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1 Complete the second sentence in reported 3 Complete the text with the correct answer, A, B,
speech or using a reporting structure. C or D.
1 She said, ‘I’ve already uploaded the documents to Last night an attempted robbery took place at the National
your computer.’ Museum. (1) …………… that a gang of four men were
She said that ………………………………………………………… involved, although so far only three suspects have been
……………………… the documents to my computer. arrested. The gang (2) …………… to have been interested in
2 Jason said, ‘I didn’t go to the lecture last night.’ three objects in the Egyptian collection. Unfortunately for
He said he …………………………………………………………… the gang, a charity fundraiser was taking place at the
…………………… before. museum and security was on high alert. The robbers were
3 Rachel said, ‘I don’t like that band very much.’ detained before they reached the exhibition and the head of
She said she ………………………………………………………… security (3) …………… the fundraisers that everything was OK.
……………………… very much. He (4) …………… security in the area in case the fourth
4 They said, ‘We must hurry or we’ll miss the train.’ robber was in hiding. He hoped that this experience would
They said they ……………………………………………………… (5) …………… thieves from trying to break into the museum
…………………………… the train. again.
5 He said, ‘I’m sorry I was late for the presentation.’
1 A It is thought B It was thought
He …………………………………………………………………………
C It thought D Thought
late for the presentation.
2 A were believed B believed
/5 C are believed D did believe
3 A assured B conceded
2 Complete the text with the correct form of these C encouraged D admitted
verbs. There are two extra verbs. 4 A recommended to increase B announced increasing
C recommended increasing D announced to increase
agree • concede • congratulate • encourage
5 A encourage B deny
explain • promise • suggest
C warn D discourage
I saw Paul yesterday and he told me all about his /5
experience at the animal sanctuary. A friend had
suggested the job and he had been a bit unsure about how
he would get on, but he (1) ……………………… that it went a lot
better than he had expected. When I asked him what type
of things he’d done, he (2) ……………………… that he’d spent
the morning cleaning out the animals’ cages, feeding them
and taking them out for exercise.
He (3) ……………………… that I should go with him next
time and I (4) ……………………… I would think about it.
Mrs McKay overheard us talking and recommended that he
give a talk about it to the class. He (5) ……………………… that
he would and he’s gone to the library to prepare some
information. It’s great to see him so motivated about


1 of 9
4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.
Hello and welcome to the shelter. I want to thank you all for volunteering; your help is much appreciated. I would like
to run through a few points before you start. There are various places where your help is required, so you may find
you’re asked to do different tasks. (1) Not once/Not only will you be preparing the meals, but you’ll also be helping to
serve the food and clear up after meals, so I hope you’re flexible. Everyone who comes here faces a difficult
personal situation and this shelter provides some time away from those problems. (2) No sooner/Rarely do these
people like to talk about their problems, so please avoid asking personal questions. Some of them take time to get
used to strangers. (3) Only after/Never had they have seen you a few times will they want to talk to you. Finally,
(4) not once/under no circumstances should you offer any financial help. This shelter provides food and
accommodation but not financial aid. On a more personal note, this is a lovely place to work and I’m very proud of
what we do here. (5) Little did/No sooner did I know when I started volunteering ten years ago, that I would end up
running the place! So, I hope you enjoy volunteering as much as I did. Any questions?


Total / 20

5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete 6 Complete the dialogue with these phrases.
the text.
self-deprecating • self-doubt • self-expression
Nowadays, schools are quite the place for charity self-preservation • wrapped up in himself
fundraising. A lot of schools have two or three
charities that they support year round and they seek A: So what do you think of the people in our group?
(1) contributions/motives from the pupils in different ways B: Most of them seem very nice and friendly. Joy is
such as sponsored sporting events and charity concerts. obviously a strong believer in (1) ………………………………
Schools often ask the charity organisers to come in and ……………………………… with her rainbow-coloured hair, but
talk about the work they do or take the students to see the she’s funny, too.
charity in action. This is good because it shows students A: She is, isn’t she? I like Roy, too. He’s clearly very
how (2) vocational/voluntary work and charities can intelligent, but so (2) ……………………………………………………..
make a difference. This in turn gives the students more and not at all arrogant, which is a good thing.
(3) protest/incentive to help raise money for the cause. B: Yes, it’s a shame we can’t say the same for Bill. He’s
Fundraising is (4) vocational/beneficial to both the school, so (3) ……………………………………………………………..… it’s
by adding to the students’ experiences, and the charity, by unbelievable.
raising money. Obviously, all contributions are voluntary A: Right. He’s one to avoid. What about Finn? I know he
and no-one is forced to make a (5) donation/campaign. On comes across as a bit loud and brash, but I think he’s
the whole though, schools prove very good at collecting actually quite shy and that’s a kind of (4) ……………..…..

money for their chosen causes. ……………………………………………… strategy.

B: Yes. I had quite a good chat with him yesterday
actually, which gave me a different impression. He’s not
so bad. What’s happened to Tara by the way? She
used to be full of (5) ……………………………………..…………………
and unsure of herself. This term she’s much more
confident, extrovert almost, which is wonderful.


2 of 9
7 Complete the text. Write one word in each gap. 8 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first. You should use
It’s always difficult to make new friends, but by doing some between two and six words, including the word
volunteering you’re likely to meet like-minded people at the given.
same time as you (1) …………………….……… a difference.
1 When Mum has free time she likes to relax on the sofa
It’s always good to (2) …………………….……… out of your
and become absorbed in a novel. LOSE
comfort zone and see what you’re capable of doing and
When Mum has free time she likes to relax on the sofa
volunteering can help with that. If you choose to work in an
and …………………………………………………………..……..…………….
old people’s home or a kids club, you’ll have to interact
2 Helen was always busy in the garden, but now she
(3) …………………….……… people, which will enhance your
hardly does anything, which is very unlike her.
communication (4) …………………….………. If you sign up for
conservation work, then you’ll learn more about the great
Helen was always busy in the garden, but now she
outdoors. Whatever you do, I’m sure the experience will
meet your (5) …………………….………. It may even exceed
3 Sometimes it’s good for young people to take a long
/5 holiday to try and discover their real personality. FIND
Sometimes it’s good for young people to take a long
holiday ………………………………………………………………...……….
4 My dad owns his own business and was never
dependent on anyone else. MADE
My dad owns his own business and ………………………

…………………………………..…………….……..… man.

5 Let’s treat ourselves to a really luxurious hotel; we

deserve some pampering. INDULGENCE
Let’s treat ourselves to a really luxurious hotel; we


Total / 20

3 of 9
9 Read the guide to teenage volunteering. Are the statements True (T), False (F) or is the information
Not Given (NG)?

Teenage volunteers
Giving back in your free time
Volunteering to help a cause can take on numerous different forms and can be something that takes five
minutes or requires a whole day of your time. The beauty of it is that you can choose what works for you and
you don’t need specialist experience. Teenagers often come to me full of self-doubt, saying ‘What can we do
to help? We don’t have much experience, we don’t have many skills, what can we actually do?’ As a result,
I’ve composed this guide to teenage volunteering to help you know where to start.
First of all, there are the very straightforward tasks that you may well already do in some form or other. You
can have a round-up of old clothes, toys or books in the house and donate them to a charity nearby. Just
make sure they are clean and in good condition before you drop them off. If you were feeling a little more
creative, you could put together a shoebox from unwanted or used things in your room. There are various
charities that take shoeboxes and hand them out at orphanages around the world. You choose an age range
and a gender and pack the box full of small gifts for a child. Useful items include soft toys, notebooks and
pens or pencils, small toys like yo-yos and little puzzles. Perishable goods and toys with war references, such
as soldiers and guns are not permitted. You can have great fun putting together a box for a boy or girl
somewhere in the world, knowing that they will really appreciate your donation.
If you have more time available, then you could volunteer as a helper at certain events. For example, a lot of
the charity runs, such as Race for Life, require volunteers to take registrations prior to the event, hand out
water during the race and clean up afterwards. Something else that you can do when you have a couple of
hours of free time is join a clean-up or conservation team. Teams like this are often organised to clean up the
local park or beach or do some conservation work such as clearing pathways in forests. If you enjoy being
outside, then this would be a good opportunity for you to get some fresh air and help your local community.
There are a lot of opportunities if you have a certain amount of time to spare on a regular basis, either
weekly or fortnightly for instance. Groups like Best Buddies help connect volunteers with children with
special needs for a couple of hours. This gives the carers a well-deserved break and gives the children and
volunteers a chance to make new friends and interact with different people. Soup kitchens are always on the
lookout for an extra pair of hands to help in the kitchen preparing meals or serving them in the centre. Old
people’s homes and charities for the elderly always welcome teenage volunteers, too. The volunteers spend
time with elderly people talking, playing board games or going for gentle walks. Alternatively, you can deliver
meals or food to people who are less mobile and find themselves stuck at home.
Most of the above ideas don’t require any specific skills, so anyone could sign up as a volunteer. However, if
you have a skill you’d like to practise or improve, then there are even more volunteering opportunities open
to you. If you have a good memory or a love of history, then you could become a volunteer in a historical
building showing visitors around or answering their questions. A lot of smaller historical buildings don’t have
a large budget for guides and are always on the lookout for extra helpers. Alternatively, you could offer your
services as a local tour guide if you know the area well and have some interesting stories about local history.
If you speak English, or another language, you could volunteer to teach English to groups that can’t afford
private tuition. Finally, if you’re good at a particular sport, then you might be able to find a position as an
assistant coach in a club.
As you can see there is quite a range of voluntary work on offer and there is always a shortage of volunteers
as people are so busy these days. So, if you’ve got a spare couple of hours, think about what you could do
and what you would enjoy. Don’t worry about doing something you’ve never done before; remember it’s
good to step out of your comfort zone. If you need an incentive, just think you’ll be helping to make a
difference in your community.

4 of 9
1 The majority of people already do fairly straightforward volunteering tasks. T/F/NG
2 Volunteering for an event is good if you enjoy working on your own. T/F/NG
3 Best Buddies offers carers the chance to have a rest. T/F/NG
4 Teenagers often help the elderly by writing correspondence for them. T/F/NG
5 Some voluntary work gives you the chance to enhance your skills. T/F/NG
6 Local historical buildings have various opportunities for volunteers. T/F/NG


10 Read the guide again and complete the notes with ways volunteers can help. Write one or two words in
each gap.
Event volunteer:
 (1) ……………….………………… participants
 hand out items
 tidy up afterwards
Clean-up/Conservation team:
 collect litter
 (2) ……………….………………… tracks in woods
Charity work:
 (3) ……………….………………… with children with special needs
 (4) ……………….………………… company and conversation to old people
 deliver meals to those stuck at home
Jobs requiring special skills:
 show people around historical sites
 (5) ……………….………………… a local tour guide
 teach English
 (6) ……………….………………… the sports coach in a club


Total / 12

5 of 9
Use of English
11 Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.
Last Saturday I worked as a volunteer in a clean-up team in the park, but unfortunately it didn’t (1) ………………………
my expectations. The team leader, Hans, was rather self-(2) ……………………… and very arrogant and he obviously
enjoyed being in charge more than doing the work itself. He told us all what to do and then left us to it. Not
(3) ……………………… did he come over and ask if everything was all right. There was one section which was full of
large items of rubbish and it would have been best to have a team of four or five working in that area. However,
Hans (4) ……………………… to listen to anyone’s suggestions and insisted that only two people clear that part. At the
end of the day, it was clear that we had (5) ……………………… a difference as the park was litter free. However, he
refused (6) ……………………… congratulate us on our efforts and left without saying thank you. I won’t be volunteering
to work with him again, that’s for sure.


12 Complete the text with the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on their (1) …………… to the charity events this term.
Thanks to all your fundraising events and the local (2) …………… that you’ve run in town, we have raised over
£1,100, which is fantastic. Mr Green, the chairman of the charity, (3) …………… that he was overwhelmed by the
generosity of the school. (4) …………… does the charity have enough money to start building the school in Africa
now, but thanks to your donations they also have a good supply of books. The editor of the local paper
(5) …………… there’ll be an article on all our efforts in the paper on Friday. I’ve (6) …………… here tomorrow to look at
the photos and choose one or two to accompany the story.

1 A campaigns B contributions
C benefits D efforts
2 A sympathy B empathy
C campaign D vocation
3 A denied B suggested
C believed D announced
4 A Not only B Not once
C Little did D No sooner
5 A agreed me that B admitted me that
C reminded me that D conceded me
6 A suggested he to come B suggested he come
C suggested he coming D suggested he


Total / 12

6 of 9
13 Listen to Rachel and Gregor discussing 6 How does Gregor think teenagers could be more
working holidays. Choose the correct answer, useful?
A, B, C or D.
A They could focus on organisations that need help in
1 What does Rachel say about the salary on working their local area.
holidays? B They could do these working holidays regularly.
A The income varies from holiday to holiday. C They could work as a volunteer somewhere for a
B There isn’t a fixed income, but you get free full year.
accommodation. D They could increase people’s awareness of local
C You don’t get a monetary income; you profit from issues.
the experience.
D There’s no salary, but they provide the food.
2 Why hasn’t Rachel booked the trip to Costa Rica?
14 Listen again and complete the text. Write one
A It’s not compatible with her college study plans.
word in each gap.
B She cannot afford it on her own.
C She’s unsure because it’s very far from home. Rachel and Gregor were discussing working holidays for
D She’s not sure about spending a month in the teenagers. Rachel explained that there are numerous
jungle. different working holiday options such as helping in
3 Why doesn’t Rachel apply for a European holiday? (1) ……………………… in Africa, teaching English in Asia, or
A Most of them are only one week in duration. doing conservation work in South America. She said she
B She isn’t old enough to apply for the Spanish liked the idea of a holiday programme in Costa Rica, but as
options. it was rather expensive, she was looking at other options
C Her birthday is in May, which means she isn’t old (2) ……………………… to home. Rachel said the holidays were
enough. beneficial to the teenagers because they increased their
D The applications are closed now until next year. (3) ………………………, became more independent and
4 Why does Gregor think the hosts might not find the improved their fluency in another language. Gregor
programme helpful? suggested that the hosts might find it difficult because they
A Because the teenagers are inefficient and unreliable would have to train teenagers constantly and the teenagers
B Because the teenagers may get ill and be unable would need time to settle in and might be (4) …………………….
to work Rachel argued that the hosts would benefit because the
C Because the staff spend valuable time training teenagers would be enthusiastic volunteers and would
teenagers instead of working pass on information about their (5) ……………………… and
D Because the staff find the turnover of teenagers raise awareness of the issues faced by the organisations.
disruptive Rachel concluded by saying that although there are lots of
5 How does Rachel suggest the hosts gain from the organisations at home that seek volunteers, it’s good for
experience? teenagers to have a/an (6) ……………………… away from home
A It is good publicity for their organisation. occasionally.
B The teenagers raise awareness of the issues faced /6
by the hosts.
C The teenagers learn a great deal about a new Total / 12
D The teenagers give them ideas to help deal with the

7 of 9
15 Read the task. Write a report, making sure you answer all parts of the question and use headings to
introduce each main point.

As part of a campaign to improve local communities, your school plans to organise a student volunteer
programme to support local people in need. To start this off, you have been asked to write a report on the
current situation, including the following points:
• a brief explanation of the type of people who need support: the elderly, people with special needs, etc.
• the difficulties faced by these groups and the support currently available
• suggestions as to where and how to offer support

Write 250–275 words.


























8 of 9





/ 12

16 Look at the three pictures. They show teenagers doing different activities.

Compare two of the pictures, and say what the teenagers are doing, why they are doing it and how you
think they feel about it.
Then choose one picture and say why you would do that activity.

/ 12

Total / 100

9 of 9

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