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Name: Jasmine C.

Salvanie Grade and Section: 12-Holycross

Activity 1
Answer the following:
1. Do you think the business institution has a moral responsibility to create

jobs for Filipinos? Or Is that only the government’s responsibility?

➢ Yes, I think entrepreneur are somehow responsible for creating job,

while the government are also responsible because they are the

one that creating jobs for public workers

2. Does contractualization create more jobs? Explain.

➢ Contractualization has a lot of negative effects on the company

and most especially the workers. First and foremost, the

contractuals are not getting paid in full, meaning they are getting

lower salaries than the regular workers and they are not getting

benefits from the company. This is a way on how companies exploit

these workers and use contractualization to their advantage. Since

hiring costs a lot of money, like covering for benefits like PhilHealth

and SSS to salary, the employers are trying to cut down the costs by

hiring contractuals. The government cannot regulate

contractualization therefore abuse of workers takes place.

Overtime after work hours without benefit is a perfect example of

abuse of workers. Other effects may include the loss of the

company’s customers and profits due to the bad service that the

employees will provide the customers knowing that their contract of

employment will end in 3-6 months. You could also imply that the

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bad service they provide is their “pay back” to the employer.

Employees who have no rights, no benefits, who are paid less, and

who are not given training are what you call the band-aid solution.

3. How can the business institution help the government in creating

meaningful jobs for millions of Filipinos?

➢ To create good jobs for the millions of Filipinos, a comprehensive

package of reform is needed to create a business environment that

is conducive for the private sector to create jobs and increase

human capital. Reforms that will secure property rights, open the

economy to more competition, simplify business regulations, and

increase investments in health, education and infrastructure are


4. Do you believe that the teachers must also be hired on a contractual

basis only? Why? Or why not?

➢ Recruiting enough teachers to meet the demand of expanding

education systems has been a challenge in many contexts. Some

argue that long-term job security makes teachers less motivated to

do a good job. Both concerns have led some countries to hire large

contingements of less qualified teachers under nonpermanent

contracts. Is the use of these contract teachers an effective policy

solution, or is it an inadequate response to deeper problems.

5. In the debate between the supporters and critics of contractualization,

which side will you take? What are your concrete suggestions to resolve

this issue? Give 5.

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➢ The law is the only solution to endo. That is the executive order that

is yet to be signed by the president. However, some argue that

neither the president nor the labor groups have the authority to

discontinue this form of employment.

➢ Works or services temporarily or occasionally needed to meet

abnormal increase in the demand of products or services

➢ Services temporarily needed for the introduction or promotion of

new products, only for the duration of the introductory or

promotional period

➢ Services involving the public display of manufacturers' products

which do not involve the act of selling or issuance of receipts or


➢ Unless a reliever system is in place among the regular workforce,

substitute services for absent regular employees

6. What is the difference between the minimum wage and the living wage?

Do you think successful companies are morally obliged to give wages

above the minimum? Explain your answer.

➢ The minimum wage is the wage that the government sets and

because it is not that high it cannot provide all the needs of a

family, while the living wage is higher than the minimum wage and

this is what the workers need to meet all the needs of their family .

And yes, in my view those successful companies are morally

obliged to give wages above the minimum because we are aware

that a lot of money is coming in to them and that will be their way

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not only to help the person who works for them but also the family

that makes a living for itself.

7. Do you think a labor union is necessary for the success of a company?

Explain your answer.

➢ It is necessary because they help set the standards for education,

skill levels, wages, working conditions, and quality of life for workers.

Union-negotiated wages and benefits are generally superior to

what non-union workers receive. Most union contracts provide far

more protections than state and federal laws.

8. Should a company hire temporary workers while the permanent workers

are on a strike? Explain your answer.

➢ The company can also continue its operations by using managerial

and supervisory personnel, as well as other employees who are not

participating in the strike. But hiring temporary employees cannot

be replaced to the permanent ones. Hiring workers to replace the

temporary ones, that doesn't settle their problems. They must settle

the business conflict and clear the problem with the permanent

workers first.

9. In a situation of conflict of interest, what are the proper actions that an

employee must take into consideration?

➢ If they are ever unsure about whether their actions qualify as a

conflict, they should ask someone they trust to provide them with an

objective consideration. If you find yourself involved in conflicting

interests, it's best to remove yourself from the situation or disclose it

to your manager immediately.

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10. What possible illegal or unethical activity would make you blow the

whistle? What circumstances would cause you to hesitate blowing the


➢ When employees witness unethical behavior at work, such as fraud,

misconduct, or harassment, they often fail to report it. They fear that

doing the right thing may not be worth the potential consequences,

so they look the other way. Those who suspect corruption in their

workplace should remember the primary motive for unethical

behavior is usually a financial one. Understanding this is key to

determining which laws may protect the whistleblower. The

whistleblower must provide a licensed attorney with his or her

information and swear to the truthfulness of that information.

11. “ Behind every great man is a woman doing more work for less money”

what does this quotation mean? Do you agree with it? Do you agree that

women are generally paid unfairly?

➢ I understand the message, but it needs to be phrased differently.

For one thing, it should not say “every” successful man, for reasons

stated above. Additionally, the woman should not be slated as

“being” the man. If we are talking about spouses specifically, we

should say something more like “Men and women support each

other to bring out the best in one another” or something like that.

12. Search for a company in the Philippines implicated for questionable

contractualization of labor. Analyze its cases and make your own position

regarding the issue.


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"NutriAsia Inc., a multi-million-dollar company based in Bulacan,

Philippines, manages the production of popular condiments such as Datu

Puti, Mang Tomas, Jufran, Silver Swan, Golden Fiesta, Locally, and Papa.

NutriAsia is a highly profitable company earning as much as P27 million

(over $500,000) per day. Joselito D. Campos Jr., the owner of NutriAsia

and CEO of Del Monte Pacific, has a family net worth of $650 million

(2017). Amongst their 1,400 workers, only 100 are considered "regular"

permanent employees while a clear majority of them are considered

"contractual" workers--a designation that puts them in an extremely more

exploitable and unstable condition. With the support of Kilusang Mayo

Uno (KMU), Workers' Movement for Change Federation, and

Nagkakaisang Manggagawa ng NutriAsia (NMN), the NutriAsia workers

have continued to organize for their rights and oppose state repression

under the Duterte administration. In May, NutriAsia Workers launched a

picket line to oppose the layoff of 75 contract workers. As the strike

continued in June, NutriAsia sent 300 Philippine National Police (PNP)

officers to harass the workers and violently disperse them in an attempt to

break their strike, resulting in 20 arrests and four people being hospitalized.

According to the International Trade Union Confederation, the Philippines

has been considered one of the worst countries for workers in the world."


➢ Despite its success, NutriAsia does not seem to realize as to why it

came this far - because of its employees. Nutriasia workers earn

about P350 per day for an 8-hour shift but most of the time are

forced to stay for roughly 12-16 hours. They are subjected to unsafe

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working conditions. They do not even have their protection gears

while working under the heat of greater than 100 °F in the work

station while handling products over 200 °F of temperature, again,

without protection gears. Due to the continuing and worsening

abuse of the management, employees decided to start up a strike

as a symbol of resistance to the abusive power. During the strike,

many were victimized for wrong accusations, protesters were hit

and dispersed violently, and evidence was forcibly planted. This is

just one tired proof as to how the upper-class utilizes its power to

make things go around. They even claimed that the workers weren't

from their company, but from other businesses. This is despite DOLE's

order to regularize 80 NutriAsia workers.

➢ I highly condemn this unjustifiable violence and abuse of NutriAsia

to its workers when they are just ultimately fighting for their basic

rights. They work more than what is enough and what is needed

every day but even the bare minimum is never guaranteed. How

can a working man, with a family, sustain their needs when he

could not even sustain himself? Without stopping, they pledged, but

the company refused to hear. There is no excuse for this inhumane

act. When these employees have wholeheartedly worked hard for

decades and led to the success of the business, they weren't

carried onto the triumph.

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