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Leong Wei Li

Professor Santosh Khadka

English 113B

11 May 2022

Course Reflection

English 113B was very different from English 113A. For the English 113B class, I

learned a lot of new skills and gained the knowledge I was looking forward to gaining.

Surprisingly this class was fun and interesting, I learned about topics I never imagined about

learning. We wrote blog responses each week to articles or online reading pages assigned to

us. They were highly important because it leads to our major projects. In this class I did three

major projects that all taught me something new. The three major projects for this semester

were Project Space, Project Text, Text to Web Remediation Project. The Project Space

assignment taught me the difference between a private and a public sphere. For this

assignment, my group was assigned the physical space of a Café and we chose Starbucks, and

our digital space was Instagram. This project involved a five-minute video project as well as

an essay. This assignment taught me how to evaluate spaces. Taking the time to carry out

surveys and interviews and to go to the place and observe it was a good practice to do. It also

taught me the concept of third spaces which was something new.

The second project was Project Text. Project text is an argumentative essay of any

Global Crisis of your choice. For this project I chose to write about Climate Change and

Flooding as my global crisis of choice. The reason being climate change and global warming

is a very general idea. Yes, it is an issue but what other effects does it cause? Therefore, I

chose to narrow down my topic and write about how climate change is affecting the rising

water level on earth which leads to flooding. This assignment was connected to our third
project which was the text to web remediation. For this, we had to create a website and

essentially transfer the contents of our essay into the website and to make it user and reader


Writing the essay itself proved to be quite a task as I had to read many articles and

journals to get the information that I needed. Transitioning to a website proved to be an even

harder task. However, despite the difficulties, I have now learned how to design a website

and the minor details of what to do or what not to do to produce a refined product. Producing

a website takes time and effort to be good and successful. It required me to have the

technological knowledge of how to build a website and to maneuver around the different

tabs, fonts and how to place an image.

In conclusion, this class did not only help to improve my writing abilities but it also

enabled me to acquire new skills such as creating a website.

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