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Universidad Juárez Autónoma e Tabasco

División Académica de Educación y Artes

Licenciatura en idiomas

Advanced English

Evaluation proyect – Second partial


Student name: David Mariano Morales May

Group: 10 IDI

Delivered: May 4th, 2022

Why you should quit smoking, once and for all.

Most people know that smoking is not good for them, and if people quit on a dime, they
would, but the reality it’s such an addiction and I can’t imagine a more stressful time to quit
smoking than when you’re facing a health crisis.
So on one hand you know you need to do it, but on the other hand, stress is such a trigger to
smoke that people can’t imagine getting through their stress without smoking.

It’s really hard to convince you sometimes when you feel better doing something harmful to
yourself, but you know it’s never late to leave those damaging habits, part of the big moment
to change is to realize that you need to do it, there’s just one life, wouldn’t you be happy to
celebrate your last years of living enjoying of your wealthy health, to walk to every place
without feeling breathless? I mean, every day you wonder why you’re feeling bad and sick,
but guess what, thanks to your not healthy hobby, you’re not just expending tons of money on
something that is killing you, you’re also feeling happy about it, come on dude!

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