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How the English become the lingua franca of the maritime world

[History and development]

Pedro Camacho
Karolayn Pacheco
Though the English not is the language most spoken in the world, this is know how the
commercial language it is also the most used language in international trade and maritime
communication, this has been the dominant language on the high seas since the 18th century,
when it replaced French as a result of British colonization, and the Bretton Woods according
established why the English would be the economic lingua. This article will explore how English
became the lingua franca of the world and why it is still used today.
A necessity what ever to have the human being is the necessity for the
communication, is for this what always has tried to create a language, since the prehistoric
times developed different forms to do it, but has been the verbal language who has succeeded.
The English was first introduced to the world in 14th century by traders from England, who were
based in northern France. The language quickly became popular across Europe and then spread to
other parts of the globe such as Africa and Asia, in this time was the French the commercial and
maritime language of the world, this language was spoken for the most aristocrat people,
philosophers and thinkers (2007).
With the born of the industrial revolution which was initiated by Britain in the XVIII
century, the country began to make progress in the scientific and technological, and the articles,
books and new creations was write in English, for this all the people what wanted be informed
needed to know English, the British empire begins to create university’s and schools, in 1920 the
British empires exceeded the 35,5 million of Km2 due to its continuous conquests, this caused
what the English was introduced in new territories and was teach to this población. When
talking about expansion of the English its necessary to take into account what in great part
was because to their conquests. Hammond, A. (2021, 11 juni).
The English was implemented in the maritime world when after of the second world
war Britain was destroyed and EEUU see de opportunity to position itself as the new world
power and with the Bretton Woods according, was placing the English how the lingua franca in
the economic ambit Bretton Woods Agreement and System: An Overview. (2022, 21 maar),
because of this also in the maritime world, being obligatory learning the English for the
professionals in the maritime navigation.
Undoubtedly the world has been presented several changes, the English is the franca
lingua in the world and in the present is of great importance in the economic and maritime world,
this caused by the conquest of the British empire and the two world war, but was in the Breeton
Woods according when was fully introduced in the maritime world, today learning English is still
very import both in the maritime and economic word as well as for communicate around the
world because this is the foreign lingua most teach in the world.

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