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Elle Lambert

Professor Echols

English Composition II

24 April 2022

Literature Review

Interpersonal communication is an important and large part of people’s daily lives. Most

people communicate with several other people throughout their day, forming relationships and

establishing connections. Communication is a big part in getting jobs and it is important for

people to know how to communicate effectively to other people they may or may not know. I

have always struggled with my large friend group and getting people to listen to me when I talk,

so I have wanted to research, “How can I make interpersonal communication more effective?” I

wanted to research the ways you can make communicating with others easier and ways to grab

their attention when you talk to them. Some easy ways to make your communication more

effective is to avoid technical terminology, actively listening, asking questions to show your

interest, and match what you're saying with your voice and body language. As I said,

interpersonal communication is very important for employers because for most jobs it is vital for

you to be able to associate with customers and other employees.

The main key points that have been repeated throughout all of the sources is how

interpersonal communication is very important in the workplace and also outside of the

workplace, including everyday life. The five sources go into depth about how interpersonal

communication is a significant part in people’s professional lives. Communication plays a big

role in becoming successful and creating new relationships and opportunities for yourself. In the

article, “Key Interpersonal Communication Skills you Need to Improve,” Gini Beqiri goes on to

say how strong interpersonal communication skills are important for employers because most

jobs require you to effectively associate and communicate with other people. These skills are

also now vital for success in the workplace.

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Not only is interpersonal communication important in the workplace, but also outside of

the workplace and in the community. In the article, “Measuring the Effect of Interpersonal

Communication on Awareness and Knowledge of COVID-19 among rural communities in

Eastern Nigeria,” they conducted a study in which they tested the effectiveness of interpersonal

communication in awareness creation and knowledge about COVID-19 in rural communities in a

developing country. The results demonstrated that interpersonal communication was effective in

creating awareness about COVID-19 in rural communities, and it was also found that it

improved knowledge about the pandemic among rural communications. For the article, “The

Substituting Relationship Between Presumed Media Influence and Interpersonal Health

Communication for Health Prevention,” it also goes into depth about how interpersonal

communication has gone down and been used less and less because of the influences and

impact social media has caused on people. Data was collected and findings indicate that there

is a substituting relationship between perception of media influence and interpersonal health

communication. The effect of the presumed media had a greater influence on people who

weren’t open about their health issues, and the effect of the presumed media had no significant

effect on the people who were open about their health and engaged in interpersonal health


In the article, “Effective Communication for Professional Excellence,” it talks more about

how interpersonal communication is significant in the workplace and for professional purposes.

Effective communication skills are decisive for professional excellence and can provide new

opportunities and directions for your career. This article states that communication is the human

connection and the key to personal and career success. This article goes on to talk about

different ways to effectively communicate with other employees and customers. When giving a

presentation or speech you want to always sound and look professional. You need to sound like

you have knowledge about the topic, and the appropriate body language is also very crucial in

interpersonal communication.
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To go into more detail about the way you need to communicate effectively in a

workplace or any other environment, this article talks about the specific skills and ways you can

make your interpersonal communication more effective and professional. In the article, “What is

Interpersonal Communication,” it explains how planning, picking the right topic, asking

questions, watching your body language, being respectful, asking for feedback, and practicing

what you’re going to say are all very important skills to have when you are in a workplace

environment and also in the community. All of these skills will help you communicate more

effectively and have your audience engage more in what you are saying. This website is not a

reliable source, but I’m still using the information stated in the article because it does not state

any statistics or studies, which would have to be reliable if used. Also, in the article, “Key

Interpersonal Communication Skills you Need to Improve,” it goes into detail about how

assertiveness, empathy, teamwork, openness, and negotiation skills are important and

significant in the workplace and when talking to others. You have to have an open mindset to

others opinions and be able to work together to make an agreement.

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Works Cited

Beqiri, Gini. "Key Interpersonal Communication Skills You Need to Improve."

VirtualSpeech, 5 Sept. 2018,

interpersonal-communication-skills?ref=footer. Accessed 24 Mar. 2022

Ezeah, Gregory et al. “Measuring the effect of interpersonal communication on awareness and knowledge

of COVID-19 among rural communities in Eastern Nigeria.” Health education research vol. 35,5

(2020): 481-489. doi:10.1093/her/cyaa033

Hong, Y., Myung, E., & Kim, S. (2021). The substituting relationship between presumed media influence

and interpersonal health communication for health prevention. Journal of Communication in

Healthcare, 14(3), 259–268.

Khan, Bilal. "What Is Interpersonal Communication?" PostBeyond, Influitive, 25

Nov. 2021,

Accessed 23 Mar. 2022

Showry, M., and K. V. .. Manasa. “Effective Communication for Professional Excellence.” IUP Journal of

Soft Skills, vol. 6, no. 1, Mar. 2012, pp. 39–46. EBSCOhost,

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