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Exam Card 1

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance education?

Advantages of Distance Education

Study from Anywhere, Anytime

The best thing about the distance education is you could learn it from anywhere
and at anytime. It does not matter in part of the country you are living you can
join the course and start learning.

Even if your course is offered by an international school you could easily get
access to course material if you are a citizen of a different country.

Get all the knowledge and training anywhere you reside on the planet.

Flexibility of Time
Normally, distance education offers flexibility of time. It gives complete
freedom to choose your own time for taking up the course.

If you do not have time in day then you can learn at night or some other time
because only thing that you need is a computer with an internet connection.

You do not need to go in person and submit anything. Time is the most
important thing and you could save it through joining distance learning.

No Commuting
I hate commuting. If you are opting for a distance education then you do not
have to commute in crowded buses or local trains.

As I said earlier, you need a computer with an internet connection in your home.
Entire college would be in your bedroom and you do not have to go out.

Commuting is the most difficult part because you waste a lot of time, money and
more importantly the energy. No one likes commuting for long hours.
No Interaction with Teachers and Professors
The worst thing about distance education is you cannot interact with your
college professor or teachers.

In fact, you cannot even talk to friends and other colleagues that you do in a
normal college course.

You seriously miss the human aspect because you are only engaging with the
technology and machines.
You will not be able to socially mingle with your friends and enjoy a normal
college life.

Moreover, if you have any doubt then you have to clear yourself without taking
help from your teacher or friends.

Lack of Seriousness, Competition and Learning Environment

Sometimes you cannot replace a real college environment with a virtual college
environment on your computer.

In distance education you lack a seriousness that is present in a classroom when

lecture is given by the professor.

Moreover, here you are alone and you do not have anybody to compete because
you are alone.

Without any competition you tend to learn less. Therefore the overall learning
environment in a distance education is lot different than a regular college.

2. Why should people read books? Benefits of reading.

We can't imagine our life without books. They play a very important part in our

Books are our friends. We meet them when we are very small and can't read,
but we remember our mother read them for us. We learn very much from

Books educate people in different spheres of life. They develop our

imagination, make us think and analyse. They help to form our character and
the world outlook. Books help us in self education and in deciding problems of
life. They make our life more interesting.

People read both for knowledge and for pleasure. Different people read
different books. They help us with our lessons and work. We read serious books
which help us understand the life, give us answers to questions which worry us,
they make us think.
Many people enjoy so-called "easy reading"- detectives, amusing, humorous
stories, fantastic. But so many people, so many tastes.

As for me, I prefer to read adventure stories, full of interesting real fact and
pictures, and detectives. My favourite author is Arthur Conan Doyle with his
Holmes' adventures.

Exam Card 2

1. The pros and cons of being a professional writer.


You can experience more in life

What people don’t realise is that writing is not about inventing life; it’s about
reinventing what you have already lived. You get to explore things under the
guise of research and the best bit of being a writer is that it’s a passport to bad
behaviour. You’re supposed to shock people, épater les bourgeois, which is
great fun.
It’s a perfect fit for your personality
The best writers are monastic hedonists. A lot of writers go into schools and try
to promote writing as a potential career choice but, if there is a true writer in
that class, she’ll be the one rolling her eyes and thinking if you were great as a
writer you wouldn’t be there as a teacher. Writing is the only path there is for
non-conformists and, in my case, I’m so non-conforming I nearly didn’t
conform to it

Waiting to hear back from an editor can be almost as long as waiting on the
NHS, the only difference being the pain is spiritual rather than physical. I
prefer not to send out stories indiscriminately because the more knockbacks
you get, the more they dent your confidence. After all, you have to reject half
your own work, so why subject yourself to more rejection?

Writer’s block
We’ll call it that even though, for me, it’s rewriter’s block, as I love the writing
itself but will start something new, do anything, rather than go back for a
rewrite. All writers at some time or other get stuck in that vicious mental
circle – if you don’t write, you feel ill; if you feel ill, you can’t write.
Sometimes I think writing is like living with a terrible boyfriend who drains
you financially and tortures you mentally.

2. What makes people migrate?

In most countries, and in the United States, families and individuals who meet
this criteria may obtain refugee status or asylum. Now, here’s the difference:
refugees must secure their status prior to entering the country of choice,
where as asylum seekers seek status upon arrival. A complex differentiation
that causes a lot of confusion in the process to get people to safety.

2. To escape conflict or violence

In many countries, but not the United States, families and individuals who
immigrate to escape conflicts like war and violence can be considered for
refugee status or asylum.

3. To find refuge after being displaced due to environmental factors

Natural disasters, erosion, and other environmental factors caused by climate

change are real threats that disproportionately affect people living in poverty.
In fact, Christian Aid reports that 1 billion people could be displaced in the
next 50 years as the effects of climate change worsen.

People who fit this description are dubbed climate “refugees,” but the name does
not necessarily imply they have, or can receive, refugee status. As this is a
newer phenomenon, many countries are still trying to determine how to
respond to this growing issue.

4. To seek superior healthcare

Imagine living in a country with limited access to healthcare when you’re

suffering from serious health problems. Not fun.

5. To escape poverty

Agriculture worker in Argentina picking strawberries | Nahuel Berger/ World


Perhaps the most commonly assumed reason for immigration.

6. To offer more opportunities to children

Parents sometimes make the difficult decision to migrate so their children can
benefit from things like superior education, and plentiful job opportunities.

Exam Card 3

1. Adjusting to new culture. Stages of adjusting.

Living abroad can be an exhilarating experience that encourages new world views,
increases cultural curiosity and supports a willingness to explore unfamiliar
terrains. However, it may also invite a sense of feeling a little lost in the world.

Culture shock is a common phenomenon and, though it may take months to

develop, it often affects travelers and people living far from home in
unexpected ways. Culture shock is more than simply being unfamiliar with
social norms or experiencing new foods and it tends to impact travelers even
after they’ve become familiar with and comfortable in new cultures.

Culture shock generally moves through four different phases: honeymoon,

frustration, adjustment and acceptance. While individuals experience these
stages differently and the impact and order of each stage varies widely, they do
provide a guideline of how we adapt and cope with new cultures.

Headquartered in North Carolina, the Participate staff includes both people from
around the world now living in the U.S. and U.S. Americans who have spent
significant time in other countries. Insights from staff members on their
experiences with the stages of culture shock are included throughout this post.

1. The Honeymoon Stage

The first stage of culture shock is often overwhelmingly positive during which
travelers become infatuated with the language, people and food in their new
surroundings. At this stage, the trip or move seems like the greatest decision
ever made, an exciting adventure to stay on forever.

The Frustration Stage

Frustration may be the most difficult stage of culture shock and is probably
familiar to anyone who has lived abroad or who travels frequently. At this
stage, the fatigue of not understanding gestures, signs and the language sets in
and miscommunications may be happening frequently. Small things — losing
keys, missing the bus or not being able easily order food in a restaurant — may
trigger frustration
Frustrations are often subdued as travelers begin to feel more familiar and
comfortable with the cultures, people, food and languages of new
environments. Navigation becomes easier, friends and communities of
support are established and details of local languages may become more
recognizable during the adjustment stage.

Though it can be one of the hardest part of traveling, culture shock is just as
integral to the experience as food, people and scenery. By recognizing it for
what it is and finding ways to cope, you can prevent culture shock from
ruining an otherwise fantastic experience abroad

2. What’s your attitude to modern art?

Some people claim that the world nowadays is too «materialistic». People
sometimes fail to appreciate the beauty which surrounds us everywhere.
They are too obsessed with, as they say, «real problems». Unfortunately, if
you tell them to stop and look around, they’ll think you’re just laughing at
them. «Can’t you see I’m busy? Staring at things can’t give me any money!»
— will be the answer.
But all of us shouldn’t forget the human personality is a fivefold constitution
(a body, a life, a mind, a psychic and a spiritual being). None of these
elements stands disconnected from the others. It’s good to climb a career
ladder as fast as possible and become prosperous. But don’t forget about
your soul — treat it to some art.
In my opinion art plays a great role in the development of the spiritual world
of every human being. Art helps to see things from another point of view, it
elevates the mind and soul, it helps to develop a good taste. I think it’s very
important that talented artists manage to capture and represent such an
intangible thing as the mood. Thus the beholder not only gets information
about the subject matter of the canvas but also he is able to understand the
artist’s attitude to it. And we should agree that a good painter should involve
beholders into his creative process. T mean that while painting the artist just
gives us some clues, hints better to understand his message but only a very
careful art-lover will understand them completely.
Exam Card 4

1. Aims of education.
Education gives us the ability to differentiate between what is right and wrong,
what is immoral and moral & what is just and unjust.
Education gives a person hope to solve the problems humanity faces today.
Education gives you the power to question anything wrong.
Education helps you learn the right way to execute yourself and behave positively.
Education helps you find the truth and it forces you to think in different aspects.
Proper education removes ill beliefs.
It makes you more aware and confident.
The aim/purpose of education is to grow children into productive citizens that
use their knowledge, talents, and learned skills to sustain themselves and help
others while pushing the human race forward in areas of equality, equity, and

2. My favorite Ukrainian author.

Taras Shevchenko is a great Ukrainian poet. He is the founder of the modern

Ukrainian literary language. Shevchenko was born in the family of a serf in
the village of Moryntsy in 1814. Young Taras became an orphan very early.
He was a shepherd, a labourer to a priest and, when he was fourteen, his
master took him into the manor house as a boy-servant — "kozachok". In
1829 Shevchenko's master moved to Vilno and then — to St Petersburg. He
took his boy-servant with him, too. Still in his early childhood Shevchenko
was very fond of drawing and his master decided to make a serf painter of
him. For this purpose he sent Taras to study painting. The boy was so
talented that several Russian artists decided to free him from slavery. Karl
Brulov, the great Russian artist, painted a portrait of Vasiliy Zhukovsky and
sold it for 2 500 roubles. With this money they bought out Shevchenko from
his master. Later on the young painter continued his studies at the Petersburg
Academy of Arts. Karl Brulov influenced Shevchenko greatly. Soon they
became close friends. In 1838 Shevchenko wrote his first poems in
Ukrainian. In 1840 he published his first book of poems which he named
"Kobzar". His first poetical works are mainly examples of romanticism. The
subject of many poems was unhappy love. He also wrote several poems
about historical past of Ukraine. In these works he glorified the heroic
struggle of the Ukrainian people against their oppressors and their fight for
national liberation (the long poem "Gaidamaky"). In 1843 Shevchenko
returned to Ukraine. He travelled a lot about the country and learned to
know the heavy life of the Ukrainian serfs. In 1846 Shevchenko joined a
revolutionary organisation — Cyril and Mephodiy Society, which aimed to
liberate the serfs. He wrote several revolutionary poems directed against the
tsarist despotism ("Dream", 1844, "The Caucasus", 1845, and his famous
"Testament"). In 1847 he was arrested and exiled as a soldier to Orsk
fortress in Kazakhstan. Here, being a soldier, he wrote several novels in
Russian. He also painted several of his best pictures. In 1857 Shevchenko
returned from the exile to St Petersburg. Here he published several of his
masterpieces in which he criticised the tsarist regime and demanded liberty
for serfs. In St Petersburg he made close friends with well-known Russian
writers — N. Chernyshevskyi, N. Dobrolubov, N. Nekrasov and others. In
1859, when Shevchenko went to Ukraine, he was arrested and forced to
return to St Petersburg — the tsarist government was afraid of the elderly
poet. On the 10th of March, Shevchenko died. His death was a great loss for
Ukrainian literature and liberation movement — A. Gertsen published a big
article on Shevchenko's death in his magazine "Kolokol" in London.
Shevchenko is the favourite author of millions of Ukrainians, a real people's
poet. His works are translated into many languages.

Exam Card 5

1. Body language speaks louder than words.

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body

posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and
interpret such signals almost entirely subconsciously.

When we go for an interview, most of us think carefully about what to wear and
what to say but hardly ever about how to act – in other words, what our body
language is telling the interviewer.

According to experts, body language accounts for 55% of the effect we have
when communicating. Tone of voice accounts for 33% and words just 7% - so
what you say matters much less then how you behave.

Employers nowadays are cautious about the fast-talking interviewee but they
look increasingly for their signs which will show a person`s character and
ability – such as body language. You should always smile when you enter the
interview room and when the interview has finished because first and last
impressions count.
Moreover, you should also try to maintain eye-contact with the interviewer but
not for too long. Once you are sitting down, your hands should generally stay
loosely in your lap. Never raise them above shoulder level.

In fact, body language is vital – so, at an interview, take the trouble to get it

2. Do you prefer classical or modern art? Why?

I like both of them, but for most of the rooms in my house, I will choose
modern paintings because they match my decoration style better.

Classical paintings always give me a feel of mature and calmness, which

will be suitable for study. And in children’s rooms, modern paintings can
create a lovely and vivid feeling, which will be better for them.

As long as I like the paintings, style is not the matters that I will care

Exam Card 6

1. Talk about your favorite artist

Art is imaginative, it can help us infuse creativity in everyday things (demanded
that we keep our senses alive and alert!). An artist in France recently got
touched with the ‘artistic light’ and created an illustrative series where he paints
the ‘Missing Parts’ for objects and things that he finds in his surroundings.

The artist who goes by the name Lois Low says: “A few years ago, I started
drawing on paper, using different tools such as pencils or Rotring pens. At first,
it was cool but I wanted to go further. I decided to go out of my usual
workplace and find something new. I played with lines and shapes, drew
different things surrounding me and focused on giving reality a new sense.
Honestly, it was a revelation! I must admit that there was much work to do but I
really enjoyed it. Sometimes I visit places and different things or objects give
me the idea of the drawing, sometimes I draw something and then decide to
combine with a particular place or object.”

2. How can harmful stereotypes be combated?

What We Can Do to Combat Stereotypes and Bias

But there’s hope, as evidenced by the test takers described in Why So Few. You
can do something to curb the negative effects of bias and stereotypes. Here’s
how to get started.
Take the implicit bias test yourself. Visit and see what
biases based on gender, sexuality, age, and race you hold.
Admit that you have those biases — it’s ok! It’s what you do next that matters.
Keep those biases in mind and take steps to correct them by slowing down and
recognizing where they might be coming into play in your life. Are your “gut
feelings” about job candidates valid or the product of biases? Are you
discounting what a colleague is saying because of your biases? Educators, are
biases affecting how you teach, advise, and evaluate students? Parents, are
you sending different messages to your sons and daughters?
Expose yourself to different experiences. By stepping out of your usual routines,
you might better understand people who are different from you or how
stereotypes came to be. Travel and education can go a long way toward
mitigating biases.
Raise awareness of biases. The first step to changing a problem is admitting you
have one — and society has a problem. Have conversations with friends and
encourage them to take the implicit bias test. And if you’re a college student,
go ahead and apply for a Campus Action Project grant, sponsored by Pantene
to take steps to fight against bias and stereotypes at your school.

Exam Card 7

1. What is your attitude to education at an early age?

Early childhood education is encouraged for the healthy development and

nurturing of all these important foundations, and trends show that parents are
increasingly recognizing this. In fact, according to the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES), enrollment in prekindergarten-level education
External link has risen from 96,000 to over 1 million in the last 30 years.

Early childhood education is not mandated by the United States Department of

Education. Elementary and secondary education is all that is legally required
for students, though early childhood education is doubtlessly an important and
fundamental stage of learning.

2. My favorite English-speaking author


Exam Card 8

1. In your opinion, what area of culture creates the most serious problems
in intercultural communication?
Speaking about Intercultural communication in the professional dialogue and its
problems, we can imagine to ourselves different kinds of interaction forms.
But any interaction is associated with different problems and issues [7]. If we
look at communication as a process of coding and decoding of messages, it is
obvious that there are many points in the process where the communication
can break down. In particular, successful communication depends crucially on
shared culture. When you have communication between people of different
cultures, even if they share a common language, things can go wrong. In
particular, knowledge of a language does not automatically give you the
background knowledge that native speakers assume you share. The article
deals with the problems of cross cultural communication and the ways that
can help to eliminate misunderstanding between people, belonging to
different cultures. Misunderstanding in intercultural communication is a
potential problem, which is based on cultural differences. It is necessary to
understand the problems that can arise in cross-cultural communication and
consciously try to overcome them, to closely monitor the reaction of the
interlocutor and, noting inadequate, from our point of view, the reaction is to
try to understand what caused it, to correct their behavior, their speech.
Effective communication with people of different cultures is especially
challenging. Cultures provide people with ways of thinking-ways of seeing,
hearing, and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different
things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the “same”
language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to
communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases [2].

2. My favorite book.

Exam Card 9

1. What is the role of music in the society and in your life? What kind of
music do you like?
“Music is one of, if not the most important aspect of my life.”
“Music is how I relate myself to the world.”
“Music means the world to me. It makes me think about how it relates to life
and I love the beats.”
“Music is a way to express yourself, keep you company while you’re alone, and
always give you something to do.”
“Music is everything, without music there is no purpose to a lot of stuff.”
“Music is a way to express yourself and your feelings. It’s something that I can
go to whenever I need it.”
“Music is a way to express feelings that might be hard to express otherwise.”
“Music to me is a source of stress relief. It helps me calm down or just to relax,
on a bad day. But on a good day, music just helps me get through the day.”
“Music is a way of expressing me and being able to relate to other people.”
“It can personify emotions in life if written well.”
“Music is a source of inspiration and expression.”
“Music wakes me up, gets me going, and is a way to add some more
awesomeness to every day.”
“Music means a lot to me. It is a way to express and release emotions. I love
music that on top of the fun beats, it can carry a message that is relative to real
life situations.”
“Music is a nice thing you can listen to when you want to get out and just go
into your own world.”
“Music is my way to escape from the real world and just listen and let myself
“Music is freedom. It’s everything. Music connects the world!”
“It is the expression of deep emotions and feelings.”
“Music calms me down, lifts me up and always makes me feel a certain way.”
“Explains things when words fail; Music speaks.”
“Music means something that’s inspiring and can match your moods”
“Music helps me connect to life.”

Again these responses are very insightful to me. It really shows the importance
music plays in their life. For some people music is the most important thing in
their life. For others it’s one of the ways they express their emotions. While
looking at this list I thought it would be interesting to simplify this list as to
what I infer the students were trying to say in its simplest form. Here’s what I
came up with:

Music is ones identity

Music is ones world
Music is a drug
Music is a therapist
Music is how one shows the world what I’m feeling
Music is how one socially interact with humans
Music is entertainment
Music is inspirational
Music is a friend
Music is life

Some of these responses to me aren’t healthy. Making music your world isn’t
necessarily a good thing. I’m not questioning the moral values one places on
music, but on the importance music plays on society and the individual. As I
look at my list I can easily share example after example of how this has been
true in my life during different stages. It reminds me as I teach how important
music is to our culture. It makes it exciting to be a music teacher, while at the
same time gives me a responsibility to show the benefits of music in their life.

2. The profession I’d like to have and the qualities essential for it.

Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers,
butchers or salesmen. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs,
and new ones are constantly appearing. And the problem of choosing the
future profession has always been very important and difficult matter
because it determines our future life in many ways. It is one of the most
important decisions for every person.

As for me, I had decided to be a teacher, so last year I entered Irkutsk State
Teacher Training University. Our University is situated in the centre of
Irkutsk; it is rather small building, but very comfortable. Students say that
our building is the best and it is quite easy to find different classes.

As for subjects – we have ten. They are: English practice, grammar and
phonetics, Russian, Survival Science, Pedagogic science, Medicine, History,
Physical Education and others. I find my subjects quite amazing because
they help me to understand the way of teaching other people and to learn
some more information, I have never known before.

As I've told before – I chose to be a teacher of English as a second language

because it will be a chance to fulfill my dream of helping people to learn the
foreign language. I think I possess the qualities necessary for being a good
teacher. I am hard-working, kind-hearted, and broadminded. I want to
devote myself to teaching different people, especially children. It will be a
very challenging work for me – I will need to use all my knowledge, skills
and imagination to find the right approach for every single student and make
the process of studying as creative and interesting, as possible. So, I think
that I have made the right choice.
Exam Card 10

1. Educating children at home: advantages and disadvantages.

Parents who want to homeschool their children but still have some reservations
about it should take time to consider the positive and negative aspects of
The following information will help parents know what to expect when they
homeschool their children, detailing both the benefits and disadvantages. It
will enable you to make a better informed decision if you're still uncommitted
to homeschooling, and it will help you determine what negative aspects of
homeschooling you will be able to tolerate and what positive aspects of
administering your children's education you will enjoy.

Top 15 Benefits of Homeschooling

Parents have the opportunity to:

Determine the curriculum and their children's schooling schedule

Demonstrate to their children that education is fun
Create strong bonds with their children
Adapt teaching methods best suiting how their children learn
Spend extra time with their children on difficult concepts and move ahead after
children master a subject or concept
Create a flexible schedule not possible for children enrolled in public school
Provide religious and ethical instruction for their children
Shelter children from school violence, drugs, and other negative behaviors
children in public schools frequently encounter
Provide their children with the personal interaction that teachers in large
classrooms are not able to provide
Spend extra time helping their children develop any special talents they possess,
including musical, athletic, etc
Discuss controversial topics at their discretion with their children
Enjoy spending more time with their children
Assist their children during adolescence and other trying times
Draw closer to their spouse as they homeschool their children together
Take their children on vacations when public school is still in session
Top 10 Potential Disadvantages of Homeschooling
Homeschooling parents are required to:

Be around their children all day long. This can be difficult when children
become restless and misbehave
Frequently explain their reasons for homeschooling their children to friends and
relatives unsympathetic or confused about their decision
Restrain anger and remain patient when children struggle with learning
Effectively handle the difficulties of moving at a slower pace than public school
Spend large amounts of money on books and other learning materials
Constantly adapt to be effective teachers
Constantly motivate their children
Speak with other people homeschooling their children to get ideas about solving
difficult problems if they're unsure about the best course of action
Spend time reviewing numerous curriculum programs up to their standards and
best suiting their children's learning needs
Spend more time finding playmates and friends for their children in similar
Although there are many other benefits and disadvantages associated with
homeschooling, the aforementioned information provides you with an idea of
what to expect as a homeschooling parent.

Homeschooling can be very stressful, but it's also rewarding. However,

homeschooling is not for every parent, and parents unprepared or unwilling to
make the commitment to be an effective teacher should avoid it.

2. My favorite literary character.



Exam Card 11
1. What makes a good book.

A good book is one that makes the reader feel. It takes the reader on a compelling
journey. Calling a book “good” is an opinion that can be applied to any book. I
believe that a book can be considered good if it is a great story with average
writing. A great story with many struggles and ultimate success can be told even
when the writing is average. Some storylines are not compelling, but they are so
well written that people will recommend them. The criteria I use to gauge whether
a book is worth reading relate to the subject, the genre, and the author. However, I
can read outside of these criteria if someone convinces me. For example, The Glass
Castle was strongly recommended by a friend even though I was unsure I would
like the subject (poverty/alcoholism) or genre (memoir) by an author I had never
read (Jeannette Walls). I loved it and recommended it to others. If a book is written
well and tells a great story, it has more of a chance of making a difference in
people’s lives. However, a book need only be good to the reader to make a
difference in his life.

2. What factors influence people’s attitude to work?

Managers and leaders play an important role in influencing the behaviour of
individuals at workplace. It is the responsibility of leaders to set a direction for
team members. In majority of the cases, it has been observed that employees do
not feel like going to work when they have strict bosses. You need to stand by
your team always. Guide them and help them in their day to day operations and
help them acquire new skills and upgrade their knowledge. Make them feel
important. As a leader, you need to be a strong source of inspiration for your
subordinates. If you do not reach office on time, how can you expect your team
members to adhere to the rules and regulations of organization?

Work Culture
Employees need to feel comfortable at workplace for them to stay positive and
happy. Rules and regulations should be same for everyone. Employees ought to
be encouraged to respect their reporting bosses and follow the code of ethics.
Do not have complicated reporting systems. Transparency at all levels is
essential. You must know what your team member is up to and vice-a-versa.
Job security is one of the most crucial factors affecting employee behaviour.
Stand by your team at the times of crisis. Do not throw them out during bad
times. Believe me, they will never leave you.

Job Responsibilities
Employees should be asked to do what best they can perform. Do not overburden
employees. Encourage them to upgrade their skills from time to time.

Effective Communication
Managers need to communicate effectively with team members. The moment,
employees feel left out, they lose interest in work. They need to have a say in
organization’s major decisions. Let them express their views and come out with
their problems. Grievances need to be addressed immediately.

Family and Personal Life

Trust me, if you fight with your family members or relatives in the morning,
you feel restless the whole day. It has been observed that individuals with a
troubled background or problematic family life tend to behave irrationally at
workplace. Employees who have strained relationships with family members
like to sit till late at work and spoil the entire work culture. Individuals from
very poor families also have a habit of stealing office stationery and taking
things to home. Conflicts in personal life lead to stress and irrational behaviour.
Also, individuals should try not to bring their personal problems to work. Try to
keep your personal and professional life separate.
Exam Card 12 сама
1. My top-3 Ukrainian books.
2. Is there a museum/gallery in your city/town, which you sometimes visit?
What do you like about it? How could it be improved?
Exam Card 13

1. What factors make culture shock easier to overcome?

Define culture and culture shock. There are many factors that make up a
culture, including shared belief systems, behaviors, and traditions. Many
people are not aware of how culture affects them because they are
surrounded by other people who share the same assumptions, beliefs, and
values. These differences are only apparent when you step outside of your
own culture and encounter someone else’s culture. This is one way to
understand culture shock.
Culture show makes you aware of the differences you have compared to
other people’s values, morals, beliefs, and traditions.
These differences may lead to internal conflict as you try to adapt to them.
You may feel a range of emotions including anxiety, confusion,
homesickness, anger, sadness, frustration, and sometimes even depression.

Talk to others about your experience. Don’t allow yourself to become a

recluse during this experience. Reach out to your friends either locally or at
home to talk to them about how you are feeling. Perhaps you are on a study
abroad trip and have other classmates who have similar feelings; connect
with them as well as with those who are adjusting a bit more easily.[3]
Keep in touch with everyone from home. Being homesick could also be
intensifying your feelings of culture shock. Though you should not be
reaching out 24/7, keep connected with your friends and family back home.[

What factors create job satisfaction?


Not receiving feedback on their work can be quite discouraging for most people.
Effective feedback will help your team members know where they are and how
they can improve.

You also need to know what kind of feedback your team members respond to best.
Research shows that novices seek and respond to positive feedback, while experts
respond to negative feedback.
In the case of negative feedback, it’s not enough to simply point out what is wrong.
Explain why something they did isn’t working, and how it might be corrected.

3. Control

Pointing out to your team members where you want them to go is great. Mapping
out the exact route they need to get there is not.

Autonomy and control are necessary for people to feel satisfied with their work. In
fact, psychologists have found that the less control people have over their jobs, the
more stressful and unsatisfying they find it.

Organizational support

The more organizational support people perceive, the higher job satisfaction they
experience. People want to know that their workplace cares about them. This can
be expressed through a multitude of messages, from how superiors treat them, to
the benefits they receive and other, more subtle, messages.

Even if you can’t offer your staff all the benefits and perks you’d like, the
important thing is that they perceive their organization supports them.

Great team leaders know that their staff need both praise for their accomplishments
and recognition for their efforts. At the same time, team members should feel that
they can always approach their immediate supervisors with any questions or
concerns that are affecting their performance.

Exam Card 14сама

1) What makes students cheat and how to combat cheating?

2) Compare different styles of painting.

Watercolor painting is usually done on the paper. In this particuar type of
painting, one uses water based solutions to mix the colors and hence the
name water color painting. Compared to oil painting, watercolor painting is
also similarly tough task. Nowadays you have plenty of artists trying out
realistic looking portraits using watercolors.
25 Different Types of Painting Techniques and Styles
Types Of Paintings
Types of Paintings : Painting is the art of splashing colours with the help of
brushes in a certain way to create an art. Painting can be done on almost any
surface and they can be digital(on computers) or manual using paints and
brushes. There are different kinds of painting materials like sand, paper, clay
and many more. Painting is all about creativity, so artists don't restrict
themselves to only limited medium and materials, it's an ever growing
process. There are different types of painting styles but modern style of
painting is the most sought after technique, it allows the artist to bringforth
his/her ideas on the canvas with a mixture of modernism, abstract and surreal
techiques. There are different styles of painting like abstract art, conceptual
art, Hyperrealism, pop art, Futurism, Impressionism and so on. As artists you
can focus on single styles or a combination of styles.

Types of Paintings

Types of Painting Techniques

Oil painting
Watercolor painting
Pastel painting
Acrylic painting
Digital painting
Ink wash Painting or Literati painting - Chinese black ink
Hot wax painting or Encaustic painting
Spray Painting
Fresco secco paintings - wall painting technique
Gouache - opaque watercolor medium
Enamel paintings
Tempera paintings (are very long lasting)
Sand Painting.. etc
1. Oil painting
Oil painting can be a difficult task for beginners. Oil painting is suitable for
almost all kinds of styles. You get to work with smooth texture of paint and it
has a wonderful scent to it. Oil paint uses some drying oil as a binder to the
pigments, which gives the wonderful buttery feel to the paint. The most
common drying oils used as a binder are walnut oil, linseed oil, poppy seed
oil and many more. Oil painting was first used by Indian and Chinese artists
in the 5th century, but it became popular only in the 15th century.
35 Most Beautiful Oil Paintings from Top Artists around the world
Oil Painting

2. Watercolor painting
Watercolor painting is usually done on the paper. In this particuar type of
painting, one uses water based solutions to mix the colors and hence the
name water color painting. Compared to oil painting, watercolor painting is
also similarly tough task. Nowadays you have plenty of artists trying out
realistic looking portraits using watercolors. The mixing of colors is very
crucial in this, since too much of anything, changes the shade of the colors.
30 Best Watercolor Paintings From Top artists around the world
Watercolor Paintings

3. Pastel painting
Pastel sticks are normally used to create the pastel paintings. Using pastel
sticks you can immediately start drawing and coloring, it uses the same
binding pigments, except pastel sticks are a powder form which are bound
together using a binding agent, and they are readymade. If you are looking
for pure and deep colors, then it's highly recommended to use the pastel
sticks. Pastel paintings can be done on canvas, so you can do beautiful
layering of colors with pastels.
We all love to see the brush strokes on a painting, it gives a dramatic final
effect. Texture paintings are mostly used with oil paints, since while working
with acrylic paints, they effects are lost when the acrylics dry up. But oil
paints tend to be expensive, so as a substitute one can use acrylic impasto
which works amazing on textures. Apart from regular paint brushes, flat
knifes, blunt objects are used to create texture paintings.

Exam Card 15

1) The education system in Great Britain.

Главная› Топики› Образование
Топик The Educational System of Great Britain
The educational system of G.B. is extremely complex and bewildering.It is very
difficult to generalize particular types of schools as schoolsdiffer from one to
the other. The department of education and science isresponsible for national
educational policy, but it doesn't employ teacher or prescribe curricula or text

Each school has it's own board of governors consisting of teachers, parents,
local politicians, members of local community, businessmen and sometimes
pupils. According to the law only one subject is compulsory. It is religious

Schooling for children is compulsory from 5 to 16, though some provision is

made for children under 5 and some pupils remain at school after 16 to
prepare for higher education.

The state school system is usually divided into 2 stages (secondary and
primary).The majority of primary schools are mixed.They are subdivided
into infant schools (ages 5 to 7),and junior schools (ages 7 to11). In junior
schools pupils were often placed in A,B,C or D-streams, according to their
abilities. Under the pressure of progressive parents and teachers the 11+
examination has now been abolished in most parts of the country. There are
several types of schools in G.B.Grammar schools provide an academical
cause for selected pupils from the age of 11 to 18. Only those children who
have the best results are admitted to these schools. They give pupils a high
level of academic education which can lead to the university.

Technical Schools offer a general education with a technical bias and serve
those pupils who are more mechanically minded. The curriculum includes
more lessons of science and mathematics. Secondary modern schools were
formed to provide a non-academic education for children of lesser
attainment. The curriculum includes more practical subjects. Comprehensive
schools bring about a general improvement in the system of secondary

2) Working at home: advantages and disadvantages.

Exam Card 16

1) Cultural conflicts: communication and culture, ethnocentrism,

stereotypes and prejudice.
As the world gets smaller and hotter, people with different cultural backgrounds
are fighting more than ever before. White people argue that racial
discrimination is no longer a problem, while Black people and Latinos argue
that discrimination is keeping them down. Women are crashing into the glass
ceiling at the top of the corporate ladder, while men are falling off the ladder
altogether. Religious conservatives mourn the loss of “one nation, under
God,” while religious liberals mourn the loss of the boundary between church
and state. And while wealthy nations of the Global North grumble that the
poor nations of the Global South are corrupt and violent, Global Southerners
grumble that Global Northerners are cold and heartless.

Although each of these conflicts seems distinct, our book, Clash! 8 Cultural
Conflicts That Make Us Who We Are, shows that most of them stem from the
same root cause: the clash of independence and interdependence. All of us
have two sides to our selves: an independent side that wants to be separate,
unique, and in control; and an interdependent that wants to be connected,
similar, and cooperative.

Depending on your particular mix of cultures, you tend to use one side of your
self more than the other. Tensions flare when people using their independent
side interact with people using their interdependent side. This clash of
independence and interdependence ignites not only everyday disputes
between genders, races, and social classes, but also regional, religious, and
national conflicts.

We are not doomed to fight over our differences, however. Once you know your
unique cultural mix and which side of your self you tend to use, you can
better navigate the cultural divides that define the 21st century.

Are you more independent or more interdependent? Click through the slides
below to learn more about the eight cultural conflicts that define the 21st
century. Then take our quiz to discover whether you are more independent or
interdependent. Once you know which side of your self you tend to use, you
can better understand the disagreements in your daily life, as well as within
your own multicultural self.

2) Is plagiarism a crime? Should it be punished? How to avoid plagiarism?


Exam Card 17

1) What factors determine the quality of education?

Brand image

While some colleges (such as the IITs) have a high brand recall because of their
quality of education as is reflected by the achievements of their alumni and
the research output of faculty and graduate students, other colleges have high
brand recall due to advertising on a large scale. Smaller colleges cannot afford
the same advertisement budgets and hence lose out on branding even if they
provide good quality education.

Smaller (and newer) colleges do not attract enough recruiters either. Companies
that recruit thousands of students from campuses every year would typically
not go to campuses where they are likely to get just 5-10 potential employees.
And companies that recruit very few students would typically not add a new
college to their list.

The parameters

So, how does one find out which college provides quality education? We list
some parameters, which will help you compare colleges. Most of the
information is available on the website. If not, try to get it from current
students and alumni of the college. In worse case scenario, make a personal
trip. All this is not easy but must be done in order to make an informed choice
as your entire career will be influenced by this.

The faculty

How qualified is the faculty?

Review the number of faculty members with a PhD degree. While some of the
faculty members without a PhD may be very good teachers (and some even
researchers), they are fewer in number. Similarly, one should see the number
of faculty members with an MTech degree. If the college hires many faculty
members with a BTech or MSc, the quality may not be up to the mark.

Also, check from where the faculty members have received their highest
degrees. Prominent names increase chances of a better quality of education.
For instance, if the faculty members received their highest degrees from the
same institute, this reflects poorly on the quality of education.

How active is the faculty in research?

A faculty member who is active in research will normally have a better

understanding of the latest developments in the area, and will therefore be in a
position to explain better. One need not be a top class researcher to be a good
teacher but without doing any research, it is difficult to teach well. Review the
list of research publications by the faculty members, and see if these
publications are featured in reputed journals and at conferences. You may
need some help from researchers to really judge. Also, look whether they
have research projects funded externally by the industry or government-
funding agencies. It shows that others value their research.
The number of faculty members.

The faculty to student ratio is an important aspect affecting the quality of

education. Generally, learning is better when the average class size is smaller.
And that can only happen with substantial faculty strength. Also, having a
poor ratio means that the teaching load on the faculty will be higher, and
therefore, they may not find time to do research.

2) Categories of non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication helps people to:

Reinforce or modify what is said in words.

For example, people may nod their heads vigorously when saying “Yes” to
emphasise that they agree with the other person. A shrug of the shoulders
and a sad expression when saying “I’m fine, thanks” may actually imply that
things are not really fine at all!

Convey information about their emotional state.

Your facial expression, your tone of voice, and your body language can
often tell people exactly how you feel, even if you have hardly said a word.
Consider how often you have said to someone,

“Are you OK? You look a bit down.”

We know how people feel from their non-verbal communication.

Define or reinforce the relationship between people.

If you have ever watched a couple sitting talking, you may have noticed that
they tend to ‘mirror’ each other’s body language. They hold their hands in
similar positions, they smile at the same time, and they turn to face each
other more fully. These movements reinforce their relationship: they build
on their rapport, and help them to feel more connected.
Provide feedback to the other person.

Smiles and nods tell someone that you are listening and that you agree with
what they are saying. Movement and hand gestures may indicate that you
wish to speak. These subtle signals give information gently but clearly.

Regulate the flow of communication

There are a number of signals that we use to tell people that we have
finished speaking, or that we wish to speak. An emphatic nod, and firm
closing of the lips indicates that we have nothing more to say, for example.
Making eye contact with the chair of a meeting and nodding slightly will
indicate that you wish to speak.

Exam Card 18

1) What makes a good teacher and a good learner.

2) Why is English considered to be a world language?

Exam Card 19
1) The best ways of learning a new language.
2) Is there a key to happiness?
Exam Card 20
1) English as the language of international communication.
2) How to de-stress.

Exam Card 21
1) Benefits of learning foreign languages.
2) Dealing with exam anxiety

Exam Card 22
1) Non-verbal communication.
2) The power of positive thinking.
Exam Card 23
1) What makes a good communicator.
2) How to fit into a new group of people

Exam Card 24
1) How to improve communication skills.
2) Can we shape our own personality?

Exam Card 25
1) What makes a good language learner?
2) The frustrations of nowadays and how to deal with them.
When someone frustrates you, always take a breath first before you react.
Decide if you want to talk now or wait to calm down. If you're highly
reactive and upset, have the discussion later when you're calmer. Then
you'll be more persuasive and less threatening. At that time use this

Tip #1. Focus on a specific issue—don't escalate or mount a personal

For instance, "I feel frustrated when you promise to do something but
there is no follow-through." No resorting to threats or insults. In an even,
non-blaming tone, lead with how the behavior makes you feel rather than
how you think the other person is wrong.

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Tip #2. Listen non-defensively without reacting or interrupting.

It's a sign of respect to hear a person's point of view, even if you disagree.
Avoid an aggressive tone or body language. Try not to squirm with
discomfort or to judge.

Tip #3. Intuit the feelings behind the words.

When you can appreciate someone's motivation, it's easier to be patient.
Try to sense if this person is frightened, insecure, up against a negative
part of themselves they've never confronted. If so, realize this can be
painful. See what change they're open to.

Tip #4. Respond with clarity and compassion.

This attitude takes others off the defensive so they're more comfortable
admitting their part in causing frustration. Describe everything in terms
of remedies to a specific task, rather then generalizing. State your needs.
For instance, "I'd really appreciate you not shouting at me even if I
disappoint you." If the person is willing to try, show how pleased you
are. Validate their efforts: "Thanks for not yelling at me. I really value
your understanding." See if the behavior improves. If not, you may have
to minimize contact and/or expectations.

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