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Aislyne Olsen

Ms. Anna West

Life, Society, and Drugs

2020 May 3


When I first took this class, I didn’t know what it would be about or what to expect from

the class, but now that I’ve taken it I have broadly expanded both my understanding of different

drugs, their side effects, and how their overall impact both in the lives of drug users and society

as a whole​. One thing I’ve taken away from this class and will continue to appreciate is the

importance of the issues we’ve gone over. Talking about these topics used to make me nervous

due to the taboo nature surrounding them, given that the environment I grew up in treated them

as such, but now I have grown to understand the importance of discussing them with others. If

we want to do something about things like opiate misuse, or alcoholism, it’s important to bring

these issues to light and challenge their taboo nature.

Something that has had a major impact on me that we learned in class is opiate use,

misuse, and their many forms. I used to think that there were only two types of opiates-

morphine and codeine, but when I found out that there were ten different types, I was blown

away. This has actually shifted the way I perceive opiates because now I can actually tell if a

medicine I’m about to take contains an opiate or an opiate derivative. At my work, I assist a

couple of clients (I’m a caretaker for the disabled) with their prescriptions and monitor any

noticeable side-effects, changes and reactions. One of my clients takes a prescription opiate

regularly and because of what I learned in class, I’ve become better informed of the drug and
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what they are taking so I can do my job effectively while providing appropriate care in the event

that something serious happens.

Another substantial thing I’ve learned in this class that will stick with me is the medical

benefits of marijuana. I’ve personally never used medical cannabis, but I know plenty of people

who do use it and have seen substantial progress in their health. I’ve come to learn more about

the medical benefits, how medical marijuana is produced and sold, and the legal issues

surrounding the drug. While I don't ever plan on consuming medical cannabis ( or recreational

for that matter), knowing more about it has provided me with a deeper understanding of the uses

of medical cannabis and its benefits so that I can continue to form a better opinion on the

substance. Now that I know more, I can properly advocate for its legalization for those who

benefit from it (especially my aunt who uses it for chronic pain. It’s helped her regain a sense of

‘normal’ that I deeply appreciate.)

While this course didn’t tie into the other classes I was taking this semester, it does

remind me of a class I took last semester that focused on common problems in society (like

healthcare access, poverty, the list goes on). While not the direct cause of the problems we

covered in that class, drug use (and misuse) could be a major contributing factor to a handful of

those problems, or feed into them making them ten times worse. I can also see how some of

those problems (let’s use poverty as an example) can contribute to drug use. There are five

determinants of health, and when one of those is missing (a steady income or lack of essentials),

that could potentially lead to drug use. While I find that deeply troubling, it serves as a reminder

of the importance of our needs and how the five determinants of health impact our lives.
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Although I hadn’t expected this class to be as intensive and invigorating as it turned out

to be, I truly enjoyed the information we covered and everything I learned from it. I only took

this class to fulfill my International and Global credit, but I gained a deeper understanding of

drugs and how they are used around the globe. If I wasn’t going into publishing, I’d consider

going into a field where I can continue learning more about drugs and their societal effects. I do,

however, plan on using the things I learned in this class to help me form my own opinions or

drugs and better navigate my way in society.

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