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A tissue is a group of cells that have a similar shape and function.  Different types of
tissues can be found in different organs.  In humans, there are four basic types of tissue: 
epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissue.  There may be various sub-tissues
within each of the primary tissues.  

Epithelial tissue covers the body surface and forms the lining for most internal cavities. 
The major function of epithelial tissue includes protection, secretion, absorption, and
filtration.  The skin is an organ made up of epithelial tissue which protects the body from
dirt, dust, bacteria and other microbes that may be harmful.   Cells of the epithelial tissue
have different shapes as shown on the student's worksheet.  Cells can be thin, flat to cubic
to elongated.  

Connective tissue is the most abundant and the most widely distributed of the tissues. 
Connective tissues perform a variety of functions including support and protection.  The
following tissues are found in the human body, ordinary loose connective tissue, fat
tissue, dense fibrous tissue, cartilage, bone, blood, and lymph, which are all considered
connective tissue.  

There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.  Skeletal muscle
is a voluntary type of muscle tissue that is used in the contraction of skeletal parts. 
Smooth muscle is found in the walls of internal organs and blood vessels.  It is an
involuntary type.  The cardiac muscle is found only in the walls of the heart and is
involuntary in nature. 

Nerve tissue is composed of specialized cells which not only receive stimuli but also
conduct impulses to and from all parts of the body.  Nerve cells or neurons are long and

In tissues the simplest combination is called a membrane, or a sheet of tissues which

cover or line the body surface or divide organs into parts.  Examples include the mucous
membrane which lines body cavities.  Tissues combine to form organs.  An organ is a
part of the body which performs a definite function.  The final units of organization in the
body are called systems.  A system is a group of organs each of which contributes its
share to the function of the body as a whole.

The difference between connective tissue and muscle tissue is:
 A. Muscle tissue enables muscle contraction.
 B.Connective tissue enables movement.
 C.Connective tissue holds the body together.

The difference between nervous tissue and epithelial tissue is:

 A.Nervous tissue conducts neurons.
 B.Epithelial tissue protects from bacteria.
 C.Nervous tissue creates muscular tension.

This tissue protects and lines the inner organs:

 A.Muscle
 B. Epithelial
 C. Connective

 A. Mucus sectreting cells
 B. Fat storage tissue
 C. Describes tissues having many layers

Skeleton muscle
 A. Striated; involuntary; intercalated discs
 B. Striated ("striped"); voluntary
 C. Non striated; voluntary

The Tissue that lines and covers the body is ________.

 A. Epithelial
 B. Connective
 C. Nervous
 D. Muscle

Which type of connective tissue connects muscles to the bone?

 A. Dense
 B. Blood
 C. Adipose
 D. Cartilage

Tissue that transmits electrical signals (impulses)

 A. Connective
 B. Epithelial

 C. Muscle

 D. Nervous

(external tooth anatomy)
is the visible part of the tooth,
above the gums. 

is the part of the tooth under the gums
and inside the alveolar bone
that keeps the tooth in place.

is the area between the tooth crown
and the root. 
Internal tooth anatomy Structure and function of
and tooth structure periodontium
TOOTH ENAMEL, is the hardest of the parts PERIODONTIUM  is the supporting structure
of the tooth and also the hardest of all the of a tooth. Periodontium is the complex of soft
tissues of human body. Tooth enamel is a and hard tissues that surround the tooth, keep
protective tooth structure that covers the it in place, feed and protect it.
exposed part of a tooth, the crown. 
GUMS , the tough pink-colored tissue that
DENTIN or IVORY, is the tissue below the covers the bone of the jaw and supports the
tooth enamel that forms the main mass of a tooth structure inside the alveolar bone.
tooth. It supports the tooth enamel and absorbs
the pressure of eating. The dentine consists of PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT , the tissue
a number of micro-fibers imbedded in a dense between the cementum and the alveolar
homogeneous matrix of collagenous proteins.  bone. It consists of tough little elastic fibers
that keep the tooth attached to the jaw.
DENTAL PULP , a soft connective tissue
containing nerves and blood vessels, that ALVEOLAR BONE , the bone of the jaw
nourish the tooth. It is the most internal that keeps the tooth in its place, it feeds and
structure of a tooth, surrounded by the dentine. protects it.
Dental pulp is found in the soft center of the
tooth, inside the pulp chamber and the root
canal. The internal tooth structure is common in all
types of teeth, but the external teeth parts
CEMENTUM , is the part of tooth anatomy morphology (shape of tooth crown, number
that covers the dentine outside of the root and shape of roots) differs significantly
(under the gum line) and it is attached to the between different teeth types.  
bone of the jaw with little elastic fibers.
Cementum is hard as bone but not as hard as
the tooth enamel. 


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