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Scufita Rosie
-Scufita (Delia)= Little Hood
-Mama (Alina)
-Bunica (Mihai)
-Lupul (Andrei)
-Vanatorul (Sofia)

Scena 1:
“Mama o suna pe bunica”
M: Good morning mom! How are you doing?
B: (Tuseste si stanuta) Hello dear! I am not feeling very well.
M: My god! What happened to your voice?
B: Oh, I think I just caught a cold and I also have a fever. I feel so weak
that I can`t even bring myself to move a finger.
M: Poor you, but don`t worry. I will send Little Hood to bring you some
food and medicine.
B: That will make me so happy! It`s been so long since I saw her. I can`t
wait to spend some time with her!
M: Glad to hear. Now you need to stay in bed and rest. Little Hood will
pay you a visit later.
B: Fine, I will take a nap. Bye!

Scena 2:
“Mama o cheama pe Scufita in camera”
M: Little Hood!
SR: Yes mommy? How can I help you?
M: I just talked to your granny, and unfortunately she is feeling sick.
SR: Oh no, is her condition serious?
M: Not really, I am sure she will feel much better if she spends some
time with you. But I have a mission for you.
SR: What kind of mission?
“Mama ia cosuletul cu mancare si il da Scufitei”
M: Here you have a bread, a pie, a tea and a bottle of wine, also you
have in here some cold pills. You have to give this basket to your
grandmother. Do you think you can handle this task?
SR: Of course I can! She surely needs my help!
M: Ok, but remember to go straight to your granny`s house.
SR: Sure mom, I promise!
“Se imbratiseaza”
M: Take care sweetheart!
Scena 3:
“Scufita isi vede de treaba si merge la bunica, dar pe drum se intalneste
cu vanatorul”
V: Hello there! I think that I saw you before. You must be Little Hood,
SR: Hi. Yes that`s me!
V: I have to warn you that there is an evil wolf roaming the paths of this
forest. You need to be very cautious! It not safe for a girl like you to
walk alone in the forest.
SR: I am a strong girl, I can take care of myself.
V: I am very happy to hear this. Then I must let you continue your
journey. Be safe, kid!
SR: I will, thank you.

Scena 4:
“Scufita merge linistita, dar lupul se furiseaza, iar apoi incepe sa
vorbeasca cu ea”
L: Hello Little Hood!
SR: Hi Mister Wolf, how can I help you?
L: I was just wondering, what is a lovely girl like you doing alone in the
SR: I was on my way to my grandmother`s house. She is sick.
L: Oh, poor her. I suppose you are bringing her delicious food in that
basket, right?
SR: Yes, she will be very happy.
L: You know, I am very curious. Where does your grandmother live?
SR: She lives in the middle of the forest. Her house is located next to 3
huge trees. You can`t miss it.
L: That`s good to know.
SR: Wait a second, I think I have seen you before. Aren`t you the wolf
the hunter warned me about?
L: What?? No! You must be mistaking. Look, to prove you I am a good
wolf I will give you an advice.
SR: Really? What exactly?
L: Look around you, here are so many beautiful flowers. I am sure that
your granny would be delighted if you bring her a bouquet of flowers.
SR: You are right, I didn`t think about that. Now I`m going to pick her a
bouquet of flowers.
L: Very well, but unfortunately I have to go.
SR: Ok, bye!
Scena 5:
“Lupul se duce spre casa bunicii, si ciocane la usa acesteia”
B: Hello, who is there?
“Lupul isi subtiaza vocea”
L: It`s me, Little Hood. I came with a basket full of delicious food, just
for you.
B: Oh, I am so happy to hear your sweet voice. Come in, the door is
“Lupul intra peste bunica in casa si o mananca” (vedem noi cum facem
partea asta)

Scena 6:
“Scufita realizeaza ca a stat prea mult in poiana, asa ca se duce rapid
spre casa bunicii”
SR: I have to rush. I hope that granny didn`t get mad for making her
“Scufita ajunge la casa bunicii si ciocane la usa, dar in loc de bunica ii
raspunde lupul cu vocea schimbata”
L: Yes, who is there?
SR: It`s me granny, Little Hood. I came with a surprise.
L: How nice of you. Please come in. The door is open.
SR: Oh your voice sounds horrible. I think the cold has gotten worse.
L: Yes, I feel so sick. Come and set next to me.
SR: But granny, why are your arms so big?
L: To hug you better.
SR: But granny, why are your ears so big?
L: To hear you better.
SR: But why are your eyes so big?
L: To see you better, of course.
SR: But granny, why is your mouth so big?
L: So I can eat you better!
“Lupul o mananca pe Scufita” (Vedem cum facem si partea asta)
“Dupa ce lupul a mancat destul, se culca”

Scena 6 (Ultima scena)

“Vanatorul se plimba prin padure si se gandeste sa o viziteze pe bunica
ca sa vada daca Scufita a ajuns teafara la bunica”
V: I must visit the grandmother`s house. To be sure that Little Hood
arrived safe.
“Pana la urma, vanatorul ajunge la acasa bunicii”
V: My god, but how can a grandmother snore like that? And why is the
door open?
“Vanatorul intra in casa”
V: Wait, what is the wolf doing here?
“Se uita cu atentie si isi da seama ca lupul le-a mancat pe bunica si
V: First I have to save the girls, then I will pay the wolf a lesson.
“Vanatorul impusca burta lupului, de unde ies Scufita si bunica”
SR: Thank you so much for saving us!
B: Yes, we are grateful to you!
V: Oh please, that`s my job, but I think that we have somebody to deal
B: Let`s scare him!
“Vanatorul ii apasa usor varful nasului cu pusca, pentru a il trezi”
“Lupul se trezeste si se uita foarte surprins la vanator”
L: What`s happening?
V: What are you doing here? You really thought you`d get away with it.
L: I am sorry!
“Lupul fuge”
V: I think that wolf won`t bother us anymore.

The end

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