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make students to express anything in a paper, writing can help students to remain

and express their idea by their own words. In the writing process, according to

Huy (2015: 54) "there are four types of writing, namely exposition,

argumentation, description and narration.” Description is also the fiction writing

mode for transmitting a mental image or the particulars of a story. Description text

gives the explanation or more information of an object. Descriptive text is a form

of text that tells things such as places, figures, shapes, and pets in sequence.

Based on syllabus of 2013 Curriculum at the seventh grade of SMP

Negeri 2 Lahewa, writing is included as one of the skills that should be taught to

the students. Core competence expects the students are capable in understanding,

applying, analyzing, and evaluating factual, conceptual, procedural, and

metacognitive knowledge based on the students’ curiosity about the science of

arts, and culture technology humanities with humanitarian, national, state, and

civilization-related causes phenomenon and events, and applying the procedural

knowledge to specific area of study in accordance with their talents and interests

to solve the problem. Meanwhile, basic competence expects the students to

analyze the social functions, text structures, and linguistic features of descriptive

text either in written form according to the context of its use. The minimum

compotence criterion which is decided in the school is 70. Therefore, for reaching

the succesful one, the students must get score at least 70 or more.

Based on the observation at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa,

especially in class VII-A at the beginning of last September 2021 through

interviews with teachers and also observations of students while learning English,

shows some problems are the students are lack of vocabularies. The students are

unable to describe the object and the students are unable to identify topic, main

idea, content from descriptive text. Based on identification of problems above, the

researcher takes a conclusion that the lower of the students’ learning result it is

caused by the lower of the learning quality. And the lower of the learning quality

it is caused by the strategy used by the teacher in teaching-learning proces. So,

students’ motivation to learn English is low. Actually, the teacher should apply

learning strategy that is suitable for material that teacher will teach to the students

and can increase students quality well, in order that the students are active and

their study can develop. To overcome the problems the researcher wants to solve

the problem by using Writer Workshop Strategy to improve the students’ ability

in writing descriptive text. The researcher choose Writer Workshop Strategy as a

solution to the problem found by the students because the objectives and

implementation of the Writer Workshop Strategy have relationship with the

problems found in the students. Writer Workshop Strategy allows students to

think and gives the time for students to communicate what they think with others

through writing. Writer Workshop meets these needs and streamlines instruction

in order to meet the most important objective. It’s supported by (Vygotsky, 1986)

in Strum (2012:338) arguing,

as students participation Writers’ Workshop, they learn that writers

compose texts to make meaning that can be shared with others. Students
communicate, both orally and in writing, throughout all phases of the
Writers’ Workshop.

To conduct this research, the researcher used Classroom Action Research

(CAR) as research method. This research includes four stages of activities, they

are planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting of the action. The subject of

this research is the students of seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa in

2021/2022. Classroom Action Research (CAR) begins with interaction about

classroom experiences, issues, or challenges that require the student to be active in

classroom. It is a reflective process which helps teacher to explore and examine

aspects of teaching and learning to take action to change and improve the

students’ ability to write. The procedures of the research implementation which

are done in cycles. If in the cycle I is successful in improving students' ability in

writing descriptive text, the researcher will stop doing research in cycle 1 but if

there is no any improvement the students’ ability in writing descriptive text, the

research will be continued to the next cycles. In this study, primary data will be

collected from a writing test using a Writer Workshop Strategy and from

observations during the teaching and learning process.

Based on the previous explanation, the reseacher formulated the title of

this research that is “Improving Students’ Writing Ability in Descriptive Text

Through Writer Workshop Strategy at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 2

Lahewa in 2021/2022”.

B. The Identification of the Problems

There are some problems that the researcher found based on pleriminary

observation, as follows:

1. The students were lack of vocabularies

2. The students were unable to describe the object.

3. The students were unable to identify topic, main idea, content from

descriptive text.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems on the previous explanation,

the researcher limited the problem to make it easy for the researcher to

investigate. So the researcher focuses on improving the students’ ability in writing

especially in descriptive text by using Writer Workshop Strategy at the Seventh

Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa in 2021/2022.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem previously, the researcher

formulated the research, as follows “How does Writer Workshop Strategy

improve the students’ writing ability especially in descriptive text at the seventh

grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa


E. The Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the research was to improve the students’ ability in writing

ability especially in descriptive text by applying Writer Workshop Strategy at the

seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa.

F. The Significances of the Research

There are some significances of the research, they are:

1. Theoretical significance

1) It is can help that the result of the study can be one of the references in

Writing learning theory.

2. Practical significance

1) The researcher, as an instrument to overcome the students’ problems in

writing by Writer Workshop Strategy.

2) The English teacher, as a reference in teaching writing to the student by

Writer Workshop Strategy.

3) To the students, as a comparison of their ability in writing after knowing

their weaknesses.

G. The Assumption of the Research

There were some assumptions of the researcher, in doing this research, as


1. Writing is one of important skills in learning English that has to be mastered

by students.

2. Writer workshop strategy is a framework for writing instruction and practice

in the classroom. In Writers Workshop students are provided with strategy

instruction and guidance to facilitate writing development.

H. The Limitation of the Research

There were some limitations of the research, as follows:

1. The subject of this research was the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lahewa

especially class VII-A in 2021/2022

2. In this research, the researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as a

research method.

3. The researcher is used Writer Workshop Strategy to improve the students’

ability in writing especially in descriptive text.


I. The Key Term Definitions of the Research

There are some key terms definition of this research, namely:

1. Writing is a means of communicating ideas and information which are

related to the thinking process and expression of ideas in written form and

also a process of extracting and delivering meanings in one’s head into

words on a sheet of paper.

2. Writer Workshop Strategy is one strategy that can be used in teaching

English writing in the classroom, which aims to improve students' writing

ability by providing opportunities for students to express their ideas in a

written work through the exchange of ideas with each other.




A. Theoritical Framework

1. Writing

a. Definitions of Writing

Writing is important and frequently used in people's daily lives either as

individual such as writing application letter, messages, and dissemination of the

research results or member of society such as in a workplace issues. Writing is

also taught in formal education considering the importance of having ability and

good skills of writing.

Writing is actually a transaction with words from what we think then we

develop and we describe through the form of writing on a paper. This explains

that writing is delivering meaning to the readers. It’s supported by Rani (2016:31)

“writing is a means of communicating ideas and information which are related to

the thinking process and expression of ideas in written”. In Addition, Aydawati

(2016:40) argues, “Writing helps learners gain independence, comprehensibility,

fluency and creativity in writing. Therefore, writing is an activity where someone

can express an idea or opinion on the paper”.

Based on the experts’ opinion above, the researcher takes a conclusion that

writing is one of the important skills in language that must be mastered by every

student, because through writing everybody can convey their ideas, thoughts,

opinions, and get information.

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