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Tea Sheanley Castillon




His father and mother would always remind Bobowaya to stay away from people.
“It’s not safe,” they told him.
Not too far from Bobowayas’s place is Ted house. Ted’s parents advised him to stay away from
the crocodiles.
“They will eat you,” they said.
One day, his playmates told Bobowaya that they had eaten a young boy’s meat
“It’s so delicious!” they bragged.
Bobowaya was excited. He told his playmates he would look for a young boy to have a taste of
his meat.
“Can we play?” Ted asked.
“Of course, replied Bobowaya.
They spent the whole afternoon playing. Bobowaya and Ted were both tired when they
stopped playing.
“It’s late in the afternoon. I have to go home,” Ted said.
Bobowaya got tired waiting for a young boy. He fell asleep it was then that Ted went to
the lake to take a walk. Ted didn’t notice Bobowaya. He almost stepped on him. Bobowaya
woke up for the first time, Bobowaya saw a child.
“Hi!” Ted said.
“Hello!” Bobowaya greeted back.
“This is a lovely place.
“This is a lovely place.

Do you come here often?” Ted asked

Ted said he was looking for a playmate. “I’m an only child,” he told Bobowaya

We are alike. I’m an only child , too,” Bobowaya said

Can we play again?” Ted asked

“Sure! Bobowaya replied.

“Take care, friend!” Bobowaya said.

“Thank you, friend!” anaswered Ted.

Bobowaya realized something that it is better to be friends with a young boy than to eat

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