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1.      Go to the website –
2.      In the top menu bar click on the “Jung Typology
TestTM” link.
3.      Click the green “Take the Test!” button
4.      Take the test. When you have finished responding to the
64 questions, click the green “Score It” button.
5.      Your 4 Letter code is: ISFJ
6.      According to the Jung Typology Test you have a 4 letter code. List below
what your 4 letter code stands for(Also, list the percent of each one you
are). For example if you are an ISFJ that Stands for Introvert, Sensing,
Feeling, and Judging.
a.  Introvert (3%)

b. Sensing (12%)
c. Feeling (25%)
d. Judging (19%)
7.      Click on the type description button and read the
description of your personality type.  Give 5
traits of your Myers- Briggs Profile.
a.     Loyal
b. Unappreciated
c. Patient
d. Sympathetic
e. Reliable
8. Click the Careers link and list 5 careers that you
feel fit your personality best.

a. Education

b. Social work

c. Child care management

d. Customer Service

e. Interior design
8.      Click the Famous button and list 5 famous people
who share your profile.

a.   Robert E. Lee
b. Jonny Carson
c. Robin Roberts
d.Ed Bradley
e.  Queen Mary    
9.  Review the information on your profile type.  How and why does this profile
match you?  If it doesn’t, why not?
 I think it does fit me, I am very in between or slightly lean one way but I
don’t have super strong opinions about the questions that were asked.
10.  How can this information help you either in your career or on your career
 It can help me know my strengths and weaknesses to put me on the right path to
find a job that is fitting for my personality.
11.  Is it fair that companies issue this test to prospective employees? Why or
Why not?
 I don’t think so it might not be representative of everyone’s personalities so
it could give the company the wrong impression of their employees.
12. What did you like/dislike about this personality assessment?
I liked the description, and the careers, and famous people that share the same personality type as me but I wish the
questions were better, they were kind of simple and boring.

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