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Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

by Benjamin Fulford

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August 2, 2021

Fulford Shop Update

! By Windlander " Notices # 9 Comments

Due to several of our suppliers shutting down or limiting production, product shipping times were
becoming unreasonable.

We have since completely revamped our store and now offer a variety of new products with more
reliable suppliers and faster shipping times.

We have also introduced a line of Benjamin Fulford Apparel. Recent Posts

Winter solstice to trigger big changes
If you would like to further support Ben, feel free to purchase anything from his shop.
Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video
Interview 12/17/2021
The first 20 people can use discount code SHOP10 for a 10% discount on first purchases.
Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde
turned in major white hat victory
Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video
Interview 12/10/2021
Khazarian mafia circles the wagons
around the drain

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August 2, 2021

Getting To Know The North Koreans

! By Benjamin Fulford " Weekly Reports # 704 Comments

Notice to readers. So that I may take my annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness, the next
several reports will be pre-written. They will focus on the history of how I got involved in fighting
the Khazarian Mafia. Hopefully, this will help readers get a better understanding of what is
happening now. Of course, if something really big happens, we will issue an emergency report.

The assassination attempts against me and the murder of many of my colleagues were part of a
Nazi coup d’etat that took place in the U.S. after 9.11.2001. This Nazi faction, led by Fuhrer
George Bush Sr., was a sub-group of the Khazarian Mafia. They were killing journalists as a part
of an attempt to control the narrative, the story by which Western society was led. However, I did
not figure that out until a North Korean princess showed me the evidence.

Here is how it happened. I was running into serious censorship at Forbes. This started after I had
run the story about the murder of the banker, that I detailed in last week’s report, brought me to
the attention of the people who gave orders to the Forbes family.

For example, a story about Citibank (a Rockefeller company) being kicked out of Japan because it
was money laundering for gangsters was killed even though my source was the Japanese Finance
Ministry speaking on the record. The last straw for me came when I found out that an anti-virus
software company was making viruses. Forbes killed the story, telling me I was “unreliable,” when
in fact the story was killed because Steve Forbes had been given $500,000 by the anti-virus
company, according to a Forbes whistleblower.

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July 26, 2021

How I Got Involved In The Secret War That Is Now

! By Benjamin Fulford " Weekly Reports # 950 Comments

Notice to readers. So that I may take my annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness, the next
several reports will be pre-written. They will focus on the history of how I got involved in fighting
the Khazarian Mafia. Hopefully, this will help readers get a better understanding of what is
happening now. Of course, if something really big happens, we will issue an emergency report.

If you are really doing your job as a front-line reporter, it will not take too long before you run into
a dark underside of the powers that run the world. In my case, I first ran into the hoodlums who
run the world while reporting on the Japanese financial bubble of the late 1980s. Japan was very
important at the time because the bubble made the real estate in Japan worth 20 times more than
all the real estate in the United States. The stock market too was worth by far more than that of
the U.S. With so much money involved, the foreign financial companies and their controlled press
wanted in on the action.

At the time, I was a rare native English speaker who could read a Japanese newspaper and as a
result, was offered many lucrative jobs in the financial industry. I chose to become a reporter
instead. My first reporting job (with Knight Ridder Financial News) involved going every week to
the Finance Minister’s (Kiichi Miyazawa at the time) weekly press conferences so I had a front-row
seat at the center of Japanese power.

My understanding from university and reference books was that the real power in Japan rested
within the finance ministry. This was confirmed when, as the first foreign reporter to regularly
attend these briefings, I noticed that every time I asked a question, some bureaucrat would
whisper the answer into the minister’s ear. It turns out that is because my questions rarely fit into
the pre-arranged script he was given to read from. The Japanese reporters, of course, asked
pre-arranged softball questions.

In any case, after realizing the finance minister was a puppet, I decided to go straight to the
source and talk directly to the bureaucrats. I soon found out they would only give me
straightforward answers when I called them at night on their direct lines when no colleagues were
present. It was on one of those calls that an exasperated section chief blurted out “if you really
want to know what is going on, talk to Nomura Securities.”

At the time, Nomura was widely considered by the locals to be the most important power center in
Japan. A Chairman and President who both had the name Tabuchi, even though they were not
directly related, ran Nomura in those days. They were known as big Tabuchi and little Tabuchi.
They always knew before the financial press or the other financial institutions what the important
financial numbers were going to be before they were released, and they traded the markets

It turns out the Tabuchis controlled Japan as follows:

They made a list of 5,000 VIPs (journalists, politicians, gangsters, industrialists, celebrities, etc.)
and lent them each several million dollars. They then told them which stocks to buy with the
money. After this Nomura salespeople across Japan would go to doctors, housewives, small
businessmen, etc., and push their list of “recommended stocks.” These would then shoot up in
price at which point the VIPs bailed out, returned their loans, and kept millions in profits.

What I watched from the front line (although I did not know it at the time) was the George Bush Sr.
led CIA…

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July 19, 2021

It’s Rome vs Babylon as Undeclared Western Civil War

Reaches Crescendo
! By Benjamin Fulford " Weekly Reports # 1,085 Comments

The undeclared civil war in the West has opened a long-hidden schism in Western civilization: the
contradiction between Egyptian and Mesopotamian traditions (Babylon) and Greco-Roman-
Germanic European traditions (Rome). This schism has been revealed for all to see by the
ongoing fake pandemic.

Babylon gave us monotheism, financial accounting, and much of modern medicine, while Rome
gave us a strong military, science, the rule of law, and Democracy.

So now in the news, we see Babylon using control of money to bribe governments and control of
medicine to scare people into a single, monolithic, totalitarian power structure. Those who
believe in the rule of law and democracy are fighting this structure.

In this battle, there can be no doubt that Rome will prevail. The reason is that the creator is on
their side. What this means is that science, the study of facts based on observation, will prevail
over lies, even endlessly repeated lies. The facts are that overmagnified PCR creates bogus
numbers to instill fear, and Covid-19 is a collection of symptoms for a virus that has not been truly
“isolated” and therefore does not exist, which means the entire pandemic martial law and coerced
vaccination scam are war crimes.

OK let’s get a bit more concrete here. Sources in Western intelligence, including MI6, the P3
Freemasons, and Mossad tell us they are waiting for court cases to prove the pandemic is a war
crime before taking full military action against the Cabal. They say they support the various legal
actions being taken by Reiner Fuellmich and his colleagues around the world against the
pandemic and vaccine pushers.

In the testimony at the link above Dr. Fuellmich says that if you told him a year ago that a small
cabal wanted to kill a huge portion of humanity and enslave the rest, he would have suggested
you need to go to a mental hospital. Now, having obtained testimony from hundreds of experts in
various fields, he can and is proving in courts of law that this is exactly what has been happening.

It is no coincidence that freedom day was declared in the UK today, July 19th as all restrictions
related to the fake pandemic are lifted.

In fact, this day celebrates the end of two centuries of Rothschild rule in England and is likely to
become a permanent holiday, MI6 sources say. MI6 summed up the situation:

“The first issue of Queen Victoria was a bastard of Rothschild making the whole line
constitutionally illegal…The Rothschild family for the purposes of MI6 is a proscribed
terrorist organization as is their Khazarian Mafia (KM) collective…all of this nonsense we
are dealing with is because the Rothschild Fifth Column are running and hiding and now
they have met their match. Terrorists use terror, military use intelligence.”

There are growing signs that Canada and the United States will also soon be freed from the KM.
The fake Biden administration, for example, is visibly falling apart on multiple fronts. This is
especially true on the financial front where the Babylonian debt slavery scam is blowing up. The
Federal Reserve Board has…

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July 12, 2021

Great Victory For Humanity As European Royals Reject

! By Benjamin Fulford " Weekly Reports # 1,016 Comments

Major developments have been taking place behind the scenes recently as both the British Royals
and the P3 Freemasons have declared war against the Rothschild family and the Swiss-based
Octagon group, MI6 and P3 sources say.

The liberation of the Jewish people being held hostage in Israel is also underway, Mossad sources
say. When the dust settles this will completely change the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and even
the ruling hierarchy of monotheism itself.

That is why Queen Elizabeth told reporters to “take a picture and make history” when she met her
cousin Angela Hitler (Merkel) on July 2nd, MI6 sources say. They explain that Merkel’s iconic hand
sign of a triangle is a sign to insiders that she is a member of the Saxe-Couborg Gotha clan.

The fact the Queen refused to make the sign signaled the British Royals had broken with their
German cousins and would no longer obey their Swiss-based leadership, MI6 explains.

This means for the first time in about 200 years, the UK is free from Rothschild family rule. That is
because the Rothschild family has been intimately intertwined with the Saxe-Couborg Gotha
Royals since before the Napoleonic wars. The founder of the Rothschild banking clan, Mayer
Amschel Rothschild got his big break by lending money to support Saxe-Couborg Gotha wars.
His son Nathaniel famously took over the Bank of England via clever insider trading based on
knowledge Napoleon had lost the battle of Waterloo.

While England may be free for the first time in 200 years since the Rothschilds claim to be
descended from the Babylonian Tyrant Hammurabi, soon the Jewish people may be freed for the
first time in 3,793 years.

This may seem like ancient history, but it intimately affects the fake pandemic and vaccine
campaign going on right now.

Here is a bit more necessary background. Queen Victoria’s mother was a Saxe-Couborg Gotha
and she married her first cousin Albert, another member of this clan. Both Merkel and Queen
Elizabeth are descendants of Queen Victoria and so is Hillary Clinton.

Many other members of this bloodline are in positions of power throughout the West. For
example, Mossad sent us proof last week that Klaus Schwab, head of the Davos World Economic
Forum, is a member of the Rothschild family. http://www.juedisches-leben-

Schwab, remember, is the proponent of the “great reset,” totalitarian take-over plan. Hitlery
Clinton for her part is behind the fake U.S. Biden administration that is going door to door to try to
vaccinate everybody with vaccines designed to permanently enslave humanity.

These people are powerful enough to remove Pope Francis and replace him with a rubber mask-
wearing impostor who says all humans need to be vaccinated.

However, they have only managed to completely vaccinate 11.9% of the more than 7.8 billion
people on earth, mainly in Western countries. This means the Khazarian Mafia’s last-ditch
attempt to use enslaving vaccinations to stay in power has failed.

I received a message from Africa that leaders haven’t forgotten HIV and are aware of the current
Covid-19 bioweapon eugenics program. Even after 4 prominent leaders who defied the WHO
were murdered others remain defiant.

Furthermore, now that the P3 Freemasons behind the Vatican know their “Pope” has been
replaced by an impostor, they have created an alliance even more powerful than the Octagon
group in Switzerland.

A message from the ruling body of the P3 and the Black Sun organization sent last week says
they now have the support of…

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