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Foundations of Geopolitics Dugin

book 1
from the editors 7
The definition of "geopolitics" 9
Tellurocracy and Thalassocracy eleven geopolitical teleology 13
Rimland and "Zone boundary" 14
Geopolitics as fate 16
Chapter 1. Fridrih Rattsel States as spatial organisms 18
1.1 Education: German "organicists Skye School" 18
1.2 States as living organisms 18
1.3. Raum political organization of the soil 19

1.4 The law of expansion 20

1.5 Weltmacht and sea 21
Chapter 2. Rudolf Chellen and Friedrich Naumann "Central Europe" 22
2.1 Definition of a new science 22
2.2 The state as a form of life and interests of Germany 22
2.3 By the concept of Central Europe 23
Chapter 3. Halford Mackinder "Geographical Pivot of History" 24
3.1 Scientist and politician 24
3.2 The Geographical Pivot of History 24
3.3 The key position of Russia 26
3.4 Three geo-political period 28
Chapter 4. Alfred Mahan "sea power" 29
4.1 Sea Power 29
4.2 maritime civilization = trading civilization 29

Chapter 5. Vidal de la Blache, "France against

4.3 Conquest of the US manifest destiny of the world thirty
Germany" 33
5.1 Geography of France Painting 33
5.2 possibilism 33
5.3 France for "sea power" 34
Chapter 6. Nicolas Spykman "Revision of Mackinder, central rimland" 34
6.1 In the service of America 34
6.2 Correction Mackinder 35
6.3 Scale determining power 36
6.4 Mid-Ocean 36
6.5 Architect American victory 37
Chapter 7. Karl Haushofer "Continental ny block" 39
7.1 War and thought 39
7.2 New Eurasian Order 40

7.3 Compromise with thalassocracy 41

Chapter 8. Carl Schmitt "Hippo versus Leviathan" 43
8.1 Conservative revolutionary 43
8.2 Nomos land 44
8.3 Land and Sea 44
8.4 Grossraum 45
8.5 Total War and the figure of "guerrilla" 46
Chapter 9. Petr Nikolaevich Savitsky "Eurasia Heartland" 48

9.1 The fate of the Eurasian 48

9.2 Russia-Eurasia 48
9.3 Turan 49
9.4 mestorazvitiya 50
9.5 ideocracy 51
9.6 Soviet and Eurasian 52
Chapter 10. Geopolitics as an instrument of national policy 54
10.1 Planetary duality of the fundamental law of geopolitics 54
10.2 geopolitics can not be engaged by 54
10.3 Fate scientists powers of fate 56
Part II current geopolitical THEORY AND EDUCATION (second half of the twentieth century)
Chapter 1. Overview 58
Chapter 2. Modern Atlanticism 61
2.1 Followers Spykman DU Meynig, U.Kirk, S.B.Koen, K.Grey, Henry Kissinger 61

2.2 Atlantists won the Cold War 62

2.3 Aerokratiya and efirokratiya 64
2.4 Two of the newest version of Atlanticism 66
2.5 Clash of Civilizations: neoatlantizm Huntington 67
Chapter 3. mondialism 70
3.1 Background mondialism 70
3.2 Convergence Theory 72
3.3 Planetary victory of the West 72
3.4 "End of History," Francis Fukuyama 73
3.5 "Geo-economics" Jacques Attali 74
3.6 postcatastrophic mondializm Professor Santoro 75
Chapter 4. Application geopolitics 77
4.1 "Internal Geopolitics" school Yves Lacoste 77
4.2 Electoral "geopolitics" 77
4.3 Mediakratia as "geopolitical" factor 78
4.4 Geopolitics History 78
4.5 "Applied geopolitics" is not geopolitics 79
Chapter 5. Geopolitics of European "new right" 80

5.1 Europe is a hundred flags. Alen De Benoist 80

5.2 Europe from Vladivostok to Dublin. Jean Tiriar 81

5.3 Thinking continents. Hjørdis von Lohausen 82
5.4 The Eurasian Empire of the End. Jean Parvulesco 84
5.5 Indian Ocean as the path to world domination. Robert Stoykers 85
5.6 Russian + Islam = European rescue. Carlo Terrachano 86
Chapter 6. Neo-eurasism 88
6.1 The Eurasian passionarnost Lev Gumilyov 88
6.2 New Russian Eurasians 90
6.3 Towards a new bipolarity 92


Chapter 1. Heartland 94
Chapter 2. Rimland problem 94
Chapter 3. Gathering Empire 96
Chapter 4. Warm and cold sea 98
PART IV geopolitical future RUSSIAN 100
Chapter 1: The need for a radical alternative 100
Chapter 2. What is the "Russian national interests"? 102
2.1 We do not have Russian state today 102
2.2 The concept of "post-imperial legitimacy" 103
2.3 The Russian people - the center of geopolitical concepts 105
Chapter 3. Russia is inconceivable without the Empire 109

3.1 The lack of Russian "nation-state" 109

3.2 Russian Empire people 110
3.3 Traps "regional power" 112
3.4 Criticism of the Soviet state 114
3.5 Criticism of the tsarist state 117
3.6 Towards a new Eurasian empire 120
Chapter 4. The redistribution of the world 123
4.1 The land and the sea. common enemy 123

4.2 Western axis: Moscow Berlin. European Empire and Eurasia 125
4.3 Axis Moscow Tokyo. Pan-Asian design. Eurasian Trilateral Commission
4.4 Axis Moscow Tehran. Central Asian Empire. Pan-Arab project 135
4.5 Imperia many Empires 140
Chapter 5. The fate of Russia in the Eurasian empire 142
5.1 Geopolitical magic for national purposes 142
5.2 Russian nationalism. Ethnic demography and Empire 144
5.3 Russian question after the upcoming Victory 147
Chapter 6: Military Empire 150
6.1 Priority of nuclear and intercontinental potential 150

6.2 What are the armed forces need a great Russia? 152 Chapter 7. Technology and Resources 156

7.1 Technological deficit 156

7.2 Russian resources 158
Chapter 8. Economic aspects of "New Empire" 160
8.1 Economics of the "third way" 160
8.2 Economic Regionalism 164
Chapter 9: Conclusion 168
Chapter 1 Scope and method 169
1.1 Inner Geopolitics of Russia depends on its planetary function 169
1.2 Internal geopolitics and military doctrine 170
1.3 Center and Periphery 171
1.4 Internal axis ( "geopolitical rays") 173

Chapter 2: The Road to the north 175

2.1 Analysis Model 175
2.2 geopolitical Russian Arctic 175
2.3 North North + 176
North Center 2.4 + 178
2.5 Finnish question 180
2.6 North and Not-North 181
2.7 Summary 185
Chapter 3: Call of the East 187
3.1 "Internal East" (extension of the concept) 187
3.2 Belt "Russian Siberia" (Structure) 188
3.3 Positional battle for Lenaland 191

3.4 The capital of Siberia 193

Chapter 4. The new geopolitical order of the South 195
4.1 "New Political Order" of the South 195

4.2 Zones and Mountain-border 196

4.3 The Balkans 197
4.4 The problem of sovereign Ukraine 198
4.5 between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea 199
4.6 The new geopolitical order in the Central Asia 202
4.7 The Fall of China 205
4.8 From the Balkans to Manchuria 207
Chapter 5. The threat of the West 209
5.1 Two Western 209
5.2 Destroy the "cordon sanitaire" 211
5.3 Baltic Federation 213
5.4 Romans-Slavs come to Central Europe 214
5.5 The union of Belarus and Great 215
5.6 Geopolitical decomposition Ukraine 216
5.7 Romania and Moldova integration under what sign? 219
5.8 Condition: soil, not blood 220
Chapter 1. Geopolitics of Orthodoxy 222
1 1 East and West Christian oecumena 222
1.2 Post-Byzantine Orthodoxy 224
1.3 The St. Petersburg period 226
1.4 The national liberation of the Orthodox peoples 227
1.5 Megale Idea 227
1.6 "Inscription" 228
1.7 Greater Romania 229
1.8 Great Bulgaria 229
1.9 Orthodox Albania 230
1.10 geopolitical lobby in Pravoslav GOVERNMENTAL countries 230
1.11 Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviets 231
1.12 Summary 232

Chapter 2. State and territory 234

2.1 Three major geopolitical categories 234
2.2 Regionalism right and left 235
2.3 New large space: mondializm or Empire? 236
2.4 Geopolitics of Russia 237
Chapter 3. Geopolitical problems of the near abroad 239
3.1 The Law of Large Spaces 239
3.2 Pax Americana and geopolitics mondialism 239
3.3 The paradox of Russia 240

3.4 Russia remains "Axis of History" 240

3.5 Mitteleuropa and the European Empire 241
3.6 Germany the heart of Europe 241
3.7 "join Europe" 242
3.8 The boundaries of "freedom" and the lost benefits 243

3.9 "cordon sanitaire" 243

3.10 Transformation of the province of the colony 244
3.11 Asia before choosing 245
3.12 continental prospects "Islamic Revolution" 245
3.13 Trap "Pan-Turkism" 246
3.14 petrodollars and mondializm 247
3.15 At least two poles, or death ... 248
Chapter 4. Perspectives of the Civil War 250
4.1 National interests and lobby mondialist 250
4.2 Options alignment of forces 252
4.3 Results of analysis 256
Chapter 5. Geopolitics of the Yugoslav conflict 259
5.1 Symbolism Yugoslavia 259
5.2 Three European powers 259
5.3 True Croats 260
5.4 True Serbs 261
5.5 True Yugoslav Muslims 262
5.6 True Macedonians 263
5.7 Priorities of the Yugoslav war 264
5.8 Serbia - Russia 265
Chapter 6. From the sacred geography to geopolitics 267
6.1 Geopolitics - "intermediate" science 267
6.2 Land and Sea 267
6.3 Symbolism landscape 268
6.4 East and West in sacred geography 269
6.5 East and West in modern geopolitics 270
6.6 Sacred North and sacred South 272

6.7 People of the North 274

6.8 People of the South 274
6.9 North and South in the East and the West 275
6.10 from continent to metakontinentam 276
6.11 The illusion of the "rich North" 277
6.12 The paradox of "Third World" 278
6.13 The role of the "Second World" 279
6.14 The "Resurrection of the North" 280
Halford Mackinder George 283
Geographical Pivot of History 283
Petr Savitsky 294
Geographical and geopolitical BASIS OF EURASIAN 294
Jean Tiriar 299
superhuman COMMUNISM 299
Carl Schmitt 307
Land and sea 325
guerrillas THEORY 356
Karl Haushofer 396
Continental blocks: Berlin-Moscow-TOKYO 396
Geopolitical dynamics of meridians and parallels 404
General Heinrich von Lohausen Hjørdis 407
Vienna and Belgrade as a geopolitical Antipodes 407
Gulf War - a war against Europe 416
Jean Parvulesco 420
Emrick Chauprade 424


Alexander Dugin 426
The Rest Against The West 426
1.1 civilizational elements, only two 434
1.2 The concrete universal flood 435
1.3 The Lost sight of the element 437
1.4 Icon and Land 438
1.5 Absolute Amicus et Hostis portraits in time and space 439
1.6 Nomos Fire 442

from the editors

History and destiny of geopolitics as a science is paradoxical. On the one hand, the concept itself
seems to have become commonplace, widely used in modern politics. Multiply geopolitical
magazines and institutes you. Published and reprinted texts of the founders of the discipline,
organize conferences, symposia, are geopolitical committees and commissions.

But, nevertheless, still geopolitics and could not get into the category of conventional obschepriz
nannyh Sciences. The first geo-political work of the German Ratzel, Swede Kallen and
especially the Englishman Mackinder met with hostility by the scientific community. Classical
science, heritage fully giperkrititsistsky spirit of early positivism, believed that geopolitics claims
of excessive generalization, and therefore, there is only a kind of "quackery". In a sense, the sad
fate of geopolitics as a science has been associated with the political side of the problem. To
approve the opinion that the war crimes of the Third Reich's expansion, war, deportation, etc.
They were largely theoretically prepared German geopolitics, who allegedly supplied Hitler
regime pseudo-base. (Meant in the first place, Karl Haushofer, a German geopolitics, at one time
the former is quite close to the Führer.) However, the German geopolitics at the theoretical level
is essentially no different from the geopolitics of the Anglo-Saxon (Mackinder, Mahan,
Spykman) frantsuzs Coy ( Paul Vidal de la Blache), Russian "military geography" (Milutin,
Snesarev), etc. The difference was not specific views Haushofer, who were perfectly logical and
adequate to the discipline itself, and in the way which carries out some of its geopolitical
position. Moreover, the specificity of the German foreign policy 30's - 40's at its most repulsive
forms in sharp contrast to the ideas of Haushofer. Instead of "continental tal block" axis Berlin-
Moscow-Tokyo attack on the USSR, instead organicistic (in the spirit of shmittovskoy theory of
"the rights of peoples') understanding of the doctrine of Lebensraum,

"Lebensraum" vulgar nationalism and

imperialism, etc. It should be noted, and the fact that Haushofer and his school magazine
"Zeitschrift fur Geopolitik" has never been part of the official Nazi system. Like many intelligent
group of so-called "Conservative Revolution ers" in the Third Reich, they were ambiguous
existence simply tolerated, and this tolerance varied depending on the short-term political
expediency. However, the main reason for the historic oppression of geopolitics is the fact that it
too openly reveals fundamental Capacity to international politics that different modes often
prefer to hide behind vague rhetoric or abstract ideological schemes. In this sense, it is possible
to cause parallel marksiz IOM (at least in its purely scientific, analytical Coy parts). Marx more
than convincingly reveals the mechanics of industrial relations and their relationship to historical
formations and historic geopolitics exposes the demagogy of foreign policy discourse, showing

real depth levers, affect on international, inter-state and inter-ethnic relations. But if Marxism is a
comprehensive revision of the classical economic history, geopolitics review of the history of
international relations. This last point explains the ambivalent attitude of society to the scholar of
geopolitics. The scientific community does not allow hard them in their own environment,
criticizing harshly, and often without noticing, the power authority, on the other hand, actively
use the geo-political calculations to work out an international strategy. So, for example, it was
the case with one of the first of geopolitics, a true founding father of the discipline by Sir Halford
Mackinder. His ideas were not accepted in academic circles, but he directly participated in the
formation of the first half of XX century British policy, laying the theoretical foundation of the
international strategy of England, intercepted by mid-century, the United States and the
development of American (wider atlantist) followers of Mackinder. Parallel with Marxism, in
our opinion, is successful. The method can be borrowed and mastered the different poles.
Marxist analysis is equally important for the representatives of the Capital and to the fighters for
the emancipation of labor. Similarly, geopolitics: the representatives of large states (empires), it
instructs how to better preserve the territorial domination and expansion exercise, while their
opponents it is find a conceptual framework for revolutionary theory "Foot National Liberation".
For example, the Treaty of Versailles was a handiwork of geopolitical school of Mackinder,
expressed the interests of the West and aimed at weakening the states of Central Europe and the
suppression of Germany. German disciple of Mackinder, Karl Haushofer, based on the same
assumptions developed an opposite theory "of European liberation", which was a complete
negation of Versailles logic and forms the foundation of the nascent ideology of National

Recent observations show that even without being accepted in the community of classical
science, geopolitics is extremely effective in practice, and its value in some respects superior to
many conventional discipline. Be that as it may, the geopolitics of today there is little by little
and win a formal recognition and the corresponding status. However, in this process is not going
smoothly. Quite often we are faced with the substitution of the term "geopolitics", more common
in proportion as the use of the term is becoming commonplace among neprofessio catch.
Emphasis is transferred from a full and global picture developed founding fathers, for private or
regional moments geo circuit. In this case, the original tenets of geopolitical dualism,
competitive strategy, differentiation and civilization etc. either ignored or swept under the carpet
vayutsya or even denied. It is difficult to imagine anything similar in any other science. What
would become of classical physics, if operating with the notions of "the masses", "energy",
"acceleration", etc., scientists have begun implicitly gradually deny the law of universal
gravitation, to forget about it, and then simply be recognized Newton "did not exist in reality,
mythological figure," or "dark religious fanatic." But it is, mutatis mutandis, and comes to
geopolitics today.

The purpose of this book is to present the basic geopolitical objective and impartial manner, on
the other side of the preconceptions and ideological sympathies and antipathies. No matter how
we treat this science, to bear on her by a certain opinion, we can only become acquainted with its
principles, history and methodology.

The definition of "geopolitics"

Proceedings of numerous representatives geopolitiche schools there, in spite of all their

differences and sometimes contradictions add up to one overall picture, which allows us to speak
about the subject as something finished and certain. Those or other authors and dictionaries
differ from each other in the definition of the main subject matter of this science and the main
methodological principles Sgiach. This discrepancy stems from historical circumstances and
because of the close connection with the geopolitics of world politics, issues of power and
dominant ideologies. The synthetic nature of this discipline involves the inclusion of many other
subjects of geography, history, demography, strategies, ethnography, religious Niya,
environmental, military, history, ideology, sociology, political science, etc. Since all of these
military, science and humanities by themselves have a variety of schools and directions, then talk
about some kind of rigor and uniqueness in geopolitics does not come camping. But what
definition to this discipline, so vague and at the same time expressive and impressive?

Geopolitics is a worldview, and as such it is best not to compare with science, but with the
system of science. It is on the same level as that of Marxism, liberalism, etc., ie, systems of
interpretation of society and history, stand out as a basic principle of any one essential criterion,
and which reduce it to all the other countless aspects of human and nature. Marxism 1
liberalism and still lay the basis for the economic side of human existence, the principle of
"the economy as a destiny." It does not matter that these two ideologies do

opposing conclusions Marx comes to the inevitability anti-capitalist revolution, and the followers
of Adam Smith believe that capitalism is the most perfect model of society. And in the first and
second cases it is offered a detailed method of interpretation of the historical process, the
particular sociology, anthropology and political science. And despite the constant criticism of
these forms of "economic reduction nism" with alternative (and marginal), academia, they
remain the dominant social model on the basis of which people do not comprehend just past but
also shaping the future, ie, plan, design,

conceive and implement large-scale acts directly affecting all mankind.

Similarly, it is with geopolitics. But unlike the "economic ideology", it is based on the thesis:
"the geographical terrain as fate." Geography and space appear in the geopolitics of the same
features as the money and the relations of production in Marxism and liberalism reduce to them
all osnovopola gayuschie aspects of human existence, they serve as the basic method of
interpretation of the past, they appear as the main factors of human existence, organizing around
himself all other side of existence. As in the case of economic ideologies, Geopolitics is based on
proximity, on the reduction-organisms, reducing the multiple manifestations of life in several
ways, but in spite of a deliberate error always inherent in such theories, it impresses slit prove
their harmony in the matter of the past and explaining the marginal efficiency of the organization
and design of the future.

1 The obvious analogy between geopolitics and Marxism pointed out in 1943 by Karl Korsch in his book "The historical
views of geopolitics": "(...) the new materialism geopolitics has the same critical activist and idealistic (in the traditional sense of
the word) nature of what had in the early periods of the so-called historical materialism of Marx. ... As Marxism today is
committed to conscious control ekonomiches Coy life of society, so today's "hauskhoferizm" can be defined as an attempt of
political control over the space. " Op. on the New Essays, 6 m. 1943, p. 817.

If we continue the parallel with Marxism and classical bourgeois political economy, we can say
that, like the economic ideology claiming a special category of "economic man" (homo
economicus), geopolitics speaks of "human space Venn"

a predetermined space, Mr. and formed due to its specific quality of terrain, landscape. But this
conditionality is particularly pronounced in large-scale human social manifestations in the states,
ethnic groups, cultures, civilizations, etc. The dependence of each individual on the economy is
evident in small and in large proportions. Therefore, economic determinism and understandable
to ordinary people and powerful instances, use the larger social categories. For this reason,
perhaps, economic ideology has become so popular and perform the function of mobilization
until the Revolution, based on personal engagement in the ideology of many individual people.
man's dependence on space of the main thesis of geopolitics is seen only at a certain distancing
from a single individual. And why did not geopolitics despite the conditions of their own
ideology or, more precisely, the "mass ideology it." Its conclusions and methods of learning and
basic theses subjects comprehensible only

those social instances, that deal large-scale problems of strategic planning, comprehension global
social and historical laws, etc. Space manifests itself in large quantities, and thus geopolitics
meant for social groups dealing with generalized realities of countries, peoples, etc. Geopolitics
is a world power, the science of power and authority. Just as a person approaches the apex of the
social geopolitics beginning to discover its meaning for him, their meaning and their favor,
whereas before that it is perceived as an abstraction. Geopolitics of the discipline of political
elites (both actual and alternative), and her story proves that it engaged exclusively in people
who are actively involved in the management of states and nations, or preparing for this role (if it
was a question of alternative, oppositional GOVERNMENTAL ideological camps, removal from
power because of historical conditions). Without claiming to be scientific rigor, geopolitics at its
level itself determines what is valuable and what is not for her. Humanities and natural sciences
are involved only when they do not contradict the basic principles of the geopolitical method.
Geopolitics, in some way, she selects those of science and those areas of science that are useful
to her, ignoring everything else. In today's world it is a "quick reference ruler" power tutorial,
which provides a summary of what to consider when making global (fateful) solutions such as
forging alliances, the outbreak of war, the implementation of reforms, restructuring of the
company, the introduction of the scale GOVERNMENTAL economic and political sanctions,
etc. Geopolitics is a science of law.

Tellurocracy and Thalassocracy

The main law of geopolitics is the assertion of a fundamental dualism reflected in geografiche
skom device of the planet and in the historical typology of civilizations. This duality expressed in
protivopos tavlenii "tellurocracy" (land power) and "thalassocracy" (sea power). The nature of
this confrontation is reduced to the opposition of the trade civilizations (Carthage, Athens) and
civilization of the military-authoritarian (Rome, Sparta). In other terms, the dualism between
"democracy" and "ideocracy".

From the outset this dualism is the quality of hostility, alternative poles of two of its components,
although the degree may vary from case to case. The entire history of human society is thus seen
as consisting of two elements "water" ( "liquid", "flow") and "land" ( "solid", "Time").
"Tellurocracy" "overland power" associated with fixity space and its resistance value and
characteristics orientations. On civilization-insulating level is embodied in the Settlement,
conservatism, in strict legal regulations, which are subject to large associations of men of tribes,
nations, states, empires. Hardness Sushi cultural ethics embodied in the hardness and stability of
social traditions. Land (especially sedentary) Populations alien individualism
spirit entre stances. They attach to teamwork and hierarchy.

"Thalassocracy", "sea power" is a type of civilization based on opposing units. This type of
dynamic, mobile, inclined to the technical development. His priorities kochevniche equality
(especially sailing), sale, the spirit of individual entrepreneurship cial. The individual is the most
mobile part of the team is elevated to the highest value, and the ethical and legal standards
eroded, become relative and mobile. This type of civilization is evolving rapidly, actively
evolving, easy to change external cultural attributes, keeping constant internal only Nosta
identical total installation. Most of human history unfolds in a situation of limited scope both
orientations at global domination "tellurocracy". Earth Element (Land) dominates the whole
ensemble of civilizations, and the element "water" (sea, ocean) appears only fragmentary and
sporadic. Dualism until a certain point is geographically localized sea shore and estuary river
basins and the like. D. Confronting of developing in various zones of the planet with different
intensity in different forms. The political history of the peoples of the earth shows the gradual
growth of political forms, becoming more and more ambitious. So there are states and empires.
This process is at the geopolitical level means increased space factor in human history. The
nature of the major political formations of states and empires, expresses the duality of the
elements more impressive, leaving the level of more and more types of universal civilization.

At a certain point (the ancient world) adds up to be quite stable pattern, reflected in "Mackinder's
map." tellurocracy zone identifications wish to set up a stable inland expanse of the North-
Eastern Eurasia (broadly coinciding with the territories of Tsarist Russia or the Soviet Union).
Talassokra ment clearer
- eleven
designated as coastal zones Skog the Eurasian continent, the Mediterranean area, Atlantiche sky
ocean and the
seas washing Eurasia to the South and West. So the geopolitical map of the world takes on the
1) space-locked become "fixed platform" heartland'om ( "Heartland"), "geographical pivot of
history", which stably retains tellurocratic civilizational specificities.

2) "Inner crescent or Continental", "Coastal Zone" rimland are space intensive cultural
development. There are obvious features of "thalassocracy". Although they are balanced by
many "tellurocratic" tendencies.

3) "Outer crescent or insular" represents "unknown lands", which are possible only naval
communications. He first makes itself felt in Carthage Phoenician civilization and trade, impact
on the necks of the "inner crescent" from outside Europe.

This ratio geopolitical picture talassokra tellurocracy detected TII and potentially to the top of
the Christian era, after the age Punic wars. But finally it makes sense in the period of becoming
England Nia great maritime power in the XVII XIX centuries. The era of great geographical
discoveries, which began with the end of the XV century, led to a final formation thalassocracy
independent planetary formation, to break away from Eurasia and its banks and completely
concentrated in the Anglo-Saxon world (Britain, America), and the colonies. "New Carthage"
Anglo-Saxon capitalism and industrialism took shape into something unified and whole, and
since then has acquired a geopolitical dualism already clearly discernible ideological and
political forms.

Positional battle of England with continental powers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany
and Russia has geopolitical content XVIII XIX centuries (+ second half of the XX century), and
from the middle of this century, the main stronghold of the US steel thalassocracy.

In the Cold War 1946 1991's eternal geopolitical dualism reached maximum proportions
Thalassocracy identified with the United States, and Tellurocracy with the USSR.

Two types of global civilization, culture, meta-ideology resulted in a complete geopolitical

outlines, summarizing All geopolitical history
Elements confrontation. In this case, it is striking that these forms completed geopolitical
dualism on the
ideological level corresponded to two equally synthetic reality Marxist ideology (socialism) and
the Liberal
ideology of capitalism.

In this case, we can talk about the implementation in practice of the two types of "reductionism":
the economic reductionism has been reduced to the opposition of the ideas of Smith and Marx's
ideas, and the geopolitical to the separation of all the sectors of the planet into zones controlled
by talassokra TII (New Carthage, USA) and tellurocracy (New Rome , THE USSR).

Geopolitical vision of history is a model of planetary dualism to maximal proportions. Land and
sea spread their initial opposition to the whole world.
Human history is nothing more than an expression of the struggle and the path to its absolute.
This is the most general expression of the basic law of geopolitics law dualism elements (Land
against the Sea).
geopolitical teleology

Until the moment of the final victory of the US in the Cold War geopolitical dualism evolved in
primordial but set within it was about finding Thalasso cracy and Tellurocracy maximum of the
spatial, strategic and power output. In view of the increase in both nuclear capacity by some
pessimists geopolitikam- outcome of all this process is catastrophic, as fully mastered the planet,
the two might have been either to move beyond confrontation of land (theory Star Wars), or
destroy each other mutually (nuclear apocalypse) .

If the nature of the main geopolitical history of the process of the maximum spatial extension and
thalassocracy tellurocracy for this distsipli us is clear, then the outcome is uncertain. In this
respect, no determinism, no.

Consequently, geopolitical teleology, those. understanding of history in goals geopolitical terms,

comes just before the globalization of dualism and stops here.
But, nevertheless, on a purely theoretical level, one can isolate several versions of the alleged
events after stating the Vat will be the victory of one of the two thalassocracy systems.

1st option. thalassocracy victory completely abolishes tellurocracy civilization. On the planet we
establish the uniform of the liberal-democratic order. Thalassocracy absolutizes your archetype
and becomes a single system of organization of human life. This option has two advantages:
First, it is consistent logically, since it is possible to see the completion of a natural unidirectional
Foot (in general) current geopolitical stories of the total domination Sushi (traditional peace) to
the total domination of the Sea (Modern World); and secondly, this is what happens in reality.

2nd option. Winning thalassocracy confrontation ends the cycle of two civilizations, but has not
spread is a model for the whole world, but simply completes the geopolitical history of the
abolitionist perspective. Just as the theory of post-industrial society prove snyatost in this society
basic contradiction Chii classical political economy (Marxism), so some mondialist theory argue
that in the future world of the confrontation of land and sea will be generally lifted. This is also
the "end of history", but further developments are not amenable to such rigorous analysis, as in
the first version.
Both of these tests are discussed tellurocracy defeat as an irreversible and a fait accompli. Two
other options are this way.

Third option. Defeat tellurocracy temporary. Eurasia will return to its continental mission in a
new form. At the same time will take into account geopolitical factors that led to the crash
continental talistskie force (a new continental block will have maritime borders in the South and
in the West, that is to implement the "Monroe Doctrine for Eurasia"). In this case, the world will
return to bipolarity. But of a different quality and different level.

4th embodiment (which is the previous development). In this new opposition wins Tellurocracy.
It seeks to move its own civilization onnuyu model for the rest of the planet and "close the story"
in its chord. The whole world will turn into a typological land, and everywhere prevail
"ideocracy". Niemi Anticipating this outcome was the idea of "world revolution" and the
planetary domination of the Third Reich. Since nowadays the role of the subjective and the
rational factor in the development of historical processes is greater than ever, these four options
should be considered not just as an abstract statement of the probable development of the
geopolitical process, but also as an active geopolitical position, which can serve as a guide for
action on a global scale.

But in this case, geopolitics can not offer any deterministic version. Everything here is limited to
the set of features, the implementation of which will depend upon a variety of factors that do not
fit into the larger framework of a purely geopolitical analysis.

Rimland and "Zone boundary"

The entire methodology of geopolitical studies based on the application of the principles of the
global geopolitical dualism of land and sea to a local category. In the analysis of any situation is
the planetary model remains a major and fundamental. Those ratios that are characteristic of the
picture is repeated on a more private level.

After separation of the two main principles thalassic kratia tellurocracy and, following essential
principle is rimland, "Coastal Zone". This is a key category, the underlying geopolitical studies.

Rimland is a composite space which potentially bears the opportunity to be a fragment or

thalassocracy or tellurocracy. This is the most complex and rich culture of the region. Influence
of sea elements, Water, provokes in the "coastal zone" active and dynamic development.
Continental weight presses, forcing strukturaliziro Vat energy. On the one hand, rimland enters
island and ship. On the other side of the Empire and the House.

Rimland is not limited, however, only to the interim and transitional environment where flows
protivodeyst Wier two pulses. This is a very complex reality, which has an independent logic and
greatly affects the thalassocracy, and tellurocracies. This is not the object of history, but its active
subject. The struggle for rimland
thalassocracy and tellurocracy not have competition for the possession of a simple strategic
position. Rimland has its own destiny and hydrochloric proper historical mind,

which however, it can not be resolved outside the base geopolitical dualism. Rimland are largely
free to choose, but it is not free in the structure of choice because in addition to the thalasso
cratic or tellurocratic third way it is not given.

In connection with such quality "inner crescent" is often equated with the area in general
propagation of human civilization. In the depths of the continent reigns conservatism, outside it
the challenge of rolling chaos.
"Coastal Zone" itself of its position faced with the need to give an answer on the proposed
geography problem.
Rimland is a border zone, a belt strip. However, this boundary. This combination leads to a
geopolitical boundary definition.

In contrast to borders between states, geopolitics understands this term differently, starting from
the original model in which pervogranitsey or archetype of all borders is a specific historical and
the geographic and cultural concept rimland. Spatial volume of coastal zones is a consequence of
view of the mainland from the outside, "on behalf of marine aliens." It is for "sea forces" Beach
is a strip extending inland. For most of the continent, the shore on the contrary, is the limit line.
The boundary of the line (which is how it is understood in international law) is a vestige of "land
law" inherited modern law of the ancient traditions. This is a view purely land.

But the sea view, external to the mainland coastal areas sees as potential colony as strips of land
that can be torn off from the rest of the continental mass to turn into a base in the strategic space.
In this coastal area never gets to the end "his"; if necessary, you can catch a boat and sail back
home on "the island". Strip the shore becomes precisely due to the fact that aliens from the sea is
not safe to go deep into the continent only by a certain distance.

Since geopolitics combines both views on the sea and land space, then it rimland understood as a
specific reality, as the boundary of-band, and its quality depends on the volume of the
momentum that dominates in this sector by land or sea. Giant and quite navigable ocean coast of
India and China are the line, the minimum amount of bandwidth. Appropriate cultures have land
orientation and extent of shoreline tends to zero, in addition to becoming a continent end. In
Europe, and especially in the Mediterranean coastal areas are broad bands, stretching far inland.
Their volume is maximal. But in both cases we are talking about the geopolitical border.
Consequently, this category is variable, varies, depending on the circumstances, from line to line.
This approach geopolitics projects and analysis of more specific issues related to borders. It
examines the border between the states as "variable volume zone". This volume of its reduction
or expansion depends on the total of continental dynamics. Depending on the area change its
form and in predetermined trajectory within. The concept of "geofields cal boundaries" may
include the entire state. For example, the English idea of a "cordon sanitaire" between Russia and
Germany, included the creation of "no-man" (and semi-oriented England) zone,

consisting of Baltic and Eastern States. Kontinentalistskaya policy of Russia and Germany, by
contrast, tended to, to turn this area into line (Brest-Litovsk, Rapallo, Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact).
Thalassocracy-Atlantists sought

its maximum expanded creating artificial "Plotting the state" (etats-tampons).

In this case, a complete and perfect Thalassocracy (England, USA) applies in this case a double
standard: the borders of their own Islands thalassocracy seek to reduce to the line, and coastal
zones of Eurasia maximize. For kontinentalistskoy geopolitics logical to use exactly the same
principle in reverse: Eurasian border line, American border strip.

The analogy with the historical rimland'om as the "cradle of civilization" shows the essential ",
the boundaries of zones" in more special cases. Freed from having to bear the burden of the
charge history of the geographical "frontier zone" all the time channel their energy into the
cultural and intellectual spheres. And the skillful use of "light" Cesky geopolitical potential of art
geopolitically strategy of the opposing sides.

In this case it is "naval forces" captured this perfectly, as always based on the principle of
maximum and speedy benefiting from the colonized territories. This distinguishes them from the
land of the conquerors, who, after capturing the territory immediately began to regard it as their
own, and, consequently, are not in a hurry to squeeze out of it all you can.

Geopolitics as fate

geopolitics laws are extremely convenient for the analysis of political history, the history of
diplomacy and strategic planning. This science has many intersections with sociology, political
science, ethnology, military strategy, diplomacy, history of religions, etc. Indirectly, but
sometimes very clearly, and it is linked to the economy, to the point that some geo ki proposes to
establish a new science of geo-economics. Anyway, in some aspects geopolitiche Skog method
of appeal to the economic realities necessary.

At the moment, when gravity of all types of Sciences to synthesize, to merge, to create new
mezhnauch GOVERNMENTAL makrodistsiplin and multidimensional models geopolitics
reveals its importance both for purely theoretical research and practical steps in managing
complex civilization processes on a global scale or on the scale of the individual States or blocks.
It is a science of the future, the foundations of which in the very near future will be taught not
only in special institutions of higher education institutions and academies, but also in ordinary
schools. With geopolitical analysis can easily comprehend the whole era of the historical
development of the countries and peoples. When the characteristic of our time, the expansion of
information areas, the emergence of such a simple and visual reductionist methodologies
inevitable, because otherwise people at risk of eventually losing all sorts of landmarks in the
varieties of SG and multidimensional chaotic stream of diverse knowledge.
Geopolitics invaluable in education. Its structure is such that she could become the center
discipline in the new stage of development of school. However, more and more obvious role of
geopolitics in the wider social sphere. The level of development of information tion, the active
involvement of the ordinary man in the events unfolding across the continent, "Le Monde tion
of" media all this highlights the spatial thinking in geopolitical terms, which helps to "sort" the
nations, states, regimes and single religion simplified scale to sense even the most basic
television or radio news was at least an approximate idea. If you apply a simple grid geopolitical
heartland, rimland, World Island to any communication regarding international events,
immediately built some clear interpretation model that does not require additional highly
specialized knowledge. "NATO's expansion to the East," with such an approach is "an increase
in volume in favor rimland thalassocracy"; "Treaty between Germany and France on the
establishment of special purely European military forces" "step towards the creation of
continental Noah tellurocratic design"; "The conflict between Iraq and Kuwait Continental desire
to destroy the state artificial talassokratiche skoe education, preventing the direct control of the
coastal zone", etc.

Finally, about the impact of geopolitical methodology on domestic and foreign policy. If
geopolitical cal meaning of certain steps of political parties and movements, as well as the power
structures will oche visible, easily match them with a system of global interests, and, therefore,
to decipher their far-reaching goals. For example, the integration of Russia with the European
countries E (especially Germany) step tellurokra cal forces (Eurasians), it can automatically
predict the strengthening of "ideocratic" ( "socialist") trends in the country. On the contrary, the
rapprochement between Moscow and Washington means submission thalassocratic line and
inevitably entails a positional gain "marketeers", etc. Similarly, in the light of the internal laws of
geopolitics can be easily interpreted and political processes separatism peoples in Russia,
bilateral or multilateral agreements with various administrative units and regions with each other.
Each event in the light of geopolitics becomes clear meaning. This geopolitical sense can not be
regarded as ultimo ratio events, but in any case it is always highly expressive and useful for
analysis and forecasting.

The absence today of any kind was a textbook on the subject prompted us to write this book and
drawing, which is an introduction to geopolitics as a science.

Chapter 1. Fridrih Rattsel States as spatial organisms
1.1 Education: German "organicists Skye School"

Fridriha Rattselya (1844 1904) can be considered the "father" of geopolitics, although he this
term in his writings did not use. He wrote about the "political geography". His main work, which
was released is called in 1897 "Politische Geographie". Ratzel graduated from Polytechnic
University in Karlsruhe, where he listened to the geology courses paleoontologii and zoology.
He completed his education at Haydelber n, where he became a disciple of Professor Ernsta
Gekelya (who first used the term "ecology"). Mirovozzre of Ratzel was based on evolutionism
and Darwinism and painted a pronounced interest in biology.

Ratzel is involved in the war of 1870, which is recovering as a volunteer and receives the Iron
Cross for bravery. In politics, it is gradually becoming convinced nym nationalist, and in 1890
enters the "Pangermanistskuyu league," Karl Peters. He travels a lot is on Europe and America
and adds to their research interests on the study of ethnology. He became a lecturer in geography
at the Technical Institute in Munich, and in 1886 for a similar chair in Leipzig. In 1876 Ratzel
defended his thesis on "Emigration in China", and in 1882 in Stuttgart

comes him fundamental work "Anthropogeography" ( "Antropogeographie"), in which he

formulates his basic ideas: the relationship of the evolution of peoples and demography and
geography cal data, the influence of the terrain on the cultural and political emergence of
peoples, etc. But the most basic of his book was "Political Geography".
1.2 States as living organisms

In this work, Ratzel has shown that soil is a fundamental, inherent, around which the interests of
the people revolve. The movement of history is predetermined by the soil and territory. This is
followed by the evolutionary conclusion that "the state is a living organism," but the body
"rooted in the soil." The state is made up of the territorial scope of the relief and the people and
of their interpretation. Thus, in the state reflects objective geographical reality and the subjective
judgment of a national of the givens, expressed in policy. "Normal" State Ratzel says is that most
organically combines geographic, demographic and ethno-cultural parameters of the nation. He's

"States at all stages of its development Considering how are organisms that with the need to keep
in touch with their soil and, therefore, should be studied with
geographical point of view. As the ethnography and history of the state to develop a spatial basis,
more and more matching and merging with it, extracting from it more and more energy. Thus,
states are spatial phenomena mymi managed and animated by this space; and describe, compare,
measure their geography should. States fit into a series of phenomena of life expansion, being the
highest point of these phenomena "(" Political Geography " 2).

From this "organicist" approach is clearly evident that the spatial expansion of the state
understood Ratzel as a natural living process, similar to the growth of living organisms.
"Organic" approach Ratzel effect in relation to the most space (Raum). It is "the space" passes
from quantitative to a new category of material quality,
becoming a "vital area" "Living space"

(Lebensraum), some "geobiosredoy". Hence, two other important Ratzel term "spatial sense"
(Raumsinn) and "vital energy" (Lebensenergie). These terms are close to each other and are a
kind of special quality inherent geographical systems and determines their political design in the
history of peoples and nations.

All these points are fundamental principles of geopolitics, in the form in which it will develop a
little later the followers of Ratzel. Moreover, the attitude towards the state as a "living spatially,
rooted in the body" is the main idea and geopolitical axis techniques. This approach is focused
on the synthetic study of the whole complex of phenomena, regardless of whether they belong to
a human or non-human sphere. Space as a concrete expression of nature, the environment is
considered as a continuous life-ethnic body, inhabiting the space. The structure of the material
itself dictates the final product arts proportions.

In this sense, Ratzel is a direct Crown whom the whole school of German "organic" sociology,
the most prominent representative of which was Ferdinand Tennis.
1.3. Raum political organization of the soil
What Ratzel saw the relationship of ethnicity and space can be seen from the next track "politi
tion of geography '

"The state is formed as a body tied to a specific part of the earth's surface, and its characteristics
are developed from the characteristics of the people and the soil. The most important
characteristics are the dimensions mestopolo voltage and borders. This is followed by the soil
types, along with vegetation, irrigation and finally, the relationship with the other conglomerates
of the earth's surface, and first and foremost, with the adjacent seas and uninhabited lands,
which, at first glance, are not of particular political interest. The combination of all these
characterized eristik up country (das Land). But when we speak of "our country", to this is added
all the things that man has created,
and all the memories associated with the land. So initially a purely geographical concept turns
into a spiritual and emo tional bond inhabitants of the country and its history. The state is an
organism, not only because it articulates the life of the people on the ground motionless, but
because this relationship is mutually reinforcing, becoming something of a single, inconceivable
without one of the two components. Uninhabited space, unable to nourish your country of in this
historical field fallow. Habitable space on the contrary, contributes to the development of the
state, especially if it is a space surrounded by natural boundaries. If the people feel in their
territory is natural but it will always play the same characteristics, which, coming from the soil,
will be entered into it. " 3

2 See. Friedrich Ratzel, "Politische Geographie", 1887, "Einleitung".

1.4 The law of expansion

Relation to the state as a living organism implied rejection of the concept of "inviolability of
frontiers". The state is born, grows, dies, like a living creature. Consequently, its spatial
expansion and compression are natural processes associated with its internal lifecycle. Ratzel in
his book "On the laws of spatial growth of the state" (1901) identified seven expansion laws:

1) States length increases with the development of culture;

2) The spatial growth of the state is accompanied by other manifestations of its development: in
the fields of ideology, production, business, powerful "Occipital tion of radiation," proselytism.
3) The state is expanding, absorbing and absorbing political units at significance.
4) The boundary of an organ, located on the periphery of the State (understood as the body).
5) In carrying out its spatial expansion, the State aims to cover the most important for his
development of the regions: the coast, river basins, valleys and everything rich territory.
6) The initial expansion pulse comes from the outside, since the State provoked by the expansion
of the state (or territory) with apparently lower civilization.
7) The general tendency to assimilate or absorption weaker nations pushes further increased the
areas in motion, which feeds itself 4.
Not surprisingly, many critics accused Ratzel that he wrote "The Catechism of the imperialists."
Thus he Ratzel does not seek by any means to justify the German imperialism,
though he did not hide, that held

nationalist beliefs. For him it was important to create a concept

tool for adequate awareness of the history of nations and peoples in their relationship with space.
In practice, he sought to awaken "Raumsinn" ( "sense of space") in Germany, the leaders, for
which most of the geographical data of dry academic science is a pure abstraction.

3 See. Ibidem
4 See. Friedrich Ratzel "Ueber die Gesetze des raeumlicher Wachstum der Staaten", 1901.
1.5 Weltmacht and sea

On Ratzel largely influenced acquaintance with North America, which he had studied and to
which he devoted two books: "Maps North America's cities and civilization" (1874) and "The
United States of North America" (1878 1880). He noted that the "sense of space" Americans
have developed in the highest degree, as they were confronted with the task of development of
"empty" spaces, they have had a significant "political and geographic" experience of European
history. Therefore, the Americans sensibly carried out something that the Old World came
intuitively and gradually. Ratzel So we are faced with the first formulation of other important
geopolitical concept of "world power" concept (Weltmacht). Ratzel noted that the large countries
in their development have a tendency to a maximum of geographic expansion, emerging
gradually planetar ny level.

Therefore, sooner or later, the geographical development should come to their continental phase.
Applying this principle, derived from the American experience Skog political and strategic union
of a continental spaces to Germany, Ratzel predicted her fate continental power.

He anticipated, and other important topic of geopolitics Sea for the development of civilization.
In his book "The Sea, the source of power of the nations" (1900) 5 He pointed to the need of
every powerful nation in particular to develop their naval forces, as required by the planetary
scale polnotsen Noah expansion. The fact that some peoples and nations (England, Spain,
Holland, etc.) was carried out spontaneously, ground power (Ratzel, of course, meant Germany)
should do meaningful: fleet development is a prerequisite for the approximation of the status of
"world power "(Weltmacht).

The sea and the "world power" in Ratzel already connected, although only the later geopolitics
(Mahan, Mackinder, Haushofer, especially Schmitt), this topic acquires completeness and

Ratzel labor is a necessary foundation for all of Geopolitical Studies. In a twisted form in his
work contains almost all the main points, which will form the basis of the science. Ratzel on the
books based their concept Challen Swede and a German Haushofer. His ideas take into account
the French Vidal de la Blache, the Englishman Mackinder, Mahan American and Russian
Eurasians (P.Savitsky, L.Gumilev etc.). It should be noted that Ratzel's political sympathies are
not accidental. Almost all of geopolitics were marked by a pronounced national feeling,
regardless of whether it is enveloped in a democratic (Anglo-Saxon geopolitics Mackinder,
Mahan) or "ideocratic" (Haushofer, Schmitt, Eurasians) form.

5 See. Friedrich Ratzel "Das Meer als Quelle der Voelkergroesse", 1900. Chapter 2. Rudolf Chellen and
Friedrich Naumann "Central Europe"
2.1 Definition of a new science
Swede Rudolf Challen (1864 1922) was the first who used the term "geopolitics". Kallen was a
professor of history and political science at the universities of Uppsala and Gothenburg. In
addition, he was actively involved in politics, he was a member of Parliament, distinguished

exaggerated Germanophile orientation. Challen not It was professional geographer and geopolitics
considered, the foundations of which he developed, building on the work of Ratzel (he
considered his teacher), as part of political science. Geopolitics Challen defined as follows:
"This - the science of the state as a geographical body, embodied in the space" 6.
In addition to the "geopolitics" Kallen suggested another 4 neologism that, in his opinion, would
constitute the main sections of political science: environmental policy ( "the study of the State as
an economic power");
demopolitika ( "study of dynamic pulses transmitted people State"; analog "phy Antropogeogra"
Ratzel); sotsiopolitika ( "the study of the social dimension of the State");

kratopolitika ( "the study of the forms of government and the authorities in relation to issues of
law and socio-economical factors skim") 7.
But all these disciplines that Challen developed in parallel geopolitics, not widely accepted,
while the term "geopolitics" steadily established itself in various circles.

2.2 The state as a form of life and interests of Germany

In his main work, "The state as a form of life" (1916) 8 Challen developed postulates laid
down in the work of Ratzel. Challen, like Ratzel, considered himself a follower of the German
"organicism", rejects the mechanistic approach to the state and society. Abandonment of the
strict division of subjects in the study "neodushev lennye objects" (background) and "human
subjects" (figures) is the hallmark of most of geopolitics. In this sense, it is revealing the name of
the main labor Kallen.

Challen developed geopolitical principles Ratzel in relation to a particular historical situation in

contemporary Europe.

6 See. Rudolf Kjellen "Die Staat als Lebensform", 1916.

7 See. Ibidem
8 See. Ibidem

He brought the idea to its logical conclusion Ratzel about the "continental states" in relation to
Germany. And he showed that in the context of Europe, Germany is the space,
which has an axial dinamiz IOM and intended

structure around him the rest of the European powers. WWI Challen interpreted as a natural
geopolitical conflict between the dynamic expansion of Germany ( "the Axis") and countering
conductive her peripheral European (and vneevropey SKIM) nations (the Allies). The difference
in the dynamics of geopolitical cal growth downward to France and England and Germany,
rising to predetermined basic balance of power. At the same time, in his view, the geopolitical
identification of Germany with Europe will inevitably and inexorably, despite a temporary defeat
in the First World War.
Challen secured scheduled Ratzel geopolitiche ical maxim of German interests (= European
interests) opposed to the interests of Western powers (especially France and England). But
Germany State "young" and the Germans "young people". (This idea of "young people", which is
considered the Russian and German, Dostoevsky goes back to more than once quoted Kjellén.)
"Young" Germans, inspired by the "Central European Space", should move to the continental
states of planetary scale at the expense of territories controlled " old peoples' French and English.
In this aspect of ideology geopolitical confrontation Kjellén considered secondary.

2.3 By the concept of Central Europe

Although Challen was himself a Swede, and insisted on the approximation of the Swedish policy
with Germany, its geopolitical cal notions of self-importance of integrating the German space
coincide exactly with the "Central Europe" theory (Mitteleuropa), developed by Friedrich
Naumann. In his book, "Mitteleuropa" (1915) 9 Naumann gave geopolitical diagnosis, the
identity of the concept Rudolfa Chellena. From his point of view, in order to compete with
such geopolitical entities organized as England (and its colonies), the United States and Russia,
the peoples inhabiting Central hydrochloric Europe must unite and organize a new integrated
political and economic space. The axis of this space will, of course, the Germans.

Mitteleuropa unlike pure "pangermanistskih" project was no longer national but purely
geopolitical concept, in which primary importance has been given no ethnic unity and
commonality of geographic fate. Naumann project involves Integra tion of Germany, Austria, the
Danubian states and, in the long run, France.

Geopolitical project was confirmed and cultural parallels. Germany itself as an organic education
was identified with the spiritual concept of "Mittellage", "middle position". It also formulated in
1818 Arndt: "God has put us in the center of Europe, we (Germans) the heart of our part of the
Through Kallen Naumann and "continental" Ratzel's ideas gradually acquired tangible features.

9 See. Friedrich Naumann "Mitteleuropa", 1915.

Chapter 3. Halford Mackinder "Geographical Pivot of History"
3.1 Scientist and politician

Sir J. Halford. Makinder (1861 1947) among geopoliticians brightest figure. Received
geographic education, he taught at Oxford since 1887 until he was appointed director of the
London School of Economics. From 1910 to 1922 he was a member of the House of Commons,
and in between (1919 1920), the British envoy in southern Russia.

Mackinder is known for his high position in the world of British policy, which he very much
influenced the international orientation of the as well as the fact that it belongs to the most daring
and revolutionary naya scheme of interpretation of the world political history.

On the example of Mackinder most pronounced typical paradox inherent in geopolitics as a

discipline. Mackinder's ideas were not accepted by the scientific community, in spite of his high
position not only in politics but also in the scientific community. Even the fact that nearly half a
century, he actively and successfully participate in the creation of the shaft of the British strategy
in interna tional issues on the basis of his interpretation of political and geographic history of the
world, could not make the skeptics recognize the value and effectiveness of geopolitics as a
3.2 The Geographical Pivot of History

The first and most striking performance Mackinder was his report "Geographical Pivot of
History" 10, Vanny will publish in 1904 in the "Geographical Journal". In it, he laid the
foundation of his vision of history and geography, developed in subsequent writings. This text
can be considered a major Mackinder geopolitical text in the history of this discipline, since it
not only summarizes all previous lines of "political geography", but formulated the basic law of
this science. Mackinder states that for States the most favorable geographical position would be
the median, the center position. Centrality relative concept, and in a particular geographical
context it may vary. But on a planetary point of view, the world is the center of the Eurasian
continent, and in its center is the "heart of the world" or the "heartland". Heartland is the focus of
the continental masses of Eurasia. This is the most favorable geographic base for the control over
the whole world.

10 Halford Mackinder "Geographical Pivot of History" in "Geograghical Journal", 1904. Russian translation in the
journal le "elements.
Eurasian Review", 1996, №7, p. 26 -31.
Heartland is a key area in the broader context within the World Island (World Island). The World
Island Mackinder includes three continents Asia, Africa and Europe.

Thus, Mackinder ierarhiziruet planetar dimensional space through a system of concentric circles.
In the heart of the "Geographical Pivot of History" or "axial area" (pivot area). This geopolitical
concept geographically identical to Russia. The same "axis" reality called the heartland, "the land
Serdceva us."

Next is the "internal or suburban crescent (inner or marginal crescent)". This zone coincides with
the coastal spaces of the Eurasian continent. According to Mackinder, the "inner crescent" It is of
an area of the most intensive development of civilization. This corresponds to the historical
hypothesis that civilization arose initially on the banks of rivers or seas, the so-called
"Potamicheskoy theory." It should be noted that the latter theory is an essential aspect of all
geopolitical designs. The intersection of water and land spaces is a key factor in the history of
peoples and nations. This topic will be further developed in a specially Schmitt Spikmena,
however, the first brought this geopolitical formula is Mackinder.

Next is a more outer circle "outer crescent or insular" (outer or insular crescent). This zone is
completely outside (geographically and culturally) with respect to the continental masses of the
World Island (World Island).

Mackinder believed that the course of history determinate the following processes. constant
pressure from heartland'a center to its periphery so-called "Land thieves". Vividly and clearly
this is reflected in the Mongol conquests. But they predshest Vova Scythians, Huns, Alans, etc.
Civilization, arising from "the history of the geographical axis" of the interior spaces heartland'a
have, according to Mackinder,

"authoritarian", "hierarchical", "Undemocratic" and "Non-trade". In the ancient world it is

embodied in a society like Dorian Sparta or Ancient Rome.

From the outside, from the regions' island half-moon "on the World Island is carried out so-
called pressure "Rogue Sea Cove" or "islanders". This Colonial nye expedition arising from
vneevraziyskogo center, seeking to balance the land impulses arising from the internal limits of
the continent. for civilization

"external crescent " characterized by "shopping" the nature and "Democratic form" policy. In
ancient times such character distinguished Athenian state or Carthage.

Between these two polar civilization geo-graphical area pulses is the "inner crescent", which, as
the dual and constantly experiencing the opposing cultural influences, has become the most
mobile and thanks to this place a priority the development of civilization.

History, according to Mackinder, geographically revolves around the continental axis. This story
is most clearly felt in the space of "inner crescent", whereas in heartland'e reigns "frozen"
archaism, as in "outer crescent" a civilizational onny chaos.

3.3 The key position of Russia

Sam Mackinder identified their interests with those of the Anglo-Saxon world of the island, that
is, with numeral "outer crescent." In this situation, the basis of geopolitical orientation of "island
of peace" he had seen in the maximum attenuation heartland'a and maximum possible expansion
of the influence of "external crescent" in the "inner crescent". Mackinder emphasized the
strategic priority "geographical axis of history" in world politics and formulated the most
important geopolitical law:

"He who controls Eastern Europe, dominates heartland`om; whoever dominates heartland'om,
dominates the World Island; one who dominates the World Island, dominates the world." (
"Democracy cal ideals and reality") eleven
At the political level, this meant the recognition of Russia's leading role in the strategic sense.
Mackinder wrote:

"Russia is in the whole world as a central strategic position, as Germany for Europe. It can carry
out attacks in all directions and exposed to them from all sides except the north. Full
development of its rail capacity a matter of time." ( "Skye Geografiche Pivot of History") 12

Based on this Mackinder believed that the main task of the Anglo-Saxon geopolitics is to prevent
the formation of a strategic alliance around the continental "geographical axis of history"
(Russia). Therefore, the strategy of forces "external crescent" is to tear off the maximum amount
of shore spaces of heartland'a and put them under the influence of "an island of civilization".
"The shift in the balance of power toward the" thrust of the state "

(AD Russia) accompanied by its expansion in the peripheral space of Eurasia, it allows the use of
huge land resources to build a powerful navy: so far, and to a world empire. This will be possible
if Russia will unite with Germany. The threat of such a development will force France to enter
into an alliance with overseas powers, and France, Italy, Egypt, India and Korea will shore bases,
where berths flotilla of external powers to spray forces "axial area" in all areas and prevent them
from skontsentri Rowan all their efforts on the creation of a powerful navy. "(" Geographical
Pivot of history ") 13

Most interesting is that Mackinder is not just built the theoretical hypotheses, but actively
involved in organizational tion of the international support of the Entente "White movement",
which he considered Atlanticist tendency aimed at weakening the power of the pro-German
Eurasians Bolsheviks. He personally advises shaft white business leaders, trying to achieve
maximal support from the UK government. It seemed he prophetically foresaw not only the
Brest peace, but Molotov pact Ribbentrop- ...

In 1919, in the book "Democratic Ideals and Reality," he wrote:

eleven H.Mackinder "Democratic ideals and reality", New York, 1919.

12 See. P. 31, "Elements", №7, op. cit.
13 See. P. 31, "Elements", number 7, op.cit.

"What will happen to the forces of the sea, if one day the great continent politically unite, to
become the backbone of the Spanish Armada?" 14
It is not difficult to understand exactly what Mackinder laid down in the Anglo-Saxon
geopolitics, became half a century the US geopolitics and the North Atlantic Alliance, the main
any means to prevent the possibility of creating

Eurasian block the creation of a strategic alliance between Russia and Germany, geopolitical
heartland'a strengthening and expansion. Sustainable West Russophobia in the XX century has
not so much ideological as geopolitical. Although, given the link between the selected
Mackinder civilization type and geopolitical nature of certain forces, we can get a formula that
geopolitical terms easily translated into ideological terms. "The outer crescent" liberal

"Geographical Pivot of History" undemocratic authoritarianism; "Inner crescent" intermediate

model, the combination of the two ideological systems.

Mackinder was involved in the preparation of the Treaty of Versailles, the main geopolitical idea
that captures the essence of Mackinder's views. This agreement was drawn up so as to
consolidate the Western Europe character shore base for naval forces (anglosakson sky world).
However, he called for the creation of limitrophe states who share the Germans and Slavs,
strongly hindering the conclusion between the continental strategic alliance, so dangerous for the
"island nations" and, accordingly, "democratic".

It is important to follow the evolution of the geographical limits heartland in the works of
Mackinder. If in 1904 and 1919 (respectively, in the article "The Geographical Pivot of History"
and the book "Democratic Ideals and Reality") outlines heartland'a coincided broadly with the
borders of the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union, in 1943, in the text " round the
planet and conquer the world " 15 he revised his earlier views and has withdrawn from
heartland'a Soviet territories in Eastern Siberia, located behind the Yenisei. He called this
sparsely populated Soviet territory, "Russian Lenaland" the title of the Lena River.
"Lenaland'a Russia has 9 million inhabitants, 5 of whom live along the transcontinental railroad
from Irkutsk to Vladivostok. On the other territories with less than one person on the 8 square
kilometers. The natural wealth of the land, wood, minerals, etc. virtually untouched. " (
"Round the planet and conquer the world") 16

Derivation of the so-called Lenaland of geographical boundaries heartland'a meant the possibility
of considering this area as the "inner crescent" zone, ie, as the coastal space, which can be
utilized "island" powers to fight against the "axis of geographic history." Mackinder, actively
participated in the organization of the intervention of the Entente and the "white movement",
apparently, considered the historical precedent of Kolchak, resisting the Center for Eurasian,
nym sufficient grounds for consideration of territory controlled by it as a potential "coastal

14 Cm. HM "Democratic ideals and reality", op. cit.

15 See. Halford Mackinder "The Round Planet and the winning of the Peace", 1943.
16 See. Ibidem

3.4 Three geo-political period

Mackinder geopolitical divides the history of the world into three stages 17:
1) pre-Columbian era. It nations belonging to the World Islands peripherals such as the Romans,
living under the constant threat of conquest by the forces of "heart of the earth." For the Romans
it was the Germans, Huns, Alans, Parthians etc. Medieval ecumene Zolotaya Orda.

2) of Columbus epoch. During this period, representatives of the "inside his crescent" (coastal
zones) are sent to zavoeva of the unknown territories of the planet, anywhere without meeting
serious resistance.
3) Postkolumbova era. Unconquered land no longer exists.
Dynamic ripple civilizations are doomed to clash, pulling peoples of the world in the universal
civil war.
This periodization Mackinder with the relevant geopolitical transformation brings us right up to
the latest trends in geopolitics, which will be discussed in another part of the book.
17 Cm. HM "Democratic ideals and reality", op. cit. Chapter 4. Alfred Mahan "sea power"
4.1 Sea Power

American Alfred Mahan (1840 1914), in contrast to Ratzel, Kallen and Mackinder was not a
scientist, but military. He did not use the term "geo ka", but the method of its analysis and the
main conclusions correspond exactly to purely geopolitical approach. Officer of the American
Union Navy, he taught since 1885 in the history of the navy "Naval War College" in New Port
(Island Road). In 1890 he published his first book, which became almost immediately a classic
text on military strategy. "Naval forces in history (1660 1783)" 18. This is followed by a
small interval other works: "Effect of Force on the French Maritime revolution and Empire (1793

1812) " 19, " Interest of America in Sea Power in the present and in the future " 20,
"The problem in Asia and its impact on international politics" 21 and "sea power and its
relation to war" 22.
Almost all of the books have been devoted to a single topic on "sea power", "Sea Power". Mahan
name became synonymous with the term.

Mahan was not only a theoretician of military strategy, but was actively involved in politics. In
particular, he had a strong influence on politicians such as Genri Kebot Lodge and Teodor
Ruzvelt. Moreover, if a retrospective look at the American military strategy throughout the XX
century, we see that it is built in direct response to the ideas of Mahan. And, if in the First World
War, this strategy has not brought tangible success the United States, then in the Second World
War, the effect was significant and a victory in the Cold War with the Soviet Union finally
secured the success of the strategy "sea power".

4.2 maritime civilization = trading civilization

For Mahan's main policy instrument is the trade. Military action should only provide the most
favorable conditions for the establishment of a planetary civilization trading. Mahan was the
economic cycle in three points:
1) production (exchange of goods and services through the waterways)
2) Navigation (which realizes the exchange)
3) colonies (which produce the circulation of commodities on the global level) 23.
18 . See Alfred Mahan "The influence of Sea Power in histo ry" (one thousand six hundred and sixty - 1,783) "1890; in
Russian A.Mehen" The Influence of Sea
Power upon History (1660-1783) ", Moscow-Leningrad, 1941.
19 . See Alfred Mahan "The influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire (1793 - 1 812)", Boston, 1892;
A.Mehen "Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire (1793 - 1812)", Moscow-Leningrad, 1940.

20 Sm.Alfred Mahan "The Interest of America in Sea Power", 1897.

21 Alfred Mahan "Problem of Asia and its effects upon international politics", in 1900.
22 See. Alfred Mahan "The Sea Power in its relations to the war", Boston, 1905.
23 . See Alfred Mahan "The influence of Sea Power in history (one thousand six hundred and sixty - 1783)", op. cit.

Mahan believes that the analysis of the position and the geopolitical status of the state should be
based on six criteria:

1) The geographical location of States, it is open seas, the possibility of sea communications with
other countries. The length of the land borders, the ability to control the strategically important
regions. The ability to threaten its fleet of enemy territory.

2) "Physical Configuration" states, i.e. config radio seashores and number of ports disposed upon
them. On this depends the prosperity of trade and strategic security.
3) The length of the territory. It is equal to the length of the coastline.
4) Statistical number of the population. It is important to assess the state's ability to build ships
and cater for Vat.
5) The national character. The ability of people to engage in trade, as the sea power is based on
peace and the general trade.
6) The political nature of government. On this depends the reorientation of the best natural and
human resources in the creation of a powerful naval force. " 24

Already from this listing it is seen that Mahan bases its geopolitical theory based solely on the
"sea power" and its interests. For Mahan's sea power was a model of ancient Carthage, and closer
to us historically England XVII and XIX centuries.

The concept of "sea power" is based on his freedom to "maritime commerce", and the Navy is
the only guarantor of this trade. Mahan and goes even further by counting the "sea power" a
special type of civilization (anticipating the ideas Karla Shmitta) best and most efficient, and
therefore destined to rule the world.
4.3 Conquest of the US manifest destiny of the world

Mahan's ideas were seen around the world and have influenced many European strategists. Even
land and continental Germany, represented by Admiral Tirpitz took into the account the theses
Mahan and began to develop its fleet. In 1940 and in 1941, Mahan two books were published in
the Soviet Union.

But they are intended primarily America and Americans. Mahan was an ardent supporter of the
president of the Monroe Doctrine (1758 1831), who in 1823 declared the principle of mutual
non-interference in the Americas and Europe, as well as growth in the US has put power in
dependence on the territorial expansion of the surrounding territory. Mahan believed that
America's "maritime destiny" and that the "Manifest Destiny" ( "Manifest Destiny") 25 It is the
first stage in the strategic integration of the entire American continent, and then to establish
world domination.

24 Ibidem
25 See. Albert K.Weinberg "Manifest Destiny", Baltimore, 1935.
- thirty

We must pay tribute to the almost prophetic vision of Mahan. In his time, the United States has
not yet come into the category of leading world powers, and, moreover, was not obvious, even
their "maritime civilization type". In 1905. Mackinder in the article "Geographical Pivot of
History" refers to US "land power", which is part of the "external crescent" only as a semi-
colony cial strategic continuation of maritime England. Mackinder wrote:

"Just eastern US power began. At the balance of power in Europe, it affects not directly,
but through Russia" 26.
But for 10 years before the appearance of the text Mackinder Admiral Mahan had predicted
exactly America planetary destiny, becoming the leading maritime power, directly affecting the
fate of the world.
In the book "America's interest in sea power" Mahan argued that in order for America to become
a world power, it must fulfill the following points:
1), to cooperate actively with the British naval power;
2) prevent the German naval claims;
3) keep an eye out for the Japanese expansion in the Pacific Ocean and to oppose it;
4) Coordinate with the Europeans joint action against the peoples of Asia 27.

Mahan saw the fate of the United States is not to passively participate in the general context of
the peripheral countries' external crescent ", but to take a leading position in the economic,
strategic and even ideologically. Regardless of Mackinder, Mahan came to the same conclusions
about the main danger to the "maritime civilization". This danger is by the state of continental
Eurasia, primarily Russia and China, and in the second Germany. The fight against Russia, this
"continuous continental mass of the Russian Empire, stretching from western Asia Minor to the
Japanese meridian in the East", was for naval forces the main long-term strategic task.

Mahan moved on a planetary level the principle of "anaconda", applied by an American general
Mac Klellanom in the North American Civil War 1861 1865's. This principle is blokirova SRI
enemy territory from the sea and coastlines, which gradually leads to the depletion of strategic
enemy. Since Mahan believed that the power of the state is determined by the potency of
becoming naval force, in the case of opposition strategy number one task is to prevent this
formation in the enemy camp. Consequently, the task of the historical American opposition is
strengthening its position on the 6 main points (nym listed above) and the weakening of the
enemy for the same items. Its coastal open spaces should be controlled, and the corresponding
area of the enemy we must try by all means to tear off from the continental mass. And further,
since the Monroe Doctrine (as part of territorial cohesion) enhances the power of the state, it
should not allow the establishment of similar integration structures
the enemy. On the contrary, the opponent or the opponent in the case of Mahan, Eurasian powers
(Russia, China, and Germany) should suffocate in the rings "anaconda" continental mass,
squeezing it at the expense derived from its control of the coastal zones and blocking possible
access to maritime spaces.

26 See. Halford Mackinder "Geographical Pivot of History", op. cit. 27 Sm.Alfred Mahan "The Interest of America in
Sea Power", op. cit.

In World War I, this strategy was realized in support of the Entente White movement on the
periphery of Eurasia (as a response to the conclusion of the Bolsheviks peace with Germany),
during World War II it was also directed against the Central Europe, and in particular, through
the naval operations against the Axis and Japan. But it is seen most clearly in the era of the Cold
War, when the US and USSR confrontation reached the global, planetary proportions which at
the theoretical level of geopolitics has operated since the end of the XIX century.

In fact, the main lines of NATO strategy, as well as other units, aimed at containing the Soviet
Union (the concept of "containment" of identical strategic and geopolitical concept of
"Anaconda") ASEAN, ANZUS, CENTO is a direct development of the main theses of Mahan
Admiral, which for this reason can be called the intellectual father of all modern Atlanticism.
Chapter 5. Vidal de la Blache, "France against Germany"

5.1 Geography of France Painting

Vidal de la Blache (1845 1918) is considered the founder of the French geographical school.
Profession nal geographer, he was fascinated by the "political geography" Ratzel and built his
theories based on this source, although many aspects of German geopolitical school, he harshly

In his book "Geography of France Painting" (1903), he refers to the soil theory, so important for
the German geopolitics:

"The relationship between soil and man in France marked the original character of antiquity,
continuity (...). In our country, often seen that people living in the same areas since time
immemorial. Sources of calcium rocks originally attracted people as a convenient place for
accommodation and protection. we have people faithful disciple of the soil. The study of the soil
will help to clarify the character, habits and preferences of the population. " 28

But despite this it is the German attitude to the geographical factor and its influence on the
culture, Vidal de la Blache felt that Ratzel and his followers clearly overestimate the purely
natural factor, considering it determinative. Man, according to de la Blache, there is also an
"important geographical factor shy", but he is also "endowed with initiative." He is not only a
fragment of the scenery, but also the main actor of the play.

5.2 possibilism

This criticism of excessive exaltation of spatial factors in Ratzel led Vidal da la Blache to the
development of special geopolitical concept of "possibilism" (from the word "Possible",
"possible"). According to this concept, the political story has two sides

spatial (geographical) and temporal (historical). The geographical factor is reflected in the
environment, historical in man ( "media initiative") 29. Vidal de la Blache considered that the
error of the German "political geography" that they feel relief determining factor of the political
history of states. Thus, according to de la Blache, downplayed the factor of human freedom and
historicity. He himself proposes to consider the geographical spatial position as "potential,"
"opportunity," which can be actualized vatsya and become a real political factor, and may not be
actualized. This largely depends on the subjective factor of the person, this space of inhabiting.

This approach has been taken into account and the school of German geopolitics of Haushofer,
who felt criticized de la Blache quite reasonable and important. In this case, obviously it
increased the role of ethnic or racial factor in the consideration of the political
the history of nations, and it resonated with the general resurgence of racial problems in
Germany 20-ies.

28 Vidal de la Blache "Tableau de la Geographie de la France", Paris, 1903. 29 See. Vidal de la Blache "Principes de
geographie humaine", Paris, 1921.
"Possibilism" de la Blache was accepted the majority stvom geopolitical schools as a correction
of the previous rigid geographical determinism geopolitical authors.
5.3 France for "sea power"

Particular attention Vidal de la Blache gave Germany, which was the main political opponent of
France at the time. He believed that Germany is the only powerful European state, geopolitical
expansion which deliberately blocked by other European powers developed. If England and
France have their own extensive colonies in Africa and the world if the United States can almost
freely move to the south and the north, if Russia has Asia, then Germany is squeezed from all
sides and does not release its energy. De la Blache seen in the main threat to peace in Europe and
considered it necessary in every possible way to ease the development of this dangerous
neighbor. Such an attitude towards Germany is logically entailed geopolitical definition of
France as part of the common front "sea power", orientated against the continental powers.
Position de la Blache was not the only one among the French geopolitics, since there were
parallel and opposite direction Germanophile, Noah presented Admiral Lavalle and General de

In 1917, Vidal de la Blache publishes the book "Eastern France", in which he proves the
primordial affiliation provinces of Alsace-Lorraine to France, and the incompetence of German
claims to these areas. At the same time he appeals to the French Revolution, considering it an
expression of the Jacobin measurement geopolitical trends of the French people, striving for
unification and centralization of the State through its geographic integration. Political Liberalism,
he also explained through the attachment of people to the soil and the natural desire to get it into
private ownership. Thus, Vidal de la Blache in his own way connects with the geopolitical
realities of ideological realities: spatial policy in Western Europe (France), is inextricably linked
to "democracy" and "liberalism". Through this equation is easy to bring together the views of
geopolitical de la Blache to Mackinder and Mahan.

The choice of de la Blache "sea orientation" fits perfectly into this scheme.
Chapter 6. Nicolas Spykman "Revision of Mackinder, central rimland"
6.1 In the service of America

American Dutch origin Nikolas Spikmen (1893 1943) is a direct line continue Lemma Mahan
Admiral. Spykman was rum profession of international relations, and later director of the
Institute of International Relations at Yale University. For him, in contrast to the first geopolitics,
geography itself is not of great interest, much less worried about his communication problems
with people
soil, topography influence on the national character, etc. Spykman geopolitics considered as the
most important tool to a particular international policy as an analytical method and a system of
formulas, allowing to develop the most effective strategy. In this sense, he strongly criticized the
German geopolitical school (especially in the book "World Geography" thirty), Considering
idea of "fair or unfair borders metaphysical nonsense."

As for Mahan, for Spykman characteristic utilitarian approach, a clear desire to give the most
effective geopolitical formula by which the US can expeditiously achieve "world domination."
This pragmatism is determined by the structure of all its research.

6.2 Correction Mackinder

Spykman carefully studied the works of Mackinder, he offered his version of the basic
geopolitical schemes, somewhat different from Mackinder's model. The basic idea was Spykman
what Mackinder allegedly overestimated heartland'a geopolitical importance. This revaluation
does not affect only the current status of forces on the world map, in particular, the power of the
Soviet Union, but also the original historical scheme. Spykman believed that the geographical
history of the "inner crescent" rimland, "coastal zones", was carried out by itself and not under
pressure "nomads Sushi" is considered Mackinder. In his view, the heartland is a potential space,
we obtain all the cultural impulses of the coastal zones and are not carrying in itself no
independent geopolitical cal mission or historical momentum. Rimland, not heartland is, in his
opinion, the key to world domination. Mackinder geopolitical formula, "He who controls Eastern
Europe, dominates heartland`om; whoever dominates heartland'om, dominates the World Island;
one who dominates the World Island, dominates the world" Spykman proposed to replace its
"One who dominates rimland dominates Eurasia; the one who dominates Eurasia holds the
world's fate in their hands. " 31

In principle, Spykman not say this is nothing new. And for the most Mackinder's "coastal zone",
"outer crescent" or rimland been a key strategic position in the control of the continent. But
Mackinder knew this zone as an independent and accurate Samode geopolitical entity, but as a
space of confrontation between the two pulses of "sea" and "land". However, he never
understood control heartland in the sense of power over Russia and adjacent conductive her
continental masses. Eastern Europe has a space between the "geographical pivot of history" and
rimland, therefore, that the balance of power on the periphery heartland'a and finds Xia key to
world domination problem. But Spykman presented a shift in emphasis in its geopolitical
doctrine with respect to the views of Mackinder as something radically new. In fact, it was only
about a nuanced concepts.

thirty Nicholas Spykman "Geography of peace", in 1942. 31 Ibidem

6.3 Scale determining power

In his books, "The American strategy in world politics" 32 and "World Geography" 33
Spykman identifies 10 criteria on which to determine the geopolitical power of the state. This
development criteria first Mahan offered. They are as follows:

1) Surface area
2) boundaries Nature
3) The volume of the population
4) The presence or absence of mineral resources
5) Economic and Technological Development
6) Financial strength
7) Ethnicity homogeneity
8) The level of social integration
9) Political stability
10) The national spirit

If the overall result of the evaluation of the state of geopolitical features of these criteria is
relatively low, it almost automatically means that the state is forced to engage in a more general
strategic alliance, sacrificing part of their sovereignty for the sake of global strategic geo-
political patronage.

6.4 Mid-Ocean

In addition to the revaluation of values rimland, Spykman made another important addition to the
geopolitical picture of the world, seen from the perspective of "sea power". He introduced the
critical concept of "the Middle of the Ocean" "Midland Ocean". At the heart of this geopolitical
representation is emphasize the analogy between the Mediterranean Sea in the history of Europe,
the Middle East and North Africa in ancient times, and the Atlantic Ocean in the recent history of
Western civilization. Since Spykman considered it "coastal zone"

rimland, the main historical territory

civilization, the ancient Mediterranean area appeared to him as a model of culture that has spread
later into the continent (domestication of barbarians Sushi) and in remote areas, reachable only
via sea routes (domestication of barbarians of the Sea). Like this Mediterranean model in modern
times larger planetary scale the same thing happens with the Atlantic Ocean, the two sides of
which are American and European habitat of the most technologically advanced and economical
skom ways of Western civilization.

32 N. Spykman "America's Strategy in World Politics" (1942). 33 Op. cit.

"Mid-ocean" (Midland Ocean) becomes, in this perspective, not divisive, but the unifying factor,
"inland sea" (mare internum). Thus, Spikmenom planned special geopolitical reality, which can
be called conditionally "Atlanta cal continent", in the center of which is a lake in the onshore
region is the Atlantic Ocean. This theoretical "Continent", "New Atlantis" is linked by common
culture of Western European origin, the ideology of liberal capitalism and democracy, the unity
of the political, ethical and techno logical destiny.

Spykman particularly insisted on the role of the intellectual in this factor a "Atlantic continent."
Western Europe and the belt of the East Coast of North America (especially New York) are the
brain of the new "Atlantic community". The nerve center and the lift mechanism are the US and
its commercial and military-industrial complex. Europe is the thinking appendage of the United
States, whose geopolitical interests and strategic line become the sole and overriding all powers
of the West. Gradual but should be reduced and the political sovereignty of the European states,
and the transfer of power to a particular instance, uniting representatives of all the "Atlantic"
spaces and subordinate priority the rule of the United States.

Spykman anticipated the most important political processes create a "North Atlantic Treaty"
(NATO), the reduction of the sovereignty of the European powers in the postwar world,
planetary hegemony of the United States, etc.

6.5 Architect American victory

The basis of his doctrine Spykman did not so much geopolitical understanding of the US space
as a "sea power" in the whole world (as Mahan), perhaps because it has become a fact, as the
need to control the coastal areas of Eurasia: Europe, Arab countries, India, China, etc. .d. for the
final victory in the duel of the continental and marine forces. If the picture Mackinder planetary
duality be regarded as being "eternal," "non-removable" then Spykman believed that perfect
control over rimland by the "maritime powers" will lead to a final and irrevocable victory over
the powers of land that will now be entirely controlled. In fact, it was the ultimate development
of the "tactics anaconda", which has argued Mahan. Spykman gave the whole concept of the
completed form.

US victory as a "sea power" in the Cold War demonstrated the absolute correctness of the
geopolitical Spykman, which can be called the "architect of the global victory of liberal
democracies" of Eurasia.

At the moment, it appears that Spykman thesis on strategic supremacy rimland and the
importance of "the Middle of the Ocean" proved by history. But Mackinder's theory of
permanent commitment to the political center of Eurasia and the revival of the continental
expansion is also still too early to fully discard. On the other hand, some of the ideas Spykman
(especially his follower Kirk, who developed the theory even more detail rimland) were
supported by some European geopolitics, who saw in it a high strategic assessment "Coastal
areas" opportunity again to bring Europe in the number of those countries that decide the fate of
the world. But for this it was necessary to reject the concept of "the Middle of the Ocean."
Despite this theoretical course some European geopolitics (remaining, however, is very
ambiguous), Spykman belongs, without a doubt, the most striking and consistent "Atlantists".
Moreover, he, along with Admiral Mahan can be called "the father of Atlanticism" and
"mastermind behind NATO."
Chapter 7. Karl Haushofer "Continental ny block"

7.1 War and thought

It was Karl Haushofer (1869 1946) Geopolitics owes much to the fact that it has long been
considered not just as a "pseudoscience" but also as a "Misanthropic", "fascist", "cannibal"

Karl Haushofer was born in Munich in a professorial family. He decided to become a

professional soldier and had served in the army as an officer for over twenty years. In 1908 1910
years he served in Japan and Manchuria as the German military attache. Here he poznako milsya
with the family of the Japanese Emperor and the highest aristocracy. Poor health forced
Haushofer leave quite a successful military career, and he returned in 1911 to Germany, where
he lived until his death. He took up science, received the title "doctor" in the University of
Munich. Since that time, Haushofer regularly publishes books on geopolitics in general, and in
particular, the geopolitics of the Pacific. His first book was "Dai Nihon" 34

dedicated to geopolitics Japan.

Through his student Rudolf Hess Haushofer acquainted with Hitler immediately after the
conclusion of the prison as a result of the failed coup. There are unconfirmed by historians
believed that Haushofer was involved in the writing of "Mein Kampf" in places that will discuss
geopolitical categories. But conceptual analysis reveals a significant difference between the
geopolitical views of Haushofer and simplistic racist propaganda passages Hitler. During the 20
years since 1924 Haushofer published an important geopolitical magazine

who had a great international value "Geopolitik", later renamed the "Zeitschrift fur Geopolitik".

Most of his texts he published in this edition. Haushofer's relations with Nazism were complex.
At some point during his views converged with the views of the National Socialists, in some
radically diverged. Depending on the period of Nazi rule and the personal relationships changed
and Haushofer's position in the Third Reich.

Prior to 1936 it favored (especially affecting familiarize patronage of his younger friend of
Hess), after the start of cooling. After Hess's flight to England Haushofer fell out of favor, and
after the execution of his son Albrecht on charges of involvement in the assassination attempt on
Hitler in 1944 he Haushofer was considered almost "enemy of the people".

Despite this ambiguity of his position, he was numbered among the allies to "prominent Nazis".
Unable to withstand so many blows of fate and the collapse of all hope Karl Haushofer and his
wife Martha have committed suicide in 1946.

34 Karl Haushofer "Dai Nihon", Munich, 1913. 7.2 New Eurasian Order

Haushofer carefully studied the works of Ratzel, Kallen, Mackinder, Vidal de la Blache, Mahan
and other geopolitics. The picture of the planetary dualism "naval forces" against "continental
power" or Thalassocracy ( "through sea power") against tellurocracy ( "through the land power")
was for him the key that unlocks the mysteries of international politics, to which he had been
involved in the most direct way. (In Japan, for example, he had to deal with the forces that took
the most important decisions regarding the space of the picture.) It is significant that the term
"New Order", which is actively used by the Nazis, and in our time in the form of a "New World
Order" Americans, The used it for the first time was in Japan in relation to the geopolitically
scheme influences redistribution in the Pacific region, proposed to take the life of the Japanese
geopolitics. Planetary duality of "sea power" and "Noah by land forces" put Germany in front of
a problem of geopolitical identity. Supporters of the National Noah ideas and Haushofer
belonged, without doubt, one of them, sought to strengthen the political power of the German
state, which meant industrial development, cultural progress and geopolitical expansion. But the
very position of Germany in the heart of Europe, spatial and cultural Mittellage, makes it a
natural opponent of Western naval powers of England, France, the United States perspective.
Sami "thalasso-democratic" geopolitics also made no secret of his negative attitude to Germany
and believed it (along with Russia), one of the main geopolitical rivals of the West sea.

In this situation, the German was not easy Vat rasschity on a strong alliance with the powers of
"external crescent", especially that of Britain and France were to the German historical claims of
territorial order.

Consequently, future National Great Germany lay in the geopolitical confrontation between the
West and especially the Anglo-Saxon world, which in fact we identify Sea Power. This analysis
is based on the whole geopolitical doctrine Karla Hauskhofera and his followers. This doctrine is
the need to create a "continental bloc" or axis Berlin-Moscow-Tokyo. In this unit there was
nothing accidental it was the only full and adequate response to the strategy of the opposing
camp, who made no secret that the greatest danger for him would be to create a similar Eurasian
alliance. Haushofer wrote in the article "continental block", "Eurasia impossible to stifle, while
two of the largest of its people and the Russian Germans are striving to avoid sectarian conflict,
like the Crimean War or 1914: it is an axiom of European policy." 35

There he quoted the American Lee Homer. "The last hour of the Anglo-Saxon policy breaks
when the Germans, Russian and Japanese people unite."

This idea in various ways, Haushofer spent in his articles and books. This line is called
Ostorientierung, ie "Orientation to the East", as it is assumed identity in Germany, its people and
its culture as a continuation of the western Eurasian, Asian tradition. Not by chance the British
during the Second World

35 Karl Haushofer "Kontinentalblocke: Mitteleuropa - Eurasia --Japon" in "Ausgewaehlte Texte zur Geopolitik",
Boppard am Rhein, 1979 in
Russian in the "Elements" №7, op. cit, str.32-36.
War pejoratively called German "Huns." it was quite acceptable to geopolitics hauskhoferovskoy

In this regard, it should be emphasized that the concept of "openness East" Haushofer does not
mean "the occupation of the Slavic lands." It was a joint effort of civilization the two continental
powers, Russia and Germany, which would have to establish a "New Eurasian Order" and
perestruk turirovat continental expanse of the World Islands in order to withdraw completely
from the influence of its "sea power". The expansion of German Lebensraum Haushofer was
planned not at the expense of Russian colonization of land, and through the development of the
giant Asian uninhabited spaces and the reorganization of the Eastern European lands.

7.3 Compromise with thalassocracy

However, in practice things look not so uniquely. Purely academic geopolitical logic Haushofer
logically leads to the need to "block Nogo Continental" with Moscow, faced with numerous
other E tendencies properties are also inherent in the German national consciousness. It was a
purely racist approach to history that Hitler himself was infected. This approach is considered the
most important factor in the racial affinity, rather than geographical or geopolitical specificity.
Anglo-Saxon peoples of England, the United States met in this case, the natural allies of the
Germans, because they were closest ethnically. Slavs and particularly the non-white peoples of
the Eurasian turned into racial enemies. Added to this is an ideological anti-communism, ny
involved in many ways in the same racial principle Marx and many communists were Jews, and
therefore, in the eyes of anti-Semites, communism itself is antigerman Skye ideology.

National Socialist racism is in direct contradiction with geopolitics or, more precisely, pushing
the Germans to implicitly inverse antievraziyskoy, thalassic cratic strategy. From the point of
view of serial-racism, Germany should initially form an alliance with Britain and the US to work
together to confront the Soviet Union. But, on the other hand, the humiliating experience of
Versailles was still too fresh. This duality implies the whole ambiguity of the international policy
of the Third Reich. This policy is constantly balancing between thalassocratic line, apparently
justified racism and antikommuniz IOM (anti-Slav attitude, the attack on the Soviet Union, the
promotion of Catholic Croatia in the Balkans, etc.) and Eurasian Tellurocracy based on purely
geopolitical principles (the war with Britain and France, Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, etc.). As Karl
Haushofer was not objective, to some extent, in the solution of specific political problems, he
was forced to adjust their theories by political specifics. Hence his contacts in high places in
England. Furthermore, the pact Antikomminterna, i.e. the creation of the axis Berlin-Rome-
Tokyo, Haushofer apparently welcomed, trying to present his preliminary step towards the
creation of a full-fledged "Eurasian bloc". He could not understand that the anti-communist
orientation of the alliance and the emergence instead heartland'a Center (Moscow) Peninsular
secondary powers belonging rimland'u, there is a controversial caricature of the true "continental

Yet such steps are dictated by political conformism, are not representative for the totality of
Haushofer's geopolitics. His name and ideas
the usefulness of all embodied precisely in the concepts of "East of fate" in Germany, based on a
solid and long-term Eurasian Union.
Chapter 8. Carl Schmitt "Hippo versus Leviathan"
8.1 Conservative revolutionary

German Carl Schmitt (1888 1985) is known as a prominent lawyer, politician, philosopher,
historian. But his ideas are inextricably linked to the geopolitical concept, and its main
work, "Nomos of the Earth" 36 " Land and Sea " 37 etc. It is devoted to understanding the
geopolitical factors and their influence on civilization tion and political history.

Carl Schmitt was close to the German representatives of the Conservative Revolution,
paradoxical flow, which combines national-conservative and social-revolutionary elements.
Schmitt is the fate of the fate of his books, his legal-philosophical school. Like many other
conservative revolution ers, his relationship with the National Socialist regime was ambivalent.
On the one hand, his theory, of course, influenced the Nazi ideology. Particular success
enjoyed his political science book "Political Theology" 38 and "Concept of the Political" 39
in which Schmitt gave a detailed critique of the liberal right and the idea of "the rule of law."
These texts have been given outline of the subsequent Schmitt intellectual creativity in them
noticeable limiting political realism, the desire to release political science problems from the
humanitarian rhetoric of sentimental pathos, social demagogy. This is quite consistent with the
spirit of the National Socialist Ceska.

However, the whole concept of Schmitt was founded on the fundamental idea of "people's rights"
(Volksrechte), which he contrasts with the liberal theory of "human rights." In his understanding
of every nation had the right to cultural sovereignty, to preserve their spiritual, historical and
political identity. The same approach was characteristic of some of the National Socialists, who
consider this universal ideology Noah and applicable to all nations of the earth. But the dominant
mode line has become pan-Germanism is based on chauvinism and narrow nationalistic
approach. Therefore, Schmitt, with his theory of "rights of peoples", was sharply criticized,
especially by SS ideologues (in 1936 in the organ of the SS "Schwarze Korps" was published
aggressively threatens to become in his address).

Ideological formation Schmitt took place in the same atmosphere of ideas "organicist sociology",
that of the Ratzel and Kallen, but it was also influenced by the romantic theory of "Light of the
North" (Nordlicht), according to which the social and political forms and state nye education
rooted not in a mechanical functional nirovanii atomic personalities connected in mathematical
conglomerates, but in mythology, in the sacred world, "the elements and spirits" 40. In
Schmitt's theories everywhere there a paradoxical combination of "political romanticism"
and "strict rationalism." Mental apparatus is sharpened spiritual expression mythologemes.

36 Sarl Schmitt "Der Nomos der Erde", Koeln, 1950.

37 Sarl Schmitt "Land und Meer", Leipzig, 1942.
38 Sarl Schmitt "Politische Theologie", Munchen-Leipzig, 1922.
39 Sarl Schmitt "Das Begriff des Politischen", Berlin-Grunewald, 1928 in Russian Karl Shmitt "The concept of political
voice" in the "Questions of

Sociology", Moscow, 1992, Volume 1, №1

40 Sarl Schmitt "Theodor Daueblers" Nordlicht ". Drei Studien ueber die Elemente, den Geiste und die Aktualitaet des
Werkes", Muenchen,

At the Nuremberg trial was an attempt to classify Karla Shmitta to the "war criminals" by virtue
of its cooperation with the Hitler regime. In particular, he was charged with "theoretical
justification for the legitimacy of military aggression." After detailed acquaintance of the judges
of the case the essence of the charges were dropped. Nevertheless, Schmitt as Heidegger, Junger
and other "conservative revolutionaries" became persona non grata in the world scientific
community, and it works completely ignored. Only in the 70s thanks to the enormous impact on
the legal thought of some left-wing,

of the socialist thinkers, Schmitt's writings became gradual but rehabilitated.

Currently, he is recognized as a classic of Political Science and Law.
8.2 Nomos land

Schmitt, in the spirit of the geopolitical approach, maintained the original relationship of political
culture with space. Not only the State, but the whole social reality and especially the right stem
from high-quality organization of space. Hence Schmitt brought the concept of "Nomos". This
Greek term "nomos" means "something taken and decorated, ordered, organized" in the sense of
space. This term is similar to the concepts of "relief" from Ratzel and "mestorazvitie" in Russian
Eurasians (Savitsky). Schmitt shows that the "Nomos" is a form of organization of life, which
sets the most harmonious relationship within the social ensemble, as well as between these
ensembles. "Nomos" expression of specific combinations of synthetic GOVERNMENTAL
subjective and objective factors, organically manifested in the creation of political and legal
systems. The "Nomos" appear natural and cultural characteristics of the human collective in
conjunction with the environment.

In the book "The Nomos of the Earth," Schmitt shows how the specificity of a terrestrial space
influenced develop his culture and the state. He compares between different historical "Nomos",
especially emphasizing the fundamental dualism between the ratio of the space nomads and
settled peoples.

But the most important conclusion from the analysis of "Nomos of the Earth" was the fact that
Schmitt came very close to the concept of global historical and civilizational confrontation
between civilizations land and sea civilizations. Exploring the "Nomos" of the Earth, he was
confronted with his quality, the essential antithesis of "Nomos" Sea. This led him to the creation
of a special geopolitical methodology for thinking about the world political history.

8.3 Land and Sea

In 1942, Schmitt has released a major work of "Land and Sea" 41. At the later text
"Planetary tension between East and West and standoff land and sea" 42 This is an
important document geopolitical science. Meaning the opposition of land and sea at the
Schmitt boils down to is that we are talking about two very different, irreducible to each other
and hostile to civilization, not on the options of a single civilizational complex. This division
coincides almost exactly with the picture drawn Mackinder but Schmitt gives its main elements
thalassocracy (Sea Power) and tellurocracy (Land Strength) philosophical depth interpretation
associated with base legal and ethical systems in E. Curiously, the Schmitt uses the reference to
"forces Sushi" name "Hippo", but to "the forces of the Sea," "Leviathan" as reminding of the two
Old Testament monsters, one of which embodies all land creatures, and the other all the water,
nautical . "Nomos" Earth there is no alternative for most of human history. All versions of this
"nomos" characterized by a strict and stable legislativnoy (and ethical) form, which reflects the
immobility and fixity Sushi Earth. This relationship with the Earth, the space in which can be
easily structuralization (vannost fixed boundaries, consistency and communication paths, and the
immutability of the geographical relief features), creates the essential conservatism in social,
cultural and technical fields. A set of versions of "Nomos" Earth is what is called "traditional
society" history. In such a situation, sea water is the only peripheral civilization phenomena
without intruding within the scope of "ethical" (intruding or episodically). Only with the opening
of the World Ocean at the end of the XVI century, the situation changed radically. Mankind (and
first of all, the island England) begins to get used to "the existence of the Sea", becomes aware of
itself as an island in the midst of the waters, the ship. But a body of water dramatically different
from the Land of. It is impermanent, hostile, alienated, but are subject to constant change. It is
not fixed way, not obvious differences orientations.

"Nomos" Sea entail global

the transformation of consciousness. Social, legal and ethical standards are "fluid". Birth of a
new civilization. Schmitt believes that the new time and a technical breakthrough that opens the
era of industrialization, owe their existence to the phenomenon of geopolitical transition of
mankind to the "Nomos" sea. Since the geopolitical confrontation between the Anglo-Saxon
world "outer crescent" gets at Schmitt socio-political definition. "Nomos" the sea is the reality,
hostile to traditional society. Geopolitical confrontation between land powers to the sea becomes
the most important historical, ideologiche sky and philosophical meaning.

8.4 Grossraum

Schmitt has developed another important geopolitical ical theory of the theory of "large space"
(Grossraum). This concept considers the state of the process
as the desire to achieve the greatest territorial scope. The principle of integration is an expression
of imperial logic and the natural human desire for synthesis. Stages of territorial expansion of the
state, therefore, correspond to the stages of movement of the human spirit to universalism. This
geopolitical law applies to the technical and economic spheres. Schmitt shows that from a certain
moment the technical and economic development of the country requires a quantitative and
qualitative increase in venous its territories. This does not necessarily talking about colonization,
annexation, military invasion. Becoming Grossraum can pass and other laws on the basis of the
adoption of several states or nations united religious or cultural forms.

41 Sarl Schmitt "Der Nomos der Erde", op. cit.

42 Sarl Schmitt "Die planetarische Spannung zwischen Ost und West", 1959 in "Schmittiana-- III" von prof. Piet
Tommissen, Brussel, 1991; in Russian, see. Carl Schmitt "Planetary tensions between the East and the West" in the "Elements",
1997, number 8.

According to Schmitt, the development of "Nomos" Earth should lead to the emergence of The
States of the continent. motion stages to the State on the continent are city-states through the
territory of the State. The emergence of land states of the continent, mainland grossraum'a is a
historical and geopolitical necessity. In the text of 1940 "Space and more space in the right of
peoples" 43 Schmitt defined the "more space", "Sphere Project planners, organizations,
and human activities, rooted in the actual volume and future trends" 44.

Elaborating on this somewhat vague wording Schmitt pointed out as an example of willful
creation of "more space" enforcing the American Monroe Doctrine.
Although Grossraum can, in a sense, be identified with the State, or rather, with the Empire (das
Reich), this concept goes beyond the usual state. This new form
supranational associations founded on strategic, geopolitical and ideological factors.

Unlike unifikatsionnoy pangermanistskoy Hitler model and from the Soviet internationalism
Grossraum Schmitt based on cultural and ethnic pluralistic, broad autonomy bounded only
strategic centralism and total loyalty to a higher power instance. In this case, Schmitt stressed
that the creation of a new "more space" does not depend on the scientific value of the doctrine
itself, nor on cultural competence, nor the economic development of the constituent parts, or
even the territorial and ethnic center that gave impetus to the integration. It all depends on the
political will that recognizes the historical necessity of such a geopolitical move.

Schmitt in this doctrine anticipated the main lines of modern integration policy.
8.5 Total War and the figure of "guerrilla"

Geopolitical motives indistinguishable from Schmitt in almost all subjects, which he treats. In
particular, he studied the relationship of three concepts of "total enemy, total war, total in your
country of." From his point of view, the "total state" is

43 Sarl Schmitt "Raum und Grossraum im Volkerrecht", 1940; op. by Julien Freund "Les lignes de force de la pensee
politique de Carl
Schmitt" dans "Nouvelle Ecole", № 44, Paris, 1987. 44 Ibidem

the most advanced form of the traditional type of state, ie, Development land rush "Nomos".
Despite the possibility of the historical evolution of the state up to the scale of Grossraum, it
retains the same essential quality. "Total State" excludes the principle of "total enemy" and "total
war", as the picture of the enemy, "the enemy" (and Schmitt attached great importance to the
formulation of the terms "friend" / "the enemy", amicus / hostis), it builds on the basis of self
itself and, therefore, it puts forward the concept of "war forms", which acts Jus bellum and
involved only a limited contingent of professional soldiers. Civilians and private property, in
turn, are under the protection of the law and removed (at least theoretically) from the course of
hostilities. Liberal doctrine, which Schmitt uniquely associated with a new time, and
accordingly, with the "maritime civilization", with the "Nomos" Sea denying "total state" thus
opens the way of "total war," and the concept of "total enemy". In 1941, in his article "State
sovereignty and the open sea," he wrote: "The war on land was subject to legal regulations, as it
was a war between the states, ie between the armed forces of the warring states to rationalizing it
manifested itself in its limitation, and. desire to withdraw beyond civilians and private property.
The war at sea, on the contrary, is not a war between the strictly defined and obeying legal
regulations opponents, as it is based on the total concept of the enemy. " 45

General geopolitical picture, described by Schmitt, was to intense civilizational dualism, to the
confrontation between the two Grossraum'ov anglosak-Saxon (England + America) and
continental Euro-European, Eurasian. The two "Large space va" thalassocratic and tellurocratic
are interconnected planetary battle for that final step towards universalization and go from the
mainland to the world domination. In this Schmitt pessimistic about the possibility to bring this
conflict to some strict legal basis, as both makrokontseptsii civilization "more space" based on
mutually exclusive boiling "Nomos" "Nomos of the Earth" and "Sea Nomos". Last destructive
element is introduced the development of aeronautics, as the "airspace" is even less amenable to
ethical and legal structuralization than the sea. At the end of life Schmitt focused on the figure of
"partisan". This figure, according to Schmitt, is the last representative of "Nomos" land
remaining Xia true to its original vocation in spite of "dilution of civilization" and the dissolution
of its legal-cultural foundations. "Guerrilla" is linked with the native land of informal ties, and
the historic nature of this relationship dictates the basis of ethics of war, differ sharply from the
more general and abstract norms. As universalization "sea model" and "trade ethics", which, of
course, also cover the scope of military operations, the figure of "partisan", acquires, according
to Schmitt, a growing civilizational significance as "partisan" is the last actor in the history of
that It protects (by all means) "land policy" in the face of all-out offensive Thalasso times. It
follows him almost "soteriological" historical function.

45 Sarl Schmitt "Staatliche Souveraenitaet und freies Meer" in "Das Reich und Europa", Leipzig, 1941. Chapter 9.
Petr Nikolaevich Savitsky "Eurasia Heartland"
9.1 The fate of the Eurasian

Petr Nikolaevich Savitsky (1895 1968) is perhaps the first (and only) Russian author, whom, in
the full sense of the word, may be called geopolitics. By formation Economist, pupil
V.Vernadsky and Struve. Before the war was close to the Cadets. After the revolution, he
emigrated to Bulgaria, then moved to Czechoslovakia. In 1921, together with Prince NS
Trubetskoy led Eurasian movement, which geopolitiche skie factors played a central role. It
Savitsky increasingly out of all Eurasians interested camping geopolitics.

Outlook Savitsky, like most other Eurasians, was influenced by the works of the Slavophiles,
Danilevsky, especially Leontiev. It was a kind of revolutionary Slavophilism, coupled with the
central idea of the specific historical identity, "the Great", not reducible to any reli Noah nor
ethnically Slavic nature. In this aspect, they were more likely close to Konstantin Leontiev, to
formulate an important thesis of "the Slavs are, Slavism no", ie "Ethnic and linguistic proximity
of the Slavic peoples is not sufficient to talk about their culture and characterized by unity."
Eurasian Movement recruitment favorite themes and concepts were surprisingly close to the
German conservative revolution neram. As well as the conservative revolutionaries, Eurasians
sought to combine fidelity to the origins of a creative impulse in the future, rooted in Russian
national tradition with modernism, social, technical development and the policy of non-
traditional forms. This is the basis and cautiously positive attitude to the Eurasians of the Soviet
state and the October Revolution.

Despite the sympathy for the Soviets, who were characteristic not only openly pro-Soviet wing
Eurasians (Paris circle, published the newspaper "Eurasia"), which Sawicki officially severed
relations, but also for the most moderate and "conservative GOVERNMENTAL" elements. After
the capture of Prague by Soviet troops in 1945, Savitsky was arrested and sentenced to 10 years
in the camps. In the camps, he met with the son of the poet Nikolaya Gumileva Lev, who became
his student, and later became one of the best contemporary Russian ethnographers and historians.

In 1956, Savitsky was rehabilitated and returned to Prague, where he died 12 years later.
9.2 Russia-Eurasia
The basic idea Savitsky is that Russia is a special civilizational formation, determined by the
quality of the "middle". One of his articles "The geographical and geopolitical foundations of
Eurasianism" (1933) begins with the words "Russia has much more reason than China,
referred to as" the Middle Kingdom " 46.

46 Petr Savitsky "The geographical and geopolitical foundations of Eurasianism" in the "Elements" number 3, pp. 51-54

If the "middle" of Germany, Mittellage, bounds a European context, and Europe itself is only
"western cape" of Eurasia, Russia occupies a central position in hydrochloric across the
continent. "Middle" of Russia, to Savitsky, is the foundation of its identity tion The historically it
is not part of Europe and not a continuation of Asia. She is an independent world-negative self
parking, and special spiritual and historical geopolitical reality that Sawicki called "Eurasia".

This term does not denote the mainland and not a continent, but the idea reflected in the Russian
space and

Russian culture, historical paradigm, a special civilization. Sawicki with Russian pole pushes the
concept, strictly identical
Mackinder geopolitical picture, only the abstract "land thieves" or "tsentrost remitelnye impulses
from the geographical axis of history" had become a well-defined outline of Russian culture,
Russian history,
the Russian state, Russian territory. Russia-Eurasia Savitsky is presented in the same light as
Raum Ratzel
and, more precisely, Grossraum Schmitt.

If Mackinder believed that from the desert comes heartland'a mechanical push, forcing the
coastal zone ( "inner crescent") to create culture and history, Sawicki claims that the Russia-
Eurasia (= heartland Mackinder) and is a synthesis of world culture and history of the world,
deployed in space and time. In this case, the nature of Russia participates in its culture.

Russia understands the geopolitical Sawicki, not as a national state, but as a special type of
civilization that has developed on the basis of several components boiling ariysko- Slavic
culture, Turkic nomadic Orthodox tradition. Together, creating a kind of unique, "middle"
generation, the representing a synthesis of the history of the world.

Great Savitsky considers not just branching Niemi Eastern Slavs, but a special imperial ethnic
education, which combines Slavic and Turkic substrates. This point leads him on an important
topic topic Turan.
9.3 Turan

Appeal to Turan as a positive orientation of the scandal was for many Russian National ists. So,
Savitsky indirectly justified the Mongol yoke that Tarskoe by which "Russia has found its
geopolitical independence and has maintained its spiritual independence from the aggressive
Roman-German Skog world." Such an attitude towards the Turkic world was intended to sharply
separate Russia-Eurasia from Europe and its destiny, to prove the uniqueness of the ethnic
"Without Tatarism would not be Russia," the thesis of the article Savitsky "Steppe and
sedentary" 47 It was a key formula of Eurasianism. Hence, the direct transition to purely
geopolitical statement:
"Let's face it: in the space of world history the Western European sense of the sea, as an equal,
even though the polarity opposed to only Mongolian
47 PN Savitsky "Steppe and settled" in the "On the Paths: Adoption Eurasians", Berlin 1922, pages 341-356.
the feeling of the continent; Meanwhile, the Russian "explorers" in the extent of Russian
conquest and assimilation of the same spirit, the same feeling of the continent. " 48
And further:
"Russia is the successor of the Great Khans, Genghis and continuer affairs Timur obedinitelnitsa
Asia. (...) It combines both historical" settled "and" steppe "element." 49

Fundamental duality of Russian landscape its division of the forest and steppe noticed even the
Slavophiles. In Savitsky Russian geopolitical sense, Razia EB acts as the synthesis of these two
realities of European forests and the Asian steppes. In this case, this synthesis is not a simple
superposition of two geopolitical systems at each other, but something integral, original, has its
own measure and assessment methodologies.

Russia-Eurasia can not be reduced entirely to Turan. It is something more. But with regard to
Europe, which all goes beyond its "onshore" consciousness says "barbarism", samokvalifikatsiya
Russian as "carriers of the Mongolian spirit" is a provocation, a historic and spiritual superiority
of the Eurasians.

9.4 mestorazvitiya

In theory Savitsky crucial role played by the concept of "mestorazvitiya". This term represents
the exact analogue concept Raum, it is treated as a "political geography" Ratzel and German
geopolitical Coy (Kjellen +) as a whole. This concept is reflected

"Organicism" Eurasians, exactly appropriate German "Organicist" school and in stark contrast to
the Anglo-Saxon pragmatism geopolitics. If Spykman was familiar with the work of Savitsky,
his indignation about the "metaphysical nonsense" was even stronger than in the case of
Haushofer. So, Sawicki referred to as "Geographical Review of Russia-Eurasia" writes: "The
socio-political environment and its territory" should merge us into a whole, to individual or
geographical landscape " 50.

This is the essence of "mestorazvitiya", in which the objective and subjective merge into an
indissoluble unity, into a whole. This is a conceptual synthesis. In the same text Sawicki
"We need a synthesis. It should be the ability to instantly watch on the socio-historical
environment and occupied its territory" 51.

This Sawicki close to Vidal de la Blache. Like the French geopolitics justifying indivisible unity
of the French cultural type, regardless of the ethnicity of the inhabitants of Alsace-Lor Ren,
Savitsky believes that "Russia-Eurasia is" mestorazvitie "," single unit "," Geography individual
"while geografiche sky, ethnic, economic, historical, etc., etc," landscape " 52.
48 Ibidem
49 Ibidem
50 PN Savitsky "Geographical Review Russia-Evra sion" in the book "The World of Russia - Eurasia", 1926, p 219 -. 232

Russia-Eurasia there is a "mestorazvitie", which is the integral form of the existence of many
smaller "mestorazvitiya". It Grossraum Schmitt, consisting of a whole hierarchy of lower

Through the introduction of the concept of "mestorazvitie" Eurasians moved away from the
positivist need to analytically split the historical phenomena, laying them on the mechanical
system applied not only to natural but also to cultural phenomena. The appeal to
"mestorazvitiya" to "geographical mu of individuals to" Eurasians allowed to avoid too specific
prescriptions on national, racial, religious, cultural, linguistic, ideological problems. Intuitively
felt by all residents of "geographical axis of history" geopolitical unity gains thus a new
language, "synthetic", can not be reduced to an inadequate, fragmentary, analytical concepts of
Western rationalism. This is also evident continuity Savitsky Russian intellectual tradition, has
always gravitated to understanding "integrity", "catholic", "unity", etc.

9.5 ideocracy

A very important aspect of the theory Savitsky is the principle of "ideocracy". Savitsky believed
that Eurasia skoe state should be built, starting from the original spiritual impulse, from top to
bottom. Consequently, its entire structure must be built up in accordance with a priori idea, and
the head of this structure should be a special class of "religious leaders". This position is very
close to the theories of Schmitt's "willful", "spiritual" pulse, standing at the origins of
Grossraum'a. Ideocracy assumed primacy nepragmatiche Skog,

intangible and non-commercial approach to the state system. The advantage of the "geographic
personalities" of Savitsky, is the ability to rise above the material necessity, organically including
the physical world into a single spiritual and creator impetus to global historical doing.

Ideocracy term that encompasses all forms of undemocratic, illiberal government, based on the
non-materialistic and neutilitarist Sgiach motivations. And Sawicki consciously avoids clarify
this concept, which can be embodied in a theocratic catholicity, and in people's monarchy, and in
the national dictatorship and the party state of the Soviet type. This breadth of the term
corresponds to a purely geopolitical horizons of the Eurasian ARISING that span huge
geographical and historical volumes. This is an attempt to more accurately express the will of the
continent intuitive.

It is obvious that ideocracy directly opposed to pragmatic-commercial approach, dominated the

doctrine Mackinder, Mahan and Spykman. Thus, Russian Eurasianists ideology terms brought to
final clarity, in which It manifested historically confrontation sea and land. Sea liberal
democracy, "trading system" pragmatism. Land ideocracy (all varieties), "the hierarchical skoe
board" domination of the religious ideal.

Savitsky views on ideocracy resonate with the ideas of German sociologist and economist
Werner Sombart, who shared all the social model and the types of two general classes of
"Heroes" and "traders". On geopolitiche skom level, the term "hero," "heroism" loses its
metaphorical meaning and becomes pathetic techn skim term for the legal and ethical specificity
ideokraticheskogo rule.

9.6 Soviet and Eurasian

The role Petra Savitskogo and, more generally, in the development of Russian Eurasian
geopolitics as a science is enormous. And it is strange how little attention is paid to this area in
Western textbooks. The Savitsky we have a completely conscious, responsible and competent
geopolitics, who fully and rightly expresses the position heartland'a, and starting from the
deepest of his Russian regions. Geopolitical doctrine Savitsky is the direct antithesis of views
Mahan, Mackinder, Spykman, Vidal de la Blache and other "thalassocracy". And only in this
case we are talking about a complete and detailed account of the alternative doctrine, examined
in detail the ideological, economic, cultural and ethnic factors. To use the terminology Karla
Shmitta, the Savitsky and Eurasians are the spokesmen, "Nomos of the Earth" in its current state,
the follower-GOVERNMENTAL ideologists

"Tellurocracy" thinkers Grossraum'a, alternative Anglo-Saxon Grossraum'u.

Compare ideas with Russian Eurasians theories of German geopolitikovkontinentalistov

(Haushofer, Schmitt, etc.), which also tried to build its own geopolitical theory as an antithesis
strategy "sea power", shows that the Germans in this direction is only half way passed, and in
Russian (in the first place, Savitsky ) we are dealing with a complete and consistent, complete
view of the world. In this sense, we can derive some law: "The closer to the views of the German
kontinentalistov Russian Eurasianism, the more completely they accept Ostorientierung, the
consistent and logical of their doctrine, the effectiveness of their political projects, created on the
basis of geo-political". In this sense, the closest to Savitsky approached the German National
Bolsheviks in particular,

Ernst Nikisch, that perfectly aware of the duality geopolitical position of Germany, whose
"middle" is relative and is secondary in comparison with the absolute cultural and continental
"median" Russian. From this they conclude that Germany can not claim to be a geopolitical
synthesis that she must make a choice between the south-west, Slavophobe tion, Catholic and, in
some respects, "thalasso-democratic" (bourgeois) Germany (together with Austria) and north
German-eastern Slavic, of the socialist, Russophile, Protestant and Spartan Prussia. Nikishov
belongs to the famous geopolitical thesis of "Europe from Vladivostok to Flessin ha", and only
such an approach on the part of the Germans harmonic but fits into a coherent continental
Eurasianism. Naturally, the line of the Austrian Catholic, anti-Communist and Slavophobe Hitler
no matter how tried to correct some of its historical responsibility is much more conservative
revolutionaries and geopolitics could not but lead to the fact that Germany lost its long
historical existence as a result of a dreadful defeat of the forces of it, "everlasting covenant"
which could only provide the Germans complicity in world domination tellurocracy.

Soviet reality in the geopolitical sense in many respects identical to the concept Savitsky and
other Eurasians, although their direct impact on the Soviet leadership there is no reliable data. In
many ways, similar to the Smena-Vekhists Eurasians and national-ki Bolsheva especially Nikolai
Ustrialov clearly influenced the Bolsheviks, and especially to Stalin, though he never held high
positions and often end their lives in the camps. Part Eurasians Efron Karsavin etc. openly
collaborated with the Soviet Union, but also grateful STIs have not received. However, an
analysis of Soviet foreign policy until the beginning of the restructuring leads to the conclusion
that it is constantly followed exactly the Eurasian skom course, never saying so openly.

Here we can only speculate: Either there was some unknown organization within the Soviet
regime, which was guided by the ideas of Savitsky, adapting them to current political realities,
and put on the official "Marxist" language, or objective position of the USSR forced heartland'a
inertia to do those steps that would have to make a conscious geopolitical continental states of
Chapter 10. Geopolitics as an instrument of national policy

10.1 Planetary duality of the fundamental law of geopolitics

Summing up a brief acquaintance with the ideas of the founders of geopolitical science, we can
make some general conclusions.

Despite the diversity of points of view, we are dealing yet with a certain unified picture of the
world that can be described as geopolitical. This picture of the world seeks to include in the
analysis of historical processes, international and intergovernmental relations

several disciplinary approaches geografiche sky, political science, ideological, etnografiche sky,
economic, etc. This is the main characteristic of all the geopolitical doctrines commitment to
interdisciplinary synthesis.

The most common and shared by all geopolitics methodological formula is a statement of
historical fundamental dualism between land, Tellurocracy, "Nomos" Earth, Eurasia,

"Middle ground", ideokraticheskoy civilization, "Geographical pivot of history" on the one hand,
and the sea,
thalassocracy, Sea Power, "Nomos" Sea Atlanta Coy, the Anglo-Saxon world, trading
civilization, "the external or crescent island" on the other. This can be considered as the main law
of geopolitics. Outside the postulation of this dualism all other conclusions are meaningless.
With all the divergence in the particular aspects of any one of the founders of geopolitical
science did not question the fact of such opposing Niya. In terms of importance it is comparable
to the law of gravity in physics.

10.2 geopolitics can not be engaged by

Another feature of the views of the founders of geopolitics is their sustained political angazhiro
vannost. There is practically no geopolitics, which would be excluded from participating in the
political life of the state. Hence the obvious bias of all, without exception. Geopolitics, starting
the research, must necessarily determine its own place on the map geopolitiche Sgiach poles;
from this view, the angle would depend, at which it will analyze all the world processes. In the
entire history of geopolitics we do not encounter any author who would be indifferent to the fate
of the state and its people, I would not share his basic ethical and historical orientation. This is
especially true at the extreme poles of the Anglo-Saxon authors perfectly and clearly follow the
logic and value system of Sea Power, talassokra TII formulating his theory from the position of
unconditional supporters of Atlanticism; Russian Eurasians equally consistent in their loyalty to
the ideals heartland'a they do not even call into question the absolute ethical and historical
superiority ideocracy and Russia-Eurasia.

Harder is the case with the French, who have a theoretical range of identity or Thalassocracy or
Tellurocracy. In the first case, should solidarity with the Anglo-Saxon world, with Sea Power,
second Germanophiles. Both options are implying unconditional national sympathy. In theory,
both of these trends are present among the French geopolitics, but the most shapely
geopolitical concept has developed a group of "Atlanticist" Sequence lei Vidal de la Blache,
which remains a central figure in the field. Its geopolitical antipodes Lavalle De Gaulle and from
a theoretical point of view it is much inferior. In Germany, too, a dual situation. If the whole
geopolitical thought it focused mainly continental and "Eurasian", this orientation of the complex
relationship limited to th Slavic world, to Asia and especially to Russia. This limitation is so
significant and attempts Germany volyunta ristski equalize its mid-European position with mid-
Eurasian, thereby ignoring the historical significance of Russia-Eurasia, so persistent that in both
world wars Germany was forced to fight not only against thalassocratic powers, but against its
logical Eurasian ally Russia (USSR). We can say that for the German geopolitics is characterized
by "a non-Eurasian" continentalism. This concludes the installation of the geopolitical equation
in the whole German history and determines the very structure of the German national
consciousness. The need for geopolitics initially determine its own position on the geopolitical
map of the world and its zones (Mackinder scheme in this sense is a very clear illustration)
influenced the fact that this science developed almost exclusively from representatives of the
major powers, with the ambition to become a "world power" (Weltmacht) "superpowers" to
achieve planetary domination. American Mahan and Spykman Englishman Mackinder are
"insular crescent". They "speakers" Atlanticism, thalassocracy.

Paul Vidal de la Blache (and his school) are Atlanticist France. Laval and De Gaulle inclined
towards continentalism, "Europeanism", antiatlan Semitism. Hence their mutual Germanophiles
that geopolitically brings them despite the fact that they belonged to two hostile camps: Laval
was the head of the collaborationist Vichy government, and De Gaulle head of the anti-fascist
French army. Germans Ratzel, Haushofer, Schmitt Germany identified with the axis Sushi
tellurocracy, and strive to create in Germany "more space", which must resist the Anglo-Saxon
thalassocracy. These adjacent Swede Rudolf Challen, who, however, thinks rather as a
representative of Central Europe, German European space, and not as a "narrowly-Swede sky"
nationalist. The most radical Continental sty Ernst Nikisch, Friedrich Georg Jünger, Arthur
Mueller Van Den Broek, etc. They go even further and suggest the future of Germany in the
strategic integration with the Eurasian Russia.

Finally, the Russian Eurasians (Savitsky, Trubetskoy, etc.) express the most complete version of
the continent ism, expressing the most radical position, "Nomos" Sushi, tellurocracy.

The lack of even a little prominent names among the geopolitics of other countries (although
these were in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Romania, the Netherlands, etc.) due to the fact that the
fundamental geopolitical dualism minor scale State concerned only indirectly, their impact on the
course of global confrontation slightly, and consequently, the very essence of geopolitics, its
sharpness, its relevance, its "fatal" dimension for them quite relevant.

10.3 Fate scientists powers of fate

The nationality of the geopolitics scientists most directly affects their views. Here the connection
is obvious. Geopolitics, in fact, these are the people who are most insight and responsibility are
able to recognize the historical trends of global development in the field of space, to understand
the place of the state and its people in this context and to formulate a reasonable and the most
effective blueprint for the future. Therefore, since they are often directly or indirectly affect the
history of the world, which is carried out, however, quite different forces, groups, parties,
leaders, under quite different momentary current slogans. But it is interesting and one pattern.
The degree of direct influence of geopolitics on the power, the feedback between scientific
developments and the political course in international relations of the States varies greatly.
Mahan, Mackinder Spykman and held high positions in their states, their political activity had
the most immediate results of their direct impact on the Anglo-Saxon policy is obvious and
enormous. Despite some friction with the scientific world in their countries and some (tactical)
concealment values their ideas for all "maritime civilization" as a whole, they are used during the
life of honor, they provide full support, their fate and career were significant successful. The
situation is different with the continental geopolitical kami. Vidal de la Blache considered a
geographer, seeking to expand the scope of its research to the political scale. Attitude towards
him on the part of a respectful government, but in general indifference of Noah, even though
many practical principles (particularly set forth in the "Eastern France") taken on board. He does
not enjoy the prestige of the Anglo-AME Ricans, but his theoretical heritage is taken into

The Germans especially have Haushofer and Schmitt, the situation is serious. And in the Weimar
Republic and Hitler's attitude towards him changes in waves, moving from the specific attention
of the authorities to direct repression. Compared with the "thalassocratic" geopolitics of their
tragic fate, their careers zigzagoob different, they are at certain moments even become victims of
those regimes, the national goals that coincide with their own in general. There is no longer
honored and respected, but hysterical note alternating persecution.

In Eurasians picture is even more tragic. There is no direct attention, not a single mention in the
official sources, only the camp, links, arrests, persecution with complete disregard. Although to a
certain point in Soviet history the impression that the main decisions on the international level
shall be followers of Petra Savitskogo, checks each step of the publications of the Eurasians,
there comes a tipping point in 1989 when it turns out that no one in the Soviet leadership is not
able to coherently explain the logic of the traditional foreign policy, and as a result there is a
lightning destruction of the Eurasian giant organism, with sozdavaemo of voltage three
generations to bear Shimi war, deprivation, Art radaniya, back-breaking burdens.

The role of the geopolitics of the individual in terms of their influence on the government
dramatically reduced by the East-West axis. With respect to the Mahan and Spikmenu contrast
Schmitt constant threats by the SS-ovtsev and persecution Haushofer (his son was shot), and to
an even greater degree of Savitsky and Karsavina camp. It is striking that, in the end,

precisely those countries that are more likely to listen to their geopolitics and appreciated them,
and have achieved outstanding results come close to that, to finally reach the sole world
domination. Germany also paid for a lack of attention to the theses of Haushofer "continental
block" that has fallen half a century of history, has suffered a horrible defeat and fell into
political oblivion. The Soviet Union, do not pay attention to the works of the most demanding,
deep and far-sighted Russian patriots, without a fight, and the resistance was almost the same
situation as that of postwar Germany international influence has come to naught, space declined
sharply, the economy and social sphere in ruins.

Part II current geopolitical THEORY AND EDUCATION (second

half of the twentieth century)
Chapter 1. Overview

Development of geopolitical thought in the second half of the XX century as a whole should
paths charted by the founders of this science. The story of Haushofer and his school, over which
hung a sinister shadow of intellectual co-operation with the Third Reich, forced the authors
involved in this discipline to look for detours to avoid being accused of "fascism". So, American
Colin S. Gray generally proposed to use two words to describe the geopolitics: British
"geopolitics" and the German "Geopolitik". The first is to denote the Anglo-Saxon and pragmatic
version of this phenomenon, ie, the works of authors who approach the succession Mahan,
Mackinder and Spykman, and the second "continental version of the" heritage school Haushofer,
taking into account some of the "spiritual" or "metaphysical" factors. Of course, this division is
rather arbitrary and only serves a demagogic way, dictated by considerations of "political
correctness STI".

American and, more broadly, Atlanticist (talassokra cally) line in geopolitics developed The
practical ski without any breaks with tradition. As undertaken in the years Americans project of
becoming a "world power" postwar geopolitiki- Atlantists a refined and detailed the particular
aspects of the theory, developing the application sphere. The underlying model of "sea power"
and its geopolitical perspective, turned out scientific development of individual military and geo
graphical schools in the official US foreign policy.

However, US formation superstate and exit at the last stage prior to the final planetary hegemony
thalassocracy, forced American geopolitics consider an entirely new geopolitical model, which
involved not two major forces, but only one. And there were essentially two versions of events or
the final winning the West geopolitical duel with the East, or the convergence of the two
ideological camps in a unity and the establishment of World Government (the project was called
"mondialism" from the French word "monde", "world"). In both cases, the required new
geopolitical understanding of the possible outcome of the history of civilizations. This situation
gave rise to a distinct trend in geopolitics "mondialism geopolitics". Otherwise, this theory is
known as the doctrine of the "new world order". It was developed by American geopolitics since
the 70s, and the first time publicly about it was announced by US President George W. Bush at
the time of the Gulf War in


European geopolitics as something independent barely existed after the Second World War. Only
for a fairly short period of 1959 1968's, when the French president was "kontinentalist" Sharl De
Goll, the situation has changed. Since 1963, De Gaulle had clearly taken some antiatlantistskie
measures, which resulted in France withdrew from the North Atlanta International Astronomical
Union, and made attempts to work out a proper hydrochloric geopolitical strategy. But since in
this state alone could not resist talassokratiche skom the world, on the agenda there was a
question about vnutrievro pean Franco-German
cooperation and the strengthening of relations with the USSR. Hence was born the famous thesis
of the Gaullist "Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals." This Europe was conceived as a
sovereign strategically continental education entirely in the spirit of moderate "European

At the same time the beginning of the 70s, when geopolitiche diffraction studies in the US have
become extremely popular, European scientists are also beginning to be included in this process,
but their relationship with the pre-war geopolitical school in most cases is already interrupted
and they are forced to adapt to the rules of the Anglo-Saxon approach. For example, European
scientists projection by the technical experts of international organizations, NATO, the UN, etc.,

engaging applications geopolitical

research and do not go beyond the narrow specific issues. Gradually these studies SRI turned
into something independent in the "regional geopolitics", quite developed in France ( "school of
Yves Lacoste," the magazine publisher "Herodotus"). This "regional geopolitics" is abstracted
from global circuits Mackinder, Mahan or Haushofer, pays little attention to the fundamental
dualism, and only applies geopolitical methodology for describing the inter-ethnic and inter-state
conflicts, demographic processes and even the "geopolitics of political elections." The only
unbroken tradition of geopolitics, preserved in Europe before the war, the property was fairly
marginal groups, in varying degrees related to the post-war nationalist parties and movements
mi. In these narrow and Political ski peripheral range of developing geopolitical ideas, just go
back to the "continentalism" Haushofer school, etc. This movement collectively became known
as the European "new right". Up to a certain moment of public opinion simply ignorirova lo,
counting the "remnants of fascism." And only in the last decade, especially through educational
and journalistic activities of the French philosopher Alena De Benoist, in this direction became
prislushi vatsya in serious scientific circles. Despite the considerable distance separating nye
intellectual circles of European "new right" by government authorities and their "dissidence",
from a purely theoretical point of view, their works represent a great contribution to the
development of geopolitics. Being free from the framework of political conformism, their idea
evolved relatively independently and impartially. And at the turn of the 90s there is a situation
that the official European geopolitics (most often come from the left or extreme left-wing
parties) have been forced to turn to the "New Right", their writings, translation and research to
restore the fullness of geopolitical picture. Finally, the Russian geopolitics. Officially recognized
naya "fascist" and "bourgeois pseudoscience" geopolitics as such in the Soviet Union did not
exist. Its functions are performed by several disciplines strategy, military geography, the theory
of international law and international relations, geography, ethnography, etc. At the same time,
the overall geopolitical behavior of the USSR on the planetary stage presence gives quite a
rational, from a geopolitical point of view, the behavior patterns. The desire of the USSR to
strengthen its position in the south of Eurasia, "coastal zone", the penetration into Africa,
destabilizing actions in South America (intended to split the space controlled by the North
American states of the Monroe Doctrine), and even the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (in order
to cut the US "anaconda", seeks to bring shuyusya strategic borders "talassokra TII" close to the
southern borders "geographical axis of history"), etc. This consistent and geopolitical based
policies of the USSR indicates the existence of a "solutions center", where they were to be
consolidated the results of many traditional GOVERNMENTAL Sciences and on the basis of
"information", "synthesis" to

make important strategic steps. However, the localization of this social "kriptogeopolitichesko
of" center is problematic. There is a version that he was talking about some secret department of
the Soviet GRU. actually same

geopolitics developing exceptional but marginal "Dissident" circles. The most prominent
representative of this trend was the historian Lev Gumilyov, although he never used in his works
nor the term "geopolitics" nor the term "Eurasianism" and, moreover, at great pains to avoid any
direct reference to the socio-political realities. Thanks to such "precautionary" approach, he was
able to publish even under the Soviet regime several books devoted to the ethnographic history.

After the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union became the geopolitics in Russian
society again topical. Cancel ideological censorship made it possible, finally, to call a spade a
spade. But not surprising that the first in the revival of geopolitics was attended by national-
patriotic circles (the newspaper "Day", "Elements" magazine). The methodology has been so
impressive that intercepted the initiative and some of the "democratic" movement. Soon after
perestroika geopolitics has become one of the most popular of all the Russian society. Related to
this is the increased interest in the Eurasians and their heritage in modern Russia. Chapter 2.
Modern Atlanticism

2.1 Followers Spykman DU Meynig, U.Kirk, S.B.Koen, K.Grey, Henry Kissinger

The development of the US, purely Atlanticist line in geopolitics since 1945 mainly represents
the development of theses Nicholas Spykman. As he began to develop his theories with
corrections Mackinder and his followers, mostly corrected his own views.

In 1956, student Spykman D.Meynig shaft publish the text of "The Heartland and Rimland in
Eurasian history." Meynig specifically emphasizes that "geopolitical criteria should give special
consideration to the functional orientation of the population and the state, not just purely
geographical terms the territory to the land and sea" 53. This is clearly noticeable influence of
Vidal de la Blache.

Meynig says that all the Eurasian space Skog rimland divided into three types according to their
functionally-cultural predisposition.
"China, Mongolia, North Vietnam, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Eastern Europe (including Prussia),
the Baltic States and Karelia space organically gravitated towards heartland.

South Korea, Burma, India, Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia geopolitically neutral. Western Europe,
Greece, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Thailand prone to thalassocratic unit. 54 "

In 1965, another follower Spykman U.Kirk published a book 55 reproducing the name of
the famous article Mackinder's "Geographical Pivot of History." Kirk developed a thesis
Spykman relative to the central value rimland for the geopolitical balance of power. Based on the
cultural and functional analysis Meyniga and differentiation of "coastal zone" relatively
"tellurocratic" or "thalassocratic" predraspo false, Kirk has built a historical model, in which the
main role is played by the coastal civilization, from which the cultural impulses come to a greater
or lesser degree of intensity inside continental ta. In this case, the "higher" cultural forms and
Skye The historically initiative recognized for those sectors of the "inner crescent" that Meynig
defined as "thalassocratic oriented." American Sol Koen in his book "Geography and
politics in a divided world" 56 He offered to enter into a geopolitical method further
classification based on the division of the basic geopolitical realities in the "core" (nucleus) and
"diskontinualnye belt." In his view, any given region of the planet can be decomposed into four
geopolitical components:

1) "external sea (water) environment independent of commercial fleet and ports;

53 DWMeinig "Heartland and Rimland in Eurasian History" in "West Politics Quarterly", IX, 1956, pp. 553-569
54 Ibidem
55 W.Kirk "Geographical Pivot of History", Leicaster Universal Press, 1965
56 SB Cohen "Geography and Politics in a divided world", New York, 1963

2) continental core (nucleus), the identity "Hinterland" (a geopolitical term that means "far from
the coast of the interior regions");
3) diskontinualny zone (onshore sector oriented either within the continent or from it);
4) regions and geopolitical independent from this ensemble. " 57

The concept of "diskontinualnyh zones" has been picked up on by such leading American
strategists like Henry Kissinger, who believed that the US political strategy in relation to
"diskontinualnyh 'coastal zones is to connect the fragments into a whole and thereby provide
Atlanticism full control over the Soviet Eurasia . This doctrine became known as "the Linkage"
from the English "link", "Us", "link". To "anaconda" strategy has been successful to the end, it
was necessary to pay special attention to the "shore sector" of Eurasia, which either remained
neutral or gravitate to the interior spaces of the continent. In practice, this policy was carried out
through the Vietnam War, the intensification of US-China relations, US support for pro-
American regime in Iran, support for dissident nationalists in Ukraine and the Baltic States, etc.

As in previous post-war era of American Atlanticist geopolitical school constantly provide

feedback to government. The development of the geopolitical views in relation to the "nuclear
age" we meet with another representative of the same American school Colin Gray. In his
book "The Geopolitics of the nuclear era" 58 he gives a sketch of the military strategy of the
USA and NATO, which raises planetary location of nuclear facilities depending on the
geographical and geopolitical peculiarities of the regions.

2.2 Atlantists won the Cold War

Atlanticism geopolitical development to the beginning of 90th years reaches its climax. Strategy
"anakon dy" demonstrates an absolute efficiency. During this period, one can observe almost
"prophetic" the truth of the first Anglo-Saxon geopolitics Mackinder and Mahan adjusted

The collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union marked the triumph of Atlanticist
orientation strategy, seeing sheysya enforced throughout the XX century. West won the Cold
War with the West. The strength of the sea (Sea Power) celebrates his victory over heartland'om.
Geopolitically this event is explained as follows:

Soviet bloc confrontation with NATO, was the first in the history of pure and unalloyed form of
opposition to the land and sea, Behemoth and Leviathan. In this case, the geopolitical balance of
power reflects not just ideologiche skie, but also geo-political constants. USSR as the heartland,
as the Eurasia embodying ideocracy Soviet type. From a geographical point of view,

it was rather an integrated "Big

Space "with enormous natural resources and the development of strategic weapons. The main
advantage of the Soviet Union were" cultural function "tendencies of the population living on its
open spaces or adjacent to Soviet territory, and the presence of hard-to-reach inland expanses, to
create a robust defense and technological skie bridgeheads. In addition that on both sides of the
North and East of the USSR had the sea borders, which are much easier to defend than land.

57 Ibidem
58 Colin S. Gray "The Geopolitics of the Nuclear Era", NY, 1977
Due to the centralized Soviet economy made commodity and food self-sufficiency and military
superpower status. As far as possible he sought to extend its influence to other continents.

But the Eastern bloc had several fundamental significance of geopolitical disadvantages. The
most important thing is the vast extent of land borders. If the South boundary coincides with the
ridge of the Eurasian Sgiach mountains of Manchuria to the Tien-Shan, Pamir and Caucasus, the
West border was in the middle of the plains of Europe, which was a strategic base of
Atlanticism, while the center of its base is on the western shore of "the Middle ocean "(Midland
ocean). Even in the southern direction of the mountains were not only protected, but also an
obstacle, closing the way for a possible expansion of and access to the southern seas.

In this case, the Eastern bloc was forced to focus our chit in the same geopolitical center of the
military-strategic, economic, intellectual and productive forces and natural resources.

With such a situation contrasted sharply geopolitical position of the West with the US center.
(This is especially important, since the position of Western Europe was in such a situation forces
rather unenviable; she got the role of US Army base, adjacent to the borders of the opposite
camp, a kind of "cordon sanitaire"). America is fully protected "maritime borders". Furthermore,
strategically integrating their continent, she gained control over a huge part of the Eurasian coast,
rimland. From Western Europe via Greece and Turkey (the countries - members of NATO)
Atlanticist control extended to the Far East (Thailand, South Korea, strategically colonized by
Japan), and the zone is changed smoothly in the Indian and Pacific oceans are the most important
military bases in San Diego Island, Philippines and further, on Guam, Caribbean and Haiti.
Therefore, all potential conflicts have been taken outside the territory of the main strategic space.

Thus Atlantists created a complex system of differential Rowan geopolitical distribution of

power "cores". Provided directly by the US military and strategic power. Intellectual, financial
and industrial structures, as well as high-tech development centers were concentrated in Western
Europe, free of gravity to ensure its own military security (except police custody and purely
decorative BC).
Natural resources come from economically underdeveloped regions of the Third World, where to
a significant extent came and cheap labor.

Maintaining the status quo that emerged immediately after World War II, it was an offensive
position, since, according to the predictions of the Atlanticist geopolitics, this situation was
bound to lead to the depletion of the continental block,
doomed to full self-sufficiency and stimulated alone to develop all strategic directions

In heartland'a in such a situation, it was only two ways out. First carry out military expansion to
the West to conquer Europe to the Atlantic. After that, the Soviet Union force could secure a
calm sea borders and industrial and intellectual and technological potential. In parallel, it should
have been similar efforts in the south, to come out, finally, to the warm seas and tear "ring
Anaconda" Sea Power. This is the hard way, which would lead, if successful, to a stable
continental peace and in the short term to the collapse of America, devoid rimland.

Another way is, on the contrary, in the care of the USSR and its armed forces from Eastern
Europe in exchange for the withdrawal of NATO forces in Western Europe and the creation of a
single European Bloc strictly neutral (possibly with a bounded "dissuazivnym" nuclear
potential). This option seriously discussed in the era of de Gaulle.

The same was possible to implement and to Asia. Go for the rejection of direct political control
over some of the Central Asian republics, in exchange for the creation of Afghanistan, Iran
and India (China might) powerful strategic anti-American bloc based inland. One could finally
combine these two options and to go peacefully in the West and the power in the East (or vice
versa). The only important thing was to start both geopolitical synchronously. Only in this case,
one would hope to change the planetary balance of power from the explicit position of losing its
land to win. It was necessary at any price to break through the "containment" of the term was
called during the Cold War geopolitical strategy "anaconda". But as the Soviet Union did not
decide on the radical geopolitical step Atlanticist powers have only to reap the results of their
strictly calculated and verified geopolitically dolgovremen Noah positional strategy. From
comprehensive overvoltage avtarkiynaya Soviet empire broke down and fell. A military
intervention in Afghanistan without a parallel strategic move in Western Europe (peaceful or
non-peaceful) rather than save the situation, we finally made the situation worse.

2.3 Aerokratiya and efirokratiya

Traditional Atlanticist geopolitics, putting at the center of its Sea Power concept is "Sea
geopolitics". A global strategy based on geopolitics that has led the West to establish a planetary
power. But the development of technology has led to the development of the air space, making
the actual development of the "air of geopolitics."

In contrast to the "Sea of geopolitics", complete and well developed, high-grade "air geopolitics"
does not exist. aeronautics factor is added to the general geopolitical picture. But some relations
with the actualization of the air and related new types of weapons of strategic aircraft,
intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons have changed considerably.
Mastering airspace somewhat equalize between a land and sea, as for aircraft and missiles
difference between these spaces is not so significant. (Especially important step was the creation
of aircraft carriers, as it is completely torn off from the air base Sushi, making them independent
of the quality of the Earth's surface.)

However, the development of aviation changed proportions planetary scale by making an earth
substantially "less than" and distance "shorter." However, the rocket and the development of
strategic aviation in many respects to relativize the traditional geopolitical factors maritime and
land borders, vnutrikonti nentalnye base, etc.

The transfer of arms to the earth's orbit and strategiche skoe space exploration was the last stage
of "compression" of the planet and the final relativization spatial differences.

Current geopolitics besides land and sea have to take into account air and ether two more
elements (space). This verse at the military level correspond to nuclear weapons (air) and the
program "Star Wars" (space). By analogy with tellurocracy (power sushi) and thalassocracy (Sea
power) these two latest modification geopolitical systems can be named aerokratiey (power air)
and efirokratiey (power Ether).

Carl Schmitt gave a preliminary outline of the two new areas. At the same time the most
important and fundamental of his remark is that "aerokratiya" and "efirokratiya" represents a
further development of it, "Nomos" Sea of advanced phase is "thalasso kratia" as the entire
technical process of developing new areas being in the direction " liquefaction "environment,
which, according to Schmitt, is accompanied by a corresponding cultural and civilizational
processes mi progressive departure from the" nomos "Sushi is not only strategic, but also in the
ethical, spiritual, social and political sense.

In other words, the development of air and space environments have continued purely
thalassocratic trends, and therefore can be considered as the highest stage of purely Atlantic

In this perspective, the nuclear confrontation of the Cold War blocs represented as competition in
the conditions imposed by the "sea power" heartland'u, forced to accept the terms of strategic
positional duel dictated by the opposing party. Such a process is active "the liquefaction of the
elements", the conjugate with the logic of the development of the Western world in the
technological skom and strategic sense, parallel nastupatel Noah position Atlanticist in their
policy of separation of the coastal zones of the continental center in both cases there is an
offensive initiative of geopolitical Cesky camps and defensive reaction of another .

On an intellectual level, this is expressed in the fact that Atlantists theoretically develop "active
geopolitics", doing this science openly and systematically.

Geopolitics in the case of the West acts as a discipline dictates the general outlines of an
international strategy. In the case of the Eastern bloc it, not being a long time
officially recognized, there was and still continues to exist as a "reaction" on the steps of a
potential enemy. It was and is a "passive geopolitics", responding to a strategic challenge
atantizma greater inertia. If in the case of nuclear weapons and aviation (in aerokratii) USSR
could cost pressure of all internal resources to achieve relative parity, then the next step in
efirokratii area occurred structural breakdown, and competition in the primary process nologies
related to "Star Wars", led the final geopolitical defeat and to defeat the cold war.

To understand the essence of the geopolitical processes in the nuclear world and in terms of
development of the orbital space observation Karla Shmitta that aerokratiya efirokratiya and
civilization are not independent systems but only the development of "Nomos" The sea is
2.4 Two of the newest version of Atlanticism

Atlanticist victory over the Soviet Union (heartland'om) means entering into a radically new era,
which required the original geopolitical models. Geopolitical status of traditional territories,
regions, states and unions dramatically changed. Understanding of planetary reality after the
Cold War has led to two Atlanticist geopolitics concepts.

One of them may be called "pessimistic" (for Atlanticism). It inherits the traditional Atlanticism
for a line of confrontation with heartland'om, which is considered not complete and is not
removed from the agenda, together with the fall of the USSR, and predicts the formation of new
Eurasian bloc, based on the traditions and civilizational GOVERNMENTAL stable ethnic
archetypes. This option can be called a "neoatlantizmom", its essence boils down, ultimately, to
continue consideration of the geopolitical picture of the world from the perspective of the
fundamental dualism that only qualifies the allocation of additional geo-political zones (except
Eurasia), which may also be in the future become a hotbed of confrontation with the West. The
most prominent representative of this approach is neoatlantistskogo Samuel Huntington.

The second scheme is based on the same original geopolitical picture, on the other hand,
optimistic (for Atlanticism) in the sense that it is considering the situation as a result of the
West's victory in the Cold War, as a final and irreversible. This theory is based on "mondialism"
The End of History and the concept of One World (One World), which asserts that all forms of
geopolitical differentiation of cultural, national, religious, ideologiche skie, government, etc. is
about to be finally resolved, and an era of uniform common to all mankind cal civilization based
on the principles of liberal democracy. The story ends with the geopolitical confrontation, let's
initially a major impact stories. This geopolitical project is associated with the name of the
American geopolitics Francis Fukuyama, who wrote the article with soft expressive title "The
End of History." About this mondialist theory will be discussed in the next chapter. Let us
examine the main provisions of Hunting tone concept,

which is cutting-edge development of the traditional western Atlanticist geopolitics. It is

important that Huntington builds his programmatic article "The Clash of Civilizations" (Clash of
civilisation) as a response to the thesis of Fukuyama's "End of History". It is significant that
the political level, this debate corresponds to two major US political parties: Fukuyama expresses
a global strategic position of the Democrats, while Huntington is the mouthpiece of the
Republicans. It quite accurately expresses the essence of the two latest geopolitical projects
neoatlan ism should be conservative line, and "mondializm" prefers a completely new approach,
in which all geopolitical realities subject to full peresmot pv.

2.5 Clash of Civilizations: neoatlantizm Huntington

The meaning of the theory of Samuel P. Huntington, director of the Institute for Strategic
Studies. Dzhona Olina at Harvard University, stated in his article "The Clash of
Civilizations" 59 ( which appeared as a summary of the big geopolitical project "Changes in
the global security and US national interests"), is as follows:

The apparent Atlanticism geopolitical victory on the planet with the fall of the Soviet Union has
disappeared the last stronghold of the continental forces actually it affects only a superficial cut
reality. Strategic the success of NATO, accompanied

ideological design, failure of the main competition of the Communist ideology, does not affect
the underlying layers of civilization. Huntington, contrary to Fukuyama argues that strategic
victory is not a victory of civilization Zion; Western ideology of liberal demo cracy, market, etc.
steel uncontested only temporarily, as soon at the non-Western peoples will begin to exude the
civilizational and geopolitical features analog "of an individual geographical", which said

Failure of the ideology of communism and changes in the structure of some traditional states
decay formations, other appearance etc. will not lead to skom Automatic alignment of all
mankind in the universal system Atlanticist values but, on the contrary, will make relevant again
the deeper cultural layers that are exempt from the surface of ideological clichés.

Huntington cites George Weigel: "desekulya polarization is one of the dominant social factors at
the end of the XX century". Consequently, instead of being discarded religious identification in
one world, as evidenced by Fukuyama, nations, on the contrary, will feel religious affiliation
even more vividly. Huntington argues that in addition to the western (= Atlanticist) civilization,
which includes North America and Western Europe, it is possible to foresee the geopolitical
fixation has seven potential civilizations:

1) Slavic-Orthodox,
2) Confucian (Chinese)
3) Japanese,
4) Islamic,
5) Hindu 59 Samuel Huntington "Clash of civilisations" in "Foreign Affairs", summer 1993, pp. 22-49
6) Latin American and possibly 7)
african 60.

Of course, these potential civilization is not equal. But they are all united in the fact that the
vector of its development and formation will be oriented in the direction NII, different from the
trajectory of Atlanticism and civilization of the West tion. So the West will once again be in the
situation of confrontation. Huntington believes that this is almost inevitable, and that even now,
despite the euphoria mondialist community must take as a basis for realistic ical formula: "The
West and The Rest" ( "West and all the other") 61.

The geopolitical implications of this approach are obvious: Huntington believed that Atlantists
should strive to strengthen the strategic position of its own civilization, to prepare for the
opposition, consolidate strategic efforts to restrain antiatlanticheskie trends in other geopolitical
entities, to prevent their connection at risk for West continental alliance. He gives the following
recommendations: "The West should
ensure greater cooperation and unity within its own civilization, particularly between its
European and North American parts; to integrate into Western civilization those societies in
Eastern Europe and Latin America whose cultures are close to the west;

provide a closer relationship with Japan, and Russia;

prevent escalation of local conflicts between civilizations in the global war;
limit the military expansion of Confucian and Islamic states; suspend clotting Western military
might and ensure military superiority in the Far East and South-West Asia;
use difficulties and conflicts in the interrelation niyah Confucian and Islamic states;
support group oriented to Western values and interests in other civilizations;
strengthen international institutions that reflect Western interests and values and legitimizing
them, and to ensure the involvement of non-Western states in those institutions. " 62
It is a brief and succinct wording neoatlantizma doctrine.

60 Ibidem p. 25
61 Ibidem p. 39
62 Ibidem p. 49

In terms of pure geopolitics, this means strict adherence to the principles of Mahan and
Spykman, with emphasis that Huntington puts on cultural and civilizational differences as a
major geopolitical factors beyond indicating his involvement in the classical school of
geopolitics, rising to "organitsi stskoy" philosophy, for which it was initially tend to consider the
social structure and the state is not as mechanical or purely ideological education, but as a "form
of life."

As the most probable opponents West Huntington points out, China and Islamic countries (Iran,
Iraq, Libya, etc.). This reflects a direct influence Meyniga Kirk and doctrines, who believed that
the orientation of the countries 'coastal zones', rimland and "Confucius anskaya"

and Islamic civilization belong geopolitically mostly just to rimland important than heartland'a
position. Therefore, unlike other members of neoatlantizma particularly Paul Wolfowitz
Huntington sees the main threat is not in the geopolitical revival of Russian-Evra sion,
heartland'a or some of the new Eurasian continental formation.

The report of the American Paul Wolfowitz (adviser on security matters) to the US government
in March 1992, referred to "the need to prevent the emergence of the European and Asian
continental s strategic force capable of confronting the US" 63 and further explained that the
most likely force that has in mind here is Russia, and that against it should create a "sanitary
cordon" on the basis of the Baltic countries. In this case, the American strategist Wolfowitz sky
is closer to McIndoe py than Spikmenu that distinguishes his views from the Huntington's

In all cases, regardless of the definition of the specific potential enemy, the position of all
neoatlantistov remains essentially the same: a victory in the Cold War does not negate the threat
to the West, coming from different geopolitical entities (present or future). Therefore, to speak of
"One World" is premature and planetary dualism thalassocracy (fortified aerokratiey and
efirokratiey) and tellurokra TII remains a major geopolitical scheme for the XXI century. New
and more same general formula such dualism becomes Huntington's thesis The West and The

63 Op. on the "Monde Diplomatique" 1992 annual collection Chapter 3. mondialism

3.1 Background mondialism
The concept of "mondialism" arose long before the final victory of the West in the Cold War.
Meaning mondialism reduced to postulating the inevitability of complete planetary integration of
the transition from a multiplicity of states, peoples, nations and cultures to uniformly world One

The origins of this idea can be seen in some utopian and chiliastic movements, dating back to the
Middle Ages and, then, back to antiquity. It is based on the idea that at some point in history, the
culmination onny happen gathering all the nations of the earth in a single kingdom, which will be
more aware of contradictions, tragedies, conflicts and problems inherent in the conventional
earth's history. Apart from the purely mystical version mondialist utopia existed and its
rationalistic versions, one of which can be considered the doctrine of "the Third Era" positivist
Auguste Comte or humanistic Lessing eschatology. Mondialist ideas were characteristic of most
of the moderate European and particularly English socialists (some of them have been merged
into "Fabian skoe Company"). On the single world state spoke and communists. On the other
hand, similar mondialist organizations created since the end of the XIX century and the major
figures in the business world such as Sir Cecil Rhodes, organized a group of "Round Table",
whose members were to "promote the establishment of a smooth trading system in the world and
the establishment of a One World Government . " Often socialist motives intertwined with liberal
capitalist and communist neighbors in these organizations with the largest financial capital. All
united by a belief in the utopian idea of unification of the planet. It is significant that such well-
known organizations like the League of Nations and later the United Nations and UNESCO were
a continuation of it is such mondialist laps, had a great influence on world politics.

During the XX century these mondialist organization, to avoid excessive advertising, and often
wore a "secret" character, changing his many names. There was "universal movement for global
confederation" Garri Devisa, "Federal Union" and even a "Crusade for World Government"
(organized by the British parliamentarian Henry Usborne in 1946).

As the concentration of all conceptual and strategic power over the West in the United States,
this is what the state has become the main headquarters mondialism, whose members formed a
parallel government structure consisting of advisors, analysts, strategic research centers.

It happened three main mondialist organization, the very existence of that society Nosta West
learned only relatively recently. In contrast to the formal structures of the User The group were
significantly more freedom design and research, as they were released from the fixed and formal
procedures governing the activities of the UN commissions, etc. The first "Council on Foreign
Relations" (Council on Foreign Relations, abbreviated

CFR). Its creator was the largest American banker Morgan. This informal organization was busy
with the elaboration of the US strategy on a global scale, with the ultimate goal was considered
complete unification of the world and the establishment of World Government. This organization
emerged in 1921 as the filiation "Carnegie Endowment for universal peace," and it all took place
in the high-ranking politicians are attached Mondial stskim views on the future of the planet.
Since most members of the CFR were both vysokopo representation dignitariyami Scottish
Freemasonry, it can be assumed that their geopolitical projects and had some gumanisticheski-
mystical dimension.

In 1954, the second mondialist structure of the Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg Group was
created. It brings together not only the American analysts, politicians, financiers and
intellectuals, but also to their European counterparts. On the American side it will be represented
by members of the CFR and exclusively seen as a continuation of its international.

In 1973 activists Bilderberg was created third major mondialist structure "Tripartite
Commission" or "Trilateral" (Trilateral). It was headed by the Americans, members of the CFR
and the Bilderberg Group, and was in addition to the US, where its headquarters are located (East
46th street address 345, New York), has dual headquarters in Europe and Japan.

"Tripartite" Commission called for fundamental nym geopolitical reasons. It aims to unite under
the auspices of Atlanticism and the United States three "great spaces", leading to the
technological development and the market economy:

1) The American space including the North and South America;

2) European space;
3) Pacific space controlled Japan.
At the head of the most important mondialist Bilderberg Group and Trilateralya standing senior
member of CFR's largest banker David Rockefeller, the owner of the "Chase Manhattan Bank".
Besides him in the middle of all mondialist projects are unchanged, analysts, strategists and
geopolitics Atlanticism Zbignev Bzhezinsky and Henry Kissind Jer. There also comes the
famous Dzhordzh Boll.

The main line of mondialist project has been to move to a single global system, under the
strategic domination of the West and "progressive", "humanistic", "democratic" values. To do
this, elaborated parallel structures, consisting of politicians, journalists, intellectuals, financiers,
analysts, etc., who were to prepare the ground before the project mondialist World Government
could be widely publicized, since no preparation he would have encountered on a powerful
psychological resistance of the peoples and nations who do not want to dissolve their identity on
a global melting pot.
Mondialist project developed and carried out by these organizations, was not uniform. There
were his two main versions, differing according to the methods have been theoretically lead to
the same goal.

3.2 Convergence Theory

First the most pacifist and "conciliatory" mondialism version known as the "theory of
convergence". Developed in the 70s in the depths of CFR group "left" analysts led by Zbigneva
Bzhezinskogo, this theory suggests the possibility of overcoming Nia ideological and
geopolitical dualism of the Cold War through the creation of a new cultural and ideological cal
type of civilization that would be intermediate between socialism and capitalism, Atlantism
between pure and clean continentalism.
Marxism Council considers as an obstacle that can be overcome by going to his moderate social-
democratic revisionist version through the rejection of the thesis "dictatorship of the proletariat,"
"class struggle", "nationalization of the means of production" and "the abolition of private
property." In its turn, the capitalist West had to limit the freedom of the market, to introduce a
partial state regulation of the economy, etc. The generality of the cultural orientation could be
found in the traditions of the Enlightenment and Humanism, which erected and Western
democracy cal regimes, and social ethics of communism (in its relaxed social-democratic

World Government, which would appear on the basis of the "theory of convergence", conceived
as Moscow's admission to the Atlantic management of the planet, together with Washington. In
this case, began the era of universal peace, the Cold War to an end, nations could lose heaviness
geopolitiche Skog voltage. It is important to carry out a parallel here with the passage of
technological systems of "thalassocracy" to "efirokratii": mondialist policy began to look at the
planet through the eyes of the inhabitants are not western continent, surrounded by the sea (as the
traditional Atlantists), but through the eyes "of astronauts to space orbit." In this case, they look
really appeared as One World, One World.

Mondialist centers had their Corre- sponding comrade in Moscow. The key figure here was
Gvishiani academician, director of the Institute of System studies Nij, which was something like
a branch of "Trilate Ralea" in the USSR. But it was particularly successful among their activities
are extremely left-wing parties in Western Europe, most of which are on the path of "EuroCom
communism" and this was considered the main conceptual basis for the global convergence.

3.3 Planetary victory of the West

convergence theory was that the ideological basis relied upon by Mikhail Gorbachev and his
advisers to restructure. In this case, a few years before the beginning of the Soviet perestroika an
analogous project began to be implemented in China, to which the representatives of the
"Trilateral Commission" established a close relationship with the late 70's. But the geopolitical
fate of the Chinese and Soviet "aberrations" were different. China insisted on a "fair" distribution
of roles and the corresponding shifts in

Western ideology in the direction of socialism. USSR went on the road much further

Following the logic of the American mondialists, Gorbachev began a structural transformation of
the Soviet space to the side of "democratization" and "liberalization tion". First of all, it affected
the Warsaw Pact, and then the Soviet republics. It began the reduction of strategic weapons and
ideologiche skoe rapprochement with the West. But in this case it is necessary to pay attention to
the fact that the years of Gorbachev's rule occur in the United States during the presidency of the
extreme Republicans Reagan and Bush. And Reagan was the only Presidia that in recent years,
has consistently refused to participate in all mondialist organizations. By conviction, he was a
tough, consistent and uncompromising Atlanticist, the Liberal marketeers, not prone to any
compromise with the "Left" ideologies, even the most moderate of the democratic or social
democratic sense. Therefore, Moscow's steps towards convergence and the creation of the World
Government with a significant weight in it representatives of the Eastern Bloc, at the opposite
pole were the most the unfavorable ideological obstacles. Atlanticist Reagan (later Bush) just
used mondialist Gorbachev's reforms in the purely utilitarian purposes.

voluntary concessions are not heartland'a accompanied corresponding concessions on the part of Sea
Power, and the West has not gone neither geopolitical nor ideologiche skie compromise with
self-destruct Eurasia. NATO does not blossomed and his forces did not leave either Europe or
Asia. Liberal-democratic ideology has further strengthened its position.

In this case, mondializm not acted as an independent geopolitical doctrine, put into practice, but
as a pragmatic tool used in the "cold war", from which logic is based on theses Mackinder and
Mahan, the US has not given up.

3.4 "End of History," Francis Fukuyama

After the collapse of the USSR and the West's victory, Atlanticism mondialist projects were
either wither away or change their logic.
Mondialism new version of the Soviet era was the doctrine of Francis Fukuyama published in the
early 90's programmatic article "The End of History." It can be seen as an ideological base
neomondia ism.

Fukuyama offers the following version of a historical process. Mankind from the dark era of the
"law of force", "obscurantism" and "irrational menedzhirova Nia social reality" moved to the
most reasonable and logical order, incarnate in the capitalism of modern Western civilization, the
market economy and liberal democratic ideology. History and its development lasted only by an
irrational factors that might have little by little gave way to the laws of reason, the total cash
equivalent of all values, etc. The fall of the Soviet Union marked the fall of the last bastion of
"irrationality". Related to this is the end of history and the beginning of a particular planetary
existence, which will be held under the sign of the market and democracy, which will unite the
world in a coordinated efficiently functioning machine.

This New Order, although based on the universalization of the pure Atlantic system, beyond the
scope of Atlanticism, and all regions of the world are beginning to
rearrange the new model around its most economically developed centers.

3.5 "Geo-economics" Jacques Attali

Analogue of the theory of Fukuyama has among European authors. So, Zhak Attali, the former
for many years the personal adviser to the President of France Francois Mitter on, and for a while
the director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has developed a similar
theory in his book "Horizon Lines."

Attali believes that at the moment comes the third era of "the era of money", which is equivalent
to a universal value, since equating all things digital to the physical expression, with them very
easily manage the most rational manner. This approach Attali himself connects with the advent
of the messianic era, understood in the Judeo-cab balisticheskie context (more this aspect it
develops in another book specifically devoted to messianic "He will come"). This is different
from Fukuyama, which remains under the strict pragmatism and utilitarianism.

Zhak Attali is offering its version of the future, which "has already come." Domination on the
planet a single liberal-democratic ideology and the market system together with the development
of information Technolen nologies leads to the fact that the world is becoming unified and
homogeneous, the geopolitical realities that dominated throughout history, in the "third era"
recede into the background. Geopolitical dualism canceled. But one world gets all the new
geopolitiche ical structuralization, based this time on the principles of "geo-economics". For the
first time the concept of "geoekono nomics" proposed to develop the historian Fritts Rerig, and
popularized its Fernand Braudel. "Geo-economics" is a special version of mondialist geopolitics,
which considers the priority is not geographical, cultural, ideological, ethnic, religious, etc.
factors which constitute the essence of its own geopolitical approach, but purely economical ical
reality in its relation to space. For the "geo-economics" it does not matter what kind of people
live there, then there is something, what is its history, cultural traditions, etc. It all comes down
to where is the center of the world's stock exchanges, minerals, information centers, big
production. "Geo-economics" approach to political reality as if the World Government and one
planetar Noah state already existed. Attali geoeconomic approach leads to the release of three
major regions that are in one world will become centers of new economic spaces.

1) The US space finally united the Americas into a single financial-industrial zone.

2) European space arising after eco nomic European unification.

3) Pacific, Zone "new prosperity" that has several competing centers of Tokyo, Taiwan,
Singapore, etc. 64

Between these three mondialist spaces, according to Attali, will not exist any particular
differences or contradictions, as the sky and the economical and ideological type is in all cases
strictly identical. The only difference is purely geographical location of the most developed
centers that will be concentric structure around them the less developed regions located

at spatialproximity. This concentric perestrukturalizatsiya can be realized only in the "end of

history" or, in other terms, with the abolition of the traditional realities dictated by geopolitics.
Civilizational and geopolitical dualism cancels camping. The absence of Atlanticism opposite
pole leads to a fundamental rethinking of space. The era of geo-economics.

The model Attali found its ultimate expression the ideas that lay at the base of "Trilateral
Commission", which is the conceptual and Politi cal tool to develop and implement such projects
are conductive. It is significant that the leaders "Trilateralya" (David Rockefeller, George
Bertuen then head of the European department and Genri Kissindzher) in January 1989 visited
Moscow, where they were received Soviet President Gorbachev, Alexander Yakovlev, also
present wali meeting other top Soviet leaders Medvedev, Falin, Akhromeev, Dobrynin,
Chernyaev, Arbatov and Primakov. But Zhak Attali himself maintained personal contacts with
Russian Presidio that Borisom Eltsinym. One thing is certain: the transition to a geoeconomic
logic and neomondializmu became possible only after the self-destruction of the Eurasian
geopolitical USSR. Neomondializm not a direct continuation mondialism historical who
originally suggested the presence in the final model of Socialist left elements. This is an
intermediate solution between itself and mondialism Atlantism.

3.6 postcatastrophic mondializm Professor Santoro

There are more detailed version neomondializ ma. One of the most striking is futurologiche Skye
geopolitical concept developed by the Milan Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI),
led by Professor Carlo Santoro.

According to the model Santoro at the moment humanity is in transition from a bipolar world to
a multipolar mondialist version (geoeconomically understood as that of Attali). International
institutions (UN, etc.) that are to be submitted to Fukuyama's optimistic mondialism sufficiently
developed to become the nucleus of "World Government", Santoro presented,
on the contrary,
ineffective and reflect an outdated logic of bipolar geopolitics. Moreover, the whole world bears
the imprint of a stable "cold war", the geopolitical
64 Jack Attali "Lignes d'horizon", Paris. 1990
the logic of which is dominant. Santoro anticipates that such a situation can not end period
civilization catastrophes. He further outlines the alleged scenario of disasters:
1) The further weakening of the role of international institutes comrade
2) The growth of nationalist tendencies among the countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact
and in the Third World. This leads to a chaotic process.
3) Disintegration traditional blocks (This does not affect Europe) and progressive disintegration
of existing states.
4) The beginning of the era of wars of low and medium intensity, which resulted in the formation
of new geopolitical added.

5) of the planetary chaos threat makes various units to recognize the need for new international
institutions, have huge authority, which actually means the establishment of World Government.

6) The final establishment of the planetary government, under the auspices of new international
institutions (World Ruler GUSTs) 65.
This pattern is intermediate between Mondial stskim optimistic Francis Fukuyama and Samuila
Hantingtona pessimism Atlanticist.
65 See. Prof. Carlo Santoro "Progetto di ricarca multifunzionale 1994 - 1995 - I nuovi poli geopolitici", Milano Chapter
4. Application geopolitics
4.1 "Internal Geopolitics" school Yves Lacoste

Geopolitical renaissance in Europe associated with the geographer Yves Lacoste activities, who
founded the "Herodotus" magazine in 1976, where for the first time in post-war Europe began to
be published regularly geopolitical texts. It should be emphasized that at the head of a man
standing close to the leftist political circles, while up to this point in the geopolitics of Europe

engaged in a fairly marginal right-wing,

nationalist circles.

In 1983 the magazine "Herodotus" enters in the name of the subtitle "Journal of geography and
geopolitics," and from that moment begins the second life of geopolitics, is now officially
recognized as a distinct discipline of political science that helps in the complex analysis of the

Iv Lakost seeks to adapt to the modern principles of geopolitical situation. Lacoste himself not
shares or "Organicist approach" inherent
kontinentalistskoy school nor purely pragmatic and mechanistic
geopolitical utilitarian ideologues Sea Power. From his perspective, geopolitical considerations
only serve to
"justify Competitive and aspirations of the government authorities in relation to certain areas and
people living
in them" 66.
This can apply to both international relations and narrowly regional problems. At Lacoste
geopolitics becomes

only the Tools that analyze the specific situation, and all the global theory underlying the
discipline, reduced to the relative, historically determined concepts.

Thus, Lacoste offers a completely new definition of geopolitics, is actually a new discipline. This
is no longer the continental way of thinking, based on the fundamental planetary civilization
Onno and geographical dualism and dual global ideological systems, but the use of some of the
methodological models, be present at the traditional geopolitics in the overall context, but taken
in this case as something independent. This "de-globalization" of geopolitics, its reduction to a
narrow analytical method.

Such geopolitics called "internal geopolitics" (la geopolitique interne), since it is very often
involved in local problems.
4.2 Electoral "geopolitics"

A variation of such an internal geopolitics is a special technique developed to study the

relationship of political sympathies of the population and the territory in which this population
lives. The herald of this approach was the Frenchman André Siegfried (1875 1959), politician
and geographer. He owns the first attempts to explore the "internal geopolitics" in relation to the
political sympathies of the pits, or other regions. To it back first formulation
laws which formed the basis of "electoral geopolitics" new school Yves Lacoste.

66 Yves Lacoste "Dictionnaire Geopolitique", Paris, 1986

Siegfried wrote:
"Each party or, more precisely, every political trend has its
privileged territory; easily seen that just as there are economic or geological regions also exist
politich skie regions. you can study the political climate as well as the natural environment. I
noticed that despite the deceptive appearance, public opinion in the matter of the STI regions
retains a certain permanence. Under the ever-changing picture of political elections can be traced
to a deeper and more persistent trends, reflecting regional temperament. " 67

This theory was developed systematically in school and Lacoste has become a familiar
sociological tool that is widely used in political practice.
4.3 Mediakratia as "geopolitical" factor

Iv Lakost made it my mission to bring to the geopolitics of the latest criteria inherent onnomu
information society. The highest value among the information systems directly affecting
geopolitiche skie processes have the media, especially television. It not dominated by conceptual
and rational approach in today's society, but the brightness of the "image" ( "image"). political,

ideological and geopolitical views are formed from

a large part of society based solely on telecommunications. Mediatichesky "image" is an atomic
synthesis, which concentrates several approaches

ethnic, cultural, ideological, political. Synthetic quality "image" brings him to those categories,
which traditionally operates on geopolitics.

Information report from any hot spot, about which nothing is known, for example, residents of
the Capitol, should in the shortest possible time to introduce the geographical, historical,
religious, eco nomic, cultural, ethnic profile of the region, as well as accents in accordance with
narrowly specified political purpose. Thus, journalism (especially journalist) approaches the
geopolitics profession. Mass media in modern society no longer play a purely supporting role as
before, but becomes a powerful independent geopolitical factor that can have a profound impact
on the historical destinies of peoples.

4.4 Geopolitics History

There is another trend in the overall process of "revival" of the European history of geopolitics
geopolitics. It is not in the full sense of the word geopolitical, as aims to historical reconstruction
of the discipline, work with sources, chronology, ordering, bibliographic data, etc. In a sense,
this "museum" approach, does not pretend to any conclusions and generalizations in relation to
the current situation. This story line
provided, first of all, the works of Pierre-Marie Gollua and authors such as Herve Kuto-begar
Gerard Shalya, Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, etc ..

67 Andre Siegfried "Tableau politique de la France de l'Ouest sous la Troisieme Republique", Paris, 1913
Under this initiative, published and pereizda texts are historical geopolitics Mackinder, Mahan,
Kallen, Haushofer, etc.

This kind of historical research are often published in the French magazine "Herodotus" and the
new Italian geopolitical magazine "Limes", published by the IOM and Lucho Karacholo Michel
Korenman with the participation of the same Lacoste.

4.5 "Applied geopolitics" is not geopolitics

Applied or "internal geopolitics", developed by Yves Lacoste, as well as other prominent

specialists, Michel Korenman, Paul-Marie de La Gorce, etc., characteristic of modern European
political science and consciously avoids conceptual generalizations and futuristic developments.
This fundamental difference between all these areas, especially developed in France and Italy,
from the actual Atlanticist and mondialist schools in the United States and England. Applied
geopolitics preserves the historical, pre-war geopolitics far fewer links than Atlanticism and
mondializm, not to mention the "continent listskoy" tradition. This is purely analytical, political,
sociological methods and nothing more. Therefore, between it and the planetary global projects
actually geopolitics should make a difference. In essence, there are two disciplines that brings
only the terminology and some techniques. Ignoring the geopolitical dualism, considering it
either overcome or irrelevant, or just beyond the frames of the main object of study, "applied
geopolitics" geopolitics ceases to be in the proper sense of the word, and it becomes a kind of
statistical and sociological techniques.

The real geopolitical solutions, and projects related to the fate of Europe and the peoples who
inhabit it are being developed in other instances related to strategic centers of Atlanticism and
mondialism. So, the project of European integration has been developed exclusively efforts of
intellectuals who collaborated in the "Trilateral Commission", ie in mondialist supranational
organization that has no strict legal status or political legitimacy. Frenchman Zhak Attali
developed his geopolitical theory, based on the data of this particular organization, of which he
was, and not on the basis of "butt Noah" modern European school of geopolitics. Chapter 5.
Geopolitics of European "new right"
5.1 Europe is a hundred flags. Alen De Benoist

One of the few European geopolitical schools, maintain the continuity of the connection with the
ideas of pre-war German geopolitics-kontinentalistov are the "new right". This trend emerged in
France in the late 60s and is associated with the figure of the leader of the movement of the
philosopher and writer Alena De Benoist.

"New Right" are very different from the traditional French right-wing monarchists, Catholics,

Germanophobia, chauvinists, anti-communists, conservatives, etc. virtually all counts. "New

Rights" advocates of "organic democracy", pagans, Germanophiles Socialists, Modernists, etc.
Initially, the "left camp," traditionally very influential in France, considered it a "tactical
maneuver" customary law, but over time the seriousness of evolution has been proven and
recognized by all. One of the fundamental principles of the ideology of the "new right",
analogues of which soon appeared in other European countries, was the principle of the
"continental geopolitics." Unlike the "old right" and classical nationalists, De Benua believed
that the principle of centralist nation-state (Etat- Nation) has historically been exhausted and that
the future belongs only to "more space". And the basis of "more space" should be not so much a
union of different countries in a pragmatic political bloc, but the occurrence of ethnic groups of
all sizes in a single "Federal Empire" on an equal footing. This "Federal Empire" should be
strategically united and ethnically differential Rowan. In this strategic unity must be supported
by the original unity of culture.

"More space" that is most interested De Benua, this is Europe. "New Right" believed that the
people of Europe have a common Indo-European origin, a single source. This is the principle of
"common past". But the circumstances of the modern era, in which the active trend of strategic
and economic integration, essential for the possession of the real geopolitical sovereignty, dictate
the need to unite in a purely pragmatic sense. Thus, the peoples of Europe are doomed to a
"common future". From this De Benua it concludes that the basic principle should be the
geopolitical thesis "United Europe a hundred flags" 68 .

In this perspective, as with all concepts of "new right" is clearly seen the desire to combine the
"conservative" and "modernist" elements, ie "Right" and "left." In recent years the "New Right"
had no such determination, believing that they are "right" to the same extent that and the "left".
Geopolitical theses De Benua are based on the approval of the "European continental destiny." In
this he completely follows the concept Haushofer school. From this follows the characteristic of
the "new right" opposition of "Europe" and "the West." "Europe" for them it is a continental
geopolitical education based on ethnic ensemble of Indo-European origin and having common
cultural roots. This concept is traditional. "The West", on the contrary, geopolitiche skoe and
historical concept connected with the modern world, denying the ethnic and spiritual traditions,
nominating a purely material and quantitative criteria for the existence; This utilitarian and
rationalistic, mechanistic bourgeois civilization. The most complete embodiment of the West and
its civilization tion is the United States. From this develops a specific project of the "new right".
Europe should integrate into the "Federal Empire", the opposition to the West and the United
States, and especially should be encouraged regionalist tendencies because the regions and ethnic
minorities to retain more traditional features than the metropolises and cultural centers affected
by "the spirit of the West." France at the same time should focus on Germany and Central
Europe. Hence the interest of the "new right" to De Gaulle and the Friedrich Naumann
Foundation. At the level of practical politics since the 70's "new rules" in favor of strict strategic
neutrality in Europe, for the withdrawal from NATO, for the development of self-sufficient
nuclear potential of the Euro. Relative to the USSR (later Russia), the position of the "new right"
has evolved. Starting with the classic thesis "Neither West nor East, but Europe"

68 Alain de Benoist "Les idess a l'endroit", Paris, 1979

they gradually We evolved to the thesis "First of all Europe, but even better with the East than
the West." The practical level on skom initial interest in China and Europe, the organization of a
strategic alliance projects with China to counter as the "American and Soviet imperialism" were
replaced by a moderate "sovetofi Leah" and the idea of the European Union and Russia.

Geopolitics "new right" oriented radical but antiatlanticheski and antimondialistski. They see
Europe as the antithesis of fate Atlanticist and Mondial stskih projects. They are enemies
"thalassocracy" and the concept of One World. It should be noted that in terms of total
strategiche tion and political dominance of Atlanticism in Europe during the Cold War
geopolitical position of De Benua (theoretically and logically flawless) as contrasted with the
"rules of the political mindset" that there is no widespread just could not. It was a kind of
"dissidence" and, like any "dissent" and "non-conformism" was marginal. Until now, the
intellectual level of the "new right", the quality of their public tions and publications, even the
multiplicity of their Sequence lei in academic European environment contrasts sharply with the
negligible attention that they give power and authority analytical structures cater for vayuschie
geopolitical power projects.

5.2 Europe from Vladivostok to Dublin. Jean Tiriar

Slightly different version kontinentalistskoy geopolitics developed another European "dissident"

Belgian Jean Tiriar (1922 1992). Since the early 60s, he was the leader of the pan-European
radical movement "Young Europe".

Tiriar thought geopolitics main politologiche tion discipline, without which it is impossible to
build a rational and far-sighted policy, and your country of vennuyu strategy. Follower
Haushofer and Nikisch, he considered himself a "European national-Bolsheva com" and the
builder of the "European Empire". It is anticipated his ideas more advanced and sophisticated
projects "new right".

Jean Tiriar built his political theory on the principle of "self-sufficiency of large spaces."
Developed in the mid XIX century German economist Friedrich List,
This theory states that the full strategic and economic development of the state is possible only if
it has sufficient nym geopolitical scale and large territorial features. Tiriar applied this principle
to the actual situation and concluded that world significance states of Europe will we finally be
lost if they are not combined into a single empire, opposing the US. Thus Tiriar believed that this
"Empire" should be not

"Federal" and "regionally-oriented" but ultimately unified, centralist, Jacobin appropriate model.
This should be a strong one for Basic continental nation-state. This is the fundamental difference
between the views of De Benua and Tiriar.

At the end of the 70s looks Tiriar has undergone some changes. The analysis of the geopolitical
situation led him to the conclusion that Europe has the scale is not sufficient to get rid of the
American thalassocracy. Consequently, the main condition for "the liberation of Europe" is the
unification of Europe and the USSR. From a geopolitical scheme involving three main zones,
West Europe, Russia (USSR), he moved to the circuit with only two components of the West and
the Eurasian continent. Thus Tiriar came to the radical conclusion that Europe is better to choose
the Soviet socialism than capitalism anglosakson sky.

Thus was born the project "Euro-Soviet Empire from Vladivostok to Dublin" 69. It almost
prophetically described the reasons that should lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union, if it
does not take in the near future active geopolitical moves in Europe and in the South. Tiriar
believed that Haushofer ideas about the "continental block Berlin-Moscow-Tokyo" is highly
relevant to and still. It is important that these points Tiriar laid out 15 years before the collapse of
the USSR, it is absolutely accurately predict its logic and reason. Tiriar attempted to bring their
views to the Soviet leaders. But he could not be done, even in the 60 years he had a private
meeting with Nasser, Zhou Enlai and senior Yugoslav officials. It is significant that Moscow
rejected his project organizational tion in Europe of clandestine "groups of European liberation"
for the fight against terrorism "agents of Atlanticism".

Views Zhana Tiriara underlie now activates the nonconformist movement of European National
Bolsheviks ( "Front of the European cleared Denia"). They are very close to the modern projects
Nogo Russian neo-Eurasianism.

5.3 Thinking continents. Hjørdis von Lohausen

Very close to the Austrian general Tiriar Hjørdis von Lohausen. Unlike Tiriar or De Benua is not
involved in direct political activities and does not build specific social projects. He holds Xia
strictly scientific approach and is limited to a purely geopolitical analysis. His original position is
the same as that of the National Bolsheviks and the "new right," he kontinentalist and follower

Lohausen believes that political power only has a chance to become a durable and resistant when
rulers do not think short-term and local E categories, but
69 Jean Thiriart "L'Empire Eurosovietique de Vladivistok jusque Dublin", Brussell, 1988
"Millennia and continents." His main book is called "Courage to dominate. Think
continents" 70.
Lohausen believes that global territorial, civilizational, cultural and social processes become
comprehensible only if they are seen as "farsighted"
perspective which he contrasts historical

"Myopia". Power in human society, which determines the range of the historical path and major
decisions must be guided by a very general scheme, allowing to find a place to a particular state
or nation in a vast historical perspective. Therefore, the basic disciplines necessary to determine
the strategy of power, is a geopolitics in its traditional sense manipulation of global categories,
apart from the analysis of particulars (as opposed to "internal" application geopolitics school
Lacoste). Modern ideology, the latest technological developments and civilization, of course,
change the relief of the world, but can not undo some of the basic laws related to natural and
cultural cycles, thousands of years.

These categories are global space, language, ethnicity, resources, etc. Lohausen offers a formula
of power: "The power = Force x Location" He adds:
"Since the power of is the power multiplied by mestopo false, only the favorable geographical
position offers the opportunity for the full development of the internal forces." 71
Thus, the power (political, intelligence cial, etc.) communicates directly with the space.

Lohausen separates Europe from the fate of the fate of the West, apart from continental Europe
education who have temporarily fallen under the control of thalassocracy. But for the political
liberation of Europe needs of spatial (position) at least. Such at least is acquired only through the
unification of Germany, integrative translational processes in Central Europe, the restoration of
the territorial integrity of Prussia (torn between Poland, the USSR and the GDR) and further
folding of the European powers in the new stand-alone unit independent of Atlanticism. It is
important to note the role of Prussia. Lohausen (after Nikisch and Spengler) believes that Prussia
is the most continental "Eurasian" part of Germany, and that, if the capital of Germany, was not
Berlin, and Konigsberg, European history would have taken a different, more right direction,
focusing on the Union with Russia against the Anglo-Saxon thalassocracy. Lohausen believes
that the future of Europe in strategiche tion term is unthinkable without Russia, and vice versa,
Russia (USSR) Europe is necessary because without it geopolitically it is unfinished and
vulnerable to America, whose location is much better and, consequently, whose power sooner or
later much overtake the Soviet Union. Lohausen emphasized that the Soviet Union could have on
the west four in Europe: "a hostile Europe, Europe subordinated hydrochloric, Europe devastated
and allied Europe." The first three options are unavoidable while maintaining the course of
European politics, which led the Soviet Union during the "Cold War". Only the desire at all costs
to make Europe "the Allied and friendly" can correct the fatal geopolitical situation in the USSR
and be the beginning of a new stage of geopolitical stories - the Eurasian stage.

70 Jordis von Lohausen "Mut zur Macht. Denken in Kontinenten", Berg, 1978 71 Ibidem

Position Lohausen deliberately limited to purely geopolitical findings. Ideological questions he

puts. For example, geopolitics boyar Rus, Russia or royal Soviet Union is for him a single
continuous process which is independent from the change of the ruling system or ideology.
Russia geopolitically is the heartland, and therefore, whatever it may have been mode, its fate is
predetermined by its lands.

Lohausen, as Tiriar, predict geopolitical collapse of the USSR, which is inevitable in the event
that it would follow its normal course. If Atlanticist geopolitics such an outcome was regarded as
a victory, Lohausen saw this, rather the defeat of the continental powers. But with the nuance
that the new opportunities that will be opened after the fall of the Soviet system, can create
favorable proces ki for the future establishment of a new Eurasian bloc, Continental Empire, as
certain restrictions dictated by Marxist ideology, would be taken in this case.

5.4 The Eurasian Empire of the End. Jean Parvulesco

Romantic version of geopolitics presents the famous French writer Jean Parvulesco. For the first
time the geopolitical themes in the literature there are already at the George Orwell, who
dystopia "1984" described the futures division of the world into three enormous continental bloc
"Ostaziya, Eurasia, Oceania". Similar themes are found in Artura Kestlera, Aldous Huxley,
Raymond Abellio etc. Jean Parvulesco makes geopolitical central theme in all of his works,
revealing this new genre of "geopolitical fiction". Parvulesco concept is briefly as follows 72:
history of mankind is the history of Power, power. For access to a central position in the
civilization, ie the very powers, sought a variety of semi-secret organization, the existence of
cycles which far exceeds the usual duration of the political ideologies of the ruling dynasties,
religious institutions, states and nations. These organizations acting in history under different
names, Parvulesco defines as "Order Atlanticist" and "Order of the Eurasians." Between them is
a centuries-old struggle, which involves the Pope, patriarchs, kings, diplomats, major financiers,
revolutionaries, mysticism, generals, scientists, artists, etc. All socio-cultural manifestations, thus
reducible to the original, although it is extremely difficult geopolitical archetypes.

This is taken to its logical limit geopolitiche Skye line background that clearly trace camping
already have quite rational and alien "mysticism" geopolitics of the founders as such.

A central role in the plot plays Parvulesco General De Gaulle and geopolitical structure he
founded, after the end of his presidency remained in the shadows. Parvulesco calls this
"geopolitical Gaullism." Such "geo-political Gaullism" is the French equivalent continentalism
school Haushofer.

72 Jean Parvulesco "Galaxie GRU", Paris, 1991

The main objective of the proponents of this line is the organization of the European continental
block "Paris Berlin Moscow". In this aspect of the theory Parvulesco merge with the theses of the
"new right" and "National Bolsheviks".

Parvulesco believes that the current historical stage is the culmination of centuries of geopolitical
confrontation, when the dramatic story continental-civilizational duel is coming to a head. He
foresees the imminent appearance of a giant continental design "Eurasian Empire of the End",
then the final encounter with the "Empire of the Atlantic." This eschatological fight, described it
in apocalyptic tones he calls "Endkampf" ( "Final Battle"). It is curious that in the texts
Parvulesco fictional characters are combined with real historical figures, many of whom
supported the author (and with some maintains them until now) friendships. Among them are
politicians from the inner circle of De Gaulle, the British and American diplomats, the poet Ezra
Pound, philosopher Julius Evola, politician and writer Raymond Abella, sculptor Arno Breker,
the members of occult organizations, etc.

Despite the fictional form Parvulesco texts are of great geopolitical actual value as a number of
his articles published in the late 70's, strangely accurately describes the situation in the world
only to the mid-90s.
5.5 Indian Ocean as the path to world domination. Robert Stoykers

The exact opposite of "geopolitical visionary" Parvulesco is a Belgian geopolitics and publicist
Robert Stoykers, publisher of two prestigious journals "Orientason" and "Vuluar". Stoykers
comes to geopolitics, from a purely scientific and rationalist positions, seeking to liberate the
discipline of all the "random" strata. But following the logic of the "new right" in the academic
direction, he concludes, is strikingly close "prophecies" Parvulesco. Stoykers also believes that
the socio-political and especially diplomatic projects of different states and blocs, in whatever
ideological form they may be clothed, are indirect and often veiled expression of global
geopolitical projects. At the same time, he sees the influence of the factor "Earth" in the human
history. Man earthly creature (created from the ground). Consequently, land, space predetermine
a person in his most significant manifestations. This is a prerequisite for "geohistory".

Kontinentalistskaya orientation is for priority hydrochloric Stoykersa; he believes Atlanticism

hostile Europe and the fate of the European welfare linking is with Germany and Central
Europe 73 . Stoykers active supporter of Europe's cooperation with third countries and
especially with the Arab world.

However, he emphasizes the great importance of the Indian Ocean for the future geopolitical
structure of the planet. It defines the Indian Ocean as a "median Ocean", located between the
Atlantic and Pacific. The Indian Ocean is strictly halfway between the east coast of Africa and
Tikhookean tion zone, in which there are New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippines and Indochina. Marine control over the Indian Ocean is a key
position for geopolitical influence by three major "big space" Africa, South rimland Eurasian and
Pacific region. Hence the strategic priority of some of the smaller islands in the Indian Ocean,
particularly Diego Garcia, ravnouda lennogo all coastal zones.

73 Robert Steukers "La Russie, L'Europe et L'Occident" dans "Orientation" № 4 nov.-dec. 1983

The Indian Ocean is the territory on which to focus the entire European strategy, since Europe
will be able to influence through the area and the United States and Eurasia, and Japan, says
Stoykers. In his view, the decisive geopolitical confrontation, which should prejudge the picture
of the future of the XXI century, will unfold on this space.

Stoykers actively engaged in the history of geopolitics, and he owns the article about the
founders of this science in the new edition of the "Encyclopedia of the Brussels".
5.6 Russian + Islam = European rescue. Carlo Terrachano
Active geopolitical center kontinentalistskoy orientation exists in Italy. In Italy after the Second
World War, more than in other European countries have spread the ideas Karla Shmitta, and
thanks to this geopolitical thinking has become very common there. In addition, it is in Italy,
most of all was the development of the movement "Young Europe" Zhana Tiriara, and
accordingly, the idea of Continental National Bolshevism.

Among the many political science and sociological "New Right" magazines and centers engaged
in geopolitics, of particular interest is the Milan "Orion", where during the last 10 years are
published regularly analyzes the geopolitical Dr. Carlo Terrachano. Terrachano expresses the
most extreme position of the European continentalism, directly adjacent to Eurasianism.

Terrachano fully accepts picture Mackinder and Mahan, and agrees with dedicated their strict
civilizational and geographical dualism. However, he clearly stands on the side heartland'a,
believing that the fate of Europe depends entirely on the fate of Russia and Eurasia, from the
East. Continental East is positive, negative West Atlantic. Such a radical approach by the
Europeans is an exception even among continental geopolitics tal orientation as Terrachano not
particularly emphasizes the special status of Europe, considering that this is a minor point in the
face of the planetary confrontation thalassocracy and tellurocracy.

He fully shared the idea of a united Eurasian states, "Euro-Soviet Empire from Vladivostok to
Dublin," which brings him to Tiriar, but he does not share the inherent Tiriar "Jacobinism" and
"universalism", insisting on the ethno-cultural differentiation and regionalism, which brings him
in turn, with Alain de Benua.

Underlining the centrality of Russian factor in Terrachano adjacent to another interesting point:
he believes that the most important role in the struggle against Atlanticism belongs to the Islamic
world, especially clearly antiame Rican regimes: Iran, Libya, Iraq, etc. This leads him to
conclude that the Islamic world is highly spokesman continental GOVERNMENTAL
geopolitical interests. Thus he be regarded as a positive is "fundamentalist ical" version of Islam.
The final formula, which sums up the geopolitical views Terrachano doctor, is this:
Russia (heartland) + Islam against the United States (Atlanticism, mondializm) 74
Europe Terrachano sees as a springboard Russian-Islamic antimondialistskogo th block. In his
view, only such a radical formulation of the question may objectively lead to a genuine European
revivals NIJ.

Similar to Terrachano opinion is shared by other members of the "Orion" and intellectual center
working on its base (prof. Claudio Mutti, Mauritstsio Murelli sociologist Alessandra Colla
Marco Battarra, etc.) to this national-Bolshevik and gravitate towards some left social
democratic, communist, and anarchist circles of the Italian newspaper "Umanita" magazine
"Nuova Angulatsioni" etc.

74 Carlo Terracciano "Nel Fiume della Storia" in "Orion", Milano, №№ 22 - 30, 1986 - 1987 Chapter 6. Neo-
6.1 The Eurasian passionarnost Lev Gumilyov

The brightest pupil Eurasian Savitsky was the famous Russian scientist, historian Lev
Nikolaevich Gumilev. Actually geopolitical themes in his writings, he did not touch, but his
theory of ethnogenesis and ethnic cycles clearly continues the line "organicistic of" approach and
to some extent "geographical determinism", which constitute the essence of geopolitics have
already Ratzel, Kallen, Haushofer, etc. Especially important are the study of the ancient
Gumilyov in respect of periods of ethnic map of Eurasia, the steppe nomadic peoples and their
civilizations. Of his works formed an entirely new vision of political history, in which the
Eurasian East stands not only as a barbarian lands on the periphery of civilization (equated to
Western civilization), but as an independent and dynamic center of ethnogenesis, culture and
political history of the state and the techn Skog development. West and its history is relativized,
Eurasian culture and the constellation of the Eurasian ethnic groups show up as a multi-
dimensional and completely unexplored world with its own scale of values, reli-
GOVERNMENTAL issues, historical laws, etc. Gumilyov develops and brings to its logical
extreme pan-Eurasian idea that ethnic Great Russians, Russian are not just a branch of the
Eastern Slavs, but a special ethnic group, formed on the basis of the Turkic-Slavic merger. Hence
it follows the validity of Russian indirect control by the Eurasian land, inhabited by Turkic ethnic
groups. Great Russian civilization was based on the Turkic-Slavic ethnogenesis, which is
implemented on geographically as a historical alliance forests and steppes. It is a combination of
geopolitical forests and steppes of the historical essence of Russia, Laa predetermines the nature
of its culture, civilization, ideology, political destiny.

Gumilyov, followed by Spengler and Toynbee, highlights the cycles of civilizations and cultures,
as well as the corresponding ethnic groups. In his view, the ethno-cultural education of the
nation, the state and religious communities around like living organisms. They undergo periods
of birth, youth, maturity and aging, and then disappear or are transformed into the so-called
"Relics". This again clearly noticeable impact "organicist philosophy of" common to all
kontinentalistskih geopolitical schools.

It is highly interesting ENU theories about the causes of ethnogenesis, ie Born of the people or
the state. To describe this process it enters the term "passionarity" or "passionate push" 75.
It is an inexplicable surge of simultaneous biological and spiritual energy that suddenly moves
the sluggish historical existence of the "old" people and cultures, capturing the various existing

ethnic and religious Group dynamic gust

spatial, spiritual and technological expansion, which leads to the conquest and fusion of diverse
ethnic groups in the remaining new active and viable forms. High and full passionarnost
ethnogeny and dynamic process is carried out in the normal case to occurrence of special
superethnos which corresponds to not as national sovereigns stvennoj form of political
organization, as the empire.

75 L.Gumilev "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the earth", Leningrad, 1990

Passionarnost gradually decreases. In place of "passeism" (for ENU is a positive category, which
he equates to the "heroism", the ethical pursuit of disinterested creation in the name of loyalty to
national traditions) comes "actualism", ie concern only the present moment apart from tradition
and without regard for the fate of future generations. In this phase the "passionarnyj breakdown"
and enters the negative ethnogeny preservation step and start of disintegration. This is followed
by "futuristic" phase in which the dominant type of the weak, "dreamers," "visionaries",
"religious escapists" who lose faith in the surrounding being and tend to go to the "other world."
Gumilev considers this a sign of the final collapse. Ethnicity degrades superethnoses breaks
down, collapsing empire.

This situation continues until the new "passionate impulse" when there is a new fresh ethnicity
and provoke a new ethnogenesis, in which remelting lyayutsya remnants of the old constructions.
Moreover, some ethnic groups are preserved in the "relic" status (Gumilev calls them

ethnogenetic process.
while others disappear into the dynamics of the new
It is particularly important Gumilyov statement as to what the Great Russians are relatively
"fresh" and "young" ethnic group, to rally the "super-ethnos" Russia-Eurasia, or the Eurasian
Gumilyov Eurasian arise from geopolitical following conclusions (which he did not do, for
obvious political reasons, preferring to remain strictly within the limits of historical science).
1) represents the full Eurasia "topogenesis" fertile rich soil and ethnogeny kulturogene for.
Therefore, we must learn to see the history of the world is not unipolar optics "the West and the

(As is typical Atlanticist historiography) and multipolar, the northern and eastern Eurasia are of
particular interest because they are the source of alterna tive West major planetary civilization
processes. In his writings, Gumilev gives a comprehensive picture of Mackinder's thesis about
the "geographical axis of history" and gives the axis of the specific historical and ethnic content.

2) synthesis geopolitical forest and steppe underlying Great Russian state,

is an key a reality for cultural and strategic control over Asia and Eastern Europe. Moreover,
such control would contribute to a harmonious balance between East and West, while the
cultural limitations of Western civilizations (Forest) with its desire for domination, accompanied
by a complete lack of understanding of Eastern culture (STEP) only leads to conflicts and

3) Western civilization is in the last downstream stage ethnogeny, being a conglomerate

"himeriche Sgiach" ethnic groups. Consequently, the center of gravity required to move to
younger people.
4) It is also possible that will happen some unpredictable and unforeseen "passionate push" in the
near future, which will dramatically change the political and
cultural map of the world, as the dominance of "relic" of ethnic groups may not last long. 6.2
New Russian Eurasians

Gumilyov himself did not formulate geopolitical conclusions on the basis of their world view. It
did his followers in the period of the weakening (and later canceled) Marxist ideological
censorship. Such a direction generally been called "neo-Eurasianism," which is, in turn, several
species stey. Not all of them will inherit the idea of ENU, but overall its impact on the
geopolitical ideology is enormous.

Neo-eurasism has several varieties.

The first (and most basic and advanced) is a complete and multi-dimensional ideology, which
formulated some political circles of the national opposition, the opposing liberal reforms in the
period 1990 1994. We are talking about a group of intellectuals gathered around the newspaper
"Day" (later "Tomorrow") and the magazine "Elements" 76.

It is based on the ideas of Neo-eurasism P.Savitskogo, G. Vernadsky, Vol. N.Trubetskogo and

ideologist of Russian National Bolshevism Nikolaya Ustryalova. Analysis of historical Eurasians
recognized as a highly relevant and very applicable to the present situation. Thesis national
ideocracy imperial continental scale is opposed both liberal Westernism and uzkoetniche skom
nationalism. Russia is seen as a geopolitical axis "large space"

its mission is clearly ethnic identified with imperostroitelst tion.

On the socio-political level, this area tends to be uniquely Eurasian socialism, believing liberal
economy characteristic feature Atlanticist camp. Soviet period of Russian history is considered
smenovehovskoy term as a modernist form of the traditional Russian national desire for
planetary expansion and "Eurasian antiatlantistskomu universalism". From this "pro" version of
the trend of neo-Eurasianism. The legacy of Lva Gumileva was adopted, but the theory of drive
interfaces with the doctrine of the "circulation of elites" Italian sociologist Vilfredo Pareto,

a of Religious views Gumilyov are correcting on the basis of the European Schools traditsionali
ists (Guenon, Evola, etc.). ideas traditionalists

"a crisis the modern world " "West degradation" "Desacralisation civilization", etc. It includes an
important component in the Neo-eurasism, complementing and developing those aspects which
were presented at the Russian authors only intuitive and fragmentary.

In addition, thoroughly researched kontinentalistskie European projects (Haushofer, Schmitt,

Nikisch, "new right", etc.), whereby the Eurasian horizons tion of the doctrine apply to Europe,
understood as a potentially continental
force. This motif completely alien to historical Eurasians emigrants, who wrote major works in a
situation where the United States has not had an independent geopolitiche Skog values, and the
thesis of Europe and the West distinction has not received due development. Neo-eurasism,
listening to European kontinentalistam recognizes strategists ical importance for the European
geopolitical completeness and usefulness of the Eurasian "more space", especially given the fact
that it is an unstable factor separating the geopolitical map of Europe led to the defeat of the
USSR in the "Cold War".

76 Francoise Thome "Eurasisme et Neo-Eurasisme" dans "Commentaire", ete 1994, № 66.

Another feature of the neo-Eurasianism is the choice of Islamic countries (particularly

continental Iran) as the most important strategic ally. The idea of the continental Russian-Islamic
alliance is the basis antiatlanticheskoy strategy in the south-west coast of the Eurasian continent.
On the doctrinal level, this alliance substantiates the traditional character of Russian and Islamic
civilizations that unites them in opposition to anti-traditional, secular-pragmati Cesky West.

In this direction, neo-Eurasianism picture of all geopolitical projects in relation to the current
situation being completed to their completeness, as both ideologically and strategically,
politically and positional but neoevraziysky project represents the most complete, consistent,
complete and historically grounded opposed to all varieties mi Western geopolitical projects (as
Atlanticist Sgiach and mondialist).

Mondializm and Atlanticism express two varieties STI geopolitical ideology of the far west.
Europeism and moderate continentalism European geopoliticians represents an intermediate
reality. Finally, Neo-eurasism "Day" and especially the "Elements" expresses a radical anti-
Western point of view, merges with all other alternative geopolitical projects of European
National Bolshevism to Islamic fundamentalism (or Islamic "socialism") up to the national
mastered the boditelnyh movements in all parts of third world. Other varieties of neo-
Eurasianism is less consistent and is an adaptation of the whole complex of the above ideas to
the changing politi tion of reality: either it is only about a pragmatic economic "Eurasianism",
designed to recreate the economic cooperation between the former Soviet republics (the project
of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev Islands), or the rationale expansionist theses ( "great
power" Zhirinovsky project) or a purely rhetorical invocation of the "Eurasian community" to
preserve the unity of the Russian and national minorities (mostly ethnic Turks and Muslims) as a
part of the Russian Federation (a draft of some government leaders Boris Yeltsin), or of purely
historical interest in the heritage of the circle Savitsky, Trubetskoy, Suvchinsky, Karsavina, etc.
in emigration. But all these versions with the need artificial, fragmented, inconsistent and can not
claim self parking tion and serious geopolitical ideology and methodology. Therefore dwell on
them does not make sense. We note only that any appeal to the Eurasianism and Eurasia, no
matter how limited the meaning of any imbedded Would these notions by those who use them,
directly or indirectly refer to the exact neoevraziyskomu project, which developed in opposition
circles and decorated with pictures "Day "and" elements ", since only in this context, the use of
the word" evraziyst in "justified and continuity of Russian geopolitically school, and correlation
with the general fan geopolitical projects of global scale, existing outside of Russia.

6.3 Towards a new bipolarity

Neo-eurasism, in addition to its intellectual heritage and common principles of continental

geopolitics, is facing the latest issues delivered in the form of last GOVERNMENTAL West
geopolitical projects. Moreover, this geopolitical area becomes important precisely to the extent
that it can not simply explain the geopolitical logic of historical events taking place, but to
develop a coherent futurist design, able to withstand the projects of the West. West's victory in
the "Cold War" conceptually means the end of the bipolar and the beginning of a unipolar world.
In this case, if the net Atlantists (Huntington) suggest that this unipolarity will by the relative
who won the West (The West) will be forced to permanently settle the growing inter-civilization
nye conflicts with the "rest of the world" (The Rest) is mondialists (Fukuyama, Attali) see
trouble-domination west over the whole planet as something that has already happened. Even the
conflict version of Professor Santoro suggests in the end, the establishment of World

These are projects of geopolitical winners have now undeniable advantages and strategic
initiatives that need to be considered in the highest degree. They all agree on one thing: the world
must sooner or later prevail universalism of the Western type, ie Atlanticist, thalasso-democratic
system of values must become dominant everywhere. The bipolar world of the Cold War is
considered to be fully overcome. Eurasia and Eurasianism in this picture is simply no room. All
this is logical and follows directly from the work of the first Anglo-Saxon geopolitics, sought in
every way to weaken the forces of Sushi, undermining their power and strangling them various
strategic methods especially strategy "anaconda", ie strict control over larger and larger sectors

Neo-eurasism can not, while remaining itself, to recognize the legality of this situation and are
doomed to look for opportunities to draw all these processes are reversed. And it starts from the
central issue with the question of unilateralism. Unipolarity (atlantizma domination in any form
both in pure form and through mondializm) doomed Eurasia as heartland on historical
nonexistence. Neo-eurasism insists that this unilateralism must be opposed. It can be done only
through a new bipolarity.

This requires some explanation. There is a view that after the end of US opposition to the Soviet
Union the world itself will move to a multipolar device exalted China, demographic trends will
lead the Islamic countries in the category of geopolitically central, Pacific declared its
competitive STI with Europe and America, etc. All this is possible, but is not considered that this
new multipolarity will be marked by the "Atlanticist system of values," ie, It will represent a
variety of territorial thalassocratic system, and not the true geopolitical alternative. Call of the
West, the market and liberal democracy is universal. After defeating all attempts heartland'a
peoples and states to follow in some other way, except for the West of, deprived of the basic
support. And the pro-Soviet regimes, and all the "non-aligned" countries, to insist on a "third
way", there were only due to bipolar STI, due to the gap that existed between East and West in
their positional geopolitical struggle. Modern West will be defeated now dictate ideological and
economic conditions of all those who will claim to be a developed region. Therefore, any
multipolarity, while maintaining the status quo would be fictitious and mondialist. It is well
aware of Western strategists are well aware that a major geopolitical challenge of the West at this
stage is to prevent the possibility of the formation of large-scale geopolitical bloc of continental
scope, which could be for various parameters is comparable with the Atlanticist forces. This is
the main principle of military-lytic US doctrine that stated in the report, Paul Wolfowitz. In other
words, the West is more likely does not want to return to the bipolarity. It would be fatal for him.

Neo-eurasism in the interests of "the geographical axis of history", states the exact opposite to
the West. The only way out of this situation can become a new bipolyarizm, since only in this
area of Eurasia was able to get a perspective on the true geopolitical sovereignty. Once a new
bipolarity can then open the way for a multi-polar, which goes beyond

thalassocratic Liberal Democratic system those. true multipolar world, where every nation and
every geopolitical unit would be able to choose their own system of values, has a chance to make
camping just after the liberation from the global ATLANTA stskoy domination through new
planetary opposing set.

It is important that the Eurasian continental block can not be a simple re-creation of the Warsaw
Pact. Disintegration previous geopolitical continental tal structure irreversible and rooted in its
very structure. New Continental Alliance must either be included in all of Europe to the Atlantic,
and several important sectors of the southern coast of India, Eurasia, Iran, Indo-China, etc., or
provide a friendly neutrality of the same spaces, ie, bring them out from under the control of
Atlanticism. Return to the old bipolyarizmu impossible for many reasons, including ideological.
New Eurasian bipolyarizm must come from very different ideological backgrounds and based on
completely different methods. This theory of the "new bipolyarizma" is sufficiently developed in
neoevraziyskih projects, as the theoretical basis for all non-conformist geopolitical theories of
Europe and the Third World. As heartland objective is the only point capable of being
bridgehead planetary alternative thalassocracy,

So Neo-eurasism is the only theoretical platform on which can be developed by a fan planetary
strategies that deny global dominance of Atlanticism and its civilization onnoy system of values:
market, liberal democracy, secular culture, individualism, philosophy, etc.


Chapter 1. Heartland

Russia, from a strategic point of view, is a giant land mass that is identified with the Eurasia.
Russia after the development of Siberia and its integration clearly coincided with geopolitical
concept Heartland, ie "Earth Central" of the continent. Mackinder defined Russian more space as
"Geographical Pivot of History". geographically,

landscape, linguistically climatically, culturally and religiously Russia is a synthetic unity of the
Eurasian and West Eurasian East, and its geopolitical function is not reduced to the summation
or mediating the Western and Eastern trends. Russia is something third, independent and special
neither East nor West. Cultural conceptualize "middle" position of Russia Russian Eurasians
talked about the special culture

"Middle Kingdom" Where geographical and geopolitical opposites are removed in the spiritual,
vertical synthesis. From a purely strategic point of view, Russia is identical to most of Eurasia, if
only because that is its land, its people and its industrial and technological development have
sufficient capacity to be the base of continental independence, self-sufficiency and provide the
basis for a full continental integration that geopolitiche skim laws should It happens to the
"island" of each, including with itself "World Island" (World Island), ie with Eurasia.

With respect to the Russian-Heartland all other Eurasian states are coastal and land, Rimland.
Russia is the "Axis of History" as "civilization" revolves around it, creating their most eye-
catching, expressive and complete the form is not in its fountainhead continental sources, but in
the "coastal zone" in the critical strip, where areas of land bordered by the expanse of water, sea
or ocean. From a strategic point of view, Russia is a self parking tion territorial structure,

whose security and sovereignty are identical

security and sovereignty of STI across the continent. This can not be said about any other major
Eurasian power, nor of China, nor Germany, nor France, nor of India. If in relation to its coastal
neighbors or to other states, "Islands" or continents China, Germany, France, India, etc. can act
as a continental nye force, with respect to Russia, they will always be "foreshore", Rimland, with
all The corresponding strategic, cultural and Political Skim consequences. Only Russia can act
on behalf of the Heartland full geopolitical grounds. Only its strategic interests do not just close
to the interests of the continent, but they are strictly identical (at least at the current stage of
development of the technosphere is the case).
Chapter 2. Rimland problem

Russia's attitude to the adjacent continental civilizations Roman-Germanic in the West and three
traditional civilizations in the East (Islamic, Hindu and Chinese) has at least two planes, which in
any case should not be confused with each other, as this would inevitably lead to a lot of
misunderstandings. First, the cultural and historical essence of Russia, her spiritual self, her
"Identity" is definitely defined by the formula "neither East nor West" or "neither Europe nor
Asia, but Eurasia" (in the words of Russian Eurasians). Russian spiritual is something third,
something independent and special, it is not the expression of any terms of the East nor of the
West terms. At this level, the higher interest of Russia is to preserve at all costs its uniqueness, of
defending its identity before the call to Western culture and traditions of the East. This does not
mean total isolation nism, but still restricts the range of possible borrowing. Historical realism
requires us to courageous recognition that the statement "my", "our" always runs parallel to the
denial of the "alien", "Nenashev". And the affirmation and negation are the fundamental
elements of national, cultural, historical, and political independence of the nation and the state.
Therefore, the denial and the East and West in the cultural plan is a historical imperative for the
independence of Russia. In this issue, of course, can be a variety of nuances and discussion
recognizing identity, some believe that it is better to open up more to the East than to the West (
"Asian direction"), the other vice versa ( "westerners"), while others prefer a complete rejection
of all dialogue ( "isolationists"), the fourth suggest uniformly open in both directions (the
direction of some "neo-Eurasianism"). At the strategic and purely geopolitical level, the situation
is completely different. Since Russian-Evra Zia at the present stage of history as its planetary
opponent is not so much "coastal civilization," Rimland, as opposite "Island" Atlanticist
America, the most important strategic imperative is to transform "coastal areas" in its allies,
strategic the penetration of a "coast" zone conclusion of pan-Eurasian Pact, or at least ensure a
complete and strict neutrality as many as possible in the position opposing Rimland transatlantic
mu West. Here strategic formula Russia clearly has to be a formula "and the East and the West",
as the only continental integration in Eurasia with the center in Russia can guarantee all its
peoples and the sovereignty of states do maximum political and economic autarky. On
strategiche skom level relevant today one single opposition either mondializm (planetary
domination Americanism and Atlanticist) or continental talizm (division of the world into two or
more large spaces, using political, military, strategic and geopolitical sovereignty). Rimlands
Russia needs to become a Indeed sovereign continental geopolitical force. At the moment, when
actual development of military, strategic and economic technologies, no other,

nekontinentalnogo, sovereignty can not simply be: any "Ethnocratic" pure "insulation nistskie"
solutions Russian state problem projects in the strategic sphere give a result strict accordance
mondialist plans to totally control th planet and complete the strategic, political and

economic occupation of Eurasia and Russia. obviously,

that the transfer of the cultural and historical perspective on Russia

strategic or geopolitical cal level (ie vesting formula "neither East nor West" purely geopolitical
sense) is nothing other than a political diversion, aimed at strategic disorientation of the foreign
policy of Russia. Whatever lay

at basis "Narrow ethnic" "Racial-nationalist" "Chauvinist" models of Russian statehood

ignorance, naivety or deliberate operation against its own people and its independence, the result
is a complete identity with mondialist goals. Do not turn Russia into "ethnic booking", the US
will not be able to get full control over the world.
Rimland problem put in this way only today, when behind us is the whole story of the strategic
bi-polar world of the Cold War and the planetary USSR and the USA. During the peak of politi
tion activity of Russian Eurasians strategic situation was quite different, and in the future could
look quite a few. Therefore, some Eurasians geopolitiche skie projects should be considered with
caution. In particular, the problem of Rimland interpreted them more in a cultural, rather than a
strategic aspect. All this must be considered in order for Russia to develop a serious and
reasoned geopolitical program, and realistic prospects of hydrochloric, the cornerstone of which
should put the main geopolitical imperative of the independence, sovereignty, independence,
self-sufficiency and freedom of the Great Russia.

Chapter 3. Gathering Empire

One of the main postulates of geopolitics is the assertion that the geopolitical situation of the
state is much more important than the features of the political system of the state. Politics,
culture, ideology, the nature of the ruling elite and even religion are considered in geopolitical
optics as important but secondary factors as compared with the fundamental principle of the
state's geopolitical relation to space. Often (especially in Russia) such specificity of geopolitics
as a science is considered almost a "cynical" or even "anti-national" approach. This, of course,
completely wrong. Just geopolitics does not pretend to be the sole and final authority in
determining public and political interests of the nation. Geopolitics is one of several basic
disciplines, allowing adequately formulate the international and military doctrine of the state,
along with other, no less important subjects. As a physicist, to be an exact science, it must ignore
the chemistry and its laws (this does not mean that physics denies chemistry) and geo ka to be
strict discipline must leave aside other, negeopoliticheskie approaches that can and should be
taken into account in the final conclusion with regard to the fate of the state and the people along
with geopolitics.

One of the most urgent geopolitical claims of Russia is the "gathering of the Empire." No matter
how we were treated to the "socialism" of the USSR, Eastern Bloc, the Warsaw Pact countries,
and so on, no matter how the assessed political and cultural reality of one of the two
superpowers, from a geopolitical point of view, the existence of the Eastern Bloc was clearly a
positive factor for possible Eurasian association for continental integration and sovereignty of
our more space. It is a geopolitical logic made Belgian theorist Zhana Tiriara talk about the need
for "Euro-Soviet Empire from Vladivostok to Dublin." Only the Eastern bloc could be the basis
for uniting Eurasia Empire, although the division of Europe and the inconsistency of the Soviet
policy in Asia have been major obstacles to the implementation of this goal. According to many
contemporary geopolitics, the disintegration of the USSR was to a large extent is determined
precisely by its strategic vulnerability in the western and eastern borders of the United States is
controlled by Wali Rimland West and the East is so skillfully and consistently that, ultimately,
they are not allowed to continental integration and contributed to the disintegration of the Eastern
bloc. The end of the bipolar world is a strategic blow to Eurasia, a blow to the continental
talizmu and eventual sovereignty of all Eurasian countries.
Imperative geopolitical and strategic sovereignty of Russia is not only to restore the lost regions
of the "near abroad", not only to renew the alliance with the countries of Eastern Europe, but also
to include in the new Eurasian strategic block of the continental states of the West (primarily ,
the Franco-German bloc sky, which tends to release from custody the pro-American Atlanticist
NATO) and the continental Talnoe East (Iran, India and Japan).

Geopolitical "picking up the Empire" is Russian for not only one of the possible ways of
development, one of the possible relationship of the state to the space, but the guarantee and
necessary condition the existence of an independent state, and more independent of the state
forward on an independent continent.

If Russia starts to immediately re-create a large space, ie, return within the scope of their
strategic, political and economic impact of temporarily lost Eurasian expanse, it would plunge
into a catastrophe and myself, and all the people living on the conductive "island universe".

The course of possible events is easy to foresee. If Russia chooses some other way than "the way
of collecting the Empire" continental mission Heartland will take on new power or combination
of powers. In this case, Russian expanses are the main strategic objective for the forces, who
declared himself the new "citadel of Eurasia." It is absolutely inevitable, since the control of the
continent is unthinkable without the control of space "geographical axis of history." Or China
will take a desperate throw to the North Kazakhstan and Eastern Siberia or Middle Europe will
move to Western Russian lands Ukraine, Belarus and the western Great Russia or Islamic bloc
will try to integrate Central Asia, the Volga region and the Urals, as well as some areas of
Southern Russia. This new continental integration can not be avoided, since the very geopolitical
map of the world opposes it unipolar, Atlanticist orientation. In geopolitics quite competent to
sacred law "holy place is never empty." Moreover, to the expansion in the Russian land other
Eurasian blocks push is not "territorial selfishness" or "Russophobia", but the inexorable logic of
the geopolitical space and the passivity of Russia. In the area of the continental strategy foolish
to expect that other nations will stop in front of the territorial expansion of the Russian lands just
out of respect for "Russian cultural identity." a territorial power pulses and the positional benefits
of action in this sphere. Even the fact of variations in the immediate issue of "gathering of the
Empire" is already quite a challenge, a sufficient basis for the alternative geopolitical cal more
space moved into Russian territory. This, of course, cause a reaction and Russian entail eerie and
unpromising vnutrievra ziysky conflict; hopeless because it will not be even theoretically a
positive decision, as to create a non-Russian Eurasia Russian people need to completely destroy
and to do it not only easy, but it is virtually impossible, as history shows. On the other hand, such
a conflict will pave the front line between the neighboring countries and continental tal
antiatlantistskoy orientation, and this will only strengthen the position of the third force, ie,
United States and its fellow mondialist projects. The lack of action is also a kind of action, and
for the delay in the "gathering of the Empire" (not to mention the possibility of rejection of the
geopolitical expansion of Russia) will inevitably be followed by a great Eurasian blood. Events
in the Balkans give a terrible example of what can happen in Russia in a much more grand scale.
The reunification of the Eurasian territories under the patronage of Russia as an "axis of history"
now associated with certain difficulties, but they are insignificant in the face of the disasters that
inevitably coming in if it is "picking up the Empire" does not begin immediately.

Chapter 4. Warm and cold sea

The process of "gathering of the Empire" should initially focus on a distant target, which is a
Russian outlet to warm seas. It is thanks to deterrence NIJ Russian expansion to the south, south-
western and north-western directions, Atlanticist England managed to maintain its control over
all of the "coastal spaces"

around Eurasia. Russia geopolitically It was "Complete" power in the East and North, where its
political boundaries coincide with natural geographic boundaries of Eurasian continent. But the
paradox is that the coast adjacent to the cold seas that is an insurmountable barrier to the
development of navigation in the extent to which this would seriously compete with the fleets on
the seas of the Western Islands (British, and later American). On the other hand, the eastern and
the northern lands of Russia were never quite mastered by virtue of the natural and cultural
features, and all the projects for the integration of Russian Asia from had proposed Dr.
Badmaeva last emperor to Brezhnev of BAM, for some strange patterns collapsed under the
influence of spontaneous or controlled historical cataclysms. Be that as it may, the outlet to the
cold seas of the North and East should be supplemented by access to the warm seas of the South
and the West, and only in this case Russia will be a geopolitical "finished". For this, but a proper
and conducted numerous Russian-Turkish war, the fruits of which, however, is reaped not the
Turks, and not Russian, and English, the last two bled traditional nye Empire of the three (the
third Austria-Hungary). The last jerk to essential South Russia was unsuccessful Soviet
expansion in Afghanistan. Geopolitical logic clearly shows that Russia definitely have to go back
there again, although it would be better to come a faithful ally, protective com and other than
cruel punisher. Only when the southern and western borders of Russia will be the coastline, we
can talk about the final completion of its continental Constructio Islands. It is not necessary it
should be a conquest, expansion and annexation. Durable antiatlan matic parity strategic alliance
with perimental continental European and Asian powers would be sufficient to achieve this goal.
Access to the warm seas can be obtained not only by the bloody war, but also by the intelligent
world, favorable to the geopolitical interests of all continental GOVERNMENTAL powers, as
the project of the Eurasian strategic integration will enable all of these powers become really
sovereign and independent in the face of an alternative to them of the Atlantic Islands , Joint th,
in turn, the strategic doctrine of Monroe. Straits and warm sea were not available for Russia
when so obvious Atlantic factor, as the United States, threatening the interests of the whole of
Europe and all of Asia, did not yet exist, and various mainland power challenged each other's
leadership in opposition to England and leadership in the field of Strategic th associations. The
implementation of the Monroe Doctrine in the US has highlighted all the geopolitical importance
of Russia, and so the alliance with Russia has become self-evident imperative of CMV for all
realistic geopolitics continent no matter what political forms it may be embodied as the case may
be. Threat mondialism Atlanticist and globalism

theoretically opens up Russian access to the warm seas through itself naprashi vayuschiysya
Union Heartland and Rimland zaokean Sgiach against invaders.

PART IV geopolitical future RUSSIAN

Chapter 1: The need for a radical alternative

two principal Russian project regarding the future are represented today in our society. They are
in varying degrees, affect all aspects of national life, economy, geopolitics, inter national
relations, ethnic interests, hydrochloric industrial structure, economic structure, military
construction GUSTs etc. The first project belongs to the radical liberals, "reformers", which is
taken as an example of Western society, the modern "trading system", and fully subscribe to the
project of the "end of history", developed in the famous eponymous article by Francis
Fukuyama. This project denies the values of the people, nation, history, geopolitical interests,
social justice, religious factor, etc. It all is based on the principle of maximum economic
efficiency, on the primacy of individualism, consumption, and the "free market." The Liberals
want to build on the site of the new Russia, has never existed historically, society, in which
established the rules and cultural coordinates in which lives the modern West and, in particular,
the United States. This camp can easily formulate a response to any questions regarding this or
that aspect of Russian life on the basis of the existing models in the West, using Western liberal
terminology and legal standards, as well as relying on the developed theoretical structure of
liberal-ka pitalizma in general. This position some time ago, almost dominated ideologically in
our society, and today she is the most famous, as is the same as a whole with the general course
and the fundamental logic of liberal reforms.

The second Russian project of the future belongs to the so-called "National-patriotic opposition",
which is a diverse and multifaceted politi ical reality, united opposition to liberal reforms
GOVERNMENTAL and rejection of liberal logic, preached by the reformers. This opposition is
not just a national and not merely patriotic she is "pink and white", ie it is dominated by
representatives of the statist communists (largely departed from the rigid Marxist-Leninist

and supporters of the Orthodox-monarchist, tsarist type of statehood. The views of both the
"united opposition" components quite considerable but differ, but the resemblance is not only in
the definition of "common enemy", but in some mental, ideological cliches, and shared both.
Moreover, the patriotic "opposition" in the vast majority is made up of figures of pre-perestroika
systems that bring elements of a purely Soviet mentality even in the "white", "tsarist projects", to
which they often did not have any of a historical, family or political relationships to the
beginning of perestroika, great feeling in the Brezhnev reality. Be that as it may, the opposition
project can be called "Soviet-tsarist", since it is based on

some ideological, geopolitical, political and social and administrative archetypes that objectively
bring together between a Soviet and pre-Soviet period (at least within the framework of the XX
century). Patriots ideology is much more contradictory and confused than logical, and complete
the construction of the liberals, and so it often manifests itself not in the form of a complete
concept or doctrine, but fragmentary, emotional, inconsistent and fragmentary. Yet this
grotesque conglomeration of mixed Soviet-tsarist mental debris has
some integrity, which, but, sometimes not only rational structure.

Both of these projects and the liberal and the Soviet-kings stsky are essentially dead-end for the
Russian people and Russian history. Liberal project generally involves a gradual
the obliteration of national peculiarities in Russian cosmopolitan era of "the end of history" and
"planetary market" and Soviet-tsarist tries to revive the nation and the state in those historical
forms and structures that, but proper, and gradually led to the collapse of Russian.

On the other side, and liberal "reformers" and the Council of the tsarist "united opposition" is
brewing an urgent need for a "third way", in a special ideologiche skom project that would not
compromise, not "centrism" between both, but it is radically innovative packed up, to break with
the inescapable dualistic logic of "either the liberals or the opposition" where, as in a labyrinth
without exit, tossing the current Russian social consciousness. It is necessary to cut the Gordian
knot and adopt a true alternative, and opposed both. At stake is a great nation, its interests, its
Chapter 2. What is the "Russian national interests"?

2.1 We do not have Russian state today

In this political situation can not be, strictly speaking, to talk about "strategic prospects Islands
Russia". Especially since it is impossible to offer any projects regarding foreign and domestic
policy of Russia, because the main issue is that Russia today? It remains not only unresolved, but
does not put seriously.

Rapid changes in all political, geopolitical, ideological and social order that occurred in the
former USSR, is completely overturned all the existing legal and political criteria and standards.
The collapse of the socialist system, and later the Soviet state created in the former Soviet
territories uncertainty perfect field in which there is no more any clear targets or strict legal
framework or specific social perspectives. The geopolitical structure that formed "automatically"
by inertia after the collapse of the USSR, are random, fleeting and extremely unstable. This
concerns not only the breakaway republics from Moscow, but, first of all, Russia itself. In order
to build plans for the "public interest", it is necessary to have a clear representation of, about
what exactly the state in question. In other words, it makes sense if there is a clear identification
of the political subject. In the present situation, such a subject in Russian no.

The existence of Russia, understood as the Russian Federation (RF), obviously does not meet
any serious criteria in determining the "state" status. Confusion in RF status assessments in
international politics clearly shows exactly this situation. What is RF? Heiress and successor to
the USSR? Regional power? Mono-ethnic state? Ethnic federation? Gendarme of Eurasia? Pawn
in American projects? Territory is nye to further fragmentation? Depending on the specific
conditions of the Russian Federation serves as one of these roles, despite the absolute
inconsistency of such definitions. At some point in this state with a claim to a special role in
world politics and in the other it is a minor regional power, a third field for separatist
experiments. If the same territorial and political entity projection is simultaneously in all these
roles, it is clear that we are talking about some kind of conditional category of a certain variable,
and not about the completed and a stable political phenomenon that can be called by the state in
full sense of the word.

RF is not a Russian, a full-fledged Russian State. This transitional education in the broad and
dynamic global geopolitical processes and nothing more. Of course, Russia could become in the
future of the Russian state, but it is not clear that this will happen, and also not obvious whether
this endeavor.

Whatever it was, a "strategic interest" of the unstable and temporary phenomenon, as the Russian
Federation, it is impossible to say in the long term, and even more absurd to attempt to formulate
a "strategic doctrine of the Russian Federation", based on today's state of affairs. "The strategic
interests of the Russian Federation" could become clearer only after the will,

It will develop and define the political, social, economic and ideologues cal entity of interest. So
far, this has not happened, any projects in this area will be a momentary fiction.

RF does not state history, its borders are random, its cultural landmarks are vague, its political
regime is shaky and blurred its ethnic map of heterogeneous and fragmented economic structure
and partly decomposed. This conglomerate only a result of the collapse of global geopolitical
formation fragment torn from the whole picture. Even to this backbone of the Empire to create
something stable, it needs a real revolution,

a similar revolution Young Turks are created from fragments of the Ottoman Empire that the
modern secular Turkey (though here again the question emerges as to whether this endeavor?). If
the Russian Federation is not a Russian state, it is not such and the CIS. Despite the fact that
almost all CIS countries (except in rare cases it) belonged to the Russian Empire, and therefore,
were once part of the Russian state, at the moment the CIS countries have a sufficient degree of
autonomy and de jure, the number of independent political entities. As it can be argued against
these countries (and with even more reason) is the same as that in respect of the RF these
formations do not have any serious signs of a genuine state deprived actual sovereignty attributes
and are more "territorial process" than the stable and certain geopolitiche skie unit. Even if we
disregard the growing nationalism of the CIS countries, which is often targeted anti-Russian,
from the unnatural, unstable and contradictory in themselves fragments is not possible to lay
down a harmonious picture. Belgian geopolitics Jean Tiriar brought about this one accurate
comparison. "The USSR was like a chocolate bar, with defined boundaries lobules-republics.
After slices broken off, they no longer enough to be folded together to restore the entire tile.
From now on, this can only be achieved by melting the entire tile and new stamping". "The
strategic interests of Russia," the same as an empty figure of speech, that "the strategic interests
of the CIS countries." By "Russian strategic interests," it has a very indirect relationship.

2.2 The concept of "post-imperial legitimacy"

Despite the non-existence of the Russian State in the full sense, certain legal principles apply to
the former Soviet Union, and is based on what the western reaction to those or other actions of
the Russian Federation and the Russian momentary logic of manual steps. It is these principles,
at first glance, keep the Russian Federation and, more broadly, the CIS from total chaos. It is the
doctrine of 'post-imperial legitimacy. " In order to understand the essence of today's geopolitiche
Sgiach processes in Eurasia, it is necessary to summarize the main points of this concept. "Post-
imperial legitimacy" is a body of law, which is closely related to the A direct but previous phase
of the political development of the region, ie, with "imperial legitimacy" ( "legacy of empire").
Empire (at least the "secular" liberal or socialist) often etsya leadership at territorial structure of
its colonies purely administrative and economic trait in E, not taking into account any ethnic or
religious or national factors. Administrative borders within the Empire rather arbitrary, as they
are known a conditional barriers created only for the convenience of centralized control of the
metropolis. Empire in the period of its existence makes the other powers to recognize its internal
administrative system as legitimate. But the decay of the Empire there are always "legal
uncertainty zone" since ceased to exist a structure that legally regulate the status of their
component parts.
In the process of "post-colonial" transformation of the international legal concept was
formulated, which formed the basis of classification is authorized STI and incompetence of post-
imperial territorial -political entities. This concept of "postimper tion of legitimacy." Its meaning
is to ensure that, despite the absence of the Empire as a whole its purely administrative
components receive full legal status regardless of whether that satisfies the formation criteria of a
full-fledged state or not. At the heart of this approach is a secular liberal idea of the arbitrariness
of any public education as a historical accident STI. By this logic, ethnic, religious, cultural and
social components are malozna chimymi and insignificant as the population is understood here
as a simple set of economic and statistically units. This affects the inertia of the "imperial"

"Colonial" approach, accustomed to consider "Colony" and "province" something minor and
immaterial, "additional" in the overall context.

As a rule, "post-imperial education" never (or almost never) did not become a full-fledged state
and continue to exist as an economic and political appendage of the former (or new) metropolis.
Almost always, the ruling elite is the direct successor (often stavlennitsey) the colonial
administration, the economy is entirely dependent on external factors, and the political and social
structure adapts to the model of the former center. The persistence of such "post-imperial
legitimacy" often leads to the fact that the same autochthonous ethnic group inhabiting the
territory of different post-imperial states, and within the framework of one state home to several
ethnic and religious groups. In fact, the relative balance of interests is maintained in such cases,
only appeal to an external factor, often to the overt or covert power of the former mother country
(or of a developed state, which may come to replace it). It is significant that in the final stages,
"released Niya" African Pan Africanist Congress decided to apply in all of the newly formed
states just the principle of "post-imperial legitimacy", although many more African nations in
particular, the Bantu, Zulu, etc. They were living in two or three states. This was done under the
pretext of avoiding ethnic, tribal and religious wars. In fact, it was the desire to lead the post-
imperial administration teley keep their artificial elite in power, prevent the establishment in the
national upsurge of new representatives of the national organic hierarchy. Given the strategic and
socio-economic backwardness of Africa and the lack of fresh and vital state traditions, this
approach worked quite well.

The principle of "post-imperial legitimacy" and today is applied to the countries that emerged on
the ruins of the Soviet Union. In the former "Federal Republic" almost everywhere in power are
the heirs of "colonial administration", cut into pieces have broken into a unified management
structure, formed entirely in the imperial Soviet context. This elite alienated from national and
cultural traditions of their peoples and focuses on inertia to maintain the economic and on the
lytic dependence on the metropolis. The only exception is Armenia, where the logic "postimper
legitimacy "has been broken (in the case of Nagorno-Karabakh), and where, consequently, a
purely national political forces have more weight than the rest of the CIS countries. In addition,
Armenia is unique naya monoethnic republic of the CIS countries.

At first glance, it may seem that the principle of "post-imperial legitimacy" plays into the hands
of Russia and Moscow, as a prerequisite for the preservation of Russian influence in the "near
abroad" and simplifies the political and economic relations with geographical neighbors. But in
reality things are more complicated. As in the case of "decolonization" of the Third World, the
collapse of the Empire weakened geopolitical power of the mother country, and part of the
colonies and dominions pass under the implicit control of another, more powerful country, which
uses a system of "post-imperial legitimacy" for their own purposes. A striking example of the
United States to actually captured its influence most of the former British, Spanish, Portuguese,
French and Dutch colonies in the "decolonization" process. Thus, to replace the post-Soviet
"colonial administration" in the CIS countries can come (and comes) other "colonial
administration", exploited existing man-made structures.

On the other hand, the "post-imperial legitimacy" and the Russian Federation itself puts on a par
with other CIS countries, as long as in this case, are completely ignored by the national cultural,
religious and ethnic interests of the Russian people that falls under the rules of the abstract "post-
imperial" purely administrative law and spread on alien psevdogosudarstvennym and quasi-
national entities. The remains of the imperial administration in the framework of the Russian
Federation (the Party and the bureaucracy) are equally alien to the national context mu Russian,
as in other republics, as she Imperial system was built on the other, a purely administrative and
economic, rather than national, and cultural principles. Russian, "freed" from the Republic, do
not get the freedom and independence, but lose much of its national identity, preserve the
dependent position of the remnants of the former nomenklatura and in addition are subject to the
new danger of falling under the influence of external political forces more powerful nations. This
latter danger was not as close to the period of the Empire, but as a mere "regional power" of the
Russian Federation it is exposed to the full. All these considerations make to cast doubt on the
usefulness of the current conditions of the principle of "post-imperial legitimacy", as this is
largely contrary to Russian national interests.

But what the criteria should be camping in determining what is a "Russian national interests"?
Whom to take in as the main subject, in respect of which could be determined, which is
beneficial and what is not profitable? In which categories should conceptualize s Russia today?

2.3 The Russian people - the center of geopolitical concepts

The collapse of the Soviet Empire, and the fragility of your country of vennaya failure of new
political formations on its territory (including the Russian Federation) are forced to look for a
more specific category for understanding the "Russian national interests." The only organic,
natural, historically rooted reality only Russian people can be on this issue.
The Russian people is a historical community, which has all the features of a full-fledged and
stable political entity. Russian people are united an ethnically, culturally, psychologically and
religiously. But not only that is the main reason for setting it in the center of the geopolitical
concept as a subject of political and social strategy. The Russian people, in contrast to many
other nations, was formed as a carrier of a particular civilization, which has all the distinctive
features of the original and full planetary of a historical phenomenon. The Russian people is the
constant of civilization, which served as the axis in the creation of not one, but many states, from
mosaics to the East Slavic principalities of Moscow Rus, Peter's Empire and the Soviet bloc. And
this constant and defined the continuity and connection between entities, so different politically,
socially, geographically and structurally. Russian people do not just give an ethnic basis for all of
these state formations, he expressed in them the idea of a particular civilization, not unlike any
other. Not the state formed the Russian nation. On the contrary,
Russian nation, Russian people I experimented in the history of different types of government
systems, variously expressing (as appropriate) the specificity of its unique mission. The Russian
people are certainly belongs to the messianic people. And like every messianic people, it has a
universal, all-human value that competes not only with other national ideas, but the types of
other forms of civilizational universalism. K. Leontyev and Russian Eurasians quite fully
developed this idea.

Regardless of unrest, transition periods and political upheavals Russian people have always
maintained his messianic identity, and therefore, has always been a subject of political history.
After another public turmoil, the same ancient and powerful Russian force created a new political
structure, couching his spiritual impulse in the new geopolitical shape. And as soon as the state
structures have evolved to a critical point, after which the glimmer of the ultimate loss of
communication political form with the national content of it, advancing crises and disasters, after
which began a new geopolitical and social construction GUSTs, investment civilizing mission of
the Russian people in new images and political design.

And this transition is the Russian people should be taken as the main subject of the politi Skogen,
from which it should be put off the scale geopolitical and strategic, as well as socio-economic
interests of Russia. The Russian people is Russia today, but not as clear-cut state, and as a
geopolitical potency, real and concrete on the one hand, but has not yet determined its new state
structure nor its ideology nor its territorial limits, nor its social and poly matic device .
Nevertheless, "potential Russian" today has a much more fixed characteristics than ephemeral in
Russia or CIS. These characteristics are directly connected with the civilizational mission to
implement lenii which is the meaning of existence of the Russian people.

At first, Russian people (= Russia), no doubt, is responsible for control of the north-eastern
regions of Eurasia. This Russian "Drang nach Osten und Norden" is a natural geopolitical
process of Russian history in the last century, which did not stop under any political cataclysms.
Mackinder called
Russia "geopolitical pivot of history ', and rightly so, because the Russian people really have
traditionally gravitated toward civilization th development of the inland the Eurasian spaces, a
which are located in the heart of continental masses. From this we can conclude that the Russian
strategic interests are inseparable from the open spaces of the North-Eastern Eurasia. This is a
fundamental principle in determining the real prospects of Russian geopolitics (the Russian

Secondly, Russian people (= Russia) is endowed with a particular type of religion and
culture, which differ sharply from Catholic-Protestant West and from that post-Christian
civilization that developed there. As a cultural and geopolitical antithesis Russia should take it,
"the West" as a whole, not just one of its constituent countries. Modern Western civilization is
the universalist-oriented: in all its compartments there is a special cultural unity based on a
specific decision the main philosophical and ideological issues. Russian universalism, the
foundation of Russian civilization, radically different from the West in all major aspects. In a
sense, these are two competing, mutually exclusive models nye opposite pole. Consequently, the
strategic interests of the Russian people should be oriented antiza PAPn (which stems from the
imperative of preserving Russian civilizational identity), and in the future is possible and
civilizational expansion.
Thirdly, Russian people (= Russia) never set the goal of creating a mono-ethnic, racially
homogeneous state. Russian mission was universal, and that is why the Russian people was
planned in the history of the creation of the empire, whose borders are constantly expanding to
include larger and larger conglomerate of peoples, cultures, religions, territories, regions.
Consider a systematic and pronounced "expansionism" Russian historical accident is absurd.
This "expansionism" is an integral part of the historical existence of the Russian people and
closely linked to the quality of its civilizational mission. This mission carries with it a "common
denominator" that allows you to integrate its Russian Empire a variety of cultural reality.
However, the "common denominator" has its own characteristics and is applicable only to those
peoples who have identified hydrochloric historical specificity and cultural content, while the
other nations (in particular, some of the nations of the West) are deeply alien to Russian
universalism (that historically manifested in the instability of and even contradictory Russian
political influence in Europe).

Fourth, Russian people (= Russia) comes in its being of even more global, "soteriological"
perspective, which is the limit obscheplane tare value. It is not a limitless expansion of "living
space" Russian, but the approval of a special "Russian" type of philosophy,

which is punctuated eschatological and claim to the last word in the Earth's history. This is the
highest sverhza cottage nation as a "God-bearing people."

Theoretically, therefore, there is on the planet of the people, a culture or a territory whose fate
and whose path would be indifferent to the Russian consciousness. This is manifested in the
Russian unshakable faith in the final triumph of truth, the Spirit and Justice, not only within the
Russian state, but everywhere. Russian deprive this eschatological faith is equivalent to their
spiritual emasculation. Russian cares about everything and to all, and is therefore not limited to
any ethnic group Russian nor the Russian Empire, or even the whole of Eurasia in the final
analysis, the interests of the Russian people. This
"Transcendental" aspect of the Russian nation must be considered when developing future
geopolitical strategy.

It is obvious that in the present circumstances and under conventional Western, secular,
quantitative and liberal norms of the legal approach there is no objective possibility of not only
legal way to fix the status of the "Russian people" independently of political subject, but even to
enter into a legal and diplomatic usage of such a term as "people". Modern international law
(copied to the main features of Roman law) recognizes as a full-fledged political actors only the
state and the individual.

And so there is a code of "states' rights" and "human rights", while the concept of "people's
rights" lacks a. This is not surprising, as a secular and a quantitative approach can not take into
account such intangible cultural categories such as ethnicity, nation, etc. A similar quantitative
and attitude characterized the Soviet system,

"Democratic" world. And as the Russian people-to-date period of stay in the territory where the
act or "post-imperial" or liberal-democratic principles of legitimacy, neither of which automatic
recognition of the political status of "the people" can not be considered. Hence, the logic of
clarification and protection of the "Russian national interests" requires major changes to the
existing legal practice, and moreover, a radical review of this practice in the national spirit. Such
a transformation would not be possible if we were talking about some one people,
underdeveloped and technologically equipped. In the case of Russian is fortunately not the case.
Today, we still may be possible to fairly independent from the rest of the political transformation
of the world, since the presence of Russian strategic weapons makes it possible to some extent to
resist Western pressure. Here everything depends on the political will and commitment of those
who take responsibility for the fate of Russia and the Russian people.

Whatever it was, the first step towards the identification of "national interests of the Russian
people" is the recognition of this nation independent political entity, have the right to decide for
himself what is profitable for him and what is not, and to take in accordance with this geo-
political, socio-economic and strategy cal steps.
Chapter 3. Russia is inconceivable without the Empire
3.1 The lack of Russian "nation-state"

Russia has never been the analogue "-natsy states" that are characteristic of modern Europe and
the model which has been projected in Asia and the Third World as a whole during the colonial
era and hydrochloric postkolonial.

"Nation-state" based on the administrative prefecture of unity and bureaucratic centralism, which
form the political entity created by the government and is closely associated with your country of
CMV. Without doubt, the first model of "your country of all-nation" has developed in the
absolutist France, and then was assigned to the Jacobin revolutionary model. "Nation-state" was
originally stressed the secular nature and represented the first political unity. In this concept, the
term "nation" is understood as "the totality of the citizens", not as "people" or "peoples" organic,
"Holist skom" sense. This type of state based on ethnic, religious and class leveling of the
population, on the approval of the whole society similar legal and procedural regulations do not
take into account the boiling either regional or religious or racial characteristics. Nominally, the
"nation-state" may be a monarchist,

and democratic, and socialist. The essential element is therein not specificity political device
and understanding state as administrative

centralist instance, set over all social and ethnic mi and cultural and religious differences. It
should be emphasized that the "nation" in this case is purely and exclusively a political sense, it
differs sharply from camping, which are investing in this concept nationalism sheets.

"Nation-state" historically emerged in Europe during the period of the final collapse of imperial
unity as a result of the destruction of the last remains of the imperial system, preserved in the
form of feudal gional structures. "Nation-state" inherently involve domination profane, bourgeois
values, which reduce quality social differences to quantify simplified administrative structure.
"Nation-state" is usually controlled not by "divine idea" (as a theocracy or the Holy Empire), not
"heroic noble person" (as the feudal system), but the "dictatorship of law" ( "nomokratiey"),
which gives tremendous power jurists and legal bureaucracy. In fact, the "nation-state" is the
most convenient to manage and quantify the most orderly political reality, as all non-
quantitative, "irrational" factors in it are minimized.
In Russian history, "nation-state" has not emerged. When in Europe, starting from the XVIII
century began to take root this model, Russia desperately soprotiv lyalas it by any means. Tsarist
regime sought to preserve as much as possible intact namely imperial structure, although some
concessions to the European model have been made permanent. Despite the reforms of Peter the
proevropey skie Russian Empire and retained elements of theocratic and aristocratic principle
and the transfer of priests and nobles in the category of government bureaucrats will never be put
into practice until the end (unlike the countries of Western Europe). National elements opposed
to this rebirth of the Empire in the "nation-state", which gave rise to a regular wave of
spontaneous or conscious reaction on the part of the people, and from
the elite. Even with the same sovereign in Russia often changed reformist and reactionary
sentiments, and by liberal reforms often turned to the mystical restavratsionistskim projects
(most clearly manifested in the reign of Alexander I, the founder of the Holy Alliance).

Only at the beginning of the XX century, Russia has approached the implementation of the
"nation-state" on the European model. However, this time the process was derailed revolutions
onnym surge which has incorporated (albeit unconsciously but) deep national protest against this
kind of government, in which there was no place for the manifestation of the people's spiritual
mission. For the modernist rhetoric of Bolshevism Russian vaguely recognize their own
eschatological triumph of the ideals of Eden, justice, truth. The Soviet state was perceived by the
people as the construction of the "New Empire", "Kingdom of Light", "abode of the spirit" and
not as the creation of the most efficient device management and quantitative management units.
The tragedy and the fanaticism of the Bolshevik katakliz MoU was called it the "ideal" of the
problem, rather than an inability to more "humane" and less costly organization of human

USSR did not become a "nation-state", he was a continuer of imperial purely national traditions,
clothed in extravagant external form and
later opposed tsarist model, rolling down to the ordinary bourgeois society, to the "dictatorship of
the law". The
Soviet Empire, as well as any political structure, knew three stages of "revolutionary ny stage of"
building a
unique system (Lenin youtube), stable phase of strengthening and expanding the power (Stalin
maturity) and
the stage of collapse and decrepitude (Brezhnev old age). And it is pozdnebrezhnev Soviet
period gave rise to
the political and administrative structure, the closest thing resembling a typical bureaucratic
"nation-state". The restructuring of the entire life cycle of the Soviet formation is ended. At the
same time
ended and the next stage of the national history of the Russian people. It is important to note that
in Russian
history, there is a pattern: when it comes to Russia Niya turned into "nation-state", followed
Oscilloscopes, and at a new stage is another nation (sometimes quite extravagant) way to escape
from the
seemingly imminent transformation. Russian strive at all costs to avoid such a turn of events,
because of their
political will is incompatible with the narrow standards of rational and average quantification of
existence within
bureaucratically effective mechanism. Russian ready to go to unimaginable sacrifices and
privations, if only
implemented and developed a national idea, the great Russian dream.

But the limits of this dream Nation sees at least in Empire.

3.2 Russian Empire people

Not mono-ethnic state, not the nation-state, Russia almost was originally potentially imperial
state. Starting with the union of Slavic and Finnish tribes threatening under Rurik and up to
gigantic proportions of the USSR and the territories under his influence, the Russian people has
steadily followed the path of political and spatially integration imperostroitelstva civilization and
translational expansion. It should be emphasized that the Russian expansion was precisely the
meaning of civilization, and was by no means a utilitarian pursuit of colonies or banal struggle
for "living space
GUSTs. "Not a lack of" living space "and not an economic necessity to move the Russian people
more and more to expand its borders to the East, South, North, West. Lack of land has never
served the real reason for Russian imperostroitel Properties.

Russian widened as carriers of a special mission,

geopolitical projection of which was a deep awareness of the need to unite vast territory of the
Eurasian continent.

Political integrity of the Eurasian space va has a completely independent significance for Russian
history. We can say that the Russian sense of responsibility by a space, for its condition, for its
connection to its integrity and independence. Mackinder rightly considered Russia the main by
land Noah modern power that inherits geopolitical mission of Rome, the Empire Aleksandra
Velikogo, Genghis Khan, etc. This "geographical axis of history", which simply can not carry
out its geopolitical destiny regardless of external and transitory factors.

Russian people are so connected with the geopolitical reality that the space itself, his experience,
his understanding, his spiritual perception formed the psychology of the people, becoming one of
the most important definition of its identity, its essence. Real terrestrial space is not purely
quantitative categories. Climate, landscape, geology, terrain, waterways and mountain ranges are
actively involved in the formation of ethnic and wider civilizational onnogo type. From the point
of view of geopolitics, civilization and its specificity in general are strictly determined by
geography and the need to obey the laws of a particular quality. Russian land, continental ny,
north-Eurasian peoples, the cultural identity of the nation is such that its "soul" is the most prone
to the "openness" to the implementation of "integrating" function, to the subtle and deep
processes developing special mainland, the Eurasian community.

Cultural factor is a natural complement purely geopolitical predetermination Russia. Geopolitical

mission realized on the cultural level, and vice versa, culture comprehends, draws and activates
geopolitical pulse. Space and culture are two important components of the Russian people as a
naroda- imperostroitelya par excellence. Not blood, not a race, not administrative control and not
religion made from a part of the Eastern Slavs especially, with nothing comparable common
Russian people. It did just the endless expanses of the Eurasian and marginal cultural, spiritual
openness. Under the sign of "space and culture" were redefined and ethnic, political, and ethical
and religious aspects. Russian developed, evolved and matured as a nation is in the Empire, in
the heroics of its construction, in the exploits of its protection, campaigns for its extension.
Refusal of imperostroitelnoy function means the end of the existence of the Russian people as a
historical reality, as a civilization phenomenon. Such a refusal is, national suicide.

Unlike Rome (first Rome), Moscow, Russia have at their imperial impulse deep teleological,
eschatological sense. Hegel developed an interesting concept that the Absolute Idea in
eschatologists cal situation should occur in the final, "lucid" in the form of a Prussian state.
However, on a global scale, Prussia, and even Germany, taken separately, geopolitically
inadequate to ensure that this concept could be taken seriously. But Russia, the Third Rome, and
religiously, and culturally and spatially, and strategically perfect match similar teleological view
of the essence of history and is clearly trying to fulfill this particular mission. The absolute idea
of Hegel in the case of Russia, there is a spiritual root of Russian imperostroitelstva, gravitating
to the civilizational development kontinenta- EB Razia. It is absurd to apply such a serious
Hegelian criteria to the "State of the nation", which obviously involves other next to a "nation-
state" with its own objectives, myths and interests. Report on the structure of such a quality of
absolute importance is quite absurd. But in the case of a huge empire based on specific, in many
ways paradoxical, and something not entirely clarified the principles of an entirely different
matter, and not by chance that the ancient empire called "Holy Empire": The quality of
"holiness" was reported to them the execution of a special spiritual mission, prednachertatelno
The inverse image of "Empire of the End", the continental kingdom Absolute Idea.

The Russian people step by step to move it towards this goal. At each stage of expansion of the
State Russian passed to the next stage of messianic universalism first uniting the Eastern Slavs,
then inserting a Turkic stream steppes and Siberia, then having moved to the South, in the deserts
and mountains, and forming finally a giant political bloc, which controls the Soviet period,
literally halfway around the world. If you realize that the Russian people in its essence is this
imperostroitelny process willed geopolitical cal vector create a "state of the Absolute Idea", then
it becomes quite obvious that the existence of the Russian people depends on the continuation of
the process of its development, from its intensification. Curtailing or suppressing the vector, we
hit at the heart of Russian, deprive them of national identity, turning them into a historical
vestige, Tear global teleological, eschatological planetary process.

3.3 Traps "regional power"

The Russian people with its civilization and geopolitical mission has traditionally been (and is) a
serious obstacle for the widespread distribution of the planet purely liberal model of the Western
model. And tsarist and Soviet regimes obeying the inexorable logic of national, cultural and
political prevented the expansion of the West to the East, and especially deep into the Eurasian
continent. Moreover, the seriousness of the geopolitical confrontation is always reflected in the
fact that the Russian federated in and around himself different countries and peoples into a
powerful strategic imperial unit. It is as a continental empire Russia has participated in world
politics and defending la its national and civilizational interests. Currently, after the collapse of
the Soviet Union, the West seeks to impose another Russian geopolitical function, to turn Russia
into a political struktu py, which would be unable to participate directly in world politics and
have a broad civilizational hydrochloric mission. The report of Paul Wolfowitz th American
Congress in 1992 clearly stated that "the main US strategic objective is to prevent the creation of
the territory of the former Soviet Union a major strategic and independent Education, the able to
pursue an independent policy from the US." It is because of this pressing need of the West
Russia has been offered the role of "regional power".

"Regional Power" is a modern geopolitical category, which is characterized by large and

relatively developed country, whose political interests are, however, only limited areas By direct
governmental adjacent to its territory
or its member. Regional powers are considered, for example, India, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan,
China, etc. Specificity of regional power is that it has more political weight than usual and
ordinary state, but less weight than a superpower or Empire. In other words, the regional power
has no direct influence on the planetary civilization tion and global geopolitical processes,
subject lines in key strategic balance of forces more powerful Empire. At the same time, the
regional power has a certain freedom in relation to its immediate (weaker), and neighbors may
have on their political and economic pressure (of course, only in those cases where this is not
contrary to the interests of the superpowers).

The status of "regional power" proposed (imposed) today Russian West to the Russian nation is
equivalent to suicide. The point is that, in order to artificially and under strong external force to
draw vector Russian national history backwards, in the opposite direction, to break a coherent
process of formation of Russian geopolitical Cesky like Empire. Russia as a regional power will
be a denial of the deep pulse of the nation, which is the basis of its highest and depth of identity.
The loss for the Russian imperial scale means the end and the failure of their participation in the
civilization, the defeat of their spiritual and cultural values, drop their universalist and Messianic

depreciation and debunking all national ideology that animates many generations of Russian
people and to give strength and energy for feats of creation, struggle, overcoming adversity. If to
take into account the specifics of the national Russian imperial identity, it becomes abundantly
clear that the adoption of "regional power" status of Russia can not be the last line of defense.
The blow caused thereby on the Russian national consciousness, is in such a case so strong that it
does not limit the scope of the Russian Federation or the same territorial space. Having lost its
mission, the Russian will not be able to find the strength to adequately assert his new "belittling"
identity "regional nom state", as the result of this is identical to the STI can not be able to affect
that logically arises when the loss of a nation of imperial size. Consequently, the process of
disintegration is likely to continue in the "regional power", and the rising tide of regional and
religious separatism destitute Russian nothing can oppose. Even to lock the "regional status"
post-imperial Russia, it will be necessary to awaken a powerful wave of nationalism, and
natsionaliz ma completely new, artificial, based on the energies and ideas have nothing to do
with the traditional and the only genuine and justifiable Russian imperial tendency. You can
compare this with a small, "secular" nationalism of the Young Turks, who in the ruins of the
Ottoman Empire created through the "national revolution" of modern Turkey, "a regional
power." But the nationalism of the Young Turks, had nothing to do with the geopolitical and
religious nationalism of the Ottoman Empire, and in fact, the current Turkey and spiritually and
ethnically, and culturally a completely different reality than the Ottoman Empire beginning of
the century.
The same, if not worse, threatened and Russia, and is likely to attempt to gain a foothold as a
"regional power", renounced civilizational mission and universalist values that will cause a
political life "mladorosskogo" type (similar to the Young Turks), which is very likely will to
practice a particular sectarian ideology, has nothing in common with the main line of the Russian
national idea. This Russian "non-imperialist" nationalism, secular and artificial, will
geopolitically only play into the hands of the West, because it consolidate the Russian "regional"
status will lead to the illusory and short-term internal stabilization and at the same time lay the
foundation for future domestic ethnic and religious conflicts. But if Turkey there are two or three
major ethnic groups, ability to actively oppose the Young Turks centralism, the hundreds of
people living in the Russian Federation, can live together in the imperial model, but does not fit
into the framework of the "small Russian nationalism." The conclusion is obvious: the gradual
but Russia will be involved in an endless chain of internal conflicts and wars, and eventually

This will be a natural result of the loss of its Russian imperial mission, since this process can not
be limited relative curtailment of territories and with the need to have to reach its logical limit to
the complete destruction of the Russian nation as a historical, geopolitical and civilizational

3.4 Criticism of the Soviet state

Last in a row of imperial form of organization of the Russian people was the USSR, and it
depended on geopolitical area (the Warsaw Pact). In the Soviet period, Russian sphere of
influence has expanded geographically to previously unimaginable limits. Land development and
military campaigns included in the geopolitical zone huge Russian territory.

In a spatial sense, this expansion, it would seem, should be the highest form of Russian
statehood. It is impossible to deny the fact that the axial structure of the Soviet Empire was
precisely the Russian people, to realize their specific universalism sky (at least partially) in the
Soviet ideological and socio-political model.

Today, at first glance, it seems that the prospect of a genuine Russian national development in
the current circumstances would have to coincide with the restoration of the Soviet Union and
the re-establishment of the Soviet model and the Soviet state. This is partly true and logical, and
in this case the neo-communist movement ratuyuschee for the restoration of the USSR, closer to
an understanding of the geopolitical interests of the Russian people, the clearer and clearer is the
essence of its strategic and civilizational aspirations,

neonatsionalisticheskie than some circles, leaning towards

"Mladorosskoy" (by analogy with the "Young Turk") model of "small," "trimmed", "ethnic"
nationalism. Of course, geopolitical restorationism
neocommunists justified and nationalism more organic and "National" than romantic and
irresponsible in shape
(and the results subversive) projects narrow nationalistic Slavophil, orthodox-monarchic or racial
Patriots wing.
If the choice lay between the re-establishment of the Soviet Union and the building of a mono-
ethnic or
mono-cultural Great Russian state, in the interests of the Russian people and the more logical it
would be
better to choose a project of the USSR. However, the causes of decay and the collapse of the
USSR Soviet
Empire need an objective analysis, which in any case can not be reduced to the identification of
an external
(hostile) and internal (disruptive) effect, i.e. a "conspiracy theory." External pressure -
liberal West to the Soviet Union was really huge, and the activity of "subversive elements" in the
country is
extremely effective and harmoniously. But both of these factors were decisive only in a situation
where the
Soviet Empire entered the stage of internal crisis, which has deep and natural causes, rooted in
the very specifics of the Soviet system and the Soviet system. Without understanding of these
internal causes of decay and analyzing any attempt restorations USSR tion (and hence create
New Empire) will be in vain and futile. Moreover, any purely inertial conservatism only further
worsen the situation can in this matter.

We have identified several factors that led the Soviet Union to the geopolitical and socio-
economic collapse.

Firstly, on the ideological level during the existence of the socialist regime strictly national,
traditional, spiritual elements have not been put in a common set of communist ideology. Being
largely national-communist de facto, it has never been transformed in such a de jure, which
prevented organic growth Russian-Soviet society, gave rise to a double standard and ideological
contradictions that undermined the clarity and awareness in the implementation of geo-political
and socio-political projects. Atheism, materialism, progressivism, "Enlightenment ethics," etc. It
was profoundly alien to Russian Bolshevism and the Russian people as a whole. In practice,
these provisions borrowed from Marxism (by the way, and Marxism itself is a fairly arbitrary
elements of some kind of tribute to the old-fashioned positivist humanism style Feuerbach) has
been recognized by Russian communists in the key national-mystical, sometimes unorthodox
eschatological expectations, and not as the fruit of a Western European rationalist culture.
However, the ideology of National Bolshevism, which could find a more adequate, a Russian
term for a new social-policy system, and has not been formulated. Therefore, sooner or later the
limitations and inadequacies of such ideologically controversial design was affected negatively.
This is especially made itself felt in the late Soviet period, when the communist dogmatism and
mindless demagoguery finally crushed any ideological life in society. This "freezing" of the
ruling ideology and the persistent refusal of the administration of it organic, national and natural
components for the Russian people, resulted in the collapse of the entire Soviet system.
Responsibility for this lies not only in the "agents of influence" and "anti-Soviet", but, first and
foremost, on the central Soviet ideology as "progressive" and "conservative" wing. Soviet empire
and ideologically and practically destroyed by communists. To recreate it in the same form and
with the same ideology is not only impossible but also pointless, since even hypothetically in this
will be played the same premises which already once led to the destruction of the state.
on geopolitical and strategic level of the USSR It was not competitive in the long-term resistance to
atlantist West block. In terms of strategy, land borders are much more vulnerable than the sea,
and at all levels (the number of border troops, cost of military equipment, the use and placing of
strategic weapons, etc.) After the Second World War, the Soviet Union turned out to be at a
disadvantage compared with the capitalist West bloc grouped around the United States. The US
has a huge base of the island (the American continent), fully controlled and surrounded on all
sides by oceans and seas, to protect are not too difficult. Plus, the US controlled almost all
coastal areas in the South and West Eurasia, creating a huge threat to the USSR and the
remaining practically out of reach for potential destabilizes civilizational shares of the Soviet
Union. Europe's division between East (Soviet) and the Western (American ical) only
complicated geopolitical situation of the USSR in the West, increasing the amount of land
borders and placing closely to the strategic potential enemy, and in a situation of passive hostility
STI European peoples themselves caught up in a hostage to geopolitical duel, the meaning of
which it was not obvious. The same thing took place in the southern direction and in Asia and
the Far East, where the USSR had immediate neighbors or control Rui West (Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Iran dohomeynist sky), or rather hostile powers nesovet sko- socialist orientation
(China). In this situation, the USSR could buy relatively stable only in two cases: either rapidly
advancing to the oceans in the West (to the Atlantic) and the South (the Indian Ocean), or by
creating in Europe and Asia neutral political blocs which have no camping under the control of
neither the one of the superpowers. This concept (neutral Germany) tried to offer even Stalin and
Beria after his death. Soviet Union (together with the Warsaw Pact), from a geopolitical point of
view, too much and too little at the same time. Maintaining the status quo was on hand to
Atlanticism and US only, since in this case the military, industrialists and strategic nye potency
of the USSR, more exhausting, and US power, protected islands, all increased. Sooner or later
the Eastern Bloc was bound to fail. Therefore, the restoration of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact,
not only nearly impossible, but not necessary, because it is even in the case of (almost

Success will only lead to a revival obviously doomed geopolitical model.

Third, the administrative unit of the USSR was based on a secular, purely functional and
quantitative understanding of the domestic division. Economic and bureaucratic centralism did
not take into account neither the regional nor the more ethnic and religious hinterlands. The
principle of leveling and purely economic structuralization of society led to the creation of such
rigid systems that are suppressed and, at best, "canned" form a natural national life of various
nations, including (and more) of the Russian people. Territorial principle of acting, even when
nominally it was about the national republics, autonomous regions or districts. The process of
regional and ethnic leveling became more pronounced as the "aging" of the entire Soviet political
system to its last stage, more inclined to the Soviet type of "nation-state" rather than Empire.
Nationalism, which largely contributed to the creation of the Soviet Union in the early stages, in
the end become a purely negative factor, as over-centralization and unification of steel produce
natural protest and discontent. Atrophy imperial beginning bureaucratic ossification

Skogen centralism, aspiration to the maximum rationalization and purely economic productivity
gradually built up of the Soviet Union a political monster, lost their lives, and be perceived as a
force imposed totalitarianism center. Some of the communist theses literally the concept of
"internationalism" is largely responsible for it. Consequently, this aspect of the Soviet model,
which operates not with a particular ethnic group E, culture, religion, and should not be revived
with abstract "public" and "territory" in any case. On the contrary, it should be how to get rid as
soon as possible from the effects of such a quantitative approach, whose echoes so tragically
affected today in the Chechen issue, Crimea, Kazakhstan, the Karabakh conflict, Abkhazia,
Transnistria, etc.

Fourth, the economic system in the USSR was based on such a "long" socialist cycle that
gradually returns the society a particular person has ceased to be felt at all. Limiting socialization
and detailed control of the state over all eco nomic processes, down to the smallest, as well as
redistribution of functions delegated only centralized, purely apical, authorities gave rise to
social exclusion climate apathy disinterest. Socialism and all its benefits became unobvious,
invisible, fades into the background in front of a gigantic bureaucratic state machine design. A
man and a particular team lost to abstraction "society", and the cycle of socialist distribution
would lose touch with reality, turned into an inexplicable, alienated and seemingly arbitrary logic
soulless machines. Not socialism itself is responsible for this state of affairs, but it is the version
that has historically been in the Soviet Union, especially in the later stages, although the origins
of this degeneration to be sought in the very doctrine in the theory itself. The totalitarian state
socialism has deprived the economy of flexibility, enthusiasm and feeling of people participation
in the creative process, contributes to instilling a shaft of a parasitic relationship to society, which
absolutized today in mafia-Liebe ralistskom mood. During this post-Soviet kurtosis are also
responsible Communists who have been unable to reform socialism in relation to the national
element and maintain its dignity.

The four main aspects of the former Soviet model are the main factors the collapse of the Soviet
state, and it is they who are responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Empire. It is natural that in
a hypothetical reconstruction of the Soviet Union in this regard should be to make sweeping
conclusions and fundamentally destroy the causes which have historically doomed once great
nation to the state disaster.

However, if the restoration of the USSR will be held under the banner of ideology, waived
materialize ma, atheism, totalitarianism, state of socialism, the Soviet
geopolitical space, administrative device,

internationalism, centralism, and so on, then whether it is competent to talk about the "Soviet
Union" or "the Soviet state" of "communism", "restoration", etc.? Would not it be more correct
to call it a creation of the "New Empire"?

3.5 Criticism of the tsarist state

Today, increasingly heard calls for a return to the royal, monarchical model. It is quite natural, as
to discredit the Russian Sovietism makes appeal to those forms of public STI,
that existed prior

communist period of Russian history. This model has some positive and some negative aspects.
Regardless of the incredible difficulties restoration dokommuni-socialist state system, this
project is being discussed more and more seriously.

Given the historical logic of the geopolitical development of the Russian nation, it makes sense
to talk about later during the reign of the Romanovs, when Russia entered the boundaries of their
territorial imperial maximum volume.

The most positive in this project is the ideological basis of tsarist Russia, where (although
nominally) was declared allegiance to the national spirit (folk), the truth of religious (Orthodox)
and traditional sacred political system (autocracy). However, just remark Russian Eurasians,
Uvarov formula (Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality) was in the last period of imperial Russia
more idealistic slogan than a real
content of political and social order. Russian Orthodoxy, shocked the secular reforms of Peter,
during this period is quite far removed from the ideal of "Holy Russia", while in fact the slave
state control and has lost much of its sacred authority and harmony of the Orthodox symphony.
Having lost the spiritual independence, the Russian Church was forced to compromise with the
secular power, embodied in a subordinate king of the Synod, and thus was limited in the freedom
of true confession of heavenly truths.

Autocracy, for their part, increasingly losing lo sacred significance, being involved in the
decision of a purely political tasks, often forgetting about his higher mission and religious
purpose. Although desakraliza tion of royal power ever, until the abdication of the last Emperor,
did not reach in Russia to the level of the empty parody, which became European monarchies,
primarily French and English, still Europe's influence was very strong in this area. Finally, the
"People's" most famous slogan was purely declarative, and the nation was in a deep alienation
from the political life, as manifested, for example, in a wholesale indifference to the February
and October revolutions later, radically destroyed the monarchical model.

Direct appeal to our conditions for the restoration of the triad, is likely to lead to the restoration
of the skinny and more demagogic compromise that, in practice, is behind these three principles
in pozdneromanovskuyu era (in which they were, by the way, are formulated). Moreover, given
the lack of conclusive pretenders to the throne, unstable and uncertain state of the current of the
Orthodox Church, as well as abstract Noah meaning of the term "nation" (by which is often
understood only superficial, folkloric style or even imitation of people fantasizing Comrade
intelligentsia), it is not difficult to foresee that a return to Uvarov's ideology becomes even
greater travesty than the pre-revolutionary Tsarist regime.

Tsarist model has furthermore serious geopolitical fault, just led to the collapse of the Russian
Empire, as well as the Soviet Union for seventy years later. Return to the tsarist and,
consequently, the whole "Slavophile" geopolitics, fraught with terrible threat. The fact that in the
past half-century reign of the Romanov foreign policy of the ruling house determined not
Eurasian tradition of Alexander the First and prospects continental Sacred Union (based on the
alliance of Russia and the states of Central Europe), but pro-British and pro-French projects for
which Russia was drawn into self-destructive conflicts side their natural geopolitical rivals and
against their natural allies geopolitiche Sgiach. Support Serbian claims irresponsible myth of the
"Bosporus and the Dardanelles' involvement in the European anti-German intrigues of the
French Masons All this makes Russia to carry out a political role, not only it is not inherent, but
right for her disastrous. Trying to settle Slavophil based in Eastern Europe and is constantly
being drawn into conflict with Central Powers (natural allies of Russia), the tsarist regime
systematically undermined the foundations of the Russian state, a straight line led to the Russian
geopolitical suicide. The same concern and the Turkish War, and the war with Japan.
Paradoxically, it seems that Russia has sought to serve the best interests of Atlanta stskim
progressivist France and England kolonialno- capitalist rather than to perform their natural
Eurasian mission and seek an alliance with all similar (both politically and spiritually)
conservative and imperial regimes. Slavophil geopolitical utopia cost King Russia, the Church
and the Empire, and only the arrival of the Eurasian-oriented Bolsheviks then saved the country
and the people from total degradation by becoming a "regional hydrochloric power."

Trying to follow a pozdneromanovskoy, "Slavophile" line in our conditions can not but lead to
similar results. And even the appeal to the pre-revolutionary Russia carries a potentially suicidal
political motives are much more dangerous to the Russian people than the projects of the Soviet

There is another factor, which is extremely dangerous in the case of monarchical tendencies. It is
a question of the capitalist form of economy, which was inherent in Russia at the turn of XIX-
XX centuries. Although it was a variation of national capitalism, limited government, social and
cultural framework rather than "wild" free market, the effect of eco nomic alienation inherent in
any capitalism was very strong. Russian bourgeoisie firmly took the place of the state and the
military aristocracy, the clergy, surpassing officials and employees. This type of Russian
bourgeoisie (quite different from the representatives of the traditional, pre-capitalist, feudal
merchants) actually opposed to cultural, social and ethical standards, which is the essence of the
system of Russian national values. Perceive English lessons liberalized economic ma, get a taste
of the financial and stock market speculation, cleverly using economic neeffek ciency still
constrained code of honor of the Russian aristocracy, Russian bourgeoisie came to the forefront
of Russian political life, fine

blended at overall picture woodcut monarchic psevdopatriarhalnosti, has lost all of his life, the
sacred contents. That Russian capitalists (and often nationalistic, "Black Hundred" orientation)
are the first agents of the British and French influence in Russia, the natural agents of the
Atlanticist trading model that has evolved and took shape in the Anglo-Saxon and French

Pozdneromanovsky state system is a combination of desakralizirovanno- monarchical facade,

suicidal Slavophil Atlanticist geopolitics and market-oriented capitalism. In all cases, national
rhetoric was just a screen and a figure of speech, for which there were political-'s socio trend, not
just far from the true interests of the Russian people, but opposite to those interests.

Another element of this model is quite doubtful is the principle of the provincial system of
administrative division of the Russian Empire. Although in practice it did not prevent the free
development of the peoples which were part of the Russian Empire, and in the normal case only
helped Russian ethnic groups form and develop their specific culture, legal non-recognition of
cultural, ethnic and religious autonomy,

some strict state leveling

centralism was not the best way to involve nations in a unanimous and free continental
imperostroitelstvo. Elements of "nation-state" emerged in the last of the Romanov period in the
same way as in the last decades of the USSR, and the effect of this was very similar alienation of
ethnic groups from Moscow (St. Petersburg) and Russian, separatist sentiments, splash "Small
nationalism", etc. .d. And as a response reaction followed the degeneration of the great Russian
messianic faith in the banal national chauvinism.

The positive was the monarchical Russia is the cultural and religious side, nominal allegiance to
the sacred traditions, the memory of the ideal of Holy Russia, Sacred Kingdom of Moscow the
Third Rome. Orthodox Church as a bastion of dogmatic truth, autocracy symphony, God-bearing
awareness of the historical mission of the Russian people are spiritual symbols of the true
Russian Empire, which are archetypal ical, the intrinsic value of which, however, must be free
from formalism, demagogy and Pharisees plaque. But unnatural geopolitics, susceptibility to

underestimation ethnic
and religious factors in small
vnutriimperskih peoples, anti-German, anti-Japanese and anti-Ottoman orientation Romanov
Empire later all this must be recognized as a political dead-end road that has nothing to do with
the real interests of the Russian people, and that has been proven historical collapse of this

3.6 Towards a new Eurasian empire

On the basis of the foregoing considerations, we can draw some conclusions about the prospects
of the coming of the Empire as the only form of decent and natural existence of the Russian
people and the only way to finish it The historically ical and civilizational mission.

1. Coming Empire should not be a "regional power Noah" or "nation State". It is obvious.
But it should be particularly emphasized that this Empire had to be able to be a continuation, a
regional power development or nation-states, because such an intermediate step will cause
irreparable damage to the deep national imperial tendency to involve the Russian people in the
maze of intractable geopolitical and social contradictions, and this, turn, will make it impossible
to systematic and consistent, logical imperostroitelstvo.

2. The New Empire should be built immediately is the Empire, and in the foundation of its
project should have a full and developed purely imperial principles are now to be laid. It can
not be attributed to the process of the distant future, hoping for favorable conditions in the
future. To create the great Russian Empire, these conditions will never be, if now the people and
political forces seeking to act on its behalf, have not approved it consciously and clearly his state
and of the fundamental geopolitical orientation. Empire is not just a very big state. This is
something quite different. This is a strategic and geopolitical bloc that transcends the usual
parameters of the state, it is a super-state. Almost never normal state did not develop into an
Empire. Empire built just as an expression of the will of a particular civilization as supergoal like
a giant miroustroitelnye momentum. Therefore, today should definitely say no Russian state, but
the Russian Empire. Not the way the social and political evolution, but the way geopolitically

3. The geopolitical and ideological contours of the new Russian Empire should be determined on
the basis of overcoming those moments that led to the collapse of the previous historical
imperial forms. Consequently, New Empire must: be materialistic, not an atheist, not
a) have a maritime boundaries or friendly units in adjacent contiguous s;

b) have flexible and differentiated etnoreli gioznoy structure administrations of internal political-
tive device, i.e. take into account the local, ethnic, religious, cultural, ethical, etc. features of the
regions, giving these elements a legal status;

c) make the participation of the state in managing the economy flexible and affecting only
strategic areas, drastically reduce the social cycle, to achieve the organic participation of the
people in matters of distribution; (These first four paragraphs are derived from an analysis of the
causes of the collapse of the Soviet empire.)

d) filling religious and monarchical formula truly sacral content, lost under the influence of the
secular West to the Romanov dynasty, implement orthodox "conservative revolution" to return to
the origins of the genuine Christian worldview;

e) turn the term "nation" of Uvarov's formula to the central aspect of the socio-political system,
people do major, fundamental political and legal category, to oppose the organic conception of
the People quantitative standards of liberal and socialist law, develop a theory of "people's

f) instead Slavophil geopolitics refer to the Eurasian project, rejecting anti-German policy of
Russia in the West and the anti-Japanese in the East, to end the Atlanticist line, disguised as
"Russian nationalism";

g) to prevent the processes of privatization and capitalization, as well as the stock market game
and financial speculation in the Empire, guided by corporate ny, collective and state control over
the economic reality of the people, to reject dubious hydrochloric chimera "national capitalism";

h) instead of the provincial principle go to the creation of ethno-religious areas with the
maximum degree of cultural, linguistic, economic and legal autonomy, strictly limiting them to
one in politi skom, strategic, geopolitical and ideological sovereignty. (These five points are
derived from the critics tsarist model.)

The builders of the New Empire must actively resist "mladorosskim" trends in Russian
nationalism formalism, seeking to consolidate the status of Russia "nation-state", as well as all
political forces nostalgically E containing in their geopolitical projects appeal to those elements,
which have already resulted in the Empire to disaster.

The existence of the Russian people as an organic historical community is inconceivable without
imperostroitel Foot, continental building. Russian people will remain only in the framework of
the New Empire.

This Empire, on the geopolitical logic, this time should be strategic and spatial prevoskho dit
previous version (USSR). Therefore, the New Empire to be a Eurasian velikokon tinentalnoy,
and in the future world. Battle for world domination Russian has not ended.
Chapter 4. The redistribution of the world
4.1 The land and the sea. common enemy
New Empire, which will create the Russian people, has its own internal logic of geopolitics,
inscribed in the natural structure of geographic space of the planet.

The main geopolitical law formulated most clearly Mackinder, is that in the history of constant
and major geopolitical process is to fight land, the continental powers (a natural form of
ideokraticheskogo political system) against the island, maritime countries (trade, market,
economic system). This is the eternal confrontation between Rome Carthage, Sparta, Athens,
Britain and Germany, etc. Since the beginning of the XX century is a confrontation between two
geopolitical constants become increasingly global in nature. Maritime, commercial pole,
conductive retracts into its orbit all the other countries were the United States, and the Russian
land pole. After the Second World War, the two superpowers finally distributed civilizational
role. US strategic engulfed the West and the coastal areas of Eurasia and the Soviet Union united
around a huge continental mass of Eurasia. In terms of geopolitics as a science, in the Cold War
was reflected in the ancient archetypal confrontation Sea and the Land, plutocracy and ideocracy,
traders civilization and civilization of heroes (the dualism of "heroes and hucksters", according
to Werner Sombart, the author of the book of the same name).

Disintegration Eastern bloc, and then the USSR broke relative geopolitical balance in favor
atlantizma, i.e. Western bloc and the market as a whole civilization. However the trends are
geopolitical an objective factor, and abolish their voluntaristic "subjective" method presents no
possible. Trends Sushi, Continental pulses can not be canceled unilaterally, and consequently,
the creation of a new land, eastern, continental empire is a potential geopolitical inevitability.
Atlantic, sea, shopping pole civilization tion today, of course, extremely strong and mighty nen,
but objective factors make the continental reaction East is almost inevitable. Naya Empire by
land potential is always there and is looking for a comfortable circumstances, to be realized in
the political reality.

On a clear awareness of this geopolitical unavoidable Nosta should build new empire. In this
empire the natural key function will have exactly Russian, because they control the lands, which
are axial in the Eurasian continental mass of Noah. New Empire can not be any different, except
Russian, since both geographically, and cultural and civilizational and socio-economically, and
strategically Russian naturally and there correspond to this planetary mission and go to carry it
out leniyu throughout its national and state history. Russian land Mackinder called the
"geographical pivot of history", ie the space around which created the coastal civilizations of
Eurasia (often identified with "civilization" in general) under the influence of dialectical
confrontation sea (external) and ground (internal) cultural and political impulses. Any other
people or any other country able to act as a pole of the Eurasian continental empire, but taking
control of a set of Russian lands, and for this it is necessary to perform almost incredible
condition to destroy the Russian people, to wipe out the Russian nation. Since it is unlikely
Russian admittedly, understand and take on once again the complex role of the Center for
Eurasian Empire tion. The basis of the geopolitical structure of the Empire, the fundamental
principle of the principle of "common enemy" must be stopped. Denial of Atlanticism, the
rejection of the US strategic control and the rejection of the rule of economic, market-liberal
values such is the general civilizational framework, the overall momentum that will open the way
to a lasting political and strategic alliance will create the axial skeleton of the upcoming Empire.
The vast majority of Eurasian countries and peoples have a continental, "land" the specifics of
the national history, your country of governmental traditions, economic ethics. The vast majority
of these states and nations accept American political and strategic influence as a crushing burden,
alienating the nation of their destiny The historically tion. Despite all the internal civilizational
tional, religious and socio-economic differences Eurasian powers between them they have a
strong and unshakable, "the common denominator" hostility to the totality of Atlanticist control,
the desire to get rid of the overseas custody of Trade Building, which is strongly implanted
United States, the stronghold of "sea "civilization.

The differences in the interests of regional Eurasian states, religious, ethnic, racial and cultural
orientation of all important factors, which can not be ignored. However, they can be spoken in
earnest and full-bodied only when disappear suffocating economic and strategic influence of the
"common enemy", imposing the model that is alien to almost all Christians and socialization
Stam, and Muslims, and national capitalists, and Buddhists, and Communists, and Hindus. In the
meantime, US dominance is maintained, all vnutrievraziyskie conflicts and contradictions are
artificial, since such a showdown has meaning only in the absence of a global factor, which, in
practice, organizes and supervises these conflicts in order to maintain in Eurasia disunity and
fragmentation. In this sense, all the "regional powers" in Eurasia logically serve the interests of
Atlanticist, because, not being able to provide them with a large-scale resistance (which is only
possible in the imperial strategic context), they depend entirely on the sole superpower and
devote their energy to its neighbors only with the approval of overseas masters.

"Common enemy" Atlanticism, should become binding component of the new geopolitical
structure. The effectiveness of this factor can not be doubted, but all the arguments against this
consideration or naive not to take into account the objective severity and totality Atlanticist
domination or deliberately distracting geopolitical attention from the only responsible and
realistic perspectives in favor of the minor regional problems, do not have any decision without
taking into account the global balance forces.

Eurasia predetermined geographical and strategiche skoe association. This is strictly a scientific
geopolitical fact. At the center of such a union must inevitably be Russian. The driving force
behind unification unavoidable but should be the Russian people. With this mission in full
harmony and civilizational mission of Russian, and the universalist ideal, and the logic of
historical development of the nation and the state. The new Eurasian empire inscribed in the
geographical and political predetermination
world history and global geopolitical ki. Argue with that fact meaningless. Russian people's
interests are inseparable from the construction of such continental structure.

Eurasian geopolitics New Empire is not just a geographical abstraction or an expression of a

hypothetical will to limitless expansion. Its principles and guidelines take into account the
geopolitical constants and the current political situation, and the real-life international trends and
the strategic balance of forces, and the economic and resource regularities in. Therefore, the
Eurasian imperial project carries the multiple dimensions of cultural,

strategic, historical, economic, politi skoe etc. It is important at the outset to emphasize that in
this or that "axial" geopolitical alliance with the creation of the Empire we are talking about a
completely different degree of integration depending on the level. In one case, it may be cultural
or ethnic convergence in another religious, in the third economical. These questions are in each
case a special solution. The only universal integrating a reality in the future Eurasian empire will
be the categorical imperative of the strategic alliance, ie this geopolitical alliance, which will
allow for all strategic directions to effectively counter the effects of the Atlantic, the US
geopolitical pressure and political and economic dictates.

Strategic unification of the continent, in question must maintain control of the maritime borders
of Eurasia on all sides of the world, continental tal economic, industrial, resource self-
sufficiency, centralized management of the Eurasian military. All other aspects of
vnutrievraziyskoy integration will be decided on the basis of flexible and differentiated
principles, depending on each case. This is a fundamental consideration must be constantly borne
in mind in order to avoid unreasonable doubts and objections that may arise in the event that
instead strategiche Skog associations someone mistakenly thinks that it comes to political,
ethnic, cultural, religious or economic union. By the way,

such substitution with It needs to be consciously exercised by "small nationalism ism" of all
nations, rebuking Eurasians and continental for Basic imperostroiteley that they want to dissolve
their ethnic groups, religion, culture, etc. in the new "internationalist utopia". Eurasian project
does not lead to a leveling of nations, on the contrary, it proceeds from the necessity of
preserving and developing the identity of peoples and cultures, but at the same time it is not
about irresponsible romantic dreams "Small nationalists" (which in practice only lead to
chauvinism and suicidal ethnic conflicts), but a serious and objective understanding of the a
current situation, where to achieve this goal is possible only if a radical undermining of the
global impact of Atlanticist West, with its market, liberal ideo ogiey aspiring to world

It now remains only to find out the specifics of this continental project, given the negative factors
that thwarted in the previous period of implementation of this grand civilization plan.
4.2 Western axis: Moscow Berlin. European Empire and Eurasia

In the West, The New Empire has a strong geopolitical bridgehead, which is Central Europe.
Central Europe is a natural geopolitical entity combined strategically, culturally and politically
part. Ethnically in this space include the nations of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and
Germany, Prussia and part of the Polish and western Ukrainian territories. Consolidating force in
Central Europe has traditionally been Germany, uniting under its control the geopolitiche sky

Central Europe on the natural geographical and historical reasons has a distinct "land"
continental character, as opposed to "sea", "Atlantic" space of Western Europe. In principle,
political influence in Central Europe may spread to the south of Italy and Spain, which had a lot
of historical precedent. Geopolitical capital of Central Europe, the most logical to be considered
as a symbol of Berlin, Germany, which, in turn, is the symbol and center of all this education
Niya. Only Germany and the German people have all the necessary qualities for the effective
integration of this geopolitical region of historical will,

well-developed economies, geographical location, ethnic uniformity privileged nym

his mind civilizing mission. Land and ideocratic Germany has traditionally resisted the trade and
the sea of England, and the specificity of this geo-political and cultural conflict considerably
affected European history, especially after the Germans were able to finally create their
eigenvalue of the state. England is the least geopolitically European country, whose strategic
interests are traditionally opposed to the average European powers and, more broadly,
continental trends in Europe. However, parallel to strengthening the role of the United States and
the seizure of almost complete control over the English colonies of the strategic role of England
decreased significantly, and today in Europe, this country stands, rather like floating
extraterritorial US base, rather than as an independent force. Be that as it may, within Europe,
England is the most hostile country nym continental interests, the antithesis of Central Europe,
and therefore new Eurasian empire is in her face political, ideological and economic enemy.
Unlikely to be strong-willed way to reverse civilization the way this particular country, created at
the time the giant shopping and to lonialnuyu empire purely "marine" type and so contribute to
the emergence of all modern Western civilization, based on the trade amount, capitalism,
speculation and the stock market game. It is completely unrealistic, and therefore in the Eurasian
project England will inevitably "scapegoat" as European processes of continental integration will
be a need to pass not only without regard to British interests, but even in direct opposition to
those interests. In this context, an important role to play European and wider Eurasian support of
Irish, Scottish and of Wales natsionaliz mA, up to encourage separatist tendencies and political
destabilization of the UK. Another controversial geopolitical education Niemi is France. In many
ways, the history of the French wore Atlanticist in nature, as opposed to a continental and
Central European trends. France was the main opponent of the historical Austro-Hungarian
Empire, strongly supported the fragmented state of the German principalities,

tending to "progressivism" and "centralism" anti-traditional and

unnatural type. At all, in terms of undermining the European continental tradition, France has
always been at the forefront, and in many cases the French policy was identified with the most
aggressive Atlanticism. At least

least because the situation was so long, until the US took over the functions of the chief of the
planetary pole of Atlanticism.

In France, there is an alternative geopolitical trend, dating back to Napoleon's Continental line
(which Goethe perceived as the leader of the land of European integration) and vividly embodied
shayasya in the European policy of de Gaulle, who was looking for an alliance with Germany
and the establishment of an independent United States of the European Confederation. Part of the
same line inspired and Franco-German projects Mitterrand. Whatever it was, it is hypothetically
possible to imagine such a turn of events that France recognizes Verhoeven GUSTs factor in
Central Europe and the voluntarily go to complicity in the European geopolitical unit with anti-
American and continental orientation. Territory of France is a necessary component of the
Eurasian bloc in the West, because of this depends directly control the Atlantic coast, and
therefore, the safety of the New Empire on its western borders. The Franco-German alliance in
any case, is the main link of the Eurasian geopolitics in the continental West, with the proviso
that the top priorities here are the interests of Central Europe, namely its self-sufficiency and
geopolitical independence. This project is known as the "European Empire". European
integration under the auspices of Germany as a basis of a European Empire fits perfectly in
Eurasia sky project and is the most desirable process in a more global continental integration.

All the trend towards European unification around Germany (Central Europe) will have a
positive ny sense only under one of fundamental conditions for creating a strong geopolitical and
strategic axis Moscow Berlin. By itself, the Central Europe does not have sufficient political and
military capabilities in order to get the actual independence from US control Atlanticist.
Moreover, in the current circumstances it is difficult to expect from Europe a genuine
geopolitical and national awakening without the revolutionary impact of Russian factor.
European empire without Moscow and, more broadly, of Eurasia not only able to fully organize
their strategic space with a deficit of military power, political initiatives and natural
resources, but also in the sense of civilization is not clear ideals and benchmarks, as the impact
of Trade Building and the market liberal values deeply paralyzed basis for national outlook of
European peoples, undermining their historical organic system of values. European Empire
becomes a full-fledged geopolitical and civilizational reality only under the influence of the new
ideologiche tion, political and spiritual energy from the depths of the continent, that is, from
Russia. In addition, only Russia and Russian will ensure Europe's strategic and political
independence and resource self-sufficiency. Therefore, the European Empire is to be formed
around Berlin, located on a direct and vital axis with Moscow.

Eurasian impulse must come exclusively from Moscow, passing the civilizing mission (with
appropriate adaptation to European specifics) Russian Berlin, and he, in turn, will proceed to the
European integration of the principles and projects, inspired by profound geopolitical continental
momentumQ. Pledge of the adequacy of the European Empire is unambiguous prevalence
Sgiach Russophile tendencies in Germany as it is understood by the best German minds
Myullera Van Den Bruka to Ernst Nikisch, Karl Haushofer and Hjørdis von Lohausen. And as a
continuation of the geopolitical Russophilia rest of Europe (and especially France) should follow
orientation of the. Only under these conditions, the Western vector of Eurasian Empire will be
adequate and robust, strategic and ideological follower secured nym. But we must admit that no
other union of Europe is impossible without a deep-seated contradictions and internal divisions.
For example, the current integration of Europe by American, NATO control very soon will feel
my whole geopolitical ical and economic inconsistency and, therefore, it will be inevitable, or
torn, or suspended, or spontaneously acquire unexpected anti-American (and potentially the
Eurasian) measurement, which is anticipated Jean Tiriar.

It is important to stress that the unification of Europe around Germany should take into account
the major politi skie failures of previous attempts, in the first place, the epic failure of Hitler and
the Third Reich. Geopolitical unification of Europe around the Central Europe (Germany) in any
case should not imply domination of ethnic Germans, or the creation of the control panel Call of
the Jacobin wing structure in the form of a giant German states. According Tiriar, "Hitler's main
mistake was that he wanted to make Europe the German, while he had to strive to make it
European." This thesis is quite topical and at this stage, and can generally apply to all
neoimperskim processes, including in Russia. European Empire, organized naya around
Germany, it must be a European, free from ethnic and linguistic domination of any one nation.
To be geopolitical heart of Europe, Germany is to acquire supernova national, civilizational,
actually imperial character, abandoning contradictory and unrealistic attempts to create a racially
homogeneous "The Emperor stva- nation." European nations should be equal partners in the
construction of the western bridgehead of Eurasia and adapt the overall imperial impulse to their
own national and cultural differences. European empires should not overwhelm the nations of
Europe, not to subordinate them to the Germans or Russian, but, on the contrary, to free them
from the yoke of quantitative, consumer, market civilization, to arouse their deep national energy
return them to the bosom of history as a distinct, living and polnotsen GOVERNMENTAL
political actors, whose freedom is guaranteed by the strategic power of the whole of Eurasia.

Create Berlin-Moscow axis as a load-bearing structure of western Eurasian Empire involves

several important steps towards Eastern European countries that lie between Russia and
Germany. Traditionally naya Atlanticist policy in the region familiarize Based on
makinderovskom thesis about the need to create here "cordon sanitaire" that would serve as a
buffer zone of conflict, preventing the possibility of Russian-German alliance is vital danger for
the entire NATO bloc. To this end, Britain and France did their best to destabilize the Eastern
European nations, to convince them about the need to "independence" and the release of the
German and Russian influences. Besides diplomatic potential Atlanticist any means sought to
strengthen the anti-Russian sentiment in Germany and the German fobskie in Russia to pull both
of these powers to a local conflict over the division of spheres of influence in the interstitial
spaces in Poland, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States, Western Ukraine
etc. Pursue the same line, and the current strategy of NATO, putting forward the idea of creating
a "Black Sea - Baltic Federation" states, which would be directly linked to Atlanticism and
potentially hostile to both Russia and Germany.

Create Berlin-Moscow axis involves first of all the failure of the organization in Eastern Europe
"cordon sanitaire" and active struggle against Russophobia carriers in Germany and

Germanophobia in Russia. Instead of being guided by regional interests in the area of mutual
influences and maintain unilaterally politically and ethnically close peoples of the region, Russia
and Germany have all issues solved jointly and in advance, to develop a common plan for the
redistribution of the geography of influence in the region, and then hard to suppress all local
initiatives of Eastern European nations to revise the Russian-German Sgiach plans. In this case,
most importantly, what we should strive camping, this definitive elimination of any semblance of
"cordon sanitaire", a notorious dispel illusions intermediate states regarding their potential
independence from geopolitically powerful neighbors. You need to create a direct and clear
boundary between friendly Russia and Central Europe (Germany), and even in the perspective of
creating a single strategic unit of the axis Berlin-Moscow, this limit should maintain its
geopolitical significance as the limit of the cultural, ethnic and religious homogeneity, to
deliberately exclude ethnic or denominational expansion in the spaces of the border. Russian-
Ukrainian, Russian, Baltic, Russian, Romanian, Russian, Polish, etc. relations should initially be
treated not as a double-sided, but as tripartite with Germany. The same applies to the relationship
between Germany and East-European countries s (nations); They should also wear a threefold
with the obligatory participation of the Russian side (with the exception, in all cases an outsider,

the intervention of the American CTBA). For example, the German-Ukrainian relationships must
necessarily be German-Russian Ukrainian thereof; German-Baltic German-Russian-pribal
tiyskimi; German Polish German-Russian-E polish etc.

Moscow-Berlin axis will help to solve a whole range of critical issues facing today and Russia
and Germany. Russia in such an alliance has direct access to high technology, a powerful
investment in the industry, ensures Bathing becomes complicity in the economic recovery of
Europe of the Russian lands. In this case, economic dependence on Germany in any case will not
come, because Germany will participate not as a charitable tion party in Russia, as well as an
equal partner, receiving in return from Moscow's strategic backyard, which guarantees the
German political liberation from US domination and resource independence of the energetic
provisions of the Third world, controlled Atlanticism (based on this and the energy on the part of
US blackmail Europe). Germany today eco nomic giant and political dwarf. Russia is exactly the
opposite political giant, and economically crippled sky. Moscow-Berlin axis cure illness of both
partners and lay the foundation of future prosperity of the Great Russia and Greater Germany.
And in the long run, this will lead to the formation of a solid strategy cal and economic structures
to create the entire Eurasian Empire of the European Empire in the West and the Russian Empire
in the East Eurasia. In this case, the welfare of the individual parts of this continental structure
will serve the prosperity of the whole.

As preliminary steps towards the formation of the axis Moscow-Berlin makes sense to
thoroughly clean the cultural and historical perspective of the mutual relations of the dark sides
of the past history of Russian-German wars, which were the result of a successful subversion
Atlanticist lobbies in Germany and Russia, rather than an expression of the political will of our
continental GOVERNMENTAL peoples. In this perspective, it is advisable to return the
Kaliningrad region (East Prussia) Germany to give up the last of the territorial symbol terrible
fratricidal war. To this effect would not be seen as another step Russian geopolitical capitulation,
Europe makes sense to offer other Russian territorial annexation or other forms of expansion of
the strategic zones of influence,
especially among those states which persistently seek to enter in "Chernomor sko- Baltic
federation". Restitution of East Prussia should be linked with the territorial and strategic
expansion of Russia and Germany, besides saving in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian
military bases, must for its part contribute to the diplomatic and political strengthening of
Russia's strategic position in the North-west and West. Baltic countries, Poland, Moldova and
Ukraine as a potential "cordon sanitaire" should be subject to geopolitical transformation not
after restitution of Prussia, and at the same time with it, as elements of the same process of fixing
the final borders between friendly Russia and Central Europe.

Bismarck's words, "at the east of Germany there is no enemy" must once again become the
dominant German political doctrine, and reverse the maxim should be adopted and Russian
rulers "on the western borders, in Central Europe, in Russia there are only friends." However, for
this to become a reality, not just good wishes, you must ensure that it is geopolitics and its laws
have become the main base for the adoption of all significant foreign policy decisions in
Germany and in Russia, as only from this point of view, the necessity and inevitability the
closest Russo-German alliance can be recognized, understood and recognized as totally and to
the end. Otherwise appeal to historical conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes thwart any
attempt to create a robust and reliable framework vital Moscow-Berlin axis.

4.3 Axis Moscow Tokyo. Pan-Asian design. Eurasian Trilateral Commission

New Empire must have a clear strategy with respect to its eastern part. Therefore, the eastern
limits of Eurasia for this Empire have the same strategic importance as West problems.

Based on the fundamental principle of "common enemy", Russia should seek a strategic alliance
is with those states who are most burdened by political and economic pressure Atlanticist
superpowers, have a historical tradition of geopolitical projects, opposite Atlanticism, and have
sufficient technological and economic power in order to become a key geopolitical reality of the
new block.

In this perspective, a completely unconditional It is of necessity of maximal rapprochement with

India, is our natural geopolitical ally in Asia and on racial and political, and strategic options.
After decolonization, India sought to avoid by all means entry into the capitalist bloc and in fact
vozglav lyala movement "Non-Aligned", sought in a narrow "tie" geopolitical space capabilities
to adhere to the policy of the "Third Way" with unconcealed sympathy for the Soviet Union.
Today, when Russia abolished the rigid communist dogma, obstacles for close encounters with
India does not exist.

India on its own continent. The scope of its geopolitical influence Cesky limited, however,
Hindustan and a small area in the Indian Ocean, located to the south of the peninsula. India with
the need to become a strategic ally of the New Empire, its south-nym the eastern outpost,
although it should be borne in mind that the Indian Civilization is not prone to geopolitical
dynamics and territorial expansion, and in addition, the Hindu tradition has a universal religious
dimension, and therefore an important role this country could play only a limited part of Asia. At
the same time, relatively weak economic and techno logical development of this country does
not allow to rely on it fully, and therefore, no problem New Empire alliance with it at this stage
will not solve. India can serve as a strategic outpost of Eurasia, and that its mission is actually
exhausted (if not to take into account its spiritual culture, familiarity with which may assist in
clarifying the most important metaphysical orientation of the Empire).

India is an important ally of Eurasia, but not the principal. On the role of a genuine eastern
Eurasia claim pole in today's world of two geopolitical realities are China and Japan. But
between these countries there is a deep geopolitical antagonism has a long history and the
corresponding typology of two civilizations. Therefore, Russia must choose something one. The
problem can not be put in this way: both China and Japan simultaneously. It requires a choice.

At first glance, China is a land continental mass, its civilization is the traditional authoritarian
(non-trading) the nature and the preservation of the communist ideology itself during the liberal
reform in modern China, it seemed, would have to finally contribute to the choice of the name of
China, in contrast to the capitalist, the island Japan. However, history shows that it is China,
rather than Japan, geopolitically is an important base of the Anglo-Saxon powers on the Eurasian
continent, while Japan, on the other hand, maintaining la union with central European countries
the opposite orientation. In order to understand this paradox, should look closely at the map and
mark it on the geography of the last two world wars. In the northern hemisphere it can be divided
into four geopolitical zones corresponding to the main participants in the world's conflicts
(countries or blocks of countries). Far West, Atlanticism, brings together the United States,
Britain, France and several other European countries. This zone has absolutely certain
geopolitical orientation,

uniquely identical "sea", "Carthage tion" line of world history. This space is the maximum
activity of civilization and the source of all anti-traditional, "progressive" reforms.

The second zone is Central Europe, Germany, Austria-Hungary. This space immediately
adjacent to the present block from the East atlantist with geopolitically speaking, has all the
attributes antiatlantistskoy, continental land orientation and geographically gravitates toward the

The third zone is actually Russia itself, which lies in the center of gravity of the continent and is
responsible for the fate of Eurasia. Land and illiberal, "naya conservative" nature of Russia is

And finally, the fourth zone is the area of the Pacific, where the central role is vested with Japan,
developing quickly and dynamically, and having thus rigid traditionalist system of values and a
clear understanding of its geopolitical role. At the same time, Japan is focused essentially anti-
Western and anti-liberal, as its value system is the exact opposite of the ideals of the
"progressive" Atlanticist humanity.
The Western world (Atlanticism) through its deepest ideologues (Mackinder, Mahan, etc.) was
well aware that the greatest threat to planetary Atlanticism would be a consolidation of all three
zones of Eurasia from Central European to Pacific with the participation of Russia and the
central role of the Anglo -saksonskogo and French "progressivism." Therefore, the main

task Atlanticist strategy was to oppose the three Eurasian zone, proximal to its neighbors and
potential allies. And Russian-German and Russian-Japanese conflicts actively provoked it
atlantists acting within the Eurasian governments and externally, using diplomatic leverage and
power. Atlanticism opponents since Haushofer finally came to the conclusion that an effective
opposition Atlanticism is possible only if the rejection of the imposed three Eurasian areas of
logic, ie, when the categorical refusal of the German-Russian and yaponofobii, and the Japanese
and the Germans from Russophobia, for whatever historical precedent proponents of these
"phobias" no recourse.

At the same time it is a symbol of Japan as a whole tihooke anskogo space has in these
antiatlantist Sgiach projects of paramount importance, as the strategic position of Japan, the
dynamics of its development, the specifics of its value system make it an ideal partner in the
planetary struggle against the civilization of the West. China, on the other hand, did not play in
the geopolitical picture of the special role of being deprived of political independence at the
beginning (English colonization), and then the geopolitical dynamics. Only in the period of
active Maoism manifested in China especially soil,

Eurasian trend when they prevailed projects "peasant

socialism ", vsekitay Skog nationalism and pronounced sovetofily. But this state has lasted a very
short time, and China under the pretext of disagreement with the development of the Soviet
model returned to the execution of dubious geopolitical cal function destabilize the Far Eastern
interests of Eurasia and heighten conflict with Russia. There is no doubt that started with 80s
Chinese perestroika was the final turning of the Maoist period to proatlantistskoy model that
would have to finally consolidate China's gap with the USSR its orientation towards the West. At
the same time, "atlantizatsiya" modern China passed a much more successful than in Russia as
an economic liberalism without political democratization allowed without conflict to put China
in dependence on Western finan cial groups, keeping the totalitarian system and the appearance
of political independence. Liberalism was planted in China by totalitarian methods, which is why
the reform was successful to the fullest. For the political power of the party oligarchy added
economic power is the same oligarchy, USP shno privatize the industry and people's national
wealth and alloys with an international cosmopolitan elite of Trade Building. China's economic
success are rather ambiguous reality, as they are achieved at the cost of deep compromise with
the West and can not be combined with any clear geopolitical cal concept that could serve as a
guarantee of political independence and independence. Most likely, the new liberal China, which
has close to a two serious competitors economically powerful Japan and strategically powerful
Russia again, as many times in history, will return to a purely ATLANTA stskoy function in the
Far East, connecting to this political dictatorship and the potency of the capitalist Skog
development . Moreover, from a purely pragmatic point of view, Russia's strategic alliance with
China to create a single unit immediately push away from the Russian Japan and, accordingly,
again made hostile the key Pacific region, which participate in the general Eurasian project
depends on the final geopolitical success of the confrontation of land and sea .
In the New Empire the eastern axis must be Moscow Tokyo axis. This is a categorical imperative
of the eastern, Asian part of Eurasianism. It is around this axis should develop the basic
principles of Asian politics in Eurasia. Japan, being the northernmost point among the Pacific
Islands, located in a very favorable geographical location for the strategic, political and economic
expansion in the South. Federation tihooke anskogo space around Japan was the main idea of the
so-called "Pan-Asian project" began to realize camping in the 30s 40s and interrupted only
because of the defeat of the Axis in the war. By this pan-Asian project should return today to
undermine the expansion of American influence in the region and deprive Atlanticist as a whole
of the most important strategiche and economic issues database. According to some futurological
projected future Pacific area will be one of the most important centers of civilization as a whole,
and therefore the struggle for influence in the region is more than the actual struggle is for the

Pan-Asian project is the center of the eastern orientation of the New Empire. The alliance with
Japan is vital.

Moscow Tokyo axis in spite of the axis Moscow Beijing is a priority and perspective, opening for
imperostroitelstva such horizons, that, finally, continental
make Eurasia geopolitically completed and the Atlanticist West Empire is ultimately weaken and
possibly destroy completely.

Japanese anti-Americanism, perfectly remembering nuclear genocide and is clearly aware of the
political shame of occupation that has lasted for several decades, there is no doubt. The principle
of "common enemy" here is obvious. In the book American Serj Friedman "coming war with
Japan" (the book is called "Coming war with Japan") seems inevitable. Eco nomic war with
Japan, the United States is already in progress. In Russia, which is building a Eurasian empire,
could not be a better ally.

Axis Moscow Tokyo also solves a number of important issues in both countries. Firstly, Russia
gets the Allies economic giant, equipped with highly advanced technology and huge financial
potential. However, Japan has no political independence, military-strategic system, direct access
to resources. All that is lacking in Japan, there are abundant in Russia, and all that is not enough
Russian, in excess of the Japanese there. By joining forces in building a continental empire,
Japanese and Russian could be as soon as possible to create an unprecedentedly powerful
geopolitical center, covering Siberia, Mongolia, Japan itself and in the future the entire Pacific
region. In exchange for the strategic security and direct access to the resources of the Eurasian
Japan could quickly and effectively help in Russian skom technological development and the
development of Siberia, laying the backbone independent regional body. Japanese technological
and financial assistance would solve a lot of problems in Russia.

In addition, Russia and Japan could work together to restructure and far eastern part of
continental Eurasia, Noah. Indicative in this respect is constantly increasing the intensity of
Mongolian-Japanese contacts, based on the unity of origin, racial intimacy and spiritual and
religious kinship. Mongolia (perhaps even Inner Mongolia and Tibet, which are currently under
Chinese occupation), Kalmykia, Tuva, Buryatia form Eurasian Buddhist enclave that could serve
as a strong connecting element between Russia and Japan, to give intermediates axis Moscow
Tokyo. On the one hand, these regions are closely and inextricably linked with Russia, and on
the other culturally and racially close to Japan.
Buddhist bloc could play a crucial role in the development of a strong geopolitical designs in the
Far East, which would link the Pacific continental nym pan-Asian Union. In the case of
aggravation of relations with China, which is bound to happen at the beginning of the
implementation of the axis Moscow Tokyo Buddhist factor it will be used as the banner of the
national liberation struggle of the peoples of Tibet and Inner Mongolia for the expansion of its
own Eurasian, continental space to the detriment of proatlantistskomu China.

Generally speaking, China is poised to become a geopolitical "scapegoat" in the implementation

of pan-Asian design. This can be done both at provoking domestic agencies separatism (the
Tibetans, the Mongols, the Muslim population of Xinjiang), and when you play the regional
differences, as well as with the active political support antiatlanti stskih purely continental power
potential of the Buddhist (and Taoist) lobby within China itself, that could eventually lead to the
establishment of the political regime in China, which is loyal to the Eurasian Empire. In addition,
it should be to offer China a special regional geopolitical vector ki directed due south to Taiwan
and Hong Kong. Expansion to the south part of China compensates for the loss of political
influence in the North and the East.

China in the eastern regions of New Empire should assimilate in the West of England, but in
France, as in respect of its Eurasian empire will be guided by two criteria in the case of active
opposition to the Eurasian project with China will have to be treated as a geopolitical foe with all
its consequences, but if you can create domestically powerful pro-Japanese and pro-Russian
political lobby at the same time, in the long term, and China itself becomes a full participant and
ravnoprav nym continental n roject.

Axis Moscow Tokyo with the western axis Moscow Berlin will create a geopolitical space,
which is directly opposite the main model Atlanticist ideologues, whose ultimate authority has
now become the "Trilateral", "Trilateral Commission". "Trilateral Commission", set up by US
circles of higher political establishment, assuming a configuration as a new planet strategiche
skoe unification of the three geopolitical zones, precisely corresponding to the three geopolitical
elements of the four, which we discussed above. Three sides of this Commission, which seeks to
serve as a "World Government", correspond to:

1) American zone (USA, extreme West, clean Atlanticism)

2) the European area (continental Europe, Central Europe, but under the aegis of France and
England, not Germany)
3) Pacific zone (joint around Japan).

"Trilateral" thus seeks skonstrui Rowan such geopolitical model which actually Eurasia (Russia
=) is surrounded on both sides of the US geopolitical reliable partners, ie three of the four areas,
enclosing the northern regions of the planet fall under the direct control of the United States. In
this case, between the potential Eurasian enemy Atlanticist (Eurasia) and the very center of
Atlanticism (US) are two service geopolitical space Islands (Europe and Japan). It is important to
note also that the restructuring in China in the early 80s it was started with the filing of the
representatives of "Trilateral Commission", which sought to finally return to the mainstream of
China Atlanticist policy.
Eurasian project proposes the exact opposite plans "Trilateralya". New Empire has anti
Trilateral, its inverse, inverted model. This union of the three geopolitical zones with the center
in Russia aimed against America. According to the same logic, according to which the US seeks
to geopolitically keep Europe and Japan under its own control, knowing all the strategic benefits
for American power in this alignment of forces, Russia under the New Empire building should
make every effort to build a lasting strategic alliance with Europe and Japan to to achieve their
own geopolitical stability, strength and guarantee political freedom to all Eurasian peoples. In
principle, we can talk about the creation of his Eurasian "Three hundred-sided commission" with
Russian, European and Japanese offices, which will involve, however, the policy Atlanticist and
pro-American wing, and the intellectual and political leaders of the National orientation of,
understand the geopolitical logic of the current the state of affairs in the world. This, of course, in
contrast to the "Trilateralya" Atlanticist, Eurasian "Trilateral Commission" should have as its
chief representative in Europe is not French, and German.

Given the strategic need for the Japanese factor in the Eurasian project, it becomes quite clear
that the issue of the restitution of the Kuril Islands is not an obstacle for Russian-Japanese
alliance. In the case of the Kuril Islands, as in the case of the Kaliningrad region, we have to deal
with the territorial character of the Second World War, alliances and the whole course which was
a complete triumph Atlanticist, kill all his opponents at the same time by the extreme exhaustion
of the USSR (for imposing him such a geopolitical position, which could not in the long term
does not lead to the collapse of perestroika) and direct occupation of Europe and Japan. Kuriles
reminder of the absurd and unnatural fratricidal slaughter Russian and Japanese, as soon as
possible oblivion which is a prerequisite for our mutual flourishing Niya. Kuril Islands should be
returned to Japan, but it must be carried out within the framework of the overall process of the
new organizational tion Eurasian Far East. In addition, the restitution of the Kuril Islands may
not be carried out at the Research Institute preservation of the existing alignment of political
forces in Russia and Japan. This is a matter only of the Eurasian, imperostroi tion-oriented
politicians, who will be able to fully answer for the true national interests of their peoples. But
understanding the geopolitical necessity of restitution Kuriles in Eurasian elite should be present

4.4 Axis Moscow Tehran. Central Asian Empire. Pan-Arab project

Policy of the Eurasian Empire in the southern direction NII also should focus on solid
continental alliance with the power that satisfies and strategically, and ideologically, and
culturally common Eurasian trend of anti-Americanism. The principle of "common enemy" and
there should be a deciding factor.

In the South, there are several Eurasian geopolitiche Sgiach formations that could theoretically
act as the south pole of the New Empire. Since India and China should be attributed to the East
zone and bind with the prospect of a pan-Asian integration, there remains only the Islamic world,
stretching from the Philippines and Pakistan to countries "Maghreb", ie West Africa. On the
whole Islamic area is naturally friendly geopolitical reality in relation to the Eurasian Empire,
since Islamic tradition, more politicized and modernized naya than most other Eurasian religions,
perfectly aware of the spiritual incompatibility Americanism and religion. Atlantists theories
considered themselves the Islamic world in general as a potential enemy, and therefore, the
Eurasian Empire has in him the faithful potential allies, seeking to undermine the common goal
and in the future a complete cessation of the US, Western domination of the planet. It would be
ideal to have integrated Islamic world as the southern component of the entire Eurasian empire
stretching from Central Asia to West Africa, a single religious and political stability, to base their
policies on the principle of the tradition and spirit of loyalty. Therefore, in the long run, the
Islamic Empire in the South ( "new caliphate") may become an important element of the New
Eurasia along with the European Empire in the West, the East Pacific and the Russian Center.

Currently, however, the Islamic world is very divided and inside it there are a variety of
ideological and political trends, as well as opposing each other geopolitical projects. The most
global trends are as follows:
1) fundamentalist Iranian (continental type, antiatlantistsky and geopolitical active) anti-
American, 2) Turkish secular mode (atlantist Pan-Turkic line)
type, accent
3) Arabism preached by Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, partly by Egypt and Saudi Arabia (quite
diverse and controversial projects in each case)
4) Saudi Wahhabi type fundamentalist (geopolitical solidary with Atlantism)
5) various versions of "Islamic socialism" (Libya, Iraq, Syria, the model close to pan-Arabism of
the "left" wing).

It is immediately clear that a purely Atlanticist pole in the Islamic world, whether they are
"secular" (as in the case of Turkey) or Muslim (in the case of Saudi Arabia), can not serve as the
south pole of Eurasia in the global project of continental empire. It remains "Iranian
fundamentalism" and "pan-Arabism" (left-wing). In terms of geopolitical constants PRIOR how
this issue has, of course, Iran, as it meets all the parameters of this major Eurasian continental

closely connected with Central Asia, radically anti-American, traditionalist, and emphasizes both
"social" political vector (protection "mustazafov", "disadvantaged"). In addition, Iran has a
position on the map of the continent, that the creation of the axis Moscow Tehran decides
enormous number of problems for the New Empire. Including Iran as the south pole of the
Empire, Russia would instantly reached a strategic goal, to which it was (wrong-way) several
centuries access to the warm seas. This strategiche sky aspect of this lack of Russian output was
the main trump card Atlanticist geopolitics since the days of colonial Britain, which is fully
controlled and East Asia, using precisely the absence of Russia's direct access to the southern
shores of the continent. All Russian attempts to enter into the Mediterranean Maurier through the
Bosporus and Dardanelles were striving for complicity in the political organization of the coastal
Eurasian areas where English completely ruled readily suppress any attempts Russian expansion
through control of the coastal zone. However, even if Russia managed to accomplish this,
Atlanticist control over Gibraltar would always be an obstacle for a truly large-scale offshore
operations and would not give Russia to undermine the power of the English. Only Iran,
continental adjacent to Russia and going directly into the Indian Ocean, and then and now could
and can be a radical solution of the most important geopolitical issues. After receiving strategic
access in the first place, the naval base on the Iranian coast, Eurasia will be safe from the strategy
of "anaconda ring", ie from the sale of traditional Atlanticist plan to "stifle" the continental
expanse of the continent through the seizure of the coastal areas along the entire length of the
STI Eurasia, and particularly in the South and West.

Creating an axis Moscow Tehran time dissecting the "anaconda" in the most vulnerable place
and opens up limitless Russia n

score geopoliticaluncertainty of these formations, torn contradictions between the Islamic-Iranian

fundamentalist and vector attraction to Russia. Of course, against the background of such a
conflict escalating and finely -etnicheskie friction and facilitates activities Atlanticist "agents of
influence" that directly or indirectly (through Turkey and Saudi Arabia) tend to destabilize the
intra-space in their key centers.

Iran geopolitically is Central Asia, in the same way as Germany have Central Europe. Moscow
as the center of Eurasia, its poles, must under the New Empire to delegate the mission to Tehran
guidance "Iranian world" (Pax Persica) in this space, the organization of a strong Central Asian
geopolitical block, able to withstand Atlanticist influence throughout the region. This means that
there will be dramatically interrupted by pan-Turkic expansion, as well as financial and political
intrusion of the Saudis. Traditionally hostile to Turkey and Iran, and Saudi Arabia to perform
this function much better than the Russian, who will decide their geopolitical problems in the
center of this complex only with the strategic support of the Iranian side. But here, as in the case
of Germany, it should not go on the establishment of the Iranian Empire, or about Iranization
Central Asia. It is necessary to talk about creating "Sredneazi ATSK Empire", which is on the
federal basis could integrate different peoples, cultures and ethnic groups into a single southern
geopolitical bloc, creating, thus, strategically homogeneous but ethnically and culturally diverse
Islamic education, which is closely connected with the interests of the entire Eurasian Empire.
On the issue of Moscow Tehran axis occupies an important place the Armenian issue, as it
usually serves as the center of destabilization in the South Caucasus. It should be noted that the
Armenian Aryan people, clearly aware of their Japhethic nature and close relatives of Indo-
European peoples, especially by Asian ie with the Iranians and the Kurds. On the other hand, the
Armenians a Christian people, their Monophysite tradition fits exactly in the general attitude of
the Eastern Church (even though it is recognized as heretical the Orthodoxy over), and
geopolitical relationship with Russia is aware of very much alive. Armenians occupy the land at
a strategic importance, since by Armenia and Artsakh is the way from Turkey to Azerbaijan and
then to Central Asia. In Moscow Tehran Yerevan axis automatically becomes a key strategic
element, further cementing Russia with Iran, Turkey and cut off from vnutrikonti nentalnyh
spaces. When possible Reorientation tion Baku from Ankara to Tehran in the overall project
Moscow, Tehran quickly resolved and the Karabakh issue, as all four sides are vitally The
interested Vanir immediate establishment of stability in this important strategic region.
(Otherwise, that is, while maintaining the pro-Turkish orientation even Azerbaijanis, this
"country" shall be the dismemberment of Iran, Russia and Armenia.) Much the same applies to
other regions of the Caucasus, Chechnya, Abkhazia, Dagestan, etc. that will remain areas of
conflict and instability only when confronted in their geopolitical interests Atlanticist Turkey
Eurasia Russia. Connect here the Iranian geopolitical lines instantly deprive content visibility
clashes between "Islam and Christianity" in the Caucasus, which are trying to make the conflicts
in this region, Turkish and Russian "agents of influence" Atlanticism, and restore peace and

In this project, reconstruction of Central Asia should be noted that the Russian ethnic interests
can be protected well, as Central Asian empire will be built not on the basis of artificial political
constructs fictitious "post-imperial legitimacy", but on the basis of national homogeneity that
suggests a peaceful transition under the direct jurisdiction of Moscow all the territories of Central
Asia (particularly in Kazakhstan), compactly populated Russian. Those areas, ethnic composition
of which is questionable, will have special rights on the basis of Russian-Iranian projects within
one or another empire. Therefore, by the Eurasian geopolitiche Skog Russian project will achieve
what appears to be the aim of the "small (ethnic) nationalism", but that he perform this
nationalism could never.

It is important to also take into account the need for the imposition of Turkey as a "scapegoat" in
this project, as the interests of the states in the Caucasus and Central Asia in general taken into
account will not. Moreover, it should probably emphasize the support for Kurdish separatism in
Turkey, as well as the autonomist demands of Turkish Armenians, in order to snatch the
ethnically close peoples of Iran under the secular-Atlanticist control. As compensation, Turkey
should be invited or development in the southern direction to the Arab world through Baghdad,
Damascus and Riyadh or provoke pro-Iranian fundamentalist in Turkey on the fundamental
dimension of the geopolitical course and the entry in the long run in the Central Asians sky block
under antiatlantistskim and Eurasian sign .
Moscow, Tehran axis is the foundation of Eurasian geopolitical project. Iranian Islam is the best
version of Islam to enter the continental ny unit, and it is this version should be a priority but is
supported by Moscow.

The second line of the Eurasian alliance with the South is a pan-Arab project, which covers a
part of Asia Minor and North Africa. This unit is also vital for the continental geopolitics, as this
area is of strategic importance to the issue of control over the south-west coast of Europe. That is
why the British, and later American presence 'Wie in this region is a historical and strategic
constant. By controlling the Middle East and North Africa, Atlantists traditionally held (and
hold) to continental Europe under the political and economical pressure skim.

However, the integration of the pan-Arab project with an overall Eurasian empire should be
entrusted exclusively European forces, back to projects Evroafriki,
constituting, from a purely geopolitical point of view, two continents, and one. European empire,
is vitally interested in the most deep penetration to the south of the African continent, should be
in the future to fully control, based on the pan-Arab bloc, Africa up to the Sahara, and in the
future to try to strategically infiltrate the entire African continent sky. In the long term Evroafriki
Mediterranean is not a true "sea", but only within it "lake" is neither a barrier nor protection from
Atlanticist influence. Outside the Arab Africa should develop a detailed polietni cal project that
would help restructure the black continent on the national and ethnic and cultural grounds,
instead of controversial postcolonial conglomerate, which represent modern African states.
Tinting Vanny Pan-African (non-Arab) national project could become a geopolitical addition to
the pan-Arab integration plan.

Given that the model is purely Iranian foundation ism is unlikely to become universally
acceptable in the Arab world (largely due to the specifics of the Shia, the Aryan version of
Iranian Islam), the pan-Arab project should strive to create an independent antiatlantistskogo
block where priority poles would become Iraq, Libya and Palestine liberated (under certain
conditions also Syria), i.e. those Arab countries that are clearly aware of the other danger of the
US and other radical reject market-ka pitalisticheskuyu model imposed by the West. In the pan-
Arab project "scapegoat" will, first of all, Saudi Arabia, too rooted in the Atlanticist geopolitics,
but to voluntarily enter into the pan-Arab bloc, friendly Eurasia. With regard to Egypt, Algeria
and Morocco, the situation is somewhat different, as the ruling proatlantistskie forces in these
states do not reflect national trends, do not control the situation until the end and kept only on
American bayonets and American money. At the beginning of the pan-Arab war of liberation on
a fairly intensive level of all these regimes fall in one hour.

But it should be clear that most harmonic naya design pan-Arab space is not so much Russia as
Europe, Central Europe, Germany, or more precisely, the European Empire. Russia (or rather,
the Soviet Union) to intervene in the Arab problem only when she alone was a Eurasian state in
the face of Americanism. In the presence of a strong base European orientation of the Eurasian,
i.e. after the establishment of the axis Moscow Berlin, this function should be delegated to Berlin
and Europe as a whole. Immediate Russian concern in the Islamic world should be
namely Iran, from the union of which depend on the vital strategic and even narrow ethnic
interests Russian.

Iran, which controls Central Asia (including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkey remains or
"Turkey after the pro-Iranian Revolution"), together with Russia, is the center of the priority
interests of Moscow. Thus it is necessary to use the traditional influence of Russia among the
"left" regimes of the pan-Arab orientation (in the first place, Iraq and Libya) for the convergence
of the Arab countries with Iran and speedy oblivion artificial and inspired atlantists Iran-Iraq

4.5 Imperia many Empires

New Empire, whose construction would meet the global, planetary civilizing mission of the
Russian people, have sverhproekt having a plurality of sub-levels. This new Empire, Eurasian
Empire will have differentiated complex structure, inside which there are different degrees of
integration and the interdependence of its parts. It is obvious that the new Empire there will be
no Russian Empire or the Soviet empire .. The main point of this integrating New Empire will
fight against Atlanticism and tough resistance of the liberal market, "sea," Carthaginian
"civilization, which is embodied today in the US itself and planetary political, economic and
military structures, which serve Atlanticism. For the success of this action is necessary to create a
giant geopolitical continental block, a single strategically. It

unity strategic continental borders will mainly integrating factor of the New Empire. This Empire
is one and indivisible body in the military-strategic sense, and it will impose political restrictions
on all domestic podimper skie formation. All the blocks that will be part of the New Empire,
would be politically constrained in a categorical prohibition to serve Atlanticist geopolitical

out of the strategic alliance, hurt continental Secure Nost. In this, and only at this level, The New
Empire is a holistic geopolitical entity. The next, lower, level New Empire will be a
"confederation more space" or secondary Empire. Of these, just to be divided into four major
European Empire of the West (around Germany and Central Europe), Pacific Empire in the East
(around Japan), Central Asian Empire in the South (Iran) and the Russian Empire in the center
(around Russia). It is logical that the center position is in this project the main, because it
depends on it of territorial coherence and uniformity of the remaining components of a giant
continental block. In addition, individual self-Large The spaces will exist in addition to these
units India, the pan-Arab world, Pan-African Union, as well as, perhaps, a special region of
China, whose status is difficult to determine even approximately. Each of the secondary Empires
will be based on a particular racial, cultural, religious, political or geopolitical integrating factor,
which in each case may be different. The degree of integration Empires themselves will also be
variable, depending on the particular ideology base, on which one or the other will be created
Empire. Within these secondary Empires will also act confederal principles, but as applied to
smaller ethnic, national and regional
units to the fact that, with more or less the approach can be called "the country" or "State". Of
course, the sovereignty of these "countries" will have significant restrictions in the first place,
strategic (arising from the principles of the entire mainland of New Empire), and the second
related to the specifics of the large space, of which they will enter. And the principle is extremely
flexible differentiation will be applied in this matter,

I take into account historical conductive, spiritual, geographic, racial characteristics of each region.

Great Russians, for example, can be considered as a separate people, or even a "country" in the
Russian Empire, along with the Ukrainians, Belarusians, maybe Serbs and so on, but at the same
time they are all closely linked to the jurisdiction of the Slavic-Orthodox such as embodied in a
particular state system. At the same time Russian Empire will depend on the Eurasian Empire,
the New Empire, the strategic interests which will be placed above the national - racial and
religious interests of the Eastern Orthodox Slavs.

The same can be said, for example, and about the French, who will remain the people or
"country" in the framework of the European Empire, along with the Germans and Italians in E,
related common European imperial tradition, the Christian religion and belonging to the Indo-
European race. But the European empire, in turn, will be subject to strategic imperatives
throughout velikokontinentalnoy New Empire.

The same was not the case in Central Asia, and the Pacific area, and in the Arab world and black
Africa, and India, etc.

In this case, at the global level the construction of the planetary chief of New Empire "scapegoat"
will be just the United States, which undermine the power (up to the total destruction of the
geopolitical constructions tion) will be implemented systematically and beskompro missno all
participants of the New Empire. Sky the Eurasian project proposes this towards Eurasia ical
expansion in South and Central America with a view to its withdrawal from the North-under
control (there can be used as a traditional Spanish factor alternative to the Anglo-Saxon) and
provotsirova of all kinds of instability and separatism in the United States borders ( may rely on
the political power of African-American racists). Ancient Roman formula, "Carthage must be
destroyed" will be the slogan of absolute nym Eurasian Empire, as it will absorb the essence of
the whole geopolitical strategy of planetary awakening to their mission continent.

Specifics in determining the status of a people, one way or another "country," one way or another
"Empire more space" in the overall Continental Foot unit becomes relevant only after the
geopolitical unification, after the creation of the necessary axes, and the only Eurasian nations
and states will be able to to solve its internal problems quite freely, without pressure from the
Atlanticist forces that fundamentally interested in only one not to allow in Eurasia peace,
harmony, prosperity, independence, dignity and rastsv that tradition.

Chapter 5. The fate of Russia in the Eurasian empire

5.1 Geopolitical magic for national purposes

Russian national interests may be we consider the Rena on several levels at the global, planetary,
geopolitical, civilizational (this is dealt with in the previous sections) and uzkonatsio tional,
specific socio-political and cultural (this will be discussed in this part). How is the relationship
between macro-continental imperostroitelstva and ethnic lines of the Russian people? This was
something that had been said. Here it is necessary to consider this problem in more detail.

"Imperostroitelskaya orientation", "continent ism", "Eurasianism" all of these terms and

Correspondingly vuyuschie projects are often deterred by the Russian, are not sufficiently
familiar with the symbolism of Russian history, not delve into the meaning of the historical
nation trends are used to operate the banal household clichés when thinking of what people and
what his interests are. This creates a lot of confusion among the nationalists themselves, to
provoke discussion empty and meaningless debate. In fact, the specificity of Russian nationalism
is precisely its global STI is associated not so much with blood as with space, with the soil, the
ground. Outside the Russian Empire will lose their identity and disappear as a nation.

However, the implementation of the Eurasian plan in any case should not lead to a blurring of the
ethnic Russian as "axial" ethnic empire. Great Russians in need of maintenance, and their ethnic
identity STI, without which the center of the continent would lose its civilization tional and
cultural definitions. In other words, within the most supranational geopolitical Empire should be
special rules (including the law), which would ensure the preservation of Russian ethnic identity.
Specificity of the New Empire should consist in the fact that the central role in the Russian
geopolitical integration, this should not be accompanied by a "Russification" of non-Russian
territories, such as "Russification", on the one hand, distorted the meaning of the Empire, by
reducing it to the level of a giant "State of the nation "On the other hand, will dilute Russian
community in a national environment. With regard to the Russian people within the continental
block Nogo should be emphasized that its role is not "isolationist" (contrary to project "Small
nationalism") and not etnoekspansionistskoy (contrary to "ethnic imperialists" and,

in part, Slavophiles). From two of these projects must take certain aspects, rejecting others. At
the level of strategic Indeed it will focus on "expansionism", but ethnic and geopolitical nature
that deliberately excludes any form of Russian or Slavic racism. On a purely ethnic level, on the
contrary, it should be implemented in varying degrees, "isolationist" option when dropping
isolationist political and state. Russian will continue to exist as a single national entity in space
sverhnatsional Foot imperial complex. Ethnic reality will be consolidated within the nation, and
sverhetni Cesky mission will be expressed within the empire. Only with this combination can be
achieved at the same time maintaining a healthy national core and to maximize its geopolitical
influence. In other words, the national factor is determined based on a completely new
combination of ethnic and political, which was not in any of the preceding stages national
Russian state history. Ethnic homogeneity existed in Russia only in the early stages of statehood
within a fairly limited area. Tsarist model was based on the principle of the definition of
"Russification" and the Soviets, expanding geopolitical borders of Russia, on the contrary,
neglected ethnic quality of the Russian people. In the New Empire, these factors have to perform
in the new proportions

corresponding to modern geopolitical and ethnographic

conditions, as well as necessary for the establishment of a stable equilibrium etnopoli cally in the
Russian people.

New Russian Empire at the same time act in two roles:

1) as one of the big nations, which are political entities of the Federal Empire Nations,
2) as the initiator of continental integration in the Federal Empire Nations.

Consequently, Russian are favored because, ethnic hand, being one of several more or less equal
ethnic components Empire geopolitical they are in the middle of the political process. This dual
function allows the implementation of the same imperostroitelnogo simultaneous action but to
increase its influence and vneetnicheskoe condition to consolidate intra forces. Imperostroitelstvo
is the only way to preserve, strengthen and unite the Russian ethnos, without resorting to the
inter-ethnic conflicts, wars, revision of political boundaries. All the political boundaries of
Eurasia in the process of building a new empire will be phased out as political boundaries, and
instead any natural, organic, ethnic boundaries do not have to strictly separating values, as is the
case for national boundaries. These ethnic boundaries will not have anything to do with what is
meant by the word "border" in the present situation, as they will pass on ethnocultural mu,

confessional, not alleged political domination over minorities already for the reason that these
ethnic education will not have full political sovereignty, being limited by the strategic interests of
the Empire, which, in turn, is vitally interested in maintaining within it peace and harmony. In
other words, within the framework of a Russian Empire did not will find their national state as
the political expression of the ethnic community, but will gain Noah National unity and a giant in
your country of continental, in the management of which they will have a central role.

The mere extension of the project immediately remove the threat of the potential conflicts that
ripen into force of separateness Russian currently in various newborn "States" in the framework
of the CIS. Imperostroitelny vector instantly translates the problem of the relationship of Russian
and Kazakhs in Kazakhstan, or Russian and Ukrainians in Ukraine, or Russian and Tatars in
Tatarstan completely different than ethnic, plane. This relationship is no longer a political and of
statehood issue that can be resolved only by applying certain political and territorial damage can
result either side (eg, ethnic division in Kazakhstan, separatism in the framework of the Russian
Federation, military suppression in Chechnya, religious and national fragmentation Noah
Ukraine the problem of the Crimea, etc.), and becomes a matter of co-existence of different
ethnic groups into a single political space. And in this case, ethnic consolidation, say Russian in
Kazakhstan with Russian within the Russian Federation will not be regarded as undermining the
political sovereignty
"Kazakh nation state" in favor of "Russian national state" and become an organic cultural and
ethnic processes, without detriment, but does not elevate any of the parties for the reason that
there is no "the Kazakh national state" or "Russian national state," just will not exist. The Soviet
model of something was similar to this project, but with one important caveat concept of "ethnic
group" considered it as a kind of rudiment, as a historical throwback, lacking besides domestic
status of the subject. As part of the New Empire, on the contrary, ethnic group, without direct
public expression, will be recognized as a major political value and the supreme legal entity in all
matters vnutriimperskih.

Summarizing this question, we can say that the operations of the global geopolitical projects, at
first glance, do not have any relation to the achievement of the objectives uzkoetnicheskih
Russian, in fact, lead to the best and the satisfaction of specific national targets. Refusing to
insufficient and too small ( "Russian state within the Russian Federation"), not trying by
conquests and annexations increase is small in a bloody, fratricidal war, offering the peoples of
Eurasia construction continental th block on equal terms, Russian will be able to buy something
big and worthy of their that otherwise will remain forever unattainable dream.

Rejecting the nation-state, we will find the unity of the people and the great empire. In the
current circumstances the only way and no other way you can not only save the Russian people
from political weakness and degeneration of the ethnic, awaken it in all its grand scope for
planetary achievements and pay tribute to him at last that he actually deserves.

5.2 Russian nationalism. Ethnic demography and Empire

The Russian people, to narrow the ethnic sense, is in a difficult demographic situation. In the
long term, it threatens dire consequences both for the nation and for the future of the Empire
since the replacement of Russian as the main carrier of continental tal associations of some other
nation will inevitably lead to the rejection of the continental block from its natural civilizational
mission, cause chaos and conflicts in Eurasia It would deprive the geopolitical structure of the
most important cultural and political component.

Such a weak Russian demographic situation is particularly alarming in comparison with the
population growth of Eurasian South, which, by contrast, is booming in the quantitative sense. If
these trends continue in the current proportion is bound to happen with the ousting of Russian
central position in the Empire, the erosion of the homogeneity of a nation or ethnic group and the
absorption in the sea of southern peoples, or its transformation into a relic remnant worthy of the
existence of only the reservation. Added to this is the lack of compact settlement of Russian
large Eurasian space, they control only politically and administratively. This last factor may
cause a violation of the ethnic balance in the Eurasian Empire and push rapidly developing in the
demographic sense of the peoples of the South to the national expansion on Russian territory
(especially in Siberia and the Far East).
This problem should be solved immediately, but at the same time it is necessary to emphasize
that its decision should not be preceded by the establishment of the Empire, and not to follow
this creature. Implementation of geopolitical plans from the outset obliged to be accompanied by
a synchronized action E, aimed at population growth and their Russian ethnic regrouping with a
view to completeness compact master "living space" of the nation. We can achieve that only by
political means, and which should lead directly to the desired result and to predetermine
economic measures in this area.

A political solution can only be one highlighting the concepts of Russian nationalism. This
nationalism, however, should not the state uses Vat, and cultural and ethnic terminology with
particular emphasis on categories such as "nation" and "Russian Orthodoxy". And this Russian
nationalism should have a completely modern Noah sound and avoid any attempt to direct the
restoration of those forms that have historically been exhausted. That the populist nationalism,
ethnic, ethical and religious type, rather than "state" and "monarchy" should be a priority in this
situation. It should inspire all Russian basic idea that the personal identity of each individual
person has a secondary, derivative value of the national identity. Russian must realize that, first
of all, they are Orthodox, Russian, and the second only to the third persons. Hence the hierarchy
of priorities, both in private and in public life. Above all Orthodox samosozna Nia nation as a
church, then a clear understanding of the indivisibility, wholeness, totality and unity of the
Russian ethnic organism, consisting not only of the living but also of the ancestors and future
generations, and only then, in the last instance, the experience of a particular individual as an
independent atomic unit.

In practice, the implementation of such a nationalist policy should mean the total inchurching
Russian and transformation of all cultural institutions in the continuation of the United Church,
not in the organizational and administra tive, but in the spiritual,

intellectual and ethical plane. Such inchurching should deny their culture and science profane
existential alienation from the foundations, to involve them in the process of spiritual
dispensation, turn pragmatic and decentralized technical development to the implementation of
the central providential Testament Church, in a subordinate instrument supermaterial plan ry.
Only such a radical way nym Russian can be effectively returned to the bosom of the Church,
which is the basis of their historical and national existence which in general has formed that in
the highest sense is called Russian. That is a total restoration of the Orthodox world with all its
attendant posledst viyami able to return the nation to its spiritual origins. Any relative revival of
the Church as uzkokon occupational, religious structure, any confined to cults and rites of
external restoration will be ineffective. Churched in the framework of Russian nationalism to be
not individuals, but the whole Russian culture, science, the idea together. Only in this way the
collective consciousness of the nation will be given a spiritual hierarchy, which, in turn,
transform the problem of population growth in a kind of spiritual mission on the basis of the
Orthodox ethics prohibits, for example, contraception and abortion. The next level is the actual
ethnic identity, the idea of people as a single body and a soul. Moreover, the existence of this
single organism must be understood as something supratemporal not limited either spatial or
temporal categories. Russian nationalism should appeal not only to this nation, but also to its past
and its future, taken at the same time as a single set of spiritual being. This "being" the great
Russian people in their supra-historical totality must be aware of each and learn Russian in itself.
The fact of belonging to the Russian nation as the chosen one should be experienced as an
incredible existential luxury of a higher anthropological dignity. The propaganda of the
exceptional national Nosta (no taint of xenophobia or shoviniz mA) must be the axis of the
political education of the people. First of all, the demographic surge will be provided
ideologically, culturally, ethically. People should instill the idea that giving birth to a Russian
child, every family is involved in a national mystery, adding to the spiritual and emotional
wealth of the entire nation. Children must be understood as a national heritage, as a physical
expression of the internal energy of a great nation. Russian child must first be understood as the
Russian, and then as a child.

Given the difficult demographic situation today, it is necessary to launch a national promotion as
soon as possible and at the same time use all political and ideological practices. Thus it is
necessary to limit pump nationalist tendencies, provoking a dramatic and rapid awakening of the
great and powerful ethnic group.

It should be noted that any economic measures by themselves will never give a positive result of
the demographic without proper religious and the gal and ideological support. Demographic
decline can be stopped down to zero, and then provoke a reverse process only by an appropriate
ideology, which would focus on changing the consciousness of the people, to the transformation
of his thinking on the introduction of the daily scope of hundreds of thousands of characters,
either implicitly or explicitly focusing people on the national interests. As part of the Russian
ethnic Russian nationalism should be the sole and total ideology, which might have their
different versions and levels, but always remains constant in all that concerns the staging
category "nation" on the category of "personality." Ultimately, the radical slogan should be put
forward: "nation is, the individual is nothing."

This political orientation to nationalism must be supported and measures of a purely economic
nature, as for the implementation of national targets are also needed purely material instruments
safe. support will be provided to mothers, large families and provide social conditions of work
more family man. But this eco nomic component will have an effect only if the domination of the
national ideology, which should not just economically support the Russian demographic growth,
but in general to orient the economy in a purely national way, put the material interests of the
ethnic group above the individual interests of the individual. In other words, economic support
fertility STI is a special case of the general trends in the economy, which is the whole as a whole
should be displayed as a time of national interests, rather than from the individual-terrorist
selfish motivations or utopian abstractions.

Appeal to nationalist ideology, at first glance, it seemed, would be to provoke ethnic conflicts,
aggravate inter-ethnic relations with the neighboring Russian ethnic groups, give rise to many
insoluble contradictions. It would, In fact, what happened if Russian nationalism spread its claim
to statehood in the classical sense of the term. The Russian Orthodox national-socialist state is
unlikely to want to live representatives of other ethnic groups and religions. But to live next to
the Russian Orthodox people,
professing national ideology, into a single continental empire, united geopolitically and
strategically, but flexible and differentiated in the internal structure, on the other hand, presents
no difficulties for anyone else, as it will always be present the supreme authority in the face of
which the ethno-religious communities have equal status and which is guided by the principles of
impartiality imperial harmony and justice. Project New Empire at the ethnic level lies in the fact
that not only the Russian people must prevail, and establish a pronounced National HO- religious
ideology, but it also applies to all other peoples, which will become part of the empire. Thus,
there conglomerate "positive nationalisms" common denominator with imperial vertical

It is important that only in this way the most radical ny Russian nationalism can be realized to
the full, as the main obstacles to its development in such a case will be eliminated, none of the
neighboring nations will not feel humiliated or depressed nym Russian nation as a cultural-ethnic
and confessional boundaries between the peoples of the Empire will have no political
significance. Russian will live in their own national reality, the Tatars in their Chechens in their
Armenians in their etc. even if it will go to ethnic enclaves or ethnic minorities among other
people. Nationalism, free from the problem of statehood and borders, will only strengthen mutual
understanding of nations, giving them both the freedom of contact with each other and freedom
of ethnic isolation. For the survival of the Russian people in the current difficult circumstances,
for the demographic rise of the Russian nation, to improve its difficult situation in the ethnic,
biological and spiritual sense the need to resort to the most radical forms of Russian nationalism,
without which all the technical or economical skie measures will remain powerless. But this
nationalism will be possible only in the organic unity with the principle of geopolitical
continental empire.

5.3 Russian question after the upcoming Victory

Apparently, from a theoretical point of view, to consider the Russian position, in which it will be
possible after the victory of the Eurasian Empire of Atlanticism. Of course, it is so distant
prospect that seriously disassemble the problems that arise in this case, now almost meaningless.
However, we must remember that Atlanticism collapse can occur almost instantaneously at any
stage of Eurasian imperostroitelstva as the geopolitical stability of the West is based solely on
the right and skilful operating with geopolitical categories, rather than on a real industrial,
economic or military power. Atlanticist a construction is in fact a very fragile, and need only to
knock out of it one of the strategic axes, such as Central Europe, the Pacific area or Eurasian
continental South, as the collapse the whole gigantic building Atlanticism is so powerful and
stable at first sight. At a time when the geopolitical strategy of "Trilateral Commission" would be
at least to some extent it blocked the alternative Eurasian project, we can expect a serious failure
in the functioning of all atlantist complex, with further events could unfold rapidly and landslide,
as was the case with the collapse of the Soviet Empire and its satellites. Therefore, although the
victory over Atlanticism and is very distant prospect, it should formulate a few theses concerning
Russian position in a hypothetical postatlantistskom world.
First of all, it should be emphasized that the US geopolitical defeat put before the Eurasian
Empire a lot of problems. At this point, the main factor will disappear, which is the basis of the
project of geopolitical unification of nations and peoples in the New Empire disappears principle
of "common enemy." This consolidates power will lose its significance, and even the very
meaning of the continued existence of the Eurasian Empire tion will be called into question. In
such a situation can begin the transition to the new world order dvupolyar Foot Eurasia against
the Atlantic to a multipolar model. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that the multipolar model
will become possible only after the victory over Atlanticism, and not before. While Atlanticism
as a force that claims to be universal, there, about any machine too cular device can not walk and
talk. Only under the New Empire, as part of a global Eurasian project and during the strategic
confrontation objective conditions can arise Atlanticism for the emergence of a more or less
balanced multipolarity and not before. Embryos multipolarity will form only in the
implementation of the differentiated imperial model, which will adopt the status of a political
entity for some of organic skim, cultural and spiritual categories of people, ethnicity, religion,
nation, contrary to the currently existing dominant system, where it is only about the legal status
of states and individuals ( "human rights"). "Clash of Civilizations" (in Huntington's words) in a
multipolar world will be a reality only if these civilizations can establish themselves and win a
right to exist in the context of a strategic alliance antiatlantistskogo. At the present time there is
only one "civilization" Atlanticist, western, liberal market, opposing all the other historical
organic cultural models.

The collapse of the New Atlanticism supply Empire nations, its individual sectors facing a
serious problem: whether to save on geopolitical unity or fix major civilizational blocs within the
Empire as an autonomous geopolitical reality? But in any case, national differences of nations
and confessions be advanced at the same time to the fore.

In this case, the best option would be to let the most imperial structure harmonic hydrochloric
system permits all internal contradictions. By analogy with the doctrine once existing Jus
Publicum Europeum, i.e. "European Civil Law", common to all the peoples of Europe, the
Eurasian Empire in postatlanticheskuyu era could be based on a similar, but expanded the
doctrine of Jus Publicum Euroasiaticum. Lost its military strategists cal value, Imperial
Continental complex could serve as the highest legal authority that would remove tensions
between Eurasian nations whose relationship after the victory over the "common enemy" will
inevitably weaken. Such withdrawal would be perfect. But we can assume and the collapse of
continental unity and the formation of the Eurasian space of a few blocks of civilization Russian
Slavs Skog (wider Orthodox), Europe, the Far Eastern Foot, Central Asian, Islamic, etc. The
ratio of each of them with the others, and even their borders and structures, now, of course,
impossible to predict. However, in such a hypothetical perspective to the project unit of the
Russian nation is already the model should be laid down taking into account in the distant future
(and only after the end of Atlanticism) independent Russian involvement in world history, which
returned to its organic and natural course after a long period Atlanticist anomalies. In this case,
the Russian nation have to be prepared and to the creation of their own state, or
the formation of a broader natural ethno-public education, bonded unity of tradition, culture,
religion, destiny. The question of the Russian state can stand up to the full, but it applies only to
postevraziyskomu period, which itself problemati chen and hypothetical. But at the present
moment Russian should throw all forces on national unity, spiritual, cultural and religious revival
of the people, its final formation and full awakening to the fact that in the future (if necessary),
he was able to defend its national Truth not only from enemies, but also from allies
imperostroitelstvu having its own historically predetermined national outlook. Russian does not
just have to preserve their identity in the imperial context, they should approve it, to heat and
ultimately deepen. And in the long run after the collapse of Atlanticism Russian should be
prepared to defend its own civilizing mission, to protect their national universal providential

Be that as it may, the Russian in any case will be on the strategic central location in the imperial
Eurasian space, and therefore the issue of civilizational Empire priorities postatlantistsky period
(if the Empire is still preserved), they will be in a privileged position. Therefore, to some extent
the whole Empire will be linked to the Russian idea, which is, indeed, the eschatological and
universal by definition, is merged with the giant space and outer sense. If the continental block
will be split into components, Russian, regained his strength thanks of nationalist period and
vigorous process imperostroitelstva, will appear again in a geopolitically favorable position,
occupying a central position among the liberated peoples and nations of the continent, which will
make possible the Russian state, Russian Empire, stable and stable geopolitical reality, based on
a strong national basis. Both of these features should be taken into account today.
Chapter 6: Military Empire

6.1 Priority of nuclear and intercontinental potential

In military-strategic terms, the New Empire can be really established only if the preservation Nia
nuclear power of the former USSR, as well as all kinds of strategic and space weapons in the
hands of the Eurasian block. This is the main condition not only for the viability of the future of
continental education, but also for its inception, as the integration of states and "large spaces"
around Russia, the approval of the main Eurasian axes are implemented only if there is Moscow's
strategic potential, which will be the main guarantor of the seriousness of the project . It is the
preservation of a strategic balance between Atlanticism (NATO) and Russia (military-strategic
heir to the Soviet Union and the pole of the new Eurasian bloc) makes New Empire political
plans serious and practically achievable. At present, the strategic potential of the former Soviet
Union still retains its proportional compatibility with NATO in the sphere of nuclear weapons,
nuclear submarines, some of the military-cosmic-programs on the issue of strategic aviation.
Once this balance is clearly in favor of the shift Atlanticist, Eurasian Empire will become
impossible, Russia will finally turn into a mere "regional power", and thus dramatically reduce
the extent of its territory and influence. After that, no geopolitical axis and political projects can
not change anything. Only at this stage, until the balance of power "cold war" in the strategic
sphere has not changed irreversibly, geopolitics and politics Russia is really crucial and
continental ny weight. In fact, the possibility of a free and independent geopolitical design
depends on the preservation of comparability of strategic Russian and Atlanticist potentials. As
soon as this proportion is dramatically disrupted, Russia will become the subject of geopolitics in
its object. In this case, the Russian will only have to maneuver in a situation imposed from
outside, choosing the role and priorities essentially "not their" game. This situation makes the
Eurasian project is directly related to the quality and potential of Russian (former Soviet) army.
And automatically from this we can conclude the army in such conditions in any case should not
depend on short-term political situation in Moscow. On the contrary, the quality of the army
itself (of course, first of all, in matters of strategy iCal arms) is the foundation of the entire
Russian policy, its axis and, consequently, the army structure should predetermine the general
outlines of this policy argue purely political guidelines. While strategists cal balance to some
extent remains, the army will be the most important factor in Russian policy, as the political
status of the country itself, its weight, its features and its future in this situation depends precisely
on Sun.

At the moment, the Russian army under the pressure of Atlanticism is very dangerous process of
reorientation of the entire military doctrine with a continental structure of the Soviet regional and
local. This means that as a "potential enemy" Russia are beginning to be considered more than
the United States and NATO countries, but Russia border with the country, as well as the internal
regions of Russia, which can turn to separatism. Such a turn of a new military doctrine actually
completely opposite to the only reasonable, from a geopolitical point of view, the position of the
sun as "potency
-trivial opponents "in this case are precisely those countries that logically would have to be a
natural" allies "Russian. In other words," potential allies "are considered as" potential enemies ",
and the main geopolitical cal" potential enemy "Russia ATLANTA cal unit generally discounted.

The military question is directly dependent on the geopolitical choice. If Russia thinks his future
as the Empire, as an integrator and pole a new continental block, its armed forces must
necessarily focus on the priority nuclear and strategiche skoe weapons at the expense of more
local forms of weapons. Major military operations in the imperial plan will be developed in the
future "war comrade continental", and therefore a special role acquire intercontinental ballistic
missiles (in the first place, with nuclear warheads), strategic aviation, aircraft carriers and nuclear
submarines, as well as all forms of space military programs are being developed as alternatives
SOI islands. Priority is such types of weapons as well as possible would facilitate continental
integration and would make an alliance with the Russian attractive and fundamental for the
remaining blocks and Eurasian countries. It is these types of weapons is directly related to the
ability to play Russian geopolitiche ical map on the continental level, and consequently, more
specifically, to solve along the way, and economically skie problem on the basis of cooperation
with the developed regions of Central Europe and Japan. We should not forget that the nuclear
factor, taught by the United States as the "guarantor of defense of the West and democracy from
the Soviet totalitarianism" was the main driving engine of the US economy in the postwar period,
when economic strengths, but militarily and politically weak countries of the West (and Japan)
were forced to subsidize the American economy and the industry, in exchange for custody of the
strategic Pax Americana. In a sense, Russia is at the moment to offer something similar to both
Europe and Japan, with the addition that in the interest of Russia to promote the political
maturation of these two "potential of Empires", rather than weaken, and strictly control them, as
is the case in the case of the US, Atlantic domination. Even on a purely pragmatic level,
overcoming the economic crisis in Russia is possible only with the active use of strategic
geopolitical factors and the corresponding weapons. To get "more good goods", it is easier not to
restructure the MIC for the manufacture of cooking pots, and to continue and intensify Made of
aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines. At the appropriate political providing several
submarines can bring Russia the whole country with a developed industry, and strictly through
peaceful means, while rebuilding the military factories to the production of washing machines,
Russia itself will cause irreparable economic damage.

Redesigning the army as a whole to "regional ny" means the development of all manner of non-
strategic, conventional weapons. If you hold such military reform is reasonable and consistent
(what in our conditions is hard to believe), the Russian will have an effective mobile army,

ready for combat operations in continental conditions and capable of solving successfully and
seamlessly scale military conflicts in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Chechnya. The inefficiency of
the Soviet troops in local conflicts, which can be seen in the Afghan war and perestroech
GOVERNMENTAL conflict was the result of a strategic priority in the construction of the
USSR Armed Forces, which focus prognosis on global nuclear conflict, rather than the local
wars of low and medium intensity. This is natural. The restructuring of the army with a priority
of "regional orientation", ie choice as the main goal is the successful military actions in the
framework of the "war of low and medium intensity"
will inevitably lead to the destruction of strategic weapons, since no army today, even in the
richest and most economically developed country, for example, the US is not able to effectively
carry out its construction in two directions at the strategic and regional.

(Failure of Americans in local

Conflict has more than once demonstrated since Vietnam and ending with Yugoslavia and
Somalia.) Therefore, at first glance, a "positive" Army transformation, allegedly responsible
spirit of the times, in the long run means the end of the strategic security Russian, the loss of any
significant guarantees of territorial integrity RF and complete inability to somehow improve their
geopolitical condition in the future.

Russian national interests are today in that at all costs to maintain its strategy cal capacity at the
intercontinental level, ie remain "a superpower", albeit in a shortened, reducing Vann version. To
ensure this condition can be sacrificed to make any political, geopolitical, economic and
territorial compromise. While maintaining the strategic potential of any concession to today will
be revised in favor of the Russian tomorrow. As long as everything remains as before, the
political actions of the Russian leadership in favor of the West are theoretically reversible.

The fate of the Russian and the grand future is now not how many Russian were outside of the
Russian Federation, and is not that what we have political or economical skoe position at the
moment, but the fact whether we will have sufficient arms level to militarily defend its
independence from a single natural and "potential enemy" Russia from the United States and
NATO. All other issues arise here. At the same bases camping and unambiguous determination
of whether it is possible more global implementation of the Eurasian imperial project, or no
longer exists.
6.2 What are the armed forces need a great Russia?
The hierarchy of the military complex in the prospects for the creation of the Eurasian Empire've
clearly follows from the basic geopolitical position:

1) Priority is given to space weapons, which have the potential scale of the territorial impact that
traditional forms of military security of the state or bloc of states before their retreat, completely
losing the efficiency and value. The development of the Russian version of the SDI are of central
importance here. It is also extremely important development "atmospheric" weapons and
experimenting with unorthodox types of arms, related to the impact on the mental component of
people. This costly and high technology sphere of arms, practically inapplicable in this case in
local conflicts, in fact, is the main axis of the genuine security of the state and nation. Without
these studies and relevant results, people is virtually unprotected in the face of "potential
adversary", and all questions "independence of the" "sovereignty" and "geopolitical projects" fall
off by themselves.

2) The following is a nuclear weapon on vozduhonosite Lyakh missile capability, and strategic
aviation. This intercontinental sphere of arms, aimed at potential conflict with atlantist pole poses
a constant threat to those regions that are protected maritime borders from all others
forms of military intervention. Not by chance, namely the development of the Soviet rocket caused such
panic in his time in the US, and that success in this area have allowed the Soviet Union and the
Warsaw Pact Vat will last so long after the Second World War, despite the extremely
unfavorable geopolitical
the situation from ground
borders. Only intercontinental weapons did the USSR in some
approximation of "continent", which gave some cause for strategic parity with the US is a real

3) The next level is necessary to consider the importance of the Navy. This type of weapons as
well as missiles and intercontinental nye and strategic aircraft, designed to carry out global
military task when confronted with the "potential enemy" the N1 USA. In the long term the
creation of the Russian Navy continental block should be the starting point for the creation of a
giant strategic ports of the system both in the South and in the West (which Russia and the USSR
have been traditionally denied). The aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines play in this
paramount. Navy should be structured to focus on the conduct of hostilities in the marine
environment and coastal areas, ie in the space farthest from the land base. This should be a
priority form of fighting in a potential military conflict as the main imperative of the success of
the strategy is, as you know, in the conduct of military operations or in the territory of a potential
enemy or neutral territory. In this case, it is necessary to provide in advance the geopolitical and
strategic adaptation of the specifics of the existing model of the Navy to the conditions of the
southern seas and oceans, as well as to the western Atlantic. Black Sea Fleet and the Baltic Fleet
will sooner or later lose their significance for Russia as an empire, as they are an important
strategic point for only "regional power", which formation is in itself tantamount to Russian
strategic suicide.

Therefore, control over the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic is much more important for the
continental block than minor ports, easily closes the straits or narrow isthmus between the Baltic
and the North Sea. Navy as a whole should focus more on the Far East and the North Sea
samples, analogues of which Russia should be ready to play when the time comes, in India, Iran
and Western Europe,

as these areas are genuine geo-political boundaries of imperial (and not regional Neu!) Russian.

4) Ground forces have in the imperial prospects've lowest value and should play more the role of
"internal troops" rather than truly important strategic value. Real intercontinental conflict Army
should perform only a supporting function, and this is determined by their place in the hierarchy
of military construction. The unity of the exception is the issue in this airy but the assault troops
and special forces, who, because of their mobility and unrelated to the continental land
perimental bases may take

Active participation at serious intercontinental operations. Correspondingly, it is necessary to

give the VDV priority over other land military sectors.

Such a structure of the Armed Forces of Russia and the future of the new Empire in general plays
a purely Soviet model army in the postwar period. The latter was the result of natural geopolitical
process that most clearly felt to it
Army leadership to give an adequate response to the very logic of the geopolitical history, while
the political and ideological clichés did not allow party leaders of the USSR to act in harmony
with a single,

by itself arises, the logic of the state and the strategic development of the Soviet State. The
prospect of geopolitical and strategic expansion nism is inscribed in the very fundamental
structure of the geographical position of Russia, and that the army understood it fully and clearly
others. Therefore, the Soviet Armed Forces generally moving in the right direction and
completely in the definition of "potential adversary", and in the selection of development
priorities of different types of weapons and technical equipment of the latest technology of the
army. Wherein,

but, excessive ideological pressure and general dilapidation pozdneso-Soviet society had an
effect on the sun, which seemed to immediately forget about their own logic and their own
interests (which coincide with the national interests of all Russian on the issue of freedom and
safe STI nation), and private error diverted attention from basic strategic issues.

Current restructuring of the army, proceeding from the concept of "Russian regional power",
actually reverses the hierarchy that should exist is in the New Empire, and which existed in
outline in the USSR Armed Forces.
The "regional" Army of the Russian Federation, priority is given to ground forces, although also somewhat Airborne isolated
from the rest of the armed forces.

This is followed by the Navy, the conversion and reduction are carried out, primarily due to
carriers and submarines, and around Black fleet practically devoid of strategic importance, lying
row between Moscow and Kiev, generally not having any outcome since the original terms and
purpose is fundamentally wrong.

Even less attention is paid to aviation and rocketry, and strategic aircraft and intercontinental
missiles nye all destroyed. Parallel realized renunciation of nuclear weapons.

Program deployment of space weapons, it is unnecessary in regional conflicts,

frozen and roll up as narrowly
"Regional" perspective, they represent only a gigantic and senseless article of budget
expenditures, which

have no justification. Comparing the two models of the priorities of army building, we can see
that they are two opposites.

One army (the first continental version) is designed to protect the continental block, Eurasia,
Russia, in its true geopolitical scope of the "potential enemy", which were and are the USA and
the NATO bloc. Such an army is aimed at ensuring the genuine interests of Russian and is the
guarantor of national independence and freedom. In addition, such an army can effectively
implement the global Eurasian project, which alone is able to make Russia's geopolitical position
in the world stable and safe, and also to solve the major economic problems.

Second Army ( "regional" type), we need Russia, understood only as the Russian Federation and
interested only in dealing with local and internal political problems. This
the army can not be the true guarantor of national security. Her initial installation on a potential
conflict with the neighboring countries and the peoples of Russian forces is always in
anticipation of attack from a "hostile neighbor" ( "the former fraternal people"). Its structure
deprives the Russian entry into the possibility of an adequate geopolitical relations with Central
Europe and Japan, as it would not be enough to protect in the long term these geopolitical
formation of the USA potential aggression. Moreover, such a structure makes the Russian are all
three members of the future Eurasian geopolitical axes Berlin, Tehran, Tokyo to "potential
adversaries", and accordingly, provokes the same attitude of these countries to Russia. It does not
matter that the army will be accompanied by restructuring of the pacifist confidence. In
geopolitics as it is above the purely political considerations when making the most important
decisions the nature of the arms of a country says is much more expressive than the official and
unofficial statements of diplomats and political leaders.

Chapter 7. Technology and Resources

7.1 Technological deficit

One of the reasons for the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War lies in its serious technological
lagging SRI compared to the opposite camp geopolitical countries. The fact is that the
technological leap Atlanticist was secured effective distribution of roles among the member
countries of NATO. On the one hand, the United States is concentrated in itself a purely military,
strategic pole, giving other capitalist countries to develop trade, financial and technological
aspect vy without worrying about A direct governmental investments "new high-tech" in the
military-industrial complex. US often used only finished high technology with respect to its
military-industrial complex, and they were created and developed in Europe, Japan and other
countries. Countries that were under the "tutelage" of the USA, the patron paid "tribute to the
technology" for geo-political patronage. The Soviet Union, for its part, radically centralize all
technological skie development almost exclusively as part of its defense industry, making
research and the latest projects more difficult as if they are initially prepared in a centralized
administrative body and focused on planning goals, and this narrows the scope of the process
innovation. In other words, at the same centralized structure lay two problems at once a huge
strain on the creation of planetary military complex strategic and technological support for this
complex with the development of knowledge-intensive industries in parallel fields. The whole
area of high technologies, information programs, computer equipment, etc. It was strictly
connected with the military-industrial complex, and it would deprive her Mykh The necessity
sometimes flexibility and independence. We can assume that in the absence of the United States
of geopolitiche Sgiach "vassals", as France, England, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea,
etc., and their level of technology would be significantly lower than the actual.

Technological backwardness of the Soviet Union was inevitable. Today Russian fully
experiencing posledst Via failure of the USSR in this area, as every day is compounded by
dependence of Russian industrial STI and economy of Western patents, know -hau etc.
Meanwhile, a certain level of technological development is essential for any State,

seeking to have the weight international politics and have efficient, competitive domestic
economic structure. If we talk about the imperial perspective of the Russian nation, the high-tech
cal level all the more necessary to ensure that all strategic and geopolitical factors,

on which rests any

geopolitical and economical expansion of Skye. So, the question is: moving in any direction,
Russian would be able to catch up and overcome technological backwardness inherited from the
Soviet Union, despite the fact that it is not decreasing at the moment, but on the contrary
increased (brain drain, reducing the public funding of scientific activity, conversion, decline and
restructuring in the defense industry, etc.)? There are three hypothetical possibilities. The first is
that Russia refuses all its geopolitical claims to independence, fully surrenders to Atlanticism,
and as a "reward" for obedience metered receives from the hands of Americans access to some
"High Technologies", somewhat outdated and do not pose a strategic secrets. This path was
actually tested in some countries of the Third World, which thus
really able to make the economic, financial and industrial leap (so-called "Asian" or "Pacific
Tiger"). In the case of Russia, the US will be much more cautious than in relation to the countries
of Europe or the Third World, as the geopolitical and historical Russian scale Nastola large that
economic prosperity and technological sky spurt may at some point again to make it a powerful
"potential enemy" USA. It is natural to expect that Russian access to the "high technology" even
on a full surrender and total dismantling of the strategic aspects of the defense industry, will be
strongly inhibited and sabotaged. It is of this way deadlock.

The second way for supporters of the "small-nationalism", is to limit forces of internal resources
to make a technological leap without the help of outside forces. This implies a limit, almost
totalitarian, the mobilization of all the people, and a sharp deterioration in relations with the
West. If all limit the scope of the Russian Federation and Russia, understood as a "regional
power", that such attempts are doomed to failure because there will the same problems as in the
case of the USSR Russian will have to both protect themselves from a superpower as a "potential
enemy "themselves to develop such delicate areas as research in the field of high technologies.
Since this did not deliver stable ny and strictly organized by the Soviet Union, a crisis destabilize
the Russian Federation with this can not cope, and even more so. Also in this case it is necessary
to introduce elements "totalitarianism", which inevitably cause a deep inner protest. Hence, this
path should be discarded.

The last option is that high technology borrowed from the developed European and Asian
countries (but not the US) in exchange for a strategic alliance and access to Russian resources.
There is every chance of success, and in such a way to preserve a certain independence from the
Russian and the US at the same time to avoid overvoltage nations, dictatorship and austerity
measures. Although such a process immediately cause fury from the United States, Russia, the
threat and, most importantly, their "infidel vassals", some countries may go for it, if the strategic
power of Russia will still be comparable to the US and Russian ideology is openly imperialist (
or communist). In addition, high-tech in this case will be exchanged for the most important for
Germany, Japan and other developed countries the resources component, accessed all over the
world rigidly controlled by the United States. Russian resources, Central Asia, Siberia, and so
on. E. It is vital for these countries, as the United States as a whole is quite independent in this
matter. Minerals,

raw materials, energy sources, plus powerful strategic military patronage this collection may well
induce some of the developed countries to the closest sotrudnichest in high-tech and provide the
most senior Russian achievements in this area (with the installation and produc tion
Organization). In the future, it would gradually adjusted and national trend in these matters, but
in any case, the initial impetus is needed.

This third way entirely integrated into the overall Eurasian project, being its concretization it on
a more practical level. In fact, it means that the creation of a geopolitical axis Berlin, Tokyo,
Moscow is not simply a political and geographical terms, but also the best solution to the
problem of technological backwardness Russian.
7.2 Russian resources

Russia is a natural supplier of resources to other countries. This state of affairs has a long history
and has become, in many respects, the determining factor in the geopolitical status of Russia.
Consider more geopolitical significance of resource exports and the role of resource provision as
a whole.

The global distribution of resources on the planet, there is some inequality of the two zones of
the four sectors of the developed North have access to resources and are able to provide, if
necessary, resource self-sufficiency (US and Russia), and two experiencing an acute shortage of
the resource (Europe and Japan). Thus, to a large degree of control over the two resource-poor
areas is determined by the relationship with the other two. In this case, there is one more feature
of the United States seeks to control the resources of the colonial or semi-colonial territories and
with their help to influence the development of the country. Own resources of the United States
are trying to preserve for themselves and spend them extremely carefully, but in case of need for
the United States will not be a big problem to create for themselves a resource self-sufficiency
and without colonial strategy in this area. Russia is traditionally manipulates export own
resources. This difference in position between the two powers has, and on this side and on the
other hand, both pluses and minuses. The United States has consistently neprikos novena
strategic reserve, but at the same time the colonial resource base is always theoretically have a
chance to get out of control. Russia, for its part, can be assured of the resources, because
resources are located on its territory, but at the same time, exporting them, she always spends its
own strategic reserves. Such an objective situation in the long term create a continental bloc can
be Utilized but for the benefit of Russian as follows. At the initial stage, Russia can offer to
potential partners in the East and the West of its resources to compensate for the worsening of
relations with the US that will inevitably happen in the very first stages of implementation of the
Eurasian project. It will be possible also because Europe and Japan can be set to direct land
communication which does not depend on marine and coastal monitoring, which is a major
trump card in the geopolitical strategy of Atlanticism. Naturally,

such export will not be using a one-way, as this process is to be entered in the general
geopolitical plan involving an active financial and technological Europe and Japan participated
in the strategic development of Russia itself, and in addition, a significant expansion of its
political and defense lines in the East and the West. In the future, should be guided by the US
expulsion from Africa, the Middle East and tihooke anskogo region with the corresponding
redistribution of it in resource-rich areas in favor of the Eurasian partners and Russia. This plan
is the direct opposite of the "Anaconda Plan" by the Atlanticist, which provides tight control of
the USA is on the South Eurasian, African and Pacific space in order to prevent the organization
avtarkiynyh economic zones to its geopolitical rivals. When will be able to drive the "anaconda"
Atlanticism back to the American continent, all the "poor South" Eurasia will become a natural
complement development of the Eurasian North. Arab oil, African minerals and resources of the
Pacific will be able to enter spaces venno A direct in the country of the Eurasian block,
bypassing the US. In this case, Russia will not only start saving resources for itself, but also to
receive new ranges to the south. Eurasian Europe move to the south to become Evroafrikoy and
Japan established in the Pacific Ocean the "new order"
which it had planned to be carried out in the 30s. The very same Russia, using the technological
expertise that is either already has or will acquire for resources supply during its technologically
advanced partners in the block (the first stage of the continental construction) will be able to take
an active part in the development of new deposits in the Central and East Asia, and gradually
freeze those fields that are vital for its own strategic future.

On the issue of resources, a plan to create an "anti-Trilatera la" (block Berlin Moscow Tokyo)
and in the near and distant future, it is highly realistic, as the transitional period for the Western
and Eastern axis (for Berlin and Tokyo), which will be felt the most severe US pressure, will be
mitigated by resource potential of Russia is capable to transition its exports of minerals to create
all the conditions necessary for full political and strategic revival of Europe and Japan. And then
themselves the "great spaces" will be able to strengthen its economic and Political ical expansion
of north-south. It is particularly important that Russia for the period of transition will, in turn,
obtain an effective technological equipment for the development and test fields, moving the
easiest way, the developed methodology and technical models, supplied with the West European
and Japanese Far East. A factor in this term will significantly enhance the strategic autarchy
Russian regardless of how the events in turn hereinafter.

Of course, that at the moment the problem of Russian resources is solved as you like, but not
how it would be beneficial to Russia. Russian resources today sell at dumping prices for
fictitious money and foreign goods, and the United States, either directly or through them
(American monopolies owned companies or multinationals implicitly controlled atlantists)
countries of Western Europe. Alternatively, the "nationalists" push all those elsewhere
neosuschest requirement completely stop the export of resources and fully leave for Russia and
their development and their consumption. The latest project will require the exertion of all the
national forces that can be realized only under conditions of political dictatorship, which is
almost incredible in this situation. Here the situation is the same as in the case of high
technology. Only the "third way" or resource exports to the United States nor the complete
rejection of any kind has been exporting can be a real output in the current situation. Once again,
everything depends on the political need for the speedy establishment of the Eurasian continental
Chapter 8. Economic aspects of "New Empire"

8.1 Economics of the "third way"

Industrial restructuring in Russia overdue. In fact, they say, "reformers" of the inevitability of
eco nomic reforms in Russia, there is a considerable element of truth. The Soviet system,
although it has been defined to the extent Noah efficient and competitive, gradually has become
so rigid and frozen, that simply could not fail, and, unfortunately, under the rubble were buried
many effective and positive aspects of socialism as such.

The logic of economic reforms in Russia, launched in restructuring, based on the dualistic
approach to the economy. On the one hand, there was a current model of rigid centralist states
Foot socialism, "total dirigisme", when the state interfered in the slightest nuances of production
and distribution, suppressing any private initiatives and the exclusion of all market elements.
This structural rigidity, not only did the entire economic system bulky and clumsy (hence a
gradual loss in the competition with capitalism), but also perverted the basic principle of
socialism, implying an effective participation of society in the economic process. The Economic
and Philosophical Manuscripts Marx there is a warning about a similar degeneration of the
socialist system, which can be characterized as "alienation under socialism."

Criticism of such a centralized economy, but very quickly moved to the opposite extreme, that is,
to the absolute apologetics liberal-capitalist system alongside with its "laws of the market", the
"invisible hand", "free trade", etc. Centralization of liberal reformers (even if only in theory)
have decided to go to sverhliberalizmu. If Soviet socialism in the later stages of their weakened
vennuyu your country of self-sufficiency in its competition with opposing geopolitical unit, the
market-oriented reforms have led to the destruction of the present self-sufficiency, which can not
be characterized only as "betrayal of national interests." Reforms were needed but dualistic logic
either Soviet socialism or capitalist liberalism from the beginning posed the question in a totally
wrong plane, because the dispute has acquired purely theoretical, and geopolitical considerations
autarky Russia were pushed at the same time in the background. The proposed conversion to
liberal programs style "Chicago Boys" and the theories of Hayek struck economy destroyer
symmetrical impact. However restavratsionistskie economic program, which insisted in one way
or another "conservative" opposition, were not much better. In both cases it was a controversy
between the two utopian abstract model, in which the question of "Russian national interests"
was somewhere in the second or even the third term.

It was quite logical, because the Soviet economy ists due to the specifics of its formation are
used to dealing with only two economic models dogmatic Soviet socialism (which they for the
time being protected) and liberal capitalization IOM (which are for the time being criticized).
Both of these models in the form in which they have been studied and developed, never
corresponded with such criteria as "the geopolitical interests of the country" as the topic (though
in a different form) was a priority for the army and ideological structures (especially the GRU
and the KGB) . By shifting the emphasis on the economy, restructuring the leaders rendered the
question of "national and state security and power" of the brackets. And once that happened, the
country fell into the trap of wrongly formulated problems, any decision which, in terms of the set
was obviously a dead end. Strictly speaking, the people were to choose not between liberal
capitalism and Soviet socialism, but between liberal capitalism and Soviet socialism and special
economic doctrine, combining elements of market and planning elements, subject to the main
imperative of national prosperity, and your country of-governmental security (a "third way" ).
This "third way" in the economy is not a compromise, not a syncretic combination of
heterogeneous elements of two other eco nomic models, complete and self doctrine, which has a
long history and a lot of examples of practical implementation. However, this "third way" is
almost never mentioned in the framework of the public point of contention at all. The result of
persistent non-serious consideration of such an option is available: naya destroyed and weakened
the country, wrecked the economy, increasing parasitic Russia's dependence on IMF and World
Bank, the collapse of the economic and industrial relations, etc. At the moment, no socialism, no
market, and it is unlikely that it can be corrected, while remaining within the logic that has
become dominant in dealing with major economic issues.

"The third way" in the economy is not identical to either the Swedish or Swiss model, contrary to
what some people think politics, beginning to realize deadlock situation. Neither Sweden,
Switzerland audio are not full E geopolitical entities and have no serious strategiche skim
a Consequently, giant part state, industrial and military sector, necessary to ensure the real self-
sufficiency in these countries non-existent. Some compromise between socially-oriented
structure of society and the market economy actually achieved in these countries, but here we are
talking about a purely artificial model that could arise is due to complete depoliticization of these
countries and conscious refusal to play an active role in the geopolitical balance of power in
Europe. Russia will never become in its scope, "the second Sweden" or "second Switzerland"
because of its geopolitical position itself obliged to play an active role; neutrality in this case
simply CAN NOT wives. Therefore, refer to the examples in this sense. The second illusion,
typical of those who are looking for an intuitive models of "third way" for Russia is China and its
reform. However, in this case there is an "illusion", understandable lack of objective information
about the nature and progress of China's reforms. Chinese economic transformation only
superficially resemble the model of the "third way". In fact, we are talking about the
transformation of society in general, similar to the Soviet, in a purely liberal order, but without
democratic reforms in the policy, ie, while maintaining the totalitarian control of the ruling elite
over the political situation. We are talking about what politi sky totalitarian communist
nomenklatura smoothly into economic, monopolistic totalitarianism same nomenclature, which
in this case seeks from the outset to cut off any possibility of economic competition from below.
One model "alienation of society" smoothly into another model "alienation of society", and the
political exploitation of discreetly converted in the economic exploitation of the same social

It is significant that this type of reform has been designed exactly the "Tripartite Commission",
whose representatives since the beginning of the 80s have agreed with the Chinese nomenclature

China's inclusion in the long term in the area of influence mondialist with granting him the status
of "regional power". In many ways, this move was driven by Atlanticist strategy of "cold war"
against the Soviet Union, but at the same time and the desire to maintain traditional Japanese
competitor in the Far East and to limit the economic expansion of the latter.

A genuine "third way" in the economy has found its classical expression in the works of
Friedrich List, who formulated the principles of "economic autarky of great spaces". This theory
comes from the fact that the uneven economic development of the capitalist ethnic societies and
the logical consequence of the colonization of more economical tion "rich" countries poorer; and
for the "rich" in such conditions the "free traffic" beneficial, while "poor" vice versa. From here
Sheet concluded that at certain stages of economic development of society need to resort to
protectionism, dirigisme and customs restrictions, ie, to restrict the principle of "freedom of
trade" at the international level, in order to reach the level of national and state independence and
strategic power. In other words, the Leaf, it was obvious that the economy must be subordinated
to the national interest, and that any appeal to the "autonomous logic of the market" is just a
cover for economic (and later political) expansion of rich countries to the detriment of the poor,
and the subsequent subjugation of the latter. This approach immediately sets clear boundaries in
which to act, "the market" principle, and in which "socialist". Interestingly, the Rathenau, the
author of the German "eco nomic miracle", and Witte, Lenin, and even Keynes formulated wali
its economic principles on the basis just of the doctrines of Friedrich List, although it used the
camping language is closer to either a purely capitalist, any of communist vocabulary. Economic
hierarchy, to build the Leaf, can be reduced to a simple formula: the aspects of economic life,
which is comparable in scale to the interests of the individual, the individual must be driven by
market principles and be based on "private property." We are talking about housing, small
production, small land holdings, etc. With the increasing importance of this or that type of the
economic activity, form of production is to acquire the features of collective ownership, as in this
case, "private property" and individual factors may enter into conflict with the collective interest;
here must act "cooperative" or "corporate" criterion. Finally, economical skie areas directly
related to the state and its strategic status, should be monitored, controlled and subsidized by the
state institutions, since we are talking about the interests of a higher level than the "private
property" and "collective benefit". Thus, in such an economical skom way of not elite, not the
market, and not the team determine the economic, industrial and financial shape of society it is
based on the specific interests of a particular state in the specific historical conditions, and
accordingly, in this model is not fundamentally there is no dogma of ki with changes in the
geopolitical status of the state and because of the historical and national conditions the
proportion between the volume of these three stages hozyayst-governmental hierarchies can vary
considerably . For example, in times of peace and prosperity epoch private sector together with
the collective can increase and decrease state. Conversely, in the difficult periods of national
history, when under attack put the independence of all the people the powers of the public
sectors are increasing due to some collective economic entities, and they, in turn, is intimately
private enterprise.
It is very interesting that this model is Friedrich List has been used historically developed
capitalist countries, a young lion in times of crisis. So, even the US, the radical defenders of the
principle of "free trade", periodically resorted to protectionist measures and state subsidies to the
industrial sector, where periods of "economic depression". It is in this period was the stage of the
New Deal, when the Americans almost literally voproizveli principles of Liszt, while submitting
them in a relaxed Keynes variant of the theory of the author of "economic insulyatsii" that, in
general, there is not nothing but a new name for the "economic theory autarky more space. "
Incidentally, the sheet for a long time he lived in the United States and observed the process of
capitalist construction in the early phases. Based on these observations, he formulated the basic
principles of the shaft of his theory as applied to Germany. But, of course, the most ambitious
realization of the results you have given the doctrine of Liszt nationalist-socialist listicheskoy
Germany when his ideas were implemented totally and without any liberal or Marxist
amendments. The doctrine of the "third way" of the economy is another important aspect of the
financial relationship and production factors. It is clear that early capitalism and socialism of the
Soviet type put the emphasis on the development of production, averting the financial system a
secondary, subordinate role. Developed capitalism, on the contrary, tends to the domination of
finance capital over production, which, in turn, becomes a minor point. Domination of the
principle of "work" sooner or later leads to political violence mu, domination of "capital"
economic violence. In the first case, the work becomes autonomous and detached from the
concrete values in the second money becomes autonomous, and losing touch with the value and
turning to credit and interest fiction. "The third way" insists ill labor and the value of the binding
(for example, gold reserves and, more broadly, resources), placing the sphere of consumption
and circulation of goods subordinate, secondary, purely instrumental role. Such a combination of
labor and value in this case is dictated by the same considerations provide "National Foot power"
and state sovereignty, and that the whole structure of this economic doctrine. It can be simplified
to express this idea by the formula "neither luxury nor poverty," "being content with a reasonable
minimum." This means a more flexible and free approach to work, rather than under Soviet
socialism, but most of the limitations of personal enrichment opportunities than under capitalism.
This model allows the nation does not depend on the strategic areas of other states and economic
systems, but at the same time deprives the labor process enforcement and associates it with the
material equivalent.

It is this version of the economy of the "third way" is the only alternative to the present-day
Russia, opposing both the unrestrained liberalism and neo-communists restavratsionistskim
projects, not wanting to seriously adjust the outdated dogma and proved ineffective. If it was not
instantaneous but an association with the Hitler regime, could be called the project "socialism
national type." The very fact that the nomination theory Liszt (developed, however, such well-
known economists such as Sismondi, Schumpeter, Dumont, etc.) in the context of the current
economic situation in Russia would be a great achievement, because here you can find answers
to the most pressing issues and time to end the deadlock dualism "reformers and anti-reformers."
Moreover, the positive side and the liberal reforms and preserved even from socialism structures
could be perfectly engages Vanir in this economic project. But all this will have a positive effect
only in the context of informed and theoretically highly detailed doctrinal body, rather than as a
pragmatic moves made on a case by case. Economy "third way" should have its own
unambiguous political expression, comparable to the "Liberal Party" or "Communist Party".
Every inertial centrism, pragmatism and compromise are doomed to defeat. Friedrich List and his
ideas should be the same symbols as Adam Smith and Karl Marx. "Third Way" in need of such
media of ideological dogma that

It would be comparable in terms of preparedness, conviction and awareness with the liberals and
communists. Principles of Economics "third way" is just as strict and unambiguous as the
principles of the two other ideologies. Of these, the natural and organic way, you can bring all
the necessary secondary investigation and application.

Economic Trends "third way", the principle of "self-sufficiency of large spaces" suggests the
maximum amount of the national public education, where this model is applied. Sheet insisted
impossibility of achieving these theories to that country vah insufficient demographic, resource,
industrial and demographic volume, since self-sufficiency in this case is simple fiction. On this
basis, he once put forward the imperative "the Zollverein", "customs integration", which was
intended to unite Germany, Prussia and Austria in a single industrial and financial unit, since it is
only in such a space could speak of effective competition with the developed colonial powers
then England and France.

At the present stage, the standard of a sovereign state are the US and the political and economic
space, which is part of the Monroe Doctrine, those. Continental set of North and South America,
the US-controlled. Obviously, the "large space" compete fully with the trans-Atlantic today is
only the analog of continental Eurasia. Consequently,

economy "third way" is already in his theory suggests

geo-political integration, in which the subject does not appear "nation-state", as the modern
equivalent of the empire. Otherwise, the overvoltage or the forces of the nation (the cause of the
collapse of the Soviet Union), or becoming dependent on more powerful and independent
neighbor (Europe, Japan, etc.). This consideration shows that in spite of logic and self-
sufficiency of this theory, its implementation depends on the success of the broader geopolitical
project, ie from the beginning of the New Empire building. Only on such a scale and scope that a
"third way" in the economy will give maximum results. Also the nomination of such economical
tion model will be the best theoretical denominator for all potential participants continental tal
unit, as even liberal authors (for example, Michel Albert in his book "Capitalism against
capitalism") emphasize the fundamental difference between "Rhenish nipponskoy" model (which
has many features of the "third way" of the economy) of the Anglo-Saxon. If this path becomes
and Russian, Eurasian chain closes camping in a natural way. In this case, it will be possible to
put forward a new version of the Zollverein, Correspondingly vuyuschuyu current geopolitical
conditions of the project "Eurasian customs integration", which alone today can seriously
compete with the NATO bloc and bring Eurasian nations to prosperity.

8.2 Economic Regionalism

At the heart of the Soviet economy was based on the principle of centralism. The High Court
decision of all important, less important and very unimportant decisions was in Moscow, where
there were regulations and guidelines. Such centralism makes the economy
clumsy, did not contribute to the development of a regional initiative, holding back the natural
growth of the economic potential of the region. In addition, throughout the Soviet economy to
reproduce the standard sample unit of production and financial relations without taking into
account any regional or ethnic or cultural characteristics of different regions or districts. This
rigid system was one of the causes of the backlog and eco nomic collapse of Sovietism.

The Liberals, who replaced the Communists, despite their theoretical projects, essentially
retained the old state of affairs, only now centralism was not planned, and the market. But, as
before, the major economic decisions are made but is centralized, and the main economic paths
pass through Moscow, where the Liberal government tightly controls the overall progress of
reforms in the region. One form of an abstract of reproduction throughout a given scheme was
replaced by a different form, but the principle of centralism in the economic structure has
remained the same. By the way, in many respects a failure of market reforms is explained by the
so inertial centralism, when the Moscow government officials tend to tightly controls to the
Economic Development of the Regions.

A sober analysis of the situation and comparing of the situation in Russia with the most
developed economies (primarily Rhine-NPC JE type) lead to the conclusion that a radical move
away from this economic approach and address the economic model built on a purely regional,
regional, local basis. The economic relationship between all regions of the USSR was an
artificial construct. This relationship is based more on planning and volyuntari stskih methods
rather than on principles of maximum effectiveness, it is often held back the autonomous
development of the regional economy. His role in this play and plan, built in the absolute. On the
precipice of such a general network and the coming to power of the Liberals, many industry
sectors were generally left to their own, and are doomed to degradation and extinction, and the
entire focus was on priority development of resource industries, where products could
immediately sell abroad. And Western goods obtained monopoly

pseudomarket structures Moscow liberals, again centrally distributed across regions. Thus, the
regional economy postrada la even more, and its dependence on the center of the departure of the
communists, paradoxically, has only grown.
Implementation plans "of the economy of the third way" should be based on completely different
methods. Centralism here should be primarily strategiche skim and political, but in any case not
the economically, as the maximum economic benefit Empire can be achieved only when all its
components will have an economic autonomy and develop in the most free and natural way. As
in the context of the whole continental project as a whole, each part must strive to be as
independent and self-sufficient Noah at his level, and within Russia should create a very flexible
regional economy built not on account of the center of interest or planning requirements, but at
the highest organic growth of the economic potentials that are most there correspond to the
region. Of course, the strategic aspects of the economy of resources, strategic raw materials, the
MIC must have centralized leadership, but in other industries as well as in financing, areas to be
given a maximal degree of freedom.
On the basis of cultural, ethnic, religious, geographical, climatic, etc. conditions of a particular
region should ultimately differentiate not only an economic or commercial orientation, but also
the economic structure. Up to the fact that on the territory of the Empire may have regions with
different economic order of the maximum-market to almost communist. Those nations that
rejected the banking system (the Muslims) should construct their financial models, excluding the
percentage of industry funding, while in other regions, by contrast, banks can develop and
prosper. The most important thing in this project to reach a level where each region or area will
become self-sufficient in meeting the most urgent needs of the residents in the first place, we are
talking about housing, food, clothing and health. In this case, it must first achieve regional
autonomy in the provision of the most needed, and only then build projects to improve living
standards for the improvement of technology, technical and industrial Development
Organization. Each region should have an elastic and flexible sustainment system so that at any
time and under any circumstances and possible crises have guarantees of a decent living for the
entire population, regardless of inter-regional relations, or the economic situation in the center.
The strategic aspect of the global economy should be considered in total isolation from the
regional structures, working on self-sufficiency of the population. The status of this population in
any case should not depend on the priority development in the region of a particular strategic
sector. In other words, should respect the principle of "minimum necessary life is always and no
matter what", and the concentration of efforts in the region on a particular strategic global
industry can take place only when the control over the preservation of independent economic

not in contact with this industry. In this case

conversion of a particular type of production, the abandonment of obsolete or inefficient

Territorial moving companies or

refocusing on profitable in all respects imports will have no impact on the overall standard of
living of the region, which will initially and fundamental significance is guaranteed. The
competence center will only strategiche skoe production and planning, which will not be
implemented as an axis of economy, but as the imposition of some kind of global superstructure
on the existing autonomous economic regional network, with both areas should not in any way
interfere with each other. For housing, social protection and food supply in any case can not
depend on the economic efficiency of industrial or strategic company, located in this area (as is
the case now). It is necessary to achieve such economic independence of individual regions,
down to the smallest, that all the most urgent economic problems must be solved in isolation
from the people's participation in the strategic industry. This principle should be dominant in the
strategic planning, which inevitably will exist at the state level, even in the most extensive
economic freedom.

Regionalism is necessary to project and on the financial system, taking, for example, the
experience of regional and land banks in Germany, where small financial struc ture, often limited
to one or several villages, demonstrate a miracle of efficiency in the development of the
economy, as in this volume is extremely facilitated control loans (making unnecessary service
fiscus), and the volume of loans, interest and repayment periods are determined based on the
specific organic community conditions and are not quantitative, abstract-me mechanically, but
life, these esky element hozyayst
Vovan. In general, the regional financial system may be the most original form, adapting to the
logic of ethno-cultural and geographical landscape. The most important thing at the same time to
avoid the centralization of capital, ultimately disperse it to the autonomous regional financial
institutions, to force him to serve economy, and not vice versa, put the economy at the mercy of

You can even enter two parallel and disjoint financial systems, two "currencies": one designed
for obustraivaniya strategic empire-wide scope, another for regional needs. In the first case there
will be a strict state

planning, founded on specific principles financing and production in other regional markets and
regional financial fund. Capital of the state and the regional capital. Private property must be
atomic constituents boiling is regional, the regional capital, while the state capital, in principle,
should not have private property is no common measure. Only in this case it will be carried out
strict distinction between the state, public and private, and hence stability, flexibility and self-
sufficiency of the internal structure of the Empire will be maximized. In general, the economy
should be guided by the fundamental principle of limiting strategic centralism plus limiting
regional pluralism and "liberalism."
Chapter 9: Conclusion

Attempted to outline in general terms a continental project to identify the most global and axial
moments of Eurasian geopolitics for Russia and the Russian people will surely need in the
development of a substantive, which would require enormous work to refine, reasoning illustrate
different moments and aspects of the topic. For us, however, it was extremely important to
provide the most Approximate variant of the single model of the geopolitical future of the
Russian people, which is on the other side obviously dead-end paths could bring it to planetar ny
and civilizational level corresponding to its mission, its national, spiritual and religious claims .
Much of this project may seem new, unusual, unfamiliar, even shocking. But the need to touch
on all the important aspects of the future of the nation have forced us to neglect the explanations,
rebuttals possible criticism, to get away from the long quotations, listing names and columns
with numbers. For all this will be done as needed. In the meantime, the most important thing to
indicate the broad contours of the "third way" that the only way that can bring our great nation
and our great country out of the abyss of chaos and fall to the shining heights of Heaven Russian.


Chapter 1 Scope and method
1.1 Inner Geopolitics of Russia depends on its planetary function

Geopolitical analysis of domestic geopolitical problems can not be implemented without taking
into account the more general, global picture of Russia's place in the geopolitical ensemble. Just
constantly referring to the planetary role and importance of Russia, it is possible to disassemble
and describe its internal geopolitical structure effectively and consistently. In contrast to the
European Schools' internal geopolitics "(Iv Lakost, etc.), gravitating to the isolation of the local
and regional problems by taking into account the disposition of forces on a global scale, in the
case of Russia can not be abstracted from its global significance,

and therefore, all private, internal problems adequately formulated it (not to mention their
decision) only as part of a common, integrated geopolitical field.

Russia is not just one of the countries of the continent. It category, which belongs to the basic
principles of the entire geopolitics. Russian heartland, «Geographical Pivot of History," Land.
Russia is Eurasia. Such its value is independent of block ideology orientation of the policy, the
mode specificity: continental its historical, geographical and geopolitical fate. In the case of
Russia, the question can not be put to the choice between "Atlanticism" and "Eurasianism". It is
the Eurasian Skye force and can not be such. Refusal by Russia of its role performance in the
ensemble of the world is possible only in case of a full geographical annihilation operators, as in
the case of refusal of the Russian state to fulfill this mission, while maintaining the Eurasian
continental tal masses will sooner or later need to Stu emerge a new political entity in the same
borders, which will assume the functions of "geographical axis of history." In the meantime,
Russia exists, it is the axis of the Eurasian vector on a planetary scale. This character and
determines the viewing angle of its internal geopolitical issues. These problems are only in the
following way: how and on what natural

(Or artificial) proces kah save the maximum

Russian geopolitical volume, if possible increase it to distribute all internal geopolitical factors
so as to best enable the planetary geopolitical expansion?

This formulation of the problem in itself puts the conditions of analysis necessary to focus and
priority to explore:
1) the possibility of centripetal tendencies of the regions;
2) the possibility of expanding the influence of the spatial center to the periphery and beyond.
This involves a clear allocation of two basic criteria, the concept of the geopolitical center and
geopolitical periphery. Relations between them and constitute the essence of the study of internal
Russian geopolitics.
1.2 Internal geopolitics and military doctrine

Military-industrial complex plays an important role in the geopolitical organization of Russian

spaces, as in many (especially the sparsely populated) areas just to the military camp and the
bases attached civilian settlements. Connected with this is, and placement of the most important
centers of industry, also paired with the needs of the so-called "Defense Industry". From the
military doctrine of the model depends the whole of Russia's geopolitical configuration.
This military doctrine, in turn, has two components. Political leadership orientation (which may
vary depending on the internal and external political factors) and geopolitical constants you are
establishing the framework in which variations are possible policy. This second component
(geopolitical position Russia) uniquely APPROVED value is continental Russian sun, focus on
the fact that the main "potential enemy" Russian is precisely atlantist unit. And it is automatically
entails a continental orientation of the entire military doctrine, the absolute priority strategiche
Sgiach weapons, focus on global conflict on a planetary scale. In this case, it does not matter
what the political regime of registration. It is not necessary geopolitical confrontation will be
duplicated ideological confrontation. It depends on the specific situation and can influence the
verbal form of political chicken meat, softening or, on the contrary, accent geopolitical
confrontation, continuing under any circumstances. Without claiming to be the final formula of
the military doctrine, geopolitics defines its scope, the violation of which immediately entails a
total social and political crisis and the territorial disintegration of the state.

Even in the case of full ideological understanding The mania with Atlanticism, Russian military
doctrine must still be defined as a potential enemy number 1 is the US and the Western camp,
and only on the basis of this principle to build the entire structure of the aircraft. And this, in
turn, will affect the overall structure of the internal Russian geopolitics in the broader sense.

Russian military doctrine should be absolutely Eurasian. Only in this case, and from this
perspective can be responsible to analyze the internal Russian geopolitics and outline priority
vectors of development. Without this, any analysis would predict a catastrophic degradation of
the Russian regions, territorial disintegration, a chain reaction of destruction and geopolitical
samolikvidatorstva. Theoretically, such a turn of events can not be excluded, and the modern
"military doctrine" of the Russian Federation, is not mentioned among the "potential enemies" of
the US and NATO, but to include them in the number of potential geopolitical allies of Russia on
the Eurasian block makes this a lot of bases. However, based on the more general geographical
and historical perspective, this condition should be considered as "temporary anomaly," which
will soon be eliminated in any political mode as a kurtosis complex transition. Possible to
describe the scenario of "geopolitical catastrophe" which would highlight the collapse phase
"geographical axis of history." But such a position should be more interested in the Atlantic
camp, it was only natural, if such models are studied geopolitics thalasso-democratic powers.
Russian geopolitics, which can not fail to be a Eurasian should therefore focus on the positive
prospects, analyzing current and future situation, based on the normal laws of historical and
geopolitical development of continental and civilizational dualism. And in this case, to make a
(Even if at the moment this is not yet the case), that "military doctrine" of Russia with the
general logic of the mainland and is based on strict geopolitical constants.

This fact should be borne in mind in the course of further discussion.

1.3 Center and Periphery

The historic center is not constant heartland'a geographical value. The current capital of Russia
Moscow inherits both line Slavic Capital (Kiev, Vladimir) and a line of steppe rates Chingiz. As
geopolitical synthesis of forest and steppe, Russia has just two historical and geopolitical iCal
tradition, the totality of which is the basis of originality of Russian way.
Petersburg period has also been fraught with territorial expansion, although the location of the
Baltic St. Petersburg embodies the European orientation of the state, "geopolitical Westernism".
In the Petersburg period of Russian territorial expansion was less organic and more artificial than
before. synthesis character was not so obvious, though many Eurasian peoples of Asia and
Siberia took power, "White Tsar" on the basis of the oldest continental traditions. Moscow
geographically most meets the Eurasian tion mission of Russia. It is equidistant from all the main
geographic areas that make up the uniqueness of the Russian landscape. Distance to the polar
north, the east-west Europe, steppe and taiga subtropical south and east are approximately the
same. Therefore, the "normal" (from a geopolitical point of view) of the Eurasian Capital,
continental center should be considered as it was her. In this respect, the current situation is the
same, in general, the geopolitical constants. Moscow heartland'a natural capital.

Fugitive Russian cartographic analysis at the same time immediately discovers in this position
some asymmetry. The fact that the Urals (which is not, however, no natural vnutrirossy tion
abroad due to low altitude of the mountains and the climate of homogeneity with both ridge
sides) rather homogeneous taiga zone extends for thousands of kilometers deep into Siberia,
transforming thus Moscow in center a "European Russia". This purely quantitative ny look
balanced, however, by other geopolitical considerations. Firstly, Siberia is not a fact of climate
and relief structural diversity which characterizes douralskuyu Russia. From this point of view,
all this huge space is a disproportionate stretching east of the landscape, the scale of which is far
superior to the zonal pattern of Russia proper. In this way,

in the sense of a giant landscape nom spatial volume is reduced to a limited climatic quality.
Secondly, exactly the same disparity is present a level

and demographic. For Ural Mountains lived the same number of people, which is characteristic
for each of the selected bright nature landscape zones of European Russia. Third, the
development of this region in terms of communication, cities, communication, etc. also not
comparable to its spatial capacity.
Therefore, in the current situation, the geopolitical role of Siberia can not be considered in
proportion to the space. This is a special "reserve space", which is the last "undeveloped" as
should be part of the Eurasian continent. In this way,

taking into account the special quality of Siberia, Moscow does

identified with geopolitiche University Center "geographical axis of history." Note: it is
undeveloped in Siberia (especially in Eastern Siberia) made Mackinder in his later works include
«Lenaland», ie area lying to the east of the Lena River, in particular geopolitical entity that does
not belong, strictly speaking, heartland'u.

But Spengler pointed out that moment, that Siberia is a geographical space, the role of which can
clear up gradually and be decisive in the historical process. He foresaw that it was from Siberia
will be able to develop its own unique culture, which put an end to "the decline of the West" and
his "Faustian" civilization. The same idea and Russian Support wali "aziytsy" extreme offshoot
of the Eurasian ant, consider that the East (Asia) is important not only the West, but also the
Eurasian (so, in particular, believed Ivanov and some "tihookeanisty», Pazifiker, hauskhofe
Rovsky school Kurt von Beckman, etc.). Thus, in the long run, which involves changing the
demographic information and the state of development of Siberia and its adjustment with the
other Russian (or European) regions, it can be assumed that the geographical position of Moscow
utratitsvoyu centrality and geopolitical center of Eurasia will shift to the east.

But at the moment it should be considered only as a futuristic perspective. (More on this in the
chapter on the Russian East).

From the center (Moscow) can be carried out rays to different areas of the peripheral Russian
lands. These rays are not segments, as their length is not fixed. Centripetal and centrifugal forces
act on the regions with the variable depending on many historical factors. Furthermore, the
physical distance from the center geopolitical

(Moscow) does not always correspond "Geopolitical distances." These distances depend not only
on quantitative but also on qualitative aspects of relationships, of autonomy of regional entities,
their form, their cultural and ethnic identity.

You can bring all the rays converge toward the center, the four main categories or "internal axis":
1) Moscow -Vostok
2) Moscow -West
3) Moscow -Sever
4) Moscow -Yug

On the other hand, the respective peripheral space constitute a "zone" or "strips", each of which
has specific of characteristic and special structure. These bands can be called, respectively,
"Russian East", "Russian West", "Russian North" and "South Russian." The definition of
"Russian" has
this case is not an ethnic, but geopolitiche sky sense, emphasizing the link with the region's
central Noah "continental axis" Moscow.

The main content of the theme of "internal geopolitical ki" Russia will clarify the geopolitical
structure of these four "peripheral areas" and the quality and nature of the "rays" linking them to
the center. zone structure will be discussed in detail in the following chapters. Character beams,
in the most general terms, we can see right now.

1.4 Internal axis ( "geopolitical rays")

Four geopolitical ray connect Moscow to the periphery of the "Russian space". These rays have a
different quality.
They can be divided into two pairs of beams Moscow west Moscow and the South, on the one hand, and rays Moscow east and
north of Moscow, on the other.

The first two ray, from a geopolitical point of view, the "unfinished", "open". They rest on the
complex geopolitical significant territorial scope of the system, which separates mainland Russia
weight of the ideal boundary of the coastline. The southern and western borders of Russia, from
a geopolitical point of view, are the wide belts that separate the central part of the coastline. In
this respect, these two rays are the most vulnerable to the direction of Russia, and the whole
geopolitical dynamics of these axes is extremely tense, complicated, having a plurality of levels
and dimensions.

West axis Moscow and Moscow South combine both vnutrenne- and foreign policy aspects,
since there actually regions of Russia-Eurasia smoothly into the area under the control of other
states, and some of these countries belong to the opposite planetary unit, to the camp

The latter two beams: the axis of the north of Moscow and Moscow East are very different from
the first pair. Here Russian border coincides with the coastline, "states about the clutches" does
not exist, and therefore the political dynamics in these areas is exhausted vnutripolitiche Skim
themes. In the North and in the East Russia has complete geo-political boundaries. And the main
problem in this case is to preserve the status quo.

Moreover, the North and East is due to oceanic Sgiach boundaries are reserved and well
protected rears "geographical pivot of history", which at critical moments can always create
additional nye spatial platform for geopolitical and strategic restructuring.

The difference between the axes of the "West" and "South" and the axes of the "North" and
"East" is not the result of historical accident. The very geographical landscape, and later ethnic
and cultural map of the regions is a matrix, which as

course of political history was filled with concrete

public content. On the western and southern border regions of Russia and in adjacent territories
of neighboring countries have developed advanced inflorescence cultures, nations and ethnic
groups, with their political and spiritual traditions E, State, etc. This is the area of one of its side
entering into rimland. Here the development of the activity objective and

artificial prerequisites for "separatism", and that, in turn, on a planetary scale is identified with
thalassocratic strategy.

North and East of Russia, on the contrary, extremely uniform landscape, and loosely inhabited
by peoples who have no developed political and state traditions or long-lost historical initiative
imperostroitelstva (for example, the Altai Turks, Buryats, etc.). Here in Moscow, free access to
the sea, but also the quality of the seas appropriate. They are little navigable, cold, a significant
part of the year covered by ice, cut off from the central part due to poor communications,
underdeveloped their ports.

specific strategic advantages compensated corresponding conductive defects.

Two pairs of beams give a complete geopolitical symmetry. The length of the northern and
eastern coasts of Russia entails demographic dischargedness, communications
underdevelopment. The western and southern boundaries of land, densely populated landscape
diverse and represent a considerable volume band area.

Geopolitical center of relations with Russia in the periphery, thus divided into two kinds of
purely internal axis linear oceanic boundary mi (North East) and poluvnutrennie axis with land
borders "band" ( "zone"), quality (West, South). Dynamics of the "South and West" means entry
into the sphere of international relations, diplomacy, etc. Dynamics of the "North and East"
vnutripo limited to political issues. However, purely geopolitical approach makes this picture, to
some extent, a relative. Where at the moment is "inde simoe" state, geopolitics sees "the future of
the province", and vice versa, the coastal part of the territory of one state at some point may
become a beachhead alternative geopolitical force (ie, the new state "sovereign" ).

The rays coming from the center to the periphery, "the continental expansion of the pulses," are
constantly faced with the opposite power pressure. Atlantic bloc seeks to limit the centrifugal
energy of Moscow, using a "separatist" tendencies or marginal peoples of neighboring countries,
in this case based on those coastal areas which are already under the control of certain
thalassocracy. In the South and in the West, this resistance is quite discernible in the concrete
political reality. In the North and East protivodey Corollary less obvious and clear. But,
nevertheless, it exists in the form of a strategic military presence Atlanticist in ocean coastal zone
(especially nuclear submarines), and at certain critical periods can be expressed in the forward
politi skom interfering in Russian domestic affairs and support (or provocation) separatist
sentiments of ethnic and cultural minorities.
Chapter 2: The Road to the north
2.1 Analysis Model

Geopolitical beam north of Moscow in a large approximation breaks down into a spectrum of
rays radiating from a central location over the entire length of the coast of the Arctic Ocean. We
get so complicated model in which there are three problems:

1) the relationship between a sector of the North;

2) the ratio of a center (Moscow);
3) the relationship with other areas of Russian space (South, East, West)

Geopolitical analysis is split to several sectors and issues. In this case, the main task is to, as far
as possible taking into account regional specifics and details, not to lose sight of the overall
complex "internal geopolitics of Russia" and even broader planetary context.

Geopolitical imperative of the Center in respect of the North is to the greatest possible
strengthening of the strategic control over these areas. Given the sparsely populated areas located
zasevernym Arctic Circle, and the lack of development of political and state traditions of the
ethnic groups,
living, cultural and political aspects are relegated to the background. The most important aspect
of becoming a military control of the coast (military, air and naval bases)
Information Noe message, energy supply and ensure food sh governmental and housing wealth.
2.2 geopolitical Russian Arctic

Climatic character of the northern territories implies point, and not a "lane", its colonization.
Hence, the role of centers becomes important and increasingly, to some degree, the equivalent of
that in other regions is defined as a "territory". This identity is the "center" and "territory" in the
North as much as possible, because the intermediate open spaces not only of little use for the
property, but deadly tundra, cold, lack of settlements, roads and etc.

Thus, this system geopolitical North points situated in the arctic area, the constellation of discrete
populations scattered fairly homogeneous (climate and relief) space. The vast majority of
northern lands represents tundra, i.e. northern desert Stu sparsely vegetated (lichen). This

The character of the northern space in something close to "water element". It borders between
the territories have virtually no serious significance, since control over this or that land does not
give any special advantages. Given the sparsely populated, automatically withdrawn and the
issue of "competition for nomadic" in the reindeer herding peoples.
The population of the North is the diversity of ancient Eurasian ethnic groups that lived in these
areas for thousands of years without any specific cultural, ethnic or migration dynamics. It is
curious that in the north of Russia's western border passes and division along ethnic lines: the
north of Europe to Scandinavia, Germany, Denmark up to England, Ireland, and Iceland,
inhabited by the "developed" nations indoevro-European origin (young ethnic groups); and from
Finland and Karelia and up to Chukotka Russian North populated ethnic groups, is much more
ancient and archaic than the population of the European North (Ugrians, Turks and archaic
Paleo-Asiatics Chukchi, Eskimos, etc.). And, as we move to the east along the coast of the Arctic
Ocean archaism ethnic groups increases. Younger Indo (or Turks), dynamically moving on most
habitable parts Eurasian waves "move" autochthons north.

From west to east: after Karelians and Finns (still quite actively involved in modern history,
although on the sidelines) more archaic Nenets and Komi, Khanty and Mansi then, Dolgan,
Evenki, and then the Chukchi and Eskimos. A huge sector of Eastern Siberia occupies Yakutia
(Sakha), but actually Yakut (one of the branches of the Turks) live far to the south of the Arctic
Circle, and the north of the region is almost uninhabited. Ugric peoples from the Eskimos to the
space of the Russian North shows us a historical time slices civilization.

The concept of "Russian North" is a trapezoid, repeating the outlines of Eurasia as a whole. To
the west it narrows to the east is expanding. In Russian fin-tion boundary captures the area
approximately 10 degree meridian, and Chukotka already coated with Kamchatka 20 degrees.
But this spatial expansion has little effect on the geopolitical nature of the Territory of; and
demographic characteristics, and the degree of development and the quality and frequency of
communication, this is geographically expanding settlements to the east of Keystone provides a
mirrored picture as "narrow" the western flank of the northern sector of the inhabited and
mastered more than the opposite eastern flank.

If Siberia is a geopolitical "reserve" of Russia, the North, and especially the Siberian North, it is
a "reserve" Siberia itself, being the most remote from civilization region of Eurasia. This icy
uncharted land, formally described in the cards, but do not represent any historical mark, which
has no global cultural dimension (at least in the foreseeable within the available study of the
past). This situation contrasts strangely with the role that "north" plays in the mythologies of
many nations. There he is endowed with the quality of the "great homeland", "Promised Land",
"ancient paradise." In this historical moment it is rather the opposite of the cold, unfriendly,
hostile people, alienated space with rare artificial centers of civilization.

2.3 North North +

Administratively, most of the northern lands are autonomous regions of the Russian Federation,
except Karelia, Komi and Yakutia, which have a more independent political status (the country).
Politically, the area located as follows (from west to east): Karelia, north of Murmansk,
Arkhangelsk Oblast, Komi Republic and

Nenets Autonomous District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug cue, Taimyr (Dolgano Nenets
Autonomous District), the northern sector of Yakutia, Chukotka Autonomous District, Magadan
region, the Koryak autonomous okrug and Kamchatka.

The similarity of the geopolitical qualities of all these areas is sufficient reason, so that they can
form a certain territorial unit of Strategic based on specific integration form structures. All these
areas are facing problems typologically close; their development takes place along the same path.
This natural affinity, so vividly manifested even in the most cursory geopolitical analysis shows
the need for some consolidation. This consolidation, a sort of pact "Arctic lands" can have
multiple levels of cultural and spiritual to the practical and economic. You can initially identify
common areas of the block.

Its cultural base can be purely the Eurasian Skye theory rethinking traditional civilization as a
positive model of social order, preserve the memory of cosmic proportions. This means that
archaic of the North (undeveloped, lagging set, primitive, etc.) is not a disadvantage, but spirit
plus. Ancient ethnic groups, not only can not be "re-education" and included in the "modern
civilization", but rather require that the conditions of their existence, the most consistent with
their traditions. And taking care of these traditions should be partially shifted on the state seeking
to secure strategic control over these lands.

Parallel to this, should adopt a "mythological" aspect of the North as the ancient homeland of
mankind, and the project "spiritual revival of the North" would be acquired in such a case worthy
of a historical scale. The emphasis should be placed on the seasonal specifics of the Arctic, the
polar day and polar night, which were considered by Hindus and the ancient Persians "for days
of the gods." The existence in the Arctic (the total for the whole of the Eurasian North) returns a
human being in terms of a particular cosmic rhythm. Hence spiritual therapeutic value arctic

On the material level, and particularly in relation to the conditions of existence of migrants from
the South, that is, mostly Russian, should unite the efforts of all the northern centers in the
development of optimal models of towns and villages based on the specifics of the climate. In
this aspect, it requires the use of the latest technologies of alternative energy sources (solar
energy, wind power, etc.), construction GOVERNMENTAL know-how to the permafrost,
communicative tions and transport systems, the development of interregional aviatran sports, etc.
The original should be a common project of the Arctic development, development of a common
and most effective formula that would allow as soon as possible to upgrade the settlement to
make their existence more dynamic and interconnected.

Given the importance of this issue, it would be logical to give its decision by the Arctic region,
providing government support for the whole project from the center. The development of "arctic
formula" business northerners themselves.

Since it is the geopolitical North "reserve reserves" Russia, it is necessary to prepare it for a
possible active regions of migration from the South. This applies to other aspects of the problem
of the new settlement of the North. Sooner or later, given the demographic
processes, it becomes necessary, and it is better now to start creating this structural conditions.

Notably the military aspect. North is a huge strategic military zone of Russia, the most important
its security belt. Here are concentrated many of us missile bases and strategic air base;
Murmansk and Arkhangelsk is the largest Russian naval bases. This situation is not the result of
arbitrariness of the ideological confrontation between the two camps during the Cold War. The
strategic importance of the North militarily saved for Russia in any case, since we are talking
about respecting the interests of Eurasia, heartland'a. The meaning of the military presence in the
North of Russia stems from the structure of the continental nature of the Russian Armed Forces
and of the natural self-awareness continental camping, conductive opposing "forces of the sea."
The main importance of these military facilities protection of the coastal zone from possible sea
and air intrusion and ensure, if necessary, of a nuclear strike on US skom continent through the
North Pole. This is the shortest distance from Russia to the United States. For the same reason,
this area is a priority area of missile defense. Currently, the North gives you a huge percentage in
the total industrial product Russia. This does not include its central importance in the military
complex for industrial purposes. Many minerals such as salt, nickel, etc. governmental mined's
advantage in the Arctic regions. But between such industrialized North and the lag in other areas
of development there is a huge gap. Geopolitical logic requires active alignment situation. And
it's best to do this is in the "Arctic pact". In this case, should be to identify the capital (or several
capitals) of the North, which would concentrate intellectual capacities of those technologically,
which would negate the main eco nomic, financial engineering and leverage. This would give the
North considerable independence from the center, free of control in detail provisions for flexible
regional development and rapid industrial and economical tion reaction. On all these levels
clearly it serves the need of integration of the North. This is important in the spiritual, ethnic,
cultural, military-strategic, industrial, social, and financial plan. The result of this multi-level
integration (so far exists only potentially) would create an entirely new geopolitical reality in
which a significant increase in autonomy and regional autonomy would not weaken the strategic
communication with the center. The development of the North would be a way into the future, a
completely new springboard (based on geopolitics) conception of space in the long run.

North Earth from barren desert again be transformed into a polar paradise, strengthening
planetary weight of the continent and creating a model society "Eurasian future" based on a
combination of tradition and development, loyalty roots and technological modernization.

North Center 2.4 +

A first approach to analyze geopolitical North (+ North North) based on separation "polar
trapezoid" in one coherent region which can be regarded as independent spatial figure. Such a
vision of the North providing the most flexible model of its development, as the most stable
geopolitical structure is one that consists of the self-sufficient avtarkiyno-autonomous (in a
limited sense) elements. But even such a relative self-sufficiency requires a certain spatial scale.
"Trapeze" Russian North meets all the necessary conditions in order to emerge as an independent
internal Russian "big space". Furthermore,

this Integration autonomy can largely compensate for the inevitable strategic state centralism.

The second approach is to geopolitical analysis system operation at North Center axis. This axis
has been and largely remains so far the only and main administrative organization in the northern
territories. Individual regions and centers of the North were directly subordinate to Moscow,
which controlled all the main vector of development of these territories. Such unequivocal
centralism does not allow the best to develop the internal geopolitical potency of the North,
certainly did lopsided specialization of regions and focused on the scale of the whole country.
This allowed us to maintain a regime of strict centralism, but significantly retarded the opening
of internal opportunities.

Geopolitical logic dictates that the question of the relationship between center and periphery (and
in our case, the North of Moscow) must obviously be divided into two components:
1) strict centralism in the field of macro-policy and strategic subordination;
2) the maximum liberation of internal capacity due to marginal cultural and economic autonomy.

In other terms: strategic centralism + cultural and economic regionalism. To achieve the most
efficient model of the roles of the geopolitical distribution again raises the question of the
"capital of the North", which could serve as an intermediate court between the Center and all
areas. This point would converge all military ties from the bases, military units, ports, etc. In
addition, there would be "the government of the North", a flexible instance of political
coordination of all parts of the "polar trapeze", reports directly to the Moscow, but stands in front
of her on behalf of the North. It might be a "parliament of the North" and Relevant executive
structures. In this case, the most important thing was to achieve a harmonious combination of
military leadership with regional representatives, as centralist nature of strategic control would
match in this case, with an expression of the will of the regional northern lands. Tandem military
representative to Moscow Civilian Representative "of the North" in a geopolitical capital could
become the ideal prototype of the most effective and operative Noah, flexible but strong related
to the organization of the center of the Eurasian space. Thus mezhetniche skie and cultural
friction between the peoples of the North in this integration process will be minimal for historical
and geographical reasons, fragmentation and patchiness of settlement and the small number of
ethnic groups. It is in the North should be to test this model of reorganization of space, based on
purely geopolitical premises. In this case, all the conditions for such a project there is the
ownership of all the regions of the North to the Russian territorial and the demographic is
discharged, the urgent need for perestrukturalizatsii industrial and economic systems, some of
which fell out of the overall system National Foot "division of labor", the demographic crisis, a
critical situation
with the peoples of the North, the collapse of power supply systems and communications, the need for reform and the sun, etc.

The ratio of the north of Moscow depends on the overall integration of the northern regions in a
single unit, and for another reason. Russia has the latitude of geographic structure, it is stretched
along the parallel. The main trends of its development it had latitudinal trend. On the integration
of spaces along the latitudes built Russian state. For this reason, basic communication and
communication systems in Russia were formed in accordance with this model. Especially
latitudinal process clearly expressed in the development of Siberia and "snatch the Ocean".
Therefore, the internal structure of Russian stability depends on the completeness and latitudinal
dynamics of integration. If we take Russia as a whole, for its continental strategic usefulness is
necessary to develop North-South axis. This relates primarily to the expansion of its limits, as
any geopolitical organization of vertical space gives the maximum degree of strategic self-
sufficiency. But within Russia itself this complete self-sufficiency completely impractical. Here,
on the contrary, it should insist on limiting strategic centralism, on the relationship with the
Center regional spaces. Therefore, we can formulate a geopolitical law: in Russia the priority is
the integration naya axis East-West, North-South axis outside Russia. (More nyuansirovannro
this law is formulated as follows: strictly ethnically and politically controlled Russian and
Russian space require latitudinal integration, while Russian domestic land is compact populated
by other ethnic groups with lockable historical tradition of political separatism, on the other
hand, require the integration of the meridian lines.) The dynamics along meridian makes politi
skoe education independent of the neighbors left and right. It is necessary for the country as a
whole, but too for some sectors of the country. Dynamics along the parallel, opposite, rigidly
connects the center to the periphery; it is useful for the internal organization of the state, but it
leads to conflicts and imbalances at the international level. On the basis of this law should insist
on latitudinal integration of the Nordic regions, given that they belong to a single climatic zone
tion and relief, rather than purely geographical (and even in some cases, ethnicity) and their
closeness to the other (south, east or west) area. North latitude union will contribute to its
cultural and economic development, but also hinder the creation of preconditions for a potential
political and strategic sovereignty. Only such a structure will solve the problem the Center
Periphery as much positive, from a geopolitical point of view, the key.

2.5 Finnish question

The only international problem with the Russian North, is the problem of Karelia (and Finland).
Karelian ethnicity is close to Finnish and related cultural and historical unity. Based on the logic
of the latitudinal integration Karelian question seems, at first glance, an anomaly. There are two
possible approaches.

The first is that the absolute geopolitically Karelian-Finnish border and offer the Karelian
republic integrated on north-south axis with the native Russian regions around Lake Onega, Lake
Ladoga. Such a development vector is unnatural and it should be used only in the worst case, as
artificial tear ethnic unity for a purely administrative line
political boundaries never gives the geopolitical stability of the region. This problem is
exacerbated by the fact

that the Karelian-Finnish border is a

legkoprohodimy forest and swampy terrain and has a great extent; reliably protect that border is
extremely difficult, cumbersome and expensive. The second approach involves the creation of
Karelian-Finnish geopolitical area, culturally and economically a single part, but which is a
strategic support Eurasian Center. In European languages, is there the term "Finlandization",
which appeared in the course of the Cold War. It refers nominally neutral state with a capitalist
economy, but strategically leaning toward the Soviet Union, ie to heartland'u. Finland, the state is
highly unstable and far from autarchy education, natural and historical images included in the
geopolitical space of Russia. This was manifested at various stages of history. Center could go
for extensive autonomy Karelian-Finnish association with the only condition for the strategic
control over the Gulf of Bothnia and the arrangement of the Eurasian border troops on the
Finnish-Swedish and Finnish-norvezh tion border. The border would be reduced by half during
that Finnish-Swedish and Finnish-norvezh Skye border relief is much less homogeneous and
legkoprohodimy than Karelian. Moreover, Russia would gain the ability to control over the
Baltic Sea to the North.

The second approach is preferred in all respects, and it is to be used this tactic continental Center
in all ethnic and cultural mixed zones in the borders of the state. Broken ethnic unity
automatically mean instability of the border zone, border instability. Atlanticist enemy sooner or
later try to adopt this circumstance to conduct ethnic integration in their view that tighten control
over rimland'om and weaken heartland. Therefore, continental forces must actively and
aggressively use similar tactics and not give in to fear cultural and even economic sovereignty of
the peoples of the border in exchange for strategists cal presence and political loyalty.

When the boundary of stability can not be achieved through direct military or political
expansion, should apply a flexible intermediate options that antievraziyskom sense constantly
and successfully uses Thalassocracy.
2.6 North and Not-North

Specificity geography Arctic Russian coast Eurasian ratio reduces the problem Northern regions
with the other regions to the more simplified formula North South, as latitudinal problem
(namely, the West) occur only in the case of Karelia. The unity of the exception is the issue of
Yakutia, which stands alone here, as Yakutia has, although very artificial, but still historically
directly fix a tradition of political separatism. This aspect is reflected in the later classification
McIndoe rum Eurasia, where he singled out «Lenaland», «the land of the Lena River," and
Yakutia (Sakha) is the axis of the region extending from the Laptev Sea to the Amur region and
the Altai in the south. But the case of Yakutia should be regarded especially Vat.

Let's start with the western part of the "northern trapeze." Here stand the Kola Peninsula,
Murmansk and Karelian Republic. Together with Finland, all this is a single
geographical and geopolitical sector which is most effectively be integrated into an independent
and complete system in which a strategic priority and as a military center solution has to
Murmansk and Murmansk itself, and the Karelian-Finnish space would be endowed with a wide
cultural and economic sovereignty. In this case, the Murmansk region could be increased through
the northern parts of Finland, Finnish Lapland. Balance between Murmansk (cal projection of
strategists in Moscow) and the Karelian-Finnish space of would be a concrete expression of the
Eurasian continent arrangement example of the "new Finlandisation" under the conditions
prevailing after the end of the "cold war." Further movement to the south of this block we
consider the chapter on Russian West. It should be noted that in any case the fundamental
strategiche tion axis in this case will Murmansk Moscow axis.

Next: Arkhangelsk Region. It should make an exception to the general rule and indicate the
importance of integration, not only in North North latitude, but also along the meridian. The fact
that the Arkhangelsk Region is located directly above the Central European part of Russia, and,
consequently, the idea of a possible sovereignty of vertical sectors from the White Sea to the
Black Sea against Russia as a whole is excluded, as this region is actually Russian. Therefore,
Arkhangelsk and the Arkhangelsk Region are in the strategic position that is most consistent with
the principle of strategic North integration in the interests of the Center. Axis Moscow
Arkhangelsk only from the entire spectrum of internal "geopolitical rays" It is of a not just a
military strategic constructions tion.

Here it is necessary to maximize and

diverse integration with the South, up to Moscow to try to create a smooth transition from the
(relatively) densely populated areas of the Vologda region to the point settlements Pomerania.
Russian population migration to the North, its active exploration, development and
transformation must begin with Arkhangelsk. This is the largest port in the most advantageous
position in comparison with all the other localities of the North, so it is logical to Arkhangelsk
selected as "Arctic Capital Covenant." Development of Arkhangelsk Moscow axis must be
comprehensive and priority. The quality and dynamics of this one (just north of) the meridian of
integration will depend on the consistency and efficiency of the "Covenant of the Arctic."

To the east in the North zone includes two administrative formations at the Nenets Autonomous
Okrug and the Komi Republic. Integration of these spaces between them has no
contraindications, especially with allowance for minor population Nenets district. Proximity to
Arkhangelsk allows active way and priority to develop the region as part of the overall project.
Of particular importance has the development of the islands of Novaya Zemlya and Frantsa
Iosifa Land. These arctic land possess enormous strategic importance in the context of
intercontinental standoff. It is closest to the pole, and, respectively, and to the United States,
Russian territory, which are used are as a strategic military base. As in the case of the Republic
of Karelia and Murmansk,

most northern space controlled mostly military, while the south is more developed civil
administration. The entire region is the center of Vorkuta, to which converge the main ways of
communication and message.

Vorkuta major industrial and strategic center, which is located close by and the Yamalo-Nene
tskogo district, where there are no similar in the center of the scale. Consequently, Vorkuta could
control and a huge area of the Kara Sea coast

up to the mouth of the Yenisei River and the mouth of the Ob River basin. In this region Nenets
district is geographically close to Hunts Mansiysk region, and both are included in a single sector

It should be emphasized that the southern boundary of the "North trapeze" in the case of the
Republic of Komi has a very important geopolitical significance. In this case, the integration
processes of the North-Ural region with the rest of Ural (Volga region and northern) not only
malotselesoobrazny, but frankly harmful, as the south-west (with the Permian Komi District) is
located Tatarstan, where separatist tendencies have a long history. Being placed in the middle of
the Russian land, Tatarstan does not present any particular risk, but in all similar cases,
"separatist logic" makes us look landlocked or foreign territory, and any integration processes
vertically in this case, may eventually prove to be extremely dangerous. It should go the opposite
way (than in the case of the Arkhangelsk region) and try as much as possible to tear the whole
north-Ural region and its adjacent sectors in the east and west of the Volga and the Urals. In this
case, the "northern trapeze" should be strictly separated from the entire continental area, located
to the south.

Even lie to the east of the land of the Yenisei basin, which falls administratively in the Taimyr
and Evenki autonomous districts and the northern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the former
Turukhansk region. In this area stands out Norilsk, which can be defined as a center for the
whole of this huge region. In this case the meridian dynamics in the North-South axis is not
excluded, as South Siberia from Omsk to lake densely populated Russian and integrals tion in
this direction may be at particular risk not. The whole installation is in an intermediate area
where the end zone is more or less evenly populated area and begins his own «Lenaland»
Mackinder, "no man's land." This area and all over the eastern territories are huge continental
desert, lifeless tundra in the north and impassable taiga in the south. This is a "potential space".
From the south it is partially developed and Russian and ancient peoples Turko- Mongolian
relatively developed political culture. But in the far north, it is a «no man land». This situation
can not be changed quickly and with one jerk, and, therefore, a huge region with the center in
Norilsk is still a certain time will be an "inner boundary" mainland Russia to the northeast, a
strategic outpost of the Center for the North. This logically leads to the need to develop it
especially Norilsk,

which is extremely important

geopolitical importance. It lays down the control function over the Taimyr (and the island of the
Severnaya Zemlya) in the north and the south basin of the Yenisei, and in addition, from this
point should begin at least a wide area, ie, a point, a focused control over the Center "far north-
east" of Eurasia, on Lenaland. Mackinder Lenaland includes Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka,
Magadan Region, Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur region, Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin Island and
the Kuril Islands. All the space is divided into two geopolitical region fragment "north of the
trapezoid", on the one hand, and South Yakutia, Amur region, Primorsky Krai, and the southern
half of the Khabarovsk Territory, on the other. Both spaces are qualitatively quite different. The
southern part, especially the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, a relatively densely populated,
has ancient political traditions, is home to a fairly active Eurasian ethnic groups. From the
viewpoint of techn Skog and, simultaneously, in the climatic sense this southern sector is a
continuation of South Siberia. The exact opposite is the northern part of Lenaland. This is the
most undeveloped and "wild" part of the Eurasian continental giant reservoir, with rudimentary
infrastructure and almost no people. The unity of nym major center for the whole region is
Magadan, but it is a port, a very weakly bound to the immense expanse of the continental
Kolyma, Northern Yakutia. Anadyr in Chukotka, as the center is not in the full sense of the word
and the same is not connected to the mainland. The sector is a separate continent, brilliantly
protected maritime borders, which has many minerals, but not completely developed and
undeveloped, located in a potential state. This part of Siberia has been left outside of history, and
that it mainly refers futurological Spengler's prophecy about the "future of Siberian civilization."
This unique sector of the Old World, has not said its word in the history of civilizations and did
not show its geopolitical function.

This lack of development in the region is explained on the basis of the so-called "Potamicheskoy
civilization theory" according to which the cultural development of the region is much faster in
cases where major rivers there are not parallel to each other but intersect. Siberia (especially
eastern) the classical proof of this principle, because it all the major rivers flowing in one
direction without crossing Yas. However, the delay in development is not a purely negative
characterization. Historical backwardness helps save (on the basis of rational Nia comprehend
the history of other nations and territories), the most important historical experience. This under
certain EVENT SHALL may be the key to an unprecedented rise.

Northern half lenaland, in terms of purely geographical involves consideration as a single

geopolitical complex. And here there is a very important issue. Around a center could emerge is
the future geopolitical entity? Which orientation it will follow? The very fact of Mackinder's
doubt as to whether or not to rank lenaland to the "geographical pivot of history", points to the
possibility of alternative solutions situation. This is enough to continental strategy has paid
special attention to this sector.

Clearly, the challenge is to incorporate the maximum of the field in the "Arctic pact" under the
control of the Center (Moscow) and the correlation with other secondary centers of the North
zone. But here there are two obst hold:

1) absence in the center of the region of a major strategic point around which to build integrated
2) the axial position of Yakutia (Sakha) in this region, which is especially complicated by the
Yakuts albeit nominal, but historically fixed by "separatism".

In this case, the ratio of the northern half of the "Arctic trapeze" with the South for the first time
become really dramatic, as Yakutia has such a strategic location, which gives all the prerequisites
to become an independent region, independent from Moscow. This is achieved and a long
coastline, and meridian structure of the country, and its technical isolation from the rest of the
regions of Siberia. Under certain circumstances it may be Yakutia main base Atlanticist
strategy, starting from which Thalassocracy perestruk turiruet Pacific coast of Eurasia and try to
turn it into a classic rimland, controlled by the "sea power". Atlanticist increased attention to the
Pacific and its range is highly indicative allocation Mackinder Lenaland in a particular category,
then the inclusion of the area in rinmland'a zone maps Atlanticist Spykman Kirk and all this
testifies to the fact that at the first opportunity all this weakly bound to center region
antikontinentalnye forces will try to withdraw from the Eurasian monitor.

The following measures should be taken in this regard: 1) Very limited legal political
sovereignty of Yakutia.

2) Divide Yakutia into two or more regions, the most important administrative department of the
coast of the Laptev Sea region and the East Siberian Sea from the mainland of the Lena River
basin. It is also important to maximize the area that separates the border of Yakutia from the
Pacific coast and strengthen strategiche sky control over these coastal zones.

3) Set over the whole territory of the special ny tight control of the representative of Moscow.
4) To organize industrial and financial Integra tion in Yakutia neyakutskie regions make the area
the most dependent on the Center or on the projections in the North and in the South Siberia.

The above steps require a reorganization of the territory, which would have created is a
completely new geopolitical construct a new center and a new radial communication. In other
words, without waiting for the reorganization Lenaland Atlanticist scenario, while this region
remains a part of Russia, should immediately go to the construction of the Eurasian continental
Lenaland sample. Problem of correlation between the North and South has for this sector a
special solution here does not simply limit contact along this axis, but again re-organized Vat
entire northern area, severing it and polar coastal areas of continental spaces of Yakutia. It is not
only proactive geopolitical course, this is the geopolitical attack, trench warfare for Lenaland, for
the future Siberia for its continental Eurasian destiny. While this question may be internal
political significance. It is unacceptable that it has acquired international importance and became
vneshnepolitiche skim.
2.7 Summary

North zone of the Eurasian continent, part of Russia, is the most important geopolitical reality,
the value of which will steadily increase as the development of planetary dynamics. It is
especially important this region for Russia to assert its global geopolitical status

status "Geographical pivot of history".

Only when the definition of Atlanticism, thalassocracy as their main

geopolitical rival North entire system becomes a real strategic content. Upon cancellation of the
recognition of the geopolitical dualism at the level of military doctrine and foreign policy whole
subject immediately loses its meaning. Wherein
inevitable not only rapid degradation of the Russian North, but also in the longer term it split and
even rejection of certain regions of Russia.

The general rhythm of the geopolitical processes in the moment is that the question of
geopolitical reorganization of the North in accordance with the above geopolitical constants is
highly topical, urgent business. Even to maintain the status quo, it is necessary to immediately
begin the geopolitical reorganization of all of these spaces.

The fate of Russia is directly linked to the geopolitical fate of the North. This law is the basis of
its future geopolitics. North is the future, it is fate. Chapter 3: Call of the East
3.1 "Internal East" (extension of the concept)
Analyzing the Russian geopolitical problems of the East use the same method as in the case of
the north, dividing the issue into three components:
1) Center - East
2) Contact sectors between an East
3) The relationship of these sectors to other regions and geopolitical areas of Russia.

But it should be determined first, what is meant by "Russian East". We must immediately
emphasize the difference between the East as a purely geographical concept and West cultural,
civilizational, historic. Thus, in the cultural East decided to include all of North Africa, Middle
East, Southwest Asia, Central Asia up to Pakistan and further to the Philippines (the Islamic
world) and India, while China and Indochina, as well as to the countries of the Pacific region
made to apply the concept "Far East". From the position of Russia, geographically all of this is
the South, stretching from the Maghreb far West to the Pacific Far East.

On the other hand, in the "East" Russia itself is completely different geographical and
geopolitical realities of a territory stretching from the Volga region (Tatarstan), the Urals,
Siberia, down to the Pacific Ocean. Geopolitical This category can be termed "Russian East" or
"internal East". By studying the internal geopolitics of Russia, should be taken as the "East" it is
the second concept "internal East", the geographical area lying to the east of the center (in
In this case, the Caucasus and Central Asia will fall into the category of "South" and will be discussed in the corresponding

Given that we consider the internal geopolitics of Russia as an "open system" does not coincide
conductive with the administrative borders of the Russian Federation, based on the method of
"geopolitical rays", highlighting geopolitiche Sgiach zones often have in the territory of
neighboring states, if there is a geopolitical, ethnic both geographically and landscape unity. For
this reason, the "internal East" Russia should be included as the Yuzhnyy Ural and northern
Kazakhstan from Aktyubinsk to Semipalatinsk approximately the 50th latitude. In addition,
Mongolia, Xinjiang and Manchuria geopolitically are included in the sector of the South in
relation to Russia. Consequently, all of South Siberia, Altai, Tuva, Buryatia, Amur and Primorye
(plus the southern half of the Khabarovsk Territory) includes a phase of "internal East", together
with the Central Siberian regions located south of the "northern trapeze." Thus, the "internal
East" should be considered as a rectangle, stretching from Kazan and the Urals to the Pacific

3.2 Belt "Russian Siberia" (Structure)

Climate-Russian East is very different from the North. This is a zone with a temperate
continental climate. In Volga and Ural and in Siberia and the Maritime advantageously located
forest zone. From North Kazakhstan to Lake Baikal is tapering wedge steppes. Altai Priamure
arrays and low mountains. Most of the area is quite densely populated, and is favorable for living
and economic relief.

The ethnic composition of the internal Russian East is that the vast majority are Russian,
absently residing in the national republics and most compact in the Siberian land. There are
several ethnic areas coinciding boiling in general terms with respective autonomies and
Republics. In the Volga region of Tatarstan is located,

rather monolithic ethno-national

education, preserving the tradition of political independence and definitely of rivalry with
Russia. It is the most vulnerable (with Russia in terms of maintaining the integrity of the) region,
as national consciousness of Tatars is very developed. The most important factor that makes the
problem of "Tatar separatism" is still a minor, is the geographical location of Tatarstan in the
middle of the continental space without maritime borders, or proximity to the non-Russian state.
While such a geopolitical situation persists, it does not pose a particular danger to Russia. But in
any case, the historical tradition of the Tatars requires greater attention to this region and of this
policy in respect of the Center of Kazan, Tatarstan through which geopolitical system would be
linked to a purely Russian regions (may not be geographically adjacent). At the same time, on
the other hand, integration processes with Bashkiria, Udmurtia, Mordovia and Mari El should be
discouraged. In addition, it makes sense to focus on the territorial division of the Tatarstan
cultural and ethnic characteristics, as ethnicity Tatars integral and racial and cultural and
religious factors. It makes sense to encourage the Russian migration to the republic.

Tatars and Turks, Muslims, and this makes them part of the geopolitical and Islamic world. In
this regard, the Center is faced with a problem that is dominant throughout the geopolitics of the
South (which will be discussed in the relevant chapter). Perfect separation of Tatarstan from this
reality can not be either through assimilation or through active geographical isolation. Therefore,
the "Tatar question" included as a separate item in the broader problem of Russia and Islam. The
common denominator in solving all similar situations is to find the balance of geopolitical
interests "geographical axis of history" and the Islamic world. In this regard antiatlantizm is in all
cases the common denominator, let conductive establish lasting planetary alliance. In the case of
Tatarstan should particularly emphasize the natural continental character of the Tatar nation,

historical destiny is inextricably linked with Eurasia and in the identification of the geopolitics of
Eurasia geopolitics Russia under the present conditions, the conscious and voluntary union of a
deeper imperative, rather than ethnic and religious differences. Wider Eurasian power, Russia is
based on a combination of Slavic and Turkic elements, which gave the actual Great Russian

became the axis "Continental states" identified with heartland'om. Therefore, in the future, these
two ethnic groups and Slavic Turki (+ ugry and Mongolian) remain pillars Eurasian geopolitical.
Their future in the development of political and ethnic integration,

and therefore the accentuation of ethnic and cultural differences, and especially the desire to
make these distinctions political form, contrary to the logic of historical destiny and Russian and
Tatar. This topic should be the axis of relations between Moscow and Kazan, and it is possible
that this will require the creation of a special "geopolitical lobby", which expresses the interests
of Eurasia also politically (or meta-political).

Almost the same considerations apply to Bashkiria, Tatarstan is located farther south. It is also
home to the Turkic ethnic group, a practicing Muslim. The only difference is that the Bashkirs is
not so manifested separatist tradition and such a developed national consciousness as the Tatars,
who were the most active and "advanced" ethnic group around the Volga region. For this reason,
the Tatar-Bashkir communication can not possibly contribute to the geopolitical stability of the
in the sector "Internal East" of Russia, and the Center should make every effort to of integration
Vat Bashkortostan in the southern Urals region, populated by Russian and detach it from the
orientation to Kazan . In this case, it makes sense to focus purely originality of Bashkir culture,
its uniqueness and its differences from other Turkic-Islamic forms. Geopolitiche Strengthening
Economic Relations of Tatarstan with Bashkiria extremely dangerous for Russia, as the southern
administrative border of Bashkortostan lies close to the North Kazakhstan, which (at the most
unfortunate development in the geopolitical situation) could theoretically become a springboard
Turkic-Islamic separatism. In this case, heartland'u facing the worst being torn Turk (pro-
Turkish, ie Atlanticist) wedge in the middle of the continental space. In this sense, the orientation
of Tartary to the south, trying to integrate with Bashkiria, and even closer to the Orenburg region
of Bashkortostan, are extremely negative tendencies, which the Center for continental policy
must prevent at all costs. Bashkortostan should be strengthened due to the latitudinal Kuibyshev
and Chelyabinsk, and meridional contacts with Kazan and Orenburg should, on the contrary,

Further, from the Southern Urals (Chelyabinsk) to the Krasnoyarsk ska band stretches of land is
actively settling and development of Russian. From west to east it is clearly looming etsya
geopolitical axis that historically corresponded to the way Russian conquest of Siberia:
Chelyabinsk Omsk Novosibirsk Tomsk Kemerovo Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk. All of this zone is a
well-developed industrial area, and a city like Novosibirsk, is also a major center of intellectual
nym. In the ethnic sense it is almost purely Russian zone. A similar situation is repeated on the
east side of Lake Baikal, where along the Baikal-Amur tion highway from Chita to Khabarovsk
and further south to Vladivostok, located as it were a continuation of the same band, starting in
the southern Urals. The only deviation is Buryatia, Baikal territorial but bordering the north and
breaks the continuity of the rest of the "Russian Siberia" homogeneous belts.

Strictly to the south of the purely Russian zone runs parallel to the zone with a considerable
admixture of Turkish (east Mongolian) population. It begins in the Northern Kazakhstan, Aktobe
comes from the territory of Kazakhstan to Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk, and continues
on the territory of Russia in the Altai (the cradle of the Turkic ethnic group), in Khakassia, Tuva
and Buryatia. In this case, from the Altai to Transbaikalia (Chita) the Turkic-Mongolian
landscape belt and largely ethnically smoothly into Mongolia, no obvious geographical
boundaries which actually do not exist. From a geopolitical point of view, all of this lower zone
is part of the strategic space, "Russian Siberia", and should therefore be regarded as a
continuation of the "Russian East" to the south. The only exception is a fragment of Chinese
territory (Chinese Manchuria) located on the eastern border with Mongolia to the Ussuri River.
Based on the logic, he would have to strategically controlled by Russia, as otherwise it will
inevitably become a cause for the positional conflicts between "geopolitical pivot of history" and
the territories, geopolitically outside the rimland, while China undoubtedly belongs to the
category rimland (in this nor any of geopolitics has never been a shadow of a doubt).

With respect to the said strip "Russian Siberia" is just the same geopolitical principle: the whole
territorial sector must be actively integrated into a single geo-political field, the priority here will
latitudinal integration of long Chelyabinsk Khabarovsk axis (meridian short axis Khabarovsk
Vladivostok is a continuation of this line special geopolitical sector). All this space is huge extent
of Russia's main strategic advantage as a truly Eurasian power. Thanks to this South-Siberian
corridor Russia is able to firmly link the center of the region to the Pacific coast, thus providing a
potential highway full development of Siberia and the final exit of Moscow to the Pacific Ocean.
This band is the control lever all of Eurasia, including Europe, since the organization of the
continental high-tech communication from the Far East to the Far West thus enables
perestrukturiro Vat planetary reality that thalassocratic control over the oceans from the outside
will lose its key. Siberian Resources will be contacted in the future with high technologies
developed in continental Europe and Japan, and when it will be realized, the planetary
domination thalassocracy come to an end.

Latitudinal integration of Siberia (axis Chelyabinsk Khabarovsk) is the most important strategic
advantage, which is the only Russian. With the development of this area, all the geopolitical
history of the future can begin, and in this case the prophecy come true Spengler.

In a more narrow, "inner" sense, the development of integration, "Russian Siberia» makes it
possible to expand the geopolitical control and the meridian. South "tyursko- Mongolian" zone
will bind to a purely Russian northern territories, despite the fact that the most wide ethnic and
cultural autonomy to be accompanied by economic integration and strategic domination Russian
axis Chelyabinsk Vladi-east. And in this process have included such diverse in the administrative
sense, Education, the Kazakhstan, autonomous regions and republics of the Russian Federation,
Mongolia and possibly some areas of Chinese Manchuria. At the same time the same meridian
vector is assumed, and to the north, where the situation is different only in that the autochthonous
non-Russian population is much more unloaded, politically less developed and has a fresh
historical experience of political sovereignty. In the Khanty-Mansi and Evenkiyskiy districts, as
well as in the Khabarovsk region of the northern limit of expansion of the "Russian Siberia" belts
installed parallel process of internal integration "north trapeze." This integration is in contrast to
the complex geopolitical function "Russian Siberia" (Chelyabinsk Khabarovsk-axis), which has
three vectors of development (the latitude, the north and south) and faces in some cases with the
existing and rather self parking-inflammatory political forms (states), has an easy clean
latitudinal character. Therefore, both geopolitical process will develop at different pace, and
consequently, the specific boundary between the resultant development of "Russian Siberia"

to the north and the overall integration of the "northern trapezoid" will depend on unpredictable

All these geopolitical vector of development are not inherently something new and unexpected,
since they are merely an extension of Russian large-scale historical processes of the movement to
the east and the formation of a Eurasian power. Russian way to the Pacific Ocean is not
accidental, and the territory of the Russian development of Siberia also followed a clear
geographical logic. This path corresponds to the embossed border forests and steppes, the
geopolitical synthesis of which is based Russian state itself. According to the "edge" of the
northern boreal forest, bordering the wilderness (or steppe), moved reclaiming Russian Siberia,
settling on the most suitable for habitation and agriculture lands. From Chelyabinsk to the lake
landscape sector represents a tapering wedge. And from Lake Baikal to the Pacific coast is a
continuous zone of the northern forests, gradually and imperceptibly turning into tropical forests.
This increases the percentage of highlands and mountain ranges.

This area of the lake to the mouth of the Amur River is once again returning to the issue of
«Lenaland», which has already got up when we discussed the Yakut sector "north trapeze."
3.3 Positional battle for Lenaland

As in the case of Yakutia (the analysis of the geopolitics of the Russian North), at the approach
to Eastern Siberia, stretching east of the Yenisei, we are faced with a number of geopolitical
issues. Looking ahead, we note that encounter difficulties in the third time, and when we reach
the parsing of the eastern sector of the "Eurasian South".

Already from a purely geographical point of view, beyond Baikal begins a major change of the
relief compared to all over the western sector of Eurasia. There, between continental forest on the
north and tropical (mountain) in southern forests, carefully ran steppe zone, creating a natural
symmetry, highlighting the central region, the first (steppe) peripheral border circle and reliefs
rainforest and mountains. This picture is saved from Moldova to Altai steppe north layer simply
disappears. In the case of Eastern Siberia, we are dealing with an entirely new geopolitical
landscape and the region requires different positional solutions. In parallel, an unexpected
landscape "call" (a smooth transition in the continental tropical forests on the background of
mountains, hills and hills) and found extremely bad picture of ethno-political presence in the
region of several internal and external national entities whose Russian geopolitical loyalty is not
so obvious. Against the backdrop of an extremely low population density throughout the area
Lenaland Russian geopolitical picture becomes extremely alarming. First, the territory of
Buryatia. It breaks the continuity of the actual Russian Siberian belt, protruding far to the north
of Lake Baikal. Buryats Lamaists, and at critical moments of Russian history, they tried to
establish on its territory an independent theocratic state, focused on Mongolia and Tibet. In itself,
this is no reason for concern, but there arises a new problem territorial proximity of southern
Yakutia borders to the northern border of Buryatia. Yakuts belong to the Turkic group,
significantly Christianized, but often retain the ancient shamanic traditions. However, some
groups practiced and Lamaism. In the presence of the output of Yakutia and Buryatia to the sea
border with Mongolia, all this is
a risk of a potential geopolitical bloc, which would have a greater relative geopolitical
prerequisites for independence than Tatarstan and some North Caucasian peoples, which
separatism is obvious. If we add to this the proximity of the Pacific coast, is very sparsely
populated Russian, the danger is doubled due to possible control thalassocracy over the coastal
zone (or zones sectors, potential corridors of Lenaland'a to the Pacific Ocean). Finally, the matter
is further compounded by the fact that the South Yakutia from the north-eastern border of China
separates fairly thin strip of the Amur Region, which gives grounds for the opening of direct geo-
political corridor from the southern Chinese coast of the Indian Ocean to the Laptev Sea in the

All these potential geopolitical configurations tion is extremely alarming. There is no doubt that
this picture may not seem to be very attractive atlantist strategists as rich land, resources and
unique in the sense of strategic opportunities Lenaland have been marginalized,

geopolitical point of view, position, and any weakening Russia's control over the region can
immediately cause permanent rejection of a giant piece of the Eurasian continent from the very
geographic axis of history. To prevent these events is not enough just to strengthen the military
contingent is located in the Far East or in the Amur region. It is necessary to take large-scale
geopolitical steps, since it is neither more nor less than the potential positional warfare. What
should pay particular attention to:
1) It is important to enhance the strategic presence of representatives of the Center in the south of Yakutia. This is achieved
through directional migration and systematic "colonization tion" of the peoples of the land over the western regions.

2) It should carry the same with lands lying to the north of Baikal. In this case, the dangerous
border will be extended.
3) At the same time it is necessary to develop intensively the north of the Irkutsk Region and the
entire Amur region, carrying out purposeful plan "colonization" of these territories.

These three measures are necessary to reinforce the increased military presence in the said area
and the activation of the strategic, economic and technological expansion to the west and to the
east. All this is intended to smooth out the dangerous narrowing of the "Russian belt".

4) should be enhanced positional pressure on the north-eastern China, to take preventive pressure
on this area, which originally would have warned any geopolitical feeble effort of China to the
northern expansion.

5) It should be possible to strengthen the ski of demographic and strategic sector, located
between the cities of Blagoveshchensk Komsomolsk-on-Amur Khabarovsk to create here a
massive shield against potential thalassocratic (from the sea) or Chinese (on land) geopolitical

6) All of these measures it is important to back up the maximum intensification of Russian-

Mongolian relations, as barren and little attractive in other respects Mongolia for the geopolitics
of the region is a key and essential camping area. Massive Russian military presence along the
Mongolian-China tion limits and especially its eastern part, to minimize geopolitical risk
Lenaland rejection.

Recall that the geopolitics of North supposed to focus special efforts in the same sector only
from the north, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Connect both geopolitical strategies and
parallel implementation will allow Russia to lay the foundation trench for the distant future,
where the importance of these lands will be so obvious that from control of Eurasia will depend
on the planetary significance as a whole.

Geopolitical battle for Lenaland should start smiling now, though widespread attention to this
region will be involved later. But if you do not lay right primordial geopolitical and strategic
model but to resolve the conflict once it begins, it will be much harder, and maybe it would be
impossible. The geopolitics of the major battles won long before they pass into the open form of
political or international conflict.
3.4 The capital of Siberia

Project Siberia integration raises the question of geographic center of this process, ie, on that
point, which could be the authorized representative of Moscow, the Urals, and serve as a magnet
for all the other regions. In this role more suited Novosibirsk, who not only is the largest city in
the whole of Siberia, but also an important center of intellectual nym national scale. From
Novosibirsk west axis goes to Ekaterinburg, capital of the Urals, and East to Irkutsk, Khabarovsk
and Vladivostok further. At Novosibirsk, so falls the most important function of all
communication, "Russian zone of Siberia", in which he is the main link. Axis Moscow
Novosibirsk becomes the major power line "internal geopolitics" of Russia,

the main "beam" for which you are the reciprocal process of exchanging energy flows from the
centrifugal and centripetal Center from the periphery.

Ural region with the center in Ekaterinburg is worth close to Moscow directly rather than make
him an interim authority in the communication between the central part of Russia and Siberia.
Geopolitiche Skye Novosibirsk position is so important that the city and its surrounding regions
have to have a special status and special powers, as it was from here should diverge secondary
geopolitiche skie rays across Siberia to the north, south, east and west. Exclusion from a
secondary centralization makes sense to do this only for the Primorye Territory and southern
sectors of the Khabarovsk Territory. This is a very special area, rigidly connected with the
problems of Lenaland and positional struggle for control over it. In this respect, special status
should be granted to Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, and they must be directly linked to Moscow
(and Ekaterinburg).

To interact with the "northern trapeze" conveniently organize additional strategic axis Norilsk
Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk Magadan. Thus, the East will be strategically paired with the
East, as well as the North, it is a geopolitics of the future bridgehead. Here lies the fate of
Eurasia. In this favorable climate "Russian Siberia» makes it more prone to the fact that it is here
to begin an ambitious project to create a new continental model. There have to be built new cities
and new highways are laid, mastered new lands and fields and set up new military bases. It is
important to lay initially in the project a harmonious combination of the two began a relief, a
landscape, the ethnocultural factor, finally, the environment, on the one hand, and technical and
strategic criteria, on the other. Archaic traditions should be connected with the latest tech
developments. It is necessary to take into account the site of ancient human sites in these lands
and to relate to them the choice for the development of industries and military bases.

This logic leads to open the prospect of a new center in Siberia, until the manifest and not
planned. And with the development of the whole Russian East, as the actualization of the Pacific
Ocean as the "Ocean of the future" is not excluded, that will be a question about the transfer of
the capital across Eurasia is in the earth in an unprecedented and does not yet exist brilliant
capital of the new millennium.

The time will come when Russia will lose its "median" value will be insufficient in the
geopolitical sense, too "Western". And then the question of the new capital of Siberia will
receive not just obschegosudarstven Noah, but a continent-wide, world-wide significance.

However, we can not for a moment lose sight of the fact that such a prospect is only possible
when winning a positional struggle for Lenaland, without which the revival of the Eurasian
geopolitical unthinkable.
Chapter 4. The new geopolitical order of the South
4.1 "New Political Order" of the South

Geopolitics of the southern regions (and Western) is connected with the planetary mission
Russia- Eurasia to a greater extent than the problems of the North and East. If even in the
consideration of the North and the East, owned by the geopolitical to the Russian domestic
territories foreign policy factor there is a constant, in the case of parsing problems of the South
(and West) only talk about "internal geopolitics" Russia simply does not make sense, because all
Russian domestic reality so connected here with vneshnepolitiche young lion that their
separation is impossible without having to completely break the severity of general geopolitical
picture. With regard to the South in the "geographical axis of history" there is only one
imperative geopolitical expansion up to the shores of the Indian Ocean. This means the centrality
and uniqueness of the meridional development unequivocal domination of north-south axis.
From a geopolitical point of view, all the space that separates the Russian territory from the
southern coastline of Eurasia, is a band whose area must be reduced to zero. The very existence
of rimland'a, which is not a line, but the band is an expression thalassocratic exposure, opposite
the base pulse of continental integration. If rimland Eurasia to the north and east of Russia is
reduced to zero volume, and the continent there is geopolitiche ski complete (the only thing that
remains is to keep the positional status quo, advance warning the possibility of converting the
line into the strip under vozdeyst viem thalassocratic pulse), then rimland the south ( and west) is
an open problem. In the east and north, Russia rimland current line, but the potential band, and in
the south and west of the contrary current band, but potential line. In the first case is a major
imperative defense and protection, storage, preservation and warning status quo geopolitical
moves. In the second case, it is, on the contrary, an active offensive geopolitics of the expansion
in total "offensivnoy" strategy.

In the South, across Eurasia Russia should establish a "new geopolitical order," based on the
principle of continent-wide integration. Therefore, all existing political formations of the South
Islamic countries, India, China, Indochina should certainly be regarded as a continental theater
positional maneuvers, whose ultimate goal is to strategically connect rigidly these intermediate
nye regions with the Eurasian heartland with Moscow.

Hence the concept of "open rays" coming from the center to the periphery, which do not stop
camping on the actual Russian borders, but must be held up to the southern shore of the ocean.
Those segments of "rays" that fall on Russian territory, are relevant for those countries that are
strategically solidarity with Russia poluaktualny E, and the states that follow its own geopolitical
path or (at worst) are included in the zone of direct Atlanticist control potentials
GOVERNMENTAL. The general logic of the Eurasian geopolitics in this direction is to ensure
that the entire length of the rays became actual or poluaktualnoy.
On this basis, the entire coast of the Eurasian continent from Anatolia to Korea should be
considered as a potential "Russian South".
4.2 Zones and Mountain-border

Imperative geopolitical expansion in a southerly direction determines the composition and

structure of those areas that fall within the administrative borders of Russia or of the allied
Russian States (CIS). Therefore, analysis of the periphery of the current geopolitical and
poluaktual GOVERNMENTAL rays should not be distracted for a moment from the original
trend, dictated by the laws of geopolitics. "Russian South" in a more limited sense, are the
following zones:

1) North Balkan Serbia to Bulgaria;

2) Moldova, and Southern and Eastern Ukraine;
3) Rostov region and Krasnodar (Novorossiysk);
4) Caucasus;
5) the eastern and northern coast of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan);
6) Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan;
7) Mongolia.

Above these zones continental strategic control set. But all of them should be regarded as the
basis of further geopolitical expansion to the south, and not as "eternal" Russian border. From a
geopolitical point of view, the presence of the coastal strip not controlled heartland'u, is a
constant threat of cuts of even those areas that are currently connected to the center of Eurasia
pretty hard. The collapse of the USSR and the emergence of independent few political entities on
the basis of the former Soviet republics provides an impressive example of the rejection of the
overall expansion, to the southern shores of the continent (the withdrawal of Soviet troops from
Afghanistan) inevitably entails rollback secure Moscow's boundaries far to the north, inland. But
the weakening of the continental presence never generates a vacuum or strengthening of
sovereignty is the "liberated" areas, as their status of province cial deliberately exclude their
geopolitical autarchy. In place of the influence of Moscow tellurocratic automatically comes
thalassocratic influence Atlanticism (in one form or another). Consequently, the "Russian South"
structure of the entire inner belt should initially be treated as a potential bridgehead offensive.

However, the matter is complicated by the fact that practically all border areas fall on the
mountain (often mountainous) areas.

In the north of the Balkan Peninsula is the Balkan Mountains, east of the Caucasus, and the
Kopet Dag mountain range below the Hindu Kush, then the Pamirs, Tien Shan, Altai.
Mountainous terrain southern border of Russia-Eurasia, which is largely predetermined the entire
history of the East, at the moment is one of the most important Geopolitically trumps
Atlanticism. The ancient Indo-European tzu divided entire Eurasian East into two components
boiling northern Turan

(Everything above Eurasian mountain ranges) and southern Iran (lying below this ridge). In fact,
this division adheres to modern geopolitical term nym heartland (Turan) and rimland (Iran).
After a few thousand years the southern Russian front puts the same geopolitical problem, which
was characteristic of the dialectic relations "steppe nomads against sedentary cultivators of
Persia." But in this case, the situation has changed dramatically in the sense that in the steppe
Turan added settled Slavic Northern Forest, balancing and fixing the dynamics of the Turanian
nomads. Indo-Europeans settled (Slavs) closed the steppe north cultural forms, in many respects
repeat archetypes Iranian south. Russia, as Eurasia as the synthesis of forest and steppe
qualitatively superior to Turan, and hence the problem of Iran (increasingly non-Russian Central
Asia), takes a different civilizational and geopolitical sense. This is particularly since the Islamic
revolution in Iran, which radically broke with thalassocratic Atlanticist policy of the Shah's

All these geopolitical aspects suggest the need for a radically new approach to the problem of
"the Eurasian mountains", which must cease to function a strategic border, become not an
obstacle in the path of continental integration, but a bridge to it.

The need to change the function of the mountains in the south of Russia (and its strategic range)
is the pillar of the future Eurasian geopolitics. Without such a preliminary operation Eurasia,
Noah never achieve world domination of a real, in fact, never even close to true equal dialogue
with thalassocracy.
4.3 The Balkans

Since the majority of Russia's southern land and its strategic area falls on the ground, racially,
culturally and religiously different from the Russian civilization (except the Balkans and the
Ukraine), the geopolitical axis must be strictly meridian. The conclusion should promote all
vertical (longitudinal) and inhibit integration processes all horizons Talnoe (latitude), i.e. in
ethnically and politically different from the actual Russian space should apply the principle of
the opposite principle,

dominant at conditions of ethno-cultural uniformity.

We outline the main forms of geopolitical struc ture "Russian South" (in the broad sense),
alternately looking at all of the local geopolitical system from west to east.
Balkan Peninsula. Here, there are four specific areas:
a) The Bosnian-Croatian (the most western and Atlanta cally oriented, clean rimland);
b) Serbian (located to the east of the Eurasian and clearly oriented); c) Bulgarian (more eastern

elements "version Levantine

rimland'a "most clearly, this model is represented by Turkey and the Eurasian Continental first

g) greek (orthodox, but a part of Atlanta stsky block).

"New Political Order" (continental and Eurasian) in this region (as elsewhere) is based on the
promotion of integration processes on the north-south axis. This means that we should as much
as possible to promote the strengthening of relations Belgrade Athens and Sofia and Athens.
Since the entire region of the Balkans is a mosaic, and extremely complex configuration, project
general Slavic southern federation consisting of Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro and
Serbia Bosnia, which would be theoretically ideal solution, it is hardly feasible in the near future.
Moreover, it suggests a dangerous process latitude of integration, which is in such a complex
ethnic regions is always problematic. Recall

for example, fierce Balkan wars of the century between Pravoslav GOVERNMENTAL state of
Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece and is constantly getting up the issue of Macedonia, which is the
"apple of discord" within the potentially continental GOVERNMENTAL Orthodox and Eurasian
powers. Therefore, the example of medieval Serb "Empire" Nemanjic may be taken as a positive
geopolitical paradigm. Moreover, all major Greek progress in global geopolitical projects (in
particular, the conquests of Alexander the Great) were fed energy coming from the Balkans north
of the Macedonian dynasty, and before the Indo-European type Dorian Sparta. Within the model
of the small Balkan Serb (and, in part, Bulgaria) is a Eurasian pulse, act as carriers heartland'a
ideas. Naya located south of Greece geopolitically stretched between the northern continental
momentum and stable historical identification with rimland'om. Therefore, unifying all the
integration projects in Greece

from Balkan north may contribute strengthening in Greece inland pulses that could be based on
religious affinity with the Russian Pravoslav Noah.

If in the long term, we can imagine a general Balkan Federation, Eurasian an oriented, the geo-
political minimum program can be defined as the creation of incorrect rhombus Sofia Moscow
Belgrade Athens (and again Sofia), which originate from the Center two beams Russian-Serbian
and Russian-Bulgarian, as they converge in Athens. The question of Macedonia would be
resolved at the expense of Lend Lenia special status for her to remove the stumbling block
between the three Balkan Orthodox and potentially Eurasian (to varying degrees) states. Hence it
follows logically compelling interest of Moscow in the issue of Macedonia.

If you look at the whole picture from the opposite point of view, from the perspective of
Atlanticist, it will be immediately obvious that thalassocracy important to give all the
geopolitical processes directly opposite.

Firstly, for the "sea power" is important to maintain proatlantistskie forces in the north of the
Balkans (Croats and Muslims), and in addition, to tear Serbia and Bulgaria on the geopolitical
union with Greece. To do this, it's best to use Macedonia, which will be able to destroy all
continental projects in the region. And if you connect Turkey to the Bulgarian problem, ie,
contribute to the improvement of the Turkish-Bulgarian relations at the expense of the Bulgarian-
Russian, the entire Eurasian continental policy is defeated. It is necessary to take into account the
geopolitics of Eurasia.

4.4 The problem of sovereign Ukraine

Further rises Ukrainian question. Ukraine's sovereignty is so negative for Russian geopolitics
phenomenon that, in principle, can easily provoke armed conflict. Without the Black Sea coast
from Ishmael to Kerch Russia gets nastolkoprotyazhennuyu coastal strip,

really controlled by someone unknown, that its very existence as a normal and independent state
is being questioned. Black Sea is not a substitute for access to "warm seas" and its geopolitical
importance plummets through sustainable Atlanticist control over the Bosporus and the
Dardanelles, but it at least makes it possible to secure the central regions of the potential
expansion of Turkish influence, being very convenient, reliable and nedorogostoya boiling
boundary. Therefore, the appearance in these lands a new geopolitical entity (which, moreover,
tends to enter the Atlantic Alliance) is an absolute anomaly, which could lead to the only
completely irresponsible, from a geopolitical point of view, the steps.

Ukraine as an independent state with some territorial ambitions is a great danger for the whole of
Eurasia, and without solutions Ukrainian issues to speak of continental geopolitics meaningless.
This does not mean that the cultural and linguistic or economic autonomy of Ukraine should be
limited, and that it should be a purely administrative sector of Russian centralized state Nogo (as
to some extent the case in Tsarist Empire or the Soviet Union). But strategiche ski Ukraine
should be strictly projection of Moscow to the south and west (although the details of the
possible models perestrukturalizatsii will be discussed in the chapter on the West).

The absolute imperative of Russian geopolitics in the Black Sea coast is a total and unrestricted
control of Moscow on his all the way from Ukrainian to Abkhazian territory. You can arbitrarily
break up this whole area of ethno-cultural basis, giving ethnic and konfessional hydrochloric
Crimean autonomy of Little Russia, the Tatars, Cossacks, Abkhazians, Georgians, etc., but it is
only with absolute control over Moscow's military and political situation. These sectors should
be radically separated from thalassocratic influences as coming from the west, and from Turkey
(or Greece). The northern shore of the Black Sea should be exclusively Eurasian and centrally
obey Moscow.
4.5 between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea

Actually Caucasus consists of two geopolitical levels: the North Caucasus and the territory of the
three Caucasian republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Close to this sector adjoins the
entire region of the Russian lands from Taganrog to Astrakhan, ie all the Russian land, located
between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, which also includes a wedge space Kalmykia.

This whole region is a very important strategic node for the peoples inhabiting it,
They have great social dynamics, ancient E
geopolitical traditions, and he is directly bordered by the Atlanticist Turkey, strategic controlling,
for its part, the
border zone, which, in terms of relief, belongs to a single space of the Caucasus mountain range.
This is one
of the most vulnerable points of Russian geopolitical space, and not by chance that these areas
traditionally been the scene of violent hostilities
between Russia and the countries-heartland'om rimland'a Turkey and Iran. Control of the
Caucasus opens in a first approximation, access to "warm seas", and everyone (even the most
insignificant) movement to the south border (or north) means a significant gain (or loss) across
the continental forces tellurocracy. Three horizontal formation of the entire region Russian land,
the North Caucasus as part of Russia and the Caucasus have actually also its potential continued
further south. This additional, purely potential zone, located outside of not only Russia, but also
the CIS, is from South Azerbaijan (situated on the territory of Iran), and the northern regions of
Turkey, which is largely populated by Kurds and Armenians. This entire region is of the same
ethnic and cultural challenge to Turkey and Iran, as a Caucasian ethnic groups that make (or
included) in Russia. Therefore, to enhance the impact of inland continental Foot Caucasian area
has all the objective preconditions.

So, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are four levels or formation, suggesting
differential-skilled approach by the Center.

The first layer, actually Russian, but the maximum should be binding at the latitudinal
orientation, creating a rigid structure of Rostov-on-Don Volgograd Astrakhan. This is an
important link in Russian space as a whole, as the north, it rests on the central part of Russia, and
further north in Arkhangelsk, a major northern port and a potential capital "north trapeze." Due
to a relatively short distance from the Central-European part of and at the expense of
demographically dense population and technological development triangle of Rostov-on-Don
Volgograd Astrakhan is a vital outpost of Russia in the South. This kind of substitution of the
Center for Eurasian, secondary center associated continuous area with depths of space. That is
why this region should become a geopolitical core of the whole Caucasus Eurasia strategy, and
this should strengthen its techno logical, strategically and intelligently. It is desirable to create
here a special close-knit Russian zone, integrating Rowan administratively and politically.
However, some problems arise from the northern region of Kalmykia, which, however, is quite
sparsely populated. It makes sense to include these northern steppe regions in the total
integration times, geopolitically "stretching" them directly between Rostovom- on-Don and
Astrakhan, to close the bottom of the triangle with vertices in Volgograd. Thus they are
reproduced geographical and geopolitical boundaries of the ancient Khazars, which controlled
the entire region at the beginning of the first millennium. Can be called is a geopolitical entity
"Khazar triangle". In the transition from a purely Russian zone of "Khazar triangle", which must
be followed by the latitudinal (horizontal) logic, though closely associated with the north and by
the Center (Moscow), the vector integration radically changes its character. The entire North
Caucasus, and all that lies to the south of it, should be subject exclusively meridional orientation.
Strategic Centers "Khazar triangle" must develop independent geopolitical chain deploying
camping due south. From Rostov through Krasnodar to Maikop, Sukhumi and Batumi. From
Stavropol to Kislovodsk, Nalchik, Ordzhonikidze, Tskhinvali and Tbilisi. From Astrakhan to
Any latitudinal delimitation of the Caucasus ethnic regions should be maintained and longitude
Integra tion on the contrary, strengthened. So, it is important to any means to tear the active
separatist Chechnya from Dagestan (and Ingushetia), closing access to the Caspian Sea.

If you leave Chechnya only lies in the south of Georgia, it will be geopolitically controlled from
all sides, and you can manage it and will on the part of Orthodox Georgia. By Georgia should
also bind, in part, Dagestan and Ingushetia, which could lead to the creation of an autonomous
North Caucasian region, the economically developed but strategically completely controlled by
the Russian and Eurasian-oriented. The total redistribution of the North Caucasus could be
solved and the Ossetian problem as the new ethnic entities (eg, the combined Ossetia) have lost
the meaning of the national state owned entities, acquiring a purely ethnic and cultural, linguistic
and religious meaning. Following the same logic, it is important to link the meridian Abkhazia
directly from Russia.

All these steps are aimed to one Eurasian geopolitical goal of strengthening tellurocratic complex
and its preparation of the planetary triumph in the duel with Atlanticism. Therefore, we can call
the whole plan for "new geopolitical order in the Caucasus." He does away with the traditional
approach to the existing political entities as a "states-nations," ie, strictly fixed administrative
units with permanent borders and complete power structure. "New cal geopolitical order in the
Caucasus" was a complete redistribution of the currently existing political realities and the
transition from a model of relationships State gosu darstva or a nation-state to a purely
geopolitical system peripherals Center, and the structure of the periphery should be determined
not by politics, but the ethno-cultural differentiation Noah.

This can be done through a plan to create "Caucasian Federation", which would include the three
Caucasian republics of the CIS, and vnutrirossy skie autonomous entities. Center in this case
would have yielded around this area of cultural and economic autarchy, but would provide a
severe strategic centralism. This would lead to an extremely flexible system that would be based
not on violence, occupation or uniformization of the Caucasian variety, but awareness of the
unity and communion of the continental destiny.

Special geopolitical role of Armenia, which is a traditional and reliable ally of Russia in the
Caucasus. Armenia is an important strategic base to prevent Turkish expansion to the north and
east regions of the Central Asian Turkic world. In contrast, in an offensive Český geopolitical
aspect is important as ethnocultural community, extends continuously, and to the south, to the
territory of Turkey, which is a significant part of ancient Armenia and its main shrine of Mount
Ararat. Racial and linguistic kinship ties of the Armenians and the Kurds, another important
ethnic factor, which can be used to provoke geopolitical turmoil within Turkey. It is extremely
important to create a land corridor that crosses the whole of the Caucasus and securely connects
Armenia with "Khazar triangular nick."

Armenia is also important in another respect. Based on historical and ethnic affinity with Iran,
that Armenia could serve as an important link to the spread of Eurasian pulse of the Center for
Iranian rimland'u. This means creating an axis Moscow Yerevan Tehran.

Iran (and in any case not in Turkey) would bind and Azerbaijan, stressing Shia ethnic affinity
with the Iranian South Azerbaijan and historical ties. Thus, the most important strategic beam
Moscow via Yerevan Tehran would duplicate beam Moscow Baku, Tehran, forming a diamond
Balkan symmetrical rhombus. Generally, between the Balkans and the Caucasus, there are many
geopolitical parallels. And most importantly, this is where most clearly manifests the action of
the most important geopolitical law latitudinal processes provoke terrible conflicts, longitude
links lead to stability and sustainability. Particularly effective is the war in Yugoslavia and in the
Armenian-Azerbaev dzhanskom conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. The very same Karabakh
problem in something similar to the problem of Macedonia. And so in order to stabilize the
entire region Moscow should establish Karabakh most direct connection to make the area a point
of equilibrium throughout the Caucasian geopolitical system. To this end, the Karabakh talks
optimally should have four sides: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Iran with the exception of all
the Atlanticist members whose political presence in the region is inappropriate for geopolitical

4.6 The new geopolitical order in the Central Asia

Central Asia is considered to be a huge fragment of the Eurasian landmass, stretching from
severokazahskih steppes to the shores of the Arabian Sea. From the former Soviet Central Asian
republics, this area through the Pamir and the Kopet Dag mountain range extends south to the
plains of Iran and south-east Afghanistan. Central Asia is the geopolitical space, which is more
than all the rest, can lead to the cherished goal heartland of the Indian Ocean. If Moscow failed
to win a positional war with thalassocracy in this area, it would automatically solve many
parallel issues of integration in the continental block India strategic support Iraq against Turkey,
straight corridor to the Middle East, etc. All this makes this area a central issue in the Eurasian
geopolitical restructuring of the South.

It should be noted that Central Asia is divided into a ridge of mountains is not only politically
and geopolitically, but also racial. The former Soviet zone of Central Asia (except Tajikistan)
inhabited by Turks Sunni heir mi Turan, many of whom continue to engage preimuschest venno
nomadism and livestock. "Non-Soviet" Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan (and even ethno-
culturally akin Pakistan) inhabited by Indo-Europeans settled. Thus, the geopolitical unity is a
distinct racial boundaries. This whole area is divided into three parts:

1) Central Kazakhstan (south of the 50th parallel, as it is located to the north of the land included
in the "Russian East");
2) Desert Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan mountain
(This is a purely Turan land);
3) Iran Afghanistan Pakistan India (Iran is in the extended sense of "Ariana", "Land of the
The new Eurasian order in Central Asia based on the idea to link all the land from north to south
rigid geopolitical and strategic axis. However, as always in such cases,

Vat important structured space exclusively

meridian direction, contributing to approximation of separate longitudinal regions.
Starting from the north, we are talking about communication in all of Kazakhstan with the
Russian Southern Urals and Western Siberia. This connection must be load-bearing structure of
all the Central Asian area. The consistent and thought Noah Kazakhstan's integration into the
overall continental bloc with Russia is the basis of all the continental policy. In this case, the
most important aspect is primordial but is a task strictly interrupt every Turkish influence on the
region, to prevent any project "Turanian" integration that proceeds from the Atlanticist Turkey
and offers a clean latitudinal geopolitiche skoe development of the former "Soviet" in Central
Asia, opposed the Indo-European North (Russia) Indo-European and the South (Iran,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India). Turan integration is the direct antithesis of the Eurasian
geopolitical and is splitting tellurocratic forces into three components boiling western (European
Russia), eastern (Russian Southern Siberia and the Far East) and southern (Iran, Afghanistan,
Pakistan). This "Turanism" aims to split the racial and geopolitical alliance of forest and steppe,
which gave rise to both the Russian state and the Great Russian ethnos, and with regard to Iran
and Afghanistan, he rips apart the religious unity of the Islamic world. Proceeding from this
heartland must declare Turkey and carriers "panturanism" rigid positional geopolitical war, in
which Russia is the main ally of the Islamic Iran Aryan. Central Asia should be "stretched"
vertically between the two global Indo-European realities between the Russian and Persian. We
should make every effort to ensure that the highlight around the Turkic space autonomist local
cultural trends, support the regionalist forces in the autonomous regions, exacerbate tensions
between clans, tribes, "ulus", etc. Everywhere in this area should seek to close the area, district,
industrial complexes, business cycles, and strategic facilities on the territory located outside the
Turkish area, or in a strictly meridional direction. So, for example, Karakalpakstan in western
Uzbekistan geographically should not be integrated in an easterly direction (Bukhara,
Samarkand, Tashkent), and in the northern (Kazakhstan), and southern (Turkmenistan). On the
same principle must restructure border areas with Uzbekistan for Samarkand Ferghana valley
and historically and ethnically related to Tajik areas is not less than Uzbek mi. The same is true
for the southern Kyrgyzstan.

Geopolitical hinge entire Central Asian geopolitical strategy tellurocracy should become
Tajikistan. This area combines the most important aspects of the entire Russian «Drang nach
Suden», «breakthrough in the South." Tajik Muslims of Indo-European origin, ethnically close to
the Iranians and Afghans. Those. They are in the region portion of the "Iranian" of the world.
However, Tajikistan was part of Russia and the USSR, ie, It has been integrated into the actual
continental, Eurasian geopolitical system. Therefore, the fate of this small mountainous country
of ancient Sogdiana, symbolizes the success (or failure) of establishing a new Eurasian order in
Central Asia.

The actual border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan should not be interpreted as a strict line.
This is not a historical given, but the geopolitical mission, as in the interests of heartland'a would
cancel all here any whatsoever strict limits, shifting strategic line far to the south, and all the
intermediate region of rebuilding on the basis of ethno-cultural, tribal and regional boundaries.
Afghanistan has no tradition of centralizing complete bathroom statehood. It is inhabited by a
variety of nomadic and sedentary tribes (Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc.) related to more than a
religion (Islam) than government and politics. Therefore geopolitical return of Russia to
Afghanistan and inevitably predetermines the most Leno
geography. The only thing that you need to build is not so much on military power,

how to elaborate geopolitical strategy, the preparation of a conscious and voluntary on both sides
of the strategic alliance, caused by the need for a common confrontation thalassocracy, "the
forces of the West", "Atlanticism", which automatically brings Russian and Muslims. Tajikistan
in the process acts as a main base, and its area becomes geopolitical laboratory in which
converge two divergent pulses Islamic pulse Indo Eurasian South and Russian geopolitical pulse
coming from heartland'a from north. Here, in Tajikistan, in Dushanbe or in another city, should
develop joint Russian-Islamic strategy to reorganize the more northern "Turan". This land is
intended to develop a landmark decision on the establishment of the New Eurasia, which have
finally been fixed to the thesis of an accomplished synthesis between the steppes and the
northern forest, on the one hand, and between the same Steppe (Turan) and Iran on the other.

Thus, from the Center for Eurasian logical to hold another beam: Moscow Dushanbe, Kabul,
Tehran, along which an unprecedented geopolitical reality must emerge.

Part of the Tajikistan's Gorno-Badakhshan is located very close to Pakistan and India, which
converge to nearly a point with China (Xinjiang). Despite the fact that these areas are almost
impassable as it is located very high in the Pamir Mountains, the very Gorno-Badakhshan region
has profound geopolitical sense. It is inhabited by the Ishmaelites, heretical Islamic sect, which is
an expression of the most extreme Shi'ism, ie most Indo-European (spiritually speaking) version
of Islam. Skie Badakhshan Ismailis settled near regions Pakista on, and the State (although
officially Sunni) ethnically is a Hindu who converted to Islam. This indicates that it is definitely
closer Indo-European trends in the framework of this religion, if not downright "Shia", then
"kriptoshi ITSC." Not too far away is the Indian Kashmir, the Hindu population is also Muslim
and shivaistami. Muslim Uighurs and inhabit Sintszyans kuyu area in China. Therefore, religious
specificity of Badakhshan and its strategic position makes it possible heartland'u actively
participate in solving the most important geopolitical issues that converge precisely in this region
of Pakistani-Indian War, the potential Uighur Muslim separatism in China, the national liberation
struggle in Tibet, the Sikh movement slightly more southern Punjab, etc. All the threads of this
critical node Asia converge in Tajikistan, to be exact,

in Badakhshan. From here it suggests itself more independent and Moscow axis Khorog (the
capital of Badakhshan). Moreover, since the connection of Badakhshan with the rest of
Tajikistan is not very strong (ethno-religious and clan the contradictions), Moscow should
highlight the region as a separate geopolitical reality, like Macedonia or Karabakh, as the
strategic importance of Khorog Central for a giant of the region, surpassing the scale of not only
in Tajikistan, but also throughout Central Asia.

All this complex area should perestrukturiro Vat with the active influence of the "geographical
axis of history" of Russia on the basis of tellurocratic model, ie, contrary to the plans that are in
this respect thalassocratic Atlantic elements. It is known that England supported the separatist
movement of Indian Muslims, which led to the secession of Pakistan. Indo-Pakistani conflicts
are also beneficial Atlantists, as it allows them to strengthen their political and economic
influence in the two regions, taking advantage of the geopolitical contradictions and
putting the region at the mercy of military strategiche Skog presence of the Americans and the
British. At the moment, both Pakistan and India, and China have consistently included in the
controlled thalassocracy rimland. Geopolitical role of Tajikistan and Badakhshan is to radically
change this situation and organize all of this space system Eurasian continental integration. In the
ideological sphere it is extremely important to consider the smallest ethno-religious and cultural
nuances of linguistic skie, and in the sphere of military-strategic mo The necessity to strive hard
and non-alternative centralism. In political terms, anti-Americanism funda talistskogo Iran and
strict "neutrality" of India provide for the success of the Eurasian strategy serious reasons. The
rest depends on the will of Moscow's geopolitical and, more broadly, Russia-Eurasia.

4.7 The Fall of China

China is the most dangerous geopolitical neighbor of Russia in the South. In some ways it is
similar to the role of Turkey. But if Turkey is a NATO member openly, and its strategic
Atlanticism is obvious, then everything is more complicated with China. China's geopolitics was
initially ambivalent. On the one hand, he belonged to rimland, «coastal zone» Pacific (east side),
and the other never became thalassocracy and on the contrary, always guided by the continental
archetypes. Therefore, there is a strong political tradition called China "the Middle Kingdom", a
term that describes just continental tellurokratiche skie education. In this case, from the Indian
Ocean, China separated Indochina, which is located inflorescence states with frank thalasso-
democratic orientation.

In the course of development (colonization) West East China gradually became a semi-colony
with Marion accurate generation of pro-British government last emperors of the Qing Dynasty.
Since the beginning of the XIX century up to 1949 (the victory of the CCP over the Kuomintang)
Chinese geopolitics followed purely Atlanticist tendencies (while China has not acted as an
independent Thalassocracy-inflammatory, and as a Eurasian West Coast base). Party victory
changed the situation, and China for a short time (1949

1958) Reorientation Rowan on Eurasian pro-Russian policy. However, due to the historical
traditions of the Eurasian line it was soon abandoned, and China chose to "self-sufficiency". It
had to wait for the moment when the Eurasian orientation weakened so that the potential
Atlanticism geopolitical identity of China as rimland'a become apparent. This happened in the
mid-70s, when China began active negotiations with representatives mondialist "Trilateral
Commission". This meant a new structure of China's entry into the Atlanticist geopolitics.

While not denying the possibility of China, under certain circumstances, re-enter the path of the
Eurasian Alliance, this particular should not count. Pragmatically China is much better contacts
with the West than with Russia, which will not be able Vat promotes technological development
of the country, and such a "friendship" only bind the freedom of geopolitical manipulation of
China in the Far East, Mongolia and Southern Siberia. In addition, demographic growth in China
confronts this country the problem of "free territories", and the land of Kazakhstan and Siberia
(almost uninhabited) are represented in this perspective is highly attractive. China is dangerous
for Russia for two reasons: as a geopolitical base Atlanticism and of itself as a country of
increased population density in search of the "no-man's space." In this and in another case, a
heartland in this case, the positional threat, the location of which are highly dangerous to China
is the land located south of Lenaland.

In addition, China has a closed race-cul-temperature characteristics, and in the historically

foreseeable future he never participated in the Eurasian continental rated construction.

All these considerations, regardless of the specifics of the political make China a potential
geopolitical opponent of Russia in the South and in the East. It should be recognized as a
geopolitical axiom. Therefore, Russia's geopolitical task in respect of the eastern sector of its
"internal" southern belt is to extend the zone of influence as much as possible to the south,
creating the widest possible "border zone". In the future, Eurasia should extend its influence up
to Indochina, but to achieve this through a mutually beneficial alliance almost unbelievable. And
this is the fundamental difference between China from Islamic Asia (except Turkey) and India. If
the Eurasian alliance with other sectors of southern Eurasia should be based on mutual interests,
ie be the result of a conscious and voluntary union,

based on community awareness geopolitical mission, in the case of China, we are talking about
the power positional geopolitical pressure, provocation territorial disintegration, fragmentation,
political and administrative redivision of state. The same approach also applies to Turkey. China
and Turkey have the potential geopolitical opponents. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India,
Korea, Vietnam and Japan have the potential geopolitical allies. This involves the use of two
different geopolitical strategies. In the case of opponents should seek to cause harm, if the allies
need to identify common geopolitical objectives.

Now it is easy to deduce priorities "internal geopolitics" of Russia in the area from Badakhshan
to Vladivostok.

The basic model is a gap here severoki Thai territories from more southern lands. Geo cal
analysis immediately makes this serious reasons. North-west China accounted for Xinjiang, the
ancient country with a long history of political autonomy. There has historically existed
mnogochis lennye state, successive. Moreover, at the moment these lands inhabited by Turkic
Uighur ethnic group who practice Islam. The Chinese maintain control in these areas due to the
direct military pressure, direct colonization and oppressing the local population and suppressing
all his attempts to defend reli hydrochloric and ethnic autonomy. Ideas Xinjiang to Russia's
accession already existed in Russian Imperato ditch the project of development of Siberia. This
line should go back. To the south of Xinjiang extends Kun-Lun and Tibet, where we are again
confronted with a similar situation in Tibet is a separate country with a special population,
specific religion, ancient politi Skim and ethnic traditions. Beijing authorities are also artificial
and based on direct violence, as well as in Xinjiang. Russia geopolitically right The interested
Owl in active support of separatism in these areas and the beginning of anti-Chinese national
liberation struggle in this entire region. In the future, all of these areas would fit harmoniously
into the Eurasian continental federation, as with their Atlanticism does not bind either the
geography or history. Xinjiang and Tibet must be logged in times tellurocracy. This will be the
most positive geopolitical
decision and will create for Russia a reliable protection even in the event that China does not
give up antievraziyskih geopolitical projects. Without Xinjiang and Tibet of China's geopolitical
potential breakthrough in Kazakhstan and western Siberia becomes impossible. In this case, not
only the complete liberation of the territories from Chinese control, but even the first steps to
destabilize the situation in these regions will have a strategic win Russia.

East sector of Mongolia is a strategic ally of Russia. It is important to act preventively and avoid
the possibility of strengthening prokitay Skog factor in Mongolian politics. Mongolian steppes
and deserts perfectly protect South Siberia to China. Thus it is necessary to intensify
communication with Mongolia Xinjiang and Tibet to create a proces ki for the new configuration
of the whole region with a focus on China and the gradual replacement of its geopolitical
influence. For this purpose it is possible to put forward a draft of the Mongolian-Tibetan
federation, which could also enter Buryatia, Tuva, Khakassia and Altai Republic. Unity Lamaist
traditions of these peoples for Moscow is an important tool for antikitay tion geopolitical

The last area is the southern belt Manchuria area located in the northeast of China. And here we
are faced with a weak (for China) geopolitical link. In this area, as there were ancient states with
a tradition of political independence. Already in the XX century Japan again recreated the
Manchu state with its capital in Harbin, which was continental springboard for the invasion of
Japan in China. For Russia, the existence in Manchuria special political state, not controlled by
China, is highly desirable. Since Japan itself is one of the potential Eurasian geopolitical allies, it
would be possible to join efforts in this matter. Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia, Manchuria together
constitute the Russian security zone. The main objective in the region to make these lands under
the control of E heartland'u, using the potential of Russia's geopolitical allies India and Japan, as
well as suffering from the dictates of Beijing locals. For China, this belt is strategiche skim
springboard for a potential "breakthrough to the North", to Kazakhstan and Siberia. This land is
directly adjacent to the south of Lenaland, around which to unavoidable Nosta will unfold
positional geo cal confrontation leading forces. Russia must pull the bridgehead of China, to
reject China to the south and to offer him as a geopolitical compensation for North South axis of
development to the south of Indochina (except Vietnam), the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia.
4.8 From the Balkans to Manchuria

Eurasia is to "push" to the South Island on the entire space of the Balkan Peninsula to the North-
eastern China. All of this zone is a strategic security zone Russia. The peoples of the different
sectors of the space different ethnic, religious, cultural. But they all, without exception, there are
elements that bring them closer to the geopolitical formula heartland'a. For some, it is Orthodox,
other historical belonging to a single state, for the third ethnic and racial affinity, for the fourth
common opponent for the fifth pragmatic calculation. Such diversity of the South calls for
extremely flexible geopolitics and highly developed reasoning justifying the need for
relations, alliances, etc. None of the criteria is not a priority here can not rely on only one of the
factors of ethnicity, religion, race, history, benefits, etc. In each case, should behave differently.
The most supreme criterion thus remains geopolitics and its laws, which should subjugate all
other considerations, and not become a tool of external (or internal) policy based on some
separate and distinct principles. Only in this way will be able to achieve stability Eurasia, Russia
and reliably ensure our continental security and implement Lenie tellurocratic its mission.
Chapter 5. The threat of the West
5.1 Two Western

The problem of the organization of space in the West Eurasia is the subject that is the basis of all
of geopolitics as a science. Western Europe is rimland Eurasia, and rimland most complete,
unique and historically identified. As regards Russia itself as a heartland'a West in general is a
major planetary enemy that sector "coastal civilization", which completely took over the function
of the finished thalassocracy and identified its historical destiny to the sea. The avant de this
process was England, but all the other European countries, take over of industrialization,
technological development and value standards "trading system", and sooner or later included in
this thalassocratic ensemble.
In the course of historical development of the geographical picture of the final championship of
the West of the island of England moved to the continent America, particularly the United States.
Thus, the maximum embodiment thalassic kratia its strategic, ideology, cultural and economical
aspects skom steel USA and controls their legal for trade NATO.

This ultimate geopolitical fixation planetary forces puts pole Atlanticism and Thalasso kratia of
the Atlantic, the American continent. The very same Europe (even the West, including Britain
itself) from the center thalassocracy becomes a "buffer zone", "coastal zone", the US "strategic
appendage". This transfer thalassocratic axis overseas some geopolitical configuration changes.
If a century ago, Europe (England and France) was the main enemy of Russia, after the Second
World War, the region has lost an independent strategic importance, becoming a strategic US
colony. Such a transformation is strictly corresponds to the "view from the sea", which
characterizes the typical colonial attitude to the mainland any thalassocracy. If before the
"coastal" European nature has the potentials characteristic, it is activated by a special geopolitical
cal education "island of England", but now it corresponds exactly to the actual picture of the
distribution Niya forces. US geopolitical reality, coming from Europe, it is almost like an
artificial projection became completely independent pole of the West in the absolute sense of the
word, transformed Europe from the metropolis to the colony. All this is fully consistent with
classical logic thalassocratic geopolitics.

Thus, at the moment of the planetary geopolitical problem of the West in the broadest sense for
Russia it breaks into two parts as the West America and the West as Europe. With Coy
geopolitical point of view, these two realities have different meanings. The West as America is
the total geopolitical enemy of Russia, the opposite pole of Eurasia trends headquarters and the
center of Atlanticism. Positional geopolitical war with America was and is the essence of all
Eurasia geopolitics tion since the mid XX century, when the role of the United States became
apparent. In this regard, the position is clear heartland'a necessary to counteract the Atlanticist
geopolitics US at all levels and in all regions of the earth, trying to weaken, demoralize, to
deceive and ultimately defeat the enemy. It is particularly important in this case to make a
geopolitical mess in the Inter-action telnost encouraging every kind of separatism, ethnic
diversity nye, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all the dissident movements
extremist, racist, sectarian groups, destabilizing the internal political processes in the United
States. At the same time it makes sense to support the isolationist tendencies in American
politics, the theses of those (often the right-national) community, who believe that the US should
limit its internal problems. This state of affairs of Russia is beneficial in the highest degree, even
if the "isolationism" will be carried out within the framework of the original version of the
Monroe doctrine that if the United States would limit its influence two Americas. This does not

that Eurasia should then abandon the destabilization of the Hispanic world, trying to bring some
regions out of US control. All levels geopolitiche Skog pressure on the United States should be
involved at the same time, just as antievraziyskaya Atlanticist policy at the same time
"sponsoring" the processes of disintegration of the strategic unit

(Warsaw Pact) State Unity (USSR) and further ethno-ter-territorial fragmentation, under the
guise of regionalization of Russia carrying out its progressive disintegration until complete
destruction. Heartland has to pay Sea Power in the same coin. This symmetry is logical and
reasonable. All this is the central task of "external geopolitics" Russia against the US, so a more
detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this work.

The second reality is also denoted by the term "West" has a different meaning. This is Europe,
geopolitiche sky whose meaning has changed dramatically over the past decade. As is
traditionally the mother country for other parts of the world, Europe is the first time in a situation
colony strategic, cultural, economic, political, etc. American colonialism differs from the more
explicit and rigid forms of the past, but the meaning remains the same. Europe currently has its
own geopolitics and of geographic own will, its functions are limited to the fact that it serves as
an auxiliary base in the United States of Eurasia and the place most likely to conflict with
Eurasia. This situation automatically leads to the fact that Skye antiamerikan line becomes
general geopolitical alternative to European countries, bringing them a single project, which
never existed before. The unification of Europe in Maastricht is the first signal of visiting Europe
as a whole and an independent body aspires to regain its historical significance and geopolitical
sovereignty. Europe does not want to be neither Russian nor American. After the end of the "cold
war" this will manifest in the entire volume.

Now the question arises: what is, in general, the attitude of Eurasia to its western peninsula?

From a purely geopolitical point of view, Eurasia definitely interested to bring Europe out of
control Atlanticism, USA. This is a priority. In the West, Russia should have maritime borders, it
is a strategic imperative geopolitical Cesky development of Eurasia. It is the lack of boundaries,
the presence instead of land lines, cross the middle-boiling Europe, artificially and forcibly led,
eventually, to a geopolitical defeat of the USSR. Consequently, the problem does not repeat the
mistakes and rectify the situation. Eurasia will only be free of Sea Power, when its strategic
borders in the North, East, South and West will be the oceans as well as in the case of America.
Only then will the duel of civilizations will proceed on an equal footing.
Therefore, Russia has two outputs or military occupation of Europe, such a reorganization of the
European space, which will make this geopolitical cal sector is a reliable strategic allies of
Moscow, preserving its sovereignty, autonomy and self-sufficiency. The first option is so unreal
that discuss it seriously be. The second option is complex, but osuschest Wim since half a
century, Europe held in the position of the American colonies, left a serious mark in the
European consciousness. Friendly Europe as a strategic ally of Russia can only occur if it is
united. Otherwise Atlantic opponent find many ways to make a split and split in European unit,
causing a conflict, the same two World Wars. Therefore, Moscow should be possible to promote
European union NIJ, especially supporting the Central European countries, primarily Germany.
German alliance with France, Paris axis Berlin (a project of De Gaulle), is the backbone around
which the most logical to build the body of the New Europe. In Germany and France there is a
steady antiatlantistskaya political tradition (as in right and in left-wing political movements). As
for the time of the potential and hidden it at some point declare itself in full voice. Moscow also
should focus on the line right now, without waiting for the final events.

The challenge Moscow to wrest Europe from under US control (NATO), to contribute to its
unification, strengthen integration ties with Central Europe under the banner of the main foreign
policy axis Moscow Berlin. Eurasia need a union-friendly Europe. From a military point of view,
it is not a long time to be represented lyat by itself (without the United States) a serious threat,
and economic cooperation with a neutral Europe will be able to solve most of the technical
problems in Russia and Asia in exchange for resources and strategic military partnership. Based

vneshnegeopoliticheskoy this problem, must be analyze and Russian domestic political situation
in its western regions.
5.2 Destroy the "cordon sanitaire"

The basic formula analysis of geopolitics "Russian West" is the principle of "European Europe,
Russia Russian." Here, in general, you should do the same, as is the case with the Islamic world
new boundaries are inevitable, some regions should be divided again, but in all cases the main
objective remains the creation of the West druzhestvenno- neutral entities, with a maximum of
ethno-cultural, economic and social freedom but from a strategic dependence on Moscow. The
problem of the maximum "Finlandisation" all over Europe, but we must begin with the
reorganization of the spaces, closely adjacent directly to Russia.

Here at once a complicated problem, "the orderly ny cordon." Atlanticist geopolitics are well
aware of the danger of a strategic alliance between Russia and Europe (especially Germany) and
has traditionally sought in every way to prevent it. The most effective method is thalassocracy
"sanitary cordon", i.e. band of a few border states, hostile to both eastern and western neighbor,
and directly related to the Atlanticist pole. In the role of the "orderly Foot cordon" has
traditionally been Poland and Eastern Europe
located south of the Czech Republic, Romania, etc. The idea of such a "cordon" was elaborated

Mackinder and successfully brings to life at the beginning of

century before World War II. In both cases, the goal was reached in the end, between the two
kontinentalistskimi powers Russia and Germany sprang up conflict, which resulted in a strategic
victory battered Atlantists. His place at the head of the West America owes the two world wars
that bled Europe and especially if Germany and Russia (the main rivals atlantiz ma) obessili.

It is obvious that such a "cordon sanitaire" there and now, made of small, angry, historically
irresponsible nations and states, manic E claims and servile dependence on Thalasso cratic West.
This is the emergence of geopolitical strip between the Baltic and the Black Sea, consisting of
the states are not able to enter full-fledged component of the Europe, but strongly repelled from
Moscow and Eurasia. Applicants to the members of the new "cordon sanitaire" are the Baltic
nations (Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians), Poland (including West Prussia), Belarus (the idea is
lobbying Catholic antievraziyskoe minority), Ukraine (especially Western Uniates-ka
tolicheskaya), Hungary and Romania ( also influenced by the Uniate), the Czech Republic and
Slovakia. In this case, it is clear that almost everywhere we are talking about the Catholic sector
in Eastern Europe, which traditionally belonged to the zone of influence of the West. In this case
we are dealing with the same countries that have already more than once in the geopolitical
stories acted as levers destruction of continental formations of the Russian Empire, the Austro-
Hungarian Empire, the Soviet Union recently.

Eurasia task is to cordon it did not exist. It is in the interests of Europe and Russia. Themselves
are education, if we consider them as a state, are untenable, ethnic and religious controversial,
strategically and economically underdeveloped, deprived of resources. In other words, the
fictitious state has meaning only as a strategic area, artificially supported Atlanticism.
Everywhere there are factors that tie them to the Eurasian (or Orthodoxy, or awareness of Slavic
kinship, or the presence of Russian population or historical proximity, or several components at
once, and so on), but there are conflicting factors, brings them closer to the West (Roman
Catholicism , Uniatism ethnic otherness, political sovereignty and traditions, etc.). While these
formations are something whole, they can not choose either one of two orientations, and for this
reason are in the full sense of the word "orderly nym cordon." Integration with the East prevents
some elements of integration with the West others. Hence the constant internal and external
instability, provoked by these countries, which plays into the hands of thalasso times as much
and is a permanent obstacle to the Eurasian geopolitics and the continental block.

The only way to eliminate the "cordon sanitaire" is a complete redistribution of public tumors on
the basis of purely geopolitical factors. It does not have to automatically mean the annexation of
territories to other states. This could include the establishment of a federation of states or
location of several states whose geopolitical orientation is, however, unique. Niyama little
education, single and ethnically, and culturally and denominations tionally, it will be easier to
integrate into the larger geopolitical blocks, and in the presence of strong allied relations between
Russia and Europe, the new boundaries will not mean a genuine threshold gap. Moreover, only
the lack of a "cordon sanitaire" and can make the pan-Eurasian relations normal, turn the space
of the "Dublin to Vladivostok" in the zone of the Eurasian cooperation, cooperation and strategic

5.3 Baltic Federation

Consider the entire western belt, adjacent to Russia in more detail. All the space is divided into
several sectors. To the north lies the whole Scandinavian Belt, extending from Norway to
Finland. In respect of Finland the overall geopolitical project we Consider Ralegh in the chapter
on the North. We are talking about the creation of the Karelo-Finnish ethno-territorial unit with a
maximum cultural autonomy, but the strategic integration in the Eurasian bloc. Norway and
Sweden, as well as the Baltic republics belong to different geopolitical context, wider than the
Karelian-Finnish perspective.

Here we are faced with a common theme of geopolitics of the Baltic and Scandinavia. The most
convenient would be in this case to follow the Swedish geopolitician Rudolfom Chellenom (who
invented the term "geopolitics") and consider the whole Baltic region as the northern extension
of Central Europe, it is structured around Neu Germany. Challen thought that Nordic geopolitics
can not have any other development, in addition to the strategic alliance with Germany, based on
ethnic, cultural and geographical identity. But the binding element of the whole structure should
be the German state of Prussia with the domination of the Protestant denominations, common to
Scandinavians. Protestant-Scandinavian unit must be the northern extension of Prussia, Berlin.
Therefore, all this space, began to realize themselves as a single entity, can not do without a
geopolitical recovery of Prussian unity. Currently Prussia does not exist, the land distributed
between Germany, Poland and Russia. Therefore, the most important prerequisite for the creation
of a "neutral" politically and friendly Moscow Baltic Federation absent. Hence the practical
impossibility of organizing the region in accordance with the principles of the Eurasian.

On a purely theoretical level, the problem is solved in two stages:

1) Recreates a new ethno-confessional space within the historic Prussia. Ramie initiatives serve
Moscow and Berlin. This implies loyalty called axial figures in relation to Russia, which will
give it the formation of life, losing part of the Prussian lands acquired in the course of World
War II (the Kaliningrad region).

2) Around Prussia begins the process of strategic association of the Baltic states into a single
unit. The unit consists of Norway, Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Karelia, Denmark may,
Netherlands. Special status is delegated to Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Mandatory condition
for a way out of all the countries of NATO and the establishment of the Baltic Sea demilitarized
zone. In the long term strategic control goes to Moscow and BC "neutral" in Europe, ie the
Eurasian defense complex.

The only weak element in this system are Poland and Lithuania, where the predominant
denomination is Catholicism. These lands were the main lever thalassocratic geopolitics directed
against Eurasia and the possibility of creating a continental block Nogo. Moreover, there is a
precedent in the history of large political independence of the Polish-Lithuanian Principality, and
some historians (in particular, Spengler), even spoke of the existence of a special "Baltic
Civilization", which coincides geographically, in general terms, with the historical boundaries
Poland and Lithuania. Only certain historical conditions have not allowed this civilization to
develop and finally made her "abortive" (a term Spengler). Admittedly, this problem does not
have positive solutions, as formulated in the following way: a Polish-Lithuanian space will exist
as an independent geopolitical reality (and then it becomes an insurmountable obstacle to
proevraziyskogo Baltic unity with the axis of Prussia), or fragments thereof They will be
integrated into other geopolitical blocs, and it itself will be broken up and crushed in the bud.
Any integration on the basis of the Catholic in the region will create tension and in respect of the
East (Moscow), and in relation to the North (the Protestant world of Scandinavia), and towards
the West (Germany). Therefore, in Poland and Lithuania, the main geopolitical partner in Eurasia
should be the force, insist on the non-Catholic orientation of these countries' policy advocates

secular "social democracy" "Neo-pagans" "Etnotsentristy" Protestant, Orthodox religious

community, ethnic minorities. Moreover, ethnic tensions in Polish-Lithuanian relations is an
extremely valuable element that should be used and, for, aggravating features. If the
reconstruction of Prussia would have decided, for the most part, the problems with Poland,
which in this situation would have remained only way south (as the Baltic region would be under
German-Russian controlled), then with Lithuania the situation is even more complicated, since it
is most northern fragment of the Catholic world, has a long coastline on the Baltic and Russian
space separates from the northern end of Central Europe, does not belong to one or the other
world. Obviously, the Atlanticist geopolitics will not fail to take advantage of this fact and try to
make it a cause of contention Lithuania and a major obstacle to the reorganization of Europe.
Limit the negative consequences of Lithuania's geopolitical location for the Eurasian project can
only partly by strengthening the strategic unity of the whole of this area and in order to close it
from the northwest across the Swedish-Danish link.

5.4 Romans-Slavs come to Central Europe

Going south, we find ourselves in the Catholic Slavic-sky or Uniate region that stretches from
Poland through the Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, Volyn, Galicia, Slovakia and the
Czech Republic to Croatia and Slovenia in the Western Balkans. By this geopolitical space
adjacent to Hungary, Austria and Bavaria, population, respectively, Catholic Hungarians and
Germans. Uniate Church also exists in the Orthodox Romania. This is an advantage but Slavic
space despite their ethnic and racial affinity with Russia never identifies himself with the East
Slavic statehood, and even less with the Moscow Eurasian empire. Ethnic relationship in this
case is not a sufficient basis for geopolitical integration. The ambiguity of this factor historically
spawned conflicts and wars between Russia and Germany (wider Europe), let organic and
consistent organization of geopolitical ensemble in central Europe.

Cultural Slavic Catholic nations have developed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and ethnic
tensions with her that led to the collapse, emerged only when she Vienna lost understanding of
its supranational Noah imperial geopolitical mission and has become identified more and more
with the ethnic "germaniz IOM" . The only exception is only Bohemia, Moravia and Bosnia,
where the Slavs initially aware of their spiritual unlike the German-Catholic beginning, which
resulted in
Hussite wars reformation onnyh fermentations and sects bursts (in the case of Bosnia-
Bogomilism Serb). From a geopolitical point of view, all these people belong to Central Europe
and should be structured around the European average of the Center, which naturally is
Germany. A direct impact on the Moscow area will never be able to become a priority, as the
ethnic affinity only emphasizes cultural, historical and spiritual and confessional differences.
Based on these considerations, Russia must abandon direct control over the countries of Eastern
Europe by giving them German control. At the same time, Moscow should not just passively
wait for this to happen by itself, but actively promote organic processes in this area, in order to
become, along with Berlin, the initiator and implementer of the entire process, thereby acquiring
a geopolitical interest in resolving all sensitive issues. Thus it is necessary to refuse from
camping domination over some regions of Western Ukraine and Transcarpathia Galicia densely
populated Uniates and Catholics. The same applies to some of the regions of Belarus. Rejecting
the direct political domination over some territories in return for Moscow must get the right
strategic presence in the most western borders of the entire Central European region. This is the
meaning of the whole reorganization of Eastern Europe. Moscow should go for the provision of
all Catholics, Slav space integration opportunities in Central Europe under the authority of
Berlin, ie close this area on the basis of North South. The only important to remove from this
ensemble of Lithuania (for reasons which we have already talked to the whole Central European
design patronize strictly two sides (Russia and Germany s), with perfect exclusion of the West
Thalasso kratia, because otherwise the whole belt will acquire the opposite meaning and turned
into a "cordon sanitaire" (although it is created precisely in order to prevent the occurrence of
such "cordon").

5.5 The union of Belarus and Great

On the map, taking into account the confessional structure of Eastern Europe clearly shows that
as the movement to the south all the Orthodox population shifted to the west, to the closest
Catholic. Some Serbian lands reach the Adriatic coast, and in addition, there is a certain
percentage of Orthodox among Albanians (the founder of an independent Albania was an
Orthodox priest Fan Noli).

These areas, which includes Belarus, the central part of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and
Bulgaria, have a dual geopolitical nature geographically they belong to the southern sector of
Central Europe, and culturally and religiously to the Russian-Evra sion. The spiritual identity of
these people evolved from the opposition to Islam and Catholicism in the south to the west of the
national idea is inseparably connected with Orthodoxy. In this situation, Moscow could neither
fully delegate the geopolitical control over the regions of Germany, nor declare their direct
political influence on these countries. Especially because in the Russian-Moldavian and Russian-
Romanian relations (not to mention the Ukraine) are not going smoothly. The closest historical
contacts between Russia and Serbia, but they can not build a strategy of integration of the entire
region, as Serbia with their Orthodox neighbors are also traditionally quite strained relationship.
In addition, the overall picture of the geopolitical strategy of Russia in the Balkans, we have
highlighted in the chapter on the South. Here it is necessary to consider more specifically the
territory that is occupied Belarus, Ukraine and Romania (Moldavia).
In respect of Belarus geopolitical picture is quite clear. Except for a small portion Polonized
Belarusians (Catholic and Uniats and poles), the vast majority of the population owns uniquely
Russian space and should be considered as the subject of the central Eurasian ethnic group, i.e.,
as "Russian" in the cultural, religious, ethnic and geopolitical sense. Linguistic specificity, some
ethnic and cultural singularity does not change the overall picture. Therefore, Moscow and
Belarus should integrate very closely, keeping in mind that the promotion of cultural and
linguistic identity of the Belarusians is an important positive factor in the whole system of the
Eurasian integration tion. With regard to ethnic groups belonging to a single state, this principle
must be observed as strictly as in the case of border peoples or neighbors. The only painful step
in Belarus, which must be taken to prevent subversive and centrifugal tendencies, is the
allocation of a special category of some administrative areas densely populated by Catholics and
Uniates up to provide them with significant autonomy, sufficient to enter the Central European
space. Striving at all costs to keep Belarus all entirely under the direct and rigid control of
Moscow will lead to what is in itself and by the western neighbors, Russia will have the embers
of potential geopolitical conflict, which in this case (in contrast to, for example, Lithuania) may
It is resolved in the interests of all interested parties GOVERNMENTAL. Belarus should be seen
as part of Russia, so the integration with it should be carried out on the west axis of the East,
which is a priority in all cases, the internal organization of ethnically homogeneous space. This
western border of Russia should run much to the west, so full of geopolitical picture of the
Belarusian lands rather belong to the central area than in the western outskirts.

5.6 Geopolitical decomposition Ukraine

Ukrainian question is more complicated, although the model of the geopolitical structure of the
state is very similar. Here, however, it plays an important role in Ukraine's geopolitical scale,
which is a huge territorial entity, in excess of the volume of many of the major European powers.
A much more active in Ukraine and separatism, and trends politi Skog sovereignty. Ukraine as a
state does not have any geopolitical sense. It has no particular cultural conduct universal

values, no geographical uniqueness, or ethnic exclusivity. Historical Meaning of Ukraine is

reflected in its very "Ukraine" title, ie, "Suburb", "border areas". In the era of Kievan Rus is now
Ukraine were the focus state of the Eastern Slavs, which at the time, Vladimir (later Moscow)
was the eastern edge ( "Ukraine"), and the northern Novgorod. But as the transformation of
Russia from a Slavic state in the Eurasian empire geopolitical features the largest centers
radically changed their meaning. Moscow became the capital of the Empire, and Kiev turned into
a secondary center, which converge and Eurasian sredneevro PEAN influence. Neither of which
the synthesis of cultures could be no question. Most likely, more archaic, purely Russian

Orthodox exposed seams more dynamic "Modernist" exposed to Western Europe through
Poland, especially in the west and Austria-Hungary in the south-west. Of course, the Ukrainian
culture and language is original and unique, but any were universal values they are deprived.
Cossack settlements that formed largely, Ukrainian ethnicity differed independence specific
ethical, economic and social systems. But all these
elements is not enough to geopolitical independence and potamicheskaya map of Ukraine, where
the main river (the Dniester, Dnieper, etc.) flowing parallel to each other, explains the slow
development of the Ukrainian state.

For this reason, the independent existence of Ukraine (especially in today's borders) can make
sense only as a "cordon sanitaire", as the opposite of the geopolitical orientation of the elements
will not allow this country to join the whole camping or to the east or to the west block, ie, nor to
Russia- Eurasia or to Central Europe. All this condemns Ukraine for puppet existence and
service thalassocratic geopolitical strategy in Europe. In this sense, the role of Ukraine c similar
to the role of the Baltic republics. On this basis, one time seriously discussed the project of
"Black Sea-problems the Baltic federation", ie typical "cordon sanitaire" disruptive geopolitical
education serving to provoke instability in Eastern Europe and predugotovleniya prerequisites
for a series of armed conflicts. The existence of Ukraine within its present borders and the status
of "sovereign state" is identical application monstrous blow to Russia's geopolitical security, but
is equivalent to the invasion of its territory.

The continued existence of the unitary Ukraine is unacceptable. This area should be divided into
several zones, the corresponding range of geopolitical and ethno-cultural realities.

1) East Ukraine (all that lies east of the Dnieper from Chernigov to the Azov Sea) is a densely
populated area with a predominance of Great Russian ethnos and Little Russian Orthodox
population. This whole area is certainly close to Russia, associated with it culturally, historically,
ethnically, religiously. It is perfectly mastered technically developed area may well be an
independent geopolitical region, with broad autonomy, but in the absolute and profound unity
with Moscow. Here preferable meridian integration, communication of the Kharkiv region with
more northern (Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk region) actually Russian territories and distribution
structure to the south.

2) Crimea is a special geopolitical formation, traditionally characterized by ethnic diversity.

Malorossy, Great-Crimean Tatar settled in Crimean in a very complex configuration and are
three fairly hostile to each other geo cal pulse. Great-oriented emphasized pro-Moscow (more
aggressive than in the rest of Ukraine, even Eastern). Little Russians, on the contrary, extremely
nationalistic. The Crimean Tatars are generally oriented Vanir more on Turkey and quite hostile
to Russia. On account of the geopolitical orientation of the Crimean Tatars in general can not
speak, because Turkey is in all respects a direct geopolitical foe Russia. But with the presence of
Crimean Tatars not be considered as impossible. Direct joining of Crimea to Russia will cause a
negative reaction of the population of Little Russia Skog and creates problems of integration of
the peninsula in the Russian system through Ukrainian territory that very little actually. Leave
Crimea "sovereign Ukraine" is also impossible, since it poses a direct threat to Russia's
geopolitical security and generates ethnic tensions in the Crimea. When taking into account all
these considerations suggests Xia conclusion about the necessity of giving special status of
Crimea and to ensure maximum autonomy in the direct strategic control of Moscow, but with
taking into account the socio-economic interests of Ukraine and etnokul tural demands of the
Crimean Tatars.

3) The central part of Ukraine from Chernihiv to Odessa, where the falls and Kiev is a complete
other area where ethnically dominated Ruthenia sky ethnicity and language but the predominant
denomination is Orthodoxy. This orthodox Little Russia is an independent geopolitical reality,
culturally akin to eastern Ukraine, and of course members of the Eurasian geopolitical system.

4) Western Ukraine is not uniform. In the North, it Volyn a separate region, south of the Lviv
region (Galicia), further south Transcarpathia (western ledge), and finally, the eastern part of
Bessarabia. All these regions are quite independent areas. In Volyn dominated Uniates and
Catholics, this area belongs to the Catholic cultural geopolitical th sector in Central Europe.
Almost the same situation in Galicia and Transcarpathia, although the more southern lands
constitute a separate geopolitical reality. Volyn is historically connected with Poland and Galicia
and the Carpathians to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Bessarab skie land inhabited by a mixed
population of Ukraine, where the Little Russians and Great Russians interspersed Romanians and
Moldovans. This region is almost entirely Orthodox and Orthodox is a belt, obliquely stretching
from the Balkans to the Great Serbia. The entire sector from Bessarabia

to Odessa should geopolitical to the space,

the left bank of the Dnieper meridional belt, attributed to Central Ukrainian

so it is logical to include
the western border It extends from Rivne to Ivano-Frankivsk on the north-south axis and then along the Dniester to Odessa
in the south.

Thus, the Western Ukraine, in the narrow sense of the term, consists of three regions of Volyn
and Galicia and Transcarpathia. Being geographically close, they differ in topography (mountain
range of the Carpathians, as well as Slovakia), ethnic composition and political traditions. These
areas, which are now actively influence the general political atmosphere in Ukraine, is actively
pursuing anti-Moscow, pro-Western geopolitical line, should be given considerable hydrochloric
degree of autonomy (up to the policy) in order to separate these "subversive" territory of the
orthodox and generally pro-Russian all-Ukrainian space as a central and east. Strategic border of
Russia on these parallels can not depend on the place of passage of the Ukrainian-Polish,
Ukrainian to Hungarian or Ukrainian-Slovak border. This strategic border should run a lot of
west, at least, at the western end of Central Europe, and in the best case for the Atlantic.

of such prospects undertaken all geopolitical perestrukturalizatsiya this region, as, acting as the
initiator geopolitical changes in Eastern Europe and as a major partner in Germany, Russia
should insist first of all, on condition of removing the entire area out of Atlanticist control and
creating at this point of the complex Eurasian continental defense, consisting of military and
strategic cooperation between Russia and Europe generally.

Volin, Galicia Zakarpate and can make common "western-Ukrainian federation", inside which
the degree of integration can be arbitrarily set depending on the circumstances. Here is the most
important to carry out cultural and konfessional hydrochloric border between Central Ukraine
Kiev underground) and Western Ukraine, to avoid disharmonious Central European Catholic or
Uniate of influence on Orthodox territory. Ukrainian factor is the most vulnerable point in the
western belt of Russia. While in other places the risk of destruction of the geopolitical viability
heartland'a is a potential, and a positional struggle for Eurasian geopolitical system has set itself
a preventive purpose, the fact of the existence of "independent Ukraine" is on the geopolitical
level, the geopolitical declaration of war on Russia (and it's not so much Ukraine itself as
Atlanticism and Sea Power). It is not that Ukraine itself consciously chooses role Atlanticist
"sanitation of the cordon," although it can not, in some cases, not be conscious step, but that it is,
in practice, begins to fulfill this role, as long as it does not include the active in the integration
process with Moscow, or (at least) is not divided into separate geopolitical components.

Ukrainian problem is the main and most serious problem facing Moscow. If the problems of the
North and the "polar trapeze" related to the distant future, Russia and Eurasia, if the development
of Siberia and the battle for Lenaland is important for the near future, if, finally, positional
strategy reorganization of the Asian South has to Russia relevant, but preventiv Noah importance
of geopolitics and West the center of this geopolitics "Ukrainian question" demands that Moscow
immediate response, as far as the application of Russia in this strategic strike, which did not
respond to the "geographical axis of history" simply does not rights. Given that the simple
integration Moscow and Kiev can not and will not give a stable geopolitical system, even if it
occurs despite all objective obstacles, Moscow should be actively involved in the reconstruction
of Ukrainian space along the only logical and natural geopolitical model.

5.7 Romania and Moldova integration under what sign?

Romania and Moldova are two parts of a geopolitical region populated by a single ethnic group
orthodox descendants dakov, telling E on Latin language group, and largely have absorbed
culture, language and racial elements Slavic environment. From a geopolitical point of view, the
integration of Romania and Moldova inevitable, but Moscow should seek to carry out this
association for their own purposes, to turn this space into a zone of its direct strategic control.
Romanian culture is generally a typical orthodox model of directly linking the land with Eurasia.
The only obstacle to the perfect integration of these lands in the Russian language is a factor of
geopolitical proximity to Catholic regions. In addition, in the west of Romania, in the Banat
significant percentage of Hungarians and Romanians Catholic-Uniates. Through Romania,
Moldova and Central Ukraine passes a continuous strip of populated mi Orthodox peoples,
linking land Russia with Serbia, an outpost of the Eurasian Balkans. In the interests of the whole
of Eurasia to turn this area into a single strategic and cultural region virtually in a single country.
This requires from Moscow that it was she who initiated the Moldovan-Romanian integration,
the sign of which is to be initially defined as Orthodox and Eurasian. At the same time it is
important that the Romanian Pravoslav ny enclave from the east and from the west bringing up
the actual Slavic Orthodox peoples, Ukrainians and Serbs, thereby ensuring
continuity of territorial cohesion, not so much based on ethnicity, but on confessional and
cultural kinship. However, such an "Orthodox Block" from the Dniester to Montenegro, in the
center of which must be united Romania should develop, in collaboration with Berlin, which
offers a more western part of Central Europe from Prussia through the Czech Republic and
Slovakia to Hungary, and Austria, and then to Croatia, ie to the Adriatic. If we add to this the
eastern ledge of Poland and East Prussia, which goes north of Germany, is a natural extension of
Russia to the west in the Balkan region would be a logical and reasonable, does not violate the
geopolitical balance in Central Europe, which is geopolitically belongs to the sphere of influence
of Germany.

5.8 Condition: soil, not blood

All these actions are derived from the overall picture of European geopolitics, in which the
regions of Central Europe (under the auspices of Germany) are clearly distinguished and
Western Europe in the narrow sense. From Western Europe, Russia has no direct points of
contact, so holding Eurasian strategy in this region (the key element of which is France) depends
on the construction of a common European design along the axis Paris Berlin. But the Eurasian
factor in Western Europe can not be a straight line in Moscow. Moscow appears here only in
Berlin and Eurasian kontinentalistskie and antiatlantistskie trends here are described by the term
"Germanophiles". For the French, it is impossible to demand a clearer "Eurasia-OPERATION"
rather than "Germanophiles" as problematic heartland'a Western Europe through the German
grasps continentalism. Russia is also in this case the "geopolitical abstraction".

However, this does not mean Russia should be indifferent to

Western European problems. In her best interest to withdraw from the whole of Europe under the
Atlanticist influence, which means that Moscow must actively contribute to an alignment with
Western Europe to Central Europe, ie Germany.

At the same time Germany itself should initially propose a fundamental requirement: all The
integration tional processes in Central Europe, where the geo-political domination of Berlin frank
and all transformations are in Western Europe, whose aim is to target the European powers
against Germany, we should exclude the principle of the ethnic dominance of the Germans in the
cultural political, religious or ideology cal area. Europe should be European, Central European
and Central Europe, ie all linguistic, ethnic and spiritual identity of the peoples of Europe should
be encouraged to flourish and Berlin, whose priority should be exclusively geopolitical and
social, and in any case not racial. For many Central European ethnicities Moscow responds and
because of racial kinship with them (Slavs). Moreover, it is ethnocentrism, and national, racial
arrogance of the Germans have repeatedly led to bloody conflicts in Europe. Throughout Europe,
the geopolitical reorganization of Russia should act as the guarantor of what is strictly divide
Berlin geopolitics and race, "blood and soil" to deliberately exclude tragedies such as Hitler's
adventure. Any signs of German nationalism in matters of geopolitical restructuring of Europe
should be ruthlessly suppressed by Berlin; All processes must take place on the basis of strict
compliance with the "rights of peoples", complete autonomy of cultures, religions and languages.
The same requirements must show Moscow and to itself and its allies. Ethnic beginning should
be encouraged and actively supported by the geopolitical center of the only positive aspect, as an
affirmative reality as national samoiden-identification. Of course, one can not expect a full Fade
veniya ethnic tensions and manifestations of the negative aspects of national self-assertion, but
just at this moment is to actively engage in the action of the principle of geopolitical supra-ethnic
centralism as the highest arbiter of internal problems, based on the life of political and strategic
interests of the whole of the Eurasian. This principle is universal for all regions which should
install the new order of the Eurasian sky both internal to Russia, as well as external. But in the
case of Western Europe, it is particularly important, as the ethnic problems in these spaces are
the basis of all the most terrible conflicts shook the XX century.


Chapter 1. Geopolitics of Orthodoxy
1 1 East and West Christian oecumena

The most important point in determining the geopolitical specifics of Orthodoxy is that we are
talking about the Eastern Church. Within the boundaries of the Christian world until the
discovery of America, geographically coincide Sheha from the north-west of the Eurasian
continent, the Middle East and North Africa, clearly traces the line of demarcation between the
camping space of the Orthodox and Catholic space. This division is, of course, is not a historical
accident. Orthodox world spiritually and qualitatively akin to the East, while Catholicism purely
Western phenomenon. And if this is so, then do the theological language underlying the final
separation of churches in 1054, should bear the elements of a geopolitical nature.

The dispute about the "Filioque", ie the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father or from the
Father and the

Son 77 in theological terms it anticipates further development of two types of Christian

and post-Christian civilizations ratsionalistichesko
Western individualistic and collectivist mystical east. The adoption of an amendment to the West
the Nicene
Creed with respect to "filioque" cemented focus on the so-called rationalist theology
"Subordinatizma", ie the
introduction into the divine reality of hierarchically subordinate relationship, belittling
mysterious and
supramental nature of the Trinity.

In parallel with the question of "filioque" an important point of contention was the idea of the
rule of the Roman See and the highest theological authority of the Pope. This was also one of the
consequences of the Catholic "subordinatizma" insisting on a strict hierarchy straight even in
those matters which are under the sign of the providential action of the Holy Spirit for the
salvation of the world. This position completely contradicts the idea of Chila linguistic autonomy
of the local Churches and all the traditional Orthodoxy ultimate freedom in spiritual realization.
And finally, the last the most important aspect of the separation of churches in the East and West
was the rejection of Rome the Patristic doctrine of the Empire, which is not simply a secular
administrative apparatus, roughly subordinate church authorities, we wanted to present this Pope,
but mysteriously soteriolo cal body, actively participating in the eschatological drama as "an
obstacle coming antihri hundred", "Katechon", "hold", as mentioned in the Second letter of Paul
to the Thessalonians.

Supramental Divine action (the primacy of apophatic mystical theology), spiritual and linguistic
freedom of the local churches (dating back to the glossolalia of the Apostles at Pentecost), and
the doctrine of the sacred role of the Empire and the emperors (the theory of the Orthodox
symphonies) are the main points that determine the specificity of

77 Recall that the Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father (though plagued the Son), and
Catholics claim that the Son, the filioque in Latin means "and the Son".
Orthodoxy, unlike Catholicism, effectively denying these aspects Christians Properties.

All these differences are noticeable long before the final break, but managed to maintain a
certain balance until 1054. From that moment the geopolitical dualism Christian oecumena fully
defined, and both the Orthodox and Catholic world went their own ways.

Until 1453 (the date of the capture of Constantinople by the Turks) Orthodox Church
geopolitically we identify was produced with the fate of the Byzantine Empire. World
Catholicism embraced Western Europe. Until that time, Rome and Constantinople were the two
Christian "big space" (to put it in geopolitical terms) with their geopolitiche Skim, political,
economic and cultural interests, as well as with well-fixed and nedvusmys lennoy theological
characteristics, reflecting and predetermining the distinction of churches with all intellectual
Noah dogmatic unambiguous and logical relationships. West based on the rationalistic theology
Fomy Akvinskogo, the East continued the line of mystical theology, and monastic apophatics
smart doing, the clearest way embodied in the texts of the great Athos Hesychast St. Grigoriya

Palama against Fomy Akvinskogo's theologian Skye formula that reflects the essence of
geopolitical dualism of the Christian East and the Christian West. Mystical contemplation of
Tabor light symphony of powers and liturgical glossolalia local churches (Orthodox) against
rationalist theology, papal dictation in worldly affairs of European kings and domination of Latin
as the only sacred liturgical language (Catholicism). There geopolitiche skoe opposition of two
worlds having raznonaprav fief orientation cultural, psychological and different dominant, device
specific policy.

Such is the general scheme of the basics of Orthodox geopolitics. Obviously, that was to
preserve its structure, to protect the limits of the political and spiritual influence to defend their
self parking telnost in this situation the main task of the Byzantine Empire and the Orthodox
Church. And Orthodoxy in this situation had two main geopolitical rivals:

1) non-Christian world whose pressure manifested in the suburbs raids barbarians Empire and in
a massive pressure islamized Turks;

2) the Christian world of the West, is considered not just as a land "Latin heresy", but as a world
of apostasy, apostasy, as a country of people who have known the truth and salvation, but refuse
them, betrayed them.

In this original and complete picture geopolitiche very easy to see Skogen place Orthodoxy all
the geopolitical problems that will excite the Eastern Orthodox Church and the state for many
centuries after the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. Byzantine emperors at some point faced a
double threat "Turkish turban or Latin miter." Given the peculiarity of theological attitude
towards the West and Rome, easy to understand those Orthodox who did opt for the "Turkish
turban," in cases where the third was not given. By the way, many Orthodox perceived drop
Constantino fields as God's punishment for Byzantium geopolitical move, try to move closer to
Rome through the adoption of "filioque" in the so-called

"Union of Florence" (although this recognition has been denounced by the return of ambassadors
to Constantinople).
1.2 Post-Byzantine Orthodoxy

After the fall of Constantinople, the whole geopolitical picture has changed dramatically. Despite
the fact that the Patriarch of Constantinople remained head of Noah Pravoslav Church, broke the
harmony of the whole structure. Recall that one of the cornerstones of the Orthodox Wii was the
doctrine of soteriological Empire functions, as well as the Orthodox Empire (and, respectively,
the Orthodox Emperor, basil) no longer existed, the Church was forced to enter into a new,
special and quite paradoxical period its existence. From that moment the whole Orthodox world
is divided into two parts, with profound differences not only geopolitical, but also from a
theological point of view.

The first sector of post-Byzantine Orthodox world are those of the Church who were in the area
of political control of non-Orthodox countries, especially in the Ottoman Empire. These churches
were adminis trative until the collapse of the empire in the so-called Orthodox "Millet" which
included Pravoslav GOVERNMENTAL Greeks, Serbs, Romanians, Albanians, Bulgarians and
Arabs. Verkhovna figure among the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, was considered,

though along with it existed Patriarch

Alexandria (Archbishop of the Orthodox Greeks and Arabs living in Egypt) and the Patriarch of
Antioch (the head of the Orthodox Arabs in the territory of modern SiriiIrakaLivana). Special
status had little Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and the autocephalous Church of Cyprus, and Sinai.
Patriarchate of Constantinople was considered the spiritual primacy in the Orthodox world,
although there is no such direct hierarchy as in Catholicism, and the autocephalous Church
had a significant share of independence 78. Ecumenical Patriarchate is located in the Phanar
quarter, and from this word comes the collective name of the Greek clergy subordinate to the
Patriarchate "Phanariotes". Note that since 1453 the sector of the Orthodox world is in an
ambiguous position on the geopolitical and theological levels, as the absence of the Orthodox
state directly affects the eschatological vision of the Orthodox politi tion history and the means
being of the Church in the world as in a "sea of apostasy" where the mystical coming of "the son
of perdition" is nothing to prevent. The inevitable failure of the authorities of the Orthodox
symphony turns of the Greek Orthodox Church (and other related political destiny of the Church)
to something other than what it was originally. This means that it skie theologian and
geopolitical orientation change. Change and its sacred nature.

A clear understanding of the relationship between theology and politics in full Orthodox doctrine
has forced Russia to embark on the path that it follows from the XV century, and which is
closely connected with the "Moscow the Third Rome" theory. Russia and the Russian Orthodox
Church is the second sector of post-Byzantine Eastern Christianity, which has an entirely
different geopolitical and even spiritual nature. The establishment in Russia of the Patriarchate of
Moscow and proclamation shenie "Third Rome" has a direct relationship to the mysterious fate
of Orthodoxy itself. Rus after falling
Constantinople is the only geopolitical "great space", where there was also orthodox policy and
the Orthodox Church. Russia becomes the successor to Byzantium and the theological reasons
and on a geopolitical level. Only there remain three major features that make the Orthodox, what
it is, unlike both the Latin West and the political domination of the non-Christian regimes.
Consequently, along with the mystical status of "barriers to

78 We should also consider the Georgian hydrochloric Pravoslav Church while retaining their relative independence of
the from the Turks.

the arrival of the son of perdition" Moscow inherited and full of geopolitical issues of
Constantinople. Just as Byzantium, Russia is faced with two hostile geopolitical realities with the
same "Latin miter" and the same "Turkish turban." But in this case all the fullness of historical
responsibility fell on the Russian Tsars, the Russian Church and the Russian people. The fact that
this responsibility was transferred to Moscow after the fall of Constantinople, endowed the
whole situation a special eschatological drama, reflected not only in Russian psychology in the
last five centuries, but also on the specifics of the geopolitical orientation of the Russian state
and the Russian Church. Parallel to this concept formed the Russian people as "people-bo

But at the same time there was a new problem: the relationship with the Orthodox world beyond
Russia and the status of the Patriarch of Constantinople in relation to the Patriarch of Moscow.
The fact that non-Russian Orthodox caught in a dilemma: either to accept Russia "ark of
salvation", the new "Holy Land," "betel nom" and, consequently, to submit to the spiritual
authority of Moscow, or, conversely, to deny the possibility of "an Orthodox kingdom" as a such
and treat Moscow as an illegitimate usurpation of the Byzantine eschatological function.
Accordingly, the choice was to build its relations with other churches and Moscow. We can say
that, in fact, from that moment the Orthodox world is divided into two parts, and different
geopolitical and theological. It is known that in the sphere of influence of Constantinople won
anti-Moscow line, which means that the clergy Phanariotes Orthodox doctrine adapted to the
conditions, when the political projection could not yt question. In other words, the Greek
Orthodox changed its nature, becoming the first of the integrated spiritual and political doctrine,

exclusively religious doctrine of individual salvation. And now the rivalry with Constantinople,
Moscow is, in fact, the confrontation between the two versions of the Wii full Orthodox, in the
case of Moscow, and reduced Nogo, in the case of Constantinople.

Moreover, changes in the quality of the Greek Orthodox Wii brought him close, in a sense, with
the Rome line, as one of the three main points of dogmatic contradictions (the question of
"Katechon") dropped by itself. Phanariotes spiritual rapprochement with the Vatican
accompanied Moose their political rapprochement with the Turkish administration in which
many Orthodox Greeks traditionally held high positions. Such a bifurcated existence, combined
with the rivalry with the Russian Church for influence over the Orthodox world, in fact, deprived
the Greek Orthodox independent geopolitical mission, made it only one of the minor geopolitical
factors in the more general context of the non-Orthodox political intrigues of the Ottoman
authorities and the papal legate.

Whatever it was, from the XV century, the term "geopolitics of Orthodoxy" was almost identical
to the term "geopolitics of Russia".
However, it would be wrong to consider the entire non-Russian Orthodox world as controlled
Phanariotes policy. In various parts of his being and Wali
opposite mood, to recognize that the Rus Orthodox theological and eschatological primacy. This
was especially true of Serbs, Albanians, Romanians and Bulgarians who fanariotskie Russophile
and geopolitical trends traditionally competed. With all the strength is manifested in the XIX
century, when the Orthodox peoples, were part of the Ottoman Empire, made a desperate attempt
to restore their national and political independence.

1.3 The St. Petersburg period

But between the fall of Constantinople and the beginning of the struggle for the independence of
the Balkan peoples was an event which is of great importance for Orthodoxy in the broadest
sense. We are talking about Russian and split immediately following the reforms of Peter the
Great. At this moment in Russia there was a qualitative change in the status of Orthodoxy, and
now the dogmatic foundations of the Eastern Church, have prevailed immutable, shaken for
about 200 years. The fact that the transfer of the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg and the
abolition of the Patriarchate, together with the Synod institution, means that Russia has ceased to
be dogmatically legitimate Orthodox Empire in the theological and eschatological sense. In fact,
there was a transition from strictly orthodox geopolitical model to some semblance of a
Protestant state. Henceforth Russian Orthodox also turned in a certain ambiguity in reality, only
partially coincident to a geopolitical level with the Russian State. But although dogmatic
rationale was openly shaken, the general logic of Russian geopolitics kept the original line,
although on a different level, as a purely secular and political interests become clearly prevail
over the religious and eschatological issues. But parallel, and on the West, the traditional
Catholic model, too, gave way to strengthen the National but purely political formations, the
nation-state, so that there is a theological perspective has worn off and receded in the face of the
more practical, mercantile and narrow political interests. However, the geopolitical situation, the
predetermined lift dogmatic schism in the churches, remained totally unchanged, except for the
appearance of Protestant countries.

Protestantism geopolitically divided strictly into two sectors Prussian Lutheranism and Anglo-
Swiss-goal Landes Calvinism. When external synchronism similarity and both bursts protest
against Rome lutheranism Calvinism have almost diametrically with opposite value. Lutheran
camp will focus vavshiysya in the Prussian state was founded and dogmatic and mystical at the
Vatican criticized the terms of the radicalization of the prerequisites of the "New Testament",
and in general it reproduces traditional Orthodoxy claims to Catholicism. Lutheran Prussia and
geographically located between the Russian Orthodox and the Catholic Western Europe.
Calvinism is, became the state religion of England (and later to a large extent influence the
political device just the US), based, on the contrary, stressed on the Old Testament approach and
criticism of Rome from this position. It is no accident that both geographically Calvinism and
follows from it boiling sects gravitated to the far west and in Europe, and on the other side of the

Post-Petrine Russia Romanov was closer to the Prussian model, ie, moving away from the actual
Pravoslav Noah dogma, she stopped halfway to Catholicism, which, moreover, is gradually
handed over positions of nations. Thus the basic concentrated geopolitical tensions between
Russia, on the one hand, and the Austrian Empire and British Empire the other. On the religious
level, this
was confrontation of Orthodoxy to Catholicism (Austria) and Calvinism (England). Absolutist,
and then revolutionary France played in all of this special role, seeking to extend the republican
ideas and the Enlightenment. It is important to note that, if Russia were to Austria some general
geopolitiche skie interests (in particular, opposition to Turkey), the British strategy was virtually
all over Russia with opposite strategies up to support us anglicha Ottoman Empire.

Whatever it was, even the post-Petrine Russia inherited the main features of the Byzantine
geopolitical ki, though dogmatic completeness of vision "Third Rome" was broken. From now
on it was possible to speak only about the inertial continuation of what had once been a full and
theologically justified by "God-bearing people" in history. Parallel to this transformation of the
material and narrow political interests started to play in foreign policy increasingly important
role, and religious factors themselves were often used as a pretext for this or that political
progress based solely on the good of the state in its secular aspect.

1.4 The national liberation of the Orthodox peoples

In the XIX century many Orthodox peoples of the Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians,
Romanians, etc. We began to actively get rid of the political control of the Turks. Religious
factor played a significant role, becoming one of the main motives of the national liberation

The emergence of new states and the destruction of Orthodox Ottoman Empire was the result of
several geopolitical and ideological factors:

1) degradation of the political power of the Turks allowed to develop national sentiment of the
Greeks and other Balkan peoples, which, in turn, contributes Valo spread ideas of the
Enlightenment; an important role to play France, the cradle of the "modernist trends."

2) Russia as a geopolitical foe Turkey to actively exploit the situation in order to undermine his
enemy from within; Russian agents in Greece and the Balkans, focused on the support of the
Orthodox claims that accompanied and external geopolitical cal pressure from Russia.

3) Start a kind of religious renaissance of the Orthodox peoples, and the idea of the struggle for
political and national independence was accompanied by a young lion Messianic eschatological
During this period, we formed the political and ideologiche skie concept of Magna Grecia (or
Great Ideas, Megale idea), Great Bulgaria, a Greater Serbia ( "Typefaces"), Great Romania, etc.
1.5 Megale Idea

Supporters of the Great Greece sought to full inning Greek territory from the Turks and
recreating the "New Byzantium ', restoration of royal power and the return of the Patriarch of
Constantinople to its dominant role in the Orthodox
world. Due to the fierce struggle and national uprising Greeks were able to win a 1830 small
independent my state and around the Peloponnese Morea, which, after the Balkan Wars in 1913
virtually doubled its territory. In this case, implementation of the "Great Ideas" was faced with
the geopolitical interests of other Orthodox nations since the Greeks demanded accession of
Macedonia, Thrace and other areas, which are also claimed by the Bulgarians and Serbs. The
culmination of this plan was the release Konstantinopo la (Istanbul) from the Turks. But the
whole project ended in disaster after Greek defeat in the war with Turkey, Ataturk, who defeated
the Greeks and the Greek population of Anatolia made a massive way to move on Greek soil.

It is important to note that the National Liberation struggle of the Greeks did not welcome and do
not inspire fanariotskim clergy and Constant tinopolskim Patriarchate, which had been politi
cally in agreement with the Ottoman Empire rather than with the Russian geopolitics or Balkan
nations aspiring to freedom. Moreover, the collapse of the Turkish Empire was a disaster for
spiritual supremacy Phanariotes in the Orthodox world outside Russia. Therefore, Greek
nationalism and the "Great Idea", although had a distinctly Orthodox character, originally
promoted by some special secret Masonic tions organizational type, in which the important role
played by Russian agents of influence and at the same time supporters of the French
Enlightenment. In other words, Pravoslav naya idea in Greece in a critical period of its Niya
released from Turkish rule was the domain of a certain parallel religious structures associated
with the Greek Diaspora in Russia and in other Mediterranean regions Sgiach. It is also curious
that the Greek aristocracy, genetically and politically connected with Phanariotes, after gaining
independence, focused more on Austria and Germany, while the Greek bourgeoisie, in an
environment which is ripe and the "Great Idea", was a fierce supporter of the alliance with
Russia. This again clearly discernible a certain solidarity of the official post-Byzantine Greek
Orthodoxy to the Vatican line.

1.6 "Inscription"

The idea of a Greater Serbia, based on historical precedent huge Balkan state created in the XIV
century Serbian dynasty Nemanjic, again revived during the Serbian liberation struggle. Initially,
the rebels Serbs liberated from Ottoman domination of a small area, Shumadiyya, and then began
to fight for the establishment of the Balkan independent direct Slavic state, the supremacy of the
Serbs and the Orthodox dynasty. Starting from 1815 the Serbs have achieved some
independence, which, however, brought with it two different geopolitical orientation,

embodied in two Serbian dynasties and whose Obrenovi

Karadjordjevic. Obrenovic, although they were Orthodox, they focused on close to Austria, and
not the last role in this played the activity of certain political and intellectual circles of
Vojvodina, the territory, which lies closest to Austria. Karadjordjevic, on the contrary, tended
only to Russia. In 1903, without the involvement of Russian special services of the Obrenovic
dynasty was overthrown, and Serbia turned to the pro-Russian line. By 1920 when Karadjordje
vichah Yugoslavia was established, great Balkan state, united under Serb beginning of many
Balkan peoples, including the Catholic Croats and Slovenes, the Orthodox Macedonians,
Albanians and Muslims of Bosnia. Also in the north of Yugoslavia under Serbian control were
Catholics-Hungarians. However, the geopolitical structure was unstable because the non-
Orthodox peoples of Yugoslavia (not without
Austrian aid and Turkish influence agents) steel resist domination Serb ethnic and religious
Orthodox primate. Special glow this confrontation reached during the Second World War, when
the pro-German Croatia and Bosnia is actually carried out the genocide of Orthodox Serbs.

1.7 Greater Romania

The project Greater Romania emerged as among the Orthodox, and it was not just about the
complete liberation from Turkish control (although Moldavia and Wallachia never were
officially part of the Ottoman Empire), but also on combating Phanariotes policy, seeks to
subordinate to its influence Romanian clergy. In this course of anti-Turkish sentiment and
antifanariotskie supported Russia, which facilitates the membership of the Russian territories of
Bessarabia, inhabited by Romanians. However, in Romania from the XVIII century Uniate
intensified the trend. Uniatism is the idea of submission Pravoslav Noah Vatican Church while
retaining Orthodox rituals but, in fact, this approach is winning geopolitical exclusively Vatican
and Orthodox Wie is clearly inferior. Not surprising, therefore, that the Uniate Church was
considered orthodox Catholicism as a tactical move, seeking to expand their missionary, political
and spiritual influence to the East at the expense of the Orthodox peoples. And in Romania itself
Uniatism, widespread especially in Transylvania, which was originally accompanied by cultural
trends romanization, the glorification of the spirit of Romanesque Romania, Latin language, etc.
roots Uniate Church in Romania was based on Catholic Austria, Orthodox and Wie was
supported, of course, Russia. Figure but that the Greek Orthodox Phanariotes, conducted in
Romania, in fact, pro-Turkish policy, contrary to what the Austrian-Catholic and Russian-great
voslavnym geopolitical interests. The idea of the Great Romanian Orthodox subtext was clear,
and under this banner Romanians fought for national independence. It is important that the
Romanian nationalism has

frankly anti-Greek character, a at Uniatism religious sphere, combined with a focus on Latin
culture tends to Rome and Western Europe, while the Romanian Orthodox should be pro-
Moscow line. Interestingly, after the Sovietization of Romania in 1948 formally atheistic
communist regime took uniquely Romanian Orthodox position, subjecting him Uniate Catholic
confessions and subjected to certain minority repression.

1.8 Great Bulgaria

Start movement of the Orthodox, while the national revival of the Bulgarians can be 1870 to
date, when under pressure, and with the support of Russian Bulgarian Exarchate was created, it
aims to unite the Orthodox living in the Balkans, in a geopolitical unit, politically hostile to the
Ottoman Empire and spiritually opposed Constantinople skom Patriarchate and Phanariotes
domination. In parallel, gaining geopolitical self parking telnosti Bulgaria developed a nationalist
project "Bulgaria three seas", which implied the accession of Macedonia, Thrace, and
Constantinople. Traditionally, being a Russophile, the Bulgarian Orthodox Wii at some point in
history diverged from the line for the sake of narrow national goals, and just as Uniates Romania
Obrenovic dynasty
Serbian, Greek aristocracy, and some other Eastern European forces stand on the side of Central
Europe, speaking ally Austria-Hungary against Russia. It is interesting that as new Orthodox
states of the Balkans their geopolitical orientation is constantly varied between Russia and
Austria, ie between Russian Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. And a formal occasion such
sustainable dualism had some controversial territory and especially Macedonia. Because of
Macedonia constantly arose friction between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia, and Russia's support
for one party or another in the conflict automatically threw hydrochloric opposite side into the
arms of Austria.

1.9 Orthodox Albania

For the resettlement of the Albanians is the traditional boundary between Byzantine and Catholic
world. In this nation there are 4 denominations Albanians are Sunni (Turkified Albanians),
Albanian-Bektashi (members of the Sufi organization that has, in some cases, the exceptional,
generic, and not merely initiatory character), Albanian Catholics and Orthodox Albanians.
Despite the fact that Orthodox Albanians are a minority, this group stood at the center of the
national liberation struggle, and an independent state of Albania has arisen due to the Orthodox
Bishop Fan Noli, who became the first Albanian ruler in 1918. Fan Noli was unequivocal
supporter of Russia and the Russian Orthodox actively supported him in all his undertakings.
Orthodox Albanians united under its control the entire nation regardless of denomination, but
their main opponents and rivals were not even Catholics as much as the Greek Orthodox clergy,
traditionally rooted in Albania! Again, the example of Albania, we are faced with geopolitical
dualism in the post-Byzantine Orthodox world, which opposed the geopolitical interests of the
Greek and Russian Churches.

Fan Noli maintained its pro-Russian orientation, and after the October Revolution, for which he
was deposed Ahmed Zogom, the future King of Albania. During the occupation of Albania by
fascist Italy Albanian Orthodox pursued prokatolicheskie power, but after the "Sovietization"
over the Orthodox Church received government support now from the commune-terrorist
authorities. Only in 1967 during the "cultural revolution" and the Maoist bias Soviet Albania
declared itself "the first atheist state exclusively in the world" and the beginning of direct
persecution of believers of all denominations.
1.10 geopolitical lobby in Pravoslav GOVERNMENTAL countries
An overview of the geopolitical trends Balkan Orthodox countries identify important regularities
in: in each such state, there are at least two geo-political lobby, the nature of which is associated
with some religious features.

First, everywhere there a pro-Russian lobby, a landmark on the geopolitics of the Russian
Orthodox Church, which, in turn, inherits (albeit with reservations) the line "Moscow the Third
Rome." This lobby is directed against Rome and of any rapprochement with him (and hence
against Austria, Hungary and the Catholic tion of Germany, ie against the Catholic sector in
Central Europe), but at the same time, it is necessary to anti-Turkish and anti "fanariotskih"
positions, in opposition to a greater or lesser degree of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. In
some cases (such as in Greece) is the lobby includes not only Pravoslav nye circles, but also
some of the Masonic secret society type.

Second, in those same countries, there is also the opposite of the lobby, which, being or not
being orthodox, sympathetic to the rapprochement with Rome, to a focus on Central Europe,
Austria, in the limit on the Uniate Church or even Catholicism. Third, everywhere there are
traces of Turkish influence, which was supported in the region of England, and this means that
the Anglo-Saxon geopolitics in this case has a south orientation and is based on Phanariotes skie
trends in modern Orthodoxy in the Balkans, traditionally associated with the Ottoman
administration. The disintegration of Yugoslavia gives us the example of the geopolitical balance
in the Balkans. Russophile line embodied in the positions of Belgrade and the Bosnian Serbs.
Croatia and Slovenia are oriented to Central Europe and the Anglo-Saxon (US and Britain) to
actively support the Bosnian Muslim Turks descendants. In this case, once again raises the
question of Macedonia, which again there are disputes between Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria.
With the new force makes itself felt and the Albanian problem in particular in Kosovo.
Transnistrian tragedy antiros Siya mood in the current Romania and Moldova again forced to pay
special attention to the Uniate and prokatolicheskoe lobby, which alone can be the bearer of anti-
Moscow sentiment and Latin trends in these areas.

1.11 Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviets

The ratio between Orthodoxy and the Soviet regime question is extremely difficult. On the one
hand, there is a view that the Soviet period, in spite of everything, inherited from the pre-
revolutionary Russia's geopolitical line, strictly coincide with the most important aspects of the
geopolitics of the Russian Church. It can be conventionally defined it as "Sergianism" on behalf
of the Moscow Patriarch Sergius, who formulated the famous thesis, which became the starting
point vnutritser Kovno disputes not utihshih in our day: "Your success, our success" (in reference
to the anti-Christian atheist regime of Stalin). This "Sergianist" formula is not so paradoxical and
monstrous, as they want to present it orthodox conservatives. The fact that the Bolshevik
revolution entailed such changes in church life in Russia, which hit its symbolism.
Synchronously Patriarchate was restored, the capital moved to Moscow (a symbolic return to the
idea of "Moscow the Third Rome"), the miraculous icon was found "Reigning" in Kolomna,
Moscow residence of the Russian tsars, marked a return to the mystical, soteriological and
eschatological function of royal power, vosstanavli Vai in its supernatural dimension after two
centuries of St. Petersburg period. Along with this, the Bolsheviks possessed all the Russian
geopolitics, to strengthen the state and expanded its boundaries. Parallel passed and the spiritual
renewal of the Church, through persecution and suffering to recover a forgotten fiery religious
feeling, the practice of confession, martyrdom for Christ.

The second point of view, considering the Soviet Russia as a complete antithesis of Russian
Orthodox, and "Sergianism" said conformism with the Antichrist and apostasy. This approach
eliminates the possibility of considering the Soviet period as continuations
Geopolitics of Orthodoxy. The bearer of this ideology in its most distinct form is Russian
Pravoslav naya Church Abroad and sectarian True Orthodox Church, whose positions derive
from eskhatolo cal identification of Bolshevism with the arrival of the Antichrist. It is curious
that such an approach fails to Orthodoxy in the political dimension and typology coincides with
the position of "Phanariotes", deny the need for relatedness of the Orthodox Church with a policy
that is the basis of a full Orthodox doctrine. At the same time, this approach is combined with
sympathy for the "white" movement, which was based on geopolitical support of the Entente,
zapadnoevropeys FIR and especially the Anglo-Saxon countries. It is no coincidence the center
of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is in the USA. Geopolitically this "orthodox" and anti-
Soviet "antisergianstvo" coincide with the traditional western Atlanticist line against the Russian
(Soviet, tsarist, patriarchal, modernist, democratic, etc.) regardless of its ideological system.
1.12 Summary

After the fall of the Byzantine Empire geopolitics of Orthodoxy lacks unequivocal theological
and eschatological function it had in the era of "millennium" V to the XV century. Two hundred
years "Moscow the Third Rome" adjacent to the "saint" period, which for Orthodox
consciousness identity nen full period of Tradition. After the split of the Petrine reforms and
begins a period of ambiguity, all over which Russia still should be, in the most general terms, the
old geopolitical lines, losing the doctrinal rigor. The entire post-Byzantine period is characterized
by the dualism within Orthodoxy itself, where Russian Orthodoxy, is directly related to the
geopolitics of the Russian State,

opposes Greek-line fanariotskoy Constantinople

Patriarchy, which embodies the type of Orthodoxy, are strictly separated from the political
implementation and performing instrumental valued functions in the overall structure of the
Ottoman system.

The very same Russia takes over the Byzantine tradition of confrontation with the "Latin miter
and Turkish turban" and forced to single-handedly protect the interests of Orthodoxy in the
geopolitical and national levels. This line forces to participate in the Russian Balkan policy,
where it faces a number of hostile geopolitical trends, including continuous "fanariotskoe" anti-
Russian influence. Finally, during the Soviet period geopolitics, paradoxically, it keeps the
overall strategy for planetary Russian Statehood, expanding Russia's sphere of influence at the
expense of traditionally hostile Vija Orthodox countries and nations. Of course, there can be no
question of the succession of dogmatic Councils in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church, but
it should not be forgotten that dogmatic evidence hopelessly lost already at Peter, and shaken in a
split period. And if we take the point of view of "Sergianism", we can consider the geopolitical
success of the Soviet superpower, conquered half the world, traditionally hostile to Russian
Orthodox Christians and our state as achievements of the Russian Church and Pravoslav Noah
geopolitics. This last argument is, no doubt, is very controversial, but so is controversial,

strictly speaking, identification of Romanov post-Petrine Russia with a truly Orthodox state.
Although in the first and in the second case there is a clear continuity geopolitical.
In our time, when there is no Tsarist or Soviet Russia, and there is the dying and mutilated,
plundered and sold to the West, our eternal enemy, the country, we are able to comprehend all
the geopolitical history of Orthodoxy impartially and objectively and identify its constants that
should inscribe on the tablets of the new state power that wants to be called "Russian".
Chapter 2. State and territory

2.1 Three major geopolitical categories

Most of the debate on the new geopolitical cal picture of the world is centered around three basic
1) ( "Etat-Nation" "nation-state"), ie, historically established traditional centralist state (such as
France, Italy, Germany, Spain, etc.);

2) region, i.e. such administrative, ethnic or cultural space that is part of one or more nation-
states (Etat-Nation), but it has a considerable degree of cultural and economic autonomy (eg,
Brittany in France, Flanders in Belgium, Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country in Spain,

3) more space, "commonwealth" or "community", which combines several states on tions ( "Etat-
Nation") into a single economic and political bloc.

Many "Europeanists", both left and right believe that the category of "nation-state" (Etat-Nation),
ie traditional centralist state in general has become obsolete, and that emphasis should be placed
exactly on the two other modalities of regionalism on autonomist and even, on the one hand, and
the continental association of regions in a single unit, on the other hand. It is significant that here
converge in terms of polar political spectrum: "New Left" believe Etat-Nation too "right" or too
"totalitarian" and "oppressive", too "conservative" educational Niemi, from which should be
abandoned in the name of progress, but " new right ", on the contrary, it's a nation-state (Etat-
nation) referred to as too" modernistic "too anti-traditional stage of European history, when the
true traditional European Empire was destroyed by nihilistic and secular French absolutism. In
addition, "new right" to see a return to regionalism and ethnic traditions to the principle of ethnic
and cultural differentiation, that is the axis of all the "new right" thoughts.

On the other hand, there is a fairly broad category of politicians who, on the contrary,
uphold the values "Nation-State" (Etat-Nation). And again
commitment to the state centralism could unite and "right" and "left." But as a rule, the gap is not
worth the
"new" and "old" right and left. It is significant that in France, opponents of European unification
were three
political forces: the National Front of Le Pen (far right), the Communists Marche (far left) and
the centrist
socialists to national sympathies Jean-Perra Shevenmana. It follows that, within the same
geopolitical project
can be combined in the most distant from each other ideological and political sympathies. And
yet, every
political force has its own understanding of the three basic versions geopolitical arrangement of
society. It would be interesting to build an outline of how to evaluate in the future their own
ideologies, all three
projects different forces. For clarity, we will talk
on extreme positions, which naturally grows nuances and hints as you get closer to the political

2.2 Regionalism right and left

A common set of left-wing ideology is focused on the weakening of the state, the administrative
and political structures on public life. This implies the principle of decentralization, the gradual
evolution of a single center of power to several and, potentially, to a large number of them. At
one time, this theory has developed a well-known anarchist Proudhon. Leftists tend to weaken
and the gradual abolition of totalitarian GOVERNMENTAL and authoritarian forms of
government, which means that their geopolitical orientation is directed against the preservation
of the traditional Niya state with its borders, bureaucratic apparatus, repressive bodies, etc. All
this follows from the main left-wing ideological orientation on "humanism", on the value of
individuals to atomic ma, rather than some super-individual structure, limiting its freedom. On
this ideological basis and develop a modern European regionalism as a fairly steady trend
towards socio-economical tion of decentralization, to the abandonment of the traditional
principle of the West last centuries States on tion.

This liberal tendency of the Left to the limit and deny the very concept of "state", and the very
notion "nation" as historical relic. these principles
opposed to "humanist" the idea of "human rights", which has long ceased to be an abstract and
slogan has turned into quite an aggressive ideological complex, openly directed against the
traditional forms of
collective existence of people as members of a nation, people, state, race, etc. Hence, the logical
left to focus
on regionalism, as an administrative territorial self parking Nosta parts of the state, in their view,
value-reference to an individual removes the broad categories of public aura of absolute authority
and control

It is evident that this trend is contrary to the left of the national state ideology, ie, "Statists" and
"nationalists", which is a historic and political unity of the people, embodied in the Etat-Nation,
represented the highest value. Confronting of the statist-nationalist liberals-regio from journalists
is a constant stormy debate on the basic geopolitical projects in almost all countries where
political processes are developing actively and dynamically.

But there is a "right regionalism" is closely associated with the problem of tradition and
ethnicity. This region ism is based on the position that the current centralist state is merely a tool
of cultural and ideological leveling of its members, it has long lost its sacred function and turned
into a repressive apparatus directed against the remnants of authentic cultural, ethical and ethnic
traditions. "Right regionalists" see decentralization opportunity to revive partly ceremonial,
iconic form of the life of nations, traditional crafts, restore such a form of government, which
have been characterized by traditional civilization before the purely modern world. In fact, such
a "right regionalism" corresponds exactly to the concept of '' soil '. In principle, the right
implicitly have in mind some kind of "natural" differentialism peculiar to the inhabitants of the
provinces, which are much more severe and hostile react to foreigners than residents of large
Thus, there is a second line of political opposition: "Right regionalists", often appealing and
ethnic-racial purity and "left statist" who believe that the best way to implement "progressive",
"liberal" values in the society is the state centralism, protecting society from the possible
restoration of "Overcoming progress" remnants.

2.3 New large space: mondializm or Empire?

With regard sverhgosudarstvennoy integration as there is quite a controversial political layout.

On the one hand, there is "mondialist project", involving the complete abolition of the traditional
states and the creation of a planetary civilization of the field, managed from a single center,
which can be called "world government." In principle, such a project is the logical culmination of
liberal tendencies,

seeking to destroy all traditional community structure and artificially create single "Universal"
space, consisting not of nations but of "individuals", not from states but from technocratic
associations and industrial laborers. It is in this light saw Mondial Stam beginning of the century
"United States of Europe", which dreamed of the capitalists, liberals (Monet Kudenof-Kalegri,
etc.) and the Communists (Trotsky, etc.). Later, these same ideas and inspired designers
Maatstrihta and ideologues of the "new world order".

But parallel to this mondialist term, there is an alternative, advocated non-conformist political
forces. We are talking about the theoreticians of the new Empire, is considered a modern nation-
states are the result of the tragic collapse of the traditional empires, which alone can fully meet
the true sacred organization of society, based on a qualitative differentiation in the spiritual
hierarchy, on a corporate and religious basis. This understanding of the "new big space va"
derives not from a purely quantitative approach to integration (as mondialists), but because of a
spiritual and supranational principle, which would be transcendent in relation to the existing
historical formations, and could combine them in the highest sacred synthesis. Depending on the
circumstances of the "imperial project" builds on a religious factor (Catholic supporters of the
restoration of the Austro-Wen Gere Empire) or race (the ideologists of the European Empire,
united common origin of Indo-European peoples, in particular, the French "New Right"), or
geopolitical (theory of the Belgian Zhana Tiriara) or cultural (projects Russian Eurasians).

Consequently, and here there are two with opposite political poles that they see similar
geopolitical realities, but in reverse ve prospects.

small space LEFT (D)

regionalism, separatism

the average space

great space

enlightenment centralist state


RIGHT (conservative) etnizm,

pochvennichestva the nation-state, nationalism


So, we have identified in each of the geopolitical projects on two radically different, with
opposite approach that collectively determines all the main features of the ideological struggle
around fundamental issues. Thanks to this scheme can be classified into various politi skie
alliances between relatively distant from each other forces.

2.4 Geopolitics of Russia

General problems geopolitical arrangement of the contemporary world is directly related to

Russia, where we meet with the same basic geopolitical projects. Three categories of
regionalism, state -natsiya and more space have direct analogues in our geopolitical reality.

Regionalism corresponds to separatist tendencies within the Russian Federation in the pits as in
the case of the national republics and regions, and in the case of claims for full autonomy purely
territorial units (projects of the Siberian, Ural and others. Republics). Centralist-state model
advocated by supporters of geopolitical project "Russia in the framework of the Russian

Those who advocate the restoration of the USSR, the restoration of the Russian Empire or the
Soviet Union in the framework of the creation of the Eurasian Empire, belong to the category of
ideology of the new larger space.

As in the overall scheme, the proponents of a project does not necessarily share the same
political beliefs. Moreover, each project can have two polar characters which conventionally
defined as "right" and "left." Let's try to identify the position of "right" and "left" in Russian
political life in their relation to the three geopolitical options.

Separatist tendencies in the extreme "left" wing used by those forces which stood behind the
collapse of the USSR. Considering the stronghold of the Soviet state "reactionary" and
"totalitarianism", Russian liberals have long put forward the idea of "Russia in the borders of the
XIV century" and so on, which involved crushing Russian territories into separate fragments on
both ethnic and purely geographical basis. For such "left" unity of the Russian nation and the
power of the Russian state not only pose no historical value, but on the other hand, are seen as an
obstacle on the path to universal human "progress." This regionalist project advocated by some
extreme liberals, openly wishing disintegration of the Russian Federation. This version of the
ultra-tune with some ideas of a certain part of the opposite, extreme nationalist camp, which
believes that the Russian need to create a compact monoetniche skoe state based on the
principles of racial purity and ethnic isolationism. This is the idea of creating a "Russian
Republic". Among non-Russian ethnic groups inhabiting the territory of the Russian Federation,
there are similar projects in fact the creation of independent mono-ethnic states. "Left" version of
national and state programs in the framework of the Russian Federation postgorbachevskoe
embodied the Russian leadership, the belief that for reform is most advantageous to use it
centralist methods, subordinating all Russian
Moscow regions tough line. State centralism, according to the force, is the best and fastest way
to transform the socio-political reality of Russia so as to bring it to the "universal", "progressive",
and, in fact, "Western" and "Atlanticist" standards. The regionalism "left" centralists naturally
see the danger for the implementation of its goals, as the decentralization and autonomy of
regions can contribute to the creation of such regimes that have rejected the logic of liberal
GOVERNMENTAL reforms and would suggest other alternative (conditional "right"), social
and political projects. Imperial expansion is also unacceptable for these forces as the restoration
of the USSR may entail corresponding ideological consequences.

There is an active movement is gaining momentum "right" statists. They are patriots, resigned to
the collapse of the Soviet Union and believes that the creation of a powerful Russian centralized
Russian state would contribute to uniting the nation, a powerful independent organization
avtarkiynogo space.

"Rights" statists and reject separatism and imperialism, believing that splitting the RF means a
loss of Russian territory belonging to them, and imperial expansion will bring a lot of non-
indigenous elements and threatens national Russian domination. Among theorists recreating the
Empire also has two poles. The "left" Russian mondialists mainly oriented to Gorbachev and his
lobby, consider it necessary to the early establishment of a "single democratic space" as the
territory of the CIS, as well as wider within the Eurasian space.

"Right," New understanding more space embodied in the political program of the opposition,
implacable toward the regime. Most of the representatives of the opposition as a national
commune sty and traditsional- imperialists believe that Russia in the framework of the Russian
Federation is not only territorial but insufficient geopolitical entity, but essentially false solution
to the issue of the protection of strategic interests of Russia as a great power. "Right,"
Eurasianism is based on a purely imperial understanding of the historical mission of Russia,
which will either be independent avtarkiynym "is continental" or deviate from its historical and
geopolitical destiny. So we can keep all the options geopolitiche Sgiach projects concerning the
future of the Russian state in a scheme that takes into account ideologiche ical orientation of
certain forces.

Russian regionalism Russian conservatives, patriots

"Russian Republic"
Russian centralism
Patriots as part of the Russian Federation
Eurasian more space "The Eurasian Empire", "restoration of the USSR"
Russian liberals,

"Ethnic republics", separatism in the framework of the Russian Federation "Liberal reforms under an authoritarian
"Left mondializm", "single democratic space"

Chapter 3. Geopolitical problems of the near abroad

3.1 The Law of Large Spaces

The fundamental law of geopolitics is the principle of a large space dedicated Mackinder and
Haushofer and developed by Carl Schmitt. According to this principle, the national sovereignty
of the state depends not only on its military power, technological development and economic

as the size and the geographical location of its lands and territories. Classics of geopolitics
scribbled hundreds of volumes, proving that the problem of sovereignty directly depends on the
geopolitical self parking telnosti, self-sufficiency, avtarkiynosti region. Those nations and states
that are really striving for sovereignty, must first solve the problem of territorial self-sufficiency.
In this era of a self-sufficiency may have only very large countries located in regions that are
strategically protected from possible attack (military, political or economic) other public entities.
In the confrontation between capitalism and socialism, the need to block more space was
apparent. Nobody doubted that the country could be a "non-aligned" only at the cost of its
removal from the scope of planetary geopolitics due to marginalization tion and displacement to
the periphery. In addition, all "non-aligned" still make a choice in favor of one or another camp,
although less radical than the direct supporters of socialism or capitalism. The destruction of a
single superpower, of course, seriously change the geopolitical space of the earth. But the
principle of a large space does not lose its strength. On the contrary, today, it is becoming more
common geopolitical project "mondialism", which boils down to the transformation of the entire
surface of the earth in a single large STI managed space from the American center.
3.2 Pax Americana and geopolitics mondialism

The project is pro-American, "Atlanticist" More space, creature planetary Pax Americana and the
establishment of a "new world order" with a single "world government" is, in fact, geopolitiche
skie synonyms. Such a plan is developed and implemented today in the international politics of
the West, and primarily the United States. Obviously, the concept of Skye mondialists more
space eliminates any form of real public and political sovereignty of any kind was of peoples and
states. Furthermore, the bipolar world gave incomparably more degrees of freedom (of
sovereignty) states included in the sphere of influence of one of the two more space than is
planned in mondialist project, if only because the planetary confrontation forced not only to
suppress the satellite states, but also bribe them. A single planetary more space mondialist
futurists would mean the complete disappearance of even weak shadow of whatever sovereignty
as a force (military or economic) suppression fragmented GOVERNMENTAL and atomized
"small spaces" will be the only control method (the need for bribery and fraud will disappear by
itself in the absence of potential geopolitical competitor).
The current situation puts before every state and every nation (and especially before the state E
and nations, formerly part of a geopolitical unit, opposite the Atlantic to the West) the urgent
alternative or integration into a single large space under the guidance Atlanticist or organization
of a new large space that can withstand the last superpower . The issue of sovereignty is genuine
geopolitical alternative to this direct relationship, but no full sovereignty for individual people or
state can not be in one of two cases. When making any sovereignty mondialist models generally
known to be excluded, as the "world ruler GUSTs" becomes the only and sole center of power,
and is sovereign in this case, only the planetary psevdoimperiya "new world order". All parts are
in this colony. When organizing a new large space we deal with the sovereignty in the
framework of a large geopolitical education as a possible more space will be relatively freely in
the determination of the dominant ideology and worldview. So, the people and the state, which
will be included in the block will be able to count at least on ethnic and cultural sovereignty and
direct involvement in the creation and development of a new makroideologii while mondialist
version of the "new world order" is already ideologically finished and worked out, and invited all
the nations of the earth as a colonial analogue of the liberal-market American model.
3.3 The paradox of Russia

Particularly relevant in the geopolitical situation in the fact that the initiative of the destruction of
the Eurasian large space that existed until recently in the form of the socialist camp, came from
the very center of the camp, from the capital Moscow Eurasia. It was the Soviet Union in the
face of Gorbachev initiated the inclusion of the Eurasian bloc in mondialist project. The idea of
"adjustment", "new thinking", etc. at the geopolitical level means the full acceptance of the
model of a single large space and a conscious shift from a unipolar to a bipolar world. At first,
the socialist camp was destroyed, gutted the Eastern Bloc. Then geopolitical self-killer GUSTs
continued and pushed the regions of Russia, which is called today "neighboring countries".

Be that as it may, the Russian as the heart of the Eurasian Islands like The Heartland, in the
current geopolitical situation better than all other regions could withstand Atlanticist geopolitics
and be the center of alternative more space. But the fact of its geopolitical samolikvidatorstva
forced it on time (hopefully briefly) to leave the central role in the geopolitical confrontation.
Therefore, you should make out other possibilities of creating an alternative more space to the
states and peoples who refuse mondialistic project

could take some independent steps without waiting for Russia's geopolitical awakening. (By the
way, these steps would only accelerate this awakening of).

3.4 Russia remains "Axis of History"

Geopolitical choice antimondialistskoy alternative is temporarily paralyzed Russia must still take
into account the key strategic and of geographic feature is Russian land and the Russian people,
which means that the confrontation with modern Mondial Stam controlling to some extent
political space should not go into the general Russophobia. Moreover, the geopolitical interests
of the Russian indigenous and culturally, and religiously, economically and strategically coincide
with the prospect of an alternative antimondialistskogo antiatlantistskogo and more space. For
this reason, the National tendencies are the political opposition in Russia with the need to be in
solidarity with all the antimony dialistskimi geopolitical integration projects outside Russia.

3.5 Mitteleuropa and the European Empire

One of the possible alternatives to the new Europe is a large space that certain ideological and
political circles of the West is contrasted by the Anglo-Saxon world, and first and foremost the
United States. Such anti-Western Europe is not a pure utopia, since such a project was
implemented repeatedly in history, even though every time a defined-GOVERNMENTAL errors
or distortions. So, in the XX century the Axis were the backbone is a Europe at Anglophilia and
Francophobe certain circles in the German leadership (among other circumstances), and
prevented the full implementation of this project. After the Second World War, a similar attempt
was undertaken De Gaulle, and this policy France owes the fact that it is not now officially a
member of NATO. Whatever it was, the idea of an anti-Western, traditional, imperial Europe is
becoming more and more urgent today, when the presence of US troops in Europe is justified by
the presence of the "Soviet threat" and assumes the character of an open US occupation. Europe
in terms of its technical and economic development is a major enemy of America, and under
increasing pressure from the bottom iCal natural geopolitical interests of Europeans mondialist
and pro-American elite European states may withdraw, and Europe will begin an independent
geopolitical ical life. The tendency towards political emancipation and to seek the ideological
alternative to picking up in Europe every day, in parallel with this increase the chances of
establishing an independent European large space.
3.6 Germany the heart of Europe

European More space should be folded around the continental European power around the
Germany, or more precisely, about the Mitteleuropa, ie Central Europe. Geopolitical interests of
Germany has traditionally been opposed Atlanticist tendencies of the West. This concerned both
the actual continental and colonial

aspects geopolitics. Germany always enemy was

Anglo-Saxon colonial conquests and strive to build a purely terrestrial, continental,

avtarkiynoy civilization, based on the traditional,
hierarchical and soil values. Mitteleuropa in the face of the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Empire
was the last
European trail of the Roman Empire, to which the European civilization has its roots in her state
and the social
aspect. In fact, the Roman Empire and has more space, brings together Western and Central
Europe into a
single geo-political body. And today the idea of the European Empire is directly related to
Germany and the
countries within the German sphere of influence.

Of these theses can immediately make an important geopolitical conclusion. For all the Western
countries, "the near abroad" (as the Baltic republics as Ukraine and Moldova) antimondialistsky
geopolitical alliance is possible only when entering
Block Central Europe (unless, of course, the situation in Russia itself does not change) with
focus on Germany. In this case, the western regions of the USSR will have the chance to become
the eastern border areas of the European of more space and be able to have some semblance of
sovereignty (though much less than in Russia or in the composition of a possible new block with
the Eurasian skom antimondialistskoy center in Russia).

European Empire can guarantee these regions a certain cultural, economic and linguistic
autonomy and to preserve them from boiling mondialist systems is leveled, withering a liberal
market, plutocratic structure even hints difference autarchy hydrochloric and preservation of
national identity. However, neither of which political and state independence, there will be no
question. Moreover, the European Empire of the German Center will always be under the threat
of German nationalism outbreak, although it is fraught with its decay, as being fraught with
defeat "Pan-German" Hitler.

3.7 "join Europe"

Above all, this prospect is close to Western Ukraine and Estonia, as only these areas is valid but
belong to the historical and religious to Western culture and find its geopolitical interests
identical with the interests of Central Europe. As for the other "near abroad", the Belarus and the
eastern and central regions of Ukraine politi cally and culturally belong to the Russia- Eurasia
zone, and if something and cultural differences, it can be reduced to the private parts does Do not
assume the change of the geopolitical block of East to Central (Central Europe), which could be
settled within the framework of the ethno-cultural (but not the state!) autonomy. Lithuania, for its
part, has always played a special role in the geopolitics of eastern Europe, performing a dual
function in relation to Russia, she acted as the bearer of Western culture, in relation to Central
Europe is, on the contrary, together with Poland showed itself as the eastern force, defending
balto- Western Slavic independence from the German pressure. From a geopolitical point of
view, in the last century Lithuania became the German, the Russian, and the only way it is no
longer a (nor can be), so it is a Lithuanian, because it does not have sufficient geopolitical
prerequisites in order to comply with the conditions sovereignty put forward by modernity. Part
of the same can be said about Latvia, although it unlike Lithuania never played no independent
role in the geopolitical history of being a periphery outside influences in the Baltic Sea.
As for Moldova, it is a territorial entity and has never had its states Nosta, and what else an
independent political and state traditions of the Romanians, like Moldovans, is completely
absent. Historically, however, Romania (including some land Moldova) was part of a
geopolitical unit as the Russia-Eurasia, and Central Europe (represented by Austria-Hungary), so
some precedent alliance with Central Europe, Romania was. Although the vast the majority
Orthodox ARISING Moldovans and Romanians longer brings them closer still to the east and

3.8 The boundaries of "freedom" and the lost benefits

Western countries joining the prospect of the "near abroad" in the European empires and their
contiguity to Central Europe is possible and historically justified, although in almost all cases
(except for Estonia as a colonial land of the Teutonic Order, populated by descendants of the
silent and submissive autochthon GOVERNMENTAL Finno-Ugric workers and Western
Ukraine) Eastern bloc Russia-Eurasia

purely geopolitical point of view, preferably many times, as these regions are culturally more
related to the East than with Central Europe. Thus, the Western Union "neighboring countries"
with Central Europe can serve as an intermediate option antimondia listskoy geopolitical
orientation in the event that Russia will continue to give up its mission of integration. It should
be noted that there is no political sovereignty in the event of entry into the hypothetical
"European Empire", of course, these countries do not receive, because a large space, providing
geo-political, economic and military patronage, requires its citizens, in turn, non-political -
national independence, the right to pursue their own ideological or diplomatic policy, which goes
against the interests of the empire. As it may affect the representatives of the "small nationalism
ism" in our situation can only be sovereign superstate, continental empire, taken as a whole.

3.9 "cordon sanitaire"

Western geopolitical problem "near abroad" is another aspect of Atlanta cal factor is acting
directly and imposing these countries political strokes, favorable mondialism and Americanism.
In this regard, there are several levels. Let's start from the beginning.

US has a real prospect of world domination only if no other large spaces on the planet will be no
more. We conclude that the American geopolitics as its main objective is the destruction of a
potential geopolitical strong unit and the creation of obstacles to its formation. In history, we
have a precedent of such a policy in the name of England, always strive to create the continent's
"cordon sanitaire" or a "cordon sanitaire". "Cordon sanitaire" is the area of states and nations,
which is located between two major geopolitical entities, whose union or mutual entry into the
large space could create a dangerous competition to the interested Powers (formerly of England,
USA Today). Countries "cordon sanitaire" usually are both a source of conflict of two
continental powers, their geopolitical independence de facto impossible, and so they are forced
to seek the economic, political and military support on the side. The essence of the policy of the
third major geopolitical force in this situation is to make of the "cordon sanitaire" zone of tension
between the two close more space, provoking an escalation of the conflict through diplomatic
influence on the government's "intermediate" countries. The most radical variant "cordon" is a
situation in which "intermediate" country tends to full independence of the continental from both
neighbors, which in practice means the conversion of a colony third "far" state. The most famous
example of a "cordon sanitaire" was in the early centuries of the country situated between Russia
and Germany and Britain to control. They broke up more space in Central Europe and more
space Russia- Eurasia, serving as direct agents satraps and countries of Western Europe. The
same course was repeated several times in other more local situations. In our time, the United
States by virtue of the direct geopolitical necessity have to make a "cordon sanitaire" main
instrument of its foreign policy. The report of the American security affairs advisor Paul
Wolfowitz US Government (March 1992) expressly refers to "the need to prevent the emergence
in the European and Asian continents strategic force capable of withstanding yat USA", and in
this sense indicated that the country's "cordon sanitaire" ( in particular, the countries of the Baltic
states s) are "the most important strategic areas, an attempt on the part of that Russian should
lead to armed resistance on the part of NATO." This is a perfect example of the geopolitical logic
of a third power in the area of Germany and Russia mutual interests.
3.10 Transformation of the province of the colony

A policy of "cordon sanitaire" can be expressed in the formula "independence from the near and
distant dependency". It should be clearly understood that about any real independence or
sovereignty there can be no question, though short-sighted "petty nationalism ism" and can at the
man in the street level, we identify temporarily build a "colonial dependence on third power"
with the success of "national liberation struggle. " It should also be recalled that in the case of
small States in our perfectly controlled world can not only win, but also a full-fledged, unanimity
Noah struggle.

The country's "near abroad", coming out of Moscow's control by the will of the different
geopolitical circumstances, including their internal struggle for independence has played a
negligible role (if any such be present), have all chances to become a "cordon sanitaire"
mondialist US policy on the continent and it means to lose the confidence of its neighbors and
incur the curse of the "double betrayal." Moreover, in this case, they become a province of the
colony. What happens in this case with their national culture at all scary to imagine, as
mondializm offer instead universal compact colonial surrogate cultural "coca-colo nization". As
the rulers of a "cordon sanitaire" will have a puppet guards. The political independence of these
countries will be fully deprived, and their public safety will be constantly under the threat of
continental neighbors, who will not fail to take revenge.

Thus, for the countries of the "near abroad," the prospect of becoming a "cordon sanitaire" means
the loss of any geopolitical independence, because of the possibility of "health pug" tease "of the
continental elephant" itself "pug" to pay the full political, cultural and economic slavery in the
overseas chefs "new world order" (plus the fact it is a natural reaction "elephant" in the very near

The prospect of "cordon sanitaire" against Western countries "near abroad" is obvious. Its
formula "neither Germany nor Russia" (ie, "no middle Europe or Eurasia"). Since Germany as an
independent geopolitical force today is pure potency,

it is fair to assume, that the notion of "independence" ( "Sovereignty") of Western countries

"near abroad" should be seen as a transition to time
mondialism service and Americanism. At least, It is urgent geopolitical picture. In other words,
the Western countries "near abroad", really striving for "independence" (and not "doomed to
independence," the treacherous politics of Moscow)

likely, consciously chosen role "Cordon sanitaire" in the US service. This is especially
characteristic of those "countries" that have traditionally been Germany were rather hostile
relations. Countries "cordon sanitaire" of the "near abroad" are part of an alliance with the West
(Western Europe), bypassing the Central Europe, and this is the clearest sign of their Atlanticist,
mondialist orientation.

In principle, the same is true for the eastern countries "near abroad." However, in order to
adequately understand their geopolitical perspective, it is necessary to elaborate on the geo-
political forces of the East.
3.11 Asia before choosing

In the East there are the following potential geopolitical forces that may pretend to be a large
space: China, Iran, Turkey and the Arab world. Let us analyze briefly the specifics of each of the
large space in relation to the eastern countries of the "near abroad."

It should be said that China's geopolitics is a particular topic that is impossible to cover in a few
lines. Since the "near abroad" of the East is a region of the spread of Islam, the prospect of
Education with China a single large space pales into insignificance before the possibilities of
Islamic geopolitical coalitions. At least this is the case at the moment, that does not exclude,
however, the sharp intensification of the Chinese factor as a factor integrating in the near future.

As part of the Islamic world itself for the eastern countries "near abroad" relevant iCal three
geopolitical factors that have a global perspective, with each of these factors has its pronounced
ideological features. It is continental but-Islamic,

revolutionary Iran; secular, Atlanticist, profane nationalist Turkey; and Arabic, "the Saudi"
theocratic version of Islam. Of course, in the Arab world, there are other possibilities geopolitical
(Iraq, Syria, Libya), but none of them at the moment can not claim to be an integrating more
space in relation to the countries of Central Asia. Generally speaking, the orientation of Saudi
Arabia and can be arbitrarily equated to geopolitical orientation "arabic (non-socialists cal)
Islam." Eastern countries "near abroad" have a term of three possible geo-political integration
within the Asian bloc.

3.12 continental prospects "Islamic Revolution"

Iran today is a unique country, which performs the role of Central Asia in the European West.
Characteristically, the Iranians themselves sharply distinguished themselves both from the West
and from the East, meaning by "the West", "profane mondialist civilization of Europe", and
"East", "India, China and Russia ...".
Iranian Islam is a dynamic and powerful force that has a bright antimondialistskuyu orientation
and claims a global world Islamic revolution. In the geopolitical sense, Iran is purely continental
power with strategically, economically and ideologically all the chances to become the nucleus
of a large Eurasian bloc.
Orientation of the Central Asian republics, Iran (and first of all, Azerbaijan with its oil and giant
nuclear Kazakhstan) could well create the conditions for a genuine continental that of
sovereignty. Pro-Iranian coalition would be the Central Asian analogue of Central Europe
(compare: Central Asia Central Europe) as well as historical precedents, and ideological
principles and cultural and religious homogeneity of these continental regions serve as a
sufficient basis for the strength and effectiveness of such a union.

It is important to note that the pro-Iranian Large The space potentially includes Afghanistan and
Pakistan, and this, in turn, opens up a strip of territorial continuity with Tajikistan and Uzbekista
nom. With Turkmenistan, Iran has a direct border.

3.13 Trap "Pan-Turkism"

An entirely different nature is the orientation of Turkey, often accompanied by "Pan-Turkism"
(as the Central Asian nations "near abroad" are mostly "Turk").

Turkey emerged as a state in place of the Ottoman Empire, not as its continuation, but a parody
of it. Rather polycentric imperial mnogona tional Islamic structure Kemal Ataturk created the
Eastern version of the French Etat-Nation, the nation-state, secular, atheist, profaniche skim and
nationalist formation. Turkey was the first country of the East, which sharply broke with their
spiritual, religious and geopolitical tradition. In fact, Turkey is a member of NATO today is the
eastern outpost of Atlanticism and mondializ ma "cordon sanitaire" between the Asian East and
the Arab world. Geopolitical model that offers, Turkey, the integration into the Western world,
and atheistic, mondialist civilization. But as Turkey itself, aspiring to enter the "Europe" is still a
"political and ideological" US colony, not a full member of the European large space (that could
theoretically assume the participation of Turkey in Central Europe unit), then Turkey orientation
means for the countries of the "near abroad" in mondialist integration project on the rights of
"cordon sanitaire", as "colonial gasket" between the eastern continental mass of Eurasia (with
Iran, China and India) and the explosive Arab world, constantly strive schimsya reset mondialist
puppet leadership. Turkey's path is the path of service and decision-Atlanticist superpower
mondialist model planetary more space

controlled "the world government. "It could be argued that the card is" Pan-Turkism ", played
out by Turkey, has apparently traditionalist character. This is partly true, and projects" Great
Turkey from Yakutia to Sarajevo "Indeed active development of the Turkish propaganda. It
should also be noted that the severity of these projects I could give only a radical change of politi
Skog, ideological and economic policy
segodnyashy it Turkey, and it suggests nothing less than a revolution and rotation of the
geopolitical interests of 180 degrees. Not excluding this possibility, it should be noted all the
same low probability of such a course of events in the near future. But at the same time, this
perspective advocated in the present, can lead to very specific geopolitical result to turn Eastern
countries "near abroad" of Iran, to the choice of a secular, atheistic model of society, the gradual
integration proatlantistsky "cordon sanitaire".

"Pan-Turkism" as ambiguous, like "Pan-Slavism" or "Pan-German", ie all ideology, putting a

sign above the national geopolitical, spatial, and religious interests of the peoples and states.

3.14 petrodollars and mondializm

Saudi Arabia, a bastion of Islam and especially the Arab Islamic theocracy, represents on the
ideological level a special "Wahhabi" model
authoritarian, moralistic and "purist" Muslims ARISING typologically very close to Protestant
forms of
Christianity. East Asian Nosta contemplative asceticism and religious ritualism passionarnost
replaced here
and domination almost secular ethics. According to the remark of the Islamic fundamentalist
Dzhemalya, "Saudi Arabia in its current state is a direct contrast to the world" continental Islam.
interests of the Wahhabi Saudi Arabia is quite the same as a particular version mondialistic
project as
economic and military well-being of this country is based on the support of the US, which
protect the dynastic
interests of the Saudi king in the military and economic fields. An example of military support
for the war
against Iraq. economic " upport "is as follows. The whole economy of Saudi Arabia is to oil. The
whole Arab oil
is traditionally available on the world market through the Anglo-American hands. Development
of the Eurasian
deposits and their development could theoretically compete with the Saudis, to enrich the
Eurasian states and
to make Europe and Japan, by independent from the United States. Thus, the United States,
Europe, control
the economy through control of Arab oil and the Saudi king, bases its economy on the American
larah, have one and the same interests.

Saudi Wahhabi theocracy many times acted as an obstacle to the creation of the actual Arabic
more space, as it contradicts the Law and the interests of the dynasty, and the interests of the
Atlanticist. Even more reason to be wary Saudis Eurasian continental Islam more space.
Revolutionary Iran is generally considered an ideological enemy No. 1 of the Saudis. Thus,
geopolitiche skie interests of Saudi Arabia in the eastern countries of the "near abroad" directly
opposite the emergence of the Asian Islamic space Big Island. So, the way to the Arab-Islamic
integration under the "Wahhabi" banner for Asian republics in practice will also mondialist
inclusion in the project, but not in the secular-nationalist version of the "Pan-Turkism", and in
the moral and theocratic version. In a sense, this is also the way is none other than the inclusion
of a "cordon sanitaire". Only in this case, the "temptation" is not nationalism, but the religious
factor (and money).

Summing up all these considerations, it can be said that the eastern countries "near abroad" have
only one positive way to create a new large space is the way of "Islamic Revolution" with a
focus on Tehran. This may be solved
national conflicts and implemented restoration of religious traditions and religious order. On the
geopolitical Český same level it would mean the creation of a powerful continental block, it is
capable of withstanding yat mondialist projects in these regions. Moreover, even the first steps
taken in this direction, will cause a chain reaction in the Arab world, which threatens mondialists
loss of control in the whole Islamic Ummah. Furthermore, such a geopolitical alliance with
unavoidable Nosta awaken antimondialistskie forces in Central Europe (the natural and the main
ally of Iran in the West) and Russia-Eurasia.

3.15 At least two poles, or death ...

In the current geopolitical situation, the question is extremely acute: a planetary "new world
order" under US leadership, where all your country of Islands and the nations shall
impersonal and obedient "Cogs" mondialist

technocratic, atheistic -torgasheskoy "Disney lendovskoy" cosmopolitan model or the immediate

establishment of geopolitical opposition Atlanticism and mondialism and organization
potentially antimondialistskih, traditional soil and peoples and states in the alternative block (or
several blocks). Today, the situation is critical to Nastola that almost does not matter how and
alternative more space may be under some sign. If it is there, and if it will really resist
mondialism, already one that will be enough to expand, diversify and multiply geopolitical
alternative to increase the internal degrees of freedom within antimondialistkoy opposition. It
should always be remembered that the United States "the main task is not to prevent the
emergence of geopolitical alternatives you" (whatever that may be an alternative). Therefore, it is
fair to all antimondialistkim forces push the opposite thesis: "the main task of creating a
geopolitical alternative" (whatever that may be).

The situation is now so serious that to choose between "good" and "better" do not have it. If
Russia can restore geopolitical independence and get rid of Atlanticist management perfectly.
The countries of the "near abroad" will be shown in this case a great opportunity to re-enter the
Russian Eurasia, this time devoid of ideological negativity ambiguous Marxism. In addition,
voluntary and conscious return of this "near abroad" will be the guarantor of the future cultural,
religious, linguistic, economic, and even, perhaps, the political (but not the State of Noah)
autonomy. That would be the easiest and best option. Moreover, exposure of the true colonial
purposes mondialists in this disastrous period of transition will, of course, a prerequisite for an
even greater increase in the number of allies and satellites of Russia-Eurasia (both East and

If it does not, then the detonator antimony dialistskogo geopolitical project could become another
large space or Central Europe under the flag of Germany or a united Middle Asia under the sign
of "Islamic Revolution." In principle, there is the prospect of antimondialistskogo uprisings in
the Arab world and in Latin America, although the military potential of these large spaces are ill-
equipped to compete with the superpowers. For the countries of the "near abroad" problem more
space is a central and vital. The choice of the geopolitical orientation there now depends the
whole future of the nation, religion, culture, freedom, prosperity, and security. The question is
how can not be serious. Today, all responsible people should understand that the adoption of
mondialist model is neither more nor less than complete and final destruction of identity,
identity, historical person of their states and nations, the end of their national history.
Chapter 4. Perspectives of the Civil War

4.1 National interests and lobby mondialist

The problem of a possible civil war in Russia is becoming more and more urgent, and today it is
necessary to study this terrible question from an analytical point of view on the other side as an
alarmist emotions and pacifist persuasion. Worst of all (if the civil conflict in Russia is still to
break out) turn out to be completely unprepared for it, get lost in the complex and contradictory
situation forces capable to mislead even the most astute and ideologically GOVERNMENTAL
consecutive Patriots.

In this matter, as in all the other important aspects of the political life of the nation and the state,
it is necessary to begin by recalling the principal points that determine the general contours of the
current state of the geopolitical situation. The main imperative of existence of the state and the
nation is the principle of sovereignty, independence and political freedom. And it demands of
national sovereignty are synonymous with the national interest. Russia and the Russian people
have in the context of the political history of the world its unique location, its mission, its role,
and the free and full-blooded execution of national and by the statutory purpose is the main
purpose of the existence of the nation as an organic community.

But we live in a special era when vnutrinatsio onal policy of the state is inextricably linked with
the foreign policy context, and perhaps never in the history of the external pressure on the
national -State education was not so strong and persistent. Moreover, almost the most important
doctrine in the modern Western political establishment was the theory mondialism, ie an
organization of people's lives all over the world, in which there should be no national public
entities, no sovereignty, national interests. Headed mondialistic international community aims to
be a cosmopolitan elite, the management companies are not, as a mathematical sum of
individuals to atomic. Consequently, mondialist vector primordial but is aimed against any
national governmental your country of formations, and its main goal is the abolition of the old
traditional world divided by the peoples and countries, and the device of the "new world order",
which denies all forms of historical and socio-organic social formations.

Mondialist factor directed, of course, not only against Russia (and other nation states are also
obstacles for it), but it is Russia as a powerful geopolitical entity, until recently, was the main
bastion of hindering the gradual spread mondialistic control from the West to the world. Of
course, the Soviet system in some of its aspects, too, had Mondial stskimi features, and one of
the Western mondialists projects lies in the gradual "evolutionary nom" turned on the Soviet
Union into a global system of "new world order". This well-known theory of convergence is
likely, and has been a major target of the forces that have started restructuring. But the soft
option "mondialisation" Russia for one reason or another does not "load" and then mondialist
policy towards Russia has adopted an aggressive form of pressure and outright subversion. Hard
and super-fast disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived the supporters "konvergen
tion "Control levers and mondialist policy passed to openly aggressive Russophobic forms.

Mondialist vector is an extremely important point to understand the current situation in Russia. If
before external influence exerted on our country by the other national-state formations at seeking
to weaken the power of the Russian state, or win him over to their side in certain international
conflicts; if earlier potential adversaries Russia (explicit and secret) are geopolitical forces that
are generally comparable in structure with itself, then at the moment the main external factor was
the special form of pressure, which has no clear national a national or geopolitical contours and
the representing a supranational, global utopian social and political project, for which there are
unseen manipulators, having a giant
economic and political power. Of course, traditional foreign factors also continue to operate
(mondialist project has not yet received the full implementation), but their significance and
importance pales in comparison to the totality mondialistic pressure, fade into the background.
For example, Russia's relations with Germany, Japan and China are now the thing is not two
sides, but at least three of Russia and other states and international mondialistic lobby, acting
both directly and through their "agents of influence" in the political formations, elicitation with
each other bilateral problems. In this case it is a "third force", mondializm, more often and have a
decisive, as its means of influencing the structure and the effect of a much more debugged and
effective than the corresponding mechanisms, "archaic" national-state formations.

Thus, in Russia, both in domestic and in foreign policy, there are two fundamental conducting
members behind the adoption of certain decisions, the organization of various processes for the
determination of certain orientations of the Russian political and socio-economic life : it
mondialist "agents of influence" and the group, guided by national and state interests. Based on
the foregoing, it is evident that both poles are opposite to each other in the most important: some
seek to minimize the sovereignty and independence, avtarkiynost Russia (until its abolition in
mondialist cosmopolitan context of the "new world order"),

focused on the assertion, strengthening and expansion of national and state

others, on the contrary,
sovereignty, the maximum excretion of the nation of planetary Mondial stskoy structure, hostile,
by definition, the existence of any full avtarkiynogo society. Of course, in politics, these two
poles are almost never found in its pure form, most of the authorities are mixed systems, where
the co-presence of both trends, but, nevertheless, it is these two poles define the main power
trends, which are in constant and hard countering,

veiled compromise E, naive, near or corrupt "uninitiated" extras from politics. So, we have
identified the two poles in the current political picture of Russia. They correspond to two
different points of view on the possibility of civil war in Russia. And these two forces,
eventually, and will be the main subjects of the potential conflict, the main opponents, the main
parties, although their opposition and can be hidden under the more specific and complicated
distribution of roles. An example of the first civil war in Russia is indicating that in this case the
national and antinatsional nye forces were not under their own banner, but
by complex and contradictory system of social, political and ideological orientations that conceal
the true motives and geopolitical trends. In order not to repeat the mistakes of the past, we must
objectively analyze the terrible prospect of a new civil war, on the other side of the political or
ideological sympathies.

4.2 Options alignment of forces

We select the main subjects of the civil war in Russia, we define the action of force and
immediate motivation tentative outline its options.
1) The first (and most unlikely) version of the civil war could develop along the confrontation
line: the national government of force against mondialistic lobby.

Indeed, this separation of roles would be quite logical when you consider the total
incompatibility of the major orientations of both. Mondialists strive in every way to weaken the
sovereignty of Russia and undermine its economic and political independence, to make it
dependent on the cosmopolitan mondialistic establishment, to deprive it of the possibility to
freely carry out national mission. Nationalists and the state nicknames, by contrast, want to
strengthen the self-sufficiency, to achieve maximum political independence and economy co-
social self-sufficiency. Naturally, peacefully combine these two trends is not possible, as they
contradict each other in everything, in general and particular.

However, this version of the civil war ( "cosmopolitans against nationalists") generally can not
be a national and global, as mondialist ideology is fundamentally not capable to instill in the
masses and raise the fanaticism to defend their ideals in any way a significant part of the
population. In peacetime, of course, inertial, indifference and passivity of the total may be
optional factors for mondialists, but in the case of the bloody conflict, shooting and killing is
necessary to appeal to the deeper layers of the human psyche, fanaticism and sacrifice are
required. The nationalists, on the other hand, can easily count on the support of the
overwhelming majority of the people in the case of open and widespread armed conflict with
mondialists, unless, of course, the conflict will become national in scope and will not be
localized in a particular tightly controlling Mykh mondialists centers.

In other words, civil war, according to the scenario "mondialists nationalists" in any case, will
not be present and all-out civil war, since mondialists pure and never will be a strong
ideologically-knit and politically active base capable of organizing the masses to oppose the
nationalists. If such a conflict broke out, then the outcome would have been swift and
unequivocal: the national - government forces would quickly cracked down on anti-national
lobby, marked as such and become face to face with the risen for the patriotic idea people. In
principle, such a civil war would almost bloodless and very brief, and after the destruction of
mondialists internal source of conflict would be eliminated and politi Skye and social life of the
state would be developed strictly within the boundaries of the national interest, as is the case in
traditional states and nations . But mondialist lobby hardly understands its true position and
suicidal such a scenario, which means that it will try to avoid such a turn of events at any cost.
That is why this option is almost unbelievable.

2) The second embodiment of the Civil War defined by the formula: RF against one
(Or several) of CIS Republics . Such a situation can easily arise due to the extreme volatility
of new state formations on the territory of the former USSR. These states, most of which has no
more or less stable state and national tradition established under completely arbitrary boundaries
do not coincide boiling or ethnic or socio-economically mi nor religious territories organic
societies will inevitably be cast into deep inside Nij and external crisis. They basically can not
find any real sovereignty, as their strategic capabilities do not allow to assert their independence,
without resorting to external assistance. The collapse of the political, social and economical tion
systems are inevitable, and of course, this can not but affect their relationship as a Russian (or
pro-Russian oriented) population, as well as to Russia itself. In this case, most likely, from their
side will be thrown Russia call on the Russian Federation that will be forced to respond with
varying degrees of aggressiveness. This process is likely to be wearing the chain character, as an
explosion of ethnic and territorial conflicts affecting Russia and Russian, will inevitably respond
in other former Soviet republics.

It is obvious that Russian national interests and orientation mondialistic lobby within Russia (and
in the new republics) in this case will not face each other directly and openly. The main opponent
of such a war will be for Russian nye A direct neighbors. In this case, it is not necessary that
mondialist lobby will play in this case, the Russian defeat. This conflict, called the American
Skim strategy of "war of low intensity" (or even "average (!) Intensity") may well meet the
interests mondialistic lobby if it destabilizes the strategic and geopolitical situation in Russia and,
more broadly, Eurasia, becoming a local, protracted and ambiguous. Russian national interests in
this case, too, will not necessarily be carried out, even if the civil war will be held under the
patriotic and nationalist slogans. As in the case of Afghanistan, Russia armed conflict with
neighboring regions will lead to a weakening of Russian influence in these states and undermine
the attractiveness of the integration pulse neighbors to association with a single Russian
geopolitiche sky Eurasian block. In this case, the similarity of cultural -social type between the
population of Russia and the former Soviet republics will make this conflict bratouby
governmental and truly civil. In the case of the Slavic republics (first of all, Ukraine) and it will
be even intra-national tragedy.

Thus, this embodiment of the Civil War is contradictory and ambiguous. Russian national
interests, sovereignty imperative, it is not necessary to be strengthened in this scenario, and
mondialist, anti-Russian lobby, for its part, can from it even win by creating around the Russian
belt "war of low intensity", discredited tiruyuschy Russian at the international level and
undermine and so precarious socio-economic stability of the state. Of course, this does not mean
that Russia should not play quarterback
Russian and pro-Russian oriented people in the neighboring countries. But doing all this, it
should be baked particularly the expansion of its geopolitical and strategic influence. Even if the
Russian will be able to win from neighbors of the ancient Russian lands, the price for it may
become hostile to the emergence of new states to be discarded in the camp the main opponents of
Russia, ie, mondialists, and in this case, the new imperial integration required Russia will
otodvinu that indefinitely.

3) The third option is similar to the first in its struc ture, but here the civil war could begin
within the Russian Federation itself between representatives of Russian and non-Russian
ethnic groups79.The script can be similar to the previous: Russian population is exposed to
aggression on the part of foreigners in any district or national internal republic; ethnic solidarity
encourages other Russian to take part in the conflict; other national non-Russian regions drawn
into the armed conflict on ethnic grounds; Civil War assumes the character of "low intensity
war". In this case it is even more dangerous for Russia, as the result may be a violation of the
territorial integrity of the Russian Federation or,

at least, provoking ethnic Russian hostility to foreigners, where they will be able to "put down."
This inevitably into conflict against Russian will be drawn other state and national Education, the
which can make it lengthy and dolgovremen nym. Such a conflict will translate to the position of
Russian national state on narrow ethnic, which further narrows the quality of Russia's
geopolitical, which since the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union and then, and so has
lost its imperial quality.

This version of the civil war in general contrary to the national interests of the Russian, because
it, in fact, will be legitimized further disintegration of Russian space to ethnic elements, which in
the future will reduce the quality of the once imperial geopolitical people to purely ethnic, almost
"tribal" level. Hard Russophobic mondialism focused on undermining Russian national autarky
of statehood,
such an option would be pretty attractive, since it involves the inculcation of Russian not state
and narrowly ethnic samoidenti fication, which inevitably narrows the scope of a strategic
Russia. On the other hand, and in this case there is defined ny risk for mondialists as an
explosion of ethnic identity can hit and "agents of influence". Russian patriots such as the
conflict is unprofitable either side.

4) The fourth embodiment is also vnutrirossy skim, but not based on ethnic division, and
regional, territorial-administrative controversies. Centralist Moscow's policy in matters of
political and economic and social can not but arouse strong opposition to the regions, which in
the general process of disintegration seek maximum autonomy. Here, as in the case of ethnic
tensions, the collapse of the Soviet empire deprives centralist ical integration and the idea of
legitimacy, evidence and appeal. Besides the actual center of politics, adopting a totalitarian
command style of the old system, actually declined from the second half of the relationship

enter assistance and social and administrative support.

79 Note that this text was written in December 1993, ie, a year before the start of the Chechen war.

The Center also wants to take control and, as before, but now he actually gives nothing in return.
Economic regions will only lose, because the field is narrowed their possibilities, depending on
the center. But to this is added the political and special region where anti-national character
mondialist reforms there is much more painful than in the cosmopolitan metropolitan capitals.
The first steps towards the separatist regions have already been made, but these attempts were
thwarted by the center. However, it is likely that at some point in Russian in southern Russia, in
Siberia or somewhere else will want to create an "independent state" free of political and
economic dictatorship of Moscow. This may be based on purely economic expediency Nosta sale
of regional resources and locally produced goods, bypassing Moscow, in some cases, able to
dramatically improve the local situation. On the other hand, the "regional revolution" may
nominate and political problems for example, the rejection of the liberal at the center of policy,
the preservation of social guarantees, strengthening of the national aspect in the ideology. All
this makes the possibility of civil conflict at this level is quite real. At some point, the regions
can seriously insist on his own, which, of course, will cause resistance to the center does not
want to lose control over the territories. This version of the civil war, at least dvusmys Lenna and
contradictory as the previous two. Indeed, on the one hand, the requirements of regions wishing
to stand apart from Moscow, the center of the reform are some of the characteristics of patriotism
and nationalism, in the interests of the people; Center mondialist forces opposing regions will
thus defend not the national and anti-national interests, as the control of the liberals over the
fullness of Russian territory is beneficial in the first place, that the designers of the "new world
order". But, on the other hand, regional separatism would lead to the disintegration of the
Russian state territories, weaken national power, has prepared a fault line within a single Russian
people. Mondialists can consciously go to the provocation of such a conflict if their control over
Russia weakened, and in this case, the territorial disintegration of the country will be the last step
in the weakening of the national state of autarky.

National forces should act in this matter, based on the opposite logic. As long as the center
of power is strong, it should be solidarizovatsya with regional demands, supporting their desire
for autonomy from the center. But at the same time from the beginning it should emphasize the
need for a strategic and political integration of all regions on the basis of the prospects of
rebuilding the empire. The weakening mondialistic lobby in the center of the patriots must
change their orientation smoothly, insist on unacceptable STI civil conflict and encourage
regions to unite.

Whatever it was, the civil war on a regional basis can not meet the national interests, as well as
the previous two scenarios. It is otherwise noted next. It suggests itself, and the fifth version of
the civil war, in which the forces would be distributed not for ideological, national and territorial,
and on socio-economic grounds for example, the "new rich" against the "new poor". In principle,
such an option is not excluded in the future all the prerequisites can arise for him. But purely
economic factor obviously is not dominant in the present state of society. Despite dire economic
upheaval on a wholesale impoverishment of labor
layers and grotesque enrichment of the "new Russian" Russian society has not yet formulated
their demands in economic terms. Geopolitical, national, ideological aspects incomparably more
effective and relevant. That they are able to bring the masses to the area and get them to take up
arms. The economic crisis provides a perfect backdrop for the civil conflict, it can serve in
certain cases, the impetus for the disasters, but the main lines of force will be other non-
economic theses. Appeal to the nation, ethnic group, patriotism, freedom, are now able to
relativize the purely material side of life,

make it secondary. But even in that case, where the material side will dominant, it is, by virtue of
discrediting the Marxist and socialist doctrines Sgiach not be able to express their demands in the
form of consistent and incendiary political ideology. Most likely, the economic factor in the
possible conflicts will be concomitant, not determined by the category.
4.3 Results of analysis

The civil war in Russia, unfortunately, possible. The fundamental contradiction between
national, but national interests and plans mondializ ma unlikely to be resolved peacefully and
amicably. To seriously we could talk about "consensus" or "truce" between these forces, you
must either completely destroy the carriers of national and state trends (and this is possible only
with the destruction of the Russian state and the Russian nation), or do away with the
representatives of mondialistic lobby.

That is why the outbreak of the Civil War in Russia and the creation on its territory belt "low
intensity warfare" may at any time become a major project mondialistic lobby. In this case, there
is no doubt that the members of this lobby will try to do everything possible to stay in the
shadows himself, speaking under some other banner (as a separatist and centralist).

Three Russian version of the civil war against the former Soviet republics, the Russian
population of Russia against foreigners, against the center regions fundamentally unacceptable to
all those who are really concerned about national and state interests of Russia and the Russian
people. All three of these options may entail further split geopolitical and strategic space of
Russia, even in the event that certain areas will come under Russian control. Therefore, the civil
war in these three scenarios patriots must prevent in any way. Not to mention the fact that, from
a moral point of view, it is not profitable. And if this is so, it is logical to assume that by
provoking such conflicts (if they start to flare up) a hand in it mondialists.
For mondialistic lobby like the civil war in Russia may be beneficial and even for several
reasons. The beginning of the military conflict with the direct participation of Russian liberals
would allow the center:
1) enter a political dictatorship under the pretext of "national salvation" and forced to get rid of
political opponents;
2) be attributed to the war economic collapse and cause the economy to function under the direct
control of the Center;
3) to divert public attention from the "reformers" activity, which is evident today is dangerous;

4) is known to prevent possible future alliance with the neighboring Russian national state of
European education and Eurasian under the sign of continental solidarity against Western
domination and Atlanticist mondialist projects.

All this makes us believe that the media of the hard option mondialism in Russia sooner or later
resort to "civil war", especially if the position of the liberal regime will become more and more
precarious. It is important to note that in this case, with the need to happen, "structural rearrange
ka" mondialistic inside the lobby, and part of it will act under the patriotic, and perhaps even
nationalistic and chauvinistic slogans.

It is difficult to say exactly when the first explosions may occur. It depends on a lot of
spontaneous and artificial factors. But even if some time anything like this happens, the potential
threat of such a turn of events would be more than relevant, as long as mondialist lobby not only
exists in Russia, but also controls the key levers of state and political power. Only the first
version of the "civil war" mondialists against the nationalists could be brief, almost bloodless and
profitable for the Patriots, Russia. Moreover, the direct confrontation of the nation with its
internal enemies would inevitably give victory for the national forces. it was in fact not "civil
war" in the full sense of the word, but a short burst of active resistance, as a result of which the
possibility of a full-fledged civil war, if not destroyed completely, they would have to postpone
indefinitely distant period. But for this it is necessary to provoke mondialist lobby act under their
own banners, and on behalf of clearly identified and aptly named Russian national second-State
interests would have to unite and patriotic forces. It is certainly not easy to make (almost
impossible). On the one hand, do mondialists not so naive as to publicly speak about the hatred
of the country in which they operate by, and its desire to destroy, but on the other hand,
representatives of the national and state forces are often unable to coherently and consistently,
but at the same time briefly and clearly, to formulate the basis of their ideological position. This
prevents adherence to obsolete Soviet-communist cliches, heightened emotionality, weak
capacity for analytical thinking, ignoring osnovopo Laga geopolitical principles, etc.

Original civil peace can not be based on a compromise, if the two sides of this trade-off are
around the opposite. While the dominant mondialist is a system of values, all of its flanks right,
left, centrists with all the differences do not invalidate the general orientation. Yes, in such a
situation "peace" is possible, but at the cost of destruction of the state and national forces of
radical exclusion from the dialogue. If it becomes the dominant national-state system of values,
then we can talk about finding a compromise between the nationalist capitalists,

the National Socialists, National-Communists, National monarchists or National theocrats, but in

this case, antinatsional nye, mondialist, anti-Russian forces will be excluded from the dialogue,
delivered ideologically outlawed.
Our society is fraught with terrible civil conflict. If we still have the ability to influence the
course of events, to choose, we must choose the lesser of two evils.
Chapter 5. Geopolitics of the Yugoslav conflict

5.1 Symbolism Yugoslavia

It is well known that Yugoslavia is the one area in Europe, which begins the most serious and
widespread European conflicts. At least, that was the case in the XX century. The Balkans is a
unit in which converge the interests of all major European geopolitical blocs, which is why the
fate of the Balkan peoples symbolizes the fate of all the European nations. Yugoslavia is Europe
in miniature. Among its peoples can find the exact analogues of the major continental powers.

Serbs are the Balkan Orthodox Russian (= Eurasia). Croat and Slovene Central Europe (i.e.,
Germany, Austria, Italy, etc.). Muslim Albanians and Bosnians remnants of the Ottoman Empire,
and therefore, Turkey and even the Islamic world as a whole. And finally, the Macedonians
mixed Serbo-ball garsky ethnic group, which is a symbol of the Great Orthodox Yugoslavia
(based on the union of Serbia and Bulgaria), and which failed Historically, despite existing in the
beginning of the century Serbian-Bulgarian projects.

5.2 Three European powers

In very general terms it can be said that the geopolitical map of Europe is divided into three basic

First area is the West. Actually continental Talnoe West, represented in the first place,
France and Portugal. In a broader sense, it is treated outside Europe, Britain and the United
States transatlantic. Although between the continental West (France), West Island (England) and
the transatlantic West (America), there may be internal conflicts, in relation to the rest of the
European geopolitical formations West serves mostly as a single geopolitical force.

second habitat is Central Europe (Mitteleuropa). It includes the former state of the Holy
Roman Empire of German Nations, the former lands of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy, etc.
For Central Europe is characterized by geopolitical confrontation with both the European
West and the East. And finally, third habitat is a Russia that acts in Europe, not only on its
own behalf but also on behalf of all Eurasian peoples of the East.

Generally speaking, one could identify and fourth Islamic geopolitical area of the Maghreb
countries of North Africa to Pakistan and the Philippines, but the geopolitical unit is non-
European, and in addition in the XX century its geopolitical influence to Europe was not too
significant, although it is possible that future of the Islamic world again (as it was in the Middle
Ages) will be an important component of European geopolitics. Three geopolitical European
continent to create formation constant tension zones which are conditioned on and continuously
changing boundaries between Xia European West and Central Europe (Mitteleuropa), on the one
hand, and between Central Europe and Russia-Eurasian other.

Schematically one can distinguish a number of geopolitical alliances, or, on the contrary, the
opposition, which constitute the constant European inter national policy. European West can
withstand Central Europe as their closest neighbor to the East. Most clearly this trend is
embodied in the geopolitical confrontation between the absolutist France (Etat-Nation) and
imperial Austro-Hungary. Later this contradiction was reflected in numerous Franco-German
Sgiach conflicts. On the other hand, there is a theoretical possibility and the Franco-German
geopolitical Astronomical Union, whose ideas inspired both Vichy and de Gaulle. It is
significant that the West can sometimes enter into an alliance with the European East in the fight
against the Central European countries (Russia-Eurasia). In other cases, it is Russia that is
becoming a major geopolitiche skim opponent of both the European West and Middle Europe.

Middle Europe (Germany) in respect of its eastern neighbor geopolitical may be in a state of
confrontation (which is always directly or indirectly beneficial to the West European), and in a
state of the union (which is always a danger for the West).

Finally, Russia's geopolitical preferences in European politics can be oriented in the anti-German
manner (France, England and even the United States are logical allies in this case), and the anti-
Western (then imminent Russo-German alliance).

These are, in a very rough approximation, the main geopolitical factor in European politics. They
are absolutely necessary to take into account when analyzing the Balkan problem, since all these
three trends are facing each other in the Yugoslav conflict, creating a potential threat to the new
big European war.

5.3 True Croats

Croats (and the Slovenes) is traditionally formed part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, were an
ethnic group that is fully integrated in the German Catholic sector in Central Europe. Their
natural geopolitical destiny is tied up with this European unit. Therefore, the attraction to the
Croats in Germany and Austria is not a random opportunistic arbitrariness, but following the
logic of the historical existence of this nation. The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and
the creation of Yugoslavia was the result of a long struggle against the European West Central
Europe, and this explains the support of the French pragmati Cesky Serbs. (Option: the West
with the East against Middle Europe). Those Croats who welcomed the setting up of Yugoslavia
were, in a sense, against its geopolitical and religious traditions, and not by chance that most of
them through the Masonic institutions is focused on "Grand Orient de France" and its
geopolitical projects aimed at the triumph in Europe Western forces. When the creation of
Yugoslavia, as well as throughout the balance of forces in the First World War, it was observed
domination of western trends, successfully using conductive power of the East (both Serbia and
Russia great) against Middle Europe.
Croats in creating Yugoslavia and were the first victims of such a policy, and it is not surprising
that the Germans later they were welcomed as liberators (as, indeed, and Ukrainian Catholics and
Uniates, always hardships Chiyah to the zone of influence of the European average). But the
support of the West of Serbia France (by the way, this support is also implemented in the first
place, through the Masonic channels) has been very ambiguous, as both the Serbs themselves, in
turn, became hostages of the geopolitical entities in the Balkans, whose integrity could be
maintained only by the power of control.

When the current crisis of the Eastern bloc (ie, the whole influence of Russia-Eurasia region)
during the period of restructuring, integration forces in Yugoslavia weakened somewhat, and
Croats (together with Slovenes) were quick to declare their geopolitical foreign to the Serbian
Yugoslavia, understood in two ways and as the artificial creation of the West, and as an outpost
of East Central Europe.

Thus, the Croats at the geopolitical level, defend the principle to Central Europe remained
herself, ie, independent, independent and territorially united European region. Although it should
be noted that the idea of Croatia's transformation into an independent ethnically homogeneous
dwarf Balkan nation-state (Etat-Nation) French model has certainly laid a mine under the
geopolitical cal unity of the Central European space, only able to exist harmoniously as a flexible
but integrated entity, rather than as a fractional conglomerate of selfish micro. In other words, the
geopolitical trend of Croats would be complete only if it supranational orientation, and this
presupposes a peaceful solution to the problem of the Serb minority in Croatia. Croatian
nationalism, leaving the geopolitical plane into a plane purely ethnic, loses its justification and
changes its sign.

5.4 True Serbs

Geopolitical perspective of the Serbs is uniquely pro-Russian, Eurasian character. Through reli
ny and ethnicity of Serbia directly adjacent to Russia, as its geopolitical extension of the south of
Europe. The fate of the Serbs and the fate of Russian at the geopolitical level, this is one and the
same fate. Therefore, in order for Serbia to return to the origins of his European mission, they
need to turn to the East, to Eurasia, to understand the meaning and purpose of the Russian
geopolitics. It is not naive and artificial Panslavism, the failure of which showed great Russian
philosopher Konstantin Leontiev, namely project Great Eurasia from Russia axle kind of
eykumenicheski -Continental Orthodox neovizantizm should be the guiding star of the true Serb
geopolitics. Only in this case the Serbian tendency to return to their own roots and stop playing
the role of puppets in the hands of the Atlanticist used only to fight against the Central Europe
and the German world.

one constant trend can be seen in Europe, geopolitical history, the elucidation of which will help
to understand what is positive for Serbia nym solution. This tendency is the union of East and
West Europe against the median is always beneficial, and one or the other side. As well as
beneficial to the continental West (France), an alliance of Middle Europe (Germany) against the
West Island and overseas (Anglo-Saxon world). In other words, the priority given to my
East (east even relative because Central Europe, for example, is the East in relation to France) is
almost always beneficial not only to the east but also the Western participants of this alliance.
Conversely, a geopolitical alliance with the priority of the western trend (France and England
and the United States against Germany, France and Germany against Russia, etc.) to tie knots
and more new European conflicts and wars.

Given these considerations, we can say that the geopolitical orientation of Serbia should apply as
a guide to the Bulgarian geopolitics, which is almost always combined the Russophilia with
Germanophilia creating in Southern Europe space of political stability and harmony that
gradually could open Central Europe access to Muslim south, and thus put an end to domination
in this region Atlanticist West. Moreover, Serbia should recognize the ambiguity of the support
that it once provided the West and the price of which is clearly visible in the anti-Serb sanctions
Western countries. Only geopolitical unity with other Pravoslav GOVERNMENTAL Eastern
European nations (and, first of all, with Bulgaria) in a single pro-Russian and Central Europe at
the same time user-friendly unit will create a zone of stability in the Balkans and bring the use of
the infamous term "Balkanization".

Just as in the case of Croatia, the idea of a pure Serbian nation-state also does not solve any
problems in the event that the Serbian state is PLAY exists in Yugoslavia, created by the
Freemasons of its pro-German bey and orientation to the West.

5.5 True Yugoslav Muslims

Yugoslav Bosnia Muslims and Albanians represented lyayut a Muslim, "Ottoman" geopolitical
factor in Europe. It is important to note that Turkey, whose influence is most felt among the
Yugoslav Muslims, of course, is the spokesman in Europe far-western Atlantic trends. If the
West is trying to use the European East (Russia) against the Central Europe, yet was not able to
completely suppress independent geopolitical self-manifestation of the continental region, and
often clashed, on the contrary, with the expansion of Russia-Eurasia (either through the Russian-
German alliance, either directly through the creation of the Warsaw block), the secular psevdois
Lamsky Turkey has become a reliable tool in the hands of Atlanticist politicians. And wider
Atlantist impact on the geopolitics of Islamic countries is extremely high. Therefore, anti-Serb
Yugoslav Muslims performances scheduled is a much more global continental conflict in
Northern Eurasia (Russia and its geopolitical area) with the South. It is important to note that
such a conflict is contrary to the interests of the South, as he becomes in this case, the same tool
in the hands of the Atlanticist West, what was the Eurasian East (represented by the Serbs)
against the Central Europe (represented by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and introduced her
teley Croats ).

The only logical way for the Yugoslav Muslims of Bosnia and the Albanians would appeal to
Iran and the continuity of its policies, so as soon as the country currently holding the geopolitics,
focused on independence,

independence and continental harmony, acting in accordance with its own logic, regardless of the
interests of Atlanta ists in the region. Turn to Iran, Yugoslav Muslims will be able to find the
proper geopolitical perspective as radically anti-western, continental and experimentally
traditionalist Iran
It is a potential ally of European eastern orientation blocks from Eurasia to the Russian-Central
Europe. Moreover, the focus on Iran, European Eastern More space could dramatically change
the situation in the Islamic world and dramatically weaken there American influence, it would
not only benefit the Europeans, but would free Islamic nations from the economic and military
dictates of the Anglo-Saxon Atlanticist.

Only with such an orientation of the Yugoslav Muslims their geopolitical presence in Europe
could be a harmonious, logical and peaceful. We can say that the problem is divided into three
stages. The first stage: the reorientation of Muslims from Turkey to Iran. The second stage: the
strengthening of geopolitical alliance with Iran in Central Europe and the Islamic world as a
whole. The third stage: the Eurasian geopolitical alliance of East and Central Europe. The data
blocks may be run in parallel, each at their own level. It is particularly important to understand
that the problem of the small Balkan nation geopolitically can not be solved without the most
serious and global geopolitical transformations. One should never forget that it is a small in size
but huge on symbolic significance tion of local conflicts start all world wars.

5.6 True Macedonians

Macedonian problem of modern Yugoslavia was rooted in real-life artificial necks "Yugoslavia",
which was "state of the South Slavs" in name only. Macedonians that represent the ethnicity an
intermediate between Serbia and Bulgaria and professing Orthodox would have to include as a
natural component in the present Yugoslavia consisting of Serbia and Bulgaria. But the existence
of the two Slavic states Jacobin type in the Balkans instead of one federal, "Imperial", the Slavic
states of the Eurasian orientation has led to the fact that a small Macedonian people ended up on
the border between the two political regions with quite different political characteristics. At the
same time the matter is compounded by the fact that increasing the Jacobin nationalism ism,
have repeatedly faced the Orthodox Balkan powers between themselves and headed to the
treatment only true neo-Byzantine geopolitical ke in what is now Bulgaria. Initially, the process
was actively implicated and Atlantist lobby (both Catholic and English), which makes itself felt
in modern Bulgaria, although in other forms.

In fact, the Western strategy is remains the same as in the beginning of the century. Then, having
destroyed the Austro-Hungary, the West did not allow the creation of a large Slavic community,
play the card of "Balkan nationalism ism" Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, etc. Today, the
same geopolitical forces of the West again inflict a double blow to Central Europe and South
Slavic unity, provoking separatism Croatian and Macedonian in the West in the East.

In the case of Macedonia, as in all the other Balkan conflicts, the output can only be found
through a global integration process of the European organization more space, not by a
rectilinear separatism and creating pseudo sudarstv dwarf. Accession of Macedonia to Bulgaria
also does not solve the problem, but only to prepare a new, this time really ny interstate, among
the Slavs conflict.

5.7 Priorities of the Yugoslav war

Deeply symbolic and very important, the Yugoslav conflict requires each country, from every
European political and geopolitical power to decide and define their priorities in this regard. Here
we are talking not only about the sentimental Noah, religious, historical, ethnic or political
leanings of certain people, nations and states. It is about the future of Europe, about the future of

Supporters priority of Central Europe and the German phylum originally occupied
prohorvatskuyu position. This choice was based on the geopolitical analysis of the reasons for
the creation of Yugoslavia, on the rejection of the Masonic French policy in Central Europe, on
the understanding of necessity is a natural recreation single sredneevropey Skog space after the
"Yalta era" during which Europe was artificially divided into two, not three geopolitical camp.
This explains the presence among the Croats many European national-revolutionaries. But the
logic of Mitteleuropa preferences do not take into account one very important considerations.
The fact is that in addition to the instrumental role of the geopolitical East in the performance of
Western plans against the Central Europe exists and has always existed a fundamental, deep and
the soil itself Eurasian geopolitical ka this large space, geopolitics Orthodox Russia, a landmark
on its own continental interests, but in the long run to new Holy Alliance. When in the course of
violent internal conflict between Serbs and Croats Serbian consciousness awakened completely,
when the blood of the Serbian people was again summoned from the unconscious depths of
ancient geopolitical, national, and spiritual archetypes, when relevant was the idea of a Greater
Serbia, Spiritual Serbia instrumental mission Yugoslavia ended, and its Great place entered
Eurasian idea, the idea of the East.

While Serbs fought with Central Europe (represented by the Croats) Atlantists from Paris to New
York, everywhere applauded the Federal Yugoslavia, or at least accused Croats in "nationalism"
and "profashizme". Once the Serbs crossed a certain line, and their struggle has become a
struggle with the idea of the West, with Atlanticism, then Serbia was declared a major obstacle to
building a "New World Order", and followed hard against her political and economic sanctions.

To make the final choice, it is necessary to turn again to the already formulated by us above
geopolitical law, Whereby
Continental naya harmony is real only when the priority of the East, the choice of Eurasia as a
orientation, as even positive in itself the idea of Middle Europe in its opposition to Russia-
Eurasia becomes
negative and destructive, as is clearly revealed in the deep and tragic Hitler's error, which began
antivostochnuyu, anti-Russian expansion that, in the end, turned out to benefit only the west, the
Atlantic bloc,
destroyed Germany and created embryos crisis in Russia. Therefore, in the Yugoslav conflict,
priority should be given to the Serbian factor, but, of course, to the extent that the Serbs follow
the Eurasian,
pro-Russian geopolitical trends, gravitating to the creation of powerful and flexible block of
South Slavic, aware
of the importance of the Middle
Europe and promoting installed NIJ German-Russian alliance against the West. Serbian

combined with Masonic frankofilst tion, whatever pretexts they may camouflage, can never give
rise to a positive solution of the Yugoslav problem. In other words,

the greatest preference should be given serbam

traditionalists, rooted in the Orthodox faith, conscious of its spiritual heritage of Slavic and
focused on the creation of a new pro-Russian geopolitical harmonious structure with clearly anti-
Western orientation and antiatlanticheskoy tion.

On the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention to the demands of the Croats and their gravity
in the region of Central Europe. If they have antiatlanticheskih Croats trends have the potential to
become a positive force in intra. Bosnian factor in the reorientation of the Yugoslav Muslims
from Turkey to Iran is also necessary to take into account that, "turning poison into medicine",
on this basis to initiate an entirely new European policy in the Islamic world, directly opposite
Noah economic and military of US imperialism in the Islamic countries. And finally, the
Macedonians, instead of being a bone of contention southern Orthodox Slavs, should become the
embryo of the Serbo-Bulgarian union, the first step to creating a truly great Yugoslavia.

These conclusions lead unbiased geopolitical analysis of the Yugoslav problem. Of course, in the
horror of the fratricidal war is difficult to maintain the common sense, the blood flows only
awaken in the hearts of rage and desire for revenge. But sometimes, perhaps, only a cold, rational
analysis, taking into account the historical roots and geopolitical patterns, can offer the right way
out of the impasse of the fratricidal war, while the emotional solidarity with one or other will
only exacerbate the frustration bloody nightmare. In addition, this analysis clearly shows that the
true enemy, provoking all vnutrislavyansky genocide, remains in the shadows, behind the scenes,
preferring to see how one Slavic nation from afar kills another, sowing discord, for many years
covering the possibility of an alliance and fraternal world, destroying the Great spaces of the
most powerful, but now fragmented continent. The true initiator of the Yugoslav carnage are the
Atlanticist West forces, guided by the principle of "the Enemy have to play off against each other
and in any case not to allow unity, union and fraternal unity." It must be clear to all participants
in the complex of the Yugoslav wars of Europe, it does not become final war against Europe.

5.8 Serbia - Russia

The importance of the events in Yugoslavia in the fact that the example of a small Balkan
country as it plays a huge script continental war that may break out in Russia. All geo-political
forces involved in the Balkan conflict, have their analogs in Russia, but in a much larger volume
of space. Croats and Slovenes seeking Xia enter into Central Europe, have their geopolitiche
Skim synonymous Ukrainians, even though the latter srodnennost with Great dates back to not a
few decades, and several
centuries, and religious tensions, in addition to Ukrainian and Uniate Catholics, does not exist
here. Whatever it was, judging by certain tendencies, certain forces in Kiev begin to "impatient
Russian East" and strive to get closer to the European space, cost-controlled Germany. Russian
and other nationalities living in Ukraine could become hostage "middle-European" policy of the
republic, and in this case, their fate will be similar to the fate of the Serbs in Croatia. Such a
comparison is, among other things, indicating a that geopolitical and diplomatic relations with
Ukraine and Belarus, Russia should be guided by his understanding of the fundamental problems
of Central Europe, ie first of all, Germany. To be realistic in this matter, we should proceed with
its decision not because of the pathetic slogans of "unity blood brother Slavs" (what is this
"unity" can be seen on the example of Serbia choir vatskoy massacre), but from a deep analysis
of the logic of Russian-German relations as well as Ukraine, and even Poland is not independent
geopolitical entities, but only the border regions of the two large spaces of Eurasia, Russia and
Central Europe. We should not forget that the conflict in the border area are extremely favorable
and the other geopolitical power to the West. It is no accident the Anglo-Saxon diplomacy has
always considered all the territory of Romania to the Baltic states, as "sanitary belt" that protects
the conductive West (and especially the Anglo-Saxon world) from the extremely undesirable for
him Russian-German alliance.

Serbo-Muslim conflict is an analog of a possible Russian-Islamic confrontation in Central Asia

and the Caucasus, and it is important to note that in this case the Muslim republics that were part
of the Soviet Union, is a zone of competition of geopolitical influence of Turkey and Iran. As in
the case with E Yugoslav Muslims, this comparison shows that the Republic of Iran targeting,
are more likely to come to a geopolitical harmony with the main unit Russian Eurasian continent.
On the other hand, Turkey's geopolitical factor that is currently acting as the conductor
Atlanticist policy in the region, with the necessity fraught with dramatic Skim and conflict
situations. On the example of Yugoslavia shows that threatens Russia in the event of a similar
course of events and the fact that these events actually unfold in the same vein, today no one is
no longer in doubt. The only difference in speed, which is greater, the less space and minorities.
In order to prevent Russia's giant "Yugoslavia", monstrous in scope and consequences of the
carnage, it is necessary beforehand to answer the fundamental geopolitical issues, define the
Russian continental hydrochloric strategy, which should be guided by the knowledge of the
Russian political tradition and understanding of the basic geopolitical objectives Russia- Eurasia
" stories "geographical axis. In this case, the inertia, passively following the fatal course of
events will not only be devastating for the entire continental continued safety of the system, but
also lead to the death of all mankind.
Chapter 6. From the sacred geography to geopolitics

6.1 Geopolitics - "intermediate" science

Geopolitical concepts for a long time have been important factors in modern politics. They are
based on general principles that make it easy to analyze the situation of any particular country or
any particular region.

Geopolitics in the form in which it exists today is definitely a secular science, "profane",
secularized. But perhaps it was she among all other modern sciences retained the greatest
connection with Tradition and traditional sciences. Rene Guenon said that modern chemistry is
the result of the desecration of traditional science of alchemy and magic of modern physics.
Similarly, we can say that modern geopolitics have secularization product desecration other
traditional Noi science of sacred geography. But since geopolitics holds a special place among
modern sciences, and it is often ranked among the "pseudoscience", it profanizatsiya is not as
perfect and irreversible, as in chemistry or physics. Due to the sacred geography can be seen here
quite clearly. Therefore, we can say that geopolitics occupies an intermediate position between
traditional science (sacred geography) and profane science.

6.2 Land and Sea

Two original concepts in the geopolitics of the land and the sea. It is these two elements earth
and water - are the basis of human qualitative representation of earthly space. The experience of
land and sea, land and water a person comes into contact with the fundamental aspects of its
existence. Land is stability of the density, fixity, space as such. Water is mobility, softness,
dynamics, time. These two elements are the most obvious manifestation of the real nature of the
world. They are outside of man: all tight and liquid. They are inside it: the body and blood. (The
same is true at the cellular level.)

The universality of the experience of land and water generates the traditional concept of the
firmament of heaven, because Upper presence Waters (rain source) in the sky and suggests the
presence of a symmetric and binding earth element, terrestrial, celestial strongholds. Whatever it
was, the earth, sea, ocean are main categories of earthly existence, and humanity can not help but
see in them some basic attributes of the universe. As the two basic terms of geopolitics, they
retain their value and civilizations of the traditional type, and especially modern states, peoples
and ideologiche Sgiach blocks. At the level of global geopolitical phenomena Land and Sea
spawned terms: talassokra ment and Tellurocracy, ie "By the power of the sea" and "by the
power of the land."

Every state, every Empire bases its strength on a preferred development of one of these
categories. Empire are either "thalassocratic" or "tellurocratic". The first assumes that the
metropolis and colonies, the second capital of the province and to the "common land". In the
case of "thalassocracy" its territory are not united in the same space of land that creates a
discontinuity factor. Sea it
strengths and weaknesses "thalassocratic power." "Tellurocracy", by contrast, has the quality of
national territorial continuity.

But the geographical and cosmological logic immediately complicate the seemingly simple
scheme of this division: a pair of "the land of the sea" with the superposition of its elements
gives the idea of the "land of the sea" and "the earth's water." Sealand is an island that is the
maritime empire pole thalassocracy. The earth's water or water of the river is the land, which
determine the development of the empire of the land. It is located on the river of the city, and
therefore the capital, pole tellurocracy. This symmetry is both symbolic and economic and eco
nomic and geographical simultaneously. It is important to note that the status of islands and
continents is determined not so much by virtue of their physical size, but rather on the basis of
the specifics of the typical population of consciousness. For example, US geopolitics has an
insular character, despite the size of North America, and Japan, geopolitically the island is an
example of continental mentality, etc.

Important and one more thing: historically talassokra ment associated with the West and the
Atlantic Ocean, and Tellurocracy with the East and the Eurasian continent. (The above example
explained Japan thus a stronger "pull" effect Eurasian).

Thalassocracy and Atlanticism become synonymous with long before the colonial expansion of
Great Britain or Portuguese-Spanish conquests. Even before the wave of migrations of sea
peoples of the West and its culture began to move to the east of the center, located in the
Atlantic. Also mastered the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to the Middle East, and not vice versa.
In contrast, the excavations in the Eastern Siberia and Mongolia indicate that it is here that there
were ancient centers of civilization and, therefore, it is the central lands of the continent was the
cradle of the Eurasian humanity.

6.3 Symbolism landscape

In addition to the two global categories Land and Sea geopolitics operates and with more
particular definitions niyami. Among thalassocratic realities divided marine and oceanic
formation. So, seas civilization, for example, the Black and the Mediterranean, is quite different
in quality from the civilization of the oceans, ie Island nations and the peoples of the coast open
oceans. More particular division are also river and lake civilizations associated with continents.
Tellurocracy also has its own specific forms. Thus, it is possible to distinguish between
civilization and civilization Steppe Forests, Mountains and civilization Valley civilization,
civilization and civilization Desert of Ice. Raznovid Nosta landscape in the sacred geography are
understood as symbolic systems related to the specifics of state, religious and ethical ideology of
various peoples. And even when we are dealing with eykumenisticheskoy universalist religion,
still its concrete expression in a particular nation, race, the state will be subject to adjustment in
accordance with the local sacral-geo graphical context. Deserts and steppes are geopolitical
microcosm of the nomads. It was in the deserts and steppes tellurocratic tendencies reach their
peak as the factor of "water" is minimized. It Empire and Desert Steppe should logically be
geopolitical bridgehead tellurocracy.
Empire Steppe sample can be considered Chingizkhana empire, as a typical example of Empire
Desert arabic khalifat arising under the direct influence of the nomadic.

Mountains and hills civilization often are archaic, fragmentary formation. Mountainous countries
are not only sources of expansion, but on the contrary, they shrink victim geopolitically
expansion tellurocratic other forces. No empire has its center of mountain areas. Hence such a
frequently recurring motif of sacred geography: "mountains are inhabited by demons." On the
other hand, the idea of preserving in the mountains remains of ancient races and civilizations is
reflected in the fact that it is in the mountains start us sacred tradition centers. You could even
say that in the mountains tellurocracy relate to some spiritual power.

The logical combination of both concepts of the mountains as the image of the priestly and royal
as a plain image was the symbolism of the hill, ie a small or medium hill. Hill symbol of royal
power, towering over the steppe secular level, but not beyond the limits of power interests (as is
the case in the mountains). Hill the seat of the king, the duke, the emperor, but not a priest. All
major capital tellurocratic empires are located on a hill or on the hills (often at seven in the
number of planets to five in the number of elements, including ether, etc.).

Forest in the sacred geography, in a sense, close to the mountains. The very symbolism of the
tree is related to the symbolism of the mountain (the one and the other is the world axis).
Therefore forest tellurocracy also performs peripheries hydrochloric function is also "the place of
priests" (druids, magicians, ascetics), but at the same time "the place of demons," ie, archaic
remnants of the vanished past. Forest area and can not be the center of a land empire.

Tundra is an analogue of the northern steppes and deserts, but the cold climate makes it much
less important from a geopolitical point of view. This "peripheral" reaches its climax in the ice,
which, like the mountains are areas of deep archaic. It is significant that the shamanic tradition of
the Eskimos suggests lonely removal of the ice where the future shaman opens another world.
Thus, the ice zone priesthood, the threshold of another world.

Given these initial and most common characteristics of the geopolitical map, you can identify the
different regions of the world in accordance with their sacred quality. This method is also
applicable to the local features of the landscape at the country level or even a separate area. You
can also trace the similarity of ideologies and traditions from the most seemingly different
peoples in the event that the same radical landscape of their habitat.

6.4 East and West in sacred geography

Toward the light in the context of sacred geography have special qualitative characteristic. In
different traditions and different periods of painting traditions of sacred geography can vary
Correspondingly dance with cyclic phases of the development of this tradition. It often varies
and symbolic function of the Light Party. Without going into details, it is possible to formulate
the most universal law of sacred geography with regard to the East and the West.
East in sacred geography on the basis of "space symbolism" traditionally considered the "Spirit
of land" paradise earth, the fullness of the land of plenty, "birthplace" of the Sacred in the most
complete and perfect form. In particular, this idea is reflected in the text of the Bible, which
refers to the eastern location of "Eden". Similarly, such an understanding is peculiar also to other
Avrahami cal traditions (Islam and Judaism), as well as many neavraamicheskim traditions of
Chinese, Hindu and Iranian. "East is the abode of the gods," says sacral formula of the ancient
Egyptians, and the word "East" (in Egyptian "Neter") means both "god." From the point of view
of natural symbolism, East place goes, "Sun-Tek" Sun, Light of the World, material symbol of
Divinity and Spirit.

The West has the opposite symbolical meaning. This "land of death", "the world of the dead,"
"green country" (as it was called by the ancient Egyptians). West "expulsion of the kingdom,"
"alienation well", in the words of Islamic mystics. West is "anti-East", Country "sunset", decline,
degradation, transition from the expressed Nogo in the unmanifested, from life to death, from the
fullness of poverty and etc. West is a place where the sun sets, where it "falls za-".

According to this logic, natural cosmic symbolism of the ancient traditions of whether its
organizing "sacred space", based their cult centers, burials, temples and buildings, interpreted
natural and "civilizational" features of geographical, cultural and public areas of the planet. In
this way,

migration structure itself, wars, hiking, demographic waves, imperostroitel OPERATION AND
etc. determined by the original, paradigmatiche tion logic of sacred geography. According to the
East-West axis lined peoples and civilizations, possessing hierarchical characteristics closer to
the East, the closer to the sacred, to the tradition of spiritual abundance. The closer to the West,
the greater the decline, degradation and necrosis of the Spirit.

Of course, this logic was not absolute, but at the same time, it was not and both secondary and
relative mistakenly believe today, many "profaniche skie" researchers of ancient religions and
traditions. In fact, logic and sacred adherence skom cosmic symbolism were much more
conscious, meaningful and effective among ancient peoples than is commonly believed today.
And even in our antisakralnom the world, at the level of the "unconscious" is almost always
archetypes of sacred geography is stored in the integrity and wake up in the most important and
critical moments of social upheaval.

So sacred geography argues unequivocally law "quality space", in which the East is a symbolic
"ontological plus" and the West "ontological minus".
According to Chinese tradition, the East is the yang, male, light, solar principle, and the West is
the yin, feminine, dark, lunar principle.
6.5 East and West in modern geopolitics

Now let's see how the sacred-geographical logic is reflected in geopolitics, which, being an
exclusively modern science, captures only the actual situation, leaving behind the scenes
themselves sacred principles. Geopolitics in its original formulation in Ratzel, Kallen and
Mackinder (and later in Haushofer and the Russian Eurasians) pushed herself just from
singularities of various types of civilizations and countries, depending on their geographical
location. Geopolitics recorded the fact of a fundamental difference between the "island" and
"continental" powers between the "West", "progressive" civilization and "East", "despotic" and
"archaic" cultural form. Since the question of the Spirit in its metaphysical and sacred meaning
in modern science never put, the geopolitics leave it aside, preferring to assess the situation in
other, more modern terms, rather than the concept of "sacral Foot" and "profane", "traditional"
and "antitra tional", etc.

Geopolitics fix a fundamental difference of state, cultural and industrial development of the
regions of the East and West regions in the last century. The picture is as follows. West is the
center of the "material" and "technology" development. On the cultural and ideological level, it is
dominated by "liberal-democratic" tendencies, individual-socialist and humanist outlook. On the
economic level, priority is given to trade and technical modernization. It is in the West first
introduced the theory of "progress", "evolution", "progressive development of history," are
completely alien to the traditional world of the East (and the period of Western history, when,
and on it there was a complete sacred tradition, as, in particular, has been the case in Middle
Ages). Coercion on a social level in the West took on a purely economic nature, and the Law
Ideas and Power Act was replaced by money. Gradually specificity "Western ideology" otlilas a
universal formula of "ideology of human rights", which became the dominant principle of the
western region of North America, the world, and first and foremost the United States. On an
industry-trivial level this ideology corresponded to the idea of "developed countries", and on the
economic level, the concept of "free market", "economic liberalism". The totality of these
characteristics with the addition of a purely military, strategic associations of different sectors of
Western civilization today is determined by the concept of "Atlanticism". In the last century
geopolitics we talked about the "Anglo-Saxon type of civilization" or "cal capitalist, bourgeois
democracy." This "atlantist"

type found its purest "Geopolitical West". geopolitical

embodiment formula
East is yourself the exact opposite

geopolitical West. Instead of modernizing the economy it is dominated by traditional nye,

archaic forms of corporate production, workshop type ( "developing countries"). Instead of
economic coercion that a State uses mostly "moral" or simply physical coercion eat (Law Ideas
and the law of force). Instead of "democracy" and "human rights" East tends to totalitarianism,
authoritarianism and socialism, ie, to different types of social regimes, common only in the fact
that the center of their systems should not "individual", "man" and his "rights" and its purely
"individual values", but something vneindividualnoe, extra-human whether it is "society"
"nation", "people", "idea", "mirovoz vision", "religion"

"Cult leader", etc. Western liberal democracy East

It contrasted with a variety of types of illiberal, neindividualistiche Sgiach societies from
authoritarian monarchies to theocracy or socialism. Moreover, from a purely typological,
geopolitical standpoint, political specificity of a secondary mode was compared with a quality
division by "Western" (= "Individuals
listicheski-shopping ") formation and on formation "Oriental" (= "Vneindividualisticheski force").
Typical forms of such anti-Western
civilization were the USSR, Communist China, Japan to 1945 or Khomeini of Iran.

It is interesting to note that Rudolf Challen, author, coined the term "geopolitics" itself, so
illustrate the difference between East and West. "Typical prigovorka American, wrote Challen
is" go ahead ", which literally means" forward. "This reflects the internal and natural geopolitical
optimism and" progressivism "of American civilization, which is the ultimate form of the
Western model. Russian is usually repeated word" nothing " (in Russian text Kallen AD) in this
manifest "pessimism.", "contemplation", "fatalism" and "tradition of adherence to the" inherent
in the East. "

If we now return to the paradigm of sacred geography, we see a direct contradiction between the
modern geopolitical priorities (such concepts as "progress", "liberalism", "human rights",
"trading system" and so on, have now become for most positive terms) and the priorities of
sacred geography, evaluates the types of civilizations with a completely opposite point of view
(such concepts

as "spirit" "contemplation", "Obedience superhuman strength or the idea of a superhuman, ""

ideocracy "etc. in sacred civilizations were highly positive and still remain so for the peoples of
the East to the level of their" collective unconscious "). Thus, the modern geopolitics (with the
exception of Russian Eurasians, German followers of Haushofer , Islamic fundamentalists etc.)
evaluate the picture of the world exactly the opposite way than the traditional sacred geography.
at the same time, both science converge in describing the fundamental laws of the geographical
picture of civilizations ation.

6.6 Sacred North and sacred South

In addition to the sacred-geographical determinism on the East-West axis is very important is the
problem of the other, vertical, orientation axis North-South axis. Here, as in all other cases, the
principles of sacred geography, the symbolism of the cardinal points and their respective
continents have direct analogue in the geopolitical picture of the world that is either formed
naturally in the course of the historical process, or comprehended but artificially constructed as a
result of deliberate actions of the leaders of this or iCal other geopolitical formations. From the
perspective of "integral traditionalism", the difference between "artificial" and "natural" are
generally quite relative, as tradition has never known anything like the kartezian sky or the
Kantian dualism, strictly Diluting between a "subjective" and "objective" ( "phenomenal Noah
"and" noumenal "). Therefore the sacred determinism of the North or the South, is not only the
physical, natural, landscape-climatic factor (ie something "objective") or just "idea", "concept",
generated by the minds of certain individuals (ie something " subjective "), but a third thing, a
superior and an objective and a subjective pole. You could say that the sacred North, the
archetype of the North, in the history of splits on the northern natural landscape, on the one hand,
and the idea of the North, "nordism", on the other hand.

The most ancient and original layer of Tradition clearly asserts the primacy of the North over the
South. The symbolism of the North is related to the sources, to the original Nordic paradise from
which originates all cheloveche Skye civilization. Iranian and Zoroastrian texts speak of the
north country, "Ariani Vaedzha" and its capital "Vara", from the ancient Aryans were expelled
by glaciation, which brought upon them Ahriman, the spirit of Evil
and the enemy light of Ormuzd. Ancient Vedas also talk about the Nordic countries as the
ancestral home of the Indians, on-dvipa Light, White Earth, which lies in the far north. The
ancient Greeks talked about Hyperborea, the northern island with the capital of Tula. This land is
the birthplace of luminous god Apollo. And in many other traditions one can find traces of the
ancient, often forgotten and become fragmented, Nordic symbolism. The basic idea, traditionally
associated with the North, is the idea of the Center, Fixed Pole, the point of Eternity around
which not only space, but also the time cycle. North is the land where the sun never sets at night,
the space of eternal light. Every sacred tradition honors the Center, the middle point, where
converge the opposite, a symbolic place that is not subject to the laws of cosmic entropy. This
center, whose symbol is the swastika (emphasizing fixity and permanence of the Center and the
mobility and variability of the periphery), in each tradition was called in different ways, but
always it is directly or indirectly related to the symbolism of the North. Therefore, we can say
that all the sacred traditions are the projections of the One North Primordial Tradition adapted to
the different historical conditions. North side of the world, chosen by the original Logos to
manifest itself in history, and all its subsequent manifestation of a vosstanavli Valo original
polar-paradise symbolism. Sacred geography correlates North to spirit, light, purity,
completeness, unity, eternity.

South represents the exact opposite of materiality, darkness, mixture, privation, plurality,
immersion in the stream of time and becoming Niya. Even with the natural point of view, in the
polar regions, there is one long semi-Day and one long semi-annual Night. This Day and Night
of the gods and heroes, angels. Even degraded tradition to remember about the sacred, spiritual,
sverheste stvennoj side of the North, apart from the northern regions of the abode of "spirits" and
"supernatural forces". In the South, Day and Night of the gods split into many human days, the
original symbolism of Hyperborea loses camping, and the memory of it becomes a factor,
"Culture", "tradition". South in general is often related to the culture, ie, with the sphere of
human activity where the Invisible and the Purely Spiritual acquires its material, coarsened,
visible outlines. South is the realm of matter, life, biology and instincts. South corrupts the
northern purity of tradition, but retains materialized in the form of traces.

A pair of North-South cooperation in the sacred geography can not be reduced to an abstract
opposition between Good and Evil. It is rather a confrontation spiritual idea and its coarse-
grained, material embodiment. In the normal case, when the North-South primacy recognized
between the side E of light exist harmonious relationship North "animates" South, Nordic
messengers give southerners Tradition, laying foundations sacral civilizations. If the South
refuses to recognize the primacy of the North begins sacred confrontation, "the war of
continents", which, in terms of tradition, namely the South is responsible for this conflict his
crime sacred norms. In the "Ramayana", for example, the southern island Lanka is considered to
be the abode of demons who have stolen the wife of Rama, Sita, and declared war on the
continental North with capital Ayodhya.

It is important to note that the North-South axis in sacred geography is more important than the
East-West axis. But being more important, it relates to the most ancient stages of cyclical history.
The Great War of the North and the South, and Hyperborea
Gondwana (ancient paleocontinent South) refers to the "antediluvian" times. In the last phases of
the cycle it becomes more hidden, veiled. Disappear and the ancients themselves paleocontinent
North and South. Relay confrontation moves to the East and the West.

Changing vertical axis North-South horizontal hydrochloric East-West, which is characteristic

for the latter stages of the cycle, however, retains the logical and symbolic ical connection
between these two sacred-geografiche Skim pairs. A pair of North-South (ie Duh- Matter-
eternity Time) is projected onto a pair of east-west (ie tradition and Profanizm, Istok and Sunset).
East is a plan view of the North down. South West horizontal projection upward. From this
transfer sacral meanings can easily obtain a structure continental vision characteristic Tradition.
6.7 People of the North

Sacred North defines a special human type, which may have its biological, racial embodiment,
but can not have it. The essence of "nordism" is a person's ability to build every piece of
physical, material world to its archetype, to his idea. This quality is not a simple development of
the rational principle. On the contrary, the Cartesian and Kantian "pure reason" is just not able to
naturally overcome the thin line between "phenomenon" and "noumenon", but this ability is the
basis of "Nordic" mindset. Man of the North is not just white, "Aryan" or Indo-European blood,
language and culture. Man of the North is a specific type of a being endowed with a direct
intuition of the Holy. For him, the cosmos is a fabric of symbols, each of which is a decree on
hidden from the eyes of the Spiritual First Principle. Man of the North is the "solar man",
Sonnenmensch, does not absorb energy as the substantia nigra, and releasing it, pour discharged
from his soul creativity flow, light, strength and wisdom. Pure nordic civilization disappeared
with the ancient Hyperborea, but it was her messengers laid the foundation of all the existing
traditions. It is this Nordic "race" Teachers stood at the origins of religions and cultures of the
peoples of all continents and colors of skin. Traces of Hyperborean cult can be found among the
Indians of North America, and the ancient Slavs, and the founders of Chinese civilization, and
the Pacific natives, and blond Germans and Black shamans in West Africa, and the Aztec
Indians, Mongols and high cheekbones. There is not a people on the planet who would not have
the myth of the "solar man", Sonnenmensch. True spiritual superrational Mind, divine Logos, the
ability to see through the world its secret Soul is a defining quality of the North. Where there is
Sacred Purity and Wisdom, there invisibly present North, no matter what time or spatial point we
6.8 People of the South

The man of the South, gondvanichesky type is the opposite of "Nordic" type. The man of the
South lives in an environment effects, secondary effects; he dwells in the cosmos, which he
respects, but does not understand. He worships the outside, but not internal. He carefully
preserves the traces of spirituality, its embodiment in a material medium, but is not able to move
from symbolic to ziruyuschego symbolized. The man of the South lives passions and impulses,
he puts the peace of higher spiritual (of which just do not know) and honors life as the highest
authority. For a man of the South is characterized by the cult
Great Mother, matter, generating a variety of forms. South Moon civilization civilization gets its
light from the Sun (the North), preserved and transmitted it for some time, but periodically losing
contact (the new moon) with him. The man of the South Mondmensch.

When the people of the South are in harmony with the people of the North, ie recognize their
authority and their tipologiche skoe (not racial) superiority, harmony reigns civilizational naya.
When they claim to supremacy of its archetypal relationship to reality, there was a distorted
cultural type, which can be defined collectively as an idolatry, fetishism or paganism (in a
negative, pejorative sense of the term).

As is the case with paleocontinents, pure northern and southern types existed only in ancient
times. People of the North and the South, people faced each other in the initial period. Later, the
whole people of the North penetrated into the southern lands, founding sometimes pronounced
"nordic" civilization of ancient Iran, India. On the other hand, Southerners sometimes went far to
the North, carrying their cultural type of the Finns, the Eskimos, Chukchi, etc. Gradually the
original clearness sacred-geographical panorama obscures. But no matter what the typological
dualism of "people of the North" and "the people of the South" was maintained at all times and in
all ages, but not so much as an external conflict of two different civilizations, as well as an
internal conflict within the same civilization. North and South of the type type, since some
moment of sacred stories, confront each other everywhere, regardless of the specific location of
the planet.
6.9 North and South in the East and the West

Type North people could be projected and to the South and to the East and the West. In the
South, the North Light spawned great metaphysical civilizations like the Indian, Iranian or
Chinese, are in a situation of "conservative" of the South for a long time kept the revelation
entrusted to them. However, the simplicity and clarity of northern symbolism turned here into the
complex and diverse intricacies of sacred doctrines, rituals and ceremonies. However, the further
south, the faint traces of the North. And the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands, and South Africa,
"nordic" motives in mythology and rituals preserved in an extremely fragmentary, rudimentary
and even distorted form. In the East, the North appears as a classic traditional society, based on
the unique superiority

supraindividual over the individual, Where "Human" and "rational" is erased in the face of the
superhuman and supra-rational principle. If the South gives the civilization character of
"sustainability", the East defines its sacrality and authenticity, which is the main guarantor of the
North Light.

In the West, the North manifested in heroic societies where peculiar to the West as such tendency
to fragmentation, individualization and rationalization overcame itself and the individual,
becomes a hero, to go beyond "chelovecheskoy- too cheloveche-tion" of the individual. North
West personified symbolic figure of Hercules, which, on the one hand, frees Prometheus (purely
western, bogoborche Skye, "humanist" trend), and on the other help to Zeus and the gods to
defeat the rebels of the giants (that is for the good of the sacred norms and spiritual order).
South, on the other hand, is projected on all three orientations opposite way. In the North, it has
the effect of "archaism" and cultural stagnation. Even the northern, "nordic" traditions under the
influence of the South, "Paleo-Asiatic", "Finnish" or "Eskimo" elements acquire the character of
"idolatry" and "fetishism". (This is, in particular, is characteristic for the Norse civilization "era

In the East, the South, the forces manifest themselves in despotic societies where normal and fair
eastern indifference to the individual becomes a denial of the great Superhuman Entity. All forms
of totalitarianism of the East and typological and racially related to the South.

Finally, the West South manifests itself in extremely rough, materialistic forms of individualism,
when the atomic individuals reach the limit antigeroicheskogo degeneration, worshiping a
"golden calf" of comfort and selfish hedonism. It is obvious that such a combination of the two
sacred-geofields matic tendencies gives the most negative type of civilization, as it superimposed
on each other two orientations, are in themselves negative South West Vertical and horizontal.

6.10 from continent to metakontinentam

If the term is symbolic of sacred geography sky North uniquely corresponds to the positive
aspects and negative south, in an exclusively modern geopolitical picture of the world,
everything is much more complicated, and in some ways, quite the contrary. Naya modern
geopolitics, the term "North" and "South" understands completely different categories than
sacred geography.

Firstly, paleocontinent North, Hyperborea, for many thousands of years does not exist on the
physical level, remaining of spiritual reality, which is directed spiritual outlook dedicated,
longing for the original Tradition.

Secondly, the ancient Nordic race, race "white teachers" come from the pole in the primordial
epoch does not coincide with what is called today the "white race", based only on physical
characteristics, on the color of the skin, etc. North Tradition and its original population, "Nordic
autochthonous" have long ceased to represent a specific historical and geographic reality.
Apparently, even the last remnants of the primordial culture disappeared from physical reality for
thousands of years ago.

Thus, North in Tradition is a meta-history and Cesky metageograficheskaya reality. The same
can be said about the "Hyperborean race," it is the "race" is not a biological but purely Spirituals
nom, metaphysical sense.

"Metaphysical races" has been developed in detail in the writings of Julius Evola). Continent
South and the South as a whole, too, has long been tradition does not exist in pure form, as well
as its ancient population. In a sense, the "South" to a certain point became virtually the entire
planet, as it is narrowed impact on the world of the original polar initiatic center and its
messengers. Modern race of the South are the product of numerous confusions with the races of
the North, and the color of the skin has long ceased to be the main distinctive sign of belonging
to this or that "metaphysical cal race."
In other words, the modern geopolitical picture of the world has very little to do with the
fundamental vision of the world in his over-the historical, supra-temporal slice. The continents
and their populations in this era of extremely departed from those archetypes that they conform
to the primordial times. Therefore between real continents and real races (the realities of modern
geopolitics), on the one hand, and metakontinentami and metarasami (as a reality with a
traditional sacred geography), on the other hand, today there is not a difference, but almost the
opposite line.

6.11 The illusion of the "rich North"

Modern geopolitics uses the concept of "north" most frequently with the definition of "rich",
"rich North" and "the development of the North." By this we mean the totality of Western
civilization, to focus on the development of financial and economical aspects of life tion. "Rich
North" is rich not because he was smarter, more intelligent or spiritual than the "South", but
because he builds his public hydrochloric system on the principle of maximizing materials Noi
benefits to be derived from the public and the natural capacity of the exploitation of human and
natural resources. "Rich North" racially linked to those peoples who have white skin color, and
this feature is the basis of a variety of versions of the explicit or implicit "Western racism"
(especially the Anglo-Saxon). The successes of the "rich North" in the material sphere were
erected in the political and even "racial" principle in those countries that were at the forefront of
the industrial, technological and economic development that is England, Holland, and later
Germany and the USA. In this case, the material and quantitative welfare was equated to quality
criteria, and on this basis developed the most absurd prejudices about "barbarism", "primitive",
"underdevelopment" and "nedochelovechnosti" south (ie not belonging to the "rich North ")
peoples. Such "economic racism" is particularly evident in the Anglo-Saxon colonial conquests,
and was later embellished version included in the most serious and controversial aspects of the
National Socialist ideology. And often Nazi ideologists simply blended vague guesses about pure
"spirituality nordism" and "spiritual Aryan race" with the vulgar, mercantile, trade biologically
English sample racism. (By the way, this substitution of categories of sacred geography
categories of material and technical problems associated development and was the negative side
of National Socialism, which led him, in the end, to the political, theoretical and even military
collapse). But after the defeat of the Third Reich, this type of racism "rich North" has not
disappeared from the politi tion life. However, its speakers have become primarily the US and its
Atlanticist employees in Western Europe. Of course, in the latest mondialist doctrines of "rich
North" the question of biological and racial purity is not stressed, but, nevertheless, in practice,
in relation to the underdeveloped and developing countries of the Third World "rich North" and
today shows a purely "racist" arrogance typical of how kolonialistov- for English, and for the
German national -sotsialisticheskih orthodox line Rosenberg. In fact, the "rich North"
geopolitically means those countries in which the defeated forces opposite traditions, the amount
of force ma materialize, atheism, spiritual degradation and mental degeneration. "Rich North"
means something radically different from the "spiritual nordism" from "hyperborean spirit." The
essence of the North in sacred geography is the primacy of the spirit over matter, and the final
total the victory of Light, Justice and Purity above the darkness of animal life, the arbitrary
individual preferences and low selfishness mud. "Rich North" mondialists tion geopolitics, on
the other hand, is a purely material well-being, hedonism, consumerism, hassle-free and artificial
psevdoray those whom Nietzsche called the "last people". Material progress of technological
civilization was accompanied by monstrous spiritual regress truly sacred culture, and therefore,
in terms of tradition, "wealth" modern "development" of the North can not be a criterion of
genuine superiority above material "poverty" and technical backwardness of modern "primitive

Moreover, the "poverty" of the South on the material level is often inversely related to the
preservation of the southern regions of the genuinely sacred forms of civilization tion, which
means that because of this "poverty" often hidden spiritual richness. At least two sacred
civilizations still exist in the spaces of the South and to this day, despite all the attempts of the
"rich (and aggressive) North" to impose all their own measurements and ways of development.
This Hindu India and the Islamic world. With regard to the Far Eastern tradition there are
different points of view, since some see even under the cover of "Marxist tion" and "Maoist"
rhetoric of some traditional principles were, have always been crucial for the Chinese sacred
civilization. Be that as it may, even those southern regions, which are inhabited by peoples
remain committed to a very ancient and half-forgotten sacred traditions, still in comparison with
ateizirovannym and extremely materialistic "rich North" represents "spiritual", "high-grade" and
"normal" while the "rich North" himself from the point of view of spiritual, completely
"anormalen" and "of pathological".

6.12 The paradox of "Third World"

"Poor South" in mondialist projects is actually synonymous with "Third World". "Third," the
world was called the Cold War, and this concept assumes that the first two "worlds" developed
and less developed capitalist Soviet are more important and significant to global geopolitics,
rather than all the other regions. In principle, the term "Third World" has a pejorative
connotation, since by the very logic of the utilitarian approach "rich North" this definition
actually equates the country "third world" to "draw" the bases of natural and human resources,
which should only be subordinate, exploit and use for their own purposes. In this case, the "rich
North" skillfully played on the traditional political-ideological and religious "poor South", trying
to put at the service of their purely materialistic and economic interests of the forces and
structures that are on the spiritual potential is much higher than the level of spirituality of the
"North." He almost always succeeded, as he himself cyclical time in the development of our
civilization favors perverted tion, abnormal and unnatural tendencies (according to tradition, we
are now in the last period of "Dark Age," Kali Yuga). Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam, the
autochthonous traditions of "non-white" peoples became for the material conquerors of the "rich
North" only obstacles to the implementation of their goals, but at the same time they often used
the separate aspects of Tradition for achieving mercantile goals by playing on the contradictions,
religious peculiarities or national issues. This utilitarian aspects of the use of Tradition in a
purely anti-traditional view was even more evil than the direct negation of the whole tradition of
the whole, as the highest distortion is to make great serve insignificant.

In fact, the "poor South" is "poor" on the material level precisely because of its essentially
spiritual orientation, outlet material aspects
existence is always secondary and unimportant place. Geopolitical South in our time preserved in
terms purely traditionalist attitude to the objects of the external world of quiet, detached and, in
the end,
indifferent in direct opposition to the material possession of the "rich North", in spite of its
materialistic and
hedonistic paranoia. People of the "poor South" in the normal case, staying in tradition and still
live fuller,
deeper and even more luxurious as well as the active participation in the sacred Tradition
bestows all aspects
of their personal lives that sense,

the same intensity, of the saturation, which has long denied Representatives of the "rich North",
tortured neurotic, materials nym fear, ennui, complete aimlessness of existence, which is the only
sluggish kaleidoscope of bright, but meaningless images. One could say that the relationship
between North and South in the initial days of the polar opposite of the relationship between
them in this era, as it is today South retains more due to tradition, while their North finally lost.
Yet this statement is not entirely cover the completeness of the real picture, because the true
Tradition can not admit to themselves this degrading treatment, which practice aggressive-
atheistic "rich North" to the "third world." The fact that tradition is preserved in the South only
inertial, fragments packaged part. It takes a passive position and resists, only defending himself.
Therefore, the spiritual North does not go to the end of time to the South to the fullest extent in
the South only accumulate and persist spiritual impulses that came once a sacral North. From the
South principle can not assume an active traditional initiative. Conversely, mondialist "rich
North" has managed so to strengthen its corrupting influence on the planet thanks to the very
specifics of the northern regions prone activity. North was and still is a place for the most power,
so the true efficacy have geo-political initiatives coming from the North.

"Poor South" now has all the spiritual CTBA's advantage before the "rich North", but in doing so
he can not be a serious alternative to the profane aggression "rich North", can not offer a radical
Foot geopolitical project capable to break the pathological picture of the modern planetary space.
6.13 The role of the "Second World"

In bipolar geopolitical picture "rich North", "South poor" always existed additional component
was, which had a separate and very important. This is the "second world". Under the "second
world" is commonly understood as the socialist camp, integrates Bathing in the Soviet system.
This "second world" was neither truly "rich North", because certain spiritual motives secretly
influenced the nominally materialistic ideology of Soviet socialism, no truly "Third World" as a
whole focus on material development, "progress "and other purely profane principles were at the
heart of the Soviet system. Geopolitically eurasian USSR is also located on the territory of "the
poor of Asia", and on the ground is quite "civilized" Europe. In the period of socialism planetary
belt "rich North" was opened in the east of Eurasia, complicating the clearness of geopolitical
relations of the North-South axis. The end of the "Second World" as a distinct civilization
implies for the Eurasian space of the former USSR two alternatives either to integrate into the
"rich North" (presented by the West and the United States) or sink to the "poor South", ie
become a "Third World". And a compromise is possible departure to the region of the "North",
as part of a "South". As always in the past century, the initiative for the redistribution of
geopolitical spaces in this process belongs to the "rich North", which is cynically using the
paradoxes of the very concept of the "Second World" holds new geopolitiche skie borders and
redistributes the zone of influence. National, economic and religious factors are mondialists only
tools in their cynical and deeply materialistically motivated activity. It is not surprising that in
addition to the false "humanistic cal" rhetoric are increasingly being used, and almost openly,
"racist" arguments designed to convince Russian complex "white" arrogance against Asian and
Caucasian Southerners. Correlated with the reverse process of the final rejection of the southern
territories of the former "Second World" to the "poor South" is accompanied by playing the
fundamentalist trends for people drawn to the tradition, to the revival of religion.

"The Second World", breaking, breaks through the "traditionalism" (Southern, inertial,
conservative type) "antitraditionalism" (actively northern, modern and materialistic type). This
duality, which is only planned today but will soon become the dominant phenomenon of the
Eurasian geopolitics tion, predetermined expansion Mondial stskogo understanding of the world
in terms of "rich North", "poor South." Trying to save the former Soviet Great Space, attempt to
simply save the "second world" as something independent and balancing on the border between
north and south (in a strictly modern sense), can not succeed until the questioned will not put
myself underlying concept of modern geopolitics, understood naya and informed in its real form,
on the other side of the deceptive claims of humanitarian and economic considerations.

"The Second World" disappears. In contemporary geopolitically picture it is no more room.

Simultaneously the pressure rose "rich North" to "poor South", the remaining one-on-one with an
aggressive materiality texnocratic civilization without intermediate instance, existing still
"Second World". Some different fate than the total split according to the rules dictated by the
"rich North", the "second world" is possible only through a radical rejection of the planetary ny
logic dichotomous north-south axis, taken mondialist key.

6.14 The "Resurrection of the North"

"Rich mondialist North" globalizing its domination over the planet through the division and
destruction of the "Second World". This modern geopolitics called "new world order". Active
forces antitradition secured their victory over the passive resistance of the southern regions, the
price of the economic backwardness of preserving and protecting the Tradition in its residual
forms. Internal geopolitical energies of the "Second World" face a choice either to fit into the
system of "civilized northern belt" and finally break the connection with the sacred history (the
project left mondialism) or turn into occupied territory with the permission of the partial
restoration of some aspects of tradition (right mondialism project). It is in this direction camping
events unfold today and will be developed in the near future.
Alternatively, the project can theoretically formulate another path geopolitical transformations,
based on a rejection of the logic of mondialist North-South and on a return to the spirit of
genuine sacred geography as much as possible at the end of the dark age. This is a project of the
"Great Return" or, in other terms, the "Great War Contini comrade." In the most general terms,
the essence of this project is.

1) " Rich North "is not opposed to the" poor South ", but" poor North. "
"Poor North" is the ideal, the sacred ideal of a return to the origins of Nordic civilization. "Poor"
is a North because it is based on the total asceticism, radical devotion to the highest values of
tradition, full of sacrifice for the sake of the spiritual material. "Poor North" geographically
exists only on the territories of Russia, which, being, in essence, "second world"

socially and politically until the last moment opposed final adoption mondialist civilization in its
most "progressive" forms. Eurasian northern lands of Russia it is the only planetary territory,
undeveloped until the end of the "rich North", inhabited by traditional peoples and constitutes
terra incognita of the modern world. Path "Poor North" for Russia means giving both the
installation in mondialist belt, and from their own traditions and archaism by reducing them to
the level of folklore ethno-religious reservations. "Poor North" to be spiritual, intelligent, active
and aggressive. In other regions, the "rich North" is also possible potential opposition of the
"poor of the North", which can manifest itself in a radical sabotage on the part of the intellectual
Western elite osnovopola gayuschego course "mercenary civilization", the revolt against the
world of finance for the ancient and eternal values of Spirit, justice, self-sacrifice. "Poor North"
begins geopolitical and ideological battle against the "rich North", abandoning his designs,
blasting inside and outside its plans, undermining its perfect efficiency, tearing it in socio-
political machinations.

2) " Poor South "who are unable to resist the" rich North "
enters into an alliance with the radical "poor (Eurasian) North" and begins the liberation
struggle against the "northern" dictatorship. It is particularly important to strike the
representatives of the ideology of "the rich of the South", ie of those forces which, working on
the "rich North", advocated the "development", "progress" and "modernization" of traditional
countries, which in practice will mean a growing shift away from the remnants of sacred

3) " Poor North " Eurasian East together from "Poor South" extending along the circumference
of the planet, concentrating their forces in the fight against the "rich North" Atlanticist West. In
this ideologically forever put an end to vulgar versions of Anglo-Saxon racism,

chanting "technical civilization of white people" and mondialist accompanying propaganda. (Alen
De Benoist expressed this idea in the title of his famous book "The Third World and Europe: we
are united in the fight" "L'Europe, Tiersmonde meme combat"; it deals with, of course, "spiritual
Europe", a "Europe of the peoples and traditions ", not" maatstriht tion Europe of shopkeepers ".)
Intelligent, active and authentic spirituality of the sacred traditions of the North is returning to
the South Nordic origins and raises" southerners "in the planetary revolt against the only
geopolitical foe. passive
"Southerners" resistance acquires thus a fulcrum in the planetary messianism "northerners" reject
radically flawed and antisakralnuyu branch of the white people, who have taken the path of
technological progress and material development. Flashes planetary nadrasovaya and supra-
national Geopolitical Revolution based on the fundamental solidarity of the "Third World" to the
part of the "Second World", which rejects the project "rich of the North".


Halford Mackinder George
Geographical Pivot of History80

When in the distant future, some historian will want to explore the times we are now
experiencing, and submit them to summarize the formula, as we do today in regard to the
dynasties of ancient Egypt, then it may very well be that the last four years, he would call
"Columbus era" and he says that it ended soon after 1900. Today it has become downright
commonplace to speak of geographical research as something almost completed. It is also
believed that geography should be reduced solely to a thorough review and philosophical
synthesis. For four hundred years the objects on a geographic map of the world get enough
correct and precise shape and even in both polar regions expedition Nansen and Scott have
significantly reduced the possibility of new and incredible discoveries. The beginning of the
twentieth century qualifies as the end of the great historical epoch, and this applies not only her
achievements, however great they may be. The missionary, the conqueror, the farmer, the miner,
and, finally, an engineer were literally in the footsteps of travelers that is why can confidently
say that the world in its most remote limits has been opened already before we started talking
about his actual political development. In Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australasia, there is
hardly a place where we could drive into the ground pegs, presenting on this site ownership. This
is possible except in the course of the war between the civilized and half-civilized powers. Even
in Asia we are probably the last acts of the play the audience, started horsemen Ermak, Cossacks
and sailors Vasko De Gama. For comparison, we can oppose the era of Columbus predshest
vuyuschim centuries, citing as its characteristic features of European expansion, never met
virtually no resistance, while medieval Christianity was driven into the scope of a small region
and is under threat of external attack of the barbarians. Starting today and in the future, in a post-
era of the Columbus, we will be forced to deal with a closed political system, and it is possible
that the system will be globally. Every explosion of social forces rather than disperse into the
surrounding space and the unknown chaos of barbarism, resound loud echo from the opposite
side of the globe, with the result that all the weak elements in the political and economic
organism of the Earth will be destroyed. There is a big difference between when the shot hits the
hole and when he falls into a closed space between the rigid structures of the huge building or
vessel. Perhaps, at least a partial understanding of this fact distract finally focus your country of
governmental officials from territorial expansion and force them to focus on the struggle for
consistent creation.

That is why it seems to me that in the present term desyatile first time we are in a position where
we can try to determine with some degree of definiteness, the link between the most
geographically extensive E and historical generalizations. For the first time, we can find some
real proportions in the ratio of the events taking place on the world stage, and to find a formula
that somehow expresses certain aspects of geographic conditionality of world history. If we are
lucky, then this formula will gain valuable and practical with its help you can calculate the
perspective of some competing forces of the current international political life. The well-known
phrase that

80 Halford Mackinder "Geographical Pivot of History" in "Geograghical Journal", 1904.

the empire distributed to the west, it is the only empirical attempt of this kind. So today I would
like to describe the characteristic physical features of the world, which, in my opinion, is very
closely linked to human activities, as well as provide some basic phases of history, organically
connected with them, even when they were still unknown geography. I do not set myself the aim
to discuss the impact of the different factors or to engage in regional geography, but rather to
show the history of humanity as a part of the world body's life. I admit that I can achieve here is
only one aspect of the truth, and I did not feel the desire to indulge in excessive materialism.
Initiative shows man not nature, but that nature is more monitors. My interest lies more in the
field of universal natural factor than in the study of the causes of universal history. It is clear that
there can only hope for a first approximation to the truth, and therefore I humbly apprehend all
the comments of my critics. The late Professor Freeman said that the unity naya story that should
be taken into account, is the history of the Mediterranean and European races. In some respects it
is, of course, is true, for it is among these races originated the idea that led to the fact that the
descendants of the Greeks and Romans began to dominate the world. However, in another no
less important respect this restriction significantly constrain thought. The idea of forming a
nation as opposed to just a crowd of human beings, usually taken under the pressure of a
common misery, either as a total STI need to resist external force. England was beaten into the
idea of the state Heptarchy Danish and Norman conquerors, the French idea imposed by the
Huns to argue among themselves Franks, the Goths and the Romans at the Battle of Chalons, and
later, during the Hundred Years War with England; the idea was born out of persecution of
Christianity in the Roman Empire and has been brought to its logical conclusion in the era of the
Crusades. The idea to combine GOVERNMENTAL States was accepted, with the participation
of local patriotism colonists only during the long war for independence; the idea of the German
Reich was accepted, and even then reluctantly, in southern Germany after her struggle with
France in alliance with North Germany. What I can only describe as the literary conception of
history, perhaps inadvertently omitted from the original type of movement, whose pressure has
played a role in spurring impulse atmosphere in which great ideas are grown. Some sickening
person performs some important social function in uniting his enemies, so that it was due to the
pressure of the barbarians outside Europe has managed to create their own civilization. That is
why I ask you to look at Europe and European history as a phenomenon subordinated nye Asia
and its history, for European civilization is in a very large extent the result of the age-old struggle
against Asiatic invasion.

The most important contrast, a significant politi tion on the map of modern Europe is the contrast
to be submitted, on the one hand, the huge space in E Russia, which occupies half of the
continent, and a group of smaller territories occupied Western European countries on the other.
From a physical point of view here, of course, too, there is such a contrast between the East and
unplowed lowlands wealth of mountains and valleys, islands and peninsulas, which together
constitute the remainder of the area of the globe. At first glance you might camping, that in these
familiar facts before us appears as an obvious link between the natural environment and political
organization, that is hardly worth talking about it, especially if we mention that the Russian plain
cold winter is opposed to the hot summer, and
conditions of human existence thus bring to life the additional uniformity. Nevertheless, a few
historical maps contained, for example, in the Oxford Atlas, show us that the rough coincidence
of European Russia with the Eastern Euro-European plain not by chance, and it was not the last
one hundred years, but in earlier times here there was quite a different trend in the politi skom
association. Two groups of states usually divided the country into northern and southern political
system. The fact that the orographic map that do not express the particular physical identity,
which until the last has to control the movement and human settlement in the territory of Russia.
When snow cover is gradually receding to the north of these wide plains, it is replaced by the
rains, which are particularly strong in May and June on the Black Sea coast, but in the area of the
Baltic Sea and the White Sea they pour more often in July and August. In the south reigns long
dry summer. The consequence of this climatic regime is the fact that the northern and north-
western areas are covered with forests, whose thicket occasionally interspersed with lakes and
swamps, while the south and south-east represent a boundless grassy steppe, where the trees can
be seen only on the banks of rivers. The line separating the two regions, goes diagonally to the
northeast, beginning at the north end of the Carpathians, and ending at the southern most areas of
the Urals than in its northern part. Outside Russia the boundary of these huge forests runs west,
passing almost in the middle of the European isthmus, whose width (ie, the distance between the
Baltic and Black Seas) equals 800 miles. Behind him, the rest of the European territory, forests
cover the valley in the north of Germany, while in the southern steppes form the great
Transylvanian bastion in the Carpathians and stretch to the Danube, where now the Romanian
swaying cornfields, and up to the Iron Gate. Separate steppe region, known among locals as
"Pusta" and now actively processing my, took the Hungarian plain; it encloses the chain and
wooded Carpathian Alps. In the West, Russia, with the exception of the Far North, clearing
forests, draining of wetlands and the rise of undeveloped land relatively recently determined the
character of the landscape, smoothing out to a large extent the distinction that used to be so
noticeable. Russia and Poland have emerged in forest clearings. However, here through the
steppe of remote and unknowns parts of Asia directed the target formed by the Ural mountains
and the Caspian Sea, since V and XVI century uninterrupted succession of nomad-Turanians:
Hun, accidents, Bulgarian, Magyar, Khazars, Pechenegs Cumans, Mongols, Kalmyks. During the
reign of Attila the Huns established themselves in the middle of Pashto, on the most distant
"Danube" islets steppes, and there struck to the north, west and south of the settled population of
Europe. Much of modern history can be written as a comment on the change, directly or
indirectly, which were the consequence of the raids. It is possible that it was then Angles and
Saxons forced to cross the sea and is based on the British Isles England. For the first time the
Franks, the Goths and the inhabitants of the Roman provinces were forced to stand shoulder to
shoulder on the battlefield at Chalons, with the overall objective of the fight against Asians; so
they involuntarily made modern France. As a result of the destruction of Aquileia and Padua,
Venice was founded; and even the Papacy owes its enormous prestige to the successful
mediation of Pope Leo with Attila at the meeting in Milan. This was the result produced by a
crowd of ruthless and did not have any ideas about culture riders flooded the uncontrolled plain it
was a blow freely inflicted Asian hammer unallocated space. For the Huns were followed by the
Avars. It is in the struggle Austria was founded with them, and as a result of campaigns Karla
Velikogo was strengthened Vienna. Then came the Magyars, and thanks to their incessant raids
from the steppe camps located in the territory of Hungary, further increased the value of the
Austrian outpost, thereby moving the focus from Germany to the east, to the border of the
Bulgaria became the ruling caste in the lands south of the Danube, leaving his name on the world
map, although their language disappeared in the language of their Slavic subjects. Probably the
most durable and effective in Russian steppes was the resettlement of the Khazars, former
modern nicknames of the great Saracen movement: the Arab geographers knew the Caspian Sea
or the Khazar Sea. But in the end, from Mongolia arrived new hordes and over two hundred
years of Russian lands in the forests to the north of these areas, paying tribute to the Mongol
khans, or "Steppe", and thus the development of Russia was delayed and distorted at a time when
the rest of Europe quickly walked forward. It should also be noted that the rivers running from
those forests to the Black and Caspian seas, extend across the entire path of the steppe nomads,
and that from time to time along the flow of these rivers there were occasional movement
towards the movement of these riders. Thus, the Greek Church missionaries went up the Dnieper
to Kiev just as shortly before the Northmen Vikings down the same river on the way to
Constantinople. However earlier German tribe appeared ready for a short time on the banks of
the river, passing through from the Baltic Sea coast of Europe in the same southeast direction.
But all this passing episodes, which, however, does not negate the broader generalizations. For
ten centuries, several waves of nomads riders coming out of Asia, across a wide passage between
the Urals and the Caspian Sea, crossing the open space in southern Russia and, having found a
permanent residence in Hungary, fell into the heart of Europe, thus making the history of
neighboring peoples time indispensable confrontation: it was against Russian, Germans, French,
Italians and Byzantine Greeks. What they Do stimulirova healthy and powerful reaction, instead
of destructive opposition under a widespread despotism, made possible by the fact that the
mobility of their power was due to the very steppe and inevitably disappeared with the
appearance around the mountains and forests.
This mobility of power was peculiar and sailors Vikings. Descending from Scandinavia to the
southern and northern coasts of Europe, they infiltrated deep into its territory, making use of
river routes. However, the scope of their action was limited, because, in fairness, their power
extended only to familiarize the territory, directly adjacent to the water. Thus, the settled
population of Europe was caught in a vise between Asians kochevni kami-east and davivshimi
on three sides by the sea robbers. Due to their nature, none of these parties could not overcome
the other, so that they both have a catalytic effect. It should be noted that the formative influence
of the Scandinavians stood in second place after a similar influence of the nomads, for it is
thanks to them that England and France have begun the long road to their own association, while
the united Italy, fell under their blows. Once upon a time Rome could mobilize its population
using the road, but now the Roman roads fell into disrepair and did not change until the
eighteenth century.

It seems that even the invasion of the Huns were not the first in the "Asian" series. The Scythians
of Homer and Herodotus stories, fed on milk mares are likely to lead the same lifestyle and
attitude, likely to the same race as the later inhabitants of the steppe. Celtic elements in the
names of the rivers Don, Donets, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube could probably serve as a
definition of concepts from people with similar habits, though not of the same race, but it is
unlikely that the Celts came from the northern forests, like the Goths and Varangians later times.
Nevertheless, a huge wedge of population, which anthropologists call brahikefalami, ousted the
west of brahokefalnoy Asia through Central Europe down to France, probably infiltrated
between the northern, western and southern groups dolihokefalicheskogo population and, quite
possibly, it comes from Asia.

Meanwhile, the influence of Asia on Europe unnoticed until the moment when we start talking
about the

Mongol invasion of the fifteenth century, however, before we examine the facts,
on the whole, it is desirable to change our
"European" point of view, so that we were able to present the Old World in its entirety. Since the
amount of
precipitation depends on the sea, the middle greatest terrestrial arrays climatically sufficiently
dry. That is why
it is not surprising that two-thirds of the world's population is concentrated in relatively small
regions located on
the edges of the great continents of Europe about the Atlantic Ocean, in the Indian and Pacific
Oceans in India
and China. Across the entire North Africa down to Arabia stretches wide strip of almost
uninhabited due to the
virtual absence of rain lands. Central naya and South Africa most of his stories were also
separated from
Europe and Asia as well as America and Australia. In fact, the southern border of Europe has
been and is
likely the Sahara than the Mediterranean Maurier, since this desert separating white people from
black. Huge
Euro-Asian land, prisoners in such a way between the ocean and the desert, account for 21
million square
miles, that is, half of all land on earth, if we exclude from the calculation of the desert of the
Sahara and Arabia.
There are many remote desert areas scattered throughout Asia, from Syria and Persia north-east
Manchuria, but among them there are no deserts, which could be compared to sugar. On the
other hand, the
Euro-Asia is characterized by a very remarkable distribution of river runoff. In most parts of the
north and
center of these rivers have been useless The practical ski for the purposes of human
communication with the
outside world. The Volga, the Oxus, Yaksart flow into salt lakes; Ob, Yenisei and Lena in cold
northern ocean.
In the world there are six great rivers. In these areas there are many, though smaller, but also
large rivers such
as the Tarim and Helmund, which again does not fall into the ocean. Thus, the Euro-Asia Center,
flecked with
spots of the desert, is a whole steppe terrain, presenting an extensive, albeit often scarce,
pastures, where
there are quite a few oases fed by rivers, though it must be emphasized once again that all its
territory vse It
did not riddled with waterways, coming from the ocean. In other words, in this large habitat we
have all the
conditions to support rare, but collectively very significant Foot population of nomads, moving
on horses and
camels. In the north of the kingdom limited wide strip of subarctic forests and swamps, where
the climate is too
severe, except for the western and eastern extremities, for the development of agricultural
settlements. In the
east of the forest go to the south to the Pacific coast of along the Amur River in Manchuria. The
same is true in
the West; in prehistoric Europe, forest occupies the main area. Limited, so that the north-east,
north and
north-west, the steppes are, without interruption, during the 4000 miles from the Hungarian Pusta
to Little Gobi
of Manchuria, and, except for the western extremity, they do not cross the river, the current
available to them in
the ocean, so we can not take into account recent efforts to trade in the mouth of the Ob and
Yenisei. In
Europe, Western Siberia and Western Turkestan steppe lies close to sea level, sometimes even
below it.
Further east, in Mongolia, they are drawn in the form of a plateau; but the transition from one
level to the other,
over the bare, smooth and low areas of the arid central land presents no major difficulties.

Horde, which ultimately fell upon Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, collected their forces in
3000 miles away, in the steppes of Upper Mongolia. The ravages committed for several years in
Poland, Silesia, Moravia, Hungary, Croatia
and Serbia, were, however, only the most distant and at the same time transient result of the great
movement of the nomads east associated with the name of Genghis Khan. While the Zolotaya
Orda occupied the Kipchak steppes of the Aral Sea through the passage between the Ural
Mountains and the Caspian Sea to the foothills of the Carpathians, another horde descended on
the south-west from the Caspian sea and the Hindu Kush into Persia, Mesopotamia, and even
Syria, founded Power Ilhan. Later, a third hit on the Horde North China, China mastered. India
and Mangi, or Southern China were covered at the time of the magnificent barrier Tibetan
mountains, by whom and professional capacity, nothing in the world, perhaps, can not be
compared, unless, of course, does not take into account the sugar and polar ice. But at a later
time, in the days of Marco Polo in the case of mangoes, in the days of Tamerlane in the case of
India, this obstacle has been bypassed. It so happened that in this well-known and well-described
case, all the population of the region of the Old World sooner or later felt the expansive power of
mobile power, originated in the steppes. Russia, Persia, India, or China, or pay tribute to, or
received Mongol dynasty. Even originate in Asia Minor, the Turkish state has suffered this yoke
for over half a century.

Like Europe, records of earlier invasions persisted in other Euro-Asian border lands. Repeatedly
submitted to the conquerors of the north China, India and the invaders from the northwest. At
least one invasion of Persia played a special role in the history of Western civilization. For three
or four hundred years before the arrival of the Mongols, the Seljuk Turks, emerging from the
region of Asia Minor, flowed here on a huge space, which can be called a region located between
the five Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Red and the Arabian Gulf. They
established themselves in Kerman, Hadamane, Asia Minor, overthrew the domination of the
Saracens in Baghdad and Damascus. There was a need to punish them for their treatment of the
pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, which is why the Christian world and undertook a series of
military campaigns, collectively known as the Crusades. And although the Europeans failed to
achieve its objectives, these events are so excited and united Europe, that we may well consider
them as the beginning of modern history it was another example of the promotion of Europe, are
stimulated vannogo necessity response to pressure exerted on it from the very center of Asia.

Euro-Asian concept that we thus obtain, implies a stretch of land, surrounded by ice in the north,
penetrated everywhere rivers and numbering area 21 million square miles, that is, more than
three times that of North America, whose central and northern naschity vayut 9 million square
meters. miles, or more than twice the area of Europe. However, it does not have satisfactory
waterways leading to the ocean, but on the other hand, except for sub-arctic forests, it is
generally suitable for all kinds of movement of nomads. To the west, south and east of this zone
are border regions that make up the broad crescent and available for shipping. In accordance with
the physical device number of these areas is four, which is not unimportant that in principle they
are identical, respectively, to the fields of propagation of the four great religions of Buddhism,
Brahmanism, Islam and Christianity. The first two are in the monsoon zone, one of which faces
the Pacific Ocean, the other to the Indian. Fourth, Europe, watered by the rains, coming from the
West, from the Atlantic. These three regions, numbering a total of less than seven million square
meters. miles, inhabited by over a billion people, in other words, two-thirds of the world's
population. The third area, which coincides with the zone of five seas or as it is often called, the
Middle East region, to an even greater extent suffers from the lack of moisture through
its proximity to Africa, with the exception of the oasis, inhabited, respectively, sparsely. To some
extent, it combines features of both the border area and the central area of Euro-Asia. This area is
devoid of forests, its surface is covered with deserts, so it is well suited to the nomadic life.
Features of the border region can be traced in it as far as bays and rivers flowing into the ocean
make it available to the maritime powers, allowing, however, and they themselves exercise their
supremacy at sea. That's why here periodically arose Empire refers to the "border" category,
which is based on the agricultural population of the great oases of Egypt and Babylon. In
addition, they were connected by waterways with the world civilizing bathrooms Mediterranean
and India. But, as you might expect, these empires fell within range of a string of unprecedented
hitherto migrations, some of which were carried out by the Scythians, Turks and Mongols, who
went out of Central Asia, while others were the results that the efforts of the Mediterranean
peoples, who wanted to seize the land routes that led from the west to the eastern ocean. This
place is the weakest link for these early civilizations, as the Isthmus of Suez, divided the
maritime powers in the west and east and the arid deserts of Persia, extending from Central Asia
down to the Gulf, given an ongoing opportunity nomadic combining holes to reach the shore of
the ocean, separated, with on the one hand, India and China, on the other hand, they themselves
from the Mediterranean world. Whenever oases of Egypt, Syria, and Babylon fell into decay, the
inhabitants of the steppes had the opportunity to use flat Iran plains as outposts where they could
strike across Punjab directly to India, through Syria to Egypt, and through the ransacked bridge
Bosporus and the Dardanelles on Hungary. On the main path into the interior of Europe was
Vienna, to resist the attacks of the nomads, like those that came direct route from the Russian
steppes, penetrated and tortuous paths, which runs south of the Black and Caspian Seas.

So, we have illustrated the obvious difference between the Saracen and Turkish control in the
Middle East. Saracens were a branch of the Semitic race, people living in the valley of the Nile
and the Euphrates and the small oases in the south of Asia. Taking advantage of two
opportunities given to them the land of horses and camels, on the one hand, and on the other
ships, they created a great empire. In different historical periods of the fleet controlled Sredizem
Noah Sea up to Spain, as well as the Indian Ocean to the Malay islands. From this center,
strategists cal point of view, the position is between the east and west by oceans, they tried to
conquer all the border regions of the Old World, echoing something Aleksandra Makedonskogo
and anticipating Napoleon. They could even threaten the steppe. But the Saracen civilization
destroyed by the Turks, completely separated from Arabia, Europe, India and China-turans
pagans who lived in the heart of Asia.

Movement on the surface of the ocean was a natural opponent of movement on camels and
horses, observed within the continent. It is on the development of oceanic rivers was founded
potamicheskaya stage of civilization: China on the Yangtze, India on the Ganges, on the
Euphrates Babylonian, Egyptian on the Nile. On the basis of the development of the
Mediterranean based what is called the "sea" stage of civilization, the civilization of the Greeks
and Romans. Saracens and the Vikings could manage Ocean coast thanks to its ability to float.

The most important result of the detection route to India around the Cape of Good Hope was that
he was supposed to link the western and eastern coastal shipping Euro-Asia, even though such a
roundabout way, and thus, to some extent
the neutral call of the strategic advantage of the central position occupied by steppe people,
pushing them from the rear. The revolution begun by the great navigators generation of
Columbus, the Christian world has given an unusually wide mobility is not reached, however
cherished level. Single and extended ocean surrounding the divided and insular land is certainly
the geographical conditions, which ensured a high degree of concentration of the command of
the sea and in the whole theory of modern naval strategy and policy, as written in detail Captain
Mahan and Mr. Spencer Wilkinson. The political result of all this is to change the relationship
between Europe and Asia. We must not forget that in the Middle Ages, Europe was sandwiched
between impassable sands in the south, the unexplored ocean to the west, ice or beskray their
forests in the north and north-east, and east and south-east it is threatened by the extraordinary
mobility of the nomads. And now it has risen above the world, by reaching thirty-eight seas and
other areas and to spread its influence around the Eurasian continental powers, which are still
threatened its very existence. On the vacant land, including open water spaces, created new
Europe, and what they were before the Europeans, Britain and Scandinavia are now becoming
America and Australia, and to some extent even trans-Saharan Africa, is now adjacent to the
Euro-Asia. Britain, Canada, the United States, South Africa, Australia and Japan are a peculiar
ring of island bases for trading and naval forces, inaccessible to land Euro-Asian powers.

However, the recent continued to exist, and known events again stressed their importance. While
the "sea" the nations of Western Europe cover the surface of the ocean with their ships, went to
distant lands, and one way or another levied a tribute to the inhabitants of oceanic coast of Asia,
Russia has organized the Cossacks, and, emerging from her northern forests, has taken control of
the steppe, putting their own nomads against nomads -tatar. Tudor, who saw the expansion of
Western Europe in the sea space, and beheld how the Russian state progressed from Moscow
toward Siberia. Throw horsemen across Asia to the east was an event in the same measure is
fraught with political consequences, as well as overcoming the Cape of Good Hope, even though
both of these events for a long time are not correlated with each other.

Perhaps the most impressive match in history is that as the sea, and by land naya continued
expansion in Europe, in a certain sense, the ancient confrontation of the Greeks and Romans.
Several failures in this area have had a much more far-reaching consequences than the failure to
Rome Latinize Greeks. Teutons were civilized and converted to Christianity by the Romans,
Slavs from the Greeks. It was the Roman-Teutonic subsequently sailed the seas; and that Greek-
Slavic galloping across the steppes, conquering the Turanian peoples. So that modern land power
differs from the sea even to the source of its ideals, not in the material conditions and mobility

Following the Cossacks appeared on the scene Russia, quietly parted ways with loneliness in
which she was in the forests of the North. Another change is the extraordinary importance of the
inside that occurred in Europe in the last century, has been the migration of Russian peasants in
the south, so that, if used agricultural settlement nye

81 This statement was criticized during the discussion that followed the reading of the report. Reviewing this paragraph, I
still think that basically it is true. Even the Byzantine Greeks would have been different, obeying Rome itself all ancient Greece.
Without a doubt, the ideals in question, were more Byzantine than the Hellenic, Roman but they were not, that's for sure.

ended at the border with the forest, now the center of the population of the European part of
Russia lies to the south of this border, in the middle of wheat fields, location change there to the
west of the steppe. That's so there was extremely important city of Odessa, developing shiysya
purely American rate.
A generation ago it seemed that the ship and the Suez Canal increased the mobility of the
maritime powers in comparison with the ground. Railroads played mostly the role of appendage
of maritime trade. But now transcontinental railways change the state of the ground states, and
nowhere they do not work with greater efficiency, both in the closed central areas of Euro-Asia,
the vast expanses of which can not be found any suitable timber or stone for their construction.
Railways perform unprecedented miracles in the wilderness, because they immediately replaced
the horse and camel, so that the necessary stage of development of the road here has been

In the case of trade must not forget that the way to ocean, although relatively cheap, usually
chases goods through four stages of factory-Manuf applicant, the shipyard of the sender, the
recipient's Wharf and retail warehouse, while the continental railway leads directly from fabriki-
manufacturer to the warehouse of the importer. Thus, the intermediate ocean trade leads, ceteris
paribus, the formation invaded zone around the continents, whose inner boundary roughly
indicated by the line along which the four operations, price, ocean freight and rail transportation
with the nearby coast is equal to the price of two operations and transportation on the continental
railroad road.

Russian railways run over 6000 miles from Verballena in the west to Vladivostok in the east.
Russian army in Manchuria is a remarkable testimony of the mobile land power, just as Britain
is, in South Africa, an example of a maritime power. Of course, the Trans-Siberian remains the
only and is not a safe line of communication, however, does not end even this century, as the
whole of Asia will be covered with a network of railways. Space on the territory of the Russian
Empire and Mongolia are so great, and their potential in terms of population, grain, cotton, fuel
and metals is so high that there is no doubt develop their own, albeit more remote, vast economic
world, unattainable for my ocean trade.

Running just a quick look at the main trends of history, whether we see clearly constancy in
terms of geography? Is not the axial region in world politics that vast area of Euro-Asia,
inaccessible courts, but is available in the ancient nomads, who now must be covered by a
network of railways? There have been and continue to be conditions, promising (albeit limited to
certain factor) for the development of military and industrial powers. Russia replaces the Mongol
Empire. Her pressure on Finland, Scandinavia, Poland, Turkey, Persia, India and China have
replaced the one emanating from the center of raids steppe. In this world, it occupies a central
strategy cal position that Europe belongs to Germany. It can be applied at the same time and
receive blows from all directions except the north. The final development of its mobility
associated with the railways, is only a matter of time. Yes and no social revolution will not
change its attitude to the great geographical boundaries of its existence. Sober understanding the
limits of its power, Russia's rulers have parted ways with Alaska, since it is for the Russian
policy, in fact, rule
not own any overseas territories, just like for the British rule in the oceans.

Outside this area there is a large axial inner crescent, drawn up by Germany, Austria, Turkey,
India and China, and an external Britain, South Africa, Australia, the United States, Canada and
Japan. In the present state of the balance of the axial state, Russia, is not the same peripheral
states, and here as protivove sa can act France. Just east power was the United States. The
balance of power in Europe, they do not affect directly and through Russia, and there is no doubt
that they would build the Panama Canal, in order to make the Mississippi and Atlantic resources
available for transfer into the Pacific Ocean. From this perspective, the real line of division
between East and West to be found in Atlantic 82.

Violation of the balance of power in favor of the thrust of the state, which is expressed in its expansion to the border territory
of Euro-Asia, It allows use boundless
continental resources for the construction of the fleet. Thanks to this soon before our eyes will be
a world
empire. This can happen if Germany wants to join Russia as an ally. This is why the threat of
such a union
should push France into the arms of the maritime powers, and then France, Italy, Egypt, India
and Korea will
be such a strong association in which the fleet will maintain an army that eventually make allies
axis deploy its
ground forces, holding them the concentration of all power in the seas. If you lead a more modest
this is reminiscent of what made Wellington during the fighting with the base of Torres Verdas.
And not be able
to whether India, in the end, play the same role in the British Empire? And is not this idea lies at
the basis of
Mr. Amery concept says that the front fighting for Britain extends from the Cape through India
up to Japan?

This system can have a decisive influence the development of the huge opportunities in South
America. On the one hand, they will be able to strengthen the position of the United States, on
the other hand, if, of course, Germany will be able to throw an effective challenge to the Monroe
Doctrine, they are able to otedinitsya Berlin from what I have described as the axis of politics.
Regional powers are combinations do not matter. I would argue that, from a geographical point
of view, they make something like a circular rotation around the axis of the state, which is
always one way or another is great, but having limited mobility hydrochloric compared to the
surrounding border and island states. I say all this as a geographer. The real balance of political
power at any given moment is, of course, on the one hand, the result of geographical conditions
(as well as the eco nomic and strategic), and, on the other hand, the relative abundance, courage,
equipment and organization of the competing nations. If accurately count the number of all of
this, we can predict the result of competition, without resorting to force of arms. Geographic
parameters in the calculations more commonly used and are more constant than human. That is
why we hope to find a formula that can be applied equally to past history and to the current
policy. Social movements at all times wear
approximately the same physical traits, because I doubt that gradually increases dry climate, even
if it is proved, I was in historic times the environment in Asia and Africa. Empire westward
movement seems rather short rotation border states around the south-west and west corners of
the axial region. The problems associated with the Near, Middle and Far East, depend on the
unstable balance between internal and external powers in those parts of the borderland Crescent,
where the local government is almost not taken into account.

82 This thesis Mackinder was completely refuted the next decade. Already in the First World War, that is, after a decade,
the United
States emerged as a purely western, Atlantic Power,
opposite the east, Euro-Asian, continental and Talnoe
Pacific vector geopolitics. The line dividing East and West goes strictly by the Pacific Ocean, and not on the Atlantic (AD).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the replacement of Russian control of some new kind of
vnutrikontinen tal control will not reduce significantly the axial position of the STI. If, for
example, the Chinese with the help of Japan defeated the Russian Empire and conquered its
territory, it would have created a peril to the world of freedom that added oceanic skie open
spaces to the resources of the great continent, winning so the advantage is still not obtained
Russian host of this axial region.
Petr Savitsky

Geographical and geopolitical BASIS OF EURASIAN83

Russia has far more reason than China called the "Middle Kingdom" ( "Zhong-go", in Chinese).
And the more time will go the more will stick out the bottom. Europe to Russia is nothing more
than the old peninsula of the continent, which lies to the west of its borders. Russia itself on this
continent takes its main space, his torso. The total area of the European countries put together,
close to 5 million square km. The area of Russia, in the redistribution of at least the modern
Soviet Union, is much greater than 20 million sq. M. km. (Especially if it be considered a space
Mongolian and Tuvan People's Republics of the former "Outer Mongolia" and "Ryanhoyskogo
edge" actually present in the moment, in the position of parts of the Soviet Union).

With rare exceptions, the Russian people of the late XIX beginning of XX centuries. We forget
about the trans-Ural spaces (one of those who remember them, was a brilliant Russian chemist
Dmitry Mendeleyev). Now came the other times. All the "Ural-Kuznetsk Combine," with its
blast furnaces, coal mines, new cities for a hundred thousand other people, each built in the
Urals. There's also erect "Turksib". Nowhere is the expansion of Russian culture is not so widely
and so spontaneously, as in the other part in the so-called Trans-Urals "Central Asian republics"
(Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan). Revives the entire torso of the Russian
lands "by arrows Negoreloye Suchan to the station." Eurasians have their share of contribution to
this turn of events. But along with that quite clearly revealed the nature of the Russian world as a
center of the Old World continent. There were moments when it seemed that between its western
periphery of Europe, to which classifies and Russian Dourale ( "European Russia" old
geographers) and Asia (China, India, Iran) is void. Eurasian installation of Russian modernity
fills this void beat real life. Since the end of the XIX century. direct route from Europe to China
and Japan lies through Russia (the Great Siberian Railway). Geography indicates with full
certainty that does not otherwise have to run the roads of Europe (in any case, the north) in
Persia, India and Indochina. These opportunities to date has not yet been implemented.
Transpersidskaya railway Persia penetrates in a north-west to south-east and connected with the
railway network of both British India and Europe (via the Caucasus, the Crimea and Ukraine),
was close to the implementation of the eve of World War II. Currently, due to political
circumstances, she moved to groundless projects. There is no connection between the railways
Russian Turkestan ( "Central Asian republics') and India. No orientation Russian railway
network to transit European-Indian movement. But sooner or later, such a move would be the
fact whether in the form of railway ways avtolyubitelskih lines or air services. For the latter the
shortest distance given by Russia, are particularly important. The more weight will purchase air
transport services with inherent to this kind Relations desire to fly in a straight line the clearer it
will become part Russia- Eurasia as the "middle world". Establishing transpolar lines could
further enhance this role. At the far north of Russia in the huge space of a neighbor, America.
With the opening of routes across the North Pole or rather over the pole it will be a bridge
between Asia and North America.

83 PN Savitsky № 5783 (eds.) GARF fund.

The following article refers to the desire to give Eurasians spiritual synthesis of Eastern and
Western principles. It is important to point out those conformity, which is the aspiration area of
geopolitics. Russian Eurasia is the center of the Old World. Eliminate the center and all the other
parts, the whole system continental margins (Europe, Middle East, Iran, India, Indochina, China,
Japan) becomes as it were "spilled edifice." This world, which lies to the east of the borders of
Europe and the north of the "classic" of Asia, there is a link, which welds in the unity of all of
them. This is evident in modern times, it will become even more evident in her future.
Connecting and unifying role of "middle world" affects in history. Over the millennia, the
political dominance of the Eurasian world belonged to the nomads. Occupying all the space in
from outside Europe to the borders of China, touching at the same time with the Near East, Iran
and India nomads acted as intermediaries between disparate, in its original state, the worlds
settled cultures. And, for example, the interaction between Iran and China has never been so
close in history, as in the era of Mongol rule (XII-XIV centuries.). A thirteen-fourteen centuries
before exclusively and only in the world of nomadic Eurasian crossed beams of Greek and
Chinese cultures as it showed the latest excavations in Mongolia. Force unavoidable facts
Russian world called to the unifying role within the Old World. Only to the extent that Russia -
Eurasia performs is his calling, it can be converted and transformed into an organic whole the
totality of the diverse cultures of the old continent, removed opposition between East and West.
This fact is not sufficiently understood in our time, but expressed therein ratios lie in the nature
of things. combining the essence of the problem in the first place the task of cultural creativity.
In the face of Russian culture in the center of the Old World grew by unifying and conciliatory
role of a new and independent historical force. Allow your problem, it can only in the interaction
with the cultures of all the surrounding nations. In this regard, Eastern culture is just as important
to her as the culture of the West. In such Nosta faces simultaneously and uniformly to the East
and West of the Russian culture and geopolitics. For Russia, this two equal its front west and
south-east. The field of view covered by the same, and the full extent of the Old World can and
should be a Russian, for the most part, the field of view.

We return, however, to the phenomena purely of geographic order. Compared with the Russian
"torso", Europe and Asia are equally represent the outskirts of the Old World. And Europe, with
the Russian-Eurasian point of view is, on what has been said, all that lies to the west of the
Russian border, and Asia all that lies to the south and south-east of it. The very same Russia is
neither Asia nor Europe is the basic geopolitical thesis Eurasians. And because there is no
"European" and "Asian" of Russia, and there are parts of it that lie to the west and to the east of
the Urals, as it is part of it, lying to the west and to the east of the Yenisei River, etc. Eurasians
continue: Russia is neither Asia nor Europe, but is a special geographical world. What is this
world is different from Europe and Asia? Western, southern and south-eastern outskirts of the
old continent are different as a large indented their coasts, and a variety of landforms. This does
not the case mainly his "torso", was, according to what has been said, Russia-Eurasia. It consists
primarily of three Plains (White Sea, the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Turkestan), and then
from the areas lying to the east of them (including the low mountainous regions east of the river.
Yenisei). Zonal addition the western and southern outskirts of the continent marked
"mozaicheski-fractional" very not simple outlines. Forest in

natural state, locality replaced by here at whimsical sequences on the one hand, steppe and desert
areas, on the other
tundra areas (high mountains). This "mosaic" is opposed to the middle plains of the Old World is
relatively simple, "flagopodobnoe" location areas. This last notation for we point to the fact that
when applied to a map it looks like the outline of Nogo is divided into horizontal flag stripes. In
the direction from south to north herein replace each other desert, Steppe, forest and tundra. Each
of these zones forms a continuous latitudinal strip. Total latitudinal division of the Russian world
is emphasized also mostly latitudinal stretch of mountain ranges bordering named plains to the
south: the Crimean ridge, Caucasus, Kopetdag, Parapamiz, Hindu Kush, major mountain ranges
Tian-Shan mountain ranges on the northern outskirts of Tibet, Ying Shan, in the Great wall. The
last of these contact ridges, lying in the same line as the previous ones, is bordered on the south
elevated plain occupied by the Gobi Desert. It binds to the Turkestan plain tion through the
Jungar Gates.

The zonal structure of the Old World continent may notice features peculiar east-west symmetry
affects that obstoyanie phenomena on the eastern outskirts of similar same obstoyaniyu on the
western edge and is different from the nature of the phenomena in the middle part of the
continent. And east and west of the continent ocarinas (and the Far East, and Europe) in the
latitudes between 35 and 60 degrees. north latitude in their natural state are areas of forest. Here
boreal forests are directly in contact and are moving in the forests of southern floras. Nothing of
the sort we have not seen in the middle world. It forests of southern floras are available only in
areas bordering its mountain (Crimea, the Caucasus, Turkestan). And they never come into
contact with the forests of the northern boreal floras or being separated from them by a solid
Stepno-pus tynnoyu bands. Median world Old World can be determined in such a way as the
area steppe and desert strip extending continuous line of Carpathians to Khlngan taken together
with the mountain its frame (south) and regions lying to the north of it (forest and tundra zone).
This world is called Eurasia and Eurasians in the strict sense of the word (Eurasia sensu stricto).
It must be distinguished from the old "Eurasia" Alexander von Humboldt, covering the entire
Old continent (Eurasia sensu latiore).

The western boundary runs along the Black Sea Eurasia -baltiyskoy bridge, ie in the region
where tapering mainland (between the Baltic and Black Seas). For this bridge, in the general
direction from the northwest to the southeast, it goes through a series of demonstration botanical
-geograficheskih boundaries, for example, the eastern border of yew, beech and ivy. Each of
them, starting on the shores of the Baltic Sea, then goes to the shores of the Black Sea. To the
west of these boundaries, ie, where grow even mentioned rocks stretch of forest areas throughout
the north and south is an ongoing process. To the east of them starts division into the forest zone
in the north and the steppe in the south. This milestone, and can be regarded as the western
boundary of Eurasia, ie, its boundary with Asia in the Far East becomes longitudes thinning
continuous steppe belt in its approach to the Pacific Ocean, that is, longitude Khingan. Eurasian
world is the world of "periodic and at the same time symmetric zones of the system." The
boundaries of the main Eurasian areas with considerable accuracy proleganiya confined to
certain climatic boundaries. For example, the southern boundary of the tundra meets the line
connecting the points with an average annual relative humidity at 1 pm about 79.5%. (Relative
humidity of the hour of the day is particularly important for the life of vegetation and soils). The
southern boundary of the forest zone lies on a line connecting the points with the same relative
humidity of 67.5%. The southern border of the steppe (on its contact with the desert) meets the
same relative humidity at 1 pm in 55.5%. In the desert it is everywhere below this value. Here,
attention is drawn to the equality of intervals covering the forest and steppe zones. Such
coincidences and the same rhythmic distribution of the intervals can be set and on other grounds
(see. Our book "The geographical features of Russia", part 1, Prague 1927). This gives grounds
to speak about "a periodic system of Russia-Eurasia zones." It is also a symmetric system, but
not in the sense of the east-west symmetry, which we discussed in the previous, but in the sense
of symmetry south-north. Treeless north (tundra) is responsible treeless south (STEP). Calcium
content and percentage of humus in the soil from the median parts chernozem zone
symmetrically decreased toward north and south. Symmetric distribution of the phenomena
observed, and on the basis of the color of soil. It reaches the highest intensity for the same parts
of the horizontal median zone. And to the north and to the south it weakens (passing through
shades of brown to whitish). On sand and rocky substrates of the border between forest and
steppe zone symmetrically diverge: the steppes to the north of the island and "insular" forests to
the south. These phenomena Russian science defines as "extrazonal". Steppe areas in the forest
area can be characterized as a phenomenon "yugonosnoe" island forests steppe essence of the
phenomenon "severonosnye". Yugonosnym formations forest zone meet severonosnye steppe

Nowhere elsewhere in the Old World gradual transition within the zone system, its "periodicity",
and at the same time, "symmetry" are not expressed so clearly as in the plains of Russia-Eurasia.

Russian world has extremely transparent geographical structure. In this structure, the Urals do
not play that defines and separates the role attributed to him (and continues to attribute)
geographical "vampuka". Ural, "due to its orography cal and geological features, not only does
not divide, but rather intimately binds" Douralskuyu Zauralskaya and Russia ", once again
proving that geographically they are both together constitute one undivided continent of
Eurasia." Tundra as horizontal area occurs and west, and east of the Ural Mountains. The forest
extends on one and on the other side. It is no different with respect to the steppes and deserts (the
latter is bordered from the east and from the west the southern continuation of the Ural
Mugodzhary). At the turn of the Urals we do not observe a significant change in the geographical
situation. More substantial geographical limit "Intermarum", i.e. spaces between the Black and
Baltic Seas, on the one hand, the Baltic Sea and the coast of northern Norway on the other.

Kind, very clear and at the same time simple geographical structure of Russia-Eurasia linking is
a C next to the most important geopolitical circumstances. Nature Eurasian world minimally
favorable on for all sorts of "separatism," whether political, cultural or economic. "Mozaicheski
the fractional" building Europe and Asia promotes Arise veniyu small closed, isolated Mirkov.
There are material conditions for the existence of an small states, specific for each city or
province cultural patterns, economic areas that have a large variety of economic eat in a narrow
space. Quite another thing in Eurasia. Commonly a cut sphere "flagopodobnogo" zone layout is
not conducive to anything similar. Nye infinite plains accustomed to the breadth of the horizon,
to the scale of geopolitical combinations. Within the steppe, moving on land within the forest on
water mnogochis here PARTICULAR rivers and lakes, a man was there in permanent migration,
continuously changing its habitat. Ethnic and cultural
elements remained in the intensive interaction crossing and by mixing Vania. In Europe and Asia
to time there are possible to live only by the interests of its bell tower. In Eurasia, and if it
succeeds, in the historical sense, an extremely short period of time. There are hundreds of
thousands of square meters in the north of Eurasia. km. forests, among which no one hectare of
arable land. How to live the inhabitants of these spaces without touching the more southern
regions? In the south, on not less expanse of the steppes are spread, suitable for livestock, and
partly for agriculture, provided, however, that in the space of several thousand square meters.
km. there is not a single tree. How to live the people of these areas without economic
cooperation with the North? Nature Eurasia much more prompts people to the need for political,
cultural and economic union, than we have seen in Europe and Asia. Not without reason in the
framework of the Eurasian steppes and deserts there was a "unified" in many ways, way of life,
as the life of nomads on the whole of its existence: from Hungary to Manchuria and throughout
history, from the Scythians to the modern Mongols. Wonder in Eurasia born such great political
unifying attempts as scythian, Hun, Mongolian (XIII-XIV cc.) And others. These attempts to
encompass not only the steppe and desert, but lying to the north of them forest zone and a
southern region " mining halo "Eurasia. No wonder over Eurasia breathes the spirit of a kind of
"brotherhood of peoples", which has its roots in centuries of contact and cultural merger of
peoples of different races from the German (Crimean Goths) and Slavic until Tungussko-
Manchurian, through the links of the Finnish, Turkish, Mongolian peoples. This "brotherhood of
nations" is expressed in the fact that there is no opposition between "superior" and "inferior"
races that the mutual attraction is stronger than the repulsive that it is easy to wake up "to the will
of the common cause." History of Eurasia, from its first chapter to the last, there is a solid proof
of that. These traditions and perceived Russia, in its basic historical fact. In the XIX and early
XX centuries. they had been clouded at times deliberate "Westernism" that is required by
Russian, so they felt themselves "Europeans" (what in fact they were not), and treated the other
peoples of the Eurasian skie as "Asians" and "inferior race". This interpretation does not lead
Russia to anything but disaster (for example, Russian Far East adventure beginning of XX
century.). It is hoped that by now this concept has been overcome until the end in the Russian
consciousness and that last-Russian "Europeanism", yet kept in exile, deprived of any historical
significance. Only overcoming deliberate "Westernism" opens the way to this fraternity Eurasian
peoples: Slavic, Finnish, Turkish, Mongolian and others.

Eurasia and used to play a unifying role in the Old World. Modern Russia, perceiving this
tradition must resolutely and irrevocably abandon old methods of association, owned and
overcoming outlived the era of the methods of violence and war. In modern times it is a matter of
cultural ways of creativity, of inspiration, insight, cooperation. All this and say Eurasians.
Despite all the modern means of communication, the peoples of Europe and Asia are still, to a
large extent, each sitting in his cubicle, live belfry interests. Eurasian "mestorazvitie" on their
basic properties, teaches to the common cause. Appointment of Eurasian peoples by their
example inspire on the path of other nations of the world. And then may be helpful for
ecumenical affairs and the ties of kinship ethnographic, which a number of Eurasian peoples

paired from some vneevraziyskimi nations:

Indo-Russian ties, Near Eastern and Iranian relations Eurasian Turks, those points of contact that
exist between the Eurasian Mongols and the peoples of East Asia. All they may benefit in
building a new, organic culture, though old, but still (believe) the young, but the future is fraught
with great light. Jean Tiriar

superhuman COMMUNISM
(Letter to the German reader) 84

Modern history will continue to operate with the concept is not territorial, and the continental
states. Already in 1962-1963,. in his book "Europe is an empire with a population of 400 million
people", I described in some detail the way of building Europe "from Dublin to Bucharest." As a
witness of so-called "crusade" of 1941-1945. I have already pointed out in 1963 that such a
Europe must be avoided at all costs of the conflict with the East, moreover, do not even feed the
antagonism to him. Accelerating the course of history leads me today to say that now we should
talk not about peaceful coexistence between Western Europe and the USSR and the creation of a
united Europe from Vladivostok to Dublin. We must realize that Russia is among the European
countries, and that it is the only European power that is independent of the global American

Our historical thinking must escape from this type of ideology of the USSR. Marxist
communism is not a terrible thing, but something stupid. This ideology has to disappear under
the pressure of facts. It will disappear, because one day, which is probably just around the corner,
the Soviet leadership is satisfied that the endemic weakness of the economy of the USSR was
caused by Marxist dogma. If the Soviet leadership wants to hold on to power and it depends on
whether the Soviet Union would survive, he will have to make a turn in the direction of "the
historical way of thinking" and get rid of weakening his dogmatism.

Abroad, passing on the Lübeck-Sofia line, it continues to be a historical absurdity. He inevitably

recalls the division of Germany in the middle of the XVII. between Protestant and Catholic state
E, which, since the time of Richelieu and Mazarin, France has allowed for 250 years to delay the
creation of the Second Reich. As once the Treaty of Westphalia gave France the opportunity to
interfere in the affairs of Germany, so the Yalta agreement will allow the US to intervene in the
affairs of Europe. Some Germans are now ready to unquestioningly obey the Americans. It is
worthy only of contempt. For 30 years, Bonn empties a chamber pot of the State Department. In
addition, in the present-day Germany marked two other trends: the desire for neutralism, on the
one hand, and nationalism on the other.

Let us first consider the question of the German natsionaliz IU. Germany was not defeated in
1945. The situation is dramatic tion her courage has become a Shakespearean character. Its
military ability is undeniable. In June 1940, the French ruling class fled without looking back
from Paris. In April 1945 the German leadership perished in the battles on the streets of Berlin.
In 1945, Germany was not defeated and crushed. Finally. Only in Germany for 12 years it
existed as a forming sheesya state, while Britain, France and Spain have been established for
centuries. But if Germany was crushed in 1945, that she sought it. Hitler wanted to create a
German Europe. The idea of a "European" Europe was beyond his comprehension. Exceptional
man in many
relations, he showed utter shortsightedness on this issue. As a provincial, a native of Central
Europe, it was unable to evaluate the great importance of the Mediterranean for geostrategy. In
addition, he could not rise to the idea that other nations may also have outstanding qualities. His
contempt for the Russian people, to the Slav, was the reason for underestimating their bravery
Russian soldier. Goebbels' propaganda portrayed the Russian as the dubious cross between
Tatars, Mongols and Kalmyks. Photo service Division propagation and cameramen "RC" front
tried to outbid each other in this area.

84 December 1982 The text of this letter A.Dugin transferred directly by the author in 1992 (ed.)

Today, I subscribed to the magazine "Revue militaire sovietique" (Soviet Military Review). In
contrast to the publications of Goebbels propaganda Soviet soldiers portrayed here "with pretty
faces, just like our guys": tall, with blond, cropped hair and "cheerful look." Dr. Goebbels told us
that they are the descendants of the Vikings. The Vikings,

that can freely join the army "SS". They are fully corresponded to the race, in which the
candidates were selected in the elite units of the Third Reich.

Popular prints are also changing with the change of the political system and historical epoch.
Today consolidated Tel Aviv-Washington propaganda department portrays the Soviet army as
the army, which in Afghanistan and only does that rapes, kills and burns only children, women
and the elderly.

In my youth I suffered badly failed attempt to Franco-German rapprochement in the 1940- 1942
biennium. Taking Admiral Darlan in Bertehsgadene May 14, 1941, Hitler was still under the
impression of Hess's escape to England (11 May 1941). Hitler was generous, he was not able to
ensure that the Franco-German conflict ended without a defeated and France has not been
destroyed. The same France that is still owned by African, particularly the Mediterranean
colonies and absolutely a fleet. In alliance with France, Hitler could, passing through Syria, to
invade Iraq, thereby causing the defeat of England in Sredizemnomo Riez. The English fleet
would then be forced to withdraw from the Mediterranean Sea. "Everything was possible" on the
next day after Mers-el Kebirskoy slaughterhouse July 3, 1940, when the English fleet dealt with
unarmed sailors Admiral Marcel-Bruno Gensoul. In the events that followed a week Hitler could
easily involve France in a war against England. But for this it was necessary to have the
generosity and think in a European way. Hitler was not a great European. He was just a great

I have experienced and suffered all this. I took an active part in the events, but not on the side of
Germany, and on the side of National Socialism. Many of us were then disappointed, and some
feel even fooled. And yet we fought to the end on the side of the Reich. Many of my friends have
paid for it with his life: some were killed on the eastern front, others were shot immediately after
the war in May 1945. Thanks to influential lawyers I managed to easily get rid of the usual three
years in prison, which was almost a gift. From this story, I concluded that nationalism
subordinates, exploited, and humiliated loser, bring incalculable harm. Hitler was unable to rise
to a unifying nationalism.

German and French nationalism brought no little distress and harm. Today, therefore, need to
ruthlessly suppress in the name of European interests slightest manifestation of German
nationalism. Germany has nothing to complain about the fact that she had defeated in 1945. She
went to it, humiliating Polish and Russian and despising the French. Hitler's Germany was wrong
by the Allies in Italy Mussolini. This union cost her a number of follies and mistakes. Mussolini
prevented the slightest rapprochement between France and Germany. This is why Germany and,
in particular, a number of prominent Nazis-ang lofilov wrong in choosing the enemy. Rudolf
Hess unsuccessfully too literally applied the concept of General Haushofer, whose adjutant he
was during the First World War 1914-1918. In 1940, a merciless enemy of Germany was
continental France, and sea power England. That England for the past five centuries is a
primordial and principal enemy of Europe.

In 1945, the Third Reich suffered a complete collapse. But not only Germany had lost the war.
We all lost it. At first the Dutch were expelled from their colonies. Then France and England,
and finally Belgium. After the shameful loss of Algeria in 1962, France finally ceased to exist as
an independent power. We all have lost this war. Since the end of 1941 the British began to oust
the French from the Middle East (Syria). In retaliation, the French helped the Zionists to expel
the British from Paleste us. Even before 1945 the British and French tried to deprive Italy of its
African colonies. Finally, in 1960, on the orders of Washington Belgians left Congo, the richest
country in the whole of Africa. Our nationalist rivalries have led to the death of the whole of
Europe, or at least, a multinational Europe. Now it's time to create mononational, unified
continental Europe, the great Europe "from Vladivostok to Dublin."

Combining clear Haushofer's geopolitical concepts with the power of the Soviet army, you need
to try, going from east to west, to accomplish what Hitler failed to do, going from west to east. It
is necessary to rid the communism of his inefficiency associated with Marxist and Leninist
dogma. Communism is Soviet-type should be cleaned of Marxism, to improve, to mutate. It is
necessary to carry out synthesis of non-Marxist communism with non-racial National Socialism.
I am opposed to the inefficient communism, but for effective. That is the essence of the National
kommunotarizma. This synthesis should reflect the understanding of the genius of the empire of
Alexander the Great and Caesar: the empire is integrating, flexible nationalism. Defeated
becoming a partner, assistant and finally national. I'm talking about "imperial kommuniz IU",
some new Rome or "the Great of Prussia," an empire, which will be the expression of the idea of
the state with better functional structure of the empire, the right to join which will not be given to
each state.

This does not prevent the risk of classical Russian nationalism is a way of oppression and
exploitation of other peoples. If the Soviet Union tries to impose on us such as Russian Europe,
this attempt will fail faster than trying to Nazi Germany. On the contrary, if the Soviet Union
would try to apply the principles of the "Soviet" imperial nationalism type integrating
nationalism, it will have a much better chance of success. The concepts of "Great Russia" and
"Soviet Empire" reflect two opposing concepts, namely the concept suppress conductive and
integrating nationalism. Overwhelming nationalism creates, enhances and intensifies the
nationalism of neighboring states. He breeds his
opponents, their antagonists. In the event of failure of the genocide carried out by them such
nationalism is

doomed to failure in the power inherent in its internal the contradictions. For the vast majority of
people change the concept of "territorial" (vast) natsionaliz ma on the concept of "continental"
imperial nationalism is difficult, if not impossible mental operation. Overwhelming nationalism
ny evolutionary selection, made arthropods. It works on hard-coded program. He helped himself
to the limit. In contrast, integrating nationalism, reflecting "the imperial concept," recalls
vertebrates. Theoretically, its territorial expansion can be boundless. Whether it is on the upper
level concept or ideology on the lower level, the selection of arthropods, as opposed to the choice
of vertebrates, it is possible to find an analogy in a number of areas: from religion to the
formation of nations, including the development of political theories. Thus, the Jewish religion is
based on racial naya approach shares the fate chlenistono GIH. From a demographic point of
view, it has received only a very limited distribution. On the contrary, Christian and Islamic
religions, not limited to any linguistic or racial criteria, received the widest dissemination.

Limited racial-linguistic scope expansion of Hitler's Germany, too, went through chlenistono
GIH. It ended in a fatal indigestion inability to digest 200 million Slavs. Yesterday "Paul
Déroulède" and the current "Debra" and longing for a helmet with Shishakov or swastika, must
also enroll in the class of arthropods. All of them clenched their hard-shelled ideologies. With
regard to European nationalism, it is an analogy of the evolution of vertebrates. He is a kind of
an open system. It is characterized by flexibility, integration ability Noah. To his understanding
required level of thinking is absolutely inaccessible to most "ordinary nationalists".

Here we come to the question of the eternal attempt to neutralize, "Finlandisation" Germany.

Life is ruthless towards the weak. The same can be said about the history. Today Europe, May
rend asunder narrow-minded nationalists (E French, German, English, etc.), a potential "battle
field". In this it is similar to that of Germany in the middle of the XVII. As once spoke of
"Germany -marionetkah" pull the strings of Richelieu and Mazarin, so today we can talk about
"Europe, which handles Washington."

All those who humble themselves slavishly to the American domination in Europe (especially in
West Germany, where it is quite overt in nature) and are willing to "Finlandisation" West
Germany may be called masochists from history. In 1840, when the best representatives of
Germany fought for the unification of the Second Reich, such masochists extolled the virtues of
the Peace of Westphalia (bicentennial plan contract). Thus, a certain Christoph Gak praised the
historical insignificance of Germany. This type of fellows willing to buy peace at the cost of
historical castration is not new.

Today it is necessary to seek a rapprochement with the Soviet Soy Zoom. We need to negotiate
first on the approximation, then the merger and, finally, to merge with it. We are talking about a
very frank talks. We do not want peace between cat and mouse.

West Germany should get the right to equality and dignity within the framework of Western
Europe. To do this, you need to throw the Jewish-American Theses "guilty people" and the
original sin of the Germans. This biblical nonsense. The image of the brutal German carefully
cultivated with the help of all the media in France, England, Belgium, Holland, Italy. This
propaganda aims to divide Western Europe, to prevent her union, to reopen old wounds. The
armed forces of the West German Bundeswehr, today reduced to the status of colonial infantry
(such as Senegalese in the war of 1914-1918.) US. The current Germany should have the
courage to drive out evil spirits themselves and tell ourselves that National Socialism finally
belongs to the past. In any case, Hitler committed no more offenses than those who stained his
hands with blood, bombing of Hamburg or aimlessly destroyed Dresden in 1945, not to mention
the 1,500 women, children and the elderly, the innocent killed recently in Lebanon. Everyone
should take responsibility for their misdeeds, but in the end, there comes a time when these
offenses should be studied not politicians, and historians. It's time for Germany. Almost all the
surviving participants in the war of 1939-1945. already died. The new generation of Germans
should not shoulder the legacy of Hitler. On the one hand, Germany should not be removed
completely from responsibility for war crimes, on the other today, it has the right to require
compliance with the principle of the limitation period with respect to itself. Germany should no
longer put up with his role as the stepdaughter of the Common Market and NATO. Stepdaughter,
whose adoptive parents "horrible."

Western Europe should aim for an armed neutrality and avoid the unarmed neutrality. Only
masochists, naive people and eunuchs can argue for such neutrality. Europe needs to put out
400,000 placed there American soldiers. The risk of war lies in the American military presence
in Europe. The Pentagon, the State Department subordinate, which protects the State of Israel,
can play in the "nuclear poker" in Europe in response to the actions of the USSR in the
Mediterranean or any other part of the world.

If nuclear weapons will be in the hands of Europeans (including, of course, the West Germans),
the Soviet Union is subject to much greater risk of a nuclear conflict than if it is in the hands of
the Americans stationed in Europe. Europe is the eternal battlefield testing ground. There is
much to ponder. We know the horrors of war in Russia in 1941-1943., And in his 1943-1945
years. Here they know what war is, and go to that only in extreme cases. In Washington, the
nation's capital, the coast of which for almost two centuries did not appear hostile gunboat, do
not know what war is.

Europe should base its policies an alliance with the East, Union, caused by geopolitical
considerations. Europe extends Xia from west to east, can not stop at the Lübeck-Sofia line. At
the same time, and great tips coming from the east to the west, can not stop at this turn of
artificially established. Our long-term future can be read on a geographical map. The border that
runs along the line Lubeck-Sofia, is a line of defense, it is extremely vulnerable in the case of
conducting a war of maneuver. The existence of such border is very dangerous, from a
geostrategic point of view. It is very difficult to defend. This explains the importance which the
USSR attaches to the classic armed pits. "Flank" Lübeck-Sofia is the only weak point of the
Soviet defense on the distant approaches. From all
other Soviet parties is well protected grace convent its climate (in the north) and the enormous
distances (in the south). Expressed in terms of the classic military science, the US Army, based
in West Germany, could be compared with the one of the Soviet army, standing in Canada
between Montreal and Vinnipe God. This purely hypothetical case, the bulk of US ground forces
would be located between Minneapolis and Boston.

"Natural" beaches of the USSR (in the opposite of the boundary) are the Canary Islands, Azores,
Ireland, Iceland. The same applies to Western Europe. "Cultural" or "economic development,"
the nation is impossible without the support of a "politically strong" nation. From 1648 to 1870,
Germany was an example of "cultural Noah" a nation famous for its porcelain and musicians. At
the same time it served as a battleground for anyone. Without an army is not a nation, and today
there is no army without nuclear weapons. Having lost their colonies, countries such as Britain
and France, are now only a parody of the great powers. Henceforth, the nation with a population
of less than 200-300 million people do not have any international weight. History offers us two

1) The Soviet Union won the Western Europe, or he has to do it in the order of preventive war;

2) war can be avoided, and Western Europe, freed from political hirelings of Washington, is a
political alliance with the West. Cooperation, partnership, alliance and finally merge. Germany,
which today stands with one foot in the West and the other in the East, the best can cope with the
role of mediator.

In Germany, there is nationalist leftist movement that emerged in West Berlin during the break
between the party happenings and drug-taking. Brandt's father has dishonored his country and his
race. Now we can enjoy the romantic phantasms of his son Peter. The transformation of the
Bundeswehr in the "National People's Army," according to the type Yugoslav it is sheer fun.
Even in the case vossoedi of (I assume this hypothesis) Germany would become a dwarf power,
such as France or England Mitterrand, Thatcher, who boast of their "independence of the" United
States, the Soviet Union and China. Pathetic young people, reaching for Peter Brandt, want to
return to the days of romantic Germany before 1848 Germany before Fichte. In 1982, we are
talking not only about Germany - the "battlefield", and the whole of Europe - "battlefield".
Religious war between the "Marxist kommuniz IOM" and "democracy" is blinding most of these
people, and this blindness prevents them realize geopolitiche ical reality. That Europe does not
become a "battlefield", it is necessary to transfer the direction of a possible Soviet attack on
Gibraltar, Dublin and Casablanca. With the Soviet Union need to seek consent and now to lay
the foundations for effective cooperation. Place a protracted war should be a part of Africa
between 20 degrees north latitude and 20 degrees south latitude. Even if these areas will be
partially emptied, it's not too much impact on the future of mankind.

To avoid the destruction of Europe, we have to consciously go to the close cooperation with the
Soviet Union, co-operation, rather than sell, Hitler proposed to the French in 1940-1942 gg.
Western Europe and the Soviet Union must create some kind of "community of fate", dictated by
geography, arranged marriage, forced marriage.
The Soviet Union and Western Europe should be as soon as possible to develop together a
counterweight to the Monroe Doctrine. Our Monroe Doctrine motto should be "... a single
soldier, not a single American soldier in the Mediterranean." European problems should be
solved by the Europeans. Russian are the same Europeans and the Germans, French, British and
other European nations.

We need to get the Americans to withdraw from Europe, not only for geopolitical reasons. Their
presence 'Wie in Europe can be compared with the conquest of Sicily by Carthage us next door
to the Roman Republic. Staying in Europe and increasing the danger of war, the Americans will
not be able to cope with the crisis of the society, which is just beginning. We run the risk of
being infected by them. The crisis caused by the collapse of society in three areas:
1) the technical and economic system,
2) policies based on the belief demagoguery word "democracy"
3) interfere with culture.
Techno-economic system is a reflection of the materialistic world, the world of science,
rationality, foresight. The second sphere, the sphere of politics, defies logical analysis, no
rationalist approach. Here is dominated by the argument tion beliefs (in the first sphere is
dominated by the logic of the experimental-argument). As for culture, it now should rather be
attributed to the field of psychiatry. At least in the United States. Only a totalitarian system can
result in a balance of these three areas.

The policy is long overdue to introduce the concept of rationalism. In my next work "Euro-
Soviet Empire", I devote an entire chapter to the issue of whether the policy should metapolitics,
based on the strength or enjoying Research Institute (pleasure).

North America has made its final choice in favor of hedonism, and all of its policy is to "delight
the means." Such a choice would lead mankind to a dead end. It remains to make smarter
Communists and explain to them what would consist metapoliti ka aimed at the "means of
action" or, in other words, in the power tool. Hobbes had already shown that freedom rests on
force. In this era of scientific and technological revolution to this can be added that the power is
knowledge (space research, basic research in physics), and knowledge gives power. If we want
to create a homo novus, we will have to choose between power and pleasure. Marx's dream was
to give to each according to needs. Today, this dream can be easily accomplished. Achieving
abundance of planning and willpower problem. Her decision would require no more than a
quarter century. This abundance would lead to the emergence of a hedonistic type of society is
doomed to decay (US), or to the NIJ turned an ordinary person into a homo novus.

Huxley and Orwell noted only possible negative side of the "brave new world". The positive side
of it remained unknown to them.
Remember also the prophecy Koestler: "The thesis of the winners, the losers antithesis, synthesis
of winners and losers are united citizens of the giant new Eurasian country."

I would have changed it: "The thesis of the racist National -sotsializm, the antithesis of Marxist
communism, synthesis velikoevropeysky National Bolshevism, in other words, an elite imperial
communism, Marx had rejected as an ideologue and Hitler as a limited short-sighted nationalist

National Socialism was excellent school performance the very efficiency, which is lacking in
Marxist communism.
Ordinary Communism need to make a child, that he was born an extraordinary son, a kind of
"gifted monster," "superhuman communism".
Already in 1941, Koestler knew who was to become his father.
Carl Schmitt

East-West confrontation, it is clear today, includes various kinds of contradictions: economic

interests, the qualitative difference between the ruling elites and the fundamental incompatibility
of boiling intelligent installations. All these increase the contradictions, mutually reinforcing
each other. However, the relationship of economic, sociological and spiritual stress manifested
itself in all the great wars of human history. The peculiarity of the modern antagonism is that this
tension has become a global and covers an entire planet. Today, therefore, it is essential to
adequately dismantle the The historically ical and geopolitical underpinnings on which it is
based tense standoff.

We are talking about the opposition between East and West. It is obvious that we can not talk
only about the geographical differences. In the course of our study, we analyze in detail about
what kind of opposite Nosta is in question here, and show that there are two different types of
tense confrontation: historical and dialectical and static-polar.

Contrary to the East and West is not a polar opposite. Earth has a north and south pole, but has
neither the East nor the West. In the conditions of our planet's geographic opposites of East and
West is not something fixed and static; it is only a dynamic relation associated with the daily
"light decrease". In a geographical sense, America is the West towards Europe; to America West,
China and Russia; and with respect to China and Russia, the West is Europe. In a purely
geographical sense, there is no clear-cut poles, and therefore solely on the basis of geography is
quite impossible to understand the real existing planetary hostile tensions between East and West
and to think its basic structure.


You can go on a journey of exploration of historical, cultural and moral specificity of the current
East and West and this way to isolate a series of antitheses, which, no doubt, are very important.
Here I would like to use a term coined by geographer John Gottmanom in his brilliant work
"La politique des Etats et leur geographie" 86: the concept of regional iconography (the
iconography of space)

iconographie regionale. Different picture of the world and representation, arising as a result of
various religions and traditions, different historical past, different social models form nye
autonomous space. In this sense, to the iconography of a certain space belong not only paintings
and works of plastic art, but also all the visible forms of public and private life. On the
significance of art in this regard have recently Luis Diez del Corral, in his book "The Rape of
Europa", which can be called an encyclopedia of European iconography. The difference between
the shapes in the understanding of one or

85 Sarl Schmitt "Die planetarische Spannung zwischen Ost und West", 1959 in "Schmittiana-- III" von prof. Piet
Tommissen, Brussel, 1991
86 " Policy of the state and their geography "(fr.) (Ed.).

other cultural regions, and especially in the structures of power and government, researched
Carlos Olère. The concept of "ikonogra phy space" we may include in addition to various forms
of social life and all the other typical forms of human existence, the system characteristic
implications, allusions, symbolic sky language of feelings and thoughts in the form in which they
are characteristic of certain areas with special unique culture.

This includes images of the past, myths, sagas and legends, just like all the characters and taboo,
topographically localized in one specific area, and only because of this finds The historically ical
reality. Gottman said in this regard, "the circulation of iconography", ie territorial impact on the
dynamic cultures on each other over time. Thus, in place of the famous theory of "circulation of
elites" Pareto comes no less important theory of the circulation of iconography. Use of the word
(and concept) "iconography" I think in this case it is appropriate and fruitful, especially because
the term most accurately reveals the essence of the East and the West. The ratio of the image, the
icon reveals the essential qualities of the East and West in their most profound dimension: the
East has traditionally been the enemy of visual images, paintings and icons of the West, by
contrast, as a stronghold of the veneration of icons and, more broadly, of painting. When it
comes to iconoclasm or prohibition of the image of God, formed a European recalls events from
the history of the Byzantine Empire, the struggle around the iconoclast heresy of King Leo (717-
741) and on the recognition of iconography Charlemagne. In memory of the ban also comes to
represent God in the Old Testament and in Islam. Some have gone so far as revealing are here
inherent contradiction between verbal and visual expression, which they, in turn, elevate to a
more general contradiction between hearing and vision, acoustic and visual, and the word and
hearing uniquely identified with the East, and the image and vision with the West. Use of the
term "iconography" in the aforementioned nom comprehensive sense, should protect us from
these simplifications. In reality, there is no such geographical place where there was no visual
dimension to the reality and the image, an image, an icon, and iconography are present
everywhere. Therefore, the only possible and the opposite trend, negating the value of the visual
image, ie, Iconoclasm in the broadest sense. And the problem is not limited to iconoclasm does
Byzantium or Islam. The West also knows many very aggressive forms of the iconoclastic spirit.
Viklifity and Hussites, Baptists, and Puritans sectarian, religious modernists and rationalists
rough these ikonoborche skie flow arose and developed it in the West. Planetary scale of this
conflict, the core dispute of world history reached in the era of great geographical discoveries
and colonization of the New World, and outwardly he appeared in the struggle between two
religious forms of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, the northern lines of the Jesuits and the
Calvinists. Let's consider the iconographic aspect of the conflict that will lead us to a deeper
understanding of its meaning. The meaning of the Reconquest was to reconquest of space in the
Iberian Peninsula for free veneration of the Image of the Blessed Mother of God. I once wrote
that the Spanish sailors and conquistadors of the New World have seen the character of its
historic achievements in erecting around the image of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Some
readers will understand me wrong. One Catholic writer even wrote in this regard:
"Schmitt talks about all the accessories of the Christian conquest, which can only mislead
readers." For me, an icon of the Virgin Mary is not "any Christian accessories." Moreover, the
veneration of the Blessed icon of great importance to me, that it becomes more understandable if
we take into account the above listed several arguments about the relationship of the visual
image, the icon with the essence of the Western tradition. I insist that all European religious wars
of XVI-XVII centuries,

including the Thirty Years' War in the German lands, at Actually, there were wars for and against
the medieval Catholic veneration of the icon of the Virgin Mary. Should be considered in this
context, especially iconoclasm English Puritans Sun exact phenomenon, and the veneration of
icons Bavarian, Spanish and Polish Catholics sign of their Western spiritual nature? The
Byzantine controversies surrounding the iconoclast heresy at the theological level affect the
Christian dogma of the Trinity. Spiritual problem is the difficulty in combining the iconographic
Niya in the Divine Unity and Trinity. Yet it would be wrong to strictly identify the dogma of the
Trinity only with the West, and abstract monotheism with the East. Of course, at some point in
the history of this coincidence it was almost complete. Monks Franks completed the Christian
West's Creed formula, according to which the Holy Spirit proceeds not only from the Father, but
the Son, and the indignation of the Greek patriarchs Filioque led to the great schism between the
Eastern and Western Churches 87. On this basis, one would assume that the Filioque was
the performance of the West against the East, but this is contradicted by, on the one hand, the
special doctrine of the Trinity and the Virgin of the Syrian Fathers, on the other hand, the views
of the Western Arians deny the divine nature of Christ. Thus, an exciting ikonogra graphically
distinguish between East and West in question Triunity becomes less unconditional and absolute.

The traditional iconography is not static, invade all new factors into it. For example, industrial
intrusion technique. Modern psychoanalysis as well be considered as a manifestation of
ikonoborche tion trends. Spanish psychoanalyst Juan Jose Lopez Ibor made a very interesting
study of this field, based on our iconographic approach to the problem. Moreover, almost all
modern naya painting and abstract, and to preserve the remnants of objectivity carries the
destruction of the traditional understanding of the image, the visual image of the icon. All three
phenomena are interconnected equipment, psychoanalysis and modern art. If you undertake a
study of this relationship,

comparing it with topical nym confrontation between East and West, can come to a startling
sensational conclusions. The unity of Noah obstacle on this way is impossible to strictly identify
with iconoclasm East and West with the veneration of icons. To fully understand the world of
dualism structure of the West-East we still should be based on other criteria.


87 Catholic Schmitt believes that the Filioque only underscore Vaeth Trinity of the Godhead, and enhances the
iconographic orientation of Christian dogma, while the rejection of this innovation in the Orthodox Church appears to him as an
expression of the iconoclastic, the Old Testament spirit. This is absolutely wrong the thesis is refuted by even such a historical
observation, as the ubiquitous set and the veneration of icons in the Orthodox peoples, and especially in Russia, where the icon
still plays such a crucial role in religious practice, which she did not play even in times of Catholicism flourished in Europe.
Moreover, the introduction of Filioque was just an expression of abstract monotheism and rationalistic theology that niche of in
common with the approval of the completeness of the Trinity and the primacy of the image. For more details on this, see.
A.Dugin "Metaphysics of the Good News." (HELL.)

The history of planetary confrontation between East and West in its entirety reducible to the
fundamental dualism elements: land and water, land and sea. What we today call the East, is a
single solid mass of land: Russia, China, India, a huge piece of sushi, "Heartland" 88 as he
called it the great English geographer Sir Halford Mackinder. What we call today the West is
one of the world's oceans, hemisphere,

wherein arranged Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Confrontation marine and continental worlds,
here is the global truth that underlies explained Niya civilization dualism present planetary time
generates stress and stimulating the whole process of history.

The highlights of the history of the world encounter the belligerent powers translate into a war
between the element and the element of Sushi Sea. This notice has chroniclers of the war of
Sparta and Athens, Rome and Carthage. However, until that time, all confined to the area of the
Mediterranean Sea. People did not know the vast spaces of the great oceans, planetary conflicts.
Immediately, we note that it is necessary to make a conceptual distinction between the elements
and the elements of the Ocean Sea. Of course, partial parallels exist, and many are referenced in
this sense, known from the first passage philippics Demosthenes (38.41). I did not quite agree
with sarcasm Plato, who said about the Greeks that "those sitting on the Mediterranean coast,
like frogs." Nevertheless, between the sea civilization, which is inland and ocean civilizational
her there is a significant difference. That tension between East and West, is the planetary
problem definition of conflict that are characteristic of our period of history, have no analogues
in the past. World historical final volume of withstanding land and sea (as Ocean) reaches only
when mankind develops the entire planet.

The planetary nature of the battle between land and sea for the first time discovered during
England's war against revolutionary France and Napoleon. However, then divide by land and sea,
East and West was not yet as clear as it is today. Napoleon was finally defeated not England, but
continental Russia, Austria and Prussia. "Nomos" Earth 89 even then I lay in equilibrium
between the forces of land and sea; one sea, could not achieve on their own decisive victory.
In 1812, when a collision has reached its apogee, the United States declared war not to
Napoleon, and England. Then there was a rapprochement between America and Russia, both of
these young states have sought to distance themselves from both Napoleon and from England.
The contradiction between land and sea, between the East and the West has not yet

88 Mackinder initially used the term "Pivot area", "axial region", and later "The Heartland", "Earth Core". (HELL.)

89 "Nomos" fundamental category of Karla Shmitta, the axis of his theory of history, law, geopolitics. "Der Nomos der
Erde" called his main work. Nomos Greek verbum occasionalis nemein from a verb meaning "to take, possess, share, distribute,
develop, and so on." Etymologically, it corresponds to the German nehmen and Nahme, ie "Brother", "take". Cognate Nahme, ie
"name". In Russian, the closest this idea reflects the word "have" and the old Slavic "hath" ( "take"), from which the "name",
"property", "property", how to "raise", "adopt", "subtract" and even "understand" (cf. fr. SAISIR enough, to grasp, to take, to
understand). In some words value close to "divide", "put", "share" (in the sense of "property" and "fate"). The idea of "Nomos"
the idea of an ordered structure, specifically human characteristic historical organization of society, the family, the territory, law,
etc. It is possible to relate the concept of "nomos" y Schmitt with the concept of "structure" of the French Structuralists, and can
not be excluded in this case the direct and plagiarism (of course, by the French). Aware of the fact that Schmitt is largely affected
the largest European Hegelian Aleksandra Kozheva, who was, in turn, teacher Marcuse. (HELL.)

Call of vykristalli then into pure elemental confrontation that occurred only at the time of the
Alliance in 1949.

But in the time of Napoleon's pretty clear pattern emerged of political conflict, the predetermined
difference civilizational elements, ie such a conflict, where you had to choose between land and
sea. In July 1812, when Napoleon rises to Moscow, Goethe wrote a eulogy supposedly Queen
Marie Louise, but, in fact, her husband French emperor:

"Where thousands of people are in disarray, everything is decided by one man (Napoleon)."
German poet continues, referring to the global aspect of the confrontation of land and sea:
"Where going to the twilight century, he (Napoleon) scatters light
their spiritual sight. All insignificant disappeared,
Only a land and sea have here the value ". (" Worueber
trueb Jahrhunderte gesonnen Er uebersieht's im hellsten
Geisteslicht. Das Kleinliche ist alles weggeronnen, Nur
Meer und Erde haben hier Gewicht. ")

Goethe was on the side of Napoleon. For him, it was towards the land, Earth. But Napoleon also
identified with the West. West was then still the land and not the Sea. German poet sincerely
hope that the West will remain the epitome of the land, the continental power, and Napoleon, as
a new Alexander, will win the Sea Forces coastal areas, and then "The land will come into its

So Goethe, a typical representative of the West in the summer of 1812 opted for sushi, Earth vs.
the Sea. Of course, in accordance with their world view, he understood the opposition of the
Earth and the Sea as a static, polarity, and not as a dialectical unique historical moment. In this
case, it is essential that the difference between the static polarity and the historical dialectic,
which we mentioned at the beginning of this article.


Goethe was thinking in terms of a static polarity. But the polarity of the voltage is significantly
different from the intensity of the historical and dialectical. Static voltage assumes polar
synchronism during postoyanst, wherein the interaction of the opposite poles fixed structure
remains essentially the same camping under all ambient changing Rep resulting from specific
historical situations. It is a kind of eternal return.
Specifically historical approach explores the contrary, a logic circuit and a historical relationship
between the specifics of the particular subject and the response to it. Question and answer given
dialectic historically specific and define the structure of historical situations and eras. Such a
dialectic is not necessarily identified with the concepts of the Hegelian logic, or with fatal
regularity given the natural course of events.

Interests us here, however, research struc ture specifically existing in our world planetar Foot
dualism (rather than a general theory of the historical process). Historical thinking is thinking of
singly-GOVERNMENTAL, disposable historical situations and therefore disposable truths. All
historical analogies serve only the best discernment of this uniqueness, otherwise they become a
dead functional elements of an abstract system, which simply does not exist in real life is. It is
absurd and unrealistic to do this kind of assumption: what would have happened if events took a
different turn than they received in real history. For example, what if the Saracens defeated at the
Battle of Poitiers? What if Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo? What if winter 41/42 was not
cold? Such absurd assumption that you can even meet with famous historians are absurd for the
simple reason that they completely lost sight of the uniqueness and originality of any historical
event. The structure of the polar tense Nosta is always relevant, eternal as the eternal return.
Historical truth is, on the contrary, only once true. It can not be true more than once, as it is in
single is its historicity. Disposable historical truth is one of the secrets of ontology, in the words
of Walter Varney. The dialectical structure of question and answer, which we are talking here,
trying to explain the essence of the story is in no way weakens or abolishes as a single historical
event. On the contrary, it only strengthens it, because it is a unique concrete answer to an equally
unique specific question.

If the confrontation between land and sea, expressed in modern planetary dualism was only static
polar, ie, included in the balance of nature and the chain of eternal return, it would be only a
fragment of a purely natural process. Elements of nature are separated and reunited,

mixed and stratified. They follow each other and merge into one another in a ceaseless cycle of
metamorphoses, which opens up more and more new images and forms the essence is always the
identity of the polar voltage. If it came down only to such natural static dualism, the current
confrontation between East and West would be only a special form of expression of the eternal
circulation of elites, problem iconography. The eternal return and eternal turned knows of a
specific truth,

unique situation, historical moment. Static-polar

opposition excludes historical uniqueness. But in the particular history is different. At certain
times there are capable and powerful people and groups who seize and divide the land in the
process of a treaty of friendship or war, hosted on its territory, graze cattle, etc. This formed
Nomos Earth. It is limited to its unique here and now, and tensions between the elements, which
we think, between land and sea, only creates a natural, objective context in which a given Nomos
develops. If we take the Earth and Sea (and creatures inhabiting them) as the only natural
elements, it is clear that by themselves they can not create a hostile confrontation, which would
have a strictly historical event meaning. Inhabitants of the sea, and the inhabitants of Sushi can
not be absolute in nature enemies. It happens that the land animals eat sea, but ridiculous in this
case to talk about some kind of enmity. Sami fish every now and devour each other, especially
large ones. And the inhabitants of Sushi relate to each other not much better. Therefore, one can
not say that there is a natural hostility of the land and sea. Rather, in a purely natural state, these
two elements exist quite aside and indifferent to each other, so much so that to speak of such a
specific and intense as the ratio of the feud is completely ridiculous. Every living being is in his
element, in their environment. Bear is not hostile in nature with a whale, and the whale does not
declare war bear. Even sea and land predators firmly know their boundaries and limits of their
habitat. Bear does not infringe on the ownership of a lion or a tiger; even the wildest beasts know
their place and anxious to avoid unpleasant encounters. Those who cited as an example of the
natural enmity relations cats with dogs, but once again proving out that such a natural enmity is
very different from the human. When the dog barks at the cat, and the cat hisses at the dog, their
conflict has a completely different meaning than people enmity. The most important difference is
that the people in contrast to the animal's ability to deny the existence of the human qualities in
their opponents, and the animals do not have. Dogs Being spiritually and morally does not
question the existence cats and vice versa.

However, revealing that it is a fable about animals especially vividly illustrate the specifically
human political situation and relations. Generally speaking, from a philosophical point of view,
the problem of fables about animals is interesting in itself. Transferring wildlife purely human
political situation, we demifologiziruem clarifying them, depriving the ideological and rhetorical
covered. It is due to the fact that the relationship among the animals have a completely different
meaning than the relationships among people, such allegorical reception when people act like
animals, and animals as people reveals hitherto hidden through a conscious departure from the
straight and univariate analysis. Reincarnation in animals alienates a person from a human, but a
human alienation is becoming only more clear and convex. This is based on the political
meaning of the fables about animals (on which we will not consider here ostanavli vatsya).

When transferring the land-sea duality on chelovechest in seemingly the focus should be on the
sea Sea conflicts between people and land conflicts between people of the Land. In reality, things
are quite different, from the moment when The historically skoe planetary voltage reaches a
certain critical level. Unlike animals, humans, and only humans are able to make war between
the nations and peoples of Sushi Sea. When hostility reaches its highest point, hostilities capture
all possible areas and the war on both sides expands camping both on land and at sea. Each of the
parties is forced to pursue the enemy deep into the hostile elements. When mastered, and the
third, the air element, the conflict carried over to her, and the war becomes an air war. But the
original actors of the conflict does not lose its quality, so I presented etsya reasonable to speak
about confronting the Research Institute of the Earth element and the Sea element. When
planetar HO- historic standoff nearing its peak, both sides are stretching all their material, mental
and spiritual strength. Then the battle extends to all adjacent to opposing sides of the conductive
area. And the spontaneous natural difference between land and sea in this case turns into a real
war between these elements. Hostility between people has a specific strain it, which surpasses
the voltage characteristic of hostility in the realm of nature. In man, all aspects of nature are
transcended, acquire transcendental (or transcendental, whatever) measurement. This extra
dimension can also be called "spiritual" and recall Rimbaud, who said: "Le combat spirituel est
aussi brutal que la bataille des hommes" 90. Be that as it may, the hostility between people
can reach an incredible degree. This higher degree of hostility evident in the civil war, when the
enemy is criminalized enough, morally, legally and ideologically, that ACTUAL ski is put
beyond all human laws. This makes itself felt some peculiar only to man, purely supernatural
element, transcendent in relation to its natural dimension; This element creates incredible tension
and turns the natural polarity specific historical dialectic.

The word "dialectic" here expresses the special quality (inherent only to mankind), which the
Cardinals but distinct from all natural forms of polarity. The word "dialectic" refers to the
structure of "question and answer", which alone can adequately describe the historical situation
or a historical event. The historical situation can only be understood as a challenge thrown by the
man and his response to this challenge. The historically skoe every action there is a human
response to a question put ny history. Every man's word is the answer. Every answer makes
sense through a question to which he is called upon to answer; for someone who does not know
the question, the word is meaningless. And the meaning of the question, in turn, lies in the
specific situation in which he was raised.

All this is reminiscent of "the logic of question and answer" (Question-Answer Logic) RJ
Collingwood, and in fact, we just have it in mind. Collingwood by means thinking in terms of
"question and answer" sought to determine the specific sense of history. He did it with brilliant
precision, since this definition is meant to crown a philosophical way to overcome their own
ahistorical natural-scientific positivism for him. Collingwood's idea was brilliant, but the English
scientist was too deeply affected English definition of science, characteristic XIX century to be
able to overcome the psychological and individualistic interpretation skoe problem "question and
answer". Only this factor may explain his painful zakomplek-consistent seizures Germanophobia
which badly tarnished his latest work "The New Leviathan" 91. But the great merit of his
"logic of question and answer"

90 "Spiritual warfare as cruel as man's war" (fr.).

91 Schmitt himself, in turn, could be accused of Russophobia, based on an equally untenable (largely) prejudices arising,
however, from a different source: from his religious commitment from the Catholicism and absolute geopolitical Central Europe.
Armin Mohler in his brilliant book "The Conservative Revolution in Germany 1918 1932" has convincingly shown how the
geopolitical division of Europe into three zones of Western Europe (England, France), among NJ Europe (Germany, Austria),
Eastern Europe (Russia) is projected on the cultural evaluation of their neighbors, the inhabitants of these three zones. For
English and French the Germans barbarians who had just emerged from the forest, "Huns", wild descendants of Attila. For the
Germans themselves such barbarians represented Russian. But for the Russian Germans, seeming barbarians camping French and
English, are seen as soulless machines, vehicles purely Western civilization and culture (ie, both classic exaggerated Europeans).
Germans themselves in the absence of vitality and enthusiasm of the historical reproach of the French and the British.
Incidentally, this geopolitical typology of European ethnic groups determined the concept of "young people" (Taken by the
German conservative revolutionaries in Dostoevsky), recognized as such by Russian and German. In other words, the accusations
of barbarity could be interpret Vanir and positively as was the case in Russophile (preferably, Prussian, Protestant or Pagan)
camp Conservative Revolution in Germany, to which belong Arthur Mueller Van Den Broek, Oswald Spengler and especially
Ernst Nikisch and National sheviki pain. But despite their Russophobia, Schmitt

It is unconditional. However, we must emphasize that the question here is not to put an
individual or a group of people, and certainly not arbitrarily taken a historian researching the
past, but the story itself, consisting in its qualitative aspect of the questions and answers. The
question is in itself a historical event from which it grows through a particular human response to
the next event. Exactly the extent to which people accept the challenge and the question of
history and what they are trying to respond to them by their attitude and their actions, to the
extent that they demonstrate their ability to participate in risky stories and, therefore, exposed her
to the court. In short: they move from the natural state in the historical.

Arnold Toynbee has developed a "logic of question and answer" (question-answer logic) to the
cultural and historical concept "structure of the challenge-response" 92 (Challenge-response-

The concept of "matter" Toynbee developed to "call" of the concept, and the concept of
"response" to the "Review". This was an important step in clarifying the essential characteristics
of the historical, as there is clearly discernible not simply static polar, natural

voltage, disassemble unhistorical individually - psychological schools of thought in natural

science, but the tension, understood dialectically. Toynbee isolates on the basis of his method
more than twenty cultures or higher civilizations, each of which is based on a particular historical
answer, recall people to put the history of the question posed by her call. For example, in the
case of Egypt, the challenge is in the natural specifics of the Nile Valley in the attachment to the
river and the constant threat of enemy invasions. Development and organization of the space of
the Nile Valley, protection against external influences barbaric and based on that the Egyptian
civilization, with its cult of the gods, dynasties, pyramids and sacred art of all this was a concrete
response to the challenge.

Methodology of knowledge gained from this approach very much, because now it became
possible to study the dialectical structure of any historical situation. But Toynbee himself could
not escape character Nogo errors, significantly hurt his vision. When it begins to describe the
mechanism of interaction between them is allocated twenty civilizations or cultures, in his
analysis of the most significant side disappears historical structure itself stories unique
disposability each particular situation and its resolution. There are no universal laws of world
history. This abstract attempts to subdue the living history of dry
Earn Vaeth veneration and study on the part of Russian, just as he himself, being an ardent German nationalist, easy to forgive for
the sake of intellectual merit Germanophile bey Englishman

Collingwood. (AD).
92 In the Russian language there are not two words that would correspond to the English term "answer" and "response".
We are at

this point we translate it as "the answer" and "review". Both terms mean "the answer." By the way, there is no such distinction in
German, so that Schmitt in the text uses the English term "response", whenever referring to Toynbee and the German word
"Antwort", as implicitly meant Collingwood. In the English language there are two terms not explained clearly semantiche skim
division, but romance duplication (response) of the German word (answer). We chose a Russian translation in the future, both
words translate as "the answer", so as not to overload the text of the terminology (especially since we have demonstrated the
artificiality of this distinction). Response as a response-review, according to Schmitt, describes the human response to the call
history in the key, more abstract concepts of natural science, from which Collingwood's concept was never to the end and do not
let go. However, as the presentation itself Schmitt begins to use the two terms interchangeably, choosing one or the other, rather,
for reasons purely stilistiche Skog nature. The same can be said about a couple of the terms "issue" and "challenge", question and
challenge. In this case, Schmitt prefers the word "challenge" almost uniquely, which he then translates into German Ruf, Anruf,
the reserves in the original English form challenge. The Russian philosophical literature accepted the term is always translated as
"the call". (HELL.)

styam natural or narrowly within the statistical probability of the functional system is
fundamentally wrong.

In reality, we are dealing only with disposable specific situations. And the specific situation of
our time actually determined that there confrontation between East and West has acquired the
character of a planetary dualism planetary hatred. When we try to clarify the nature of the
dialectical tension generated by this dualism, we do not seek to derive a universal law or
statistical probability, not to mention the construction of some systems. When we use the word
"dialectic", "dialectical", we are exposed to the risk of being misunderstood and numbered with
narrow Hegelian school. This is not quite true. Historical dialectics of Hegel, in fact, makes it
possible to comprehend the disposable and the uniqueness of the historic events that can be seen
from Hegel's phrase that the Incarnation of the Son of God is a central event in all of human
history. From this it is clear that the history of Hegel was not just a chain of objective laws, but
they have and the subjective dimension of active participation. But in general Hegel's
systematization is often lost historical uniqueness and specific historical event is dissolved in the
one-dimensional thought process. This remark is enough to clarify our understanding of the term
"dialectic" and prevent automatic enrollment Hegelians, it is not uncommon for "technical",
automatic way of thinking of our contemporaries.

Apart from a misunderstanding of the essence of the historical dialectic characteristic of

Hegelianism as a whole, it should also be wary of a typical XIX century mania to the formulation
of laws and the discovery of the laws. This illnesses suffered almost all Western sociologists and
historians in addition to Alexis de Tocqueville. The need to deduce from each specific historical
situation of the universal law of development covered the scientific discoveries of even the most
astute minded lei last century almost impenetrable veil of vague generalizations.

The construction of a concrete historical fact to some general human law was that the board,
which compensated for a XIX century natural science and positivism. The scientists simply
could not imagine some truth is universal, precisely calculated and measured functional patterns.
So Ogyust Kont contemporary historian, endowed with brilliant intuition, a properly defined the
essence of his era and present the results of which consists of three stages: from theology through
the metaphysics of positivism. It was quite true remark, accurately determining a one-time,
carried out in three points move that made Western thought from the XIII to XIX century. But
the positivist Ogyust Kont himself could believe in the truth of the principle he formulated only
after said that the law of the three stages apply to all mankind and its history. Karl Marx, in turn,
put a very precise diagnosis of the state of affairs which characterized the second phase of the
industrial revolution in the middle of the XIX century in Central and Eastern Europe; but the
trouble is that he built his ideas into a universal world-historical doctrine and proclaimed
simplistic thesis of the "class struggle", whereas, in fact, it was just about a particular moment of
the techno-industrial revolution associated with the invention of railways, the telegraph and the
steam engine. Already in the XX century, Oswald Spengler significantly limited the importance
of his discoveries about the deep historical parallels between this era and the era of the Roman
Civil War and the period of the Caesars, which was on this basis, a general theory of cultural
circles, and thus killed strictly historical nerve throughout its work.


Industrialization and technological development are today the fate of our land. So, we try to
identify a one-time historical question, a great challenge and a specific response generated by the
industrial revolution of the last century -Technical. Dropping all superficial opinions, involving
us in risky system causal conditionality. We are separated from the general notion of tension
purely dialectical tension that is different from the static polarity. But the concept of dialectical
tension should not be interpreted as a banal product of Hegelianism, of natural views or the
normative structures. Formula Toynbee on the "call-response" and should be used only as a tool,
as we should, first of all, to understand the true especially disp-hand the actual truth of today's
planetary dualism between East and West.

Here we will help text Arnold Toynbee in 1953 with the expressive title: "The World and the
West" ( "World and the West") 93. This work has provoked fierce criticism and controversy,
which we prefer to ignore, because we are concerned here only the opposition of the Earth and
Sushi. Toynbee speaks of our era, highlighting it as a separate category of the West, opposed to
the rest of the world.

West appears to him as the aggressor, who for four and a half centuries, are expanding their
industrial and technical might of the East in four main areas: Russia, the Islamic world, India and
East Asia. For Toynbee it is very important that this aggression carried familiarize through
vacant by the norms of Christian tradition technique (entfesselte Technik). The fact that today's
East he began to be widely used technique is to Toynbee began his active self-defense in the face
of the West. However, in the XVII century, the Jesuits attempted to preach the Christian religion,
Indians and Chinese are not like Western religion, but as a universal religion related equally to
all people. Toynbee believes that this attempt, unfortunately, failed due to disagreements that
dogmatic sions between various Catholic missions and preaching the centralized network of
Jesuits. The meaning of the October Communist revolution, according to Toynbee, is that the
East began to arm themselves liberated from the Christian religion European appliances. This
technique Toynbee calls "a piece of European culture, the breakaway from her by the end of the
XVI century." Note this crucial, absolutely exact wording. Let us now in light of the "question-
answer logic" that was the challenge and the recall, which historically manifested in our time
through the industrial-technological leap sky. What happens the industrial revolution? The
answer to what question it is? What are its origins and its homeland, its beginning and its
motivation? It comes from the island of Britain and dates back to the XVIII century. Repeat the
memorable date of 1735 (the first coke oven), 1740 (the first cast steel) 1768 (first steam engine),
1769 (the first modern factory in Notinge IU), 1770 (the first spinning machine) 1786 (the first
mechanical loom) 1825 (first locomotive). Great industrial revolution happening with
island of England, has become since the XIX century, a major industrial country in the world.
This historical

93 This formula is "The World and the West" (and implicitly contained in its geopolitical concept) clearly resonates with
the work Samuila Hantingtona "Clash of civilisations", one of which is called domes analogously "The West and the Rest".
American conservatives Huntington is clearly influenced by Toynbee and apparently feels his successor. (HELL.)

phenomenon which we must constantly bear in mind already noticed the first German sociologist
Lorenz von Stein in 1842. He wrote in this regard:

"Surprisingly and unexpectedly, at the same time in France, subject to the ideas of freedom and
equality, in England there are the first machines. Together with them, opens up a whole new era
for the world in matters of welfare, production, consumption and trade. Machinery Steel a truly
revolutionary force in the material world, and this slave of the material world, they began to
spread their moguschest in depth, in all spheres of the spiritual world. "

"Surprisingly and unexpectedly," and it was "in England!" These words can be heard greedy to
know the surprise of the young German who becomes conscious of the historical situation of its
people, and in Paris, Lui Filippa understands that politi Skye revolution sprawling since 1789
throughout the European continent, there are only a pale ideological epiphenomenon compared
with an industry-trivial revolution spreading in England and represents a truly revolutionary
force. Thus was born just given us remarkable naya phrase from the head at a considerable name
"proletariat." In the same text for the first time in the European debate is introduced scientific
understanding of the problem of the fundamental differences between the labor force and of

Thus, the industrial revolution happens in England of the XVIII century. What was the historical
situation on the island at that time? England was an island, separating from the XVI century on
the European continent and took the first steps to clean sea existence. This, from a historical
point of view, is the most important for us. Everything else is only a superstructure,
superstructure. Whatever external event, we have chosen as the final step to a purely maritime
existence, Jamaica capture Cromwell in 1655, the final expulsion of the Stuarts in 1688 and the
European world in Utrecht in 1713, the main thing is the following: a European people from a
certain point stopped considered an island where he lived part of some remote European Sushi
and recognized it as the basis for the existence of a purely marine and maritime dominion over
the world's oceans. Starting from the XVI century England entered a period of great geographical
discoveries and began to fight for the colony in Portugal, Spain, France and Holland. She won all
of their European rivals, not because of moral superiority or power, but only exclusively because
that made a decisive and irreversible step on solid land to the open sea, and in such a situation
inning land colonies provides control over the maritime areas.

It was a one-time, unique, historic response as a one-time, unique historical challenge in the great
challenge of the century European geographic discoveries. For the first time the call came in the
known history of mankind, referring not only to specific rivers, shores or inland seas; the first
time he had a planetary, global. Most European nations have realized this call in the continental
land terms. The Spanish established their giant transatlantic empire; while it remained essentially
land and build on the vast continental masses. Russian broke away from Moscow and won the
to Siberia. The Portuguese, in spite of their amazing achievements in navigation, is also not able
to move to a purely maritime existence. Even the epic era of the Portuguese discoveries,
"Lusiads" Komoensa, talk about the Indian Ocean, in fact almost the same as Aeneas, Virgil
speaks of the Mediterranean Sea. Dutch first embarked on a global sea adventures and long
remained at the forefront. But the base was too weak to take root in the land policy powers too
deep, and after the peace of Utrecht in the Netherlands in 1713 was finally tied to the land. The
French entered the war with England two hundred years, and eventually lost it. England
Continent is not particularly worried about (the least hampered by the continent), and it finally
and successfully moved to a purely maritime existence. This created A direct governmental
preconditions for industrial revolution.

The former European island once discarded the traditional, land view of the world and began to
successively view the world with the position of the Sea. The land as a natural human living
space has turned into something else, into the shore, extending deep into the continental expanse,
in the backland. In the XV century during the Maid of Orleans English knights, like the knights
of other countries in a fair fight to earn their trophies. Until the XVI century, the British were
sheep farmers sold wool to Flanders, where she made from fabric. And that nation has turned
into a nation of "peniteley seas" and founded not only the sea, but the oceanic ical, a world
empire. The island has ceased to be separately disposed Sushi fragment and transformed into the
ship lying at anchor near continent. In place of the old, land Nomos of the Earth has entered a
new Nomos, including its structure mastered space open sea CTBA, but breaking away to sea
from the continental mass and protivopostav-governing SPACE Sushi Sea, to create a balance
with the control over the land from the sea.

What has disappeared from European culture in the XVI century, it was contrary to Toynbee, is
not a "technical splinter", but something quite different. European island broke away from the
European continent and the new, called Sea island world rose against the traditional world of the
continental land. This world of the Sea has created a counterweight Sushi world, and the world
(Frieden, peace) in the land have become like weights in his hands. It was an expression of a
particular response to the call that opens the World Ocean. And on this island of Britain, accept
the challenge and take the plunge to the sea existence, suddenly appeared the first machines.


Ship marine base of human existence, just as the House is the foundation of their land existence.
The ship and the House are not antitheses in the sense of the static polar tension; they represent
different responses to different challenges of history. And the Ship and House are created by
technical means, but the main difference lies in the fact that the ship is completely artificial, tech
skoe vehicle, based on the total domination of man over nature. The sea is a kind of natural
environment, dramatically different from the Sushi. Sea more alienated and hostile. According to
the biblical narrative, the man got his habitat is through the separation of the Earth from the sea.
The sea was paired with danger and evil. Here we refer to the comments on the first chapter of
"Genesis" in the third volume of "church dogmas ki" Karl Barth. We emphasize only that for
overcoming Niya ancient religious horror at the Sea of humanity had to take considerable effort.
Technical efforts made to overcome this, essentially differs from every other
technical force. Man, dare to embark on a sea voyage, the word "pirate" was originally meant a
person who can take the risk, should be, in the words of the poet, "the triple armor on his chest"
(aes triplex circa pectus). Overcoming human inertial resistance of nature, constitutes the essence
of the cultural and civilizing activity, is very different in the case of shipbuilding, and
exploration of the Sea, and in the case of livestock breeding and the construction of housing on
the land.
Center and grain land life, with all its specific regulations dwelling ownership, marriage,
inheritance, etc. All this House. All of these specific regulations stem from the specifics of the
existence of land and especially of agriculture. The fundamental legal institution, Dominium
property gets its name from the House, Domus. This is evident and known to all lawyers. But
many lawyers, however, are not aware that the German word Bauer (paganus, farmer) is not
directly from the word "Ackerbau" (plowing), but from the word "Bau", "Gebaude",
"aedificium", ie "Building", "building", "home". It originally meant a person who owned the
house. So, in the center of the existence of land the house stands. In the center of the sea of
existence sailing ship. The house is quiet, ship movement. Therefore, the ship has a medium and
the other horizon. People living on the ship are in a completely different relationship with each
other and with the environment. Their relationship to nature and animals is quite different from
the land of people. Land man tame animals elephants, camels, horses, dogs, cats, donkeys, goats,
and "all that belongs to him," and makes them Domash these animals. Fish can not be tamed,
they can only catch and eat. They can not become household pets E, since the idea of the House
of alien sea.

In order to realize the abysmal difference between land and sea existence, we have given the
cultural and historical example. Now we try to find the answer to the question why the industrial
revolution with its characteristic impulse technological emancipation (entfesselte Technik)
originated in a marine existence. Overland existence, the center of which is the House,
completely different attitude to the technique, rather than the existence of the sea, the center of
which is a ship. Absolutization of technological progress, the identification of any progress
exclusively with technological progress, in short, is what is meant by the term "liberated
technical gust", "emancipation machines" all this could have arisen, to grow and develop only on
the basis of the existence of the sea, in a climate of sea existence. The fact that the island of
England accepted the challenge of the global ocean is opened and brought to its logical
completion of the transition to a clean sea to the existence of, he gave a historical answer to the
question posed ny era of great geographical discoveries. At the same time it was also a
prerequisite for the industrial revolution and the beginning of the era whose problems
experiencing it today we all are.

Specifically, we are talking about the industrial revolution, which is now our common destiny.
This revolution could not be carried out anywhere and never, except in England XVIII century.
Industrial Revolution just means liberation of technical progress, it becomes clear only liberation
based on the specifics of the existence of sea in which it is, to some extent, is reasonable and
necessary. Technical discoveries have been made at all times and in all countries. Technical
endowments British talent does not exceed other people. It is only on how to use technical
discovery and to what extent; in other words, what system of standards is the discovery place. In
the conditions of existence of technical opening of the sea make camping more easily and freely,
so they do not necessarily have to be integrated into the structure of the fixed norms inherent in
land-existence. The Chinese invented gunpowder; they were no more stupid Europeans who also
invented it. But in the pure land,

The then closed the existence of China, this led him but the use of exceptional games and
fireworks. In Europe, the same led to the discoveries Alfreda Nobelya and his sequence teley.
The British, in the XVIII century committed all his famous discovery, which led to the industrial
revolution hydrochloric, coke ovens, steel production, the steam engine, loom, etc., were not
brilliant the other people from other countries and other times, lived on the land laws and made
similar discoveries independently of the British. Technical discoveries are not revelations of
mysterious higher spirit. They are dictated by time, in many ways. But they forget or they
develop it depends on the human context in which they were made. I have to put it precisely:
technical discoveries underlying the Industrial Revolution, but there actually will lead to the
Industrial Revolution, which made a decisive step towards the existence of the Sea.

The transition to a purely maritime existence already carries in itself and in its direct
consequences of liberated art as an independent and self-sufficient force. Any development of
technology in the previous period of existence of land has never led to the emergence of such a
principle as an absolute technology. It must be emphasized that the shore and connected with the
internal shape of cultures seas do not mean the transition to a purely maritime existence. Only
with the development of ocean ship becomes the antithesis of this House. Unconditional belief in
progress (understood as technological progress) is a sure sign that made the transition to the sea
survival. In historically, socially and morally infinite space of the sea of existence itself a chain
reaction of the vast series of discoveries. We are not talking about the difference between
nomadic and sedentary peoples, and the contradiction between land and sea the two opposing
elements of human existence. Therefore wrong to speak of "sea nomads" in the same breath with
the nomads on horses, camels, etc. Unauthorized transfer land conditions on the element of the
Sea. Living space of mankind in its supernatural, historical sense radically different in all
respects internal and external depending on whether we are talking about the existence of the
land or sea. From whatever position we may look at this distinction, from sea to land and from
land to sea, it manifests itself in a completely different way struktu ingly force of civilization and
the cultural field; It should be noted that culture itself is mainly refers to the land, and civilization
to the Sea 94 sea world focused tehnomorfno, while overland sotsiomorfno.

The two most important phenomenon of the XIX century can be illuminated in a new light with
the help of the theory of the specificity of marine life. We are talking about classical economics
the end of XVIII and beginning of XIX century Marxism. As the industrial revolution discovers
the vastness of provoking more and more new steps on the path of progress TECHNICAL
liberated. So-called classical political economist mia has conceptual superstructure, hydrochloric
developed based on the first stage of the industrial revolution. Marxism, in turn, founded their
teachings have on this superstructure of classical political economy. He developed it and
developed a conceptual superstructure for the second stage of the Industrial Revolution. In this
capacity, Marxism has been adopted by the elite of Russian professional revolutionaries who It
managed to do in 1917, a revolution in the Russian Empire and the move double the
superstructure on the conditions of his agrarian country. In all this, it was not about the practical
implementation of the pure doctrine and logical realization of the objective laws of historical
development. The idea was that industrialized a backward agrarian country felt the need to arm
themselves with modern industrial technology, as otherwise it has been provided for the
production role of other more developed industrially major powers. Thus, Marxism in the
ideological superstructure of the second stage of the Industrial Revolution turned into a practical
tool for overcoming the industrialists but technological vulnerability of the vast country, as well
as the displacement of the old elite, obviously unable to cope with the performance of the
historical task. But consistently carried to its logical conclusion the principles of classical
economics was only one aspect of the Marxist doctrine. The roots of Marxism remained
Hegelian. At one point, Hegel's "Fundamentals of Philosophy of Law" in Section 243 contains
the meaning of the whole problem. It is a famous place. This section describes the dialectic of
bourgeois society, freely developing according to its own laws, and stressed that "this society
inevitably carries a progressive increase in population and industry." Hegel argues that such a
society "with all its richness will never be sufficiently rich, ie based only on their internal
capabilities will never be able to prevent the growth of poverty and the increase in the number of
poor people." Gegel wherein openly referenced as an example in the then England. In paragraph
246 he continued is: "According to this dialectic, concrete bourgeois society is forced to go
beyond their borders to look for among the nations that are lagging behind or in the level of
development of industrial tools or technical skills that consumers of their products, and therefore
the means for its its own existence. " 95

94 A clear allusion to Oswald Spengler, protivopos nent civilization and culture. (HELL.)

These are the famous paragraphs 243 246 of Hegel's "Philosophy of Law Fundamentals", which
received its final development in Marxism. But as far as I know, no one paid any attention to the
deeper meaning of section 247 immediately following the

just cited. It affirms the fundamental

the contrast between land and sea, and the deployment of the 247 paragraph would be no less
significant and important than the deployment sections 243,246 in Marxism. Here it is approved
connection of industrial

development with marine existence Niemi. The 247th paragraph comprises the following crucial
sentence: "Just as for the first condition of marriage is solid earth, drying, since industry
quickening its maximum element is Sea." Here I interrupted his account, and give attentive
readers the opportunity to see in it the beginning of the deployment of 247-th paragraph of the
"Foundations of the Philosophy of Law" Hegel, just as the deployment of paragraphs 243 246
established Marxism.

95 From this position it is easily deduced highlights of the Leninist theory of "imperialism as the highest stage of
capitalism" and the basic principles of the concept of "self-sufficiency of large spaces" (and wider "economic nationalism")
Friedrich List. Curiously, the German conservative revolutionaries learned from the development of theses Liszt practically the
same conclusions that Lenin from Hegel and Marx. In both cases it was a planetary anti-imperialist struggle for the "rights of
peoples" against the Anglo-Saxon colonialism thalassocratic. By the way, the main theoretician of the "rights of peoples" was
named Carl Schmitt. Geopolitical application and development of the principle characteristic of Haushofer. (HELL.)

Our analysis gives rise to a new question, and with it a new danger. This suggests the desire to
put the following problem: what is the actual call history? And then there is the dangerous
temptation to answer this question the old way, adequate and correct in the preceding period.
People tend to cling to something that has proven once before its validity and effect. They
categorically refuse to understand that on the part of mankind a new response to a new question
can only be assumptions Niemi, and often, as in the case of Columbus's travels, the blind
assumption. A person has irresistible need to refer to the last chronologically historical
experience as something eternal. When we, the Germans, in 1914, invaded France, it seemed to
us that the events will now evolve in the years 1870-71 up to our solver Noah victory. When in
1870-71. French besieged made a sortie from Paris, they were confident that all will go again on
the scenario of a victorious revolution in 1792 when US Secretary of State Stimson declared his
famous doctrine in 1932, Stimson doctrine, he believed that in general, it has emerged situation
is reminiscent of an enlarged scale of 1861 and the beginning of the war of independence.
A sense of history should protect us from such errors. Paradoxically, it is in those countries that
are furthest advanced in the relaxed technique is widely believed that from now on with the help
of technical means begins a breakthrough in the new space are endless space. Compared with
this breakthrough into space quincentenary breakthrough era of great geographical and technical
discoveries seem insignificant length of time. People are planning an attack on the stratosphere
and flying to the moon. Our very planet Earth gradually turns into a cosmic sky ship floating in
outer space.

This opinion seems to me a repetition of the old response and the development of the response
that was given once a call that opens the oceans. People see today's challenges as a large-scale
repetition of the discovery of America. Psychologically, so to speak, this is understandable. Then
you open up new continental land and oceans. Today I do not see any pop-up space, I do not hear
any call space. Let's not talk about flying saucers. Liberated technique can arbitrarily long and
fiercely bite into space, it does not get a new historical challenge and the more response to this
challenge. Of course, relaxed technique generates enormous power boost and the desire to
overcome it. But this momentum is not the same as a challenge. It is true that modern technology
always creates artificial needs nye, but it only means that it can, at best, provide a highly
artificial ny response as artificially staged her own question. It is an ultra-modern development of
the old answer is, from the point of view of history, ahistorical and anachronistic. However, the
situation is quite natural, when the winner of the past epoch completely passes unnoticed by the
new call history. And how can the winner to understand that his victory is a single truth? Who
will teach him that? I came to the conclusion that is already good if we refuse to give the old
answer to a new question. For many, if we conceptualize the world is not a new scheme for the
"new world" that existed yesterday. Personally, I see a new challenge on the wrong side of the
stratosphere. I notice that liberated naya technique rather limiting people than opens new space.
Modern technology is necessary and useful. But today she is very far from being able to provide
a response to any challenge it was. It only meets the new, partly generated by it itself, needs. For
the rest, she is put into question today, which means that it therefore can not be the answer.
Everyone is talking about the fact that modern technology has made our land to the ridiculous
small. The new space, where will be a new challenge, therefore, should be on this earth, and not
outside in the open space. The first one who will be able to enslave a relaxed technique, most
will answer the currently existing call than the one who use it to try to land on the moon or on
Mars. Taming relaxed technique is a feat for a new Hercules. Of this area, I heard a new
challenge, challenges of the present.
(Translated from German AD)
my daughter
Land and sea
the contemplation of the world history

Man - a being ground, land.

He is standing on the ground, walking on the ground, he moves on its solid unshakeable surface.
This is his samostoyaniya and soil; thanks to her, he finds, and has its own point of view; it
determines the best way to experience and perception of the world. Not only their horizons, but
even the shape of his gait and movements, their image and appearance, he acquires and saves as
being born on earth and living. Therefore, a celestial body on which he lives, he refers to "the
earth", although it is known that almost three-quarters of Earth's surface is water, and only one-
quarter of their own land; while even the largest areas of land are the only islands in the ocean
water. Since then, as we know that the Earth is a sphere, we speak of as the self-evident on the
"Globe". If you had to imagine "marine ball" or "water ball", you would find it odd and unusual.

All of our this-worldly existence, pleasure and pain, happiness and misfortune - is for us earthly
life and, accordingly, a paradise on earth and the earthly vale of sorrow. Thus, it is
understandable that in a variety of myths and legends, in which the people have kept their oldest
experience and profound memories, the Earth acts as a great mother of the people. It is called the
oldest among all the deities. Holy books tell us that the person is taken from the earth and must
again hath made dust of the earth. Earth - it is his mother's womb, he himself, thus, the son of the
earth. In their neighbors he sees earthly brethren, the citizens of the Earth. Among the traditional
four elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air - Earth element defines most human and it is
predetermined. The idea of the four elements that some other than the earth can decisively shape
the human being, at first glance looks like a fantastic opportunity. Man - this is not a fish or a
bird, much less a creature of fire, even if we assume that such may exist. Does it follow from this
that the essence of the human being and the very essence of a person purely earthly, and all the
other elements are merely additional elements of the second order? The matter is not so simple.
The answer to the question of whether anything other than the earth can be the hallmark of
human presence in the world is closer than we think. It is worth to you just go out to the beach
and look into the distance - and the grand expanse of the sea on the horizon will capture your
eyes. It is noteworthy that when a person is standing on the shore, he naturally directs his gaze on
the landward side of the sea, and not vice versa, from the sea to land. In the deep, often
unconscious memories of people and the sea water are the root cause of all things secret. The
myths and legends of most nations contained the memories not only of the earth-born, but also
emerged from the sea gods and humans. Throughout tells the story of the sons and daughters of
the seas and waters. Aphrodite, the goddess of female beauty, emerged from the foam of the
waves. Sea rocks and other creatures, and we'll meet later with the "children of the sea" and wild
"sea captors", a little like an enchanting picture of the foam-born female beauty. You see here a
completely different world, unlike the world of terra firma and sushi. Now you can understand
why the poets, natural philosophers and natural scientists are looking for the beginning of all life
in the water, and Goethe proclaimed in solemn verses:

·All emerged from the water,

· All water is stored,

· Ocean, give us
eternal your patronage!

The founder of the doctrine of the origin of all life from the water element is often called the
Greek natural philosopher Thales of Miletus (c. 500 years BC). But this view is both younger
and older Thales. It is eternal. In the latter 19th century, about the origin of humans and all living
creatures of the sea, he taught the great German scientist Lorenz Oken. And in genealogical

designed estestvoispytatelyami
Darwinists, fish and land animals are close by and one after the other in a different sequence. Sea
inhabitants appear here as the people's ancestors. The oldest and ancient history of mankind,
appear to confirm this hypothesis about the origin of life. Reputable researchers have discovered,

that along with "Autochthonous", that is born in the land, there are also "avtotalassicheskie" that
is exclusively determined by the sea peoples, never ex Travelers on the ground and did not wish
to know anything about the solid land, which is the boundary of purely marine existence. In the
Pacific Islands, in the Polynesian navigators, Kanak and Samoa is still possible to find the last
vestiges of this kind of fish-men. All of their existence, views, world, language evolved under
the decisive influence of the sea. All our notions of space and time, existing in a solid land
surface, they seemed just as alien and incomprehensible, as for us, the inhabitants of the land, the
world of the pure sea of people is barely comprehensible another world.

In any case, the question arises: what is our element? We - the children of the earth or the sea?
On that question impossible reply uniquely. prehistoric myths
natural science of modern times hypotheses and results of historical research the era of the first
records left both possibilities open to answer.

The word "element" in any case, requires a little further explanation. Since the aforementioned
philosopher Thales, since the era of the Ionian philosophy, that is, from about 500 BC, the
European nations to talk about the four elements, or elements. Since then, the idea of quaternions
of the elements - earth, water, air and fire - remains alive and ineradicable, and to this day,
despite all scientific criticism. Modern science has abolished the four original elements; it
distinguishes today over ninety quite differently structured "elements" and understands by this
word every source material and insoluble irreducible by today's chemistry methods. Thus, the
elements explored today natural science both experimentally and theoretically, are those four
primordial primary elements only a common name. No physicist or chemist is not solved today
to argue that any of the four elements is the sole original cause, the raw material of the universe,
such as talking about water Thales, the fire - Geraklit Efessky, on the air - Anaximenes of
Miletus, and Empedocles of Akraganta taught connection elements, which he called "the root of
all things." The mere question of what, exactly, is meant by the root cause, the source material,
the roots of things - have led us into a discussion of an immense number of physical,

scientific, metaphysical and epistemological problems. To meet the needs of our historical
contemplation we can still to restrict the representation of this quaternary elements, or elements.
Because these elements are simple and descriptive names for us. This extends the value pointing
to different kinds of fundamental capabilities of the human being in the world. Therefore, we can
still use them today, especially when are talking about domination by the sea and on the rule by
land, on sea and the continental powers, referring to water and earth elements.

Thus, "cells" Earth & Sea, referred to below may be conceived not only as a natural scientific
value. In this case, they would have immediately collapsed on the chemical constituents,
ie be applied in the historic nothing.

These elements predetermines historical fulfillment options, particularly marine or terrestrial

form of existence is not deployed as a mechanical tasks. If a man was a living organism, without
the rest reducible to the effects of the world, he would represent himself or an animal or a fish or
a bird or a fantastic mixture of these elementary forms, according to the effects of natural
disasters. Net model samples corresponding to the four elements, in particular pure or pure sea
earth people would have among themselves would be very little in common, they are opposed to
each other completely isolated, and this isolation would be hopeless so than would contain less
impurities active type. The mixing was allowed to be successful or unsuccessful types and would
generate hostility or affection as affinity or contrast. Being and man's fate would be determined
by purely natural order, as happens in the case of an animal or plant. One could only conclude
that some devour the other, while others coexist peacefully in a biological symbiosis. Would not
there is no human history as a human action and human solutions.

We know, however, that the human being can not be reduced to a purely natural order. He has
the gift of mastering its own being and consciousness in the process of historical achievements.
He knows not only birth, but also the possibility of spiritual rebirth. The trouble and danger,
when animals and plants are dying helplessly, he is able to be reborn to a new life by the
intellectual efforts of voluntary solutions, self-situation analysis and conclusions. It has a free
space for its power and its historical power. He was given a choice, and at certain points in
history, he is able to choose the element to which it adheres by its own action and their own
efforts as a new form of its historical existence, and in which it is settling. In this sense, he
learned well as the poet says, "the freedom to choose the way, which have desired."

World history - a history of the struggle of the continental powers against maritime powers and
maritime powers against the continental powers. Admiral Kasteks, a French expert on military
science, prefaced his book on strategy summarizing headline Sea against Earth, la Mer contie la
Terre. Thus it is in line with a long tradition.

The initial antagonism land and sea has been seen for a long time, and in the late 19th century
had then tensions between Russia and England loved to portray the battle as a bear with a whale.
Keith denotes here a huge mythical fish Leviathan, which we still hear something, does it mean
to bear one of the many representatives of terrestrial animals. According to the medieval
interpretations of the so-called Kabbalists, world history are nothing else than the struggle
between the mighty whale, Leviathan, and as strong terrestrial animals behemoth, which
imagined as a bull or an elephant. Both names - Leviathan and Behemoth - borrowed from the
book of Job (chapters 40 and 41). Thus, Kabbalists claim that
Behemoth Leviathan tries to break his horns and teeth, Leviathan is keen to clamp their fins
mouth and nose Hippo, that he was unable to eat and breathe. It is very visual, which only allows
a myth, an image of the blockade continental power sea power, which covers all sea approaches
to the land, to bring about hunger. So the two warring powers to kill each other. However, the
Jews - say the Kabbalists further - then celebrate the millennial "feast Leviathan", which tells the
famous poem by Genrih Geyne. To give a historical interpretation of the feast of the Leviathan,
often cite the Kabbalist Isaac Abravanel. He lived in 1437 - 1508 years. in times of great
discoveries was the first treasurer of the king of Portugal, then the king of Castile and respected
man died in Venice in 1508. So he knew the white light and all the riches of the world, and knew
what he said.
Let us take a quick look at the some of the events of world history from the standpoint of the
struggle between land and sea.
World of Greek antiquity originated from travels and wars of peoples, explorers, "No wonder
nurtured their god of the sea." Prevailed on the island of Crete naval power drove the Persians
from the eastern Mediterranean and created a culture all inexplicable charm which has been
revealed to us during the excavation of Knossos. A thousand years later in the naval battle of
Salamis (480 BC) Athens free to defend themselves against their enemies - "all commands
Persians" - for wooden walls, that is, on the ships, and escaped through this sea battle. His own
reign was defeated in the Peloponnesian War Continental Sparta; the latter, however, precisely
because of its continental character has not been able to unite and lead the city of Hellas Greek
empire. Rome, on the contrary, the former from the beginning of the Italian Republic and the
peasant purely continental state, turned into a real empire in the fight against maritime and
commercial domination of Carthage. Rome's history as a whole as a whole, especially so in this
period of a long struggle between Rome and Carthage, is often compared with other historical
situations and disasters. Such comparisons and parallels can be very instructive, but they often
lead to strange contradictions. For example, a parallel world that the British Empire was in
Rome, then in Carthage. Comparisons of this kind are mostly double-edged sword, which can be
taken by either party and turn. From the hands of the Roman Empire to fade maritime
domination vandals ripped out, the Saracens, Vikings and Normans. After many unsuccessful
attempts the Arabs conquered Carthage (698) and founded a new capital of Tunisia. Thus began
their long domination over the western Mediterranean. Vostochnorimskaya Byzantine Empire,
ruled from Constantinople, was the coastal empire. It had before it had a strong navy and a
mysterious weapon - the so-called Greek fire. However, all this serves only defensive purposes.
Anyway, in my capacity as a maritime power, she could take something that could not afford the
empire of Charlemagne - purely continental power; Byzantium was a real "holding", "Katechon",
despite his weakness, she "kept" Islam for many centuries, thus preventing the possibility of the
conquest of Italy by the Arabs. Otherwise Italy would have happened the same thing that
happened then to North Africa - Antique-Christian culture would have been destroyed, and Italy
would have been absorbed by the world of Islam. The Christian-European habitat later, a new
maritime power, to rise thanks to the Crusades Venice.

Thus, in the history of the world invades new mythical name. Nearly half a millennium Republic
of Venice was considered a symbol of wealth and domination of the sea, who grew up on
maritime trade. She achieved excellent results in the field of big politics, it was called "the most
bizarre creation in the history of economics of all time. " All that encouraged fanatical
Anglomania admire England v18-20 centuries before had already been the cause of admiration
Venice: great wealth; advantage of diplomatic skill with which sea power can cause
complications in the relations between the continental powers and conduct their wars by proxy;
aristocratic basic law, which gave the appearance of solving internal political problems of the
order; tolerance towards religious and philosophical views; refuge of the freedom of ideas and
political exile. It also includes a charming splendor of luxurious celebrations and beauty of Fine
Arts. One of these festivals held especially human imagination and contributed to the
glorification of Venice in the world - it was covered with legends "Betrothal of the sea", the so-
called sposalizio del mare.

Every year on the day of the Ascension the Doge of Venice republic went to sea on a luxury ship
of state, and cast into the waves of the ring as a sign of connection with the sea. Venetians
themselves, their neighbors and the peoples who lived far away from Venice, saw this as a
convincing character through whose power born of the sea and the sea is born of wealth acquired
mythical consecration. We, however, still be able to verify that in fact was the case with this
beautiful symbol that we will again see it in its original light. This fabulous sea queen shone
brighter 1000 to 1500 years. In 1000, the then Byzantine emperor Nikifor Foka could with some
more on the reason to say of himself: "Until now, you were in marital union with the sea, now it
belongs to me." Between these two dates is the era of the Venetian maritime supremacy over the
Adriatic, the Aegean sea and the eastern Mediterranean. In this era, there was a legend that
attracted in Venice back in the 19-20 centuries, an infinite number of travelers and the famous
romantic of all European nations, poets and artists - such as Byron, Musset, Richard Wagner,
Barray. No one can escape the charm of this legend, and the last thing I would like to restrain the
radiance of its glory. But if you ask whether we are dealing here with the case of a purely marine
existence and genuine choice in favor of maritime disaster, we immediately see how constrained
is maritime nation bounded by the Adriatic and the Mediterranean basin, where vast spaces once
opened the world's oceans.

German philosopher Ernst geography of Kas, whose mind was entirely at the mercy of the vast
world of Hegel's ideas, Empire classified according to the water factor in his "Comparative
Geography" (1845). He distinguishes three stages of development, the three-act of the great
drama. World history begins for him with "potanicheskogo" time, that is, with a culture of flood
plains of the Middle East in Mesopotamia of the Euphrates and the Tigris and the Nile River, in
the Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian kingdoms of the East. This is followed by the so-called
period talassichesky culture inland seas and the Mediterranean basin, which holds Greek and
Roman antiquity and the Middle Ages Mediterranean. With the discovery of America and the
start of voyages round the world comes the last and highest stage, the era of oceanic culture,
whose bearers are the Germanic peoples. To clarify the substance of the matter we are, but we
will use a three-part scheme discriminating River, The inland sea and ocean. Then we will see
more clearly why the maritime domination of Venice remained entirely on the second stage

Just a holiday, like the aforementioned "Betrothal of the sea", allows you to be conscious of this
difference. Such symbolic actions connected to the sea and there are other dependent peoples of
the sea. For example, the Indian tribes of Central America, engaged in fishing and seafaring, and
brought the sea deities sacrifices in the form of rings and other jewelry in the form of animals
and even humans. However, I do not think that similar rituals practiced and real "sea captors."
This does not mean that they are less prone to piety or less felt the need to spell divine powers.
But they did not think about the ceremony of betrothal or marriage to the sea, precisely because
they were real sea of children. They feel identical to the elements of the sea. The same symbolic
betrothal or wedding show, on the contrary, that the sacrificer and the deity to whom they
sacrifice are different, even opposing creatures. With such a sacrifice should appease the hostile
element. In the case of Venice ceremony clearly allows us to understand the meaning of the
symbolic act is not a product of the primordial sea of existence; much more is there a particular
style of holiday symbols, created a highly coastal culture and the culture of lagoons. Normal
navigation and culture, based on the use of favorable seaside location are still something else,
rather than moving the entire historical existence from the land into the sea, the sea as a selection
element of existence. Venice domination in the coastal zone begins 100 year voyage in Dalmatia.
Venice domination over the hinterland, such as over Croatia and Hungary has always been
problematic, and only what can be the domination of the fleet over the land. And in the field of
shipbuilding technology Republic of Venice did not leave the Mediterranean and the Middle
Ages until its demise in 1797. Like the peoples of the Mediterranean, Venice knew only rowing
boat, galley. Navigation on the great monuments came into the Mediterranean Sea from the
Atlantic Ocean. Venetian fleet had remained large fleet of galleys, driven propeller force. Sail
was used only as an additional element with favorable tailwind, as it was already in the ancient
times. A particular achievement was the improvement of navigation compass to its modern form.
Thanks to the compass, "the ship has got something reasonable, whereby man enters into
communion and porodnyaetsya the vehicle" (Kapp). Only now the most remote land in all the
oceans may come into contact, so that the open circle

terrestrial. But the modern compass whose appearance in Mediterranean earlier attributed mostly
to 1302 and to the Italian sea town of Amalfi, in any case, not invented in Venice. The use of this
new tool for ocean voyages were not peculiar to the Venetians. As I have already said and I
repeat, we do not want to downplay the shine and glory of Venice. But we must understand the
meaning of what is happening when people are together in all their historical existence makes the
choice in favor of the sea as a foreign element itself. The method of conducting naval battles of
that time most clearly demonstrates what is in question here, and no matter how small extent one
can speak of an elementary move the whole of human existence from the land to the sea in what
was then the Mediterranean. In the ancient naval battle rowing boats attack each other and try to
ram and to grapple with one another. Battleship therefore always represents a melee. "Ships grab
each other like a pair of fighting men." At the Battle of mils Romans first took enemy ships
boarded, throwing a wooden platform and installed in such a way bridge, which could start on
the enemy ship. Battleship turned thus into a land battle on ships. On the ship's planks were cut
like swords on stage. So we played out the famous naval battles of antiquity. Similarly, although
with a more primitive hand tools, led his naval battles Malay and Indian tribes. The last major
naval battle of this kind appeared at the same time last glorious feat of Venetian history - it was a
naval battle of Lepanto (1571). Here the Spanish-Venetian fleet met with Turkish and scored the
most convincing victory of the sea from all ever won by the Christians over Muslims. Battle
It occurred in the same place, at Actium, where shortly before the beginning of our era (30 BC)
joined the battle between East and West fleet of Antony and Octavian. Naval battle of Lepanto
was conducted in essentially the same ship-technical means that the battle of Actium half
millennia ago. In the melee on the ship's planks fought choicest foot of the Spaniards, the famous
thirds, with janissaries, elite troops of the Ottoman Empire.

Changing the way of war only a few years later there was a sea battle of Lepanto - was in the
defeat of the Spanish Armada in the English Channel. Small sailboats British found their
advantage before the big ships of the Spanish fleet. However, leaders in the field of shipbuilding
techniques were then not English, and Dutch. During the years from 1450 po1600 Dutch
invented new types of vehicles more than all other nations. Simply opening up new parts of the
world and the ocean was not enough to lay the foundation for the rule in the world's oceans and
seas provide a choice as elements of existence.

Not noble doji on the pompous court, but the wild adventurers and "Sea peniteli" brave,
furrowing the oceans whalers and daring drivers sailboats are the first heroes of the new marine
existence. In two key areas - whaling and shipbuilding - the Dutch were far ahead of the first.

Here I must first give praise to the whale, and the whale hunter. It is impossible to talk about the
great history of the sea and on the choice of the person in favor of the marine element, not to
mention the fabulous Leviathan and its equally wonderful persecution. Of course, this is a huge
topic. My faint praise does not reach neither China nor the hunter. How can I take the liberty to
properly talk about two nautical wonders - a powerful of all living animals and about the brave
hunters of all mankind?

I dare to do so only because I can rely on the credibility of the two great heralds and proclaimers
of both of these marine wonders - a significant French historian Jules Michelet, and the great
American writer Herman Melville. In 1861, the Frenchman has published a book about the sea -
a hymn to the beauty of the sea and its world of undiscovered wonders of the seabed treasures all
over the world, which has not yet been seized and have not yet used the "ferocious king of the
world", man. Melville is the same for the world's oceans than for the eastern Mediterranean is a
homer. In an exciting novel "Moby Dick" (1851), he described the great whale story, Moby
Dick, and hunting for him Captain Ahab folded thus the greatest epic oceanic disaster. Of course,
I realize that when I occasionally used here instead of the word "whale" of the phrase "fish-
whale" and instead of "hunter of whales" sometimes say "hunter whale fish", it is deemed
amateurish and inaccurate usage. I will teach about the zoological nature of the whale, which, as
is known to every schoolboy, is a mammal, not a fish. Already published in 1776 "System of
Nature" old Linnaeus could read that fish-kit - warm-blooded, breathe easy, not gills like a
normal fish; China is already the female gives birth to a live baby highly developed and almost a
year lovingly takes care of him and feeds him with her milk. I am in no way do not want to argue
with uchenymi- experts in a vast science of whales, with tsetologami, but I want to just briefly,
without debate, to explain why I completely reject the old name of "fish-whale". Needless to say,
whale is not a fish, such as pike and herring. However, calling this strange monster fish, I lays
bare the absurdity of the fact that such a warm-blooded giant betrayed sea elements, although it
is not predisposed to its
physiological structure. Just imagine for a moment the opposite case: an enormous, breathing
with gills creature running around the land! The biggest, the strongest and most powerful marine
animal roam the world's oceans from the North to the South Pole, breathing light and being a
mammal gives birth to live young in the world of the sea! It is also not an amphibian, but is a
true mammal, and comprehensive yet at the same time the fish in their habitat elements. In the
period under discussion, namely, from 16th to 19th century, hunters on the big fish were true
hunter with a capital letter, and not just some banal "whalers" or "whalers". It is not indifferent to
our theme.

French claque whale Michelet, in his book about the sea describes love and family life of whales
with great penetration. The male whale - agile lover whale females, gentle husband, caring
father. He represents the humanity of all living beings, it is more humane than a man who
consumes whale with barbaric cruelty. But as far as innocent were catching fish in the methods
of the time, in 1861, when it wrote Michelet! However, even then the ships and guns violated the
equality of man and whale, and the whale have reduced the poor to a convenient object of
shooting. And that would tell other people humane and animal lover Michelet, see today's
industrial production and sale of whale oil whale carcasses! For what is today, after World War I
1914 -. 1918, was formed and more perfected called "pelagic" deep fishing is no longer possible
to refer not only to hunting, and even fishing. Today, the South Pole of the Earth in a polar sea
are sent huge ships with a displacement of 30,000 tons, equipped with

electrical appliances, guns, mines, aircraft and radio equipment, like floating pots for cooking.
To the whale disappeared, and there is a dead animal is processed industrially produced directly
on board. So poor Leviathan would disappear soon from our planet. In 1937-1938. London
nakonets it was achieved an international agreement that defines certain rules of whaling,
establishes fishing districts, provides other conditions in order to protect at least the surviving
whales from further unplanned destruction.

Hunters in the whale, which is in question here were, on the contrary, the true hunters and fishers
are not trivial, and certainly not killed whales mechanically. They chased their prey from the
waters of the North Sea or from the Atlantic coast to sailing and rowing boats across the vast
expanse of the world's oceans, and the weapons with which they entered the battle with a
powerful and cunning sea giant, was the harpoon Dropped human hand. It was a dangerous fight
for life two beings, both of which are not being fish in a zoological sense, moving in the sea
element. All the means at hand, which is used in this struggle, the man was still actuated by the
muscular force of the person: sail, paddle and harpoon, a deadly javelin. Keith was strong
enough to make one blow of its tail to smash to pieces the ship and boat. Human trick he could to
oppose a thousand tricks of its own. Herman Melville, who himself served for many years as a
sailor on a whaling ship, describes in his "Moby Dick" as between the hunter and the victim
there, you can tell a personal relationship and intimate relationship of friendship-enmity. Here,
people increasingly sinking into the abyss of the sea elemental existence, thanks to the struggle
with the other inhabitants of the sea. These hunters of the whale swam under sail from the north
to the south of the globe and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. All the time following the
mysterious ways of the whale, they discovered islands and continents, without making this a
great noise. In Melville's one of these sailors, having become acquainted with the book of the
discoverer of Australia Captain Cook, utters these words: the Cook writes books about things
that whalers would not even put them in your logbook. Michelet asks: Who showed people the
ocean? who opened
oceanic zone and straits? In short: Who discovered globe? Whale and whale hunter! And all of
this regardless of Columbus and the famous gold seekers who are looking for a big hype that has
found noble fishermen of the North of Brittany, and of the Basque Country. Michelet says it
continues: the hunters themselves China is the greatest manifestation of the human spirit.
Without whale fishermen have always remained only on the coast. Fish kit lure them into the
oceans and granted independence from the shore. Due to the whale it was discovered ocean
currents and found passage to North. Keith chaired by us.

Then, in the 16th century, on our planet are two different types of hunters at the same time were
in the power of awakening the elements. On the ground, they were Russian hunters for fur
animals, which, following the fur-bearing animals, conquered Siberia and went overland to the
East Asian coast; North and West European hunters on the sea for a whale that is hunted in all
oceans of the world and as Michelet rightly points out, to make visible the globe. They - the first-
born of a new, spontaneous existence, the first true "Sea Children".

This epochal change has to a major event in the art. Here, the Dutch are ahead. In 1600, they
were the undisputed masters of shipbuilding. They invented new techniques of sailing techniques
and new types of sailing ships, which abolished the oars and opened opportunities for navigation
and shipping to meet the size of the newly discovered world's oceans. Okolo1595, a new type of
ship from zapadnofrizskogo Hoorn appears in North Holland. It was a boat with square sails,
which went under sail, not only with a fair wind, like an old sailing ship, but also the side of the
wind, knowing how to use the wind quite differently than the old court. Rigging and the art of
sailing navigation will be improved from now to an unprecedented degree. "Medieval Ship ends
catastrophically," - he said about this event Bernhard Hageborn historian of ship types. Here is a
true turning point in the history of relations between land and sea. This has been achieved
everything that allows to reach the material from which were made when the ship and rigging. A
new twist on the art of shipbuilding came only in the 19th century. "Similarly, the revelation -
Hageborn says - must have seemed sailors when once they left the big sail and saw how the rich
possibilities opens before them a small sail." Due to this technical achievement Dutch steel
"cabbies" all European countries. They also inherited the trade of the German Hansa. Even a
world power, Spain was forced to charter a Dutch court for their transatlantic traffic. In the 16th
century, in addition there is a new warship, and it opens a new era of maritime military strategy.
Equipped with guns, sailing with boards volleys fired at the enemy. Thereby becoming a naval
battle artillery battle from a distance, requiring great skill sailboat management. Only now you
can really talk about a sea battle, because the battle of crews rowing galleys, as we have seen, is
the only land battle on the ship. Linked to this is a completely new tactics and naval battle naval
warfare, a new art of "evolution", required before, during and after the sea battle. The first
scientific book in the modern sense of this new art came in Lyon in 1697 under the name "L`art
des armecs navales ou trait des evolutions navales"; its author was the priest of the Jesuits
Frenchman Paul East. It provides an overview of critical naval battles and naval maneuvers, the
Dutch, the British and French during the war of Louis 14 with the Dutch. Subsequently, there
were other French

the study of this question. Only in the 18th century in 1782 in a number of well-known theorists
of naval tactics included the Englishman in the face of the Clerk d`Eldina.

All the Western and Central European nations have contributed to the overall achievement is the
discovery of a new land and had the consequence of a global European hegemony. Italians have
perfected the compass and created navigation map; the discovery of America took place
primarily through the power of knowledge and intelligence Toscanelli and Columbus.
Portuguese and Spanish outfitted first great research expedition and circumnavigate the globe
under sail. The formation of a new picture of the world have contributed to the great German
astronomer and excellent geographers; the name "America" invented in 1507 by a German
cosmographer Valttsemyuller and enterprise of foreigners in Venezuela was a great start to
Colonial, which, however, could not cope with the Spanish resistance. The Dutch were leading
whaling and shipbuilding techniques. France has especially ample opportunities both because of
its geographical position on three coasts - the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the
English Channel - and because of its economic potential and because of the tendency to
navigation population its Atlantic coast. French viking Zhan Fleri in 1522 struck the first heavy
blow to the global hegemony of the Spanish and captured two of the ship laden with jewels,
which Cortes sent from America to Spain; French pioneer Zhan Karte have already opened in
1540. Canada, "New France" and took possession of it for their king. A particularly important
part of the awakening of marine energies of that era were Huguenot corsairs, natives of La
Rochelle. France for many decades has surpassed Britain in the field of military construction of
sailing ships in the 17th century, with brilliant marine minister Colbert.

Achievements in the British shipping industry, of course, is also very significant. But to swim
south of the equator British sailors begin only after 1570. Only in the last third of the 16th
century begins a great awakening of the English buccaneers to sail across the ocean to America.

All kinds of "sea captors" pirates, corsairs, adventurers engaged in maritime trade up, along with
the whale hunters and drivers sailboats, shock tower of natural turn to the sea, which is carried
out during the 16-17 centuries. It should be brave race "Sea Children" in front of us. Among
them are well-known names, heroes sea stories and tales about robbers, such as Frants Dreyk,
Hekvins, Sir Walter Relli, or Sir Henry Morgan, the celebrated in a variety of books; the fate of
each of them in fact, was quite rich adventure. They captured the Spanish fleet with silver, and
one this topic in itself is already quite intriguing. There is an extensive literature on the pirates at
all, and many of the great names in particular, and in the English language dictionary is made
even them under the funny name "The Pirate`s Who's Who", Encyclopedia of pirates. Whole
categories of these brave pirates in fact earned a reputation in the history, since the first blows
dealt by the Spanish hegemony in the world and the Spanish monopoly in the trade. So,
Huguenot pirates in the French marine fortress of La Rochelle at the same time with the Dutch
maritime gezami fought against Spain in the time of Queen Elizabeth. These were followed by
the so-called Elizabethan buccaneers who have made a significant contribution to the defeat of
the Spanish Armada (1588g.). For Queen Elizabeth corsairs followed corsairs of King James I,
among them was Sir Henry Meynvering, first one of the most notorious pirates, and then
pardoned by the king in 1616, and finally, the winner of the pirates, the award-posts and honors.
Next come the filibusters and wild pirates who went to their distant voyages with
Jamaica and from the waters of the Caribbean, French, Dutch and British, among them Sir Henry
Morgan plundered Panama in 1671, built knighted by King Charles II and became the royal
governor of Jamaica. Their latest feat was the conquest of the Spanish naval fortress of
Cartagena in Colombia, which they share with the French Royal Navy stormed in 1697 and
horrifically looted after the departure of the French.

In this kind of "sea captors" appears maritime element. Their heroic era lasted about 150 years,
from about 1550 to 1713, ie since the beginning of the struggle of the Protestant states against
the world domination of Catholic Spain and until the conclusion of the Peace of Utrecht. Pirates
have existed at all times and in all seas and oceans, since the above-mentioned pirates expelled
Cretan State of the Eastern Mediterranean, many thousands of years ago and up to the Chinese
Junko, who is still in the 1920-1930's capture and plunder merchant ships in the waters of the
East . But the corsairs 16th and 17th centuries occupy in the history of piracy is still a special
place. Their time has come to an end only with the conclusion of the Peace of Utrecht (1713),
because then there was a consolidation of the system of European states. Flotilla maritime
powers could now exercise effective control, and a new, sea erected worldwide hegemony of
England for the first time became apparent. Yet even before the 19th century, there were
corsairs, who fought in private, with the permission of their governments. But the organization of
the world has progressed, shipbuilding and navigation equipment improved, becoming more
knowledge-intensive, and piracy is, nevertheless, in the words of one British expert on naval
affairs, "pre-scientific stage of the prosecution of naval warfare." Ceases to hope for his own fist
and own calculations pirate henceforth became the miserable criminal. Of course there have
always been some exceptions. To those owned by French Captain Misson, who tried in 1720 to
create in Madagascar bizarre realm of humanity. Overall, however, after the Peace of Utrecht
pirate he was expelled to the margins of world history. In the 18th century, it is only a dissolute
person, rough criminal type, able to serve even the character fascinating stories, such as
"Mysterious Island" Stevenson, but did not play any role in a story. On the contrary, the corsairs
ages 16-17 play a very important role in history. Worldwide confrontation between England and
Spain they are active soldiers. Their enemies of the Spaniards, they were considered the real
criminals; they hung up when caught. Likewise, their own government in cold blood sacrifice
them when they became uncomfortable or when it was dictated by considerations of foreign
order. Often, only the case of deciding whether to finish this royal corsair life aristocrat, a high-
ranking dignitary or sentenced to death by hanging pirate. In addition, a variety of names, such
as the pirate, buccaneer, Privateer, Merchant-Adventurer in practice difficult to distinguish and
are used instead of one another. In the strict sense, from a legal point of view, between the pirate
and corsair there is a big difference. For, unlike the pirate corsair has a document confirming his
rights, the powers of his government, the official letter kapernym their king. He has the right to
sail under the flag of his country. Pirate, on the contrary, it is floating without any legitimate
reason. He fits a black pirate flag. But no matter how crisp and clear the distinction may seem in
theory, in practice it is easily erased. Corsairs often exceeded their rights and swam with false
letters of marque, and sometimes with a certified power of attorney in writing from non-existent
governments. More important of all these legal issues something different. All these Rochellois,
Geza sea and filibusters, had a political enemy, namely, Spain, a great Catholic power. As long
as they remain themselves, they thoroughly robbed mostly Catholics only ships with a clear
conscience, consider it as a charity, the Lord blessed thing. Thus, they come in a huge world-
historical front, in front against the then World of Protestantism against the then world
Catholicism. The fact that they kill, plunder and rob, therefore, does not need justification. In the
general context of the rotary era in any case they occupy a certain position and thus acquire its
historical importance and its place in history.

English kings - as Koroleva Elizaveta and James Stewart and Carl - and British statesmen of the
time did not have any other historical consciousness of his era, in comparison with the majority
of his contemporaries. They spent their policies used to provide the benefits accruing to profits
and sought to hold any position. They used the right, if it was on their side, and indignantly
protested against injustice and lawlessness, when the right was on the side of their opponents. All
this is perfectly natural. Their view of God and a world of justice and the rule of law, their
awareness came in motion historical development were - for such brilliant exceptions, like
Thomas More, Cardinal Wolsey or Frensis Bekon - no more avant-garde than with the views of
the majority of diplomats and statesmen any other European countries involved in world politics.

Koroleva Elizaveta is quite rightly considered the founder of the great English naval supremacy.
She joined the fight against the global hegemony of Catholic Spain. During her reign, victory
was won over the Spanish Armada in the English Channel (1588); She inspired and honored
heroes of the sea, like Frensis Dreyk and Walter Relli; from her hands in 1600, has received
commercial privileges the British East India trade campaign, conquered later under British rule
the whole of India. Over 45 years of her reign (1558-1603) of England has become a rich
country, which before was not. Previously, the British were engaged in sheep and selling wool to
Flanders; but now with all the seas to the British Isles rushed fabulous trophies English pirates
and corsairs. Queen rejoiced these treasures - they add to its wealth. In this respect, all the time
of their girlhood she was doing the same, what did you do many English nobles and the
bourgeoisie of its era. All of them took part in the great work of production. Hundreds of
thousands of Englishmen and Englishwomen then become "corsair-capitalists", corsairs
capitalists. It also refers to the spontaneous rotation of the earth to the sea, about which we are
talking about here.

A perfect example of such a flowering of early capitalism, grew up on a pirate production,

provides us with a family Killigrew of Cornwall. His views and lifestyle give us a picture of the
ruling classes at the time, and this "elite" is much more vital and accurate than many official acts
and public documents due to age. These Killigrew typical of his time in a completely different
way than most diplomats, lawyers, and crowned with glory, poets, and in any case it should be
noted that among the members of this genus are prominent intellectuals, and the name Killigrew,
even today more than ten times presented in the bibliography England national lexicon. We
spend the same time in the same society elected.

Killigrew family lived in Arvenake in Cornwall (South East England). Head of the family in the
time of Queen Elizabeth was Sir Dzhon Killigryu, Vice-Admiral of Cornwall and Crown Royal
Managing Pendennis Castle. He has worked closely with William Cecil, Lord Burghley, the first
minister of the queen. Already the father and uncle of Vice Admiral and control were pirates, and
even against his mother as something authentically tell us the English chroniclers, was a criminal
case on charges of piracy. One part of the family worked on the coast of England, the other in
Ireland. Numerous cousins and other relatives on the shores of Devon and Dorset. It should be
added friends and companions of all kinds. They organized the attack and plundering raids, lay
in wait to ambush approaching the shore of the ships followed the partition recovery, and traded
shares in profit, posts and positions. The large house where the family lived in Arvenake
Killigrew, was very close to the sea in an uninhabited part of the port of Falmouth and had a
secret passage to the sea. Only the nearby building was the aforementioned Pendennis Castle, the
seat of the royal administrator. The castle was equipped with a hundred guns, and served as a
pirate refuge in case of emergency. By the time the noble Lady Killigrew become industrious
and skilful helper to her husband, she had helped her father, the brilliant "gentleman pirate". It
provided shelter in his home to pirates and was hostess. shelters and accommodations were
arranged in all local ports. Royalties rarely troubled family Killigrew or, especially, hindered her
in her classroom. Only once, in 1582, it came to such an intervention, which I would like to
briefly tell. Hanseatic ship with a displacement of 144 tons, belonging to the two Spaniards
drifted storm in Falmouth harbor. Since England at that time was not at war with Spain, the
Spaniards fearlessly anchored, and just in front of the house in Arvenake. Lady Killigrew saw
the ship from his window, and her trained eye immediately discerned that the ship ship precious
Dutch cloth. On the night of January 7, 1852, armed men Killigrew, led by the noble lady
attacked the unfortunate ship, broke the team threw the bodies into the sea returned to Arvenak
with valuable Dutch cloth and other prey. The ship itself is not clear as appeared in Ireland. Both
Spaniards, ship owners, to their happiness was not on the bot during battle, as they spent the
night in a small hotel on the beach. They filed a lawsuit in a local English court in Cornwall.
After some research the court came to the conclusion that the ship was likely stolen by
unidentified gunmen, the other circumstances of the case can not be investigated. But as the
Spaniards had ties among politicians, they were able to transfer the case to a higher authority in
London, so it was re-assigned to a preliminary investigation. Lady Killigrew and his assistants
were sued in another area. She was found guilty and sentenced to death. Two of her accomplices
were executed, the lady herself at the last moment was pardoned.

This is the true story of Lady Killigrew. Even in the fourteenth year of Queen Elizabeth's reign
most of the tonnage of the English fleet was engaged in predatory voyages or illegal commercial
transactions, and the total

displacement of vessels in legitimate commercial enterprises, was hardly more than 50,000 tons.
Killigrew family - is a perfect example of the domestic front the great era of pirates, which was
fulfilled the prophecy of the old English of the 13th century: "The young lion will become a
marine fish." Now, a lion Young in the late Middle Ages diluted mainly sheep wool cloth which
was obtained in Flanders. Only in the 16th and 17th centuries, this nation of sheep really become
a people "sea captors" and corsairs in the "sea of children."

English relatively late in making progress in oceanic voyages. The Portuguese began to engage
in sailing a hundred years earlier, but they swam mostly along the coast. Since 1492 the
Spaniards begin the great conquest, the conquest of America. They were quickly followed by
French sailors, Huguenots and English. But only in 1553 with the base Muscovy Company of
England begins to conduct a transatlantic policy, with which she managed several
to press the other great colonial powers. As mentioned above, only after 1570 the British began
to swim south of the equator. Almost the first evidence that Britain is starting to take a new
English World outlook is Hekleyta book "Principles of navigation"; she left in 1589. The whale
fishing and shipbuilding English teachers, as well as other nations, as were the Dutch.

Nevertheless, it was the British were the ones who in the end all beat, beat all rivals and reached
world domination over the oceans. England became the heir. She became heir of the great
hunters and drivers sailboats, researchers and pioneers of all the other peoples of Europe. British
rule over the land by the sea has absorbed all the brave feats and achievements in navigation,
committed by the German, Dutch, Norwegian and Danish sailors. However, the great colonial
empires of other European nations continued to exist in the future. Portugal and Spain have kept
vast possessions of the ocean, but the loss of marine domination and control of the sea lanes.
With the landing of troops and fixing Cromwell in Jamaica in 1655 was solved by the general
political orientation of the oceanic world-England and transatlantic victory over Spain. The
Netherlands, which reached about 1600 of its flourishing sea power, a hundred years later, in
1700, has become increasingly a land, a continental country. She had to build a strong field
fortifications and defended by Louis XIV in the land; its governor Vilgelm Iii Oransky in 1689 at
the same time becomes king of England; he moved to the island and spend no longer actually
Dutch, but English politics. France could not stand that the great exodus to the sea, which has
been associated with Huguenot Protestantism. It is still owned by the Roman spiritual tradition,
and when the transition of Henry IV to Catholicism, and thanks to St. Bartholomew in 1572 case
was decided in favor of Catholicism, is thus the final choice is not in favor of the sea took place
in the end, but in favor of the land, the land. However, France has a very large fleet, and could,
as we have seen, to cope with England even during the reign of Louis XV. But after the French
king dismissed the cases in 1672 of its outstanding minister of trade and naval cancel Colbert
opted for sushi was impossible. Prolonged colonial wars of the 18th century only confirmed it.
Meanwhile, Germany has lost all its power and strength in the religious wars, and because of the
political failures of the then empire. Thus England became heir, universal heir of the great
awakening of the peoples of Europe. How could this be possible? It can not be explained with
the help of well-known analogies with previous historical examples maritime supremacy, give
nothing, and the parallels with Athens and Carthage, Rome, Byzantium, or Venice. Here we have
a case only in its very essence. His identity, His matchless is that Britain has carried out the
transformation of the elements in a very different time in history, a very different way than the
old maritime powers. She really was separated from the land and established the existence in the
sea element. Because of this, she won not only many sea battles and wars, but prevailed in
something completely different and infinitely more - in the revolution, namely, in a unique
revolution in the revolution of the planetary space.


What is it the revolution of space?

The man has a certain representation of its "space"; this view is influenced by major historical
transformations. Various life forms correspond as diverse space. Already within the same epoch
everyday picture of the world of individuals vary according to their profession. A resident of a
large city conceives the world very differently than a farmer; Hunter whale has a completely
different living space than an opera singer, and the pilot world and life appear again, not only in
a different light, but also to other measures, and the depths of the horizons. The differences in the
perception of space will become even deeper and more significant if you compare whole peoples
and different epochs of human history. Scientific history of space can mean there are virtually a
lot and very little. For centuries, scientists have believed then the Earth ball, held for the mentally
ill and pests. In modern times, different sciences with a growing specialization also developed its
own special concept of space. Geometry, physics, psychology and biology follow special here,
far apart divergent paths. If you ask scientists, they will tell you what mathematical space is
something quite different than the space the electromagnetic field, the latter, in turn, is quite
different from the space in the psychological or biological sense. This gives a half-dozen
concepts of space. There is not any integrity and in danger of dismemberment and zabaltyvaniya
important issue in the isolated coexistence of different concepts. Philosophy and epistemology of
the 19th century also do not give any inclusive and simple answer, and almost leave us at a dead
end. But the state and the forces of history are not waiting for scientific data in the same way as
Hristofor Kolumb did not wait for the Copernican. Each time a new type of attack the forces of
history, through the release of new energies in the field of view of the whole of humanity get
new lands and oceans, and changing the space of historical existence. Then there are new scales
and measuring the political and historical action, new science, new dispensation, a new life a
new or resurgent peoples. This spread can be so intense and striking that vary not only measures
the scale and proportions, not only the appearance of the person Okoem, but also the space of
concepts structure. Then we can talk about the space revolution. However, since each historical
change in the majority of cases related to a modification of the picture space. This is the true
essence of the comprehensive political, scientific and cultural transformation, which then

This general proposition we can quickly clarify for themselves in three historical examples: the
consequences of the conquest Karla Velikogo, the Roman Empire in the first century BC and the
influence of the Crusades on European development.

In the time of the conquests of Aleksandra Velikogo the Greeks brought a huge new space
horizon. Culture and art of Hellenism are its consequence. The great philosopher Aristotle, a
contemporary of the changes of space, saw the world inhabited by people increasingly merges
with the East and the West. Aristarh Samossky, who lived some time later (310 - 230), has
suggested that the sun is a fixed star and stands in the center of the Earth's orbit. Founded by
Alexander the city of Alexandria on the Nile became a center of exciting discoveries in technical,
mathematical and physical areas. There taught Euclid founder Euclidean geometry; Chiron
implemented technical inventions are amazing. Here he studied Archimedes of Syracuse, the
inventor of the great fighting mechanisms and discoverer of natural laws,

and Head Library of Alexandria Eratosthenes (275 - 195) at that time already correctly calculated
the location of the equator and scientifically proved that the Earth is spherical. So it was
anticipated by the doctrine of Copernicus. Yet the Hellenistic world was not enough
extensive space for planetary revolution. His knowledge of the scientists left the lot, because it is
not absorbed in its existential reality of the world's oceans. When three hundred years later,
Caesar, coming from Rome conquered Gaul and Britain, eyes appeared the North-West and
opened out to the Atlantic Ocean. This was the first step to today's concept of the European
space. In the first century of the Roman era of the Caesars, especially, of course, in the time of
Nero, the consciousness of the deepest change has become so powerful and palpable, that at least
dominated mentality could already talk about the almost revolutionary changes in the pattern
space. This historical moment falls on the first century AD, and therefore deserves special
attention. Visible horizon parted to the east and west, north and south. Conquest and civil wars
occupied the space from Spain to Persia, from England to Egypt. Far removed from each other
and the people of the area came into contact with each other and have found unity of a common
political destiny. Soldiers from all parts of the empire - from Germany and Syria, from Africa or
Illyria - could do his general Roman Emperor. Was cut through the Isthmus of Corinth, the ships
went around the south of the Arabian Peninsula, Nero sent a scientific expedition to the sources
of the Nile. Written evidence of the expansion of space is a world map of Agrippa and
geographer Strabo. The fact that the Earth is a sphere, to realize not only the individual
astronomers and mathematicians. The famous philosopher Seneca, teacher, educator, and after
all, the victim of Nero, then sealed in the wonderful words and lines of poetry about the
planetary consciousness of that era. He pointed out clearly that it is enough for a not very large
number of days to sail from the far coast of Spain at their own along the way, that is, the east
wind on the way to reach the West located in the East Indies. Elsewhere, in the tragedy of
"Medea" he speaks in verse amazing prophecy: Hot Indus and hladny Aras contact Persians
drink from the Elbe and the Rhine.

Thetis eyes reveal new worlds (novos orbes), A Thule will no longer be the extreme limit of the

I quoted these lines, because they express the comprehensive sense of space, which was present
in the first century AD. For the beginning of our era was indeed abroad periods, which was due
not only to the consciousness of the fullness of times, but the consciousness of the earth filled
with space and planetary horizon. But at the same time the words of Seneca relocating
mysterious bridge in modern times, and in the era of discoveries; for they have survived and
reached us through the centuries lasting twilight space and through the shoaling of the European
Middle Ages. They gave people a sense of thinking of more space and universal space, and even
contributed to the discovery of America. Like many of his contemporaries, Hristofor Kolumb
knew the words of Seneca, they encouraged him to go to a courageous voyage to the New
World. He intended, sailing under sail to the West to reach the East, and indeed reached it. The
term "New World", a new world, novus orbus, that uses Seneca, was immediately applied in
relation to the newly discovered America.

The death of the Roman Empire, the spread of Islam, the invasion of the Arabs and the Turks
called centenarian spatial twilight and shallowing of Europe. Isolation from the sea, the absence
of the fleet, a full continental isolation characteristic of the early Middle Ages and its feudal
system. During 500 to 1100 years, Europe has become a feudal-agrarian land mass; European
ruling class, the feudal lords, entrusted his entire spiritual culture, including reading and writing,
the Church and the clergy. Famous rulers and heroes of this era could neither read nor write;
To do this, they had a monk or a chaplain. The maritime empire rulers, probably would not be
able to remain illiterate for so long as it was in a purely material landmasses. However, as a
result of the Crusades French, English and German knights met with the countries of the Middle
East. In the North, new horizons opened up thanks to the expansion of the German Hanseatic
League and the spread of the German Order of Knights, where there was a system of transport
and trade communications, dubbed the "Middle of the World Economy." This spatial expansion
is also a cultural transformation of the deepest kind. Everywhere in Europe there are new forms
of political life. In France, England and Sicily to create a centralized government, in something
already anticipating the modern state. In the upper and central Italy is the establishment of a new
urban culture. Developing universities, which teach theology and hitherto unknown law, and the
revival of Roman law creates a new layer formed by lawyers, and undermines clergy on the
monopoly formation typical of feudal Middle Ages. In the new, Gothic art, architecture, the
visual arts, in painting the powerful rhythm of movement replaces the static space of the previous
Romanesque art and puts in its place a dynamic force field, the space of movement and gesture.
Gothic arch - it is a device in which parts and elements are mutually balanced their weight and
hold each other. In contrast to the motionless, heavy masses of Romanesque buildings here there
is a completely new spatial feeling. But also in comparison with the space of an ancient temple
and a space followed by the Renaissance architecture in the Gothic art found only his inherent
strength and movement, transforming the space.


You can find other historical examples, but they pale in the face of the deepest and richest effects
of changes in the planetary picture of the world in all the known history of the world. This
change takes place in the 16th and 17th centuries, in the era of the discovery of America and the
first circumnavigation. Now, there is literally a new world, the New World, and fundamentally
change the general perception of the world first, Western and Central European peoples of
mankind. This is the first real spatial revolution in the comprehensive sense of the word, which
covered the whole earth, the whole world and all of humanity.

It is incomparable to any other. It was not simply just a particularly extensive in quantitative
terms, the geographical spread of the horizon, which itself was due to the discovery of new parts
of the world and the new oceans. Much has undergone great changes the overall picture of our
planet and thus general astronomical picture of the whole universe in the overall perception of
humanity. For the first time in its history, a person could hold true, the entire globe like a ball.
Idea. that the Earth must have spherical form, seemed a man of the Middle Ages and even Martin
Luther fun and frivolous fantasy. Now the spherical image of the Earth has become a tangible
fact, irrefutable experience and unquestionable scientific truth. Now as fixed above the Earth
revolved around the sun also. But even this was not yet coming true, the fundamental
transformation of the space. The crucial breakthrough was in space, and the idea of infinite
empty space.

Copernicus first to prove scientifically that the earth revolves around the sun. His work on the
rotations of celestial orbits "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" came out in 1543. Although
he changed thus the whole picture of our solar system, but it still has firmly held the view that
the universe as a whole, space is limited space. Thus, has not changed the world in a global sense
of space and with him did not change the idea of space itself. Several decades later, the
boundaries have fallen. In philosophical sense Giordano Bruno suggested chtonasha solar system
(in which the Earth orbits the Sun) represents only one of a plurality of endless starry sky solar
systems. As a result of scientific experiments, like Galileo philosophical speculation have gained
the status of a mathematically provable truth. Kepler expected path of the planets at him and in
terror at the thought of endlessly this kind of spaces where planetary systems are moving without
any center. With the advent of Newton's teaching new concept of space, firmly established in the
whole of the free-Europe. At that time, the forces of attraction and repulsion mutually cancel
each other out, the accumulation of matter, celestial bodies on the laws of gravity are moving in
an infinite, empty space.

Thus, people can imagine an empty space that was previously impossible, though some
philosophers and talked about the "emptiness". Before, people were afraid of the void; they
suffered the so-called horror vacui (fear space). From now on, people forgot their fear and do not
find anything more special is that they and their universe exists in a vacuum. This scientifically
proven view of the universe in infinite, empty space, even led the writers of the Enlightenment of
the 18th century, and especially Voltaire, in a state of pride. But try to really imagine ever really
empty space! Not only airless, but devoid of any fine and animate matter is absolutely empty
space! Try to do at least once in your submission to distinguish, to separate the space and matter
from each other and conceive of one without the other! With the same success you can try to
conceive of absolute nothingness. Figures of the Enlightenment very amused about this horror
vacui. But perhaps it was just a quite understandable fear of nothingness and emptiness before
death, horror in the face of a nihilistic way of thinking and to the nihilism at all.

Such a change, what is present in the idea of the infinite, empty space, can not be explained
merely a consequence of the common geographic expansion ecumene. It is so fundamental and
revolutionary character that also makes it possible to say just the opposite, namely, that the
discovery of new continents and making the first circumnavigation of the earth were the only
external detection and consequences of more profound changes. Just so landing on an unknown
island and could bring to life an entire era of discovery. On the coast of the American continent
often landed alien from the West and from the East. It is known that the Vikings from Greenland
reached the shores of America, already around the year 1000, and the Indians who discovered
Columbus, just moved from somewhere in America. But "discovered" America was only in 1392
by Columbus. "Pre-Columbian" discovery not only contributed to the revolution of the planetary
space, but also did not have her absolutely nothing. Otherwise, the Aztecs would not have
remained in Mexico and the Incas - Peru; Once they came to Europe with the map of the world
in his hands, and we would not have discovered them, but, on the contrary, they discovered us.
To the revolution of space held, it requires more than a simple landing in a hitherto unknown
terrain. For her accomplishments necessary to change the concepts of space, which would cover
all levels and areas of human existence. What does that mean, it allows us to understand the
consideration of the unusual turn of epochs, which took place in the 16-17 centuries.

In this century, an epochal shift European humanity acquires a new understanding of space in all
forms of the creative spirit. Renaissance painting abolishes space of medieval Gothic painting;
artists are now placed their painted people and objects inside such a space, which results in
term empty bottomless. People and things are at rest now and move from now on within the
space. In comparison with the space of Gothic paintings in this really means is another world.
The fact that the artists are different now see that changes their vision, performed the most
profound meaning for us. For the great artists do not just represent for someone something
beautiful. Art is an historic step in the realization of the space, and a true artist - a person who is
better and more correct other people see people and objects, more correctly, above all, in the
sense of the historical truth of their own era. But not only in painting the new space arises.
Renaissance architecture creates his entirely different from the Gothic building space with a
classic geometric layout; it plastic free-floating in space sculptures of human figures, while the
medieval sculptures arranged in columns and in the corners of buildings. Baroque architecture is
again in driving dynamics, aspirations, and therefore retains some connection with the gothic, but
still it remains firmly encased in a new, modern space that has arisen as a result of the spatial
revolution and experience the decisive influence of the Baroque style. Music extracts its melody
and harmony of old tonalities and puts them in the sound space of our so-called tonal system.
Theater and Opera offer his characters move around in the empty depths of the stage space,
which is separated by a curtain from the space of the auditorium. Therefore, without exception,
the spiritual currents of these two centuries - the Renaissance, Humanism, Reformation, Counter-
Reformation and the Baroque - in their own way participated in the totality of the spatial

It would not be an exaggeration to say that a new understanding of space all areas of human life
are covered, all forms of life, all kinds of human creativity, art, science, technology. Huge
changes in the geographical shape of the Earth represent only the external aspect of a deep
transformation of the said so promising and fraught with many consequences phrases like
"spatial revolution". From now on, inevitably there comes what is called rational superiority of
Europeans, and the spirit of Europeanism "Occam's rationalism." It manifests itself among the
nations of Western and Central Europe, destroys the medieval forms of human society, it forms a
new government, fleets and armies, inventing new machines and mechanisms, enslaved non-
European peoples and puts them in a dilemma: either to accept European civilization or descend
to the level of a simple colony people.

Any habitual ordering is the ordering of space. On the drawing, the constitution of a country or
part of the world is referred to as its core, the primary ordering, it Nomos 96.

So, indeed, the true initial sequencing based in its essential nature to certain spatial borders and
restrictions on certain measures and a certain section of land. At the beginning of every great
epoch going so great land grab. In particular, any significant change and

96 The Greek noun Nomos derives from the Greek verb Nemein; as well as the verb, it has three meanings. Firstly,
Nemein means "brother". Therefore, Nomos means, firstly, the "capture", "capture". In the same way as the Greek Legein-Logos
corresponds to the German Sprechen-Sprache, and Greek Nemein-Nomos corresponds to the German take-take, capture. Capture
is the first seizure of land, and later also the seizure of the sea, the conquest of the sea, as much has been said in our
contemplation of the world's history and in the industry which means the capture industry, ie the capture of industrial means of

displacement of the Earth's shape is related to changes in the world politics and a new division of
the world, a new seizure of land.
Equally striking, unprecedented spatial revolution which took place in the 16-17 centuries, would
lead to an equally unheard of, which is unparalleled land grab. European nations, which then
opened a new, seemingly endless space, and they rushed into the distance of these spaces, treated
them with open non-European and non-Christian peoples of both abandoned the good which
becomes the property of the first available European invader. All invaders, be they Catholics or
Protestants, referred to at the same time on the mission of Christianity spread among non-
Christian peoples. However, such a mission could try to implement and without conquest and
plunder. No other justifications and excuses are. Some of the monks, such as the Spanish
theologian Francesco de Vitoria in his lecture about the Indians (De Indis 1532), argued that the
right of peoples to their territories regardless of their religion, and with surprising candor protect
the rights of the Indians. It does not change the general picture of the historical European
colonial conquest. Later, in the 18th and 19th centuries the task of Christian mission has become
a task of the spread of European civilization among uncivilized peoples. Such justifications
emerged Christian-European international law, that is opposed by the rest of the world
community of the Christian peoples of Europe. They formed a "community of nations", the
interstate order. International law was based on the distinction between Christian and non-
Christian peoples, or, a century later, civilized (in a Christian-European sense) and uncivilized
peoples. Uncivilized in this sense, the people could not become a member of the international
legal community; he was not the subject. and the only object of international law, that is, he
belonged to one of civilized nations on the Rights of the colony or a colonial protectorate. Of
course, you should not represent "the community of Christian European peoples" as a kind of
peaceful sheep herd. Between themselves, they waged a bloody war. Yet it does not abolish the
historical fact of the existence of the Christian European civilization unity and order. World
history is a history of colonial conquest, and each time the capture of land invaders not only
agreed, but argued, often even by a bloody civil war. This is true for most of the colonial
conquest. And wars are waged with greater intensity than the more valuable is the object of
conquest. Here it was a question of seizing the new world, the New World. Spanish and French
for 16 years of the century carved indigenous people in the cruelest way, for example, in Florida,
and spared neither women nor children. Spanish and English were engaged in a hundred-year
war of attrition in which the violence and atrocities to which people are able to respect each
other, reached seemed to the highest possible extent. And they also did not experience any
remorse from that used non-Europeans, Indians or Muslims as overt or covert helpers or allies.
hate flash are extraordinary; each other were called murderers, thieves, rapists and pirates. It is
missing only a single charge, which is usually willing to put forward against the Indians;
evropeytsy- Christians accused each other of cannibalism. For the rest, to refer to evil, a deadly
feud attracted the richness of language. Yet it loses all significance in view of the fact
vsepokoryayuschey joint European colonization of the New World, the New World. The
meaning and essence of the Christian-European international law, its original ordering consisted
precisely in the section and the distribution of a previously unknown land. Between European
peoples themselves were not arguing, are united in the fact that they are considered non-
European territory of the land as a colonial territory, that is, as the object of his capture and use.
aspect of historical development is so important that the opening of the era can be just as well,
and probably more accurately described as the era of colonial conquest, the conquest of new
lands. War - says Heraclitus, - connects, and the truth - this quarrel. Secondly, Neimen means
division and distribution of the captured (that is taken). Thus, the second value Nomos: the
primary partition and distribution of land, territory and resting on this order of ownership.

The third value is as follows: exploitation, what is the use, processing and sale of resulting in the
division of the territory, production and consumption. Capture - Allocation - Using this sequence
are three basic concepts of each particular ordering. Read more about the value of Nomos cm. In
the book Der Nomos der Erde. Koln. 1950 (L. Auflage. Berlin. 1974)


Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch and British were fighting among themselves for the division
of the new earth. Struggle was waged not only by force of arms; it flowed in the form of
diplomatic and legal argument for obtaining more favorable property rights. In this matter, as
opposed to indigenous people, could, of course, shown exceptional generosity and magnanimity.
Lander, erected cross or cut the tree coat king adjusted brought with him pole with emblem or
stamped letter is placed in the hole between the tree roots. Spaniards love with all the solemnity
of a crowd to proclaim escaped the natives that this country belongs to is now the crown of
Castile. This kind of symbolic possession were to ensure the acquisition of legal ownership
rights to a huge island and the entire continent. No government, whether the Portuguese, did not
respect the rights of native and indigenous peoples in their own territory. Another question - this
is the dispute of the European peoples colonizers among themselves. Here, everyone relied on
any legal document which he was at that moment in his hands and, if it proves profitable, even
on treaties with the natives and their leaders.

As long as Portugal and Spain, two Catholic powers, determined by the state of affairs in the
world, the Pope could act as a creator of legal acts, the initiator of the new colonial conquest and
the arbitrator in the dispute of the colonial powers. Already in 1493, that is after the lapse of
nearly a year after the discovery of America, the Spaniards managed to achieve publication by
the then Pope Alexander VI edict, in which the Pope, by the power of his apostolic authority
given to the king of Castile and Leon and his heirs newly discovered West Indian country as a
worldly possessions PARTICULAR Church. This edict was a certain line, which took place
across the Atlantic a hundred miles west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands. Spain received
from the Pope all lands discovered to the west of this line, in the fief. The following year, Spain
and Portugal have agreed to the treaty in Tordesillas that all the land east of the line should
belong to Portugal. So immediately on a grand scale begins a section of the New World,
Columbus discovered at that time only a few islands and coastal areas. At that time no one could
imagine the real picture of the whole Earth, but the redistribution of land began to be fully
implemented and all the rules. Papal dividing line in 1493 was the beginning of the struggle for a
new initial ordering of a new nomos of the earth. More than a hundred years Spanish and
Portuguese referred to the Pope's permission, (in its quest) reject all claims followed him French,
Dutch and English. Brazil, Cabral opened in 1300, has become a natural way, the property of
Portugal, for this projection of the west coast of America
I hit the east, Portuguese hemisphere due to the later transfer the dividing line to the West.
However, other powers and colonialists did not feel bound by the terms of the agreement
between Portugal and Spain, and the authority of the Pope was not enough to convince them to
respect the colonial monopoly of the two Catholic powers. Due to the Reformation, the people,
adopted Protestantism, openly broke with any dependence on the Roman throne. So the fight for
the colonization of new lands has become a struggle between the Reformation and Counter-
Reformation, between the global and the global Spanish Catholicism Protestantism Huguenots,
Dutch and English.


In contrast to the indigenous people recently discovered countries, Christian colonizers were not
together a united front, because in this case there was no common battle-worthy opponent. The
more fierce, but more significant in the historical sense, more pronounced and executed had to

Now religious war between Christian narodami

colonizers, the world battle between Catholicism and Protestantism. Thus she sketched with
these participants is presented as a religious war, and such it really was, too. But this is not all
told. In its true light it is fully appears to us only when we are in this case pay attention to the
contrast elements and starts while the separation of the high seas of the world from the world of
terra firma.

Some participants in this great religious struggle served to the great writers of the prototype stage
characters. A favorite theme of the confrontation became playwrights of the Spanish King Philip
II and Queen Elizabeth. Both of these characters apart are found in various tragedies of Schiller;
their direct confrontation repeatedly described within the same play. It serves as an excellent
material for a spectacular theatrical scenes. But in this way it is impossible to grasp the deep
contradictions, the original situation, friendship, hatred, the last elementary forces and
confrontation elements. In Germany at that time I do not have the heroes of stage. Only one of
the only German is so poor acts of the era in the life of Germany (1550-1618) became the hero of
a large tragedy Korol Rudolf II. You probably heard a bit about it and really can not say that he
continues to live in the historical memory of the German people. Nevertheless, his name belongs
to a given context and the great German playwright Frants Grilpartser with good reason, puts it
in the center of the action of his tragedy "fratricide in the Habsburgs." But all the problems and
all the greatness of both the tragedy Grillparzer and his characters consists precisely in the fact
that Rudolf II was not an active hero, but a kind zaderzhatelem, retarder. It was something of a
"Katechon" concept. we have already mentioned once in another context. But that could all take
Rudolph in a position in which Germany was then? The fact that he realized the absence of
foreign threats against Germany, was already very much, and the whole achievement was only
then that he was in fact delayed the start of the Thirty Years War in the decade.

The peculiarity of the situation in Germany of that time consisted in the fact that it is not defined
in the choice of allies and could not accept some aspect of this religious war. It lies in the
confrontation itself Catholicism and Protestantism, but this vnutrinemetskoe contradiction was
something other than a global, critical for the colonization of the New World opposition to
Catholicism and Protestantism. Germany was still home to the country of Luther and the
emergence of the Reformation. But the struggle of the colonial powers long ago overcame the

opposed Catholicism and Protestantism, and, after passing vnutrinemetskuyu perspective, has
reached a much more precise and profound teachings of the Jesuits and the opposition of
Calvinism. Now it was the distinction between friend and enemy, serving as a measure for the
entire world politics.

German Lutheran princes and estates, especially the Protestant ruler of the Empire, the Elector of
Saxony, and have tried to remain faithful to the Catholic Kings. When under pressure from the
military alliance came Calvinist evangelical German classes, the so-called Unión, and the
Catholic estates formed the front counter, the so-called League, Elector of Saxony, a Lutheran by
faith, did not know which side to join him. Back in 1612 it negotiated its entry into the Catholic
League. Hate to Lutherans Calvinists was no less than their hatred of the Papists, and no less
than the hatred of Catholics to the Calvinists. This is due not only to the fact that the Lutherans in
practice generally longer followed the principle of submission to authority than the much more
active Calvinists. The real reason lies in the fact that Germany was at that time excluded from
participation in the European colonization of the New World and forcibly dragged by external
forces in the global clash of Western European colonial powers. At the same time, South-East
threatened her advancing Turks. Jesuits and Calvinists Spain, Holland and England have put
Germany in front of alternatives, totally foreign ownership of German development. Neiezuity-
Catholics and non-Calvinists, Lutherans, which is the German Princes, and Estates, tried to avoid
involvement in the internal dispute is alien to them. But this required enormous determination
and their own forces. For lack of such, they found themselves in a situation that most accurately
designated as "passive neutrality". The consequence of this was that Germany was a battleground
internally alien to her transatlantic powers for colonies with no real participation in the war.
Calvinism was a new militant religion; Elements Sea awakening seized him as he commensurate
faith. He became the faith of the French Huguenots, Dutch freedom fighters and the English
Puritans. He was also the religion of the great Elector of Brandenburg, one of the few German
rulers, who knew a lot about sea battles and the colonies. Inland Calvinistic community in
Switzerland, Hungary and other countries do not play a role in world politics, if they were not
associated with these marine energy.

All non-Calvinists were horrified by Calvinistic doctrine, and, above all, from the harsh faith in
the election of people from all eternity, in "predestination to salvation." But to put a secular
language, the belief in predestination has just limit force the consciousness of belonging to a
different world than this - was sentenced to death and perverse. Speaking in the language of
modern sociology, is the highest degree of self-consciousness of the elite, confident in his
position, confident that her time had come. Simply put, more humane, it is a certainty that you
are saved, but salvation is still defining any idea of the meaning of the whole history of the
world. Imbued with this belief, sang a song of his lovely Dutch Géza: "The earth will be the sea,
the land will be the sea, but it will be free."

When in the 16th century there was a revival of natural energies of the sea, their effect was so
strong that they became quickly determine the political history of the world. At this point, they
had to speak the spiritual language of his time. They could not stay longer simply whalers,
fishermen and "Sea captors." They had to find a spiritual ally, an ally of the most radical and
brave, one who really would have killed the old images of the era. They could not be German
Lutheranism of that time. Recently developed a tendency to territoriality and general shallowing.
In any case, the decline of the Hanseatic League and the end of German domination of the Baltic
Sea as well the same as in Germany, with the era of Luther, as the growth of the global power of
the Netherlands and a great decision Cromwell - to the era
Calvinism. And something else comes to mind. Most previous historical research is still under
the influence of land study methods. They have in mind is always only the hard ground and the
development of states, even in Germany only territorially-state development, it is often more
limited in its object of research in small states and small spaces. But if we turn our gaze to the
sea, and we immediately see the meeting, the coincidence in time, or, if I may say so, a world-
historical brotherhood, bonding with Calvinism political awakening marine energy in Europe.
Religious wars and theological slogans of this epoch also contain in its essence a clash of
elemental forces that influenced the transfer of world-historical existence from the land to the


While on the waterfront side of the historic accomplishments in a big way there was a process to
capture new land, at sea ended with another, no less important part of the new limits of our
planet. This happened through the English conquest of the sea. On the sea it was the result of a
pan-European revival of centuries. They defined the main line of the first planetary ordering
space, the essence of which is to land separated from the sea. Terra firma now belongs to a dozen
sovereign nations, the sea belongs to everyone, or, finally, in reality, only one state: England.
Dispensation of terra firma, the land is that it is divided into territories of States; the open sea, on
the other hand, is free, which means free from government entities and is not subject to any
territorial supremacy. These are crucial facts dispensation space, on the basis of which
developing Christian European international law of the last three centuries. This was the basic
law, Nomos of the Earth of that epoch.

Only in light of this initial fact of the British conquest of the sea and the sea from the land
department many well-known and oft-quoted words and phrases find their true meaning. Such,
for example, the statement of Sir Walter Relli: "He who rules the sea, dominates in world trade,
as the one who dominates world trade, owns all the riches of the world and in fact the world
itself." Or: "All trade essence of world trade; . Any global trade are seaborne trade "They also
include words about freedom, said in the heyday of English maritime and world power:" All the
world trade is free trade "can not say that it was all so wrong, but it all belongs to. certain periods
and to a certain international situation and becomes invalid when this attempt to make the
absolute and eternal truth. But above all, a division of land and sea is revealed in a comparison of
sea and land wars. Of course, the war on land and war at sea has always differed from each other
in strategic and tactical terms. However, their contrast becomes henceforth expression different
worlds and opposite law.

Since the 16th century state of the European continent have developed certain methods of War
on Land, based on the idea of war as the relationship between states. On both sides of the front
line state is a structured, military power, and the army are fighting each other in an open field
battle. As enemies confront each other only involved in the battle the troops, despite the fact that
innocent civilians are not involved in the fighting. It is not the enemy, and he is not considered
an enemy as long as it does not participate in the war. The war at sea, on the other hand, involves
the destruction of the enemy's commerce and economy. Enemy in this war is not only at war
opponent, but also any citizen of an enemy state, and finally, even a neutral country, leading
trading with the enemy and having economic relations with them. Ground war tends to be
decisive the open field battles. Of course, during the war at sea business can reach the sea battle,
but it is typical of means and methods is pounding and blockade enemy coasts and capture
enemy and neutral merchant ships in accordance with the Law of the prize. By its very essence,
these are typical of naval warfare agents directed against the military officials, and against
civilians. In particular, food blockade, which is doomed to hunger all the population blocked the
area equally, without distinguishing between military and civilian men and women, children and
the elderly.

It is not really just two sides of the international legal order, but two completely different worlds.
But since the British conquest of the sea and the British nations that were at the mercy of English
ideas, accustomed to this state of affairs. The notion that the continental power able to exercise
world domination around the globe, it was unheard of to their world and unbearable. Another
thing - world domination based on separated from the land of the world of existence and
embracing him the world's oceans. A small island in the north-western side of Europe became
the center of a global empire thanks to that off the ground and made a decisive choice in favor of
the sea. In a purely maritime existence he had found a means of global domination, which
stretches to the ends of the earth. After the separation of the land from the sea and strife both
elements become one fundamental law of the world, on this foundation was built a huge skeleton
scientists opinions, arguments and scientific systems through which people justify the wisdom
and reasonableness of this situation, losing sight of the primary fact of British the conquest of the
sea and the time conditionality of this fact. Similar systems have been designed by great
scientists, experts in the field of political economy, lawyers and philosophers, and most of our
ancestors it all seemed quite obvious. They were no longer able to imagine some other economic
science and other international law. Here you have the opportunity to make sure that the great
Leviathan has power also over the minds and souls of people. And it's the most amazing thing in
his power.


England - it is an island. But just becoming a carrier and the focus of a natural outcome of the
World terra firma in the open world of the sea, and only as the heir of all the released while
marine energy is transformed into the island, which is meant, when time and again stressed that
Britain is an island. And only by becoming an island in a new, hitherto unknown sense of the
word, England carried out the seizure of the world's oceans and won at the first stage of the
revolution of the planetary space.

Needless to say, England - is an island. But one establishment this geographical fact said very
little. There are many islands, the political destinies are completely different. Sicily and the
island, as well as Ireland, Cuba, Madagascar, Japan. How many conflicting trends in world
history have joined in these few names, each of which refers to the island! In a sense, all the
continents, including the largest, are only the islands, and the whole inhabited earth washed by
the ocean, which is already known by the ancient Greeks. England itself has always been an
island in constant geographical sense, with all the vicissitudes of historical destinies, since it
many thousands of years ago - probably 18,000 years BC - separated from the mainland. It was
an island when it settled the Celts and when it was conquered for Rome Yuliem Tsezarem, when
Norman conquest (1066), and in the days of Maid of Orleans (1431), when the British held over
a large part of France.

The inhabitants of this island has a sense of security of the island. From the Middle Ages to have
survived wonderful expression and poetic lines in which England is compared with a fortified
castle, washed by the sea, like a moat. In the verses of Shakespeare's sense of self is an island
found its most beautiful and famous expression:

"This second Eden, that crowned the island, almost a paradise, this bastion built by nature, this
jewel in a setting of silver sea, Which serves as a wall and a moat, protecting the house."

It is clear that the British often quoted these lines, and that is especially the expression "this jewel
in a setting of silver sea" could become a cruise ..
But this kind of expression of the English island of consciousness belong to the old island. The
island is still seen as a plot of land, separated from terra firma and washed by the sea. Insular
consciousness remains purely terrestrial, land and territorial .. It seems even that island feeling
manifests itself as a particularly pronounced sense of territorial land. It would be a mistake to
think of any inhabitant of the island, any Englishman even today born "Sea captors." We have
already seen what change consisted in the fact that people have become sheep farmers in the 16th
century the people of the sea of children. It was a fundamental transformation of the political and
historical essence of the island. It consisted in the fact that the land was now considered only
from the point of view of the sea, the island of the same card plot of land became part of the sea,
the ship or, more precisely, fish. An observer located on the continent, it is difficult to imagine a
series of sea look at things purely maritime perception of earth. Our everyday language in the
formation of their values has as its starting point the earth naturally. We saw this at the very
beginning of our contemplation. The image of our planet - it is the image of the earth; we forget
that it can also be a way of the sea. In connection with the sea, we are talking about the seafaring
ways, but here there are no paths or roads, both on the ground, but only the lines of
communication. The ship on the high seas, we introduce ourselves as a piece of land, which
floats on the sea, in the form of "floating state territory of the plot," as it is called in the language
of international law. Warship seems to us a floating fortress, and the island, such as England -
castle, surrounded by the sea like a moat. Sea people find all this completely false interpretations,
the fruit of fantasy land rats. Ship as little like a piece of sushi, however the fish - on floating
dog. At a glance, is determined solely by the sea, terra firma, dry land is only the coast, the
coastal strip plus "hinterland" (uncaptured area). Even all the earth, considered only from the
point of view of the open sea, on the basis of purely marine existence presents a simple
assemblage of objects thrown to the sea shore, the sea eruption. A typical example of this way of
thinking, striking for us, but for the typical sea of people is saying Edmund Bergs: "Spain is
nothing else like a beached whale in Europe." All significant relations with the rest of the world,
and in particular must have been with the countries of the European continent to change the fact
that England has moved to a purely maritime existence. All the measures and the proportion of
British policy has now become comparable and compatible with those of other European
countries. England became the mistress of the seas and erected extending to all corners of the
world British world empire, based in the English seaside domination over all the earth. English
World of Thought naval bases and communication lines. What
was for other people and the homeland soil, it seemed that the world simple hinterland,
uncaptured area. Word continental acquired added significance backwardness, and the
continent's population has become "backward people", backward people. But the island itself, a
metropolis of a universal empire based on a purely maritime existence, deprived thereby of the
roots, leaves the soil. OH is able to go to another part of the earth, like a ship or fish, because it is
still only a transportable center of a world empire, scattered across continents. Disraeli, British
politician leading the reign of Queen Victoria, said the case of India, that the British Empire is
the state more Asian than European. He was also the one who in 1847 in his novel "Tancredi"
put forward a proposal that the Queen of England should settle in India. "The queen has to equip
a large fleet, hit the road with his entourage and all the ruling class and to move its imperial
residence from London to Delhi. There she finds a huge empire ready, first-class army and large
permanent income. "Disraeli was Abravanel (see. Above) of the 19th century. Some of what he
said about Judaism and Christianity, and about race as a key to the history of the world was hard
to propagandize non-Jews and non-Christians. So he knew what to say, when put forward such
proposals. He felt that the island is no longer a part of Europe. The fate of the island was now not
necessarily linked with the fate of Europe. He could hit the road and change his place of
residence as metropolitan world maritime empire. The ship could weigh anchor and anchor in a
different part of the world. Huge fish, Leviathan could be set in motion and set off to explore
other oceans.


After the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated as a result of 20 years of war, it was
the epoch of the undisputed sea power England. This era lasted the entire 19th century. Its climax
is reached in the middle of the century, after the Crimean War, ended in Paris Confederation in
1856. free trade era was also a time of free flowering of the English industrial and economic
superiority. Free sea space and free world trade, free market united in the idea of freedom, the
embodiment and guardian of which could only be England. In this era it reaches its climax as the
admiration and imitation of the English example in the world.

Internal measurement touched elemental essence of the huge Leviathan. However, even then it
remained unnoticed. Quite contrary to the occurrence of the stunning rise of the global economy,
positivist, blinded by the rapidly growing wealth of the era believed that this wealth will always
continue to grow and would end the millennial paradise on earth. However, a change to engulf
creature Leviathan, was just a consequence of the industrial revolution. The latter began in
England in the 18th century with the invention of machines. The first coke blast furnace (1735),
the first cast steel (1740), the steam engine (1768), Spinning Machine (1770), the mechanical
loom (1786), all first in England - These are some examples of clarifying how great was the
industrial superiority of England over all other peoples. Inventions steamship and railroad
followed in the 19th century. England and there was a front. Huge sea power was both a huge
machine power. Its domination over the world now seemed final. We have already seen how
significant was the progress in the development of maritime affairs in the short period since the
battle in the galleys at Lepanto (1571) and to the destruction of the Spanish Armada in the
English Channel (1588). Equally significant step forward was made in the period between the
Crimean War, when Britain, France and Sardinia fought against
Russia in 1854-1856 gg. and the American Civil War in 1861-1863 gg., where the northern
industrial states conquered the agricultural south of the country. In the Crimean War fought still
using sailing vessels, the war for the secession of the South already conducted with the help of
armored ships. Thus opened the era of modern industrial and economic wars. England and here
was ahead almost until the end of the 19th century, it retains a huge advantage. But progress in
this era meant at the same time a new stage in relations between the elementary land and sea.

For Leviathan are now turned from the big fish in the car. In fact, it was essential transformation
unprecedented in its kind. The machine has changed the relation of man to the sea. Brave type of
personality that determines still naval power dimensions, has lost its old meaning. Daring feats of
sailors sailing ships navigate high art, harsh training and selection of people of a certain breed

- all this has lost all significance in view of the reliability of modern tehnizirovannogo maritime
traffic. Sea still remains in force. But gradually weakened and ended the action of a powerful
impulse that turned people into sheep pirates. Between the sea and the elements of human
existence stood apparatus machine. Maritime supremacy, based on machine industry, obviously
represents something other than a maritime power, increasing daily in the fierce and direct
struggle with the elements. Sailboat, requiring only human muscle power and the ship, driven by
steam wheels are already two different ways of communication with the sea element. The
Industrial Revolution transformed the sea child in the car manufacturers and the servants.
Change felt by all. Some complained about the end of the old era of heroes and found refuge in
the romantic pirate stories. Other rejoiced about technological progress and scrambled up a
utopia constructed by people of paradise. Clearly we establish here the fact of damage to
essential pure sea existence, the mystery of the British world domination. But the people of the
19th century did not see it. For being a fish or a machine, Leviathan, in any case, becoming
stronger and more powerful, and his kingdom seemed to have no end.


In the late 19th - early 20th century American admiral Maha made an admirable attempt to
prolong the era of machines and the old situation of British rule over the sea. Maha is a
significant historian, author of "The Influence of Sea Power in history." So he entitled his main
work, also published in German and was recognized in the circles of the German navy,
especially its founder Grossadmiral von Tirpitz.

In one of his work, dated July 1904, Maha is talking about a possible reunion of England with
the United States. The deepest foundation for this reunion, he sees no common race, language or
culture. It in no way underestimate these concerns, so often cited by other writers. But they are
for it - only a welcome additional circumstances. Decisive for him is the need to maintain the
Anglo-Saxon domination of the world's oceans, and this can only happen on the basis of the
island, by joining the Anglo-American countries. England herself became too small as a result of
modern development, so it is no longer an island in the former sense. In contrast, the United
States is a true island in the modern sense. Because of their length - says Maha - it has not yet
been realized. But it is in the current scope and the magnitude relationship. United States insular
character should help to ensure that maritime supremacy would be maintained and continued on
a broader basis. America - it was the same
a large island on the basis of which the British conquest of the sea needs to be immortalized in a
larger scale continued as the Anglo-American world domination.

At the time, as a politician, Disraeli wanted to transfer the worldwide British Empire in Asia, the
US Admiral hatched the idea to send to America. It was typical of the type of thinking natural for
the Anglo-Saxon sailor of the 19th century. Admiral felt epochal changes seen enormous change
measures and dimensions that inevitably comes with the development of the industry. But he did
not see what the industrial revolution is just the most important point - the elementary connection
between man and the sea. Thus it appears that he continues to think in the old way. His larger
island had to save, conserve, inherited, outdated tradition in a completely new situation. Old,
very small island and the entire complex is erected on the basis of its maritime and world
domination is to be taken in tow by a new island, like a rescue vessel.

No matter how large or has personality Maha and no matter how impressive was his construction
of the Big Island, but she does not comprehend the true meaning of a new ordering of space. It is
not a product of the spirit of the old seafarers. She comes from a conservative geopolitical
security needs, it does not remain more than anything from the energy awakening of the elements
that made possible the world-historical union between brave seafaring and the Calvinist belief in
predestination in the 16th and 17th centuries.


Industrial development and new technology could not remain at the level of the 19th century.
Progress has not ended to the invention the ship and railway. The world has changed faster than
had been expected prophets machine faith, and entered the era of electrical engineering and
electrodynamics. Electrical engineering, aviation and radio caused such upheaval in all concepts
of space, which is clearly entered a new stage of the first planetary spatial revolution, if not the
second, a new revolution of space. Within a short period of time from 1890 to 1914, Germany,
the state of the European continent, has caught up with and even surpassed England in critical
areas in machine building, shipbuilding and locomotive building, - after Krupp had already in
1868 demonstrated its advantage over the British in the production field arms. Already World
War in 1914 was marked by a new one. Of course, the people and their government have entered
into it, not having

revolutionary era for the space, as if we were talking about one of the last wars of the 19th
century, in which they participated. In the highly industrialized Germany prevailed even British
ideals of law, and English ideas were considered indisputable, while huge agricultural country,
which was Czarist Russia, came in 1914 in the First World and raw war without placing on its
vast territory own modern engine plant . In fact, the promotion of the steam vessel to modern
warship is not less than the pitch of the propeller to the galleys sailing. Man's relation to the
elements sea again profoundly changed.

When there was a plane, it was conquered by the new, third dimension was added to the ground
and the sea. Now the man rose above the surface of the earth and the sea and has acquired a
completely new vehicle and as a new weapon. Measures and proportionality have changed again,
and the possibility of human domination over nature and over others expanded to boundless
limits. It is understandable why the Air Force received the name of "space weapon". For
they produce a revolutionary change spaces are particularly strong, immediate and intuitive.

But if in addition to imagine that the airspace above the ground and the sea is not only roam the
planes, radio, stations of all countries with the speed of a second freely permeate atmospheric
space around the globe, there is every reason to believe that now is not just achieved a new, third
measurement, but even the third element was added, the air in the new element as a human
existence. Then to both Mythical animals - Leviathan and Behemoth - it would be necessary to
add a third: a large bird. But we should not be so rash as to make promising statements. For if we
reflect that, with the help of some technical and mechanical means and the energy carried human
dominance in the air and imagine the internal combustion engines, which are operated aircraft,
most fire seem any additional, in fact a new element of human activity in the world.

This is not the place to resolve the issue of two new poems, added to the earth and to the sea.
There are too intertwined serious considerations and speculations, hypotheses and conjectures,
for them there is still a vast field of possibilities. After all, according to the teachings of the
ancient times, the whole history of mankind is the only way through the quaternity of elements.
If we try to soberly follow our topic, we can clearly and reliably ascertain two things. The first
change concerns the idea of space, which has come into a new period of the spatial revolution.
This conversion takes place with the depth of no less than the already familiar to us a change of
16-17 centuries. Then people put world and the universe in the empty space. Today we can not
imagine space as simply lacking any conceivable content bottomless length. Space has become a
force field of human energy for our actions and results. Just today, it becomes possible to think
for us, the incredible in any other age; it expressed the German philosopher of our time, "the
world is not in space, but the space is located within the world." Our second concerns the
establishment of the original ratio of land and sea. Today the sea is no longer an element, as it
was in the era of whale hunters and corsairs. Today's machinery vehicles and the media made
him a space in the modern sense of the word. Today, any owner of a vessel may, at any hour of
the day and to know at what point in the ocean is his ship. Thus, in contrast to the era of sailing
ships, sea world has changed dramatically for the person. But if this is so, then comes the
division of the sea and the land on which the old link marine world domination. Disappears the
very foundation of the British conquest of the sea and together with her former Nomos of the

Instead, he uncontrollably and formed a compelling new nomos of the planet. It is caused by a
new human relatedness to old and new elements, and changing measures and the relationship of
human existence boost its formation. Many will see this as nothing but death and destruction.
Some decide to be present at the end of the world. In fact, we are experiencing the end of a
previous relationship of land and sea. However, the human fear of the new is often as great as the
fear of emptiness, even if the new overcomes the void. Many see only the meaningless chaos
where in reality a new sense of itself paves the way commensurate order. Old Nomos, of course,
goes away, and with it the whole system inherited dimensions, norms and attitudes. But the
future still is not merely the absence of hostile action or nomos nothing. And in a fierce battle of
old and new forces arise due care and drawn meaningful proportion.

And here there and dominate the gods, their measure great.
Leipzig, 1942.
Translated from the German Yu.Korinets
guerrillas THEORY
Interim remark about the concept of political Dedicated to Ernst Forsthoffu to the 60th
anniversary of
the September 13, 1962

This essay on theories of partisan arose from two lectures which I read in the spring of 1962 -
March 15 in Pamplona, at the invitation of the Estudio General de Navarra, and on March 17 at
Zaragoza University, as part of Catedra Palafox, at the invitation of its director, Professor Luis
Garcia Arias. The lecture was published in publications Catedra at the end of 1962.

Subtitled intermediate point about political concepts can be explained on the basis of the
particular publishing moments. Publishing is currently preparing to re-publish my text in 1932.
In recent decades there have been numerous consequences on the subject. This composition is
not as a consequence; is an independent, albeit preliminary work, the theme of which inevitably
results in the problem of distinguishing between friend and foe. So I just wanted to introduce the
development of my lectures spring 1962 in the form of the lowly intermediate observations and
thus make them accessible to all those who are still closely followed the difficult discussion
about the concept of the political. February 1963 Carl Schmitt

Introduction. A look at the original position 1808/13

The starting position for our thinking about the problem of the partisan guerrilla is that the
Spanish people conducted in 1808 - 1813 years against the troops of another conqueror. In this
war, the people - pre-bourgeois, pre-industrial, preconventional people - first encountered
modern, emerged from the experience of the French Revolution, a well-organized, regular army.
Thanks to this new open space war, formed the new concepts of warfare, and there was a new
doctrine of war and politics.

Partisan fights in an irregular manner. But the difference between regular and irregular struggle
depends on the accuracy of regular and acquires its specific contrast and thereby also its concept
only in modern organizational forms that emerge from the wars of the French Revolution. At all
times, mankind has led wars and battles; at all times there were rules of war and the rules of
engagement, and therefore also a violation of rules and negligence rules.

In particular, at all times of decomposition, for example, during

Thirty Years' War on German soil (1618-48), then in all civil wars and colonial wars in all of
world history time and again found the phenomenon that can be called guerrilla. Only it should
be borne in mind that, for the theory of the partisan as a whole, the strength and value of its
irregularities determined by the strength and value of a partisan question supplied regularly. It is
a regular state as well as regular army becomes like the French state and the French army
because of a new Napoleon, a precise definition. Countless wars against the white invaders of the
American Indians from the 17th to the 19th century, however, as Methods Riflemen (shooters)
during the American War of Independence against the regular English army (1774-83) and the
civil war in the Vendee between Chouans and Jacobins (1793-96) are all, without exception,
even to the pre-Napoleonic stage. A new martial art of regular armies of Napoleon emerged from
the revolutionary new method of warfare. One Prussian officer at the time of Napoleon's entire
campaign in 1806 against Prussia was represented only as "one big politikanstvo1".

Spanish guerrilla partisans in 1808 was the first who had the courage to fight against irregular
first modern regular armies. Napoleon in the autumn of 1808 defeated the regular Spanish army;
in fact the Spanish guerrilla war began only after this defeat the regular army. Not yet complete,
documented history of the Spanish guerrilla voyny.2 She says Fernando Solano Costa (in his
essay cited in footnote Los Guerrilleros) is necessary, but also very difficult, because the overall
Spanish guerrilla consisted of approximately 200 regional small wars in Asturias, Aragon ,
Catalunya, Navarra, Castilla, etc.

leadership of numerous fighters whose names are shrouded in many myths and legends, among
them Juan Martin Diez, who like Empecinado became a terror to the French, and made the road
from Madrid to Saragossa nenadezhnoy.3 This guerrilla war waged by both parties with the most
terrible cruelty, and it is not surprising the fact that many texts French friends as the printed
works of guerrilla supporters. However, no matter how correlated the myth and the legend, on
the one hand, and documented history, the other - the line of our starting position in any case
clear. According to Clausewitz often half the total French military force was in Spain, and half of
it, namely, 250-260, 000 people were involved in guerrilla warfare; their number is estimated
Gomez de Arteche at 50,000, others suggest much lower figures.

The situation of the Spanish guerrilla 1808 is characterized primarily by the fact that he dared to
fight on his small native soil, while his king, and the king's family still did not know exactly who
was the real enemy. In this respect the legitimate authority behaved while in Spain is not
different than in Germany. In addition, the higher clergy and the bourgeoisie were everywhere
afrancesados (French friends), that is the situation in Spain is characterized by the fact that the
educated strata of the aristocracy, sympathetic alien conqueror. And in this regard reveals
parallels with Germany, where the great German poet Goethe created hymns to the glory of
Napoleon, and where the German education never finally understand for themselves on whose
side is it. In Spain Guerrillero ventured on a losing battle, the poor man, the first typical case of
occasional cannon fodder conflicts of political importance for the whole world. All this in an
overture belongs partisan theory. While the spark came from Spain to the north. It is not inflated
there is the same fire which provided the Spanish guerrilla its world-historical significance. But it
has had such an impact there, whose development today, in the second half of the 20th century,
changing the face of the Earth and humanity. She gave birth to the theory of war and enmity,
which consistently reaches its climax in the partisan theory.

First, in 1809, during the brief war waged by the Austrian monarchy against Napoleon,
systematic attempt to emulate the Spanish model was made. Austrian government in Vienna
staged the famous via publicists, among them Fridrih Gentts and Friedrich Schlegel, national
propaganda against Napoleon. Have been translated into German and Spanish were distributed
trudy.4 Heinrich von Kleist hurried here and continued after the Austrian war in 1809 anti-
French propaganda in Berlin. During these years, until his death in November 1811, he was
actually a poet of national resistance alien conqueror. His drama "Battle of the Teutoburg» ( "Die
(An Palafox), Zaragoza defender put on a par with Leonidas, Arminius and Wilhelm Tellem.5
What reformers in the Prussian General Staff, primarily Gneisenau and Scharnhorst, were deeply
shocked by the Spanish example and tried in their reorganizations have it in mind, it is known
and below will still understand. In the world of ideas of the Prussian General Staff officers of
1808-1813 years also concluded sprouts book On War, Clausewitz name by which gained almost
mythical sound. Its formula of war as a continuation of the policy already contains compressed
theory partisan, whose logic brought to an end by Lenin and Mao Tse-tung, as will be shown
below contact.

- exactly this great partisan creation of all time. He also composed a poem Palafox

Up to the present guerrilla warfare, people's war, which must be mentioned in connection with
our problem partisan, it came only in the Tyrol, where acted Andreas Hofer, Shpekbaher and
Capuchin priest Haspinger. Tyrolese became a powerful torch, in the words of Klauzevits.6
However, this era in 1809 quickly ended. And in other parts of Germany it did not come to the
guerrilla war against the French. Strong national momentum, showing up in some revolts and
partisan groups, very quickly and without residue resulted in a regular way of war. Battle of
spring and summer of 1813 took place on the battlefield, and the outcome was realized in the
battle face to face in October 1813 at Leipzig.

The Congress of Vienna 1814-1815's newly restored, as part of a general restoration of the
concept of European law voyny.7 It was one of the most remarkable restorations in world
history. It was a huge success, so it's the law of war guarded continental war on land as far back
as the First World War 1914-18 determined the European practice of war on land. Even today,
this right is called the classical law of war, and it deserves the name. Because it knows the clear
distinctions, above all, distinguish between war and peace, war participants from non-parties to
the war, enemy and criminal. War is being waged between states as war regular state armies,
between sovereign bearers jus belli, who in the war view themselves as enemies and do not
expose each other discrimination as criminals, so that the conclusion of peace is possible and
even remains normal, self-evident end of the war. Faced with this classic right - as long as it has
a real active force - the guerrillas could only be a peripheral phenomenon, as it actually was still
during the whole of World War I (1914-18).

The horizon of our consideration

When I occasionally speak of modern theories of partisan, I must point out to determine the
theme that the old theories of the partisan as opposed to modern theories actually does not exist.
In the classical law of war the former European international law has no place in modern partisan
sense. he or
- in war for dynastic reasons of the 18th century - the form of light, especially rolling, but the
regular squad, or he as a particularly hideous criminal stands just outside the law and hors la loi.
As long as the war lasted even something from the idea of a duel and a knighthood, otherwise it
could not be.

With the introduction of universal conscription course all wars are in theory of people's war, and
then quickly create a situation that the classical law of war are difficult and often intractable,
such as the situation is more or less improvised levee en masse, or volunteer corps, or "free
arrows ". About this later. In any case, the war remains fundamentally guarded (gehegt), and
guerrillas - this is obereganiya (Hegung). Now even his essence and his existential becomes what
he is beyond any obereganiya.
Modern partisans of the enemy does not expect neither justice nor mercy. He turned away from
the traditional hostility tamed and protect the war and moved to another area, this enmity, which
increases by terror and anti-terror to extermination.

Two particularly important kind of war in the context of the phenomenon of partisan and, in a
sense, even closely related to this phenomenon: the civil war and colonial war. The guerrilla
modern phenomenon, this relationship downright specific. Classical European international law
supplanted these two dangerous forms of war and hostility to the periphery. War jus publicum
Europaeum was interstate war waged by one regular state army on the other. Open civil war was
considered an armed uprising, which was suppressed with the help of a state of siege by the
police and troops of the regular army. The colonial war had not escaped the attention of the
military science of European countries - such as Britain, France and Spain. But all this does not
call into question the regular state war as the classic model.8

Particular mention must be made here Russia. Russian army during the 19th century led many
wars with Asian mountaineers and never limited to only regular armies of the war, as did the
Prussian-German army. In addition, Russian history knows autochthonous partisan struggle
against Napoleon's army. In the summer of 1812 Russian partisans under military leadership
prevented the French army in its progress towards Moscow; fall and winter of the same year the
Russian peasants killed fled, frozen and hungry Frenchmen. It lasted a little more than six
months, but it was enough to be an historic event that took an enormous impact, however, in
view of the greater political myth and its various interpretations, than because of its paradigmatic
exposure to the scientific theory of war. We should mention here, at least two different, even
opposite interpretations of this Russian partisan war in 1812, one anarchist, informed Bakunin
and Kropotkin and has become world famous thanks to the descriptions in Tolstoy's novel "War
and Peace" and the Bolshevik use of Stalinist tactics and a revolutionary war strategy.

Tolstoy was not an anarchist Bakunin or Kropotkin type, but the greater was its influence. His
epic "War and Peace" contains mifoobrazuyuschey power more than any political doctrine or any
documented history. Tolstoy raises Russian partisan 1812 to support the elemental forces of the
Russian land, which throws off the famous Emperor Napoleon with his brilliant army as an
annoying pest. Uneducated, illiterate peasant in Tolstoy is not only stronger, but also more
intelligent than all the strategies and tactics, especially the most intelligent of the great
commander Napoleon,

which becomes puppet in the hands of the historic achievements. Stalin picked up the myth of
the indigenous national partisan struggle during the Second World War with Germany and very
specifically put it at the service of its communist world politics. This means essentially new stage
phenomenon partisan, the beginning of which is the name of Mao Tse-tung.

For thirty years, in large areas of the Earth occur bitter partisan battle. They started already in
1927, before World War II, in China and in other Asian countries, which were later protected
from the Japanese invasion 1932-1945 period. During the Second World War, the scene of such
wars were Russia, Poland, the Balkans, France, Albania, Greece, and other areas. After the
Second World War, guerrilla warfare continued in Indochina, where it was particularly
productive organized against the French colonial army of Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi
Minh and the winner of Dien Bien Phu, General Vo Nguyen Giap, later in Malaya, the
Philippines and Algeria, Cyprus, Colonel Griwas,
and in Cuba, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Currently, in 1962, the Indo-Chinese countries of
Laos and Vietnam are the areas of guerrilla warfare, which is daily developing new methods of
defeating the enemy and the enemy of deceit. Modern technology provides increasingly powerful
weapons and means of destruction, more sophisticated means of transportation and
communication methods, both guerrillas and the regular army, which is fighting with the
guerrillas. The diabolical circle of terror and anti-terror suppression of partisan is often only a
reflection of the very partisan struggle, and yet again proves correct old thesis, which is mostly
cited as an order of Napoleon to General Lefebvre on September 12, 1813: partisans should fight
guerrilla methods; il faut operer en partisan partout ou il ya des partisans.

The following will need to focus on some specific issues of international legal legal valuation.
Main is so clear; application to specific situations of rapid development is controversial. In recent
years, there was an impressive document of will to the total resistance, not only the will but also
the detailed guidance for specific performance: the Swiss guidelines for the management of small
wars, for each (Kleinkriegsanleitung fur jedermann), published by the Swiss Union of
noncommissioned officers called The total resistance and composed captain H. von Dach (2nd
ed., Biel, 1958). At more than 180 pages of this work gives guidance on active and passive
resistance to alien invasion, with precise instructions on sabotage, life underground, how to hide
weapons, on the organization of coups, avoiding surveillance and so on. D. Recent experiments
carefully used decades. It is a modern guide to wage war for each contains an indication that his
"resistance to the highest degree" adheres to the Hague Convention on the Laws and Customs of
War on Land and the four of the Hague Agreement in 1949. This is clear by itself. Also, it is not
difficult to figure out how to respond to the normal regular army on the practical application of
the guidelines for the management of a local war (for example, page 43: the still killing time ax),
while it does not feel defeated.
The word and concept of guerrilla

A brief summary of some well-known names and events, which we have started the first
description of the horizon of our analysis, reveals the immense wealth of material and issues.
Therefore it is necessary to clarify some features and criteria that the discussion did not become
abstract and limitless. One such feature we called at the beginning of the presentation, when the
outcome of what is irregular guerrilla fighter. The regular nature of the phenomenon is reflected
in the uniform of a soldier, which is something more than professional attire, because it
demonstrates the dominance of publicity; along with the uniforms of soldiers openly and
defiantly carry weapons. Hostile soldiers in uniform - a real modern guerrilla target.

As a further indication arises today intensive political engagement that characterizes partisan,
unlike other fighters. On intensely partisan political nature we need to specify for the simple
reason that it is necessary to distinguish from ordinary thief and malicious criminals whose
motives are personal enrichment. This conceptual criterion is political (in the exact inversion) of
the same structure as that of a pirate in the face of international legal norms of naval warfare. The
concept includes a non-political nature pirate nasty way of life, including robbery and personal
gain. Pirate has, as lawyers say, animus furandi. Partisan fights on the political front, and that the
political nature of his way of life again restores the original
meaning of the guerrillas. This word comes from the word party and indicates a link to somehow
struggling, warring or political action group or party. This kind of relation with the party is
particularly strong in the revolutionary era.

Revolutionary War implies belonging to a revolutionary party and total coverage. Other groups
and unions, in particular the modern state can no longer be so totally integrate their members and
citizens as a revolutionary fighting party covers its active fighters. The wide-ranging discussion
about the so-called totalitarian state has not yet become clear that today is not the state as such,
but a revolutionary party as such represents the present and in fact the only totalitarian
organizatsiyu.9 From the standpoint of a purely organizational in the sense of strict order and
functioning submission must be even say that another revolutionary organization in this respect
is superior to other regular army and that in the international law of war must be known
confusion when org anizatsiyu as such make the criterion of regularity, as happened in the
Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949. Partizan's German name Parteiganger (party member),
the one who goes with the party, and what does it mean concretely, at various times different,
both in terms of the party or the front with which someone goes,

and with respect to its support (Mitgehens),

adjacency (Mitlaufens), martial partnership (Mitkampfens), and, possibly, on the conclusion of
the partnership (Mitgefangenwerdens). There are parties at war, but there is also the party of the
trial, the party of parliamentary democracy, the party opinions and party shares, etc. In the
Romance languages word can be used as a noun and as an adjective: French is spoken even
about the guerrillas of the opinion; in short, of the common multi-valued notation suddenly get
word of great political importance. This suggests linguistic parallel with such common word like
status, which may mean suddenly state (Staat). In the era of expansion, as in the 17th century
during the Thirty Years War, the irregular troops moving closer to the thieves and vagabonds; he
fights at your own risk and it becomes a picaresque novel character, as Spanish Picaro
Estebanillo Gonzalez, who participated in the Battle of Nordlingene (1635) and talks about it in
the style of the soldier Schweik. This can be read and Grimmelshausen Simplitsiuse in
Simplicissimus, this can be seen in the engravings and etchings of Jacques Callot. In the 18th
century "Parteiganger" belonged to the Pandur and hussars and other types of light troops, who
as mobile troops "fighting alone" and are so called small war, as opposed to the slow big war line
troops. Here the distinction of regular and irregular thought a purely military-technical and in any
case not the same as opposition to legal-illegal

in the legal sense of international law and state law. In the case of modern guerrilla both pairs of
opposites (regular, irregular,
legally, illegally) mostly erased and

Mobility, speed and stunning alternation of attack and retreat, in short: increased mobility, even
today - a distinctive feature of the partisan, and this feature is even more enhanced by the
introduction of technology and motorization. However, both opposition

liquidated revolutionary war, and occur numerous semi- and para- regular groups and formations.
Fighting with weapons in the hands of the guerrillas always remains dependent on cooperation
with the regular organization. Very strongly emphasizes this battle comrade Fidel Castro in
Cuba, Ernesto Che Gevara.10 Consequently, already due to the interaction of regular and
irregular obtained some intermediate stages. This happens in cases where no means
revolutionary government calls for the protection of the national territory from foreign
conqueror. The People's War and small war are intertwined here. The rules for such troops
already in the 16th century there is a designation partizan.11 We will look at two important
examples of formal regulation of people's war and Landsturm who are trying to regulate the
guerrillas. On the other hand, and a foreign conqueror publishes instructions on the suppression
of enemy guerrillas. All this kind of rationing facing the difficult problem of international law,
ie, legal regulation for both sides irregular, on the recognition of a partisan participant in the war
and its consideration as a prisoner of war and, on the other hand, the rights of the military
occupation authorities. We have already made it clear that here there are some legal disputes.
We'll come back to the argument about the "free lances" German-French war of 1870-1871, after
Okin's eye the international legal status (below pp.). The trend change or abolition of inherited
concepts - classical concepts, as they say today - General and in the face of rapid changes in the
world the more postizhima.12 not stay away from this trend and "classical" (if you can call it) the
concept of a partisan. In a very important theme for our book "Guerrilla" Rolf Shroersa,
published in 1961, an illegal fighter of the Resistance Movement and active member of the
underground becomes the property type partizana.13 It is a transformation of the concept, which
is focused mainly on certain intra-German situation and that the Hitler era as such, it deserves
attention. Irregularity replaced illegally military struggle - resistance. This means, I think, a far-
reaching reinterpretation of the partisan wars of national independence and the underestimation
of the fact that war and revolutionize military communications support of the regular army and
irregular fighters. In some cases reinterpretation comes to the universal character and the
abolition of the concept. Then any individualist or nonconformist can be called a partisan,
regardless of whether he thinks at all about how to pick up oruzhie.14 As a metaphor it is quite
possible; I myself used it to describe the spiritual and historical figures and situatsiy.15 In a
figurative sense "to be a man
- it means to be a fighter," and consistent individualist fighting on their own and at their own
risk. Then it becomes itself a party themselves. This kind of elimination of the concepts are
worthy of attention

signs of time, that require a separate issledovaniya.16 But for that partisan theory, what we have
in mind, there should be some criteria that the topic is not dissipated in the abstract universality.
Among these criteria are: irregularity, increased mobility and enhanced active combat, enhanced
the intensity of political engagement. I would like to stick to another, the fourth feature of the
present partisan attribute that Jover Zamora has designated as telluric character. This, despite the
tactical mobility and maneuverability,
it is important for the principle defensive guerrilla situation, which changes its nature, when he
identifies himself with absolute aggressive ideology of world revolution or technicist ideology. It
is the same with this criterion, two particularly interesting for us interpretation topics, the book
Rolf Shroersa (prim.13) and Jurg.H.Schmid thesis on international legal status of the partisan

) . His rationale telluric the nature of this phenomenon, as the guerrilla seems to me essential that
in the sense of position in space to make a clear defense, ie limitation of enmity and to warn of
the absolute requirements of abstract justice. With regard to the partisans who fought in the
1808/13's in Spain, the Tyrol, and in Russia, it is so clear. But the partisan battles of the Second
World War and subsequent years in Indochina and other countries associated with the names of
Mao Tse-tung, Ho Shi Mina and Fidel Castro, give insight into the fact that the relationship with
the soil, with the indigenous population and the geographical peculiarity of the country -
mountain, forest, jungle or desert - is still quite relevant. Partizan remains separated not only
pirate, but also from the corsair to the same extent that the remaining sections of land and sea as
various elementary human work space and military conflict between nations. Land and sea are
not only different methods of warfare and not only various types of theaters, but also have
developed different concepts of war, the enemy and trofeyah.17 Partizan will be specifically
earth, land type active fighter for at least as long as it will be possible anti-colonial wars on our
planete.18 telluric partisan character will now be more clearly delineated as compared with the
figures typical sea in legal terms (p.

) and in the analysis of the spatial dimension (s. ).

But the autochthonous partisan agricultural origin is involved in the field of force irresistible,
technical-industrial progress. His mobility is so enhanced by the motorization, it is exposed to
the danger of completely losing any ground. During the Cold War, he becomes a technician
invisible struggle, saboteur and spy. Already during the Second World War, there were groups of
saboteurs with guerrilla training. Such motorized guerrillas telluric loses its character and is only
a transportable and interchangeable tool of the powerful center of the creative world politics,
which brings it into action for the explicit or invisible war and, as appropriate, switches off
again. This feature also belongs to its current existence and should not be overlooked in the
partisan theory. Four-bedded these criteria - irregularity,

increased mobility, the intensity of political engagement, telluric character - and with reference
to the possible consequences of the ongoing tehnizirovaniya, industrializirovaniya and loss of
agricultural nature, we, with the conceptual point of view, describe the horizon of our
consideration. It extends from the Napoleonic era to Guerrillero well armed partisan of
modernity, from Empecinado by Mao Tse-tung and Ho Shi Mina to Fidel Castro. This is a great
area, growing material for historians and military science. We use it as it is accessible to us, and
try to get some scientific conclusions for partisan theory.

A look at the international legal status

Partisan fighting irregular manner. But some categories of irregular fighters are equalized with
the regular armed forces and enjoy the rights and benefits of the regular participants in the war.
This means they are fighting is not against the law, and when they are captured by the enemy,
then we have the right to demand special treatment as prisoners of war and wounded. The legal
status of the Hague found the statute of War on Land of 18 October 1907 compilation, which is
now recognized as common. After the Second World War, this material was developed in the
four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, of which the second regulates the fate of the
wounded and sick in land warfare, and naval warfare, the third - treatment of prisoners, and the
fourth - the protection of civilians in time of war. They were ratified by many countries of the
Western world and the Eastern bloc; I agreed with their wording and the new US military
handbook on law of land warfare on July 18, 1956.

Hague statute of War on Land of October 18, 1907 under certain conditions made the call the
police, volunteer corps and comrades of spontaneous mass disturbances with regular armed
forces. Later, in the analysis of differences with the Prussian partisan, we will mention some of
the difficulties and ambiguities of this regulation. The development, which led to the Geneva
Conventions of 1949, characterized by the fact that it recognizes all calling further easing is still
state, European international law. All the new categories of combatants is now considered to be
participants in the war. And civilians of enemy occupation of the field troops - that is, its own
area of operations of the partisan fighting in the rear of enemy armies - now enjoy greater legal
protection than under the statute of War on Land 1907. Many comrades who hitherto considered
partisans now equalized with regular fighters and have their rights and benefits. They are, in fact,
can no longer be called guerrillas. However, the concept is still unclear and hesitating.

The wording of the Geneva Conventions into account European experience, but do not consider
the guerrilla war by Mao Tse-tung and the later development of modern guerrilla warfare. In the
first years after the date of 1945 has not yet become clear that realized and formulated a
connoisseur of the case, as Hermann Foertsch: that military action since 1945, took a partisan
character as the atomic bomb holders have avoided its application on humanitarian grounds, and
not having it could count on these concerns - an unexpected impact on both the atomic bomb,
and humanitarian reasons. Important issues for partisan concepts of the Geneva valuations are
abstracted from specific situations. They are (as they say in the prestigious and very important,
compiled under the direction of Jean S. Pictet comments Internationalen Roten Kreuzes,
Bd.111,1958, S.65), referring specifically une reference precise in the resistance movement of
World War 1939/45.

There was no intention to fundamentally change the charter of the Hague War on Land 1907.
Here, even in principle hold four classical conditions for balancing the regular forces (command
responsibility, constant hard visible insignia, open carrying of weapons, observance of the rules
and customs of the law of war). The Convention on the protection of civilians must, however,
have the power not only to inter-state wars, but for all international armed conflict, therefore, and
civil wars, rebellions, etc. But in doing so it is necessary to create a legal basis for humanitarian
intervention of the International Committee of the Red Cross (and other non-partisan
organizations). Inter arma caritas. The article 3 paragraph 4 convention is strongly emphasized
that the legal situation, le statut juridique, these conflicting parties not affected (Pictet, aaO, 111,
1955, S.39 / 40). At the inter-State war, the occupation authorities Troops occupied the area still
retain the right to instruct the local police in the area to maintain order and suppress irregular
fighting, therefore, pursue and partisans, "no matter what ideas they inspire» (Pictet 1V,
1956, S.330).

Thus, unlike the partisan - in the sense of an irregular, not treated as a regular fighter forces - and
today is preserved in principle. Partizan in this sense does not have the rights and benefits of war
veterans; he was a criminal under common law and can be neutralized by the amount of
punishment and repressive measures. This was principally recognized and trials of war criminals
after World War II, mainly in the sentences of the Nuremberg trials against German generals
(Jodl, Leeb, List), And it goes without saying that all beyond the required suppression of cruelty
guerrillas, terror , collective punishment, or even participation in the genocide, are war crimes.

The Geneva Conventions expand the circle of persons equated to regular fighters, above all, that
they call the members of "organized resistance movements" and police officers and members of
the volunteer corps and thus assign them the rights and benefits of regular participants in the war.
At the same time more than once a military organization is clearly a condition (Article 13 of the
Convention on the wounded, Article 4 of the Convention on prisoners of war). Convention on
the Protection of Civilians
equates "international conflicts", which can be solved by force of arms to inter-state wars of the
classical European international law, and thus affects the core of the typical old law of war legal
institution, occupatio bellica. These extensions and weakened, which here can be given as
examples only, added the important transformations and changes that by themselves result from
the development of modern military equipment and with reference to the guerrilla struggle are
even more intense. Which means, for example, the provision on the "open carrying" weapons for
the resistance fighter, which instructs the above cited "guidance on guerrilla warfare" of the
Swiss Union of non-commissioned officers (p.33): "move only at night and hide during the day
in the woods!" or what is the requirement of the visible signs everywhere differences in night
battle or battle with long-range guns of modern military equipment? He gets a lot of similar
questions when consideration is carried out from the point of view of the problem of the partisan
and when not to lose sight below (p.

) revealed aspects changes in space and technical and industrial development.

Protection of the civilian population in the occupied area of the military varied. The occupation
authorities are interested in the fact that in a busy area of military reigned peace and order.
Adhere to the fact that the population of occupied territory shall be obliged not to be true, but,
perhaps, is obliged to obey the laws of war permitted by orders of the occupation authorities.
Even employees - and even the police - need to continue to work properly and accordingly to
them should contact the occupation authorities. All this - with great difficulty, balanced, difficult
compromise between the interests of the occupation authorities and the interests of their military
opponent. Partizan dangerous violates this kind of order in the occupied area. Not only because
his real war zone has an area in the rear of the enemy's front, where it disables the transport and
logistics, but also, in addition, if the population of this region is more or less supports and hides
it. "Your greatest friend Population" - appears in the just cited 'Guide to guerrilla warfare for
everyone "(p.28). Then the protection of the population and is potentially partisan protection. So
it becomes clear why in the history of the law of war in the deliberations of the Hague statute of
War on Land and its further development all the time there was a typical grouping, alignment of
forces: the big military powers, that is, the potential occupying power and demanded a strict
maintenance of order in a busy area of the troops in while the smaller states, fearing military
occupation - Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg - tried to achieve the fullest possible protection
of the resistance fighters and civilians. In this respect, the development since the Second World
War led to new scientific findings, and below

(from. )
identified aspect of the destruction of social structures strongly suggests the question of
whether the available and those cases in which the population is in need of protection from

Thanks to the 1949 Geneva Conventions in the classic, exactly settled and regulated occupatio
bellica legal institution has been a change, the consequences of which remain largely
unpredictable. resistance fighters, which previously treated as partisans, equalized with regular
soldiers, unless they are organized. In contrast to the interests of the occupation authorities the
interests of the busy area of the population so strongly emphasize that - at least in theory - it
became possible to view any resistance to the occupation authorities, including the guerrilla
resistance, unless it comes from respectable motives but illegalnoe. On the other hand, the
occupation authorities should continue to be eligible for repressive measures. Partizan in this
situation will not be truly legally, but will not be
act really illegal, but will act at their own risk, and in this sense will act risky.

When use the word risk and risk in general, not the refined sense, then it is necessary to establish
that in a busy and eventful military enemy guerrillas area risky lives in any case, not only the
guerrillas. In the general sense of insecurity and the risk of the entire population of this region is
exposed to greater risk. Employees who respectively Hague statute of land warfare wish
correctly continue to work overtakes the additional risk in the sense of action and inaction, and
especially by the police is the point of intersection dangerous to each other conflicting
requirements: the enemy occupation authorities require from him obedience at maintaining
security and order which violated just partisan; own nation-state requires him loyalty and attract
him to justice after the war; people, to whom it belongs to, expects loyalty and solidarity, which,
referring to the activities of a police officer can lead to exactly the opposite practical conclusions,
if police officers will not be solved to ensure that to become a partisan; and finally, the guerrillas
and the occupier quickly enrolled him in a diabolical circle of repression and anti-repression. In
the abstract, risky action (or inaction) is not a specific feature partisan.

The specified word risk gains significance due to the fact that risk-taking [subject] does so at
their own risk and consciously resigns himself with nasty consequences of his action or
omission, so he can not complain of injustice if it overtake bad results. On the other hand, he has
an opportunity to - as far as we are not talking about illegal actions - to compensate for the risk
that it enters into a contract of insurance. The birthplace of the concept of legal risk, its scientific
and legal topos remains insurance law. Man lives among a variety of dangers, and the danger to
the legal consciousness of the name of risk means to do it and affected by it insured. In the case
of partisan it is likely to have led to the failure of irregularity and illegality of his actions, even if
they were aware of the fact that in terms of technical-insurance to protect it from too much risk
transfer in the highest hazard class.

Reflecting on the concept of risk is necessary for situations such as war and enmity. We have a
word entered in the international legal doctrine of war in the book Josef L. Kunz "Kriegsrecht
und Neutralitatsrecht" (1935, S.146, 274). But there is a word does not apply to the war on land
and does not apply to the guerrillas. These things are not mentioned in the book. If we do not
remember the insurance law as the legal home of the concept of risk and forget inaccurate and
fuzzy use of the word - for example, compared with the run away captive, who "risk" to be shot
-. It will be found that is specifically productive in the sense of the law of war use of the word
"risky" in J. Kunz has in mind only the law of the sea war, and typical of his figures and
situations. The war in the sea to a large extent the economic war; as opposed to war on land she
had their own space and their own ideas about the enemy and trophies. Even the improvement of
the Wounded in Geneva regulation in August 1949 led to two, separate for land and sea

Risky in this specific sense, there are two party war at sea: the neutral blockade of the offender
and neutral provozchik smuggling. With reference to their word risk it is clear and precise. Both
kind of war participants embark on a "very profitable, but risky commercial adventure» (J. Kunz
aaO, S. 277): they risk the ship and the cargo in the event of capture. At the same time they do
not have an enemy, even if they are seen as the enemy in the sense of international law waging
war at sea. Their social ideal - it's a good gesheft. Their field of activity - a free sea. They do not
think about how to protect the home, hearth and home from a stranger invader, which refers to
the inverse image of the indigenous guerrilla. They also conclude insurance contracts in order to
compensate for their risk, with hazard rates are correspondingly high, and adapt to changing risk
factors, eg, flooding the submarine:. Very risky, but reliable and expensive insured. There should
seize this good word as risky from the conceptual field of maritime law of war and dissolve it in
the erasure all clear outline of the general concept. For us, insisting on the telluric character of
the guerrilla, it is especially important. If before I once called sea marauders and peniteley
beginning of capitalism "partisans of the sea» (Der Nomos der Erde, S.145), then today I would
have corrected it as a terminological inexactitude. Partizan is the enemy and "risk" in a
completely different way than the offender provozchik blockade and contraband. He runs the risk
not only his life, like any regular participant in the war. He knows, and does not stop before the
enemy puts it outside the law, outside the law and outside the concept of honor.

This, of course, makes and revolutionary fighter who announces criminal enemy and all the
enemies of the concept of law, law and honor to announce the ideological deception. Contrary to
all characteristic of the Second World War and the postwar period to the present day connections
and mixing the two types of guerrilla
- oboronitelno- autochthonous defender of the motherland and aggressive global, revolutionary
activist - the opposite is maintained. It rests, as we shall see, on fundamentally different concepts
of war and enmity, which are implemented in different types of partisans. Where war is waged
on both sides as non-discriminatory war one state to another, the guerrilla is a peripheral figure,
which does not explode the boundaries of war and does not alter the general structure of the
political process. However, if a war is waged with the criminalization of a military enemy in
general, if the war is conducted, for example, as the civil war of the class enemy against the class
enemy if its main goal - the overthrow of the government of a hostile state, then the
revolutionary action of the explosion of the enemy criminalization affects such a way that the
guerrilla becomes true a war hero. It carries out the death sentence and the offender with his hand
runs the risk that it will be treated as a criminal or a pest. This is the logic of war justa causa
without recognition justus hostis. Thanks to its revolutionary guerrilla becomes true central
figure of the war.
However, the problem of the partisan becomes the best touchstone. Different types of guerrilla
war can just mix and merge in the practice of today's warfare, they are so different in their
fundamental assumptions that applied to him justified criterion grouping into friends and
enemies. Previously, we were reminded of a typical grouping, which was evident in the
preparation of the statute of the Hague land warfare: big military powers against small neutral
countries. When the deliberations of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 with great difficulty
reached a compromise formula, equalizing organized resistance movement and volunteer corps.
And here repeated the typical grouping, when it was about to secure the experience of the
Second World War in the international legal norms. And this time, the big military powers,
potential occupiers, resisted a little wary of the occupation of the States; but this time with an
equally unusual as it is symptomatic of a modification: the largest land, continental power in the
world, the most powerful potential invader, the Soviet Union, it was now on the side of the small

Rich materials and well documented work Jurg H. Schmid "Die volkerrechtliche Stellung der
Partisanen im Kriege" (Zurcher Studien zum Internationalen Recht Nr.23, Polygraphischer
Verlag AG. Zurich, 1956) wants to put "under the guise of law" "Doing guerrilla civilians "- in
this case refers specifically guerrillas Stalin (S.97,157). This Schmid sees "the quintessence of
the problem
partisan "and the rule of creative achievement of the Geneva Conventions. Schmid would
eliminate "certain thoughts right occupation", even remaining from the previous understanding
of the occupying power, in particular, as he says, "praised by the duty to obey orders." For this
purpose, it uses the doctrine of legal, but risky military action, he is a new accent as risky, but
non illegalnye hostilities. Thus it reduces the risk of partisan, whom he at the expense of the
occupation authorities may award more rights and privileges. He thinks to avoid the logic of
terror and anti-terror, I do not see; this is the case, he simply criminalizes partisan military
enemy. All of this together - a highly interesting intersection of two different statuts juridiques, it
is the participant of war and civilians, with two different types of modern warfare, it is open and
the cold war between the population and the occupying authorities, in which the guerrillas
Schmid`a (following Mao) participates a deux mains. Surprisingly only, and here is the real
failure of the concept of axis, that this de-illegalizatsiya Stalinist partisan due to classical
international law at the same time is associated with a return to the pure war states Portalis-the
doctrine of Rousseau, which Schmid argues that it is only "in their children's footwear" prohibit
the person committing the civil military operations (S.157). Since the guerrillas become insured.
The four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 are the fruit of a humane way of thinking and
humane development that deserves admiration. Assigning and the enemy is not only humanity,
but even the law in the sense of recognition, they are based on classic international law and in
line with its traditions, with a product of humanity is not improbable. Their basis is still a state of
war and built on this obereganie war, with its clear distinctions of war and peace, military and
civilians, enemy and criminal, war, states and civil war. However, giving these essential
distinctions weaken or even putting them into question, they open the door to this kind of war
that deliberately destroys those clear separation from one another. Then another cautiously
stylized compromise rationing appears only a thin bridge over the abyss, which hides in itself is
fraught with serious consequences of the transformation of concepts about the war, about the
enemy and the guerrillas.
Development of the theory / Prussian partisan disagreements with
In Prussia, the leading military power in Germany, the revolt against Napoleon in the spring of
1813 was full of strong national feelings. Great moment quickly passed; but in the history of
partisan it is so important that we will have to discuss it later, especially.

First, we need to pay attention to the indisputable historical fact that the Prussian and Prussia led
the German army from 1813 until the end of the Second World War is a classic example of the
organization of the army, which ousted the radical idea of partisanship. Thirty years of the
German colonial rule in Africa (1885-1915) were in a military sense, not important enough to
seriously introduce the problem of brilliant theorists of the Prussian General Staff. Austrian-
Hungarian army knew the guerrilla war in the Balkans and had regulations for small war. On the
contrary, the Prussian-German army invaded during the Second World War, June 22, 1941 in
Russia, not thinking about guerrilla warfare. His campaign against Stalin, she began with the
maxim: military unit suppresses the enemy; Marauders neutralized by the police. Only in
October 1941, followed by the first special instructions to suppress the guerrillas; in May 1944, a
year before the end of the four-year
War came the first full regulation of the Supreme Command of the armed sil.19

Prussian-German army in the 19th century became the most famous, exemplary military
organization then, Eurocentric world. But she owed this fame only military victories over other
regular European armies, especially over the armies of France and Switzerland. With an irregular
war, she met only during the German-French war of 1870-1871 in France, in the form of so-
called frantirorov, which in German called partisans (Heckenschutzen) and cruelly treated them
in accordance with the law of war as it is, however, did any regular army. The stricter discipline
in the regular army, than the more correct it distinguishes between military and civilians, and
considers only dressed in the uniform of the enemy as the enemy, the more sensitive and nervous
she gets, if on the other side in the struggle participated and uniformed civilians. Military react
when rigid repression, executions, hostage-taking and the destruction of settlements and consider
it just self-defense against the treachery and perfidy. The great respect to the regular, uniformed
enemy as an enemy and not confuse it even in the most bloody fight with the offender, the
angrier dispense with irregular fighter like a criminal. All this should be a matter of the logic of
classic European law of war, which distinguishes between military and civilians, war veterans
and civilians, and which mobilizes a rare moral strength - not to declare the enemy per se

German soldiers learned about frantirore in France in the autumn of 1870 and the following
winter 1870/71, after an important victory which he won over the emperor Napoleona111 regular
army at the Battle of Sedan on 2 September. If everything went according to the rules of
classical, regular armies of the war, it had to be expected that after such a victory, the war will be
over and that the world will be signed. Instead, the emperor defeated government was removed.
The new Republican government led by Leon Gambetta proclaimed national uprising against
alien invader, "Krieg a outrance". It is very quickly gaining more and more new army, and threw
everything new masses of poorly trained soldiers on the battle field. In November 1870 it even
reached the military success in the Loire. Since it is not expected to conduct a long war, the
position of the German army was threatening, and was threatened international position of
Germany. The population of France has come to a state of patriotic excitement and in various
forms has become involved in the fight against the Germans. The Germans arrested respected
persons and the so-called know (Notable) as hostages, shot frantirorov who came across them in
arms, and had on the population pressure through every kind of repression. This was the initial
situation for more than a half-century dispute lawyers in the field of international law and of the
official propaganda on both sides for and against frantirora. Disagreements flared up again in the
First World War as the Belgian-German dispute on frantirorah. On this issue written entire
libraries, and more in recent years 1958-1960 board of respected German and Belgian historians
tried to clarify and resolve at least one controversial point of this complex [issues] - Belgian
debate about frantirorah 1914 year.20

All this is indicative of a partisan problem, since it shows that the normative regulation - if it is to
follow the facts, understand the situation and if it should not just issue a glissando judgments
about price and an overall restrictive conditions - legally impossible. Traditional European
obereganie interstate war comes from the 18th century of certain concepts, which even though
they were suspended by the French Revolution, but the more effective were confirmed
restoration of the Congress of Vienna. These date back to the era of the monarchy presentation of
guarded war and legitimate enemy can be legalized between States only if at war state on both
sides adhere to them both in domestic and in the inter-state politics in the same way, that is, if
their internal and inter-state concept of regular and irregular , legally and illegally substantively
identical, or at least some way homogenous in structure. Otherwise interstate standardization,
instead of fostering peace, will only supply pretexts and slogans for recriminations. This simple
truth from the time of the First World War began to gradually clear. But the facade of the
inherited conceptual inventory ideology is still very strong. For practical reasons, States
interested in the use of so-called classical concepts, even if the latter otherwise cast aside as old-
fashioned and reactionary. In addition, the lawyers of European international law persistently
squeezed out of his mind discernible since 1900 picture new deystvitelnosti.21 If all of this in a
general sense has the power to distinguish between the old-style European war States and
Democratic People's War, then the more it relates to an impromptu national people's war a
outrance, like her Gambetta proclaimed in September 1870. Hague statute of War on Land 1907

- none other than all his predecessors in the 19th century - did not try to reach a compromise,
meaning frantirora. It requires a well-known conditions to recognize improvised warrior, wearing
a makeshift uniform, a war veteran in the international legal sense of command responsibility,
permanent, far visible mark of distinction, and above all, open carrying of weapons. The
ambiguity of concepts of the Hague Regulation and the Geneva Conventions is great and
confusing problemu.22 Partizan is still the one who avoids openly bear arms, who fights out of
the corner, who uses both the enemy's uniform, and stable free or insignia, and any kind of
civilian clothes as a disguise. Stealth and darkness - his strongest weapon, from which he
honestly could not refuse without having to not lose the space irregularity, it means: without
having to not stop being partisan. Military Concept for regular Prussian army in any case was not
based on a lack of education or lack of knowledge on the importance of guerrilla warfare. This is
evident in the interesting book of a typical Prussian officer of the General Staff, who knew war
with frantirorami 1870-71 and who unveiled his opinion in 1877 under the title "Leon Gambetta
and his army." Author Baron Colmar von der Goltz died during the First World War, the
commander of the Turkish army as the Pasha Goltz. With objectivity and with great accuracy the
young Prussian officer detects a critical error Republican warfare and states: "Gambetta wanted
to lead a major war, and he led her to his misfortune; because for the German army in France at
that time much more dangerous would be a small war, guerrilla "23 Prussian-German leadership
of the Army, albeit late, but finally suffered a guerrilla war. High Command of the German
armed forces May 6, 1944 published the previously mentioned general directive on the fight
against the guerrillas. Since the German army before its end still managed to learn the correct
partisan. Meanwhile directive in May 1944 found excellent control and an enemy of Germany.
English foreman Dixon, published after the Second World War, together with Otto Heilbrunn
informative book about the guerrillas,

in extenso reprints German directive as a good example the right to combat the guerrillas and the
British General Sir Reginald FS Denning says in his preface to the Dixon-Heilbrunn, that the
value of the German regulations for the fight against the guerrillas in 1944 is not diminished by
the fact that here we are talking about the directives of the German Army to fight against the
Russian partizan.24
Two phenomena of the German end of the war 1944-45 is not necessary to attribute the German

Wehrmacht; them as soon as possible to explain the contradiction to him: German Volkssturm
and the so-called werewolf. Volkssturm was called the decree of September 25, 1944, as a
territorial national militia for the defense of the country; belonging to his people, starting to act,
we become a soldier in the sense of the law on compulsory military service and members of the
war in the sense of the statute of the Hague land warfare. Their organization, armament, use, loss
of morale and informs the recently published work of Major General Hans Kissel, who was chief
of the Main Staff of the Deutscher Volkssturm with November 1944. Kissel reports that the
Volkssturm in the West has been recognized by the Allies as a belligerent troop (military unit),
while the Russian regarded him as a guerrilla organization and the prisoners were shot. In
contrast, the territorial national militia werewolf was intended as a guerrilla organization of
youth. On the resulting book tells Dixon and Heilbrunn: «Some few beginners werewolves were
captured by the Allies, and this thing settled". Werewolf characterized as "an attempt to release
war-partisan children» (Kinderheckenschutzenkrieg) .24` In any case, we need not dwell on this
in detail.

After the First World War the then winners eliminated the German General Staff and banned its
restoration in any form in Article 160 of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Historical and
international legal logic lies in the fact that the victors of the Second World War, which in the
meantime outlawed Duellkrieg classical European international law, particularly the United
States and the Soviet Union, after their common victory over Germany also raised the Prussian
state outlawed and destroyed him. Law number 46 of the Supervisory Board of allies on
February 25, 1947 DECIDES:

The Prussian state, which has long been in Germany bearer of militarism and reaction, de facto
ceased to exist. Guided by the idea of preserving the peace and security of peoples and wishing
to return to political life in Germany on a democratic basis, the Control Council directs as
follows: Article 1. The Prussian state with its own government and all of its controls abolished.

Partizan as the Prussian ideal of 1813, and turn to the theory of

Not the Prussian soldiers, and not striving to reform the personnel officer of the Prussian General
Staff, and the Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck was the one in 1866 against the Habsburg
monarchy and Bonapartist France "would like to take up any weapon that we could offer
released to freedom (entfesselte) national movement, not only in Germany but also in Hungary
and Bohemia ", so as not to suffer defeat. Bismarck was determined to drive the Acheron. He
willingly used the classic quotation Acheronta movere, but he attributed it certainly is more
readily to their domestic political opponents. As the Prussian Korol Vilgelm 1, and the chief of
the Prussian General Staff Moltke was far from aherontskih plans; something like this must have
seemed to them a horrible and also un-Prussian. And for the weak attempts of the German
government and the General Staff to prepare a revolution in word acherontisch the First World
War would be too strong. Of course, Lenin's journey from Switzerland to Russia in 1917,
belongs to this context. But all that could then, when Lenin travel organization, to conceive and
plan the Germans, thanks to the historical consequences of the preparation for the revolution so
monstrously surpassed and turned the plans that our thesis
thereby Prussian partisan disagreements with more confirmed than oprovergaetsya.25

However, the Prussian state soldiers (Soldatenstaat) once had in its history aherontskoe moment.
It was in the winter and spring of 1812-13's, when the elite General Staff officers tried to free
and to seize power

national enmity to Napoleon. The German war against Napoleon was not a guerrilla war. One
can hardly call it a people's war; the latter makes it as accurately says Ernst Forsthof, only
"legend with politically motivated" 26 Quickly managed to send those natural forces in the solid
framework of the state order and regular struggle against the French armies. Nevertheless, this
brief, revolutionary moment retains paramount importance for partisan theory. Here,
immediately thought of the famous masterpiece of military science - a book about the war of the
Prussian General von Clausewitz. Remember rightly. But Clausewitz was then a young friend of
his teachers and mentors Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, and his book was published only after his
death, after 1832. But there is another manifest hostility to Napoleon, which goes directly to the
spring of 1813; it belongs to the most remarkable documents of the entire history of partisan:
Prussian edict Landsturm on April 21, 1813. We are talking about the King of Prussia signed the
edict, which was in compliance with all the rules published in the Prussian legal code. There is
no doubt that the model for this edict were the Spanish Reglamento de Partidas y Cuadrillas on
December 28, 1808 and known as the Corso Terrestre decree of April 17, 1809. But these
documents were not signed by the monarch lichno.27 amazing when you see the name of a
legitimate king in this kind of call for guerrilla warfare. These ten pages of Prussia of the Laws
of 1813 (s.79-89) definitely belong to the most unusual of all the pages published by the laws of
the world. Every citizen of the state, appears in the Royal Prussian edict of April 1813, is obliged
to resist the invading enemy with all kinds of weapons. It is strongly recommended (at # 43),
axes, pitchforks, scythes and shot rifles. Every Prussian is obliged to disobey any orders of the
enemy, but is obliged to hurt him with all available means. Also, if the enemy wants to restore
public order, no one should obey him as the enemy thereby facilitated the conduct of military
operations. States unequivocally that the less harmful "orgy of unbridled rabble" than the state,
when the enemy is free to dispose of all his troops. Repression and terror to protect partisan
promises that threaten the enemy. In short, here there is a kind of Magna Carta partisan. In three
places - the introduction of ## and 8 and 52 - unambiguously refer to Spain and guerrilla as
"sample and sample." Fighting justified as self fighting within which "sanctifies all means" (# 7),
and also the release of the total clutter.

I have already said that it did not come to the German guerrilla war against Napoleon. The very
edict Landsturm three months later, on July 17, 1813, was modified and cleared of any guerrilla
danger from all aherontskoy dynamics. All subsequent developable in fighting regular armies,
even if the dynamics of the National pulse and penetrated into the regular detachment. Napoleon
could boast that for many years the French occupation on German soil, no German civilian who
has not made a single shot in a French uniform. So what is the special value of the short-lived
Prussian orders in 1813? The fact that it is an official document of legitimation partisan national
defense, namely a special legitimation, coming out of the spirit and of the philosophy that
prevailed in the former Prussian capital Berlin. The Spanish guerrilla war against Napoleon, the
Tyrolean uprising of 1809 and the Russian guerrilla war in 1812 were spontaneous,
autochthonous movements of the pious, Catholic or Orthodox people, whose religious tradition
has not been affected by the philosophical spirit
Revolutionary France was in this respect underdeveloped. In particular, the Spanish Napoleon
called perturbed in a letter to his governor-general Hamburg Davout (2 December 1811) kills
around the corner, superstitious people, who deceive 300,000 monks - these people can not be
compared with the diligent, hard-working and intelligent Germans. On the contrary, Berlin 1808-
1813 years was created and imprinted with the spirit, which was absolutely believe philosopher
of the French Enlightenment, as to believe that he could feel vzrosshim on it, if not surpassing it.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the great philosopher; They are highly educated and brilliant military as
Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Clausewitz; this is why, as mentioned before, in November 1811 the
deceased Heinrich von Kleist - they characterize the enormous spiritual potential to dine at a
critical moment to the action of the Prussian intelligentsia. Nationalism of the Berlin intellectual
stratum was a lot of educated people, and not a simple or even illiterate people. In such an
atmosphere, when combined excited national feeling with philosophical education, it was
philosophically open partisans and his theory was historically possible. The fact that this union
belongs and the doctrine of war, shows a letter written by Clausewitz as "anonymous military" in
1809 from Königsberg Fichte as a "creator of works of Machiavelli." In this letter, the Prussian
officer with all possible respect of the famous philosopher teaches that the doctrine of
Machiavelli war too dependent on antiquity and today "infinitely more winning revival of
individual forces than artificial form." New tools and weight, says this Clausewitz letter are
consistent with this principle, and in the end, decides the courage singles to join the melee,
"especially in the most beautiful of all the wars that people lead in their own land for the freedom
and independence ". The young Clausewitz knew guerrilla uprising of the Prussian plans for
1808/13 years. In the years 1810- 1811 Clausewitz had read in the Berlin military academy
lectures on small war, and was not only one of the most significant military experts on small war
in a special sense, the use of light, mobile forces. Guerrilla became for him, as for other
reformers of his circle "especially in the highest sense a political affair downright revolutionary
character. Performance in the arming of the people protection uprising, revolutionary war,
resistance and rebellion against the existing order, even if it is personified chuzhym occupation
regime - this is a new phenomenon for Prussia, something "dangerous" - that sort of falls out of
the scope of the rule of law. " With these words, Werner Hahlweg captures an important essence
for us. But then he adds: "It is true that a revolutionary war against Napoleon, as it seemed to the
Prussian reformers, was not conducted. It came just before the "semi-rebellious (halb-
insurrektionellen) war," as Fridrih Engels said. However, the famous memorandum in February
1812 remains important for the "internal motives» (Rothfels) reformers; Clausewitz wrote it with
Gneisenau and Boyen before moving on to Russian. He is "a sober political document and made
in accordance with the standards of the General Staff
analysis "refers to the experience Spanish people's war and wishes to bring the case to safely
order to "respond to cruelty cruelty, violence - violence." There has clearly recognizable Prussian
edict Landsturm April 1813 goda.28

Clausewitz was seriously disappointed that all he expected from the uprising, "not held" 29
People's War and partisans - "Party members" as Clausewitz says - he recognized as an essential
part of the "forces of exploding the war" and put in its war doctrine. Especially in the 6 book of
his teachings about the war (the volume of defense funds) and in the famous chapter 6 b eighth
book (war - policy instrument), he also acknowledged the new "potency". In addition, it is
possible to find amazing, deep individual observations, such as the place of the civil war in the
Vendee: that
sometimes a small number of individual partisans can even "pretend to name Army" .30 Yet in
general it remains reform-minded career officer of the regular army of his age who could not
himself until the last sequence to give the germs to flourish, which is becoming visible. This, as
we shall see, happened much later, and it took an active professional revolutionary. Clausewitz
himself thought more too in the classical categories, when he is in a "strange trinity of war" is
given to the people only "blind instinct" of hatred and enmity, the commander and his army -
"courage and talent" as a free action of the soul, and the government - a purely rational handling
of war as an instrument of policy.

In the short-lived Prussian edict of Landsturm April 1813 concentrated a moment, in which the
guerrillas made his first appearance in a new, decisive role, as a new, previously did not
recognize the figure of the world spirit. Not the will to revolt brave, warlike people, but
education and intellectuals have opened the door to the partisan and informed him of legitimacy
based on a philosophical basis. Here he became, if I may so speak, philosophically accredited
and gained access to the court. it was not before. In the 17th century it has fallen to the level of
character picaresque novel; in the 18th century, during Marii Terezii and Fridriha Velikogo, he
was Pandur and Hussar. But now, in Berlin 1808-1813 years, it was opened and appreciated not
only in the military and technical, but also in the philosophical sense. At least for a moment he
found the historical situation and spiritual initiation. It was an event that he could not forget
again. It is crucial to our topic. We are talking about partisan theory. Well, political, military
classification exceeding specifically, the theory has become partisan, strictly speaking, is only
possible thanks to this accreditation in Berlin. Spark, got in 1808 from Spain to the north, found
a theoretical form in Berlin, which made it possible to keep it burning and pass it on to other

True, at first, and then in Berlin, the traditional piety of the people and was not under threat, as
well as the political unity of the king and the people. It seemed even more effort than endangered
due acknowledgment and glorification of the partisan oath. Acheron, which freed immediately
returned to the state order channels. After the wars of liberation 1813-1815gg Germany. Prussia
was dominated by the philosophy of Hegel. She was trying to create a mediation between
revolution and traditsiey.31 it could be considered conservative, and was so in fact. But it
conserved and revolutionary spark and because of its philosophy of history has provided further
developing the revolution dangerous ideological weapon more dangerous

than the philosophy of Rousseau to Jacobins hands. This historical philosophical weapons falling
into the hands Karla Marksa and Fridriha Engelsa. However, both the German revolutionaries
were more thinkers than the activists of the Revolutionary War. Only thanks to the Russian
professional revolutionary - Lenin - Marxism as a doctrine has become a world-historical power
(Macht), which he now represents.

From Clausewitz to Lenin

Hans Shomerus, which we have already quoted as an expert in the field of partisan, gave one of
his list (which became available to me in manuscript) reasoning name: From Empecinado to
Budyonny. This means, from the partisan Spanish guerrilla against Napoleon to the organizer of
the Soviet cavalry, cavalry leader of the Bolshevik war in 1920. This title shines an interesting
military and scientific development of the line. However, for us, having in view the partisan
theory, it is too much
He draws attention to the military-technical issues of tactics and strategy flexible (beweglichen)
war. We must not lose sight of the development of the concept of the political, which is just here
makes a radical turn. Classic, recorded in 18/19 century concept of the political was based on the
state of European international law and made war classical international law guarded in the
international legal sense, a clean war states. Since the 20th century, this war, with its state
obereganiyami eliminated and replaced by revolutionary war parties. For this reason, we have the
following exposition titled From Clausewitz to Lenin. The truth is - in comparison with the
special military-scientific narrowing [Topics] - lies in a sense, the opposite danger that we
uvlechomsya historical and philosophical deduction and became entangled in the branches of the
genealogical tree. Partizan here - a reliable point of aiming weapons, because it can save you
from such general philosophical-historical genealogies and can lead back to the reality of
revolutionary development. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels have realized that a revolutionary
war now is not the old-style barricade war. Especially it again and again emphasized Engels - the
author of many military and scientific works. But he thought it possible that bourgeois
democracy through universal suffrage give the proletariat a parliamentary majority and thus
legally be translated by the bourgeois social order in a classless society. Because of this, and
completely non-partisan revisionism could appeal to Marx and Engels.

On the contrary, Lenin was the one who realized the inevitability of violence and bloody
revolutionary civil wars and wars of states and therefore approved and guerrilla warfare as a
necessary part of the overall revolutionary process. Lenin was the first to consciously grasped
partisan as an important figure of the national and international civil war and tried to turn it into
an effective instrument of the central communist party leadership. As far as I can tell, the first
time this has happened in the article Guerrilla Battle, published September 30 / October 13, 1906
in the Russian magazine "Proletarian" 32 This is a clear continuation of the knowledge of the
enemy and hatred, which begins in 1902 in the book "What to do?" first and foremost with the
turn against objectivism Struve. With this "series began a professional revolutionary" .33

Lenin's article about partisan concerns of socialist tactics of the Civil War and turned against
widespread at that time among the Social Democrats view that the proletarian revolution itself
will achieve its goal as a mass movement in parliamentary countries, so that the methods of
direct use of force supposedly obsolete. For Lenin, partisan warfare refers to the method of civil
war and concerns, as well as everything else, purely tactical or strategic advice on specific
situations. Guerrilla war - is, as Lenin said, "an inevitable form of struggle", which was used
without dogmatism or pre-planned principles as well as it should use other, legal or illegal,
peaceful or violent, regular or irregular means and methods, according to the situation. The goal -
the communist revolution in all countries of the world; that serves this purpose well and fairly.
As a result, very easy to solve the problem of guerrillas led by the Communist guerrillas center
are champions of the world and brave heroes; guerrillas who deviate from this guide are anarchic
mob and enemies of humanity.

Lenin was a great connoisseur and admirer of Clausewitz. He intensively studied the books about
the war during the First World War in 1915, and recorded in his notebook excerpts from it in
German, marginal notes in Russian, underlining and exclamation marks. Thus, he created one of
the greatest documents of world history and the history of the spirit. From a thorough review of
statements, notes in the margins, underlining and exclamation marks can develop a new theory of
absolute war and absolute enmity, which defines the era of revolutionary war and the methods of
modern cold voyny.34 That which Lenin could learn from Clausewitz, and he thoroughly learned
- is not only the famous formula of war as the continuation of politics. This further knowledge
that the distinction between friend and enemy in the era of the revolution is the primary, and the
primacy and defines as war and politics. For Lenin, only revolutionary war is genuine war
because it comes from the absolute enmity. Everything else - conditional game. The difference
between Krieg (War) and Spiel (game) Lenin himself emphasizes in particular in the following
note in the margin to one place 23 chapters 11 ( "Schlussel des Landes"). In the logic of this
distinction is made the plunge, which breaks are to preserve, who was able to make war
continental European international law in the 18th century states that have so successfully
restored the Congress of Vienna in 1814/15's, they have been preserved until the end of the First
World War and the elimination of which and Clausewitz still not really thinking. Compared with
absolute hostility war resultant according to recognized rules, preserving the classic war of
European international law - is no more than a duel between having the right to seek satisfaction
of the gentlemen. Encouraged by this absolute hatred Communist Lenin similar kind of war must
have appeared only game in which he, according to the state of affairs, was to introduce the
enemy into error, but he basically despised and found smeshnoy.35

The war of absolute enmity knows no obereganiya. Consistent implementation of absolute

hostility gives war its meaning and its validity. So, the only question is: is there an absolute
enemy and who is in concreto? Lenin did not doubt the answer, and it has the advantage over all
other socialists and Marxists consisted in the fact that it took seriously the absolute enmity. His
specific absolute enemy was the class enemy, the bourgeoisie, the capitalist West and its social
system in each country, where he reigned. Knowledge of the enemy was a mystery Lenin
monstrous shock forces. His understanding of partisan rested on the fact that the modern
partisans became a genuine phenomenon of irregular and thus, strong negation is present
capitalist order and the fact that he was called as an authentic performer of hostility.

Irregularity partisan today refers not only to the military "line", as then, in the 18th century, when
the guerrillas had only "light, mobile force", and it is also no longer applies to proudly flaunting
uniformed regular squad. Irregularity of the class struggle calls into question not only the line but
also the entire building of the political and social order. In the face of Russian professional
revolutionary Lenin this new reality comprehended himself to philosophical awareness. Union of
philosophies with a partisan, which Lenin concluded freed unexpectedly new, explosive power.
This union is called, at least to undermine the whole of Europe-centrist world, who had hoped to
rescue Napoleon, and who hoped to restore the Congress of Vienna. Obereganie

interstate regular war and taming domestic civil war have become so obvious to the European
18th century, and that smart people of the old regime (Ancien Regime) could not imagine the
destruction of this kind of regularity, even after the experience of the French Revolution of 1789
and 1793. To do this, they found only the language of universal fear and lack, in fact children's
comparison of the case. Great, bold thinker of the old regime (Ancien Regime), Zhozef De
Maistre, presciently foresaw what was discussed. In a letter written in the summer of 1811, 36 he
considered Russia ripe for revolution, but he hoped it would be, as he says, the natural
revolution, but not the Enlightenment-European, like the French. What he feared most of all, it's
an educated Pugachev. So he put it, to metaphorically show that it is properly
I learned how to own dangers, namely the union of philosophy with the natural forces of the
uprising. Who was Pugachev? The leader of the peasant and Cossack rebellion against Catherine
11, who was executed in Moscow in 1775, and who pretended to be dead queen's husband.
Educated Pugachev would have been the Russian, who "would start a revolution in the European
manner." This would give a series of terrible wars, and if things have gone so far, "I have no
words to tell you what would then have to be feared."

The vision of an intelligent aristocrat surprising in that it sees, it is an opportunity and a danger
compounds the Western mind with a Russian rebellion, and in what it sees. With his interim date
and place - St. Petersburg summer 1811 - it is not far from the Prussian military reformers. But it
does not see anything in relation to their own proximity to the striving for reform of the cadre
officers of the Prussian General Staff, whose contacts with the imperial court in St. Petersburg
was still quite intense. It is nothing unaware of Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Clausewitz. If you
combine the names with the name of Pugachev, the crux of the matter would have been fatally
lost. Profundity significant vision is lost, and there is only a bitter word in Voltaire's style or, if
you prefer, Rivalor. If you still think about the union of Hegel's philosophy of history with the
release of the mass forces as it consciously realized Marxist professional revolutionary Lenin,
then the wording of the genius de Maistre is dissipated to the little conversational effect front
Ancien Regime. Language and concepts of the world of war and guarded dosage enmity could
not match the offensive absolute hostility.

From Lenin to Mao Tse-tung

During World War II, Russian partisans after expert assessment distraction for about twenty
German divisions, and thus made a significant contribution to the outcome of the war. Official
Soviet historiography - as, for example, the book Borisa Semonovicha Telpuhovskogo about the
Great Patriotic War of 1941/45's - describes the valiant Partisan, which breaks down the rear of
the enemy armies. The vast expanses of Russia and endlessly long fronts, spread over thousands
of kilometers, each division was the German military command irreplaceable. The main point of
Stalin's view regarding the guerrilla came to the fact that the guerrilla must always fight behind
enemy lines, according to the well-known maxim: the partisans rear, the front brotherhood.

Stalin managed to tie a strong potential for national and domestic resistance - so much the
defensive, telluric force of patriotic self-defense against alien conqueror - with the
aggressiveness of the international communist world revolution. Connect the two heterogeneous
quantities prevails in today's partisan struggle on the planet. In this case, the communist element
was still for the most part already in scoring thanks to his sense of purpose and their reliance on
Moscow or Beijing. Stalin brutally sacrificed Polish partisans who fought in the Second World
War against the Germans. Partisan battles in Yugoslavia in 1941/45 years were not only the
overall national protection of another conqueror, but were also very brutal internal battle between
communist and monarchist partisans. In this fratricidal struggle against the communist leader
Tito's partisans defeated and destroyed with the help of Stalin and his England intra-Yugoslav
enemy, supported by the British General Mihailovich.

The greatest practitioner of modern revolutionary war at the same time it has become the most
famous theoretician: Mao Tse-tung. Some of his works are "today
compulsory literature reading in Western military schools »(Hans Henle). He has since 1927
collected experiences of the communist action and then used the Japanese invasion in 1932 to
systematically develop modern methods of both national and international civil war. "Long
March" from southern China to the Mongolian border, which began in November 1934, 12,000
kilometers of huge losses, was next guerrilla achievements and partisan experiments, which
resulted in China rallied the Communist Party in the peasant and soldier's party, the guerrillas as
a center. Meaningful coincidence is that Mao Tse-tung wrote his most important works in the
years 1936-38, so in the same years, when Spain in the national liberation war fought
International Communist coverage. In this Spanish Civil War partisans did not play any
significant role. On the contrary, Mao Tse-tung is obliged to victory over their national enemy,
Kuo-min-tang and General Chan Kay-shek, only experience of the Chinese guerrilla war against
the Japanese and Kuo-min-tang. The most important for our topic formulation of Mao Tse-tung
are the 1938 "strategy of guerrilla warfare against the Japanese invasion." But it is necessary to
involve other works of Mao, to fully imagine the scene of the doctrine of this new war
Klauzevitsa.37 It actually comes to consistently and systematically-conscious continuation and
development of the concepts of the Prussian General Staff officer. Only Clausewitz, a
contemporary of Napoleon 1, more could not have anticipated the degree of totality, which is
now a matter of course for the Communist Chinese in respect of the Revolutionary War. The
characteristic image of Mao Tse-tung's shown in the following comparison: "In our war armed
population and a small guerrilla war on the one hand, and the Red Army, on the other hand, can
be compared to both hands of one man; or, to put it more practical: morality is the morality of the
population armed nation. And this enemy is afraid. "

"The armed nation": this is known, it was also the motto of regular officers of the Prussian
General Staff, who organized the war against Napoleon. They belonged to Clausewitz. We have
seen that while strong national energy a certain segment of the population formed were picked
up by the regular army. And the most radical military thinkers of the time distinction between
war and peace, and considering war as a clearly demarcated from the world of emergency. And
Clausewitz could not on the basis of its existence as a staff officer of the regular army so
systematically until the end to bring the logic of partisan as it was done to Lenin and Mao on the
basis of its existence as professional revolutionaries. But Mao against partisan added more
specific point, making it closer to the innermost essence, what Lenin and thus he acquires the
possibility of extreme ideological perfection. In a word: Mao's revolution is more telluric
substantiate than Lenin's revolution. Bolshevik vanguard, which, under the leadership of Lenin
seized power in Russia in October 1917, shows large differences with the Chinese Communists,
who after more than two decades of war in 1949 received China hands. These differences are
manifested both in domestic group structure and in relation to the country and the people, that
they captured. Ideological controversial issue of whether Mao teaches real Marxism or Leninism,
became the face of the terrifying reality defined by telluric partisan, almost as a secondary, as the
question of whether or not expressed whether old Chinese philosophers have something similar
to Maoism. We are talking about a specific "red elite", coined and created a guerrilla struggle.
Ruth Fischer clarified essential - it indicates that the Russian Bolsheviks in 1917 were a minority
"driven group of theorists, most of which consisted of immigrants"; Chinese Communists in
1949 under the leadership of Mao and his friends For twenty years, we have struggled on their
own, national soil with the national enemy, Kuo-min-tang, on the basis terrifying guerrilla war. It
may be that in origin they were the urban proletariat, as the Russian Bolsheviks come from St.
Petersburg and Moscow; but when they came to power, they brought with them minted
experiences a heavy defeat and organizational ability "to plant" their own principles "among the
peasants, and to develop them further there is a new, unexpected way" 38 Here we have the germ
of a profound "ideological" differences between the Soviet -Russian and Chinese communism.
But here it is found and an internal contradiction in the situation of Mao combined into one
devoid of space, a globally-universal, absolute universal enemy of the Marxist class enemy,
which is likely to be geographically limited, the real enemy of the Sino-Asiatic defense against
capitalist colonialism. This contradiction is One World, the political unity of the Earth and
humanity, against the majority of large spaces that are reasonably balanced within themselves
and with each other. Pluralist representation of the new Mao Nomos of the Earth expressed in the
poem Kunlun, (German translation Rolf Schneider):

If heaven was a place of military data, then I would have bared my sword and to cut you into
three parts: one - as a gift to Europe One - America,
But one part would leave for China, and the world would have reigned on earth.

In the specific situation of Mao there are different kinds of hostility, which are amplified to an
absolute hatred. Racial enmity against the white colonial exploiter; class warfare against the
capitalist bourgeoisie; National enmity against the Japanese invaders of the same race; growing
in long, bitter civil wars enmity against his own, the national brother - is not paralyzed and does
not cast doubt on each other, as one might think, but confirmed and intensified in a particular
situation. Stalin during the Second World War, managed to join the telluric partisan national
native land with the class hostility of international communism. Mao ahead in this Stalin. Mao
and his theoretical consciousness continued formula of war as a continuation of the policy of
bypassing Lenin.

Cognitive operation, the main Mao, is just as simple as the combat ready. The meaning of the
war - a feud. Since war is the continuation of politics, and politics always takes at least as a
possibility, the element of hostility; and as the world contains within itself the possibility of
hostility - that unfortunately is a fact development vindicated - and then it contains a potential
point of hostility. The only question is whether enmity can be nurtured and regulated, that is,
whether it is a relative or absolute enmity. It may decide at your own risk only very belligerent.
For Mao, to think partisan, today's world is the only form of manifestation of this hostility. It
does not stop during the so-called Cold War. The latter, therefore, is not half war and half the
world, but is adapted to the state of affairs involving real enmity with others openly violent
means. This can be deceived only weak-willed people and dreamers.

Practically, this implies the question which quantitatively worth fighting the regular army in an
open war to other methods of the class struggle, which is not open war. This question Mao meets
clear figures: revolutionary war for nine-tenths of a non-open, non-regular war, and one
tenth of open war military. German General, Helmut Staedke, on this basis, brought the
definition of partisan guerrillas - a fighter the nine-tenths of warfare, which provides only the last
tenth of the regular armed forces. 39 Mao Tse-tung did not lose sight that the latter is the tenth
part is crucial to the end of the war. However, the Europeans belonging to the old traditions need
is here to protect yourself from having to use conventional classical concepts of war and peace,
which, if we talk about war and peace, are subject to European guarded war of the 19th century
and is therefore not absolute, but only relative and measurable obereganiyu hostility.

Regular Red Army appears only when the situation is ripe for a communist regime. Only then
the country is occupied by the military openly. This of course does not apply to the conclusion of
peace in the sense of classical international law. The practical significance of this kind of
doctrine since 1945 convincingly demonstrated all over the world thanks to the division of
Germany. May 8, 1945 the war against the military conquered Germany ceased;

Germany then unconditionally capitulated. Until now (1963) have not yet signed the peace
between soyuznikami- winners with Germany; but until now, the border runs between the East
and the West precisely on the lines on which 18 years ago, American and Soviet regular troops
delimited their occupation zones.

As the ratio (expressed in figures 9: 1) Cold War and open war military and more profound,
world-political division of Germany only symptoms are examples for us since 1945, to clarify
the political theory of Mao. Its core lies in the guerrilla movement, whose main feature of today -
it's a real feud. Bolshevik Lenin's theory has known and recognized guerrilla. Compared with
concrete telluric reality of the Chinese partisan Lenin in the definition of the enemy is something
abstract and intellectual. The ideological conflict between Moscow and Beijing, which is all the
more pronounced since 1962, has its deepest source in the concrete reality of different true
partisan. The theory is partisan and is the key to the knowledge of political reality.

Mao Tse-tung to Raoul Salan

The glory of Mao Tse-tung as a teacher of modern warfare French staff officers brought from
Asia to Europe. In Indochina colonial war came in contact with an old-style revolutionary of
modern warfare. There they learned the hard way the impact force of well-designed methods of
destructive warfare, psychological, mass terror and their relationship with a guerrilla war. Based
on their experiments,

they have developed a psychological doctrine, destructive and rebel war, which already has
extensive literatura.40 like to see in this image of a typical product of regular officers thoughts,
namely Colonels, Colonels. This was seconded to the Colonel there is no need to argue further,
though, perhaps, it would be interesting to put the question, whether and how such a figure
Clausewitz as a whole rather spiritual Colonel type rather than the general. For us it is a question
of partisan theory and its gradual development, and the latter is embodied in the sensational case
of recent years in the general rather than the Colonel, namely the fate of General Raoul Salan. He
(more than the other generals Jouhaud, Challe and Zeller) is important for us to figure this
context. The seconded to the position of General revealed crucial for understanding the
existential problems of partisan conflict, which should come as a regular soldier fighting not only
in the case, but for a long time in a long time calculated
War must withstand the battle with the principle revolutionary and irregular fighting the enemy.

Salan when he was a young officer learned colonial war in Indochina. During World War II,
1940/44's, he was assigned to the general staff of the colonies and remained in that capacity in
Africa. In 1948, he as the commander of the French army units arrived in Indochina; in 1951 he
became a senior commissioner of the French Republic in North Vietnam; He led the study defeat
Dien-Bien-Phu in 1954. In November 1958, he was appointed supreme commander of the
French armed forces in Algeria. Until now, politically it can be counted among the left, and back
in January 1957, a dark organization that German can be called, perhaps, "femgeriht» (Fehme),
made him a dangerous attempt. But the lessons of the war in Indochina and Algerian guerrilla
war experiences have influenced the way that he knew the inexorable logic of guerrilla warfare.
The chief of the then government in Paris, Pflimlin, gave him all the powers. However, May 15,
1958, he contributed to the decisive moment coming to power of General de Gaulle. During a
public event in Algeria, he shouted Vive de Gaulle! But he soon bitterly disappointed in his
expectation that de Gaulle would certainly defend guaranteed in the constitution, the territorial
sovereignty of France over Algeria. In 1960 he began an open feud with de Gaulle. In January
1961, some friends founded Salan OAS (Organisation d`Armee Secrete), whose chief was the
declared fat, and he hastened to April 23 in Algiers to take part in the officers' putsch. When the
coup already April 25, 1961 ended in failure, it has tried to take the OAS of the systematic acts
of terrorism against the Algerian enemy and the civilian population in Algeria and the public in
France; in the sense of systematic methods of so-called psychological warfare of modern mass
terror. Terrorist enterprise has undergone a decisive loss in April 1962, with the arrest by French
police Salan. A hearing by the Supreme Military Court in Paris, began May 15 and ended May
23, 1962. The charges related to attempted violent overthrow of the legitimate regime and the
terrorist attacks OAS, and covered only the period from April 1961 to April 1962. He was
sentenced not to death but to life in prison (detention criminelle a perpetuite), because the court
found the accused extenuating circumstances. I briefly recalled the German reader some dates.
Yet there is no history of Salan and the OAS of the, and we should not interfere with their
estimates, and judgments in such a deep inner conflict of the French nation. We can here only to
establish some lines of the material as it opublikovan41 to clarify our important question. There
arise many parallels concerning partisan. We still go back to one of them, from a purely heuristic
reasons and with the necessary caution. The analogy between the Spanish guerrilla impressed by
the Prussian general staff officer's 1808/13 and 1950/60 by the French General Staff's who know
the experimental modern guerrilla war in Indochina and Algeria, is stunning. Large differences
are also evident and does not require a long discussion. There is an affinity in the main situation
in many individual fates. But this should not exaggerate the abstract in the sense that we can
identify all the theory and design of the defeated military in the history of the world. That would
be nonsense. And in the case with the Prussian General Ludendorff situation in many essential
points different than in the case of the left-Republican Salan. For us it is important only to clarify
the partisan theory.

During the hearing the Supreme Military Court Salan was silent. At first hearing, he made a long
explanation, the first words that sounded so: Je suis le chef de l`OAS. Ma respontabilite est donc
entiere. In explanation, he objected to the fact that the witnesses, which he presented - including
President de Gaulle - were not questioned, and that
process material limited time from April 1961 (the officers' coup in Algeria) and April 1962
(arrest Salan), making his own motives were shaded and important historical processes have
been isolated, were fenced off and reduced to types and normal facts of the criminal code.
Violence OAS he called simply a response to the hated of all acts of violence, which concluded
that people who do not want to lose our nation, protect this nation. The explanation ended with
the words: "I have to give an account only to those who suffer and die for what they believed in
the word of the disturbed and loyal duty. Now I will be silent. " Salan really kept his silence
throughout the proceedings, contrary to many sharply on persistent prosecutor, who considered
this silence merely tactics. Chairman of the Supreme Military Court

after a brief reference to "Illogic" of such silence, considered the behavior of the accused in the
end, if not respected, then the tolerant and not as a contempt of court. At the end of the hearing
on Salan said the chairman of the question that if he wanted to add anything in his defense: "I
open my mouth only to shout Vive la France !, and prosecution representative, I answer simply:
que Dieu me garde! "42

The first part of the final comments Salan addressed to the Chairman of the Supreme Military
Court and has in mind to bring the situation in the execution of the death penalty. In this
situation, at the time of the death penalty, Salan would shout: Vive la France! The second part is
addressed to representatives of the public prosecution and sounds a bit mysterious, as the words
of the oracle. However, it makes clear that the prosecutor - in such manner as to the prosecutor
yet more anti-clerical state is not run of the mill - suddenly became religious. He not only
announced the silence Salan arrogance and lack of repentance, to appear before the court against
the recognition of extenuating circumstances; Suddenly he began to speak, he flatly put it, as "a
Christian a Christian», un chretien qui s`adresse a un chretien, and rebuked the defendant that the
due to the absence of repentance through their own fault lost the grace of merciful God of the
Christians, and incurred the everlasting a curse. It Salan said: que Dieu me garde! Seen the abyss
over which played wit and rhetoric of the political process. However, we are not talking about
the problem of political yustitsii.43 We are only interested in clarifying complex issues, which,
thanks to this motto as an all-out war, psychological war, subversive war rebel war invisible war
were confused and changing problems of modern partisan.

The war in Indochina 1946/56's was "a model widely deployed modern revolutionary war» (Th.
Arnold, aa O., S. 186). Salan learned modern guerrilla warfare in the forests, jungles and rice
paddies of Indochina. He knew from experience that the Indochinese vozdelyvateli rice could
rout a battalion first-rate French soldiers. He saw the distress of refugees and learned organized
by Ho Chi Minh underground organization, which overlap and replayed legal French rule. With
punctuality and precision General Staff, he was accepted to observation and study of a new,
more or less a terrorist warfare. However, he immediately confronted with the fact that he and
his companions called the "psychological" warfare which, along with military-technical
characteristic of modern warfare action. Here Salan could immediately take over the thoughts of
Mao system; but we know that he also delved into the literature of the Spanish guerrilla against
Napoleon. In Algeria, he was in the middle of a situation where 400,000 well-armed soldiers
fought against 20,000 Algerian partisans, with the result that France relinquished its sovereignty
over Algeria. Losses in human lives of the whole Algerian population were ten - twenty times
more than the French, but the French were material costs in the ten to twenty times higher than
that of the Algerians. In short, Salan really was with all its
existence as a Frenchman and a soldier in the face etrange paradoxe, in the logic of madness
(Irrsinnslogik), which could harden and lead to an attempt to counterattack courageous and
intelligent cheloveka.44
Aspects and concepts of the last stage

We are trying to distinguish in a similar, typical of modern guerrilla warfare situation four
different aspects in order to acquire some clear concepts: the aspect of space, then the destruction
of social structures, further intertwining of world-political contexts, and finally,

technically-industrial aspect. This the sequence is relative and it can be changed. It goes without
saying that the concrete realities are not presented four from each other independent areas, which
can be isolated, but their intense interaction, their mutual functional dependencies identify the
big picture, so any analysis of one aspect at a time always contains links and implications of
three other aspects and finally they all pour out in a force field technical-industrial development.

aspect space

Quite apart from the good or ill will of the people, by peaceful or warlike necessities and
purposes, every increase in human technology produces new spaces and vast change in the
inherited structure of space. This is not only valid for external, conspicuous increases space
astronautics, but also for our old earthly dwelling spaces, work, worship and the area of freedom
of action. The thesis of "the home is inviolable" is today, in the era of electric light, gas,
telephone, radio and television, a completely different type of obereganiya than in the days of
King John (King Ioanna Bezzemelnogo) and the Magna Charta (Magna Carta) in 1215, when the
owner of the castle could raise the drawbridge. About increase in technical efficiency of human
break the whole system of norms, such as maritime law of war of the 19th century. Of not having
the owner of the seabed pops up space, which is near the coast, the so-called continental shelf as
a new space of human action. In unowned depths Pacific arise bins for radioactive wastes.
Industrial and technological progress, together with the structures of the space changes and space
orders. For law is the unity of order and location, but the problem is the problem of the partisan
attitude of regular and irregular warfare.

Modern men can be configured with respect to his identity or -pessimisticheski progressivno-
optimistic. it is not so important for our problem. In military technically any general staff thinks
directly and practically meaningful-rational. Compared to this, based on the war aspect of the
space close to him and theoretically. The structural difference between the so-called theater of
war in the land war and in the war at sea - an old theme. Airspace was added as a new dimension
since the First World War, so however, changed the previous scene (Schauplatze) of land and sea
in their structure prostranstva.45 In guerrilla warfare there is a new space complex structured
activities as guerrillas fighting in the open field battles and not in the same plane of the open war
fronts. Rather, it makes the start of his enemy in another space. So it adds to the surface of a
regular, conventional theater
other hostilities, a darker dimension, a dimension glubiny46 in which worn uniforms on display
becomes deadly. Thus it provides in the field of terrestrial unexpected, but therefore no less
effective analogy to a submarine, which likewise has added an unexpected dimension to the
depth of the sea surface, which played out naval war of the old style. He's from the underground
prevents the normal, regular game on the open stage. He, on the basis of its irregularities,
changes the measurement not only tactical but also strategic operations of the regular armies.
Relatively small guerrilla group may, through the use of soil conditions, to bind large numbers of
regular troops. Earlier we mentioned the "Paradox" by the example of Algeria. It is already clear,
and knew exactly Clausewitz described in the already cited (above approx. 30) saying, when he
says that a small number of partisans, in whose power some space may qualify for "the name of
the army."

Particular the clarity of the concept is that we adhere to the telluric-terrestrial nature of partisan
and do not call (or even determine) it as a corsair of land. Irregularity pirate has nothing to do
with any regularity. In contrast, Corsair produces sea spoils of war, and is equipped with a
"letter" of the state government; the type of irregularity had something to do with regularity, and
so he could be legally recognized figure in European international law to the Treaty of Paris in
1856. In this respect, both the corsair of naval warfare and guerrilla war on land, can be
compared. The strong similarity and identity even primarily manifested in the fact that the thesis
"C partisans fighting only partisan method" and another thesis a corsaire corsaire et demi the
basis of mean the same thing. However, today's partisans - is something different

than the corsair of land warfare. For this elementary

Contrary to the land and the sea is still too big. Maybe that inherited differences of the war, the
enemy and trophies, which hitherto have based international law opposed to the land and the sea,
one simply melts in the crucible of industrial and technological progress. So far, the guerrillas is
still part of this soil; it is one of the last posts of land as yet not completely destroyed by the
world-historical elements.

Already the Spanish guerrilla war against Napoleon fully revealed only in the important aspect of
this space contrasts of land and sea. England supported the Spanish partisans. Sea power enjoyed
for its large military enterprises irregular fighter land warfare to win the continental enemy. In
the end, Napoleon forced to surrender not England but Spain land powers, Russia, Prussia and
Austria. Irregular, typically telluric kind of guerrilla warfare enlisted typically maritime world
politics, which for its part, ruthlessly disqualified and criminalized any irregularity of the sea in
the area of maritime law of war. At the opposite land and sea specifying various types of
irregularities, and only if we are referring to a particular feature of the designated words land and
sea aspects of space in specific forms of education as concepts only analogy permitted and
fruitful. It really is in the first place for the analogy, which is important for us here to the
knowledge of space dimensions. Namely, in the same way as a sea power England in its war
against mainland France enjoyed indigenous Spanish guerrilla who changed the scene of war on
land due to the irregular space; Later, during the First World War, the land power Germany
enjoyed in their war with the maritime power England submarine like such weapons, which adds
to the still space warfare at sea another unexpected space. The then owners of the surface of the
sea immediately tried to discriminate against a new kind of warfare as irregular, and even
criminal means to combat piracy. Today, in the era of submarines with nuclear missiles
one sees that and that, and another - Napoleon Spanish outrage and indignation Guerrillero
England about German submarine - was lying in the same plane, namely in the low value the
views of indignation in the face of the plane neproschityvaemyh space changes.

The destruction of social structures

A monstrous example of the destruction of social structures survived the French in 1946- 1956
years in Indochina, when they are there the colonial rule ended in failure. We have already
mentioned the organization of the guerrilla struggle of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and Laos. Here,
the Communists set themselves at the service of a non-political and civilians. They directed even
household servants of the French officers and employees and auxiliary workers of the home front
of the French. They exacted from civilians taxes and commit all kinds of terrorist acts to induce
the French to the anti-terror against the local population, so that his hatred of the French even
more excited. In short, the modern form of the revolutionary war leads to many new
unconventional means and methods, whose description alone would explode beyond our image.
Society exists as res publica, as the public, and it is called into question, if not, the public space
is formed in it, which effectively invalidates the public. Perhaps this indication will

enough to realize that the guerrillas, who It pushed aside the professional military consciousness of the 19th
century, suddenly became the focus of a new kind of warfare, whose meaning and whose goal was the destruction of the social
order of cash.

In the changed practice of hostage-taking is becoming palpably visible. The German-French war
of 1870/71's German troops, in order to protect themselves against frantirorov, took to know the
settlement as hostages: the mayor, the priest, doctors and notaries. Respect for such respected
people and the nobility could be used to put pressure on the entire population, since the social
authority of such typically bourgeois strata of society was almost beyond doubt. It was this
bourgeois class becomes revolutionary civil war communism the real enemy. Anyone who uses
such respectable people as hostages, operates, according to the situation on the communist side.
For the Communist kind of hostage taking can be so appropriate, that he had them, if necessary,
to provoke - or to destroy certain bourgeois stratum of society, and to bring him to the
communist side. In the already named book of the partisan, this new reality is well known. In
guerrilla warfare, it said, effectively taking of hostages is only possible in relation to themselves
partisans or their close associates. Otherwise there will only create new partisans. Conversely,
for every guerrilla soldiers of the regular army, each carrier uniforms is a hostage. "Every man in
uniform - said Rolf Shroers,

- I should feel threatened, and thus threatened to be everything that is uniform as the motto "47

We just need to think about before the end of this logic of terror and anti-terror and then move it
to any kind of civil war, to see the destruction of the social structure, which is now in operation.
Only a small number of terrorists in order to put pressure on large masses of people. By a narrow
space of open terrorism are added further spaces of insecurity, fear and general mistrust, "treason
landscape", which introduced Margret Boveri in a number of four exciting knig.48 All the
peoples of the European continent - with a pair of small exceptions - have experienced it in their
own skin during the two world wars and two post-war era as a new reality.

The world-political context

Similarly, our third aspect, the intertwining of the world and political fronts and contexts, has
long mastered the universal consciousness. Autochthonous defenders of the native soil, who died
pro aris et focis, national and patriotic heroes who went into the forest, all that was a reaction to
elemental, telluric forces against the alien invasion, meanwhile came under an international and
supranational central control, which helps and supports, but only in the interests of a very
different kind of world-aggressive purposes, and which, according to the circumstances, protects,
or left to their fate. Then the guerrilla loses its essentially defensive in nature. It becomes an
instrument manipulated world-revolutionary aggression. He just sacrificed and deception
deprived of all the things for which he climbed to fight, and what was rooted telluric character,
the legitimacy of his guerrilla irregularities.

Somehow, like partisans irregular fighter always depends on the regular power assistance. This
aspect of the case, and there is always a well is realized. Spanish Guerrillero finds its legitimacy
in its defense and in its agreement with the monarchy and the nation; he defended the native soil
from foreign conqueror. Wellington but also refers to the Spanish guerrillas, and the struggle
against Napoleon was conducted with the help of England. Full of rage, Napoleon often recalled
that England was the real instigator and actually those who benefited from the Spanish guerrilla
war. Today, the connection is realized even more clearly, since the continuous strengthening of
the technical means of combat makes the guerilla dependent on the constant help of allies,

which has a technical-industrial resources to develop and provide the guerrilla with the latest
weapons and the latest machines.

If many of the interested third parties compete with each other, the guerrillas have free space for
their own policies. Such was the position of Tito in the last years of World War II. The partisan
battle that played out in Vietnam and Laos, the situation is complicated by the fact that within the
actual communism was a contradiction of the Russian and Chinese politics. With the support of
Beijing could throw over the guerrillas through Laos to North Vietnam; it would be more
powerful means of Vietnamese communism, than Moscow's support. The leader of the war of
liberation against France, Ho Chi Minh, was a supporter of Moscow. Stronger help decide the
outcome of the case, whether it's a choice between Moscow and Beijing or other alternatives to
the present situation.

For such intense political ties above quoted book on the partisan Rolf Shroersa mark is a
formula; it says about the interested third person. This is a good expression. Because it
concerned a third party is not some banal figure, laughing as the third of sayings. Rather, it
essentially refers to the situation, and therefore partisan and partisan theory. Mighty third
delivers not only weapons and ammunition, money, material assistance and all kinds of
medicines, it creates and kind of political recognition, which requires irregular fighting partisans,
not to fall, like a robber and a pirate, in a non-political, it means here: in criminal. With the
expectation of the distant future irregular must obtain legitimacy in the regular; and for that
occasional there are only two possibilities: the recognition is there a regular, or implementation
of a new regular in-house. It is a cruel alternative.

To the extent that the guerrillas Motorise, it loses its soil and increases its dependence on the
technical and industrial resources it needs for its struggle. Thereby also increasing the power of
the interested third, so that it eventually reaches a planetary scale. All aspects in which we have
been considering today's partisan, seems thus to dissolve in an endearing all the technical aspect.

technical aspect

And the guerrillas did not remain aloof from the development progress of modern technology
and science peculiar to it. Old partisans, in whose hands the Prussian edict Landsturm 1813
wanted to put the pitchfork hay and today seems ridiculous. The modern partisan fights with the
help of machines, hand grenades, plastic explosives, and probably soon be using tactical nuclear
weapons. He is motorized and linked to information network, equipped with a secret radio
transmitters and radars. He supplied aircraft weapons and food. But as it is today, in 1962, in
Vietnam, helicopters and suppress block. As he and his enemies do not lag behind the rapid
development of modern technology and its characteristic type of science. A British expert in the
field of naval piracy called "pre-scientific stage" of the war at sea. In the same spirit, he would
have to determine how pre-scientific stage of guerrilla warfare on land, and declare it the only
scientific definition. But this is its definition
Again scientifically obsolete immediately,
For a distinction between the war on sea and on land by the war itself falls into a whirlwind of
technical progress, and today is the technique as something already pre-scientific, that is
exhausted. Dead gallop fast, if they are motorized, they

move yet faster. Partizan, someone telluric character we adhere to, in any case, it is a scandal for
each pursuing rational objectives and value-rational thinking person. Partizan provokes
downright technocratic affect. The paradoxical nature of its existence reveals

mismatch: industrial and technical armament giving

modern regular army type of perfection and pre-industrial agrarian primitive successfully
fighting the guerrillas. It has caused the rabies attacks Napoleon in connection with the Spanish
Guerillero and was accordingly more effort on the progressive development of industrial

While the guerrillas were only a "light force", especially tactically mobile hussar or shooter, his
theory was a matter of military-scientific specialty. Only revolutionary war made him a key
figure in world history. But what comes out of it in the era of nuclear means of destruction? The
technically thoroughly organized world of disappearing old, feudal-agrarian forms and ideas of
struggle, war and enmity. It is obvious. Do therefore disappear in general and the struggle, war
and enmity and whether they are impaired to social conflicts? When no residue implemented
internal, according to an optimistic view of the immanent rationality and regularity technically
organized through the world, while the guerrillas, perhaps, is no longer a troublemaker. Then he
simply disappears by itself in the smooth implementation of the technical and functional
processes, not otherwise than a dog disappears from the motorway. For the technically minded
fantasies he had hardly even a police-transport problem, and indeed is neither philosophical nor
moral or legal problem.

This would be one, namely technical and optimistic aspect of a purely technical review. He
expects the New World with a new person. With such expectations, as we know, has acted early
Christianity, and two thousand years later, in the 19th century,
Socialism emerged as a new Christianity. Both phenomena lacked everything destroying
efficiency of modern technology. But pure technology stems, as always in such a purely
technical reflections, not a theory of the partisan, but only an optimistic or pessimistic row

Considering the value or lack of value. Value aptly says Ernst Forsthof has "its own logic" 49 This
is precisely the logic of the lack of values and the destruction of the support of this lack of

As for predictions of widespread optimism technicist, he climbs into his pocket for a word, that
is, for his apparent behest values and lack of values. He believes that uncontrollable, industrial
and technical development of humanity by itself redirected to a completely new level of all the
problems, all the previous questions and answers, all previous types and situations. At this level,
the old questions, types and situations are almost as unimportant as questions, types and
situations of the Stone Age after the transition to a higher culture. Then the guerrillas die as died
out of the Stone Age hunters, if they can not survive and assimilate. In any case, they have
become harmless and unimportant. But how will be able to human type, which first supplied the
guerrilla, to adapt to the technical and industrial world around, take advantage of new tools and
develop new adapted form of the guerrillas, say industrial partisans? Is there a guarantee that the
modern means of destruction will always fall into the right hands and that the irregular fight will
be unimaginable? Contrary to the optimism of progress in pessimism progress and its technical
fantasies remains greater than it is today commonly thought, the field of possibilities. In the
shadow of the present nuclear balance of world powers, under a glass cover, so to speak, their
enormous means of destruction, could stand space limited and guarded war with conventional
weapons and even with the destruction of the means of dispensing that world powers might
openly or secretly agree . It would be able to give a result of war, supervised one of these world
powers and it would be something like dogfight.50 That would seemingly innocent game
precisely controlled and irregularities "perfect disorder", perfect to the extent that they could to
manipulate the world powers.

Along with this, there is, however, radically pessimistic tabula-rasa-technical solution fantasy.
The modern means of destruction of the treated area of course everything will be killed, friend
and foe, regular soldiers and irregular population. However, technically possible to think that
some people will survive the night of bombs and missiles. In the face of this possibility it would
be practically and efficiently, even advisable, instead of the planned situation after the bombing,
and today to prepare people who bombs devastated area immediately take bomb craters and
occupy the ruined area. Then a new kind of guerrilla could add to the history of the world a new
chapter with a new kind of taking space.

So our problem is extended to planetary dimensions. It even grows to over- planetary. Technical
progress makes it possible to space flight of space, and thus simultaneously opened
immeasurable, new challenges for political gains. For new spaces can and should be taken by
people. For land take and old-style sea as they are known previous history of mankind, followed
by taking the space of the new style. However, in the division and take the next use. In this
respect, in spite of all other progress, everything remains as before. Technical progress will cause
a new intensity new take, divide and use only strengthen more old questions.

With today's conflict between East and West, and especially in the giant competition for
immeasurably great new space, first of all, the political
power on the planet, no matter how small it did not seem in the meantime. Only someone who
has become as if a tiny Earth, will take and use the new space. As a result, these areas are
immeasurable nothing more than a potential space of struggle, namely, the struggle for
supremacy on this earth. Famous astronauts or cosmonauts, who have so far been administered to
only propaganda stellar magnitudes of the media, press, radio and television, then they will have
a chance to become a kosmopiratov and, perhaps, even in kosmopartizan.

Legality and Legitimacy

In the development of partisan figure we met General Salan as a demonstration, symptomatic

phenomenon of the last stage. In this figure, there are also experiences intersect and impact of
war between regular armies, colonial wars, civil wars and guerrilla warfare. Salan thought out to
the end of these experiments, following the inevitable logic of the old thesis that can be
overcome only partisan partisan way. This he has consistently done, not only with the courage of
a soldier, but also with the accuracy of an officer of the General Staff and punctuality technocrat.
The result was that he became a partisan and, in the end, declared the civil war by its own
supreme commander and his government. What is the internal focus of such a fate? Main
defender Salan, Maitre Tixier-Vignancourt, in his great final speech before the court on May 23,
1962 found a formulation which contains the answer to our question. He remarks on the activity
of fat as OAS chief: I have to admit that the old militant Communist, if he instead of the main
military chief was the head of the organization, would take actions other than General Salan (S.
530 of the process of the report). Thus guessed decisive point: a professional revolutionary
would do it differently. He would have held a different position than Salan, not only with regard
to the interested third party.

Development of the theory of the partisan from Clausewitz through Lenin to Mao moved
forward by the dialectic of regular and irregular, staff officer and a professional revolutionary.
Through the doctrine of the psychological war that the French officers - participants of the war in
Indochina - adopted by Mao, the development did not return in kind ricorso to the top and to the
roots. There is no return to the beginning. Partizan can put on the uniform and become a good
regular fighter, even especially brave regular fighter, maybe just as a poacher say that it is a
particularly skilful forest guard. But all this abstract thoughts. Recycling Mao teachings by
French staff officers actually contains something abstract and, as once was said during the trial
Solana, it has something of the esprit geometrique.

Partizan able to easily turn into good uniform carrier; on the other hand, for a good staff officer
uniform - it is something more than the suit. Routine can be a profession institutional, irregular
can not. Personnel officer can become a great founder orders as St. Ignatius Loyola.
Transformation into pre- or subtraditsionnoe means something else. In the darkness can
disappear, but to transform the darkness into a war zone, on the basis of which the former arena
empire is destroyed and removed from the scene of a large network of official publicity
- it does not organize the technocratic intelligentsia. Acheron is impossible to calculate in
advance, and it should not be every spell, though it comes from a clever head and let it is in such
a desperate situation.

Our task is not to calculate, it was calculated intelligent and experienced military time of the
coup in Algeria in April 1961, and the organizers of the OAS, with reference to some of them
quite natural specific issues, particularly in relation to the actions of terrorist acts against the
civilized European population or relatively higher mentioned interested third. Even this last
question as a matter of meaning enough. We are reminded that the guerrillas need legitimation, if
he wants to stay in the area of political and does not want to fall into the scope of the criminal.
The issue is not confined to a few today have become common and not serious antitheses cheap
legality and legitimacy. For legality is precisely in this case, the strongest legitimacy - what it
actually was originally

was for the Republicans, namely rational, progressive, unique modern, in a word: the very
highest form of legitimacy.

I would not want to repeat what I have already more than thirty years ago, I said this is still a
vital topic. Link to it belongs to the knowledge of the situation of the Republican General Salan
in 1958/61, respectively. The French Republic is a rule of law regime; is its foundation, when it
is impossible to destroy the opposition of law and law and honors the rights as a higher court. As
justice and the army above the law. There republican legality, and that is in the country only
form of legitimacy. Everything else is to present a hostile Republican sophism Republic. The
representative of the public prosecution at the trial Salan accordingly had a simple and clear
position; it all again and again referred to the "sovereignty of the law," which remains superior to
any other conceivable authority or the norm. By comparison, the sovereignty of the law there is
no sovereignty rights. He makes irregular partisan into a deadly illegality.

Salan despite this had no other argument than an indication of the fact that he himself 15 May
1958 promoted to General de Gaulle in the achievement of power [in fighting] against the then
legal government, that he was then obliged to their own conscience, their Pairs, its fatherland and
before God and now, in 1962, sees itself deceived in everything that was promised and
proclaimed as a saint in May 1958 (report on the process, S. The 85). He referred to the nation as
the state opposed to a higher form of legitimacy as opposed to legality. And General de Gaulle
had often talked about the traditional and national legitimacy, and contrasted their republican
legality. This changed with the advent of May 1958. And the fact that its own legitimacy has
become unquestionable only by referendum time in September 1958, did not change anything in
the fact that it is the latest from the September 1958 had on its side the republican legality and
Salan saw himself forced to occupy doubtful for the soldier's position , despite the reference to
the regularity and irregularity to turn the regular army in a guerrilla organization.

However, an irregularity in itself constitutes nothing. It is simply illegal. But today is undeniable
crisis of law and thus the crisis of legality. The classical concept of law, the preservation of
which one is able to keep the republican legality, is called into question plans and activities. In
Germany, the link to the right as opposed to the law and lawyers themselves have become a
matter of course, is hardly more noteworthy. And non-lawyers say today just always legitimate
(not legally) if they want to say that they are right. However, the case Salan shows that in the
modern state itself even to question the legality of stronger than any other kind of law. This is
due to decisionist power of the state and its conversion rights into law. Here we need not go into
this vopros.51 Perhaps all this will change completely when
State once "wither away." So far, the legality of a compelling functional mode of each modern,
state of the army. Legal government decides who is the enemy, against whom must fight the
army. Whoever undertakes to define it, who is the enemy, claims to own, a new legality, if he
does not wish to adhere to the definition of the enemy the same legal rule.

real enemy
The declaration of war is always a classified an enemy; it goes without saying; and that the more
implicit in the civil war declaration. When Salan declared civil war, he actually declared two
enemies against the Algerian Front continuation of regular and irregular warfare; in respect of
the French Government beginning of the illegal and irregular civil war. Nothing else clarifies the
hopelessness of the situation Salan so clearly how the consideration of this double enemy ads.
Every war on two fronts, raises the question of who actually is the real enemy. Is it not a sign of
an internal split - have more than one of the only real enemy? Enemy - is our own issue as a
gestalt. If you own gestalt clearly defined, then taken from the doubling of the enemy? The
enemy - this is not something that, for whatever reason, must be eliminated, and because of their
inferiority destroyed. The enemy is in my own sphere. For this reason, I have to face him in the
struggle to find its own measure, its borders, its own image and appearance.

Salan thought Algerian guerrilla absolute enemy. Suddenly appeared in his rear is much more
bad for him, the more intense the enemy - their own government, their own boss, own brother. In
his yesterday's brother, he suddenly saw a new enemy. This is the essence of the case of fat.
Yesterday's brother was revealed as a more dangerous enemy. The very concept of the enemy
should be confusion, which is closely connected with the doctrine of a war and clearing
zaymomsya we are now at the end of our presentation.

The historian will find all historical situations, examples and parallels in world history. We have
already identified a parallel with the processes of 1812/13's Prussian history. We also show how
the ideas and plans of the Prussian army reform 1808/13's partisans gained its philosophical
legitimacy, and the Prussian edict of April 1813 Landsturm - your credit history. So now it
should not seem strange, as it would at first glance, if we are to better develop the main issue
privlechom as an example the situation of the Prussian General York winter 1812- 1813 period.
Initially, in the eyes of course vast rush opposites: Salan, Frenchman levorespublikanskogo
origin and modern, technocratic coinage, against General Imperial Prussian army in 1812, which
certainly could not have come to the idea to declare the emperor and his senior military
commanders civil war. Faced with such differences eras and types seem minor or even randomly,
and that York had fought as an officer in the East Indies colonies. However, it is eye-catching
contrasts all the more clearly clarify that the main issue is the same. For in both cases it was a
question to decide who was the real enemy.

Decisionist accuracy prevails in the functioning of every modern organization, especially in the
functioning of every modern state a regular army. In this case, the main issue for today's general
situation quite accurately appears as an absolute either-or. Sharp alternative to the legality and
legitimacy - it is only a consequence of the French Revolution and its collision with
restoration of the legitimate monarchy in 1815. In this pre-revolutionary legitimacy of the
monarchy as the then king of Prussia many feudal elements kept in touch superiors and
subordination. Fidelity has not become something "irrational" and may not dissolve in a simple,
calculable functionalism. Prussia had already been clearly expressed

State; its army could not deny frideritsianskogo

of origin; Prussian Army reformers wanted to upgrade, but not return to any form of feudalism.
Nevertheless, the situation and the environment legitimate Prussian monarchy at the time may
seem to today's observer in the conflict and where there is less acute and sharp, less
detsizionistsko- state. This does not need to argue right now. The point is only that the
experience of different epochs garments do not erase the main issue, namely the question of the
real enemy.

York in 1812 commanded the Prussian auxiliary corps, which is allied to Napoleon as a squad
belonged to the army of the French general Macdonald. In December 1812 New York sided with
the enemy, on the Russian side, and concluded with the Russian General von Dibich known
convention of tauroggen. During the negotiations and at the conclusion of a convention on the
Russian side as a mediator involved Colonel von Clausewitz. The letter, which York January 3,
1813 sent to his king and commander in chief, became famous historical document. This is true.
Prussian general with great reverence writes that he expects from the king judgment about
whether he can New York, to fight "against the real enemy," or the king condemns the act of his
general. He faithfully waits for an answer, ready, in case of disapproval, "waiting for the bullet
on the battlefield." Words about the "real enemy" worthy of Clausewitz and grasp the essence.
The fact that the general was ready to "wait for the bullets on the battlefield," refers to the
soldier, who is responsible for his actions, no less than General Salan I was ready to shout Vive
la France! in the trenches of Vincennes before the execution. However, the fact that New York,
with all due deference to the king, reserves the right to decide who is the "real enemy" - gives
him genuine, tragic and rebellious sense. York was not partisan and probably never would they
not. But in the horizon of meaning and concepts of the enemy in partisan step would be neither
absurd nor inconsistent.

Of course this is only a heuristic fiction, allowed for a brief moment, when a Prussian officer
lifted partisan to the idea, that is, only in this pivotal time, which led to the Edict of Landsturm
April 13, 1813. Already after a few months the idea that the Prussian general could become a
partisan, would have been even as a heuristic fiction grotesque and absurd, and would stay with
such a good, as long as there was the Prussian army. How was it possible that the guerrillas, who
in the 17th century down to the Picaro (rogue) and in the 18th century belonged to easy, mobile
units, on the eve of 1813 for a brief moment appeared a heroic figure, then to today, more than a
hundred years later, even become a key figure in international events? The answer to this
question is clear from the fact that the irregularity of the partisan remains dependent on the
meaning and content of regular concrete. After the disintegration and collapse of Germany in the
17th century, in the 18th century developed the regularity of wars of dynastic reasons. This
regularity has given war is so strong to preserve, that the war could be seen as a game in which
regularly participated light, mobile units and the enemy like a conventional enemy became a
partner in the war game. The Spanish guerrilla war began when Napoleon in the autumn of 1808
defeated the regular Spanish army. There was no difference with Prussia 1806-1807's, which
after the defeat of his regular army immediately entered into a humiliating peace. Spanish
guerrillas again restored the seriousness of the war, namely Napoleon opposed, respectively, on
the side of the defense of the old continental European countries, whose
old became the Convention and the regularity of the game proved to be not up to the new,
revolutionary charged, Napoleonic regularity. The enemy thus again became the real enemy, the
war - a real war again. Partizan defending national soil from foreign conqueror, a hero who really
fought against the real enemy. It was a really important process, which led to his theory of
Clausewitz and the doctrine of war. When then a hundred years later, the theory of the war of the
professional revolutionary,

Lenin blindly destroyed all

obereganiya inherited the war, the war has become an absolute war and partisans became the
bearer of absolute hostility against an absolute enemy.

From the real enemy of the enemy absolute

In theory, the war all the time in question of distinguishing enmity that gives war its meaning and
its character. Every attempt obereganiya or limitation of war is to be performed the knowledge
that - with regard to the concept of war - hatred is a primary concept, and that the distinction
between different kinds of war preceded the distinction between different kinds of hostility.
Otherwise, all the efforts obereganiya or limitation of war - it is only a game, which is untenable
before the explosion of real hostility. After the Napoleonic wars, irregular war was forced out of
the public consciousness of European theologians, philosophers and lawyers. Indeed there were
supporters of the world who saw in the abolition and elimination of conventional war statute
Hague land war end of the war in general; and there were lawyers who every doctrine of just war
was considered something eo ipso fair, since even St. Foma Akvinsky taught about something
like that. No one suspected that meant liberation, liberation of irregular warfare. Nobody
thought, what consequences will have victory over the civilian soldier, when a citizen puts on a
uniform day, while the guerrillas withdraw her to keep fighting without a uniform.

Only this deficit concrete thinking completed destructive work of professional revolutionaries.
This was a great misfortune, for those obereganiyami European war humanity has managed to
achieve something rare: failure of the criminalization of the enemy in the war, so the
relativization of enmity, hatred absolute negation. This is in fact something rare, even an
incredibly humane - to bring people to the fact that they refuse to discrimination and defamation
of its enemies.

That is what seems to be once again called into question partisan. Its criteria belongs to the
extreme intensity of political engagement. When Che Guevara said: "Partisan - a Jesuit war", he
is referring to the use of an inherently political. Biography every famous partisan, since
Empecinado, confirms this. At enmity illegally made seeking their right. In it, it is the meaning
of the case and a sense of entitlement when crumbling shell of protection and obedience, where it
is still inhabited, or tearing the fabric of norms of legality, of which it still might be expected
rights and legal protection. Then stops the conventional, traditional game. But this is the
cessation of legal protection is not necessarily a partisan. Mihael Kolhas (Michael Kohlhaas),
whose sense of entitlement make the robber and murderer, was not partisan, because he was not
politically engaged and fought exclusively for their own abuses by private law, not against
someone else's conqueror and not for the revolutionary cause. In such cases, the irregularity is
non-political and purely criminal becomes as loses a positive relationship with anywhere
Regular. This differs from the guerrillas - noble or ignoble - the leader of the robbers.

When parsing a world-political context (with the above. ) We emphasize that interested third
incurs a significant feature when it comes in relation to the regular, which is necessary partisan
irregularities to remain in the policy. Core, the essence of political - it is not just hostility, but the
distinction between friend and enemy, Political involves both friend and foe. Interested in
partisan powerful third can think and act selfishly; with his interest politically it is on the side of
the partisans. This has the effect of political friendship, and is a kind of political recognition,
even if it does not reach the vowels and official recognition as a belligerent party or government.
Empecinado was recognized by his people, the regular army and the great power of English as a
political value. He was Michael Koolhaas was not schinderhannes (nickname bandit leader, who
died in 1808), whose interested third pokryvateli were criminals. On the contrary, the political
situation has been painted Salan despairing tragedy, for it in domestic policy, in his homeland,
became illegal, and outside, in world politics, not only did not find any interested third, but, on
the contrary, ran into a firm enemy front of anti-colonialism.

So partisan enemy - the real enemy, but not an absolute enemy. This follows from the political
partisan. Another border hostility is evident from the nature of the telluric partisan. It protects the
land, with whom he is associated autochthonous. Its basic position remains defensive, despite
increased mobility of his tactics. He behaves in the same way as St. Ioanna Orleanskaya before
the ecclesiastical court. It was not partisan and regular way fought against the British. When the
ecclesiastical judge asked her - theological question-trap - whether it be to say that God hates the
English, she said: "On whether God loves or hates the English them, I do not know; I only know
that they must be driven out of France. " Such a response would be given every normal guerrillas
- the defender of the national soil. With such a defensive character given and fundamental
limitation of enmity. The real enemy is not declared the absolute enemy, and proclaimed the last
enemy of mankind voobsche.52

Lenin suffered a conceptual focus from war to politics, that is, the distinction between friend and
foe. It was rational and after Clausewitz was a logical continuation of the idea of war as a
continuation of the policy. Just like a professional revolutionary Lenin, seized by the idea of a
global civil war, he went further and made an enemy of the absolute enemy. Clausewitz spoke of
absolute war, but still assumed as a condition of regularity cash statehood. In general, he still
could not imagine the state as an instrument of the party and the party that ordered the state.
With absolute behest of the party and partisans became absolute and rose to the medium absolute
hostility. Today, it is easy to see the ideological skillful technique, which caused the change of
the concept of the enemy. In contrast today is much more difficult to challenge that kind of
absolute positing of the enemy, because this kind of positing seems immanent existing reality of
atomic era.

For the technically-industrial development efforts of armed men to clean means of destruction.
Thereby causing the disparity creates protection and obedience, one half of humanity becomes a
hostage to the other half of the masters, armed with nuclear destruction. Such absolute
destruction tools require an absolute enemy, if they do not have to be absolutely inhuman. After
all, they do not destroy the means of destruction themselves, but people consume these means of
others. The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes grabbed the essence of the process is already in
the 17th century (de homine 1X, 3) and formulated it with all the accuracy, although at that time
(1659) arms were still relatively harmless. Hobbes says: man as much more dangerous for other
people, who, as it seems, he was threatened, than any animal such as

human weapons more dangerous than the so-called natural weapons of the beast, for example:
teeth, legs, horns or poison. A German philosopher Hegel adds weapon is the essence of the
fighter. Specifically,

it means: suprakonventsionalnoe weapons presupposes

suprakonventsionalnogo person. It not only assumes it as a postulate of the distant future; it
rather allows it as already existing reality. So, the last danger lies not in the presence of means of
destruction and not doratsionalnom evil person. It consists in the inevitability of moral coercion
and violence. People who use those means against other people, and morally obliged to destroy
these other people, that is, their victims and their facilities. They must declare the opposing party
in the general criminal and inhuman, a total of inferiority. Otherwise, they are criminals and
monsters Inhumans. The logic values and inferiority is deploying all its devastating sequence and
forces all new, all deeper discrimination, criminalization and impairment up to the destruction of
all life has no value.

In a world in which the partners are thus mutually break into the abyss of total devaluation
before they physically destroy each other, must be new kinds of absolute hostility. Enmity will
become so terrible, that probably will not be able to speak more about the enemy or enmity, and
both of these things, even with all the rules above will be banned and cursed before the
destruction to begin. The destruction will then be totally abstract and totally absolute. It is no
longer directed against the enemy, but it is only so-called objective implementation of the
highest values, which, as we know, no price is too high. Only the negation of real hostility paves
the way for making the destruction of absolute hostility. In 1914, the nations and governments of
Europe without absolute hostility unsteadily on his feet, with dizzy entered the First World War.
This enmity arose only because of the war itself, which began as a traditional war of European
international law of states and world civil war ended in the revolutionary class enmity. Who will
prevent that a similar, but more effort is infinitely way suddenly there will be new types of
enmity, whose implementation will cause unexpected forms of a new partisan? The theorist can
not do more in order to keep the concepts and to call things by their proper names. The theory of
guerrilla translates into the concept of the political, into the question of the real enemy and the
new Nomos of the Earth.

Translated from German by JJ Korintsa

Karl Haushofer
Continental blocks: Berlin-Moscow-TOKYO
There is no doubt that the most ambitious and important event in the modern world politics is the
prospect of the formation of a powerful continental block, which would unite Europe and Asia
with the North East.

But projects of this magnitude are not born only in the mind of a statesman, if he is as great as
has the ability to transform the famous Greek goddess of war. Informed people know that such
plans are prepared for a long time. And precisely because of this circumstance, I willingly accept
the offer of our geographical school has chosen it's me from the older generation in science to
lead the evidence of continental Eurasian policy - in fact for many years, beginning with the first
risky attempts to establish friendly and, subsequently, union relations, I undertake a systematic
study of this question, allow me to continuously monitor (sometimes just being present during
the formation of these political bedineny) for the forge of fate, and sometimes make a modest
contribution to it.

First, you need to learn one of the principles of geopolitics, which was first formulated in the
early days of origin of the Roman state, and since then has not lost its relevance: «Fas est ab
hoste doceri» ( «Learning from the enemy - a sacred duty").
Shortly after the birth of important political entities have a potential enemy appears instinct
nearest threat, the most symptomatic feeling that wonderful Japanese sociologist G.E.Vishara
ascribes all his people and that allows the Japanese to see from afar the approach of any danger.
Such a national characteristic, no doubt, is very precious. Howbeit. first barely appeared on the
horizon, the possibility of creating the Eurasian continental block, is fraught with the threat of
global Anglo-Saxon dominance, they saw just the British and American leaders, while, as we
have in the Second Reich have not made myself no idea what can be learned from the compound
of the Central European and the powerful potential of East Asia through the immense Eurasia.
Lord Palmerston, one of the most demanding and successful imperialist politicians, first told the
Prime Minister to remove him from his post during the government crisis: "Our relations with
France are now able to become somewhat strained, but we have to keep them at all costs,
because in the background Russia threatens us, who can connect Europe and East Asia, and one
we can not resist it. " This phrase was uttered in 1851 - at a time when in all his splendor was
victorious England, when the number of survivors of severe internal crisis the United States for
the first time applied strict formula that we should forever inscribe on our tables - formula
"anaconda policy." The giant snake that strangles its prey, squeezing around his ring as long until
they are crushed every bone and stops breathing - not a pleasant image. Try to imagine that threat
hanging over the political space of the Old World, it is possible to understand what would have
been the size and power of these spaces in case of failure "anaconda policy." In addition, in the
period of prosperity of the victorious world empire came the warning and other imperialists -
Homer Lee, who wrote the famous book about the decline of the Anglo-Saxons. In this book, the
era of an apparent peak of the world of the British Empire, it is possible read that fateful day, the
sunset of the gods may come to the world of English Empire in the day that Germany, Japan and
Russia will be allies to each other. All the while thriving global British Empire, there is a dark
fear of a single alliance, forced to anticipate that sooner or later force the environment - this so
brilliantly and skillfully developed art, the use of a master who in the Middle Ages, Venice was -
can fail. In our time, the most insightful warnings did Sir H.Makinder, who wrote in 1904 an
essay about the history of the geographic axis. Axis - a great empire of the steppes, the center of
the Old World, whoever she was controlled - the Persians, Mongols, Turks, white or red kings.
In 1919, Mackinder makes the new warning and offer to split once and for all Germans and
Russian, resettling the inhabitants of East Prussia on the left bank of the Vistula. Further, in the
last days before the beginning of the blitzkrieg against Poland "New Steytsman" accused the
narrow circle of geopolitics, including us, to find the most effective ways to deal with the British
Empire and British imperialism of their own funds. We would be happy if they could really use
these funds for the purpose of our defense, especially in those moments when find ourselves face
to face with the aggressive actions. Finally, you can remember my conversation with the elder
Chamberlain 97 who foresaw the danger that England might eventually throw in each other's
arms to Germany, Russia and Japan in their desperate struggle to ensure the necessary conditions
of life: that is why he proposed collaboration between Britain, Germany and Japan. Fear of
German-Russian co-operation, even in 1919, when we were disarmed and made completely
harmless impression was so strong that the proposal was born at the cost of ambitious
resettlement of East Prussia on the west by the limits of Germany's western bank of the Vistula -
in essence, only to to Germany and Russia no longer had common borders. Treaty of Rapallo
was a tremendous disappointment for Mackinder and his school. In this way,

fear of the possible consequences of potential

continental policy of the Old World to the global British Empire goes through its history.
Tangible from the outset, this fear became more and more clear later on as the rulers of the
British Empire lost their former ability to see the situation as a whole and once their inherent
skill to face the facts. And as you know, "the fear and hatred - bad advisers." It may be noted like
a premonition, and in the United States. So, Bruk Adams, one of the most remarkable and
visionary professionals in the field of economic policy, even before the acquisition Qiao Chao
pointed out, to what extent would be jeopardized increasing anglitsizatsiya world, if in carrying
out an extensive railway transcontinental line from the end point Port Arthur and Tsingtao is
reached grandiose German-Russian-East Asian union - the only union, which will be powerless
against any whatsoever attempts of the English, merikanskoy or even combined blockade. So,
none other. as our enemy gives us confidence that the robust continental block will prevail over
the "politics of the anaconda" in the economic, military, marine and strategic plan - the
confidence that we have noted with pleasure the second attempt of strangulation of the Old

Look at the perspective of the continental block the formation of eyes "winners". which is
already on the acquisition Qiao Chao attributed such ambitious plans. To our shame, we should
recognize that at the turn of the century in Russia and Japan was much more minded

heads foresaw and explore opportunity creation continental block, rather than in Central Europe.
So, we can recall that during the preparation of the Anglo-Japanese alliance in 1902, of which
England learned much greater benefit than Japan in the Far East island empire had a feeling that
it involves in the bonded contract. This agreement is worried Japan, since it would have to ensure
equal participation in the agreement of Germany, which would be a second counterweight to the
power of the British Navy. The negotiations dragged on for two years, during which numerous
attempts to full inclusion of Germany in the game. The Japanese felt that Japan alone will not be
able to stay on par with the British naval power of the time, and the signed contract will be

97 In 1899 Haushofer had a personal conversation with Joseph Chamberlain - British Colonial Secretary and spokesman
of the extreme right, the imperialist tendencies in British society. It was a question of education opportunities intercontinental
geopolitical union of the British Empire, the United States-Japan-Germany.

"If the German and Japanese navies cooperate with Russian land army, ocean agreement would
cease to be highly biased towards the UK deal, becoming equal to the contract," - such was the
position of visionary Japanese, with whom I spoke on this subject, and the gap they obviously
were much earlier. A grand chance to study the diplomatic history of the issue given the
Japanese Ambassador in London, Ayashi, published his memoirs, and Dzhon Gamilton, who
published his recollections of Russian-Japanese War. And if the first volume has been released
without the intervention of "organized pressure", the second volume of both authors could not be
subject to censorship, and two diplomats - the threat of disgrace. We can say that the first volume
of Ayashi and Hamilton appeared in the eyes of world public opinion zealous trotters, while the
second volume appeared like an obedient gelding. Anyway, the first volumes have finished with
all the secrets of politicians, and so knowledgeable person could read it between the lines. For
example, when the Japanese Marquis Ito, trying to bring up the Sino-Russian-German alliance,
went through St. Petersburg to Germany, in order to neutralize its continental plan was made to
change the action of unscrupulous cipher comes from Japan dispatches. Japanese visitors are
going to oppose retaliatory tricks Anglo-Japanese alliance in Friedrichsruhe country estate
Bismarck - the state of her husband, who is especially worshiped Marquis Ito. Already in 1901
-1902 years, they had a clear idea about the possibility of the creation of a continental union, and
this possibility has been studied in depth in Japan. Quite frankly we talked about it and in the
years 1909 and 1910. At that time, we had the wonderful medium for establishing contact with
the highest spheres of the Japanese - with Marquis Ito. with his most intelligent follower Count
Goto, with Katsura, who was then chairman of the Council of Ministers, with the most influential
personalities in the circle of senior government officials. The fact that a huge role here played the
personal physician of the Japanese imperial family, a brilliant expert on the Far East
vyurtemberzhets Elvin Baelts background. But when this person has a unique trust the highest
spheres of Japanese, wanted to do a report on the mental and physical characteristics of the
Japanese at the congress of the German doctors, the chairman of the Congress told him that such
a topic is not of interest. There is no doubt that England would have behaved very differently
with this man, who belonged to the intimate circle of advisers to the Mikado. But for us, such
statements are always clearly indicated that the German imperial house, unfortunately,
experiencing an overwhelming aversion to cooperation with the Far East. Slogan was still
formula Wilhelm II: «The Europeans put their benefit above all!". But the young race threatened
the freedom and equality of rights of Europeans to a much lesser extent than we seemed closer
the representatives of the white race. An important link in this great was the Russian policy.
There is a major advocate of the idea of the need for education of the continental block was a
German-born Witte, founder of the Trans-Siberian railway line and one of the most important
Russian financiers. During the war he developed a separate peace with Germany, and in 1915 he
died under mysterious circumstances. AT Russia has always existed within, aware of the benefits
and opportunities, which encompasses the German-Russian-Japanese cooperation; and after the
war, one of our most eminent statesmen - has a character of iron Brockdorff-Ranttsau - wanted
my help to recover the thread of contacts, two Russian statesmen controlled the process and
sought to foster its course. In truth, it should agree to the ace, anything, to achieve the goal to
unite for the sake of higher political interest of the Japanese and Russian, so that they could
reasonably settle the border, thereby protecting his rear and get the possibility to deploy political
activity in other directions. Each participant of this game had to withstand all night walks in,
after which the lawns are completely covered with cigarette butts and spilled tea, and in the
atmosphere of extremely strange discussions conducted with the ancient delicacy, to give zest to
each of these conversations. When, after two or three hours, it seemed that the whole issue can
be clarified, the dialectic forced re-start from the beginning, and again three o'clock discussion
and tired and irritated rivals. We in the Second Reich was too loyal to the British colonial policy,

to take strict and sober geopolitical

features a continental union, capable of long bear good fruit. Second Reich gave up this
perspective, although the use of these features can assume probability of a double pressure on the
enemy. And in this great danger lurked refusal.

Today, we know that you can build a fairly bold steel structures, but only if there is a solid and
strong foundation, if from a truly robust and elastic steel made main bearing supports, if the
buildings structure is so strong that firmly soldered and stone and steel joint. But the special
strength and resistance to global storms such steel structure is obtained when at its very
foundation introduced as our new bridges, a strong stone fortifications surround the block,
extending from the Baltic and Black seas to the Pacific Ocean.
It should be emphasized that the possibility of German participation in a continental policy, we
look quite coolly. This feature has not been implemented by Prince Ito and Bismarck. Similar
attempts have been made, referring to the Tirpitz, Admiral Kato. Chief of the Navy Staff in
Tsushima, and my modest efforts have been directed in the same direction. For all of us. worked
on this great agreement for the salvation of the whole of the Old World, a prerequisite was the
German-Japanese Association.

Japanese statesman Goto told me, "Remember the Russian triple harness - the" troika. " There is
used a special method to harness: in the center is the most restive and the strongest horse; and
right and left supporting average, two more accommodating run. With this relay, you can greatly
benefit in speed and power. " Looking at the map of the Old World, we state that such a triple
harness similar three border the sea: the first, which has recently become quite politically close to
us the Baltic Sea with the Baltic space: second, much less mastered its coastal residents than the
Baltic - us. Japanese sea: and the third, which is under Italian domination and recently closed
on the south Adriatic with the adjoining Eastern Mediterranean 98. All these border the sea
are located in areas of the most important Russian outputs to free the ocean, unless you consider
a free Arctic Ocean, the use of which depends on the whims of its Atlantic waters heating Golf

98 Haushofer was referring to occurred in April 1939 annexation of Albania by Italy.

The Japanese, in obedience to his lasting instinct and following sea control tactics, basically
closed the area surrounding Russian output to a free Ocean near Vladivostok, enrolling far more
logical than the Germans did to the cradle of his race in the Baltic area.

Back in 1935 we paid currently in Sweden endless damage by persuading the Social Democratic
government in Stockholm, Oslo and then, to abandon self-protection by the League of Nations
and to take independent measures to protect its vast spaces we have stated that such action found
we would have the fullest understanding. But as you know, promised three-year wait. The
proposed non-aggression pacts have not been adopted, and the space of the Baltic Sea has
become, therefore, look much less encouraging than the space of the Sea of Japan for us

- for the Japanese. This should primarily blame a lack of clear instinct hard geopolitical realities,
characterizing mainly the Social
democratic ideology northern governments.
However, in Sweden, only a minority understands the dangers and the opportunities that
promised future.
Realizing that she can not find competent government circles Norway Sweden needed a pony
Germany decided to definitely follow the basic lines of the continental poly tics, not taking into
account the
interests of those whose friendliness expressed only in high-sounding phrases. We ?? They were
due to
several geopolitical outsiders jeopardize the troika, which alone could wrest the Old World from
the embrace of
the anaconda.
But no news and trying to Russian-Japanese Association, is another prerequisite for a full
continental policy. Frankly, these efforts began in 1901-1902 respectively. They then re-taken
after the Russian-Japanese War, in 1909 and 1910, when I was in Japan, while the herald of such
a policy became Ito. Then the United States made the original proposal to eliminate the main
difficulties between China, Japan and Russia, bought all the railways in Manchuria and handing
them over to American capitalists; so they are forced against their will to get closer Russian and

Then, his efforts to the formation of a continental bloc to make the beginning and Italy. There it
was engaged Riccardi, Mussolini inspired the creation of the Institute of the Middle and Far East.
Thanks to this institution had a desire to harness gently in the politico-cultural harness precious
cultural elements of Japanese and Chinese descent. It does not sacrifice a large amount, but the
facilities were provided for one of the magnificent palaces, filled with brilliant culture of the
Renaissance. Rome has a vibrant force that could be trusted. Institute for the Middle and Far East
manage Senator Gentile, Archduke Tucci, Duke Avarnsky, son of a former ambassador to the
imperial court in Vienna. They coped well with their responsibilities, because, apparently, did
not remain totally immersed in the world of philology, spending a great deal of flexibility and
sensitivity (quite clearly feeling the effect of psychology of peoples) active cultural policy, a vital
and close to the people.

With regard to the recent initiatives is a huge role in the preparation of a continental union
should be given and well known Mushakoi Count and Baron Oshima. As we know that
throughout the war in China, Japan, fought only with his left hand as the right hand with a
reserve military force he was always ready in Manchuria. There were concentrated such force,
that we have not even imagined. Now the question of the border is partly resolved, and in a very
clever way. For example, a contract was concluded in respect of Mongolia, where for five
months Russian and Japanese fought serious battles that resulted in numerous deaths and
injuries. While at the same time from both warring parties from Moscow and Tokyo, received
proposals to put an end to this struggle. Soon it was done, and the world was accompanied by the
conclusion of the magnificent picture of the purely Japanese style on the former territory of the
disputed general funeral ceremony for the souls of fallen soldiers. Despite the religious nature of
this ceremony, as well as the fact that the participation in it was quite a difficult thing for
ideological reasons, at a ceremony attended by General Potapov. Such ceremonies like this have
great psychological importance. At the head of the marching troops with banners unfurled old
general approaches to the altar of the dead. Every Japanese firm believer in the fact that the souls
of warriors really are in front of this altar to receive the message from the emperor. Needless
impeccable behavior of the Soviet general and his officers on this rather long ceremony is a
credit to their remarkable ability for cultural adaptation. Since the turn back to the spirits can not,
all the participants of the ceremony from afar slowly come to the altar and steps back. Turn your
back to the ancestral spirits, which are considered as living, is blasphemy. This permeated
absolute religious ceremony is a very interesting and very compelling in terms of ethno-
psychology; it provided a deep impression even on seasoned received all over the world
experience of people who were allowed to attend. After the ceremony, they could say to himself:
here all the people firmly believe in the transmigration of souls. He believes that during the brief
earthly existence is possible by the commendable action for the benefit of the motherland win a
high place in the afterlife existence, otherwise well beyond the grave awaits disgrace. The feeling
that the whole people, except a few skeptics, freethinkers, ardently inspired by this idea, gives
the people power, solidarity and commitment to exceptional sacrifice.

Finally, geopolitics thanks to the unusually favorable, to political and spatial point of view, the
opportunities are managed through it to realize (and yet to be realized), has overcome ideological
obstacles in the continental association for the implementation of world politics - and a great
contribution to this made itself a double play British policy, which pushed the process.
Obviously all the impotence of Lord Halifax, who is trying to pursue a policy of European
cooperation; a much stronger current, led by opponents of Chamberlain. It is preparing for war
and ranged only to appear until the end of the process of re 99.

The possibility of objective and unbiased study of the Eurasian geopolitical forces pact presented
December 7, when Chita conference began at the conclusion of a trade treaty between Japan and
Russia. So, to the east of us stretches the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

spatial mass of 21,352,571 square km (Excluding recent annexations), 13 000 km.

from political and
coastlines and 182 million inhabitants. Next is Japan, the area of which is about 2 million sq. km.
(Excluding territories outside its immediate borders, as well as the territories of its powerful
allies) with a very long coastline and with 140 million. People people. Of course, out of this
number only 73 million. Inhabitants of the empire are in the truest sense of its political and
military support, but the labor force numbers 140 million. People well available. Faced with this
state of affairs in the East, although we are working, intensifying our cultural and economic ties
to the western flank of the block, but all the same, with the political and spatial point of view, do
not act to the extent that the other partners. At our disposal is a million square meters. km. (As
well as the right to a further three million square kilometers in the colonies) and from 87 to 100
million. Man. An intermediate position due to the presence of both ocean and continental
conditions of existence takes Italy, with its 250 thousand. Kilometers of coastline (which entails
their vulnerability and the need to make major efforts to the development of the Navy and Air
Force) and from 57 to 60 million. Human reserve. If we compare these figures with those on
which the Central Powers during World War I, then, based on the geo-political data, we will see
a noticeable difference between the situation then and now. And if we can consolidate and
support this brave and ambitious Eurasian continental policy until it reaches its last great
consequences will manifest its immense possibilities, where, for example, the autonomy and
independence of India will be just one of the accompanying phenomena such policies. The fact is
that sometimes I have seen the young and not so young people believed that India is trying to
achieve the status of a dominion, remains under the protection of British troops. All the efforts of
those political figures and ordinary Indians, with whom I personally met, prove the opposite:
they are the final and hardest goal is independence. They always maintained the belief that we
take seriously the increasing assistance provided by them in their struggle for independence.

99 Here there are two currents among the British foreign policy and the years preceding the outbreak of the Second
World War. One of them, (so-called "klayvdenskoe"), led become in my 1937 conservative Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
and his deputy Halifax, sought to "appease" Germany, regarded as a bulwark against Bolshevism, and offer the conclusion of the
agreement Angliya- Germany, France, Italy, which, in particular, is reflected but the signing of 30 September 1938 "Munich
Pact" of the Czechoslovak section. Another trend, led by opposition leaders of the Conservative Party of Winston Churchill and
Antoni Idenom (they entered the government after the outbreak of war), and gain the upper hand, insisted on the need to fight
against Germany.

From the first minutes after the publication of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, we are
seeing an extraordinary revolution in the Indian public opinion. Prior to this, the British Indian
newspapers were full of phraseology on strengthening democracy around the world; and it is for
this was to be India. But the ghost of grand European continental policy had only to arise as this
opinion, like a dramatic change in the weather, is completely changed. Now the Indians believed
that the Soviet Union, of course, could cause significant trouble to the British in India - for this it
will be enough to intervene and sent his armies through the passes.

Grand and so dazzling in its entirety effects spectacle Eurasian continental policy is prepared
separately by many people. It was not a random throw in the dark, but the conscious execution of
great need.
(A.Karagodin translation)
*The first part of the article, written in 1940
Fragments of the second part of the same article (as a whole devoted to a narrow practical

"Germany, accused of what we spend in the life of inciting the colored peoples of the plan but"
legitimate "masters in India and Indochina, encouraging their pursuit of self-determination. We
are but the catfish case, based on the robot Englishman Mackinder, promoting worldwide the
idea that only a strong association of States in the Germany-Russia-Japan axis will allow us all to
rise and become invulnerable to methods anaconda Anglo-Saxon world. When 4 months after the
beginning of the war the famous English journalist pushed me such a claim, I told him that if you
are attacked in accordance with the anaconda tactic applied on a global scale, and the attack
power, which with American war times for independence constantly told about this anaconda
practice, you have every right in every way
oppose this policy of the enemy, seeking to grab more and more pieces of influence. Only the
idea of Eurasia, politically embodied in space, will give us an opportunity for a long-term
extension of our living space. "" Eurasia impossible to stifle, while two of the largest of its
people and the Russian -nemtsy

- striving to avoid sectarian conflict, like the Crimean War or 1914: it is an axiom of European
politics ".
"The last hour of the Anglo-Saxon policy breaks when the Germans, Russian and Japanese unite.
So Homer says Lee. "
Geopolitical dynamics of meridians and parallels

There is a geopolitical term: Large Space (Grossraum). He came back in the ancient world, a
predefined specificity of the Mediterranean, southern deserts and mountain ranges. The term, as
it were repeated trends, focused on geographical sectors along both parallels and on the East-
West axis. It concerned the temperate, tropical and subtropical zones. The exceptions were the
states located along the course of the great rivers flowing through the North - South. River
geopolitical entities by virtue of special arrangement of its vital arteries, experienced the pressure
of the so-called "Torque", generated by expansion along the parallels. This was actually the
geopolitical history of "river countries" until it was finally suppressed by the dynamics of the
latitudinal expansion front and Asian empires to the east, Achaemenid Iran.

From a certain moment of history, followed by successive waves of "latitudinal expansion" - the
Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, steppe peoples, the Franks, the Iberians, etc. This gave rise
to a global trend of geopolitical development that comes from the Roman Mediterranean to the
Caribbean Mediterranean.

trend exhausted after the Portuguese and Spanish borders first large space,
sought to develop meridian. these

space was Chinese kingdom, often changes its external form, but while remaining surprisingly
constant in the cultural and racial sense. So the East Asian - Chinese and Japanese - the
geopolitical structure of the developing North - South, cut through the Spanish colonial empire,
the first geopolitical "latitudinal Kingdom." However, the Spaniards maintained their monopoly
for long - about 70 years. In their footsteps went competitors who have inherited "latitudinal
strategy", sought to rob its predecessors and to inherit their conquest. The British were the
strongest among them. They managed to build its First and Second Empire, which generally
followed the "latitude" orientation. England was predestined to it and his presence in the
Mediterranean, and the need to protect the Indian possessions.

In the northern half of the continent to the East is constantly expanding empire, first white, then
red kings. Between the north and south latitude Empire were buffer zones. And only in the
40-ies of XX century, two geopolitical makroobrazovaniya oriented along the meridian line -
East Asian bloc and the Pan-American unit - almost simultaneously invaded the geopolitical
field latitudinal dynamics, creating a "frame" around the traditional layout of the planetary

This latest geopolitical event has a truly enormous value, because it determines the total change
"force field" of the earth's surface. It is attached to the reality of Euro-African project, the Soviet
Union's attempts to move from their "latitudinal strategy" to "warm seas strategy" and plans of
India's dynamic modification of its policy in relation to the Pacific Islands. Again the resulting
geopolitical field is very different from the picture, outlined in 1904, Halford Mackinder, who
defined as "geographic axis of history" the center of the Old World, while in 1904, Mackinder's
concept was quite adequate to the real situation. It should be clarified

that more space tends to Asia

self-limiting their continental boundaries. The situation is different with the United States, who,
having completed their geopolitical plans of pan-Americanism, consider their control over the
whole American continent, only the first step towards world domination and already stepping up
efforts in tropical Africa, Iran, India and
Australia. US again directing their geopolitical expansion on the West-East line, trying to make
the "latitudinal dynamics of" foundation of his future world power. This will give them the
opportunity in the near future threaten its potential adversaries possibility of World War III.
Thus, it is a geopolitical expansion of the meridian, at its end forms the basis for the most serious
threat to peace, since it carries with it the possibility of the enslavement of the entire planet
Sovedinennymi States.

To defend its geopolitical independence of East Asia today is forced to strengthen their own
cultural and political form and build on the periphery of its influence buffer security zone. A
generation later, and Europe will need such as buffer zones, like those emperors Ito, Goto et al.
Sought to create against the expansion of Russian tsarey.Osobenno trends clearly latitudinal and
longitudinal development in Africa are manifested in Islamic geopolitical formations and in the
process of liberation from Asian countries English rule. South trend of geopolitical expansion of
East Asia in the natural way of sea and air falls exactly on the uninhabited areas of Australia,
located between dumya sectors of the English-speaking population concentration. In this case,
the colonies "outer crescent" Mackinder there is a very real possibility "to be washed away into
the sea." Europe thus instantly losing its strong bond with Africa, and a key point of potential
conflict "rulers latitudes" moves to the southeast.

Tips, this country, which has always been the "geographical pivot of history", and Axis
controlling "Inner Crescent" will only observe what is happening in the south-east. As important
for the cultural life of Europe was not abundantly mixed with the blood of a soldier's military-
strategic area of the Black and Caspian Seas, for the future of a new redistribution of geopolitical
space it will be minor. For it begins the process of creating a new "meridian" more space, which
will become crucial strategic importance.


The geopolitical future of the planet depends on how will the Anglo-American trend of
expansion along the parallels break the resistance of the East Asian trends expansion along the
meridians. Whatever this confrontation has not ended, the United States believes that in any case
they will be protected remains of the former British colonial empire, even if only tropical African
colonies remain on it. And in any case, the United States can rely on their control to tropical
America. But whether they consider the island to India, is the third mineral resources area, as
well as Iran and India, worthy to shed blood, and for them to spend money on a military
expedition? if they deem it necessary to expend energy to tear off from the Asian large space this
piece? At the moment, the most important and sensitive issue for the spenders of money and the
blood of others: after all, it is a matter of a very large production.


Between Nantsinskim and Chzhuntsinskim China today, as before, the most incredible, the most
insane compromises. Further dynamic development along the meridian of East Asia is becoming
more and more possible, the hidden energy mature with each passing day. These energies have
come into force and become apparent in the right part of East Asia - in Japan, and especially in
China. On the left, the western part of the More space until they appeared insufficient. We can
assume in this region another war lasting from 10 to 50 years. In China, the civil war has been
going on for 32 years. Japan has behind him 12 years of ground fighting, and how aggressively it
is adjusted in relation to the Pacific region, Japan has proven to the fullest. The confrontation of
geopolitical expansion of the meridian and the parallel expansion requires both sides to be
patient, as this problem will be solved for a sufficiently long period of time and over large areas.
An example of this is the geopolitical processes in the last decades on both sides of the Pacific.
( "Newspaper of Geopolitics", number 8, 1943, Germany)
General Heinrich von Lohausen Hjørdis
Vienna and Belgrade as a geopolitical Antipodes
Southeast Europe three species

If you look at the geographical map of Europe, the South-Eastern Europe emerges as an obvious
unity. In the north and north-east of the Carpathian Mountains covered with, in the north-west -
the Alps, in the south it is surrounded by six alternating seas. The only big river which flows
diagonally - is the Danube. Vienna and Constantinople similarly arranged diagonally to each
other, are chosen from the entrance gate. In the center is Belgrade, a natural center of gravity
(key point) the entire space of Southeast Europe. This space is divided into three clearly distinct
areas, one to the east and west of the Iron Gates and one Mediterranean region:

One region forms Pannonian depression. In the middle of it is crossed by the Danube Hungarian
Plain. This basin - the area is remote from the sea, escorted to the south-west, on the other side of
the mountains, the Dalmatian coast. Carpaty this cavity separated from a second region of the
lower shore landscapes Danube from Walacia, Moldova (area in Romania), northern Bulgaria
and the Danube delta. Like the Eastern Elbe branch Sarmatian plain, these four areas do not have
a common name.

Balkan Mountains to the south of these four areas, again separating them from the third region,
washed by the sea on the south. Despite this natural unity of these four classic southern areas -
Thrace, Macedonia, Hellas and Illyria
- do not have a common name. Similarly, a common name is absent from the Illyrian mountains
stretching to the south of the Carpathians and the Alps. Surrounded by mountain ranges
separated by the shore south of the Pannonian area, away from the sea.

The key is in many ways the position of Belgrade

Within these three areas, and sharing their mountain Belgrade is not only in their geometric
center. It is also close to their junction, then close to the Danube breakthrough, but at the same
time and in the Pannonian key point at the confluence of five rivers Danube, Sava, Drava, Tisza
and Mures.

The key point - is not always at the same time the central point; see Paris
- geometrically accurate central point is located far from the capital Bourges - See also Moscow,
see Lisbon or London. All of them are located in the natural key points of their spheres of
influence, but not to the central areas in the geometric sense. In south-eastern Europe, central and
natural key point casually - in Belgrade - the same. There are also branch out all going the way
of the north, whether it's the way to Sofia and Constantinople or Thessaloniki and Athens to
Bucharest and to the mouths of the Danube.

Space thirteen peoples

The fact that Belgrade despite it never reached equal political importance, not to mention the
cultural significance of Vienna or Constantinople, and even Budapest has thus no geographical
reasons - they is not imet- but ethnographic reasons. Southeastern Europe - is not the space great
nations. Namely, in contrast to all other natural data landscapes of European peninsula, for
example, from Spain, Italy or from the Frankish large space, in contrast to and from Britain or
Scandinavia, Southeastern Europe contains not so much as they are, respectively, only one, but
great people, and along with him in the extreme case, one or two smaller people. In contrast, the
south-east Europe contains both the ten nations, that is only ten come from this space nations,
plus partially outstanding on the outskirts of three more people - Germans, Ukrainians and Turks.

Due to this fragmentation in here could not be a great power. To do this, the basis of all these ten
people were too narrow. No one here was not ever in a position to master this vast area. None of
them managed to achieve the values of large Western European nations had some Germans,
Frenchmen, Spaniards or Italians - either politically or culturally - as his time in the case of the
Greeks and Byzantines. Perhaps the Hungarians from the middle of the Pannonian depression
could subdue a long time most of its outlying regions, from time to time even extend its
influence to the Dalmatian coast, but this state will never stay long.

Passarovitsky (Pozharevatsky) world

Great power can develop here only from the outside as coming from Asia Minor to the Turks, or
grew out of German Austria. Accordingly, since the 16th century in south-eastern Europe were
the two great powers; located extensively for Vienna, the German Empire and the Ottoman
Empire that unfolded in front of the large pool and the Danube after an exit from it with their
armies of Belgrade. Hungary was among them as a buffer.

And although later the emblem of the power of the Sultan still twice been conveyed to the gates
of Vienna, the Emperor banners opposite - contrary to many far-reaching plans of Prince
Evgeniya Savoyskogo - never reached the area after Nisha (Nissa), it is only 200 kilometers
away on the other side of Belgrade. Still brilliant victories of Prince in 1718 according
Passarovitskomu world brought three Austrian ski jump in the direction of Istanbul in the west
all the north Bosnia region, in the east of Little Wallachia, in the middle, along with Belgrade
even 160 kilometers of the Serbian land towards Thessaloniki. Even if it was a little, but the
claims of Austria thus yet been revealed: in the Bosnian region acquired a claim on the rest of the
land; Minor Wallachia claim Wallachia at most, consequently, on the lower reaches of the mouth
and the Danube; Belgrade and its hinterland claim to the rest of Serbia, and a breakthrough to the
Aegean Sea; all three - a claim for the release of the Christian Balkan peoples from the embrace
of the Turks.
Three double-headed eagle and the crescent

In this case, one could expect a long discussion the two double-headed eagles, German and
Russian, for the inheritance of the third, and two-headed eagle of Byzantium. However, even
they were in the union with Russia and the alliance lasted for more 130 years. Thus, under

conditions, while the Turks was still the enemy, the proposed division: the Black Sea, that is,
first Bulgaria - Russian, the Aegean Sea and, above all Serbia - Austria. However, in all variants
of the future Russian had the advantage. They probably do not need to see, because from the
beginning they had two trump cards: 1) related languages Serbs and Bulgarians; 2) the identity of
faith and ritual - all the Balkans were orthodox Orthodox.

But the Turks was still the enemy. Petty jealousy churches have not played a role. Let the
generosity of Turkish rule in matters of faith and called for caution, even from well-meaning
evangelical Christians Hungary preferred the Turkish domination of Hapsburg, but Russia had
the opportunity to play the card of orthodoxy and after it panslavism card in the following 19th
century. In the meantime, in the 18th century, the Serbian Patriarch of Ipek and Bulgarian
Metropolitan of Ohrid expressed Kaiser General their desire to become like the German
archbishops worldly masters of their vast dioceses and as such to accede to the Holy Roman
Empire of the German nation, yet the Kaiser opened up the prospect of taking the Serbian and
Bulgarian archbishops Vienna as the vassals! The wind was then still after 1718 in the banner of
Austria and it was south of the Danube, at the time when the Russian still had to fight for their
own south shore, north shore of the Black Sea.

But then - Prince Evgeniy Savoysky in the meantime died - everything went differently. Already
in 1738 he brought a catastrophe, and in 1739 completed her; the crash was caused by nothing
more than a terrible inability and ineptitude. Her reasons were - where else? - in Vienna and it
has spread, and more to the front. She never did not manage to fix it and it appears in retrospect
in all its significance comparable perhaps only to Hradec Kralove (Czech city).
1739 and 1866

There was at stake in Germany's domination, the domination of the Balkans and along the
Danube. The difference: German and Austria after the German stayed Hradec Kralove, on the
other hand, lost in 1739 in the south-east will never again become Austrian. Next: in 1866 the
whole of Germany, even the whole of Europe knew about what was discussed in 1739 in Vienna,
just shrugged about the losses transferred. On the day, there will be food, sleep on it. But the
morning had not yet come. The fact that it was the death of Kaiser, a complete rejection of the
Pragmatic Sanction, a private war for the succession, Silesian War - Vienna now had other

And another difference: in 1866 won by fate a foregone conclusion for that of Prussia, in 1739,
on the contrary, historically located, in fact, already in decline, Turkey, but not because of any
way the remarkable command or weapons, no, by no means brilliant victory On the one hand,
not heroic defeat of the other side; No hero as Benedek, and there is no enemy, how Moltke.
Nothing in this event and did not have a weak tone of grandeur. In addition, the decision in 1866
one hundred and thirty years, was inevitable, but the decision of 1739 was rashly challenged in
relation to the Russian.

There is hardly a more prominent contrast to the primacy of policy discussion before the conduct
of the war. Responsible for front were on the Spielberg and strengthening of Graz and Vienna -
have remained in their seats. Through French mediation - read interference - all sanctioned by
Count Nayppbergom Grand Vizier concessions were once again solemnly confirmed again in the
Turkish Belgrade. Russia has not suffered any damage, France has become the patron of all
Christians living in the area of the Turkish authorities.

Meaning Serb

However, Belgrade was lost edge, directed at both the north and south. The Turks knew why it
was here they made the bet, also Hungarians know why they had fought for this city several
times, and Prince Evgeniy Savoysky knew exactly why he should seize this city - at any price.
However, with the expectation of the distant future, it was not only about Belgrade, not only
about his confrontation with Vienna, its unique location between the Balkans and the Great
Hungarian Plain, with the expectation of the distant future, and it was about the Serbs as a nation.
Anyone who wants to conquer the south-east Europe must support them and should not have
them as opponents. It must involve them in your empire as friends.
Like the Germans in the pan-European part of the Serbs in their field are also the people of the
median. They have borders with six of the above-mentioned ten people, with all but the Slovenes
and Slovaks and are separated from the Greeks only disputed Macedonia.
Hungary - blasting cartridge in the middle of the Danube depression

Only one more people in this area is bordered by the same amount of another's peoples:
Magyars; and together with the Serbs, they border on all the eleven other peoples of south-
eastern Europe. The Magyars occupied the middle of the plain. Nowhere except in the north of
the closed area of the settlement reaches spurs surrounding Pannonian basin mountains. Their
strength comes from the plains of the western branch of the North Eurasian steppe, from the
Huns and Avars have made their plundering raids.

Before the Turks, but after the Bulgarians - the Turks conquered has moved into south-eastern
Europe and is the only one in the Danube basin who became sedentary Turkic people. Invaders
and conquerors weaker marginal peoples - such as the Romanians, the inhabitants of
Transylvania, Slovakia and Croatia, they used their middle position1 until 1918. The importance
of their central position before they are made to feel in a personal union when Austria after 1866,
deprived of his German positions, without Hungary was no longer a great power. In 1867, with
the achievement of an agreement they destroy the necessary restructuring of the Danube
monarchy. Thanks to their persistent refusal to self-determination in every subordinate to him
Slavs, Romanians and Germans representing only 40% of the Hungarian and only 16% of the
Austrian-Hungarian population Hungarians are undermining the legal draft in mid
gabsburgskogoy multinational empire.

Budapest was their geometric center and given a key position in Vienna as such was though
situated between Brussels and Belgrade respectively between Frankfurt and Belgrade, but not
between Passau and Belgrade. Free from his Western influence, to the east it has become
cumbersome as the West and thus, in contrast to Budapest was at a disadvantage. From the
position of the then more than two-thirds of the Danube trough controlled the Magyars (today it
is barely a fifth of) Austria has more or less marginal area, a defect in the structure of the great
Hungarian landscape. Her gaping holes in the west and in the south, in front of Vienna and
Belgrade, at the beginning and end of the Danube. The Germans and the entrance guarding Serb.
If Serbia belonged to the Turks, they have the freedom to exit to the north. If she was Austrian,
the Austrians opened out to the south.

Serbia kept the key as to what and to this direction. Belgrade was important Budapest, assistance
to Serbia was necessary for each organizer of the Danube area, irrevocable counterweight against
the opposition of the middle Magyar
land. In doturetskoe time despite repeated attempts the Hungarians would never be able to settle
in Serbia - the people of horsemen against the people of the mountains. Turkish invasion threw
the two nations back the Serbs, however, it is incomparably harder and for a longer time than the
Hungarians. Serbian leading role was played, which is not the Magyars. Last but not least here,
because of their history, and to explain the actual behavior of the Serbs.
The tragedy of the Serbs

The penetration of fixed later Slavic tribes on the entire Balkan Peninsula begins as a result of
the migration of peoples emancipation Huns already under Emperor Justinian. His first waves
move from the Germans, crossing across south-east Europe to the south, mainly is the Goths, but
the Alans and Gepids. They later Avars, in the north to Bohemia, here to spread a part of Illyria,
part went to the other edge. Already in the 6th century Croatians free - under the name Hervaren
possibly of German origin - these have already reached the coast of Dalmatia Slavs from the
hands of the Avar power. So voluntarily, as the Slavs under the protection of the steppe people to
intercede in place of the Bulgarians in the lower reaches of the Danube and the Serbs with their
resettlement in Illyria mountains are under the rule of the Eastern Roman imperial power (at the
time and Croats, but only those who settled on the coast).

Serbs only rarely united tribal leader, as it was for a short time in the 9th century. They created
their first real state in the late 11th century; It covers parts of Bosnia, after two periods - first,
twenty, then seventy Bulgarian rule. This occurred, despite repeated attacks are now the Magyars
and the Byzantine despite strong opposition. Zetas ruler receives the crown from the hands of the
papal legate. The capital of the kingdom - far from Hungary, Bulgaria and Byzantium - it is now
the Albanian town of Scutari. However, the persistent unity brings Serbs only twelfth century
when Nemanja dynasty, only without Bosnia, which in 1204 after a short freedom was again
under Hungarian rule. And her first king receives his royal dignity of the Roman Curia, from
Byzantium and recognized as a countermeasure to continue self, the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Thus, the church adopted a decision on the one hand and the Balkans from the Black Sea to the
Ionian Sea finally become pravoslavnymi2, but on the other side of the Croats as the final drop
out of the Balkan context. As Hungary and Poland, and the country is becoming assumption,
Western attack zone glacis West. This separation from Serbia, speaking the same language with
them, later deepens powerful invasion of the Turks.

But before the 13th century and beginning of the 14th century become the golden age of Serbian
history. The house Nemanja Serbia became the dominant state in the Balkans. Byzantine
sovereignty shaken. Nemandidy themselves seek the imperial throne. Consistently obey
Macedonia, Thessaly later, and half of Albania, Bulgaria is forced to join the union. Skopje
became a royal town. The Republic of Ragusa falls under the protection of the Serb.

Transferring the political center of gravity in Serres, in the half-Greek south, followed by the
flowering of their own, who grew up on samples of Byzantine church art and culture of the yard.
The right is ordered. To pass a law to provide every inhabitant of the empire, regardless of their
origin or belief freedom, life and property, and those laws also really incorruptible executed.
Stefan Dusan, the penultimate of the genus Nemanidov already called himself "Emperor of the
Romans and Raskov", he already offers - more timely - Emperor Charles 1V and Pope Innocent
V1 joint war with the Turks, with him at its head, that is, he himself
It offers both supreme commander. The brilliance of his court becomes brighter luster yard
basileus on the Bosphorus, but then, after almost sixteen years after his death, with the steep
take-off should be the rapid decline: a grand victory for the Turks. Already in 1371 the combined
forces have Matiza - this place is still today called "the death of the Serbs"
- suffered heavy damage, then in the decisive battle on Amselfeld again June 15, 1389, but this
time they were defeated and sacrificed everything Serbian nobility.

The Turks first complacent. They urged the army needs to reach the Persian border. Serbs
without a leader, are obliged to continue to obey and pay tribute to no longer pose any danger.
The fact that Hungary, which became now a frontline state support have fallen away from the
Turks Serbs, Albanians and Vlachs, can not save their country. It can not do any Hungarian
national hero Janos Hunyadi, or Skanderbeg, Albania's hero. When in 1448 it comes to the battle
on Amselfeld, the Turks are victorious. The fate of the Serbs solved. In 1453 Serbia finally
occupied. From that moment her story is over 400 years old. Preval its development, its future -
to be under turkami.3


Ten years later, the same fate befell Bosnia. Despite venturing dad crusades Bogomiles fought
against Hungary, Croatia, the Serbs and against the Republic of Venice for their free
government. That was when Stefan Trcko. He calls himself "King of Serbs and Bosnia," later
"King of Bosnia and Dalmatia." During the simultaneous decline of the Byzantine, Bulgarian and
Serbian authorities, this last power in southeastern Europe reaches its peak. It is spread along the
coast to the city of Cattaro (now Kotor), but went into decline with the death of Stefan Trcko.
Bogomil enemies once again conquer the country, however, already in 1463, and they sweep the

But persecuted the Bogomils - still took place in the spiritual kinship with the Sufis, as in the
West with the Albigenses and Bosnia with Arian Visigoths - convert to Islam and avoid to
themselves greater hostility. Thus, there remains constant ruling layer, when, for example, in
Romania this layer has been replaced Phanariotes, it means Byzantine set by Turks for control

Awakening and false path

In Serbia, on the contrary, except for the Turks and the local Orthodox priests were only
peasants. The nobility were destroyed. However, it is among these Serbian peasants as none of
the other Balkan nations, the memory of the lost freedom remains persistent and alive. In his far-
scattered mountain villages are over 400 years of non-freedom sang their proud past in songs and
sagas, and passed it down from father to son and from son to grandson. Finally, in the late 19th
century, with the gradual acquisition of state independence is now property of the Serbian army
and quickly formed a caste of politicians have come under the influence of alien space samples
in 1918 in a dead end called themselves "Yugoslavia" wrong development in fragile in the long
term, a prison of nations, to build that again in 1945, cost of enormous human casualties. Great
sacrifice was worth just started in 1991, a stubborn attempt to save what could not be saved.

two capitals

Very late, shortly before 1 World War II, after the first selected to stay independent Serbian
government Nisa, eventually it became the Serbian capital Belgrade, a city for a long time
scarcely former in fact Serbian. This city is named Singidunum once served the Romans as a
stronghold. This name remained later in Byzantium. In 583, it was conquered by the Avars, and
later it belonged to the Byzantine Empire, the Hungarian. In 1456 Hunyadi relieves Crusader
army trapped in the city by the Turks. For Serbs, Belgrade was the then town at the outer edge of
their area of residence. However, Austria and there was not in Vienna.

Both cities were looking forward to the authorities, so that they could become a springboard. For
centuries, Vienna was at the same time the German border town and city of the Kaiser. This is
the reason of its high-risk, and its claim to the possession of Hungary. On the contrary,

the transfer of a small capital of Serbia on the Danube was unambiguous call to Austria.
The seat of the capital can be an expression of retreat, in 1917 replacing St. Petersburg or
Moscow in 1922, replacing Istanbul Ankara, but in the border capitals It is often an
expression of the expected spread of the territory, as in the case of Vienna and later in
Belgrade, but also in his time in Berlin. Its original location in the far west Prussia warned her
the later progress on the Meuse and Moselle in the 17th century.

But if we ask, returning to Vienna and Belgrade, their most conspicuous geopolitical differences,
we note that Belgrade is located just twice in the center of gravity of a large space, and Vienna -
between the two, in fact, between the almost three large spaces, namely, between the Frankish or
West-European and south-east Europe, while at the same time - through Moravia - borders more
to the north-east of Europe. Its distinguishing feature - it connects seeking for communication,
but no peace in his own weight in its own center of gravity of a large landscape. For her
entourage - eastern Moravia and Lower Austria - this is again only a small intermediate terrain
between the three large spaces and, therefore, the absence of its own weight.

In this respect, Vienna seems to be at a disadvantage not only in comparison with the centers of
the vast landscapes, such as, in comparison to Paris or Berlin or Belgrade, but also in comparison
with such centers as Prague or Munich. Before 1866. This is not realized. And if around Vienna
and built by German large space, it was not the appropriate division of the landscape, but ethnic
warranty. However, this factor is absent in the case of Belgrade, there is no Serbs. For them,
some Pannonian space is too large, as well as the entire south-east Europe. They constitute a
minority in these spaces among many peoples. Nevertheless, their irreplaceable, geopolitical
position at a small number made them - them and the country, they and Belgrade - the preferred
lever alien to this space powers, which France and Russia in the first place, but, of course, and
England always used against Vienna, against Germany. Serbs were easy to ignite World War 1.
Destroyed by an ellipse

With the retreat of the Germans and the Turks Serbs are natural partners in the Pannonian area,
but Vienna and Belgrade as before are the center of the ellipse. Turn the ellipse into a political
unity - that was the geopolitical requirement. it
the demand came from Austria, Prince Evgeniy Savoysky, seemed to fulfill it. But what
happened as soon as he died?
Completely unprepared declared war, which actually was the Russian war. Prince Evgeniy
Savoysky urged their Kaiser to leave Marii Terezii strong, at any time ready to battle the army.
But Charles V1 confidently - but, as we know it in vain - all the money invested in the Pragmatic
Sanction in 1713. The army, its equipment and weapons fell into disrepair.

40,000 people were in Hungary, but three buildings were sent in three different directions - in
Bosnia, Serbia and Wallachia - against the enemy; with 20,000 rebels Serbs and Albanians are
not united; the latter were defeated by the Turks. Mistakenly sent to the Kaiser troops fight in the
end had to go back on all three fronts.

Next year brings inglorious ending. New, clearly requires too much from their defeat in chief
because of a slight loss immediately retreating beyond the Danube, just throw in the lurch
gamely argue for the Belgrade and sends the count Naypperga in Grand Vizier camp to make
peace. The world is granted to him for all the concessions achieved by Austria in Passarovitskom
world regions. One stroke of the pen was donated by Serbia.

"Hope Serbs conduct under the Austrian scepter decent life, no longer had a place." So says the
V11 Shpamersom volume published in 1894 in Leipzig, the world's history. Continued says: "If
the Austrians began to challenge the membership of Serbia, then Austria would become the
dominant power in the north of the Balkans and the German culture opened there would be a vast
field of possibilities. From now on, all of these enormous opportunities have been lost. "
Piedmont on this side of the Danube

These prospects still were not entirely lost, because fifty years later, in 1789 - at the time of the
French Revolution - Belgrade is now successful in the military war was again placed under the
command of Laudon, but in 1790, according to the peace treaty between Austria and Turkey
Sistovo Leopold 11 restored status quo ante bellum, this time as if under the English and
Prussian pressure. Since that time, no one else continued the work of Prince Evgeniya
Savoyskogo. Once the lost remains lost, and remained as such in 1878. Then, during the
occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Moltke, the winner of Hradec Kralove, but now
an ally, he said that the victory would be incomplete without a decision and all other Serb areas.
He clearly realized that the Serbs were for Austria is more important than any nation except the
Germans of the monarchy.

Satisfy this clear demand and to prepare his performance - this way still remain, but not
necessarily, he was in the military. Conquering not only by the sword. Ability to create more
17th and 18th century. Since then, due to the mass settlement of refugees in the Banat and
Sirmium had a significant Serb minority, and on this side of Dunaya.4 Unfortunately, this
minority has never experienced a commensurate breaking its importance. However, even Joseph
I in 1706 and Charles VI in 1713 confirmed their old, dating back to the 1690 special law. Since
the Serb self-government is still always had a jealous Hungarian eyesore, Charles VI was soon
canceled it again, as it was dependent on recognition of the Pragmatic Sanction the Hungarian

Pragmatic Sanction was a huge mistake to investing. However, the Serbs demanded their
guaranteed rights. Serbian National Congress protested and in 1735 it came to the peasant
uprising, which was suppressed in 1736. Habsburgs again made the wrong move. The idea was
to make the Serbs on this side of the Danube, Serbian Piedmont.

Perhaps this kind of thought moves were at first strangers to the 18th century, but in 1790, when
Leopold II founded the "Illyrian's office at the court," could no longer take place.
Achieving Serb military border, absolute reliability of these "border guards" and their
descendants until 1914 fell short of an attempt to make them vanguard of Serbian freedom. Why,
in fact, we went to the front of Prince Evgeniy Savoysky and Laudon? For what other have
created the prerequisites of their victory?

However, instead of causing inconvenience to the Turks or the Hungarians in Vienna began to
dig a pit for Russia. Half-measures do not achieve, nor in relation to God, or on the earth.
Translated from German by JJ Korintsa
Gulf War - a war against Europe

Austrian general Hjørdis von Lohausen - the largest contemporary geopolitics, the direct
successor of the geopolitical school Karla Hauskhofera. His most famous work, "The courage to
rule" and "survival strategy" where he sets out the basis of his understanding of the history of
Europe, its interests and its future. Lohausen is a radical opponent of Atlanticist geopolitical
concepts and openly with the end of the 60s for the liberation of Europe from the US occupation.
Lohausen is a supporter of the concept of "European Empire"

first formulated by Belgian Jean Tiriar.

Just look at the map of the world to see the continents of our planet as a three-zone, covering it
from north to south. First, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, forming the New World, America.
Second, from the Northern Cape to Cape represents continental part of the Old World, Euro-
Africa. The third zone extends from Kamchatka to Tasmania through China, South-east Asia and
Indonesia, and forms an eastern, Australasian Asia.
In the center of the heart

Between the Euro-Africa and Australasia Asia (closer to the latter) is located in the north of the
Russo-Siberian reservoir, and in the south - the Middle East. It forms the center of the Old
World, the center, which is located in the heart of the Gulf region. This region - the Achilles' heel
of the Old World, a place where the linden leaf fell on the shoulder of Siegfried. The question is
not only in the oil. Nowhere oceans so deeply do not go into the African-Eurasian continent: the
Indian Ocean through the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, the Atlantic Ocean via the
Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Between two oceans, equidistant from Africa and Asia, at the
mouth of the Tigris and the Euphrates, lies the ancient city of Ur. This is the "center of the
center" of which we say - in every respect the most vulnerable spot of the Old World. All
otryaseniya occurring on the planet, are reflected here. With the violent opening of Japanese
ports during the 1854 war, the United States policy is to establish bridgeheads on the shores of
the Old World, as well as creating potential "jumps island." Thus, Americans in 1898 settled in
the Philippines and in 1945 in Japan. Only after that they went to South Korea and Vietnam. This
was preceded by, respectively, the Normandy landings, placing troops in Germany and effective
subordination of Western Europe. Characteristically, these bridgeheads are located in areas with
a high level of development, and on the borders of the Atlantic or Pacific oceans, ie oceans
surrounding the double African-Eurasian continent, and not, say, on such a fragile southern
facade, as the Indian Ocean. Persian Gulf is precisely in this vulnerable zone, at the intersection
of major power lines linking the Far East with Europe, Africa and India. Here, on the approaches
to the Gulf, the Islamic world is divided into Arab and Persian part. Anyone who settled in this
area can create a protection or a threat in all areas on the flanks or rear of not only the Middle
East but also in Europe, India and Africa. In addition, this arrangement involves an attempt to
create a third front against the Russian military power is still unconquered. It strengthens
position in the Gulf and the rear of Turkey - an ally against Russia - and puts pressure on Egypt,
Syria and Iran, as well as in Europe, and all this primarily because of the oil. The latter,
incidentally, is also important for Japan.

The war against Europe?

Was the war in the Gulf War against Europe? The answer to this question was given in a
remarkable way in the Catholic journal "Trent's Journey," a professor of political science,
University of Milan. He states: "The United States realized that, if they do not want to go
through the same decline as the Soviet Union, they must confront their opponents tomorrow, ie
Japan and the united Europe, the center of which is the economic power of Germany. It will not
be allowed to discredit themselves for nothing. America can not be reconciled with Europe,
which is now, despite the weak mobilization ahead of its economically and technically. Realizing
that one day they will not be able to influence Europe, the United States has made a bet on the
Middle East and in the control of the Saudi oil spigot, on which Germany and Japan will depend
for decades, if they do not use Siberian reserves. Only then can the Middle East and the impact
that can have on it will lose its value "(its strategic position still remains a major). For
Americans, the final case was presented in 1991, thanks to the elimination of the Soviet political
Soyuza.Eti circumstances laid Reagan's decision to drain the Moscow arms race; provoked, as it
is written in the script, Saddam Hussein; implemented, the same scenario, George Bush. In fact,
the plan goes back to Kissinger, and was developed under his patronage. In 1975, the plan was
published in the Journal of the "Comments", it appeared later in "Harpers megazin" entitled "to
take over the oil."

The real losers - Allies

Only a superficial study of armed conflict may form an opinion that the enemy - it is the only
one with whom to wage war. Often, the countries involved in the conflict victorious, may be
stated that the basis of their independence and prosperity undermined (often both at the same
time). Process for the conversion of his own allies into vassals by means of war, implemented
jointly, as old as the world. Americans are followers of their distant teachers Romans. So they
showed themselves in the two world wars, which were attended with great advantage. In both
cases, the pretext was the destruction of the German power, while the goal stretched much
further. America's allies have always assumed the costs of this alliance. List of proving it, is
long: from Poland to Taiwan and South Vietnam, together with the European colonial empires
which existed since 1918, led by Britain. After winning the general America became the heir of
their power, or their income places.

Anyone who has authority over the Arab-Persian oil, and it has over Western Europe and Japan,
which have become slaves not only oil, but also, therefore, its controlling power.

The US imperial policy would be an unforgivable negligence on his return from the Persian Gulf
not to pull the reins stronger European Community, more obstinate, and dangerous industrial
Japan. As usual, a little at the risk of interference in the sphere of Islamic influence, Washington
should find amusing amazing zeal of their allies, especially the Germans, the devotees and the
best students in the "Atlantic" class, who kindly agreed to finance the war, promoting their

The Great Illusion helpless

The war in the Gulf came in handy America. After all, you need to billions invested in arms for
decades, finally became profitable, and expected orders for the update of the military machine
would quickly stimulate the economy needs it. But especially to small, ignorant, have no titles,
broken the enemies of the Second World War or the bloodless allies were not ready to overtake
America in the field of economics. But before dispel their illusion, you can allow them to "play
in the yard with the older", and the war will put them in place. War, directed not just against
them, but rather with a view to one of the sources of their prosperity.

Control over mineral deposits reinforces the superiority of well-armed economic power over
other, less powerful. We can also assume that the deliberate advantage and a safety net for the
United States is finding its own territory, the most important resources for its survival and
military capabilities. If necessary, a country rich in natural resources but obstinate will be forced
to repent, or - under the influence of propaganda carried out on a global scale and supported
terrorist groups (underground or abroad), or under the pressure of economic boycott, as it was for
many years a South Africa. The struggle against apartheid - an ideological cover for this
campaign - was just what we needed. The purpose of South Africa was the ore needed in the
defense industry, or rather, the termination of its natural monopoly. The economy of Western
Europe, which began to develop after 1945, can no longer thrive without some metals available
only in South Africa, and without Arab oil. The fall of black power in South Africa free to lead
the aforementioned fields in the hands of influential American groups.

The result achieved in the Persian Gulf, namely the increasing decoupling between Europe and
the Cape of Good Hope - the undoubted success of US policy, and no matter what, defeat of the
Europeans. This is the price for giving up power in favor of consumption. Now, more than ever,
essential minerals can only be enjoyed using the services of a mediator, the US, of course.

lost opportunity

However, after the two world wars in the greater geographical factors, rather than historical,
contributed to economic under European Union beginning (on the principle of self-determination
of peoples, and not on the American principle of "nation-building"), Africa and Europe, which
have become a natural complement to one another. The establishment on the eastern part of the
Old World "Asian co-prosperity sphere", alleged by the Japanese, and defeated more because of
the intolerance of the latter to the neighboring peoples, than because of the American victory in
the Pacific. Due to the small squabbles of their leaders and the Arab countries can not expand its

actions. Confirmation of this - the Middle East, where after the US invasion can be expected to
consolidate the boundaries of or repeated refusal of the right to self-determination of peoples
oppressed by religion, in the first row which involve the Kurds. In this there is a wine of
Europeans like the French and British, have waived their domination over the Arab space, but
after World War I it was recognized for them. Thus, they left behind an unfinished

business is fraught with complications as has happened many times. Examples of this - a difficult
birth of Yugoslavia and the withdrawal of the British and French out of Africa after 1945. So
what happened to all the Europeans have only themselves to blame.
translation L.Gogolevoy
Jean Parvulesco
"India has long been claiming to total political hegemony in South Asia.
"Jiang Zemin

Together with the five nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan in Beludzhinstane in response to five
such tests carried out by India, South Asia, suddenly broke into the "big story": from now on a
planetary political-historical existence of nations will be determined only by their ability to
effectively metastrategicheskomu nuclear deterrence. Until recently, the only Asian nuclear
power was China. And in comparison with China, rather than Pakistan, as it may seem at first
glance, should be evaluated metastrategicheskoe join India in the sphere of active continental
geopolitics. Currently continental nuclear confrontation takes place is between India and China,
and Pakistan, despite all the claims and effort plays a supporting role, designed to enhance the
anti-Indian Chinese Camp, which can later join other countries.

Total geopolitics of the Great Eurasian continent, revolutionary, avant-garde geopolitics,

asserting final imperial concept of integration within the overall original metahistorical
destination - Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Great Siberia, India and Japan -
explicitly exclude China from the activity of certain high-continental Eurasian union. In a sense,
the progressive unification of the potential of the Great Continent is directed against China and
India in this regard, explicitly supported metastrategicheskim continental potential of Russia and
France. Process of Great continental integration - a dialectical thing.

At the same time, the Indo-Chinese nuclear confrontation in the South East Asia requires from
Japan an immediate solution, an irreversible strategic choice, which - as soon as it is
implemented - will make her join the high-continental camp, whose regional pole in the south-
east is India . This decision should be made despite the understandably nuclear psychopathology
Japanese. Everything goes to the fact that the Eurasian history of the near future will be in
China's nuclear environment (including its strategic satellites) ensemble of Great continental
imperial powers, members of the political line of the axis Paris-Berlin-Moscow-Delhi-Tokyo.

Relationship with the demarche known from US core inscribed in geopolitical model matching,
as final and decisive battle - the beginning of which can already be considered status - between
the Grand Continent and the United States, it corresponds to the main power line fundamental

antagonism between "Continental" and "Island" power, and there is no doubt that the emergence
politically united Europe (no matter how let him actively working against the project shady,
underhanded forces) will at some point an insurmountable obstacle for the final implementation
of the "big plan" the United States to establish a planetary hegemony. Force the appearance of
the Great Europe in the dialectical game according to the imperial planetary power will return to
the status of the United States
secondary powers, and thus completely destroy the notorious "American myth".

For this reason, the United States will join forces to neutralize the Great Europe with China's
desire to confront him continental environment. This is clearly It leads to a large Beijing-
Washington alliance, under which China will offer the US giant a foothold in the East, Eurasia,
and the US will ensure access to the China market open spaces managed by this oceanic force.
At the same time aggressive antikontinentalnaya permanent geopolitics US finds today in great
continental space huge new reservoir subversive and conspiratorial power, concentrated in
proatlantistskih version of fundamentalist Islam (especially the Wahhabi or Taliban-type), which
are all along the southern coast of Eurasia join geopolitical activity China's fortress, which is a
negative radiation internally destabilize and blocks the Far East

link high-continental integration, which should be Japan.

In a recent book, a senior French official Alexander Delvalya "Islamism and the US alliance
against Europe", says everything you need regarding the problems the US offensive
metastrategicheskogo use certain fundamentalist (Wahhabi) Islam in their struggle against Great-
continental European Renaissance, which is currently going through a stage resolute assertion of
imperial and revolutionary determination. In the condition of the planetary convergences special
mission to France (or, more precisely, Great continental Carolingian pole approved by General
De Gaulle, Franco-German axis) lies in the ideological polarization and to unite on the basis of
awareness of the common destiny of the entire ensemble of elements of the Eurasian Great
Continent in the face of aggressive US call and China, as well as the face of the subversive
mission that the United States is determined Atlanticist version of Islam, leading the fight against
high-continental project.

Planetary Pole Eurasian Great Continent, whose ultimate and secret purpose is to choose a
spiritual perspective, is opposed to the materialistic block Washington-Beijing axis is under
explicit or still hidden beginning mondialist groups in the United States, which under the guise of
establishing a planetary economic hegemony seeks to put an end to the ontological civilization

- our civilization, even before the change of status of a person, which in our world is based on
inertial continuation of the traditional European, Hindu and Japanese concepts of true mystery
"being of light".

It also follows that, in response to an active political and economic penetration of the United
States to Africa, Europe must take immediate counter-offensive intervention in Latin America,
which is geopolitically is USA the same than Africa for Europe - a continent-take-related the
main chain of the mainland direct geopolitical reverberations.

European elements deep politico-revolutionary introduction in the currently visible in Argentina

and Chile, based on which a large-scale offensive revolutionary integration of the entire South
American continent to be deployed.

In a sense, the problem of identification of the nearest planetary history of the world is reduced
to the willingness of France to fulfill his secret, deep, unfathomable purpose,
which requires it to a new (final) initiatives

metahistorical great-continental integration, and that France must ensure that this integration
culminated in his last imperial triumph. For this reason, it is imperative that in France, awakened
a new and unexpected will, able to adopt open deep foundations of providential
France, destination, revolutionary way to mobilize them, becoming a pole of an all-out offensive
strategy - and it will be a new beginning of French history, the history of Europe and Eurasian
great continent as a whole. In other words, the secret France, Parallel France must - as if by
magic - to find himself out of the pitiful, insignificant state, where it came down today to take
away from ourselves the saving breath of a new ascent to being that "all over again took the
highest attention zone" . It is from time immemorial, waiting and preparing "our" - the coming of
the Last of France to the final political and historical power. Chinese President Jiang Zemin said
recently that "India has long been claiming to total political hegemony in South Asia." Chinese
President Jiang Zemin did not wrong. Indeed, India has long been claiming to total political
hegemony in South Asia, but not in his own name, but in favor of an imperial great-continental
unity, which keeps the flame Secret France.

It is known that Russia refuses the present political dialogue with France, taken separately.
Similarly, it comes also with Germany. But at the same time Russia has completely predisposed
to develop and strengthen crucial political dialogue with the Franco-German axis, taken as a
whole. This is the same attitude of India to Western Europe, as the confidence level, India is
ready for a long time certainly support Russia in its high-continental dialogue with France and

Moving the critical center of gravity of the modern large-continental geopolitics from the West
to the East is a sign of a fundamental metastrategicheskoy evolution of the current situation,
whose contents may seem at first glance ambiguous.

Every movement of the center of gravity to the East implies proclaims and establishes the
beginning of a new historical cycle. The current division of Russia as a result of a failed Marxist
adventure will take place as soon as the end of the millennium, and we will see a great sign of
the birth of a new Russia, which impact directly on the success of the political and historical
Great-continental project. It will then become Russia's geopolitical saving "Europe from a bridge
in India."

Great-continental engagement Carolingian Franco-German pole in favor of India and Japan

realized through Russia, through the New Russia, whose total Eurasian Development finds in all
its fundamental importance heartland - "the highest and final Heartland" Great Continent.

At the two opposite ends of the Great Eurasian continent, India and France are drawn by two
oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic in the East in the West. Of particular importance in the case
of France, has attracted to the South Atlantic - to South America and Antarctica. Since it is in the
Antarctic, as some of our already knows, will be decided by the highest destiny of the Great
Eurasian Continent. This is the last secret of transcendental geopolitics, the secret of which we
now have to constantly take into account.

For France, there comes a time to reject the banality of their own miserable modern history and
discover its last, secret, top destinations.

World history is now approaching a decisive turn, to the point of completion and a new
beginning of the third millennium represents a return to the origins. For the first time in ten
thousand years the nations of the Eurasian great continent, from Europe to India, taking the reins
of political and historical development of the Eurasian ensemble in their hands, will be able to
restore the praedinstvo original being, the high consciousness and a common destiny, which was
preceded by their historical separation . Great metahistorical cycle is completed, confined to
itself, its end merges with its beginning. The end of one world heralds the beginning of another
On the other side of external political circumstances, which actually are deceptive mirages of a
complete and incurable disaster, the future reunification of the Great Eurasian Continent
transcendentally inscribed in the logic of historical development, and nothing and no one will be
able to prevent it. After gaining control of the poles, the Arctic and Antarctic, Great Eurasian
continent will gain a decisive and total planetary dominion by going into a state of Imperium
ultimum, absolute power over the final history of this world. It is an ontological domination over
history and over ,. that the transcendent is beyond history, as the "final goal." And all this is
already incorporated in the form of an embryo in the new convergence active planetary
geopolitics, the development of which we need to control and direct. There is nothing, except the
will. There is nothing other than the destination. Everything becomes day by day more risky. In
June 1998, Bill Clinton spent "nine days in China", thus laying the irrevocable and forthright
manner strategic base of the US-Chinese final offensive against Great-Eurasian continental front,
on its crucial geopolitical position. This includes, and announced joint US-Chinese naval
maneuvers - a sign of the decision on political and strategic positions, the cover of which is the
appearance of economic projects, and the sacrifice which easily bring elements of democratic
doctrines relating to compliance (or noncompliance), "human rights". All this was finally
approved at the time of the June Clinton's visit to Beijing.

It is now clear that a frank antikontinentalny China and the US plot leads us to discover the
profound determination to give it resistance to metastrategicheskom key high-continental line
from the actors of the Eurasian project - primarily from France and India. Determination of
France, representing the extreme West of Eurasia and India, representing the extreme East,
should affect Russia in the issue of a radical and irreversible choice of its future path. Thus, the
geopolitical power line planetary future outbreaks of the third millennium marked. The rest
depends on our will to survive, from the fullness of our awareness and the development of the
depths of our own destiny.

Emrick Chauprade

The end of ideological confrontation has led many analysts in the framework of the bipolar
system to the conclusion that the era of universal peace under the banner of "liberalism" and
"democracy." But such an approach for some reason do not take into account this fact: most of
these conflicts are not based on ideology, but on a national contradictions, that the decisive factor
is precisely geopolitics. Peace and the end of "Cold War" not only shaken by small regional
conflicts on the basis of approval of the various peoples of their national and cultural identity,
but - and this is most important - all these conflicts fit perfectly into a global confrontation
between the great powers. This struggle is evident in the failure of such great powers as Russia
and China to accept the dictates of US imperialism.

In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Washington and its allies are waging a game against Russia,
territorially truncated. Everywhere and in Eastern Europe, where NATO is moving and a giant
battle for influence. which takes place in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Washington with
their satellites - Germany, Turkey, Pakistan - seeking to undermine Russian influence. The war
in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan are members of the new Great Game, which
develops between the Russian and the American Empire. Uzbekistan is the terminal species, - in
the heart of Central Asia - where it ends the way free to the United States from the Indian Ocean
into the continent. At the same time, Turkmenistan is increasingly moving away from Moscow
towards Turkey and the United States. In Europe, the new Yugoslavia, consisting of Serbia and
Montenegro are moving closer to Russia, Greece, Romania and Cyprus, forming a block sketch
of the Orthodox, opposed to non-formalized alliance of the US and Germany in the area. This
atlantist alliance includes Turkish wing including Bosnia. Kosovo conflict unfolding in the heart
of what constitutes identity pole for the historical identity of Serbs and Albanians inflated with
the apparent CIA custody is another manifestation of the Great Game.

The Near and Middle East strategy of US imperialism and its Israeli ally led to the emergence of
the union, until recently seemed impossible - to get closer Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran, but
between the three geographically close states, there are many serious regional conflicts.

Recovering from the first shock communist regimes collapse at its periphery traditional, Russia
gradually raises its head. gradual
normalization of Russian-Ukrainian relations and Moscow's initiatives clearly attest to this in the
Iraqi matter.
recall that Boris Yeltsin mentioned the possibility of the beginning of World War III in
connection with the Iraq
conflict ...

The other great powers are less and less willing to accept the dictates of US imperialism. This is
China. We finally got out of the era of Russian-Chinese conflict, which in the period of
bipolarity explained by the desire to ideological
leadership in the socialist camp. Moscow-Beijing axis is opposed henceforth Washington-Tokyo
axis. New China is seeking to find in Asia the same position that he held until the arrival of
Europeans in the XIX century. Sea claims China has clearly manifested in the China Sea and the
Indian Ocean that leads right up to the beginning of the Sino-Indian conflict. New factor - to
strengthen its position against Japan, Beijing is trying to get close to Hanoi.

Big Game on a global scale is gradually more and more leads to opposition between the pro-
American imperialism "liberal democracies" and "Club of the Damned": China, Iran, North
Korea (which is actively cooperating in the field of rocketry and Tehran), Cuba and Iraq ...

World conflicts arise only when there is a competition of interests on a global scale. Comments
media inspire us false idea that regional conflicts are private anomalies, independent of the
global context, and derive from the provincial ignorance of the local population. In fact,
geopolitics should be likened to the movement of tectonic plates. Giant platform slide and collide
with each other. In some point of impact is so strong that they give rise to earthquakes. But the
fact of the earthquake is not independent - it find expression invisible underground large-scale
processes ...

(Translated from French AD)

Alexander Dugin
The Rest Against The West
1. Two types of mondialism
In the modern understanding of the West's strategic position by unconditional supporters of
Western civilization, there are two main lines that have different views on the state of affairs in
the modern world and offer two opposing the project. It is important to note that the two lines are
united in the fact that the interests of the West are at the heart of, understood as the highest and
unconditional civilizational values. Can be called conditionally, these two intellectual camps
among Westerners "mondialism left" and "right mondialism".

The term "mondializm" means, in the broadest sense, the concept of integration of the world
under the authority of the West, creating in the long term, a single world state with a one world
government. However, to achieve this goal, there are two opposing views: conditionally "left"
and "right". "Left mondializm" proceeds from the assumption that planetary integration
conditions in general are already evident, and that the common denominator for such integration
are widespread tendency to victory of the liberal-democratic trends in a variety of societies, the
establishment everywhere of market conditions and the spread of the ideology of "human rights."
"Left mondializm" tends to ignore the "remnants" of traditional societies, such as religion,
ethnicity, race, social hierarchies, ethics and so on. E., Believing that they themselves will soon
come to naught in a uniform technotronic-information planetary a society without borders and

The clearest expression of this "left mondialism" (or otherwise "optimistic mondialism") is an
American Francis Fukuyama, titled his programmatic work "The End of History." He argues that
until a homogeneous planetary liberal democratic society are laid out along the lines of Western
civilization and the Western-managed "elite", remained a matter of years. The collapse of the
Soviet system of Fukuyama uniquely identified with the advent of the "end of history",
understood as the total approval of the liberal-capitalist order with its logic, its handling and its
system. Fukuyama expressed in a concentrated position in general characteristic of American
democracy. In Europe, similar projects developed advisor to former French President Fransua
Mitterana Zhak Attali (see. "Elements" the N2), while considering the "end of history" in the
mystical, messianic Judeo-term (which is formally absent in Fukuyama). (A propos, Attali has
recently published a new work, "He will come" in which the current social and political
upheavals are treated in the future Kabbalistic eschatology; here meaning moidialistskogo
understanding of "the end of history" is even more explicit and clearly than ever before.)

Mondialism second line, the so-called "Right mondializm", on the other hand, considering the
current situation is quite pessimistic, believing that the rule of the West and planetary integration
under him all the nations of the earth comes upon many
serious obstacles, which are not thought to disappear, as would be desirable mondialists. "Right
mondialists" point to the fact that the collapse of the main enemy of the West - the Soviet bloc -
led not to genuine liberalization and democratization of the former Soviet world, but to the
emergence in its place a variety of religious and national formations that have no desire to again
give up their political and cultural identity. Thus, the prerequisites for the "end of history" has
completely matured, and before this the end does come, the world will go through a difficult
stage of civilizational conflict on the basis of the newly formed space-political and cultural units.
In this perspective, the "right mondialists" believe that at this stage it is necessary to strengthen
the Western world, to transform it into highly secure fortress, which must endure a period of
"war of civilizations" (clash of civilisations) and only then proceed to the real integration of the
planet and the creation of the World government.

The most famous representative of this "right" mondialism line is Samuel Huntington,
programmatic article summary which we quoted above. Huntington is the spokesman of the
United States views the conservative circles, and especially the Republican Party. His polemic
with Fukuyama reflects a much more global reality, rather than differences in the views of two
specific analysts. It is a clash of two mondialism basic trends, and therefore, both authors express
positions that are vital impact on the fate of all the peoples of the earth, because in any case, the
degree of Western influence in the civilization processes of the modern world is enormous. And
on whose line will be accepted by the West to the leadership - Fukuyama or Huntington - will
largely determine the future of mankind.

Conventionally, on the basis of the most important theoretical texts of Fukuyama and Huntington
is possible to designate two mondialist project ( "left" and "right") as the "end of history" (The
End of History) and "war of civilizations" (Clash of Civilisations).

2. Antimondializm and two projects

Mondialists considering the current state of affairs, of course, based on their interests and
weighing the pros and cons from their positions. For consistent and conscious enemies of the
West and its model for all antimondialistskih forces from what they might repel - Orthodoxy,
Islam, Confucianism, socialism, nationalism, tradition, etc. - it is logical to consider the current
picture of the world in reverse perspective, taking a minus what mondialists take-plus, and vice
versa. Consequently, all the trends noted mondialists as positive, should be regarded as negative,
and vice versa.

As an absolutely negative value, perfect dystopia should take Fukuyama and his "ideal", which is
to antimondialistov the worst thing that could happen. Thus, the thesis of the liberal end of
history should be considered as a radically hostile to the concept of how the principle of
"common enemy", before whom all must unite antimondialistskie forces and trends, regardless
of their internal differences. Figure Fukuyama and his theses should be taken in a radical
Manichean perspective as an absolute evil, as the doctrine of "Shadow Children". Sami left
mondialists also aware give pretty clear that the offensive end of history requires the removal, ie
destruction of what constitutes the essence of the history of - of religions, nations, races,
traditions and cultures. Therefore, here we are talking about the real dualism, since the
implementation of the project and save Fukuyama
traditional values are incompatible. In this sense, the West becomes antimondialistov
synonymous with pure evil, that brings us back to the literal meaning of the ritual of the
Orthodox baptism, when baptized thrice "deny Satan", turning his face to the West, to the
symbolic "place of hell", opposite the East, the symbolic "paradise place".

Thus, the left mondializm is absolutely negative concept; all of its value only in the fact that it is
so negative, that is a very good model for the consolidation of all forces is organically
incompatible with the world of the liberal-democratic regime theory, total cosmopolitanism, One
World. According to Fukuyama, both on a litmus test should identify strategic allies and strategic
opponents if Fukuyama calls the approval, we are dealing with absolute enemies of the
traditional society, with "Shadow Children". everything is obvious here. But with the "right
mondialism", with the theory of the "war of civilizations" with the concept of Huntington's
situation is more complicated.

Huntington, in fact, not an adversary Fukuyama, his ideological opponent. He also, like
Fukuyama, agree to accept the highest values of Western civilization, and is concerned about its
domination over the world. But in contrast to the optimism Fukuyama Huntington focuses not on
the description mondialist liberal utopia and on the allocation of the factors that hinder current
and will prevent future implementation. In other words, if Fukuyama tend to not pay attention to
the remaining aspects of the traditional way of life of peoples and nations, believing that they
themselves are offset in planetary mondialist market structure,

the Huntington, on the contrary, carefully analyzes antimondialistskie, ie anti-Western trends and
predicts that they still destined to play an important role battle with the West.

In this sense, Huntington realistic and objective Fukuyama. But this does not change anything in
the system of priorities that he and the community behind it are guided.

It is very important for antimondialistov Huntington's analysis, since it identifies several specific
factors that hinder the implementation of the "End of History". Therefore, these factors should be
the forces that seek to disrupt mondialist plans very carefully studied and used. But it is
important to clearly understand that those "concessions" traditional society, which makes
Huntington in his pessimistic (for mondialists) forecast, he sees as temporary obstacles.
insurmountable at the moment, but doomed to failure in the face of the universal mission, and the
integration of the West. Therefore, the true antimondializm should nominate its own third
project, which would be the exact opposite of Fukuyama, but would antimondialistskie
radicalized elements that are allowed in the "war of civilizations" of Huntington. This requires
some changes in the situation analysis that Huntington suggests, for its part.
3. The third project

First, we must immediately note that allocated Huntington civilizations are not interchangeable
systems, correlated with each other in a similar way. Among them there are several civilizations
that have clearly universalist claims and
quite particularly understand the historical teleology, ie, meaning and purpose of human history.
Others civilization, despite its sophistication, antiquity and spiritual usefulness have yet local,
eschatology is not sharpened and do not claim to universal mission on a global scale. This
consideration brings crucial first division in Huntington listed civilizational circles.

Thus, the Western, Islamic and Slavic-Orthodox civilization obviously have their own idea of a
universalist, believing that only they have the last word in the history of mankind. While
Confucian, Japanese, Hindu, Latin-American and African civilization no potential global
theological mission themselves do not confer, or if some attempt is still there, it is a rather
artificial and marginal theories. Thus, the potential war between civilizations initially acquire a
completely different semantic load.

The conflict between the civilizations with pretensions to universality - this one case, it is
theoretically assumed to be global in its very basis.
Conflict between civilizations without Messianic trends has a completely different meaning,
limited regional aspects.
Finally, we can consider the third case, when it comes to a potential collision and messianic
nemessianskoy civilizations. This clearly has a new, third value.

In other words, we can say that the three messianic oriented civilization are likely to be
dynamically provoke conflicts on a planetary scale, ie, to act not just as ordinary civilizational
entities, but as bearers of an integrated planetary ideology. Consequently, these civilizations -
Western, Islamic and Orthodox - from the outset be regarded as the main participants in the
ideological war on the meaning of history, in which they will try to drag the rest of the local

Here it is necessary to make a further distinction. Among the three Messianic civilizations, one is
located in the exclusive, privileged position. This Western civilization. It belongs to her leading
role in controlling the planetary reality and it is subject to all existing international institutions.
Thus, if the messianic Orthodox and the Islamic world are potential trends, the Western world, in
fact, on the verge of a full realization of its universalist claims, ie, he almost succeeded in
establishing his understanding of history and its end.

Such a "chosen people" and "privilege" of the West and corresponds to another important fact. If
all the other civilizations as messianic and nemessianskie in general are traditional, continuing,
albeit in modern form, the development of the line prior to the new time, the West bases its
power precisely on the rejection of Tradition, on the denial of all aspects of traditional society,
that it recognizes the "backward", "archaic", "undeveloped", "conservative", etc.
It follows from this last point: Western messianic anti-traditional universalistic civilization
confronts one as the alternative messianic civilizations of Islam and Orthodoxy,

and all other nemessianskim

traditional civilizations. Consequently, the principal and fundamental line "war of civilizations"
is clearly a line of "West versus the rest", the West against the Rest. And from the perspective of
opponents mondialism naturally begs the reverse formulation of "the Rest against the West", "all
the other against the West." If the war of civilizations are destined to occur, its main and central
front is the struggle against the West and its civilization all other countries. And in this struggle,
the role of Islamic and Orthodox worlds certainly seems to central and active. perhaps even
aggressive and offensive, while the rest of the civilizations play the role of passive and
defensive, at the level of the national liberation struggle against Western influence.

All these considerations show that the third project antimondialistsky project should have the
following form.

The planetary clash of civilizations correct desired configuration would be a general union of all
countries and peoples in the geopolitical crusade against the West. At the heart of this campaign
should be Orthodox-Islamic alliance, as it was for the Islamic and Slavic-Orthodox civilization
western version of messianism is pronounced Manichaean contrast to their own eschatological
and teleological aspirations. If we look carefully to the intellectual climate of the Islamic and
Orthodox worlds, we see that this messianic consciousness continues to live with members of
both civilizations in spite of all the historical vicissitudes,
fallen to their share: and anti-Americanism Westernism - a commonplace of modern Islam and
modern Orthodoxy. Slavic-Orthodox world, together with the Islamic world are the vanguard of
the confrontation, "the rest" (the Rest) West. It is the activity of such an alliance depends on the
effectiveness of anti-Western strategy on a global scale. It is important to stress that, of course,
the Orthodox and Islamic eschatology are different and can not be reduced to a single doctrinal
tendencies, but compared to the anti-traditional line of the West between Islam and Christianity
are more similarities than differences. And on the very pragmatic level, it is clear that serious
eschatological debate between Islam and Christianity can take place only if the excluded middle,
that is, Only after the removal of the brackets of Western civilization (and before that, even so far
as to even think about it utopian). On the other hand, the current tensions between Islam and the
Slavic-Orthodox civilization, no doubt, beneficial only to the West, as a result of tensions West
distracting power of their most important and dangerous historical and geopolitical opponents.
Orthodox-Islamic conflict in the highest degree advantageous to the West, and for this reason is
easy to understand that he is as much unprofitable Islam and Orthodoxy. Therefore
antimondialistskaya strategy should take as its starting point an absolute and as strong as possible
and long-term Orthodox-Islamic Union.

Further, the anti-Western line should be actively pursued, the Orthodox-Islamic vanguard in
other, less dynamic civilization. In this sense, these Huntington Confucian-Islamic connection, it
is welcome. Moreover, all the geopolitical and strategic cooperation between Russia and Islamic
other civilizations is of great importance in the overall antimondialistskoy strategy. At the same
time it should be tactically wise to assign roles and to concentrate the efforts of Russia, where
Islam meets with certain problems, and vice versa. So, for example, in India, Latin America and
Africa, a non-Islamic wise to intensify anti-Western line through Russia, while China, Japan and
the Islamic Africa is preferable to go to the contacts with the Islamic countries. If the spiritual
elite of the Orthodox and Islamic civilizations will be aware in general terms of civilizational
imperative of strategic cooperation in the face of total enemy, in the long term it will be possible
to talk about the fine coordination of all these efforts on a global scale. And the main purpose of
such coordination will transfer into the mainstream civilization frictions single universal
opposition through the Rest against the West. Common enemy minimizes the contradictions
within the various components of the "rest of the world."

And finally, the last critical moment of the anti-Western strategy is the vulnerability of
Huntington's thesis about the unity of western civilization, where he includes Western Europe
and the United States. If the US is truly and absolutely are synonymous with the West, both in
geopolitical and in the historical, cultural sense - this country was originally based on a rejection
of tradition, on an artificial realization of the abstract humanistic utopian liberal principles, the
other European countries besides the obvious Western components are and another potential
traditional dimension. This applies especially to Central Europe and Spain, but certain aspects
are preserved even in the liberal and anti-traditional France. Some European anti-American
intellectuals and traditionalist trends indicate differences and even opposite concepts of the
"West" and "Europe". "Europe", in their opinion, it is something traditional, arising from
religious, ethical, ethnic and national laws, while the "West" is pure negation of all tradition and
artificial civilization, born in the period of profound European crisis, during the "Decline of the
West" not as an extension of European history, but as a denial of its degeneration. Therefore
potentially be included in a planetary antimondialistsky front anti-American and traditionalist
currents in Europe itself that would split even more precarious unity of the West.

At least theoretically, it makes sense to include Europe, opposed to the United States in a
common front planetary antimondializma, which in practice means the need for geopolitical
pressure on Europe from Russia and the Islamic world and the production of a variety of
geopolitical projects with a general tendency to cause maximum damage to the US undivided
domination of the world . And in this case, the key country is, of course, Germany. The ideal
case would be the organization of the Franco-German cooperation and the parallel
transformation of Europe's independence from the US independent sector as a geopolitical space
is independent and different from Western civilization. This European (Roman-German)
civilization in the future could play an independent role in the eschatological climax of history,
but for this you must first put an end to Fukuyama and the sum of the civilizational trends that
are embodied in its design "End of History".

4. Specific Recommendations (anti-Huntington)

Based on the main goal - the struggle with the West and mondialism - and based on Huntington's
thesis, it is easy to formulate a series of recommendations, which will be the exact opposite of
what he advises Huntington West rulers. The points:

- It should be fully shake the US-European relations, promote disharmony and conflicts in this
area; It should fully accentuate what separates the Old World and the New, and in every way to
gloss over the fact that they are united. In this sense, useful to turn to the European tradition of
the so-called geopolitical "Continentalism" (Haushofer, Nikisch, Schmitt, Kurt von Beckmann,
Leo Frobenius, etc.), where anti-Western line have been developed in detail. In a more actualized
form similar topics easy to find and the modern European "New Right" (and some of the "new

- It is important to maximize hinder the process of integration into Western civilization of those
countries in Latin America, Eastern Europe and the East, which in this endeavor. To this end, it
makes sense to develop geopolitical projects, in which these countries could obtain certain
benefits from the cooperation with the representatives of non-Western civilizations;

- Do everything possible to limit damage and aggravate relations with Russia, the US and Japan,
resorting to any political or economic methods. Cooling of US-Russian and US-Japan relations
will make an objective doge the most pro-American government in these countries to follow the
national rate;

- Try to translate local conflicts between civilizations into a single planetary confrontation with
the West, it may have resulted in a severe form of coca.

- Fully promote military power of the Orthodox, Islamic and Confucian states and the West to
destabilize the economy, forced to compete with several potential opponents. Russia makes sense
to sell weapons, including nuclear, Islamic countries - particularly Iran and Iraq, and Libya.
Nuclear atheism of the West must confront nuclear Orthodoxy, Islam and nuclear;

- Encouraged the pacifist movement in the US, using this as an important factor neoreligious and
neomysticism. It makes sense to maintain and increase strategic weapons but Russia's Far East
and the possibility to connect to the Japan (in exchange for high-tech and financial support).
Japan should be regarded as the main strategic ally of Russia in the Pacific region against the
United States in the very near future. It makes sense to also support China's political expansion
towards the south;

- Eliminate and smooth out the difficulties in dealing Orthodox. Islamic, Confucian and other
countries belonging to non-Western civilizations, to try to make compromises in order to prevent
ignition of internal conflicts within the potential antimondialistskogo block;

- Identify and possibly to suppress and persecute the group, who are agents of Western influence,
especially in those countries whose geopolitical
status is uncertain. In addition, it should be possible to oppress and marginalize those social
strata that are objectively hinder the creation of planetary anti-Western bloc and provoke
conflicts among non-Western civilizations. This applies particularly to anti-Russian and anti-
Orthodox tendencies in Islam and anti-Islamic tendencies among the Russian and Orthodox.

- Sabotage, degrade and discredit the activities of international institutions giving effect to the
interests of Western civilization, to provoke or inspire them as much as possible out of the large
number of countries in the perspective of their dissolution, or at least their universal rebirth of
regional and local. Unfortunately, currently being implemented almost exclusively Huntington's
theses, and the opposite, antimondialistskaya strategy was not even up to this time no one is
formulated, not to mention its implementation. Yugoslav conflict (cm. "Elements" N2) is
mondialist provocation West to simulate a collision between his opponents civilization. A similar
scenario is planned to be implemented in the territory of the former Soviet Union, where the
Islamic factor has consistently opposed the Orthodox-Slavic and West-Slavic (pro-European)
Great Russian. In the interests of the same and Islam. and Orthodoxy, and ethnic groups, are
attracted to Europe, it would, on the contrary, the conclusion of a strategic alliance and close
cooperation in the general Eurasian continental block.

Center for Special Studies Metastrategicheskih


(From geopolitics to the philosophy of history, reflections on the theory of the elements Karla Shmitta)
1.1 civilizational elements, only two

Communication civilizational structure with domination of one or another element of land and
sea is the axis of Karla Shmitta concept and its most powerful and impressive side. It is
important to emphasize that it is not just an abstract application sacred theory of the 4 elements
to the cultural and historical analysis, but on the isolation of the fundamental historical (and not
only natural) dualism of two elements of land and sea, land and water, and this dualism becomes
really historical factor only when it is recognized and intellectually experienced by human
society. To explain that, but proper, we have in mind, we note the lack of mention of the fire
element and its philosophical, cultural and civilizational analysis in Schmitt (this will be
discussed below). A relative air disaster, coupled with ballooning era, Schmitt argues that it did
not produce its own, "Nomos" own type of civilization, being it technical continuation of
historical trajectory approved civilization tion Sea. Aerokratiya and more urgent efirokratiya, ie
aeronautic and space engineering development stage of such global not provoked changes in the
course of human history, have brought the discovery of the oceans and their call.

Schmitt brilliant intuition told him quite correctly, that space does not pose any real challenge or
historical answer, and space exploration in a "efirokratii" only demonstrates enslaved by the
agony, but do not absolve the technocratic civilization. At first glance, it seems that such an
approach to the historical dialectic elements in Schmitt, given its implicit antitalassokra cal
sympathy should become the basis purely conservative doctrines emphasized environmental
overtones. It is tempting to exactly understand the concluding words of his article on the
"Planetary tension between East and West":

"The new space, where a new challenge will have to be on our land, and not outside of it in an
open space."

So often and act followers Schmitt, taking into account his conservative views in politics. But, in
our opinion, it would be too easy. If the new call is nothing but as a return to the land of
orientation after the revolutionary era of domination "relaxed technology" and the oceanic
civilization, even from the fear of a technological or environmental disaster, while the spiritual
power of the historical dialectic loses its dramatic dimension, it becomes almost natural cyclical
It identified with the statichno- polar voltage to overcome which, according to Schmitt, all based
purely human spiritual history. Civilizational dualism of the land-sea should be resolved in some
other way.
Schmitt is inclined to consider the transition to aerokratii continue to efirokratii, a natural
development of Sea strategy, rather than signs of new revolutionary epoch. Thus, we can say that
the element of water in its universalistic expansion is carried out just due to Sushi and spaces, it
is traditionally subordinate, puts on a service currently two other air and ether elements
(vacuum), which, from a physical point of view, are not other than the increasingly sparse state
of matter. In other words, the sea water element behaves through subordinate elements of air and
ether, while continuing their civilization tendency to "liquefy"; at the same time, we recall that
this is the trend and created a historical dialectic "of the existence of the sea" and related
technology and the emancipation of the stages of the industrial revolution.

As explained in this case, success in vozduhopla consistently and space spheres such land
superpower like the Soviet Union the last time planetar Nogo expression geopolitical Behemoth
forces of continental masses and land Nomos? Similarly, as brilliantly he explained himself
Schmitt historical Marxism function in Russia: it was a conceptual adopted the doctrine of the
Second Industrial Revolution, alternative elite, managed to strong-willed and conscious nym way
to transform an archaic land the country into a giant industrial-technical bastion capable of 70
years to successfully resist multifaceted onslaught oceanic civilization. Using aerokratii
efirokratii and the Eastern bloc was a continuation of the industrial revolution of the Marxist
strategy of bourgeois civilization of the West of resistance.

So, one member of the historic Sea of dualism has included in the process of approval of the
other planetary disaster. If during the writing of Schmitt's article "Planetary tension" in 1959, this
process was in the bud, by the 80s it became clear and obvious to everyone. Mastered Sea Air
and Space. Here we come to the crucial point of the newest history, which is the touchstone for
the vast majority of present ideologies and socio-political doctrines that were considered quite
acceptable until very recently. We are referring to the collapse of the Eastern bloc and

1.2 The concrete universal flood

This event is the key to check the adequacy of the views of Karla Shmitta. Arguing in his terms,
we can describe this event as follows. End Eastern bloc embodies our age planetary tendency
Sushi opposing Sea, means the end of the historical stage, wherein possible effective use of
conceptual hydrochloric structure summarizing the second stage of the industrial revolution to
global competition with Sea civilization with the West and the world, to identify his lot with
unlimited development of liberated hydrochloric technology. In other words, it was the end
adequacy Nosta Marxism. Sushi defense force lost conceptually ex effective until the conditions
for a response that gave Marx to the contemporary challenge of European history, have not
changed irrevocably.
One explanation for the collapse of the Soviet bloc is its lag in technological competition, where
the main point in this lag was the inability to adequately respond to the US SDI program. In
other words, the sea won from the techno logical duel Sushi efirokratii in high technologies
associated with strategic invention in E in the space field. What this means in terms of the
dialectic of history?

First Sea, gave birth to a technical breakthrough momentum and further technical civilization,
won after all the land, and although she borrowed a timely and effective the latest (for its time)
concept cial technology from the sea. This process is strictly coincided with the end of the
second phase of the industrial revolution. On a theoretical level, it has become clearer since the
early 70-ies in parallel rapid degeneration of communism and socialism in Europe. In practice,
the point was put to the restructuring. The third phase of the industrial revolution needed, at least
in the new Marx and Marxism new. They could become a European fascism, but this attempt
proved abortive at the theoretical level as well as on the physical plane Germany was defeated by
a civilization consistent land powers (the Soviet Union), supported in this case by the Sea (as has
happened many times in the history of Napoleon to the first and second world wars). New Marx
was not, apparently, could not and should not have been.

Second: The collapse of the Eastern bloc is the real globalization of the Sea, which is the role of
the judge and the controller moves to the role of the autocrat (autocrat). It mondializm
civilizational integration of the world under the auspices of the West. In religious language for
the event there is only one name Flood, the end of Nomos of the Earth and universal domination
nomos Sea. Let us also remember the apocalyptic beast coming exactly from the Sea 100. This
entails the final transition from the era of confrontation between the two elements to the era
of the conquest of one element another, hostile to her. We can say that this is the beginning of
"universal peace". Leviathan Behemoth wins, Keith Bear. Triumph of the Moby Dick of the
Russian bear.

Third: the Sea is now subordinated to the remaining elements conquered dry land (a defeated foe,
Hostis), Air and Ether (natural allies in solidarity with water dialectics, Amicus) are
ideovariatsiyami Sea, improvised elements of the planetary ship, the World Island (World Island,
in terms Spykman and Mackinder's not). This is the era of One World,
post-industrial society, era global information and automation. In the language of the most
avant-garde intuitions Marx called it "a real domination of capital" 101. Time of the
disappearance of ideologies, while postmodernism and the "end of history".

Call opened Ocean adopted Anglo E, gave a response which is embodied in the techno-induced
striatal dash, in the modern western otlilsya
100 It is interesting to explore the geopolitical sense of symbolism "false prophet" or "another beast". About it in the
"Apocalypse" reads as follows: "And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth" (Ap 13, 11.). Those. this "other beast"
belongs to the land. But there is also emphasized that "he acts in front of him all the authority of the first beast" (Ap. 13, 12). In
other words, we are talking about "the spirit of Sushi", defected to the Sea element, on the side of the Leviathan. Himself "the
beast out of the sea", a representative of Satan-core Cohn, his substitute (ie Atlanticism is a historical world evil expression), as
"another beast" or "the false prophet" is, in turn, have a representative "of the beast sea ", ie, his substitute. Atlanticist lobby
powers Sushi fulfills this function.

101 See. Jean-Marc Vivenza "From the formal domination of capital to its real domination", "Elements" number 7.

civilization, he conquered the world and gained its final shape in the global American
autocracies, the same continent, from which Columbus discovery and the beginning of "the
modern world". This call has completed its historical manifestation of the collapse of the Eastern
bloc, in the perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. Liberated equipment (entfesselte Technik)
overcome all external obstacles. Sea power is now absolute. It is embodied in the hegemony of
the technocratic West, US strategic superiority, dominance-flowing capital, complete blur the
traditional value structures. Ownership, inheritance, marriage, housing all this has lost the value
that has been in the era of the existence of land, in the era of the Earth nomos.

1.3 The Lost sight of the element

Although Schmitt says about disposability truly historic events, preferring to avoid any form of
determinism and systematization of all, being a Christian, he could hardly deny the existence of
the end of history, and therefore, a teleology. His rejection of Hegel or Marx's teleology does not
constitute a waiver of any teleology. As absolutely honest thinker (and in this sense it is similar
to Heidegger), he does not want to limit neither himself nor others free intuition of truth,
believing that this is the highest human dignity and intellectual freedom, projecting, in the end,
policy (das Politische) and Solution (die Entscheidung). In all arguments Schmitt implicit normal
for a Christian eschatology: he Vaeth underscore the uniqueness of the New Age, is its globalism
and its relation to the "relaxed technology" and the existence of the Sea are easily guessed
apocalyptic tone.

It is evident that Schmitt understood parallelism between the biblical account of creation as a
result of waste Sushi Waters and the actual situation, is something the opposite offensive sea
existence on the land, ie, symbolic entanglement Earth Water. It is important that thalassocratic
permanent trend in the history only now entering its oceanic phase becomes the maximum extent
possible. Radiation thalassocracy ocean to the stratosphere and space only illustrates a limiting
its victory. But there is a natural retrospective question: why the Nomos of the Earth, sushi has
become the matrix of human existence in the Millennium Tradition? And further, why it is so
stable structure traditional land nomos (not tilted or potamicheski E (river) or limited
thalassocratic or nomadic deviations) fell in the end, the victim of the chaotic elements of the
Ocean? Genesis, claiming the existence of the Waters before sushi, hints at some primary Chaos,
compared with the order, and the Indo-European mythology in a variety of subjects confirms
this. In a sense, it can be assumed (as is the case in a sealed tion tradition) that the earth is
condensed water, but in terms of geography, that Land is the ocean floor, freed from water. But
this reclaimed from the chaos of the territory, Nomos, Land, Continent, The Heartland of
Mackinder, Mitgard ancient Germanic Order castle, historic Polis is not a cause of the traditional
nomos, but the result of a transcendent impact, as recorded in the nature trail of the Supernatural,
an imprint of what can be It is called the source of the stories. Russian word for dry land, das
feste Land, die Erde, will allow us to get closer to this mysterious force. This word Land. It
etimologiche ski provides an indication of the quality of dryness otsutst The operator occurring
in other languages. This quality, in turn,
It brings to mind warm, heat and fire, the last forgotten element, fifth element, which is familiar
to the ancient classifications, but somehow it is absent in the civilizational and historical analysis
of Schmitt.

And here we are reminded of Hercules, who in spite of Thales and other philosophers Thalasso
Kratom approved a revolutionary theory of the origin of the universe from the Fire. Fire certainly
transcendental element in relation to the elements of the earth's environment. If the earth, water
and air are internal with respect to the planet and its inhabitants, and even the vacuum of space
surrounding the stratosphere can be considered as an internal with respect to the medium
quintessence (ether), then the fire, heat, light comes from outside, from shining sacrificial stars
Great Sun. Conventional elements of this element of people. Fire element of the Gods, the
substance of the spiritual heaven. Fire and polarity in relation to all other elements do not fit into
the static, purely natural, schema, which is true to isolate Schmitt, referring to the natural tension
between land and sea, and he rightly separated from the stress STI inherent dialectic of human
history. In fact, the stress provoked by fire, and is the essence of dialectics, and if the relative of
origin of Nature can agree with Thales, then with respect to the origin of the history of law only
Heraclitus. Gift titanium Prometheus people the divine fire, rolled up on the ground, it is the
main subject of the mysterious historical dialectic, agent invisible alchemists, the Philosopher
Heraclitus child of the same unfolding conductive through the ages and cycles of the contents of
its solar spirit, heaven of gnosis.

Transcendent Light scatters the original water to dry land appeared. Transcendent Fire is revered
as the main principle of the people of Earth, they put it at the center of the House (the sacred
hearth), at the center of the Temple (holy altar), in the center of the body (the worship of the
heart), in the center of his world (the sun, which gives the orientation of space and dimension
time). Land Nomos of the Earth investigation of subtle influence of Fire. Land order of humanity
has responded to the challenge of the Transcendent, and thus entered into history, risen above
nature and become himself. The house is an answer to the sun. The land and its civilization tion
is the product of intellectual intelligent Fire.

While the link between fire and earth to realize the call of the ocean existed. Thalassocracy
balanced by Tellurocracy and Rimskaya Vesta victoriously Cruz is born from the foam of
Carthage, whenever he encroached on the universalization of its cultural and civilizational
message. When the sacred fire extinguished in people's homes, in the hearts of the people in their
temples, there was an apocalyptic roar Liviafana. And the land that has lost its meaning, its
center, its power, was now doomed to lose eskhatolo based communities duel Sea.
Restructuring and slaughter Behemoth became inevitable as early as the time when tradition
became conservative Noah, when the answer given to the transcendent challenge of Fire,
completely overshadowed the question of when the Earth stopped Nomos compare their
standards with Nomos Heaven. Ultimately, the whole of human history is not that other, as an
interlude between Pervovspyshkoy magical stars and the universal flood.

1.4 Icon and Land

Very interesting comments regarding the iconography of Schmitt and his generalizations about
the bond is formed with the West. This is directly related to the Fire element, since visual light
element capability measure of reality, which in turn is one of the aspects of Fire (along with
heat). If we take a genetic link to the Sun Sushi, opening us, then we will understand and link
icons, sacred images from the visual Nomos of the Earth. Naturally, spatially immobility, fixity,
ordering of the environment on their own tend to express in the form of a symbol, characters,
painting. Fire as it snags Vaeth in fluid reality a fragment schiysya transforms into an image into
an icon, into something permanent. This mystery like repeats origin primordial hydrochloric
sushi weight aqueous chaos. Nomos of the Earth through the Icon constant reminder of its origin.
In this sense, the worship of icons and in general the use of painting, indeed, is a striking feature
of the traditional, terrestrial, continental existence.

This consideration helps to develop the remarks Schmitt expressed relative to the historical
mission of Spain. Catholic Spain, set up on all the conquered lands of the face of the Blessed
Virgin, performed incredibly important mission of neutralizing the Ocean (and call it) by fire. In
some ways this planetar naya operation was similar to the historical features of Marxism in
Russia: in both cases, the call of the Sea was adopted with a view to possibly neutralize its
harmful consequences for the Earth nomos and try to turn poison into medicine. Spain losing the
naval battle with the English pirates was fraught with dire global consequences: on zaatlantiche
skom island sowed the seeds of the Anglo-Saxons apokalip cal civilization, which was destined
to bring the Leviathan in all its eschatological, the final power. Foam appeared Continent, Ship,
superior in all aspects of its European prototype. This monster was destined to extinguish the
sacred fire, break image, set on a planet a "new world order". Naturally, the dominant ideology
of the newborn monster ideas were extreme Protestant sects, the Baptists, Puritans, Mormons,
etc., other than the utmost degree of iconoclasm, the church of modernism and Suetonius
navistnichestva. Doomed Latin American guerrilla, based on the mixture of Marxism (sic!) And
the Catholic tion of liberation theology (sic !!) are all that is left today of the ambitious planetary
demarche-Spanish conquistadors to disrupt the universal flood.

But this raises a theoretical difficulty not understand Schmitt. The fact that he mentions the habit
of identifying a visual image of the veneration of icons and with the West, and its negation,
iconoclasm with the East. Schmitt himself cites several examples to refute the truth of such an
unambiguous identification. Let us examine this in more detail. Especially because it closely
affects the most important issue for us, the historical significance of Russia and its mission.

1.5 Absolute Amicus et Hostis portraits in time and space

Here we are dealing with the problem, the metaphysical meaning is understood in our other book
( "The Mysteries of Eurasia", the head of the "subconscious Eurasia"). It is about a typical
European thinkers identifications SRI their traditions with the West. In this case, often it is not
just the West, but on the north-west. Moreover, sometimes even merge three geographical
concepts West, Northwest and North. This protivopos were lent by the South, Southeast and
East, more often, also merged into one civilization pattern shown Semitic cultural landscape of
the Middle East,

most familiar to Europe historically. In this case, such a view is derived from the Roman times,
and sometimes even from the Christian heritage.

But it is, in fact, an optical illusion, which the Europeans are obliged to geography. Only the
most profound minds in the first place, Rene Guenon managed to move away from this
confusion and look at things from a different, more appropriate position. So, Rene Guenon
rightly pointed out that, in terms of real (and sacred), geography, continent-Eurasia is a huge land
mass, where Europe is the only Western Cape, Peninsula, Atlantic aspirations. Indo-European
peoples also live on the entire continent from the Indian subcontinent via Iran and Russia to
Europe itself. Aryan India preserves the memory of the most ancient myths and intellectual
views of the white race, and Orthodox Christianity spread far beyond the Urals up to the Pacific
Ocean, occupying space, in terms of surpassing Europe. However, the historical narrowness and
grafted cliché does not allow Europeans to treat Pravoslav Noah Russian culture as a very
authentic Christian tradition, which entrusted the white people of Indo-European. It is significant
in this context that it is preserved Greek word "icon" in the Orthodox Russia as applied to the
sacred image, and moreover, it is Orthodox, Russian icon today fully supports the authentic
Christian tradition, practically damped in the West.

Rene Guenon, a book criticizing the German professor Germana Virta "Origin of
Mankind" 102 He pointed out that one should distinguish between such concepts as severoat-
Atlantic (north-west), the Hyperborean (north) and the Atlantic (western) regions. In fact, respect
for fire and land Nomos of the Earth, Schmitt studied carefully, it is a distinctive quality of the
Indo-European white people in general, who came down from the north into Eurasia, Russell shis
around its space from West to East and from East to West. Where there is Indo-European, there
is an icon, a sacred painting, the worship of fire and light, the solar deity, traditional hierarchy
and the memory of Hyperborea. India abounds with sacred images. In Iran, even after
Islamization and Islam strictly prohibits images of people and animals flourished and is a real
miniature painting. The Russian Orthodox Church, venerated not only icons but also painters,
and Orthodox Hesychasm, the doctrine of the uncreated light, Noah was the central line of the
life of the Russian Church. Icon Indo essential attribute, and must be precisely identified with the
North, with Hyperborea, ancient ancestral normal and traditional Nogo nomos by land Earth.
Hostility to the image, iconoclasm, as is typical not so much East as the South. This is quite
normal geographical symmetry, if we take into account the Hyperborean origins of the Indo-
Europeans. If the North race worships fire and the image, then confronted her South race must
worship the antithesis of fire (eg, water) and the antithesis of the icons (eg, sound). It is curious
that he Guenon correlates this cultural dualism with sedentary and nomadic: sedentary
accompanied them with a figure of the biblical Cain, visual image and time, while the nomadic
Abel, verbal and space 103. It fits perfectly into duality elements, disassemble Schmitt.
Marine existence (though strictly divided from nomadism) is a development of such an extreme
nomadism which moves into a new quality to the moment when the end of the path
sous hoputnogo nomadic through swimming Mainland vym seas and up to a determined yield in
the open ocean.

102 See. Well, l "Sweet Angel" N 1, Moscow, 1991.

103 See. Rene Guenon, "The kingdom of quantity and signs of the times", Moscow, 1994.

It is extremely curious, and one more thing: Guenon asserts that the Semitic tradition is tradition,
not east, but the Atlantic, west and at the same time nomadic. Hence, according to him, and a
positive attitude toward stock-Abel in the biblical narrative. Moreover, Guénon points to the fact
that for the construction of the temple of Solomon's great architect, was invited from among the
aliens, and proves that it was a representative of the Indo-European tradition, as was typical
kultivirova of sacred architecture to it, ie, Construction of houses, which, according to Schmitt, is
at the core of the Earth nomos, and themselves Semites nomads had a different social structure -

Finally, with respect to the East Guenon he argued that this aspect of the world more than any
other is associated with tradition, with the constancy of sacred archetypes faithfully roots. In the
book, "East and West", he developed in detail the arguments in support of this thesis. We can say
that Guenon uniquely connects with the North East, including its historic receiver original
Nordic tradition. By the way, regarding the identity of the concept of the North Light and Light
of the East brilliant passages can be found in Anri Korbena, the best of the modern expert on the
Iranian tradition and the great interpreter Sohravardi.

So to summarize our observations. North is identified with the Indo-European tradition,

residence, worship of fire and the image. In addition, North sacred is also linked with the East.
These two orientation of the should be taken as the original on the issue of the history of the
Nomos of the Earth and its central power lines. Protection of the veneration of icons in history,
therefore, is not the west, but north or east trend. This line is typical for the whole of Eurasia,
from India to Ireland. It coincides with the historical trajectory Northern Light, Nordlicht, and
with people and cultures acting as carriers of the light. This Doric Sparta, Imperial Rome,
Zoroastrian Iran, Vedic India, Byzantium, Russia Orthodox, Catholic Ireland, and Spain. This
camp Earth nomos.

At the opposite pole of history, respectively, are located together with the South West (!), The
nomads-seven you ikonoklasty, germ thalassocracy, trading civilization and "technological
breakthrough". Guénon would call the camp "anti-traditional prerequisites of civilization" and
"builders of the Great Parody". It should also be recalled Guenon outlined in "Kingdom amount"
idea of eschatological dissolution World Eggs, "dissolution" that accurately and chronologically
and typology coincides with flying colors Sea Schmitt disassembled. Guenon as well as Schmitt,
connects it with the dissolution of the technical progress, the liberal ideology and the Western
civilization of the New Age. Anglo-Saxon world in general, all caused him a deep sense of
hostility and suspicion.

Finally, the role of the Western Semitic factor and nomadic, in Guénon; south, if we evaluate the
distribution of the Semites from the standpoint of Eurasia; coupled with the trade and free
exchange, common to all thalassocracy (Carthage against Rome); standing at sources capitalism
(criticized as Marx and Sombart); iconoclastic and hostile to all Indo-European religious matters
(Judaism and Islam); solidarity with the Protestant movement in its Calvinist version (the spread
of Calvinism in Holland, England and later in America ocean powers par excellence); Finally, a
particularly active in the destruction of the traditional Nomos of the Earth Europe (as he
repeatedly wrote Schmitt) puts the last point in the chain of correspondences.

North + East, Icon, Indo-European, fire, house, residence, tradition and the land. These are the
forces of the Earth nomos. Supporters of culture and order, answer the call transcendental Fire
fan Aryan traditions up to Christianity. South + West, iconoclasm, the Semitic peoples, water,
ship, nomadism, modernism and the Sea. It is the Earth's denial, the dissolution media
Apocalypto cal energy management chaos, nomos Sea. They answered the call of the Ocean that
began on his side against the Earth and against the ancient, almost-forgotten the fiery
prometeicheskogo question that precedes the shaft Nomos of the Earth and of all human history.

1.6 Nomos Fire

End of the Eastern Bloc is a complete victory nomos Sea. All attempts to counter his logic and
its structure with the help of his own technical means have failed. Battle of the ships was lost to
Spain; economic and industrial, strategic and doctrinal resistance nomos Sea National Socialist
Germany (1933 1945), inspired in part by a Eurasian project Haushofer, was suppressed by force
and cunning of the West, the USSR used for these purposes; technological competition, taking
into account the lessons of Marxism, which lasted the longest, was lost in the 60s 80s Warsaw
Pact countries parallel to the end of the second phase of the industrial revolution and the
transition to a post-industrial society. The cycle of human history, passing through the static
nature of polarity, finished Xia, what we know of one American with a Japanese name.

We can state the absolute loss Sushi, Behemoth, Eurasia, Nomos of the Earth. Of course, the
Nomos of the Earth was only after the decision of mankind set before them an open problem of
existence, but not its essence. The external form of the answer, but not the fire element that
spawned Hyperborean answer. Earth can not answer more than a call nomos Sea, which has
become global and unique. It flooded Waters, its order of the solution through a slit in the
Mundane Egg. The end of the industrial revolution debunked the illusion that a relaxed technique
(entfesselte Technik) can compete at the same level as her. Efirokratiche Skye stage absolute
thalassocracy, glance at the Earth from space, makes all the creatures swarming on it, the same
principle of value is strictly pragmatic and equal to their usefulness. Life is calculated in
financial terms really dominating Capital. Genetic engineering brings chickens and humans
clones, just like yesterday, invented the steam engine or the loom. Technology has invaded
humanity, reaching its center. In 1959, at the Schmitt could be even a spark of hope that
something can change suddenly. By the end of the century there are no such hopes.

Triumph Water apocalyptic encompasses all the elements and all the historical forms that could
not only destroy, but to transmute into its civilizational geopolitical parody alchemy. Gold
(money), the universal solvent and the technical ingenuity of the Sea forces have turned
humanity into a controlled biomass. But there was something that is not affected by this global


It was he freed from its natural, cultural and socio-political accretions acquired during travel
history is now in a privileged position compared to the state of compromise, in which he was
camping, staying only Nomos of the Earth, the order of sushi. Only now clarified the structure of
its original challenge, since only now seen that throughout the historical extent to which the call
was abandoned. In question is worth neither more nor less than the man. To what extent he was it
is historical? In what nature? To what extent succumbed to the elements that make up its natural
fabric (up to obschevidovoy rationality)? In what could remain faithful to the transcendent
dimension is not obvious Nome? How much of it, in the end, it turned out the fire? Or all of it is
just water?

(Basic concepts and terms of geopolitics)
anaconda strategy Atlanticism geopolitical line aimed at the seizure of Eurasia as possible a
large amount of coastal areas to deter its geopolitical expansion.

Atlanticism ( related terms Water, Sea, Thalassocracy, Sea Power) complex geopolitical
concept; combines: historically the western sector of human civilization, a strategic alliance of
Western countries, which was dominated by the Liberal Democratic ideology, military-strategic
NATO member countries, the social orientation "Trading system" and "Market value" ( US
model). Opposite of Eurasianism.

Aerokratiya Gr. "Power through the air." The power component of the strategy based on
the development of the air space and its use for the purpose of
geopolitical expansion. The development of aviation, in contrast to the development of
navigation, its own nomos is not a breed, becoming only the development thalassocracy ethical

hippo et al. Eur. "Beast", "overland monster" (the Bible). Schmitt's term. Same as
continent, continentalism Eurasianism. Berlin natural strategic capital of Central Europe.

The bipolar world ( bipolyarizm or bipolarity) natural geopolitical structure reflecting a

global scale main geopolitical dualism
Thalassocracy against tellurocracy. Block union of several states, significantly altering their
strategically and geopolitically skoe quality, deducing them to a higher level of planetary
activity. According to law "Spatial progression" formation inevitable process blocks.

rich North the same as Atlanticism, the West and the liberal democratic world.

More space (Grossraum) Schmitt term. Combining several powers in the common strategic
education. The emergence of more space due to the theory "Spatial progression." The outer
crescent ( or insular crescent) Mackinder's term, denoting the set of territories within the
zone thalassocratic influence. Part of the continent and the islands, gravitating to "Sea of
Existence." The same area, entirely controlled by strategically Atlanticism. The Inland Sea (
mare internum Lat.) term for a body of water enclosed within the land tellurocratic
volume, and therefore is not a strategic or cultural boundaries.

inner ocean the term means the same, and that "Inland sea" only on a planetary scale. Also
Median ocean. Inner crescent ( or continental crescent or rimland) MacKinder term
denoting conductive Eurasian coastal areas located between
"Outer crescent" and "Axial habitat." Internal axis geopolitical communication quality
center to the periphery

in a single strategic (or policy) space. See. Also geopolitiche sky beam and geopolitical segment.
Water (or sea) a special term "thalassocracy". Especially developed in Schmitt (das Meer)
and Mahan (Sea, Sea Power).
East the same as the second world.

enemy ( hostis Lat.) The term Schmitt. Purely political concept that refers to a set of
external governmental, social, ethnic, or religious entities, standing on the positions opposing
positions of strategic capital. It has no moral burden and can be dynamically transferred to a
variety of education. The mobile category. Cm. Each.

the second world the name of the socialist camp in the period of "cold war". After the end
of the "cold war" is Eurasia.
Geographical Pivot of History ( or axial area or heartland) Mackinder's term denoting intra-
Eurasian area, around which there is spatial dynamics of historical development. It coincides
with the territory of Russia.
Geopolitics of Science, whose main provisions are set out in this book.
geopolitical dualism basic principle geopolitical asserting engine as historical process
standoff thalassocracy and tellurocracy.

geopolitical beam vector of power (economic, strategic, cultural, economic first,

administrative, etc.) impact geopolitiche Skog pole to peripheral regions. The real political
picture of the world in a static state operates with geopolitical segments. In geopolitics to speak
of rays, as an open process of dynamic skom constantly continuing momentum.

geopolitical segment a set of relations of strategic capital (or geopolitical pole) with the
peripheral regions, considered in a specific historical moment, without taking into account the
overall dynamics of political processes. See. Also geopolitiche ray sky.

geostrategy military aspects of geopolitical analysis.

geoeconomics branch Atlanticist geopolitics. Considering space utilitarian eco

cally sense. one of priority disciplines
"Thalassocratic" analysis.

Nation-state a secular state with a pronounced centralism. Politic, wherein the state forms
lead to the birth
ethnic group and its culture. Different from the ethnic education (community, nation) and from
the Empire.

Border geopolitics, there are two types of boundaries: the boundary-line and the boundary
of the band. The boundary-line is a maritime border. Border-band land. Task geopolitical unit
present on claim action on a global scale, to make the boundary lines for the maximum and
minimum itself to the opponent, and vice versa.
Demopolitika Kallen term. Effect demographic parameters on the structure of the state.
Not widely used.
Diskontinualny times Cohen term. Broken coastal zones with uncertain variability
hydrochloric orientation, which can turn as tellurocratic continent and to thalassocratic sea.

Friend ( amicus Lat.) The term Schmitt. Purely political concept. designating a set of
external governmental, social, ethnic, or religious entities, standing on the positions of strategic
capital coincides with the position. It does not load the moral and can dynamically migrate to
various camping formation. The mobile category. See. Enemy.

Eurasianism complex geopolitical concept; combines: historically the eastern sector of

human civilization, strategic relevance or
potential bloc of states and nations that refuse to recognize the imperative of liberal democra cal
strategic relevance or potential merger in the Eastern military alliance, "Tellurocratic"
countries, social
orientation "Ideocracy"
social State, non-capitalist
economic system.

Eurasia the same that Continent, the heartland, Land, Land, Tellurocracy. In a more limited
sense, it means the geopolitical Russia.
One World ( One World -. English) see mondializm..
Living space Haushofer term. Minimum territorial scope of enabling people to achieve the
realization of their historical and political aspirations.
West synonym thalassocracy, Atlanticism. Earth ( or Land) geopolitics special term
"tellurocracies". Especially in detail the theory of "the Earth», das Land, developed by Carl

ideocracy c. "The power of ideas and ideals." The term Russian Eurasians (Trubetskoy, P.
Savitsky). Opposed to "power of matter", "market system" "Trading system." When
ideocracy hierarchy in society and stimulation of labor are based on the principles of Sgiach

Empire sverhgosudarstvennoe education, uniting several nations and countries under the
auspices of the universal ideas of religious, ethical or ideological nature.

Integration geopolitics refers to the manifold functional forms combine multiple spatial
sectors. The integration can be carried out on the basis of military expansion, and peacefully.
There are several ways of geopolitical integration of the economic, cultural, linguistic, strategic,
political, religious, etc. All of these can lead to the same end result and increase strategic spatial
volume unit.

The colony the territory controlled by the force separating the aqueous space. It is seen as a
temporary and external framework, alienated from the common geopolitical space of the
metropolis. opposed Province. End of Story Fukuyama term. Mondialist thesis of total
victory thalassocracy and liberal-democratic model throughout the world. Cm. mondializm,
One World. Continent Eurasia Land, tellurocratic principle.

continentalism synonym Eurasianism narrowly strategic aspect. The notion close to the
concept Land, Land. Kontinentalistskaya geopolitical school is the only one in Russia,
prevailing in Germany, is present in France and impossible for the Anglo-Saxon countries.
Opposite Atlanticism. Kratopolitika Kallen term. Consideration of the State in terms of its
power potential. Not widely used.

Leviathan dr.evr. "Sea monster" (the Bible). Schmitt's term. Same as Atlanticism, Sea etc.

Liberalism outlook, combining the left (minimalist humanism, individualism, ethnic and
cultural egalitarianism) components in the field of politics and law (the market, privatization,
private property, capitalism) in the field of economy. The ruling ideology of the Atlanticist
camp. Political expression is liberal Liberal democracy. Meridional expansion ( expansion of
the North-South axis), expansion of the sphere of influence (military, strategic, cultural or
economic) along the meridian, also

longitude expansion); the basic condition of territorial and strategic stability of the state.

Meridian integration ( Integration of the North-South axis) coupling separate spatial sectors
integrally meridian (also longitude integration).
Is positive in the case of steady control over the northern and central regions. Negative in the
case of finding the north or the center of geopolitical formations whose loyalty strategic
capital questionable or weak.

mestorazvitie Savitsky term. The same quality that space or just space ( in the geopolitical
minimum geopolitics applied discipline borrows from genuine geopolitical some terms and
methods, but leaving aside the base geopolitical dualism.

world Island MacKinder term. Mackinder called them Eurasia and the geographical axis of
history. In Spykman this concept radically changed its meaning and came to mean a set of
thalassocratic areas ( zone external crescent). In connection with this term raznochte Niemi
is better not to eat well in order to avoid ambiguity.

A multipolar world at present purely theoretical concept, suggesting to the coexistence of

several More space. Possible only after overcoming unipolar world. mondializm from the
French. monde «World" (in the sense of «world», instead of «peace»). A particular ideology,
assumption gayuschaya merging of all nations and peoples into a single planetary education with
the establishment of the World Government,

the destruction of racial, religious, ethnic, national and cultural boundaries. There is no "right"
mondializm and "left." Right represents globalization Atlanticism. Left considers it necessary
to include in a single state and Eurasian sector (on or otherwise).

Sea the same as Thalassocracy, Water. Moscow natural strategic capital Eurasia. The basis
of all axes
continental integration. Cm. Eurasia Neoatlantizm a modern version of Atlanticism,
rejecting mondializm (even right-wing) both premature and impracticable in the
circumstances project. Considers that, instead of One World happens clash of civilizations.
New order scale geopolitical project cal reorganization.

New world order However, that mondializm and projects to establish the World
Nomos Karl Schmitt term. The basic principle of the organization of any space
(geographic, social, political, economic, cultural th, etc.). It is synonymous with the concept
of "order", "law", "way". Nomos Sushi = Tellurocracy.
Nomos Water (or Sea) = Thalassocracy. Society the result of the collapse of the education
community. Unlike the community fundamentally divisible into atomic members (individuals).

Community the natural form of human existence, associated with organic bonds. resists
society, in which, instead of organic links dominate regulations formalized agreement between
individuals. Society is governed by tradition.

Fire element, symbolizing the pure spirit. Transcendent principle.

unipolar world geopolitical model established after the defeat of the USSR in the "cold
war." The only dominant pole is Atlanticism and the United States.

Axis geopolitical union of two or more geopolitical capitals. partisan The term Schmitt
symbolic figure Defender "nomos" Sushi opposite situation Triumph geopolitical force.

passionarnost The term ENU. The internal energy of the ethnos, the driving force of the
cultural, political and geopolitical creation.
Periphery space and earth, does not have an independent geopolitical orientation, far from
strategic capital, on behalf of which received major geopolitical decisions.
political geography Ratzel term, denotes that, after Kallen was actually called "geopolitics."

possibilism from the French. possible, «possible». The term of Vidal de la Blache. It is
intended nuance geographical determinism, partly peculiar geopolitics. Possibilism theory
argues that space without prejudice to the story, but only predisposes to one or another of its

applied geopolitics Lacoste term. Using geopolitical tools applied to mikroproblemam

regional level without taking into account the fundamental principles. Also minimum
geopolitics. Provinces peripheral areas included in the principal geopolitical formation and
viewed as an

integral part of the organic unit. opposed colony. Space the basic concept of geopolitics. It is
not quantitative, but qualitative categories it. Space structure predetermines structure stories
(primarily political stories) is the basic thesis geopolitical as a science.

Spatial progression law Jean Tiriar formulated. It sounds like "-City States through the
territory of a State-by countries of the continent." The geographical dynamics of political
history inevitably leads to an increase in the scale of minimum social formations. Cm.
also "living space".

spatial sense Ratzel term. Implicit in the qualitative space system historically
predetermined. Cm. space. regionalism on autonomy orientation peripheral spaces. It has
some form of economic, cultural, political and strategic.

sacred geography a set of representations of the qualitative space of the ancient. Modern
geopolitics guided typologically similar understand
space, only it expresses this in a rational form of natural science.

sanitary cordon artificial geopolitical cal education, serving to destabilize the two large
neighboring countries, can make a major unit which, in turn, will be a danger to a third party.
Classic course in Atlanticist strategy in their opposition to the continental integration of Eurasia.

North in the sacred geography (and Däubler) symbol of the spirit and ideal of order. In
modern geopolitics is synonymous with the concept of rich north It is of that is the exact
opposite of that Atlanticism and liberalism.
Sotsiopolitika Kallen term. The study of the social aspects of the state.
Median Ocean ( Midland Ocean) Spykman term. Atlantic Ocean, if we consider the North
America and Europe as a geopolitical space.
Central Europe space intermediate between Russia and the Atlantic coast of Europe.
Traditionally regarded as the area but the advantages of German influence.
clash of civilizations Huntington term. The theory of permanent and nesnimaemosti
geopolitical conflicts in the civilizational level.

strategic capital (Geopolitical pole or source of geopolitical ray) geopolitical center

integration and active figure geopolitical scale process. Connections between strategically E
capitals form geopolitical axis. Land cm. Land Tellurocracy Gr. "Power through the earth"
or "land power". Feature with the express powers of the land's geopolitical orientation. See.
Eurasia, Heartland, ideocracy.

Thalassocracy Gr. "Through the power of the sea" or "sea power". Characteristics of
states and nations with maritime dominance.
Tokyo natural strategic capital of the Pacific area.

trading operation the type of society in which hierarchy and stimulation of labor based on
economic principles. The market, Liberal Democrat system.
opposed ideocracy. Third World the common name of the underdeveloped countries
belonging mainly

geopolitical regions Cesky South.

Turan the north-eastern region of the Eurasian continent, the Eurasian steppes.

Latitudinal integration ( integration of parallels) the most vulnerable and difficult time
bonding controlled the center of geopolitical spaces. It should be the most peaceful and
diplomatic means. It based on the gradual joining of dissimilar regions to the central portion
through the spatial hierarchy of the most loyal sectors of the center.
Latitudinal expansion ( expansion of parallels) aggressive geopolitical trend invariably
generates conflicts, geopolitical strategy of an offensive nature. Almost always fraught with
military conflicts. It is carried out only after the meridian expansion.
environmental policy Kallen term. Consideration of the state as an economic power. Wide
application not received.
Efirokratiya Gr. "Power through nadatmosfernyh seams." Domination of space weapons.
Development and thalassocratic aerokraticheskih trends.
South in the sacred geography of disorder regions, mixing and degradation. In modern
geopolitics Third World, the underdeveloped countries, where there is no firmly established
liberal democratic principles.
Heartland Eng. "Heartland"; cm. Geographical Pivot of History. Mackinder's term.
Hinterland it. "Back ground". Territory stretching inland from the shorelines. Term
characteristic thalassocratic analyzing space.
Jus Publicum Europeum Lat. "Common European law." Historical set of legal Law Code,
regulating the interstate relations in Europe.

Jus Publicum Euroasiaticum Lat. "Common Eurasian Law". The project of international
law, which would regulate relations between the Eurasian countries and peoples on the basis of
the recognition of continental priority tellurocratic

Lenaland Eng. "Land adjacent to the basin of the Lena River." Mackinder's term. It refers
to all the North Eurasian area lying to the east of the Yenisei River up to the Pacific coast. In his
later works Mackinder paid special attention to this area, considering that these lands do not
belong to tellurocratic .

but thalassocratic zones of influence.

Linkage Kissinger term. Atlanticist strategy connection diskontinualnogo belt Eurasia in solid
territory, controlled by the West.
Mitteleuropa it. the same thing Middle Europe. One World mondialist concept of One
World. Cm.
And the End of History.
Pax Americana Lat. "American Peace". Same as Atlanticism. Pax Euroasiatica Lat. "The
world's Eurasian".
Same as Eurasianism. Pax Persica Lat. "Peace in Persian." Project geopolitical
reorganization of Central Asia,
the space under the auspices of Iran in alliance with Russia.
Rimland Eng. "Coastal land"; cm. "Inner crescent." Mackinder's term.

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