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-------------------------CEK GPU-------------------------

from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

-------------------------BUAT USER-------------------------
import os
username = "user" #@param {type:"string"}
password = "password" #@param {type:"string"}
print("Creating User and Setting it up")
# Creation of user
os.system(f"useradd -m {username}")
# Add user to sudo group
os.system(f"adduser {username} sudo")
# Set password of user to 'root'
os.system(f"echo '{username}:{password}' | sudo chpasswd")
# Change default shell from sh to bash
os.system("sed -i 's/\/bin\/sh/\/bin\/bash/g' /etc/passwd")
print("User Created and Configured")
! pip install colab_ssh --upgrade &> /dev/null

Ngrok = True #@param {type:'boolean'}

Agro = False #@param {type:'boolean'}

#@markdown Copy authtoken from (only for ngrok)

ngrokToken = "22pmAlbr2tZnzk0tEklIOvgw0vC_5nubQzZYnFfgWf78J5Tk" #@param {type:'string'}

def runNGROK():
    from colab_ssh import launch_ssh
    from IPython.display import clear_output
    launch_ssh(ngrokToken, password)

    print("ssh", username, end='@')

    ! curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | python3 -c \
            "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['tunnels'][0]['public_url'][6:].replace(':', ' -p '))"

def runAgro():
    from colab_ssh import launch_ssh_cloudflared

    if username:
    elif password:
except NameError:
    print("No user found using username and password as 'root'")

if Agro and Ngrok:

    print("You can't do that")
    print("Select only one of them")
elif Agro:
elif Ngrok:
    if ngrokToken == "":
        print("No ngrokToken Found, Please enter it")
    print("Select one of them")
-------------------------KEEP ALIVE-------------------------
alive = True #@param {type:'boolean'}
! sleep 999999
----------------------SCRYPT MINER--------------------------
tar -xf lolMiner_v1.29_Lin64.tar.gz
cd 1.29

./lolMiner --algo ETHASH --pool --user DOGE:DBa4TnCFod4g6XwaymZnnyV9PFZrHyjhY5.cuanku --

ethstratum ETHPROXY

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