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Date: 04/27/22

Dear Ms. Zurynski,

Thank you so much for allowing me to work with Arin these last few months to help her
progress towards becoming a better reader. Arin is a wonderful kid. I have enjoyed getting to
know her this semester and watching her grow in her reading ability.
During my time with Arin we read a lot of stories about animals. From these books Arin
and I both shared a lot of laughs and enjoyed the fun adventures the different characters went on.
I worked with Arin on blending and decoding skills to help her sound out words better and
become more fluent in her reading ability, which she has made terrific progress in! By the end of
my sessions with Arin she was making great progress at sounding out CVC words on her own
and independently reading kindergarten passages. Furthermore, Arin’s progress with
comprehension was already strong before our sessions, but after working on her blending skills
was able to comprehend passages she read on her own! Arin is doing an awesome job at retelling
stories, and identifying main ideas and key characters.
Arin is a really hard working student and so much fun to work with her energetic energy.
It has been a great privilege getting to work with your daughter and helping her improve in her
reading. Arin is a fantastic student and will just keep growing in her reading skills.

Thank you so much for your time.


Miss Emma J Boyer

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