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3.1 Green building design

3.2 LEED
3.5 Energy sources –Renewable and non-renewable energy
3.6 Recyclable products and embodied energy

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3.1 Green Building Design

According to “SimvanderRyn”, Green architecture is “any form of design that minimizes
environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes”.

Green building is the practice of increasing the efficiency of buildings and their use of
energy, water, and materials, and reducing building impacts on human health and the
environment, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and
removal — taking into account every aspect of the complete building life cycle.

Sustainable development and sustainability are integral to green building. Effective green
building can lead to
1) Reduced operating costs by increasing productivity and using less energy and water,
2) Improved public and occupant health due to improved indoor air quality, and
3) Reduced environmental impacts by using sustainable resources.

 Practitioners of green building often seek to achieve not only
ecological balance but aesthetic harmony as well.
 The buildings are built out of materials that are good for the
environment. The appearance and style of sustainable homes and
buildings can be nearly indistinguishable from their less
sustainable counterparts.
 A Green building is one, which incorporates several Green features, such as: -
 Effective use of existing landscapes
 Use of energy efficient and Eco-friendly equipment
 Use of recycled and Environmental friendly Building materials
 Quality indoor air quality for human safety and comfort
 Efficient use of water
 Use of Non-Toxic & recycled materials
 Use of renewable energy
 Effective controls and building management system


Sustainable design is implemented on a fundamental level by:
 reducing energy input to products and processes
 reducing the material content of products
 reducing the toxic content of products and processes
 Designing for long life, second use, recyclables and biodegradability.
Architecture presents a unique challenge in the field of sustainability. Construction projects
typically consume large amounts of materials, produce tons of waste, and often involve

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weighing the preservation of buildings that have historical significance against the desire for
the development of newer, more modern designs." --The Earth Pledge

 Over one-third of the U.S.’s energy is consumed by buildings
-This does not consider the amount of energy used in the
manufacture of building materials or the finite resources
used in product composition
 Construction debris accounts for nearly 28% of landfill waste


Main Environmental Issues
 Global warming - process by which
greenhouse gases accumulate in the
atmosphere in abnormally high amounts,
trapping the Earth’s radiation and causing
its temperature to rise significantly - linked
to environmental problems such as changes
in rainfall patterns, rising sea levels and
expansion of deserts
 Pollution of air, water and land, resulting
from burning of fossil fuels, industrial
processes, agriculture, and other human
activities, is endangering human health,biodiversity and the built environment.
Ozone depletion Ozone shields the Earth from ultraviolet
 (UV) radiation and its depletion is caused by emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
and other ozone-depleting substances into the atmosphere. Increases in UV
 are thought to be linked to a rise in skin cancers, damage to the human immune
system, and altered crop yields.

Water Scarcity- A third of the world population is still without access to safe water and, as
the global population grows, the need for water will grow, as will waste and pollution which
will increasingly threaten the quality of groundwater and rivers.

Resources - Some non-renewable resources, including natural gas and petroleum resources,
will eventually be depleted. The economically viable extraction of some abundant mineral
ores may also be limited. Renewable resources, such as timber, are also at risk of
Deforestation -Deforestation through commercial logging, conversion of forest land to
agricultural use, and other activities causes the destruction of natural habitats and
extinction of plant and animal species and exacerbates the effects of global warming and

Historic Overview
Renewable Energy -energy that comes from resources which are continually replenished
such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat

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SOLAR ENERGY- Passive Solar Architecture – orientation, compact proportion, thermal mass
& shading
– Greeks & Chinese oriented their bldgs. Towards the south to provide light
and warmth
- Socrates Megaron House – classic example of passive solar design

- Wind direction used to ventilate buildings from time immemorial
- The wind-wheel of the Greek engineer Heron of Alexandria in the 1st century AD is the
earliest known instance of using a wind-driven wheel to power a machine
- In 1887, in Scotland, wind power was first used to generate electricity to light up a
holiday cottage
3rd century BC, the farming communities in Baluchistan (in present-day Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Iran), and Kutch (in present-day India) used rainwater harvesting for
irrigation. Dholavira, Gujarat – an Indus Valley archeological site – one of the world’s oldest
water conservation system
In ancient Tamil Nadu (India), rainwater harvesting was done by Chola kings. Rainwater from
the Brihadeeswarar temple was collected in Sivaganga tank. During the later Chola period,
the Vīrānam tank was built (1011 to 1037 CE) in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu to store
water for drinking and irrigation purposes.

The oldest known spa is a stone pool in China’s Qin dynasty heated by a hot spring – 3rd
cen. BCRomans conquered AquaeSulis, now Bath, Somerset, England, and used the hot
springs there to feed public baths and underfloor heating

Building Materials & Technology

From Pre-historic era to the advent of the ModernEra, history of architecture reiteratesthat
locally available building materials and skill were used predominantly to construct Great
Buildings that have stood the test of time,
CatalHuyuk – Adobe blocks
Skara Brae & Stone Henge – Stone
Egyptian pyramids – lime stone & marble

Building Materials & Technology

 Babylonian, Assyrian – clay bricks
 Persian – Timber
 Greek – Marble

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 Roman – Concrete (with volcanic stone aggregates) & Marble

 Byzantine – Clay bricks and Stone
 Romanesque – Stone and Timber
 Gothic & Renaissance – Stone & Timber
 South East Asian countries – Thailand, Indonesia, etc. - bamboo


Five objectives for sustainable buildings:
 Resource Efficiency
 Energy Efficiency (including Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction)
 Pollution Prevention (including Indoor Air Quality and Noise Abatement)
 Harmonizationwith Environment (including Environmental Assessment)
 Integrated and Systemic Approaches (including Environmental Management System)
There 3 major benefits of green design
 Environmental benefits-
 Economic benefits
 Health and Safety benefits.
There 3 major benefits of green design
Sub – Theme  Global  Construction  Equity
 Local & site  Materials  Community
 Internal  Infrastructure
Issues  Climate change  Profitability  Poverty
 Resources  Employment  Minorities
 Internal Env  Productivity  Inner cities
 External Env  Transport &  Transport
 Wildlife utilizes  Communications
 Building Stock


Five principles of an environmental architecture (Thomas A. Fisher, AIA, November, 1992)

 Healthful Interior Environment.(All possible measures are to be taken to ensure that
materials and building systems do not emit toxic substances and gasses into the
interior atmosphere.)
 Energy Efficiency.(All possible measures are to be taken to ensure that the building's
use of energy is minimal.)
 Ecologically Benign Materials.(All possible measures are to be taken to use building
materials and products that minimize destruction of the global environment.)
 Environmental Form.(All possible measures are to be taken to relate the form and
plan of the design to the site, the region and the climate.)

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 Good Design.(All possible measures are to be taken to achieve an efficient, long lasting
and elegant relationship ofuse areas, circulation, building form, mechanical systems
and construction technology. )

A movement in contemporary architecture.
This movement aims to create environmentally friendly, energy-efficient buildings
and developments by effectively managing natural resources.
 This entails passively and actively harnessing solar energy and using materials which,
 in their manufacture,
 application,
 and disposal,
 do the least possible damage to the so-called 'free resources' water, ground,
and air.
 Understanding Place
 Connecting with Nature
 Understanding Natural Processes
 Understanding Environmental Impact
 Embracing Co-creative Design Processes
 Understanding People
Understanding Environmental Impact,
Sustainable design attempts to have an understanding of the environmental impact
of the design by
 evaluating the site,
 the embodied energy and toxicity of the materials,
 and the energy efficiency of design,
 Materials and construction techniques.
 Negative environmental impact can be mitigated through
 use of sustainably harvested building materials and finishes,
 materials with low toxicity in manufacturing and installation,
 and recycling building materials while on the job site.
Embracing Co-creative Design Processes
Sustainable designers are finding it is important to listen to every voice.
 Collaboration with systems consultants, engineers and other experts happens early
in the design process, instead of an afterthought.
 Designers are also listening to the voices of local communities.
 Design make-believe for the end user (neighborhood residents or office employers)
are becoming a standard practice.

Understanding People
Sustainable design must take into consideration
 the wide range of cultures,
 races,

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 Religions and habits of the people who are going to be using and inhabiting the built
 This requires sensitivity and empathy on the needs of the people and the






There are 3 major Principles of Green
1. Economy of resources
 Is concerned with the reduction, reuse and recycling of the natural resources that
are input to a building.
2. Life cycle design
 Provides a methodology for analyzing the building process and its impact on the
3. Humane design
 Focuses on the interactions between humans and the natural world.

Voluntary Certification Programs

LEED-Leadership In Energy And Environmental Design, U.S
BEPAC-Building Environmental Performance Assessment Criteria (U.k&Canada)
BREEAM-Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method,Etc.

 U.S. EPA Energy Star Buildings and Homes

 Green Globe 21 –tourism
 Green Advantage
 Smart Wood (Rainforest Alliance)•Forest Stewardship Council (Certified Timber)
 Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance (NE HERS)
 Green e –renewable power certification
3.2 LEED / Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

 Effective in India from 1st Jan 2007
 Based on professional reference standards like NBC, ASHRAE, and ECBC etc.
 Assessment by 3rd party assessors & USGBC
 Voluntary, Consensus- based, Market driven

LEED India Green building Rating System

Certification levels

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Rating Points
LEED Certified 26-32
LEED Certified Silver level 33-38
LEED Certified Gold level 39-51
LEED Certified Platinum level 52-69
Few LEED rated buildings in India:

 Platinum rated: a) CII –Godrej GBC ,Hyderabad

b) ITC Green Center, Gurgaon
c) Wipro Technologies, Gurgaon

 Gold Rated : a) IGP Office, Gulbarga

b) NEG Micon, Chennai
c) Grundfos Pumps, Chennai

 Silver Rated : a) L&T EDRC , Chennai

b) World Bank, Chennai
Important to note, that there are about 650 LEED certified projects in India and 4500 more
have registered for certification.

LEED India New Construction Overview:

Leed India Green Building Rating System
Important criterions and Point allocation Criterions Points
Prerequisites 8
1 Sustainable Sites 13
2 Water efficiency 6
3 Energy and atmosphere 17
4 Materials and Resources 13
5 Indoor Environmental quality 15
6 Innovations and Accredited Prof. Points 5
Total 69

1. Sustainable site
The Sustainable sites section of LEED NC Program outlines various “green“ opportunities for
reducing the negative impact the building has on the environment. The opportunities range
from preventing erosion of top soil, water contamination & creation of heat islands,
effective use of a barren or waste lands etc.

The basic principle to be followed

TIME and NATURE have sculpted your land
Importantly, use what nature has given you by working with existing topography, plants and
views. Touch the earth lightly, rather than cutting deep and covering it with concrete.

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Credits under sustainable site

Credit Title Points
Prereq 1 Erosion & Sedimentation Control 1
Credit 1 Site Selection 1
Credit 2 Development density & Community Connectivity 1
Credit 3 Brownfield re development 1
Credit 4 Alternative Transportation 1-3
Credit 5 Site development 1-2
Credit 6 Strom water Design 1-2
Credit 7 Heat Islands Effect 1-2
Credit 8 Light Pollution reduction 1
Total 13

Format adopted to explain Credit requirements

Prerequisite: Erosion and Sedimentation control
 Intent:
Control erosion and sedimentation of soil to reduce negative impact on
A) Water quality
B) Air quality – dust generation

 Impacts :
Erosion from construction sites
A) Can carry toxicants & nutrients
B) Polluting storm water run –off

 Requirements :
Design to a site sedimentation and erosion control plan that conformsto the best
management practices. (Should address both during construction & post occupancy)
Advocates process like temporary or Permanent vegetation, Mulching, earth dikes, silt
fencing etc

2. Water Efficiency
Water efficiency can be defined as
The accomplishment of a function, task, process, or result with the minimal amount of
water feasible.
An indicator of the relationship between the amount of water required for a particular
purpose and the amount of water used or delivered.

Water efficiency differs from water conservation in that it focuses on reducing waste. A
proposition is that the key for efficiency is reducing waste not restricting use.
It also emphasizes the influence consumers can have in water efficiency by making small
behavioral changes to reduce water wastage and by choosing more water efficient
products. Examples of water efficient steps include simple measures like, fixing leaking taps.

Credits under water efficiency

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Credit Title Points

Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping 1-2
Credit 2 Water efficiency in A/C systems 1
Credit 3 Innovative waste water technologies 1
Credit 4 Water use reduction 1-2
Total 6
3. Energy and Atmosphere
Using energy wisely is a cornerstone of sustainable design. LEED recognizes the importance
of optimizing energy performance by allocating the greatest number of potential points
within this category.
In general points can be earned through efficient design, use of renewable energy,
deliberate mechanical and electrical system selection, and proper commissioning and
Credits under Energy and Atmosphere
Credit Title Points
Prereq 1 Fundamental building systems commissioning R
Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance R
Prereq 3 CFC reduction in HVAC & R equipment R
Credit 1 Optimized Energy Performance 1-10
Credit 2 Renewable Energy 1-3
Credit 3 Additional commissioning 1
Credit 4 Ozone depletion 1
Credit 5 Measurement and Verification 1
Credit 6 Green Power 1
Total 17
4. Material and Resources
 When we think of greenhouse gas emissions, most of us envision a Tailpipe spewing
exhaust out of the back of a car.
 But 40% of the carbon dioxide that contributes to our warming planet comes from
buildings. While some of it is a secondary effect of operational needs such as electricity,
A/C, and heating, many GHG’s arise from resource extraction, manufacturing and
Production of the building materials themselves.
 Of all the criteria covered by LEED,MATERIALS and RESOURCES has perhaps the
broadest application and relevance. They are the ingredients, and choosing them wisely
makes all the difference in terms of the overall impact of the building throughout its
life. This is where ‘environmental footprint’ or ‘life cycle assessment’ comes into play.
 The materials are in the picture from the first round of planning to the final stages of
demolition or renovation of a building or product.
Credits under Material and resource
Credit Title Points
Prereq 1 Storage & collection of recyclables R
Credit 1 Construction waste management 3
Credit 2 Resource Reuse 2

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Credit 3 Recycled content 2

Credit 4 Local / Regional Materials 2
Credit 5 Rapidly Renewable material 1
Credit 6 Certified Wood 1
Total 13

Credit: Resource Reuse

 Intent :
Reuse building materials and products in order to reduce demand for virgin
material and reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts associated with the extraction and
processing of virgin resources.
 Requirements :
- Use salvaged or refurbished materials for 5-10% of building materials (by value)
- Methods suggested like, reuse of partition panels, broken tiles, Used carpets.
(Note : Movable furniture like chairs are not accounted for calculation)
Format adopted to explain Credit requirements …
Pre-requisite: Erosion and Sedimentation control
Control erosion and sedimentation of soil to reduce negative impact on
A) Water quality
B) Air quality – dust generation
Erosion from construction sites
A) Can carry toxicants & nutrients
B) Polluting storm water run –off
Credit: Resource Reuse:
Reuse building materials and products in order to reduce demand for virgin material
and reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts associated with the extraction and
processing of virgin resources.
- Use salvaged or refurbished materials for 5-10% of building materials (by value)
- Methods suggested like, reuse of partition panels,brokentiles,Used carpets.(Note :
Movable furniture like chairs are not accounted for calculation)
Credit: Recycled content
Increase demand for building products that incorporated recycled content materials,
therefore reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of new virgin materials

 Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of post –consumer recycled
content plus one-half of the post-industrial constitutes at least 5% of the total value
of the materials in the project.

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 The value of the recycled content portion of a material or furnishing shall be

determined by dividing the weight of recycled content in the item by the total
weight of all material in the item, then multiplying the resulting percentage by the
total value of the item.
Credit: Recycled Content
Typical Materials with High Recycled Contents
Materials % Recycled contents
Fly ash blocks 30-40
Glass 10-15
Ceramic tiles 20-30
MDF wood 15
Steel 20-25
False roof 25-30

Credit local/ regional Materials

Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and
manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the regional economy and
reducing environmental impact resulting from transportation

Use a minimum of 20 %( extra points for going up to to 50 %) of building materials

and products that are manufactured regionally within a radius of 800 kms
(manufacturing refers to the final assembly of components)

Credit: Rapidly Renewable Material


Reduce the use and depletion of finite raw and long cycle renewable materials by
replacing them with rapidly renewable materials
- Use rapidly renewable building materials and products (made from plants that are
typically harvested within a ten-year cycle or shorter) for 5% of the total value of all
building materials and products used in the project.
- Consider use of materials such as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber,
linoleum, wheat board, strawboard and cork.
Indoor Environmental Quality:
Building green means considering not only the environmental impact of materials
and construction, but also the physical and psychological health of the occupants.
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) addresses the subtle issues that influence, how
we feel in a space. Some can argue that it is not only desirable, but also a
fundamental human right to live and work in spaces with healthy indoor
environments. Buildings enhance people’s lives when they permit ample air

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circulation, maintain clean air and comfortable temperatures, and allow individuals
to have a sense of control over their own indoor experience.
Credit Title Points
Prereq 1 Minimum IAQ Performance R
Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control R
Credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 1
Credit 2 Increased Ventilation 1
Credit 3 Construction IAQ Management Plan 2
Credit 4 Low-emitting Material 4
Credit 5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control 1
Credit 6 Controllability of system 2
Credit 7 Thermal Control 2
Credit 8 Daylight & Views 2
Total 15

Credit : Low Emitting Materials

Intent :
Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous or potentially
irritating and harmful to the comfort and well being of installer and building occupants.

- All adhesives and sealants used on the interior of the building shall comply with the
requirements of the reference standard.
- VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content of adhesive and sealants
to be monitored.
- Carpet systems must meet the requirements of the carpet and rug institute Green
label indoor Air quality test program
- Composite wood and agrifiber products used on the interior of the building must
contain no added urea – formaldehyde resins.

Innovation & Design Process:

Credit Title Points
Credit 1 Innovation in Design 4
Credit 2 LEEDTM Accredited 1
Total 5

Where we can contribute

Our company can lead the way and demonstrate its commitment to public health
and the environment by producing better, safer products. At the same time, we strive to
secure future sales growth by tapping one of the fastest growing markets worldwide.
Green Design Strategy
1. Optimized utilization of raw material to conserve natural resources

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 Maximize recycled content

 Reduction in product volume to reduce transportation cost
 Use of rapidly renewable wood & wood substitutes (planted & replenished in less than
15 years cycle) to reduce impact on eco system.
 Modular products make various options with the use of minimum basic standard
 Possibility of refurbishing for reuse (Ease of servicing – assembly and disassembly )
 Design for durability – adherence to performance standards to enhance product life.

Green Process for manufacturing

 Confirming to ISO 14001
 Energy conservation
 Use of natural lighting in the plant
 30 % increase in production over last year with the same consumption of electric
 Converted to CNG for all high fuel consuming processes
 Recycling of water with reverse osmosis plant
 Effective utilization of in-process waste water, after effluent treatment is used for
watering gardens
 Influencing our vendors to follow green processes
 Sale of hazardous waste only to ‘Pollution Control Board’ authorized parties
 96% usage of powder in powder coating process leads to minimal wastage
 Hidden components are coated with left over powder mix

Product Carbon Footprint tracking

 Tool used to track carbon footprints
 A product’s life cycle consists of the activities that go into making, transporting, using
and disposing of that product


Spacio open plan office system
 80 % steel for the paneling compared to conventional wood based partition
 Fabrics : 100% Cotton or PP based without any blend
 100 % use of reconstituted wood: (PPB or MDF) for work surfaces
 Number of parts reduced to minimum
 Easy to disassemble reconfigure and refurbish for reuse
 Paper based packing material: 100 % Recyclable

Role of furniture in getting credits

System furniture can contribute in garnering credits by methods like..
 Provision of energy efficient task lights, can help in reducing the overall lighting load of
the project.

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 Leading to “Optimizing energy performance” – @ 3 Points

 Use of easily recyclable material (like corrugated cardboard, expanded polystyrene)
packing which can reduce landfill disposal.
 Aiding in “Construction waste management “– @ 2 points
 Manufacture products with longer life cycle, so that can be used in many sites. Tile –
frame construction making it easy for reconfiguration and reuse.
 Demonstrating “Resource reuse” - @ 1 points
 Identifying components which could be made from recycled materials like, recycled
plastics, worktop made of baggage boards etc.
 Thereby contributing to “Recycled content” - @ 2 points
 Can explore the option of using boards made of bamboo, fabrics made of agricultural
waste etc.
 Thereby demonstrate use of “Rapidly Renewable material” - @ 1 points
 Working towards usage of material which confirm to VOC level
 Requirements for GREENGUARD certification and also by evolving a NO WOOD
 Contributing to usage of “Low emitting materials” - @ 1 points
 Task lighting feature can ensure better control and proper optimization of electricity
Used for lighting.
 Help in demonstrating “Controllability of the system” - @ 1 points
 To the credit “Daylight and views” - @ 3 points
 Our furniture can contribute by usage of transparent material and low ht partitions
allowing daylight and outside view to the building occupants.



The first LEED Platinum Rated Building in India
It offers advisory services to the Industry in the areas of,
 Green Buildings
 Energy Efficiency
 Waste Management
 Environmental management
 Renewable energy
 Green business incubation
 Climate change activities

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The PanchaMahabhutas in Architecture

PanchaBhutas: ancient belief states that life exists because of the presence and
balance of the five classical elements
 They are associated with the five senses
 They act as the gross medium for the experience of sensations
The Concept: What derives itself from nature returns to it.
This is applied in the practice of Architecture:
 a building gives back to nature even as it takes from it
 thus reducing the ecological footprint
An attempt to make a positive change in design by

Reducing the negative impact on the environment in terms of:

 Use of materials
 Water Management
 Energy Efficiency
 Sustainability
 Natural Ventilation
 Reuse and Recycle
 Renewable Energy
 Effective Land Use
 Ecological footprint
 Carbon Footprint
 Socio Cultural Response etc
What is Green Architecture
 Using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient
throughout a building's life-cycle:from cradle to grave
 Expanding and complementing the classical building design inmatters of economy,
utility, durability, and comfort
 Designing to reduce the overall impact of the built-upenvironment on human health
and the natural environment by:

1. Efficiently using energy,

water, and other resources
2. Protecting occupants’
health and improving
3. Reducing waste, pollution
and environmental
4. Ensuring sustainability
5. Natural building - use of
natural materials available

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Location Macro Level

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Location Micro Level

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Zoning by site Features

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Climate Responsive Design

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Approach & Surroundings: Main Gate

 Main entrance located at the main road

 Surrounded by medium rise commercial buildings.

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 The main building has direct access from the
 main
main gate opens to a long driveway with lush greenery on both sides creating
 But the entrance to it from the inside to
EMPHASIS to the entrance.
ensure privacy and security


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 Bicycle riders are treated preferentially - convenient parking,lockers, shower

 30 % of employee transportation: carpools, bicycles, and LPGcars
 Use of battery operated vehicles encouraged – Chargingstations available
 The documented reduction of harmful emissions achieved is62 %
 Encourage building occupants to minimize their reliance onfossil fuel-based




 Site area : 5 acres

 Built up area : 20000 sqft
 Minimum disturbance to the existing site
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 Large area for landscape to enhance micro
climate and for visual delight.


Zoning done by HIERARCHY interms of PRIVACY
PUBLIC : Reception, Library
SEMI PUBLIC : Administration,Office for employees
SEMI PRIVATE : Seminar hall
PRIVATE - Conference rooms,
Cabins for Senior Executives
COMMON AREAS: forcirculation and gathering


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 Everything acquires rounded edges, soft
forms, and thus forms a closer association.
 Convergence of individual spaces to the
central court, building them together.

 Arrangement of spaces according to size to
create balance
 Courtyard as central focal point

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 Use of green spaces to fill in voids between solids.

 Minimal damage during construction and occupancy,to the natural elements of water
flow, air quality,vegetation, and topography
 The built form responds to the rocky site.
 Small footprint, design retains site contours andexisting boulders.
 "Contour trenching" adopted to avoid erosion andsedimentation.
 During construction, barricades were installed toprevent contaminants from
spreading to surroundingareas.
 Care has been taken not to disturb the activities of atemple nearby


 The spatial and formal elements around a
courtyard createintroverted blueprint.
 Courtyard space was not rigidly fixed but could
be adaptabledepending on the time of day,
 Its mood changed with varying degrees of light
and shade, andwith them the ambience
 Centrally located, serves as visual anchor.. It
was the spatial,social, and environment control
center of the home.
 By building them around a central open space ensuredclose relationships between
separate units
 Brought in an additional usable space within the living space.

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3 . 3 G R I H A / G r e e n R a ti n g f o r I n t e g r a t e d H a b i t a t A s s e s s m e n t
Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
• GRIHA, an acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, is the
National Rating System of India. GRIHA has been conceived by TERI and developed
jointly with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India. It is a
green building 'design evaluation system', and is suitable for all kinds of buildings in
different climatic zones of the country.
• GRIHA – has been developed as a suitable system for all kinds of buildings in
different climatic zones of the country. The system, initially developed by TERI as
TERI-GRIHA, has been modified to GRIHA as the country’s National Rating System

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after incorporating various modifications suggested by a group of architects and

• The GRIHA rating system takes into account the provisions of the National Building
Code 2005; the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007 announced by BEE (Bureau
of Energy Efficiency) and other IS codes.
• GRIHA – the National Rating System will evaluate the environmental performance of
a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard
for what constitutes a ‘green building’. The rating system, based on accepted energy
and environmental principles, will seek to strike a balance between established
practices and emerging concepts, both national and international.
• TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) committed to every aspect of sustainable
development, took upon itself the responsibility of acting as a driving force to
popularize green buildings by developing a tool for measuring and rating a building’s
environmental performance in the context of India’s varied climate and building
practices. This tool, by its qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria, would be
able to ‘rate’ a building on the degree of its ‘greenness’.
• The rating shall evaluate the environmental performance of a building holistically
over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes
a ‘green building’. The rating system, based on accepted energy and environmental
principles, seeks to strike a balance between the established practices and emerging
concepts, both national and international.

The basic features of GRIHA

A building is assessed based on its predicted performance over its entire life cycle –
inception through operation. 
 Pre-construction stage: (intra- and inter-site issues like proximity to public transport,
type of soil, kind of land, where the property is located, the flora and fauna on the
land before construction activity starts, the natural landscape and land features).
 Building planning and construction stages: (issues of resource conservation and
reduction in resource demand, resource utilization efficiency, resource recovery and
reuse, and provisions for occupant health and well-being). The prime resources that
are considered in this section are land, water, energy, air, and green cover.
 Building operation and maintenance stage: (issues of operation and maintenance of
building systems and processes, monitoring and recording of energy consumption,
and occupant health and well-being, and also issues that affect the global and local
The benefits of GRIHA
On a broader scale, this system, along with the activities and processes that lead up to it,
will benefit the community at large with the improvement in the environment by reducing
GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, reducing energy consumption and the stress on natural
 Reduced energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort levels

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 Reduced destruction of natural areas, habitats, and biodiversity, and reduced

soil loss from erosion etc.
 Reduced air and water pollution (with direct health benefits)
 Reduced water consumption
 Limited waste generation due to recycling and reuse
 Reduced pollution loads
 Increased user productivity
 Enhanced image and marketability

Variants of GRIHA

> 50 hectare site area

SVAGRIHA - Small Versatile Affordable GRIHA

GRIHA LD - GRIHA for Large Developments

GRIHA Rating:
GRIHA rating system consists of 34 criteria categorized under various sections such as
 Site Selection and Site Planning,
 Conservation and Efficient Utilization of Resources,
 Building Operation and Maintenance, and
 Innovation points.
 Eight of these 34 criteria are mandatory, four are partly mandatory, while the rest
are optional.
 Each criterion has a number of points assigned to it.
 Different levels of certification (one star to five stars) are awarded based on the
number of points earned. The minimum points required for certification is 50.
In TERI-GRIHA, the criteria has been categorized as follows
1. Site planning (10 criteria)
 Conservation and efficient utilization of resources – 8 criteria
 Health and well being – 2 criteria
2. Building planning and construction stage (21 criteria)
 Conservation and Efficient utilization of resources
 Water – 3 criteria
 Energy: end use - 2 criteria
 Energy: embodied & construction - 3 criteria
 Energy: renewable - 2 criteria

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 Recycle, recharge and reuse of water - 2 criteria

 Waste management - 4 criteria
 Health and well being - 5 criteria
3. Building operation and maintenance - 3 criteria

1. Sustainable site planning

1. Site selection
2. Preserve and protect the landscape during construction / compensatory
depository forestation.
3. Soil conservation (till post-construction).
4. Design to include existing site features
5. Reduce hard paving on-site and /or provide shaded hard- paved surfaces.
6. Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency.
7. Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiency.
8. Reduce landscape water requirement.
2. Health and well-being
1. Provide sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers.
2. Reduce air pollution during construction.

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List of criteria and points for TERI-GRIHA

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Conservation and Efficient Utilization of Resources

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Building Operation and Maintenance

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Scoring points for GRIHA

 GRIHA has a 100 point system consisting of some core points, which are mandatory
to be met while the rest are optional points, which can be earned by complying with
the commitment of the criterion for which the point is allocated.
 The innovation points are available over and above the 100 point system. This means
that a project can hypothetically apply for a maximum of 104 points. But the final
scoring shall be done out of 100 points. Different levels of certification (one star to
five star) are awarded based on the number of points earned.


Title: Suzlon - One Earth

Location: Pune, Maharashtra
GRIHA rating: 5 Stars
Campus for world’s largest integrated wind
turbine manufacturers.
a. Office Complex
b. Corporate learning center
Plot area – 45,392 sqm
Built up area- 70,865 sqm
Capacity – 3000 employees
 Adequate day lighting and glare control measures adopted
 100% desks equipped with LED lights governed by motion sensors.

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 154.83 kW Renewable energy installed on site

 250000 units of electricity generated annually.
 Energy savings compared to GRIHA benchmark: 47%
The following strategies were adopted to reduce the impact of the proposed building on
natural environment:
1. Sustainable Site Planning
2. Reduction in water consumption (compared to GRIHA benchmark)
3. Passive architectural design strategies adopted in the Reduction in energy
consumption (compared to GRIHA benchmark) while maintaining occupant comfort
4. Renewable energy technologies installed on site
5. Use of low-energy/green materials
Building performance as per audit report:
 Energy generated through solar PV -127,299 KWh/year.
 Final EPI achieved - 33.2 KWh/sqm/year.
 Actual reduction in EPI from base case - 56% ( 9% more than predicted).
 Thermal comfort is met as per NBC 2005.
 Lighting lux levels are met as recommended byNBC2005.
Water and waste
 Water test report indicates conformity to IS code 10500.
Noise level
 Outdoor noise levels are within acceptable limits as per CPCB.
 Indoor noise levels are within acceptable limits as perNBC2005.


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3.4 BREEAM/Building Research Establishment Environmental

Assessment Method
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)
 BREEAM is the leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for
buildings. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become
the factor measure used to describe a building's environmental performance.
 BREEAM stands for the Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment
 As the UK building industry moves towards a zero carbon future, tighter and tighter
standards are needed to ensure new buildings are meeting a higher caliber of
construction to minimize environmental impact.
 BREEAM is the world's foremost environmental assessment method and rating
system for buildings, with 200,000 buildings with certified BREEAM assessment
ratings and over a million registered for assessment since it was first launched in
 The Building Research Establishment (BRE) sets the assessment methods and quality
standards by which buildings are tested. Although there are subtle differences
between the two, these broadly break down to the Code For Sustainable Homes
(CFSH) for residential buildings and BREEAM for commercial properties. 
 A BREEAM assessment uses recognized measures of performance, which are set
against established benchmarks, to evaluate a building’s specification, design,
construction and use. The measures used represent a broad range of categories and
criteria from energy to ecology. They include aspects related to energy and water
use, the internal environment (health and well-being), pollution, transport,
materials, waste, ecology and management processes.
A Certificated BREEAM assessment is delivered by a licensed organization, using assessors
trained under a UKAS accredited competent person scheme, at various stages in a buildings
life cycle. This provides clients, developers, designers and others with:
 market recognition for low environmental impact buildings,
 confidence that tried and tested environmental practice is incorporated in the
 inspiration to find innovative solutions that minimize the environmental impact,
 a benchmark that is higher than regulation,
 a system to help reduce running costs,
 improve working and living environments,
 a standard that demonstrates progress towards corporate and organizational
environmental objectives.
What does BREEAM do?
 BREEAM addresses wide-ranging environmental and sustainability issues and
enables developers, designers and building managers to demonstrate the
environmental credentials of their buildings to clients, planners and other initial
parties, BREEAM:

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 uses a straightforward scoring system that is transparent, flexible, easy to

understand and supported by evidence-based science and research,
 has a positive influence on the design, construction and management of buildings,
 defines and maintains a robust technical standard with rigorous quality assurance
and certification.
Code for a Sustainable Built Environment
 For more than twenty years BRE Global has operated and maintained BREEAM as a
tool for evaluating, measuring and sharing knowledge on the built environment. In
this time BREEAM has evolved and adapted, not only to changes in our knowledge of
planning, construction and operation of buildings, but also to changing
environmental, economic and social needs.

Who uses BREEAM?

 Clients, planners development agencies, funders and developers use BREEAM to
specify the sustainability performance of their buildings in a way that is quick,
comprehensive, highly visible in the marketplace and provides a level playing field.
 Property agents use it to promote the environmental credentials and benefits of a
building to potential purchasers and tenants.
 Design teams use it as a method to improve the performance of their buildings and
their own experience and knowledge of environmental aspects of sustainability.
 Managers use it to reduce running costs, measure and improve the performance of
buildings, empower staff, develop action plans and monitor and report performance
at both the single building and portfolio level.

BREEAM sets the standard for best practice in sustainable building design, construction and
operation and has become one of the most comprehensive and widely recognized measures
of a building's environmental performance.

BREEAM and local planning

BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) can help local authorities to deliver
better, more sustainable buildings to the communities they serve. One important way of
doing this is through the planning system.

BREEAM Awards are made annually to the highest scoring building assessments certified
under BREEAM Schemes in the preceding calendar year. The Awards recognize the
achievement of those involved in the specification, design and construction of BREEAM
assessed buildings. 

Statistics – Carbon
Dioxide Emissions UK

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Statistics – Water AND Waste Consumption

Family of BREEAM certification schemes

BREEAM criteria
 BREEAM provides a set of predefined criteria
 Many of the criteria set specific performance targets
 Others are more subjective and harder to quantify
 Does not cover every possible design solution

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BREEAM aims to
 Reduce the environmental impact of construction and building operation.
 Recognise best practice.
 Highlight the economic benefits to stakeholders and clients.
 Provide comprehensive method of measuring and monitoring environmental
 Consider all areas of ‘Sustainability’ i.e. Economic, Environmental and Social.

Key Drivers for using BREEAM

 Demonstrate the sustainability credentials to planning authorities, investors and
 Reduced energy and other running costs.
 Improved staff productivity.
 Making buildings more lettable and potentially higher rental incomes.
 Making buildings more attractive to potential customers or tenants.
 Pre-empt legislation.
 Setting targets for improvement.
 Improved image & ethical investment policies

How BREEAM is used by clients

 Product labelling
 As a specification tool
 As a design tool
 As a measurement tool within EMS

Benefits to users: Building Occupiers

 Improved environment; increase in building users productivity.
 Reduced operating costs; climate change levy, energy, water and maintenance costs.
 Increased
 flexibility.

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Environmental Issues ----- BREEAM mainly discusses

Improved environment
 Indoor air quality
 Control of thermal environment
 Natural daylight levels and glare control
 Control of artificial lighting
 Degree of occupant control over ventilation, temperature and lighting
 General ambience and aesthetic environment
 Availability of transport for commuting, business and leisure use
 Acoustic environment
 Scale of working spaces, which can effect degree of ownership
 Social meeting areas, rooms and other amenities

Reduced Operating Costs

 Design of the building form and fabric to minimise system loads through use of day
lighting, avoidance of unwanted solar gain.
 Control of heat and ventilation losses
 Avoidance of air-conditioning.
 Provision of occupier control over temperature and ventilation
 Interlocking between potentially conflicting systems such as heating and cooling.
 Specification of efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems.

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 Zoning of heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting systems to take account of

building orientation, day lighting potential, space.
 Ease of monitoring of energy and water costs through the provision of sub-meters to
key plant and systems.

Increased flexibility
 Careful zoning and adaptability of the basic services within a building to allow for
changes in use patterns, and therefore loads.
 Variable scales of floor plates to accommodate differing occupier demands.
 Avoiding the need for inflexible internal load-bearing walls
 Open-plan spaces, allowing lots of air and natural light whilst maintaining privacy
and quiet working space.
 Careful design of the acoustic environment to control background noise levels.
 at a later date to allow for subletting or expansion into other areas.

BREEAM Scoring

BREEAM Weightings – and process

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Health & Wellbeing
Environmental Weightings Energy 19
Transport 8
Water 6
Land Use & Ecology

BREEAM in Context
 renewable energy
 wrap 10% recycled content
 neat, ceequal, leed, greenstar, bees, hk-beam etc
 planning - local development framework (ldf)
 code for sustainable buildings
 corporate sustainability
 productivity
 wider aspects of sustainability
 Robust  Complicated
 Detailed  Inflexible
 Well known  Poorly understood
 Easy to specify  Often poorly specified
 Independent  Extra cost
 Tailored to each building type  Comparing apples and pears?
“YES, I don’t think we can afford not to. BREEAM shows which projects are just “green
washing”. It makes the whole construction and design team think hard about their values”
Robin Marsden, Architect, Shepherd Construction
2. How can you get best value from 3. How can BREEAM contribute to
BREEAM? sustainability?
 robust measure of environmental
 TIMING – look at it early
 covers all aspects of environment
 easy to specify
 Whole Life Costing
 easy to report performance
 Sustainability
 operational efficiencies
 Education

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About the Building
• Carnegie Village is a student residential development within the existing Headingley
Campus of Leeds Metropolitan University, providing 479 study bedrooms in ‘cluster
flat' and ‘townhouse' arrangements.
• The commitment of Leeds Metropolitan University and the University Partnership
Programme to environmental issues required this student accommodation to focus
on sustainability and improving environmental performance.
• BREEAM certification was a requirement of Leeds Metropolitan University.
• The new accommodation is seen as part of the student education, and incorporates
many of the attributes that support sustainable student living.
Key Facts
BREEAM rating:  Excellent,
Score:  76.10%,
Size:  10,275m2,
Stage:  Design,
BREEAM version: BREEAM Multi-Residential 2006. 

Overview of Environmental Features

Key design features include :
• High levels of insulation,
• High levels of air tightness,
• Mechanical heat recovery ventilation systems,
• Low NOx, A-rated gas condensing boilers,
• Solar water heating,
• Building management system,
• Low water use aerated taps and showers, dual flush WCs,
• SUDS (sustainable drainage system) wastewater attenuation system,
• Full, low energy lighting /passive infrared (PIR) to common areas,
• High levels of acoustic performance,
• Dimensioning to accommodate standard building material sizes,
• Simple plan configuration,
• Use of A-rated Green Guide products,
• FSC-certified timber,
• Ecologist's recommendations implemented,
• Recycling storage space,
• First student residential scheme in the UK to incorporate buildings to Passivhaus

The BREEAM Assessment

• The development achieved a BREEAM Excellent rating scoring 76.1%.
• The largest percentage of credits per section were gained in the Management
section - over 91% of available credits were achieved.
• Overall the building performed particularly well in the Water and Land Use & Ecology
sections, whilst credits gained in the Energy and Transport sections contributed most
to the overall credit score. 

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Building Services
• The overriding approach has been to reduce energy loads by passive means.
• High levels of insulation and excellent air tightness significantly reduce space heating
requirements - the largest energy load is providing hot water.
• Whole house mechanical heat recovery ventilation units are used to deliver fresh,
filtered air to all habitable rooms, with 80% heat recovery efficiency. Solar thermal
collectors are used on the cluster flat accommodation to pre-heat water.
• Aerated taps and showers deliver controlled amounts of water, and dual flush WCs
are used throughout.
• Metering of utilities is discrete to each townhouse, enabling each dwelling to review
and compare actual use online.

Green Strategy
• Attention has been given to the construction process and waste generation during
• The building incorporates significantly higher levels of insulation and air tightness
than required by current building regulations.
• A variety of measures have been adopted to ensure a healthy internal environment,
in particular quality of indoor air, levels of natural light and improved acoustic
• Wherever possible natural and benign materials and finishes are used internally, care
being taken to avoid materials that omit unwanted VOCs. All paint finishes are based
on natural technologies and solvent free. Traditional solvent-based adhesives and
sealants are avoided.
• The use of controlled ventilation with heat recovery ensures a continuous supply of
fresh air to all habitable rooms, and helps maintain optimum humidity levels in the
• The townhouses are designed so that only the party walls are load bearing with
floors spanning between these walls.
• This allows the internal space to be flexible in respect of layout and may be
reconfigured if necessary, so future proofing the accommodation.

Project Team Details

• Client: University Partnership Programme Ltd,
• Project Sponsor: Leeds Metropolitan University,
• Architect: GWP Architecture Ltd,
• Contractor: Shepherd Construction Ltd,
• M&E Engineers: Imtech G+H Ltd,
• Timber Frame Engineers: Prestoplan Ltd,
• Cost Consultant: SDA Consulting Ltd,
• BREEAM Assessor: GWP Project Services Ltd.

John Wybor, Director, GWP Architecture said:

• "We have found the discipline of undertaking the BREEAM assessment to be helpful
to the project delivery team and not difficult to satisfy given the background and

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approach to the student residential concept, which is based on sustainable

3.5 Energy Sources- Renewable & Non Renewable Energy


 Renewable energy is energy which is generated from natural sources
E.g. : energy from wind, geothermal, biomass from plants .


 Building sites are surrounded by natural energy in the forms of wind, solar radiation, and
geothermal heat. Renewable energy systems can be used to supplement or eliminate
traditional heating, cooling, and electrical systems through the utilization of this natural
 Components that encourage daylighting, passive and active solar heating, and on-site power
generation are included in this category. Solar power can be utilized in many forms, both for
heating and production of electricity.
 In many parts of the country, wind power is a feasible way to generate electricity and pump
 Active solar or geothermal heat requires outside electricity for pumps but still saves energy
in comparison to the operation costs of traditional mechanical systems.


 Non-Renewable energy is energy which is available on the earth in limited quantity and will
vanish fifty-sixty years from now.
 Non-renewable energy are not environmental friendly and can have serious affect on our

3.6 Recyclable Products & Embodied Energy

Sustainable ecological design must:

 Adhere to a Site-Specific Context.

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 Utilize By-products as Inputs.

 Exploit Self-Organization.
 Be Adaptable.
 Include Redundancy and Diversity.
 Work within a Renewable Budget.
 Optimize Coordination and Minimize Force.

 Waste bottles for construction? Yes, it is difficult to think of a bottle as a brick. But a mud-
filled bottle is as strong as a brick and whatever you can do with a brick, you can do with a
bottle too. Plus it has got lots of advantages too.
 This project was done as a part of our college activity.The man behind this innovative idea is
a german named Andreas Froese, who is also the founder of 'ECO-TECH' .
 About Eco-Tech- Found in 2001 by Andreas Froese Germen citizen and its head quarters is at
Honduras Central America.
 Eco-Tec has done more than 50 eco friendly projects at Honduras, Columbia, Bolivia.
 Eco-tec has experience working with Govt, Non-Govt and International organization.
 Eco-tec has won lot of environmental awards for innovation.
 Developed technology to build with pet bottles which helps to reuse plastic bottles and
avoid plastic menace.
 Developed technology to build water tanks with pet bottles.
 Being a student of Architecture, I was able to be a part of this innovative construction with
Plastic Bottles.

Building with Bottles

 This is an effective solution for reusing the plastic. Bottles have the following advantages
over bricks and other construction materials.
1. Low cost - You know how much a bottle costs!
2. Non-Brittle - (Unlike bricks)
3. Absorbs abrupt shock loads - Since they are not brittle, there can take up heavy loads
without failure.
4. Bio climatic
5. Re-usable
6. Less construction material
7. Easy to build
8. Green Construction
 When you make a clay brick, the time and the energy used right from mixing the clay to
baking it in the kiln and taking into account the firewood used for that, you will see that the
bottle brick is far more energy-efficient. The technology also reduces the carbon emission
that happens during the baking of an ordinary brick . The heat generation from cement
factories can also be reduced as this technology uses only five percent cement. The
foundation for the entire construction is obtained from building waste and so the mountains
from which granite is blasted out can be saved too..

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 PET Bottle can last as long as 300 years (undoubtedly longer than the cement used to bind
the bottles together in the walls!).
 The following picture is of an ecological house constructed in Honduras using some 8,000
PET bottles, in the process freeing up an estimated 12 cubic meters (m3) in the local landfill.
 The house also features a living roof (sometimes called a green roof) of sod and turf. Such
roofs not only have aesthetic appeal, but tend to insulate the house better than
conventional roofs, lowering heating and cooling costs. They are also cheaper than
conventional roofs. When wet, the 102 square meter (m2), living roof of the casa ecol?can
weigh as much as 30 metric tons (Mt, toneladas). The PET bottle walls can support the

instructable tells you how to build a pavilion with these bottles.

1. Your first step is to collect as many discarded plastic bottles as you can..They can be of
various capacities.
2. Next step is to find a place where you can get a hell load of dry sand (finer,the better).
3. Next process is to take the bottles, fill them with sand, sealed and then paste them with a
mixture made of earth, clay, sawdust and a little cement to provide additional strength and
durability. The following video shows how to fill the bottle.
4. Now you are all set. Always start with the pillar. You can have as many pillars as you want,
but not less than 3.
5. Dig a cylindrical pit about 60cm in depth. The radius should be atleast 10cm more than the
length of the bottle that you are going to use for constructing the pillar.
6. Make a cement bed(about 4cm thickness)in the pit. Insert an long iron/steel rod at the
centre. Tie a long and strong thread to the rod. Now we are going to lay 10 or 11 bottles
around this rod. For this, First lay a bottle on the bed such that the bottle is radially oriented
towards the centre.(i.e., the cap is oriented towards the rod).
7. Take the thread and make a knot around the neck of the bottle you just laid.Put the next
bottle in similar way keeping in mind that the caps of the 2 bottles touch each other. Make a
knot around the 2nd bottle also. Repeat the steps until you lay all the 11 bottles. You have
made your first course of bottles.
8. Fill in the gaps between the bottles with rubble and cement. Make the next bed and
continue this process till you fill the entire pit. Hurray! your foundation is complete.
9. Leave it for a few hours so that the cement will solidify.
10. After you have made the foundation for all your pillars, you can start building the pillar. Lay
the bottles like you did for the foundation, and you will see your pillars rising. You can put
broken bricks or other construction wastes between the bottles so that they don't move.

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11. Now if you want you can plaster your pillar with cement. This pillar is many times stronger
much cheaper than an ordinary pillar made with bricks.

1. After building all the pillars, You are ready to make the
2. Make an outline of your platform with chalk powder or
any color powders.
3. Make a Clay bed about 5cm height and width=5 cm >
length of the bottles. This bed runs along the perimetre of
the platform.
4. Now lay the bottles (with their neck facing outwards)one
by one on this bed and tie them to each other as shown in
the picture. After laying a course , fill the inside area with
cement, clay or rubble. If you want to make more courses,
make sure that you knot each bottle of the underlying
course with the above course as shown in the picture.
This is to impart more strength to the structure.
5. This is your platform.Now put tiles or ceramics for
6. You can put any type of roof over this because the pillars
are really strong enough to hold them.
7. Create your own designs ,and build your own structures
with this cheap construction method !

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8. Some structures (including residences,water tanks, seating etc)built with pet bottles are
shown here


Embodied energy in building
materials has been studied
for the past several decades
by researchers interested in
the relationship between
building materials, construction
processes, and their
environmental impacts

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What is embodied energy?

There are two forms of embodied energy in buildings:· Initial embodied energy; and· Recurring
embodied energy

•The initial embodied energy in buildings represents the non-renewable energy consumed in the
acquisition of raw materials, their processing, manufacturing, transportation to site, and
construction. This initial embodied energy has two components:

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Direct energy the energy used to transport building products to the site, and then to construct the
Indirect energy the energy used to acquire, process, and manufacture the building materials,
including any transportation related to these activities.
The recurring embodied energy in buildings represents the non-renewable energy consumed to
maintain, repair, restore, refurbish or replace materials, components or systems during the life of
the building.

How is it measured?
Typically, embodied energy is measured as a quantity of non-renewable energy per unit of building
material, component or system. For example, it may be expressed as mega Joules(MJ) or
gigaJoules(GJ) per unit of weight (kg or tonne) or area (square metre). The process of calculating
embodied energy is complex and involves numerous sources of data.

How has the energy been measured?

 When reading figures for the embodied energy of a material or house type, the first question to
ask is how has the energy been measured?
 Energy is measured as either delivered or primary energy.
 Delivered energy refers to the actual quantity of energy delivered for use to a particular site or
building, for example the amount of electricity used and recorded on a bill.
 Primary energy refers to the amount of energy used to produce a quantity of delivered energy.
 For example, to create electricity, gas will have been burnt to drive the turbines in a power
station. The generators will not be 100 per cent efficient, so the energy content of the gas burnt
is greater than the energy content of the electricity generated. Also, the electricity has to be
transported from the power
 Station to the consumer, a process that is not 100 per cent efficient. All of these inefficiencies
mean that for every one unit of
 Electricity delivered to a consumer, a larger amount of primary a larger amount of primary
energy will have been consumed in its creation.
 Implicit in the measure of embodied energy are the associated environmental implications of
resource depletion, greenhouse gases, environmental degradation and reduction of
 As a rule of thumb, embodied energy is a reasonable indicator of the overall environmental
impact of building materials, assemblies or systems. However, it must be carefully weighed
against performance and durability since these may have a mitigating or compensatory effect
on the initial environmental impacts associated with embodied energy
 How much embodied energy is typically found in buildings?The amount of embodied energy in
buildings varies considerably.
 Initial embodied energy consumption depends on the nature of the building, the materials used
and the source of these materials (this is why data for a building material in one country may
differ significantly from the same material manufactured in another country).
 The recurring embodied energy is related to the durability of the building materials,
components and systems installed in the building, how well these are maintained, and the life
of the building (the longer the building survives, the greater the expected recurring energy

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 Research carried out by Cole and Kernan(1)

using a model based on Canadian construction
of a generic 4 620 m2 (50,000 ft2) three-storey
office building with underground parking,
considered three different construction
systems (wood, steel and concrete), and
yielded the following results for average total
initial embodied energy. (Note: Data were
averaged for the three construction systems as
the overall differences between the building
types were not significant.
 The building envelope, structure and services
contribute fairly equally and account for about
three-quarters of total initial embodied
energy. The finishes, which represent only 13%
of the embodied energy initially, typically account for the highest increase in recurring
embodied energy.
 Embodied energy may not be significantly different between building systems (e.g., wood
versus steel versus concrete), however, the environmental impacts associated with one
material versus another can be dramatically different.
 It is interesting to consider the relationship between site work (6% of initial embodied energy)
and services (24%). The reallocation of embodied energy, and hence project budget, from
conventional services to the site management of stormwater, for example, may have a
negligible effect on initial embodied energy, but the impact on recurring embodied energy may
prove significant. Additional benefits downstream of the building at the community
infrastructure level should also be considered. This points to one of the shortcomings of
embodied energy analysis, which typically ends at the property line and is somewhat unwieldy
in dealing with a broader context.
 When recurring embodied energy in buildings is considered, yet more interesting relationships
are revealed from the work of Cole and Kernan.
 First, to the credit of civil engineers, the structures of buildings normally do not expend
recurring embodied energy, lasting the life of the building.
 By year 25, however, a typical office building will see an increase of almost 57% of its initial
embodied energy due mostly to envelope, finishes and services. By year 50, recurring
embodied energy will represent about 144% of the initial embodied energy, and it was
projected that by year 100, this proportion would rise to almost 325%.
 This relationship is a direct result of what is referred to as differential durability, where the
service lives of the various materials, components, and systems comprising the building differ
dramatically. The current preoccupation with lower first costs in buildings reveals its disregard
for sustainability when viewed from a building life cycle perspective.

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What has
 Consider the embodied energy of a steel-framed window. If the energy inputs are calculated
only for the energy used in the factory that assembled the window, figures will differ from
calculations that include also the energy used in the steel works to make the steel or the energy
used in the mine to gather the iron ore.
 In order to calculate accurately the embodied energy of a material, all stages at which energy is
used should be accounted for.
 An accurate figure will be derived if we consider the energy used for extraction of raw
materials, transportation to processing plants, energy used in factories, transportation to site
and energy used on site to install the product.
 To achieve a low energy house, is it best to construct a new dwelling or refurbish an existing
 In most cases, refurbishment would be the preferred option, provided that the core of the
building can be reused without extensive demolition. Refurbishment is essentially the recycling
of a building.

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 Transportation is one of the often forgotten factors affecting embodied energy. The further a
material has to travel, the greatertheenergy that is used in its transport. The weight of a
material will also affect the energy needed to move it.
 Some natural products may have travelled great distances, for example polished granite from
overseas quarries, the finishing of which may even take place in a second country before
delivery to the final point of sale. This kind of information is not always freely available, but
asking suppliers about transportation can help you to make decisions while also alerting
suppliers to a concern in the market place.
 Studies conducted in New Zealand suggest that the energy used in a typical (i.e. non-low
energy) residential building, over a 50-year life, is equal to approximately four times the
embodied energy of its structure (Williamson, 1997).
 This kind of direct comparison between energy in use and embodied energy is not very useful,
unless we know how long the dwelling is expected to last.
 When considering the embodied energy of a building, we need to take account of the building’s
expected lifespan, the maintenance requirements of the various building elements and the
building’s state at the end of its life.
 This cradle-to-grave approach is called ‘life cycle analysis’. It is used as a way of assessing the
total impact of any building and shows the importance of the building’s lifespan.
 The longer a house can last, the lower the impact of the energy and pollution resulting from the
manufacture of its materials will be.
 EMBODIED ENERGY AND THE MATERIALS USED research (West et al., 1994) has indicated that,
for most building types, the following materials will contribute significantly to the embodied
energy of a building:

 steel;
 concrete;
 timber;
 bricks;
 cement;
 aggregates;
 glass;
 plaster.
 These materials account for a large proportion of the volume or mass of most buildings, and the
designer can significantly affect a building’s embodied energy by paying close attention to their
specification. Selecting materials from local sources will reduce their embodied energy and
emissions because of reduced transport.

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