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The Sumerian sky god Anu is an allegory for the element

aether, being Enki’s father. Ea (hEAven and EArth) from

Sumeria literally means 'house of water.’ Ea was the
Babylonian God of wisdom and creation. He ruled from the
Abzu (freshwater of the abyss) Lucifer- Satan's signs are
Aquarius the water bearer and Capricorn the goat.
Poseidon holds a trident like Shiva’s trishul and is lord of
the water. The Egyptian god Ptah is Lucifer-Satan. Ptah
was later merged with the Demon Osiris/Oriax. Ptah was
the God of the underworld and creation, while Osiris was
the God of the underworld who granted life and
resurrection. Ptah-Osiris was the lord of the underworld
Du’at. Du’at is an afterlife similar to Valhalla of Norse
mythology. Ngai/Enkai is the African version of Enki.
-Avatar of Shiva holding the Avatar of Vishnu

"I am the King who magnifies Himself" -Satan

-Satanic pagan God
Prometheus at the
Illuminati family,
the Rockefellers,
be used to persecute pagans and Gnostics. Emperor
Constantine issued the Edict of Milan that mandated
religious tolerance because Christians were being killed.
The Jewish Rabbinate undoubtedly and undeniably worked
with the Catholic clerics. Hegelianism is how the Jews work
with communist and Christian nations to advance Zionist-
globalism. Greek scrolls ‘translated from Aramaic’ were
forged by Saul of Tarsus. The Bible isn’t tertiary-sourced.
Christian scholars academically rely on Saul’s work. The
Council of Nicaea scrapped the Gospel of Thomas for
mentioning reincarnation. People remember past lives and
there’s no denying it, but Christians have a closed feedback
loop, thinking it’s deceptive tactics of the Devil and,
furthermore; ‘only Jews hate Christ’ — and ‘(((I’m CIA)))’.
Christian academics are smug, thinking their archives are
comprehensive. All they did is index scrolls andbelieve.
Furthermore, Jew Saul of Tarsus (Apostle Paul) wrote the
New Testament and disseminated it. The Flavian Dynasty
(69-96 AD) was when Jews infiltrated Rome and the
Christian lie began to manifest. The Jews literally bought
the Roman Empire. The ‘Holy Trinity’ is perverted from
places like India, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Even archetypes
of the sun, moon and serpent is a trinity. essentially a
pagan trinity. The tale of Cain and Abel is stolen from Set
and Osiris, in which Osiris slays Set, as the ‘sun sets.’ The
lie is exacerbated – carnivorous Cain sacrificed vegetarian
Abel’s goats at the temple and didn’t give his best crops to
god at their harvest sacrifice. Also, that Cain’s mark wasn’t
leprosy, it was Jewish Genetics (belief in Nazi Germany).
Another one is that the ‘sons of Cain’ are the illuminati.
-Persian Mithras with the 12 zodiac signs
I don't know,
creepy though, CIA

-The Great Pyramids of Giza were aligned to the North Star and
perpendicular axis of the Sun, as well as the God's constellation
of Orion.
The Gods used the Giza Pyramids for rituals. Temples
and pyramids around the earth are all aligned in a grid
along electromagnetic ley lines by the Gods. These ley
lines could transmute negative energy from planetary
transits and could prevent the tumult of natural
disasters. Today, Abrahamic religious sites and
military bases are built on many of these power points.
Jewish JP Morgan denied necessary funding of the
genius psychic scientist Nicola Tesla. JP Morgan
funded General Electric which was a merger where
Edison (who hated Tesla) gained control, taking credit
for Tesla’s light bulb. Tesla’s life and career were
ruined as he basically lived and died alone. Tesla’s
laboratory was then burned down, so the Jewish elite
could stop his energy technology discovery that would
end reliance on lucrative petroleum and electricity.
Thomas Edison slandered Tesla, demonstrating how
‘dangerous’ plasma energy could kill animals by
zapping them. HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program) could be used to play god and act
out the apocalyptic weather control via geo-
engineering. HAARP can radiate the ionosphere giving
the Jewish elite the capability of project images or
motion pictures in the sky, such as faking Revelation
to deceive the masses with a ‘False Second Coming’,
such as a staged alien invasion. HAARP could project
the ’Second Coming’ with ‘Jesus Christ’ in the sky like
Tupac the rapper was projected on stage years after
the was assassinated. This would serve propaganda for
their prospect Jewish ‘Messiah’ and dystopian New
World Order.

Microscopic metallic particulates and aerosols are

emitted from government airplanes in chemtrails to
Paradise Lost is pre-Romantic Era, from 1667 CE.
Lucifer the Light-Bearer brought on the pagan
Enlightenment (period). The Jews keep mainstream
science in the dark, though they seek the answers
themselves. Their gods can’t provide those which they
seek because the pagan Gods are more advanced and
have procured our legacy, while cementing theirs. The
Vatican has been the vehicle for this suppression of
knowledge. The Jewish Rockefeller family aided in
funding CERN, and countries, such as India, are
leading in this research and development. There was a
human sacrifice at Geneva, fooling feeble-minded
Christians. Demonic’ Shiva inside CERN scares gullible
Christians who aren’t completely delusional (resolved)
in their dogma. They are dabbling with the fabric of
reality; not wise.
Lucifer-Satan told Reichsführer; HPS MaxineDietrich
that the way quantum physics is being approached is
totally wrong.
Rothchild Inc. launders money via nations warring.
Bieber is a kike
secret, as they sent stores of grain to Moscow and built their
military for their second war with Germany. Russian Gentiles
were indoctrinated to a fault that capitalism created a
concentration of wealth. The Zionist controlled U.S. was
recovering from the Great Depression and willingly aided and
abetted the Soviet famine, quelling the truth from surfacing in
the media, while investing in the Soviet economy that
condemned capitalism. Socialist/communist ideology has led to
over 100 million deaths. Bolshevik Gulag concentration camps
in Siberia and Kolyma (East Russia) were used to intern and
systematically work these poor people to death. These Gentiles
were tortured beyond belief. The Zionist USSR even persecuted
some Jews for show to. Lenin was too gradualist for Stalin. The
Elders of Zion had him killed and promoted their crypto-Jewish
thug Stalin (apparently, Dzhugashvili, a Georgian surname,
means 'son of a Jew'). Karl Marx, the Bolshevik philosopher
and his revolutionary successor Vladimir Lenin were Jews.
Communism is defined as a form of government inspired by
Jew Karl Marx, that advocates class war that leads to a society
in which all property is publicly owned, while each individual
works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Fascist
left-wing corporations want class warfare disguised as race
warfare because it removes the middle class. This doesn’t help
the poor become empowered. Communism claims equality but
becomes plutocratic left-wing totalitarianism with universal
basic income and no inheritance. The rich keep their money and
become a tyrannical dictatorial plutocratic- oligarchy.
Kleptocrats privatizes profit while nationalizing risk and their
corporate cronies manufacture inimical neo- Marxist ‘woke’
advertising. Socialism dictates individuals can't own land and
the state owns means of production, distribution and exchange.
Life-quality depleting socialism gears society towards
It's irrelevant weather the U.S. has bioweapons labs in
Ukraine that were reused from the Soviet Era, which controlled
opposition Putin destroyed for the globalists. The Bidens and
other corrupt politicians were laundering money through
Burisma (holdings company). Russia invading Ukraine serves
as a distraction from this situation being exposed with Hunter
Biden’s laptop scandal. Furthermore, the (((Illuminati))) needs
to initiate the next phase of the Great Reset now that Covid-19
has done its job by destabilizing society. This war is a
distraction from the fact that the globalists are stealing all our
money, jacking inflation, as well to disrupt grain and fertilizer
production and sales, which Ukraine has a leading role in.
Russia and Ukraine account for just over a quarter of the
world’s wheat production. Food shortages will be the new
normal. The riots from this will be bad, and now the Jews have
a villain, Russia, to blame for the coming cyber-attack on the
U.S. homeland and economic collapse. Failing to start World
War Three in Syria means Revelation never happens and an
alternate outcome. Russia has set the Ruble (currency) back to
the gold standard, which likely makes other nations go to that
over the grossly inflated U.S. dollar. All it would take is a cyber-
attack to crash the system (and internet) so the Jews can
create lawlessness and mayhem. This is how they plan to cause
martial law. Hold up on the Trump 2024 because we're past the
point of no return with capitalism. Putin isn't Christian, he
brutally kills them for his communist ideating federation.
Vladimir Putin's mother's surname was Shelomova,
from Shelomovitch. Putin plays into the communist
controlled opposition side of globalism, so he may
seem opposed to big banks, but Russia not having a
centralized international bank is just decentralization.
The Russia-Ukraine war plays into the communist
Great Reset. Codex Illumitarius is the United Nations'
World Health Organization commission to destroy the
natural food industry, as well as cause a global mass-
starvation genocide to eliminate up to three billion
people. Jew Henry Kissinger conceived this plan 1974.
These are the same people who tried to outlaw organic
seeds via Jewish Mon$anto corporation. A cyber-attack
is likely part of this plan or will work in tandem with it
for the Great Reset. This is how communism has
always been. Furthermore, The Global Economic
Security and Reform Act, 'GESARA/NESARA (national)
blockchain the QAnon quackery is a UBI income fund
set up by 'St. Germain,' commonly known as Jew
Simon Wolff. QAnon is for Trump supporters ideating a
global militarized police-state under some 'fascist'
Trump regime. Blockchain would be on a gold
standard, but people would likely need RFID for it, if
not some new vaccine. A new breed of pro-American
politicians has come alive because of the awakening.
Don't buy the Area 51 disclosure and secret killings
and cloning of celebrities, as it's almost certainly
QAnon. Sonic healing machines and anti-gravity are
technologies which exist, but CIA-created QAnon spins
it to obscure Christian nationalists’ future perception.
Rainbow currency blockchain-driven accounting would
appeal to the gullible masses for holding those in
JewAnon disinfo post on the January 6th inauguration

-He's both a friend

of Epstein and a
Trump fought in
court in 2012 for
the 33rd Degree
Freemason coat
of arms for his
golf brand,
millions. Scottish
Rite Freemasonry
is at the head of
the order.
Jewish George Soros (originality Schultz) funds anti-
white sentiment via the media and Cultural Marxist
movements (organizations) like Black Lives Matter.
Jewish and white politicians are enriched by this, not
ghettos. Democrats think that the corporate kingpin
Koch Industries is nihilistic, which is true; however,
but so Elder of Zion kike George Soros. There’s no
legitimate solution with capitalism and democracy.
Koch Industries funds the cages at the US-Mexico
border that were ordered by Obama. The illegal
immigrant parents ‘dreamers’ who bring their kids
there are at fault for objectively poor judgment —
ideology aside, not the border security agency ICE and
Koch Industries. Mass illegal immigration is allowed by
the Jewish elite to destabilize the U.S. and Europe
with’ open borders, causing an inordinate swarm of
immigration to crash economies, with welfare and
jobs. This segregation law in the South was to keep
wanted to keep blacks on the ‘democratic plantation’
via the Affordable Housing Act of 1968, ensuring
Democrat-votes. That’s systemic-racism, acting as if
brown people are too dumb to apply for ID; that’s
racist. Voter ID needs to be implemented to combat
mail-in ballots. It’s a travesty that illegal immigrants
are considered eligible to vote. The neo-pagan Nazi
Party eliminated parliament and ruled with under the
will of Lucifer-Satan. Observe what happens when
salaries are awarded to the U.S. Congress because of
legislation that they themselves passed. ‘The U.S.
government is brought to you by its proud sponsor,
Rothschild Inc...’ His Eminence, Führer Adolf Hitler,
ordered all Christian influenced art to be confiscated
and Jewish influenced books to be burned. Nazism
innocuously dictates that the system of class strata is
replaced by race (essentially more socialist). Fascism
exalts nation and often race above the individual.
Fascism has a centralized autocratic government
headed by a dictator, severe economic and social
regimentation, and forcibly suppresses opposition.
Capitalism is defined as an economic and political
system in which trade and industry of a country are
controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by
the state. State capitalism differs from socialism in
that it is geared to maximize profit. Socialism gives the
illusion of distribution of wealth, but high ranking
government officials aren’t forced to pay taxes, which
creates a plutocracy. Entrepreneurship has created
more well over decades, so the top one-percent owing
99 percent of wealth is misleading. The socialist state
becomes a monopoly of centralized power. Jewish
usury is excessively high-interest rates, which Jews
can implement in capitalism, to an extent. This occurs
with subprime borrowers (having less than ideal
credit), as well as with monetary policy. The Jews have
attempted to increase interest rates via the Federal
Reserve to crash Trump’s pre-coronavirus economy.
Hiking rates creates interest (usury because it was
done too fast) to the inflated dollar. With inflation,
money is then worth less value and is more affordable,
which incentivizes investment. Taxing inflation with
interest rates compromises monetary value and cash
flow. The velocity of money is the amount of time
when between when transactions occur. The low
velocity of money compensates for low inflation
beneficially. Inflation causes GDP to increase because
people are more willing to spend if money is becoming
less valuable. Outsourced labor increases GDP and
hurts the middle class. When velocity of money
outgrows GDP, prices soar for the middle class and
corporations get bailouts from the government such as
money grants and tax breaks. It’s a burnout, vicious
cycle and downward spiral. Democrats attempt to tax
the U.S. out of the recession. Increasing monetary
inflation via quantitative easing — Keynesian ‘trickle-
down’ macroeconomic hypothesis, doesn’t work when
a country is in debt. Hyperinflation is a situation where
money becomes worth exponentially less literally
overnight. The Torah dictates that Jews aren't allowed
to charge usury rates to other Jews, but only to
Gentiles. State-owned banking is done in classical
federalism. Capitalism is essentially Torah applied to
economics. Capitalism is neo-feudalism. Capitalism
consists of private corporate parties that compete.
Failed capitalism is corporatocracy (technically not
fascism). A corporatocracy is big-business that
controls government. Shareholders are enriched in
corporatocracy. Jews and corporations find loopholes
in the law to exploit. Corporatocracy is when a
corporation needs more workers, so they lobby the
government and are granted money, as they then
destroy healthy competition in the market.
Corporatocracy has dictatorial wage slavery.
McDonald’s lobbies for low wages so their workers will
have to buy their poisonous food. Disney helped
market McDonald’s to children. They had their
abandoned Anaheim waterpark poisoned for
trespassers where ‘goyim civilians’ sometimes swam.
The six conglomerates that have transformed
America from a sovereign nation into the likes of a
corporation are News Corp, Comcast, Sony, Disney,
Time Warner, National amusements. Cultural Marxism
invalidates diversity by making it about culture and
skin color, but there’s a genetic component. Cultural
Marxism assimilates everyone into groups, which
causes individuals to assume unlimited liability based
on their group placement, such as whites. This sets a
precedent on a false pretext because the most
oppressed is the nonconformist. Technocracy is of the
intelligencia (specialists). Authoritarianism precedes
totalitarianism. The political spectrum goes full circle
(3-D), creating like, a prismatic cone. Technocracy is a
group of experts that run the government. Fascism
meets socialism in the private sector and, where neo-
Marxist/Leninist ideological subversion is
implemented. Corporatist crony-capitalists want
socialism, corporate welfare, to maintain their vast
wealth without competition. For example,
multinational oligopolistic corporations push identity
politics to the max, such as Pepsi Inc. funding Antifa
riots. Corporations fear the globalist-Zionist ‘deep-
state’. This prison is the likely the best rationalization
of pinpointing complex and particular political science,
and abide.

The political right commonly refers to the political

left as ‘left-wing fascism’. Elitism is top-down and
pluralism is bottom-up; however, agencies and
corporations make trade-offs, as pluralism is the game
elite oligopolies play. The government subsidizes
and agencies. Technocratic Democrats have a directive
to enlarge government and are paid off. The political
left turns to big government to fix things, but the
oversized Democrats government does the opposite.
Democrats are objectively incapable of foresight of
consequences. Karl Marx’s criticism of capitalism gave
globalist-Zionists the information necessary to crash
the system. The Jews enslave with debt. Big cities are
generally more Democratic/liberal because there is
more demand for regulation. The bigger the
government, the more influence and control over the
mass-populace of the word it has. This means more
taxation and in a free market, more regulations are
generally negative. Corporations monopolizing
competition, like Amazon (which pays too little taxes)
and Starbucks — hurt small businesses and undermine
the ideal of free-market capitalism. Capitalism
underfunds innovation, even though it relies on it to
work. This is a factor in the inevitable failing of a free
market society. Sales tax funds education in many
states, so online commerce is not taxed, and this
lowers education standards. Corporate oligopolies are
one with their political lobbyists, that aren’t taxed.
Citizens United (act against corporate lobbyist
electioneering) was lifted by the Supreme Court,
favoring the Federal Election Commission.
Corporations are private entities, like individuals —
and can fund lobbies with no limit. Grandiose Edward
Mandell House manipulated Woodrow Wilson to allow
the Fed to become the second private entity in 1913,
after the District of Columbia — before the free
enterprise of the corporation. The New World Order
psyop is operated via the Freemasonic global
construct, established after Jews infiltrated the Gentile
secret-society. The District of Columbia Act of 1871via
Congress was the drafting of a secret constitution.
Originating in England, meaning banking wars
overtook shipping and postal (timeline) wars. When
someone is born, they’re like a product that’s docked
on a harbor (hospital) and are technically a ward of
the state until the birth certificate, a commercial
instrument, is signed. This allows for the issuing of a
social security number like a barcode for a vessel or
cargo. This means one is subject to the ‘state of
affairs’ and are represented with a strawman account,
not only by the federal government, subservient to the
Rothschild-managed Vatican. The District of Columbia
estimates how many taxes a child will make in their
life, issue the birth certificate on the capital market,
and make income from it. The courts don’t recognize
someone as a citizen, but rather as chattel (property).
In this instance, the two pillars of Freemasonry, Jachin
and Boaz, represent laws of land (common/
constitutional) and sea (maritime/ admiralty). The
king of Great Britain has always run the monarchial,
tyrannical system that is enforced through the courts.
The British Royal Family is crypto-Jewish because of
Prince William. The King of England has always been
the Postmaster General of the world. Freemasons build
governments and are a massive network who all help
each other out. Like Great Britain, countries have
strategic-metals contract where they can print and
mint (coinage) currency, but the Fed does it for
America. Banking systems are based on trading
commodities, like oil. In When the 13 Colonies were
founded, the Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin Postal
Office (postal court) was disabled from trade by the
King of Great Britain after the American Revolution, as
all wars vacate this kind of contract. After the war, this
office couldn’t be re-opened for commerce because
America owed 6.1 million Franks to the French for
aiding them against Great Britain. Also, Spain wanted
to step in as Postmaster General, stating that they
found America first via Christopher Columbus;
however, France argued it wouldn’t exist without
them, so — the Crown still laid claim to the American
people and its trade and commerce. America wanted
into the global financial market against the will of the
Crown. America based its monetary system on the
land, so it never fluctuates in worth, although the
Rothschild Dynasty raised/ lowered the price of gold
and silver in relation to their assets. The Rothschilds
then attacked the Crown and lowered the price of gold,
so America bought it up. America couldn’t create
currency, so it had to borrow from the Rothschilds with
interest (Usury), as the 1929 stock market collapse
ended the Second International Bankruptcy. The
Rothschilds offer three chances to pay off the debt and
America failed, so the Crown bought America’s debt
from the Rothschilds, having their strategic-metals
plan hustled by Jews. Then, the U.S. Constitution was
drafted about how the Crown was going to interact
with the American colonies based on international
trade and commerce. This was seen by Patrick Henry
and the colonials as such an insidious act that they
created the Bill of Rights, preventing the Machiavellian
Crown’s federal government moves against negative
rights. Many presidents who were Freemasons, such as
Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Raegan, spoke out against
the New World Order (as purely controlled opposition).
In the event horizon year of 1999 of the Third
International Bankruptcy, this contract between the
U.S. and the Crown expired (Bankruptcy Reform Act of
2000) where the U.S. Constitution was technically null
and void. America was no longer bankrupt and owned
by Great Britain, so there was no more need for a
trustee, the executive (president). The U.S. system of
government should have been recreated, but elections
continued, Congress and the courts weren’t shut down,
and no one was fired. The CIA was instituted as a ‘five-
star’ trust, so the Executive Branch no longer had to go
through Congress for money, as they could now
launder money via illicit activities, like with drugs. This
is known as Operation Studebaker and Operation Clean
Room. The CIA has far more than trillions of dollars in
the Sustainable Development Fund, which is really
owned by the Jesuits at Vatican City. The Rothschilds
have acquired most Vatican funds into modernity. The
CIA set up 9/11 to create the Messianic War.

[Queen Elizabeth II with Lord

Jacob Rothschild, king of the

Big Tech and social media giants are exempt from

U.S. Federal Law in ways the government and citizens
aren’t. Silicon Valley, in California, runs on algorithms
created by Unit 8200 of the Israeli military. These
Jewish militants are then employed in Silicon Valley,
along with robot Democrats, who were rightfully
Some CIA Jew was on Fox News on election night,
stating that Arizona was already projected for Biden.
This was an obviously psyop. As if this Mossad agent
was an integral asset to the ballot counting process.
Nearly 1,500 million mail-in ballots were lost in 2020.

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