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Hilda Maldonado

Feature Story

The iPhone change the game in the technology industry.

On June 29, 2007 the first iPhone was released. This was an era where touch
screen phones were getting popular. In that decade people did not know how
much the iPhone was going to influence their lives. New apps like the navigation
app or even Siri was not created but thanks to the first iPhone all of this was
possible. The iPhone has shaped the world we live in today, in some aspects it is
good but it has also cause some harm.

The first thing people see when they wake up nowadays is there iPhone, people’s
everyday life is involved in their iPhone, the phone creates ways to interact with
one another, it sets up alarms and schedules for your everyday life. It also creates
relationships that turn into families. It has a lot inside one little screen. You can
buy literally anything on your phone, you may also work a job through your
iPhone. It changed the technology in an extreme way where one may not live
without it. “The iPhone has made a huge number of things easy, which were
previously the province of techies. Mobile social networking and image sharing
apps, the great 4G applications, generally came to the iPhone first throughout the
early '10s, transforming how we use our devices, interact with our friends, and
see our world.”

Just like the marvel movie Spiderman says, “With great power comes great
responsibility.” The launch of the iPhone has created a lot of responsibilities to
the creator because they will continuously be pressure to create better versions
of it. And there is so much one may have for an iPhone. It has gotten a little out of
hand due to the fact that it has been causing problems worldwide. There is an
addiction with iPhones that not many people talk about. They are blinded by how
great the iPhone is but not how damaging it may be. It is great to have apps that
will help you with a lot but once you start to rely on it with everyday things now it
is called an addiction. Just like any other drug it is bad and causes problems. The
problems may not be physical, but they are mentally. Now people are constantly
getting depressed because of the social media on their phones. What if there is no
service and one may not function or survive without their phone, that right there
is a problem.

The iPhone changed the need in technology in everyday lives, people rely on
technology and will never not survive without it. Even if it is used in such a small
way it is necessary. That is where there should be different way in using the
iPhone and even manufacturing it. Since the iPhone is something that will
continuously be created, there should be a way where it is made in a
environmentally safe way.

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