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Faculty of Arts and Letters

Department of Communication and Media Studies


Role perception of Filipino journalists in covering vaccine news during the Covid-
19 pandemic

by Mr. Dunston Chi M. Esquivel & Ms. Anne Arnet Ysabel C. Paguirigan
University of Santo Tomas, Manila

Greetings. We are graduating journalism students from UST who are conducting a thesis /
research project titled Role perception of Filipino journalists in covering vaccine
news during the Covid-19 pandemic

1. Introduction. The research project aims to determine the role perceptions of Filipino
journalists who have covered Covid-19 vaccines and shifts that may have happened in light of
vaccine hesitancy.

2. Procedures. Participants of the research include journalists from the biggest online news
media companies who have recently experienced covering Covid-19 vaccine news with regards
to its safety and development. They should also have at least two years of journalism
experience. If you meet these criteria, you will be given a profile sheet and an interview guide.

3. Benefits. The study is expected to benefit journalists, readers, and academics alike in the
Philippines, especially in furthering the current understanding on journalistic role perception and
performance. The study is also expected to benefit how journalists cover vaccines in line with
previous studies.

4. Risks. This is a low-risk study as it is possible that the interview may take up your time
devoted to doing your usual work at home. Rest assured that the interview will be conducted
during your free time.

5. Exclusion from participation. If you have no experience in covering news related to Covid-19
vaccines, nor have at least two years of journalistic experience you are excluded from the study.

6. Confidentiality. Your answering of our interview guide (aide memoire) means your answers
are on record, but your name and/or identifying information will not be mentioned in any part of
our thesis write-up. To protect the privacy of the participants, interview transcripts and
audio/video recording data will be stored in the researchers’ personal storage drive and will not
be shared nor be made accessible to others not mentioned. Only we and my thesis adviser,
Asst. Prof. Jose Maria Carlos, will be informed of your answers to our key informant interview.

7. Voluntary Participation. Your participation in our survey reflects your willingness to take part
in this study. But you may withdraw your participation at any time, and you won’t be penalized if
you decide to do so.

8. Costs and compensation. As we appreciate your voluntarism to participate in this qualitative

research, there are no costs for your participation here. We humbly thank you for participating
even in the absence of a token to you, our interviewee respondent.

9. Permission and further information. This thesis and the interview guide have been approved
by the Institutional Review Board of the AB Journalism program of the University of Santo
Tomas. Should you have any complaints, you can contact the IRB of UST AB Journalism at

10. For more questions surrounding this research project, please email my Thesis Writing
coordinator Mr. Jeremaiah M. Opiniano (UST AB Journalism Institutional Review Board) at If the study team learns of important new information that might
affect your desire to remain in the study as a participant, you will be informed at once.

I have read, or had read to me, this participant information sheet. I have had the opportunity to
ask questions and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I freely and
voluntarily agree to be part of this research project / thesis, though without prejudice to my legal
and ethical rights. I understand I may withdraw from the study at any time. I have also received
a copy of the researcher’s informed consent form.

Signature over printed name of participant Date

1. I have read the attached Information Sheet and agree to take part in the following research project:

Role perception of Filipino journalists in covering vaccine

Title: news during the Covid-19 pandemic

Ethics Approval Number: JRNERC-202122-36

2. I have had the project, so far as it affects me, fully explained to my satisfaction by the researcher/s. My
consent is given freely.

3. Although I understand the purpose of the research project it has also been explained that involvement
may not be of any benefit to me.

4. I have been informed that, while information gained during the study may be published, I will not be
identified and my personal results will not be divulged.

5. I understand that I am free to withdraw from the project at any time.

6. Provided that researchers strictly abide by the confidentiality of this interview, I agree to the interview
being recorded via... (please choose one only)

__ Online meeting tool, with full recording of video and audio (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft
__ Online meeting tool, with full recording of audio only
__ Social media app, with full recording of audio only and using an external audio recorder
(e.g., Facebook Messenger, Viber, Whatsapp, etc.)
__ Mobile phone or telephone call, with full recording of audio only and using an external audio

7. I give my consent that the researchers will use data from the interview conducted unto me in future
research projects and papers (please check). __ Yes __ No

8. I am aware that I should keep a copy of this Consent Form, when completed, and the attached
Information Sheet.

Participant to complete: In general, I agree to be a participant of this research.

Name: _______________________________________

E-Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________

Researcher/Witness to complete: I have described the nature of the research to

_______________________ (print name of participant) and, in my opinion, she/he understood the

E-Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________


Thank you for agreeing to transcribe audio files of key informant interviews for the research project
mentioned above. This form outlines the purpose of the research and provides a description of
expectations about your involvement.

● Purpose of the research. This research aims to gain an in-depth understanding regarding role
perceptions among Filipino journalists who cover vaccines and vaccination.

● Purpose of the key informant interviews. This key informant interview you are transcribing seeks
to explain how their roles were conceived, specifically in the context of vaccine news production given
vaccine hesitancy in the country.

● Clauses of this Agreement. The following govern the roles and responsibilities of the person/s
transcribing (an) audio file/s:

1.The researchers under this project have promised key informant interviews that their real names
(and the real names of anyone they refer to) will not be used at any point in the final written
report. This is unless we have their written approval to use their real names. All participants will
be assigned codes (or pseudonyms) that will be used in all verbal and written records and

2.We have also promised them that audio and/or video files of interviews will be used only for this
study. These files will not be used for any reasons other than this study.

3.The ability of researchers under this research project to accurately convey the statements /
answers of our interviewee/s depends largely on your ability to accurately transcribe the audio
recordings. If you have any questions about what is being said, kindly indicate it in the transcript
by typing '???' (three question marks).

4.You will transcribe their answers in Tagalog and in English.

5.In agreeing to transcribe the interviews conducted, you agree to strictly abide by this Agreement —
most especially to not reveal the contents of the interview/s to anyone.

6.Finally, after the transcription is finished, the transcriber must: a) Email a soft copy of the
transcribed file to project co-investigator Dunston Chi M. Esquivel
( and keep that copy until the project co-investigator instructs
to delete the said file; and b) Delete the audio and/or video recording file from your desktop/laptop
computer and your electronic/mobile device after submitting the written transcript.

Residence address
Mobile number and email address
Signature and date

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