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Kinktober 2020 - Goo

A Goo-y Inflation Situation

Written by: G-Wolf
Commission for Aranis on FA

Aranis, a black wolf with red highlights in his area and various red marks on his body,
walked through the woods on a nice autumn evening. The sun had just set but there was some
lingering light left from the day as the wolf breathed in the cooling, crisp air. He smiled at the
day as it ended and decided it was probably about time to head back and get home. Luckily he
knew the woods and there was a way to get back without going back the way he came, and was
off the trails. So, he started his way back on his secret trail.
As he walked through the woods, passing through branches and over puddles. Passing
more and more puddles, the wolf got curious as to why there were puddles as it hasn't rained
recently. But he just pushed those thoughts aside and continued on, trying to avoid them to not
get wet. Unfortunately, that didn’t last long though as a few steps later as the light of the day was
gone, Aranis didn’t see that the puddle he was avoiding was bigger than he thought and he
stepped into it with a splash.
“Ugh!” Aranis exclaimed at the wet foot he now had as he tried to pull back his leg to
back to where he was before. But he couldn’t get his foot free from the puddle, it was stuck.
Trying again and again, it wasn’t moving. Taking a chance, the wolf took the dry paw and took a
step forward and tried to use the momentum and walking to try to pull his foot free.
The result of that wasn’t what he wanted as he stepped forward with his foot it went in
with another splash and he felt it sink in a little this time. He tried to pull that foot and had no
luck with it. He was now totally stuck in this weird puddle. Continuing to try to pull both of his
feet out now, he tried everything he could including jumping out, pulling each leg, even tried to
get out of his shoes but nothing was working.
To only make matters worse, with his continuing struggle and patience slipping he got
more aggressive with his movements and resulted in him losing his already awkward balance and
falling backwards on his ass into the puddle. Aranis gave another angry sigh at his situation but
curiously got to him again as he noticed that what he was in wasn’t water. While yes it was wet,
it felt slimy and thicker than water. Trying to get up, without thinking, Aranis put both hands into
the puddle to push himself off. Though he was able to push his hips somewhat in the air, his
whole body was stuck in this puddle now.
Giving up, Aranis gave a defeated sigh and just laid there in the puddle in the awkward
position he was in. He looked up through the trees, seeing the moon was coming out now and
gave him some light to see around him. Looking around his situation again he took a breath and
calmed himself. He wasn’t going to get out of this if he got mad every time.
With new motivation, the wolf tried once again to try to get out of the puddle and
situation he was in. Trying to move and splash around to work himself out. But unknown to him,
that was making things worse for him as the puddle he was in seemed to push back and he was
slowly getting slowed down to a stop. That’s when he noticed that his legs and arms were
covered with the stuff more than before and having stilled, he could feel that what he was in was
slowly moving. And at this point he couldn’t do another about it as he was stilled by it, all he
could do was watch it.
Suddenly, he felt something near his ass and then went into it slowly. It wasn't painful, it
was if water was going inside him slowly. But it was a steady flow as he felt more and more go
inside his ass. All the while on the front of his body more and more of the slime he was in moved
around his body and went toward his groin. Though he was wearing pants, the slim slipped under
easily and seemed to start to go around his sheath and balls, then slowly go on the top of his
sheath and start to go inside his cock just as his ass was being filled, a steady flow.
That brought a slight moan out of the captive wolf as it was a little pleasurable to have
something inside his cock and also his ass, as it was getting more and more still. He already
could see that his belly was bulging some and started to inflate from being filled in his ass. While
the cock slime starts to add to that while also putting some into his balls, but mostly going in his
body and meeting the rest of the slime. He moaned out again and let go of what balance he had
onto his legs and arms and surrendered to the slime and laid flat into the puddle that was slowly
filling him.
Aranis moaned and groaned at the feeling of being filled in his cock and ass and being
inflated. He just watched as his belly was slowly getting bigger and bigger, along with his balls a
little. It was a weird sensation to be filled like this but the wolf loved it, he loved being filled like
this actually. Though he never did anything to this extreme, as he had no resources to do that.
While laying and watching the slime go in him and inflate him, he started to notice that
the slime puddle he was in was starting to slowly get smaller and smaller while he got bigger and
bigger. And he had a thought, maybe he could get out of here if just let the lsim go in him and fill
him until he was free.
Not that he had much choice in the matter anyways, since the slime still held him in place
and with it being in him it started to add weight to him that he didn’t have before. So he just tried
to enjoy the feeling he was in right now as he was getting bigger and bigger.
There was a problem with getting bigger and bigger though, his pants. They were starting
to get tight and were wanting to burst from the pressure as his waist was getting bigger as well,
plus his balls were a little larger as well and were pushing at his pants too. He tried to reach for
the button of his pants to undo them and try to keep them from ripping but he was unable to
move much as he was forced down in his place. Though his efforts were useless since as he tried
to unbutton his pants they burst off him, free his waist and balls and they still grew more.
With not much to do, he again went back to trying to enjoy this feeling he was having as
he was getting filled more than he ever had before. He looked down himself to see that his belly
was higher than his head and he no longer could see his sheath and big balls, but could feel them.
Aranis moaned at the inflated feeling and wished he could cum from this but he was getting
filled and unable to get anything out. But he was hard as a rock and throbbing as the slime still
filled him.
What seemed to be forever later, he noticed that the slime puddle was almost gone and he
was on the normal ground now and even better that the slime that was holding him down was
loose and moving with the other now. Though the wolf was basically free he didn't want to move
yet, he wanted to let the slime finish what it started and he loved it anyways.
A little longer later and the puddle was gone and all inside him and even plugged him,
Aranis felt the slim in his ass and cock seemed to harden at the tip of his cock and entrance of his
hole. So the wolf guessed the slim was going to stay in him awhile. With the slime gone from the
ground and in him, it was time to get up. The wolf rolled over to his belly after a few attempted
to get the momentum to swing his large belly over. Being on his inflated belly made him partly
off the ground now, he just needed to lift off the ground. Pushing with his arms wasn’t going to
happen as he was inflated and unable to reach the ground with his hands now.
Pushing wasn’t an option, but rocking could work. Just as he was able to roll to his side,
rolling and rocking forward and backward might give him the momentum to get back to his feet.
So he tried that, forward and backward. Forward. Backward. Again, and again, slowly getting
some progress. Each time backward he would try to get back on his feet. Unable to but was
getting closer, so he continued with this strategery.
Eventually with enough rocking, Aranis was able to get back on his feet, though almost
fell back again as he was unbalanced and not used to the extra slime weight he had. Once settled
with his balance he looked at himself, happy at the unexpected turn of a night. And happy it was
night and had no need for pants to cover himself, as they were ripped to pieces anyways.
Figuring he couldn’t do anything else now, he started his way back to the main trail back
to the parking lot to be able to get home. Hopefully he could drive home with his big belly, it
was hard to walk with it, he questioned driving with it. But he would deal with that once he got
there, first walk back. So, he started his slow, slime weighted walk back to his car.

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