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Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100

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Interlaminar shear fatigue behavior of glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy

Andrew Makeev
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work addresses a strong need in accurate fatigue properties of glass- and carbon-fiber reinforced
Received 29 December 2012 polymer–matrix composites. In particular, interlaminar shear fatigue properties of glass/epoxy and car-
Received in revised form 18 February 2013 bon/epoxy composite tape material systems used in aircraft fatigue-critical applications are needed. The
Accepted 13 March 2013
interlaminar shear fatigue material properties, essential for the development of the analysis methods able
Available online 21 March 2013
to capture fatigue delamination failure onset in composite structures, are presented in this work. S–N
curves are generated based on custom short-beam shear (SBS) fatigue tests. The custom SBS test config-
urations ensure a consistent interlaminar shear failure mode. This work extends the recently developed
A. Polymer–matrix composites
B. Fatigue
methodology, published in Composites Science and Technology to characterize nonlinear shear proper-
B. Delamination ties of composite materials using digital image correlation (DIC) and finite element analysis, to fatigue
D. Life prediction loading. Test data sets used to develop the fatigue properties, include approximately 20 glass/epoxy
and 30 carbon/epoxy SBS coupons. All tests were run in load control at 0.1 load ratio. To better under-
stand material behavior under cyclic loading, surface shear strain was monitored using the DIC technique.
Accurate shear stress approximation resulted in similar S–N curve shapes for the glass-fiber and the car-
bon-fiber composites.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is required in the public domain. As composite materials could ex-

hibit complex failure phenomena including multiple failure modes
The ability to predict failure of composite structures under cyc- and their interactions, appropriate consistent failure modes in the
lic loads is one of the major challenges in the aerospace engineer- fatigue test configurations are critical for measurement of specific
ing community for both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft basic material properties. And test results must reflect true mate-
applications. In particular, helicopter rotor systems are subject to rial characteristics and not just coupon behavior.
extreme fatigue environments. Fatigue capability is a limiting fac- Following numerous requests from the engineering community,
tor for high-cycle components found in the helicopter dynamic to expand the methodology for characterization of nonlinear shear
systems [1]. properties for composite materials using digital image correlation
Glass-fiber and carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy-matrix tape com- and finite element analysis, recently published in Composites Sci-
posites are frequently used in the design of helicopter rotor sys- ence and Technology [6], this work develops interlaminar shear fa-
tems. Typical examples of the fatigue-critical primary composite tigue properties representative of glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy
structures include main rotor blade spars and yokes in commercial tape material systems. In particular, Cytec E-Glass/5216-Epoxy
and military helicopters [2]. Primary failure mechanism for such and Hexcel IM7-Carbon/8552-Epoxy prepreg tape composites
structures is delamination. A major barrier to accurate fatigue life [7,8] used in rotorcraft applications, are studied. Interlaminar shear
prediction for composites has been the lack of material properties S–N curves [1] for such materials are generated based on custom
that could be used as a basis for the development of the failure cri- short-beam shear (SBS) fatigue tests. The custom test configura-
teria [3–5]. As fatigue tests are expensive and time-consuming, tions [6,9,10] ensure consistent interlaminar shear failure mode
companies which own such data often keep them proprietary, in the unidirectional SBS coupons. To better understand material
and there is a significant lack of quality data on this subject avail- behavior under cyclic loading, surface shear strain was monitored
able in the open literature. To accelerate the development of rigor- using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. Periodic
ous fatigue life prediction methods for composite structures, images taken throughout the fatigue history also ensured accurate
accurate characterization of the material fatigue failure behavior number of cycles to failure in the SBS tests. The failure was defined
as the onset of visually detectable delamination.
Test data presented in this work are essential for the develop-
E-mail address: ment of the analysis methods able to capture fatigue delamination

0266-3538/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
94 A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100

failure phenomena in composite aircraft structures. In particular, that W  T was also acceptable. The square cross-section is conve-
References [3,5] presented a comprehensive structural analysis nient as the SBS test coupons could be machined in the 0° and 90°
methodology to capture matrix-dominated failure modes and their directions from a single unidirectional panel and loaded in the 1–2
interaction in composites, and predict initiation and progression of (in-ply), 1–3 (interlaminar) and 2–3 principal material planes to
structural damage under cyclic loads, without a priori assumptions characterize 3D constitutive relations for composite materials
of the initial damage or the damage path. The methodology is [10]. The fiber direction is denoted as 1 (0°); the in-ply transverse
based on 3D solid finite element models (FEMs) that simulate the direction as 2 (90°); and the laminate thickness direction as 3
initiation and progression of structural damage to detectable size. (interlaminar material direction.)
Stress-based and fracture-based criteria are used to predict initia- Guidance to assessment of fatigue properties for composite
tion of ply-cracks and delaminations as well as their progression materials, available in public domain, is limited [1,12]. As listed
[3,5]. The failure criteria relied upon matrix-dominated shear and in Ref. [1]: fatigue testing is performed by cyclic loading of a test
tensile S–N curves to predict the onset of the fatigue damage specimen below static failure load to determine time or number
growth [3,5] in composite structures. of cycles to failure. The loading is often characterized by the ratio
This work expands results of Ref. [6] which developed a SBS of the minimum to maximum load, for example, R = 0.1. A series
based method for assessment of interlaminar shear material prop- of tests are usually conducted at a loading frequency chosen to
erties for composites under quasi-static loads, to fatigue loading. be low enough to avoid heating of the specimen. This heating
The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique for full-field mea- can lead to thermally-induced failure. Load is cycled between se-
surement of surface deformation was successfully coupled with lected values until failure, and maximum load or some other indi-
three-dimensional finite element stress analysis to develop the cation of load intensity is plotted against the log of the number of
nonlinear interlaminar shear stress–strain curve for a 350°F cured cycles to failure. Multiple tests are performed and the plot of the
IM7-Carbon/8552-Epoxy tape composite. results of these tests is referred to as an S–N curve.
DIC was also utilized in Refs. [9,10] to generate the nonlinear It is also worth noting that Ref. [13] evaluated the ASTM stan-
interlaminar shear stress–strain relations based on SBS tests of dard [11] SBS test configuration to generate interlaminar shear
250°F cured glass/epoxy tape composites. Full-field deformation S–N curves for carbon/epoxy. Consistent with Ref. [10], Ref. [13]
measurements overcame the conventional strain gage limitations also reported matrix cracks in unidirectional carbon/epoxy tape
in the SBS tests and proved the validity of simple stress models coupons under the ASTM standard 0.25-in diameter loading nose
to characterize the shear stress–strain curves. While a finite ele- [11], causing the subsequent delamination shift from shear to
ment-based shear stress model was used to generate accurate non- mixed-mode failure closer to the loading nose. Therefore, the
linear portion of the shear stress/strain curve for the carbon/epoxy author believes the ASTM standard SBS test setup is not adequate
composite up to the material failure [6], a simple closed-form for the development of appropriate interlaminar shear fatigue
stress approximation was acceptable for the glass/epoxy material properties for carbon-fiber material systems. In this work, the
systems [9,10]. loading nose diameter in the unidirectional IM7-Carbon/8552-
It is worth noting that before Ref. [9], use of the SBS test method Epoxy tape SBS tests was increased compared to the ASTM stan-
for the development of design allowables for structural design cri- dard [11] to eliminate compressive damage under the loading nose
teria for composites was discouraged in the literature due to com- before shear delamination failure. Fig. 1 shows an example of the
plexity of stress distribution not being reflected in the simple beam modified ASTM standard SBS test fixture with a 2-in diameter load-
equation for peak shear stress. According to Ref. [11], instrumenta- ing nose. However, no increase of the ASTM standard loading nose
tion of SBS test coupons was not practical; therefore shear modulus diameter was required for more compliant unidirectional E-Glass/
and stress–strain data could not be obtained using conventional 5216-Epoxy SBS coupons to exhibit shear delamination.
strain gages. Indeed, a conventional strain gage suitable for a SBS
test must be very narrow to minimize the effect of the strong gra- 2. Stress approximation
dient of the strain in the coupon thickness direction. Also, the
strain gage must be perfectly placed along the neutral axis corre- In the development of techniques to measure accurate stress–
sponding to the maximum absolute value of the shear strain strain curves in composite materials with strong anisotropy and
throughout the coupon thickness. However, the location of the complexity of the stress–strain constitutive relations, the ability
neutral axis might be unknown prior to the test. One reason for a to eliminate the need in ad hoc assumptions regarding formulation
shift of the neutral axis could be the difference in the axial tensile of the nonlinear constitutive models is desired. If stress calculation
and compressive moduli, which is the case for unidirectional car- is independent of the deformation measurement, such ad hoc
bon/epoxy tape systems [10]. Another deficiency of the strain assumptions are not needed.
gages is their inability to capture the effect of the out-of-plane dis- The stress state in a unidirectional SBS specimen is complex.
placement on the in-plane strain tensor components during finite Stress concentrations exist at the loading nose and support
deformation. Three-dimensional deformation measurement would
be required to account for such effect.
SBS specimens are prismatic coupons with uniform rectangular
cross-sections and subject to three-point bending. The American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard [11] guidelines
for geometry of polymer–matrix composite SBS specimens include
the width W twice the thickness T, and the support length L 4 times
the thickness. Consistent with DIC surface strain assessment, the
surface strain must represent the strain distribution throughout
the specimen width away from support locations. Based on
three-dimensional finite element analysis, the width of the SBS
coupons has been reduced from the ASTM recommended 200% to
a 100% of the specimen thickness (square cross-section) for more
uniform strain distribution through the specimen width [6,10]. It
is worth noting that the author initially used W = 0.8T [9] but found Fig. 1. A custom SBS test with 2-inch diameter loading nose.
A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100 95

locations [6,10]. However, the unidirectional SBS coupons do exhi- stress-bound problems [18]. The ratio of Young’s modulus in the fi-
bit regions of pure shear strain and shear stress states along the ber direction and the transverse material directions is approxi-
coupon neutral axis, all the way until the shear failure. The follow- mately four for glass/epoxy compared to approximately 20 for
ing simple closed-form approximation of the maximum shear the carbon/epoxy materials [6,9,10]. However, despite such a large
stress in the critical sections located mid-way between the loading difference in the material anisotropy, both glass/epoxy and carbon/
nose and the lower supports has been derived [10] epoxy SBS coupons exhibit similar shear stress behavior.
The difference between the closed-form approximation (1) and
r13 ¼ ; A ¼ TW ð1Þ the FEM results becomes more pronounced close to material fail-
4A ure as nonlinearity in the shear stress–strain response becomes
where P is applied force. Such approximation is derived using the stronger [6]. The relative difference between finite element-based
DIC based observations of linear axial strain distribution through stress and Eq. (1) remains within 5% till failure of glass/epoxy
the specimen thickness (far away from the loading nose and sup- SBS coupons, but increases up to 15% for carbon/epoxy. Again, both
port locations) in the SBS tests; linear relationship between axial glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy SBS coupons exhibit similar shear
normal stress and strain; and equilibrium assumption [10]. The stress behavior. Fig. 2 shows that larger errors in the closed-form
observations of the linear axial strain distribution through the SBS approximation (1) of the maximum shear stress in the carbon/
specimen thickness; or the linear axial stress–strain behavior; does epoxy SBS coupons compared to glass/epoxy coupons came from
not impose any restrictions on the nonlinearity of the shear stress– the higher shear strength.
strain response in the unidirectional material systems. A bilinear model
Can Eq. (1) be used in the SBS coupons, together with DIC-based (
3 P 3 P
shear strain assessment, to generate accurate shear stress–strain ;
4 A 4 A
6 6:8 ksi
r13 ¼ ð2Þ
curves? Finite element analysis-based studies [6,9,10,15–17] found 0:8ð34 P
 6:8Þ þ 6:8; 34 AP > 6:8 ksi
that nonlinear shear stress–strain response reduces the maximum
shear stress compared to the simple beam theory approximation represents a good engineering approximation which keeps the error
(1). Three-dimensional solid finite element models (FEMS) showed in the maximum interlaminar shear stress below 5% in both glass/
that such reduction was small for glass/epoxy tape composites epoxy and carbon/epoxy SBS coupons. Eq. (2) will be used to in-
[9,10]. Therefore, the simple stress approximation (1) was accept- crease the accuracy of the shear stress approximation in the car-
able for the glass/epoxy material systems [9,10]. However, the bon/epoxy SBS coupons.
shear stress reduction was significant for a unidirectional carbon/
epoxy tape composite close to material failure [6]. An iterative
FEM-based stress approximation procedure developed in Ref. [6] 3. Interlaminar shear fatigue properties of E-Glass/5216-Epoxy
resulted in the accurate nonlinear portion of the shear stress/strain tape
curve for the carbon/epoxy composite material system. The itera-
tive procedure started with the DIC measurement-based shear This Section presents the interlaminar shear (1–3 principal
strain and the closed-form stress approximation (1), without ad material plane) S–N curve for the E-Glass/5216-Epoxy tape system.
hoc assumptions about the form of the nonlinear stress–strain con- To generate the S–N curve, unidirectional SBS coupons were placed
stitutive model. in a uniaxial servohydraulic load frame with 5.5 kip (25 kN) load
Fig. 2 compares the closed-form approximation (1) and the FEM cell capacity, and subject to cyclic loads, at 0.1 load ratio and
results for the maximum shear stresses in the unidirectional glass/ 5 Hz frequency, to the delamination failure. The coupons are 1.5-
epoxy [10] and carbon/epoxy [6] SBS coupons, midway between inch (38 mm) long, 0.23-inch (5.8 mm) thick, and 0.18-inch
the loading nose and lower supports. All stress results are in close (4.6 mm) wide. Support length is 1 inch (25.4 mm). The ASTM
agreement at small loads corresponding to the linear elastic behav- Standard [11] loading nose diameter is 0.25 inches and the lower
ior. Such agreement is not intuitive as constitutive properties of support diameter is 0.125 inches. Approximately 20 SBS coupons
anisotropic materials contribute to elasticity equations even for were tested. The tests were conducted at a room temperature of

y = 1.15x -0.3493
FEM Carbon/Epoxy [6] 80%
Peak Stress / Static Strength

R2 = 0.9059
FEM Glass/Epoxy [10]
15000 70%
BiLinear Approximation
Shear Stress (psi)



Material Strength 20%


0 0%
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.75P/A (psi) Log (Cycles)

Fig. 2. Comparison of FEM results and closed-form stress approximations for Fig. 3. Interlaminar shear (1–3 principal material plane) S–N curve for E-Glass/
carbon/epoxy [6] and glass/epoxy [10] SBS coupons. 5216-Epoxy tape system.
96 A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100

support) and a lower support and quickly propagating to the edge.

All coupons exhibited similar behavior.
Shear In this work, surface shear strain was monitored in a limited
number of SBS coupons subject to fatigue loading. A continuous
analog output from the load frame controller was used in the DIC
P/2 P/2 image acquisition software to capture stereo images at specified
loads during fatigue tests. Although the images could be captured
Fig. 4. E-Glass/5216-Epoxy SBS test specimen failure at 2.315 million cycles. at 1 Hz or lower frequency, the time-delay for the individual
images was of the order of a millisecond. Therefore, the deforma-
tion corresponding to the specified loads could be captured in
the fatigue tests.
72 °F. An infrared thermometer was used to monitor coupon tem- The DIC full-field surface strain assessment is based on the anal-
perature. No heating of the coupons was observed. ysis of stereo images of the specimen surface with a random tex-
Fig. 3 shows the interlaminar shear S–N curve. To generate the ture [14]. Fig. 4 shows an example of the random texture created
S–N curve, the ratio of the peak shear stress and the interlaminar using black and white spray paints. A simple single-action air
shear strength was plotted against the log of the number of cycles brush has been successfully used to spray the black paint with a
to failure. The failure was defined as the onset of a visually-detect- good control of size of the black speckles by adjusting the nozzle
able delamination. Similar to Ref. [9], the interlaminar shear opening and air pressure.
strength was determined based on five static SBS tests. The average DIC software VIC-3D [14] has been used in this work for assess-
interlaminar shear strength value was 10 ksi (69.1 MPa.) Fig. 3 lists ment of Lagrange strain tensor components on specimen surface.
the power law coefficients determined based on a least-squares The VIC-3D software determines three-dimensional positions be-
approximation of the fatigue test data. And the R2 value greater fore and after deformation by tracking the gray value pattern in
than 0.9 indicates an acceptable correlation of the S–N curve and small subsets throughout the acquired stereo image sequence
the test data. [14]. Fig. 5 shows results of strain analysis which uses a subset size
Fig. 4 shows a typical failure in one of the coupons at 2.3 million of 27  27 pixels, corresponding to approximately 0.36 mm2 for
cycles. The loading conditions are also shown. The failure mode is a these particular tests. Data was obtained on six-pixel centers,
shear delamination starting between the loading nose (upper resulting in approximately 11,000 data points per load case. The



γ 13 2 mm 2 mm
ε 13 =

ε 33

Fig. 5. Lagrange strain tensor components for a fatigue SBS test at peak cyclic stress equal to 60% of static strength and 2 million cycles.
A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100 97

Peak Stress 6 ksi (60% Static Strength)

γ 13
ε13 =
0.035 2

2,314,600 Cycles
Peak Strain

γ 13
ε13 =

0.015 2,314,200 Cycles

γ 13
0.01 ε13 =
2,313,400 Cycles
0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000

Fig. 6. Interlaminar shear engineering strain history for a fatigue SBS test at peak cyclic stress equal to 60% of the interlaminar shear strength.

0.03 100%
y = 1.284x -0.3414
Peak Stress 6.5 ksi (65% Static Strength) R2 = 0.9062
0.025 Peak Stress 6.4 ksi (64% Static Strength)
Peak Stress / Static Strength

Peak Strain

0.015 60%
Batch 1 (T 0.15 in; Loading Nose D 0.5 in) Runout

0.01 50% Batch 2 (T 0.25 in; Loading Nose D 2 in)

40% Batch 3 (T 0.26 in; Loading Nose D 4 in)

0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 20%
Fig. 7. Typical interlaminar shear engineering strain histories for fatigue SBS tests
at peak cyclic stresses equal to 64% and 65% of the interlaminar shear strength. 0%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Log (Cycles)
displacements measured in this manner were then numerically
differentiated using the strain computation algorithm [14] built Fig. 8. Interlaminar shear (1–3 principal material plane) S–N curve for IM7-Carbon/
8552-Epoxy tape system.
in the VIC-3D software to compute the Lagrange surface strain ten-
sor components. The Lagrange shear strain contour plot in Fig. 5
shows 2-mm long gage sections located along the coupon neutral between the loading nose and a lower support, at the specified
axis. Average shear strain in these sections was monitored during peak interlaminar shear stresses, as functions of cycles during fati-
fatigue testing. gue tests. The last point in the fatigue history corresponds to the
Fig. 5 illustrates typical DIC analysis results for the three surface onset of a visually detectable delamination. A 5–10% increase in
strain components in a fatigue test of a E-Glass/5216-Epoxy unidi- the peak shear strain can be observed during the first 90% of the
rectional SBS coupon, loaded in the 1–3 principal material plane, at fatigue life, and a fast and strong increase of the peak shear strain
the peak cyclic stress equal to 60% of static strength and 2 million occurs shortly before the delamination onset. A likely reason for
cycles. The shear delamination failure that is shown in Fig. 4 oc- this response is the increase in the non-visible damage accumula-
curred in that test at 2.315 million cycles. The axial, transverse nor- tion in the resin prior to detectable cracking. It is worth noting that
mal, and the interlaminar shear Lagrange strain tensor components the S–N curve shown in Fig. 3 has been generated in terms of stres-
plotted in Fig. 5 are denoted as e11, e33, and e13 ¼ c213 (a tensor shear ses due to the creeping peak strain values during the constant load
strain component equals half of the engineering shear strain com- amplitude fatigue tests.
ponent), respectively. The deformation measurements show close
to linear axial strain distribution through the SBS specimen thick- 4. Interlaminar shear fatigue properties of IM7-Carbon/8552-
ness midway between the loading nose and lower support loca- Epoxy tape
tions, which supports the simple closed-form approximations for
the maximum shear stresses listed in the previous Section. To generate the interlaminar shear S-N curve for IM7-Carbon/
Figs. 6 and 7 show the typical interlaminar shear engineering 8552-Epoxy tape in the 1–3 principal material plane, constant load
strain (c13) histories at the delamination onset location, mid-way amplitude unidirectional SBS fatigue tests were conducted at 0.1
98 A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100


ε11 = − ky − b

γ 13
ε13 =
2 2 mm 2 mm

ε 33

Fig. 9. Lagrange strain tensor components for a Batch 2 fatigue IM7/8552 SBS test at peak cyclic stress equal to 68% of static strength and 2 million cycles.

load ratio and 10 Hz frequency. Three batches of unidirectional SBS shear strength was plotted against the log of the number of cycles
coupons were tested. The dimensions of the coupons in the first set to failure. The failure was defined as the onset of a visually-detect-
(Batch 1) were 0.15 inch (3.8 mm) thickness, 0.12 inch (3.0 mm) able delamination. The interlaminar shear strength value for each
width, and 0.76 inch (19.3 mm) support length; and the corre- batch of the SBS coupons was determined based on five static tests.
sponding loading nose diameter was 0.5 inches (12.7 mm.) The The average interlaminar shear strength value was 14 ksi
dimensions of the second set of SBS coupons (Batch 2) were (96.3 MPa) for Batch 1; 14.3 ksi (98.9 MPa) for Batch 2; and
0.25 inch (6.4 mm) thickness and width, and 1.2 inch (30.5 mm) 14.1 ksi (97.5 MPa) for Batch 3 of the SBS coupons. Fig. 8 lists the
support length; and the loading nose diameter was 2 inches power law coefficients determined based on a least-squares
(50.8 mm.) The dimensions of the third set of SBS coupons (Batch approximation of the fatigue test data. And the R2 value greater
3) were 0.26 inch (6.6 mm) thickness, 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) width, than 0.9 indicates an acceptable correlation of the SN curve and
and 1.2 inch (30.5 mm) support length; and the loading nose diam- the fatigue test data. The 10 million cycle runouts, shown in
eter was 4 inches (102 mm.) The lower support diameter was Fig. 8, are not used in the SN curve approximation. The data gen-
0.125 inches (3.2 mm) for Batches 1 and 2, and 0.25 inches erated from the different batches of the IM7/8552 SBS coupons of
(6.4 mm) for Batch 3 tests. It is worth noting that all coupons in different sizes follow the same SN curve.
the same batch were machined from a single unidirectional panel The interlaminar shear SN curves developed for the glass/
manufactured per specifications listed in Ref. [8], and the panels epoxy and the carbon/epoxy composites exhibit similar shapes. In-
were manufactured at least six months apart from each other. deed, the exponent in the power law SN curve approximation for
Similar to the glass/epoxy SBS coupons, the carbon/epoxy cou- the IM7-Carbon/8552-Epoxy is only 2% lower compared to the
pons were tested in the uniaxial servohydraulic load frame with exponent for the E-Glass/5216-Epoxy system. The exponent for
5.5 kip (25 kN) load cell capacity. The tests were conducted at the carbon/epoxy would be 12% higher compared to the glass/
the room temperature of 72 °F; and the infrared thermometer epoxy if less accurate Eq. (1) were used for stress calculation in
was used to monitor coupon temperature. No heating of coupons the carbon/epoxy material system.
was observed during fatigue tests. The similarity in the fatigue curve shapes might be useful to re-
Fig. 8 shows the interlaminar shear S–N curve. To generate the duce the number of tests required to determine fatigue properties
S–N curve, the ratio of the peak shear stress and the interlaminar of different composite material systems. It is worth noting that the
A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100 99

0.03 12000
Fatigue Initial
Fatigue 10000 Cycles
Fatigue 20000 Cycles
10000 Fatigue 30000 Cycles
Fatigue 40000 Cycles

Shear Stress (psi)

Fatigue 60000 Cycles
8000 Fatigue 80000 Cycles
0.02 Fatigue 110000 Cycles
Peak Strain

Fatigue 140000 Cycles

6000 Fatigue 170000 Cycles
Fatigue 220000 Cycles
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 Shear Strain
Cycles Fig. 12. Shear stress–strain response at early stage of fatigue loading.

Fig. 10. Interlaminar shear strain history for two fatigue IM7/8552 SBS tests at peak
cyclic stresses equal to 68% and 70% of the static interlaminar shear strength.
appear as creep-like response, the physical mechanism of such
behavior is yet to be investigated and will be the subject of a future
work. Fig. 12 shows that the increase in the peak strain at the early
stage of the fatigue history is not due to the shear modulus change
with cycles, but mostly due to the kinematic shift of the fatigue
stress–strain behavior. It took about 500 cycles (50 s) to complete
each 50-point stress–strain loop in Fig. 12 as stereo images for DIC-
Peak Strain

0.015 based strain analysis were taken at one-second intervals (see

Fig. 11).

5. Conclusions
This work provided the engineering community with material
0 properties essential for understanding fatigue delamination onset
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 in glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composite systems. Interlaminar
Cycles shear SN curves were developed for E-Glass/5216-Epoxy and
IM7-Carbon/8552-Epoxy tape composites popular in aerospace
Fig. 11. Interlaminar shear strain history for a fatigue IM7/8552 SBS test at peak
cyclic stress equal to 73% of the static interlaminar shear strength.
The custom SBS fatigue test design resulted in the consistent
interlaminar shear failure mode for the glass/epoxy and carbon/
static interlaminar shear strength of IM7-Carbon/8552-Epoxy is epoxy material systems. Among the key elements of the fatigue
more than 40% higher compared to the E-Glass/5216-Epoxy mate- data generated in this work are a large number of test coupons
rial system. and low scatter. Large sample sizes are extremely useful for subse-
Fig. 9 illustrates typical DIC analysis results for the three surface quent statistical simulations. Low scatter was achieved based on
strain components in a fatigue IM7/8552 SBS test at peak cyclic the custom SBS test design to enable a consistent interlaminar
interlaminar shear stress 68% of static strength and 2 million cy- shear failure mode.
cles, about 6 million cycles before the onset of delamination. Despite significant difference in the static interlaminar shear
Similar to the glass/epoxy SBS coupons, the deformation measure- strength, the glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy materials studied in
ments for the carbon/epoxy coupons confirm linear axial strain dis- this work exhibit similar SN curve shapes. The similarity of the fa-
tribution through the SBS specimen thickness midway between the tigue curve shapes was established based on accurate stress calcu-
loading nose and lower support locations. The Lagrange shear lation in the carbon/epoxy SBS coupons. A reduced stress model
strain contour plot in Fig. 9 shows 2-mm long gage sections located was derived from three-dimensional FEM-based iterative stress
along the coupon neutral axis. Similar to the glass/epoxy SBS cou- calculation. If proven general, the similarity of the fatigue curve
pons, average shear strain in these sections was monitored during shapes can potentially reduce the number of tests required for
fatigue testing. characterization of fatigue properties of composite material
Figs. 10 and 11 show the typical interlaminar shear engineering systems.
strain (c13) histories at the delamination onset location, mid-way The Custom SBS test design not only resulted in the similar
between the loading nose and a lower support, at the specified interlaminar shear failure mode but also showed that coupons of
peak interlaminar shear stresses, as functions of cycles during fati- various sizes followed the same S–N curve. Such observation is
gue tests. The last point in the fatigue history corresponds to the essential to support a statement that S–N curves generated in this
onset of delamination failure. The short-cycle SBS test (72,000 cy- work reflect true material fatigue properties and not coupon-spe-
cles to failure) had a slight (less than 5%) increase in the peak shear cific behavior.
strain during the first 90% of the fatigue life, and a fast and strong The ability to measure deformation in the SBS coupons was use-
increase of the peak strain close to failure. However, longer-cycle ful to support the validity of shear stress approximations. Also, sig-
SBS tests (Fig. 10) had more significant (up to 20%) increase in nificant creep in the interlaminar shear strain was observed in the
the interlaminar shear strain during the first few hundred thou- carbon/epoxy composite material at an early stage of long-cycle
sand cycles of the fatigue loading. Although the peak strain in- constant stress amplitude fatigue fests. No change in the shear
crease under the constant-stress-amplitude fatigue tests does modulus was observed. Constant modulus during most of the
100 A. Makeev / Composites Science and Technology 80 (2013) 93–100

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