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Grammar Unit 8

Defining and non-defining relative clauses 5 Choose the correct option.

Is this / the one / another the book you were
1 Read sentences A and B. Are sentences 1–5 true looking for yesterday?
(T) or false (F)?
1 Look at these / those / any monkeys over there
A The chef, who has been cooking for years, is – I think they’re talking to each other!
from Spain. 2 Do you believe what / these / – aggression is a
B Any food which I prepare tastes amazing. natural feeling?
In sentence A, the relative pronoun cannot be 3 I’ll give you her / another / which chance to be
replaced with that. T my friend if you promise to be nicer to me.
1 Sentence A contains a defining relative clause. 4 What / Which / His is that boy’s name?
__ 5 Steve has got two dogs; the ones / their / the
2 In sentence B, the relative pronoun can be one he got first is called Leo.
replaced with that. __ 6 Could you pass me that / this / those knife?
3 Sentence A contains extra information. __
4 In sentence B, the clause gives us information Indefinite pronouns
necessary to know what we’re talking about. __
5 In sentence B, extra information comes between 6 Complete the words in the dialogue with any-,
every-, no- or some-.
commas. __
Alyssa So what’s new? Have you been doing
2 Match 1–7 to the relative clauses A–G. anything cool or been out
1 I met a French chef C (1) ______where interesting recently?
2 The meal, __ Noah No, not really. What about you?
3 That’s the office building __ Alyssa Erm … I went (2) ______where nice last
4 The nurse, __ Friday – Luigi’s Pizzeria. It was really
5 Shakespeare, __ good – there was (3) ______thing I didn’t
6 Alexander Graham Bell is the man __ like about it. The food was nice and the
7 2014 was the year __ music was great – (4) ______one seemed
to be having a good time. I asked
A where my dad works. (5) ______body sitting at the table next to
B who invented the telephone. me if they’d been there before and they
C whose first name was Jacques. said ‘no’, but that they’d definitely be back.
D who took my temperature, was very kind. We should go.
E which we had at Dans le Noir, was delicious.
F whose plays are very well-known, was English. so … that and such … that
G when Amanda finished university.
7 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
3 Which of the sentences 1–7 in exercise 2 One sentence is correct.
contain non-defining relative clauses? It was such cold that I turned on the heating.
_________________________________________ It was so cold that I turned on the heating.
1 The chef is such a good cook the restaurant is
Determiners always full.
4 Complete the table with the determiners. 2 It was so a cute monkey that I took a photo.
a another any his no article the
the one these this what 3 It’s such an easy puzzle that anyone will be able
to do it.
General Specific ________________________________
a ________ 4 The cave is so dark we can’t go into it.
________ ________ ________________________________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________

4 1
Vocabulary Unit 8
have and take idioms Extra vocabulary

1 Complete the words in the idioms and add the 4 Complete the adjectives in the text.
verbs have or take.
1 have a ball 6 _____ a good n____ for
2 _____ it fr____ us 7 _____ n____ of Hi all! In today’s post I’m talking about food – well,
3 _____ an e____ for 8 _____ an o____ mi____ actually I’m talking about a peculiar, but cool,
4 _____ no id____ 9 _____ it e____ restaurant I went to with some friends at the
5 _____ your m____ off 10 _____ your b____ aw___ weekend. The restaurant has been built to look like
a huge cave. When you first walk in the entrance,
2 Match six of the idioms from exercise 1 to the there’s a (1) life-_____ed ‘caveman’ waiting to greet
meanings A–F. you! On the walls of the restaurant are
have good skills in finding things 6 (2) p_____tive paintings of wild animals and hunters
A enjoy yourself __ – amazing! And the food, at least most of it, was
B accept new ideas __ really good too. Two of my friends and I had a
C relax __ (3) sa_____y dish made from meat and vegetables
… it was (4) m_____-watering and delicious! My
D help you forget __
friend, Jack, decided to try a fish dish. When it
E really surprise you __
arrived at our table, it had a very strong
F know nothing __
(5) ar_____ic smell and it looked rather strange.
After one bite, Jack complained that his food was
Abstract nouns (6) in_____le. He sent it back to the kitchen and
ordered something else. Have you had any
3 Choose the correct option. interesting restaurant experiences recently?
Do you believe that there is any stronger feeling
than the ____ a mother feels for her child? 5 Complete the sentences with the words.
a affection b loneliness c bravery around back flock herd into pride
1 Why do you always throw things when you’re
angry, Stella? You must control your ____! We’ve just seen a(n) herd of elephants!
a trust b aggression c sympathy 1 Experts are looking ______ new forms of
2 The newspaper article said that the firefighter energy.
had showed a lot of ____ when he rescued the 2 Looking ______, I realize that I should have
man from the burning building. gone to university when I was younger.
a grief b affection c bravery 3 What a huge ______ of birds in that field!
3 Martin couldn’t hide his feeling of ____ when he 4 Let’s go into that shop and have a look ______.
found out that he had won an award for his new 5 A(n) ______ of lions can be very dangerous.
a friendship b joy c compassion Functional language
4 Daniel is a humorous man with great ____.
These qualities mean that he is great company. 6 Complete the words in the sentences. Tick ()
a intelligence b apprehension c trust the sentences that show agreement. Underline
the sentences that continue instructions.
5 Have you ever experienced feelings of ____? If
you have, you should join a club so that you will Nor does the researcher. 
meet new friends and have people to hang out 1 Sta___ b__ taking the pieces out of the box and
with. putting them on the table. 
a friendship b sympathy c loneliness 2 I ha___ t__o! 
3 Aft___ that, you ___uld cut up the vegetables. 
4 The la___ ___ep is to paint the model car the
colour that you’ve chosen. 
5 Wh___ the meat is cook___, prep___ the sauce.

6 Me neit____! 

4 2

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