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Essentials of HRM

April 2022 Examination

Q1. Explain what human resource management. Briefly discuss and illustrate three
important trends influencing human resource management. (10 Marks)

Answer 1.
Human functional resource control is the maximum crucial task for any agency or organization.
A human resource supervisor runs any organization flawlessly. They lease all of the staff and
manage them. Usually, we can also name HRM HR. human aid control is the most
straightforward company that generally fixes the policies and regulations of the company or
organization. HRM is the control of any employment, and they are seen as an asset to the
company. The crucial function of HRM is to gather the central features of any organization or
company and make its corporation stronger.HR is also assisting their employees in reaping in
addition to their dreams, and additionally, they provide training and tips to their personnel for
their further development. Similarly, the position of HR is critical enough to preserve its
employer in a competitive marketplace.

Concept and analysis

Human beings are one of the most critical assets of the world. Every company relies upon its
human aid management for its success. All corporations are dependent on HR. because each HR,
through their strategy, puts their organization in an excellent enough role. These days, a number
of the essential elements are visible in human functional resource control.

 Employee diversity and competitive advantage:-

Variety may be seen inside the society of any country and the various ethnic people in them.
Searching on the profile of their employees in any business enterprise, it's far straightforward
sufficient that they may be capable of living to tell the tale in their aggressive marketplace. That
is an essential function for a company that their product provider may be considered superior to
the hundreds of thousands of wishes in the aggressive marketplace. The benefit of an aggressive
market is that it knows how a factory can assist customers in excellently competing with other
corporations. Sorts accessories can be the origin of competitive gain. They may be gaining any
competitive advantages for the corporation to practice their judgment. The success in their
company may be seen by bringing diversity to many of the employees. Range amongst personnel
is of paramount significance for various aggressive advantages so that any corporation can
enhance similarly. Each woman and man may be hired as an employee of the business enterprise.
There may be an enormous boom within the value of any enterprise that has the range for its
employees. This led to the creation of new packages to broaden the social range of different
clients and employees inside the field of labor. As a result, the organization has an extensive
benefit in numerous aggressive markets.

• Outsourcing HR and the generation used to recruit:-

The function of HR and their work has changed drastically from before. The maximum
enormous changes were in their technology, considering HR placement through unique
technology. Their primary process is to get statistics about the salaries of the employees
operating in their enterprise, regularize the various candidates in their organization, and apply
schooling and education. Many HR relies on different companies to carry out their work records
processing. HR outsourcing refers to while different organizations do an excellent task and try
and carry out their responsibilities efficiently and shop them a large amount of money.
Additionally, HR is often outsourced because they work incredibly enough to satisfy their wishes
in a beautiful and timely way. Also, an employee is outsourced to offer the agency more
competencies. That is how the company is outsourcing, and the era is used for HR.

• Organizational lifestyle and hiring for in shape:-

After regularizing distinct personnel, the companies have increased their own business and
monetary scenario. It is a good signal for any corporation to expand its personnel as a
competitive advantage in the firm's corporate tradition. The commission is entrusted with
guiding any agency or corporate way of life. This is considered a mission and has an enterprise
version. A worker desires adequate knowledge and capabilities to work in any company other
than cultural in shape. Many of these employees who have each technical expertise and
capabilities are the best ones who get task possibilities. Different companies hire their employees
via seeing the lifestyle of the organization. HRM additionally appears at how the agency will
address their losses and problems and keep them.


HRM performs a vital role for an organization. These are the folks that always preserve an eye
fixed on the coolest and horrific of the corporation. HR puts a company on the course of
tremendous improvement by using leveraging its capabilities and techniques. This is how they
search for employees for their company. That is how they maintain their company maintaining in
a competitive market. So that is why Human aid control is essential for any agency or
organization.HRM additionally appears at how the corporation will address their losses and
issues and keep them.

Q2. Discuss the pros and cons of at least four performance appraisal methods. (10 Marks)

Answer 2.
A performance appraisal is away an employee in an enterprise refers to evaluating employee
overtime. That is the fee of their report card by which they're assessing the performance in their
manager from the beyond to the existing. Anyone who has worked in multiple organizations can
enhance through proving actual. It is designed to measure how an awful lot of a defect and how
accurate work it is among the managers and employees of any company. It also creates a
negative revel in. All organizations and their employees must evaluate their work efficiency
through this movement capability assessment method to measure their work. Each has both
advantages and disadvantages of the usage of this era. one of the first things to do is determine
which is appropriate for the organization and which is not.

Concept and analysis

The four strategies are score scales, narrative techniques, comparison methods, and 360 feedback

• Rating scales:-

The company evaluates the work performance mainly through the score scale. One is the image
score scale, and the alternative is the behavioral score scale, which measures overall work
performance. Graphics score scales allow them to assign a specific rating for work success. And
behavioral score scales provide insights into employees' behavior. There are extensive benefits to
using and information on the rating scales. Every company's managers and employees are
familiar with using most of these rating scales. They measure the achievement and weak spot of
their performance through these scales. Those scales usually are negatively related to employee
increase. This may be considered because of the purpose of inflation. Similarly, the company
manager may have a negative bias towards their personnel.

• Narrative techniques:-

Descriptive techniques are essential enough to analyze the judgment of any work. Extraordinary
descriptions are made based on the employees' work which later offers a concept about their
running capacity. This is used to describe both positive and terrible effects of them. This
narrative method is used to investigate the behavior of various groups. Such regions are also
highlighted for praising and correcting their positive behavior. An employee's work process may
explain the usage of such assessment techniques compared to the scoring machine.

• Comparison methods:-

The evaluation approach of any performance technique is utilized in approaches. They may be
multi-purpose evaluation methods, and the alternative one is the pressured distribution approach.
These techniques examine the overall performance of any worker of a company. This technique
is used to differentiate their individuals work differences among all employees in the company.
This approach is critical enough to convey a worker again to a competitive workplace from one
worker to another for performance. This will permit employees to increase their work capacity
and work performance. This approach can war between employees.

• 360 feedback:-
3 hundred sixty feedbacks is a critical and well-known performance appraisal method. This
technique evaluates their staff of other fascinated events, supervisors, and different employees.
One of the benefits of this method is that it can explain how all people see the work in their
employees. Then employees have a concept in their work to get an idea of ways they can
improve their work. It can be compared to a critical point of view to illustrate the evaluation
process of their work higher.

The advantages of performance appraisals:-

• The principal gain is they give a document on the overall performance of all personnel
inside a detailed time.

• Via this, they supply personnel with a concept in their work, which facilitates employees
to improve their work style and performance in a spread of methods.

• Via those methods, the agency supervisor can communicate directly to their employees
and explain approximately enough their overall work performance.

• They provide a framework for enhancing their performance over the following year.

• This approach increases the workability and efficiency of most of the employees.

The downside of performance appraisals:-

• This technique also can create a terrible impact if it is not used effectively.

• Assessing the performance of the work is time-consuming and can be revealed to the
supervisor at the side of the employees.

• This technique can result in employee disputes with the company’s personnel.

• If it does not manage nicely, it could create an excessive atmosphere for the corporation.


The performance value determinations approach is essential for reading an employee's work
performance. This could supply the organization supervisor with a shared understanding of all
the employees' work talents. Those overall performance appraisal strategies have a few
advantages and downsides. But most of the advantage is that the company makes more excellent
development. An overall performance ethic method influences any worker to improve their
degree of work, and it additionally facilitates to keep them away from dangerous motion. All
agency supervisors enable their personnel to increase their workability. So this method is a
number one approach for reading the overall work performance of employees in any business

Q3. Managers are proactively improving the employee selection process with various
strategies that will ideally enhance corporate success. Some of these strategies focus on
improving the quality of the individuals who apply for work, as well as those individuals
who are actually hired into the organization. Other strategies target the selection process
itself and seek to improve the various activities involved in proper hiring. The overriding
theme of these efforts is that the staffing/selection function is a key component of an
organization’s strategy because the process ideally provides highly motivated and qualified
employees who can ultimately impact the financial and operational well-being of a

Hallmark Cards is one company that emphasizes selection. It recently developed a

recruiting metric called “staffing index” that enables management to track the degree to
which newly hired employees are performing as expected on the job. A series of evaluations
are conducted over time, and scores are compared to obtain a longitudinal perspective on
the quality of the hiring decisions.

United Health Group is another organization that has improved its selection activities with
proper strategic planning and execution. The company’s vice president of recruitment
services decided to modify hiring procedures within the organization by splitting job
candidates into two basic groups. The first group of individuals was comprised of high-
level professionals who would be recruited by internal staffing specialists, while the second
group included various staff and line personnel who would be acquired with outsourcing
contacts. This “two pronged” strategy enabled the company to save money through
increased control and efficiency.

These various strategic selection approaches enable companies to improve the manner in
which employees are hired and placed within a hierarchy of jobs. Many other strategies
could be employed in different employment situations to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of selection. Overall, these efforts should increase the degree of fit between
employees and organizations and increase the completion of strategic objectives.

a. Compare and contrast the two selection strategies used by the organizations discussed in
the case. (5 Marks)

b. What other strategies might help organizations better utilize and manage selection
activities? (5 Marks)

Answer 3a.
A recruitment approach is a crucial motion plan through which they can recruit first-rate
employees for their company. Notable organizations use unique methods to choose their
applicants. Here are two varieties of techniques mentioned right here. One is the two-pronged
strategy, and the other is the staffing index. With these techniques, they have made their choice

Concept and analysis

Exclusive groups use specific strategies to pick their applicants. Here are styles of the plan
referred to right here. One is the 2-pronged method, and the other is the staffing index.

The reason is why any organization uses the Staffing index to recruit its employees to pick the
satisfactory candidate amongst all applicants. Another group of workers or employees are used
interchangeably and may judge otherwise. Even a new worker is given the correct explanation
and designed about their work at the start of their work. An undertaking can commonly be
thought of as a unit of labor in which all are selected according to the effects. The stuffing index
is specially used to manipulate and utilize human resources. The manager of any organization
usually appears for the applicants for their organization to make the first-rate applicants for the
enterprise. Hallmark card is one enterprise that emphasizes choice. It recently advanced a
recruiting metric known as the staffing index that permits management to tune the diploma to
which newly employed employees appear as expected on the task. So the most vital component
for any lease control is to create a strategy for all of this.

The 2-pronged strategy refers to when both offerings and production are checked out in an
organization. This -pronged strategy enabled the company to shop cash thru multiplied control
and performance. It helps an employer to pick its employees and circulate their organization
ahead. This selection method might allow organizations to improve how employees are
employed and located inside an excellent process. Many other techniques could be employed in
specific employment conditions to enhance the performance and effectiveness of choice.


A recruitment approach is a vital movement plan to recruit first-class employees for their
enterprise. These two techniques, like the two-pronged approach and staffing index, enable any
agency to make extra development. That is how an enterprise uses these techniques to help its
employer develop.

Answer 3b.


A recruitment approach is a crucial motion plan to recruit quality employees for their company.
One of the most vital for any business enterprise is an employee because a worker can lead a
company to significant development.

Concept and analysis

It’s far essential for any organization to have an approach so that their corporation or
organization can grow in addition. A recruitment method is a crucial movement plan thru which
they can recruit exceptional employees for their company.
 Treat candidates like customers:-

While hiring any candidate, they want to deal with amazingly. The candidate thinks they may be
their clients. The hiring supervisor must be extra discriminating with the assist you render closer
to different people. They ought to explain everything higher. Also, they want to reply to all their
questions as it should be so that they're inclined to work for that company.

 Use social media:-

In recent times, social media has been a vital device to hire a person. If the manager explains
everything about their employer on social media, we need to see enough candidates to be had.
Social media is the most suitable manner to control the selection interest system.

 Implement an employee referral program:-

Desirable people typically make it a addiction to surround themselves with different high-quality
professionals. so that something precise may be found out from them. Personnel already play a
greater giant function in the network with certified contacts so that hire managers can better
understand their employees' talents. This is the crucial part of hiring top employees.

 Create a compelling job description:-

Businesses want to rent complete and analytical writing to make their work appealing to all
employees. So that all and sundry are inclined to use after seeing the description of their work.
The organization desires to offer a suitable identity in its place of business. The various
necessary and the most crucial chapter want to be highlighted.

 Check resumes posted online:-

Some online posts from a company that desires to be checked and observed by the various
pleasant candidates. If we search well, then without a doubt, we can pick out excellent
applicants. Applicants can also be selected in this manner.

A recruitment strategy is a vital movement plan to recruit exemplary employees for their
employer. There have been many strategies through which applicants may be selected. Choosing
the proper candidate can be the most significant benefit to any organization.

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