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If I were working in the art industry, the role that I wish to play is being an Art dealer.

choose this role because I think it would be a fit for me, it works for my skills and it is related to
my course also. As an Accounting student, I have learned how to deal with others which
involves negotiating prices and delivery, researching a new trend that attracts buyers, making
sales, and finances. Those are the skill that is looking for an art dealer. This role is like putting
artwork into a business and I love being involved in the business and I think making art as a
business is a good idea, I love the idea of gaining profit while supporting others. The Art dealer
is a role that I will apply my passion for business while supporting and helping artists to promote
their arts.

If I were working in the art industry, the role that I wish to play is being an Art dealer. I choose
this role because I think it would be a fit for me, it works for my skills and it is related to my
course also. As an Accounting student, I have learned how to deal with others which involves
negotiating prices and delivery, researching a new trend that attracts buyers, making sales, and
finances. Those are the skill that is looking for an art dealer. 

This role is like putting artwork into a business and I love being involved in the business
and I think making art as a business is a good idea, It is like gaining profit while helping artist
nurturing their careers, generate exposure, and establish his/her reputation. I love the idea of
gaining profit while supporting others. The Art dealer is a role that I will apply my passion for
business while supporting and helping artists to promote their arts.

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