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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETS•S—Template I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Name Kamille Rigsby

Position ESOL Teacher

School/District Sutton Middle School/ Atlanta Public Schools

Grade Level(s) Grade 8

Content Area Language & Literature

Time line Two Weeks – Final Project

Standards (What do you want students to know and be able to do? What knowledge, skills, and strategies do you
expect students to gain? Are there connections to other curriculum areas and subject area benchmarks? ) Please
put a summary of the standards you will be addressing rather than abbreviations and numbers that
indicate which standards were addressed.
ELAGSE8RL1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an
Content Standards
analysis of what the
ISTE-S Standard text says explicitly
1: Empowered Learner as well as inferences drawn from the
NETS*S Standards:
text.o Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
Overview (a short summary of the lessonDetermine a theme
or unit including and/or
assignment central idea
or expected of a text
or possible
achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, and analyze

its development over the course of Juliet,

the text,
After completing Amplify informed
ELA’s Unit by8D
the learning
Romeo sciences.
and theincluding
students its
have a goodto the
characters, setting,
6:and plot; provide anofobjective
the play.summary
ISTE-S Standard Creative Communicator of the text.
understanding of the general plot, characters, and themes This lesson invites
Students Analyze how particular
communicate lines of dialogue
and express or incidents in afor a
students to tap into their
o understanding of modern-day tothemselves
bring new creatively
meaning the
story or drama
variety propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a
William Shakespeare’s Romeo andofJuliet.
purposes using
By the endthe
of platforms,
the lesson tools,
will formats
create and own
digital media appropriate
modern interpretations. Students will work in small to their to
groups goals.
create technological profiles for
ISTE-S Standard Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
the characters and re-imagine a scene7:from
play with modern technology incorporated.
Students will share used
o in a text,
Students including
use with figurative
digital tools and connotative meanings; analyze the
their final products the classtoand
explaintheir perspectives
their and enrich
scene and technology
of specific word
learning by choices on meaning
collaborating and tone,
with others includingeffectively
and working analogiesin
allusions to other
teams texts.
locally andwill
The classroom in which this project be implemented is an 8 th grade sheltered English
ELAGSE8W6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and
Language Arts and ESOL classroom. One class period of 15 students is comprised of Newcomer
publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas
students. In the other sections, students are on various levels of language acquisition. Each
efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
student is equipped with their own district-provided Chromebook or Digital Bridge device. The
Essential Questions (What essential question or learning are you addressing? What would students care or
want to knowcontains
about thedesktop computers
topic? What are some for student
questions use.
to get The school
students thinkingmedia center
about the topicalso loans out
or generate
interest Chromebooks to students
the topic? Additionally, forquestions
what personalcan
useyouduring the school
ask students to helpyear,
them and
focusstudents may
on important

take these devices home, along with wirelessPage

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hotspots if needed. As it pertains to the
project, ideally, the students will use Chromebooks to research and develop their final products.
aspects of the topic? (Guiding questions) What background or prior knowledge will you expect students to bring to
this topic and build on?) Remember, essential questions are meant to guide the lesson by provoking inquiry. They
should not be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” and should have many acceptable answers.

How does technology affect human interaction?

Can technology save a life?
How would the fate of Romeo and Juliet be different if they have access to modern technology?

Assessment (What will students do or produce to illustrate their learning? What can students do to generate new
knowledge? How will you assess how students are progressing (formative assessment)? How will you assess
what they produce or do? How will you differentiate products?) You must attach copies of your assessment
and/or rubrics. Include these in your presentation as well.

Students brainstorm with their collaborative groups using Jamboard. As a formative assessment,
the teacher is able to understand the students’ thought processing. Once they have an
understanding of modern technology, the students will create a technology profile for the
characters they have been assigned.
Modern-Day Interpretation Projects
The summative assessment is the Modern-Day Interpretation Project. The students will have a
1. Headline News Story Choose a modern-day event that mirrors an event that occurred in the
list of options they can perform for the project and can propose their own projects using one of
text. Create a headline news Web page and two or three related links based on the event for a
the technologies that the class brainstormed. The students are also provided with the
Web-based news site. To get an idea of length, format, and the kinds of links typically included
assessment rubric.
in such stories, visit news sites on the Web.

2. Instant Messages
is addressed
or Text Messages
in a few ways.
a dialogue
with a fluent
from the
speaker to complete
in modern-day formattheasproject.
if it tookAll students
place have
online freedom
through to choose
instant the or
messages scenes they
on cell recreate
phones or
and the method
another in text
tool using which they do it. `

3. Blogging Rewrite a monologue from the text (e.g., the speech of one person) as a blog entry
or a series of blog entries. Include appropriate links to other Web pages, and comments that
other characters from the text might leave on the blog entries.

4. Podcasting Rewrite a monologue or dialogue from the text as a podcast (a self-published,

syndicated "radio shows"). Record your project as an audio file or create the transcript of the
show that you might post online with the audio file. Be sure to include details on background
sounds and music if you write a transcript for your project.

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5. What if? Find a scene in the text that you believe would have been radically different given
the existence of a certain piece of advanced high-tech equipment. Name the item and describe
how and why the scene would have been different, and how it would have affected the outcome
of the play.

6. Digital Artifacts Imagine that you find portable disk next to the computer of one of the
characters from the play. It might be a floppy disk, Zip disk, USB keychain disk, or another
device. This storage disk contains personal documents—letters, “to do” lists, data, and poems
written by the character for his or her eyes only. Decide on four or five documents, recreate
them, invent file names for each, and create a (fake) printout of the disk directory. Put all these
together in a packet about the character.

7. Playlist Choose one of the characters from the text and create a playlist that that character
would have on his or her iPod or MP3 player. Invent the name for the playlist, and create a list
of the names of the songs, artists, the albums the songs came from, and other relevant details in
your word processor. Alternately, if you have the resources available, you can burn a CD of the
character’s playlist and create a CD label with the appropriate details.

8. Reality TV Show Imagine that the characters from the text are part of a reality TV show.
Rewrite a scene from the text as it would have been caught from the surveillance cameras of the
show. Film your scene using a video camera, or write a transcript of the scene (including details
on background sounds, setting, and props).

9. Technology Product Endorsement Have a character in the text endorse a technology

product—design a letter or short narrative where the character tells readers why they should
purchase or support the product.

10. PowerPoint Presentation Rewrite a monologue from the text as a PowerPoint presentation.
Imagine that the character is presenting the information to a modern audience using text,
images, and other features available in PowerPoint (or another online presentation tool).
Create the PowerPoint presentation that the character would use.

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Resources (How does technology support student learning? What digital tools, and resources—online student
tools, research sites, student handouts, tools, tutorials, templates, assessment rubrics, etc—help elucidate or
explain the content or allow students to interact with the content? What previous technology skills should students
have to complete this project?)

Technology is at the center of this project. Students will use the following tools:
o Book Creator
o Spotify
o Google Sites for Blogging
Instructional Plan
o Google
Preparation Docs
(What student needs, interests, and prior learning provide a foundation for this lesson? How can
you find out if students have this foundation? What difficulties might students have?)
o Google Translate
Thiso project Add-on
is perfect for my students because it builds from something they know very well –
o Google
modern FormsIt also builds off their prior reading of Romeo and Juliet.
o Jamboard
o Canva
During the first day of the lesson, the opening, students are not expected to struggle to
o FlipGrid
Management Describe the classroom management strategies will you use to manage your students and the use
of digital toolstechnology uses
and resources. How inand
their lives.
where willThey are expected
your students to produce
work? (Small groups,an extensive
whole list of
group, individuals,
classroom, lab, etc.) What strategies will you use to achieve equitable access to the Internet while completing this
modern technology and will be prompted if they struggle. Some of the English Language
lesson? Describe what technical issues might arise during the Internet lesson and explain how you will resolve or
Learners should
trouble-shoot have
struggle prior
Please experience
to name
note: in using
all the technologies
Trouble-shooting toolsoccur
should within
that priorGoogle's
they know.
to Education
lesson asconduct
Google online, and
process. Be
sure to edit video on an iPad.
indicate how you prepared Some
for of the
problems handouts
and work will be on paper for
through the issues that
occurred Translate
as you implemented alsoeven
and be encouraged
after the lessontowas
pictures to their Jamboards.
the collaborative groups to manipulate; others will be on digital platforms. For each part of the
The classroom
assignment, in which
students will thisaproject
be given model,will
for be implemented
example, they canis reference
an 8 th grade sheltered
at any time. English
The task of building a technology profile for a character assumes that the students know about
Language Arts and ESOL classroom. One class period of 15 students is comprised of Newcomer
the job/career of the character. Students may have limited knowledge of technology a doctor
students. In the other sections, students are on various levels of language acquisition. Each
would use. Students may need to conduct research to get the necessary background
student is equipped with their own district-provided Chromebook or Digital Bridge device. The
information. – Describe
classroom contains
Instructional desktop
Strategies computers
and Learning for student
Activities use.
theThe school media
research-based center also
instructional loansyou
strategies outwill
use with this lesson. How will your learning environment support these activities? What is your role? What are the
students' Chromebooks to students
roles in the lesson? How can youforensure
personal useorder
higher during the school
thinking year, andevaluation,
at the analysis, students ormay
After levels
completing of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
devicestheir research, students are internet
ready tohotspots
select their independent project. to
How can technology support your teaching? What authentic, relevant,
take these home, along with wireless if needed. As it pertains the
and meaningful learning activities and tasks will your students complete? How will they build knowledge
and will
skills? Howwork
ideally, on
will their projects
students will
use and
digital publish
tools their work.
and resources tofor group work and
communicate and individual
collaborate with
each other and others? How will you facilitate the collaboration?
I will be available to the students to provide simple technical support. In the event of a
major issue with a device, I will send the student to get a replacement from the media center.
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Student Collaboration
For the opening of the lesson, students will collaborate in small groups using the web-tool
Jamboard. Jamboard is a digital whiteboard that allows multiple students to manipulate it at the
same time. The students will brainstorm a list of technology they see or use every day. The
students will also
Differentiation (Howadd images
will you or gifscontent
differentiate to the Jamboard that
and process correspond with
to accommodate each
various technology.
learning styles and
abilities? How will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you provide extensions and
opportunities for enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to provide?)
Before working on their independent projects, students will collaborate on Padlet to develop
All of my students are Multilingual Learners and will have access to Spanish-English
technology profiles for the characters they are assigned. Students will consider :
dictionaries and Google Translate to help them with key concepts. The lesson provides students
• What kinds of technology does the character own?
multiple opportunities to work alone and to take advantage of collaborative moments. Students
• Does the character know how to use items or does he/she need help to use it?
with a lower level of English proficiency will be partnered with a more fluent speaker for the
• What kinds of technology does the character use that he/she doesn’t own (for instance, a
duration of the project.
Reflection atbe
(Will there the library)?
a closing event? Will students be asked to reflect upon their work? Will students be
asked to provide feedback on the assignment itself? Also answer the following questions?
• How often does the character interact with technology? What does he/she use the
Individual learning
How styles
will you addressed
if the by allowing
students found the
the lesson studentsand
meaningful to worth
choose how they
• In what ways do you think this lesson will be effective? Why do you think this?
• How does theirthelearning. Onfeel
character the about
handout, the students areuneasy?
given the eight final
• What problems do you anticipate and why?
options. If they
How would you choose,
etc. may
design and/or teach
this lesson their own
the character
if youproject proposal
had more
feel as he or
time?) for
she does?
• What
Students willispresent
the character’s
their finalbiggest feartoabout
products technology,
the class. Many ofand thewhy?
projects lend themselves to a
• audience.
global What technology item (for
For instance, the example, an iPod,
podcasts are alreadya laptop,
published a cell
onphone) does the
Anchor.FM andcharacter
like of
Like most themy
most, and why?
projects, I will Does the students
have the characterreflect
own theon technology?
their learning by completing a
Google Form reflection. The students will provide feedback on the quality of the lesson and
their overall
Publishing feeling
else of
youthe project.
would like to reflect upon regarding lessons learned and/or your experience with
implementing this lesson. What advice would you give others if they were to implement the lesson? Please
provide a quality reflection on your experience with this lesson and its implementation.
For the summative task, students have a choice in how they retell a scene from Romeo and
If I were Itowas
Students pleased
teachcreate with
this lessonmy students'
a newspaper
again, wouldend
Iarticle doproducts.
using Canva
two Student
Book engagement
things Creator. I was
First, higher
would than
create a
normal, andfor
playlist using
screencasts my students
each enjoyed
Apple all the
tools for opportunities
They can
their record
final to
projects. before
I madetothe
their theyofworked
mistake using
assuming all
students Students
knew how to have the option
navigate Spotifyof
create a aplaylist.
Many using iMovie.
students struggled and
needed additional support. Knowing that, I would spend more time preparing/finding video
If anotherprior to starting
teacher planned the
second aspect
project, myI advice
would would
is the
not make of any
collaborators. I insisted
assumptions about priorthat each student
knowledge.” submit
If you have an
explicitly project. My initial
taught them how toconcern was
use a tool,
given a group
teacher project,
should model I would struggle
or create to hold
a tutorial. eachthat
I made student accountable.
mistake However,
and lost valuable I
time duethat I can
to the changeofthe
number rubric toand
questions fit aconcerns
group project. The students enjoyed collaborating
from students.
and generated wonderful ideas that would have suited a group project.

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