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Katalina Gonzalez

Pathways Exhibition

Personal Statements

One of the most significant challenges I have faced includes my inability to concentrate in

school. Some days I have a difficult time staying motivated and completing assignments in a

timely manner due to indecision on what I should be doing, or what I should do next. I believe

that I have an undiagnosed learning disability, so this makes learning extremely difficult for me.

Some ways I’ve overcome my inability to concentrate is sitting in a quiet environment, as well as

allowing myself to find comfortability, and isolating myself with no-distractions. Being in this

type of environment allows me to quiet all aspects of my mind. By doing my daily routine which

consists of eating breakfast, journaling, and meditation to transition into concentrating. This

wouldn't be possible if I didn't choose to stay in my online school environment, only at the cost

of having no friends, no outside interactions during most of the week, however this has allowed

me to put my education first and create a schedule fit for me.

Secondly, although I have created a schedule, I have a hard time motivating myself, and

completing assignments on time. Some ways I have overcome my lack of motivation and

completion of assignments is affirming to myself that I can do the homework by cheering

myself on to do at least 2-4 hours. Once I’ve done some work I will congratulate myself in hopes

to constantly regulate myself into overcoming my lack of motivation. To overcome indecision I

will usually use a random number generator, or use some aspects of the assignment that will be

easier to tackle or what will take more time to do. Those are the easiest things I have decided to

do when my mind wants to work against me and create indecision and lack of motivation.
Katalina Gonzalez
Pathways Exhibition

Lastly I have already been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, as well as Bipolar

Depression during the year of 2016, this was affecting me in many ways like being unable to

concentrate, having major mood swings during school, finding cognitive frustration with

“seemingly simple” questions in math, science, etc. Then I realized in 2022, that I most likely

have ADHD, as well as an undiagnosed learning disability. I can’t say I have found one clear

method but a few ways that have helped are voicing my frustration to my teachers and giving

them a call when I need clarification for my frustration, asking question, more clear directions or

explanations, and helping myself to just take a break and clarify my own emotions and questions

when I am overwhelmed and confused with homework.

In conclusion, all challenges that I've been through, I found trial and error in every challenge by

asking myself what I needed, and seeking online sources to help people like me. As well giving

myself the space and time to calm myself down during times of frustration and the high & lows

of BPD. All of these trials and tribulations have allowed me to find what's right for me, and build

confidence towards realizing that you don't need to go to public school, all versions of school

will do just fine, do what’s best for you!

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