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Mating Canine

Written by: G-Wolf

Bauer, a German Shepherd, walked out of the farmhouse in just a pair of overalls that
will soon be off as the day went on and got hotter. This shep wasn’t worried about his
appearance as he worked, considering there was no neighbors anywhere insight and the only
other people on the farm as a couple of farmhands and the farmer. The farmer didn’t care how he
or his farmhands dressed as long as the work got done with every day.
Today, Bauer’s job was to be the stable boy. That job included cleaning the horse’s
stables and putting new hay in, letting each out into the yard for exercise, and today was “mating
day” for the horses. “Mating Day” on the farm was the day the male animals, today the horses,
get to relieve their sexual needs on the mating post which was essentially a big fleshlight for
Proud of his job, Bauer always did his best with each job every day, even if it was hard at
times but he looked it as a challenge almost and it did help carve the sexy body he holds today.
Starting out, the shepherd let the horse out to go play in their fenced in yard so he could clean the
Once the horses were in the yard, Bauer got to cleaning the stables. One by one, he
shoveled out the old hay, washed the rest that couldn’t be picked up out, and then laid out the
new hay inside each stall. By the time he was done he was out of his overalls but grabbed his
bandana and put it around his neck and put on his straw-hat.
Walking the perimeter of the horses yard to check on them, he returned to the horse and
found it was lunch time already and quickly fixed himself something and took it out then headed
to a big tree in the middle of the farm that gave a lot of shade to relax in and give a great view of
the farm, once you get use to the smell. Which Bauer has already done.
While eating lunch, several naughty farm thoughts popped in his head that got his cock
hard out of its sheath. He’s been on the farm as a farmhand for a few months now and trying
several farm related sex things have come and go from the sheps mind but he never acted on
anything. Mainly out of fear of getting caught and losing his job. The other farmhands said
they’ve done a couple things and haven't got caught and even if they did, the farmer doesn’t care
too much. All he cares is you get your assigned work done. Which was a fair rule.
Having been on the farm for only a few months and basically the rookie on the farm, this
was Bauer’s first Mating Day. He has watched one of the other farmhands do a horse’s Mating
Day when he was being trained but this was his first time doing it himself. Though it was a
simple task, you still had to watch yourself, since you have a couple thousand pound beast with
sexual need that could get out of control.
Sighing, Bauer getting up from his spot under the tree and walked back to the house to
throw away his trash and made his way back to the stables. All the while, his cock bouncing with
each step. It was not going down anytime soon. Walking to where the mating section was, the
shep start to get everything ready.
The mating pole, as it was called, was basically a large stand that could hold a horse’s
weight as it thrusted into the fake horse vagina. The horse can’t tell the difference, all it knows
it’s getting off around something pleasurable. A silicone fleshlight that was like a female horse’s
vagina was the horse would push into and thing he was nailing a mare to breed. Once the male
horse cums into the silicone it drains into a collection container to be stored and used or sold
Bauer made sure the pole was still steady for the horse to take today then lubed up the
silcoon for the horses, it sucks to into something without lube just makes it harder to do. The
shep was a little generous than what would be needed. Feeling everything was fine, he grabbed
the muzzle harness to put on the horse to control them if they get too out of control and to direct
Harness in hand, Bauer stepped in the yard and called out the horse’s name he wanted
first. “Chestnut!” Bauer yelled out, giving a whistle after he called.
Almost instantly, an all brown horse came running toward the canine. Chestnut slowed
down as he got to Bauer who put the harness on while talking to the horse. Once strapped in,
Bauer direct Chestnut to the mating area. Inside the area, he closed the gate and got the horse to
the pole.
A bonus of doing the horse’s mating day, which did or didn’t help Bauer’s fantasies, was
that if the horse wasn’t hard already, you help them to get hard enough to get into the fleshlight
and do their business.
Chestnut was in need of some help, he was partially of his sheath but needed some help
to get more out there to play with the fake mare. Bauer had a small smile on his face as he went
and knelt under the horse and started to stroke the horse’s shaft, even taking his other hand and
groping those big balls. He was in heaven and this was part of the reason he loved his job, it
fueled his fantasies, big time.
Not too long, Chestnut’s cock was to his full pride of foot long horse cock. Even fully
hard, it still pointed down to the ground, being so long. Chestnut knew he was hard and he
instantly went forward and pushed into the silicon mare and didn’t stop until he was all the way
in. And start his thing and fucked the silicone. Bauer tried to give Chestnut some privacy but
needed to hold the leash he had and couldn’t stop from watching.
In a reasonable time, the horse neighed and seemed to cum into the fake mare and pulled
out, dripping cum. Bauer, smiled at what he was seeing then let him back into the yard and called
the next horse over.
Bauer continued this process with each male horse in the herd and finally, he was to the
last horse. Letting his current horse free, he called for the last horse. “Richard!” Bauer called out.
A white horse comes running, slowly as he got to Bauer, he getting the harness on and into the
mating area.
Unknown to Bauer, Richard was already ready to use the fake mare. So ready that
Richard pushed Bauer to the mating pole where he was supposed to have his fake breeding and
started to push at Bauer’s ass.
“Fuck!” Bauer swore as he was pushed and pinned to the mating pole. “What’s with you
The answer to that question was simple, the horse was really horny and he couldn’t wait
and Bauer was in the way of his release and now was going to be part of it.
Bauer did try to get free from the heavy horse that was on him and threatening to enter
his tight, unprepared ass, but to no avail. He gave into his fate and thought about the positives.
“Fantasy come true I guess… So can’t complain much, though not how I imagined being fucked
by a horse. Why couldn’t it been one of the others though?” Bauer spoke and asked aloud to
That question was asked because Richard lived up to the nickname Richard’s have, Dick.
That was the reason a horse was even named Richard because he was the most hung of all the
horses and was above the after foot and half of cock. Richard was blessed with two feet of horse
cock and Bauer was going to see how two feet of horse feet feels like.
In his struggling, Bauer saw the lube was close by and in reaching distance, thank god he
set it close to the pole. Grabbing the lube, he quickly moved to squirt the lube over the horse’s
cock and his ass to at least give some prep and easy to his ass for the better of them both, mainly
Bauer was just in time too, as he finished squirting the lube onto them, the horse started
to push in. The shep whined and groaned at the intrusion but tried to relax, it was the only way
he will make it out unbroken except a sore ass. Slowly more and more horse cock filled him, the
horse not even stopping. Bauer felt it guts being filled and even could see a bulge in his gut.
Lucky, seeing the bulge was the end of it and the horse was done pushing in. That meant one
thing though… time for the fucking.
The filled canine tried to relax and be calm and be prepared for the fuck to come he was
glad to have the lube on there before hand though. Richard pulled out to about half way and
pushed back and started fucking fast. The thrusting was enough to tease Bauer’s prostate and
make his cock twitch with pleasure. To add to Bauer’s pleasure besides the fucking of the horse
was the silicone fleshlight under him, each thrust of the horse brought him closer to the hole and
his cock was starting to push inside it, tight for him even.
Moaning in pleasure now with a fake more on him and a real horse in him, he went with
the flow and thrusted back and forth, pleasing himself and the horse. Bauer was surprised the
fleshlight was tight on him, having been used several times already and made for horses, but who
was he to complain?
Time went on and Bauer knew it was time, Richard was going to fill his gut with cum
and he was going to fill the fake mare and he was more than ready for both. As if the horse was
reading the canine’s mind, he thrusted once more and gave a loud neigh of pleasure and came
into Bauer. Who felt the cum hit his insides and start to fill him, the pleasure and thoughts of that
sent him over and he spilt into the fake mare, howling in pleasure.
Both seemed to be done with each other, the horse pulled out, unknowing he bred his
handler and not the fake mare but was happily off with sexual pleasure. Bauer pulled out of the
fleshlight with a pant and cum running down his legs. Not caring about it, he cleaned up the area
then walked Richard out and led him to the stables and to his stale. Once inside, he locked up the
stables and headed for the house.
Along the way, a cum trail was made from the mating area to the stables and to the house.
At the porch to the house, Bauer tightened his ass to keep the cum inside and have it not drip on
the floor. Once sealed he went inside to the bathroom and showered the sweat, dirt, and cum of
the day. Bauer moaned as he washed himself and recalled thoughts of what happened and other
things he wished to happen.
Though those thoughts get his cock raging to go again, it wouldn’t get off again. Bauer
was tired from the day’s work and the fuck didn’t help. He didn’t even feel the need to eat
dinner. So after cleaning himself all around, especially his hole to make sure all the cum was out,
Bauer dried off and went to his room and got into the covers of his bed and dozed off into a
restful slumber.

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