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What’s something you would like to teach a friend about?


This is your topic!

Write one sentence to tell us what it is!

________________________________ This is your topic sentence!

Now think of 4 details about your topic. Write one sentence for each!
If you’re having a hard time thinking of details, ask yourself what your
friend should know about a your topic. If you’re talking about a game,
what are the rules?
Detail 1 Detail 2
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Detail 3 Detail 4
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These are your supporting details and are the main part of a paragraph!
Now, in one sentence, remind your friend what your topic is, but write
it differently than your topic sentence.
____________________________ This is your concluding
Now organize your paragraph using the different parts you wrote
above. The topic sentence goes first, and the concluding sentence goes
last. The order of the details in the middle if up to you! Think of it like
a planned outfit, with a topic sentence hat, a concluding sentence pair
of shoes, and clothing details between them!

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