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N : Hi Guys!
All : Hi Novi!
N : How are You guys?
All : Fine, and you?
N : I’m fine. Oh yeah, did you know that our school will have language month?
R : Yes, if I already knew
T&W : We too
N : Well, I don’t know that
T : Oh yeah I forgot, I will read the announcement that was given to me yesterday by
Mrs. Yola (Read the announcement)
Hi students,
To commemorate language month, the school will hold an event. You are invited to
participate as well as enliven the event, which will be held on:
Date: 12 October 2017
Place: School hall
Competition categories that can also be followed are:
1. Write and read poetry
2. Story Telling
3. Debate
4. Writing short stories or other scientific works
5. Sing
And there are also adhan, calligraphy and tahfidz competitions.
For more information, please contact the student council president.
Best regards,
Chairman of the committee
Ms. Yola
S : Wow, thank you for the information
R : So there are eight competition that are competed. By the way, what competition do
you want to take?
T : I am less interested in a contest
W : Me too, but I am curious about the singing
T : Then just try widia
W : Well, I'll consider that later
R : What about you, syifa?
S : Make a short story is fine, I'll try it. What about you?
R : I want to join the calligraphy contest
N : It's perfect for you. You draw very well.
R : Really?
N : Sure
T : I also agree, because your drawing is very good
S : Me too
W : And also me
R : Wah, thank you friends
All : You’re welcome
N : Oh, yeah, for the language moon contest was taken from the class representative,
right? Can it be more than one representative?
W : Only the calligraphy contest may send more than one representative.
N : Thank you for the information about widia.
W : You're welcome.
N : By the way, when does the enrollment of the race begin.
R : As far as I know the enrollment is open, let's just tell the class secretary what's for
the contest. Next class secretary will list the participants of the competition
representing the class. If already class secretaries will submit data of participants
representing the class to the race committee.
N : Wait when was the last release? I just found out this information.
R : I don't really know.
T :Two days before the program began.
N : Okay, thanks for the information.
W : If I entered a singing contest, what would I want to sing? He said that the song was
free and unregulated, and I was confused.
N : Wow.You want to sing? All right, I'll get right to it.
W : Yes,thank you Novi
S : I have some song recommendations for you.

There is an attention song we don't talk anymore mirror official missing you, and
happy. The song is quite popular, has a lot to hear and is a very beautiful song.

W : It's okay, but I can't be high pitched.

S : Then you can try the song officially missing you
W : Alright, thank you Syifa.
S : You're welcome
N : Oh yes, for those of you who want to participate in the competition, please contact
me directly.
S, W, R, T: Okay
N : OK, I'll go first. I have business to finish bye bye.
S, W, R, T: See you
R : I forgot, I don't have a guitar yet to practice cultural arts later. I'll talk to my dad
first, bye
S : Oh yeah, I haven't either.
T&W : Me too
S : Alright, bye
T, W, R: See you

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