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James Paguirigan


Miss Angelica C. Javier

English 9

Les Miserables

Movie Review


Les Mesirable

"Les Miserables" was the film I watched. On January 16, 2013, it was announced. Les
Miserables, the film's inspiration, was written after a century of major social unrest in France.
The Revolution of 1789, as well as later revolutions in 1830 and 1848, saw the world transition
from monarchy to republic to empire and back many times.

In my opinion, Les Miserables is one of the best musical adaptations in the universe. It doesn't

matter if it's in a theater or on a big screen. Les Miserables is a musical based on the novel Les

Miserables Never stop performing such a heartfelt act. That was a few hebdomads ago. I was

able to see the recent Les Miserables musical in theaters, and I enjoyed it. I am a music

enthusiast. I adore musicals. Les Miserables is considered to be one of the finest dramatic

compositions of all time. Much to my delight, the film's stars put on a fantastic performance,

from their dancing to their vocalizing. Overall, it was lovely. Despite the fact that it is shown in

the film. It was all for forgiving penitence and altruistic devotion At the start of the video. Jean

Valjean won grace from a priest that he cheated from and it was until he repented of his

wrongdoings. Several years later He was widely regarded as one of the wealthiest adult males in

his town. He was appointed as the town's city manager, which he did admirably. In the end of the

film, he showed repentance to his long-time adversary Javert and yielded himself to the latter for
imprisonment; however, Javert realized his incorrect behaviors his greedy Acts of the Apostles ;

and alternatively. The film was shot in various locations in France. The story begins in

Faverolles in 1796, when Jean is imprisoned as a thief. The setting was then transferred to the

Toulan jail until 1815. After Jean escapes, the scene shifts to the remote town of Monteis Sur

Monteis, where Jean serves as mayor. Jean flees to Paris, which becomes the new setting. The

setting alternates between the French countryside and the city. The movie portrayed both small

towns and major cities correctly. Even the jail was as bad as it seemed in the film. Through

authentic props, the towns and clothes of the time were magnificently portrayed.

All of the actors in the film did an excellent job with their roles. Javert may have been a little

more hateful, but he did a decent job overall. The story was vivid and active, to say the least.

When Jean went to see his brother, it was difficult to say the priest was his brother. The roles that

were performed were representative of the people of the time. The plot progressed to the climax

of Javert meeting Jean face to face, and then concluded satisfactorily. The violence in the film

kept the audience's attention throughout. If the film was made now, it will just be marginally

different. The film made the audience more conscious of history. The film would have been

easier if Javert had been more sinister and the plot had been simpler. I will suggest this film to

another student so the student would understand how difficult life was for all of France's

commoners and why they began the revolution.

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