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Topic 3: Operating Online

3.2 Impact Of 77:e Internet Of 77:e Individuals

3.2.1. Impacts on Employment :

 New job Opportunities as the nature of the job changes -
M the internet changes the work that people do, this provides new job opportunities.
For example, A plumber Is no longer limited to installing and repairing Pipe work.
House owners are installing smart systems that can be controlled from digital devices
using the internet This means plumbers have the opportunity to extend their sldlls
to include these new technologies in their work
 New SkUl Requirements - Many employers need their
employees to use the internet for work, meaning that employees need to learn new

 Potential lob Loss - If employees don't keep updating their

skills in the use of the internet they may not have the skills required to carry out new
3.2.2, Impact on working practkes :
 Collaborative Working - This allows work to be split into a
number of tasks, each of which can be done by a different employee.
 Flexible/Mobile Working - Is the way of world ng that suite the
employees needs. It allows the employees to decide the hours that they work or enable
them to work from home.

3.2.3. <BLANK>
3.2.4. Sodal Impacts :
 Social Interactions - Humans feel a need to connect with
each other and to participate actively in the world around us the majority of the society
uses social media to communicate which means that social interactions have

 Cyber bullying - Cyber bullying is the term used to describe

the use of the internet to send text, images or multimedia in order to upset or
embarrass someone.
 Physical Activity - Access to online goods and services
means that people don't have to leave the comfort of their homes to shop, go to the
bank or even go to school. It has reduced the need to travel and this has reduced the
need for physical activity as a part of daily life. This may cause negative effects to people's
health and wellbeing.

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