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EXAMEN 50 4.5
TEACHER’S NAME: Itania Cleare Ramírez Escobar T. CLASE 30 3.0


TOTAL 100% 9.1


Last month my wife and I stayed at the new Red Fox hotel near Benton, a small village in the south of England. It’s an
informal, relaxed hotel in an eighteenth-century building. We went there a month after it opened, and it was full of young
fashionably dressed people from London. They go there to escape from their busy city life because it’s only ninety minutes
from the capital by car.
The hotel has become very popular because its restaurant serves incredibly good food. People say it’s the best hotel food in
the country. All of the food comes from the hotel’s gardens. They keep animals and grow vegetables and fruit. On some
days a chef shows you round the garden, you choose your food and he cooks it for your dinner. My wife and I had chicken
cooked in a delicious sauce and a warm apple cake for dessert.
The meals aren’t expensive. They’re cheaper than in many restaurants, but only hotel guests can eat there and the rooms
aren’t cheap. They cost between £150 and £200 a night. But you don’t need to be very rich to stay there. Every month the
hotel offers five rooms for one pound each. Look for the offers on their website. Then you need to book them by phone but
do it fast because everybody is waiting for these offers. We were very lucky – we got one of the cheap rooms and we really
enjoyed staying there. The rooms are beautifully decorated and quite big. The beds are a bit narrow, but for one pound, I’m
not complaining!

Read the text and choose A, B, or C.

1 The hotel is in Benton. A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 The hotel opened three months ago. A True B False C Doesn’t say
3 It is an old building. A True B False C Doesn’t say
4 The Red Fox is popular with people with young children. A True B False C Doesn’t say
5 The writer lives in London. A True B False C Doesn’t say
6 You can drive there from the capital in an hour and a half. A True B False C Doesn’t say
7 Guests at the Red Fox think the food is quite good. A True B False C Doesn’t say
8 You can’t eat at the restaurant if you aren’t staying at the hotel. A True B False C Doesn’t say
9 The writer booked his room online. A True B False C Doesn’t say
10 The beds in the hotel aren’t very wide. A True B False C Doesn’t say

Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Where is Benton? ____________________________________________________________________
2 Where do the chefs get their vegetables from? _____________________________________________
3 What kind of clothes did the hotel guests wear? ____________________________________________
4 What did the writer’s wife have for dessert? ________________________________________________
5 How much did the writer pay for a room at the hotel? _________________________________________


Read the options. Choose only one.
TASK A: Write a profile of yourself. Include: name, age, where you are from, study or work, write about your family and finally write
things you like and why you like them, write about things you are good at, etc. (70-90 words)
TASK B: A competition entry: An important person in history. You are entering a writing competition in your local newspaper. You must
write about an important person in the world who has inspired you. Include information about who the person is and their early life,
what the person did that made them famous, why you admire this person. Write your competition entry. (70-90 words)

USE OF ENGLISH (10 points)

I. Read the sentences about sport, health and the body. Write the most appropriate word from the box.
attractive fit fishing golf fingers badmington volleyball back

1. Martin’s really good at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and he plays for a team every Saturday.

2. Would you like to play _ _ _ _ _ with us tomorrow?
3. If your _ _ _ _ _ and neck hurt, try doing yoga to help.
4. The boys couldn’t go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the river because of the bad weather.
5. Josh doesn’t like playing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because he prefers games with a ball.
6. Stella is really _ _ _ _ – she goes running five times a week.
7. We have ten _ _ _ _ _ _ on our hands.
8. Jack is the best player in the football team and all the girls think he’s very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
II. Read the story about a woman who does yoga. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.

Fast or slow? I still remember the day of my skiing accident. It was two years ago, and I tried to go too fast
and hurt my back. I was angry because I (1) ………… ski. The doctor said, '(2) ………… to rest, and you certainly
(3) ………… go skiing.' It was awful when I heard that. '(4) ………… do any exercise?' I asked. The doctor said,
'Yes, but only swimming and yoga.’ I didn't know a lot about yoga, but I learnt that it's a set of exercises that
started in India over a thousand years ago. I started yoga classes, and I really learnt to relax. Before my
accident, I (5) ………… relax. I always wanted to do everything very fast, but now I have (6) ………… things
slowly. Lots of people ask me, (7) ʻ………… to be very fit to do yoga?' The answer is no. The good news is that
the doctor says I (8) ………… to wait very long now before I can go skiing again!

1. A doesn’t B haven’t C couldn’t

2. A You can B You have C Have you

3. A didn’t B can’t C haven’t

4. A I can B I could C Can I

5. A can’t B couldn’t C don’t

6. A do B doing C to do

7. A Do you have B You do have C You don’t have

8. A doesn’t have B don’t have C can’t have

III. Read the sentences about sport and exercise. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.

1. Do ............ to walk a lot when you play golf? A you haven’t B you have C have you

2. ............ run fast when you were a child? A Can you B You could C Could you

3. ‘Do you have to pay for the gym?’ ‘No, you ............ .’ A can’t B haven’t C don’t

4. He ............ play volleyball yesterday because his leg hurt. A couldn’t B can’t C could

5. You ............ to go to the gym every day. A has not B doesn’t have C don’t have

6. I ............ only swim a few metres when I started the class. A can B could C couldn’t 10

7. To play rugby, you ............ to be very fit. A have B has C haven’t

8. She wants to join the beginners’ class because she ............ dance very well. A can’t B could C couldn’t


I. Listen to two people talking about Barcelona in Spain. Tick () A, B, or C. (1 point each)
1 When did Sarah go to Barcelona? A last year B in March C in May
2 Where did Sarah stay in Barcelona? A in an apartment B in a hotel C in a house
3 What did Jeremy like best in Barcelona? A an old church B a market C an art gallery
4 What was the weather like when Sarah was in Barcelona? A cold B cloudy C warm
5 Does Jeremy want to go to Barcelona again? A yes B no C he’s not sure

II. Listen to five conversations. Write A–E in the boxes to show what the speakers are talking about. (1 point
Conversation 1 ___ A a ticket
Conversation 2 ___ B a bill
Conversation 3 ___ C a film
Conversation 4 ___ D a passport
Conversation 5 ___ E some stamps

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