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GAGC Proposals 2022

Coalition Carousel: GAGC Coalition for Access and Equity’s Projects for Antiracism

The GAGC Coalition for Access and Equity began as a response to inequitable identification and
services of underserved students in Georgia.  The aim of the coalition is to create change
around systemic racism and its relationship to gifted minority students. This roundtable session
will highlight the three working groups (professional learning, policy and resources) and their
fourteen projects. Participants will hear about the projects, have opportunity to provide
feedback to the working groups and find ways to get involved.

Come Move with Us! Identifying, Understanding and Serving Kinesthetically Talented

Join this interactive session to understand how to serve kinesthetically talented students. Your
athletes, dancers, and movement-oriented students have particular strengths and abilities that
can be harnessed and used in the classroom. Participants will provided an overview of the
connection between kinesthetic ability, achievement and engagement in the classroom, how to
use tools such as Frasier’s TABs (Traits, Aptitudes and Behaviors) and Torrance’s T-CAM (Thinking
Creatively with Action and Movement), as well as strategies for supporting these
non-traditionally talented students.

Understanding the Use of Frasier’s Traits, Aptitudes and Behaviors (TABs) Instrument

This session is designed as a roundtable discussion to conduct a needs assessment with

educators who have utilized the Traits, Aptitudes and Behaviors Instrument in their schools and
districts. Feedback will be elicited from practitioners about the outcomes, challenges and
logistics of using the instrument in referral and programming implementation. This session will
inform the project underway with the GAGC Coalition for Access and Equity to build a digital
workspace to assist teachers, coordinators and administrators in understanding and using the
TABs instrument.

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