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Post de vasectomía de Facebook

-pareja presume mediante una imagen y un post que no tendrán hijos (enfocarme más en el texto de la
publicación, pero mencionar la imagen)

-spanish post

-first explain context for the post

-latinx or Hispanic urge to just bash on each other

-“y la mujer qué” or “ella si puede tener hijos”

-“a ver quién les paga la casa de retiro”

-“who cares”, “do you need recognition”

-I thought it was really funny that this one guy commented that “one of the greatest mistakes of human
beings is they think that the rest of us care about their decisions” in a social media platform whose very
LMAOO actually years and years of evolution have proved exactly that that we care about what other
people do and in fact will copy it and replicate it

-I expected congratulations but instead probably because of Mexican culture, I was greeted with
whatever the frick that was

-over five thousand comments and 132 k shares in which more likely than not people shared it with an
opinion as well

-mind you this post is from 2019 but a large portion of the comments and shares are recent (probably
volvió a trendear hace pokito x alguna razón)

-one of the guys I have added on fb back in 2019 made the comment of “se me hace muy mamador eso
de sobrepopulado”

-despite the negative comments rooted in the Hispanic urge to idolize being parents, the majority of the
post’s reactions are hearts or likes or overly positive things which could imply that the youth of today
agrees with this mindset despite the old people having all this shit to say about it.

-I would argue that these guys just wanted to show off to their friends or acquaintances, but if they
haven’t silenced the post or limited the comments then it might just go to show that they are in fact
doing it for attention.

-why can’t we be have for their decision to never have kids when we’re happy for other people taking
the decision of having kids?

-vasectomies are reversible, too

-considerable degree of ignorance

-sidetracked comments that just make fun of other people, just straight up slander??? “gracias a Dios no
se reproducirán” and then someone else answers with “ya sabemos porqué no te has reproducido tu”
-some of the people that argue that having a family is beautiful and such and such come from low
incomes and hence probably that’s all they know; all they ever aspired to do (only achievable thing for
them to do)

-ni aborto ni vasectomía, total, qué chingados quieren? Que sigamos produciendo chamaquitos???

Andres Flu’s Post. Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2022, from

Some comments declared that she also had an operation that prevents her from having children.

What I find interesting is that the original purpose of this post was never to cause any social media
commotion, however it did. Not lots of posts provoke such an effect, I believe not lots of people think
that especially in a platform such as Facebook.

Queremos compartir con ustedes la gran alegría. NUNCA SEREMOS PAPÁS, aceptamos una vida
en la que eternamente nos compraremos los juguetes para nosotros, podremos viajar sin limitaciones,
caminar desnudos por la casa y más.
Sin embargo nuestra razón principal no es esta, la más importante es contribuir con la conservación
del planeta que tan sobrepoblado y aporriado está. no vamos a traer un humano más a contaminar.
Como somos chismoses les mexicanes o hispanicxs en especial cuando se trata de la familia de los
demás pq nuestra cultura es muy centrada en la familia.

Usando esta publicación como primera evidencia, opino que dado que la cultura hispánica está tan
arraigada a los ideales de la familia, somos muy chismoses y metiches en ese aspecto.

The way Hispanic people are quite nosy and bitter, especially when it’s a matter regarding family
dynamics. Casi todas las expectativas respecto a la familia dentro de la comunidad hispana se ven
reflejadas y criticadas en una sola publicación.

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