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Garza 1

Lisa Garza

Professor Powers

English 1301

8 February 2022

Essay #1

We have been learning how to analyze communities, situations and genres so far in this

course. In a discourse community people have a common goal and discuss it amongst each other.

The discourse community that I will be analyzing in this paper is the United States Constitution,

I will be revealing the exigency, the audience, the constraints and the rhetors and diving deep

into the genre of the Constitution. The United States Constitution holds a lot of power to U.S.

citizens as it protects us with our rights.

The purpose of the United States Constitution is to provide fundamental laws, showing

the basic laws that are allowed in the United States and what you have rights to. This document

is very important because it makes sure that every citizen is seen as equal, it establishes justice as

well as provides a better union to everyone in the United States. The constitution makes an

administration that places the power in the possession of individuals. In total there are 27

constitutional amendments and each one of these provides United States citizens with protection.

These amendments range from freedom of speech, the right to vote, women's rights and much

more. Without these amendments our union would be segregated and our regulations, legislative

issues, culture, beliefs and individuals lives would be changed. A great deal would be different if

we did not have this document. The course of history would be significantly different if this

document did not exist. Meaning that society would not be how it currently is in today's times.
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What can be said of this document is that it is a huge part of the daily lives of our fellow

citizens. The constitution is to every U.S. citizen in the United States regardless of your social or

professional status, meaning that a homeless man has the same rights as a wealthy man. The

founding fathers produced this document to establish justice through the separation of powers

which are the the judicial, legislative and executive branches of government. These branches of

government unite to make the nation run as expected and to guarantee that the freedoms of

residents are not disregarded or refused. Before the Constitution was made our country was still

under the rule of King George, moreover this meant that we had no strong central government

and each state represented themselves as a country of their own. The constitution unified all

states which they all benefited from as it allowed for the countries to be stronger together.

The Constitution is organized in three parts. The first part being the preamble which says

what the purpose of the constitution is. The second part is the 7 articles which states how the

government is organized and how to change the constitution. The third part is the amendments

which state the basic laws. The Constitution is written in a more noble style, that is to say, it is

composed as an establishing, overseeing record, and talks about privileges and cutoff points

rather than allegations. The tone of the actual report is non explosive, meaning that it will not

cause chaos to the people. Moreover, the tone and the way the constitution is organized work

together to show that it is dignified.

The constitution was written at the constitutional convention from May 17, 1787 to

September 17, 1787. It took about four months to get the constitution signed. In all 55 delegates

went to the Constitutional Convention but only 39 signed it. Alexander Hamilton initiated the

constitution while James Madison created the foundation of the document. Hamilton was a

politician and lawyer from New York. Madison was the fourth president of America. Both were
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also known as two of the founding fathers. The federalist and anti-federalist had different views

when the constitution was brought into play. Federalists believed that this expansion was not

required, on the grounds that they thought the Constitution as it stood just restricted government

authority and not individual. Anti- federalists on the other hand believed that the Constitution

gave the central government an excessive amount of strength, and without a Bill of Rights

individuals would be in danger of persecution.

In conclusion,After analyzing the constitution and the genre of the constitution I realized

that the concept of the constitution was a work of art ,and it involved many great minds to create

such a powerful document. This document has had so much authority for the past 233 years or

since 1787, it remains one of the most important documents in America because it is the longest

surviving document ever written. The exigency of the document is the purpose of the United

States constitution, the audience is United States citizens, the constraints are how the constitution

is organized and the rhetors are when and where the constitution took place.

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