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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Bayambang National High School
Senior High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Where I Truly
A Reflection Essay

Submitted by:


GRADE 12 Psalms (HUMSS)

Submitted to:


Creative Nonfiction Teacher

February 7, 2020
Where I Truly Belong
by Alleah Jayzel L. Garcia

Excitement. Nervousness. I feel like my heart is going to explode any minute. Tug dug
tug dug tug dug. I can't calm myself. I'm scared. Senior high school is about to end. I suddenly
asked myself, did I chose the right track for me? Did my knowledge and skills improved? Most
importantly, is there any learnings I gained that I am able to use in my future career? Before
senior high starts, whenever someone approaches me and asks me "are you sure you want to
take HUMSS strand?" Second thoughts. That's all what I feel. But now, the fear of the future has
now gone for I chose the right path and this is where I truly belong.

Humanities and Social Sciences Strand has tons of difficult major subjects. Subjects I never
thought would have a great impact in my life. Entering the first room which happened to be the
Introduction of World Religions. It is so fascinating how this subject brought me to different angles of
one's belief and how important the respect is in each others belief. Blinking twice, I am now in the
second room which is the Social Sciences. Social Sciences is like an abstract painting, something that is
really hard to understand. But it shows me the beauty of how the society works, the mind blowing
social issues, and the light that will serve as my tour guide in dealing, observing and understanding the
human and their lives. Unknowingly, I am already at the last two rooms. Politics and Governance blew
up my mind. It was hard as I thought. But I learned how to think critically and how important decisions
are made. The last but not the least the Megatrends and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century. I thought
this subject is just a piece of cake. But this simple subject taught me that even the simplest thing can
have a great impact in one's life.

As I close the doors in each rooms, realization hits me. Another battle is going to start. I can't
conceal what I feel - the palpitation of my heart and the coldness of my hands. College school as my new
battlefield and my learnings and knowledge as my weapon. I know that I can use those knowledge and
learnings as my weapon to my future endeavor as a Bachelor of Elementary Education major in
Enhanced Education student. Entering a new battle has millions of risks. Risks I am willing to take to be
able to achieve my goals.

My journey in Humanities and Social Sciences is like a mountaineering. I have experienced tons
of challenges before I reached the end. As I reached the end, I realized that Humanities in Social
Sciences helped me find out what is the real learning. Studying those 6 major subjects in Humanities and
Social Sciences Strand transformed me into a nationalistic, service-oriented and God-fearing student.

Indeed, you have to go through the storm to get a rainbow at the end. After all the battles there
is a victory waiting at the end. Humanities and Social Sciences Strand is where I truly belong. Humanities
and Social Sciences Strand provides millions of learnings that I can take on my unending journey.
Learnings that I can use to achieve my success. But, I will always remember that there is no such thing as
overnight success so I must work hard for it.

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