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Teacher Candidate: Katelyn Terplan Date: April 1, 2022

Cooperating Teacher: Brittany Guyeski Coop. Initials BG

Group Size: 23 Allotted Time 30 minutes Grade Level 1st

Subject or Topic: Science: Matter Section EEU 390-015

Standard - 3.2.1.A5 CONSTANCY AND CHANGE Recognize that everything is made of

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

● The students will be able to know and differentiate between the three different types of
matter by creating a booklet that shows different examples of liquids, solids, and gasses.

II. Instructional Materials

● “Rainbow in a Jar” worksheet
● Mason jar
● Dropper
● Honey
● Light corn syrup
● Green dish soap
● Olive oil
● Rubbing alcohol
● Water
● Food coloring

III. Subject Matter/Content

A. Prerequisite skills
● What the particles look like in a liquid, solid, and gas.
● Examples of liquids, solids, and gasses

B. Key Vocabulary
● Matter: anything that takes up space.
● Liquid: particles that flow easily around one another.
● Solid: particles that are arranged in regular, repeating patterns.
● Gas: particles that fly in all directions at a fast speed.

C. Big Idea
● Everything is made up of matter (even if you can’t see it).

D. Content
● Matter comes in three forms: liquid, solid, gas.
● Honey, corn syrup, dish soap, and oil have more particles than water.
● Water has the least particles.

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
● Ask the students: What do you remember about matter?
● Inform the students that today we will be making a rainbow jar!
● Set up the ingredients on the front table.

B. Development
● Pass out the worksheets and have the students write their names.
● Write the materials on the board and have the students copy the materials
on their worksheet.
○ Mason jar, dropper, honey, corn syrup, dish soap, water, oil,
rubbing alcohol, and food coloring
● Write the procedure on the board and have the students copy.
○ 1. Honey
○ 2. Purple corn starch
○ 3. Dish soap
○ 4. Blue water
○ 5. Olive oil
○ 6. Red rubbing alcohol
● Once the students wrote down the materials and procedure, ask the
students what their hypothesis is.
● Write the hypothesis on the board and have the students copy.
● Once the materials, procedure, and hypothesis are complete, choose a stick
and have that student come up and drop purple food coloring in the corn
● Choose a stick and have the student put blue food coloring in the water.
● Choose a stick and have the student put red food coloring in the rubbing
● Once the food coloring is in each ingredient, choose a stick to have the
first student complete step one. (honey)
● Choose a stick and have the student come pour the purple corn syrup in
the jar.
● Choose a stick and have the student pour the dish soap in the jar.
● Choose a stick and have the student pour the blue water in the jar.
● Choose a stick and have the student pour the olive oil in the jar.
● Choose a stick and have the student pour the red rubbing alcohol in the jar.
○ Remind this student to add the red to the side of the jar NOT the
● Have the students come up and look at the jar and then go back to their
desk and color the jar on their worksheet.
● Ask the students what we can conclude.
● Write it on the board and have the students copy it.
● Ask the students if their hypothesis was right.
● Have them circle “yes” or “no”.

C. Closure
● Have the students put their worksheets in their folder to stay at home.
● Why do you think the water did not blend in with the other liquids?
● Thank the students for their hard work all week. Inform them that they did
a great job following directions.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
● Follow all IEPs

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Observation
2. “Rainbow in a jar” worksheet

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students
who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers

to question recorded after lesson is taught)
VI. Resources (in APA format)

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