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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Alex Quevedo

OGL 481: Organizational Leadership Pro-Seminar I

Dr. Kate McCain

Name and describe your organization.

The organization that I will be using for this Personal Case Analysis is an organization

that I worked at for about half of my life. T.C Concrete is the name of the organization; it is a

small construction company that focuses on concrete foundations mainly residential costume

homes and anything involving the use of concrete (sidewalks, walkways, garage slabs etc.). At

the time period which I will be using for this PCA, it was composed of Ted Churchill owner,

Brad owner’s son/ foremen, team: Alex, Jesus, Manuel, Julian, Ismael, Juan.

Describe your role in the organization (it can be an internal or external role).

At the time during this PCA, I was the team lead for the company. I was in charged of

making sure that everyone understood what they were assigned to do and to make sure they were

performing the job right. Facilitating communication between the foreman and the team as well

as communicating with any stakeholders involved. I was also in charge of quality control as well

as making sure equipment and building supplies where always available to keep the project

running. Being that I was the only fluent English/Spanish speaker my role was very significant. I

would assume responsibilities when the foreman was absent.

Describe the situation, including information you think the will help the reader understand

the most important elements of the situation. (This will require selectivity: part of the art of

case writing is separating the essential facts from the mass of information that might be

The situation I chose took place over several month period but I will be focusing on the

turning point of the situation. For several months prior to the main situation, Brad had been

leaving the job site early showing up late or not showing up at all. Over the long period of me

working at T.C. concrete I had developed a brotherly relationship with him. When his dad would

call to ask how the job was, I would be the one he would call when Brad didn’t answer so, I

would cover for him and say he went to get some supplies or anything that would not get him in

trouble. This went on for quite some time prior to the main incident. It got to the point where the

team would have to load the work tools in their vehicles to ensure that we had them the next

morning and wouldn’t have to wait and waste time waiting for brad to show up. The day of the

situation happened when Ted came to the job site and Brad wasn’t there. He asked us where he

was and I said he was coming soon. Ted also asked why I was driving the work truck and I told

him Brad asked me to pick it up from the office/shop so that we could have all the tools and he

would meet up with us later. It was afternoon already and he still hadn’t showed up and Ted

began to ask us if this was something that he did constantly and how often these situations

happened. With the events of that day Brad was let go and Ted made me the foreman. I was not

prepared for this neither mentally or professionally, I had been doing a significant amount of the

work but not all of it. There were still things that I had to learn in order for me to fully take over

this role and perform it to the best of my abilities.

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