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In today's world there are photographs everywhere – web pages on the internet, magazines

full of fashion and film stars, newspapers full of photos of war and sport, places and people
from other lands. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and maybe it is, but what is
the picture telling us? Sometimes we only see what we want to see ...
fashion and film stars: vestuario de moda y estrellas del cine; war and sport: guerra y deportes;
from other lands: de otras regiones; they say: dicen que; a picture is worth: una imagen vale; a
thousand words: mil palabras; maybe it is: es posible que así sea; we only see: sólo vemos; what
we want to see: lo que queremos ver;

Make a picture in your mind: a girl with thin cheeks and tired eyes. Her arms and legs are as
thin as sticks; she is only skin and bone. Clouds of dust circle above her head as the food trucks
drive away. Their wheels leave marks on the dry ground, and soon only the marks show that
the food trucks came to the village, and left.
make a picture in your mind: imagina esta foto; thin cheeks: mejillas flacas; tired eyes: ojos
exhaustos; as thin as sticks: tan delgadas como palos; skin and bone: piel y huesos; clouds of
dust: nubes de polvo; circle above: sobrevuelan; food trucks: camiones que proveen comida;
drive away: se alejan del lugar; wheels: ruedas; leave marks: dejan huellas; on the dry ground:
sobre el terreno reseco;

The sun is at its hottest; the African sky is unending and cruel. Even the white men with
cameras, busily taking photographs of the usual fighting over the food, are now getting ready
to leave. They pack away their cameras, jump into their cars, and drive quickly away to cool,
modern hotels in a city miles away. They are photojournalists.
is at its hottest: alcanza su máxima temperatura; unending and cruel: interminable y
despiadado; busily taking: afanosamente ocupados en tomar; usual fighting: las peleas diarias;
over the food: por hacerse de alimentos; getting ready to leave: preparándose para retirarse;
pack away: empacan; jump into: se avalanzan sobre; drive quickly away to: se alejan
velozmente hacia; miles away: a millas de distancia; photojournalists: reporteros gráficos,

One of them, sun-burned and hot, dressed in a shirt and jeans, kneels down on the dusty
ground to take some photographs of the girl before he leaves. In the pocket of his shirt is a
protein bar, soft from the sun, uneaten, untouched, forgotten.
sun-burned and hot: bronceado y acalorado; dressed in: vestido con; kneels down: se arrodilla;
on the dusty ground: sobre el terreno polvoriento; before he leaves: antes de irse; protein bar:
barrita de proteínas; soft from the sun: ablandada por el sol; uneaten: sin comer; untouched: sin
tocar; forgotten: ignorada;

He doesn't stop to think about the uneaten bar in his pocket and the starving girl. He is only
one man. What can one man do in a world where life is cruel, and governments cannot or will
not help their people? And who wants to stay in a place like this, with its dirt and its terrible
smells, if they can drive away from it?
he doesn't stop to think about: él no se detiene un instante para pensar en; the uneaten bar in
his pocket: la barrita sin comer que hay en su bolsillo; the starving girl: la muchacha famélica,
muerta de hambre; governments: los gobiernos; cannot or will not help: no pueden o no
lograrán ayudar a; who wants to stay: quién desea quedarse; like this: como éste; its dirt: su
mugre, suciedad; its terrible smells: sus olores nauseabundos; if they can drive away: si ellos
pueden huir;

The girl caught the photographer's eye. She was in the middle of a group of boys, fighting just
as strongly as they were, when the food trucks arrived. But she was pushed down and fell
under the boys' feet. The boys stepped all over her, and when she could move again, the bags
of rice were all gone. She stayed there, red-eyed, moving her fingers slowly over the dusty
caught the photographer's eye: atrajo la atención del fotógrafo; fighting: peleándose; as
strongly as they were: ferozmente; pushed down: derribada; stepped all over her: la pisotearon
toda; the bags of rice: las bolsas de arroz; were all gone: habían desaparecido; she stayed there:
ella permanecía allí; red-eyed: con los ojos enrojecidos (de tanto llorar); slowly: muy despacio;

The journalist takes his last photo, returns to America with his bag full of films. One of his
photographs of the girl sells and is placed on the front cover of a news magazine.
last photo: última fotografía; full of: repleta de; sells: se vende; placed on the front cover:
ubicada en la portada; news magazine: revista de actualidad;

'You've caught the face of hunger in Africa,' the news editor tells him.
you've caught: has captado; the face of hunger: el rostro del hambre;

He wants to tell the editor that this photograph is just one face, in one village, in a country full
of hungry faces. But he does not say it. The photograph is good for him. More people admire
his work and want to buy his photographs for their magazines and newspapers.
just one face: apenas un solo rostro; in one village: en un pueblo; full of hungry faces:
abarrotado de rostros famélicos;

The photograph is in most news stores by the end of the month, even in those bookstores
where people go only to read the magazines and not to buy. They look at the face of the
African girl, and quickly turn away to enjoy the rest of their shopping trip.
news stores: kioscos y librerías; and quickly turn away: y se van rápidamente; to enjoy ... their
shopping trip: para disfrutar ... su día de compras;

But the girl's picture stays in their minds.

stays in their minds: permanece en sus pensamientos;

A teenager has just finished looking at the clothes in Vogue, an expensive fashion magazine.
She sees the photograph under the heading "STARVING AFRICA". Her parents are from Africa.
She herself was born and schooled in America, watching American TV, American films, and has
never travelled out of America. She is uncomfortable with photographs like these. She
remembers her classmates in school, who joke about starving Africans. She isn't African in that
kind of way, but she isn't truly American either.
a teenager: una muchacha adolescente; Vogue: revista mensual norteamericana para mujeres;
expensive: cara (de precio elevado); heading: titular (de diario o revista); Starving Africa: África
Famélica; schooled: instruída; has never travelled out of: no ha salido jamás de; uncomfortable:
molesta; like these: como éstas; classmates: compañeros de clase; who joke about: que hacían
bromas sobre (los); in that kind of way: de esa manera; she isn't truly American either: tampoco
es totalmente norteamericana;

When she was younger, Cinderella, Snow White, and all the other girls and princesses in the
Disney films didn't look like her. When she was older and became interested in fashion, the
models on the magazine covers didn't look like her either. Then the magazines found out that
Africa had beautiful women.
Cinderella: Cenicienta; Snow White: Blancanieves; didn't look like her: no tenían su apariencia;
in fashion: en la moda; magazine covers: tapas de revista; either: tampoco; found out:

A Nigerian model is in the latest copy of Vogue, dressed in blue, and thin, so thin. The teenager
feels the fat at the top of her legs. She wants to be thin like the model. She wants to wear
jeans that are like a second skin. She wants a photograph of herself with cool, unsmiling eyes
like the Nigerian model. She is careful about what she eats, and if she eats too much, she puts
her finger down her throat to make herself sick.
latest copy: último ejemplar; feels the fat: palpa la gordura; at the top of her legs: en la parte
superior de sus propas piernas; thin like the model: delgada como la modelo; like a second skin:
como una segunda piel (jeans muy ajustados); cool, unsmiling eyes like: ojos calmos y serios
como (los de); she is careful about what she eats: ella controla lo que come; too much:
demasiado, en exceso; she puts her finger down her throat: introduce sus dedos en la garganta;
to make herself sick: para descomponerse (y lanzar lo ingerido);

Why does our world have people who starve, and people who decide to starve themselves? It
doesn't matter why. The hunger inside this teenager is real. So she stares at the girl in the
photograph, does not think about the dry dusty hungry land behind her, and admires her
cheek bones.
people who starve: personas que se mueren de hambre; who decide to starve themselves: que
deciden morirse de hambre; it doesn't matter why: no importa por qué; the hunger: el hambre;
she stares: mira deslumbrada; the dry dusty hungry land behind her: la tierra polvorienta y
famélica que se encuentra detrás suyo; and admires her cheek bones: y termina admirando los
huesos de su mejillas.

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