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CSE3501 – Information Security Analysis and Audit

Lab Final Assessment Test


Sakar Baral

Aim :
To configure a firewall that blocks ICMP requests to the
• Place the server, pc’s and connect them through a hub in between
• In the server settings, open the firewall menu and add a filter that
denies ICMP packets and make sure you switch on the service as shown
• Class C IP addresses ranging from to are
• Pinging the server will not work as the firewall blocks the packets.

Output screenshot:
Pinging the server doesn’t work as the firewall is
blocking the requests

IP addresses of the devices:

Aim : To configure a DNS server

• Configure IP addresses on the devices
• Switch on DNS service on the server and define the names of host and
ip address as shown below

• Test if the DNS is working by pinging the PC’s from the server

As the PC’s are being pinged using the name, the DNS service is working.

Class-C IP configuration of the devices:


To configure FTP service

1. Create a LAN using 2 PCs connected to a switch.
2. Create another LAN with a PC and a server connected to a switch.
3. Interconnect the 2 LAN’s using a router.
4. Configure the IP addresses of all the devices, making the router as the
default gateway for the PCs and server.
5. Make sure ports switched ‘ON’
6. In the server’s services, configure the FTP service by entering a
username, password and selecting the permissions to be given to the user
as shown

7. Open the text editor of the PC in the same LAN as the server and create
a text file and save it.
8. Open the command prompt of the same PC and connect to the ftp service
by entering the command: ftp (The IP of the server)
9. Enter the username and password.
10. To put the file into the server using ftp, use the command: put
filename.txt which should say that the file is successfully written as
shown below
11. To access the file from another PC, repeat step 8 and 9
12. Then use the command, get filename.txt as shown below

13. To exit from the ftp interface, use the command “Control+ C”
14. To check if the file has been copied into the PC, use the dir command

15. If it displays the filename, the file has successfully been copied
16. To view the file, open the text editor of the PC and click on file-
>open, where it should show the filename and clicking on the filename will
display the contents

The file can be read from PC1 using the FTP server

The file can be read from PC0 using the FTP server
To configure a SMTP server

• Configure the IP addresses

• Go to the email tab of both the pc and write a name, server
• Go to one of the PC’s and send a mail to the other pc’s email
• Click receive on the other PC and see the email.

Aim :
To configure a HTTP web server

• Configure the IP addresses of all the devices
• Go to web server and go to the http service and edit the
index.html and add the code to the file
• Go to dns server and configure the dns service and add the
webserver to the dns list and the corresponding webserver name
• Go to the browser of the pc and open the ip or the dns server
• If the file opens, the experiment is successful

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