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The Tiger’s Song By Rob Walz & John Prichard, Cover Art by Jody Steel

need to be familiar with the overall storyline so

Overview you can keep it moving, we break this down for
Far to the east, in the Feathered City, a night hag you in the following sections.
has made enemies with a mysterious demon. The
fiends’ struggle for dominance over the souls of Keep in mind this is a horror-mystery adventure,
the city has spilled over into the alleys and royal build tension and drama: if they are paranoid that
courts of the city. The hag enlists the help of the death lurks in every shadow and that anyone
city’s princess, but realizes heroes will be needed could be the demon, they you’re doing a great
to actually find and destroy the fiend. The hag job!
finds the party and steals one of their souls to use
a bartering chip and to send the characters on a Encounter Difficulty
quest to find and destroy her enemy.
This adventure is designed for 5 level 7 (APL of
This is an adventure quickly becomes a cat and 7) characters. This adventure shouldn’t be
mouse game, where the characters are scrambling attempted by characters lower than level 5. Use
to stay one step ahead of powerful enemies. The the following guidelines to determine your
adventure is filled with sparse, but deadly, party’s strength:
combat. Player deaths are very possible, and the
difficulty can seem unfair at times. • 3 characters, or APL 5-6: Very Weak
• 3-4 characters, or APL 5-6: Weak
Note: There are strong horror elements to this • 5 characters, APL 7: Use as designed, this is the
intended level
story as well, and some graphic scenes may not
• 6-7 characters, or APL 8: Strong
be appropriate for all players.
• 6-7 characters, or APL 9: Very Strong

Using This Adventure Adventure Hook

This adventure is designed to be used with the
The characters are stalked by the Night Mother, a
fifth edition of the world’s most popular role-
night hag who targets the character with the
playing game - the one we can’t name due to
lowest Charisma score. Each night, the victim is
trademark laws. To avoid being sued into the
subjected to terrible nightmares with recurring
lowest depths of hell, we’ve taken great care to
images of faceless children, streets filled with
avoid using that game’s intellectual property.
blood, and the burning presence of a foul,
Monster names appear in bold, and you’ll have to
terrifying evil. Nothing seems to help cure these
use the monster codex, or bestiary for the core
nightmares, and on the third night, read the
system for their stats. Custom monsters are
marked with an asterisk* and their stats appear in
the appendices of this adventure.
You wake with a gasp and see the hideous, withered face
Non-Linear Storytelling of a crone hunched over your bed. Curved black horns
This is a non-linear story. The characters will be sprout from her head and in clawed hands she holds a
able to move freely through the city, investigate blackened skull, eye sockets glowing with a pale light.
and follow up on various leads, and be mislead by She pounces on your chest. You struggle, but are far
red herrings. There are several main story points weaker than the hag. She leans forward and plants
that must happen, generally in order, to keep the cracked and ragged lips on your mouth! Leaping from
story moving along. As the game master, you will you, she says:

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“Your soul burns brightly, hero. I saw it like a beacon about trade routes or caravans, can easily relay
across the ethereal plane. I loathe having to return it, tales of the mountain city, including information
but I shall, if you drive my enemy from the Feathered on the brotherhood of monks that dwell on the
City. A powerful demon rules that place now, from a mountains protecting the city.
throne of shadows. He’s woven such a net of lies around
him that even I, the Night Mother, cannot know who he Feel free to give your player’s a few hints about
truly is. Take this, and crush it under the light of the the royal family, political factions, or the
moon when you are ready to face the demon with no merchants that call the city home.
When they decide to finally use the skull, read
She drops the skull on your bed, and fades into the following:
shadowstuff, vanishing into the world between worlds.
The skull crumbles and a gray mist rises up around you.
The night hag has stolen the character’s soul, The hag waits for you in the swirling fog of the ether.
preventing them from being raised from the dead Six ghostly warriors, clad in scaled armor of eastern
unless the hag agrees, but otherwise offering no make, flank her. She points to you and growls, “We hold
penalties. If the party completes her quest, she no love for each other, heroes, but a common enemy binds
will return it as promised. There’s more details us. I will uphold my word and return your soul, if you do
about the Night Mother in Appendix A. not fail me. Beyond these mists waits the Feathered City.
Seek the Princess Sutora at the shrine of the Silent
Goddess, she aids me and knows much of the demon that
Learning More
haunts us.”
The characters may want to investigate the Night
Mother or the Feathered City before moving on.
She opens a portal in the ether that leads to the
The Night Mother. The creature was a night hag, Feathered City. She will not converse here, and
and any character at this level with training in forces the characters onward.
religion or arcana will easily identify her as such.
Characters versed in history will know of tales of
the Night Mother, a hag that has haunted the
Mystery Overview
Once they step through the portal, the characters
Feathered City for ages. She’s known to offer
are part of the mystery that has embroiled the
healing in return for a hefty price, often the soul
Feathered City. Use this quick guide to get a
of an innocent person.
sense of what has happened and what will
The Blackened Skull. An identify spell or happen. Read through the appendices as well and
Intelligence (Arcana) DC 14 check reveals the know the NPCs and their factions. The characters
skull to be a gate to the ethereal plane. When should feel free to explore leads and make
used as the hag prescribes, it transports the assumptions on their own, that means you have
characters to the ethereal plane and summons the to be comfortable winging it.
hag and her ghostly minions to the characters.
The Missing Children. All of this trouble began
The Feathered City. A prominent city in the far with a rash of missing children. The Night
east (or other exotic local), the Feathered City is Mother knows the children are being stolen from
a hub for aerial transport. Characters trained in their homes by a demon, but she doesn’t know
history, geography, or have special knowledge who or what is encroaching on her territory.

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Though the Night Mother is far from good, she lay the blame for all of his sins at the feet of the
considers this place her’s and she is unwilling to monks. He seeks a coutal egg, the unborn son of
allow another fiend spread their own form of his ancient enemy, a winged serpent once
corruption and malice. In her hunt for the culprit, worshiped by the monks.
the hag discovered an unlikely ally in the city’s
royal daughter, Princess Sutora. His plans are at risk because the princess has
located his lair in the bottom of a brothel and can
The Princess. The princess has been investigating ruin his disguise as Berrim. The princess was
the children herself, and has evidence that they murdered at his command, and his ally Ireki,
may have been taken to a brothel. The princess’s pinning the attack on her new allies -the
handmaiden, and bodyguard, Vandi was wounded characters - ensures the demon gets away with
during one such investigation, a wound that his plan.
became a terrible, rotting affliction. Desperate for
help, but afraid to seek it openly, the princess
called upon the Night Mother. When the hag’s
The Feathered City
Nine hundred years ago, only a monastery stood
healing failed to cure the affliction, the Night
over the mountain valleys of this lush, jungled
Mother sought the character’s ‘help.’ Soon after
vale. The Brothers of Rain and Sun, they were
the characters arrive, the princess is found
monks dedicated to the perfection of martial arts
murdered in the streets and they are suspects.
and the study of mediation, peace, and harmony.
The Investigation. Drawn into this mystery Lead by a coutal, they sent holy men, warriors,
against their will, the characters will struggle to and clerics across the eastern world to spread
find clues, gather allies, and simply survive. their messages of peace.
There are several factions they can meet along the
In time, others found the vale and the Feathered
way, some offer aid, others will be enemies. Use
City slowly emerged on terraced fields cut from
the adventure and appendices to add characters,
the mountain. The jungle provided food,
scenes, and interest.
minerals, and protection but was also home to
What’s Really Happening. The Night Mother is griffons and other flying beasts that could be
only partially correct - there isn’t just one fiend tamed. In time the city became known as a place
threatening the Feathered City, but three. A to buy such exotic beasts, and soon became
rakshasa, disguised as the halfling merchant, important to aerial travel.
Berrim; the commander of the city watch, Ireki;
Today, the monks have all but vanished, the
and the leader of the thieves’ guild, Xevos are
coutal that lead them perished four hundred
working together to abduct children, whom they
years ago in battle. Only a handful of half-orcs
remain dedicated to the old teachings, bound
The rakshasa’s ultimate plan? He has been together by their leader, Sarin. Below their
abducting children to feed his grotesque ancient temple, a city of winding streets and dark
appetites, but also to create a climate of fear. alleys is ruled by cutthroat gangs and sinister
Using his status as a merchant, the rakshasa has demons.
been sending adventuring parties and other do-
Factions of the Feathered City. The characters will
gooders to their death while spreading rumors of
encounter three distinct factions while solving
demons and fiends loose in the city. He wants to
this mystery. The monks offer aid and respite,

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but have no interaction with other factions. They For details on different locations the characters
are a great source of lore related to the city. The can visit, see Appendix B.
Whispering Blades are the ruthless thieves’
guild that rules the shadows. They will be the Moving around is dangerous, rather than a
characters’ major adversaries during this random encounter table, choose one of the
adventure. The city watch are a mixed lot of scenarios in Appendix C to challenge the party.
noble, good-hearted soldiers and seedy
mercenaries that work for the highest bidder. Adventure Milestones
Depending on how the characters react, they These scenarios provide the main backbone of the
could be either an ally or an enemy. story, and happen more or less in order.

The City Gates. The characters step through the

Shrine of the Silent Goddess
portal and appear not far from the grand gates of
The Silent Goddess is the god of both lies and
the Feathered City.
truth and the shrine is a known meeting place for
the Whispering Blades. If the party asks locals to
You step through the shifting mists and find yourself in
point them to the shrine, they tell the characters
the shade of a wide tree. A jungle! Beyond is the
that it is in the bad part of town.
Feathered City ringed by mountains. The city gate looms
before you, made from totems of exotic wood, brightly While the characters make their way to the
painted and inlaid with jade. Beyond is a beautiful city shrine, they see some major features of the city.
carved into rising terraces along the face of a lush
mountain. Rocs, griffons, and airships lumber through • The red towers of the city castle can be seen
the air above the metropolis - forming aerial caravans. from the gates. It seems to be a small but well
defended keep.

The city is always lit by dim light at night and

• Narrow streets and switchback alleys make this
bright light at day. Patrols of city watchmen are place a rogue’s delight.
common in the nicer parts of town.
• The dominant race is human, but there are a
If you need some flavor text to further detail the number of half-orc monks in dark green
city, you can use this: vestments begging for alms.

It is a hot and humid, but the city is full of life. Porters, • Town criers bark the news, saying the merchant
servants, and merchants hurry through narrow streets Berrim is offering a reward to find missing
unsuited for pack animals. children. If asked, the criers explain that
children have been vanishing from every part of
the city and the merchant is looking to find the
Traversing the City culprit.
It takes about two hours to walk from one
location to another. Mounts aren’t suitable for • There are plenty of shady characters that will
travel through the city due to narrow, crowded trade information for gold. A mere 10 GP will
streets. Characters trying to ride a mount will be tip the characters off about the Whispering
fined 1 GP and told to stable the animal outside Blades.
the city gates for 20 GP.

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The Shrine. The characters find the shrine easily freedom fighters against the king, and shout as
enough, in a one story shack of plank wood and much.The commoners move into the spaces
tar. If they decide to check around the area first, between the characters, filling all available area.
they find nothing of real interest, otherwise read The commoners use their action to aid the Blades
the following when they enter: agents by granting the characters disadvantage on
their attack rolls. The mob counts as difficult
You see the shrine in the back, a wall painted with black terrain.
and white faces, decorated with a hundred flickering
The mob doesn’t climb walls, or enter other
candles. A few men in mail and a human woman, her
difficult terrain. They will not chase the
face hidden under a hood, wait there now. They do not
characters if they flee. The mob will disperse if
motion, or even look at you.
10 or more commoners are reduced to 0 hit
points. To speed things up, assume a single attack
The seated group isn’t the princess, but a
action by a character of level 7 will kill or knock
whispering blades assassin* and the mailed
out 1 commoner without rolling.
men are 2 veterans. A mage waits nearby,
pretending to worship to the gods. These are If half the party is successful with a Charisma
members of the Whispering Blades, told to (Persuasion) or (Intimidation) check, DC 14 will
expect ‘outlanders’ to enter the shrine today. also make the mob disperse.
They have orders to make sure there are no
survivors. If the mob disperses, the remaining veterans and
assassins escape as well, using the mob for cover,
Characters that are overly cautious may sense the granting advantage on their checks to slip away.
ambush. A Wisdom (Insight) DC 17 check is The assassin and thugs try to go back to the
needed to sense the attack, on a success that Gilded Griffon, a safe house for the Whispering
character isn’t surprised. Otherwise, the Blades, while the veterans go to the Windrider
Whispering Blades may hint at their mission if Inn, where mercenaries mingle with other men at
they are observed for 10 minutes or more. arms.

Tactics. As soon as the characters are in the Developments

shrine, the enemies attack, gaining surprise if The characters hear the name of the group that
possible. The thugs will attempt to bar the door ambushed them: the Whispering Blades. Even if
leading out. The barred door simply requires an there are no survivors among the ambushers,
action to open. The enemies will hit downed word gets back to the Whispering Blades that the
players, assuring they actually die. If things go characters survived and the thieves’ guild’s next
poorly, the veterans try to rally a mob. See below attempt will be even more ruthless.
for details.
While heading to the next location, bells from the
Strong or weak parties. If the party is is strong or monastery ring out - it becomes obvious that
very strong, add one assassin. If they are weak or someone important has died.
very weak, remove one veteran.

Mob of Commoners. If a veteran uses an action to

No Rest for the Wicked
call the mob, commoners rush to help the Blades. If the characters survive they will likely be banged
They are not evil, and in fact see the Blades as up and need a place to recoup. They may go to

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either the Gilded Griffon or the Windrider Inn. Rajim the Crooked-Footed. This information
The characters will be approached by several broker is likely to be found in the Gilded Griffon.
NPCs, depending on where they end up. This feathered creature is a tengu, a bird-like
humanoid. Rajim won’t approach the characters,
Further notes on these characters are in but anyone with a background with criminals or
Appendix A. that can speak thieves’ cant will understand that
he offers information for a price.
Monk. A half-orc monk, dressed in beggar’s rags,
shows up at either tavern; he’s been following the Ireki. At this point, Ireki won’t know who the
characters since their run-in with the Blades at characters are, but this is their chance to rub
the shrine. When you’re ready, read the elbows with one of the major villains in this
following: story. Gruff, easily offended, and violent, Ireki
doesn’t want anything to do with the characters.
The tavern is warm and welcoming with comfortable He’s at the Windrider Inn.
chairs and clean tables. The place is full of both locals
and outlanders. As you enter, a half-orc monk, face Other Clues. The characters may want to
hidden under a hood, approaches and whispers. “Our investigate on their own at this point, and this
bells toll for her, and the city will soon know: the scene is a great place to drop clues and have them
princess is dead.” He presses a brass pendant into your meet other NPCs. Use the Appendixes to answer
hand and holds your eye, judging you. “I know why questions about characters, locations, and
you’re here - do not trust the Night Mother. She is only triggering events or scenarios. If the characters
lies and darkness, friend. Take this pendant to gain entry want to visit a location not listed here, keep these
to our monastery, where we will aid you.” He slips away points in mind:
before you can say another word.
• There are posters everywhere for missing
children. This should be a strong secondary
Corgrim the Bartender. Corgrim is the bartender
plot hook.
at the Gilded Griffon, so he only shows up there.
He hails the characters to his bar and gives them • Anyone can point them to the half-orc temple,
free drinks because he “likes the look of their high on the mountainside, where bells of
ugly faces.” He doesn’t charge them and keeps mourning now ring for the princess.
the drinks coming. Corgrim’s reactions to the
characters change depends on what the • All city guards, watchmen, and upstanding
characters have recently done. mercenaries are on good terms with the city
Feril Tam. The captain of the city guard is looking
for brave warriors to help uncover the missing • Thieves, thugs, and unethical mercenaries work
children and won’t pass the characters by. If they for the Whispering Blades and report the
mention the Blades and the assassination attempt characters movements back to the guild. This
he spits and scowls. He’s got no love for those also tips off Rajim the Crooked-Footed, the
rogues and promises to look into it. He seems undisputed information broker in the Feathered
sincere. He will show up at either tavern, but if City, who serves only himself.
he’s at the Windrider Inn, he can point out other
• The princess’s corpse is at the monastery, but
important NPCs there.
the monks cannot return her to life. By dawn,

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the entire city will know what has happened to princess’s soul as well, preventing the monks
their princess. from restoring her to life.

• The rakshasa will learn about the characters in Arrested!

the city after they take a long rest, or 24 hours
Once the characters have earned a few clues they
after they are attacked at the shrine of the
will be arrested as suspects in the princess’s
Silent Goddess. Once he knows, he moves to
death. This should happen after a long rest, or
destroy the characters as quickly as possible by
after they’ve spent several hours traversing the
sending his allies after the characters.
city. This works best if the characters are caught
Developments in the Gilded Griffon or Windrider Inn.
After this scene, the characters will be introduced
Feril Tam leads the arrest against the characters,
to the major NPCs in this adventure. Depending
and is heartbroken if he’s already interacted with
on who they talk to, the Whispering Blades may
them. He doesn’t want to hurt them and
be notified and move into action (see Appendix C
promises he will get them an audience with the
for ideas). The characters must be aware of the
King to discuss their case. He’d rather not even
princess’s death by this point, or at least suspect
draw his sword. The characters may decide to
it has happened. Now’s a good time to ask them
fight and flee. If that is the case, make the fight
what they think is happening and gauge the pace
seem morally difficult - these guards aren’t bad
of the story.
men and Feril even suspects the characters are
Investigating The Monastery
The characters are likely to make their way to the The watchmen making the arrest have no
monastery next. When they arrive at the temple evidence, rather they are carrying out orders by
Sarin greets them. Now that they are in a safe their high commander, Ireki.
place, he confides all of his secrets about the
Captain Tam is a knight, and is joined by 4
princess. If they have his pendant, he will gladly
veterans, and 1 mage.
take the characters to her body and even allow
them to cast spells on her, but not animate her Strong or weak parties. Add a veteran if the party
corpse. Without the pendant, he may think they is strong, and add a veteran and another mage if
are imposters. the party is very strong.

Use Appendix A for details about Sarin and the If the characters turn to fight the guards during
Princess. Use Appendix B for details about the their arrest, they are met with constant pleas
monastery. from Feril Tam to surrender. If they kill him, and
break free, the Wanted scenario goes into effect.
The characters will have to flee into the streets
The characters can get a lot of information from
and figure out how to survive with both the city
the princess’s corpse, if they have the means to
watch and the Whispering Blades closing in on
commune with it or investigate her wounds.
Otherwise, they can receive healing services here
as detailed in the appendices. Most importantly, If the characters kill any of the city watch during
they learn that the Night Mother has stolen the this encounter, they will become criminals and
everyone assumes they murdered the princess.

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Developments A few hours after being sent to the dungeons,

Arrested: Council With the King. Arrested, the read the following:
characters are hauled in a wagon to Castle
Surtova. Several heavily armed warriors storm in from the castle.
They quickly overpower and kill the few jailers here and
If they went peacefully, they are brought before start looking for keys to your cell. Ireki, the Master of
the King to plead their case. If Feril is on good Arms, follows them. His form shifts and changes, not a
terms with them, he vouches for the characters man, but a hulking monster with deep blue skin, white
and raises doubt in the King’s mind. This gives hair, ghoulish eyes and long, wicked fangs. He growls to
the characters advantage on any checks made to his warriors, “first these interlopers then I will finish the
persuade the King. princesses’ handmaiden.”

Ireki, however, eventually arrives and gives his

side. He claims his spies saw these outlanders kill Ireki* is joined by 2 veterans and 1 howling
the princess. He even has proof, he claims, that devil. Ireki plans to kill the characters here. If the
he’ll provide during a proper trial. Ireki demands veterans or devil are killed, Ireki uses his mist
the characters be taken to the dungeons. form ability to escape.

Use Appendix A to help play Feril, Ireki, and the Strong or weak parties. If the party is very strong
King during this exchange. Regardless of how add an additional devil. Remove a veteran if the
this ends, the King will command the characters are weak or very weak.
be locked in the dungeons for the evening while
he decides what to do. Princess Sutora’s Chambers
All signs eventually point to the Princess’s
If the characters resisted arrest, Tam tosses them chambers. Her handmaiden, Vandi, was wounded
into the dungeons and denies them access to the by the rakshasa and the Princess prayed to the
king or any other member of the royal court. gods for help. The Night Mother overheard and
came to her ‘aid.’ Offering to cure Vandi’s
Arrested: Battle in the Dungeons. If they don’t
wounds with her magic. When the disease halted,
escape Tam’s arrest, the characters end up in the
but did not heal, the Night Mother understood
dungeon sooner or later. When they do, the
she was dealing with a powerful foe. The princess
jailers may take the characters’ weapons, bind
agreed to help the hag defeat the fiend; whoever
and gag spellcasters, and lock the characters in
or whatever it was, it was a shared enemy.
separate cells. It’s possible the king demands the
character are given better treatment, especially if Getting to the Chambers. The chambers are in a
he doubts their involvement in his daughter’s drum tower. Getting to the chambers will involve
death. In this case, the characters only have their entering the castle grounds and sneaking in,
equipment stripped. climbing the tower, or some other means. See
Appendix B for details on these locations.
If the players were on good terms with Feril, he
will slip one of the characters a lock pick. The Chasing Ireki. It is possible the characters take
locks can be picked with such tools with a DC 10 chase after their fight with Ireki in the dungeons.
check. The oni is difficult to track, however, using his
mist form ability to escape. It is possible that

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Feril Tam or the Night Mother may arrive to aid

of spies and scouts to scour the dark belly of the city. The
the characters at this point.
spies returned evidence of dark magics being practiced by
Battle in the Chambers. No matter how they get the Whispering Blades. I am afraid to approach my
into the chambers, the characters arrive at a father or the court wizards with this knowledge, I know
dramatic moment as Ireki comes to finish off the not who is friend or foe! But I think the hooded man is
last loose end: Vandi, the princess’s handmaiden. working for Berrim, the merchant. Tonight I will go out
in disguise and follow him. - Princess Sutora
Ireki* is joined by 2 veterans and 2 shadow
demons in the princess’s chambers. If the
characters are chasing him from the dungeons,
By now the characters should have pieced
replace the shadow demons with 1 whispering
together who killed the princess and the
blade assassin.
revelations in her letter reveal a link to Berrim.
The oni’s target is Vandi, but none of the ladies The players should have plenty of leads to follow.
in waiting offer any resistance against the
If Ireki survives he will attempt to warn Berrim
monster or his allies. Ireki will not fight to the
and Xevos of what has happened, and they will
death, but his allies will. If things go poorly, he
prepare appropriate countermeasures.
flees, using his mist form ability if possible.

The Princess’s Clues. Details on Vandi can be Battle with the Rakshasa
found in Appendix A. She will point the It is possible the characters are unprepared for
characters to the Princess’s final letter, written in this battle, as the rakshasa has taken great pains
a cypher in the event of her death. The letter is to hide his plans. The night following the battle
hidden in a secret compartment in a jade statue. in the princess’s chambers, the rakshasa moves to
An Intelligence (Investigation) DC 14 check is destroy the temple. He’d rather have been more
needed to solve the cypher. A comprehend languages subtle, but the heroes have pushed his hand.
spell will also work.
Soon the frantic chime of bells tolls from the
Along with the letter are pouches of powdered monastery - a warning sign that the monks are in
iron, burnt bones, crushed jade, and ground trouble. People are scrambling to see what is
rubies. These are used in powerful summoning happening, but the city guard is actually forcing
spells, possibly to call forth demons or devils. citizens back, away from the monastery. The
characters will need to race to the temple, and
The note was written the night the Princess died, avoid the city guard as they go. Dexterity
and says: (Stealth) DC 14 is needed to sneak past the
various watchmen. If they engage the characters,
Here is what I know of the devils in the Feathered City: I the characters have to get past 1 knight, 6
sent my faithful maiden, Vandi to investigate the guards.
missing children. She tracked a suspect, a hooded man
with silvery hair, to a brothel, but was injured. A Devastation at the Monastery
terrible sickness overtook her, and she would have died if By the time the characters reach the monastery, it
the Night Mother had not answer my pleas. As payment is in ruin. The rakshasa and his devils have slain
I gladly helped the Night Mother find who did this to most of the monks. Sarin and a few survivors
Vandi. In the days since, I have used my father’s network have retreated to the crypts and the rakshasa is

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regrouping when the players arrive. The fiend king gladly pays the characters for their services,
will never to the death. He will retreat using his however, and lets them keep the rakshasa’s
magic, but will mark the characters as sworn magical treasures.
enemies. Now you’ve got one of the most
ruthless and devious monsters in gaming history All together, the characters earn 2300 GP in
breathing down your players’ necks! payment and art objects. Among the art objects,
the characters find a spellbook made of fine paper
The rakshasa will be joined by Ireki and Xevos if and inscribed with magical runes of divination.
they have not been defeated. Otherwise, the This is a Tome of Clarity. In addition to its
characters face a rakshasa, 2 bladed devils*, 2 normal powers, this particular book whispers
howling devils*, 1 flame devil*, 1 whispering warnings to its user, granting them a +2 bonus to
blades assassin*. initiative.

Tactics. The rakshasa will flee as quickly as Hung above the great hearth in the mansion is a
possible, but may still prove a formidable foe for shield of muted iron. This is a Shield of
a round or two. His strength doesn’t configure Counterspells. When attuned to the shield, the
into the design for this encounter, use caution if user feels courageous and bold. The shield also
you actually allow the rakshasa to stay in fight. allows the user to project their voice, booming
His devils, however, relish the chance for violence commands across the battlefield, they can use
and will press their attack unless they think they their action to shout commands clearly up to 300
can convince the characters to do something feet.
terrible - like kill Sarin and his monks.
Tome of Clarity
You return to the monastery and see its tranquil gardens Rare, magical tome
are in ruin. The bodies of half-orc monks lay eviscerated This tome is infused with potent magics, allowing a
by what remains of a diabolic force. A tiger-demon, a character that uses a spellbook to prepare an additional
3 spells whenever they prepare their spells for the day.
rakshasa, leads this squad of devils and masked
It contains 1,000 pages but only weighs 5 pounds.
assassins. His amber eyes turn to you, he snarls, baring
bloody teeth. “They’ve come to save Sarin, destroy
Shield of Counterspells
them!” His minions spring to action!
Rare, large shield
The shield grants a +1 bonus to AC and allows you to

Ending the Adventure use your reaction to counter spells cast at or near you.
Any spell that targets you, or that affects an area that
When the rakshasa is driven away, Vandi’s
would include you, is countered if it is level 4 or lower.
wounds heal and the night hag keeps her promise If the spell is level 5 or higher, the spellcaster must use
to free the souls she stole, allowing the princess their spellcasting ability to make an ability check, DC
to be raised from the dead. 14 or the spell is still countered. Spells that are level 7
or higher can’t be countered by this shield.
The rakshasa’s mansion can be searched safely -
his magical wards and golems fail when he
escapes. His wealth includes jade and ivory
Feel free to add an additional rare magical item to
sculptures, ancient illuminated texts, and silken
these rewards.
tapestries. The fiend’s hoard is confiscated by the
king and handed over to the royal court. But the These are the specifics on characters and clues.

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Appendix A: Characters
reveals she was
murdered by assassins from the Whispering
A dwarf greets you at the bar. His smile is warm and his Blades. She describes an oni (ogre mage) in
hands fast as he pours you a flagon of fine spirits. His detail, including a deep scar on his face. This ogre
mannerisms, accent, and dress suggest he is not from mage was the assassins’ leader.
Without the use of magic, an Intelligence
(Investigation) check DC 14 reveals that she was
Corgrim is the owner of the Gilded Griffon tavern
murdered by a single, very strong, attacker -
and a spy for the Whispering Blades. If needed,
someone with a strength score of 18 or higher.
use a Bandit Chieftain for his stats. If the
Furthermore the attacker seems to have been
characters meet him after they have an encounter
larger than a human, maybe nine to ten feet in
with the Whispering Blades, then he knows the
height. Her death wounds may have been caused
characters were to meet with the princess in
by an axe or polearm.
secret near the city gate. In this case, he’s tasked
with getting them drunk and keeping them that A Wisdom (Medicine) DC 11 check reveals she
way until the Blades figure out what to do with was not poisoned when she died and an
the characters. Intelligence (Arcana) DC 13 check shows no
signs of magic having been worked over.
At night Corgrim meets with the leader of the
Whispering Blades, Xevos, in a hidden room Her spirit cannot return to her body, it has been
behind the bar. A false panel behind the beer stolen by the Night Mother as leverage against
casks leads to this back room. A DC 14 Wisdom the characters. Her corpse’s animating spirit,
(Perception) test will spot the door. Xevos leaves however, can respond to a speak with dead or
the inn to the brothel where he tends to the similar spell. The following assumes such a spell
kidnapped children. Corgrim has been charmed is being used:
by Xevos and is devoted to the demon.
• The Princess first began to investigate the
Corgrim is not evil, and if he can be convinced strange happenings several days ago, when her
that his masters are fiends he may actually help handmaiden Vandi was wounded. The festering
the players, he is in the employ of bad people, wound hasn’t healed yet, the Princess thought
however and may be asked to activate the it may be the work of her father’s enemies. The
poisoned wine scenario (see Appendix C). Night Mother came to her with offers of help
that did not work.
Princess Sutora
The princess’s body lays before you, throat • The Night Mother has been leading the
Princess from clue to clue, and her findings are
ripped, torso bloodied by countless stab wounds.
recorded in letters and journals hidden in the
Whoever killed her, did so brutally and without a
statue in the royal chambers.
drop of mercy. Despite the violence of her death,
the monks have managed to give her remains a
• She cannot recall what she wrote in her letters -
quiet peace. this is an animating spirit of the dead not her
actual soul.
Princess Sutora has evidence that Berrim, the
halfling merchant, may be a suspect. If a spell is
used to divine what her corpse knows, the corpse

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The characters will be brought before the king if

they are arrested and are on good terms with
An aging half-orc greets you. He is old for his kind, you Feril Tam. They may also arrange a meeting with
guess fifty or even older. Despite his age, he moves the king when they are investigating, assuming
quickly and his eyes are sharp. A sense of calm spreads one of the characters has special privilege to
before him. speak with a noble, otherwise it is unlikely they
encounter the king. Use the noble stats for the
Leader of the half-orc monks, devoted to the old King, and he is always guarded by 6 veterans,
coutal gods, Sarin is a strong ally to the one knight, and one mage. If, for some reason,
characters. He is clearly good from the outset and the characters attack him, his allies do all they
offers the characters his aid unless they are can to protect him.
openly hostile to him or his monks.
The king is a true believer of the caste system
He’s saddened by the princess’s death and deeply which was once enforced in the Feathered City.
concerned about the missing children throughout He speaks, thinks, and reacts to a person’s caste
the city. He is, however, clueless about the or station above all else. He can accurately guess
betrayals and intrigues among the other factions; a character’s background unless they’ve taken
he and his monks are removed from secular life. measures to deceive him.

He can provide cleric spells up to level 5, for • He wants peace in his city and to find who is
healing purposes. The characters must pay for stealing the children. He will gladly hang the
any material components. characters to improve public relations.

He is a source of lore about the city and can • A perceptive man, it is difficult to fool the king
relate details about its long history, including the with a lie, deception, or con; he has advantage
tale about the coutal and the rakshasa: on saving throws or ability checks to see
through such charades.
• The two fought hundreds of years ago in a
dramatic battle in the valleys below the • The king thinks Berrim is an upstanding citizen
mountain. The coutal was slain, but the and grows angry at accusations of the contrary.
rakshasa was driven back to the countless hells.
• He knows about Vandi’s terrible wound, but
The coutal left an egg, which the monks have
thinks it is a sickness contracted because she’s
tended ever since, praying it may one day hatch.
of a lower birthright.

King Sutora • He can start, or end, the Wanted scenario.

Likewise, he is the king and can grant the
His graying beard is thick and well kept, his dress
players access to any part of his castle, city, and
befitting a man of his station but not arrogant or overly
provide supplies, including the magical services
wrought. Worry knits King Sutora’s brow, a deep
of his court mages. The king is, however,
sadness over his murdered daughter. When he speaks,
unlikely to provide much help.
however, his voice rolls out like thunder and the rage
inside him threatens to burst free.

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but the head of a tiger! The demon struck her but

Vandi, Handmaiden
she managed to escape.
Vandi is thin, skin pale, hair unkempt. A hideous,
Vandi knows the ‘hooded man’ (Xevos) is
festering wound mars her arm. It looks like the claw
connected to both the Whispering Blades and
marks of an animal.
Ireki, and can give the characters directions to the
brothel if they want to check it out on their own.
The princess’s ‘handmaiden’, Vandi is actually a
trained warrior tasked by the king with protecting She can show the characters where the princess’s
the princess. Commanded by her princess to letters and evidence is hidden in the royal
investigate the missing children, she got too close chambers, these are explained in detail in the
to the enemies in the brothel and was attacked by adventure.
the rakshasa, which left the festering wound.

Vandi is unable to sleep, exhausted and delirious,

Rajim the Crooked-Footed
making conversation all but impossible. Vandi A crow-faced creature greets you at the door of a dingy,
mutters about a pool of blood, the faces of crumbling shack. A single thick candle flickers on the
children, and a tiger with green eyes. The table behind it, highlighting several crossbows that lay
princess feared Vandi may lead enemies back to in various states of repair . Rajim the Crooked-Footed,
the castle, so she has kept the handmaiden named for his knobby, clubbed right foot, is a tengu - a
hidden in her chambers, to be cared for by her bird-like humanoid infamous for their talent with
other maidens. illusion. He makes the perfect clink, clink, clink of coins,
extending a feathered hand.
Vandi is currently unaware of the princess’ death,
and too delirious to understand. Once she
realizes the princess has died, however, she vows Rajim is a member of the Whispering Blades but
to help the characters, if her ailments can be will share information for a price. He has to feel
cured. She is currently affected by a rakshasa’s comfortable doing so, however. The characters
strike, but otherwise treat her as an veteran. have to find him first - by asking around with
street rats or other nefarious characters.
A Wisdom (herbalism kit) DC 14 check will treat
her long enough to give her clarity to talk, but the Even after finding Rajim, the characters need to
treatment takes at least two hours to take effect. beat a Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) DC
Spells of level 6 or lower have no effect on her 15 check to convince him they aren’t working for
wounds. any of the factions in the city. If they fail this roll,
he won’t let on (you should make the roll in
Once treated, Vandi tells the characters she secret) but he will warn the Whispering Blades
tracked the mysterious hooded man - who meets and he will lie to the characters.
with Irekei - from the Gilded Griffon to the
basement of a brothel where she found an iron If the characters try to intimidate or threaten
tub filled with the remains of children. Rajim, he tells them only lies (see below) and
turns them in to both the Whispering Blades and
Vandi says she saw a second creature, a demon, the city guard. He can activate the Wanted and
bathing in the bloody tub, eating the severed Knives in the Dark scenarios.
body parts of the children. It had a man’s body

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Rajim is cagey, duplicitous, and selfish but he is

merchant-lord of the city. He steps away from your
afraid of the demons and is willing to help so
advance, and points to a wicked, black scar on his arm.
long as the characters make him feel safe.
“A demon’s mark,” he says, “I’ve been afflicted with a
Lies terrible curse, to touch me is invite a similar fate.
Hopefully you’ve come to help rid the Feathered City of
• The princess was working as a spy for her
this scourge.”
father’s enemies and she was killed by assassins
posing as members of the Whispering Blades.
Berrim is the rakshasa, but he has lived so long in
• The leader of the Whispering Blades, Xevos, is the guise of a halfling that he plays the part
actually a sorcerer and often slips away into the flawlessly. The magics that disguise him will not
mountains to commune with the spirits. hold up to physical scrutiny, however, hence, the
lie that he’s been cursed. If the curse doesn’t
• There is indeed a demon in the city - the leader
dissuade the players from trying to touch him, Sir
of the monks, Sarin, would know - he is an
Reginald and Sir Moraband should. A pair of steel
guardians, they attend Berrin and act as a butlers
in addition to a defenders. Two invisible stalkers
follow the halfling as well, ready to pounce on
• The princess was killed by the captain of the
guard, Ireki. He stabbed her to death with a
glaive, nearly ripping her apart. Berrim will come to the players’ attention once
they start asking about the missing children or
• The captain of the guard, Ireki, is a known
rumors of demons in the city. Berrim has
shape-shifter and works closely with the
publically announced a handsome reward to
Whispering Blades. His true form is a giant
anyone that can find the children.
creature with curved horns but he is known to
take the form of a living cloud. Normal Play Berrim as a good, kind, and generous
weapons will hardly harm him. merchant. Wealthy and cutthroat in business, but
with a deep love of the city and its children.
• None of the adventurers that have gone looking
for the missing children have returned, some Though Berrim is immune to many spells, he is
say the halfling Berrim is killing them off, one not immune to a paladin’s divine sense and
by one, and eating the bodies. Halflings are deeply fears a paladin will root him out. If the
known cannibals. players have a paladin in their party, and it
becomes known to Berrim, he will send Ireki or
• The leader of the Whispering Blades is rarely
Xevos after them, hoping they deflect attention
seen in public, but some say he’s known to
from the rakshasa.
frequent the brothel.
He may offer the characters a rest in his mansion,
Berrim the Halfling but he watches them closely and warns them
away from snooping around. There is nothing
A wealthy and well-heeled halfling greets you. Golden
incriminating in his mansion but enterprising
necklaces and bracelets grace his neck and wrists, his
characters may trail him to the brothels where he
bald head is covered in intricate tattoos, and his silk
goes every night to feast. When traveling to and
robes are sewn by master tailors. This is Berrim, the
from the brothel, he changes his disguise and

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leaves his shield guardians at the mansion, but

the invisible stalkers always follow.
A thick man, corded with muscle, face cut deeply with a
He can provide the characters an audience with
puckered scar, Ireki wears the colors of the royal family
the king, and may even interact on their behalf if
with pride. He is the Commander of Arms, and happy to
arrested, easily getting them out of jail. His
remind you that his word is the law. He carries a glaive
ultimate plan is to destroy the monks, enacting
decorated with dozens of colorful silks. Gruff and direct,
his final revenge against his ancient enemy, the
he demands attention and gets it.

Ireki is an oni—sometimes called an ogre magi.

Xevos His true form is terrifying, standing nearly ten
Xevos rises from the shadows that seem to cling around feet tall with cobalt blue skin and long, wicked
him and under the darkness of his cowl, a glint of marble horns that curl around a savage face. The scar on
white teeth. His skin is pale as ice. The shape of his body his cheek is a brand left by a demon hunter, and
hides under his cloaks, as fluid and weightless as follows the demon no matter what form he takes.
The oni serves Berrim loyally and knows all of
the rakshasa's secrets. He has been promised
The son of Berrim, Xevos is a cambion, a demon control of the city when the rakshasa finds the
born of infernal and human copulation. His true egg he seeks, and Ireki grows restless to lord over
form is that of a red skinned, horned man with his new home. He will be easy for the characters
flowing blonde hair and leathery bat wings. He is to find, and they may encounter Ireki in several
reluctant to take that form, however, and only settings including the castle, the Windrider Inn,
Ireki and Berrim know his true nature. streets and alleys in the city, and even their own
bedroom if he sneaks in to kill them.
Devoted to his father, Xevos wants to earn favor
from his sire. He currently works hard to make Ireki is the crux of many plot lines in this story:
Berrim happy and uses Ireki—whom he sees as a he convinces the king to toss the characters into
dullard—to do the dirty work. Xevos is arrogant, the dungeons if they are arrested, he is
cruel, and vain. kidnapping children; he murders the princesses,
and is dispatched to kill the characters.
Flattery will make Xevos pause, and appeals to
his vanity will work to earn his favor, for that that He enjoys killing and particularly likes doing it
is worth. savagely, but he is no fool. Ireki will try to
separate the characters and pick them off one by
He can activate the Knives in the Dark,
one. Desperation may drive him to attack them as
Poisoned Wine, and Bump in the Night
a group but it is unlikely.

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The Night Mother Feril Tam

A ghostly shape of a woman appears in the dark, the Feril Tam stands out among his peers, an albino human,
cloudy form of her flesh solidifies into a warty, purple he wears no armor but only a loose, flowing tunic
hide. Her withered face splits into a smile that shows emblazoned with the king’s crests. His pink eyes are
rows of jagged fangs, her eyes are motes of sickly yellow confident and quick, his body coiled to pounce. He seems
light and ram horns curl around her face. forthright and honest.

The Night Mother has been tormenting the This knight encounters the characters when they
people of the Feathered City for generations. first arrive in the city, and implores them to help
Hushed whispers speak of her healing powers, him find the missing children. Once he learns of
but everyone knows she demands a high price for the princess’s murder, he is forced to arrest the
her magics. characters but wants to go easy on them. He
doesn’t know much, but can be a useful ally. He
The first NPC the characters encounter, the Night may speak on behalf of the characters during
Mother keeps one of the characters’ soul in her their audience with the king, help them out of
pouch. The soul takes the form of glowing crystal jail, and can start or end the Wanted scenario.
shard. If the Night Mother dies, these crystals
shatter, and the souls are destroyed, forever lost.
So long as she holds a soul, the Night Mother
controls if a character can be raised from the
dead. She will always agree to do so, for purposes
of this adventure, even if attacked by the

She doesn’t expect to be on the characters’ side,

and isn’t surprised if they attack her. This won’t
change their arrangement, and if attacked she
makes it clear what happens to the souls if she

When the Princess dies, the Night Mother steals

her soul as well, using it as further leverage.

Protected by several ghosts, the haunted remains

of her past victims, the Night Mother is never far
away, lurking in the ethereal plane. She may
appear from time to time to assist the characters,
giving them a valuable clue or helping them
through a pinch.

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Appendix B: Locations
where the fiends take
the stolen children.
Alley of Knives
Sutora Castle
Dark stains drip along the walls marking the places
Castle Sutora is carved from the sides of the
where the Whispering Blades kill their enemies. You find
mountain, a row of squat towers and steep walls
the place where the princess died, or at least where you
guard a lushly gardened inner ward. The keeps
think she died - a lot of people have met their fate here.
and towers inside the walls are ancient, sides
once painted with vibrant murals depicting the
There are marks in the walls indicating the
histories of the Sutora family. Guards patrol the
princess was killed brutally. The areas around the
walls and grounds.
alley are crawling with lowlifes and criminals, for
a fee they could point the characters to the Rajim The castle is not a very big complex, as far as
(they usually want 50 gold for that kind of castles go, but it’s small size makes it easily
information). defensible. Of interest to the characters are the
royal houses. These chambers are all contained
Windrider Inn within a single, massive drum tower with hidden
tunnels leading to the mountain itself. This tower
This tavern is built in the shell of an ancient
is where the characters will meet the king and
watchtower, the thick, crude stone weather-worn and
where they may find Vandi in the princess’s
faded green with rain. Inside, catwalks and wooden
platforms hang from chains, swaying as dozens of
mercenaries drink and sing. Outside of the royal quarters, the only building of
interest is the prisoners’ tower, housing the
This inn is always full of city guards, and they can dungeons under its pale, gray stone. If the
be bribed or persuaded to talk about their work. characters watch the guard patrols for an hour or
Many of them are greedy, evil men that joke more, they hear enough conversation to locate
about how they bully and steal from the citizens. the dungeon, royal chambers, and other points of
Others are upstanding warriors who may offer interest.
their sword for coin. A veteran can be hired for
300 GP. Outer Castle

The city watch drink here as well, and they are Lavish courtyards filled with jungle plants, exotic
proud to serve Ireki, who they see as a real flowers, and brightly colored birds dot the outer wards
warrior. If the Wanted scenario is in effect, the of the castle. You see the drum tower marking the royal
characters may be identified within moments of chambers and the pale tower marking the dungeons.
entering the tavern. There are other buildings as well, all carved into the
sides of the mountain: a stable for flying mounts,
The inn is cheaply priced, with strong drinks and barracks, and a temple.
hearty food. Women work the floor, leading
guards into the private rooms to provide their The area between the main gate and the royal
‘services’. These women have heard rumors chambers, these gardens and courtyards are
about a brothel where children are said to be sold patrolled by squads of 3 veterans and 5 guards.
to the highest bidder. This is the same brothel Whenever the characters go from location to

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location within the castle, roll 1d12, on a roll of during combat, that a character could fall from
1-3 they encounter a squad 60 feet away. On the the temple grounds, if that happens they fall 70
roll of a 12, they may be spotted by servants who feet before hitting the side of the mountain and
report their presence to nearby guards. suffer 7d6 bludgeoning damage.
Characters that make a Dexterity (Stealth) DC 14
check are able to remain hidden and aren’t Sarin and his monks know of a hidden door in
noticed by the NPCs. the serpent statue, a Wisdom (Perception) DC 15
check is needed to spot it. The door leads to a
Doors are usually locked, DC 15 to pick the lock, narrow, winding passage that goes into the
or Strength check DC 20 to break the lock but mountain. This leads to the monks’ crypts, lit by
using brute force alerts a guard patrol. oil lamps. The princess’s body will be here once
she is killed.
Castle Dungeon
The only other structure of interest is a dojo of
A staircase winds down from the entry level to a long
ancient, tumbled stone and simple thatched roof.
hall peppered with cells. Keys hang on pegs at the entry
The monks sleep, eat, and socialize in this open
to the hall and oil lamps cast the area in dim lighting.
floor building. They have no concept of personal
space or property and share everything.
The castle dungeons are simple, merely a long
hall with dozens of cells branching off on either Brothel
side. At any time there are 5 guards in here, a
collection of chains and manacles, and 9 You duck under the doorway into a dark, cramped
commoners (prisoners). The characters likely pleasure house filled with flickering red lamps and
will only see the dungeons if they are taken here threadbare pillows. The heavy scent of incense fills the
after being arrested. chambers but there’s the hint of blood under the
This brothel is where the rakshasa is taking
Sweeping stone arches rise from the mountain. White
stolen children and butchering them. Their
steps lead up to a flat brow of stone where half-orc
bodies are hacked apart and put in an iron tub
monks sit in peaceful meditation. A statue garden
hidden in the basement of the brothel. At night,
depicting various martial arts poses dominates the
the fiend is joined by Xevos and Ireki to devour
peaceful temple grounds. Rising above them all,
the children's flesh and discuss their wicked
however, is a massive statue of a winged serpent.
Ancient and beautiful, the serpent seems to look upon
the monks with a sense of peace. The secret door leading to the basement is
hidden behind a mirror in the back room. The
These grounds are the training grounds for hinges of the door can be spotted on an Wisdom
Sarin’s devoted. At any given moment there are (Perception) DC 13 test, but an Intelligence
10 veterans in this area, warrior-priests (Investigation) DC 15 check is needed to open
practicing swordplay and other martial arts. the push-button combination lock - it can’t be
picked. A Strength check DC 25 will break open,
Steep cliffs fall away from the north, east, and but makes lots of noise.
south sides of the temple grounds. It is possible,

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Berrim and Xevos can both be tracked here.

There is always at least one flame devil* keeping

watch over the brothel. The devil will attempt to
keep a low profile if possible, using it’s spells to
take the guise of a human.

Berrim’s Mansion
A manor house waits atop a beautifully landscaped
terrace. Pillars of silver and gold, fountains decorated
with flawless crystal, a menagerie of songbirds, and a
garden canopied in grapes adorn this opulent home. The
mansion belongs to Berrim, the m. Everything is sized
for a small creature, doors require tall folk to stoop and
bend, while stairs and windows seem to be carved in

Berrim will gladly welcome the characters to his

home, greeting them in his garden or his den. If
asked, he offers them a single night of restful
sleep in his guest rooms. If the characters venture
beyond the guest rooms, kitchens, or common
areas, his magical guardians may spring into

If anyone breaks into the home or leaves

designated areas, a magical alarm telepathically
warns the rakshasa. He may, if he desires,
activate the four stone golems that guard the
house. They wait in plain sight, jade and diamond
statues of eastern gods. The golems will not
pursue characters fleeing the mansion grounds.

Within the mansion, spells of level 6 or lower

only work if the rakshasa wants them to.

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Appendix C: Scenarios
Xevos will join in
the next Knives in the Dark scenario. He will be
As the characters proceed through the joined by two assassins and one bladed devil*.
investigation, things begin to heat up. They will Xevos will flee if it starts going poorly, retreating
soon find themselves the targets of attacks, lies, back to the brothel.
and demons as they close in on the truth.
Depending on who they befriend, they may have If the characters defeat both attempts, then you
to deal with the city guard trying to arrest them may run this scenario a third time. This time,
as well. Xevos is joined by three howling devils and one
bladed devil. If the characters defeat all three
Wanted instances of this scenario, the Whispering Blades
The characters are wanted by the city guards. All decide they are too tough for a frontal assault and
city guards have advantage on checks to identify think of other ways to hinder the characters.
the characters for who they are, such as seeing
through non-magical disguises and deceptions. Bump in the Night
Furthermore, whenever the characters travel If the characters start to figure out what Ireki
between locations, roll 1d12. On the roll of a 1, really is, survive the fight with Ireki in the
they are accosted by 2 veterans, 1 mage, and 1 dungeons, or ask too many questions of
priest that recognize and attempt to arrest them. commoners, Ireki and three shadow demons
attack the characters while they are sleeping.
Poisoned Wine Ireki will not fight to the death, but the demons
The next time the characters are in a tavern will.
where they eat or drink, the are each poisoned via
food or wine. On a failed Constitution save DC
15 the character takes 60 (10d10) poison damage
and is poisoned until they take a long rest. On a
successful save they take half damage.

Knives in the Dark

The Whispering Blades move to take the
characters out once and for all.

The next time the characters move to a new

location, they are attacked by three whispering
blade assassins* that are disguised as citizens. A
Wisdom (Insight) DC 17 check spots the
assassins before they strike, ruining their chance
for surprise. These enemies continue to attack
fallen characters, ensuring they kill, rather than
disable, the characters.

This scenario may play out more than once. If the

characters survive the first such attempt, then

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Appendix D: Custom Monsters

ash if the assassin is killed or if it is stolen from
Whispering Blade Assassin
the assassin.
medium, lawful evil humanoid CR 8 (3,900 XP)
HP: 80 (12d8+24) AC: 16 (leather) SP: 30’
Senses: Perception 12 Languages: Common
Str +1 Dex +4 Con +2 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +1 medium, lawful good humanoid CR 6 (2,300 XP)
Saves: Dex +7, Int+5 HP: 52 (9d8+12) AC: 18 (unarmored) SP: 40’
Skills: Deception +7, Stealth +7, Acrobatics +7 Senses: Perception 12 Languages: Common
Defenses: evasion, if success on a Dexterity Str +2 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +2
saving throw would let the assassin take half Saves: Dex +7, Wis+5
damage, it takes no damage instead Skills: Acrobatics +7, Insight +5
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
Defenses: evasion, if success on a Dexterity
combination of:
saving throw would let the assassin take half
• dagger, one target within 5’ or range 20/60,
damage, it takes no damage instead; riposte, as a
+7, 1d4+4 piercing damage, target hit by the
reaction Sarin can make a single melee attack
dagger must make a Constitution saving
against any enemy within 5’ that missed him
throw DC 15 or take 6d6 poison damage, or
with an attack
half that on successful save

• short bow, one target within 60’, +7, 1d6+4 Attacks: Makes four attacks with any
piercing damage, target hit by the short bow combination of:
must make a Constitution saving throw DC • punch, one target within 5’, +7, 1d8+4
15 or take 6d6 poison damage, or half that on bludgeoning damage, an enemy struck must
successful save make a Constitution save DC 15 or be
knocked prone
Special: assassination, any melee or ranged • shortsword, one target within 5’, +7, 1d6+4
attack that hits a creature that hasn’t acted yet in piercing damage
this combat encounter, is a critical hit; sneak • throwing star, one target, range 20/60, +7,
attack (1/turn), if target is able to be sneak 1d4+4 piercing damage
attacked, then a melee or ranged attack deals an
extra 4d6 damage (using the rules for sneak Special: tough as nails (1/day), when Sarin
attack in your game system); disguise self (1/day), would be reduced to 0 hit points, he is reduced to
can cast the disguise self spell as a bonus action 1 hit point instead; fluid movement, Sarin cannot
without using verbal, somatic, or material be the target of opportunity attacks

Equipment: silver mask, the assassins wear a

silver mask in the design of a snarling demon.
The mask allows them to cast disguise self once
per day (reflected in above stats), but turns to

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Xevos piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical

medium, neutral evil fiend CR 6 (2,300 XP) weapons; regeneration, at the beginning of each of
HP: 65 (10d8+20) AC: 18 (chain) SP: 30’ fly 60’ his turns, Ireki heals 10 HPs unless he is at 0 HP
Senses: Perception 12, darkvision 60’
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
Languages: Common, Infernal
combination of:
Str +2 Dex +3 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +3 • glaive, one target within 10’,+8, 1d10+5
Skills: Persuasion +8, Deception +8 slashing damage
• slam, one target within 5’, +8, 1d8+5
Defenses: damage resistance, half damage from
bludgeoning damage
lightning, acid, cold, poison and bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical Special: change appearance, as a bonus action,
weapons; damage immunity, no damage from fire; Ireki can take the form of a human, his stats are
condition immunity, cannot be charmed the same except he becomes a medium sized
creature; mist form, as an action, Ireki can
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
become a cloud of mist, granting him a flying
combination of:
speed and making him immune to damage from
• longsword, one target within 5’, +5, 1d8+2
nonmagical weapons, and resistance to damage
slashing damage, and 2d6 fire damage
from magical weapons, in this form he can fit
• ray of fire, one target within 90’, +6, 3d8 fire
through a space less than 1 inch wide without
squeezing, in this form he cannot be grappled,
Special: charm, as a bonus action, Xevos can knocked prone, pushed, shoved, or dragged, but
charm a creature he can see, a Wisdom saving he can be blown around by strong winds
throw DC 14 negates the effect, the charm lasts
until the next sunset; command, as an action,
Night Mother
Xevos can give a creature he’s charmed a
medium, lawful evil fiend CR 6 (2,300 XP)
command that must be obeyed as if by a
HP: 80 (12d8+20) AC: 15 (natural) SP: 30’
suggestion spell; innate spells, Xevos can cast the
Senses: Perception 16, darkvision 60’
following spells as will, all spells are cast at their
Languages: Common, Infernal
lowest level, he has +6 to hit with spells, and a
save DC of 14: detect magic, alter self, minor illusion Str +3 Dex +1 Con +4 Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +2
Skills: Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth +4

Ireki Defenses: condition immunity, cannot be

large, neutral evil fiend CR 7 (2,900 XP) charmed or frightened
HP: 121 (13d10+50) AC: 17 (scale mail)
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
SP: 30’ fly 20’ (mist form)
combination of:
Senses: Perception 12, darkvision 60’
• claws, one target within 5’, +6, 2d8+3
Languages: Common, Infernal, Giant
slashing damage
Str +5 Dex +1 Con +4 Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +0
Special: planar shift, as an action the Night
Skills: Intimidation +8, Insight +5
Mother can enter another plane of existence,
Defenses: damage resistance, half damage from appearing in a specific area of her choice;
lightning, cold, poison and from bludgeoning, etherealness, as a bonus action the Night Mother

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Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)

can enter or exit the ethereal plane; nightmares,
check, DC 14, or becomes grappled
the Night Mother can afflict a sleeping creature
she can touch with nightmares, if she touches the Special: animate blades (1/day), up to five
sleeping creature for at least a minute the nonmagical bladed weapons, such as knives,
creature is wracked with terrible dreams. If they daggers, and swords, become animated objects,
fail a Charisma saving throw DC 14, they do not they are not under the devil’s control but
gain the benefits of a long rest and gain a level of consider the devil an ally, the effect lasts for 1
exhaustion instead. A creature the dies of minute or until the devil is slain or incapacitated.
exhaustion in this way has their soul stolen by Creatures that are holding animated blades make
the Night Mother; steal soul, the Night Mother a Strength saving throw, DC 15, or the blades
can use her action to automatically kill a dying pull from from their hands; devil’s vision, the
creature she can see that is within 60’, if the devil is not affected by natural or magical
creature fails a Constitution saving throw DC 14 darkness of any kind
it dies and she adds its soul to her soul pouch;
innate spells, the Night Mother can cast the
Flame Devil
following spells as will, all spells are cast at their
large, lawful evil fiend CR 8 (3,900 XP)
lowest level, she has +6 to hit with spells and a
HP: 150 (15d12+45) AC: 18 (natural armor)
save DC of 14: detect magic, alter self (form of an
SP: 30’, fly 60’
old human woman only), dispel magic, charm
Senses: Perception 12, darkvision 120’
person, sleep, lesser restoration
Languages: Common, Infernal

Str +5 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +3

Bladed Devil
Skills: Athletics +10, Arcane +7, Persuasion +8
medium, lawful evil fiend CR 6 (2,300 XP)
HP: 115 (10d12+25) AC: 14 (natural armor) Defenses: magical resistance, advantage on
SP: 30’, climb 30’ saving throws against spells; damage resistance,
Senses: Perception 12, darkvision 120’ half damage from acid, lightning, and from
Languages: Common, Infernal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
non-magical weapons; damage immunity, no
Str +3 Dex +2 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +2
damage from fire
Skills: Athletics +6, Intimidation +5
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
Defenses: magical resistance, has advantage on
combination of:
saving throws against spells; damage resistance,
• spear, one target within 10’, +8, 1d0+5
half damage from acid, lightning, and
piercing damage plus 3d6 fire damage
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
• bite, one target within 5’, +8, 2d8+5 piercing
non-magical weapons; damage immunity, no
damage plus 3d6 fire damage
damage from fire
Special: burning blood, anyone within 5’ of the
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
devil when it takes 5 or more points of slashing
combination of:
or piercing damage takes 1d10 fire damage;
• claw, one target within 5’, +6, 2d6+4
devil’s vision, the devil is not affected by natural
slashing damage
or magical darkness of any kind; innate spells(5/
• tail, one target within 5’, +6, 2d8+3 slashing
day), the devil can cast the following spells at the
damage; a creature hit by this attack makes a

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spell’s lowest level, it has +5 to hit with spells Rajim the Crooked-Footed
and a save DC of 15, each casting counts as 1 use medium, neutral humanoid CR 4 (1,100 XP)
of this ability: burning hands, fireball, wall of fire, see HP: 40 (6d8+10) AC: 15 (studded)
invisible, alter self SP: 20’, fly 30’
Senses: Perception 16 Languages: Common
Howling Devil Str +0 Dex +3 Con +2 Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +2
medium, lawful evil fiend CR 6 (2,300 XP) Skills: Deception +5, Insight +9, Perception +6
HP: 80 (10d8+35) AC: 14 (natural) SP: 30’
Defenses: fluid movement, Rajim can’t be
Senses: Perception 12, darkvision 120’
targeted by attacks of opportunity
Languages: Common, Infernal
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any
Str +3 Dex +2 Con +3 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +3
combination of:
Skills: Athletics +6, Intimidation +6
• shortsword, one target within 5’, +6, 1d6+3
Defenses: magical resistance, advantage on piercing damage and 4d8 poison damage
saving throws against spells; damage resistance,
Special: illusion, Rajim can use his action to
half damage from acid, lightning, and
create an illusion with perfect visual, auditory,
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
thermal, and olfactory properties. If a character
nonmagical weapons; damage immunity, no
interacts with the illusion in a meaningful way, a
damage from fire
Wisdom saving throw DC 16 reveals the illusion
Attacks: Makes two attacks with any for what it is. Rajim can control, change, or move
combination of: the illusion as a bonus action. The illusion can
• claw, one target within 5’, +6, 2d6+4 move no more than 60’ from him. impersonate,
slashing damage Rajim can perfectly imitate any sound he has
• bite, one target within 5’, +6, 2d8+4 piercing heard
damage and damaged creature makes a
Constitution saving throw DC 14 or takes
4d6 poison damage

Special: howl of fear, as an action, the devil

howls, chilling the very soul of its enemies. All
creatures that can hear the devil and are hostile
to it must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 14 or
be frightened of the devil, this effect ends when
they can no longer see or hear the devil; devil’s
vision, the devil is not affected by natural or
magical darkness of any kind

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Steel Guardian
medium, unaligned construct CR 9 (5,000 XP)
HP: 150 (8d10+55) AC: 21 (plate) SP: 30’
Senses: Perception 11, blindsense 60’
Languages: Common (can’t speak)

Str +5 Dex +2 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0

Defenses: magical resistance, advantage on

saving throws against spells; damage resistance,
half damage from bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from non-magical weapons;
damage immunity, no damage from fire, cold,
electricity, poison, necrotic, radiant, and psychic
damage; condition immunity, cannot be charmed,
frightened, blinded, deafened, or put to sleep;
spell immunity any spell of level 3 or lower fails to
effect the guardian in any way

Attacks: Makes two attacks with any

combination of:
• slam, one target within 5’, +8, 1d6+5
bludgeoning damage
• longsword, one target within 5’, +8, 1d8+5
slashing damage

Special: spell deflection, if the guardian is within

10’ of its master, then any spell that targets the
guardian’s master targets the guardian instead,
area of effect spells cannot be affected in this
way; bend fate, while within 10’ of the guardian,
the guardian’s master gains advantage on all
saving throws; protection, as a reaction, the
guardian can move up to 15’ toward its master
and make itself the new target of a melee or
ranged attack; control stone, the guardian has a
specific control stone, a magical gem worth at
least 500 GP, that is used to control the guardian.
A creature attuned to this stone is the guardian’s
master, if no creature is attuned to the stone the
guardian seeks out a creature that shared its
previous master’s alignment and offers its
services. The guardian always thinks of its master
as an ally. If the stone is destroyed, the guardian
is incapacitated until a new stone can be made.

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