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Name: ___Jenifer Garcia________________ Unit 2 Research Worksheet Analysis

Source Author’s claim Evidence Authors Your analysis Your Your analysis
or argument author uses to conclusion of how the analysis of of how this
support claim author how this source
contributes to source agrees disagrees with
the research with the the other
other sources sources
Source 1: the author talks they grabbed the rover is the author will it will other sources
Out of this about the samples from on its way contribute to the contribute to will disagree by
world! NASA’s different layers in the rocks at back so they research by the other stating that it is
Mars mars are formed, mars can analyze providing the sources by useless to go to
Perseverance as well as the the rocks and different kinds of providing the another planet
Rover on the many things that samples that minerals that benefits that that is just filled
Red Planet the rover does the rover mars has to offer the minerals with rocks (not
took will bring sustainable)
Source 2: The author will The author the author the article will the pros and this source can
Mars talk about the gathered various states that help with cons will help agree with the
Colonization: pros and cons space colonizing providing the with backing people that
Beyond Getting about whether enthusiasts with mars is going main base of the up various think that it is
There going to mars is a backgrounds in to be very research benefits of incorrect for
good idea space challenging bring back scientist to
(ethically, legally, technology, minerals explore mars
and economics, and
economically) materials
Source 3: the article will there will be the author this article will this will agree in other articles,
Planning and provide with feedback from states that in provide back ups with another there might be
Design Method methods and experts and order to for mars source by disagreements
for Heavy designs from many launching successfully exploration, why people looking because the
Launch Vehicle china that are experiments land a man in it should be for more other articles
Launch site for explain how it mars, they pushed towards research, (pro will state that it
Manned Mars can be possible will need the researching more exploring is a waste of
Exploration to heavy launch a launching about the planet mars) resources trying
Mission vehicle vehicle to explore more
about the
Source 4: the author will the author is there is the article can this article can this article is
Oceans, Lakes, talk about the going to check supposed help with the provide an going to provide
and things that used the magnetic evidence that ongoing insight on the information
Stromatolites to exist in mars field in the area mars used to investigation on history of mars about its
on Mars (oceans, lakes) be a wet, whether mars is and how it inhabitable area
and how they habitable habitable or not used to be and how it
disappeared planet back in the day cannot be
billions of explored any
years ago further
Source 5: the author talks the author the author the author’s this articles this article can
Back to mars about the launch compared ends the article can can be be argued with
to mars and the records of many article stating provide insight compared to other sources
velocity it is different space that mars' on how the the designing because in
going at, they stations that orbit can launch is done of the launch another source,
and the amount and the many people
also speak about have launched change over of time it takes planning it are against the
the planets orbit to mars time the get to mars takes launch due to
Source 6: the author talks the author the author this article can this source this article can
The many about the observes mars states that help with agrees with be at
roads to the red different paths from afar with a mars might explaining the other sources disagreement
that are being telescope then not be a efficiency about by stating that with others
taken towards continues to suitable place going to mars there can be because of the
mars describe it to sustain and the different other amount of time
life, but it is paths that space alternates it takes to
close enough stations can take towards develop a solid
getting to mars plan
Source 7: the article talks the author the author the article helps this sources this source
Mission about the rover provides with ends the by providing agrees with disagrees with
Cognition that landed at systems and article with more insight other sources other sources
mars in the year statistics on how explaining about more mars because it also because other
2020 and how fast future mars missions that are provides with believe that
with time there astronomers can missions to come future missions space stations
can be more develop more to mars will not
development essential rovers continue to
explore mars
Source 8: the article they will the author this article can this article this article
Mars science is explains about examine the talks about help by agrees with disagrees with
expanding the benefits and geology from the rover explaining the other by other because
internationally expectations that mars, and then coming back benefits of going explaining all many people
the rover is going determine and the new to mars the benefits think that there
to bring back whether it is things that from exploring are no benefits
useful or not they are mars of exploring
going to ad mars
to it
Source 9: the article talks the author the author this article can the article this article
Red risks for a about the space provides ends the help by showing agrees with disagrees with
journey to the stations taking statistics about article with that their steps others because others because
red planet: The into all the human explaining to ensure the it shows how they state that
highest priority consideration body and how the change in peoples safety is the safety of man kind
human health astronauts and they design the genetics time consuming the astronauts cannot go to
risks for a how they work to suits carefully when the and takes a lot of is considered mars
ensure their keeping in mind astronauts work
mission to
safety if they are all the risks of are in space
going to space pressure points
Source 10: the article talks the author the author the analysis that the author the article
The Red Issue about the issues presents form of ends the the author agrees with disagrees with
that the statistics from article by provides is other sources the other
astronomers earth that help explaining explaining how because of the because of the
have when explain how that second the scientists are new “unnecessary”
attempting to challenging it is rover that is going to evolve developments modern updates
explore more being used the rovers and that the that they are
about mars how the author astronomers doing to the
gets his ideas by are doing to new rover
writing on this the modern
topic rovers that are
going to mars
Source 11:

Source 12:

Source 13:

Source 14:

Source 15:

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