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Pumpkin Alpha’s Next Victim

Written by: G-Wolf

Harlem let out a breath of air, letting out his worries of city life go. He loved the city but
sometimes he found himself needing to get away and back to nature. Luckily he lived not too far
from a wooded area and able to lose himself in nature for a day. And that was what he was
doing, he sat on the edge of a mini cliff as he watched the sky turn from day into night as the sun
set on the horizon. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone and looked at the time.
After reading the time, he determined he better start making his way back home. It was at
least a couple hours walk back to where he started from. Even though it was getting dark and
will be darker, he knew the woods enough that he could find his way back without trouble.
As the tasmanian devil walked back through the woods, he found that there was jack-o-
lantern scattered along the main trail. Most be for the Halloween season that was here. He started
to look at each pumpkin more in depth, finding each one unique. Most where your typical shapes
for eyes, nose, and mouth but some had more beautiful art on them.
Since he was looking at the pumpkins, Harlem did not release that the pumpkins actually
lead away from the main path. As he continued to follow the jack-o-lanterns he started to notice
that some of them started to have purple fog come out from them. He found it a little odd but
cool looking at the same time.
The snap of a stick brought Harlem’s attention away from the pumpkins and made him
look around to find that he wasn’t on the path anymore. Though he still had an idea of where he
was so he wasn’t panicked.
Another snap was heard and made the taz turn around and look for the noise. “Just an
animal” Harlem said aloud to himself then started to walk back the way he came. All the while in
the woods a form watched and waiting, playing with his prey. A little farther and he could spring
Harlem walked back the way he came but found a jack-o-lantern in the middle of the path
that wasn’t there when he walked there the first time. Though this one was different, it wasn't
hollow. Or at least looked hollow, it’s eyes and mouth were black and unable to see inside.
Curiosity getting him he walked toward the pumpkin, as he did its eyes seemed to open and
shown purple and yellow swirling eyes and something coming from its mouth.
“Ah!” Harlem yelled out as he ran back away from the pumpkin.
The form smiled at the screaming taz, his little minion did a wonderful job. It was about
time to come out and get his prey.
Slowing his run down, Harlem tried to collect himself. It was just a jack-o-lantern.
Someone playing a trick. He started to take a deep breath to calm himself but there was suddenly
a low but loud growl from the woods. The growl made him panic more, trying to look for the
source and what the source could be. He believed there was the possibility of bears in the woods
but he doubt they would be out in this time of year.
Another growl from another place in the woods. Harlem started to panic more and his
flight or fight instance turned on and it told him to run again. So run he did. As he ran, he looked
around and found that the moon finally came up and was full, allowing him to see somewhat
where he was going. And see that there was a small clearing ahead. Whatever was in the woods
is obviously hiding. So he would be safer in the open, right?
The form smiled as his prey run into the clearing as he wanted. He willed his minions to
start to fog the area some to get his prey a little more confused.
Confused it did make Harlem. He noticed the clearing started to fill with a purple fog that
seemed to come out of nowhere. Making the feeling a safety slip away as he could only see the
moon above him.
It was time to show the prey who was after him. The form moved into the fog silently as
he approached the panicked taz who now has stood in one place trying to look for the woods.
This was the chance he needed. The form walked out of the fog and walked behind the tasmanian
devil and waited.
Harlem’s heart pumped as he tried to figure out what to do. He knew the woods but he
had no sense of where he was now with being so far from the trail and turned around so many
times and and a fog. While he looked around the light around him seemed to disappear as if the
moon was covered by a cloud. But then something dropped onto his head and he reached up to
figure what it was and found it some purple gloop.
“What the?” Harlem questioned, looking at the goop in his hand as another thing hit his
head. This time he looked up to figure out what was falling on him and he immediately regretted
it as he was muzzle to muzzle with a big yellow and brown wolf that seemed to be made of goo
and was dripping on him. He was looking right into the wolf's eyes, purple and yellow slowly
swirling eyes.
It took a minute but Harlem finally processed the situation he was in and screamed and
ran from the big wolf. But he wasn’t able to get far as a floating pumpkin flew past him and
stopped in his path. The taz quickly changed his direction to only be blocked by another
pumpkin, then another, and another until he was corned to the wolf.
Being corned as he was, he was now able to see the wolf in his entirety. The wolf was
easily ten feet, his body was bulky considering it was made of dripping goo. His face shown a
slight insane look, especially with the two different color swirling eyes. And the most noticeable
feature of the wolf was the big, hard, canine cock and balls that was between the beast’s legs.
Seeing the beat fully now, Harlem knew he needed out. He looked around again to see if he had
a chance. It seemed that all routes where blocked by these floating pumpkins that seemed to be
controlled by the wolf. Maybe he could distracted them somehow.
How could he district the wolf and pumpkins though? He went through his mind of
possible solutions then he thought about his phone’s flashlight could maybe disorientate them.
Harlem reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and swiped to turn on the flashlight and
then flashed it at the pumpkins then the wolf. It seemed it work on the pumpkins, as they turned
away from the light but as he shined the light at the wolf he roared out and jumped at him and
pinned him down to the ground, knocking his phone out of his hand, a few inches away While
he laid on his back with a big goo paw on his chest and arm, the wolf loomed over him with a
crazed smirk while dripping goo over him.
The tasmanian devil squirmed under the wolf’s paws as he tried to get away and reach for
his phone but it was out of reach and he could barely move with how well the wolf above him
has him pinned. Then there was the goo that was falling off the wolf onto him some in long
strands some in drops. He tried to avoid getting the falling goo in his maw, he as close several
times as goo fell onto his face.
Time seemed to slow to Harlem has he was pinned down. He was hopeless and his will to
fight seemed to grow thin but was it from exhaustion or something else? Then he noticed that it
seems that his clothes were disappearing as the goo was being absorbed, as if eating the fabric
away. Before he knew it, Harlem found himself naked under the wolf and little will to fight. His
mind seemed calm now but there was a little left in him.
Using the little fight left, Harlem muscled up all his energy and tried to get out from
under the wolf once more. He pulled, pushed, twisted, squirmed but it was all to no avail. He
didn’t move even an inch. No energy left he laid there in defeat and the wolf took that chance to
get goo into the taz’s maw. Harlem didn’t and couldn’t fight the goo go into his maw. While the
goo went in the wolf final spoke. “Preyyy” the wolf said roughly. “Changggee.”
Somehow Harlem formed a reply that he was surprised he even said. “Yes, Pumpkin
Alpha. Change your prey.” The goo has washed the fight out of Harlem and was already
changing the taz but the change would not take effect unless the Pumpkin Alpha did what the
change needed.
Now was time for the best part for the Pumpkin Alpha, changing someone fully. He
called his pumpkin minion over and had them hover as they replenished his goo at a faster level
in preparation for changing the taz. The wolf changed positions now that the taz was calmed and
ready and spread the taz’s leg and access his hole. No longer waiting and no needing to prep, the
wolf lined his big cock up to the small tight hole of the tranced tasmanian.
Pushing in, the wolf moaned at the tightness. He loved this part the most, no matter who
he turned they were tight to him since he was so big. And from the ta below he seemed to enjoy
as he moaned more in pleasure than pain. The goo really working through his system. Getting
right to it, the wolf started out at a medium pace as he went back and forth into his prey.
As the fucking continued, more and more goo was absorbed into the wolf’s prey, taking
from his cock and drippings from his body. He was already starting to turn to goo and enjoy the
fucking he was getting that he was pushing back into the cock as it went in, want more. Bliss was
on his face, from what you could see since it was partly covered with goo.
This felt right to Harlem, even though his hazed head he could feel his body change from
a solid matter into a formed liquid. He couldn’t tell what was skin and fur and what was goo
anymore as different parts of him in and out were changing. The fucking was changing his
insides while the drippings and pumpkins changed the outside and eventually meet in the
Looking into his prey’s new eyes, the wolf smirked at his work as the transformation was
almost complete. He could see and feel that his prey’s body was fully turned into goo but to
solidify the change, there was one more thing and he has been holding it back for a while. The
wolf pulled his cock back once more and slammed into back inside, including the knot. As he
slammed in the knot, the wolf howled out his orgasm and came deep inside his newly formed
prey and solidified the change permanently.
The climax knocked out Harlem while the Pumpkin Alpha looked down at the passed out
changeling and smirked, another successful changing. Though he wondered how this one would
be since he didn’t make a slave of him. I guess he was going to find out since he was tied to the
tasmanian devil, literally and figuratively. Sighing, the wolf got his mind in order and pulled out
of the passed out taz and then hauled him over his shoulder and walked back into the woods.

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