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Name: Asim Yousafzai Grade: 11

(a) (12,9)
(b) 75
(c) (36,10)


(a) If this pattern of arrows continues forever, which point will the route visit immediately
after (11,10)? Explain how you know.
Based on the pattern,
Line Coordinate Movement Pattern

1 (odd,odd) - -

2 (odd,even), (even,odd) Down (n+1,k-1)

3 (odd,odd), (even,even), (odd,odd) Up (n-1,k+1)

4 (odd,even), (even,odd), (odd,even), (even,odd) Down (n+1,k-1)

5 (odd,odd), (even,even), (odd,odd),(even,even), (odd,odd) Up (n-1,k+1)

6 (odd,even), (even,odd), (odd,even), (even,odd), (odd,even), Down (n+1,k-1)


7 (odd,odd), (even,even), (odd,odd),(even,even), (odd,odd), Up (n-1,k+1)

(even,even), (odd,odd)

8 (odd,even), (even,odd), (odd,even), (even,odd), (odd,even), Down (n+1,k-1)

(even,odd), (odd,even), (even,odd)

... ... ... ...

It satisfies the given,
(11,10) if continues it ends at (11+9,10-9) which is (20,1) or (11-10,10+10)
which is (1,20)
since (20,1)/(1,20) is unlike numbers (even,odd)/(odd,even), the movement
goes down from left to right
That means (11,10) -> (11+1,10-1) -> (12,9)
Therefore, after (11,10) is (12,9).

(b) How many points will be visited before the route reaches the point (9,4)? Explain how
you figured it out.
Like (a), if this continues (9,4) it ends at (9+3,4-3) which is (12,1) or (9-8,4+8) which is
since they're unlike numbers (even,odd)/(odd,even), the movement goes down from left to
That means,

Line Number of points

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7
8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 from (1,12) to (9,4) there are 1 to 9 , 9 points which are (1,12),(2,11),...,(9,4)

Hence, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+9 = 75.

(c) Which point will be the 1000th to be visited? Explain how you figured it out.
We can use arithmetic series to solve this,
Sn=n/2 (a+an) where n is the nth term, Sn is the sum, d is the difference between
consecutive term and a is the initial term
Since we can not determine yet the last term (a n) we will equate n=an
Sn=n/2 (a+an)
Sn=n/2 (a+n) ; Sn=1000, a=1
1000=n/2 (1+n) (Substitution of values)
1000(2) = n(1+n)
2000 = n2+n (Completing the square by adding 1/2 squared of middle term)
Now, we say that at line 44 the pattern reaches outmost 1000th point.
Solve using arithmetic series to determine how many points are needed to reach
Sn=n/2 (a+an) ; n=44, an=44
Sn=44/2 (1+44)
Sn=22 (45)
Verify: 1+2+3+...+44=990.
Now, there are 1000-990 = 10 terms to reach 1000th.
We know that after 44th line is 45th, that 45 is odd, therefore the movement is up
from right to left starting (45,1)
Therefore, 1000th point is at (36,10)

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