measuring, machining, fas-
teners, and engineering standards. A brief history of Machinery’s Handbook is
available at
749. Parr, E. Andrew. Industrial Control Handbook. Woburn, MA:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. 896p. $155.00. ISBN 0750639342.
To control or monitor the operation of an industrial process, accurate meas-
urements of flow, pressure, or temperature are necessary. These measurements
are managed with the use of sensors, transducers, and transmitters. This hand-
book provides an encyclopedic discussion of specific equipment and technology
used in industrial control.
750. Salvendy, Gavriel. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. New
York: Wiley, 1997. 2137p. $195.00. ISBN 0471116904.
This handbook contains articles from more than 100 experts covering a
broad range of topics, from practical aspects to technical applications. The study
of human factors examines the role of humans in complex systems, the design of
equipment and facilities, and creating comfortable and safe environments. Top-
ics covered in this handbook include equipment, workplace, job design, design
for health and safety, evaluation methodologies, and human-computer interac-
tion. It includes references, an author index, and a subject index.
751. Schlager, Neil. How Products Are Made: An Illustrated Guide to Prod-
uct Manufacturing. Detroit: Gale. Vol. 1. 1994. $90.00. ISBN 0810389907X.
Vol. 2. 1996. $90.00. ISBN 0810389525. Vol. 3. 1998. $90.00. ISBN
0787615471. Vol. 4. 1998. $90.00. ISBN 0787624438.
This guide explains how basic tools, machines, materials, and foods are
made. Products include things like aluminum foil, baseball gloves, carbon paper,
chewing gum, helicopters, light bulbs, and zippers. Each entry provides back-
ground, materials, manufacturing process, illustrations, and additional references.
752. Shishko, Robert. NASA Systems Engineering Handbook. Upland, PA:
DIANE, 1998. 154p. $40.00. ISBN 0788132954.
This handbook covers the fundamentals of systems engineering (SE) as im-
plemented throughout project cycles for major NASA systems. Topics covered
include scheduling, work breakdown structure, risk management, configuration
management, and systems analysis and modeling issues. The book also provides
a list of acronyms, systems engineering templates and examples, instructions on
using the metric system, and a bibliography.
753. Stuart, Ralph B., and Christopher Moore. Safety and Health on the Inter-
net. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998. 328p. $49.00. ISBN
This guide includes over 200 safety and health sites, including newsletters,
discussion groups, regulations, Federal Register notices, and MSDS sheets.
144 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

754. System Safety Analysis Handbook. Albuquerque, NM: System Safety

Society, 1998. Various pagings. $100.00. Digital format available.
This handbook contains a compilation of analysis techniques and method-
ologies related to system safety analysis. It includes techniques, system safety
software, and applications of fuzzy and hybrid mathematics to safety analysis. A
glossary is included.
755. The Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Handbook (TMEH) Knowl-
edge Base. Dearborn, MI: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1998. Digital
format. $495.00.
This is a searchable compilation of the nine volumes of the TMEH Handbook.
It includes manufacturing information, illustrations, tables, and equations. A variety
of search options are offered, ranging from approaching the data by specific vol-
umes to searching the entire set of volumes as a database. A master index to the
complete series is available at
756. Westney, Richard E. The Engineer’s Cost Handbook: Tools for Manag-
ing Project Costs. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1997. 749p. $125.00. ISBN
Cost is a major component of all projects. This handbook provides engi-
neers with the tools to understand and apply appropriate cost engineering. The
editor addresses three major areas: estimating project costs, evaluating risk and
return, and controlling project costs. Practical illustrations and figures accom-
pany the text.

6.11 Materials Engineering

757. Amelinckx, S., et al. Handbook of Microscopy: Applications in Materi-

als Science, Solid-State Physics and Chemistry. New York: Wiley-VCH,
1996. 1101p. 3v. $825.00. ISBN 3527294449.
This handbook details the physico-chemical basis and capabilities of vari-
ous microscopy techniques used in materials science.
758. ASM Handbook. Metals Properties and Performance Collection. Ma-
terials Park, OH: ASM International,1998. Digital format. $492.00. ISBN
This digital product provides easy access to the following ASM Hand-
books: Volume 1, Properties and Selection of Irons, Steels and High Perform-
ance Alloys; Volume 2, Properties and Selection of Nonferrous Alloys and
Special-Purpose Materials; Volume 13, Corrosion; and Volume 18, Friction,
Lubrication and Wear Technology.
759. ASM Ready Reference: Properties and Units for Engineering Alloys.
Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1997. 168p. $68.00. ISBN
6.11 Materials Engineering / 145

This reference has definitions, synonyms, abbreviations, and conversion

factors for both mechanical and physical properties of more than 200 alloys. It
includes indexes for foreign abbreviations, names of properties, and complete
conversion factors; mechanical properties (bearing, bending, compressive,
creep, damping, deformation, elastic, fatigue, fracture, hardness, shear, tensile);
and physical properties.
760. Bezigan, Thomas. Extrusion Coating Manual. Atlanta, GA: TAPPI,
1999. 308p. $110.00. ISBN 0898520673.
This title details all aspects of extrusion coating. Topics covered include an
explanation of extrusion coating, extrusion dies, machinery, safety, and materials.
761. Bhushan, Bharat. Handbook of Micro/Nanotribology. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1999. 600p. (The Mechanics and Materials Science Series). $139.95.
ISBN 0849384028.
This handbook covers the characterization of solid surfaces, measurement
techniques and applications, and theoretical modeling of interfaces. It includes
more than 500 illustrations and tables.
762. Brady, George S., Henry R. Clauser, and John A. Vaccari. Materials
Handbook: An Encyclopedia for Managers, Technical Professionals, Pur-
chasing and Production Managers, Technicians, and Supervisors. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. 1136p. $127.95. ISBN 0070070849.
The first section of this reference book covers the properties and uses of miner-
als, chemicals, engineering and industrial materials, and plant and animal substances.
The second section gives the structure and properties of materials, with definitions,
reference charts, and tables. Entries are arranged in an easy-to-use format.
763. Brandes, Eric A., and G. B. Brook. Smithells Light Metals Handbook.
Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. 194p. $85.95. ISBN 0750636254.
The industrial metals included in this volume are aluminum, magnesium,
and titanium. Topics covered include specifications, physical properties, me-
chanical properties, equilibrium diagrams, metallography, heat treatment, and
finishing. For research and design purposes, references to source materials may
be located in Smithells Metals Reference Book (see entry 767).
764. Brandrup, Johannes, E. H. Immergut, and E. Grulk. Polymer Handbook.
New York: Wiley, 1999. 1920p. $295.00. ISBN 0471166286.
This handbook provides validated property data on polymeric material
needed in theoretical and experimental polymer research.
765. Bringas, John E., and Michael L. Wayman. The Metals Black Book. Fer-
rous Metals. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: CASTI, 1998. 750p. (Metals Data
Book Series, vol. 1). $75.00. ISBN 1894038088. Digital format available.
This is a metals data reference book for steels, alloy steels, tool steels, cast irons,
and stainless steels. It also covers boiler and pressure vessel steels. Detailed cross-
references to U.S. and international standards are provided. The book includes a
glossary with terms in four languages: English, French, Spanish, and German.
146 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

766. Bringas, John E., and Michael L. Wayman. The Metals Red Book. Non-
ferrous Metals. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: CASTI, 1998. 550p. (Metals Data
Book Series, vol. 2). $75.00. ISBN 1894038096. Digital format available.
This reference book provides metals data for aluminum, nickel, titanium,
cemented carbides, lead, tin, zinc, copper, and precious metals. Appendices
cover hardness conversion tables, metric conversions, Imperial units, pipe di-
mensions, tradenames and trademarks, and discontinued ASTM specifications.
767. Burstein, G. T., et al. Smithells Metals Reference Book. Woburn, MA:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. 1792p. (Engineering Materials Selector Series).
$375.00. ISBN 0750639687.
This substantial reference book covers the general physical and chemical
constants, X-ray analysis, crystallography, crystal chemistry, thermochemical
data, physical properties of molten salts, metallography, equilibrium diagrams,
electrical properties, and mechanical testing. Other topics covered include lubri-
cants, fuels, ceramics, corrosion, welding, and metal-matrix composites. There
is an index.
768. Chanda, Manas, and Salil K. Roy. Plastics Technology Handbook. New
York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. 1195p. (Plastics Engineering, 47). $250.00. ISBN
Topics covered include the characteristics of polymers, fabrication pro-
cesses, plastics properties and testing, industrial polymers, and polymers I spe-
cial uses. A new chapter on recycling of polymers has been added to this edition.
Appendices cover tradenames; abbreviations for industrial polymers; formula-
tions; commercial polymer blends and alloys; and properties of polymers, rubber
compounds, and textile fibers.
769. Chandler, Harry. Heat Treater’s Guide: Practices and Procedures for
Nonferrous Alloys. Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1996. 669p
$215.00. ISBN 0871705656.
This reference guide provides quick access to more than 450 datasheets on
superalloys, nickels, aluminum, copper, magnesium, titanium, and zinc. An in-
troduction to heat treating, cross-references, and a glossary are included.
770. Composite Materials Handbook. 1998. Working draft available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Composite Materials Handbook (Mil-Handbook-17) is an authorita-
tive source for data on current and emerging polymer matrix, metal matrix, and
ceramic matrix composite materials.
771. Davis, Joseph R. Carbon and Alloy Steels. Materials Park, OH: ASM In-
ternational, 1996. 731p. (ASM Specialty Handbook). $182.00. ISBN
The emphasis in this reference title is on the relationship between micro-
structure and properties and the influence of modern steel making practices.
There is a general introduction to carbon and alloy steels, followed by informa-
tion on processing and service characteristics, corrosion behavior, and material
6.11 Materials Engineering / 147

requirements for specific applications (e.g. steels for automotive applications,

ships, and offshore structures).
772. Davis, Joseph R. Cast Irons. Materials Park, OH: ASM International,
1996. 494p. (ASM Specialty Handbook). $182.00. ISBN 0871705648.
This title covers a variety of topics related to cast irons, including metal-
lurgy, solidification characteristics, foundry practices, heating treating, welding
and brazing, machining and grinding, temperature and physical properties, and
corrosion behavior.
773. Davis, Joseph R. Concise Metals Engineering Data Book. Materials
Park, OH: ASM International, 1997. 245p. $75.00. ISBN 0871706067.
This book lists essential metals engineering data for hundreds of metals and
alloys, with descriptions of physical properties, phase diagrams, chemical com-
positions, mechanical properties, and corrosion data. It also includes a metric
practice guide and a glossary of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols.
774. Davis, Joseph R. Heat-Resistant Materials. Materials Park, OH: ASM
International, 1997. 591p. (ASM Specialty Handbook). $182.00. ISBN
This is a comprehensive reference source on engineering metallic and non-
metallic heat-resistant materials, from carbon and alloy steels to refractory met-
als and ceramics to carbon-carbon composites. The volume covers heat-resistant
materials, including high-temperature characteristics, effects of processing and
microstructure on high-temperature properties, materials-selection guidelines
for industrial applications, and life-assessment methods.
775. Davis, Joseph R. Metals Handbook. Materials Park, OH: ASM Interna-
tional, 1998. 1521p. (Desk Edition). $185.00. ISBN 0871706547.
This edition is based on the ASM Handbooks series published from 1985 to
the present. It includes information on design considerations, materials selection
process, property data, phase diagrams, statistical analysis, quality control, and
776. Edenbaum, Jesse. Plastics Additives and Modifiers Handbook. New
York: Chapman, 1996. 1113p. $151.00. ISBN 0412741202.
This handbook covers a wide range of modifiers and additives. It is divided
into sections on materials, properties, processing, and marketing.
777. Gaur, Siddhartha, and Thomas B. Reed. Thermal Data for Natural and
Synthetic Fuels. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. 259p. $150.00. ISBN
Engineers and scientists use thermal analysis to obtain information on reac-
tion mechanism, kinetic parameters, thermal stability, phase transformation, and
heat of reaction. This reference title covers over 100 samples from these fuel
sources: natural biomass, processed biomass, municipal solid wastes, high-
carbon fuels, and liquid fuels. Appendices include information on sources of
samples and a list of references.
148 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

778. Glocker, David A., and S. Ismat Shah. Handbook of Thin Film Process
Technology. Philadelphia, PA: Institute of Physics, 1997. Digital format.
$399.00. ISBN 075930409X. Paper format available.
This practical handbook covers thin film deposition techniques and thin
film process. Contents include physical deposition techniques, thermal evapora-
tion, thermal spray coatings, electronic materials, optical materials, ferroelectric
materials, and superconducting materials.
779. Gotoh, Keishi, Hiroaki Masuda, and Ko Higashitani. Powder Technology
Handbook. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, 1997. 944p. $225.00. ISBN
Topics covered include particle characterization and measurement, funda-
mental properties of particles, fundamental properties of powder beds, prepara-
tion of powder, powder-handling operation, process instrumentation, and
working atmospheres and hazards.
780. Habashi, Fathi. Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy. New York:
Wiley-VCH, 1997. 2000p. 4v. $1398.95. ISBN 3527287922.
This handbook provides a wealth of data on metals, extraction, and alloys.
It combines basic knowledge and discussions of metal extraction processes with
information on how particular metals are extracted from raw materials.
781. Hilado, Carlos J. Flammability Handbook for Plastics. Lancaster, PA:
Technomic, 1998. 320p. $149.95. ISBN 1566766516.
This is a reference guide to basic information on the fire properties of plas-
tics, with sections on thermoplastic elastomers, chlorofluorocarbons, conductive
polymers, and recycling of plastics. Other chapters cover materials for the plas-
tic industry, decomposition, combustion and propagation, fire response charac-
teristics, flammability tests, market acceptance criteria, flammability and
product liability, and flammability and environmental concerns.
782. Lee, Norman C. Blow Molding Design Guide. Cincinnati, OH: Hanser
Gardner, 1998. 212p. $68.00. ISBN 1569902275.
The plastic blow molding process is used to make hollow component parts
from thermoplastic type resins. There are chapters in this guide on the basics of
blow molding, design process, understanding the mold, polymers and plastics,
and cost estimating.
783. Levin, Ernest M., et al. Phase Diagrams for Ceramists. Columbus, OH:
American Ceramic Society, 1964– . 12v.
The American Ceramic Society has been compiling and organizing phase
equilibria diagrams since 1933. The focus of this effort is to provide qualified,
evaluated data on chemical systems related to ceramic materials research. Vol-
umes cover oxides, salts, high-pressure systems, semiconductors, chalcogen-
ides, borides, carbides, and nitrides.
6.11 Materials Engineering / 149

784. Licari, James J. Hybrid Microcircuit Technology Handbook: Materi-

als, Processes, Design, Testing and Production. Westwood, NJ: Noyes, 1998.
579p. (Materials Science and Process Technology Series). ISBN 0815514239.
This handbook covers the basic technologies and guidelines for the design,
fabrication, assembly, and testing of hybrid circuits.
785. Mallick, P. K. Composites Engineering Handbook. New York: Marcel
Dekker, 1997. 1249p. (Materials Engineering, 11). $250.00. ISBN 0824793048.
This handbook brings together a broad range of topical discussions, techni-
cal information, and procedures on fiber-reinforced composites. Topics covered
include constituents, mechanics, processing, properties and performance, test-
ing, and engineering applications. The book is illustrated with formulas, photo-
graphs, figures, and tables.
786. Mark, James E. Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook. Woodbury,
NY: American Institute of Physics, 1996. 723p. Includes digital data. (AP Series
in Polymers and Complex Materials). $120.00. ISBN 1563965992.
This handbook provides concise information on polymeric materials, espe-
cially those important in physical chemistry and chemical physics. It emphasizes
the polymerization process.
787. Nayar, Alok. The Metals Databook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Various pagings. $128.95. ISBN 0070460884.
This databook provides extensive metallurgical information on cast irons,
steels, aluminum and its alloys, copper and its alloys, zinc and its alloys, and sin-
tered materials. It provides chemical composition, mechanical and physical
properties, applications, heat treatment temperatures, and selected international
788. Olabisi, Olagoke. Handbook of Thermoplastics. New York: Marcel
Dekker, 1997. 1053p. (Plastics Engineering, 41). $225.00. ISBN 0824797973.
This handbook provides comprehensive, current information for each ther-
moplastic, describing the history, formation mechanisms, structural and phase
characteristics, commercial relevance, performance properties, and applica-
tions. Each section has detailed references, tables, and figures.
789. Pecht, Michael G., et al. Electronic Packaging Materials and Their
Properties. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 160p. $69.95. ISBN 0849396255.
This sourceexamines packaging architecture and classification of materials
and their use. Topics covered include reliability, design, and cost; heat dissipa-
tion problems; and signal delay. The book reviews key electrical, thermal, me-
chanical, and chemical properties.
790. Pfaender, Heinz G. Schott Guide to Glass. London: Chapman & Hall,
1996. 224p. $55.00. ISBN 041262060X.
This reference spans the history of glass, raw materials, and the manufac-
turing process. Topics covered include glassmelt, flat glass, special glasses, and
environmental protection in the glass melting process.
150 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

791. Plastics Design Library Handbook Series. Norwich, NY: Plastics Design Li-
brary, 1990–9999. 12v. $2399.00. (PDL Handbook Series). Chemical Resistance.
Vol. 1, Thermoplastics. 1903p. $285.00. ISBN 188420712X. Chemical Resistance.
Vol. 2, Thermoplastic Elastomers Thermosets and Rubbers. 977p. $285.00.
ISBN 1884207138. The Effect of Sterilization Methods on Plastics and Elastom-
ers. 470p. $285.00. ISBN 1884207103. Handbook of Plastics Joining. 587p.
$285.00. ISBN 1884207170. Permeability and Other Film Properties of Plastics
and Elastomers. 706p. $285.00. ISBN 1884207146. The Effect of UV Light and
Weather on Plastics and Elastomers. 481p. $285.00. ISBN 1884207111. Fatigue
and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers. 524p. $285.00. ISBN
1884207154. Polypropylene: the Definitive User’s Guide and Databook. 432p.
$285.00. ISBN 1884207588. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for Plastics Engineer-
ing. 189p. $285.00. ISBN 1884207642. Some volumes available in digital format.
This is a comprehensive handbook series, providing data on all types of
plastics compiled from plastics journals, conference proceedings, test labs, gov-
ernment documents, and patents. Data include sample preparation, test methods,
test conditions, and test results.
792. Powder Metallurgy Design Manual. Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Indus-
tries Federation, 1998. 192p. $89.00. ISBN 1878954679.
Powder metallurgy uses metal powders to fabricate parts that require fine
finishes and bearing properties. This manual discusses the five basic manufac-
turing processes: conventional powder metallurgy (P/M), metal injection mold-
ing (MIM), powder forging (P/F), hot isostatic pressing (HIP), and cold isostatic
pressing (CIP). It includes case studies and a glossary.
793. Prasad, Y. V. R. K., and S. Sasidhara. Hot Working Guide: A Compen-
dium of Processing Maps. Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1997. 545p.
$225.00. ISBN 0871705982.
This work provides data used to design and optimize bulk metal-working
processes, such as rolling, forging, and extrusion.
794. Prelas, Mark A., Galina Popovici, and Louis K. Bigelow. Handbook of
Industrial Diamonds and Diamond Films. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998.
1214p. $235.00. ISBN 0824799941.
This handbook provides a comprehensive presentation of the diamond as
an engineering material. Because diamonds were used as an abrasive for several
thousand years, they have the reputation of being one of the oldest engineering
materials. The text offers information on properties and applications for both
mined diamonds and synthetic diamonds. The detailed index is very useful.
795. Pritchard, Geoffrey. Plastics Additives: An A-Z Reference. New York:
Chapman & Hall, 1998. 633p. $180.00. ISBN 041272720X.
This reference covers novel additives such as scorch inhibitors and
surface-modifies particulates and established varieties such as antioxidants, bio-
cides, fillers, fibers, and plasticizers. It includes discussions of environmental
concerns, interactions between additives, and legislative changes.
6.11 Materials Engineering / 151

796. Pruett, Kenneth M. Chemical Resistance Guide for Plastics: A Guide to

Chemical Resistance of Engineering Thermoplastics, Fluoroplastics, Fi-
bers, and Thermoset Resins. La Jolla, CA: Compass, 1998. 490p. $130.00.
ISBN 1889712035.
This guide contains data for 29,000 combinations of corrodents versus. met-
als, metal alloys, and carbon; liquid or dry chemicals, gases, lubricants, household
fluids, foods, atmospheres, and other environmentals are covered. Other informa-
tion includes chemical trade names; synonyms of covered chemicals and gases;
and mechanical, physical, and electrical properties data for each metal.
797. Roberts, George, George Krauss, and Richard Kennedy. Tool Steels. Ma-
terials Park, OH: ASM International, 1998. 364p. $190.00. ISBN 0871705990.
The format of this resource includes both encyclopedic explanations and tables
of reference information. This volume updates information in the ASM Handbook
series and follows the AISI/SAE classification of tool steels exclusively.
798. Rosato, Dominick V. Plastics Processing Data Handbook. New York:
Chapman & Hall, 1997. 669p. $139.95. ISBN 0412801906.
This handbook covers manufacturing techniques for plastics, such as injec-
tion molding, extrusion, blow molding, foam molding, and rotational molding.
Reference sections cover metric conversion charts, mathematical symbols and
abbreviations, and properties of water.
799. Saunders, N., and A. P. Miodownik. CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase
Diagrams): A Comprehensive Guide. New York: Pergamon, 1998. 479p.
(Pergamon Materials Series, vol. 1). $169.00. ISBN 0080421296.
The CALPHAD (CALculation of PHase Diagrams) method makes it possi-
ble to predict the phase behavior of complex, multi-component materials. Topics
covered here include the history of the CALPHAD approach, basic thermody-
namics, thermodynamic models for solution and compound phases, phase sta-
bilities, ordering models, computational methods, and application of the
CALPHAD methods.
800. Schweitzer, Philip A. Corrosion Engineering Handbook. New York:
Marcel Dekker, 1996. 736p. $150.00. ISBN 0824797094.
This handbook includes all types of information on corrosion, corrosion
theory, and materials used to reduce corrosion; provides analyses of corrosion
testing methods; and describes mechanisms of corrosion.
801. Seeber, Bernd. Handbook of Applied Superconductivity: Vol. 1—Fun-
damental Theory, Basic Hardware and Low-Temperature Science and
Technology. Vol. 2—Applications. Philadelphia, PA: Institute of Physics,
1998. 1912p. $545.00. ISBN 0750303778.
This set covers all aspects of applied superconductivity and supporting low
temperature technologies. It includes an introduction to the theoretical back-
ground and examples of current and future applications, as well as a glossary.
152 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

802. Shackelford, James F., and William Alexander. The CRC Materials Sci-
ence and Engineering Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 1000p.
$125.00. ISBN 0849326966.
This handbook covers key areas of materials science, including metal alloys;
polymers; ceramics and glasses; and electrical, chemical, and optical properties.
803. Shah, Vishu. Handbook of Plastics Testing Technology. New York:
Wiley, 1998. 527p. $89.95. ISBN 0471182028.
This volume provides a compilation of tests used in plastics research. De-
scriptions cover mechanical, thermal, electrical, weathering, optical, and chemi-
cal properties. Appendices include an index of test equipment manufacturers,
abbreviations for polymeric materials, a glossary, tradenames, standards organi-
zations, trade publications, independent testing laboratories, specifications, nu-
merous charts and tables, and academic programs.
804. Shionoya, Shigeo. Phosphor Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998.
608p. $135.00. ISBN 0849375606.
This handbook covers basic principles of luminescence to innovative tech-
nical applications. Topics covered include applications fluorescent lamps, CRT,
EL, plasma display, and field emission display. These are contributions from
prominent Japanese scientists and engineers.
805. Tamboli, Akbar R. Steel Design Handbook: LRFD Method. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1997. Various pagings. Includes digital data. $127.95. ISBN
In 1986 the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) allowed the
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) to be used in the United States for
steel constructed buildings. This handbook covers history, design concepts, and
material behavior. Appendices include information about steel desk design, spe-
cial welding issues for seismically resistant structures, a load factor design selec-
tion table, a SI metric conversion table, and nomenclature.
806. Vanderah, Terrell A., R. S. Roth, and H. F. McMurdie. Phase Diagrams
for High Tc Superconductors II. Westerville, OH: American Ceramic Society,
1997. 278p. $63.00. ISBN 1574980408.
This is the second volume in the Phase Equilibria Diagrams series, which
contain diagrams specific to superconducting oxides. These diagrams were col-
lected and reviewed by the Phase Equilibria Diagrams Data center, located in the
Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory of the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology. Information is available at
807. Verschueren, Karel. Material Environmental Data Sheets. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. Various pagings. $149.00. ISBN 0442019157.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) were developed about 50 years ago to as-
sist with the handling of potentially hazardous materials. One of the primary compo-
nents missing from MSDS is environmental information. This looseleaf reference
provides comparable environmental data for a select group of chemicals.
6.12 Mechanical Engineering / 153

808. Vetter, Gerhard. The Dosing Handbook. New York: Elsevier, 1998.
777p. $157.00. ISBN 1856173429.
Dosing in the production process involves quantitative volume dispensing
of such things as liquids or other bulk materials. This handbook covers the basics
of dosing, dosing methods, and design and application considerations.
809. Videla, Hector A. Manual of Biocorrosion. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1996.
273p. $75.00. ISBN 0873717260.
This manual explains the microbiology, electrochemistry, and surface phe-
nomena involved in biocorrosion and biofouling processes. Biocorrosion takes
places when organisms in aqueous environments influence the development of
corrosion. Topics covered include detection, laboratory methods, and formula-
tions. Each chapter is well documented with additional references. Numerous
charts, photographs, and a glossary are included.
810. Villars, Pierre. Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams. Materials
Park, OH: ASM International, 1997. Digital format. $4500.00. ISBN
0871706016 (PC); 0871706024 (Macintosh). Paper format available.
This is a crystallographic database of intermetallic compounds and ternary
phases, searchable by: compound formula, structure type, Pearson symbol,
space group symbol or number; unit cell dimension or angle, density, and melt-
ing point.
811. Villars, Pierre. Pearson’s Handbook: Desk Edition: Crystallographic
Data for Intermetallic Phases. Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1997.
2886p. 2v. $775.00. ISBN 0871706032.
This comprehensive handbook contains 27,686 entries on crystal data de-
scribed by structure type. Over 50 percent of the entries also include the coordi-
nate of the atoms. This reference set is a direct descendent of the Handbook of
Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metals and Alloys. Entries include citations
from international materials literature.

6.12 Mechanical Engineering

812. ASHRAE Handbook. Atlanta, GA: American Society of Heating, Refrig-

eration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1995–1998. 1995 ASHRAE Hand-
book: HVAC Applications. $124.00. 1996 ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC
Systems and Equipment. $124.00. 1997 ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamen-
tals Handbook. $124.00. 1998 ASHRAE Handbook: Refrigeration Hand-
book. $124.00. Available in either I-P or SI editions. Digital format available.
This is the standard source for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and re-
frigeration information for building construction, maintenance, and retrofit and
in the design and operation of industrial processes.
154 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

813. Avallone, E. A., and Theodore Baumeister. Marks’ Standard Handbook

for Mechanical Engineers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. 2080p. $125.00.
ISBN 0070049971. Digital format available.
This classic reference covers every aspect of mechanical engineering:
mathematics, mechanics, thermodynamics, power generation and transmission,
materials of construction, machine elements, and materials handling.
814. Barber, Antony. Pneumatic Handbook. New York: Elsevier, 1997. 659p.
$190.00. ISBN 185617249X.
This handbook describes the design of compressors, tools, machinery, ac-
tuators, sensors, and valves. Standards, codes of practice, and technical direc-
tives are also listed.
815. Bauer, H., Arne Cypra, and Anton Beer. Automotive Handbook. Stutt-
gart, Germany: Robert Bosch, 1996. 892p. $35.00. ISBN 1560919183.
This is a technical automotive technology reference with descriptions, il-
lustrations, graphs, and sectional drawings. Topics covered include machine ele-
ments, tribology, engine cooling, fuel management, drivetrain, braking systems,
communications and information systems, and safety systems. This is one of the
best concise automobile technology reference books available.
816. Bechtold, Richard L. Alternative Fuels Guidebook: Properties, Stor-
age, Dispensing, and Vehicle Modifications. Warrendale, PA: SAE Interna-
tional, 1998. 214p. $39.00. ISBN 0768000521.
Topics covered here include alternative fuels and their origins, properties and
specifications, storage and dispensing, and refueling facilities. Also covered are
methanol, ethanol, natural gas (CNG and LNG), LP gas, vegetable oils, and hydrogen.
817. Bleier, Frank P. Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Design.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. $114.95. ISBN 0070059330.
This is a comprehensive handbook on the basics of moving air, types of
fans, laws, applications, standards, and performance. The text is illustrated with
tables, figures, and formulas.
818. Booser, E. Richard. Tribology Data Handbook: An Excellent Friction,
Lubrication and Wear Resource. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1998. 1120p.
$150.00. ISBN 0849339049.
This databook was developed in cooperation with the Society of Tribologists
and Lubrication Engineers. It describes properties of materials, lubricant viscosi-
ties, design, friction, and wear formulae in military, industrial, automotive, and
aircraft applications. It includes hundreds of tables, equations, and figures.
819. Brater, Ernest F., et al. Handbook of Hydraulics for the Solution of Hy-
draulic Engineering Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Various pag-
ings. $100.95. ISBN 0070072477.
This handbook presents the fundamentals needed to solve hydraulic prob-
lems, such as those associated with orifices, gates, tubes, weirs, pipes, and open
channels. It includes a chapter on computer programs in hydraulics.
6.12 Mechanical Engineering / 155

820. Caines, Arthur J., and Roger F. Haycock. Automotive Lubricants Refer-
ence Book. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, 1996. 706p. $125.00. ISBN
This reference provides an introduction to lubricant fundamentals. Topics
covered include engine lubricants, gear oil, gas turbine oils, railroad oils, hy-
draulic oils, and air conditioner lubricants; there is a glossary, and the full-text
SAE Ground Vehicle Standards is included.
821. Chironis, Nicholas P., and Neil Sclater. Mechanisms and Mechanical
Devices Sourcebook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. 463p. $114.95. ISBN
This handbook provides essential information for machine and mechanical
design, product design, manufacturing, and plant engineering professionals.
Chapters cover parts-handling mechanisms; reciprocating and general purpose
mechanisms; spring, bellow, flexure, screw, and ball devices; cam, toggle,
chain, and belt mechanisms; geared systems; pneumatic and hydraulic ma-
chines; and mechanism control.
822. Electronic Stress Tables. Fairfield, NJ: American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, 1998. Digital format. $265.00.
The Electronic Stress Tables is a digital product based on the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code Section II, Part D (Materials Properties).
823. Elliott, Thomas C., Kao Chen, and Robert C. Swanekamp. Standard
Handbook of Powerplant Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
1226p. $115.00. ISBN 0070194351.
This handbook discusses several types of energy technology, including
coal, natural gas, hydroelectric, and waste fuels. Emerging technologies in the
areas of windpower, solar energy, biomass, geothermal, and fuel cells are also
covered. Detailed illustrations and references accompany each chapter.
824. Fenton, John. Handbook of Automotive Body and Systems Design.
London: Professional Engineering, 1998. 430p. $125.00. ISBN 186058076X.
This handbook provides vehicle body designers and engineers with a sur-
vey of current practice and references to related literature. Topics covered in-
clude ergonomics, aerodynamics, volume road cars, specialist cars, trucks, and
other commercial vehicles.
825. Fenton, John. Handbook of Automotive Body Construction and Design
Analysis. London: Professional Engineering, 1998. 455p. $125.00. ISBN
The focus of this handbook is on the construction and design considerations
of automotive bodies that include fabrication, cutting, finishing, polymer sys-
tems, metallic materials, structure design, and safety. The text is well illustrated
with examples.
156 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

826. Fenton, John. Handbook of Automotive Powertrain and Chassis Design.

London: Professional Engineering, 1998. 421p. $125.00. ISBN 1860580750.
This title includes chapters on the power unit, electric propulsion, vehicle
suspension, steering, wheel, brake and trailer design, drive axles, transmission
gearbox design, and off-road propulsion. Detailed diagrams, examples, and fig-
ures accompany the text.
827. Fire Protection Handbook. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Asso-
ciation, 1997. 2300p. (FPH 18997). $122.75. ISBN 0877653771. Digital format
This handbook includes the complete list of NFPA codes. Other informa-
tion provided is tables and charts, SI units and conversion tables, and organiza-
tions and fire protection interests. Topics covered include sprinkler technology,
fire modeling, disaster planning, and extinguishing agents.
828. Grist, Edward. Cavitation and the Centrifugal Pump: A Guide for
Pump Users. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1999. 324p. $79.95. ISBN
“Cavitation” is when air cavities develop in liquid. When cavitation occurs
in centrifugal pumps, it affects performance and causes problems. This technical
guide assists the user with understanding pump performance characteristics, hy-
draulic performance, cavitation tests, and future pump technology. Appendices
include the description of the first centrifugal pump, by Denis Papin, in the
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1705).
829. Haines, Roger W., and C. Lewis Wilson. HVAC Systems Design Hand-
book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 517p. $69.95. ISBN 0070259631.
This reference is directed to the HVAC designer. Frequent references are
made to the ASHRAE Handbooks (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air Conditioning Engineers) and Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Rec-
ommended Practice. Topics covered include HVAC engineering fundamentals,
design procedures, equipment, design documentation, technical report writing,
and basic engineering fundamentals (fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat
transfer, psychrometrics, sound and vibration).
830. Harris, Cyril M., and Charles E. Crede. Shock and Vibration Handbook.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Various pagings. $125.00. ISBN 0070269203.
This handbook brings together a survey of classical vibration theory and
modern applications of the theory to engineering practice. Topics covered include
types of vibrations, measurements, standards, testing machines, analysis, shock
isolation, packaging engineering, and effects of shock and vibration on humans.
831. Hewitt, Geoffrey. F., et al. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook (HEDH).
New York: Begell House, 1998. 3424p. 3v. $265.50. ISBN 1567000983.
This is a major reference on the thermal and mechanical design of heat ex-
changers with associated heat transfer phenomena and physical property data.
Heat exchangers transfer heat between two or more streams of fluid flowing in
device or structure.
6.12 Mechanical Engineering / 157

832. Hoffman, Dorothy M., Bawa Singh, and John H. Thomas III. Handbook
of Vacuum Science and Technology. San Diego, CA: Academic, 1998. 835p.
$150.00. ISBN 0123520657.
This practical approach to vacuum science provides complete information
on the vacuums, vacuum measurements, system maintenance and operation, and
vacuum applications. Each section includes references and illustrations.
833. Jackson, Charles N., Charles N. Sherlock, and Patrick O. Moore. Nonde-
structive Testing Handbook Volume 1. Leak Testing. Columbus, OH: Ameri-
can Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1998. 637p. $149.00. ISBN
This handbook provides technical information and practical guidance on
techniques for ensuring the reliability of engineering systems subject to leakage.
Subjects covered include calibrated reference standards, safety, vacuum sys-
tems, halogen tracer gases, and residual gas indications. A glossary and bibliog-
raphy are included. More information about this classic handbook and future
plans is available at
834. Johnson, Richard W. The Handbook of Fluid Dynamics. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC, 1998. 1600p. $129.95. ISBN 0849325099.
This is a comprehensive guide and reference book for the field of fluid dy-
namics. It explains experimental methods like laser-Doppler velocimetry, parti-
cle image velocimetry, and phase Doppler particle analyzer. It also covers a
range of applications, including turbomachinery, nozzles, diffusers, pumps, and
lubrication. Appendices cover mathematics of fluid mechanics and tables of di-
mensionless numbers.
835. Kreith, Frank. Mechanical Engineering Handbook. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC, 1998. 2624p. $125.00. ISBN 084939418X. Digital format available.
This handbook covers the traditional areas of thermodynamics, solid and
fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, systems controls materials, and energy
conversion. Other relevant topics include robotics, patent law, and bioengineer-
ing. The book includes figures, equations, and tables. The digital format pro-
vides word and text searching, Boolean searching, and proximity searching.
836. Kutz, Myer. Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook. New York: Wiley,
1998. 2352p. $250.00. ISBN 0471130079.
This mechanical engineering handbook covers a broad range of topics, in-
cluding materials and mechanical design; systems and controls; manufacturing
engineering; energy power and pollution control technology; and management,
finance, quality, law, and research. There are chapters on electronic information
resources and sources of mechanical information.
837. Lewis, Bernard T. Facility Manager’s Operation and Maintenance
Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. Various pagings. $89.95. ISBN
This handbook is a comprehensive reference source on equipment and fa-
cilities operations and maintenance requirements. A glossary is provided.
158 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

838. Miller, Richard W. Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook. New

York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Various pagings. $115.50. ISBN 0070423660.
This handbook provides detailed selection criteria, installation practices, and
exact computation equations for flowmeters. Appendices include discussions and
proofs, pipe data, fluid properties, viscosities of liquids, and viscosities of gases.
839. Moss, Dennis R. Pressure Vessel Design Manual: Illustrated Proce-
dures for Solving Major Pressure Vessel Design Problems. Houston, TX:
Gulf, 1997. 288p. $115.00. ISBN 0884156478.
This manual presents solutions to pressure vessel design problems. Proce-
dures are arranged by general designs, vessel supports, special designs, and local
loads. Additional reference materials are available in the appendices.
840. Mull, Thomas E. HVAC Principles and Applications Manual. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Various pagings. $69.95. ISBN 007044451X.
The author covers the basics of the HVAC system, scientific principles, cli-
matic conditions, building heat transmission surfaces, infiltration and ventila-
tion, heating loads, codes, duct system design, and electrical systems. The text is
enhanced with illustrations, graphs, and tables.
841. Nelik, Lev. Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps: Fundamentals with Appli-
cations. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1999. 137p. $89.95. ISBN 0849307015.
This reference provides a clear and simple overview of pump types as de-
fined by the Hydraulic Institute (HI). There are helpful diagrams describing the
classification of pumps. Chapters cover centrifugal pumps, gear pumps,
multiple-screw pumps, progressing cavity pumps, and metering pumps.
842. Ness, Stanley, et al. Nondestructive Testing Handbook Volume 10.
Nondestructive Testing Overview. Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, 1996. 581p. $97.00. ISBN 1571170189.
This is the final volume to the second edition of the Nondestructive Testing
Handbook, a series that began publication in 1982. Topics covered include leak
testing, liquid penetrant, radiation principles, magnetic particle testing, ultra-
sonic testing, and visual testing. The handbook includes an extensive glossary on
nondestructive testing.
843. Ottaviano, John L. National Mechanical Estimator. Lilburn, GA: Fair-
mont, 1996. 950p. $98.50. ISBN 0881732354.
This resource is used for estimating techniques for mechanical contracting
activities. It includes reference tables for calculations, information on industrial
and commercial ductwork, and computer estimating.
844. Parmley, Robert O. Standard Handbook of Fastening and Joining. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. Various pagings. $110.00. ISBN 0070485895.
This handbook covers practical information on the application of major fasten-
ing and joining methods; topics covered include welding, riveting, threaded fasteners,
adhesive bonding, aerospace fastening, standard pins, expansion joints, and rope
splicing and tying. Helpful, detailed illustrations and charts accompany the text.
6.12 Mechanical Engineering / 159

845. Parr, E. Andrew. Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician’s and En-

gineer’s Guide. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. 244p. $66.95.
ISBN 0750639377.
This is written as a guide to the operation of hydraulic and pneumatic sys-
tems. The author states that it is not a design manual because it does not include
such things as the sizing of pipes and valves. It covers fundamental principles,
air compressors, control valves, and actuators.
846. Pope, J. Edward. Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers: A Manual
of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Mechanical Engineering Prob-
lems. Houston, TX: Gulf, 1997. 405p. $79.00. ISBN 0884157903.
The editor has assembled shortcuts, calculations, practical methods, and
background reviews on fluids, heat transfer, thermodynamics, seals, and compres-
sors. Solutions are generally illustrated with helpful figures, tables, and formulas.
847. Rishel, James B. HVAC Pump Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1996. 529p. $64.95. ISBN 0070530335.
This handbook provides detailed information on the application of pumps
to heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems (HVAC). Extensive cross-
referencing, tables, figures, and equations enhance the reference value of this ti-
tle. It includes a list of abbreviations, terms and nomenclature, a glossary of
equations, and tables for conversion of English units to SI.
848. Schetz, Joseph A., and Allen E. Fuhs. Handbook of Fluid Dynamics and
Fluid Machinery. New York: Wiley, 1996. Vol. 1. Fundamentals of Fluid Dy-
namics. Vol. 2. Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Vol. 3.
Applications of Fluid Dynamics. 2628p. $400.00. ISBN 0471873527.
This handbook was written to answer the practical fluid dynamics and fluid
machinery information needs in mechanical, civil, chemical, environmental,
materials, and nuclear engineering. Each volume contains detailed illustrations
and indexes.
849. Sher, Eran. Handbook of Air Pollution from Internal Combustion En-
gines: Pollutant Formation and Control. Boston: Academic, 1998. 663p.
$120.00. ISBN 0126398550.
Topics covered in this handbook include motor vehicle emissions control,
fuels, environment and health aspects of air pollution, and economic and plan-
ning aspects of transportation emission. Detailed information is provided for
spark-ignition engines, compression-ignition engines, and two-stroke engines.
Reference information on fuels, such as international fuel specifications, is par-
ticularly useful.
850. Shigley, Joseph E., and Charles R. Mischke. Standard Handbook of Ma-
chine Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Various pagings. $179.95. ISBN
Machine design covers a broad range of topics, including wear, usability,
safety, corrosion, stress, noise, vibration, and strength. Discussions on seals,
160 \ Chapter 6: Handbooks, Manuals, and Tables

flywheels, power screws, fasteners, drives, gaskets, and robots are also in this
reference. One chapter of interest is the thesaurus of mechanisms, which pro-
vides an illustrated approach to several devices and operations.
851. Sixsmith, Thomas, and Reinhard Hanselka. Handbook of Thermoplastic
Piping System Design. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1997. 686p. (Mechanical
Engineering: A Series of Textbooks and Reference Books, no. 114). $185.00.
ISBN 0824798465.
This handbook answers most application questions about thermoplastic
piping systems. Thermoplastic piping is widely used for piping systems. Topics
covered here include designs, selection, installation, codes, standards, cost fac-
tors, and applications. Covered also are chemical resistance data graphing types
of chemicals, thermoplastic materials, and temperature.
852. Skousen, Philip L. Valve Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
726p. $99.95. ISBN 0070579210.
This handbook focuses on the basics of valve designs and principles. It cov-
ers valve selection criteria and different types of valves, such as manual, check,
pressure relief, control, smart; valve sizing, and common valve problems. It also
includes a bibliography, common conversion factors, and a glossary.
853. Soroka, Walter G. Fundamentals of Packaging Technology. Herndon,
VA: Institute of Packaging Professionals, 1998. 590p. $195.00.
This resource covers such topics as packaging functions, graphic design,
packing printing, paper and paperboard, paperboard packaging, metal cans and
containers, glass containers, plastics, adhesives, machinery, and the packaging
development process. It is used as a preparatory text for the Certified Packaging
Professional (CPP) exam. It includes a glossary.
854. Stoecker, W. F. Industrial Refrigeration Handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998. 782p. $99.95. ISBN 007061623X.
The Industrial Refrigeration Handbook is a combination and update of pre-
vious volumes (1988 and 1995) published by Business News Publishing Com-
pany. It discusses the field of industrial refrigeration; properties, cycles, and
units; compressors; refrigerants; safety; and refrigerated structures. Appendices
provide conversions between SI and Inch-Pound Units and properties of several
refrigerants (e.g., R-22, R-23, R-125, R-134a).
855. Suchy, Ivana. Handbook of Die Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Various pagings. $89.95. ISBN 0070666717.
This handbook is a complete guide to metal stamping die design and opera-
tions, the most commonly used method for producing precision parts.
856. Walsh, Ronald A. McGraw-Hill Machining and Metalworking Hand-
book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 1683p. $79.95. ISBN 0070680590.
This handbook covers the practice, technical data, and standards prevalent
in current machining and metalworking environments.
6.12 Mechanical Engineering / 161

857. Zappe, R. W. Valve Selection Handbook. Houston, TX: Gulf, 1998.

324p. $70.00. ISBN 0884158861.
This is a definitive guide to the engineering fundamentals of valve selec-
tion. Topics covered include manual valves, check valves, pressure relief valves,
and rupture disks. Reference material includes the ASME Code Safety Valve
Rules, properties of fluids, standards pertaining to valves, and International Sys-
tem of Units (SI).
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Chapter 7

Buyer’s Guides,
Databooks, and Catalogs
Buyer’s guides, databooks, and catalogs are critical to the engineer. These
resources provide information about specifications, systems, materials, parts,
and other components used in the development and design of engineering proj-
ects. Increasingly, more manufacturers and distributors are making these types
of resources available over the Internet.
858. American Machine and Tool Company Business Center (AMT). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
With free registration, users of this source are able to access the AMT Di-
rectory and other information resources.
859. American Metalcasting Consortium (AMC). 1999. Available: http://amc. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Metalcasting Consortium (AMC) is a coalition of organiza-
tions from the metalcasting industry, including The American Foundrymen’s
Society (AFS), Non-Ferrous Founders’ Society (NFFS), North American Die
Casting Association (NADCA), Steel Founders’ Society of America (SFSA),
and The Ferroalloys Association (TFA). The metalcasting industry is one of the
largest recyclers of materials (about 85 percent of finished metalcast products
come from recycled materials). The site includes research information and re-
lated photographs.
860. Broadcast Engineering. Buyers Guide. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This buyer’s guide information is associated with the journal Broadcast
Engineering. The guide includes a product index, Internet addresses, manufac-
turer/dealer addresses, and systems integrator addresses.
861. Ceramics and Industrial Minerals. 1998. Available: http://www.ceram-
ics. com. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is a list of resources in ceramics, industrial minerals, and related top-
ics. It includes a searchable list of companies and related industry sites.

164 \ Chapter 7: Buyer’s Guides, Databooks, and Catalogs

862. Chemical Online. 1999. Available:

(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site supports professionals and vendors in the chemical industry. It
provides a buyer’s guide for products and suppliers, chemical industry news,
manufacturers, regulatory updates, announcements, employment opportunities,
and discussion forums.
863. Chip Directory. 1999. Available:
dir.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site contains searchable files for numerically and functionally ordered
chip lists, chip pinouts and chip manufacturers, tool manufacturers, electronics
books, electronic resources, magazines, and additional Internet resources.
864. D.A.T.A. Digest Discrete Semiconductors Library. Englewood, CO:
D.A.T.A., 1998. 5 parts.
There are several titles available in this collection. More than 410,200 cur-
rent devices produced by 670 manufacturers worldwide are included. Titles in-
clude technical sections providing up to 20 of the most important electrical
parameters on each device, along with package outline drawings, pinouts, sug-
gested replacements, and manufacturer contact information. There are several
components to the library: Diodes (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10400249.); Optoe-
lectronics (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10400907.); Power Semiconductors (Annual.
$205.00. ISSN 10400214.); Thyristors (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10400222.); and
Transistors (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10400230.)
865. D.A.T.A. Digest Integrated Circuits Library. Englewood, CO: D.A.T.A.,
1998. 5 parts.
More than 291,100 current devices produced by 674 manufacturers world-
wide are included in this comprehensive library. All titles in the ICs Library in-
clude technical sections providing up to 20 of the most important electrical
parameters on each device, along with package outline drawings, pinouts, sug-
gested replacements, and manufacturer contact information. There are several
components to the library: Digital (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10574530.); Inter-
face (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10574522.); Linear (Annual. $205.00. 10593128.);
Memory (Annual. $205.00. ISSN 10482598.); and Microprocessors (Annual.
$205.00. 10492445.)
866. D.A.T.A. Digest Specialty References Library. Englewood, CO: D.A.T.A.,
1998. 3v.
This library provides a broad range of indexes with information not in-
cluded in the hardcopy versions of the D.A.T.A. Volumes include Application
Notes (Annual. $95.00. ISSN 10593772.); High Reliability Military Electronic
Components (Annual. $225.00. ISSN 10818049.); and Master Type Locator
(Annual. $150.00. ISSN 1080983X.)
Buyer’s Guides, Databooks, and Catalogs / 165

867. E and MJ Buyers Guide. 1998. Available: (Ac-

cessed October 30, 1999).
This is a list of companies from the Engineering and Mining Journal (E&MJ).
868. Fisher Scientific International. 1999. Available: http://www.fisher- (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Fisher Scientific International provides teaching aids for science education,
instruments, equipment, supplies, workstations, and research chemicals. The
site offers access to the following catalogs: Argos Organics Catalog of Fine
Chemicals, Fisher Catalog, Safety Products Reference Manual, Fisher Chemi-
cal Catalog, and Fisher Health Care Catalog.
869. IC Manufacturers. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
This is a directory of over 660 integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers’ sites.
870. International Plastics Selector (IPS). Englewood, CO; D.A.T.A. Busi-
ness Publishing. Frequency varies. Information available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
International Plastics Selector is a comprehensive group of products relat-
ing to the plastics industry. These products provide key property data for the se-
lection of plastics and adhesives materials. Volumes are Adhesives /D/I/G/E/S/T/
(Biennial. $95.00. ISSN 10412050.) and Plastics /D/I/G/E/S/T/ (Annual.
$245.00. ISSN 10450769.) Paper and digital formats are both available.
871. Manufacturing Engineering—Buyers Guide. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is the buyer’s guide that comes with the journal Manufacturing Engineer-
ing. It has 280 product categories and is published by the Society of Manufacturing
Engineers. To locate the buyer’s guides on this site, first select “magazines.” From
this page you can select a journal title to find the buyer’s guides.
872. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
Directed to engineering, design, purchasing, logistics, and distribution pro-
fessionals, this site provides news, product directories, and employment infor-
mation from Cahners magazines. Access is free with registration.
873. Metalforming OnLine. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site is supported by Precision Metalforming Association (PMA). The
metalforming industry creates precision metal products by using stamping and
fabricating processes. It provides searchable access to Sources Buyer’s Guide
and Suppliers Buyer’s Guide. A reference glossary is also provided.
874. The Mineral Gallery. 1999. Available:
default.htm. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Mineral Gallery is a collection of mineral descriptions, images, and
specimens. The descriptions include searchable mineralogical data.
166 \ Chapter 7: Buyer’s Guides, Databooks, and Catalogs

875. National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Established in 1943, the National Tooling and Machining Association is a
trade organization representing the precision custom manufacturing industry
throughout the United States. It provides searchable access to NTMA Online
Buyer’s Guide.
876. Recycler’s World. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
Recycler’s World provides information related to secondary or recyclable
commodities, byproducts, and used and surplus items or materials. Commodity
recycling sections include automobile, battery, iron, paper, glass, liquids, and
food waste.
877. Scientific Instruments Services (SIS). 1998. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
SIS provides services and product line for mass spectrometers, gas chroma-
tographs, and related equipment. Access is provided to SIS Catalog Online.
878. SIGMA-ALDRICH. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
SIGMA-ALDRICH is a global company responsible for Sigma, Aldrich,
Fluka, Supelco, and Riedel-de Haën brand products. Several searchable catalogs
are available for over 200,000 chemicals and laboratory research supplies.
879. SoluSource. 1999. Information available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is an index of product information searchable by word, functionality,
locality, or product attribute. Its publisher, Thomas Publishing, advertises that
this unique resource has been “designed for engineers by engineers.” It is avail-
able by subscription.
880. Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site, sponsored by the Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA), offers
an extensive list of links to steel producers and organizations. It also lists press
releases, societies, publications, and bulletin boards concerned with the steel in-
881. Sweet’s Catalog Files. New York: Sweet’s Division, McGraw-Hill. An-
nual. Includes digital data. ISSN 07477198.
In 1906 the first edition of the Sweet’s Catalog Files provided product in-
formation from 435 manufacturers. Today, the Catalog Files provide product
catalogs from 2,000 manufacturers. The Sweet’s Catalog Files are prefiled, clas-
sified, and indexed according to the industry-accepted, 16-division format.
Catalog Files cover the following areas: general building and renovation, indus-
trial construction and renovation, light source, accessible building products,
Buyer’s Guides, Databooks, and Catalogs / 167

contract interiors, electrical contracting, mechanical contracting, civil and struc-

tural contracting, and Canadian construction. Sweet’s System Online: Building
Product Information is available at:
882. Thomas Register of American Manufacturers. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This directory lists over 156,000 manufacturers of industrial products and
services. The Thomas Publishing Company also publishes several digital prod-
ucts that are available for free to qualified users. PartSpec is a catalog of hun-
dreds of thousands of parts from leading U.S. mechanical parts manufacturers.
This parts library allows the user to find parts drawings and insert them into
AutoCAD drawings. PlantSpec brings product information for multiple plant-
component manufacturers together. CADBlocks is a source for standard format
dimensioned drawings and technical data for thousands of building products
from leading manufacturers.
883. World Catalog of International Chemical Equipment (WOICE).
Frankfurt, Germany: ACHEMA, 1999. Digital data. Information available:
This is a comprehensive, international multimedia catalog of equipment in
chemical engineering, environmental protection, and biotechnology. It provides
information on more than 4,600 companies from around the world. The primary
language is English, but users can also access the information in German,
French, or Spanish.
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Chapter 8

Internet Resources
This chapter covers a broad range of Internet resources arranged by the fol-
lowing engineering disciplines: aerospace and aeronautical, architectural,
chemical, civil, computer science, electrical, general, industrial, materials, me-
chanical, mining, and nuclear engineering. Two major considerations associated
with the activity of listing digital resources are worth mentioning. The first is
that organizations change Internet addresses often. If an address appears to be no
longer valid, it is worth the effort to do some additional searching. Unless the or-
ganization has completely changed its name or gone out of business, the new site
should surface. The other consideration is that many of the sites can be catego-
rized as “grey sites.” Just like grey literature, there is useful information avail-
able from “less-traditional” sites. As with all information resources and tools,
the user is encouraged to evaluate the information through critical analysis and

8.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering

884. Aerofiles. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).

Aerofiles lists more than 11,000 types of U.S. aircraft with their specifica-
tions, photographs, and other data. The site also includes information about Ap-
proved Type Certificates, power plants by manufacturer, codes, and
885. Aerospace—World Wide Web Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed April 23, 1999).
Hosted at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, this resource covers
such categories as conferences, European Space Agency (ESA), images, manu-
facturers, museums, NASA Space Centers, government, university publications,
software engineering, and rocketry resources.
886. Airship: The Homepage for Lighter-Than-Air Craft. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is a well-developed educational site covering every aspect of lighter-
than-air craft information. It includes additional Internet sites, media, books, and
international information.

170 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

887. Aviation Museum Locator. 2000. Available: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.

edu/rec/air/museums/museums.html. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
Over 200 museums are identified by state.
888. Aviation—Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://macwww.db.erau.
edu/www_virtual_lib/aviation.html. (Accessed April 23, 1999).
This site covers a broad range of topics, including aircraft, airlines, airships
and balloons, airshows, aviation pioneers, conferences, helicopters, ultralights,
software, and skydiving.
889. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
MODIS plays a vital role in the development of validated, global, interac-
tive Earth system models. The site also includes an extensive list of publications
back to 1978.
890. UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group. 2000. Available: http://amber. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
Produced by the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineer-
ing, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, this resource covers a wide range
of information on low-speed airfoil tests and airfoil data.

8.2 Architectural Engineering

891. AEC (Architecture Engineering Construction) InfoCenter. 1999.

Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
AEC InfoCenter serves the architectural, engineering, construction, and
home building industry by providing valuable resource material online. It in-
cludes building products, support services, software, hardware, and heavy
equipment. The site also includes the SpecCenter, which provides free specifica-
tions from contributing manufacturers.
892. Architectural Engineering—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http://energy. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Architectural engineering is the application of engineering principles to the
design, construction, and operation of technical systems for buildings. This site cov-
ers general information; professional organizations; education; and major areas of
specialization like lighting, heating, acoustics, plumbing, and fire protection.
893. BuildNET. 1998. Available: (Accessed April
23, 1999).
BuildNET provides a comprehensive database of building industry and
home improvement resources, companies, and opportunities.
8.3 Chemical Engineering / 171

894. Built in America: Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic

American Engineering Record. 1933–Present. Washington, DC: Library of
Congress, 1998. (American Memory). Available:
hhhtml/hhhome.html. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic Ameri-
can Engineering Record (HAER) are among the largest collections in the Prints
and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. The online collections
document achievements in architecture, engineering, and design in the United
States and its territories through a comprehensive range of building types and en-
gineering technologies, including windmills, one-room school houses, the
Golden Gate Bridge, and buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

8.3 Chemical Engineering

895. CCL.NET—Computational Chemistry List. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This list covers topics of interest to computational chemists.
896. Chemical Education Resource Shelf. 2000. Available: http://www. (October April
4, 2000).
This resource archive is produced under the auspices of the Journal of
Chemical Education Online. The Resource Shelf contains links to virtually all of
the publishers who maintain Internet sites and many links to pages devoted to in-
dividual titles; additionally, the online version includes citations and links to re-
views. Categories include models in introductory chemistry, organic chemistry,
inorganic chemistry, crystallography, materials science, forensic chemistry, and
statistics in analytical chemistry.
897. Chemical Engineering—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This subject catalog lists information resources relevant to chemical and
process engineering. Topics covered include biomedical, ceramics, electro-
chemical, engineering and construction, fluid mechanics, process design, safety
and hazards, standards, and water technology.
898. Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) was established by the Ameri-
can Chemical Society (ACS) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
(AIChE) in 1982. CHF promotes the understanding of the chemical sciences and
technologies. The site includes an informal history of the field of polymer chem-
istry, “Polymers and People.”
172 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

899. CHEMINFO: Chemical Information Sources. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site, hosted at Indiana University, provides a comprehensive site for
chemical information sources.
900. Chemistry—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http://www.chem.ucla.
edu/chempointers.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Chemistry sites include academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, com-
mercial organizations, chemistry software ads, and chemical industry consultants.
901. ChemSoc—The Chemistry Societies Network. 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This international site is sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry. It
provides access to the Chemical Hazards Communication Society, education in-
formation, a list of sites, and societies. Chembytes provides access to a variety of
news, recent findings and discoveries, and business updates.
902. CS ChemFinder. 1998. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
The ChemFinder WebServer is a chemical database that provides informa-
tion that a general purpose WWW index cannot, including physical property data
and 2D chemical structures. The query form of the ChemFinder WebServer is de-
signed to locate common types of chemical information. Searchable fields include
chemical names, formulae, molecular weights, and CAS Registry Numbers.

8.4 Civil Engineering

903. ANON: Another Node On the interNet. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This site provides Internet resources for geosciences, mathematics, and
computing. The resources will be of particular interest to the readers of Comput-
ers and Geoscience: An International Journal.
904. Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. 2000. Available: http://www.unep.
ch/basel. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal was adopted in 1989 and became effec-
tive on May 5, 1992. The Convention is the response of the international com-
munity to the problems caused by the annual worldwide production of 400
million tons of hazardous wastes. This global environmental treaty strictly regu-
lates the transboundary movements of hazardous waste. The site includes the
text of the Basel Convention and the official documents for the Fourth Meeting
of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention in Malaysia (1998).
8.4 Civil Engineering / 173

905. Canadian and International Green Links. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This is a listing of Canadian and international environmental organizations,
Canadian wildlife and wilderness organizations, Canadian provincial and re-
gional environmental groups, and environmental education and teaching re-
906. Civil Engineering—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http://www.ce. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site covers international, industry, and government civil engineering
907. Cross-Connection Control/Backflow Prevention—Virtual Library.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 30,
The site covers education and research facilities, public health, water qual-
ity, commercial servers, and other water systems links.
908. The Disaster Research Center (DRC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This social science research center, located at the University of Delaware, is
devoted to the study of disasters. The center conducts field and survey research on
group, organizational, and community preparation for, response to, and recovery
from natural and technological disasters and other community-wide crises. Re-
searchers have carried out systematic studies on a broad range of disaster types, in-
cluding hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hazardous chemical incidents,
and plane crashes. This site includes a substantial publications list.
909. Earth Science—The Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Subject categories at this site include cartography, environment, forestry,
geophysics, geosystems and petroleum engineering, geotechnical engineering,
oceanography, and remote sensing.
910. Earthquake Information: Reducing Hazards. 1999. Available: http://quake. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes the latest quake information, maps and lists of recent
earthquakes, earthquakes FAQ, and other related resources.
911. EASY—Earthquake Engineering Slide Show Information System.
1997. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 5, 2000).
The EASY information system includes 500 slides documenting earth-
quake damage after four major earthquakes: Montenegro (1979), Mexico
(1985), Northridge (1979), and Kobe (1995). Slides are described in detail, clas-
sified, and labeled with keywords. Detailed commentaries of typical structural
failures and standard earthquake-related categories and topics are added.
174 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

912. EnviroLink—The Online Environmental Community. 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
EnviroLink is an online community that unites hundreds of organizations
and volunteers around the world. EnviroLink provides comprehensive, current
environmental resources.
913. Environmental Health and Safety Related WWW Sites. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Maintained by the Environmental Health and Safety Department at the
University of Washington, this site includes local and government resources,
education, and other related links.
914. Environmental Law Information Resources. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes numerous environmental law resources, including access
to the Environment Deskbook, which includes documents important in the envi-
ronmental regulatory framework.
915. Fly Ash Resource Center. 1999. Available:
CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/2095/flyash.html. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Fly Ash Resource Center provides information on coal combustion by-
products, including materials research, environmental, standards/quality assur-
ance, fly ash images, newsgroups, and a bibliography.
916. Geology and the Environment—An Internet-Based Resource Guide.
1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
This guide contains all the links cited in the print version of the same name,
a companion text for Geology and the Environment. This site contains text,
graphics, and in some cases, slide shows, covering such topics as environmental
geology, water, and remote sensing.
917. Geotechnical Engineering—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site covers university geotechnical engineering servers, geotechnical
goods and services, and other related Internet resources. It also provides full-text
access to EJGE, the Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, and
iGEM, the Internet Geotechnical Engineering Magazine.
918. GPS (Global Positioning System) Overview. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site provides an overview of GPS, including map projections, geodetic
data, and coordinate systems. GPS is a Satellite Navigation System funded by
and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
919. Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) Web Site. 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) Web Site provides
information about innovative treatment technology to the hazardous waste
8.4 Civil Engineering / 175

remediation community. It describes programs, organizations, publications, and

other tools. This site was developed by the EPA.
920. Hazards and Risks—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http://life.csu. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Topics covered at this site include civil disturbances, fires, emergency
management, geological events, and technological hazards.
921. Innovative Transportation Technologies. 2000. Available: http://faculty. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site provides information about unconventional transportation tech-
nologies. The passenger systems are referred to as Automated People Movers
(APM); the freight systems are referred to as Automated Freight Systems (AFS).
Numerous resources are included for each technology.
922. Internet Resources for Highway Engineering. 1996. Available: http:// (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This article on highway engineering Internet resources was published in Is-
sues in Science and Technology Librarianship.
923. Internet Software Guide for Engineers. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed Oc-
tober 30, 1999).
This resource helps water resources engineers find useful water-related
software for such areas as hydraulics, hydrology, water resources, and the
924. The IRIS Consortium Website. 1999. Available: http://www.iris.washington.
edu. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) is a consor-
tium of universities that have research programs in seismology. The purpose of
IRIS is to provide the acquisition and distribution of high-quality seismic data.
The site covers numerous resources, including recent earthquakes and seismic
925. ITS Cooperative Deployment Network. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site is sponsored by the National Associations Working Group for ITS
(NAWG). It includes a newsletter, calendars, and discussion forums; ITS (Intel-
ligent Transportation Systems) information repositories; federal/state/local re-
sources; tutorials; training materials; and links to other sites.
926. Land Surveying and Geomatics. 1999. Available: http://homepage.interaccess.
com/~maynard. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Links at this site include news, definitions, National Information Centers
for the United States and other countries, state information, GIS, photogramme-
try and remote sensing, and FAQs.
176 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

927. Land Surveying Info. 1999. Available:

(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The site is organized at the local, state, national, and international levels. It
also includes other surveyors’ sites, commercial sites, and newsgroups.
928. Land Surveyors Online. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site provides online resources for the professional land surveyor, in-
cluding an association directory, a college and university directory, a profes-
sional directory, and surveying terms and definitions.
929. Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
(MCEER). 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
Access is provided here to the SAC Lit Database, which provides coverage
of literature relevant to damage of steel moment frame buildings that was dis-
covered as a result of the Northridge, California, earthquake of January 17, 1994,
and QUAKELINE, a bibliographic database covering earthquakes, earth engi-
neering, natural hazard mitigation, and related topics. QUAKELINE currently
has over 32,000 citations. Several bibliographies, literature, and research guides
are listed.
930. National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The mission of the Roundtable is to provide a national forum for promoting
the development, implementation, and evaluation of efforts to avoid, eliminate,
or reduce pollution at the source. Numerous resources on energy and pollution
prevention are covered.
931. Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
Included at this site are a list of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Internet research sites, information resources, organizations, and government
932. Pollution Online. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
Pollution Online is a source for the pollution prevention and control indus-
try. This site is designed to serve the needs of professionals involved in the con-
trol and prevention of pollution from industrial and commercial sources in
governmental, industrial, and commercial environments.
933. Public Works Online. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes a buyer’s guide, employment information, books, soft-
ware, news, and other public works-related information.
8.4 Civil Engineering / 177

934. Recycler’s World. 1999. Available: (Accessed

October 30, 1999).
Recycler’s World was established as an international site for information
related to secondary or recyclable commodities, byproducts, and used and sur-
plus items or materials. It includes recycling associations and publications.
935. Remote Sensing—WWW Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site lists international organizations and other remote sensing informa-
tion such as satellite data, conferences, societies, journals, newsgroups, GIS, and
related fields in virtual reality.
936. Scorecard. 2000. Available: (Accessed April
5, 2000).
An information service provided by the Environmental Defense Fund, The
Chemical Scorecard provides access to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA) Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). The TRI is a compilation of all
self-reported releases of toxic substances into the environment. Reports are
available for states, counties, cities, and companies. In addition to the reports,
the Scorecard contains rankings of toxic releases by state, county, zip code, and
facility. This site also provides information on over 5,000 chemicals included in
the TRI, their health effects, and a glossary of commonly used terminology
937. Soil Liquefaction Web Site. 1999. Available: http://www.ce.washington.
edu/~liquefaction/html/main.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site provides technical information on soil liquefaction. Liquefaction
occurs in soils in which the space between individual particles is completely
filled with water. Damage from earthquakes is substantially increased due to liq-
uefaction. The site includes links to other research and information sources.
938. Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Webservice. 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) coordinates research
on earthquake hazards at nine institutions and communicates earthquake infor-
mation to the public. SCEC is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and
Technology Center and is co-funded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Research reports, databases, and progress reports are available.
939. Stratospheric Ozone and Human Health. 1998. Available: http://sedac. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center’s (SEDAC) site for
ozone resources. The purpose of this site is to provide data and resources in the areas
of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, ozone, and human health impacts of UV exposure.
940. Surfing the Internet for Earthquake Data. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site provides links to seismic data, seismic research information, and
indexes to related fields.
178 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

941. Tools. National Center for Environmental Decision-Making Research

(NCEDR). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The National Center for Environmental Decision-Making Research works
to improve environmental decision making at the regional, state, and local lev-
els. Administered by the Joint Institute for Energy and Environment in Knox-
ville, Tennessee, NCEDR provides information on market assessments,
ecological relationships, ISO 14001, and other topics.
942. Transportation—Yahoo. 1999. Available:
and_economy/transportation. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Subject areas covered at this site include buses, canals, government agen-
cies, highways and roads, intelligent transportation systems, maritime, mass
transit, transportation engineering, and trucking.
943. U.S. Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The U.S. Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO) provides
access to data and information on global change research, adaptation/mitigation
strategies and technologies, and global change-related educational resources on
behalf of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). GCRIO is
maintained by The Center for International Earth Science Information Network
(CIESIN) at Columbia University.
944. Virtual Earthquake. 1999. Available: http://vcourseware2.calstatela.
edu/VirtualEarthquake/VQuakeIntro.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Virtual Earthquake is an interactive computer program designed to demon-
strate the concepts of how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the Richter
magnitude of an earthquake is determined. The Virtual Earthquake computer
program is running on a server at California State University at Los Angeles and
is part of the Electronic Desktop Project.
945. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Other
Transportation Links. 1999. Available:
othertransportation.htm. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site lists State DOT, regional, federal, and miscellaneous transporta-
tion sites. A copy of the Galloping Gertie (The Tacoma Narrows Bridge) movie
is available on the main page:
946. The Water Librarians’ Home Page. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site lists resources related to water, such as water agencies, water ref-
erence databases, comprehensive water pages, earth sciences, engineering, envi-
ronmental science and law, and government agencies.
947. Websurfers Biweekly Earth Science Review (WBESR). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Every two weeks new earth science sites are posted here. Over 2,000 re-
sources and other related information have been assembled at this site.
8.5 Computer Science Engineering / 179

948. WWWVL Cartography Resources. 1999. Available: http://geog.gmu.

edu/projects/maps/cartogrefs.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes noncommercial resources for education, geography, map
libraries, Desktop Mapping (DTM), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

8.5 Computer Science Engineering

949. A. M. Turing Award. 1999. Available:

taward.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The A. M. Turing Award is the Association for Computing Machinery’s
(ACM) most prestigious technical award. Included here is a list of the award re-
cipients from 1966 to the present.
950. Artificial Intelligence Resources. 1999. Available:
ai_top.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site is maintained by the Institute for Information Technology of the Na-
tional Research Council of Canada and includes a broad range of resources on arti-
ficial intelligence, including bibliographies, books, companies, conferences,
FAQs, newsgroups, societies, software repositories, and Canadian AI companies.
951. Computers and Internet—Yahoo. 1999. Available:
com/Computers. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site covers a broad range of topics related to computers.
952. Computing—Virtual Library. 1998. Available:
ing. html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Subject areas covered at this site include artificial intelligence, electronic
commerce, human-computer interaction, logic programming, programming lan-
guages, and safety-critical systems.
953. Internet FAQ Archives. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Archives is searchable by full-
text, newsgroups, category, and author. This site also provides a link to the Inter-
net RFC/STD/FYI/BCP archives.
954. Internet2. 1999. Available: (Accessed October
30, 1999).
This is a comprehensive overview of the Internet2 effort. It lists mission,
activities, participants, presentations, FAQs, and technical information.
955. Logic Programming—Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Topical areas covered here include general repositories, Prolog, Window
system interfaces, other logic programming systems, and meetings.
180 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

956. Machine Learning Resources. 1999. Available: http://www.aic.nrl. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site lists machine resources such as applications, bibliographies,
books, conference announcements, data repositories, employment information,
research groups, special interest groups, and tutorials.
957. Mobile and Wireless Computing Index—WWW Virtual Library. 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site lists conferences, journals, research, organizations, books, and prod-
ucts of interest to those working in the areas of mobile and wireless computing.
958. Netlib Repository at UTK and ORNL. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Netlib is a collection of mathematical software, papers, conferences, and
databases. It also includes StatCodes with links to source codes implementing
statistical methods that are available on the Internet and BenchWeb, which is a
starting point for finding information about computer system performance
benchmarks, benchmark results, and benchmark codes.
959. Parascope. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, the focus of this site is on paral-
lel computing sites.
960. Pattern Recognition Information. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This resource includes several sites and bibliographies from the pattern rec-
ognition research area.
961. The Semiconductor Subway. 2000. Available:
edu/semisubway.html. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Semiconductor Subway provides links to semiconductor- and
microsystems-related information, including fabrication facilities, research ac-
tivities, and standards development.
962. Software Engineering—WWW Virtual Library. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Subject areas covered at this site include languages and notation, CASE
(Computer-Aided Software Engineering), process, government and
government-related organizations in software engineering, industrial organiza-
tions in software engineering, safety-critical systems, and systems engineering.
963. Software Patent Institute (SPI). 1999. Available:
(Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Software Patent Institute (SPI) provides educational and training pro-
grams and access to information and retrieval resources concerning software
prior art. The Software Patent Institute Database of Software Technologies con-
sists of descriptions of software technologies. Each record in the database is all
or a portion of a source document that is generally not readily available online or
8.6 Electrical Engineering / 181

elsewhere. The database highlights the “folklore” of the computing industry by

including computer manuals, older textbooks and journal articles, conference
proceedings, and computer science theses.
964. UCI Machine Learning Repository. 1998. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This is a repository of databases, domain theories, and data generators that
are used by the machine learning community for the empirical analysis of ma-
chine learning algorithms. It is hosted by the University of California, Irvine.
965. The VRML Repository. 1999. Available:
vrml.htm. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is a standard language
for describing interactive 3D objects and worlds delivered across the Internet.
The VRML Repository is a comprehensive resource for the dissemination of in-
formation relating to VRML. The site is maintained by the Web3D Consortium.
966. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site supports the full development of the Internet in areas of user inter-
face, technology and society, architecture, and accessibility programs. The di-
rector of the Web3 Consortium is Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web.
967. WWW Development—Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://wdvl. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is a comprehensive, illustrated encyclopedia of Web technology cov-
ering tutorials and development tools such as HTML, CGI, Java, JavaScript,
graphics, VRML, multimedia, and animation.

8.6 Electrical Engineering

968. Acoustics and Vibrations—Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This resource lists sites for papers, laboratories, organizations, vendors,
and software covering acoustics and vibrations.
969. Audio—Virtual Library. 1999. Available:
uk/archive/audio.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site covers audio repositories, newsgroups, online radios, software,
and other information.
970. Control Engineering—Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October
30, 1999).
This library includes information on control conferences, professional so-
cieties, journals, control information services, and commercial organizations.
182 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

971. EE Circuits Archive (EECA). 1999. Available:

edu/eeca. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes links to circuits, data sheets, models, microprocessors,
software, resistor codes, and digital design resources.
972. Electrical Engineering—Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://webdiee. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The contents of this site cover information resources, standards, products
and services, and academic and research institutions.
973. Sonar. 1997. Available:
sonar.html. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This directory covers sites developing artificial SONAR/ultrasonic imag-
ing systems, sites investigating Biological SONAR, images, movies, societies,
publications, and tools for generating, recording and analyzing sound.
974. Systems and Control Archive at Dallas (SCAD). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
SCAD is a database of information for engineers and mathematicians
whose interests are in control theory, systems, and signal processing.
975. Telecommunications. Internet Tools of the Profession. 1998. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This is a list of Internet resources on telecommunication, including organi-
zations, government commissions, glossary, calendar, history, and journals.
976. Telecoms—Virtual Library. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The subject index of this site covers associations, broadcasting, e-commerce,
economic and legal issues, multimedia, operators, policy and industry informa-
tion, service providers, software services, standards, and videoconferencing.
977. The WWW Virtual Library for Optical Science and Engineering.
1999. Available: (Accessed October
30, 1999).
In 1995 SPIE assumed administration of the WWW Virtual Library for Op-
tical Science and Engineering, part of the W3 Consortium and CERN WWW
Virtual Library. The site includes extensive lists of links to various resources
that may be useful to people working in the optics industry. These links include
university and national research labs, archives of documents, and images. Also
available are industry listings in the OPTICS.ORG Photonics Marketspace.
978. ZT Links. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
This site is sponsored by Office of Naval Research, DARPA, and Interna-
tional Thermoelectric Society. Thermoelectric-related links include businesses,
universities, institutes and national laboratories, conferences, societies, and
commercial products.
8.7 General Engineering / 183

8.7 General Engineering

979. Applied Ethics in Professional Practice: Case of the Month Club.

2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 5, 2000).
This site is provided by the Professional Engineering Practice Liaison Pro-
gram (PEPL), located at the University of Washington. On a regular basis a new
ethics case is taken from actual professional practice experience and is presented
in narrative format.
980. The Argus Clearinghouse—Engineering. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Argus Clearinghouse provides a central access point for guides that
identify, describe, and evaluate Internet-based information resources. It also in-
cludes other subject guides on communication, computers and information tech-
nology, environment, science, and mathematics.
981. AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
AstroWeb is a collection of astronomy-related information available on the
Internet. It is maintained by the AstroWeb Consortium.
982. Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library (EEVL). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
EEVL maintains a searchable catalog of reviews and links to engineering
sites and provides targeted engineering search engines, indexes to print litera-
ture, and other specialist information services. It includes indexes to print litera-
ture and the Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM) database, the Liquid
Crystal Database, the Offshore Engineering Information Service, and the Jet Im-
pingement Database.
983. Engineering—Business and Economy—Yahoo. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
This listing of engineering-related businesses, companies, and related in-
formation covers such subject areas as acoustics, aerospace, civil engineering,
electric power engineering, drafting and illustration, environmental, failure analy-
sis, geologic and petroleum engineering, marine, materials, mechanical engineer-
ing, naval, reliability, software, structural engineering, and systems engineering.
984. Engineering and Technology Management—Virtual Library. 1999.
Available: (Accessed October
30, 1999).
Information resources list university programs, conferences and an-
nouncements, societies and interest groups, and the Engineering WWW Vir-
tual Library.
184 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

985. Engineering—Yahoo. 1999. Available:

engineering. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Subject areas covered at this site include aerospace, automotive, biomedi-
cal, civil, industrial, naval, optical, petroleum, reliability, software, and systems
986. EurekAlert!. 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 30, 1999).
This comprehensive site features the latest research advances in science,
medicine, health, and technology. It is produced by the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
987. European Patent Office (EPO). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The European Patent Office (EPO) provides a database, esp@cenet, which
includes European Patents (EP), Patent Cooperation Treaty (WO), worldwide
patents, and Japanese patents (PAJ). English, French, and German languages are
supported. Guides, fees, forms, and European patent attorneys are among the
many resources available.
988. Exactly How Is Math Used in Technology?. 1997. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is a guide to how different types of math are used in technology, such
as biomedical engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering, petroleum
technology, and robotics.
989. Galaxy: Engineering and Technology. 1999. Available: http://galaxy. (Accessed October
30, 1999).
This directory of engineering and technology sites covers agricultural, bio-
engineering, chemical, civil and construction, electrical, and mechanical engi-
neering. Subject areas include design methodologies, human factors and human
ecology, non-destructive testing, technical reports, and technology transfer.
990. IBM Intellectual Property Network. 2000. Available: http://www.patents. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site’s patent resources include searchable files for U.S. Patents, Euro-
pean patents and applications, and International Patent applications covered by
the International Patent Cooperation Treaty. For U.S. patents the coverage is
from 1971 to the present, and retrieval includes bibliographic information about
the patent, claims, reference, and abstract information. Patent images are avail-
able from 1974.
991. ICE—Internet Connections for Engineering. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This is a comprehensive listing of Internet resources related to chemistry,
engineering, math, physics, and other physical sciences.
8.7 General Engineering / 185

992. The Internet Pilot to Physics. 1999. Available: http://www.physicsweb.

org/TIPTOP. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This Pilot is the result of an international effort to improve the use of infor-
mation technology and the WWW in physics research and education. The site
provides access to the Physics Around the World (PAW) database, which is use-
ful for finding physics resources on the Internet.
993. Internet Resources for Science and Technology. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site is maintained by the Linda Hall Library and includes resources for
engineering, environment, geosciences, physics, and government resources.
994. Inventure Place—The National Inventors Hall of Fame. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes a list of Internet educational resources related to the
world of invention, the National Inventors Hall of Fame, and information about
the BF Goodrich Collegiate Inventors Program.
995. Japan Information Access Project. 1999. Available: http://www.nmjc.
org/jiap. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Japan Information Access Project is a research center whose goal is to
strengthen international understanding of Japanese science, technology, indus-
try, security, and policy.
996. Japanese Patent Office (JPO). 1999. Available: http://www.jpo-miti. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Japanese Patent Office (JPO) provides information and guides about
patent-related issues in Japan. The site includes a searchable database for Japa-
nese patents and trademarks.
997. Mathematics WWWVirtual Library. 1999. Available: http://euclid. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site covers bibliographies, department sites, education, electronic
journals, general resources, newsgroups, preprints, software, and TeX archives.
998. megaConverter. 1997. Available:
Cv_start.htm. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
megaConverter is a set of weights, measures, and units conversion/calcula-
tion modules that allows users to discover things like how many seconds old they
are, the difference between a gallon in the United States and a gallon in the United
Kingdom, how many nanometers there are in an inch, and how many quarts there
are in a chaldron. It includes conversion factors for units commonly used in sci-
ence and engineering, trivial units, and ancient or historical weights and measures.
999. National Inventors Hall of Fame. 1999. Available: http://www.invent.
org/book/index.html. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The National Inventors Hall of Fame celebrates the creative and entrepre-
neurial spirit of great inventors. The creative genius of invention is showcased
through exhibits and presentations.
186 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

1000. National Science and Technology Medals Foundation (NSTMF).

1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The National Science and Technology Medals Foundation was established
in 1991 to support the National Medal of Technology. The Foundation coordi-
nates its activities with the White House Office of Science and Technology Pol-
icy (OSTP).
1001. Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science provides resources
useful for understanding and addressing ethically significant problems. The site
includes research ethics, cases, moral leaders, full-text essays on ethics, and ethi-
cal codes.
1002. Online Particle Physics Information. 1998. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This guide organizes catalogs, databases, directories, and Internet sites of
interest to the particle physics community. This resource is maintained by the
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), a national laboratory operated by
Stanford University for the Department of Energy (DOE). SLAC was the home
of the first U.S. Internet site. This history is described in First in the Web, But
Where Are the Pieces, by Jean Marie Deken (SLAC-PUB-763), available at
1003. Physics—Virtual Library. 1999. Available:
~owens/VL/Physics.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Topics covered at this site include aeronomy, solar-terrestrial physics and
chemistry, astronomy and astrophysics, beam physics, energy, geophysics, high
energy physics, horology, and nuclear physics.
1004. PhysicsWeb. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
The Institute of Physics (IOP) supports this comprehensive site for physics
news, commentary, patents, book reviews, Internet resources, events, and jobs.
Selected articles from Physics World magazine are also available. Registration is
required for some services.
1005. Scholarly Societies Project. 1999. Available: http://www.lib.uwaterloo.
ca/society/overview.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The University of Waterloo’s Electronic Library provides access to infor-
mation about scholarly societies across the world. It covers chemistry and
chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, earth sciences, elec-
trical and computer engineering, environmental sciences, mathematics, me-
chanical engineering, physics, and vision science.
8.7 General Engineering / 187

1006. Science and Technology Ethics Resources on WWW. 1998. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site supports the work of the Centre for Applied Ethics, University of
British Colombia, by providing a broad range of ethics resources, including ap-
plied ethics resources in such areas as environmental ethics, computers and in-
formation technology ethics, and science and technology ethics.
1007. Science Fairs. 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site lists science fairs on the international, national, state, regional, and
local levels. It also includes several sites for virtual science fairs.
1008. Sciences and Technology Reference. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Internet Public Library covers such subject areas as chemical sciences,
energy, engineering, environmental sciences, and transportation.
1009. Scout Report. 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 30, 1999).
The Scout Report is a publication of the Internet Scout Project. The Internet
Scout Project is located in the Department of Computer Sciences at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin-Madison and is funded by a grant from the National Science
Foundation. Annotated, subject-specific Scout Reports include The Scout Re-
port for Science and Engineering, The Scout Report for Social Sciences, and The
Scout Report for Business and Economics. The Scout Report Signpost
( provides several ways to search Scout
1010. STS Links. 1996. Available:
stslinks.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site provides links to science, technology, and society-related infor-
mation sources.
1011. SUCCEED Engineering Visual Database. 1997. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The SUCCEED Engineering Visual Database is sponsored by the National
Science Foundation and is an online repository of images. Images are arranged
by subject areas, including aerospace engineering, agricultural engineering, air-
port design, bridge construction, chemical engineering, civil engineering,
coastal engineering, computers, geotechnical engineering, lab procedures, and
transportation. The images are only available for noncommercial, academic, and
research use.
1012. Technology Policy—Yahoo. 2000. Available:
government/technology_policy. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The topics covered at this site include censorship, information technology,
and related technology institutes.
188 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

1013. Technology Transfer. 1999. Available:

tech.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site is maintained by the National Technology Transfer Center
(NTTC). Technology transfer links include mechanisms of technology transfer,
intellectual property, employment, NASA Technology Transfer Network, con-
ferences, and “Who’s Who in Technology Transfer in DOE.” Also included are
links to government, university, corporate, and international technology transfer
1014. Weapons and Equipment—Yahoo. 1999. Available:
government/military/weapons_and_equipment. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Subject categories covered here include aircraft, armored vehicles, chemi-
cal and biological, disarmament and nonproliferation, information warfare,
mines, missiles, and nuclear weapons.
1015. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a United Nations
intergovernmental organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
WIPO is responsible for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property
(copyright and industrial property) throughout the world. The site includes infor-
mation about the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system, Madrid system, and
Hague system. It also includes the sixth edition of the International Patent Clas-
sification (IPC) and the International Classification for Industrial Designs un-
der the Locano Agreement.

8.8 Industrial Engineering

1016. AME Online. 1999. Available: (Accessed October

30, 1999).
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), founded in 1985, is
dedicated to the development of productivity methods and their applications.
The site includes an index to Target (AME magazine) from 1983 to the present.
1017. Ameritech Test Town. 1998. Available:
corporate/testtown/index.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This is an excellent resource for an overview of the human factors research
performed at Ameritech. The library provides access to Ameritech User Inter-
face Guidelines and many other resources on disabilities and human factors.
1018. Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence (BMPCOE).
1999. Available: (Accessed April 24, 1999).
The purpose of Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP) is to increase the qual-
ity, reliability, and maintainability of goods. The site includes a keyword-
searchable database of BMP surveys and books.
8.8 Industrial Engineering / 189

1019. Center for the Study of Work Teams. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Center for the Study of Work Teams creates learning partnerships that
support the design, implementation, and development of collaborative work sys-
tems. This resource includes links to other sites, full-text articles, an annotated
bibliography, and a listing of conference and workshops.
1020. ErgoWeb. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
ErgoWeb offers useful ergonomics information such as a buyer’s guide,
standards and guidelines, reference materials, and organizations.
1021. Galaxy: Manufacturing and Processing. 1999. Available: http://galaxy.
Processing.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Internet resources for manufacturing and processing are covered here, in-
cluding academic organizations, collections, directories, discussion groups, and
nonprofit organizations.
1022. HCI-Sites. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
This site lists human-computer interaction-related resources, including bib-
liographies, companies, consultants, events, indexes, journals, laboratories,
newsgroups, organizations, and publishers.
1023. Industrial Design—Design Arts—Yahoo. 1999. Available: http://dir. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Topics covered include companies, education, employment, ergonomics,
exhibits, industrial designers, organizations, and product design.
1024. Industrial Engineering—Virtual Library. 1998. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Topic areas covered include academic programs, publications, conferences,
professional societies, software, commercial entities, and other related resources.
1025. Juran Institute. 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 30, 1999).
The Juran Institute works in the areas of benchmarking and quality systems.
This site provides access to hundreds of full-text scholarly papers on quality.
1026. Library Without Walls: Manufacturing. 1998. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This is a comprehensive listing of Internet resources on manufacturing.
1027. Manufacturing Central. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
This site is maintained by the National Association of Manufacturers
(NAM). It includes The Facts about Modern Manufacturing, manufacturing
policy issues, business outlooks, and 100 years of manufacturing achievements.
190 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

1028. National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences is a consortium of U.S.
and Canadian corporations. This site includes a listing of collaborative projects
and the Manufacturing Information Resource Center. It also includes the NCMS
Library Catalog.
1029. Online Quality Resource Guide. 1999. Available: http://deming.eng. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site has compiled a list of quality-related Internet sites and information
1030. QFD Institute. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Institute was founded in 1993 to
advance QFD methodology, a design and development approach for new product,
service, and software. QFD originated in Japan in the mid-1960s, led by the efforts
of the late Dr. Shigeru Mizuno and Dr. Yoji Akao. The site includes information
regarding the QFD methodology, case studies, public events, and training.
1031. Quality Resources Online. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This comprehensive collection of quality-related information, groups, dis-
cussion lists, and resources is maintained by Associated Quality Consultants.
1032. Work Index. 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 5, 2000).
The Work Index is based on a database from the M.P. Catherwood Library
at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. This site
covers compensation, career development, human factors, and management.

8.9 Materials Engineering

1033. AMM Online. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-

ber 30, 1999).
The World Metals Information Network provides a wide range of informa-
tion resources to subscribers. AMM Online is the international news service of
American Metal Market, the daily newspaper of the metals and recycling indus-
tries. For nonsubscribers, the site contains brief news stories.
1034. Ceramics—Virtual Library. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site provides links to commercial technical ceramics, noncommercial
technical ceramics, traditional ceramics, and ceramic arts.
8.9 Materials Engineering / 191

1035. The Composites Corner. 2000. Available:

(Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site covers information about advanced composites. Resources in-
clude associations, consultants, government, materials database, publications,
and other sites.
1036. Crystallography World Wide. 1999. Available:
cww-top/crystal.index.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Crystallography World Wide (CWW) provides coverage of current in-
formation on crystallography. CWW is an integral part of the International Un-
ion of Crystallography (IUC) pan-crystallography information service.
1037. Metals/Materials. Internet Tools of the Profession. 1998. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This list was compiled by the Metals/Materials Division of the Special Li-
braries Association and includes related association sites, business sites, and
news group sites.
1038. Microscopy—WWW Virtual Library. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site covers all aspects of light microscopy, electron microscopy, and
other forms of microscopy. Sites are organized by Internet resources; general
and education; reference; labs, organizations, and people; equipment and tech-
nology; applications and topics; and vendors.
1039. MicroWorld: Microscopy and Microanalysis Resources. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This annotated guide to resources is for microscopists and microanalysts. It
also includes a glossary of microscopy and microanalytical terms, product cata-
logs, vendors, and Internet resources.
1040. Particle-Surface Resources on the Internet. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This annotated list on particle surface resources is maintained by Dr. Mark
H. Shapiro at the Department of Physics, California State University, Fullerton.
1041. Plastics Resource: Information on Plastics and the Environment.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 30,
This site is sponsored by the American Plastics Council and includes infor-
mation on resource conservation, recycling, and disposal.
1042. Polymers DotCom. 1999. Available:
home.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The goal of PolyLinks is to index sites pertaining to plastics and polymers
from an unbiased perspective.
192 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

1043. Steelynx. 1999. Available:

(Accessed October 30, 1999).
This resource includes over 6,000 links to steelmaking and steel-related
1044. Superplasticity on the Web. 1999. Available:
edu/superplasticity.html. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
John Pilling, Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Michi-
gan Technological University, has compiled this resource on superplasticity. The
deformation section contains a technical description of the theory of superplasticity
and history and processing of superplastics. The journal index allows the user to find
articles in the database based solely on year of publication. Listings of conference
proceedings from 1982 to the present are available in the conference index.
1045. Weld Pool. 1998. Available:
(Accessed April 5, 2000).
Weld Pool provides links to sites that offer information about welding.
Welding metallurgy, along with metallographic images, welding procedures for
a variety of metals and welding processes, quantitative stereology tech-
niques/methods, and the Hydrogen Assisted Cracking (HAC) Preheat Calcula-
tor, are also covered. Topics include education, processes and methods, research
and development, fabrication and repair, trade groups, and standards.

8.10 Mechanical Engineering

1046. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) MechEng FTP

Archives. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
This site contains over 5,000 programs with a particular focus on scientific
and technical subjects. The majority of the programs are for the IBM-PC archi-
tecture but there are files for Amiga, Macintosh, and UNIX programs. Assis-
tance is provided by the readme.1st file.
1047. Cogeneration. 1996. Available:
gen. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Although this site is in need of updating, this subject guide to cogeneration
still includes several useful links on cogeneration.
1048. Consortium on Green Design and Manufacturing (CDGM). 1999.
Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
The Consortium on Green Design and Manufacturing (CGDM), located on
the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, was formed in 1993 to en-
courage multidisciplinary research and education on environmental manage-
ment and pollution prevention issues in critical industries. Several full-text
papers are available.
8.10 Mechanical Engineering / 193

1049. Electric Vehicle History and Online Archive. 1997. Available: http:// (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This archive was created to encourage electric vehicle enthusiasts to help
preserve the recent history of electric vehicles. It offers an opportunity for elec-
tric car enthusiasts to chronicle their own history by adding to an online archive.
Drivers and owners of electric vehicles can contribute to the online archive, and
people interested in the history of technology can use this site to learn about the
history of this particular technology.
1050. Energysearch—EPRI. 1998. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
Energysearch is a search engine launched by the Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) to allow users to browse for information from the energy indus-
try. The database contains over 180,000 documents from more than 500 sites.
1051. Firenet Virtual Library. 1999. Available:
library.html. (Accessed November 11, 1999).
This site is searchable by topics, resources, and type of site. It covers a
broad range of subject areas, including chemical fires, organizations, hazards,
management, measurement, and education.
1052. Mechanical Engineering—WWW Virtual Library. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes mechanical engineering university departments, insti-
tutes and organizations, and vendors. It also covers employment sites, vendor
catalogs, and digital publications.
1053. Nanotechnology. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
Nanotechnology is used to describe research where the characteristic di-
mensions are less than about 1,000 nanometers. For example, continued im-
provements in lithography have resulted in line widths that are less than one
micron. This site compiles several excellent resources on nanotechnology.
1054. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering—World-Wide Web Vir-
tual Library. 1998. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
This site includes over 130 resources on naval architecture and ocean engi-
neering, such as research positions, conferences, universities, organizations, and
1055. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). 1999. Available: http://www-odp. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) supports research into the history of the
ocean basins and the nature of the crust beneath the ocean floor. The program is
funded by the National Science Foundation with contributions from the Federal Re-
public of Germany, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Chinese
Taipei, and Korea. The site includes JANUS Web and related full-text publications.
194 \ Chapter 8: Internet Resources

1056. PackInfo-World. 1999. Available:

(Accessed October 30, 1999).
PackInfo-World provides information and resources of interest to the pack-
aging world. It includes a listing of regional federations and national institutes.
The site is sponsored by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) and its mem-
ber institutes.
1057. Safety-Critical Systems. 1999. Available:
archive/safety.html. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site covers newsgroups, repositories, courses, online publications, jour-
nals, books, companies, and meetings and includes a searchable bibliography.
1058. Tesla Engine Builders Association (TEBA). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This is an excellent site for understanding the construction of Tesla turbine
engines. Over the years there have been numerous published plans illustrating
the basic operating principles of these engines. Unfortunately, the plans some-
times are missing key components critical to the proper functioning of the en-
gine. TEBA was formed in April 1993 to provide information and assistance to
those interested in building reproductions of Tesla’s engine.

8.11 Mining Engineering

1059. Canadian Petroleum Internet Consortium (CANPIC). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Canadian Petroleum Internet Consortium (CANPIC) is a group
founded through the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG), Cana-
dian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG), Canadian Well Logging So-
ciety (CWLS), and the Petroleum Section of Canadian Institute of Mining
(CIM). CANPIC serves as a resource to educate, facilitate, and promote the use
of the INTERNET by the Canadian oil and gas industry.
1060. Copper Page. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 30, 1999).
This site includes numerous resources on copper and brass.
1061. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
This site covers mining associations, companies, consultants and services,
mining suppliers, mining publications, employment, mineral law, news links, a cal-
endar of events, government agencies, environmental links, and mining history.
1062. Oil-Link. 1999. Available: (Accessed October
30, 1999).
Oil-Link currently has over 3,500 links to industry sites covering products, serv-
ices, and resources. Links are listed hierarchically and include a brief description.
8.12 Nuclear Engineering / 195

1063. OilOnline. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-

ber 30, 1999).
OilOnline is an international online service for updated oil and gas technol-
ogy and marketing information.
1064. Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Categories covered here include commercial sites, employment, calendars,
associations and organizations, lists of publications, and research sites.

8.12 Nuclear Engineering

1065. Nuclear Engineering—WWW Virtual Library. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
This site includes nuclear engineering resources and information such as
nuclear data; nuclear energy production and radioactive waste management;
health physics, radiation, and shielding standards; and radiation applications.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Chapter 9

Regulations, Standards,
and Specifications
The first section of this chapter covers organizations for which standards
development and sponsorship is a predominant activity. A majority of engineering
and technology organizations are affiliated with some aspect of standards, specifi-
cationsn or regulations. Several of these entities are described in Chapter 11.
The American Association of Engineering Societies adopted a statement,
Standards and Technical Barriers to Trade, on November 13, 1997, which pro-
vides the following definition:

Standards provide technical definitions and guidelines for design-

ers and manufacturers. They serve as a common language, defin-
ing quality and establishing safety criteria. In the United States,
consensus standards are developed by the private sector standards
organizations. These standards are used by industry and frequently
adopted by government agencies as a means of satisfying regula-
tory requirements [].

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) describes ANSI-

approved standards as documents that “provide dimensions, ratings, terminol-
ogy and symbols, test methods, performance and safety requirements for prod-
ucts and services ranging from electric motors to screw threads, computers, and
robots to medical instruments” (ANSI – A National Resource, available at
The International Standards Organization (ISO) describes a standard as a
“document approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and re-
peated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for products, processes or serv-
ices with which compliance is not mandatory” (ISO/IEC Guide 59:1994—Code
of Good Practice for Standardization).

198 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards

1066. Acoustical Society of America (ASA). 1999. Available: http://asa. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
ASA participates in the formation of acoustical standards concerned with
terminology, measurement procedures, and criteria for determining the effects
of sound and vibration. Continually updated lists of acoustical standards, stan-
dards abstracts, ordering information, and other information on standards activi-
ties are available. ASA publishes the Journal of the Acoustical Society of
1067. Aluminum Association (AAI). 1998. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Aluminum Association is a trade association for U.S. producers of pri-
mary aluminum, recyclers, and semi-fabricated aluminum products. It publishes
Aluminum Standards and Data and the Aluminum Statistical Review.
1068. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi-
cials (AASHTO). 1999. Available: (Accessed October
30, 1999).
The membership of the American Association of State Highway and Trans-
portation Officials is composed of highway and transportation government or-
ganizations. Technical publications include Standard Specifications for
Transportation Materials and Methods of Samplings and Testing, Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges, Guide Specifications for Highway Con-
struction, Guide Specification for Seismic Isolation Design, and LFRD Bridge
Design Specifications. AASHTO also publishes the U.S. Numbered Highways,
the official log of the U.S. Numbered system and listing of U.S. numbered
routes. The site includes the AASHTO Metrification Clearinghouse.
1069. American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA) is an associa-
tion of U.S. manufacturers of anti-friction bearings, spherical plain bearings, or
related major components. ABMA defines standards for bearing products and
collects bearing industry statistics. It maintains the ABMA Standards for Ball
and Roller Bearings and Steel Balls and also publishes the Maintenance Manual
and World List of Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturers.
1070. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
ABS promotes the development and verification of standards for the de-
sign, construction, and operational maintenance of marine-related facilities. The
ABS Rules and Guides provide the foundation upon which ABS classification
services are based.
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards / 199

1071. American Concrete Institute (ACI). 1998. Available: http://www.aci-int.

org. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
ACI International includes professionals working in concrete design, con-
struction, materials, education, and certification. ACI’s periodicals include Con-
crete International magazine, ACI Structural Journal, ACI Materials Journal,
and Concrete Abstracts. The ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (MCP) is a com-
prehensive concrete reference that includes all the ACI standards, specifications,
recommendations, and guides used for the construction, construction manage-
ment, inspection, and design of concrete structures.
1072. American Gas Association (AGA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Gas Association (AGA) publishes AGA standards and other
technical resources like the GPTC Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution
Piping Systems, National Fuel Gas Code and Handbook Gas Engineering, Op-
erating Practices (GEOP) Series, and Survey of Underground Gas Storage Fa-
cilities in the United States and Canada. The site includes current full-text gas
technology articles.
1073. American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Gear Manufacturers Association publishes the AGMA Standards.
1074. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the U.S.
representative on the International Astronautical Federation and the Interna-
tional Council on the Aeronautical Sciences. AIAA standards activities are con-
ducted through 21 Committees on Standards, which are supervised by the
Standards Executive Council. The AIAA Standards Program is accredited by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This site also provides Finding
Guide to AIAA Papers and AIAA Meetings Papers Searchable Citation Database
(1992 to present).
1075. American Institute of Steel Construction. (AISC). 1999. Available (Accessed October 30, 1999).
AISC promotes the use of structural steel engineering research, marketing
and promotion, fabricator services, and information updates. Standards activi-
ties and publications include the AISC Specifications and Codes. The site pro-
vides a searchable index for Modern Steel Construction (1964–present).
1076. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Founded in 1908, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) represents
Canadian, U.S., and Mexican steelmakers that produce more than 66 percent of
the steel made in North America. AISI standards are distributed through ANSI.
The site includes additional information about the steel industry and links to
other Internet resources, such as Steel Links.
200 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1077. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) serves as administrator and
coordinator of the U.S. voluntary standardization system. Founded in 1918 by five en-
gineering societies and three government agencies, the Institute remains a private,
nonprofit membership organization supported by a diverse constituency of private and
public sector organizations. The ANSI catalog is Catalog of American National Stan-
dards. The site provides access to the ANSI-ISO-IEC Online Catalog, which com-
bines ANSI, ISO, and IEC document information in a searchable online catalog, and
NSSN, a searchable database that provides a wide range of standards information
from major standards developers. This resource also provides general information and
services related to the ISO 14000 environmental management standards
1078. American Nuclear Society (ANS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Nuclear Society is an international, scientific, and educa-
tional organization. One of the primary roles of the ANS is to develop profes-
sional standards and guidelines to be used throughout the nuclear industry. The
ANS publishes the 1999 World Directory of Nuclear Utility Management, a
desk reference listing key personnel at nuclear utility headquarters and nuclear
plant sites and worldwide plant listings arranged alphabetically by country and
utility, and including operating plants, those under construction, and those being
1079. American Petroleum Institute (API). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The API publishes standards and specifications. This site includes technical
interpretations for refining and pipeline standards.
1080. American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Nondestructive testing (NDT) is the examination of an object or material with
technology that does not affect its future usefulness. NDT includes methods that can
detect internal or external imperfections; determine structure, composition, or mate-
rial properties; or measure geometric characteristics. The site provides access to the
Online NDT Buyer’s Guide, which is searchable by product or method.
1081. American Society for Quality (ASQ). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
ASQ was founded in 1946 for the development of quality concepts, princi-
ples, and techniques. Site resources include information on standards and certifi-
cation (e.g., ISO 9000 and ISO 14000) and FAQs about standards. The Quality
InfoSearch offers searchable access to the quality resources of ASQ. The arti-
cles/conference proceedings collection includes several thousand abstracts from
Quality Progress, Quality Management Journal, Quality Engineering, Journal of
Quality Technology, Technometrics, Annual Quality Congress Proceedings, and
ASQ Division Conference Proceedings. A glossary of terms is also available.
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards / 201

1082. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Organized in 1898, ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
publishes standard test methods, specifications, practices, guides, classifica-
tions, and terminology. ASTM’s standards development activities encompass
metals, paints, plastics, textiles, petroleum, construction, energy, the environ-
ment, consumer products, medical services and devices, computerized systems,
electronics, and many other areas. More than 10,000 ASTM standards are pub-
lished each year in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. A searchable index for
ASTM standards is provided. ASTM also provides subscriber service for stan-
dards, the ASTM Standards Source Online. A demonstration site is available at Other publications provided online are the ASTM Interna-
tional Directory of Testing Laboratories and the ASTM Directory of Scientific
and Technical Consultants and Expert Witnesses.
1083. American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), founded in
1907, is an organization interested in engineering knowledge and technology for
food and agriculture, associated industries, and related resources. The site pro-
vides access to the 1998 Subject Index to ASAE Standards, Engineering Prac-
tices, and Data.
1084. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE). 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 30, 1999).
ASHRAE is organized to advance heating, ventilation, air conditioning,
and refrigeration through research, standards writing, continuing education, and
publications. The site provides an option to search the ASHRAE Journal and pro-
vides corrections to ASHRAE Handbooks.
1085. American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) fosters
the technical, scientific, managerial, and ethical knowledge, skills, and compe-
tency of safety, health, and environmental professionals.
1086. American Water Works Association (AWWA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is a scientific and edu-
cational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and sup-
ply. The American Water Works Association develops and manages standards
and specifications.
202 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1087. American Welding Society (AWS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The American Welding Society, founded in 1919, advances the science,
technology, and application of welding and related joining disciplines. Thesite
includes a buyer’s guide and research supplements to the Welding Journal.
1088. American Wire Producers Association (AWPA). 1999. Available: (Access October 30, 1999).
The AWPA is an organization for the ferrous wire and wire products indus-
try in North America. AWPA members include wire producers located in the
United States, Canada, and Mexico; manufacturers and distributors of wire rod;
and suppliers of machinery, dies, and equipment to the wire industry. A searcha-
ble database for wire products is provided.
1089. ARINC. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30,
ARINC provides communications services, systems development and inte-
gration, systems engineering, and management services to the aviation commu-
nity, commercial customers, and government agencies such as the FAA, DOD,
NASA, DOE, and DOT. The Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee
(AEEC) is an international standards organization comprising major airline op-
erators and other airspace users. ARINC publishes the standards produced by the
AEEC. Three types of AEEC documents are available: ARINC Characteristics,
ARINC Specifications, and ARINC Reports.
1090. Association for Information and Image Management International
(AIIM). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
AIIM International is an association for information and document man-
agement technologies. As an ANSI-accredited organization, AIIM works on
standards development and functions as the umbrella organization for industry
coalitions working to develop interoperability standards.
1091. Audio Engineering Society (AES). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
The Audio Engineering Society is devoted to audio technology. This site
provides a searchable database of AES standards and Audio Engineering Soci-
ety preprints
1092. British Standards Institute (BSI). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 30, 1999).
BSI was the first national standards body in the world. The site provides a
searchable BSI standards catalog and information on the process of standards
1093. Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 30, 1999).
Founded in 1915, Building Officials and Code Administrators International
represents code enforcement disciplines and construction industry interests. The
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards / 203

list of codes includes National Building Code, International Mechanical Code,

International Plumbing Code, International Private Sewage Disposal Code, In-
ternational Property Maintenance Code, and International Zoning Code. The site
includes an index to The Building Official and Code Administrator Magazine.
1094. Canadian Codes Centre. 1997. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 30, 1999).
The Canadian Codes Centre (CCC) provides support to the Canadian Com-
mission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) and its related committee opera-
tions, which are responsible for the national model building codes of Canada.
Full-text of the National Building Code (NBC) of Canada is available at this site.
1095. Compressed Gas Association (CGA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 30, 1999).
The CGA site includes full-text Safety Bulletins, Technical Bulletins, and
Safety Alerts. It also includes list of as well as proposed changes to CGA Safety
Standards and Specifications.
1096. Construction Specifications Canada (CSC). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
CSC is dedicated to the improvement of communication, contract docu-
mentation, and technical information in the construction industry. The site in-
cludes an international directory of related companies, services, and materials.
1097. Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) develops products and serv-
ices for individuals involved in nonresidential construction. ResourceLink is the
construction specifier’s online yellow pages of building products and services.
1098. CSA International. 1999. Available:
english/about_csa/index.htm. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Established in 1919, CSA (Canadian Standards Association) International
develops standards in areas of product certification, management systems regis-
tration, and information products.
1099. Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides searchable databases for standards proposals and proj-
ects under development. Standards and publications descriptions are available
from EIA, JEDEC, and TIA.
1100. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) determines
and produces telecommunications standards. A searchable catalog of standards
is available at this site.
204 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1101. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) coordinates the develop-
ment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The NSDI outlines the
policies, standards, and procedures for organizations to cooperatively produce and
share geographic data. The FGDC Standards Reference Model defines the FGDC
standards and geospatial standards and documents the FGDC standards process.
1102. Flexible Packaging Association (FPA). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) monitors regulatory issues, in-
cluding the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) implementation
of the new National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This site includes a list of
member organizations and access to Flexible Packaging magazine.
1103. Gasket Fabricators Association (GFA). 2000. Available: http:\\www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The GFA develops and maintains gasket-related standards and specifica-
tions. This site includes general information and related links.
1104. General Graphics Interface. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
This organization works on developing graphics systems. The site includes
several information resources, documentation, and FAQs.
1105. Grinding Wheel Institute (GWI). 1999. Available: http://www.wherryassoc.
com/ (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Grinding Wheel Institute develops and maintains standards for grind-
ing wheels, cutting-off wheels, rubbing bricks, segments, blocks, solid discs,
honing sticks, or sharpening stones that are employed in the grinding, sharpen-
ing, and polishing, or in removing stock of metal, stone, and wood.This site in-
cludes a list of related publications.
1106. IEEE SCC32—Standards Coordinating Committee on Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS). 1999. Available:
groups/scc32/index.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The SCC32 is responsible for coordinating, developing, and maintaining
standards, recommended practices, and guidelines related to Intelligent Trans-
portation Systems (ITS) within the scope of IEEE interests. The site includes
several publications, papers, and presentations related to SCC32’s topics.
1107. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). 1999.
Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America is composed of
professionals from such fields as manufacturing, engineering, architecture, and
construction. Its publications include the IESNA Lighting Handbook, IESNA
Recommended Practices, and Design Guides. This site includes information on
manufacturers, publications, and related sites.
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards / 205

1108. Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

(IPC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC)
represents companies in the electronic interconnection industry. This site pro-
vides information on the design, fabrication,and assembly of printed wiring
boards (PWBs) and printed wiring assemblies (PWAs) as well as environmental,
regulatory, and legislative aspects affecting these industries. Access to the IPC
Recycle Directory is also provided.
1109. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Associa-
tion. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides the IEEE standards catalog, status of IEEE standards and
projects, draft and pre-approved draft standards listings, and other information
about the organization.
1110. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Institute is one of five standards development organizations designated
by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to develop ITS standards.
This site provides an online directory of transportation product and service pro-
viders and the ITE Transportation Expert Witness Council Directory. Other ref-
erence publications include the Trip Generation and the Traffic Signing
1111. International Code Council (ICC). 1999. Available: http://www.intlcode.
org. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
In 1994, the International Code Council (ICC) was established to develop a
single set of comprehensive and coordinated national codes. The founders of
ICC were from the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA), the In-
ternational Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and the Southern Building
Code Congress International (SBCCI). In the future, the ICC will offer a single,
complete set of construction codes without regional limitations, the Interna-
tional Codes.
1112. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The ICBO has suspended code development of the Uniform Building Code
and Uniform Mechanical Code in support of the efforts of the International Code
Council (ICC) to work towards the proposed International Building Code. The
International Conference of Building Officials is an organization owned and
controlled by its member cities, counties, and states. Its publications include the
Handbook to the Uniform Mechanical Code. This site includes publications,
newsletters, related links, and other documents of interest.
1113. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
206 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

Founded in 1906, the IEC prepares and publishes international standards

for electrical, electronic, and related technologies. The site provides an online
catalog of IEC publications.
1114. International Maritime Organization (IMO). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The IMO has been developing the International Safety Management (ISM)
Code to improve the safety of international shipping and to reduce pollution from
ships. This site includes information about the code and related bibliography.
1115. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed May 6, 1999).
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a federation of
national standards bodies to promote the development of standardization and re-
lated activities in the world. The site includes a searchable standards catalog, a
list of International Standards Organizations, and information about ISO 9000
and ISO 14000.
1116. International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
ISA was established in 1945 with the mission to include standards develop-
ment. ISA’s first standard document on thermocouples was published in 1948,
and later revisions of this work resulted in ISA’s current thermocouple standard,
ISA-MC96.1, which is widely used around the world. This site provides
searchable access to the ISA Directory of Instrumentation for manufacturers,
representatives, and services in the measurement and control field.
1117. International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The ITU coordinates global telecom networks and services. It also pub-
lishes telecommunication technology, regulatory, and standards information.
The site provides a searchable catalog of standards and other publications.
1118. International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materi-
als and Structures (RILEM). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
RILEM is a nongovernmental technical association working with the con-
struction sciences, techniques, and industries. This site includes publications and
related international links.
1119. Internet Society (ISOC). 2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 2, 2000).
The Internet Society is responsible for Internet infrastructure standards, in-
cluding the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Architec-
ture Board (IAB). This site includes a history of the Internet.
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards / 207

1120. Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
JEDEC Solid State Technology Association is the semiconductor engineer-
ing standardization body of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). JEDEC
was created by EIA in 1958 to cover the standardization of discrete semiconduc-
tor devices and later to include integrated circuits. Some full-text JEDEC stan-
dards and test methods are available at this site.
1121. Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 2, 2000).
MPIF is a federation of trade associations concerned with powder metal-
lurgy, metal powders, or particulate materials, including the Powder Metallurgy
Parts Association, Metal Powder Producers Association, Refractory Metals As-
sociation, Powder Metallurgy Equipment Association, and Metal Injection
Molding Association. The Metal Powder Industries Federation issues standards
for specifying P/M materials.This site includes a glossary of terms, a buyer’s
guide and directories, and related links.
1122. NACE International. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
Since 1943, NACE International has worked to reduce the economic im-
pact of corrosion, promote public safety, and protect the environment. The
NACE Book of Standards includes industry-accepted voluntary standards, in-
cluding standards published in conjunction with the Steel Structures Painting
Council. The site includes an online speaker’s bureau directory.
1123. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
For more than 70 years, the NEMA developed standards for the electrical
manufacturing industry. One of the areas NEMA has been working on is the Na-
tional Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP). This site in-
cludes an online searchable service, Standards and Product Guide.
1124. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 2, 2000).
Since 1896, the National Fire Protection Association has supported the de-
velopment of codes and standards, research, and education for fire and related
safety issues. Standards include NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code; NFPA 54, Na-
tional Fuel Gas Code; NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liq-
uefied Petroleum Gases; and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Other
publications include the National Electrical Code Handbook. This site contains
a list of publications and other fire-related research.
1125. National Fluid Power Association (NFPA). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The NFPA promotes fluid power technology and applications and education
and develops design and performance standards. This site includes statistical data,
lists of publications and standards, and links to other related organizations.
208 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1126. National Information Standards Organization (NISO). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The National Information Standards Organization develops and promotes
the use of technical standards. NISO has developed such standards as the Infor-
mation Retrieval (Z39.50), Information Interchange Format (Z39.2), Codes for
Languages and Countries, and Scientific and Technical Reports (Z39.18). This
site includes FAQ about standards information.
1127. National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
NPCA represents paint and coatings manufacturers, raw materials suppli-
ers, and distributors. This site includes information about lead-based paint, pen-
cils, and coatings.
1128. Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association (PVMA). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
PVMA represents the manufacturers of commercial, industrial, and utility
steam generating and fuel burning equipment, as well as suppliers to the indus-
try. This site includes a list of member organizations and publications.
1129. Project Management Institute (PMI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
PMI establishes project management standards, educational programs, and
professional certification. A full-text resource, A Guide to the Project Manage-
ment Body of Knowledge, is available to download from this site.
1130. SAE International. 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 31, 1999).
The Society of Automotive Engineers supports the designing, building,
maintaining, and operating of self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air
or space. Publications include the Aerospace Consultant’s Directory, Aerospace
Standards, Aerospace Material Specifications, SAE Handbook ($425.00, digital
format available), and SAE Technical Papers. This site includes a searchable da-
tabase for ground vehicle standards (J-Reports) and technical papers from the
1998 SAE International Congress and Exposition. Available by subscription,
WebDEX is an index of the current and past publications of SAE that covers
more than 90 years of technical literature. The SAE Aerospace Standards Index
indexes SAE Aerospace Standards (AS), Aerospace Recommended Practices
(ARP), and Aerospace Information Reports (AIR) by document number, key-
words, new and revised documents, and DODISS-adopted documents.
1131. Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
SEMI represents the semiconductor and flat panel display equipment and
materials industries. This site provides a database to access SEMI’s archives for
technical papers, standards, and newsletters.
9.1 Organizations Sponsoring Standards / 209

1132. Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO). 1999.

Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
SISO focuses on simulation interoperability in the DOD and other govern-
ment and nongovernment areas. This site includes a substantial full-text docu-
ment library.
1133. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
SSPC was founded in 1950 as the Steel Structures Painting Council, a pro-
fessional society to advance the technology and promote the use of protective
coatings for industrial, marine, and commercial structures. SSPC standards are
available for purchase from this site.
1134. Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 2, 2000).
SMPTE developed standards such as Recommended Practices and Engi-
neering Guidelines for Television and Motion-Pictures. This site provides
searchable indexes for the SMPTE Journal. SMPTE publishes the SMPTE Stan-
dards for Advanced Television Production with Supplemental Standards, which
includes 15 proposed and revised standards on analog and digital representation
of video signals, analog, and serial and parallel interfaces.
1135. Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 2, 2000).
The Society of the Plastics Industry represents the plastics industry in the
United States. In standards development SPI participates with groups such as
Underwriters Laboratory (UL), the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It also monitors activities of
IEC, CEN, and CENELEC, which are also international groups that specialize in
standards for electrical products. SPI publishes an annual statistics report, Facts
and Figures of the U.S. Plastics Industry. This site includes related links and
public policy information on issues of concern to the industry.
1136. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
TAPPI is a professional organization for the paper and pulp industries. This
site includes a searchable index and full-text articles from TAPPI Journal and a
listing of Internet resources. TAPPI publishes Official Test Methods, Provi-
sional Test Methods, Classical Methods, and Standard Practices. The TAPPI
Test Methods (digital format available) is the complete set of approximately 300
methods, including over 30 testing methods for containers and 150 testing meth-
ods for paper and paperboard. Descriptions include numerical listing of meth-
ods, reference materials list, equipment suppliers, and a listing of test
laboratories and research facilities.
210 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1137. Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
TIA provides communications and information technology products, mate-
rials, systems, distribution services, and professional services. TIA represents
the telecommunications industry with its subsidiary, the MultiMedia Telecom-
munications Association (MMTA), and in conjunction with the Electronic In-
dustries Alliance (EIA). This site includes a listing of Electronic Serial Numbers
(ESN) and a buyer’s guide.
1138. Transit Communications Interface Profiles (TCIP). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The TCIP project is developing standards for transit communications.
These standards will provide the interfaces among transit applications and will
allow data to be shared among transit departments, emergency response serv-
ices, and regional traffic management centers. The site sponsored by the Institute
of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
1139. Underwriters Laboratories (UL). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
Underwriters Laboratories offers assessment, product testing, and certifica-
tion services, and ISO9000, QS-9000, and ISO 14001 registrations. The site pro-
vides camera ready copy of UL Marks and other technical standards information.
UL StandardsInfoNet is available at
1140. Uniform Code Council (UCC). 1999. Available:
Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Uniform Code Council develops and promotes multi-industry stan-
dards for product identification and related electronic communication. This site
contains a glossary of terms and an equipment and service provider directory.
1141. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). 1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
NIST was established by Congress to develop technology, improve product
quality, modernize manufacturing processes, ensure product reliability, and fa-
cilitate rapid commercialization of products. This site includes subject guides,
information about the Baldrige Quality Program, Federal Information Process-
ing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS)and the Engineering E-journal Search
Engine (EESE). Several databases are available: Chemistry WebBook, Child
Anthropometric Data, Electron Interactions with Plasma Processing Gases, Fire
on the Web, and Fundamental Physical Constants, Human/Computer. Guide to
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST Special Publica-
tion 858; SuDoc C13.10: 858) is a detailed directory to programs, products, serv-
ices, and research products.
9.2 Standards Resources / 211

1142. U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. Army Primary Standards Laboratory

(APSL). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 2, 2000).
The APSL serves as the Army’s Center of Excellence for metrology, the
science of measurement. All APSL measurements are legally traceable to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the U.S. Naval Obser-
vatory (USNO), or intrinsic natural standards. The APSL is an active member of
the National Conference of Standards Laboratories and is accredited by the Na-
tional Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The APSL site
includes information about these three laboratories: Physical Standards Labora-
tory, Electrical Standards Laboratory, and Radiation Standards and Dosimetry
1143. U.S. Department of Energy Building Standards and Guidelines Pro-
gram (BSGP). 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 31, 1999).
The BSGP is a resource on national energy codes and standards and is
funded by the DOE Office of Codes and Standards. The site includes informa-
tion on the Model Energy Code (MEC), state energy codes, and Washington
State Case Studies.
1144. U. S. Department of Labor. Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
istration (OSHA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) is to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect the health of U.S. workers.
This site provides access to OSHA regulations, directives, and compliance-
related information.
1145. U.S. Metric Association (USMA). 1999. Available: http://lamar.colostate.
edu/~hillger. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The U.S. Metric Association, founded in 1916, advocates U.S. conversion
to the International System of Units (SI), also called the modern metric system.
The process of changing this system of units to the metric system is called “met-
ric transition” or “metrication.” This site contains information on the SI metric
system and the status of metric transition (metrication) in the United States.

9.2 Standards Resources

1146. 4 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31,

This site provides free listings for product manufacturers and trade organi-
zation Internet sites. It links materials, specifications, and companies.
212 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1147. AIAA R-100 Online: Recommended Practice for Parts Management

(AIAA/ANSI R-100-1996). Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, 1998. $36.00. Available by subscription:
This product is geared for the aerospace, defense, and automotive indus-
tries as a step-by-step guide to design, supplier, and data management.
1148. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Commit-
tee on Industrial Ventilation. Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recom-
mended Practice. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists, 1998. 512p. (Publication 2092). $69.00. ISBN 1882417224.
Digital format available.
This manual provides research data and information on the design, mainte-
nance, and evaluation of industrial exhaust ventilation systems. Basic ventila-
tion principles and sample calculations are presented. The updated edition
includes duct calculation sheets and new tables for determining duct friction fac-
tor. This resource is used as a guide for industrial ventilation designers.
1149. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Associated Lists. New York:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. 20p. (ASME Y14.34M-1996).
This standard establishes the minimum requirements for the preparation
and revision of parts lists, application lists, data lists, and index lists. These re-
quirements include format considerations and data fields.
1150. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Engineering Drawing
Practices. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998. 16p.
(ASME Y14.100M-1998). $63.00.
The full set of related standards for engineering drawing practices includes
ASME Y14.100M, ASME Y14.24M, ASME Y14.34M, and ASME Y14.35M. This
particular standard establishes the essential requirements and reference docu-
ments applicable to the preparation and revision of engineering drawings and as-
sociated lists.
1151. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Revision of Engineering
Drawings and Associated Documents. New York: American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, 1997. 12p. (ASME Y14.35M-1997). $49.00.
Subcommittee 35, Revision of Engineering Drawings, was formed in 1981
as a subcommittee of ASME Standards Committee Y14, Engineering Drawing
and Related Documentation Practices. This standard is a revision of ASME
Y14.35M-1992 and establishes the methods for the practices for revising draw-
ing,and the methods for identifying and recording these revisions.
1152. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, 1998. 30v. $7150.00. ISSN 05175321.
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) establishes rules of
safety for the design, fabrication, and inspection of boilers and pressure ves-
sels and nuclear power plant components. A three-year subscription includes
9.2 Standards Resources / 213

addenda issued each year, supplements issued four times a year, and interpreta-
tions issued twice a year. The BPVC is also available in digital format from In-
formation Handling Services (IHS).
1153. Bekkers, Rudi, and Jan Smits. Mobile Telecommunications: Stan-
dards, Regulation, and Applications. Boston: Artech House, 1998. 467p.
$95.00. ISBN 0890068062.
This comprehensive update and discussion of mobile communications has
a particular emphasis on standards and regulations. While this book was origi-
nally written from the European perspective, this new edition includes the
United States. It includes an index to identify standards, a glossary, and a list of
1154. Benedetti, Robert P. Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
Handbook. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1997. 516p.
$78.00. ISBN 0877654085.
This resource is based on the 1996 editions of NFPA 30, Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Code and NFPA 30A, Automotive and Marine Service Sta-
tions Code, and the 1993 edition of NFPA 395, Standard for the Storage of Flam-
mable and Combustible Liquids on Farms and Isolated Construction Projects.
1155. Bernstein, Martin D., and Lloyd W. Yoder. Power Boilers: A Guide to
Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: ASME,
1998. 280p. $65.00. ISBN 0791800563.
In addition to summarizing Section I of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, this guide includes practical applications. Design and manufacturing en-
gineers, boiler operators, insurance inspectors, and others working with boiler
and pressure vessels will find this an extremely relevant resource.
1156. Book of Lists for Regulated Hazardous Substances. Rockville, MD:
Government Institutes, 1997. 604p. $79.00. ISBN 0865875855. Digital format
This book of lists features 110 regulatory lists for reference for compliance,
including the Air Pollutants List, Land Ban Lists, the National Priorities List
(NPL), the Toxicity Characteristics List, and the OSHA “Z” Tables. These have
been assembled from over 21 health and safety Code of Federal Regulations and
other sources. This resource provides easy access to the text of these federal
1157. Braster, Patrick, and Pieter De Beer. CE Marking for Telecommunica-
tions: A Handbook to the Telecommunications Directives. Piscataway, NJ:
IEEE, 1997. 260p. $180.00 ISBN 1559379472.
This reference was written for the U. S. market to provide insight into the
requirements of the European Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Direc-
tive (TTE Directive). It also provides a list of the European harmonized stan-
dards for telecommunications terminal equipment and the complete TTE
214 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1158. Canadian Environment and Safety Library on CD. Washington, DC:

Bureau of National Affairs. Digital format. Bimonthly. ISSN 1099307X.
This CD contains the text of Canadian federal, provincial, and territorial en-
vironmental and occupational safety and health laws and implementing regula-
tions; it also contains guidelines, objectives, and codes of practice. Information
is available at
1159. Canadian Standards Association (CSA). Canadian Electrical Code.
Etobicoke, ONT: Canadian Standards Association, 1998. 779p. (Canadian Elec-
trical Code, CSA Standard, C22.1-98 0317-5669). $77.00. ISBN 0921347650.
Digital format available.
This is the primary electrical code in Canada.
1160. CD FICHE MIL-SPECS: Military and Federal Specifications and
Standards. Virginia Beach, VA: Information Systems, 1998. Digital format.
(CDMS01). $5950.00.
CD-FICHE MIL-SPECS contains a comprehensive library of the Active
Military Specifications and Standards library, including the latest revisions,
amendments, notices, related documents, and the DODISS index. Documents
included are Military Specifications, Standards, Handbooks and Bulletins, Joint
Army-Navy Specifications and Standards. Federal Specifications, Standards
and Handbooks, Qualified Products Lists, Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Stan-
dards, MS, DESC, SMD, QPL Drawing and Specifications, Data Item Descrip-
tions, and Commercial Item Descriptions.
1161. CE-Mark: The New European Legislation for Products—Electro-
Technical Industry, Electrical Engineering and Machine Construction.
New York: ASME, 1996. 500p. $350.00. ISBN 9054049987.
This handbook assists the user to comply with the European Directives
(e.g., Machinery, Low-Voltage, Electromagnetic Compatibility, and other direc-
tives of the European Economic Area ). It provides an overview of more than 60
standards and includes a dictionary of terms.
1162. Chrysler, John, and Thomas Escobar. Masonry Codes and Specifications
Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 443p. $49.95. ISBN 0849375487.
This reference for the latest masonry codes and specifications includes
code requirements from the Uniform Building Code and Standards, the Califor-
nia State Building Code, and the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) standards.
1163. Clayton, George D., et al. Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
CD-ROM. New York: Wiley, 1998. Digital format. $2495.00. ISBN 0471181927.
This electronic version integrates the fourth edition of the NIOSH Manual
of Analytical Methods. The NIOSH Manual is a compilation of methods for sam-
pling and analyzing contaminants in the workplace air and other hazards in the
9.2 Standards Resources / 215

1164. Clement, Raymond E. Reference Materials for Environmental Analy-

sis. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis, 1997. 288p. $69.95. ISBN 1566701023.
This reference covers standards for environmental analysis, including soil,
water, gaseous, and biological, for the United States, Canada, and Europe.
1165. Clesceri, Lenore S., Arnold E. Greenberg, and Andrew D. Eaton. Stan-
dard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Washington,
DC: American Public Health Association, 1998. 1220p. $200.00. ISBN
0875532357. Digital format available.
This resource covers over 350 methods for examination of waters, includ-
ing domestic use, industrial use, surface water, groundwater, cooling or circulat-
ing water, boiler water, treated and untreated municipal wastewater, and saline
water. This is a mutual publication of the American Public Health Association
(APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Water Environ-
ment Federation (WEF).
1166. Code of Federal Regulations. CFR Index and Finding Aids. Washing-
ton, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal
Register, 1997. 1010p. (PB97171052). Price varies. Available from National
Technical Information Service.
This CFR Index and Finding Aids volume is revised on an annual basis. It
contains a subject/agency index for rules currently codified in C.F.R.; a list of
agency-prepared indexes; a table of laws and presidential documents cited as
authority for regulations currently codified in C.F.R.; a list of C.F.R. titles, chap-
ters, subchapters, and parts; and an alphabetical list of agencies appearing in
1167. A Compilation of ASTC (Advanced Television Systems Committee)
Communications Standards. White Plains, NY: Society of Motion Picture and
Television Engineers, 1998. Various pagings. $125.00.
This publication includes such standards as the ATSC Digital Television
Standard (Doc. A/53), Digital Audio Compression (AC-3) Standard (Doc.
A/52), Program and System Information Protocol for Terrestrial Broadcast and
Cable (Doc. A/65), and Transmission Measurement and Compliance for Digital
Television (Doc. A64). Most elements of the ATSC Digital Television Standard
were adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1996.
1168. The Complete CE Marking Guide. New York: ASME, 1998. Digital
format. $89.00.
This is a certification guide for manufacturers and exporters who need to un-
derstand CE (Conformité Européenne) Marking and related European Directives.
1169. Computer and Communication. Standards. 1998. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides an extensive list of hard-to-find information on computer
216 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1170. Cooper, Andre R. Environmental Compliance Made Easy: A Check-

list Approach for Industry. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998.
300p. $69.00. ISBN 0865875995.
This environmental reference provides checklists for compliance with
EPA, DOT, and OSHA policies, standards, and regulations. It covers air quality
emissions, hazardous solid and chemical wastes, storage tank hazard evalua-
tions, and spill response and includes a glossary of terms; lists of toxic, flamma-
ble, and explosive substances; and a list of hazardous substances and reportable
1171. Cote, Ron. Life Safety Code Handbook. Quincy, MA: National Fire
Protection Association, 1997. 1089p. $77.50. ISBN 0877654255
This handbook provides the user with a better understanding of the Life Safety
Code by explaining the requirements and making suggestions for implementation. It
includes the full-text of the NFPA 101: Life Safety Code with comments.
1172. Crawford, G. I. Guide to Nondestructive Testing of Concrete. Wash-
ington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administra-
tion, 1997. 60p. (TD2.30/13:97105; FHWASA97105; PB98122864). Available
from National Technical Information Service.
The purpose of this guide is to present general information on several
pieces of commercially available NDT (nondestructive testing) equipment used
for measuring the early age and strength of concrete at ages less than 28 days.
1173. CSSinfo. 1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
CSSinfo provides document delivery service for technical standards and
specifications from over 300 standards developing organizations worldwide. It
includes collections in electronic format from NSF International, Manufacturers
Standardization Society (MSS), National Information Standards Organizations
(NISO), and the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA).
There are catalogs searchable by document numbers, issuing agencies, titles, or
keywords. The site also provides an arrangement of standards by current sub-
jects or standards issues.
1174. Document Center. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
Document Center specializes in delivery of industry and government speci-
fications and standards.
1175. Document Engineering Company. 1999. Available: http://www.doceng.
com. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Document Engineering Company supplies both current and historical stan-
dards from various sources worldwide, including government and industry sectors.
9.2 Standards Resources / 217

1176. Electrical and Electronics Graphic and Letter Symbols and Refer-
ence Designations. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
1996. 688p. $165.00. ISBN 1559378360.
This reference consolidates 12 IEEE standards for the preparation of elec-
trical diagrams. It covers graphic symbols for use on circuit diagrams and archi-
tectural plans, preparation of logic circuit diagrams, device function numbers for
electric power systems, and letter symbols for units and measurements.
1177. Environmental Site Investigation Guidance Manual. New York:
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996. 139p. (ASCE Manuals and Reports
on Engineering Practice, no. 83). $29.00. ISBN 0784400962.
This manual provides guidance on procedures for investigation and charac-
terizing a potential hazardous site, compares site assessment manuals, and re-
views legal issues and language for contracts.
1178. Environmental Statutes. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1998.
1200p. $69.00. ISBN 0865876258. Digital format available.
This publication contains current information on acts and amendments and
includes the complete text of each statute. For example, it covers the Clean Air
Act and Amendments of 1990, CERCLA/Superfund, Pollution Prevention Act
of 1990, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Federal Water Pollution
Control Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and Safe Drinking Water Act.
1179. European CE Mark Directives. 1999. Available: http://www.conformance. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site includes the full-text of CE (Conformité Européenne) Mark direc-
tives, including the Simple Pressure Vessels Directive, Machinery Safety Direc-
tive, Energy Labeling Directive, and Lift Safety Directive.
1180. Farr, James R., and Maan H. Jawad. Guidebook for the Design of
ASME Section VIII Pressure Vessels. New York: ASME Press, 1998. 316p.
$65.00. ISBN 0791800555.
Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code outlines the
codes for the design materials, fabrication, inspection, and testing of pressure
vessels. Because these rules are complicated, this reference assists the user with
additional explanations.
1181. Fastener Quality Act (FQA) Web Site. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Fastener Quality Act requires that certain fasteners bear an identifying
insignia for traceability purposes. The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
maintains the Fastener Insignia Register. Additional information about the re-
quirements of the FQA law and regulations is provided at this site.
1182. Global Engineering Documents. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
218 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

Global Engineering Documents distributes U.S., international, and national

standards, specifications, and technical publications. This site includes a
searchable document database.
1183. Guide to Reference and Standard Atmosphere Models. Reston, VA:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1997. 70p. (ANSI/AIAA
G-003A-1996). $39.95. ISBN 1563471957.
This standard provides guidelines for selecting reference and standard at-
mospheric models for engineering design or scientific research. This guide is in-
tended to assist aircraft and space vehicle designers and developers,
geophysicists, meteorologists, and climatologists in understanding available
models, comparing sources of data, and interpreting engineering and scientific
results based on different atmospheric models.
1184. Guidelines for Producing Quality Symbols. Dayton, OH: Uniform
Code Council, 1998. 108p. $40.00.
This reference is the Uniform Code Council’s guideline on bar code speci-
fication, design, production, and quality assessment. In 1998, this guideline was
revised to include metric measures and a section on bar code quality assessment.
The source provides tutorials on major subject areas and includes over 300 links
to other UCC guidelines, standards, and specifications.
1185. Hal Jespersen’s Standards Page. 1998. Available: http://www.posix.
com/stds.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site lists standards organizations, consortia, associations, and other
useful Internet resources about standards.
1186. Hoyle, David. ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook. Boston:
Butterworth-Heineman, 1998. 546p. $49.95. ISBN 0750640243.
This is a practical instruction manual for managing, designing, and imple-
menting ISO 9000 quality system requirements in order to be certified. The
author addresses each individual requirement and makes appropriate sugges-
tions to be able to satisfy the intent of each requirement.
1187. Hutchings, Jonathan F. National Building Codes Handbook. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 545p. $65.95. ISBN 0070318190.
The handbook reviews the four major building codes (ICBCO, BOCA,
SBCCI, and CABO) and the HUD code for modular and manufactured construc-
1188. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Software Engineering.
New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1999. 4v. (IEEE
Standards Collection). $325.00. ISBN 0738115592.
This set of software engineering standards is published in four volumes:
Volume 1, Customer and Terminology Standards; Volume 2, Process Standards;
Volume 3, Product Standards; and Volume 4, Resource and Technique Standards.
A list of standards is available at
9.2 Standards Resources / 219

1189. International Mechanical Code. Falls Church, VA: International Code

Council, 1998. 140p. $48.75. ISBN 1892395118.
Developed by the International Code Council, the International Mechani-
cal Code (IMC) establishes minimum regulations for mechanical systems using
prescriptive and performance-related provisions. The International Mechanical
Code is designed to be compatible with the National Codes published by the
Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), the Standard
Codes published by the Southern Building Code Congress International
(SBCCI), and the Uniform Codes published by the International Conference of
Building Officials (ICBO).
1190. Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP Archives. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides an excellent index to search for Internet Requests for
Comments (RFC), Internet Protocol Standards (STD), Internet Best Current
Practices (BCP), and For Your Information documents (FYI).
1191. Internet Standards Archive. 1999. Available: http://sunsite.cnlab-
switch. ch/cgi-bin/search/standard/nph-findstd?show_about=yes. (Accessed Oc-
tober 31, 1999).
This site provides access to search for RFCs, which are the official docu-
ment series of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and are archived perma-
nently (i.e., RFCs are never deleted). It is important to note that not all RFCs are
standards. Internet-Drafts have no formal status, are valid for a maximum of six
months, and may be updated, or replaced by other documents at any time. Some-
times Internet-Drafts are precursors to RFCs.
1192. Johnson, Perry L. ISO/QS 9000 Yearbook. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1998. 341p. $59.95. ISBN 0070328943.
This is an annual review of requirements and developments associated with
the ISO/QS-9000 quality management system standards. It provides case studies
from 15 different industries and the complete text of ISO 9001, which comprises
20 quality system elements covering the areas of design, development, produc-
tion, installation, and servicing.
1193. Kverneland, Knut O. Metric Standards for Worldwide Manufactur-
ing. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998. 748p.
$130.00. ISBN 0791800415.
This sourcebook is useful for designers, engineers, and manufacturers. It
lists the preferred metric sizes for nuts, bolts, screws, steel rods, gears, and other
manufacturing materials. It includes additional information on the metrification
system and standards.
1194. Land Surveying Rules, Regulations, Statutes and Minimum Techni-
cal Standards. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
This site lists surveying rules, regulations, statutes, and standards informa-
tion for most states.
220 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1195. Lemoff, Theodore C. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code Handbook.

Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1998. 557p. $78.00. ISBN
This handbook provides commentary to the 1998 edition of NFPA 58, Liq-
uefied Petroleum Gas Code. This commentary explains the legalistic language
of the code so the user is able to follow the recommendations and common prac-
tices for the use of liquefied petroleum (LP) gas as a fuel. The book includes nu-
merous references and explanatory resources.
1196. Leonard, Barry. General Industry Digest: Safety and Health Stan-
dards. Upland, PA: DIANE, 1998. 86p. $25.00. ISBN 078817214X.
This is a digest of industry safety and health standards compiled to support
voluntary compliance with OSHA standards at the workplace. An index of stan-
dards sources is included, keyed to the numerical designations for each of the
standards listed in the digest.
1197. Locating Codes and Standards. 1999. Available: http://www.elevator-world.
com/hotlinks/codesstd.htm. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This guide assists in finding relevant international standards for elevators
and escalators.
1198. Mack, William C. Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Nonferrous Metals
and Alloys. Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1996. Various pagings.
(Materials Data Series). $489.00. ISBN 0871705400.
This reference is a companion to the Worldwide Guide to the Equivalent
Irons and Steels. It is indexed for looking up equivalents for material specifica-
tion or designation and is organized by material group, such as aluminum, cop-
per, lead, time, and zinc.
1199. Magee, Stan, and Leonard L. Tripp. Guide to Software Engineering
Standards and Specifications. Boston: Artech House, 1997. 328p. (The Artech
House Computer Science Library). $75.00. ISBN 0890069190.
This is a directory of software engineering standards and technical reports.
It provides an overview of more than 300 standards.
1200. Magee, Stan, and Leonard L. Tripp. Guide to Standards and Specifica-
tions for Design Web Software. Boston: Artech House, 1998. 362p. (The Ar-
tech House Computer Science Library). $75.00. ISBN 0890068194.
This guide provides abstracts for approximately 300 standards and specifi-
cations and listings on over 200 other Internet-related documents. The book ex-
plains each standard, including its appropriate software design category and
document sources. It covers such topics as API’s, authentication, CIDR, data-
bases, DHCP, e-mail, encryption, gateway, HIPPI, HTML, JPEG, MIME,
1201. McPartland, Joseph F., and Brian J. McPartland. McGraw-Hill’s Na-
tional Electrical Code Handbook. New York: McGraw Hill, 1998. 1360p.
$65.95. ISBN 0070472343.
9.2 Standards Resources / 221

Given the complexity of this code, this guide is helpful in explaining and in-
terpreting the code’s technical aspects. The authors work through the code with
step-by-step explanations and illustrations.
1202. Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System. Warrendale, PA:
SAE, 1996. 436p. $129.00. ISBN 1560918977.
The Unified Numbering System (UNS) provides a way to cross-reference
the many numbering systems to identify metals and alloys in commercial use.
This book provides information on over 4,600 metals and alloy designations
used by individual societies, trade associations, governmental bodies, and met-
als/alloys producers and users.
1203. Moore, James W. Software Engineering Standards: A User’s Road
Map. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 1998. 296p. $40.00. ISBN
This resource describes the scope, roles, uses, and development trends of
the most widely used software engineering standards. Topics covered include
U.S. and international standards organizations.
1204. Mouser, Jeffrey D. Welding Codes, Standards, and Specifications.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. 398p. $102.95. ISBN 0070435502.
This reference provides code information for nearly every aspect of weld-
ing. The author has compiled an alphabetical listing of code information from
the American Welding Association, the AISC Steel Construction Manual, and
the BOCA National Building Codes. Major subject areas include structural steel,
high-strength bolts, reinforced steel, and sheet steel.
1205. National Engineering Handbook, Section 20 (Fourth Edition)
210-VI, Amendment 10. ENG-Standard Specifications. Washington, DC:
Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1997. 139p. (NRCS-ENG-NEH-20J;
PB97167589.). $36.00. Available from National Technical Information Service.
The purpose of this report is to transmit revisions to the National Engineer-
ing Handbook, Section 20, which is on concrete construction. Other sections of
the National Engineering Handbook are available through NTIS.
1206. National Standards System Network Project (NSSN). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
NSSN BASIC is an information service providing access to bibliographic
information for more than 225,000 approved standards. The online catalog can
be searched for title words or document numbers. NSSN ENHANCED is a
subscription-based service providing data on more than 250,000 standards proj-
ects from over 600 national, regional, and international standards developers.
1207. National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
(NTCIP). 1999. Available: (Accessed May 6, 1999).
The National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) is
a communications standard that ensures the interoperability and interchange-
ability of traffic control and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices.
222 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

The NTCIP Library provides a collection of NTCIP Steering Group documents

and software products.
1208. Paper, Board, and Pulps. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organiza-
tion for Standardization, 1998. 739p. $145.00. ISBN 9267102702.
This resource contains over 130 international standards prepared by the
Technical Committee ISO/TC6 on paper, board, and pulps. Standards are di-
vided into four sections: terminology, sampling and conditioning, chemical
tests, and physical tests.
1209. Patents Trademarks, and Copyrights, Title 37, Code of Federal
Regulations (37 CFR 1-5). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office,
1999. 520p. (AE2.1063:37996). $24.00. Available:
nara/cfr/cfr-table-search.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This compilation of laws includes the following sections: Patent Rules of
Practice, Trademark Rules of Practice, and Copyright Rules of Practice.
1210. Private Sector Standards Sites. 1999. Available:
htdocs/210/links/sdos.htm. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site lists several hundred associations involved in standards development.
1211. Quality Digest Online. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
Quality Digest Online provides quality news, tips, techniques, and articles.
There is a searchable ISO 9000 and QS-9000 registered company database.
Quality Digest Online contains the complete text of Quality Digest magazine.
1212. Requests for Comments (RFC). 1999. Available: http://www.cis.ohio-state.
edu/hypertext/information/rfc.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Internet Request for Comments (RFC) documents are the written defi-
nitions of the protocols and policies of the Internet. This site provides several ac-
cess points to locate RFCs.
1213. The Safety Link. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides access to international labs and organizations promoting
electrical product safety. CE marking information can be found here as well as
the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC and the US/EU Mutual Recogni-
tion Agreement (US/EU MRA). This site is provided by Product Safety Interna-
tional, publisher of International Product Safety News.
1214. Scott, James G. Architectural Building Codes: A Graphic Reference.
New York: Wiley, 1997. 472p. $80.00. ISBN 0471286559.
This reference explains each code, providing practical explanatory graph-
ics to assist with the explanation.
9.2 Standards Resources / 223

1215. Shea, Edward E. Lead Regulation Handbook. Rockville, MD: Govern-

ment Institutes, 1996. 240p. $79.00. ISBN 0865875189.
This comprehensive book details most current lead regulations and litiga-
tion, including all related EPA and OSHA statues. Topics covered include mod-
ern uses of lead and lead compounds; the Clean Air Act; the Clean Water Act;
the Solid Waste Disposal Act; the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act;
evaluation, inspection, and abatement of paint, dust, and soil; and standards or-
1216. Skelly, Kenneth J., and Elizabeth M.T. Skelly. Directory of Safety Stan-
dards, Literature, and Services. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997.
1964p. $199.95. ISBN 0442022824.
This directory provides information on emergency safety contacts; federal
agencies; federal safety standards; state agencies and safety statutes; industrial
safety standards; safety periodicals and directories; health, safety, and environ-
mental societies, organizations, and associations; and a bibliography.
1217. Snir, Marc, et al. MPI: The Complete Reference. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 1998. Volume I, The MPI Core. 426p. $35.00. ISBN 0262692155. Vol-
ume 2, The MPI Extensions. 344p. $55.00. ISBN 0262692163.
MPI (Message Passing Interface) is the standardized portable message-passing
system used on parallel computers. This reference tool provides an annotated pres-
entation of the MPI. Versions of the standard and other information are available
from the Message Interface Passing Forum at
1218. Source of Supply (SOS). Englewood, CO: Global Engineering Docu-
ments, 1998. 693p. $150.00. ISBN 1570530769.
This is a selection guide for AN, MS, and NAS components and DESC,
SAE, and metric standards. Each entry is described with the part name, illustra-
tions, size range, materials code, manufacturer, distributor, and procurement
1219. Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Mod-
ern Metric System (IEEE/ASTM SI-10). West Conshohocken, PA: American
Society for Testing and Materials, 1997. 72p. $36.00.
This resource describes the SI (International System of Units) system, the
basis for international standardization of measurement units. Topics covered in-
clude quantities and units to describe properties of mass, force, weight, tempera-
ture, pressure, angle, moment of inertia, kinetic energy, and work. The book
includes a section on style and usage of SI symbols and conversion tables.
1220. Standard Test Methods for Metal Powders and Powder Metallurgy
Products. Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Industries Federation, 1998. 95p.
$40.00. ISBN 1878954644. Digital format available.
This volume contains 27 standards covering terminology and recom-
mended methods of test for metal powders, powder metal and metal injection
molded parts, metallic filters, and powder metallurgy equipment.
224 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1221. Standards and Standardization Bodies. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This is a comprehensive directory for national and international standards,
standards bodies, consortia, and commercial services.
1222. Standards Engineering Society (SES). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
SES was established in 1947 to promote the use of standards and standardi-
zation. Materials from the 1998 SES/IFAN Conference Proceedings are avail-
able at this site.
1223. Standards—Yahoo. 1999. Available:
standards. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This source lists sites for standards information for computers, developers,
international and regional bodies, national standards bodies, and quality.
1224. Synopsis of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws, Rules and Regula-
tions—Arranged by States, Cities, Counties and Provinces (United States
and Canada). Louisville, KY: Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Soci-
ety, 1998. $150.00. ISSN 15222861.
Updated on a regular basis, this service describes the laws, rules, and regu-
lations for the construction, installation, and inspection of boilers and pressure
vessels. It includes directory information.
1225. Taylor, B. N. Interpretation of the SI for the United States and Fed-
eral Government Metric Conversion Policy. Gaithersburg, MD: National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology, 1998. 40p. (PB98145360). $25.50.
Available from National Technical Information Service.
This publication includes the Department of Commerce, NIST, Federal
Register notice of July 28, 1998, entitled Metric System of Measurement: Inter-
pretation of the International System of Units for the United States; the Depart-
ment of Commerce, Office of the Secretary, Federal Register notice of January
2, 1991, entitled Metric Conversion Policy for Federal Agencies; and Executive
Order 12770, issued by the President of the United States on July 25, 1991, enti-
tled Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs.
1226. Thornton, William A., et al. Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD): Manual of Steel Construction, Metric Conversion of 2nd Edition.
Chicago: American Institute of Steel Construction, 1998. Various pagings. 2v.
$132.00. ISBN 1564240460.
This edition has been updated by converting the second edition, which was
published in 1994, to metric. This manual is divided into two volumes: Struc-
tural Members, Specifications and Codes and Connections. Detailed reference
information and tables on every aspect of LRDF steel construction are applied to
9.2 Standards Resources / 225

1227. Toth, Robert B. Profiles of National Standards-Related Activities.

Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1997. 171p.
(NIST-SP-912; PB97169874). $41.00. Available from National Technical In-
formation Service.
This directory describes the metrology, standardization, testing, and quality
(MSTQ) activities of more than 70 countries. Each entry includes data on each
country’s economy and trade; agencies and institutions responsible for metrol-
ogy and calibration; standards development; testing, product certification, qual-
ity, and environmental system registration and accreditors; and key contacts and
information sources.
1228. Toth, Robert B. Standards Activities of Organizations in the United
States. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology,
1996. 788p. (PB97124135). Price varies. Available from National Technical In-
formation Service
This directory is a guide to mandatory and voluntary standards activities in
the United States at the federal level and by nongovernment organizations (trade
associations, technical and other professional societies). It excludes proprietary
(company) standards and those of local levels of government. Over 700 current
descriptive commentaries are formatted, with subject headings to facilitate ac-
cess to specific information.
1229. Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society (UBPVLS). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides a directory of chief boiler and pressure vessel inspectors
in the United States and Canada.
1230. Unit Converter. 1999. Available:
convert2/convert2.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This unit converter uses conversion factors from Standard Practice for Use
of the International System of Units (ASTM E380-93).
1231. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Telecommunications and Infor-
mation Administration (NTIA). Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
(ITS). FED-STD-1037C—Telecommunications: Glossary of Telecommuni-
cations Terms. 1996. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This standard, issued by the General Services Administration, provides
federal departments and agencies with a comprehensive source of definitions of
terms used in telecommunications and directly related fields by international and
U.S. government telecommunications specialists.
1232. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Defense Logistics Agency Pub-
lishing System (DLAPS). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This site contains Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) regulatory publica-
tions and select Department of Defense (DOD) publications.
226 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

1233. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Defense Supply Center, Columbus

(DSCC). 1999. Index of DSCC Mil Specs and Drawings. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides some full-text military specifications and drawings for
which the DSCC is a technical agent or Preparing Activity (PA). There are also
links to military specifications on other sites.
1234. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). DOD Index of Specifications and
Standards (DODISS). 1999. Available:
dodiss4_fields.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
DODISS lists the unclassified federal and military specifications, stan-
dards, and related standardization documents, as well as those nongovernment
standards adopted for DOD use. It is distributed to Federal Depository Libraries
in four parts: Part 1—Alphabetical Listing; Part 2—Numerical Listing; Part
3—Federal Supply Class Listing (FSC); and Part 4—Numerical Canceled List-
ing (Appendix). (United States. D 1.76:996/PT.1-4). Updated supplements are
available from the National Technical Information Service.
1235. U.S. Department of Transportation. Standard Specifications for Con-
struction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
1996. 826p. (FHWA/FLP-96/007; PB96175880.). Price varies. ISBN
0160531470. Available from National Technical Information Service.
These specifications are issued for constructing roads and bridges on fed-
eral highway projects under the direct administration of the Federal Highway
Administration. These specifications are cited as “FP-96,” indicating Standard
Specifications issued in 1996. When designated in a contract, the FP-96 be-
comes part of the contract and binding upon all parties to the contract.
1236. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Download: The Guid-
ance Document. Measuring Recycling: A Guide for State and Local Govern-
ments. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The EPA has developed this voluntary standard methodology for measur-
ing recycling rates for local and state governments and for private industry. It in-
cludes a glossary of standard terms, standard volume-to-weight conversion
factors, and other useful tools.
1237. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA Methods and
Guidance for the Analysis of Water. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes,
1997. Digital format. $129.00.
This resource includes over 350 methods and guidance documents, all
wastewater test methods approved at 40 C.F.R. 136, and all drinking test
methods approved at 40 C.F.R. 141. It includes tables, diagrams, figures, and
9.2 Standards Resources / 227

1238. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA’S Updated Air

Quality Standards for Smog (Ozone) and Particulate Matter. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
EPA issued final air quality standards for particulate matter and ozone on
July 16, 1997. This site provides access to fact sheets and the complete text of the
1239. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Index to EPA Test
Methods. 1998. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
Test methods are approved procedures for measuring the presence and con-
centration of physical and chemical pollutants; evaluating properties, such as
toxic properties, of chemical substances; or measuring the effects of substances
under various conditions. This site indexes the test methods.
1240. Unki, R. C., et al. Primer for International Reliability and Maintain-
ability Standards. Rome, NY: IIT Research Institute, 1997. 412p. (RLTR9723;
ADA3254091). $25.50. Available from National Technical Information Service.
This reference provides brief summaries of U.S. and other international
commercial and government reliability, maintainability, availability, and de-
pendability (R/M/A/D) standards. Defense Acquisition Reform requires an in-
creased reliance on other than U.S. military standardization documents. Based
on these changes, this report is useful to help determine what standardization
documents (other than U. S. military) are available. Standardization documents
reviewed are from many organizations, including the American National Stan-
dards Institute (ANSI), British Ministry of Defense (MOD), British Standards
Institute (BSI), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES),
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), Institute for Interconnecting and Packag-
ing Electronic Circuits (IPC), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).
1241. Wegst, C. W. Stahlschlüssel = Key to Steel = La clé des Aciers =
Chiave dell’acciaio = Llave del Acero = Stbalnyckel. Marbach, Germany:
Verlag Stahlschlüssel Wegst GMBH, 1998. 685p. $420.00. ISBN 3922599141.
This trilingual directory lists standards for all countries, including the inte-
gration of European standards and other national standards. It includes structural
and constructional steels, tool steels, valve steels, nonmagnetizable steels, and
stainless and heat-resistant steels.
1242. Woodson, Roger Dodge. National Plumbing Codes Handbook. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. 414p. $71.95. ISBN 0070718547.
This reference explains the three major plumbing codes used in the United
States: the Uniform Plumbing Code, the BOCA National Plumbing Code, and
228 \ Chapter 9: Regulations, Standards, and Specifications

the Standard Plumbing Code. Topics cover administrative policies and proce-
dures; regulations, permits, and code enforcement; approved materials; drainage
systems, vents, potable water systems, and working with gas; and electrical
codes. There are several charts and tables.
1243. Yearbook. Copley, OH: The Tire and Rim Association, 1998. Various
pagings. $50.00. Available in digital format.
The Yearbook contains all the Tire and Rim Association (TRA) standards
and related information for tires, rims, and allied parts for ground vehicles.
Chapter 10

Government Resources
Governments are increasingly using the Internet as the primary distribution
system for publications, forms, and other information. There are numerous types
of government information crucial to engineering and technology. These include
building and safety codes, environmental regulations and test methods, transpor-
tation regulations, and policies. Other invaluable publications like the Com-
merce Business Daily, the Federal Register, and the Code of Federal
Regulations are readily available. This chapter covers Canadian, U.S. and other
government-related resources.

10.1 Canadian Government Resources

1244. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
Canada’s national center for occupational health and safety maintains this
site, which provides several databases (e.g. CHEMINDEX).
1245. Canadian Government Information on the Internet. 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 31, 1999).
This comprehensive Canadian government site provides information by
subject, province, and municipalities. It also includes relevant discussion lists,
library catalogs, and journals.
1246. Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) is responsible for the ad-
ministration and processing of intellectual property in Canada, including trade-
marks, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies. This
resource includes full-text publications, searchable patent and trademark data-
bases, regulations, and policies.

230 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1247. Canadian Technology Network (CTN). 2000. Available: http://ctn. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Canadian Technology Network links federal and provincial govern-
ment labs and agencies, academic institutions, industry associations, technology
centers, and economic development agencies. Directory information for institu-
tions and technical experts, organized by region, agency ,and expertise, is avail-
able at this site.
1248. Environment Canada. The Green Lane. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This Canadian government environment resource is centered around four
priorities: climate change, clean air and water, nature, and weather and environ-
mental predictions.
1249. Statistics Canada. North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Canada Manual. 1999. Available:
Subjects/Standard/index.htm. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The NAICS Canada Manual has replaced the 1980 Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC). Selected portions of the NAICS are provided at this site.
1250. Transport Canada. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
Transport Canada administers policies and regulations for Canada’s air-
ports, aviation, marine transportation, land transportation, and the movement of
dangerous goods. This site includes access to T-FACTS Internet Edition, a digi-
tal library of transportation information including basic facts, statistics, fore-
casts, maps and GIS illustrations, presentations, research reports, and
CANUTEC (the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre). The CANUTEC site
includes several Internet sites on hazardous materials and chemical engineering.
1251. Transport Safety Board of Canada (TSB). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The TSB advances transportation safety through the investigation of trans-
portation occurrences in the marine, pipeline, rail, and aviation modes. Occur-
rence Reports are available at this site as well as a special information section on
flight Swissair 111.

10.2 U.S. Government Resources

1252. Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America’s Wa-
ters. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This multi-agency site reflects the government’s efforts to address issues re-
lated to clean water, including legislation, major action plans, and fact sheets. The
list of sites covers government agencies and academic and other organizations.
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 231

1253. Executive Office of the President of the United States. Council on Envi-
ronmental Quality (CEQ). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) monitors national and inter-
national environmental policies, oversees federal agency implementation of the
environmental impact assessment process, and reports annually on the state of
the environment. CEQ Annual Reports are available at this site, as well as links
to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the White House Virtual
1254. FedWorld Information Network. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
In 1992 FedWorld was established by the National Technical Information
Service (NTIS) to serve as the locator service for information disseminated by
the federal government.
1255. General Information Concerning Patents. 1999. Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office. (C21.262:992-2). $2.25. ISSN 0160454166.
Available: (Accessed April
5, 2000).
This booklet provides general information about the patent process and the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. It is intended for inventors, prospective pat-
ent applicants, and students.
1256. Library of Congress. THOMAS. 1999. Available:
home/thomas2.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site is maintained by the Library of Congress to provide access to fed-
eral legislative information. In addition to the current legislative activities the
site provides access to the House and Senate directories, Congressional Record
text from 1989, Public Laws from 1973, and links to regulatory information
(Code of Federal Regulations and Federal Register). It is updated daily.
1257. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This primary site for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) includes information about topics such as the International Space Sta-
tion and John Glenn. It provides links to the other NASA Centers. The NASA
Tech Briefs are available at
1258. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). California In-
stitute of Technology (CalTech). Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This comprehensive Internet directory includes missions, images, video,
and glossaries of terms and acronyms.
1259. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Destination:
Earth—The Official Website for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise. 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
232 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

This site provides information about both U.S. and international efforts to
study the Earth with Earth remote sensing spacecraft, space shuttle missions, air-
borne observations, and ground-based measurements.
1260. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). EnviroNET.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
EnviroNET is an information service provided to the space environment
community. The EnviroNET programming group is staffed by students who
have an interest in the space environment and cutting edge computer technology.
1261. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Finite Ele-
ment Modeling Continuous Improvement (FEMCI). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Finite Element Modeling Continuous Improvement site provides in-
formation on finite element analysis issues at the Goddard Space Flight Center.
FEMCI is used to keep current on the latest hardware and software available for
analysis and pre- and post-processing. The FEMCI Book explains and demon-
strates finite element modeling and analysis techniques, including frequency
response-vibration and modal weight calculations.
1262. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Global
Change Master Directory (GCMD). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
GCMD is a directory of data sets relevant to global change research. The
database covers climate change, biosphere, hydrosphere and oceans, geology,
and geography.
1263. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Global Hy-
drology Resource Center (GHRC). 1998. Available: http://ghrc.msfc.nasa.
gov/index.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
GHRC provides data services for the Global Hydrology and Climate Center
(GHCC). Eight categories of online data are available, among them MSFC
SSM/I Brightness Temperature, MSFC SSM/I Daily Gridded Products, and
MSU Daily/Monthly Anomalies/Annual Cycle Temperatures-Limb90. The en-
tire database can be viewed through HyDRO, the Hydrologic Data search, Re-
trieval, and Order system. Some information is restricted.
1264. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Goddard
Space Flight Center (GSFC). 1999. Available:
gsfc.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This directory provides information about Goddard Space Flight Center
missions, projects, and other related programs. It includes a searchable listing of
spacecraft records, a chronological listing of all Goddard spacecraft missions
since 1958.
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 233

1265. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). John F. Ken-

nedy Space Center (KSC). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
The Kennedy Space Center is responsible for the Space Shuttle and its pay-
loads. This site includes documentation related to the mission of KSC, including
the National Space Transportation System (NSTS) 1998 News Reference Man-
ual. It also includes the historical space flight archives for Mercury, Gemini,
Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Skylab, and Shuttle.
1266. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Johnson
Space Center (JSC). 1999. Available: (Accessed Oc-
tober 31, 1999).
Johnson Space Center was established in 1961 as NASA’s primary center
for design and development testing of spacecraft and associated systems for hu-
man flight, selection and training of astronauts, and conducting human space
flight missions. This site includes information about the International Space Sta-
tion, Galileo images, and the NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photogra-
phy database of over 250,000 images. About 500 of these photographs and
related captions are available for viewing
1267. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Ames
Research Center. Wind Tunnel Operations Division. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Unitary Plan Facility is the most heavily used wind tunnel in all of
NASA. Every major commercial transport and almost every fighter built in the
United States over the last 30 years has been tested in this tunnel. Also tested in
this tunnel complex were models of the space shuttle, as well as the Mercury,
Gemini, and Apollo capsules. In 1985, the Unitary Plan Facility was named a
National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service. Facility Operations
(FO) Manuals and Procedures is available at this site.
1268. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA Space Council.
Science in Air and Space: NASA’s Science Policy Guide. 1996. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The NASA Science Policy Guide is a major instrument for communication
with the research community, other agencies and branches of government, in-
dustry, and the American public.
1269. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Scien-
tific and Technical Information Program. 1999. Available: http://www.sti. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program Office site pro-
vides access to several publications, NASA information, services, and data-
bases. It also offers historical information about aerospace, aeronautics, and
related topics.
234 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1270. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Spinoff

Database. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
As a service of the Technology Transfer Office, this database lists products
and services that incorporate NASA technology in areas such as environment,
public safety, transportation, computer technology, and industrial productivity.
The citations refer to the date of the publication, page number, center responsible
for the technology, and the original NASA program in which the technology was
1271. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). National Space
Science Data Center. Master Directory. 1998. Available: http://NSSDC.gsfc. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Master Directory provides overview information about available data
sets in the space sciences.
1272. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Numerical
Aerospace Simulation (NAS) Facility. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
Since 1984, the Numerical Aerospace Simulation (NAS) Facility at NASA
Ames Research Center has provided supercomputing technology for aeronautics
scientists and engineers. This site includes educational materials and a database
of technical reports written by NAS staff. It includes some full-text.
1273. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Observato-
rium. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
NASA’s Observatorium is a site for Earth and space data. It includes infor-
mation about telescopes on airplanes like SOFIA, wind tunnels, and a gallery of
1274. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Universities
Space Research Association (USRA). Institute for Computer Applications in
Science and Engineering (ICASE). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
(ICASE) is a research center for applied mathematics, numerical analysis, com-
puter science, and physical sciences, with emphasis on aeronautics, materials, and
structures. ICASE technical reports (in applied and numerical mathematics, com-
puter science, and physical sciences) can be obtained from the Networked Com-
puter Science Technical Server (NCSTRL). Abstract lists for ICASE technical
reports, as well as full digital versions, are available at this site from 1991 to the
present. Research Quarterly is also available, with archive issues back to 1994.
1275. National Coordination Office (NCO) for Computing, Information, and
Communications. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The NCO for Computing, Information, and Communications supports the
Committee on Computing, Information, and Communications (CCIC) of the
National Science and Technology Council. The Research and Development
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 235

Subcommittee of the NCO has five working groups: High End Computing and
Computation; Large Scale Networking; High Confidence Systems; Human Cen-
tered Systems; and Education, Training, and Human Resources. The site in-
cludes several full-text resources, among them Blue Books, Internet
implementation plans, and reports.
1276. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was
established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. It is the only fed-
eral institution responsible for conducting research into and making recommen-
dations for the prevention of work-related illnesses and injuries. Although
NIOSH and OSHA were created by the same act of Congress, they are two dis-
tinct agencies with separate responsibilities. OSHA is in the Department of La-
bor and is responsible for creating and enforcing workplace safety and health
regulations. NIOSH is in the Department of Health and Human Services and is a
research agency.
1277. National Science Foundation (NSF). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The National Science Foundation is a government agency responsible for
promoting science and engineering. The following documents are available on-
line: U.S. Science and Engineering in a Changing World (NSB96-21); Science
and Engineering Indicators; Science and Technology Pocket Data Book;
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering;
Statistical Reports on the Education of Scientists and Engineers, and Science
and Engineering Doctorate Awards.
1278. National Science Foundation (NSF). Directorate for Computer and In-
formation Science and Engineering (CISE). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering
has three goals: developing leadership in computing, communications, and in-
formation science and engineering; promoting advanced computing, commu-
nications, and information systems; and contributing to universal and
affordable participation in an information-based society. The site includes in-
formation on CISE divisions and abstracts of awards for computer and commu-
nication research.
1279. National Science Foundation (NSF). Division of Science Research
Studies (SRS). 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 31, 1999).
The Division of Science Resources Studies provides a clearinghouse for
data on scientific and engineering resources. SRS conducts surveys as well as a
variety of other data collections and research projects to gather information
about domestic and international resources devoted to science, engineering, and
236 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

technology. For example, the SRS produces the Science and Engineering Indi-
cators, an annual report that tracks key trends in science and engineering (avail-
able at This site offers access to
WebCASPAR, a database designed to access statistical data focusing on U.S.
universities and colleges and their science and engineering resources.
1280. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The National Transportation Safety Board investigates every civil aviation
accident in the United States and significant accidents in the other modes of
transportation, including railroad, highway, marine, and pipeline. NTSB also is-
sues safety recommendations. The rules of the Board are located in Chapter VIII,
Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations and are accessible at this site. Publi-
cations are available in PDF format from 1996. NTSB Aircraft Accident Reports
(AARs) are also available from 1996 to the present. (1993–1995 AARs are avail-
able from
1281. U.S. Census Bureau. North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is replacing
the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. This site provides cor-
respondence tables between the 1987 SIC and the 1997 NAICS.
1282. U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
In January 1998 the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
(CSB) was established by Congress to serve as a resource in the effort to prevent
chemical–related incidents (fires, explosions, or toxic releases) in commercial
and industrial settings. This site includes reports of investigations; facts and sta-
tistics about chemical accidents; and CHEMLINKS, a searchable file of Internet
1283. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). National Soil Dynamics
Laboratory (NSDL). 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
This site includes the NSDL Online Reference Library. The National Soil
Dynamics Laboratory was designated as the International Historic Mechanical
Engineering Landmark in 1990 by the American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers (ASME).
1284. U.S. Department of Commerce. Commerce Business Daily (CBDNet).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
CBDNet provides the government’s official digital version of the Com-
merce Business Daily (CBD).
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 237

1285. U.S. Department of Commerce. FedWorld Information Network.

1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
In 1992, FedWorld Information Network was established to serve as the lo-
cator service for information disseminated by the federal government. Informa-
tion includes military and federal specifications, technical reports, the EPA
Clean Air Act Database, and the U.S. Coast Guard Human Element Database.
1286. U.S. Department of Commerce. Health and Safety. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Provided through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), this
site is an information source for more than 20,000 health and safety-related pub-
lications produced by U.S. government agencies since 1990. These agencies in-
clude the Department of Health and Human Services (DSHS), the Department of
Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department
of Defense (DOD).
1287. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
This site provides access to the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and
Information Service (NESDIS). It also includes several databases (e.g., National
Geophysical Data Center, National Snow and Ice Data Center, and the NOAA
Central Library). The official list of NOAA Internet sites is available at
1288. U.S. Department of Commerce. Patent and Trademark Depository Li-
brary Program (PTDLP). 2000. Available:
ptdl/ptdlib.htm. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site includes the complete list of the libraries and other institutions
designated as Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDL).
1289. U. S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Department of Commerce Bu-
reau Web Sites. 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 5, 2000).
This site includes access to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion (NOAA), National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA), Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), National Technical Information Service (NTIS), and
Office of Technology Policy (OTP) information. Other resources include
FEDWORLD and the National Medal of Technology.
1290. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). DefenseLINK. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
DefenseLINK is the official site for the Department of Defense (DOD) and
other U.S. military information.
238 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1291. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Defense Technical Information

Center (DTIC). Militarily Critical Technologies (MCT). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site documents the DOD Militarily Critical Technologies process,
which provides assessment of militarily critical technology.
1292. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31,
The Corps of Engineers provides engineering, management, and technical
support to the Department of Defense (DOD), other agencies, and state and local
governments. This site offers a directory of information including contact
points, images from the USACE Digital Visual Library, and publications of the
Headquarters, USACE.
1293. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE). Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31,
The mission of the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL)
is to understand cold region environments (32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees
Celsius). Research regions include both the Arctic and Antarctic. This site offers
access to the Ice Jam Database and links to technical information.
1294. U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). U.S. Navy. Office of Naval Re-
search (ONR). 1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) coordinates the science and technol-
ogy programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps through universities,
government laboratories, and other organizations. It also works with industry to
improve technology manufacturing processes. Research areas include industrial
programs; engineering, materials, and physical science; and human systems.
1295. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Department of Energy supports energy security, national security, and
environmental quality research. DOE provides energy science and technology
information resources through this site. Access is provided to OpenNet (data-
base of declassified DOE and its predecessor’s documents), a list of Science
Centers and Museums, and numerous subject guides. EnergyFiles provides in-
formation, tools, and technologies for conducting energy-related research.
1296. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Argonne National Laboratory.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Argonne National Laboratory was the first national laboratory, chartered
in 1946. This site allows users to search ALEC—ANL Libraries Electronic
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 239

1297. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Nuclear Science References W3 Retrieval System. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The retrieval system contains references to low and intermediate energy
physics research publications listed in the Nuclear Science Reference (NSR)
Data File at the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Users can search via nuclide, target, incident particle, outgoing particle, reac-
tion, author, key number list, subject, or quantity. Links to abstracts from the
American Physical Society are provided. The retrieval system does not work
with all browser configurations.
1298. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy Network (EREN). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides energy efficiency and renewable energy information.
Topics covered include alternative fuels, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar,
and wind energies. The site also includes the Energy Code Information Network
(ECIN) and consumer appliance information.
1299. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Ernest Orlando Lawrence Ber-
keley National Laboratory (LBNL). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This site includes numerous science and technology education resources.
The Berkeley Lab Library Reports Catalog contains citations for scientific and
technical documents published since July 1989. LBNL has played an important
role in the technical analysis of all U.S. appliance and lighting standards.
1300. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Green Power Network. 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides information on green power and the context in which
green power fits into the electric power industry marketplace. The passage of the
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 expanded the market
for larger, bulk-power-oriented renewable electric projects. This site provides
references on green power, green pricing, and related topics.
1301. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
INEEL develops engineering technology for the efficient production of en-
ergy. The technical publications database contains information for refereed pub-
lications from the INEEL research community.
1302. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-
tory (LBNL). National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
(NERSC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory operates eight high-performance computers and
240 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

two mass data storage systems. This site offers full-text articles and other infor-
mation resources.
1303. U.S. Department of Energy. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Periodic
Table of the Elements. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This is a list of elements and their symbols and information on how new
elements are named.
1304. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). National Renewable Energy Labo-
ratory (NREL). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31,
This site provides information on renewable energy and energy efficiency
research, development, and deployment.
1305. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). National Transportation Program
(NTP). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The National Transportation Program is responsible for the transport serv-
ices for all nonclassified shipments of hazardous materials, including radioac-
tive; mixed wastes; and other commodities such as coal, other fuels,
maintenance materials, and supplies. This site provides information about the
Explosives Classification Tracking System (ECTS) and the Automated Trans-
portation Management System (ATMS). It also includes a searchable glossary of
transportation and packaging terms.
1306. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL). Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology (ORCMT).
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology (ORCMT) was es-
tablished by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to focus on applied research,
development, design, prototyping, production, and training. This site includes
access to the National Prototype Center (NPC).
1307. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL). ORNL Visualization Lab. 1998. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The ORNL Visualization Lab (VizLab) supports research in visualization
technology. This site includes a gallery of images and animations created over
the previous five years.
1308. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Pacific Northwest National Labora-
tory (PNL). National Security Systems Internet Web Locator. 1998. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site is a directory of Internet sites and resources used by the staff at the
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
1309. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Pacific Northwest National Labora-
tory (PNL). Regional Maps of Soviet-Designed Reactors. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 241

This site provides maps of countries operating Soviet-designed reactors.

These maps show reactor locations and types. The site includes photographs, re-
gional maps, and other resources.
1310. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Richland Operations Office (RL).
Hanford. 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 3, 2000).
This site offers resources related to DOE history, safety, environmental im-
pact statements, management, technical research, and operations. It also in-
cludes a helpful “Hanford Abbreviation and Acronym Directory.”
1311. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This resource includes the USGS Global Land Information System, the
Antarctica Geographic Names Data Base, and Selected Water Resources Ab-
stracts. Publications include Mineral Commodity Summaries, Minerals Year-
book, National Geologic Map Database, and Metal Industry Indicators. Access
to the U.S. Geological Survey Library is provided. Publications of the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey Database is available at
1312. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). Geographic
Names Information System (GNIS). 1999. Available:
www/gnis. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Geographic Names Information System, developed by the USGS in
cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), contains infor-
mation about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the
United States. The federally recognized name of each feature described in the
database is identified, and references are made to each feature’s location by
state, county, and geographic coordinates. The GNIS is the official repository of
domestic geographic names information. Information about foreign geographic
feature names can be obtained from the GEOnet Names Server (http://164.
214.2.59/gns/html/index.html), a site developed and maintained by the National
Imagery and Mapping Agency.
1313. U. S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). Geologic
Hazards. 1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
The U.S. Geological Survey’s Geologic Hazards Team conducts global in-
vestigations of earthquake, geomagnetic, and landslide hazards. Scientists study
basic processes and mechanisms, monitor geologic hazard events, analyze their
effects, and develop strategies to mitigate the impacts on vulnerable regions. Re-
search results are available at this site.
242 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1314. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). Metal In-
dustry Indicators (MII). 2000. Available:
pubs/mii. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
MII is a monthly newsletter that analyzes and forecasts the economic health
of five metal industries: primary metals, steel, copper, primary and secondary
aluminum, and aluminum mill products.
1315. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). Open-File
Reports (OFR). 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 5, 2000).
Open-file reports include unpublished manuscript reports, maps, and other
material made available for public consultation at depositories. These are a non-
permanent form of publication that may be cited in other publications as sources
of information. This site provides a directory to this resource.
1316. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). United
States National Strong-Motion Program (NSMP). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
In 1931 the Coast and Geodetic Survey established an engineering seismol-
ogy program that included the development of a strong-motion seismograph
(accelerograph) and the implementation and operation of a national strong-
motion network. The National Strong-Motion Program currently operates nearly
900 strong-motion recorders at approximately 550 permanent stations located in
33 States and the Caribbean. The site covers recent earthquakes, data sets, and
1317. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (USGS). USGS
Global Land Information System. 1999. Available:
Webglis/glisbin/ (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Global Land Information System (GLIS) is an interactive computer
system developed by the USGS for information about the Earth’s land surfaces.
GLIS contains abstract, description, and search information for each data set.
1318. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Bureau of Transportation Sta-
tistics (BTS). National Transportation Statistics (NTS). 1999. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
The NTS site offers a compendium of selected transportation-related statis-
tics from government and private sources. The data describe transportation ac-
tivities for air, automobile, bus, truck, transit, rail, water, and pipeline.
1319. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Digital Document Center
(DDC). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5,
The Department of Transportation distributes its digital publications
through this site. Other resources include publications from the Bureau of Trans-
portation Statistics (BTS), Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), and Federal High-
way Administration (FHWA). This site also provides access to the DOT Library.
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 243

1320. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Federal Aviation Admin-

istration (FAA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31,
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for the safety of
civil aviation. The FAA was established by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958.
This site offers access to databases and information about subject areas such as
safety, turbulence, and the Wright Brothers.
1321. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Federal Aviation Administra-
tion (FAA). Office of System Safety. Aviation Safety Data. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides aviation safety information. It includes access to the fol-
lowing databases: National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Aviation Acci-
dent/Incident Database, FAA Incident Data System, Near Midair Collisions
System (NMACS) Database, NTSB Safety Recommendations to the FAA with
FAA Responses, and Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Airline Traffic
Statistics. The Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and an aviation glossary are
available here. The list of Internet sites includes regional and international air-
ports and international airlines.
1322. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Federal Aviation Administra-
tion (FAA). William J. Hughes Technical Center. 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site includes full-text technical reports, a glossary of aviation acro-
nyms and abbreviations, and a list of FAA and other government sites.
1323. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Human Fatigue Resource
Directory (FReDi). 1998. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
This resource provides the transportation community with current informa-
tion on fatigue in transportation. The site includes a searchable database and
links to other fatigue-related sites.
1324. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). National Hazardous Mate-
rials Route Registry (NHMRR). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The NHMRR is the national repository of non-radioactive hazardous mate-
rials (NRHM) routes, which are either designated for the transportation of
NRHM or restricted from use by NRHM carriers. This site includes a route reg-
istry database that contains descriptions of the route origination date, the date on
which the route first went into effect, and the date on which changes to the route
were last logged.
1325. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 3, 2000).
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), under the
Department of Transportation, was established by the Highway Safety Act of
244 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1970. As the successor to the National Highway Safety Bureau, NHTSA sup-
ports the safety programs under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety
Act of 1966 and the Highway Safety Act of 1966. NHTSA is responsible for set-
ting and enforcing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The site includes in-
formation about safety regulations, standards, testing results, and research and
1326. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Office of Hazardous Materi-
als Safety. HAZMAT Safety. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed October 31, 1999).
The Office of Hazardous Materials Safety is responsible for coordinating a
national safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials by air, rail,
highway, and water. This site includes standards, regulations, emergency re-
sponse guidelines, and the Hazardous Materials Information Exchange (HMIX).
1327. U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Transportation Science and
Technology. 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Transportation Science and Technology site provides a clearinghouse
for transportation information.
1328. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The EPA generates substantial and important environmental information.
This site provides access to their publications through The National Center for
Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI) and National Environ-
ment Publications Information System (NEPIS). In addition, directory informa-
tion, tools, databases, test methods, policy statements, a 25-year history of the
EPA, and access to the EPA Library are available. The EPA provides a research
tool, Terms of the Environment, to define commonly used terms, acronyms, and
abbreviations used within the EPA.
1329. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Index of Watershed In-
dicators. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site provides access to the Index of Watershed Indicators (IWI), a
compilation of information on aquatic resources in the United States. The index
provides a variety of indicators for rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, and coastal
1330. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2000. National Air Pol-
lutant Emission Trends Update, 1970–1997. Available: http://www.epa.
gov/ttn/chief/trends97/emtrnd.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This document presents the most recent estimates of national emissions of
the criteria air pollutants. The report provides the total emissions from all 50
states and from each EPA region in the country. These estimates are updated
10.2 U.S. Government Resources / 245

1331. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Tool Kit of Information

Resources for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup. Washington, DC: En-
vironmental Protection Agency, Technology Innovation Office, 1997. 166p.
(EPA/542/B97/001; PB97144828.). $41.00. Available from National Technical
Information Service.
This resource focuses on the site characterization and cleanup phase of
Brownfields redevelopment. Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or under-used
industrial and commercial properties that may have been contaminated by ear-
lier industry. The site provides abstracts and access information about the vari-
ety of resources, including digital databases, bulletin boards, newsletters,
regulatory and policy guidance, and technical reports, that may be useful to
Brownfields stakeholders.
1332. U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO). GAO Reports and Testimony.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Government Accounting Office is the investigative arm of Congress.
Information on reports and testimony of interest to the engineering and technol-
ogy community is available. Subject areas covered include defense manage-
ment, energy, resources and science, environmental protection, and
transportation and telecommunications.
1333. U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Keeping America Informed.
1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Government Printing Office (GPO) prints, binds, and distributes the
publications of the Congress as well as the executive departments and establish-
ments of the federal government. This site provides access to government infor-
mation databases, agencies, and documents. The Pathway Services (http://www. is a search and retrieval tool for locating federal
government information on the Internet.
1334. U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). Office of the Federal Register. Federal Register On-
line. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Rules, Proposed
Rules, and Notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive
Orders and other Presidential Documents. This site includes full-text from 1995
to the present.
1335. U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Office of the Federal Register.
National Archives and Records Administration. Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The entire Code of Federal Regulations C.F.R. is searchable here. This site
also has the capability to search the Federal Register for related documents.
246 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1336. U.S. House of Representatives. Office of the Law Revision Counsel.

Search the United States Code. 1999. Available:
usc.htm. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This site provides a full-text searchable copy of the United States Code.
The Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and
permanent laws of the United States. The Code does not include regulations is-
sued by executive branch agencies, decisions of the federal courts, treaties, or
laws enacted by state or local governments. Regulations issued by executive
branch agencies are available in the Code of Federal Regulations. Proposed and
recently adopted regulations may be found in the Federal Register.
1337. U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). Industry, Trade and
Technology Review. 2000. Available: (Accessed
April 5, 2000).
This site provides access to a searchable file of the USITC reports. Full-text
access is provided to recent Industry, Trade and Technology Review reports on
such topics as globalization of the electric power industry, thermoplastic elas-
tomers in the auto industry, and China’s evolving automotive industry.
1338. U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). National Institute of Environ-
mental Health Sciences (NIEHS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) per-
forms research on human illness caused by environmental problems. Research
areas include lead poisoning, agricultural pollution, and urban pollution.
1339. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The NRC site includes a reference library with technical reports in the
NUREG series Regulatory Guides, the NRC Inspection Manual, and Office of
the Inspector General Audit Reports. Other information available from the NRC
covers nuclear reactors, radioactive waste, nuclear materials, radiation protec-
tion, and emergency response.
1340. White House. Office of Science and Technology Policy. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
In 1976, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) was created
to provide the president with policy advice. This site includes access to White
House science and technology publications and testimony and to the National
Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
1341. White House. Science and Technology. 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site is provided by the White House for commonly requested federal
services related to science and technology. It includes access to space program
information, environmental information, patents, copyrights, disaster develop-
ments. weather, and ocean updates.
10.3 Government-Related Resources / 247

10.3 Government-Related Resources

1342. GOVBOT: Database of Government Web Sites. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site indexes government Internet pages from the U.S. government and
military sites. It is developed and maintained by The Center for Intelligent Infor-
mation Retrieval at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
1343. GovCon. 1999. Available: (Accessed October
31, 1999).
GovCon, the Government Contractor Resource Center, provides informa-
tion about U.S. federal government contracts. The site is advertiser supported, so
all of the information is available for free. This includes several databases and
access to the Commerce Business Daily.
1344. Governments on the WWW. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
This is a comprehensive directory to governmental institutions including
parliaments, ministries, offices, law courts, embassies, city councils, public
broadcasting corporations, central banks, and multinational organizations. It
also includes political parties and contains more than 12,000 entries from 220
countries and territories.
1345. GOVNEWS. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
The International Govnews Project provides access to public government
1346. Government Guide. 1999. Available: http://206.129.
166.101/categ/bluefed.html. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
This directory organizes government information by federal, state, county,
and local levels.
1347. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). National Research Council
(NRC). Federal Facilities Council. 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Federal Facilities Council (FFC), established in 1953, is an association
of federal agencies having interests and responsibilities related to federal facility de-
sign, construction, operation, and management. The FFC’s mission is to improve
the planning, design, construction, maintenance, management, operation, and
evaluation of federal facilities. this site provides a listing of FCC Technical Reports.
1348. Notess, Greg R. Government Information on the Internet. Lanham,
MD: Bernan, 1998. 624p. $38.50. ISBN 0890591091.
This resource provides coverage of over 1,500 U.S. government sites in-
cluding technology and engineering sites. It also includes entries for state, for-
eign, and international resources and provides a description of each
organization, purpose,and features and identifies available publications.
248 \ Chapter 10: Government Resources

1349. Uncle Sam Migrating Government Publications. 1999. Available: (Accessed April 5, 2000).
This site tracks printed government publications that are migrating to the
Internet by identifying URLs and linking them directly to the digital documents.
1350. U. S. Government Environment Impact Statements. New York: Nor-
man Ross Publishing. Annual. Microfiche. $4000.
Various federal agencies such as the Departments of Agriculture, Transpor-
tation, Interior, Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency issue envi-
ronmental impact statements in accordance with the National Environmental
Policy Act passed in 1969. Each year about 500 statements are issued. This pub-
lisher collects and produces annual sets of EIP statements. Individual reports are
also available. For more information, contact
Chapter 11

Professional and Trade

Associations, Organizations,
and Societies
Engineering is a discipline rooted in the strength of professional associa-
tions, organizations, and societies. Organizations are covered in this chapter un-
der the following categories: aerospace and aeronautical, agricultural,
architectural, bioengineering, chemical, civil, computer science, electrical, envi-
ronmental, general, industrial, materials, mechanical, mining, and nuclear engi-
neering. Most entries include additional information sources, such as databases,
full-text publications, and lists of relevant Internet sites that may be of interest.

11.1 Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering

1351. Aerospace Industries Association (AIA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
AIA represents manufacturers of commercial, military, and business aircraft,
and related components and equipment. This site provides access to statistical
publications such as the Aerospace Facts and Figures and Aerospace Indicators.
1352. American Astronautical Society (AAS). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
Formed in 1954, the American Astronautical Society (AAS) supports space
science and exploration in the United States. Publications include the AAS His-
tory Series: A Supplement to Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Advances
in the Astronautical Sciences (society conferences), and Journal of the Astro-
nautical Sciences and Space Times. This site includes a list of related links.
1353. International Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE). 1998.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers was organized in 1939 to in-
clude engineers associated with shipbuilding, land transportation. and other al-
lied industries. The society’s name was changed in 1973 to the Society of Allied
Weight Engineers. This site includes a list of SAWE Technical Papers and
SAWE Conference Abstracts from 1994.

250 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1354. Space Telescope Science Institute (StScI). 1999. Available:

http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Space Telescope Science Institute is responsible for operating the Hub-
ble Space Telescope. Launched on April 24, 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope
is the largest and most complex astronomical observatory ever placed in orbit.
This site includes preprints from 1996 and a searchable online library catalog
that includes full-text articles.
1355. Universities Space Research Association (USRA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Universities Space Research Association provides a mechanism
through which universities can cooperate effectively with one another, the gov-
ernment, and other organizations to further space science and technology and to
promote education in these areas.

11.2 Agricultural Engineering

1356. Forest Products Society (FPS). 2000. Available:

(Accessed April 3, 2000).
Since 1947 the Forest Products Society has been involved with the use of
wood and fiber resources in areas of research, industrial management, market-
ing, education, government, engineering, and consulting. The American Wood
Council, the wood products group of the American Forest and Paper Associa-
tion, distributes its technical publications through the Forest Products Society.
This site includes tables of contents and feature articles from Forest Products

11.3 Architectural Engineering

1357. Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Architectural Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE) and the National Society of Architectural Engineers (NSAE)
merged to become the Architectural Engineering Institute. AEI publishes the
Journal of Architectural Engineering. The site includes a list of related links.
1358. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CBTUH). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat supports the planning,
design, and construction of tall buildings, and the role and impact of tall build-
ings on the urban environment. CBTUH sponsored the publishing of 100 of the
World’s Tallest Buildings. This site includes access to the High Rise Buildings
11.4 Bioengineering / 251

1359. Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association (LGSEA). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association (LGSEA) was formed in
1994 for architects and engineers interested in efficient steel framing design.
This site provides links to steel-related sources.
1360. National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) was established by
Congress to support the building community by introducing new and innovative
technology and disseminating technical information. The site includes the
Whole Building Design Guide.

11.4 Bioengineering

1361. American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 3, 2000).
The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
develops public policy and disseminates information to the public and the scien-
tific community. This site primarily covers organizational information.
1362. American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) provides a forum for the ex-
change of information and ideas among researchers in biomechanics. “Biome-
chanics” is the study of the structure and function of biological systems using the
methods of mechanics. This site includes listing of biomechanics graduate pro-
grams and Internet sites on biomechanics.
1363. Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) represents professionals in-
terested in biological engineering, an emerging field that lies at the interfaces of
biological sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics, and computational sci-
ences. This site includes career resources and other related links.
1364. International Society of Biomechanics (ISB). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) promotes the study of
biomechanics, with special emphasis on the biomechanics of human movement.
ISB is affiliated with the Journal of Biomechanics, the Journal of Applied Bio-
mechanics, and Clinical Biomechanics. This site includes biomechanics infor-
mation resources.
252 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1365. Society for Industrial Microbiology (SIM). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Society for Industrial Microbiology (SIM) is dedicated to the advance-
ment of microbiological sciences, specifically industrial materials, processes,
and products. Members are employed in industry, government, and university
laboratories. The site includes career information.

11.5 Chemical Engineering

1366. American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) promotes aero-
sol research, including air pollution, industrial hygiene, atmospheric sciences,
clean room technology, and nuclear safety. The Association encourages the ex-
change of information through conferences, symposia, and publication of a pro-
fessional journal, Aerosol Science and Technology. This site includes links to
other aerosol sites.
1367. American Chemical Society (ACS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
ACS is a scientific society for chemists and chemical engineers. The Soci-
ety supports scientific education and research and promotes public understand-
ing of science. The ACS publishes Chemical Abstracts (CA). Site information
resources include the ChemCenter.
1368. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Founded in 1908, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
provides leadership to the chemical engineering profession. Its publications in-
clude Chemical Engineering Progress, the AIChE Journal, Environmental Pro-
gress, Process Safety Progress, and Biotechnology Progress. This site provides
access to the Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) Online Software Directory.
AIChE sponsors cooperative research with the Design Institute for Physical
Property Data (DIPPR), Center for Waste Reduction Technologies (CWRT),
Process Data eXchange Institute (PDXI), and Center for Chemical Process
Safety (CCPS).
1369. Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers
(ACC&CE). 1999. Available: (Accessed Octo-
ber 31, 1999).
The Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers serves
the chemical consulting needs of its members and prospective clients. This site
provides a directory of consultants.
11.5 Chemical Engineering / 253

1370. The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Chemical Institute of Canada is an umbrella organization for the Cana-
dian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering,
and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. The site includes informa-
tion about each of these societies.
1371. Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
Compressed Air and Gas Institute is an organization of companies that
manufacture air and gas compressors, pneumatic machinery, and air and gas dry-
ing equipment. It publishes the Compressed Air and Gas Handbook. This site
primarily contains organizational information.
1372. Institute of Gas Technology (IGT). 1999. Available:
(Accessed October 31, 1999).
Institute of Gas Technology (IGT) is a center for energy and environmental
research, development, education, and information. This site includes subscriber
access to gasLine (Gas Abstracts Online) Database and the IGT Publications Da-
tabase Gas Abstracts.
1373. Rapra Technology. 1999. Available: (Accessed
October 31, 1999).
Rapra Technology Limited provides industry with technology, information,
and consultation on rubber and plastics. The Rapra Abstracts Database is available
by subscription. This site provide a list of journals indexed in the database.
1374. The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes chemical information, supports
educational activities, and organizes hundreds of chemical meetings a year. The
Library and Information Centre, accessible through this site, provides a catalog
of pictures of scientists, cartoons, and alchemical scenes back to 1538.
1375. Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Society of Vacuum Coaters is dedicated to the production of coatings
using vacuum-based processes. Membership includes processing engineers,
equipment manufacturers, and materials suppliers. The directory at this site pro-
vides information about SVC physical vapor deposition (PVD) products and
services. The site also includes a concise history of vacuum coating technology
and a timeline.
254 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

11.6 Civil Engineering

1376. American Coal Ash Association (ACAA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Coal Ash Association advances the management and use of
coal combustion byproducts (CCBs). This site provides a table of contents direc-
tory for American Coal Ash Association International Symposium for
1967–1999. ACAA’s publications include Flexible Pavement Manual and Fly
Ash Facts for Highway Engineers (FHWA-SA-94-081, August 1995).
1377. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM). 1999.
Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The ACSM is an organization for the spatial data information industry.
This site includes information about conferences, industry news, and documents
from the International Standards Organization (ISO) relating to the certification
of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geomatics.
1378. American Geological Institute (AGI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Geological Institute is a federation of geoscientific and pro-
fessional associations, including the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH);
Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG); Seismological Society of Amer-
ica (SSA); and Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME). AGI
publications include the Glossary of Geology, Dictionary of Mining, Mineral,
and Related Terms, GeoRef Thesaurus, Dictionary of Geological Terms, and
Russian-English Geological Dictionary. This site provides access to the United
States National Geoscience Data Repository System (NGDRS) of geoscience
data repositories. The GeoRef database provides comprehensive access (by sub-
scription) to the geoscience literature.
1379. American Institute of Hydrology (AIH). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
AIH establishes standards and procedures to certify individuals qualified in
hydrology and hydrogeology, maintains ethical standards, and provides educa-
tion and training in hydrology. This site includes an extensive list of related sites.
1380. American Public Transit Association (APTA). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
APTA members include bus, rapid transit, and commuter rail systems and
the organizations responsible for planning, designing, constructing, financing,
and operating transit systems. This site includes full-text of the following infor-
mation resources: Glossary of Transit Terms, Software in Transit Handbook;
and Mobility for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for the Future. It also includes
transit statistics.
11.6 Civil Engineering / 255

1381. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

(ASPRS). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing promotes
photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and support-
ing technologies. This site provides an index to the Photogrammetric Engineer-
ing and Remote Sensing and educational resources.
1382. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Founded in 1852, ASCE advances the practice of civil engineering. The
Civil Engineering Database (CEDB) provides bibliographic access to all ASCE
journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and
newsletters published since 1975.
1383. American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The American Society of Sanitary Engineering is a unique organization be-
cause its membership reflects a broad cross-section of the industry, including
contractors and engineers. The site includes a list of standards and publications.
1384. American Water Resources Association (AWRA). 1998. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Water Resources Association promotes the understanding
of water resources by providing a forum for education, professional develop-
ment, and information exchange. Full-text is available at this site for the AWRA
Symposium on GIS and Water Resources (1996).
1385. Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
AEG supports the application of scientific training and experience to civil and
environmental engineering. Engineering geologists work with construction, founda-
tion and highway engineers, hydraulic engineers and hydrologists, and other envi-
ronmental professionals in environmental remediation. This site includes
employment information, a list of publications, and educational opportunities.
1386. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
Founded in 1887, the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) sup-
ports civil engineering practice in Canada. This site includes a brief civil engi-
neering history.
1387. Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF) was established by
the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to foster research for the civil
engineering profession. The site includes information on related innovation cen-
ters such as the Highway Innovation Technology Evaluation Center and the En-
vironmental Technology Evaluation Center.
256 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1388. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
Founded in 1924, CRSI promotes the design, research, standardization, and
use of steel reinforced concrete. CRSI Technical Publications include the Design
Handbook and Manual of Standard Practice. The site includes several full-text
1389. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI). 1999. Available: (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute advances the science and
practice of earthquake engineering. Several information resources are available
at this site.
1390. Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center (GWRTAC).
1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
GWRTAC disseminates information on groundwater remediation tech-
nologies. This site includes links to other environmental sites, full-text technical
reports, and a list of regulatory information.
1391. Infrastructure Technology Institute (ITI). 1998. Available: http://iti. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Institute was established at Northwestern University with an appro-
priation from the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of
1991. Topics covered here include bridge, highway and water information, and
technology transfer.
1392. International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
ISEE promotes the safe and controlled use of explosives in mining, quarry-
ing, construction, manufacturing, and forestry. This site includes a list of indus-
try links and other information resources.
1393. National Ground Water Association (NGWA). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The National Ground Water Association provides access to Ground Water
On-Line, a database containing more than 78,000 groundwater literature cita-
tions with keywords, abstracts, chemical compounds, biological factors, geo-
graphic locations, authors, titles, and publication source names (membership or
subscriber access).
1394. Seismological Society of America (SSA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Seismological Society of America is devoted to the advancement of
earthquake science. It publishes the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America (BSSA). This site includes a searchable index for BSSA.
11.7 Computer Science Engineering / 257

1395. Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
SAME was founded in 1920 to engage military and federal government en-
gineers with those in the private sector to improve engineering in the United
States. SAME publishes The Military Engineer. The site includes a directory of
SAME member firms and public agencies.
1396. Transportation Research Board (TRB). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Transportation Research Board is part of the National Research Coun-
cil, which serves the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy
of Engineering. Areas of research include transportation facilities, services; and
systems. TRB publishes the TRIS database. This site provides full-text publica-
tions and links to the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies
Harmer E. Davis Library (UCB ITS) and the Northwestern University Transpor-
tation Library (NWUTL).
1397. U. S. Committee on Large Dams (USCOLD). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The United States Committee on Large Dams (USCOLD) is interested in
dam engineering, construction, operation, maintenance, and dam safety; socially
and environmentally responsible water resources projects; and the role of dams
in the development of water resources. This site offers information on dams.

11.7 Computer Science Engineering

1398. American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Members of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (founded
in 1979) are interested in the scientific understanding of the mechanisms under-
lying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. Index-
ing for AI Magazine is available at this site from 1980. Abstracts and full-text
publications are available at this site for selected issues.
1399. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Since 1947, ACM has provided a forum for computing professionals. Re-
sources at this site include the Librarian’s Homepage and directory of ACM Spe-
cial Interest Groups (SIGS). The ACM Digital Library is available by
258 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1400. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Com-

puter Society. 1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The IEEE Computer Society advances the theory, practice, and application
of computer and information processing science and technology. The site in-
cludes historical information.
1401. International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) supports
research in cryptology and related fields. The site includes information on cryp-
tograms on gold bars from China and the Hagelin M-209-B Rotor Machine.
1402. International Neural Network Society (INNS). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The International (INNS), European (ENNS), and Japanese (JNNS) Neural
Network Societies are associations interested in the modeling of behavioral and
brain processes and the applications of neural modeling concepts. The site in-
cludes a membership directory.
1403. San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) is the focus of computa-
tional activities for the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infra-
structure (NPACI). SDSC has created a computational bibliography of
peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, conference presentations,
theses, and reports. This site includes links to resources in biology, computing,
environment, microscopy, and networking.
1404. SIGART—ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence.
1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
This site includes tables of contents and online articles for intelligence
magazine, conferences and workshops, AI Resources on the Web, and the Joint
SIGART/ILC/IJCAI/CSCSI Directory of AI Societies and Organizations.
1405. Society for Information Display (SID). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Society for Information Display supports the scientific, literary, and
educational advancement of information display. SID publishes the Journal of
the Society for Information Display and Information Display. Full-text is avail-
able at this site for some conference proceedings, and there are searchable in-
dexes for other SID publications.
1406. USENIX: The Advanced Computing Systems Association. 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The USENIX conferences provide information on the development of all
aspects of computing systems. This site provides searchable abstracts for the
USENIX Conference Proceedings.
11.8 Electrical Engineering / 259

1407. Vietnamese Association for Computing, Engineering Technology,

and Science (VACETS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Vietnamese Association for Computing, Engineering Technology and
Science provides a forum to exchange technical ideas and information. This site
provides access to the VACETS technical conference proceedings.

11.8 Electrical Engineering

1408. American Electronics Association (AEA). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 4, 1999).
AEA represents the electronics, software, and information technology in-
dustries. This site contains overview and discussion of international standards
and the electronics industry.
1409. American Society of Test Engineers (ASTE). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The American Society of Test Engineers (ASTE) represents members from
the electronics testing industry, electronic instrumentation manufacturing, sci-
ence, education, and medical disciplines. The site includes a list of related links.
1410. Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers
(AFCCE). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers assists
clients on technical issues before the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC). This site provides access to the FAA Airspace Analysis Model.
1411. Edison Electric Institute (EEI). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is an association of electric utilities and in-
dustry affiliates. Information resources available at this site include topics on
electric utility restructuring and environmental issues.
1412. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Created by U.S. electric utilities in 1973, EPRI is a research consortia. En-
ergysearch provides users with search results on global energy topics.
1413. Electrochemical Society (ECS). 1999. Available: http://www.electrochem.
org. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Electrochemical Society is concerned with electrochemical and solid
state science and technology. This site provides an interactive search engine to
perform keyword searches in the several ECS publications, including the Jour-
nal of The Electrochemical Society.
260 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1414. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
IEEE promotes electro-information and other information technologies and
sciences. This site provides access to other IEEE Society and Technical Com-
mittee resources. Included here is a searchable edition of the IEEE Technical
Activities Guide (TAG), a directory that provides a listing of all IEEE-sponsored
conferences, organized by region and sponsoring technical society.
1415. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Canada. 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
IEEE Canada is the national organization of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This site has several resources, including the
Digital Library.
1416. The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Institution of Electrical Engineers represents electrical, electronic, and
manufacturing engineers. Activities include publishing, conferences, technical
standards, interaction with government, and scientific and technical information
services. IEE produces INSPEC. The site includes numerous resources related to
electrical engineering.
1417. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
This site provides databases for SPIE papers and abstracts and industry list-
ings in the OPTICS.ORG Photonics Marketspace database. There is also a list-
ing of standards organizations.
1418. National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers
(NARTE). 1999. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers
certifies engineers and technicians in telecommunications, electromagnetic
compatibility/interference, and electrostatic discharge control. The NARTE site
provides information about FCC Commercial Operator License Examinations.
1419. Optical Society of America (OSA). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Optical Society of America supports the scientific, technical, and edu-
cational aspects of pure and applied optics. The site includes a list of peer-
reviewed links.
1420. Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Society of Broadcast Engineers, formed in 1963, serves all aspects of
broadcast engineering. It develops and maintains a certification program. This
site includes job listings.
11.9 Environmental Engineering / 261

11.9 Environmental Engineering

1421. Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Air and Waste Management Association supports encourages the de-
velopment of environmental knowledge and provides quality information to
support environmental decision making. This site provides the following re-
sources: Consultant Buyers Guide Listing, Product Buyers Guide, and Com-
puter Software Buyers Guide. It also includes subject guides on ozone and
landfills. There is an index for annual meeting abstracts and abstracts for techni-
cal articles in the Journal of the A&WMA from 1993.
1422. American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The members of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers are
involved in the practice of environmental engineering. This site provides infor-
mation about environmental engineering careers.
1423. American Association for Wind Engineering (AAWE). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
This American Association for Wind Engineering site provides wind infor-
mation and other related data.
1424. American Meteorological Society (AMS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed October 31, 1999).
The American Meteorological Society, founded in 1919, serves the atmos-
pheric and related sciences communities. This site provides access to online
searching of Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts, an index to litera-
ture on meteorology, climatology, hydrology, and related sciences. Earth Ab-
stractions provides online access to abstracts or preprints of selected papers
being presented at Earth System Science conferences.
1425. Asbestos Institute (AI). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Asbestos Institute promotes the safe use of asbestos in Canada and
throughout the world. The site includes several full-text resources and a searcha-
ble Asbestos Institute Biomedical Data Bank for asbestos-related information
from the 1930s.
1426. Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) was
formed in 1992. This site provides links to geophysical equipment, software,
services, and other geosciences societies.
262 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1427. Environmental Industry Interactive. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Environmental Industry Interactive is produced by the Environmental In-
dustry Associations (EIA), which represents businesses that manage solid, haz-
ardous, and medical wastes or manufacture, distribute, and service waste
equipment. The site includes several information resources. EI publishes Waste
Age and Recycling Times.
1428. Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) fosters environ-
mental, health, and safety excellence. GEMI promotes the use of Total Quality
Environmental Management (TQEM) in business by addressing such issues as
TQEM, benchmarking, environmental reporting, environmental cost account-
ing, ISO 14001, ethics, and environmental health and safety training.
1429. Hazardous Materials Advisory Council (HMAC). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
Incorporated in 1978, HMAC promotes regulatory compliance and safety
in the transportation of hazardous materials, dangerous goods, substances, and
wastes. The site primarily covers organizational information.
1430. National Council for Science and the Environment. 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
Formerly called the Committee for the National Institute for the Environ-
ment, this institute’s mission is to improve the scientific basis for making envi-
ronmental decisions. This site provides several resources, such as the Directory
of Higher Education Environmental Programs, EIA Training Course Database,
and Congressional Research Service Reports.
1431. Printed Wiring Board Resource Center (PWBRC). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Printed Wiring Board Resource Center provides regulatory compli-
ance and pollution prevention information to printed wiring board (PWB) manu-
facturers; industry vendors and suppliers; federal, state, and local agencies; and
academia. The site includes industry data and market research.
1432. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a
professional society engaged in the study of environmental issues, management
and conservation of natural resources, environmental education, and environ-
mental research and development. Fields of research include atmospheric sci-
ences and engineering, environmental chemistry, soil sciences, and water
sciences. This site primarily includes information about SETAC.
11.10 General Engineering / 263

1433. Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). 2000. Avail-

able: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
Solid Waste Association of North America advances the practice of envi-
ronmentally and economically sound municipal solid waste management. The
site includes information about this association.
1434. Steel Recycling Institute. 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Steel Recycling Institute (SRI), founded by a group of steel companies
and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), provides information and sta-
tistics on steel recycling. There is online access at this site to three publications,
The Dockside Recycler, The Recycling Magnet, and The Appliance Recycler.
Recycling information is divided into four categories: cans, cars, appliances, and
construction material. This site has links to both commercial and noncommercial
steel sites.
1435. Water Environment Federation (WEF). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) includes environmental, civil,
and chemical engineers, biologists, chemists, treatment plant managers and op-
erators, and equipment manufacturers. This site provides access to product and
supplier directory information, government affairs information, and several
technical discussions.
1436. Water Quality Association (WQA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Water Quality Association (WQA) represents the water quality im-
provement industry. This site includes a glossary of terms, full-text technical
briefs, papers and standards.

11.10 General Engineering

1437. AAAS Center for Science, Technology, and Congress. 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 3, 2000).
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) estab-
lished the Center for Science, Technology, and Congress in 1994 to provide
Congress with information on current science and technology issues and to assist
the science and engineering community in understanding and working with
Congress. Numerous publications and reports are available at thsi site, including
The Future of Science and Technology in the States Series.
1438. AACE International (AACE). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
Since 1956, the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering In-
ternational has served cost managers and engineers, project managers, and value
engineers. This site provides cost estimating models and other related materials.
264 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1439. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
AAAS is dedicated to the advancement of scientific and technological ex-
cellence across all disciplines and to the public’s understanding of science and
technology. Founded in 1848, AAAS is among the oldest professional societies
in America. This site includes a historical overview, “150 Years of Advancing
Science: A History of AAAS.” Users can search Science back to 1995 and access
daily science news articles through the ScienceNOW service.
1440. American Association of Engineering Societies (AAES). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The AAES is interested in advancing the knowledge, understanding, and
practice of engineering. The Engineers’ Public Policy Council (EPPC) is respon-
sible for the coordination, development, and implementation of AAES public
policy. The Engineering Workforce Commission (EWC) conducts annual sur-
veys of industry and engineering schools and monitors trends in the supply and
demand for engineers. The site includes a list of related links.
1441. American Automatic Control Council (AACC). 1999. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The American Automatic Control Council (AACC) is an association of the
following societies: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME), Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE), Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Society for Measurement and
Control (ISA), and the Society for Computer Simulation (SCS). The AACC is
the U.S. National Member Organization of IFAC (International Federation of
Automatic Control). The site includes a history of AACC.
1442. American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The American Consulting Engineers Council supports the practice of con-
sulting engineering. Professional issues addressed by ACEC include ethical
standards; professional information; national, state, and local legislation; and
advancement of the science and practice of engineering. This site provides ac-
cess to the ACEC Research Database.
1443. American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
ACIL represents independent, commercial engineering and scientific labo-
ratory, testing, consulting, and R&D firms. The site provides links to govern-
ment and business organizations, ACIL members, and the United States Council
of EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility) Labs.
11.10 General Engineering / 265

1444. American Geophysical Union (AGU). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The American Geophysical Union is dedicated to advancing the understanding
of Earth and its environment in space. Geophysical Abstracts in Press (GAP) Online
alerts researchers to forthcoming articles in AGU journals. Abstracts of published
articles can be found at thsi site under “Contents of Recent AGU Journals.” A com-
plete index to all AGU journals, books, and other publications back to 1988 is avail-
able through the Earth and Space Index (EASI) database (available by subscription).
1445. American Institute of Engineers (AIE). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
AIE’s mission is to improve the stature and image of engineers, scientists,
and mathematicians. This site provides information about AIE.
1446. American Institute of Physics (AIP). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a primary publisher of physics
information. This site provides access to the Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.
1447. American Mathematical Society (AMS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The American Mathematical Society was founded in 1888 to further
mathematical research and scholarship. AMS produces MathSciNet, a database
providing access to over 58 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathe-
matical Publications (from 1940 to the present). It is available by subscription.
This site provides research tools, including Mathematics on the Web, Directory
of Institutions in the Mathematical Sciences, and the AMS Preprint Server.
1448. American Physical Society (APS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
Since its formation in 1899, the American Physical Society has been dedi-
cated to the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics. The APS
publishes the following physics research journals: the Physical Review series,
Physical Review Letters, and Reviews of Modern Physics. The site provides ac-
cess to APS E-print Server.
1449. American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) is concerned with
research and development, design, manufacture, and measurement of high accu-
racy components and systems. ASPE activities encompass mechanical, elec-
tronic, optical, and production engineering; physics; chemistry; and computer
and materials science.
1450. American Vacuum Society (AVS). 1999. Available: http://www.vacuum.
org. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
AVS advances the science and technology of vacuum, materials, surfaces,
interfaces, thin films, and plasmas, and provides a variety of educational oppor-
tunities. The site provides a searchable AVS Buyer’s Guide.
266 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1451. Canadian Society for Engineering Management (CSEM). 1999.

Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Canadian Society for Engineering Management (CESM) is involved
with management issues in engineering environments. The site provides organ-
izational information.
1452. Cryogenic Society of America (CSA). 1999. Available: http://www-csa. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Cryogenic Society of America promotes research and development of low
temperature processes. This site provides access to its newsletter, Cold Facts.
1453. Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, founded in 1887, became the En-
gineering Institute of Canada (EIC) by amendment of an Act of Parliament in
1918. This site provides a list of provincial and territorial engineering associations.
1454. European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Founded in 1954, CERN is the world’s largest particle physics center. This
site provides an overview of the World Wide Web, a CERN invention. Addi-
tional information resources are available.
1455. Institute of Physics (IOP). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed November 4, 1999).
The Institute of Physics is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination
of physics, pure and applied, and to the promotion of physics education.
1456. International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). Committee on Data
for Science and Technology (CODATA). 2000. Available: http://www.codata.
org/codata. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
CODATA works to improve the quality, reliability, management, and accessi-
bility of data of importance to all fields of science and technology, including the
physical sciences, geology, engineering, and environmental science. Site resources
include CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics and Fundamental Constants.
1457. International Engineering Consortium (IEC). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The International Engineering Consortium (IEC) supports university and
industry cooperative programs with educational forums, workshops, research
studies, publications, Internet education, and management services. The site
provides access to online tutorials and other information resources.
1458. International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The International Federation of Consulting Engineers is a federation of national
associations of consulting engineers. The members of each national association com-
ply with FIDIC’s code of ethics, which calls for impartial advice, competence, and fair
competition. Numerous full-text documents are available at this site.
11.10 General Engineering / 267

1459. National Academy of Engineering (NAE). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) provides
leadership to the field of engineering. The NAE is a member of the larger Acad-
emy complex, made up of four interdependent institutions: the National Acad-
emy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of
Medicine, and the National Research Council. This site provides several infor-
mation resources, including the Celebration of Women in Engineering. Several
NAE publications are available (e.g., The Ecology of Industry: Sectors and Link-
1460. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 4, 1999).
Congress established the National Academy of Sciences in 1863, at the
height of the Civil War. NAS expanded to include the National Research Coun-
cil in 1916, the National Academy of Engineering in 1964, and the Institute of
Medicine in 1970. Numerous publications, including several full-text, are avail-
able at this site.
1461. National Research Council (NRC). 2000. Available: http://www.nas.
edu/nrc. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of
Sciences in 1916 and is administered jointly by both the National Academy of Sci-
ences and the National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine. This
site provides descriptions of the archive collections of the National Academy of
Sciences-National Research Council. These collections include Atomic Bomb
Casualty Commission, 1945–1982; Committee on Aviation Medicine, 1940–1945;
Committee on Battery Additives, 1931–1969; Committee on Passive Protection
Against Bombing, 1940–1944; Committee on Polar Research, 1961–1966; Com-
mittee on Vision, 1944–1973; Committees on Biological Effects of Atomic Radia-
tion, 1954–1964; Committees on Biological Warfare, 1941–1948; Science
Advisory Board, 1925–1941; and Space Science Board, 1958–1974.
1462. National Research Council of Canada (CNRC). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
NRC Canada, a science and technology research organization, supports sci-
entific and technical research, the diffusion of technology, and the dissemination
of scientific and technical information. The site provides access to the NRC Ex-
pertise Database, which contains information about the expertise available at the
National Research Council of Canada.
1463. National Safety Council (NSC). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 4, 1999).
The National Safety Council encourages safety, health, and environmental
policies, practices, and procedures that prevent and mitigate human suffering
and economic losses. Safety, health, and environment fact sheets, statistics, and
research papers are available at this site.
268 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1464. National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The National Society of Black Engineers offers leadership training, aca-
demic and professional development, career placement services, and commu-
nity service outreach programs. This site includes full-text resources. such as a
training manual for creating publications.
1465. Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
The Society for Experimental Mechanics was formed in 1943 to promote
the education in, research in, and application of experimental mechanics to the
determination of materials and system behavior. This site provides tables of con-
tents for SEM journals.
1466. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 4, 1999).
SIAM is an organization for applied mathematicians and computational
scientists, founded in 1952. The site provides the mathematics and computing
Internet sites.
1467. Society for Technical Communication (STC). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 4, 1999).
STC is dedicated to the arts and sciences of technical communication. Its
members include technical writers, editors, graphic designers, multimedia art-
ists, Internet and Intranet page information designers, translators, and others
whose work involves making technical information understandable and avail-
able. This site includes full-text salary surveys from 1996 and a searchable index
to several of the society’s publications.
1468. Society of Engineering Science (SES). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Society of Engineering Science promotes the interchange of ideas and in-
formation among the various fields of engineering science and the fields of theoreti-
cal and applied physics, chemistry, mathematics, bioengineering, and related
scientific and engineering fields. SES is primarily responsible for International
Journal of Engineering Science. The site primarily includes information about SES.
1469. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The purpose of this society is to advance Hispanic scientists and engineers
in employment, education, and economic and social welfare. The site includes a
directory and other organizational information.
1470. Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists
(MAES). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4,
11.11 Industrial Engineering / 269

The Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists advances

Mexican-Americans in engineering and science careers. The site includes career
information and related links.
1471. Society of Women Engineers (SWE). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) supports women in careers as en-
gineers and leaders, expands the image of the engineering profession as a posi-
tive force, and demonstrates the value of diversity. The site primarily includes
information about SWE.
1472. System Safety Society (SSS). 2000. Available: http://www.system-safety.
org. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The System Safety Society (SSS) consists of members from scientific and
engineering disciplines. Its activities include the management of system safety
and improving communication of system safety to management, engineering,
and other professional groups. SSS publishes Hazard Prevention Magazine.
This site features publications and a list of related links.
1473. United Engineering Foundation (UEF). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The United Engineering Foundation (UEF) is the successor to the United Engi-
neering Trustees (UET). The transition from UET to UEF was completed in January
1999. The services formerly provided by the Engineering Societies Library, another
UET department, are now available from Linda Hall Library. The site includes the
full-text reports generated by the Information Workforce Data Project.

11.11 Industrial Engineering

1474. American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is concerned about
workplace environmental factors. AIHA maintains a list of safety links and a
Buyer’s Guide at this site.
1475. American Public Health Association (APHA). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This association is concerned with environmental health issues, including
injury control, laboratories, and occupational health and safety. The site includes
links for state public health associations, World Federation of Public Health as-
sociations, and other topical public health links.
1476. American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
270 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

Established in 1956, ASHE is interested in facility management, which in-

cludes security, environmental issues, waste management, and facility planning.
This site primarily provides information about ASHE.
1477. APICS—The Educational Society for Resource Management. 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
This organization, formerly known as the American Production and Inven-
tory Control Society, is focused on manufacturing and service industries, includ-
ing materials management, information services, purchasing, and quality. A
buyer’s guide and other resources are available at this site.
1478. Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 4, 2000).
AFE supports engineers who work in facility engineering. It publishes the Fa-
cilities Operations Engineering Reference. This site includes career information.
1479. Council of Logistics Management (CLM). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The Council of Logistics Management works with private industry and vari-
ous organizations with logistics issues. This site provides access to the Online Lo-
gistics Bibliography, with over 1,500 abstracts of logistics-related articles.
1480. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
Numerous information resources are available at this site, including full-
text of the Directory of Human Factors Graduate Programs in the United States
and Canada. HFES develops standards such as the ANSI/HFS 100-1988—The
American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Visual Display
Terminal Workstations, which covers all aspects of the VDT workstation, in-
cluding the working environment, the visual display, the keyboard, furniture,
and measurement techniques.
1481. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
(INFORMS). 1999. Available: (Accessed November
5, 1999).
The INFORMS site provides access to the Annual Comprehensive Index
Bibliographic Database, a database of more than 19,000 bibliographic entries
that currently covers the period 1982–1997 and is based on the International Ab-
stracts in Operations Research. The INFORMS Meetings Database is also avail-
able at this site.
1482. Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
Founded in 1948, the Institute of Industrial Engineers is involved with im-
proving quality and productivity. The IES journal, IIE Solutions, covers topics in
11.12 Materials Engineering / 271

material handling, quality control, production and inventory control, simulation,

automatic identification, management strategies, ergonomics, worker safety,
and automation. The site includes a supplier’s directory.
1483. International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
INCOSE is interested in multi-disciplinary system product development.
This site provides resources on standards, vendors, and a technical bibliography
on the system engineering process.
1484. International Ergonomics Association (IEA). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 4, 2000).
International Ergonomics Association is an international association of er-
gonomics and human factors societies. This site includes some full-text articles
from the association’s IEA Journal of Ergonomics.
1485. National Institute of Packaging, Handling and Logistics Engineers
(NIPHLE). 1999. Available: (Accessed
November 5, 1999).
The National Institute of Packaging, Handling, and Logistics Engineers is
interested in the practice of distribution and logistics. This site provides a list of
NIPHLE technical papers.
1486. SAFE Association. 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 4, 2000).
SAFE Association advances personal safety and survival systems through
research and the dissemination of information. This site primarily has informa-
tion about SAFE.
1487. Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
Value engineering is used to analyze and improve value in products, facil-
ity designs, systems, or services. Full-text is available at this site for the Value
Methodology Standard and SAVE Proceedings.
1488. Society of Concurrent Engineering (SOCE). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The Society of Concurrent Engineering supports effective product devel-
opment by expanding the Concurrent Engineering/ Integrated Product and Proc-
ess Development (CE/IPPD) body of knowledge. The site includes full-text
paper and news articles on concurrent engineering.

11.12 Materials Engineering

1489. Abrasive Engineering Society (AES). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
272 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

The Abrasive Engineering Society develops technical information related

to the application of abrasives by manufacturing companies. Abrasives are es-
sential tools in most operations that involve metals or ceramics. This site in-
cludes numerous abrasive engineering information resources, including a table
of contents for the AES Conference Proceedings and other industry information.
1490. American Ceramic Society (ACerS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) provides technical, scientific, and
educational information in ceramics and related materials field. The American
Ceramic Society publishes the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Ameri-
can Ceramic Society Bulletin, and Ceramic Abstracts. This site provides the Ce-
ramic Fact Sheets and Ceramic Source, a listing of more than 2,500
organizations, industry suppliers, and ceramic manufacturers.
1491. American Foundrymen’s Society (AFS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The American Foundrymen’s Society site offers a selection of software de-
signed specifically for use in foundries. The site also provides searchable access
to the AFS Abstract Data Base, which contains over 29,000 article citations go-
ing back to 1967 and covering over 100 journals and books. Casting Source Di-
rectory Online provides access to technical articles, properties of cast metals and
alloys, descriptions of casting processes, and the names of more than 3,000 cast-
ing suppliers.
1492. ASM International (ASM). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 5, 1999).
ASM advances industry, technology, and applications of metals and mate-
rials. Online publications include the Testing Buyer’s Guide and Materials Pro-
ducers Directory. The site provides a fee-based service for accessing more than
4,000 data sheets through the ASM’s Alloy Digest WebFaxx.
1493. Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 5, 1999).
AISE is dedicated to the production and processing of iron and steel. AISE
publishes the Iron and Steel Engineer. Directory information is available at this
1494. Canadian Portland Cement Association (CPCA). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 5, 1999).
This association works to broaden the use of cement products in Canada.
The site includes a publications catalog, software, and basic information about
1495. Center for Information and Numerical Data Synthesis and Analysis
(CINDAS). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 4, 2000).
11.12 Materials Engineering / 273

This site has information on the following four DOD Material Information
Analysis Centers: the High Temperature Materials Information Analysis Center
(HTMIAC), the Ceramics Information Analysis Center (CIAC), the Metals In-
formation Analysis Center (MIAC), and the Metal Matrix Composites Informa-
tion Analysis Center (MMCIAC). CINDAS publishes materials properties data
and information in databooks and handbooks known as the Purdue Books. These
include such titles as Thermophysical Properties Research Center Data Book,
Thermophysical Properties of High Temperature Solid Materials, Thermophysi-
cal Properties of Matter—The TPRC Data Series, Aerospace Structural Metal
Handbook, Structural Alloys Handbook, Damage Tolerant Design Handbook,
and Composite Failure Analysis Handbook.
1496. Clay Minerals Society (CMS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Clay Minerals Society supports research and the dissemination infor-
mation related to clay science and technology. Members include chemists, ce-
ramic scientists, civil engineers, petroleum engineers, and industrial scientists.
This site includes a list of Internet sites and K–12 resources.
1497. Edison Welding Institute (EWI). 2000. Available: http://bushwood. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Edison Welding Institute advances materials joining technology by ad-
dressing joining needs, from conventional materials and processes to advanced
composites and automation. Searchable databases at this site include WeldNet.
1498. Engineered Wood Association. 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 5, 1999).
Engineered Wood Association (formerly the American Plywood Associa-
tion) represents manufacturers of wood products. This site offers information
about engineered wood product manufacturers, product applications, APA pub-
lications, and industry news and trends.
1499. Fabricators and Manufacturers Association International (FMA).
2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
FMA is for professionals involved in metal forming and fabricating, includ-
ing coil processing, sheet and plate fabricating, roll forming, stamping and press
working, welding, and assembly. It publishes The Fabricator: Journal of Metal
Forming and Fabricating Technology, Stamping Quarterly, and TPQ: the Tube
and Piping Quarterly. The site includes a searchable directory of companies and
other related sites.
1500. Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology (FSCT). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
FSCT publishes publications and products including the Journal of Coat-
ings Technology, instructional booklets, a coatings encyclopedic dictionary, the
274 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

Infrared Spectroscopy Atlas, and the Pictorial Standards of Coatings Defects

manual. This site primarily has organizational information.
1501. International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). 2000. Available: http://igs. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
This society supports the development of geotextiles, geomembranes, re-
lated products, and associated technologies. It publishes the Geosynthetics Bibli-
ography. This site provides a list of related sites.
1502. International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
ILCS members work with liquid crystal systems, including thermotropic,
lyotropic, polymer, and polymer-modified liquid crystals. It publishes Liquid
Crystals Today. This site includes a list of related Internet sites.
1503. International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS). 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The International Union of Materials Research Societies was established in
1991 to promote interdisciplinary materials research. This site provides links to
member societies.
1504. Iron and Steel Society (ISS). 2000. Available:
(Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Iron and Steel Society advances knowledge in the iron and steel indus-
try. It publishes the Iron and Steelmaker, Iron and Steel Conference Proceed-
ings, Stainless Steels Manual, and the North American Steel Plant Location and
Capacity Map. The site includes links to other professional organizations,
schools and universities, and steel industry suppliers and producers.
1505. Materials Properties Council (MPC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Materials Properties Council was established in 1966 to coordinate ap-
propriate and valid data on the properties of metals. It was founded by the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASM International, ASTM, and the
Engineering Foundation. The site includes full-text articles on technical topics.
1506. Materials Research Society (MRS). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 5, 1999)
The Materials Research Society supports basic and applied research on ma-
terials. This site includes materials research links, tables of contents for the MRS
Bulletin back to 1991, and tables of contents back to 1990 for the Journal of Ma-
terials Research. Some abstracts are also available.
1507. Microscopy Society of America (MSA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) supports the science and prac-
tice of microscopical imaging, analysis, and diffraction techniques useful for
elucidating the ultrastructure and function of materials. This site lists Internet re-
sources and other educational materials.
11.12 Materials Engineering / 275

1508. The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society covers minerals processing,
primary metals production, basic research, and advanced applications of materi-
als. TMS publishes journals, proceedings, textbooks, and videos in subject areas
including electronic materials, automotive manufacture, and extractive metal-
lurgy. This site lists academic programs in materials engineering.
1509. National Metal Finishing Resource Center (NMFRC). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The National Metal Finishing Resource Center is funded by the National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Industry partners are the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society
(AESF), the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), the National
Association of Metal Finishers (NAMF), and the Metal Finishing Supplier’s As-
sociation (MFSA). The site includes a searchable resource for state regulations.
1510. North American Die Casting Association. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
This site includes industry information, FAQs about die casting, a sup-
plier’s directory, and information on environmental issues. The NADCA Tech-
nical Abstracts Database can be searched for technical information on die
casting back to 1958.
1511. Plastics Institute of America (PIA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Plastics Institute of America is a research and education association for
the plastics industries. This site includes access to the Advanced Materials and
Processes Technology Information Analysis Center database.
1512. Portland Cement Association (PCA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
Since 1916, PCA has conducted market development, research, and educa-
tion for cement companies in the United States and Canada. This site provides
FAQs on cement and other resources covering a variety of cement-related topics.
1513. Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 5, 1999).
PCI is dedicated to the research and development of precast and prestressed
concrete. The site includes a publications catalog and a searchable database of
1514. Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
SAS disseminates information on spectroscopy and other allied sciences. It
publishes the journal Applied Spectroscopy. The site includes the table of con-
tents for Applied Spectroscopy from 1994.
276 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1515. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering

(SAMPE). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
SAMPE provides information on new materials and processing technol-
ogy. It started as The Society of Aircraft Material and Process Engineers in 1944.
Today SAMPE includes land transportation, construction, marine, biomedical
and medical, sports and recreation, and industrial applications. This site includes
abstracts from the Journal of Advanced Materials.
1516. Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Society of Plastics Engineers is involved in plastics engineering, de-
sign, production and processing, research and development, consulting, market-
ing and sales, purchasing, and education. This site includes a calendar of
worldwide plastics events and a searchable journal database for Polymer Engi-
neering and Science, Polymer Composites, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Tech-
nology, and Journal of Injection Molding Technology.
1517. Society of Rheology (SOR). 2000. Available: http://www.rheology.
org/sor. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Society of Rheology includes physicists, chemists, and engineers inter-
ested in rheology. Rheology is the study of those properties of materials that de-
termine the response to mechanical force. The Society publishes the Journal of
Rheology. This site provides access to the Rheology Index, a searchable resource
to locate rheology-related Internet sites.
1518. The Thermal Spray Society (TSS). 1999. Available: http://www.asm-intl.
org/tss/index.htm. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The Thermal Spray Society is an affiliate society of ASM International.
This site includes the Thermal Spray Buyer’s Guide and the Thermal Spray
Technology Glossary. There is a searchable archive of articles from the journal
Thermal Spray Technology.

11.13 Mechanical Engineering

1519. American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
ABMA represents manufacturers and suppliers of commercial, industrial,
and utility steam generating and fuel burning equipment. This site provides links
to other organizations and information. ABMA publications include the Hand-
book of Power and Utility and Boiler Terms and Phrases.
1520. American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE). 1999.Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
ASNE advances the knowledge of naval engineering and promotes naval
engineering as a career field. The Naval Engineers Journal is the technical pub-
11.13 Mechanical Engineering / 277

lication of the American Society of Naval Engineers. This site provides links to
naval engineering information.
1521. The American Solar Energy Society (ASES). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 5, 1999)
The American Solar Energy Society (ASES) supports the use of solar energy,
sponsors the National Solar Energy Conference, and publishes SOLAR TODAY
magazine and Advances in Solar Energy. This site contains full-text ASES posi-
tion papers and a FactFile, an introduction to solar energy technologies.
1522. American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) represents the U.S.
wind energy industry. This site provides the Directory of Wind Industry and
other resources.
1523. ASME International. 1999. Available: (Accessed
November 5, 1999).
Founded in 1880, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
promotes the art, science, and practice of mechanical engineering. ASME pub-
lishes technical journals, books, technical reports, and magazines related to me-
chanical engineering. It maintains and distributes codes and standards, including
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This site includes ASME history,
ASME acronyms, and information resources on the Titanic.
1524. Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
AEE is interested in energy efficiency, energy services, deregulation, facil-
ity management, plant engineering, and environmental compliance. This site in-
cludes a searchable database of technical papers.
1525. The Combustion Institute (CI). 2000. Available:
~combust. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Combustion Institute promotes research in combustion science. Mem-
bers include combustion engine designers, fire scientists, environmental scientists,
and mechanical and aerospace engineers. Publications include the journal Combus-
tion and Flame. This site includes career and graduate study opportunities.
1526. Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas (EVAA). 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
This site provides information resources about electric vehicles.
1527. Fluid Sealing Association (FSA). 1999. Available: http://www.fluidsealing.
com. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
Founded in 1933, the FSA represents manufacturers of fluid sealing de-
vices. This site provides a product and manufacturer directory. FSA publishes
several handbooks, including Ducting Systems Non-Metallic Expansion Joints,
278 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

Mechanical Seals, Molded Packings, Non-Metallic Gasketing Handbook, and

Rubber Expansion Joint Handbook.
1528. Institute of Navigation (ION). 1999. Available:
(Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Institute of Navigation is dedicated to the art and science of navigation.
It serves individuals interested in air, space, marine, land navigation, and posi-
tion determination. This site includes the tables of contents for the Monographs
of Global Positioning System.
1529. Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Institute of Noise Control Engineering promotes engineering solutions
to environmental noise problems. INCE/USA has two publications, Noise Con-
trol Engineering Journal and Noise/News International. Information resources
at this site include a glossary of terms and a classification of subjects used by
INCE for classifying subjects in noise control engineering.
1530. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
IMechE is the United Kingdom’s qualifying body for mechanical engi-
neers. A publications catalog is available at this site.
1531. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA).
1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association was established
in 1987 to advance geothermal/ground source heat pump technology. This site
provides access to the GHP Industry Directory, full-text of The Source (pub-
lished by OSU International Ground Source Heat Pump Association), and FAQs
about geothermal heat pumps.
1532. International Human Powered Vehicle Association (HPVA). 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The IHPVA promotes the use of human power, especially in the design and
development of human-powered vehicles. The site includes links to related in-
ternational organizations. Also included is software used to quantify bicycle-
related issues.
1533. Marine Technology Society (MTS). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The Marine Technology Society, established in 1963, promotes ocean and
marine engineering, science, and policy. This site lists the table of contents for
the MTS Journal and provides links to other sites.
1534. National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI).
1999. Available: (Accessed November 5, 1999).
The NBBI, created in 1919, promotes uniformity in the construction, instal-
lation, repair, maintenance, and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. Nu-
merous resources and databases are available at this site.
11.13 Mechanical Engineering / 279

1535. Robotic Industries Association (RIA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 5, 1999).
Since 1974, the Robotic Industries Association has promoted robot and ma-
chine vision technology. This site includes the Robotics Industry Directory.
1536. Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center (SAVIAC). 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center (SAVIAC) is
funded by the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, DSWA, and the DOE laboratories.
SAVIAC focuses on the design, analysis, and testing of systems subjected to dy-
namic conditions and loading, including water shock, vibration, blast, impact,
crash, and mechanical/climatic environments. SAVIAC sponsors the Shock and
Vibration Symposium. The site includes software and a list of related links.
1537. Society for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Professionals
(ISPE). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
ISPE is a society for pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing in-
dustries. Members are sometimes described as “Pharmaceutical Engineers.”
This site includes the index to Pharmaceutical Engineering.
1538. Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Society of Fire Protection Engineers represents the field of fire protec-
tion engineering. Fire protection engineering includes analysis of fire hazards,
mitigation of fire damage, transportation systems, and fire investigation and
analysis. SFPE publishes the Journal of Fire Protection Engineering. The site
primarily has information about SFPE.
1539. Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 7, 1999).
SME is dedicated to serving the manufacturing community. This site pro-
vides searchable access to the SME database of publications and technical pa-
pers since 1974.
1540. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
SNAME advances the practice of naval architecture and marine engineer-
ing. Its publications include the Titanic Papers and A Half Century of Maritime
Technology: 1943–1993. The site includes searchable access to the SNAME
Publications Database.
1541. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). 2000.
Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
STLE was founded as the American Society of Lubrication Engineers
(ASLE) in 1944 to advance the technology of lubrication (tribology). The name
was changed in 1987. Tribology includes the chemistry, physics, mechanics, and
metallurgy of interacting surfaces in relative motion, including the phenomena
of friction and wear and the mitigation of friction and wear. STLE publications
280 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

include the Handbook of Lubrication, Tribology Data Handbook, and the Glos-
sary of Seal Terms. The site includes a list of related links covering government
research, university research, and associations.
1542. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). 1999. Available: http:// (Accessed November 7, 1999).
SEIA supports the solar industry. Numerous resources related to solar en-
ergy are available at this site.
1543. Vibration Institute (VI). 2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 4, 2000).
The Vibration Institute is interested in vibration information as it relates to
machines and structures. The Institute publishes Vibrations magazine, annual
meeting proceedings, and Short Course Notes. This site includes a searchable
list of vibration terminology.
1544. Wire Association International (WAI). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Wire Association International disseminates technical information perti-
nent to the ferrous, nonferrous, electrical, fiber optic, and fastener wire and cable
industry. Product and company directory information is available at this site.

11.14 Mining Engineering

1545. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). 1999. Avail-

able: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
AAPG was formed in 1917 to advance the research and science of geology
as it relates to petroleum, natural gas, other subsurface fluids, and mineral resources.
This site includes a searchable database of professionals working in this field, an in-
dex of AAPG publications and meeting abstracts, and a list of Internet sites.
1546. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
(AIME). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
AIME advances engineering in the production and use of minerals, metals, ma-
terials, and energy resources. This site primarily includes information about AIME.
1547. The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Canadian Geotechnical Society serves the geotechnical and geosci-
ence community in Canada, covering the related scientific and engineering dis-
ciplines. This site includes career information and links to related sites.
1548. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).
1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
Members of CIM include professionals in Canadian minerals, metals, ma-
terials, and energy industries. A searchable technical papers database is avail-
able at this site.
11.14 Mining Engineering / 281

1549. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists was founded in 1927 as the
Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists. The name was changed in 1973. The
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists promotes petroleum geology and its
related sciences. The site primarily includes information about CSPG.
1550. Gas Research Institute (GRI). 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 7, 1999).
GRI supports research and development in the natural gas industry. This
site includes gasLine database for abstracts of conference proceedings, reports,
technical papers, patents, and books and journal articles published in world lit-
erature from 1938 to the present.
1551. Geoscience Information Society (GIS). 2000. Available: http://www. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
Members of the Geoscience Information Society (founded in 1965) are sci-
entists, librarians, editors, cartographers, educators, and information profession-
als. GIS publications include the Union List of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks
of North America and the Directory of Geosciences Libraries, U.S. and Canada.
This site includes the subject index to the 1966–1994 GIS proceedings.
1552. Geothermal Energy Association (GEA). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Geothermal Energy Association supports the development and use of
geothermal energy for electrical power generation and direct-heat uses. The site
lists member companies, geothermal facts and figures, and Internet sites.
1553. Geothermal Resources Council (GRC). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Geothermal Resources Council works to develop geothermal re-
sources. This site provides access to a geothermal information database and in-
formation about worldwide geothermal power plants.
1554. Salt Institute (SI). 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed November 7, 1999).
The Salt Institute, founded in 1914, is a source of information about salt. In-
formation resources at this site include technical publications (e.g., highway de-
icing for safety and mobility).
1555. Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME-AIME). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration is a member society of
AIME for professionals working in the mineral industries. Some full-text publi-
cations are available at this site.
282 \ Chapter 11: Professional and Trade Associations, Organizations, and Societies

1556. Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Society of Petroleum Engineers serves engineers and scientists in the
exploration and production of oil and gas. This site includes international Inter-
net sites related to petroleum engineering.

11.15 Nuclear Engineering

1557. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). 1999. Available:

(Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Nuclear Energy Institute supports the beneficial uses of nuclear energy
and related technologies. This site includes fact sheets, a public perception ar-
chive, and links to other nuclear resources.
1558. WORLDATOM. 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 7, 1999).
The International Atomic Energy Agency supports scientific and technical
cooperation in the nuclear field. Online products include the IAEA Image Data-
base, newsletters, news releases, and other publications.
Chapter 12

Education and
Career Resources
In this chapter selective information resources have been organized around
the topic of education and career resources. This particular category is designed
to provide another approach to the literature for further research and/or develop-
ment of information services such as career information center. One group of
materials underrepresented in this section are the numerous EIT (engineering in
training) and FE (fundamentals of engineering) titles.
1559. 1996–97 Employment and Salaries of Recent Doctoral Graduates in
Engineering: Comprehensive Findings. Washington, DC: American Society
for Engineering Education, 1998. 30p. $149.00. ISBN 0878231730.
With funding from the National Science Foundation, the American Society
for Engineering Education and the Commission on Professionals in Science and
Technology surveyed more than 4,500 recent engineering Ph.D. graduates about
their experiences in finding their first jobs following graduation. The survey has
information on choice of employment sector, job search methods, debt after
graduation, and average salary by discipline.
1560. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). 1999.
Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) is re-
sponsible for monitoring, evaluating, and certifying the quality of engineering,
engineering technology, and engineering-related education in colleges and uni-
versities in the United States. ABET develops accreditation policies and criteria
and conducts a comprehensive program of evaluation of degree programs. The
site includes documentation related to the accreditation process.
1561. The Accreditation Record. Baltimore, MD: Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology. 4v. (Publication 98-ACR). $350.00.
These volumes compile the history of accredited engineering and
engineering-related education programs. This overview covers from 1936, when
ABET was known as the Engineer’s Council for Professional Development, to
the present. It includes a listing of programs outside the United States.

284 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1562. The Ada Project—Tapping Internet Resources for Women in Com-

puter Science. 1999. Available: (Accessed
November 7, 1999).
The Ada Project (TAP) serves as a clearinghouse for information and re-
sources relating to women in computing. This site includes information on con-
ferences, projects, discussion groups and organizations, fellowships and grants,
notable women in computer science, and other electronically accessible infor-
mation sites. TAP also maintains a substantive bibliography of references.
1563. Adelman, Clifford. Women and Men of the Engineering Path: A
Model for Analyses of Undergraduate Careers. Washington, DC: U.S. De-
partment of Education, National Institute for Science Education, 1998. 105p.
(ED1.302:EN3; PB99103046). $33.00. ISBN 0160495512. Available from Na-
tional Technical Information Service.
This resource is a discussion of the factors that influence successful under-
graduate education in engineering.
1564. Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
(AWSEM). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7,
Since 1994, Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathe-
matics (AWSEM) has worked “to kindle and support young women’s interest in
science, engineering, mathematics and technology.” This site provides access to
the organization’s newsletter, gender equity facts and resources, monthly fea-
tures, and online resources.
1565. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
ASEE promotes engineering and technology education. Through the Na-
tional Engineering Information Center, ASEE provides information resources to
the engineering profession. ASEE produces several publications, including the
Directory of Undergraduate Statistics, Directory of Engineering Technology
Statistics, Directory of Graduate Engineering and Research Statistics, Profiles
of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges, and Directory of Engi-
neering Education Leaders. The Engineering Library Division of ASEE pub-
lishes a series of Selective Literature Guides described elsewhere in this book.
The site includes a descriptive directory of U.S. and Canadian schools offering
undergraduate and graduate engineering.
1566. ANS Nuclear Engineering Education Sourcebook. 1997. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The purpose of the Nuclear Engineering Education Sourcebook is to stimu-
late graduate student interest in nuclear engineering research, foster communica-
tion between faculty on an international scale, and encourage industry and
national laboratory use of faculty expertise. This directory lists programs in the
United States, Canada, and Japan.
Education and Career Resources / 285

1567. Association for Media-Based Continuing Education for Engineers

(AMCEE). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Association for Media-Based Continuing Education for Engineers is a
consortium of 31 engineering universities that have collaborated to develop
quality video continuing education programs for engineers, scientists, and tech-
nicians. The site primarily includes information about AMCEE.
1568. Association for Women in Computing (AWC). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
AWC promotes the advancement of women in the computing professions.
The site provides additional links of interest.
1569. Babco, Eleanor L. Salaries of Scientists, Engineers and Technicians:
A Summary of Salary Surveys. Washington, DC: Commission on Profession-
als in Science and Technology. Annual. $100.00.
This extensive report is a compilation of salary surveys conducted by a
number of federal agencies, scientific and engineering organizations, education
associations, magazine publishers, and other professional trade associations and
1570. The Balanced Engineer: Essential Ideas for Career Development.
Lancaster, PA: Technomic, 1998. 231p. (Proceedings of the 23rd Annual
IEEE-USA Professional Activities Conference, Phoenix, AZ). $49.95. ISBN
This resource provides information on developing skills for the engineering
professional. Topics covered include communication skills, intellectual prop-
erty, benchmarking, and career management.
1571. Barnhart, Philip A. The Guide to National Professional Certification
Programs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 1997. 600p. $99.95. ISBN 0849399602.
This guide examines more than 600 certification programs in six major ar-
eas: business and finance; insurance and personal finance; real estate and prop-
erty; engineering and science; trade and technical; and medical and fitness. It
provides a description of each program, including sponsoring agency and en-
trance requirements.
1572. Bennof, Richard J. Science and Engineering State Profiles 1997: De-
tailed Statistical Tables. Arlington, VA: Division of Science Resources Stud-
ies, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, National Science
Foundation, 1998. 64p. (NSF 98-315). Available:
nsf98315/start.htm. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
This report provides statistics on the geographic distribution of research
and development within the United States. For each state (or geographic area)
these data are categorized by major source of funds (industry, federal govern-
ment, and academia) and by type of performer (industry, federal government,
academia, federally funded research and development centers, and other non-
profit institutions).
286 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1573. CAM: IEEE Career Asset Manager. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Elec-
trical and Electronics Engineers, 1996. 127p. $44.95. ISBN 0780323068.
This is a unique tool created by IEEE to assist professionals in developing
important career and planning skills. The focus is on careers in electrotechnology.
The book helps to identify personal goals, professional recordkeeping needs, ca-
reer options, planning lifelong learning activities, and résumé development.
1574. Canadian Academy of Engineering. 1999. Available: http://www. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Canadian Academy of Engineering was established in 1987 to enhance
the application and adaptation of science and engineering principles. This site
includes full-text articles (e.g., “Lifelong Learning for Professional Engineers—
A Report of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.”
1575. Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
CCPE assists associations in coordinating activities in such areas as licens-
ing, professional practice, education, and the establishment of minimum qualifi-
cations for practicing engineers. The site primarily includes information about
1576. Career Network. 1999. Available:
scitech/links.htm. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
The Chronicle of Higher Education provides this resource. Academic em-
ployment opportunities listed here include computer and information sciences,
engineering, environmental sciences, and technology.
1577. Careers and Education. 1999. Available:
career/ (Accessed November 7, 1999).
This site, supported by IEEE, provides career development activities, or-
ganizational practices, and policies for engineers.
1578. Careers for Chemical Engineers. New York: American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, 1998. Digital format. $20.00. ISBN 0816907838.
This resource provides information about salary, licensure, corporate cul-
ture, education, coops, internships, universities, and employers.
1579. Chemical Engineering Faculty Directory. New York: American Insti-
tute of Chemical Engineers 1998. 135p. $85.00. ISBN 0816907706.
This directory, updated annually, covers 157 U.S. and 258 international
chemical engineering programs. It lists accreditation status, department chair,
and faculty.
1580. Compensation and Benefits in Consulting Engineering Firms. Balti-
more, MD: National Society of Professional Engineers, 1998. 400p. $550.00.
This is a list of consulting engineering firms with information on salaries,
fringe benefits, and working conditions. Data are provided for personnel classi-
fications, cross-referenced by state, region, and metropolitan area; type of serv-
ice; size of firm; experience; and education.
Education and Career Resources / 287

1581. Computing Research Association (CRA). 1999. Available:

(Accessed June 9, 1999).
The Computing Research Association (CRA) is an association of North
American academic departments of computer science and computer engineer-
ing, industrial and government laboratories, and affiliated professional societies.
CRA’s mission is to strengthen research and education, expand opportunities for
women and minorities, and improve public understanding of the importance of
computing and computing research. Several information resources are available
at this site, including a listing of Ph.D.-granting computer science and engineer-
ing programs in North America; a database of female computing researchers;
and a survey on the enrollment, production, and employment of Ph.D.s in com-
puter science and engineering.
1582. Control Systems Engineering Study Guide. Research Triangle Park,
NC: The Society, 1998. 222p. $40.00. ISBN 1556174764.
Several states offer the registration examination for Control Systems Engi-
neers (CSE) to become licensed professional engineers (PE). This study guide
includes 80 questions for preparation and an annotated list of resources in con-
trol systems engineering indexed to specific areas on the exam. It also includes
coverage of codes and standards.
1583. Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication
(CPTSC). 2000. Available: (Accessed April 4,
CPTSC, established in 1974, promotes research and programs in technical
and scientific communication. The site primarily includes information about
1584. Directory of Engineering and Technology Certification Programs.
Annapolis, MD: American Academy of Environmental Engineers, 1998. 106p.
$45.00. ISSN 10860541.
This directory provides information about certification organizations for
engineers, technologists, and technicians, including information about the
Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards.
1585. Directory of Graduate Research 1997: Faculties, Publications, and
Doctoral and Master’s Theses in Departments or Divisions of Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Chemis-
try, Clinical Chemistry, Polymer Science, Food Science, Forensic Science,
Marine Science, Toxicology, Material Science, and Environmental Science
at Universities in the United States and Canada. Washington,. DC: American
Chemical Society, 1997. 1684p. $65.00. ISBN 0841235449.
This directory contains listings for 692 academic programs, 12,030 faculty
members, and 91,515 publication citations for chemical and chemically related
research. Each program description has information on degrees, areas of spe-
cialization, and interdisciplinary programs.
288 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1586. Duggan, T. V., and C. A. Mitchell. Environmental Engineering Educa-

tion. Boston: Computational Mechanics Publications, 1997. 257p. (Environ-
mental Engineering Series). $142.00. ISBN 1853124799.
Written from an international perspective, this volume discusses the com-
ponents of environmental engineering education. Topics covered include the re-
lationship between environmental engineering and engineering education,
ethics, sustainable development, energy, and nuclear engineering education.
1587. Engineering and Technology Degrees. Washington, DC: American As-
sociation of Engineering Societies. Annual. $260.00. Digital format available.
Information available:
This list provides information about degrees for particular disciplines and
at different academic levels. Over 600 schools are represented.
1588. Engineering and Technology Enrollments. Washington, DC: American
Association of Engineering Societies. Annual. $220.00. Digital format available.
Information and sample available:
This reference provides statistics on engineering and technology under-
graduate and graduate students for more than 600 institutions in the United
States. Data include enrollment levels, disciplines, genders, and ethnicities.
1589. Engineering Case Studies. 1997. Available:
(Accessed November 7, 1999).
This site is sponsored by the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Carle-
ton University, and American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). This
collection includes accounts of real engineering projects prepared for use in en-
gineering education. Other resources include the Case Catalog, writing engi-
neering cases, using engineering cases in the classroom, and links to other
1590. Engineering Central. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed November 7, 1999).
This employment resource for engineers also includes links to other engi-
neering resources and engineering software.
1591. Engineering Coalition of Schools for Excellence in Education and
Leadership (ECSEL). 1999. Available: (Accessed April
4, 2000).
This coalition of universities and colleges, funded by the Engineering Edu-
cation and Centers Division of the National Science Foundation, is working to
renew undergraduate engineering education. The site includes links to partici-
pating academic and industrial organizations.
1592. Engineering Council. 2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 4, 2000).
The Engineering Council, based in United Kingdom, supports professional
engineering in areas of standards, development, and media. This site includes
links to industry and engineering institutions and career information.
Education and Career Resources / 289

1593. Engineering Licensure Laws: A State-by-State Summary and Analy-

sis. Baltimore, MD: National Society of Professional Engineers, 1997. 500p.
This reference presents the licensing provisions and requirements of all 50
states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. Details include licensure
board composition, board powers and operations, requirements for licensure,
continuing professional competency requirements; in-depth analysis of state and
territorial statues, rules and practices, and comparisons with the Model Law en-
dorsed by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
1594. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed November 7, 1999).
This employment resource includes job listings for engineers and technical
1595. Engineer’s Guide to Lifelong Employability. Washington, DC: Em-
ployment Assistance Committee, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
neers, United States Activities, 1997. 173p. $24.95. ISBN 0879423145.
This guide provides basic information on the job search, networking, résumés,
job leads, interviews, professional societies, consulting, and other employment is-
sues. Information is available at
1596. Engineers’ Salaries: Special Industry Report. Washington, DC:
American Association of Engineering Societies. Annual. $316.00.
This annual survey, conducted by the Engineering Workforce Commission of
the AAES, is a compilation of data submitted by employers on base compensation
of their engineers, organized by levels of experience, supervisory responsibility, and
academic preparation. The data are presented in detailed tables and graphs.
1597. ENR’s Career Opportunities. 1999. Available:
find/jobs.asp. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
This site provides a database of ENR’s employment advertisements by job
title, keyword, and state or region. It also includes listings for ENR’s top-ranked
firms in several categories, including design, specialty contractors, environ-
mental firms, and international firms.
1598. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). 2000. Avail-
able: (Accessed April 4, 2000).
SEFI promotes engineering education, communication, cooperation be-
tween educational engineering institutions, and cooperation between industry
and educational institutions. It publishes the SEFI Guide, a resource on engi-
neering education in Europe. The site includes numerous links to engineering
education in Europe.
290 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1599. Female Engineering Faculty at U. S. Institutions: A Databook. Wash-

ington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999. 150p. $36.00. ISBN 0309060923.
The NRC compiled a list of women faculty in engineering departments
throughout the United States and conducted a survey to gather information about
their status and careers. This databook provides information on the race/ethnic-
ity, degrees held, employment history, primary work activities, and tenure
status. It also covers mentoring, career decisions, and satisfaction with current
1600. GEM: National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in
Engineering and Science. 2000. Available: (Ac-
cessed April 4, 2000).
The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineer-
ing and Science is headquartered at the University of Notre Dame. The primary
mission of GEM is to increase the participation of underrepresented minorities
(Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans,
and other Hispanic Americans) at the master’s and doctoral levels. The site in-
cludes relevant links to career and directory information.
1601. 1999. Available: (Ac-
cessed November 7, 1999)
This site describes graduate schools and engineering programs in Canada
and the United States. It includes a database of graduate and continuing educa-
tion programs.
1602. Hamming, Richard W. The Art of Doing Science and Engineering:
Learning to Learn. Newark, NJ: Gordon and Breach, 1997. 364p. $69.95.
ISBN 9056995006.
Through the discussion of several topics, the author of this book illustrates
the art of science and engineering thinking. Chapters include the history of the
computer, coding theory, information theory, digital filters, simulation, fiber op-
tics, computer-aided instruction, quantum mechanics, and creativity.
1603. Harbin, Andrew L. Land Surveyor Reference Manual. Belmont, CA:
Professional Publications, 1998. (Engineering Review Manual Series). 472p.
$52.95. ISBN 0912045094.
Written as a manual for preparing for the Fundamentals of Land Surveying
(FLS/LSIT) exam, this work is a useful reference tool. It offers a review of tech-
niques unique to the land surveying profession and the math necessary to per-
form surveying functions. There are sample and practice problems.
1604. Hill, Susan T. Science and Engineering Degrees: 1966–96. 1999.
Available: (Accessed Novem-
ber 7, 1999).
This report, compiled by the Division of Science Resources Studies of the
National Science Foundation, covers science and engineering earned degrees
conferred in the aggregate United States.
Education and Career Resources / 291

1605. HyperLearning Center. 1999. Available: (Ac-

cessed November 7, 1999).
The HyperLearning Center (formerly the Center for the New Engineer), es-
tablished in 1993, supports interdisciplinary research into the education of engi-
neers and scientists. Numerous education resources are available at this site.
1606. IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS). 1999. Available: (Accessed No-
vember 7, 1999).
PCS promotes practices and theories for designing, developing, and deliv-
ering technical information research. This site includes applications of technical
communication that encourage effective global engineering.
1607. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Employment
Services. 1999. Available: (Accessed Novem-
ber 7, 1999).
Numerous employment resources are available at this site, including salaries
and company listings. Some of these resources are available only to members.
1608. International Association for Continuing Engineering Education
(IACEE). 1999. Available: (Accessed No-
vember 7, 1999).
Members of IACEE represent organizations and individuals who are pro-
viders and users of continuing engineering education in 72 countries. The site in-
cludes links to engineering, continuing education, and lifelong learning
1609. Irwin, J. David. On Becoming an Engineer: A Guide to Career Paths.
New York: IEEE Press, 1997. 152p. $19.95. ISBN 0780311957.
This guide describes the preparation and challenges faced by students inter-
ested in pursuing an undergraduate engineering degree. Areas of discussion cover
different engineering careers, preparation for entering academic programs, the en-
gineering curricula, the academic culture, and career-oriented issues.
1610. King, W. Christopher. Environmental Engineering P.E. Examination
Guide and Handbook. Annapolis, MD: American Academy of Environmental
Engineers, 1996. 440p. $109.00. ISBN 188376713X.
This is a review manual for environmental engineering fundamentals, in-
cluding chemistry, fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydrology, water and wastewa-
ter treatment, air pollution control, solid and hazardous waste management,
health, safety, and environmental protection.
1611. Lindeburg, Michael R. Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the
PE Exam. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 1997. 712p. $54.95. ISBN
Applicants for the civil PE exam can prepare using this book by working
through about 300 solved sample problems and 250 practice problems.
292 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1612. Lindeburg, Michael R. Engineering-in-Training Reference Manual. Bel-

mont, CA: Professional Publications, 1998. 1064p. $59.95. ISBN 0912045566.
This reference covers engineering fundamentals, including topics on the
general FE exam. It also includes 1,000 practice problems presented in both SI
and English units.
1613. Lindeburg, Michael R. Getting Started as a Consulting Engineer. Bel-
mont, CA: Professional Publications, 1997. 88p. $17.00. ISBN 0932276593.
The engineer who is interested in becoming a consulting engineer will find
this reference useful; it covers self-assessment, setting up businesses, negotiat-
ing fees and contracts, and building a client base.
1614. Lindeburg, Michael R. Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual
for the PE Exam. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 1997. 1232p.
$75.95. ISBN 1888577134.
This resource covers exam subjects and includes 342 practice problems in both
SI (metric) and English units. It also includes illustrations, tables, and formulas.
1615. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). A Career Planning Center for
Beginning Scientists and Engineers. 1998. Available:
osep/cpc.nsf. (Accessed November 7, 1999).
This is an excellent resource for information about job openings, education,
and career choices for beginning scientists and engineers.
1616. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Careers in Science and Engi-
neering: A Student Planning Guide to Grad School and Beyond. 1996.
Available: (Accessed Novem-
ber 7, 1999).
This guide is intended to help students in science, engineering, and mathemat-
ics to make career and educational choices. It encourages the reader to take a broad
perspective on the potential applications of science and engineering education.
1617. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Women of
NASA. 1999. Available: (Accessed Novem-
ber 7, 1999).
Women of NASA was developed to encourage women to pursue careers in
mathematics, science, and technology. This resource includes profiles and
weekly Internet chats.
1618. National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
(NCEES). 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
In 1920, the Council was founded by seven of the thirteen jurisdictional
boards having engineering and surveying licensing laws. In 1989, the name was
changed to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
(NCEES). This site provides access to full-text copy of Fundamentals of Engi-
neering (FE) Discipline-Specific Reference Handbook (3d ed., 1997).
Education and Career Resources / 293

1619. National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS). 1999.

Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
NEEDS is a multimedia courseware development and distribution system
to support engineering education. This Internet site provides access to a database
of engineering information.
1620. National Engineering Search (NES). 2000. Available: http://www.nesnet.
com. (Accessed April 4, 2000).
National Engineering Search is a technical search firm, specializing in the
placement of professionals, concentrating in software, electrical, and mechani-
cal engineering. The site includes job search information arranged by state.
1621. National Engineers Week. 1999. Available:
(Accessed November 7, 1999).
This site provides numerous resources to support promotional and educa-
tional activities around National Engineers Week.
1622. Online U.S. News and World Report. .edu—Engineering. 1999. Avail-
able: (Accessed No-
vember 7, 1999).
This site provides numerous engineering academic and career resources. It
includes rankings and a graduate school directory.
1623. Peterson’s Graduate Programs in Computer Science and Electrical
Engineering Programs. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s, 1998. 780p. $24.95. ISBN
This directory contains descriptions of U.S. and Canadian schools, repre-
senting master’s, doctorate, and combined programs. It includes computer sci-
ence, artificial intelligence, robotics, information science, and computer and
electrical engineering.
1624. Peterson’s Graduate Programs in Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s, 1999. 1637p. (Book 5). $49.95. ISBN 1560799854.
This directory provides information on aerospace and aeronautical, agricul-
tural, bio, civil, chemical, computer science, energy, design, industrial materials
science, mechanical, ocean, paper and textile, and telecommunications engi-
neering. Entries are arranged by subject area. Related titles include Peterson’s
Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sci-
ences, the Environment and Natural Resources; Peterson’s Quick and Concise
Guides to Graduate and Professional Degrees Graduate Studies in Engineer-
ing; and Peterson’s U-Wire Graduate Studies in Engineering, Computer Sci-
ence and Information Studies.
1625. Peterson’s Job Opportunities for Engineering and Computer Science
Majors 1999. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s, 1998. 378p. $21.95. ISBN 0768900271.
This resource provides information on engineering and technology em-
ployers. Directory descriptions include an overview, key statistics, expertise and
education sought, international assignments, and contact information.
294 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1626. PhDs.Org Science, Math, and Engineering Career Resources. 1999.

Available: (Accessed November 11, 1999).
Information resources at this site cover finding employment, postdoctoral
employment, graduate school, careers, and teaching.
1627. Professional Income of Engineers: A Report of an Annual Survey.
Washington, DC: American Association of Engineering Societies,1998. 155p.
This annual survey, conducted by the Engineering Workforce Commission
of the AAES, is a compilation of data submitted by employers on base compen-
sation of their engineers, by levels of experience, supervisory responsibility, and
academic preparation. The data are presented in detailed tables and graphs. This
title is an abridged version of the Engineers’ Salaries: Special Industry Report
and does not show the details for engineers with B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degrees.
1628. Reis, Richard M. Tomorrow’s Professor: Preparing for Academic Ca-
reers in Science and Engineering. New York: IEEE Press, 1997. 416p. $39.95.
ISBN 0780311361.
This resource is directed to individuals who are interested in academic ca-
reers in science and engineering. Subjects covered include an overview of the
academic enterprise, with an emphasis on science and engineering. Other topics
include academic preparation, employment, teaching, research, professional re-
sponsibility, and tenure.
1629. Research and Development in Industry: Expenditure and Research-
ers, Scientists and Engineers, 1975–96. Washington, DC: Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development, 1998. 139p. $42.00. ISBN
This international publication is based on two databases maintained by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): the Ana-
lytical Business Enterprise Research and Development (ANBERD) database
and the Analytical Researchers, Scientists and Engineers (ANRSE) database.
The ANBERD database covers 26 industries in 15 countries. The ANRSE data-
base consists of estimates for 26 manufacturing industries from seven countries:
Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany before unification, Italy, Japan,
the United Kingdom, and the United States.
1630. Salaries of Engineers in Education. Washington, DC: American Asso-
ciation of Engineering Societies. Annual. $127.00.
This biennial survey of academic compensation of engineers working in
educational institutions lists salaries reported for six ranks and provides a base to
track industry standards of salaries for engineering educators.
Education and Career Resources / 295

1631. Steels, Macdonald. Effective Training for Civil Engineers. London:

Thomas Telford, 1999. 109p. $39.95. ISBN0727727095.
This resource provides an overview of the civil engineering industry. The
book is arranged around a series of questions and answers. It is distributed by the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
1632. Tau Beta Pi. 1999. Available: (Accessed November
7, 1999).
Tau Beta Pi is the National Engineering Honor Society. This site includes a
brief organizational history.
1633. Walesh, Stuart G. Journal of Management in Engineering. Special Is-
sue on Career Development. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engi-
neers, 1998. 68p. (Journal of Management in Engineering Series, vol. 14, no. 2,
March 1998). $15.00. ISBN 078440335X.
This series of articles is focused on helping engineers maintain and enhance
both technical and nontechnical skills. Topics covered include the engineer as
communicator, career advancement, professional development, balancing cor-
porate and personal values, and universities and professional associations.
1634. WEPAN: Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Net-
work. 1999. Available: (Accessed November 7, 1999).
WEPAN was founded in 1990 to support the academic and professional de-
velopment of women in engineering. The site includes a bibliography of re-
sources on women in engineering.
1635. Women in Technology International (WITI). 2000. Available: http:// (Accessed April 4, 2000).
The Women in Technology International (WITI) site provides links that
support the professional development of women in science and technology.
1636. Yarbrough, Raymond B. Electrical Engineering Reference Manual for
the PE Exam. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 1997. 520p. $54.95.
ISBN 1888577045.
This reference manual contains over 400 practice problems covering such
subjects as mathematics, linear circuit analysis, rotating machines, control sys-
tems, and systems of units.
1637. Young, Donovan. Authentic Practice Exam for the Professional Engi-
neer’s Examination for Industrial Engineers. Norcross, GA: Engineering and
Management Press, 1996. 100p. $29.95. ISBN 0898061695.
This exam guide assists in preparation for the Professional Engineers’ Ex-
amination. Problems presented simulate those in an actual PE exam. Questions
and answers from past exams are featured. The guide is published in cooperation
with the National Council of Engineering Examiners.
296 \ Chapter 12: Education and Career Resources

1638. Young, Donovan. Review for the Professional Engineers’ Examina-

tion for Industrial Engineers. Norcross, GA: Engineering and Management
Press, 1996. 400p. $49.95. ISBN 0898061342.
This study guide, written for industrial engineers, provides an overview to
the Professional Engineers’ exam.
1639. Yuzuriha, Todd. How to Succeed As an Engineer: A Practical Guide
to Enhance Your Career. Vancouver, WA: J and K Publishing, 1998. 368p.
$29.95. ISBN 0965908437.
In this guide the author identifies several practical tools essential for engi-
neers, including communication skills, strategic planning, finance, statistics, and
project management.


The majority of the publishers represented in this guide are listed below.
For the titles published by professional organizations, their publication catalogs
are available at their Internet sites, listed in other chapters. For general lists of
other publishers, guides like AcqWeb’s Directory of Publishers and Vendors
( or Faxon’s Publishers
on the Internet ( are very
helpful. For an index of publisher’s indexes, BookWire’s Publisher’s Indexes
( will direct you to
several other lists.

Ablex Publishing/JAI Press (
Academic Press (
Addison-Wesley-Longman (
Aerospace Press (
Allworth Press (
Allyn and Bacon (
Anabar Electronic Intelligence (
Arnold Publishers (
Artech House Publishers (
Ashgate Publishing (
Association of College and Research Libraries (
Avalon Press (
Barron’s (
Baskerville Communications (
Battelle Press (
Begell House (
Bernan Press (
Blackwell Publishers (
Blackwell Science (
Bowker (
Bowker-Saur (
Brooks/Cole Publishing Company (
Brassey’s (

298 \ Appendix: Publishers

Business News Publishing Company (

Butterworth-Heinemann (
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (
Cambridge University Press (
Carswell Company (
Cassell Academic (
CASTI Publishing (
ChemTec Publishing (
Chapman & Hall (
Chronicle Books (
Clark Boardman Callaghan (
Compass Publications (
Computational Mechanics (
CRC Press (
Dale Seymour Publications (
D.A.T.A. Business Publishing (
Delmar Publishers (
Derwent Information (
DIALOG Corporation (
Discovery Press (
Edwards Publishing (
Elsevier (
Engineering and Management Press (
Engineering Information (
Europa Publications Limited (
ESI International (
Facts on File (
Fairmont Press (
Fitzroy Dearborn (
Flatiron Publishing (
Focal Press (
Gale (
Genium Publishing Corporation (
Global Engineering Documents (
Global Press (
Gordon and Breach (
Government Contracts Program (
Government Institutes (
Government Printing Office (
Gower Publishing (
Great Lakes (
Greenwood Press (
Gulf Publishing Company (
Hanser Gardner Publications (
Appendix: Publishers / 299

Harcourt Canada (

Harvard University Press (
HighWire Press (
Houghton Mifflin (
Industrial Press (
Institute for Scientific Information (
International Thomson Publishing (
InterDok (
Jane’s Information Group (
John Wiley (
Jones and Bartlett Publishers (
Keesing’s Worldwide (
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (
Kluwer Academic Publishers (
Krause Publications (
Krieger Publishing Company (
Lewis Publishers (
Libraries Unlimited (
Library Solutions (
Macmillan Technical Publishing (
Manchester University Press (
Marcel Dekker (
Marquis Who’sWho (
Mayfield Publishing Company (
McGraw-Hill (
McGraw-Hill Higher Education (
Merck (
Microsoft Press (
MIT Press (
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (
National Academy Press (
Naval Institute Press (
Newnes (see Butterworth-Heinemann)
NOLO Press (
Norman Ross Publishing Company (
North American Publishing Company (
Northern Miner Press (
W. W. Norton (
Oak Tree Press (
O’Reilly and Associates (
Oryx (
Overlook Press (
Oxford University Press (
300 \ Appendix: Publishers

PennWell (
Penrose Press (
Peterson’s (
Plenum Publishing Corporation (
Plunkett Research (
Prentice-Hall (
Productivity Press (
Professional Engineering Publishing (
Professional Publications (
PROMPT Publications (
Purdue University Press (
PWS Publishers (
Quanix Data Services (
Quorum Books (
RAPRA Technology (
Resolution Business Press (
Routledge (
RS Means (
Scientific Instrument Services (
SciTech Publishing (
M. E. Sharpe (
Simon & Schuster (
Springer-Verlag (
St. Lucie Press (
St. Martin’s Press (
Stockton Press (
Taylor & Francis (
Technomic Publishing Company (
Thomas Telford (
Trans Tech Publications (
Van Nostrand Reinhold (
University of Chicago Press (
University of New South Wales Press (
WEST Educational Publishing (
William Andrew Publishing (
H. W. Wilson (
WIT Press (
World Scientific (

Reference is to entry number. Digital resources are indicated by the use of boldface type.
Databases are indicated by the use of boldface type in small capitals letters. Publications appear in
italics. Publications that are also available in digital format appear in boldface italic type.

100 of the World’s Tallest Buildings, 123, ACM Special Interest Groups, 1399
1358 ACM Transactions, 384-390
150 Years of Advancing Science: A History Acoustical Society of America, 412, 1066
of AAAS, 1439 Acoustical standards, 1066
200 Best Aviation Web Sites: And 100 More Acoustics and Vibrations—Virtual
Worth Bookmarking: Unbiased Library, 968
Reviews of the Industry’s Finest Acoustics, 74, 412, 597, 606, 968, 1066
Internet Offerings, 503 Acronym Finder, 125
4, 1146 ACS Style Guide: A Manual for Authors and
Editors, 705
A. M. Turing Award, 949 ACTIVE LIBRARY ON CORROSION, 223
AAAS Center for Science, Technology, Ada Project—Tapping Internet Resources
and Congress, 1437 for Women in Computer Science,
AACE International, 1438 1562
AAS History Series: A Supplement to Adelman, Clifford, 1563
Advances in the Astronautical Adhesives /D/I/G/E/S/T, 870
Sciences, 1352 Adsorption, 520
AASHTO Metrification Clearinghouse, Advanced Design Concepts for Engineers, 704
1068 Advanced technical ceramics, 230
ABBREVIATION OF CHEMICAL Advanced Technical Ceramics: Directory
COMPOUNDS, 124 and Databook, 26
ABMA Standards for Ball and Roller Advanced Technology in the Pacific
Bearings and Steel Balls, 1069 Northwest, 2
Abrasive Engineering Society, 1489 Advances in Solar Energy, 1521
ABS Rules and Guides, 1070 Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,
AC Power Systems Handbook, 657 1352
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Advocates for Women in Science,
Technology, 736, 1560, 1561 Engineering, and Mathematics,
Accreditation Record, 1561 1564
ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, 1071 Aerofiles, 884
ACI Materials Journal, 362, 1071 Aeronautical Information Manual: Official
ACI Standards, 1071 Guide to Basic Flight Information
ACI Structural Journal, 363, 1071 and ATC Procedures, 500
ACM Collected Algorithms, 209 Aerosol Science and Technology, 354, 1366
ACM Computing Surveys, 383 Aerospace – World Wide Web Virtual
ACM DIGITAL LIBRARY, 210, 1399 Library, 885
ACM Guide to Computing Literature, 211 Aerospace America, 344

302 \ Index

Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering Air and Waste Management Association,

database, 212 418, 1421
dictionaries, 127, 197 Air Force-Navy aeronautical standards, 1160
directories, 1, 7, 57 Air Pollutants List, 1156
guide, 305 Air pollution, 531, 549, 660, 661, 1330, 1366
handbooks, manuals, and tables, 500-504 Air Quality Control Handbook, 660
history, 81 Air quality standards, 665, 1238
index, 269 Air traffic control, 500
Internet resources, 884-890 Air University Library’s Index to Military
journals, 344-350 Periodicals, 214, 492
professional and trade associations, AIR UNIVERSITY RESEARCH DATABASE,
organizations and societies, 495
1351-1355 Aircraft
thesaurus, 267 directory, 23
Aerospace Consultant’s Directory, 1130 Internet resource, 884
AEROSPACE DATABASE, 212 guides, 78, 107
Aerospace design, 501 Airlines Electronic Engineering
Aerospace Facts and Figures, 1351 Committee, 1089
Aerospace Indicators, 1351 Airship: The Homepage for
Aerospace Industries Association, 1351 Lighter-Than-Air Craft, 886
Aerospace Information Reports, 1130 AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design
Aerospace Material Specifications, 1130 Specification, 569
Aerospace Recommended Practices, 1130 AISC Specifications and Codes, 1075
Aerospace standards, 1130 AISI standards, 1076
Aerospace Structural Metal Handbook, 1495 Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists,
AES Conference Proceedings, 1489 1549
AES standards, 1091 ALEC—ANL Libraries Electronic
AFS ABSTRACT DATA BASE, 1491 Catalog, 1296
AGA standards, 1072 Algorithm Design Manual, 593
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Algorithms and Theory of Computation
Registry, 213 Handbook, 588
AGMA standards, 1073 Algorithms, 209, 588, 593, 964
Agricultural engineering Alley, E. Roberts, 660
handbooks, manuals and tables, 505-507 All-in-One Search Page Technical
professional and trade associations, Reports, 455
organizations, and societies, 1356 Alloys Index, 266
Agricultural engineering standards, 1083 Allstetter, William, 62
Agrochemicals and Pesticides Handbook, Alternative Fuels Guidebook: Properties,
507 Storage, Dispensing, and Vehicle
Agrochemicals Desk Reference, 506 Modifications, 816
Ahmad, Anees, 596 Aluminum Association, 556, 1067
AI Magazine, 391, 1399 Aluminum Design Manual, 556
AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide, Aluminum Design System, 556
AIAA Journal, 345 Aluminum Standards and Data, 1067
AIAA MEETINGS PAPERS SEARCHABLE Aluminum Statistical Review, 1067
CITATION DATABASE, 1074 AME Online, 1016
AIAA R-100 Online: Recommended Amelinckx, S., 757
Practice for Parts Management, American Academy of Environmental
1147 Engineers, 21, 1422, 1584, 1610
AIAA standards, 1074 American Association for Aerosol
AIChE Consultant and Expert Witness Research, 354, 1366
Electronic Directory, 3 American Association for Artificial
AIChE Journal, 355, 1368 Intelligence, 391, 1399
Index / 303

American Association for the American Institute for Medical and

Advancement of Science, 986, 1439 Biological Engineering, 1361
American Association for Wind American Institute of Aeronautics and
Engineering, 1423 Aeronautics, 212, 344, 345,
American Association of Engineering 347-349, 359, 501, 1074, 1147, 1183,
Societies, 31, 1440, 1587, 1588, 1441
1596, 1627, 1630 American Institute of Architects, 508
American Association of Petroleum American Institute of Chemical
Geologists, 1545 Engineers, 3, 76, 355, 356, 522, 533,
American Association of State Highway 898, 1368, 1441, 1578, 1579
and Transportation Officials, 1068 American Institute of Engineers, 1445
American Astronautical Society, 1352 American Institute of Hydrology, 1378,
American Automatic Control Council, 1379
1441 American Institute of Mining,
American Bearing Manufacturers Metallurgical and Petroleum
Association, 1069 Engineers, 1546
American Boiler Manufacturers American Institute of Physics, 361, 412,
Association, 1519 434, 523, 786, 1446
American Bureau of Shipping, 1070 American Institute of Steel Construction,
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 428, 513, 805, 1075, 1226
1490 American Institute of Timber Construction,
American Ceramic Society, 233, 275, 428, 509
783, 806, 1490 American Iron and Steel Institute, 1076,
American Chemical Society, 216, 252, 285, 1434
340, 343, 356-361, 417, 523, 705, American Machine and Tool Company
898, 1367, 1585 Business Center, 858
American Coal Ash Association American Mathematical Society, 264,
International Symposium, 1376 1447
American Coal Ash Association, 1376 American Metalcasting Consortium, 859
American Concrete Institute, 225, 362, American Meteorological Society, 217,
363, 557, 1071 1424
American Conference of Governmental American National Standard Dictionary for
Industrial Hygienists Committee on Technologies of Electromagnetic
Industrial Ventilation, 1148 Compatibility (EMC),
American Congress on Surveying and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), and
Mapping, 1377 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), 126
American Consulting Engineers Council, American National Standard for Human
1442 Factors Engineering of Visual
American Council of Independent Display Terminal Workstations, 1480
Laboratories, 1443 American National Standards Institute,
American Electronics Association, 1408 126, 174, 456, 457, 524, 1074, 1077,
American Electroplaters and Surface 1135, 1149-1151, 1240
Finishers Society, 1509 American Nuclear Society, 454, 1078, 1566
American Forest and Paper Association, 509,
1356 American Petroleum Institute, 524, 1079
American Foundrymen’s Society, 11, 859, American Physical Society, 458, 1448
1491 American Plastics Council, 1041
American Gas Association, 1072 American Plywood Association, 1498
American Gear Manufacturers American Production and Inventory
Association, 1073 Control Society, 1477
American Geological Institute, 1378 American Public Health Association,
American Geophysical Union, 1444 1165, 1475
American Industrial Hygiene Association, American Public Transit Association,
1474 1380
304 \ Index

American Society for Engineering Amrhein, James E., 557

Education, 218, 305, 311, 326, 327, AMS Preprint Server, 1447
American Society for Healthcare RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
Engineering, 1476 DATABASE, 1629
American Society for Nondestructive ANALYTICAL RESEARCHERS, SCIENTISTS
Testing, 842, 833, 1080 AND ENGINEERS DATABASE, 1629
American Society for Photogrammetry Andrews, Gordon C., 697
and Remote Sensing, 1381 Angelo, Joseph A., 127
American Society for Precision Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1082
American Society for Quality, 1081 BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE, 1481
American Society for Testing and Annual Computer Industry Almanac, 105
Materials, 4, 5, 524, 1082, 1135, Annual Energy Review, 115
1162, 1219, 1505 Annual Quality Congress Proceedings, 1081
American Society of Agricultural ANON: Another Node On the interNet,
Engineers, 505, 1083 903
American Society of Biomechanics, 353, ANS standards, 1078
1362 ANSI-ISO-IEC Online Catalog, 1077
American Society of Civil Engineers, 219, Antarctic Bibliography, 309
346, 351, 368-382, 419, 512, 672,
BASE, 1311
1177, 1357, 1382, 1387, 1441, 1631,
1633 API standards, 1079
American Society of Heating, APICS—The Educational Society for
Refrigerating and Resource Management, 1477
Air-Conditioning Engineers, 437, Appliance Recycler, 1434
812, 1084 Applications of Fluid Dynamics, 848
American Society of Lubrication Applied Ethics in Professional Practice:
Engineers, 1541 Case of the Month Club, 979
American Society of Mechanical Applied Mechanics Reviews, 220
Engineers, 87, 220, 440-450, 502, Applied Optics, 401
822, 1149-1152, 1155, 1161, 1168, Applied Spectroscopy, 1514
1180, 1193, 1283, 1441, 1505, 1523 Approved Type Certificates, 884
American Society of Mechanical APS E-print Server, 458, 1448
Archer, Wesley L., 519
Engineers MechEng FTP Archives,
Architectural Building Codes: A Graphic
Reference, 1214
American Society of Naval Engineers,
Architectural engineering
handbooks, manuals, and tables, 508-518
American Society of Safety Engineers, Internet resources, 891-894
1085 journal, 351
American Society of Sanitary professional and trade associations,
Engineering, 1383 organizations, and societies,
American Society of Test Engineers, 1409 1357-1360
American Solar Energy Society, 1521 Architectural Engineering—Virtual
American Vacuum Society, 1450 Library, 892
American Water Resources Association, Architectural Engineering Institute, 1357
1086, 1165, 1384 Argos Organics Catalog of Fine Chemicals,
American Welding Society, 103, 1087 868
American Wind Energy Association, 1522 Argus Clearinghouse—Engineering, 980
American Wire Producers Association, ARINC Specifications, 1089
1088 ARINC, 1089
American Wood Council, 1356 Army Manuals and Publications, 735
Ameritech Test Town, 1017 ARPAnet, 473
Ameritech User Interface Guidelines, 1017 Arpe, H. J., 63
Index / 305

ARS PESTICIDE PROPERTIES DATABASE, Association of Iron and Steel Engineers,

288, 675 1441, 1493
Art of Doing Science and Engineering: ASTM Directory of Scientific and
Learning to Learn, 1602 Technical Consultants and Expert
Artificial Intelligence Resources, 950 Witnesses, 4, 1082
Artificial intelligence, 188, 472, 484, 950, ASTM International Directory of Testing
952, 1398, 1404 Laboratories, 5, 1082 e-Print archive, 498 ASTM Standards Source Online, 1082
ASBESTOS INSTITUTE BIOMEDICAL DATA Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1986-1990: A
BANK, 1425 Chronology, 81
Asbestos Institute, 1425 Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2000:
Ash, Michael, 221 Data for Astronomy, Space Sciences,
ASHRAE Handbooks, 812, 829, 1084 Geodesy, Surveying, Navigation and
ASHRAE Journal, 437, 1084 Other Applications, 64
ASHRAE standards, 1084 AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on
ASKERIC, 291 the Internet, 981
ASM Handbook, 758 Atallah, Mikhail J., 588
ASM International, 433, 758, 759, 769, Atmospheric sciences, 217
771-774, 793, 797, 810, 811, 1198, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, 1461
1492, 1505, 1518 ATSC Digital Television Standard, 1167
ASM Ready Reference: Properties and Units Audio—Virtual Library, 969
for Engineering Alloys, 759 Audio Engineering Society, 413, 1091
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Audio Engineer’s Reference Book, 645
822, 1152, 1155, 1180, 1523 Audio standards, 1091
ASME Code Safety Valve Rules, 857 Auger, Charles P., 459
ASME International, 1523 Authentic Practice Exam for the Professional
ASM’s Alloy Digest WebFaxx, 1492 Engineer’s Examination for
Asphalt Institute, 572 Industrial Engineers, 1637
Asphalt Materials and Mix Design Manual, Automated People Movers, 921
572 Automated Transportation Management
ASQ Division Conference Proceedings, 1081 System, 1305
Associated Lists, 1149 Automatic control, 1441
Association for Computing Machinery, 98, Automotive Electronics Handbook, 624
209-211, 236, 383-390, 392, 398, Automotive engineering, 824-826
949, 1399 databases, 280-282
Association for Facilities Engineering, dictionary, 192
1478 directories, 1, 58
Association for Information and Image index, 300
Management International, 1090 yearbook, 120
Association for Manufacturing Excellence, Automotive Handbook, 815
1016 Automotive Lubricants Reference Book, 820
Association for Media-Based Continuing Avallone, E. A., 813
Education for Engineers, 1567 Aviation—Virtual Library, 888
Association for the Advancement of Cost Aviation Fact Book, 100
Engineering, 1438 Aviation Museum Locator, 887
Association for Women in Computing, Aviation Safety Data, 1321
1568 AWRA Symposium on GIS and Water
Association of Consulting Chemists and Resources, 1384
Chemical Engineers, 1369
Association of Energy Engineers, 1524 Babco, Eleanor L., 1569
Association of Engineering Geologists, Backflow, 907
1378, 1385 Bailey, Charles W., 332
Association of Federal Communications Baker, David, 65
Consulting Engineers, 1410 Bakr, M., 128
306 \ Index

Balanced Engineer: Essential Ideas for Bickford, Michalina, 67

Career Development, 1570 Biocorrosion, 809
Baldrige Quality Program, 745, 1141 Bioengineering, 835
Ballast, David K., 6 journals, 352-353
Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary, 129 professional and trade associations,
Ballou, Glen, 597 organizations, and societies,
Barber, Antony, 814 1361-1365
Barnhart, Philip A., 1571 Biofouling, 809
Barton, David K., 66 Biographical Dictionary of the History of
Basel Convention on the Control of Technology, 141
Transboundary Movements of Biological engineering, 1363
Hazardous Wastes and Their Biomechanics, 1364
Disposal, 904 Biomedical Technology Resources: A
Basmadjian, Diran, 520 Research Resources Directory, 37
Bass, Michael, 598 Biopile Design, Operation, and Maintenance
Bates, Regis J., 599 Handbook for Treating
Batteries, 601, 607 Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils,
Battery Reference Book, 607 696
Bauer, H., 815 Bioremediation, 679
Bayesian Analysis E-Print Archive, 460 BIOSCIENCES CITATION INDEX, 299
Beaty, H. Wayne, 600 Biotechnology
Bechtold, Richard L., 816 database, 232
Beddoes, Vernon, 130 glossary, 179
Beer, David F., 699 encyclopedia, 77
BEILSTEIN INFORMATION, 222 Biotechnology Progress, 356
Beim, Howard J., 661 Bisio, Attilio, 68
Bekkers, Rudi, 1153 Bitton, Gabriel, 662
Bell Laboratories, 455 Bleier, Frank P., 817
Benchmarking, 1, 958, 1025, 1428, 1570 Blow Molding Design Guide, 782
Benedetti, Robert P., 1154 BOCA National Plumbing Code, 1242
Bennof, Richard J., 1572 Bock, Rudolf K., 131
Berners-Lee, Tim, 966 Bogaerts, W. F., 223
Bernstein, Martin D., 1155 Boiler and pressure vessels, 1224, 1229,
Besenhard, J. O., 601 1534
Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Book of Lists for Regulated Hazardous
Excellence, 1018 Substances, 1156
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, 303 Booser, E. Richard, 818
Bezigan, Thomas, 760 Boreholes, 663, 678
BF Goodrich Collegiate Inventors Program, Boulding, J. Russell, 663
994 Brady, George S., 762
Bhushan, Bharat, 761 Bralla, James G., 739
Bibliographies, 302-331 Branan, Carl, 521
Bibliography of Yucca Mountain Project Brandes, Eric A., 763
(YMP) Publications at Lawrence Brandrup, Johannes, 764
Livermore National Laboratory, Brassey’s World Aircraft and Systems
September 1977 through March Directory, 7
1998, 330 Braster, Patrick, 1157
Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Brater, Ernest F., 819
Technology, 309 Bregman, Jacob I., 664
Bibliography on Finite Element and Related Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive
Methods Analysis in Reactor Physics Chemical Hazards, 551
Computations, 303 Breyer, Donald, 509
Bibliography on Northern Pipelines in the Bridge Engineering Handbook, 560
Former Soviet Union, 329 Bringas, John E., 765, 766
Bickford, John H., 700 British Library, 224
Index / 307

British Standards Institute, 1092, 1240 Canadian Council of Professional

Briuer, F. L., 302 Engineers, 1575
Broadcast Engineering, 1420 Canadian Electrical Code, 1159
Broadcast Engineering Buyers Guide, 860 Canadian Environment and Safety Library
Brockenbrough, Roger L., 558 on CD, 1158
Brody, Aaron, 69 Canadian Geotechnical Society, 1547
Brown, Colin D., 132 Canadian Government Information on the
Brownell, F. William, 665 Internet, 1245
Brownfields, 1331 Canadian Government Resources
Bruno, Leonard C., 70 Internet resources, 1244-1251
BSI standards, 1092 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy
Budavari, Susan, 71 and Petroleum, 1548
Budig, Peter Klaus, 133 Canadian Intellectual Property Office,
Building Officials and Code 1246
Administrators International, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,
1093, 1111, 1189 365
BuildNET, 893 Canadian Mines Handbook, 9
Built in America Historic: American Canadian Oil Industry Directory, 10
Buildings Survey/Historic Canadian Petroleum Internet
American Engineering Record, 894 Consortium, 1059
Bulk-Online, 8 Canadian Portland Cement Association,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of 1494
America, 364, 1394 Canadian Professional Engineering Practice
Bunch, Bryan H., 701 and Ethics, 697
Bunke, Horst, 602 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering,
Bureau of Transportation Statistics Airline 1370
Traffic Statistics, 1321 Canadian Society for Chemical Technology,
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 295, 1370
1319 Canadian Society for Chemistry, 1370
Burstein, G. T., 767 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering,
Butler, Robert B., 510 60, 365, 1386
Buyer’s guides, databooks and catalogs, Canadian Society for Engineering
858-883 Management, 1451
Canadian Society of Exploration
CA QUICKSEARCH, 225 Geophysicists, 1059
Cabling Handbook, 653 Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists,
Caines, Arthur J., 820 1059, 1549
California State Building Code, 1162 Canadian Standards Association, 1098,
Callaham, Ludmilla I., 134 1159, 1240
Callaham’s Russian-English Dictionary of Canadian Technology Network, 1247
Science and Technology, 134 Canadian Well Logging Society, 1059
CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Carbon and Alloy Steels, 771
Diagrams): A Comprehensive Guide, Cardarelli, Francois, 702
799 Career Network, 1576
CAM: IEEE Career Asset Manager, 1573 Career Planning Center for Beginning
Canada Institute for Scientific and Scientists and Engineers, 1615
Technical Information, 226 Careers and Education, 1577
Canadian Academy of Engineering, 1574 Careers for Chemical Engineers, 1578
Canadian and International Green Links, Careers in Science and Engineering: A
905 Student Planning Guide to Grad
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health School and Beyond, 1616
and Safety, 1244 Carpenter, D. C., 303
Canadian Codes Centre, 1094 Cartography Resources, 948
Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Caruthers, J. M., 522
Codes, 1094 CAS DATABASES, 227
308 \ Index

CASSI, 231 Certified Packaging Professional Exam, 853

Cast Irons, 772 CGA standards, 1095
Casting Source Directory Online, 11, 1491 Chambers, Ann, 135
Catalog of American National Standards, Chanda, Manas, 768
1077 Chandler, Harry, 769
Catalog of Publications: Office of Science Character recognition, 602
and Technology, 296 Chase, Malcolm V., 523
Catalog of U. S. Government Publications, CHEM SCIENCES CITATION INDEX, 299
297 ChemConnect, 333
Cavitation and the Centrifugal Pump: A INDEX, 231
Guide for Pump Users, 828 Chemical Abstracts Service, 227, 231, 252,
CCL.NET—Computational Chemistry 285
List, 895 CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, 216, 1367
CD FICHE MIL-SPECS: Military and Chemical and Engineering News, 357
Federal Specifications and Chemical Education Resource Shelf, 896
Standards, 1160 Chemical engineering
CDMA System Engineering Handbook, 628 abbreviations, 124
CE (Conformité Européenne) Marking, databases, 216, 222, 227, 229, 231, 232,
1157, 1161, 1168, 1179, 1213 259
CE Marking for Telecommunications: A dictionary, 169
Handbook to the directory, 1579
Telecommunications Directives, encyclopedias, 67, 71, 86, 108
1157 guide, 76
CE-Mark: The New European Legislation handbooks, manuals and tables, 519-555
for Products—Electro-Technical Internet resources, 895-902
Industry, Electrical Engineering and journals, 354-361
Machine Construction, 1161 professional and trade associations,
Center for Automated Learning and organizations, and societies,
Discovery Reports, 461 1367-1375
Center for Chemical Process Safety, 1368 Chemical Engineering—Virtual Library,
Center for Information and Numerical 897
Data Synthesis and Analysis, 1495 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND
Center for the New Engineer, 1605 BIOTECHNOLOGY ABSTRACTS, 232
Center for the Study of Work Teams, Chemical Engineering Faculty Directory,
1019 1579
Center for Waste Reduction Technologies, Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP)
1368 Online Software Directory, 1368
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chemical Hazards Communication Society,
228, 229 901
Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps: Chemical Heritage Foundation, 898
Fundamentals with Applications, 841 Chemical Institute of Canada, 1370
Ceramic Engineering, 783, 802 462
databases, 230, 265 Chemical Propulsion Information Agency,
databook, 26 471
directory, 26 Chemical Resistance Guide for Plastics: A
Ceramic Source, 1490 Guide to Chemical Resistance of
Ceramics—Virtual Library, 1034 Engineering Thermoplastics,
Ceramics and Industrial Minerals, 861 Fluoroplastics, Fibers, and
CERCLA/Superfund, 1178 Thermoset Resins, 796
CERN, 1454 Chemical Resistance Vol. 1., Thermoplastics,
Index / 309

Chemical Resistance Vol. 2., Thermoplastic Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and
Elastomers Thermosets and Rubbers, Protecting America’s Waters, 1252
791 Clean Water Handbook, 671
Chemical Scorecard, 936 Clement, Raymond E., 1164
CHEMINDEX, 1244 Clesceri, Lenore S., 1165
CHEMINFO: Chemical Information Clevinger, Mary A., 233
Sources, 899 Cloud, Phillip A., 703
Chemistry—Virtual Library, 900 Coal ash, 1376
CHEMISTRY WEBBOOK, 1141 Code of Federal Regulations, 167, 168, 196,
CHEMLINKS, 1282 1166, 1256, 1335, 1282 Cogeneration, 1047
ChemSoc—The Chemistry Societies Cognitive Framework for Information
Network, 901 Visualization: Annotated
Chen, Wai-Fah, 559, 560 Bibliography, 317
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P., 524 Cold Facts, 1452
Cheryan, Munir, 525 Cold isostatic pressing, 792
CHILD ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA, 1141 Cold Regions Bibliography, 304
Child Occupant Protection Symposiums, Collin, P. H., 139
483 Collin, S. M. H., 140
Chip Directory, 863 Combustion and Flame, 438, 1525
Chironis, Nicholas P., 821 Combustion Institute, 438, 1525
Christiansen, Donald, 604 Commerce Business Daily, 1284, 1343
Christoffer, V. P., 605 Commercial Item Descriptions, 1160
Chrysler, John, 1162 Commission on Professionals in Science and
CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Technology, 1559, 1569
Engineering, 505 Committee on Aviation Medicine, 1461
Citation indexes, 299 Committee on Battery Additives, 1461
Civil aviation, 1320 Committee on Data for Science and
Civil engineering, 240, 245 Technology, 1456
databases, 219, 260, 1382 Committee on Passive Protection Against
dictionaries, 142, 157, 164, 182, 207 Bombing, 1461
directory, 20 Committee on Polar Research, 1461
encyclopedia, 112 Committee on Vision, 1461
handbooks, manuals, and tables, 556-587 Committees on Biological Effects of Atomic
Internet resources, 903-948 Radiation, 1461
journals, 362-382 Committees on Biological Warfare, 1461
professional and trade associations, COMMON INFORMATION SERVICE
organizations, and societies, SYSTEM, 228
1376-1397 Communications technology, 160
software, 60 Communications Handbook, 619
Civil Engineering—Virtual Library, 906 Communications of the ACM, 392
CIVIL ENGINEERING DATABASE, 219, 1382 Communications Satellites, 1958-1995, 91
Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the Community of Science, 234
PE Exam, 1611 Comparative Environmental Laws, 695
Civil Engineering Research Foundation, Compensation and Benefits in Consulting
1387 Engineering Firms, 1580
Clason, W. E., 136-138 Compilation of ASTC (Advanced Television
Clay Minerals Society, 1496 Systems Committee)
Clayton, George D., 1163 Communications Standards, 1167
Clean Air Act, 533, 661, 665, 692, 1178, Compilation of EPA’s Sampling and
1215, 1285 Analysis Methods, 677
Clean Air Handbook, 665 Complete CE Marking Guide, 1168
Clean room technology, 1366 Composite Failure Analysis Handbook, 1495
Clean Water Act, 671, 692, 1215 Composite Materials Handbook, 770
Composites Corner, 1035
310 \ Index

Composites Engineering Handbook, 785 CONCRETE ABSTRACTS, 225, 1071

Compressed Air and Gas Handbook, 1371 Concrete Construction Engineering
Compressed Air and Gas Institute, 1371 Handbook, 579
Compressed Gas Association, 1095 Concrete Construction Handbook, 562
Computational Intelligence Research Concrete International, 1071
Laboratory, 488 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, 1388
Computer and Communication Concrete standards, 1071
Standards, 1169 Concurrent Engineering, 323, 1488
Computer and Control Abstracts, 235, 258 Cone, Robert J., 72
Computer graphics, 35 CONF FILE, 249
Computer integrated manufacturing, 747 CONFERENCE PAPERS INDEX, 237
Computer Museum, 98 Conferences
Computer Science and Engineering indexes, 237, 249, 466, 468
Handbook, 594 Congressional Record, 1256
Computer Science Bibliography, 319 Congressional Research Service Reports,
Computer science engineering, 163, 189, 270, 1430
241, 257, 289, 314, 342, 393, 455, Consortium on Green Design and
461, 467, 470, 474, 486, 488, 490, Manufacturing, 1048
498, 610, 625, 640, 687, 1169, 1200, Construction Databook, 574
1203, 1278, 1302, 1562, 1576, 1581, Construction Engineering, 207
1602, 1623, 1624, 1625 Construction Specifications Canada, 1096
algorithms, 209 Construction Specifications Institute, 1097
almanac, 105 Consultants Directory: Aerospace,
bibliographies, 310, 312, 319, 1200, Automotive, ISO 9000 Quality
1203, 1274, 1275 Systems/ Management, 1
databases, 235, 258 Consulting Engineering, 1410, 1442, 1458
dictionaries, 136, 146, 151, 172, 183 Contracts, 512
directory, 12 Control Engineering—Virtual Library,
guide, 326 970
handbooks, manuals and tables, 28, Control Handbook, 629
588-595 Control Systems Engineering Study Guide,
history, 98 1582
index, 211 Control, 643, 749, 974
Internet resources, 949-967 Cooper, Andre R., 666, 1170
journals, 383-400 Copper Page, 1060
professional and trade associations, Copyright Rules of Practice, 1209
organizations, and societies, Copyright, 708
1398-1407 Corbitt, Robert A., 667
review, 236 Corporations of Interest to Electrical and
standards, 1199 Computer Engineers, 12
Computer Software Buyers Guide, 1421 Corrosion, 800
Computer-aided Software Engineering, 962 database, 238
Computers and Geoscience: An digital libraries, 223, 279
International Journal, 903 encyclopedia, 111
Computers and Internet—Yahoo, 951 Corrosion, 758
Computing—Virtual Library, 952 CORROSION ABSTRACTS DATABASE, 238
Computing Research Association, 1581 Corrosion Engineering Handbook, 800
Computing Reviews, 236 Corrosion standards, 1122
Concise Dictionary of Environmental Cost data, 514-517
Engineering, 181 Cost Engineering, 1438
Concise Metals Engineering Data Book, 773 Cote, Ron, 1171
Concise Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, 109 Council for Programs in Technical and
Concrete, 1494, 1512, 1513 Scientific Communication, 1583
bibliography, 322 Council of Engineering and Scientific
indexes, 225, 1071 Specialty Boards, 1584
Index / 311

Council of Logistics Management, 1479 Data Compression: The Complete Reference,

Council on Tall Buildings and Urban 591
Habitat, 1358 Data sheets, 13, 54, 971
Crawford, G. I., 1172 Databases Available in the National Institute
Crawford, Mark, 73 of Standards and Technology
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Research Library, 239
122 Daubert, T. E., 76
CRC Handbook of Electrical Filters, 647 Davis, Joseph R., 771-775
CRC Handbook of Energy Efficiency, 626 Davis, William S., 608
CRC Materials Science and Engineering Davletshina, Tatyana A., 526
Handbook, 802 Day, Lance, 141
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and De Petro, Thomas G., 305
Formulae, 738 De Zuane, John, 668
Crocker, Malcolm J., 74, 606 DeCusatis, Casimer, 609
Crompton, Thomas R., 607 Defense Library on Disc, 241
Cross-Connection Control/Backflow Defense Technical Information Center
Prevention—Virtual Library, 907 Thesaurus, 243
CrossFire, 222 deGroot, John W., 242
Cryogenic materials, 554 Delleur, Jacques W., 561
Cryogenic Society of America, 1452 Denken, Jean Marie, 1002
Cryptology, 590, 1401 Design, 6, 20, 152, 317, 323, 386, 397, 422,
Crystallography World Wide, 1036 446, 447, 501, 508-510, 512, 513,
Crystallography, 896, 1502 525, 556, 564, 569, 571, 573, 575,
CS ChemFinder, 902 587, 593, 605, 608, 642, 649, 672,
CSA International, 1098 681, 704, 713, 714, 741, 748, 782,
CSSinfo, 1173 791-793, 805, 821, 855,1023, 1048
Cultural resources, 302 directories, 34, 35, 36
Cunningham, D., 239 Design for Manufacturability Handbook, 739
Cunningham, William P., 75 Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake
Curing of High Performance Concrete: Engineering for Highways, 571
Annotated Bibliography, 322 Design Institute for Physical Property Data,
Current awareness, databases, indexes, and 76, 522, 1368
libraries 209-301 Design of Wood Structures, ASD, 509
OF TECHNOLOGY, 256 dictionary, 149
COMPUTING AND TECHNOLOGY, Designing with Structural Steel: A Guide for
240 Architects, 513
Current Mathematical Publications, 264, Desktop Encyclopedia of
1447 Telecommunications, 99
Customer and Terminology Standards, 1188 Desktop mapping, 948
Destination Earth: The Official Website
D.A.T.A. Digest Discrete Semiconductors for NASA’s Earth Science
Library, 864 Enterprise, 1259
D.A.T.A. Digest Integrated Circuits Library, Dhillon, B. S., 704
865 Diamonds, 794
D.A.T.A. Digest Specialty References Dickenson, T. C., 527
Library, 866 Dickert, J. H., 243
Damage Tolerant Design Handbook, 1495 Dictionaries and glossaries, 124-208
Data Analysis BriefBook, 131 Dictionary of Acronyms and Technical
Data and Telecommunications Dictionary, Abbreviations for IT, Industrial, and
184 Scientific Applications, 205
Data Bookshelf, 13 Dictionary of Building and Civil
Data communications, 191, 193 Engineering: English German, 142
312 \ Index

Dictionary of Communication Technology: for Technical—Management

Terms, Definitions and Specifications, Standards, Reports
Abbreviations, 160 and Related Publications, 463
Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms, Directory of Engineering Education Leaders,
146 1565
Dictionary of Ecology and the Environment, Directory of Engineering Technology
139 Statistics, 1565
Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, 166 Directory of Geosciences Libraries, U.S. and
Dictionary of Environmental and Canada, 1551
Sustainable Development, 153 Directory of Graduate Engineering and
Dictionary of Environmental Legal Terms, Research Statistics, 1565
167 Directory of Graduate Research 1997:
Dictionary of Environmental Science and Faculties, Publications, and
Engineering : English-Spanish / Doctoral and Master’s Theses in
Spanish-English, 159 Departments or Divisions of
Dictionary of Environmental Science and Chemistry, Chemical Engineering,
Engineering, 185 Biochemistry,
Dictionary of Geological Terms, 1378 Medicinal/Pharmaceutical
Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering, 175 Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry,
Dictionary of Metallurgy, 132 Polymer Science, Food Science,
Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Forensic Science, Marine Science,
Communications Terms, 193 Toxicology, Material Science, and
Dictionary of Personal Computing and the Environmental Science at
Internet, 140 Universities in the United States and
Dictionary of Space Technology, 127 Canada, 1585
Dictionary of Units, 143 Directory of Higher Education
Die casting, 1510 Environmental Programs, 1430
Die design, 855 Directory of Human Factors Graduate
Diesel and Gas Turbine Worldwide Catalog, Programs in the United States and
14 Canada, 1480
Digital Audio Compression (AC-3) Standard, Directory of Institutions in the
1167 Mathematical Sciences, 1447
Digital Imaging Dictionary: A Desktop Directory of Japanese Technical Resources
Reference for Photographers, in the United States, 15
Graphic Designers, Prepress Directory of Organizational Technical
Houses, Service Bureaus, Printers, Report Acronym Codes, 493
Publishers, Art Directors, and all Directory of Safety Standards, Literature,
Communications Professionals, 149 and Services, 1216
Digital Signal Processing Handbook, 630 Directory of State Government Renewable
Dillon, Patrick M., 144 Energy Contacts, 16
Directorate for Computer and Directory of Undergraduate Statistics, 1565
Information Science and Directory of Wind Industry, 1522
Engineering, 1278 Disaster Research Center, 908
Directories, 1-61 Disasters, 88, 908
Directory of Commercial Computer Dobrowolski, Joseph A., 562
Software for Civil Engineering, 60 Dockside Recycler, 1434
Directory of Computing Science Journals, Document Center, 1174
334 Document Engineering Company, 1175
Directory of Engineering and Technology DOD Ammunition and Explosives Safety
Certification Programs, 1584 Standards, 584
Directory of Engineering Document DOD Ceramics Information Analysis Center,
Sources: A Consolidated Cross-Index 1495
of Document Initialisms Assigned by DOD Contractors’ Safety Manual for
Government and Industry Ammunition and Explosives, 584
Organizations which Defines Sources DOD Dictionary of Military Terms, 198
Index / 313

DOD High Temperature Materials EASY—Earthquake Engineering Slide

Information Analysis Center, 1495 Show Information System, 911
DOD Index of Specifications and Ecology of Industry: Sectors and Linkages,
Standards, 1234 1459
DOD Material Information Analysis Centers, Edenbaum, Jesse, 776
1495 Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library,
DOD Metal Matrix Composites Information 278, 335, 982
Analysis Center, 1495 Edison Electric Institute, 1411
DOD Metals Information Analysis Center, Edison Welding Institute, 1497
1495 edu—Engineering, 1622
Dodd, Janet S., 705 Education and career resources, 1559-1639
DOE Information Bridge, 496 index, 291
DOE Methods for Evaluating Environmental EE Circuit Archive, 971
and Waste Management Samples, Effect of Sterilization Methods on Plastics
673 and Elastomers, 791
DOE REPORTS BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE, Effective Training for Civil Engineers, 1631
497 EI CHEMDISC, 245
DOE’s EnergyFiles, 496 EI CIVILDISC, 245
Doppler velocimetry, 834 EI COMPENDEX, 245, 249
Dorf, Richard C., 610, 706, 707 EI CONFERENCES, 249
Dorian, A. F., 145 EI EEDISC, 245
Dosing Handbook, 808 EI ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT, 245
DOT Library, 1319 EI MECHDISC, 245
Drancsak, M., 306 EI PAGEONE, 249
DTIC Thesaurus, 243 EI PAPER VILLAGE, 246
Duggan, T. V., 1586 EIA standards, 1099
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for Plastics Electric Cables Handbook, 632
Engineering, 791 Electric Motor Handbook, 600
Electric Power Research Institute, 1050, 1412
E and MJ Buyers Guide, 867 Electric Vehicle Association of the
Eagle, Selwyn, 307 Americas, 1526
Eargle, John, 611 Electric Vehicle History and Online
Earth Abstractions, 1424 Archive, 1049
EARTH AND SPACE INDEX, 1444 Electric vehicles, 280
EARTH OBSERVATIONS PHOTOGRAPHY Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, 247, 258
DATABASE, 1266 Electrical and Electronics Graphic and
Earth Science—The Virtual Library, 909 Letter Symbols and Reference
Earth Science Review, 947 Designations, 1176
Earthquake Engineering, 244, 480, 571, 910, Electrical engineering, 163, 189, 257, 258,
911, 924, 929, 937, 938, 940, 393, 432, 468, 707, 724, 863-866,
944,1316, 1389, 1394 1099, 1107-1109, 1120, 1160, 1161,
bibliography, 315 1201, 1213, 1573, 1577, 1595, 1607,
database, 244 1620, 1623, 1636
244 dictionaries, 126, 133, 161, 166
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, digital library, 257
244, 480 directories, 12, 17-19
Earthquake Engineering Research encyclopedia, 121
Institute, 1389 handbooks, manuals, and tables, 596-659
Earthquake Engineering Research Internet resources, 968-978
Laboratory, 480 journals, 401-416
Earthquake Information: Reducing professional and trade associations,
Hazards, 910 organizations, and societies,
ENVIRONMENT INDEX, 244 standards, 126, 161, 1113, 1123, 1176
314 \ Index

Electrical Engineering—Virtual Library, Elsevier’s Dictionary of Hydrology and

972 Water Quality Management, 201
Electrical Engineering Handbook, 610 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Industrial
Electrical Engineering Reference Manual for Technology, 186
the PE Exam, 1636 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Machine Tools and
Electrical Standards Laboratory, 1142 Elements, 158
Electrical World Directory of Electric Power Elsevier’s Dictionary of Metallurgy and
Producers and Distributors, 17 Metal Working, 137
Electrochemical Society, 1413 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Microelectronics,
Electromagnetic compatibility, 1418, 1443 173
ELECTRON INTERACTIONS WITH PLASMA Elsevier’s Dictionary of Mining and
PROCESSING GASES, 1141 Mineralogy, 145
Electronic and Computer Industry Guide to Elsevier’s Dictionary of Nuclear Science
Chemical Safety and Environmental and Technology, 138
Compliance, 687 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Opto-electronics
Electronic Components: Selection and and Electro-optics, 176
Application Guidelines, 631 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Soil Mechanics and
Electronic Connector Handbook: Theory Geotechnical Engineering, 202
and Applications, 633 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Solar Technology,
Electronic Engineers Master Catalog, 18 177
Electronic Handbook on Communications Elsevier’s Dictionary of the Environment, 128
for Traffic Control and ITS Elsevier’s Dictionary of Water and
Applications. PC-Based Visual and Hydraulic Engineering, 203
Interactive Handbook for ITS (IVHS) Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, 1446
Communications Functions, 627 Employment and Salaries of Recent Doctoral
Electronic Highway Safety Library, 328 Graduates in Engineering:
Electronic Industries Alliance, 1099, 1120, Comprehensive Findings, 1559
1137, 1240 Encyclopedia of Acoustics, 74
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Encyclopedia of Associations and
Engineering, 917 Information Sources for Architects,
Electronic Journals, 342 Designers and Engineers, 6
Electronic Packaging Materials and Their Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology:
Properties, 789 Fermentation, Biocatalysis, and
Electronic Serial Numbers, 1137 Bioseparation, 77
Electronic Stress Tables, 822 Encyclopedia of Corrosion Technology, 111
Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Handbook, 652 Engineering, 121
Electronic warfare, 639 Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and
Electronics Engineers’ Handbook, 604 Remediation, 95, 96
Electronics Handbook, 658 Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and
Electronics Source Book, 19 Engineering, 106
Elias, Stephen, 708 Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water
Elliott, Thomas C., 823 Resources, 82
Elsevier Enviroinfo Research Service, 248 Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology, 69
Elsevier’s Dictionary of Automotive Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences and
Engineering in English, German, Engineering Information Sources, 112
French, Dutch and Polish, 192 Encyclopedia of PVC, 102
Elsevier’s Dictionary of Civil Engineering, Encyclopedia of Separation Technology, 108
157 Encyclopedias, 62-123
Elsevier’s Dictionary of Computer Science Energy, 115, 626, 648, 1047, 1050, 1295
and Mathematics, 183 databases, 116, 274
Elsevier’s Dictionary of Computers, dictionaries, 135, 147
Automatic Control and Data directories, 16, 39, 44, 52, 199
Processing, 136 encyclopedia, 68
statistics, 113
Index / 315

Energy and Fuels, 358 Engineering societies, 31

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Engineering Unit Conversions, 715
Network, 1298 Engineering Workforce Commission, 1440,
Energy Information Directory, 52, 1594
Energy Labeling Directive, 1179 Engineer’s Cost Handbook: Tools for
Energy Management Handbook, 651 Managing Project Costs, 756
DATABASE, 255 Engineer’s Guide to Lifelong Employability,
Energy Statistics Sourcebook, 113 1595
Energysearch—EPRI, 1050 Engineers’ Public Policy Council, 1440
Engineer’s Council for Professional Engineers’ Salaries: Special Industry
Development, 1561 Report, 1596, 1627
Engineered Wood Association, 509, 1498 Engines, 849
Engineering—Business and English-Spanish Glossary of the Electric
Economy—Yahoo, 983 Power Industry, 147
Engineering—Yahoo, 985 ENR’s Career Opportunities, 1597
Engineering and Mining Journal, 867 ENR’s Top Ranked Firms, 20
Engineering and Technology Degrees, 1587 EnviroLink—The Online Environmental
Engineering and Technology Enrollments, Community, 912
1588 Environment Canada, 1248
Engineering and Technology Environment Deskbook, 914
Management—Virtual Library, Environmental and Engineering
984 Geophysical Society, 1426
Engineering Case Studies, 1589 Environmental Compliance Made Easy: A
Engineering Central, 1590 Checklist Approach for Industry,
Engineering Coalition of Schools for 1170
Excellence in Education and Environmental Contaminant Reference
Leadership, 1591 Databook, 547
Engineering communication, 699, 703, 714 Environmental Contaminants
REPORTS, 249 Environmental Data on Organic
Engineering Council, 1592 Chemicals, 553
Engineering documentation, 703, 720, 721 Environmental Defense Fund, 936
Engineering Drawing Practices, 1150 Environmental Encyclopedia, 75
Engineering E-journal Search Engine, 335 Environmental Endocrine Disrupters: A
Engineering Formulas Interactive: Handbook of Property Data, 532
Conversions, Definitions, and Environmental engineering, 248, 1048
Tables, 729 bibliography, 307
Engineering Formulas, 709 database, 251
Engineering Geology Field Manual, 585 dictionaries, 139, 159, 168, 170, 181, 185
Engineering Handbook, 706 digital library, 250
Engineering-in-Training Reference Manual, directories, 20, 21, 27, 50
1612 encyclopedias, 68, 73, 75, 95, 96, 106,
Engineering Index, 245 119
Engineering Institute of Canada, 1453 glossary, 200
Engineering Libraries, 218 handbooks, manuals, and tables, 660-696
Engineering Licensure Laws: A journals, 417-421
State-by-State Summary and library, 270
Analysis, 1593 professional and trade associations,
Engineering Literature Guides, 305, 311, organizations, and societies,
326, 327, 476 1421-1436
Engineering Mathematics Handbook, 733 thesaurus, 148
Engineering News-Record, 20 Environmental Engineering Dictionary, 168
Engineering Procedures Handbook, 703 Environmental Engineering Education, 1586
316 \ Index

Environmental Engineering P.E. EurekAlert!, 986

Examination Guide and Handbook, European CE Mark Directives, 1179
1610 European Computer Manufacturers
Environmental Engineering Selection Guide, Association, 1173
21 European Directives, 1161, 1168
Environmental Engineers’ Handbook, 682 European Drinking Water Directives, 668
Environmental fate, 529, 530, 538-540 European Laboratory for Particle Physics,
Environmental Guide to the Internet, 686 1454
Environmental Health and Safety Related European Neural Network Society, 1402
WWW Sites, 913 European Patent Office, 987
Environmental impact statements, 273, 664, European Patents, 990
1350 European Society for Engineering
Environmental Impact Statements: A Education, 1598
Practical Guide for Agencies, European Society of Biomechanics, 353
Citizens, and Consultants, 680 European Sources of Scientific and
Environmental Industry Interactive, 1427 Technical Information, 308
Environmental Key Contacts and European Space Agency, 885
Information Sources, 27 European Telecommunications Standards
Environmental law Institute, 1100
dictionary, 167 European Telecommunications Terminal
Environmental Law Handbook, 692 Equipment Directive, 1157
Environmental Law Information Eversole, B. S., 22
Resources, 914 Everyday Math for the Building Trades, 511
Environmental Protection Agency Risk Exactly How Is Math Used in
Management Plan, 533 Technology?, 988
Environmental Resource Guide, 508 Executive Office of the President of the
Environmental RouteNet, 250 United States.
Environmental Science and Technology, Council on Environmental Quality, 1253
417 Experimental and Computational Fluid
POLLUTION MANAGEMENT, 251 Experimental Mechanics, 423
Environmental Site Assessment, Phase I: A Expert systems, 589
Basic Guide, 674 Expert witnesses, 3, 4, 41, 1082, 1110
Environmental Site Investigation Guidance Experts
Manual, 1177 directory, 24
Environmental Statutes, 1178 Explosives Classification Tracking System,
Environmental, Safety, and Health Data 1305
Compilation, 533 Explosives, 584, 1392
ENVOC: Multilingual Thesaurus of Extrusion Coating Manual, 760
Environmental Terms, 148
EPA Library, 1328 FAA Airspace Analysis Model, 1410
EPA Methods and Guidance for the FAA regulations, 1
Analysis of Water, 1237 FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, 504
EPA’S Updated Air Quality Standards for Fabricating Technology, 1499
Smog (Ozone) and Particulate Fabricator: Journal of Metal Forming, 1499
Matter, 1238 Fabricators and Manufacturers
Ergonomics in Design: The Magazine of Association International, 1499
Human Factors Applications, 422 Facilities Operations Engineering
Ergonomics, 36, 744, 750, 1020, 1023, 1484 Reference, 1478
ErgoWeb, 1020 Facility Manager’s Operation and
Estimating for Building and Civil Maintenance Handbook, 837
Engineering Works, 566 Facts About Modern Manufacturing, 1027
Ethanol, 816 Facts and Figures of the U.S. Plastics
Ethernet, 473 Industry, 1135
Ethics, 152, 697, 979, 1001, 1006, 1379 Faherty, Keith F., 563
Index / 317

Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Fire safety, 1124, 1538

Design, 817 FIREDOC Vocabulary List, 261
Farace, Joe, 149 Firenet Virtual Library, 1051
Farr, James R., 1180 First in the Web, But Where Are the Pieces,
Fastener Insignia Register, 1181 1002
Fastener Quality Act (FQA) Web Site, Fisher Scientific International, 868
1182 FIZ-Karlsruhe, 252
Fastening, 844 Flack, Heinz K., 150
Fate and Transport of Organic Chemicals in Flame retardants, 221
the Environment: A Practical Guide, Flammability Handbook for Plastics, 781
540 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Handbook, 1154
Plastics and Elastomers, 791 Flexible Packaging Association, 1102
FCC Technical Reports, 1347 Flexible Pavement Manual, 1376
Federal Aviation Act, 1320 Flick, Ernest W., 528
Federal Aviation Regulations, 1321 Flickinger, Michael C., 77
Federal Computer Products Center, 289 Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook,
Federal Depository Library Program, 298, 838
297 Fluid dynamics, 834, 848
Federal Facilities Council, 1347 Fluid Sealing Association, 1527
Federal Geographic Data Committee, Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers, 1376
1101 Fly Ash Resource Center, 915
Federal Information Processing Standards Foreign Science and Technology
Publications, 1141 Information Sources in the Federal
Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, 228 Government and Select Private
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Sector Organizations, 51
1325 Forest Products Society, 1356
Federal Register Online, 1334 Formula Handbook for Environmental
FEDERAL RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Engineers and Scientists, 662
DATABASE, 255 Fraden, Jacob, 613
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 1178 Francillon, Rene J., 78
Federation of Societies for Coatings Francis, Raymond L., 79
Technology, 431, 1500 Frawley, Gerard, 23
FED-STD-1037C—Telecommunications: Free Online Dictionary of Computing, 151
Glossary of Telecommunications Freeman, Harry, 670
Terms, 1231 Freeman, Roger L., 614, 615
FedWorld Information Network, 1254, Friction, Lubrication and Wear
1285, 1289 Technology, 758
Female Engineering Faculty at U. S. Friedman, Norman, 80
Institutions: A Databook, 1599 Full Sources Online, 337
Fenton, John, 824-826 Functional and Logic Programming
Ferroalloys Association, 859 Languages, 592
FGDC Standards Reference Model, 1101 1141
Filters and Filtration Handbook, 527 Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
Filtration, 525, 527, 548, 555 Discipline-Specific Reference
Finding Guide to AIAA Papers, 1074 Handbook, 1618
Finite Element Modeling Continuous Fundamentals of Engineering Design, 713
Improvement, 1261 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics, 848
Fire and Explosion Hazards Handbook of Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, 853
Industrial Chemicals, 526 Furht, Borivoje, 616, 617
Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Gaither, Carl C., 152
Materials, 669 Galambos, Theodore V., 564
Fire Protection Handbook, 827 Galaxy: Engineering and Technology, 989
318 \ Index

Galaxy: Manufacturing and Processing, Geotechnical Engineering—Virtual

1021 Library, 917
Gallagher, Lynn M., 671 Geotextiles, 1501
Galloping Gertie, 945 Geothermal Direct Use Engineering and
Garfield, Eugene, 336 Design Guidebook, 575
Garrou, Philip E., 618 Geothermal Energy Association, 1552
GAS ABSTRACTS ONLINE DATABASE, 1372 Geothermal Resources Council, 1553
Gas Research Institute, 1550 Gerhart, James, 511
Gas standards, 1072 Getting Started as a Consulting Engineer,
Gasket Fabricators Association, 1103 1613
GASLINE DATABASE, 1372 Gibson, Jerry D., 619, 620
Gaur, Siddhartha, 777 Gieck, Kurt, 709
Gawdiak, I. Y., 81 Gilpin, Alan, 153
Gaylord, Edwin H., 565 Global Change Master Directory, 1262
Gear standards, 1073 Global Engineering Documents, 1182
Geddes, Spence, 566 Global Environmental Management
GEM: National Consortium for Graduate Initiative, 1428
Degrees for Minorities in GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, 254
Engineering and Science, 1600 Global positioning systems, 918
General engineering Glocker, David A., 778
handbooks, manuals, and tables, 697-738 Glossary of Biotechnology Terms, 179
Internet resources, 979-1015 Glossary of Microscopical Terms and
journals, 422-425 Definitions, 195
professional and trade associations, Glossary of Microscopy and
organizations, and societies, Microanalytical Terms, 154
1437-1473 Glossary of Reliability and Maintenance
General Graphics Interface, 1104 Terms, 171
General Industry Air Contaminants Glossary of Seal Terms, 1541
Standards, 229 Glossary of the Petroleum Industry:
General Industry Digest: Safety and Health English/Spanish, Spanish/English,
Standards, 1196 187
General Information Concerning Patents, Glossary of Transit Terms, 1380
1255 Goheen, Steven, 673
Genium’s Handbook of Safety, Health, and Goldblatt, W., 309
Environmental Data for Common Goodowens, James B., 512
Hazardous Substances, 529 Gopel, W., 621
Genovesi, Robert, 24 Gotoh, Keishi, 779
Geographic information systems, 948, 1377 WEB SITES, 1342
Geographic Names Information System, GovCon, 1343
1312 Government Information on the Internet,
Geology and the Environment-An 1348
Internet-Based Resource Guide, Government-related resources
916 Internet resources, 1342-1350
Geomembranes, 1501 Governments on the WWW, 1344
GEOnet Names Server, 1312 GOVNEWS, 1345
Geophysical Abstracts in Press Online, 1444 GPS (Global Positioning System)
Geophysical Exploration for Engineers and Overview, 918
Environmental Investigations, 672, 1601
GEOREF DATABASE, 1378 Grandchamp, Tupula M., 155
Geoscience Information Society, 1551 Grant, Sandra Kathryn, 25
Geosynthetics Bibliography, 1501 GRAPHBIB: BIBLIOGRAPHY COMPUTER
Geotechnical Engineering GRAPHICS DATABASE, 310
dictionary, 202 Graphics, Visualization and Usability
index, 253 Center, 464
Index / 319

Green design, 1048 Handbook for Sound Engineers: The New

Green Lane, 1248 Audio Cyclopedia, 597
Grey literature, 455-499 Handbook of Acoustics, 606
index, 249 Handbook of Air Pollution from Internal
Grinding Wheel Institute, 1105 Combustion Engines: Pollutant
Grist, Edward, 828 Formation and Control, 849
Gross, M., 156 Handbook of Applied Cryptography, 590
Ground Water Litigation Bibliography, 321 Handbook of Applied Expert Systems, 589
GROUND WATER ON-LINE, 1393 Handbook of Applied Superconductivity:
Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Vol. 1—Fundamental Theory, Basic
539 Hardware and Low-Temperature
Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Science and Technology, 801
Analysis Center, 1390 Handbook of Automotive Body and Systems
GSM and Personal Communications Design, 824
Handbook, 638 Handbook of Automotive Body Construction
Guidance Document. Measuring Recycling: and Design Analysis, 825
A Guide for State and Local Handbook of Automotive Powertrain and
Governments, 1236 Chassis Design, 826
Guide Specification for Seismic Isolation Handbook of Battery Materials, 601
Design, 1068 Handbook of Bolts and Bolted Joints, 700
Guide Specifications for Highway Handbook of Character Recognition and
Construction, 1068 Document Image Analysis, 602
Guide to National Professional Certification Handbook of Charged Particle Optics, 635
Programs, 1571 Handbook of Chemical Technology and
Guide to NIST: National Institute of Pollution Control, 531
Standards and Technology, 1141 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Guide to Nondestructive Testing of Concrete, CRCnetBASE, 537
1172 Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in
Guide to Reference and Standard Image Algebra, 640
Atmosphere Models, 1183 Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering, 554
Guide to Software Engineering Standards Handbook of Current Science and
and Specifications, 1199 Technology, 701
Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Handbook of Die Design, 855
Structures, 564 Handbook of Diffusion and Thermal
Guide to Standards and Specifications for Properties of Polymers and Polymer
Design Web Software, 1200 Solutions, 522
Guide to the Project Management Body of Handbook of Drinking Water Quality, 668
Knowledge, 1129 Handbook of Electrical Design Details, 649
Guide to Writing as an Engineer, 699 Handbook of Electrical Tables and Design
Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section Criteria, 605
VIII Pressure Vessels, 1180 Handbook of Energy Engineering, 648
Guidelines for Producing Quality Symbols, Handbook of Environmental Analysis:
1184 Chemical Pollutants in Air, Water,
Gupta, Mool C., 622 Soil and Solid Wastes, 542
Gutierrez, M. F., 157, 158 Handbook of Environmental Contaminants:
A Guide for Site Assessment, 689
Habashi, Fathi, 780 Handbook of Environmental Fate and
Haines, Roger W., 829 Exposure Data for Organic
Half Century of Maritime Technology: Chemicals, 530
1943-1993, 1540 Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy, 780
Hamming, Richard W., 1602 Handbook of Fiber Optic Data
Handbook for Preparing Engineering Communication, 609
Documents: From Concept to Handbook of Fillers: The Definitive User’s
Completion, 720 Guide and Databook of Properties,
Effects and Uses, 555
320 \ Index

Handbook of Filter Media, 548 Handbook of the Acoustic Characteristics of

Handbook of Fluid Dynamics and Fluid Turbomachinery Cavities, 502
Machinery, 848 Handbook of Thermoplastic Piping System
Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, 834 Design, 851
Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Handbook of Thermoplastics, 788
Signal Processing, 636 Handbook of Thin Film Process
Handbook of Function and Generalized Technology, 778
Function Transformations, 737 Handbook of Vacuum Science and
Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, 561 Technology, 832
Handbook of Human Factors and Handbook to the Uniform Mechanical Code,
Ergonomics, 750 1112
Handbook of Hydraulics for the Solution of Hanel, Najwa L. Nabti, 311
Hydraulic Engineering Problems, Hanford Abbreviation and Acronym
819 Directory, 1310
Handbook of Industrial Diamonds and Hanford High-Level Waste Vitrification
Diamond Films, 794 Program at the Pacific Northwest
Handbook of Integral Equations, 724 National Laboratory: Technology
Handbook of Internet and Multimedia Development Annotated
Systems and Applications, 616 Bibliography, 318
Handbook of Laser Wavelengths, 655 Hanlon, Joseph F., 740
Handbook of Lighting Surveys and Audits, Harbin, Andrew L., 1603
612 Harris, Cyril M., 830
Handbook of Lubrication, 1541 Harris, John W., 710
Handbook of Mathematics and Harvest Technical Report Broker, 455
Computational Science, 710 Hawkins, Donald T., 337
Handbook of Micro/Nanotribology, 761 Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary,
Handbook of Microscopy: Applications in 169
Materials Science, Solid-State Hazard Prevention Magazine, 1472
Physics and Chemistry, 757 Hazardous Chemical Safety Guide for the
Handbook of Modern Manufacturing Machining and Metalworking
Techniques, 742 Industries, 544
Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference, 535
Designs, and Applications, 613 Hazardous Materials Advisory Council,
Handbook of Multimedia Computing, 616, 1429
617 Hazardous Materials Handbook for
Handbook of Object Technology, 595 Emergency Responders, 552
Handbook of Optics CD-ROM, 598 Hazardous Materials Handbook, 545
Handbook of Optomechanical Engineering, Hazardous Materials Information Exchange,
596 1326
Handbook of Package Engineering, 740 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act,
Handbook of Photonics, 622 1215
Handbook of Physics and Chemistry, 662 Hazardous materials, 213, 526, 529, 532,
Handbook of Plastics Joining, 791 541, 544, 545, 552, 669, 1324, 1326,
Handbook of Plastics Testing Technology, 1429
Handbook of Power, 1519 RELEASE/HEALTH EFFECTS
Handbook of Programming Languages, 592 DATABASE, 213
Handbook of Recording Engineering, 611 Hazardous Substances Resource Guide, 546
Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information
Methodology, Advances, (CLU-IN) Web Site, 919
Applications, and Practice, 698 Hazardous Waste Management Compliance
Handbook of Statistical Methods for Handbook, 676
Engineers and Scientists, 736 Hazardous wastes, 106, 321, 670, 904
Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Hazards and Risks—Virtual Library, 920
Diagrams, 810 HAZDAT, 213
Index / 321

HCI Bibliography: Human-Computer HP Labs Technical Reports, 465

Interaction Resources, 312 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
HCI-Sites, 1022 422, 424, 1480
He, Jimin, 711 Human factors, 424, 750, 1017
Headworth, Howard, 159 Human Fatigue Resource Directory, 1323
Health and Safety at Hazardous Waste Sites: Human power, 1532
An Investigator’s and Remediator’s Human-computer interaction, 317, 750, 952,
Guide to HAZWOPER, 683 1022
Heat and mass transfer, 83 bibliography, 312
Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, 831 Human-Computer Interaction Institute and
Heat Treater’s Guide: Practices and Information Technology Center, 461
Procedures for Nonferrous Alloys, Hunt, T., 570
769 Hurt, Charlie D., 313
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning Hussey, Bob, 26
systems, 847 Hutchings, Jonathan F., 1187
Heat-Resistant Materials, 774 HVAC Principles and Applications Manual,
Heisler, Sanford I., 712 840
Helbig, Klaus, 567 HVAC Pump Handbook, 847
Held, Gilbert, 160 HVAC Systems Design Handbook, 829
Herschy, Reginald W., 82 Hybrid Microcircuit Technology Handbook:
Hess, Kathleen, 674 Materials, Processes, Design,
Hewitt, Geoffrey F., 83, 831 Testing and Production, 784
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, 465 Hydraulic Engineering, 587, 819, 1379
HIGH ENERGY DATABASE, 485 dictionary, 201, 203
HIGH RISE BUILDINGS DATABASE, 1358 encyclopedia, 82
Highway Capacity Manual, 568 Hydraulic Handbook, 570
Highway Design and Traffic Engineering Hydraulic Institute, 841
Handbook, 573 Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician’s
Highway Engineering Handbook: Building and Engineer’s Guide, 845
and Rehabilitating the Infrastructure, Hydrogen Assisted Cracking Preheat
558 Calculator, 1045
Highway Safety Act, 1325 Hyman, Barry I., 713
Highway Statistics, 586 HyperLearning Center, 1605
Hilado, Carlos J., 781 Hypertext Bibliography Project, 314
Hill, Susan T., 1604
Historic American Buildings Survey, 894 IAEA IMAGE DATABASE, 1558
Historic American Engineering Record, 894 IBM Intellectual Property Network, 990
256 IC Manufacturers, 869
Hocking, Martin B., 531 ICASE Technical Reports, 1274
Hoffman, Dorothy M., 832 ICE—Internet Connections for
Hoffman, Edward S., 569 Engineering, 991
Hornsby, Arthur G., 675 ICE JAM DATABASE, 1293
Hot Working Guide: A Compendium of Ichida, Takashi, 741
Processing Maps, 793 IEEE Communications Letters, 402
How Products Are Made: An Illustrated IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 403
Guide to Product Manufacturing, IEEE Professional Communication
751 Society, 1606
How the New Technology Works, 72 IEEE SCC32—Standards Coordinating
How to Get It: A Guide to Defense Related Committee on Intelligent
Information Resources, 494 Transportation Systems, 1106
How To Make Patent Drawings Yourself, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and
716 Electronics Terms, 161
How to Succeed As an Engineer: A Practical IEEE Standards, 1109, 1188
Guide to Enhance Your Career, 1639
Hoyle, David, 1186
322 \ Index

IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Impact Factor, 336

Computer Science, 314 Imperative Programming Languages, 592
IEEE Technical Activities Guide, 1414 Incorporated Research Institutions for
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Seismology Consortium Website,
Packaging, 404 924
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Index of DSCC Mil Specs and Drawings,
Engineering, 352 1233
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 405 Index of Flame Retardants: An International
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 393 Guide to More than 1000 Products
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems by Trade Name, Chemical,
Technology, 406 Application, and Manufacture, 221
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Index of Watershed Indicators, 1329
407 Index to EPA Test Methods, 1239
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Index to Scientific and Technical
Remote Sensing, 366 Proceedings, 466
IEEE Transactions on Industry Indoor air quality, 684
Applications, 408 Indoor Pollution: A Reference Handbook,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data 684
Engineering, 394 Induced Earthquake Bibliography, 315
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 409 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Research, 359
453 Industrial chemicals, 526
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Industrial Control Handbook, 749
Automation, 410 Industrial Design—Design Arts—Yahoo,
IEEE Transactions on Software 1023
Engineering, 395 Industrial Electronics Handbook, 623
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Industrial engineering
Technology, 411 dictionaries, 162, 186
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and directory, 36
Computer Graphics, 396 handbooks, manuals, and tables, 739-756
IEEE/IEE Electronic Library, 257 Internet resources, 1016-1032
IESNA Lighting Handbook, 1107 journal, 427
IESNA Recommended Practices, 1107 professional and trade associations,
IGT PUBLICATIONS DATABASE GAS organizations, and societies,
ABSTRACTS, 1372 1474-1488
IIE Solutions, 427, 1482 standards, 162
Ikonomou, Charlene, 27 Industrial Engineering—Virtual Library,
Illuminating Engineering Society Of 1024
North America, 1107 Industrial Engineering Terminology, 162
Illustrated Almanac of Science, Technology, Industrial Ergonomics Handbook, 744
and Invention: Day by Day, Facts, Industrial Gaseous Leak Detection Manual,
Figures, and the Fanciful, 79 534
Illustrated Dictionary of Metalworking and Industrial hygiene, 1474
Manufacturing Technology, 165 Industrial materials, 536, 545, 666
Illustrated Engineering Dictionary: Industrial Refrigeration Handbook, 854
German-English, English-German, Industrial Solvents Handbook, 519, 528
150 Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of
Illustrated Guide to the Techniques and Recommended Practice, 1148
Equipment of Electronic Warfare, Industrial Wastewater Systems Handbook,
639 690
Illustrated Handbook of Physical-Chemical Industry Reference Handbooks: Computers
Properties and Environmental Fate and Software, 28
for Organic Chemicals, 538 Industry Search, 29
Image Algebra C++ Library, 640 Industry, Trade and Technology Review,
Image Processing Handbook, 641 1337
Index / 323, 30 Institute of Physics, 778, 801, 1004, 1455

Information and Computation Institute of Transportation Engineers,
Bibliography, 316 367, 581, 582, 1110, 1138
Information Display, 1405 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 235,
Information Interchange Format (Z39.2), 247, 257, 258, 1416
1126 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 719,
Information Processing Letters, 314 1530
Information Retrieval (Z39.50), 1126 Instrument Society of America, 33
Information Sources in Engineering, 323 Integral equations, 724
Information Sources in Environmental Integrated circuits, 618
Protection, 307 Integrated product and process development,
Information Sources in Grey Literature, 459 1488
Information Sources in Science and Intellectual property, 1246, 1570
Technology, 313 Intelligent transportation systems, 25, 280,
Information System Consultant’s Handbook: 294, 627, 925, 931, 942, 1106, 1123,
System Analysis and Design, 608 1207 Government Guide, 1346 Intelligent Transportation Systems
Infrared Spectroscopy Atlas, 1500 Electronic Document Library, 294
Infrastructure Technology Institute, 1391 InterDok Directory of Published Proceedings.
Innovative Transportation Technologies, Series SEMT: Science, Engineering,
921 Medicine, Technology, 468
INSPEC, 235, 247, 258, 1416 Intermodal Surface Transportation
Institute for Computer Applications in Efficiency Act, 1391
Science and Engineering, 1274 Internal combustion engines, 849
Institute for Interconnecting and International Abstracts in Operations
Packaging Electronic Circuits, Research, 1481
1108, 1240 International Aerospace Abstracts, 212
Institute for Operations Research and the International Association for Continuing
Management Sciences, 1481 Engineering Education, 1608
Institute for Research in Cognitive International Association for Cryptologic
Science, 489 Research, 1401
Institute for Scientific Information, 240, International Astronautical Federation and
299, 466 the International Council on the
Institute of Biological Engineering, 1363 Aeronautical Sciences, 1074
Institute of Electrical and Electronics International Atomic Energy Agency, 1558
Engineers, 126, 161, 257, 352, 366, International Building Code, 1112
402-411, 450, 453, 720, 1157, 1176, International Business Machines, 469
1188, 1240, 1414, 1441, 1573, 1577, INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL
1595, 1606, 1607, 1609, 1628 INFORMATION DATABASE, 259
Computer Society, 393, 394, 396, 470, INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL SAFETY
959, 1203, 1400 CARDS, 228
Electron Devices Society, 397, 432 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERING
Standards Association, 1109 ABSTRACTS DATABASE, 260
Institute of Electrical and Electronics International Classification for Industrial
Engineers Canada, 1415 Designs, 1015
Institute of Environmental Sciences, 1240 International Code Council, 1111, 1112,
Institute of Gas Technology, 1372 1189
Institute of Industrial Engineers, 427 1482 International Conference of Building
Institute of Medicine, 1459-1461 Officials, 509, 1111, 1112, 1189
Institute of Navigation, 1528 International Conference of High
Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Performance Computing and
1529 Communication, 470
Institute of Packaging Professionals, 194 International Council of Scientific Unions.
Institute of Paper Science and Technology, Committee on Data for Science and
246 Technology, 1456
324 \ Index

International Council on Systems International Patent Applications, 990

Engineering, 1483 International Patent Classification, 1015
International Dictionary of Artificial International Patent Cooperation Treaty, 990
Intelligence, 188 International Petroleum Encyclopedia, 84
International Dictionary of Data International Plastics Selector, 870
Communications, 191 International Plumbing Code, 1093
International Directory of Design: International Private Sewage Disposal Code,
Architecture, Urban Planning and 1093
Landscape Design, 34 International Property Maintenance Code,
International Directory of Design: Computer 1093
Graphics, Multimedia and International Research Centers Directory,
Animation, 35 32
International Directory of Design: Industrial International Safety Management Code,
and Product Design, 36 1114
International Directory of Engineering International Society for Measurement
Societies and Related Organizations, and Control, 1116, 1441
31 International Society for Optical
International Directory of Military Aircraft, Engineering, 1417
23 International Society of Allied Weight
International Electrotechnical Engineers, 1353
Commission, 1113, 1240 International Society of Biomechanics,
International Encyclopedia of Heat and 353, 1364
Mass Transfer, 83 International Society of Explosives
International Energy Annual, 116 Engineers, 1392
International Energy Statistics Sourcebook, International System of Units, 734, 1145,
113 1219
International Engineering Consortium, International Telecommunication Union,
1457 174, 1117
International Ergonomics Association, International Thermoelectric Society, 978
1484 International Union of Crystallography, 1036
International Federation of Automatic International Union of Materials Research
Control, 1441 Societies, 1503
International Federation of Consulting International Union of Testing and
Engineers, 1458 Research Laboratories for
International Geosynthetics Society, 1501 Materials and Structures, 1118
International Ground Source Heat Pump International Zoning Code, 1093
Association, 1531 Internet
International Historic Mechanical directory, 503
Engineering Landmark, 1283 guide, 686
International Human Powered Vehicle handbook, 711
Association, 1532 Internet Architecture Board, 1119, 1191
International Joint Workshop on Artificial Internet Best Current Practices, 1190
Intelligence and Operations Internet Electronic Library Project, 334
Research, 488 Internet Engineering Task Force, 1119
International Journal of Engineering Internet FAQ Archives, 953
Science, 425, 1468 Internet Geotechnical Engineering
International Liquid Crystal Society, 1502 Magazine, 917
International Maritime Organization, Internet Pilot to Physics, 992
1114 Internet Protocol Standards, 1190
International Mechanical Code, 1093, 1189 Internet Public Library, 1008
International Neural Network Society, Internet Requests for Comments, 1190
1402 Internet Resources for Engineers: A
International Organization for Practical Handbook for Engineers
Standardization, 1115, 1135, 1208, and Students, 711
Index / 325

Internet Resources for Highway Japanese Patent Office, 996

Engineering, 922 Japanese patents, 987
Internet Resources for Science and Japanese technical resources, 15, 285, 995
Technology, 993 Japan-United States Science and Technology
Internet resources, 884-1065 Agreement, 268
Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP Archives, Jason, N. H., 261
953, 1190 JEDEC Solid State Technology Association,
Internet Society, 1119 1120
Internet Software Guide for Engineers, JEDEC Standards, 1099, 1120
923 Jefferson’s Welding Encyclopedia, 103
Internet standards, 1119, 1191 JET IMPINGEMENT DATABASE, 982
Internet, 473, 616, 732, 752 Johnson, Alford, 513
Internet2, 954 Johnson, Godlind
Interpretation of the SI for the United States Johnson, Perry L., 1192
and Federal Government Metric Johnson, Richard W., 834
Conversion Policy, 1225 Joint Electron Device Engineering
Interstate Renewable Energy Council, 16 Council, 1120
Inventure Place—The National Inventors Joint SIGART/ILC/IJCAI/CSCSI Directory
Hall of Fame, 994 of AI Societies and Organizations,
IoPP Glossary of Packaging Terminology, 1404
194 JOM, 430
Iron and Steel Engineer, 1493 Jones, William, 742
Iron and Steel Society, 429, 1504 Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 346
Iron and Steelmaker, 429 Journal of Aircraft, 347
Irwin, J. David, 623, 1609 Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 1364
ISA Directory of Instrumentation, 33, 1116 Journal of Applied Mechanics, 440
ISIS CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 1357
HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 256 Journal of Architectural Engineering, 351
ISO 14000, 75, 1077, 1081, 1115 Journal of Biomechanics, 1364
ISO 14001, 941, 1139 Journal of Biomechanics, 353
ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook, 1186 Journal of Bridge Engineering, 368
ISO 9000, 1, 30, 703, 1081, 1115, 1139, Journal of Chemical and Engineering
1186, 1192, 1211 Data, 360
ISO/QS 9000 Yearbook, 1192 Journal of Chemical Education Online, 896
Issues in Science and Technology Journal of Coatings Technology, 431, 1500
Librarianship, 922 Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 369
ITE Journal, 367 Journal of Composites for Construction,
ITE Transportation Expert Witness Council 370
Directory, 1110 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,
ITS Cooperative Deployment Network, 371
925 Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement,
ITS Market Resource Guide: A Reference and Control, 441
Guide: Federal, State and Local Journal of Electronic Materials, 432
Contacts in Intelligent Journal of Energy Resources Technology,
Transportation Systems, 25 442
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and
Jackson, Charles N., 833 Power, 443
JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 361 Journal of Engineering Materials and
Jane’s Transport Library, 85 Technology, 444
JANNAF Conference Papers, 471 Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 372
JANUS Web, 1055 Journal of Environmental Engineering,
Japan Information Access Project, 995 419
Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 439,
285, 252 1538
Japanese Neural Network Society, 1402 Journal of Fluids Engineering, 445
326 \ Index

Journal of Geotechnical and Journal of Tribology, 449

Geoenvironmental Engineering, 373 Journal of Urban Planning and
Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Development, 381
348 Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology,
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 374 1516
Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 375 Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and
Journal of Injection Molding Technology, Ocean Engineering, 382
1516 JPT: Journal of Petroleum Technology, 451
Journal of Management in Engineering, Juran Institute, 1025
376 Juran, Joseph M., 743
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Juran’s Quality Handbook, 743
Engineering, 446 Jurgen, Ronald, 624
Journal of Materials Engineering and
Performance, 433 Kaplan, Steven M., 163
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Karnofsky, Brian, 676
377 Karwowski, Waldemar, 744
Journal of Materials Research, 434 Kavazanjian, E., 571
Journal of Mechanical Design, 447 Keeping America Informed, 1333
Journal of Physical and Chemical Keith, Lawrence H., 532, 677
Reference Data, 361 Kennedy, Felicitas, 164
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Kett, Irving, 572
Data, 523 Key to Steel, 1241
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 448 Keys, W. Scott, 678
Journal of Professional Issues in Kimber, Raymond J., 745
Engineering Education and King, R. Barry, 679
Practice, 378 King, W. Christopher, 1610
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 349 Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
Journal of Quality Technology, 1081 Technology, 67, 86
Journal of Rheology, 1517 Kliment, Stephen A., 714
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 350 Kline, Andrew A., 533
Journal of Structural Engineering, 379 Knarr, Orvis M., 534
Journal of Technology Computer Aided Knott, B. A., 317
Design, 397 Knowledge Diffusion in the U.S. Aerospace
Journal of the A&WMA, 1421 Industry: Managing Knowledge for
Journal of the ACM, 398 Competitive Advantage, 481
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Kovacs, Gregory T. A., 625
America, 412 Krar, Steve F., 165
Journal of the Air and Waste Kreith, Frank, 626, 835
Management Association, 418 Kreske, Diori L., 680
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I., 86
1490 Kuo, Jeff, 681
Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 1352 Kutz, Myer, 836
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Kverneland, Knut O., 1193
413 Kwan, B. W., 627
Journal of The Electrochemical Society,
1413 Lamm, Ruediger, 573
Journal of the Optical Society of America Land Ban Lists, 1156
A: Optics, Image Science and Land Surveying and Geomatics, 926
Vision, 414 Land Surveying Info, 927
Journal of the Optical Society of America Land Surveying Rules, Regulations, Statutes
B: Optical Physics, 415 and Minimum Technical Standards,
Journal of the Society for Information 1194
Display, 1405 Land Surveyor Reference Manual, 1603
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Land Surveyors Online, 928
380 Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering, 87
Index / 327

Laplante, Philip, 166 Logistics management, 1479

Large dams, 1397 Low Voltage Directive, 1213
Larson, D. E., 318 Lower-layer protocols, 646
Lauzzana, Raymond, 34-36 Lubricants, 820
Lead Regulation Handbook, 1215 Lucas, Michael J., 502
Leak testing, 833 Lund, John W., 575
Lee, C. C., 167, 168 Lyons, R. M., 320
Lee, Jhong S., 628
Lee, Norman C., 782 Macaulay, David, 89
Lemoff, Theodore C., 1195 Machine design, 850
Leonard, Barry, 37, 1196 Machine learning, 964, 956
Levin, Ernest M., 783 Machinery Safety Directive, 1179
Levine, William S., 629 Machinery’s Handbook: A Reference Book
Levy, Sidney M., 574 for the Mechanical Engineer,
Lewis’ Dictionary of Toxicology, 170 Designer, Manufacturing Engineer,
Lewis, Bernard T., 837 Draftsman, Toolmaker, and
Lewis, Richard J., 169, 535, 536 Machinist, 748
Lewis, Robert Alan, 170 Machining, 544, 856
LEXIS-NEXIS, 337 Mack, William C., 1198
Ley, Michael, 319 Mackay, Donald, 538
LFRD Bridge Design Specifications, 1068 Madisetti, Vijay K., 630
Library of Congress, 81, 894 Madrid System, 1015
Science and Technology Division, 304 Magee, Stan, 1199, 1200
THOMAS, 1256 Mallick, P. K., 785
Library Without Walls: Manufacturing, Manual of Bioassessment of Aquatic
1026 Sediment Quality, 685
Licari, James J., 784 Manual of Biocorrosion, 809
Lide, David R., 537 Manual of Patent Examining Procedure,
Liebowitz, Jay, 589 717
Life Safety Code Handbook, 1171 Manual of Remote Sensing, 580
Lifelong Learning for Professional Manual of U.S. Patent Classification, 718
Engineers – A Report of the Manufacturers Standardization Society, 1173
Canadian Academy of Engineering, Manufacturing
1574 database, 278
Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association, dictionary, 165
1359 directory, 38
Linda Hall Library, 262, 993, 1473 handbook, 90
Lindeburg, Michael R., 715, 1611-1614 Manufacturing And The Internet: An
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code Handbook, Information Guide For Professionals
1195 In Manufacturing Organizations, 747
LIQUID CRYSTAL DATABASE, 982 Manufacturing Central, 1027
Liquid Crystals Today, 1502 Manufacturing Engineering—Buyers
Little Adsorption Book: A Practical Guide Guide, 871
for Engineers and Scientists, 520 Manufacturing Engineering, 742, 755, 1021,
Little Languages and Tools, 592 1026, 1028, 1306, 1539
Liu, David H. F., 682 Manufacturing Handbook and Buyer’s
Living Almanac of Disasters, 88 Guide/Plastics Technology, 90
Lo, Jack, 716 Manufacturing Marketplace, 38
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD):, 872
Manual of Steel Construction, Metric Marine Technology Society, 1533
Conversion of 2 Edition, 1226 Mark, James E., 786
Locano Agreement, 1015 Marks’ Standard Handbook for
Locating Codes and Standards, 1197 Mechanical Engineers, 813
Logic Programming—Virtual Library, Martin, Donald H., 91
955 Martin, James N., 746
328 \ Index

Maslansky, Steven P., 683 McGraw-Hill Internetworking Handbook,

Masonry Codes and Specifications 646
Handbook, 1162 McGraw-Hill Machining and Metalworking
Masonry Institute of America, 557 Handbook, 856
Mass spectra, 271 McGraw-Hill Multimedia Encyclopedia of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Science and Technology, 94
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 472 McGraw-Hill Standard Handbook of
MIT Laboratory for Computer Structural Details for Building
Science, 473 Construction, 577
Masters, Robert, 321 McGraw-Hill’s National Electrical Code
Material Environmental Data Sheets, 807 Handbook, 1201
Material safety data sheets, 552, 753, 807 McKenna, Ted, 171
Materials Engineering, 785, 802 McPartland, Joseph F., 1201
database, 265 Means Building Construction Cost Data, 514
handbooks, manuals, and tables, 757-811 Means Concrete and Masonry Cost Data,
index, 263 515
Internet resources, 1033-1045 Means Costworks, 516
journals, 428-436 Means Mechanical Cost Data, 517
professional and trade associations, Measurement Instrumentation and Sensors
organizations, and societies, Handbook, 656
1489-1518 Mechanical engineering
Materials Handbook: An Encyclopedia for dictionary, 175
Managers, Technical Professionals, handbooks, manuals, and tables, 812-857
Purchasing and Production history, 87
Managers, Technicians, and Internet resources, 1046-1058
Supervisors, 762 journals, 437-450
Materials Producers Directory, 1492 professional and trade associations,
Materials Research Society, 434, 435, 1506 organizations, and societies,
263 Mechanical Engineering—WWW Virtual
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Library, 1052
Engineering: A Comprehensive Mechanical Engineering Handbook, 835
Guide, 726 Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual
Mathematical Reviews, 264, 1447 for the PE Exam, 1614
Mathematics, 710, 988, 1447, 1466, 1564 Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook, 836
digital library, 264 Mechanical Seals, 1527
encyclopedia, 122 Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices
handbooks, 733, 511, 738 Sourcebook, 821
Mathematics WWWVirtual Library, 997 Meeks, K. W., 322
Mathieu, Richard G., 747 Meeldijk, Victor, 631
MATHSCINET, 264, 1447 megaConverter, 998
Matthews, Clifford, 719 Menezes, Alfred, 590
McAllister, E. W., 576 Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of
McGraw-Hill 1999 Yearbook of Science and Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals,
Technology, 92 71
McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Merry, John A., 503
Science and Technology, 93, 728 Message Interface Passing Forum, 1217
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering, METADEX, 266
182 Metal Finishing Supplier’s Association, 1509
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Metal finishing, 644, 1509
Technical Terms, 93, 94, 182, 782 Metal Industry Indicators, 1311, 1314
McGraw-Hill Electronic Structural Detail Metal Industry Surveys, 117
Library, 577 Metal Injection Molding Association, 1121
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Metal injection molding, 792
Technology, 92, 94
Index / 329

Metal Powder Industries Federation, 792, Miller, Richard W., 838

1121, 1220 Mineral Commodity Summaries, 1311
Metalforming OnLine, 873 Mineral Gallery, 874
Metallurgy, 767, 772, 773, 780, 787 Minerals Yearbook, 118, 1311
database, 266 Minerals, Metals and Materials Society,
dictionaries, 132, 137 430, 432, 1508
encyclopedia, 111 Mining Engineering, 452
Metals Abstracts, 266 Mining Engineering, 253, 867, 1378, 1546,
Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering 1548, 1555
System, 1202 dictionaries, 145, 207
Metals Black Book. Ferrous Metals, 765 handbook, 9
Metals Databook, 787 Internet resources, 1059-1064
Metals Handbook, 775 journals, 451-452
Metals Red Book. Nonferrous Metals, 766 professional and trade associations,
Metals/Materials. Internet Tools of the organizations, and societies,
Profession, 1037 1545-1556
217, 1424 MIT Guide to Science and Engineering
Metric Conversion Policy for Federal Communication, 721
Agencies, 1225 MITRE Corporation.
Metric Standards for Worldwide Center for Advanced Aviation System
Manufacturing, 1193 Development, 475
Metric System of Measurement: Mobile and Wireless Computing Index-
Interpretation of the International WWW Virtual Library, 957
System of Units for the United States, Mobile Telecommunications: Standards,
1225 Regulation, and Applications, 1153
Metric Usage in Federal Government Mobility for the 21st Century: A Blueprint
Programs, 1225 for the Future, 1380
Metrication, 143, 702, 1145, 1194, 1225 Model Energy Code, 1143
Metrology for Radio-Frequency Technology: Model Letters and Memos: A Handbook for
A Bibliography of NIST Publications, Scientists and Engineers, 731
320 Moderate Resolution Imaging
Meyers, Robert A., 95, 96 Spectrometer, 889
Microelectronics, 173, 784 Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, 97
Microelectronics Packaging Handbook on Modern Steel Construction, 1075
CD-ROM, 650 Molded Packings, 1527
Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, Montgomery, John H., 506, 539
625 Monthly Catalog of U. S. Government
Microscopy, 154, 195, 757, 1038, 1039 Publications, 297
Microscopy—WWW Virtual Library, Moore, George F., 632
1038 Moore, James W., 1203
Microscopy Society of America, 1507 Morgan, Christopher, 98
Microsoft Computer Dictionary, 172 Moss, Dennis R., 839
MicroWorld: Microscopy and Mouser, Jeffrey D., 1204
Microanalysis Resources, 1039 MPI: The Complete Reference, 1217
Mildren, Ken W., 323 Mroczkowski, Robert S., 633
Military Engineer, 1395 MRS Bulletin, 435, 1506
Military Science, 1395 MTS Journal, 1533
dictionary, 198 Mudroch, Alena, 685
index, 214 Mull, Thomas E., 840
libraries, 214, 241 Mullay, Marilyn, 324
thesaurus, 243 Muller, Nathan J., 99
Military specifications and standards, 1160 Multichip Module Technology Handbook,
Miller, E. Willard, 684 618
330 \ Index

Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake John F. Kennedy Space Center, 1265

Engineering Research, 244, 929 Johnson Space Center, 1266
MULTIMEDIA and the WEB from A to Z, NASA Center for Aerospace Information,
144 269, 478
Multimedia Networking Handbook, 603 NASA Scientific and Technical
MultiMedia Telecommunications Information, 325, 478, 1269
Association, 1137 NASA Space Centers, 885
Multimedia, 617, 967 National Advisory Committee for
Municipal Solid Waste Factbook, 693 Aeronautics, 479
Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Numerical Aerospace Simulation
Bibliography of U.S. Department of Facility, 1272
Energy Contractor Reports through Observatorium, 1273
1995, 331 Unitary Plan Facility, 1267
Murphy, Daryl E., 100 Universities Space Research Association,
Murphy, Toni, 686 1274
Musser, Linda R., 476 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends
Update, 1330
NACA, 479 National Airspace System, 500
NACE Book of Standards, 1122 National Ambient Air Quality Standards,
NACE International, 1122 1102
NADCA TECHNICAL ABSTRACTS National Association of Corrosion
DATABASE, 1510 Engineers, 223, 238, 1122
Nagle, Joan G., 720 National Association of Manufacturers, 1027
Nagy, P., 173 National Association of Metal Finishers,
Nanotechnology, 1053 1509
Nanotribology, 761 National Association of Radio and
NASA Conference Publications, 269 Telecommunications Engineers,
NASA Contractor Reports, 269 1418
NASA Patent Abstracts Bibliography, 325 National Board of Boiler and Pressure
NASA Pocket Statistics, 101 Vessel Inspectors, 1534
NASA RECON DATABASES, 478 National Building Code, 1093, 1094
NASA Special Publications, 269 National Building Codes Handbook, 1187
NASA SPINOFF DATABASE, 1270 National Center for Environmental
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook, 752 Decision-Making Research, 941
NASA Tech Briefs, 1257 National Center for Manufacturing Sciences,
NASA Technical Memorandums, 269 284, 1028, 1509
NASA Technical Publications, 269 National Computational Science
NASA Technical Translations, 269 Alliance/National Center for
NASA Thesaurus, 197, 267, 478 Supercomputing Applications, 487
Nass, Leonard I., 102 National Conference of Standards
National Academy of Engineering, 1396, Laboratories, 1142
1459, 1460 National Consortium for Graduate
National Academy of Sciences, 477, 1347, Degrees for Minorities in
1396, 1459, 1460, 1615, 1616
Engineering and Science, 1600
National Aeronautics and Space Act, 479
National Coordination Office for
National Aeronautics and Space
Computing, Information, and
Administration, 81, 101, 267, 268,
Communications, 1275
1240, 1257, 1259-1262, 1269-1272,
National Council for Science and the
Environment, 270, 1430
California Institute of Technology. Jet
National Council of Examiners for
Propulsion Lab, 1258
Engineering and Surveying, 1593,
EnviroNET, 1260
Global Hydrology Resource Center, 1263
National Electrical Code Handbook, 1124
Goddard Space Flight Center, 268,
National Electrical Manufacturers
1261, 1264
Association, 1123
Index / 331

National Engineering Education Delivery National Priorities List, 73, 1156

System, 1619 National Prototype Center, 1306
National Engineering Handbook, 1205 National Research Council of Canada,
National Engineering Honor Society, 1632 226, 365, 950, 1462
National Engineering Information Center, National Research Council, 1396,
1565 1459-1461
National Engineering Search, 1620 National Research Institute for Earth
National Engineers Week, 1621 Sciences and Disaster Prevention,
National Environmental Policy Act, 273, 268
664, 680, 692, 1178, 1253, 1350 National Roofing Contractors Association,
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and 518
Information Service, 1287 National Safety Council, 1463
National Fire Protection Association, 541, National Science and Technology Council,
669, 827, 1124, 1154, 1171, 1195 1340
National Fluid Power Association, 1125 National Science and Technology Medals
National Fuel Gas Code and Handbook Gas Foundation, 1000
Engineering, 1072 National Science Foundation, 304, 938,
NATIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP DATABASE, 1055, 1011, 1277-1279, 1559, 1572,
1311 1591, 1604
NATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL DATA CENTER, National Security Systems Internet Web
1287 Locator, 1308
National Ground Water Association, 321, NATIONAL SNOW AND ICE DATA CENTER,
1393 1287
National Hazardous Materials Route National Society of Architectural Engineers,
Registry, 1324 1357
National Imagery and Mapping Agency, National Society of Black Engineers, 1464
1312 National Society of Professional
National Information Service for Engineers, 1580, 1593
Earthquake Engineering, 244, 480 National Solar Energy Conference, 1521
National Information Standards National Space Transportation System, 1265
Organization, 1126, 1173 National Spatial Data Infrastructure, 1101
National Institute for the Environment, National Standard Reference Data Service,
1430 76
National Institute of Building Sciences, National Standards System Network
1360 Project, 1206
National Institute of Environmental National Technology Transfer Center, 1013
Health Sciences, 1338 National Tooling and Machining
National Institute of Packaging, Handling Association, 875
and Logistics Engineers, 1485 National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety
National Inventors Hall of Fame, 994, 999 Act, 1325
National Library for the Environment, National Transportation Communications
270 for ITS Protocol, 1123, 1207
National Mechanical Estimator, 843 National Transportation Library, 295
National Medal of Technology, 1000, 1289 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY
National Metal Finishing Resource BOARD (NTSB) AVIATION
National Paint and Coatings Association, 1321
1127 National Transportation Safety Board,
National Partnership for Advanced 1280
Computational Infrastructure, 1403 National Transportation Statistics, 1318
National Plumbing Codes Handbook, 1242 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program Directory, 55, 1142
Permit Program, 671 National Water-Quality Assessment
National Pollution Prevention Publications, 293
Roundtable, 930
332 \ Index


Natural Gas Industry Directory, 39 LIBRARY, 271
Natural Gas Statistics Sourcebook, 113 NIST Reference on Constants, Units and
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Uncertainty, 734
288, 1205 NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 523
Nautical Almanac Office of the United States Noise Control Engineering Journal, 1529
Naval Observatory, 64 Noise/News International, 1529
Naval Architecture and Ocean Nondestructive Testing Handbook Volume
Engineering—World-Wide Web 10. Nondestructive Testing Overview,
Virtual Library, 1054 842
Naval architecture, 1520, 1540 Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 833
Naval Engineers Journal, 1520 Nondestructive testing, 1080, 1172
Naval Institute Guide to Ships and Aircraft Non-Ferrous Founders’ Society, 859
of the U.S. Fleet, 107 Non-Metallic Gasketing Handbook, 1527
Naval Institute Guide to World Military North American Die Casting Association,
Aviation, 78 859, 1510
Naval Institute Guide to World Naval North American Emergency Response Guide,
Weapon Systems, 80 541
Nawy, Edward G., 579 North American Industry Classification
Nayar, Alok, 787 System (NAICS) Canada Manual,
Nayler, Gordon, 175 1249
NBS Tables of Atomic Transition North American Industry Classification
Probabilities, 361 System, 1281
NEAR MIDAIR COLLISIONS SYSTEM North American Steel Plant Location and
(NMACS) DATABASE, 1321 Capacity Map, 1504
Nelik, Lev, 841 Northern Light, 272
Nentwig, K., 176, 177 Northwest High Tech on the Web, 40
Ness, Stanley, 842 Notess, Greg R., 1348
NetFire, 222 NRC Collection of Abbreviations, 180
Netlib Repository, 958 NRC EXPERTISE DATABASE, 1462
Networked Computer Science Technical NRC Inspection Manual, 1339
Server, 1274 NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual,
Neural networks, 1402 518
New Way Things Work: From Levers to NSF International, 1173
Lasers, Windmills to Web Sites, A NTIS DATABASE, 255, 290, 491
Visual Guide to the World of NTSB Aircraft Accident Reports, 1280
Machines, 89 Nuclear Energy Institute, 1557
NEWCASTLE EARTHQUAKE DATABASE, Nuclear Engineering, 1309, 1339, 1558
244 bibliography, 318
Newman, Morton, 577 dictionary, 138
Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues, 341 Internet resources, 1065
Newton, Harry, 178 journals, 453-454
Newton’s Telecom Dictionary: The Official professional and trade associations,
Dictionary of Telecommunications, organizations, and societies,
178 1557-1558
Ney, Ronald E., 540 Nuclear Engineering—WWW Virtual
NFPA Haz-Mat Quick Guide, 541 Library, 1065
Nikogosyan, David N., 634 Nuclear Engineering Education
Nill, Kimball, R., 179 Sourcebook, 1566
NIOSH DATABASES, 228 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 180
NIOSH MANUAL OF ANALYTICAL Nuclear Science and Engineering, 454
METHODS, 228, 1163
HAZARDS, 228, 229 Object technology, 595
Index / 333

Object-Oriented Programming Languages, encyclopedia, 69

592 glossaries, 194, 1305
O’Brien, Robert L., 103 Packaging Sourcebook, 42
CHEMICAL HAZARDS, 228 Pankratz, Thomas M., 181
Occupational Safety and Health Act, 228, Paper, Board, and Pulps, 1208
1276 PAPERCHEM, 246
Ocean Drilling Program, 1055 Paradis, James G., 721
Ocean Engineering, 1054 Parascope, 959
Odor and VOC Handbook, 549 Parker, Sybil P., 182
Official Telecommunications Dictionary: Parmley, Robert O., 844
Legal and Regulatory Definitions, Parr, E. Andrew, 749, 845
196 Particle-Surface Resources on the
Offshore Engineering Information Service, Internet, 1040
982 Partners for Advanced Transit and
Oil and Gas Journal DataBook, 104 Highways, 931
OIL AND GAS JOURNAL ENERGY Patent and Trademark Depository
DATABASE, 274 Library Program, 276
Oil Pollution Act, 692 Patent Cooperation Treaty, 987, 1015
Oil-Link, 1062 Patent Information from Chemical
OilOnline, 1063 Abstracts Service: Coverage and
Olabisi, Olagoke, 788 Content, 216
On Becoming an Engineer: A Guide to Patent It Yourself, 725
Career Paths, 1609 Patent Rules of Practice, 1209
Online Directory of Expert Witnesses, 41 Patent, Copyright & Trademark, 708
Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Patents, 1, 71, 56, 86, 215, 216, 224, 227,
Science, 1001 230, 242, 250, 252, 262, 266, 277,
Online Logistics Bibliography, 1479 285, 301, 308, 323, 454, 476, 494,
Online NDT Buyer’s Guide, 1080 590, 708, 716-718, 725, 791, 835,
Online Particle Physics Information, 1002 964, 987, 990, 994, 996, 999, 1004,
Online Quality Resource Guide, 1029 1181, 1209, 1246, 1255, 1288, 1341,
Open-File Reports, 1315 1550
OPENNET, 1295 bibliography, 325
Operations research, 1481 database, 234
Optical Engineering, 327, 598, 634, 977, library, 27
1417, 1419 Patents Trademarks, and Copyrights,
Optical Science and Engineering, 977 1209
Optical Society of America, 401, 414, 415, Patnaik, Pradyot, 542
1419 Pattern Recognition Information, 960
OPTICS.ORG PHOTONICS MARKETSPACE, Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
1417 CD-ROM, 1163
Opto-electronics, 176 Pearson’s Handbook: Desk Edition:
Optomechanical Engineering, 596 Crystallographic Data for
Organic chemicals, 540, 550, 553 Intermetallic Phases, 811
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Pecht, Michael G., 789
Development, 1629 Peeva, K., 183
Orloff, Jon, 635 Periodic Table of the Elements, 1303
OSHA standards, 1196 Permeability and Other Film Properties of
Ottaviano, John L., 843 Plastics and Elastomers, 791
Perry, Robert H., 543
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 543
Center, 480 Pesticide properties, 288
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 318 Pesticide Properties in the Environment, 675
Packaging, 740, 853, 1056, 1485 Petersen, Julie K., 184
directory, 42
334 \ Index

Peterson’s Graduate Programs in Computer Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of

Science and Electrical Engineering Pure Chemicals, 76
Programs, 1623 Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook,
Peterson’s Graduate Programs in 786
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Physical Review Letters, 1448
1624 Physical Standards Laboratory, 1142
Peterson’s Graduate Programs in the Physics, 992, 1002-1004, 1446, 1448, 1454,
Physical Sciences, Mathematics, 1455
Agricultural Sciences, the Environment database, 258
and Natural Resources, 1624 handbook, 537
Peterson’s Job Opportunities for Physics—Virtual Library, 1003
Engineering and Computer Science Physics Abstracts, 258
Peterson’s Quick and Concise Guides to 992
Graduate and Professional Degrees Physics World, 1004
Graduate Studies in Engineering, PhysicsWeb, 1004
1624 Pictorial Standards of Coatings Defects,
Peterson’s Stress Concentration Factors, 1500
722 Pilkey, Walter D., 722
Peterson’s U-Wire Graduate Studies in Pinelli, Thomas E., 481
Engineering, Computer Science and Pipe Characteristics Handbook, 723
Information Studies, 1624 Pipe Line Rules of Thumb Handbook: A
Petroleum Engineering, 1059, 1545 Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions
databook, 104 to Everyday Pipe Line Engineering
directory, 53 Problems, 576
encyclopedia, 84 Plastics, 768, 776, 781, 791, 795, 796, 798,
glossary, 187 803, 1041, 1042, 1373
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, database, 277
1064 directories, 43, 49, 61, 90
Petska-Juliussen, Karen, 105 encyclopedia, 97
Pfaender, Heinz G., 790 Plastics /D/I/G/E/S/T/, 870
Pfafflin, James R., 106, 185 Plastics Additives and Modifiers Handbook,
Pharmaceutical Engineering, 1537 776
Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 783 Plastics Additives: An A-Z Reference, 795
Phase Diagrams for High Tc Plastics Design Library Handbook Series,
Superconductors II, 806 791
Phase Diagrams for High-Tc Plastics Engineering, 436
Superconductors I and II, 233 Plastics Engineering, 788
Phase Diagrams for Zirconium and Zirconia Plastics Institute of America, 1511
Systems, 233 Plastics Processing Data Handbook, 798
PHASE EQUILIBRIA DIAGRAMS CD-ROM Plastics Resource: Information on Plastics
DATABASE, 275 and the Environment, 1041
Phase Equilibria Diagrams Cumulative Plastics Technology Handbook, 768
Index, 233 PlasticsNet.Com, 43
PhDs.Org Science, Math, and Engineering Plumbing codes, 1242
Career Resources, 1626 Plunkett’s Energy Industry Almanac, 44
Phelps, Charles, 326 Plunkett’s InfoTech Industry Almanac, 45
Philippsborn, H. E., 186 Pneumatic Handbook, 814
Phosphor Handbook, 804 Pohanish, Richard P., 544-546, 687
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Poland, Jean A., 327
Sensing, 1381 Pollution Online, 932
Photonics, 622 Pollution Prevention Act, 692, 1178
Photovoltaic Energy: Electricity from Polmar, Norman, 107
Sunlight, 292 Polyanin, Andrei D., 724
Index / 335

Polymer Blends, Alloys, and Interpenetrating Pricing Statistics Sourcebook, 113

Polymer Networks, 242 Primer for International Reliability and
Polymer Composites, 1516 Maintainability Standards, 1240
Polymer Engineering and Science, 1516 Printed Wiring Board Resource Center,
Polymer Handbook, 764 1431
Polymer Lexicon: Acronyms and Printed wiring boards, 1108
Abbreviations Used in the Rubber Pritchard, Geoffrey, 795
and Plastics Industries, 130 Private Sector Standards Sites, 1210
Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, 109, 110 Proceedings of the National Academy of
Polymers, 242, 764, 768, 786, 802, 1042 Sciences, 477
dictionary, 130 Process Data eXchange Institute, 1368
handbook, 522 Process Standards, 1188
Polymers and People, 898 Product Design Review: A Method for
Polymers DotCom, 1042 Error-Free Product Development,
Polypropylene: the Definitive User’s Guide 741
and Databook, 791 Product design, 1023
Pope, J. Edward, 846 Product Standards, 1188
Portland Cement Association, 1512 Professional and trade associations,
Poularikas, Alexander D., 636, 637 organizations, and societies,
Powder Metallurgy Design Manual, 792 1351-1558
Powder Metallurgy Equipment Association, Professional Engineering Practice Liaison
1121 Program, 979
Powder Metallurgy Parts Association, 1121 Professional Income of Engineers: A Report
Powder Technology Handbook, 779 of an Annual Survey, 1627
Power Boilers: A Guide to Section I of the Profiles of Engineering and Engineering
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Technology Colleges, 1565
Code, 1155 Profiles of National Standards-Related
Power Industry Dictionary, 135 Activities, 1227
Practical Design Calculations for Programming languages, 592, 952, 955
Groundwater and Soil Remediation, Project Management Institute, 1129
681 Project Management Terms: A Working
Practical Environmental Bioremediation: Glossary, 206
The Field Guide, 679 Properties and Selection of Irons, Steels
Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in and High Performance Alloys, 758
Environmental Investigations, 678 Properties and Selection of Nonferrous
Practically Speaking: A Dictionary of Alloys and Special-Purpose
Quotations on Engineering, Materials, 758
Technology, and Architecture, 152 Properties of Hazardous Industrial
Prager, Jan C., 547 Materials CRCnetBASE, 666
Prasad, Y. V. R. K., 793 Properties of Optical and Laser-Related
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Materials: A Handbook, 634
1513 Propulsion Information Retrieval System, 471
Prelas, Mark A., 794 Proubasta, Delores, 187
Pressman, David, 725 Pruett, Kenneth M., 796
Pressure Safety Design Practices for Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, 1300
Refinery and Chemical Operations, Public Works Online, 933
524 Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey,
Pressure Vessel Design Manual: Illustrated 1311
Procedures for Solving Major, 338
Pressure Vessel Design Problems, PubSCIENCE, 339
839 Pulp and paper, 246, 525, 531
Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Pumps, 828, 841, 847
Association, 1128 Purchas, Derek B., 548
Preston, Larry D., 328 Purdue Books, 1495
336 \ Index

QS-9000, 1139 Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook

QUAKELINE, 244, 929 Clay and Concrete Masonry, 557
Qualified Products Lists, 1160 Reinhard, Martin, 550
Quality control, 743, 745 Reis, Richard M., 1628
Quality Digest Online, 1211 Reliability, maintainability, Availability, and
Quality Engineering, 1081 Dependability (R/M/A/D) Standards,
Quality Function Deployment Institute, 1240
1030 Remote Sensing—WWW Virtual Library,
Quality Management Handbook, 745 935
Quality Management Journal, 1081 Remote sensing, 580, 935, 1381
Quality Progress, 1081 Request for Comments, 646, 1212
Quality Resources Online, 1031 Research and Development in Industry:
Quality standards, 1081 Expenditure and Researchers,
Scientists and Engineers, 1629
Radar Technology Encyclopedia, 66 Research Centers Directory, 46
Rafson, Harold J., 549 Research Libraries Group, 256
RAND, 482 Resource and Technique Standards, 1188
Rapid Guide to Hazardous Air Pollutants, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,
661 692, 694, 1178
RAPRA ABSTRACTS DATABASE, 277, 1373 Resource Handbook of Electronics, 659
Rapra Technology, 1373 Review for the Professional Engineers’
Raynor, William, 188 Examination for Industrial
RCRA Orientation Manual, 694 Engineers, 1638
RECENT ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING, Reviews of Modern Physics, 1448
278, 982 Revision of Engineering Drawings and
Recommended exposure limits, 229 Associated Documents, 1151
Recommended Practices and Engineering Rheology, 1517
Guidelines for Television and Richardson, Doug, 639
Motion-Pictures, 1134 Riley, K. F., 726
Recording Engineering, 611 Rishel, James B., 847
Recycler’s World, 876, 934 Ritter, Gerhard X., 640
Recycling in America: A Reference Rizzo, Joyce A., 688
Handbook, 691 Roberts, George, 797
Recycling Magnet, 1434 Robotic Industries Association, 1535
Recycling Times, 1427 Robotics Industry Directory, 1535
Redl, Siegmund M., 638 Robotics Institute Technical Reports, 461
Reference Data for Engineers Radio, Rosato, Dominick V., 798
Electronics, Computer and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 1589
Communications, 654 Routledge French Dictionary of
Reference Manual for Telecommunications Telecommunications, 189
Engineering, 614 Routledge German Technical Dictionary,
Reference Materials for Environmental 190
Analysis, 1164 Routledge Langenscheidt German
REFIN-COR 4.0, 279 Dictionary of Electrical Engineering
Refining Statistics Sourcebook, 113 and Electronics, 133
Refractory Metals Association, 1121 Royal Society of Chemistry, 232, 340, 1374
Regional Maps of Soviet-Designed Rubber, 768, 1373
Reactors, 1309 database, 277
REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF directories, 49, 61
CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES, 228 Rubber Expansion Joint Handbook, 1527
Regulations for Hazardous Waste Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers, 521
Operations, 683 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers: A
Regulations, standards and specifications, Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions
1066-1243 to Everyday Mechanical Engineering
Regulatory Guides, 1339 Problems, 846
Index / 337

Russ, John C., 641 Science and Engineering Degrees, 1604

Russian-English Geological Dictionary, Science and Engineering Doctorate
1378 Awards, 1277
Ruthven, Douglas M., 108 Science and Engineering Indicators, 1277,
Ryerson, Robert A., 580 1279
Science and Engineering State Profiles,
SAE Aerospace Standards, 197, 1130 1572
DATABASE, 280 almanacs, 62, 79
281 databases, 252, 256, 285
SAE AUTOMOTIVE MATERIALS DATABASE, dictionaries, 94, 134, 141
282 encyclopedias, 93, 94
SAE Dictionary of Aerospace Engineering, guides, 308, 313, 324
197 history, 70, 114
SAE Handbook, 1130 yearbook, 92
SAE International, 607, 820, 1130, 1202 Science and Technology Almanac, 62
SAE Technical Papers, 1130 Science and Technology Desk Reference,
SAFE Association, 1486 727
Safe Drinking Water Act, 1178 Science and Technology Ethics Resources
Safety and Health on the Internet, 753 on WWW, 1006
Safety Link, 1213 Science and Technology Firsts, 70
Safety standards, 1085 Science and Technology Pocket Data Book,
Safety, 754, 1244, 1463, 1472, 1475, 1486 1277
Safety-Critical Systems, 1057 Science Citation Index Expanded, 299
Saigh, Robert A., 191 Science Fairs, 1007
Salamone, Joseph C., 109, 110 Science in Air and Space: NASA’s Science
Salaries of Engineers in Education, 1630 Policy Guide, 1268
Salaries of Scientists, Engineers and Science Navigator, 93, 728
Technicians: A Summary of Salary ScienceNOW, 1439
Surveys, 1569 Sciences and Technology Reference, 1008
Salomon, David, 591 Scientific and Technical Aerospace
Salt Institute, 1554 Reports, 269
Salus, Peter H., 592 Scientific and Technical Information
Salvendy, Gavriel, 750 Network, 249, 492
San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1403 Scientific and Technical Reports – Elements,
Satellites, 91 Organization, and Design, 456
Saunders, N., 799 Scientific Instruments Services, 877
SAVE Proceedings, 1487 Scientific Unit Conversion: A Practical
SAWE Technical Papers, 1353 Guide to Metrication, 702
Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Scott, James G., 1214
Materials, 536 Scout Report for Science and Engineering,
SC Conference Series, 470 283, 1009
Schellings, A., 192 SCS Technical Report Collection, 461
Schetz, Joseph A., 848 Seeber, Bernd, 801
Schlager, Neil, 751 SEFI Guide, 1598
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Seismic Exploration on CD-ROM, 567
Bibliography, 332 Seismological Society of America, 1378,
Scholarly Publishing and Academic 1394
Resources Coalition, 340 SELECTED WATER RESOURCES
Scholarly Societies Project, 1005 ABSTRACTS, 1311
Schott Guide to Glass, 790 Selective Guide to Literature on Aerospace
Schweitzer, Philip A., 111, 800 Engineering, 305
Science Abstracts, 258 Selective Guide to Literature on Applied
Optics, 327
338 \ Index

Selective Guide to Literature on Computer Society for Experimental Mechanics, 423,

Graphics, 326 1465
Selective Guide to Literature on Statistical Society for Industrial and Applied
Information for Engineers, 311 Mathematics, 339, 399, 400, 1466
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Society for Industrial Microbiology, 1365
International, 1131 Society for Information Display, 1405
Semiconductor Subway, 961 Society for Mining, Metallurgy and
Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey, 621 Exploration, 452, 1378, 1555
Sergent, Jerry E., 642 Society for Pharmaceutical and Medical
Shackelford, James F., 802 Device Professionals, 1537
Shah, Vishu, 803 Society for Protective Coatings, 1133
Shea, Edward E., 1215 Society for Technical Communication,
Sher, Eran, 849 426, 1467
Shigley, Joseph E., 850 Society for the Advancement of Material
Shineldecker, Chris, 689 and Process Engineering, 1515
Shionoya, Shigeo, 804 Society of Aircraft Material and Process
Shishko, Robert, 752 Engineers, 1515
Shnier, Mitchell, 193 Society of American Military Engineers,
Shock and Vibration Handbook, 830 1395
Shock and Vibration Information Society of American Value Engineers,
Analysis Center, 1536 1487
Shock and Vibration Symposium, 1536 Society of Automotive Engineers, 1, 58,
SIAM Journal on Computing, 314, 399 175, 197, 254, 300, 483, 1130, 1240
SIAM Journal on Control and Society of Broadcast Engineers, 1420
Optimization, 400 Society of Concurrent Engineering, 1488
SIGART—ACM Special Interest Group Society of Engineering Science, 425, 1468
on Artificial Intelligence, 1404 Society of Environmental Toxicology and
SIGMA-ALDRICH, 878 Chemistry, 1432
Signal processing, 636 Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 439,
Simple Pressure Vessels Directive, 1179 1538
Sims, Frank, 729 Society of Hispanic Professional
Simulation Interoperability Standards Engineers, 1469
Organization, 1132 Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 755,
Simulation, 698 1539
Site assessment, 689 Society of Mexican American Engineers
Sixsmith, Thomas, 851
and Scientists, 1470
Skelly, Kenneth J., 1216
Society of Motion Picture and Television
Skiena, Steven S., 593
Engineers, 416, 1134, 1167
Skousen, Philip L., 852
Smallidge, Elisabeth R., 329 Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Smeaton, Robert W., 643 Engineers, 1540
Smith, Martin A., 112 Society of Petroleum Engineers, 451, 1556
Smithells Light Metals Handbook, 763 Society of Plastics Engineers, 436, 1516
Smithells Metals Reference Book, 767 Society of Rheology, 1517
SMPTE Journal, 416, 1134 Society of the Plastics Industry, 1135
SMPTE Standards for Advanced Television Society of Tribologists and Lubrication
Production with Supplemental Engineers, 818, 1541
Standards, 1134 Society of Vacuum Coaters, 1375
SMT Soldering Handbook, 644 Society of Women Engineers, 1471
Snir, Marc, 1217 Software Engineering—WWW Virtual
Snow and Ice Control Manual for Library, 962
Transportation Facilities, 578 Software Engineering Standards: A User’s
Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1514 Road Map, 1203
Society for Computer Simulation, 1441 Software Engineering, 1188
Index / 339

Software Engineering—WWW Virtual Standard Handbook of Powerplant

Library, 962 Engineering, 823
Software in Transit Handbook, 1380 Standard Industrial Classification, 1249,
Software Patent Institute, 963 1281
Soil Liquefaction Web Site, 937 Standard Methods for the Examination of
Soil mechanics, 202 Water and Wastewater, 1165
Solar Energy Industries Association, 1542 Standard Microscopy Terminology, 195
Solar energy, 1298, 1521 Standard Plumbing Code, 1242
SOLAR TODAY, 1521 Standard Specifications for Construction of
Solid Waste Association of North Roads and Bridges on Federal
America, 1433 Highway Projects, 1235
Solid Waste Disposal Act, 1215 Standard Specifications for Highway
Solid waste management Bridges, 1068
bibliography, 331 Standard Specifications for Transportation
SoluSource, 879 Materials and Methods of Samplings
SOLV-DB, 284 and Testing, 1068
Solvents, 284, 519, 528 Standard Technical Report Number Format
Sonar, 973 and Creation, 457
Soroka, Walter G., 194, 853 Standard Test Methods for Metal Powders
Sound Engineering, 597 and Powder Metallurgy Products,
Source of Supply, 1218 1220
Source Selection Procedures: A Compilation Standards—Yahoo, 1223
of Federal Agency Regulations, Standards Activities of Organizations in the
Handbooks, and Manuals, 730 United States, 1228
Southern Building Code Congress Standards and Standardization Bodies,
International, 1111, 1189 1221
Southern California Earthquake Center, Standards Coordinating Committee on
938 Intelligent Transportation
Space Telescope Science Institute, 1354 Systems, 1106
Space Times, 1352 Standards Engineering Society, 1222
Spaceflight and Rocketry: A Chronology, 65 Standards, 126, 162, 197, 277, 300, 323, 456,
SPARC—The Scholarly Publishing and 458, 476, 590, 605, 833, 961, 972,
Academic Resources Coalition, 340 976, 1065
Special Libraries Association, 1037 Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings,
Spectroscopy, 1514 483
Stainless Steels Manual, 1504 Statistical Reports on the Education of
Stamping Quarterly, 1499 Scientists and Engineers, 1277
Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs and Statistics, 736
Pavement Markings, 581 guide, 311
Standard for Use of the International System handbook, 504
of Units (SI): The Modern Metric Statistics Canada, 1249
System, 1219 Statistics Sourcebooks on CD-ROM, 113
Standard Handbook of Architectural Steel Design Handbook: LRFD Method, 805
Engineering: A Practical Manual for Steel Founders’ Society of America, 859
Architects, Engineers, Contractors Steel Manufacturers Association, 880
and Related Professions and Steel Recycling Institute, 1434
Occupations, 510 Steel standards, 1075
Standard Handbook of Environmental Steel Structures Painting Council, 1122,
Engineering, 667 1133
Standard Handbook of Fastening and Steelmaking, 1043
Joining, 844 Steels, Macdonald, 1631
Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Steelynx, 1043
Treatment and Disposal, 670 Stephenson, Ralph L., 690
Standard Handbook of Machine Design, 850 STN International, 252, 285, 337
340 \ Index

STNGUIDE, 252 Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes,

Stoecker, W. F., 854 Sewers and Channels, 587
Stony Brook Algorithm Repository, 593 Tacoma Narrows Bridge, 945
Stratospheric Ozone and Human Health, Talbot-Smith, Michael, 645
939 Tall buildings, 1358
Strauss, Rudolf, 644 Tamboli, Akbar R., 805
Strong, Debra L., 691 TAPPI Journal, 1136
Structural Alloys Handbook, 1495 TAPPI Test Methods, 1136
Structural Design Guide to the AISC (LRFD) TAPPI, 760, 1136
Specification for Buildings, 569 Target, 1016
Structural details Tau Beta Pi, 1632
digital library, 577 Taylor, B. N., 1225
Structural Engineering Handbook Taylor, Ed, 646
CRCnetBASE, 559 Taylor, John, 647
Structural Engineering Handbook, 565 TechExpo—The Exposition of High
Structural Stability Research Council, 564 Technology Companies and
Structural steel, 513 Products on the WWW, 47
STS Links, 1010 Technical Association of the Pulp and
Stuart, Ralph B., 753 Paper Industry, 1136
Style guides, 705 Technical Communication, 426
Subject Index to ASAE Standards, Engineering Technical communication, 699, 705, 714,
Practices, and Data, 1083 720, 721, 731, 1467
SUCCEED ENGINEERING VISUAL Technical Information Service, 286
DATABASE, 1011 Technical Report Index, 467
Suchy, Ivana, 855 Technical reports, 269, 290, 455-457, 476,
Sullivan, Thomas F. P., 196, 692 478, 479, 486, 491, 492, 496
Superconductivity, 801 Technology
Superfund Program, 73 directories, 2, 40, 47
Superplasticity on the Web, 1044 encyclopedias, 72, 89
Surface Mount Technology Terms and Technology Management Handbook, 707
Concepts, 208 Technology Policy—Yahoo, 1012
Surface mount technology, 644 Technology transfer, 1013, 1270
Surfing the Internet for Earthquake Data, Technometrics, 1081
940 Telecommunications Engineering, 614, 1418
Survey of Underground Gas Storage dictionaries, 178, 184, 189, 196
Facilities in the United States and directory, 48
Canada, 1072 encyclopedia, 99
Surveying, 1377 glossary, 174
Sustainable development, 153 standards, 48
Sweet’s Catalog Files, 881 Telecommunications Act of 1996, 196
Switchgear and Control Handbook, 643 Telecommunications Directory 1999: An
Synopsis of Boiler and Pressure Vessel International Guide to
Laws, Rules and Regulations – Organizations, Systems, and Services
Arranged by States, Cities, Counties Concerned with the Interactive
and Provinces, 1224 Electronic Transmission of Voice,
System for Information on Grey Literature in Image, and Data, 48
Europe, 249 Telecommunications Industry Association,
System Safety Analysis Handbook, 754 174, 1137
System Safety Society, 754, 1472 Telecommunications Transmission
Systems and Control Archive at Dallas, 974 Handbook, 615
Systems Engineering Guidebook: A Process Telecommunications: Internet Tools of the
for Developing Systems and Profession, 975
Products, 746 Telecommunications: Glossary of
Systems Engineering, 752, 1483 Telecommunications Terms, 174
Telecoms—Virtual Library, 976
Index / 341

Tepper, Ronald, 731 Toxic Release Inventory, 936

Terms of Environment, 200, 1328 Toxic Substances List, 228
Ternary alloy phase diagrams, 810 Toxic Waste Sites: An Encyclopedia of
Tesla Engine Builders Association, 1058 Endangered America, 73
Test Equipment and Services Directory for Toxicity Characteristics List, 1156
the Plastics and Rubber Industries, TPQ: the Tube and Piping Quarterly, 1499
49 Trade secrets, 708
Test methods, 1239 Trademark Rules of Practice, 1209
Testing Buyer’s Guide, 1492 Trademarks, 276, 708, 1246, 1288
Testing laboratories Traffic Engineering, 599
directories, 5, 6 Traffic Signing Handbook, 581, 1110
TeX Archives, 997 Traister, John E., 649
T-FACTS, 1250 Transactions of the ASME, 440-449
The Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Transactions on Mathematical Software, 209
Handbook Knowledge Base, 755 Transactions on Mechatronics, 450
Thermal Data for Natural and Synthetic Transducers, 625
Fuels, 777 Transforms and Applications Handbook, 637
Thermal Management Handbook For Transit Communications Interface
Electronic Assemblies, 642 Profiles, 1138
Thermal Spray Buyer’s Guide, 1518 Transit Planning and Research Reports:
Thermal Spray Society, 1518 Annotated Bibliography, 306
Thermal Spray Technology Glossary, 1518 Transmission Measurement and Compliance
Thermal Spray Technology, 1518 for Digital Television, 1167
Thermochemical tables, 523 Transport Canada, 1250
Thermophysical Properties of High Transport Safety Board of Canada, 1251
Temperature Solid Materials, 1495 Transportation Engineering, 573, 921, 942,
Thermophysical Properties of Matter—The 1280, 1380
TPRC Data Series, 1495 acronyms, 156
Thermophysical Properties Research Center bibliography, 306
Data Book, 1495 database, 287
Thermoplastics, 788, 851 digital library, 328
Thin films, 778 directories, 22, 85
Thomas Register of American encyclopedia, 85
Manufacturers, 882 glossary, 1305
Thomas, Brian J., 732 libraries, 273, 295
Thornton, William A., 1226 statistics, 1318
Thumann, Albert, 648 Transportation—Yahoo, 942
TIA standards, 1099 Transportation Acronym Guide, 156
Timetables of Technology, 114 Transportation Administrative Services
Tire and Rim Association, 1243 Center, 295
Titanic Papers, 1540 Transportation Links, 945
Tomorrow’s Professor: Preparing for Transportation Research Board, 287, 568,
Academic Careers in Science and 1396
Engineering, 1628 Transportation Research Information
Tomsic, Joan L., 197 Service, 287, 295
Tool Kit of Information Resources for Trends and Patterns in Cultural Resource
Brownfields Investigation and Significance: An Historical
Cleanup, 1331 Perspective and Annotated
Tool Steels, 797 Bibliography, 302
Toolkit for Estimating Physiochemical Tribology Data Handbook, 1541
Properties of Organic Compounds, Tribology Data Handbook: An Excellent
550 Friction, Lubrication and Wear
Total Quality Environmental Management, Resource, 818
1428 Trip Generation, 582, 1110
Toth, Robert B., 1227, 1228 TRIS DATABASE, 287, 295, 1396
342 \ Index

Tucker, Allen B., 594 Defense Technical Information Center,

Tuma, Jan J., 733 243, 492, 493
Tummala, Rao R., 650 Militarily Critical Technologies, 1291
Turbomachinery, 502 National Defense University Library
Turner, Wayne C., 651 Naval Air Warfare Center, 652
Tuttle, Marcia, 341 Navy. Office of Naval Research, 978,
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
Investigation Board, 1282 for Acquisition and Technology,
U. S. Committee on Large Dams, 1397 584
U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1286 Pentagon Library, 241
Agricultural Research Service, 288 U.S. Department of Education, 291
National Soil Dynamics National Institute for Science Education,
Laboratory, 1283 1563
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1284, 1285 U. S. Department of Energy, 168, 199, 292,
Census Bureau, 1281 496, 497, 575, 1295, 1303, 1306
Health and Safety, 1286 Argonne National Laboratory, 1296
National Institute of Standards and Brookhaven National
Technology, 55, 76, 239, 261, Laboratory—Green Power
320, 361, 523, 734, 806, 1141, Network, 1300
1142, 1225, 1227, 1228, 1289 Nuclear Science References W3
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Retreival System, 1297
Administration, 50, 1287, 1289 Energy Efficiency and Renewable
NOAA Central Library, 1287 Energy Network, 1298
NOAA Environmental Services Data Energy Information Administration, 115,
Directory, 50 116
National Technical Information Ernesto Orlando Lawrence Berkeley
Service, 289, 290, 491, 735, National Laboratory, 330, 1299,
1254, 1289 1302
National Telecommunications and Idaho National Engineering and
Information Administration, Environmental Laboratory,
174, 1289, 1231 1301
Office of Technology Policy, 51, 1289 Los Alamos National Laboratory, 498
Patent and Trademark Depository National Energy Research Scientific
Library Program, 1288 Computing Center, 1302
Patent and Trademark Office, 717, 718 National Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau Laboratory, 331, 1304
Web Sites, 1289 National Transportation Program,
U. S. Department of Defense, 198, 493, 1305
494, 1234, 1286 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 499,
Air Force, 495 1307
Army Corps of Engineers, 1292 Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing
Army Corps of Engineers—Cold Technology, 1306
Regions Research and Office of the National Energy
Engineering Laboratory, 304, Information System, 52
329, 1293 ORNL Visualization Lab, 1307
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 673, 1308,
Station, 302 1309
Army Primary Standards Laboratory, Richland Operations Office—Hanford,
1142 1310
COAST GUARD HUMAN ELEMENT U.S. Department of Energy Building
DATABASE, 1285 Standards and Guidelines
DefenseLINK, 1290 Program, 1143
Defense Logistics Agency, 1232 U. S. Department of Health and Human
Defense Supply Center, 1233 Services, 1286
Index / 343

National Institute for Occupational U.S. Patent Classification System, 718

Safety and Health, 1276 U.S. Science and Engineering in a
U. S. Department of the Interior Changing World, 1277
Bureau of Reclamation, 583, 585 UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group, 890
Geological Survey, 117, 118, 234, 293, UL Marks, 1139
938, 1311, 1312, 1313, UL StandardsInfoNet, 1139
1314-1317 Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial
National Park Service, 119 Chemistry, 63
U. S. Department of Labor. Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration, 525
Occupational Safety and Health Ultraviolet radiation, 939
Administration, 228, 229, 529, Uncle Sam Migrating Government
533, 1144, 1276 Publications, 1349
U. S. Department of Transportation, 294, Underground Storage Tank Management: A
295, 1110, 1324 Practical Guide, 688
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Underwriters Laboratories, 1135, 1139
1318 Unified Computer Science TR Index, 486
Federal Aviation Administration, 475, Unified Numbering System, 1202
500, 504, 1319, 1320-1322 Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws
Federal Highway Administration, 571, Society, 1224, 1229
586, 1172, 1235, 1319 Uniform Building Code, 557, 1112, 1162
Federal Transit Adminstration, 306 Uniform Code Council, 1140, 1184
National Highway Traffic Safety Uniform Mechanical Code, 1112
Administration, 1325 Uniform Plumbing Code, 1242
Office of Hazardous Materials Union List of Geologic Field Trip
Safety—HAZMAT Safety, 1326 Guidebooks of North America, 1551
Transportation Science and Union List of Technical Reports, Standards,
Technology, 1327 and Patents in Engineering
William J. Hughes Technical Center, Libraries, 476
1322 Unit Converter, 1230
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, United Engineering Foundation, 1473
168, 200, 529, 667, 693, 936, 1102, United Nations Environment Programme,
1236-1238, 1286, 1328-1331 148, 228
Office of Water, 296 United States Code, 1336
U.S. General Accounting Office, 1332 United States National Geoscience Data
U.S. Global Change Research Information Repository System, 1378
Office, 943 United States National Strong-Motion
U. S. Government Environment Impact Program, 1316
Statements, 1350 Universities Space Research Association,
U.S. Government Printing Office, 64, 297, 1355
1209, 1255, 1333 University of British Colombia.
Library Services Program, 298 Centre for Applied Ethics, 1006
National Archives and Records University of California Institute of
Administration, 1334, 1335 Transportation Studies Harmer E.
U.S. Government Resources Davis Library, 1396
Internet resources, 1252-1341 University of Washington.
U.S. House of Representatives Department of Computer Science and
Office of the Law Revision Counsel, Engineering, 490
1336 UNIX, 473
U.S. International Trade Commission, 1337 Unki, R. C., 1240
U.S. Metric Association, 1145 Upper-layer protocols, 646
U.S. National Institutes of Health, 1338 Urben, P. G., 551
U.S. Naval Observatory, 1142 US/EU Mutual Recognition Agreement,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1213
1339 USA Oil Industry Directory, 53
U.S. Numbered Highways, 1068 USACE DIGITAL VISUAL LIBRARY, 1292
344 \ Index

Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Washington State Case Studies, 1143
Geophysical Techniques at Waste Age, 1427
Contaminated Site: A Reference Wastewater, 106, 690, 1165
Guide, 663 Water Environment and Technology, 420
USENIX Conference Proceedings, 1406 Water Environment Federation, 420, 421,
USENIX: The Advanced Computing 1165, 1435
Systems Association, 1406 Water Environment Research, 421
User’s Guide to Federal Architect-Engineer Water Librarians’ Home Page, 946
Contracts, 512 Water Measurement Manual, 583
Utility and Boiler Terms and Phrases, 1519 Water Quality Association, 1436
Water quality, 201, 293, 531, 668, 1165
Vacca, John R., 653 Water resources, 946, 1086, 1384
Vacuums, 832, 833, 1375, 1450 bibliography, 321
Value Engineering, 1487 dictionary, 203
Value Methodology Standard, 1487 encyclopedia, 82
Valve Handbook, 852 Waxman, Michael F., 507
Valve Selection Handbook, 857 Weapon systems, 80
van der Tuin, J. D., 201-203 Weapons and Equipment—Yahoo, 1014
Van Valkenburg, Mac E., 654 WEB OF SCIENCE, 299
Vanderah, Terrell A., 806 WEBCASPAR DATABASE, 1279
Varela, Joe, 552 WEBDEX, 300, 1130
Velocimetry, 834 Weber, Marvin J., 655
Verschueren, Karel, 553, 807 WebLinks to Databooks and Datasheets,
Vetter, Gerhard, 808 54
Vibration Institute, 1543 Webster, John G., 656
Vibration, 830, 968, 1536 Webster, John, 121
Vibrations, 1543 Webster, Len F., 207
Videla, Hector A., 809 Wegst, C. W., 1241
Vietnamese Association for Computing, Weisend, J. G., 554
Engineering Technology, and Weisstein, Eric W., 122
Science, 1407 Weld Pool, 1045
Viguri, A., 695 WELDASEARCH ONLINE, 301
Villars, Pierre, 810, 811 Welding, 1045, 1497
Virtual Earthquake, 944 encyclopedia, 103
Virtual reality, 935, 965 Welding Codes, Standards, and
Visionary—A Dictionary for the Study of Specifications, 1204
Vision, 204 Welding Institute, 301
Visualization, 464, 1307 Welding Journal, 1087
bibliography, 317 WELDNET, 1497
Vlietstra, J., 205 Wells, 561
Vocabulary of Geology, 155 WEPAN: Women in Engineering
Voice and Data Communications Handbook, Programs and Advocates Network,
599 1634
Volatile organic compounds, 549 Westney, Richard E., 756
Von Fahnestock, F. Michael, 696 Wetlands, 1329
VRML Repository, 965 Whitaker, Jerry, 657-659
White House.
Wadsworth, Harrison M., 736 Office of Science and Technology Policy,
Walesh, Stuart G., 1633 1000, 1340
Walford’s Guide to Reference Material: Science and Technology, 1341
Science and Technology, 324 White, V. R., 55
Wallingford, H. R., 587 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 56
Walsh, Ronald A., 856 Who’s Who in Technology Transfer in
Ward, J. LeRoy, 206 DOE, 1013
Ward’s Automotive Yearbook, 120
Index / 345

Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and World Metals Information Network, 1033
Construction, 207 World Packaging Organisation, 1056
Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and World Wide Web Aerospace Business
Construction: Development Center, 57
English-Spanish/Spanish-English, World Wide Web Consortium, 966
164 World Wide Web for Scientists and
Wiley Encyclopedia of Energy and the Engineers. A Complete Reference for
Environment, 68 Navigating, Researching and
Wiley Encyclopedia of Environmental Publishing Online, 732
Pollution and Cleanup, 96 WORLDATOM, 1558
Wiley Engineer’s Desk Reference: A Concise Worldwide Automotive Supplier Directory,
Guide for the Professional Engineer, 58
712 Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Nonferrous
Wiley’s English-Spanish Spanish-English Metals and Alloys, 1198
Electrical and Computer Worldwide Guide to the Equivalent Irons
Engineering Dictionary, 163 and Steels, 1198
Will Science Publishing Perish? The Worldwide Pipelines and Contractors
Paradox of Contemporary Science Directory, 59
Journals, 343 Worldwide Transportation Directory:
Wilson Guide to Experts in Science and Statistical Contacts and
Technology, 24 Transportation Profiles by Continent
Wind energy, 823, 1298, 1423, 1522 and Country, 22
Wind tunnels, 1267 Wright, Whitman, 60
Wire Association International, 1544 Writing for Design Professionals: A Guide to
Wireless computing, 957 Writing Successful Proposals,
Wizards and Their Wonders: Portraits in Letters, Brochures, Portfolios,
Computing, 98 Reports, Presentations, and Job
Women and Men of the Engineering Path: A Applications for Architects,
Model for Analyses of Engineers, and Interior Designers,
Undergraduate Careers, 1563 714
Women in Technology International, 1635 WWW Development—Virtual Library,
Women of NASA, 1617 967
Women, Minorities, and Persons with, 61
Disabilities in Science and Wypych, G., 555
Engineering, 1277
Wood Engineering and Construction Yarbrough, Raymond B., 1636
Handbook, 563 Yearbook and Directory of Powder and
Woodson, Roger Dodge, 1242 Bulk Solids Handling and
Work Index, 1032 Processing, 8
World Aluminum Abstracts, 215 Young, Donovan, 1637, 1638
World Catalog of International Chemical Yuzuriha, Todd, 1639
Equipment, 883
World Directory of Nuclear Utility Zaknic, Ivan, 123
Management, 1078 Zamir, Saba, 595
WORLD ENERGY DATABASE, 116 Zappe, R. W., 857
World Health Organization, 228, 668 Zarrow, Phil, 208
World Intellectual Property Organization, Zayed, Ahmed I., 737
1015 ZT Links, 978
World List of Ball and Roller Bearing Zwillinger, Daniel, 738
Manufacturers, 1069

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