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1. Present a completed control system:

a) Definition: ( không quan trọng, nhưng cứ thêm cho chắc)
- System: is a combination of components, devices, algorithms, … which are
connected together with the purpose of implementing specification work. The
system intefaces with the environment around it by input and output signals.
- Classification:
+ Continuous, Discontinuos
+ Linear, Non – linear
+ Causal, Uncausal
+ Static, Dynamic
+ Feedback system, Open system
b) Complete control system:

c) How to complete the Controller? 

 We need to Implement several following Steps: 
Mathematical Model  Analysis  Design
Step 1: Finding the Mathematical Model of Object based
on Phisical Phenomenance; 
The Subject “Signals and Systems” is able to find the Results: RLC
Circuits, Robot,…  
Step 2: Analizing the Object: 
i. Stability Property; 
1. BIBO (Bounded Input – Bounded Output); 
2. Lyapunov 
ii. Observability Property;
iii. Static error;
Step 3: Designing the Controller: 
i. In the Completed Control Systems, There are Many Parts in Control
Diagram, such as: (Control diagram ở phần b)
1. Model, Controller, Observer (Sensor); 
2. Additional Parts: 
a. Micro Controller; 
b. Actuators; 
o However, In order to design the Controller, we can eliminate several
parts in Control Diagram, such as: Micro Controller and Actuators,
… Because we can known These Parts being the Perfect Elements; 
o We need to distinguish the differences between the practical control
systems and the ideal control Systems are: 
a. Practical Control Systems are considered the Microcontroller and
b. Ideal Control Systems eliminate the Actuators, MicroController 
o Therefore, we only use the modified Control Diagram to design
Controller with the Purpose as: 
Finding the Input of Object to satisfy the error between Reference &
Output to be conveged to zero as time comes to infinity.

ii. Several following Controllers can be studied: 

1. PID Controller; 
This controller is the most famous controller, namely PID (P-
Propotional, I: Integral, D: Derivative) 
2. State Feedback Controller: 
We need to know Lyapunov Stability Theory; 
d) Example: In Robotic system:
a. Mobile Robots: 
UAV (phương tiện bay không người lái), AUV (phương tiện dưới
nước), WMRs (Xe tự hành không người lái), 
- How to consider the control design of Mobile Robots? 
The Control Purpose is to give the torque in each Fans to achieve the Desired
Trajectory of Vehicles 

b. Manipulators (Tay máy: Is the combination of Joint and Link – khớp và

- The Control Objective is to find The Torque in Each Joints to obtain the
Desired Trajectory. (Example, I want to write sentence, I need to create the
moment in each joint.)
- However, the Control Objective can be improved to Motion/Force Control.
(Example, I want to write correct derised sentence, I need to apply appropriate
force to the joint).

2. Please present the Problem “Laplace/Fourier Transformation – Transfer

Function – BIBO Stability”:
a) Laplace transformation:
Convert signals from time domain to s domain
b) Fourier transformation:
Convert signal from time domain to frequency domain
 2 phần trên đã học ở giải tích, mạch rồi nên thôi nhé
c) Transfer Function:
Consider SISO system, input u(t), output y(t)
 Transfer function G(s): is the ratio of Laplace transformation of y(t) over u(t),
with the intial state of y(t) = 0, y’(t) = 0 , y’’(t) = 0, …….
y(t)  Y(s)
u(t)  U(s)
Y (s )
 G(s) = (initial state = 0)
U (s )
 Weight function g(t) : Response of the system when u(t) = δ(t)

 Whenever we know u(t) and g(t) => we also find out y(t)
 g(t) is time domain ----L---- G(s) is s domain

 Transient function h(t): Response of the system when u(t) = 1(t) (step)
If h(t) -------L--------- H(s)
 Expression block:

d) Transfer block transformation:

 G1 // G2:

G(s) = G1(s) + G2(s)

 G1, G2 in series:

G(s) = G1(s). G2(s)

 G2(s) is the feedback:
 Các phương pháp biến đổi như chuyển nút nối tín hiệu, chuyển nút rẽ nhánh:
e) BIBO stability:
 Because of procedure of the Control Design, we need to know that the analysis
step is important step in designing the controller:
Mathematical Model  Analysis  Design
 Consider the system given the Transfer Function:
Y (s )
G(s) = (initial state = 0)
U (s )
- The system is stable <=> For all input signals satisfy that there exist a large
number M such that:
| u(t) | < M (all t)
 There exist a large N such that:
| y(t) | < N (all t)
- If the Input is bounded  Output is also bounded (Bounded In – Bounded Out)
 If we only use definition of BIBO, it’s difficult to determine the property of the
system => We need to know Criteria.
Criteria of BIBO stability:
Y (s )
G(s) = is stable  all pole points of G(s) are on the left side of complex
U (s )
The pole point is root of U(s). (Example: s1 is a pole point if G(s1) = infinity
or U(s) = 0)
- Often: Y(s) and U(s) is polynomial.
- We will use Routh table to determine BIBO criteria.

3. Please draw the diagrams of basic curves (Bode, Nyquist, …)

4. Please describe the DC Motor using Transfer Function
Question: Base on the Physical property of DC Motor, please obtain the block
Transfer function diagram and compute the equivalent corresponding Transfer
a) Revision about DC motor:
The interaction between the current (i) in the circuit and the flux (Φ) => create
the Torque.

However, in order to keep the direction of Torque, it is necessary to use: gear

and brush (chổi than và vành góp: đổi chiều dòng điện nhưng giữ chiều
Disadvantage in DC motor: Due to the structure of gear and brush, it follow
that the reduction of age of DC motor.
b) Several dynamic equation of DC motor:
(1). Uư = R.iư(t) + L dt + eư
(2.) eư = ke. Φ.ωe
d ωe
(3). M – Mc = J dt
 This equation is related to Newton law: F – Fc = m dt

 J (inertia moment) is hard to find: J = ∫ l2 . dm


Therefore in order to overcome the difficult, we need to note the group of

adaptive Control with the advantage of designing controller without the
knowledge of inertia J, parameters, …
(4). M = km. Φ .iư
- The flux is constant
- R, L, ke, km are constant number
c) Find transfer function:
On the Laplace domain:
(1). Uư(s) – Eư(s) = (R + Ls). Iư(s)
(2). Eư(s) = ke. Φ. ωe (s)
(3). M(s) – Mc(s) = J.s.ωe (s)
(4). M(s) = km. Φ. Iư(s)
d) Complete Transfer function diagram of DC motor:

5. Please present the work of Nyquist (1932) and Routh table

a) Routh table:
b) Nyquist:
6. Please present the classical PID controller:
- This controller is the most famous controller, namely PID (P-Propotional, I:
Integral, D: Derivative) 
- It uses in SISO system following feedback principle.
- The function is to make the system error e(t) come to 0.

Input – Output equation:

 Transfer function of PID:

- Therefore, in order to achieve desired quality for the system, we need to find
the parameter:
+ kp : Proportional coefficient
+ TI: Integral coefficient
+ TD: Derivative coefficient

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