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Introduction/Purpose: (Name of Researchers), students of Arturo Eustaquio Memorial

Science High School are conducting a research study to give universal essence to your

lived experiences whose parents are working as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW).

Procedures: If you agree to be involved in this research study, please take note of the


1. You will participate in an-open ended interview with the researchers to discuss

your experiences as students whose parents are working as Overseas Filipino

Workers (OFW). The interview will be a maximum of 1 hour. Interviews will be

held via Google Meet and link will be sent to you via email. If the interviewee’s

name is mentioned, it will be held confidential and will not be reported.

2. You are given sample interview guide questions, please see attached file.

3. You will not be personally identified now will your responses be attributed to you.

Responses will be strictly confidential.

4. You may be asked to participate in shorter, follow-up interview. Once primary

interview. Once primary interview is transcribed and reviewed. You will be

notified through text, over the phone or e-mail whether or not a follow-up-

interview is necessary.

5. You will be given a copy of a transcript and will be asked to review the transcript

of your interview for verification purposes.

Risks: There is a minimal risk involved in this study.

Benefit: The benefit/s that you can get from participating in this research study is that

you will be given a voice to express your experiences a students of Arturo Eustaquio

Memorial Science High School with parents who are working as Overseas Filipino

Workers (OFW). Researchers will be able to identify personal and common themes

regarding experiences that may emerge from this study.

Voluntary Nature of Participation and Right to Withdraw without Consequences:

Participation in research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw

at any time without consequences or loss benefits.

Confidentiality: The researchers ensure that information obtained from and about you

as the participant is not improperly divulged and your name will be replaced with a code

number along with the interview session.

Copy of Consent: You have been given two copies of this Informed Consent. Please

affix your signature to each copy and keep one for your personal file.

Research Statement: “I certify that the research study has been explained to the

individual by me and that the individual understands the nature and the purpose,

possible risks and benefits associated with taking part in this research study. Any

questions that have been raised are answered.”

Names and signatures of researchers

Participant’s Signature: By signing below, I agree to participate in the said research


______________________ ______________________
Participant’s Signature Date

Participant’s Name

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