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This past semester in Life, Society and Drug class I have come to learn a lot about drugs,

different countries and their drug use and pros and cons that come from using drugs. I thought I
knew a lot about drugs since I am a Pharmacy Technician and dispense drugs all the time but
after taking this class I have come to learn so much more. I didn’t know a ton about the illegal
drugs since that is not what I dispense in the pharmacy, they are more stimulants, amphetamines,
opioids and more. Not like marijuana and cocaine. I also did not know much about cartels but
have found them really interesting to learn about. I also have learned a lot from the different
presenters we have had come and tell us about drugs and alcohol use or how to help those who
are struggling with it. I have also learned a lot more about life, society and drugs from the videos
we have watched in class or that were in the modules we watched on our own. Many people
struggle with drug addiction and I now have seen that those videos and learning a lot more have
helped me to see how big of an issue it is, as well as how much they really affect a person. It has
helped me gain a greater perspective on things like this and has helped me also look at those that
come into the pharmacy I work at to get their addiction recovery drugs like buprenorphine a little
different than I used too. I feel bad saying this, but I would almost look at one like, “Why do
they need this medication to help them recover and why can’t they just not take anything?” This
class has helped me see the bigger picture and that drugs can be very addictive and one really
needs help to be able to get off of them and become clean again. With the help of those recovery
drugs like buprenorphine it can really help change someones live around for the better. And
helped me notice they are doing great things with their lives.

This course does relate to my life long wellness 1540 class I am taking. That is because
this class is about drugs and the affects it can have on ones body. Some can be good and some
can be bad. That reminds me of what I have been learning in my life long wellness class. We
have been learning about healthy habits and healthy food as well as what we need to do to
continue to stay healthy. Eating food can be similar to drugs. Some food is good for you and
some food is really bad for you and can be really addictive. Those foods that are bad can affect
our bodies in a negative way and can even have a life long affect. That is similar to drugs. Drugs
can be good for one such as Adderall but bad like being addicted to Percocet. Being addicted to
those bad drugs can also have a really big impact on our lives that could even last forever like
eating junk food that isn’t good for our body. I really enjoyed this class and learning so much
about drugs, cartels and how they can affect ones life.

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